SAP项目模块测评SAP中有标准的项目管理模块(Projecr System,以下简称PS模块),按ERP的软件操作惯例,要实现某模块的功能,必须进行后台基础数据的建立以及前台引用。
SAP中PS 模块的后台参数设置较多,且和生产模块(PP)、物料管理(MM)、财务(FI)、成本(CO)等模块均有关联。
IMG——项目系统——结构——实施结构——工作结构分解(WBS)——创建WBS 元素项目类型,点击新条目,填好相关参数之后,点击保存,如图3(图3)IMG——项目系统——结构——实施结构——工作结构分解(WBS)——创建项目参数文件,点击新条目,填入相关参数,如图4,图5,图6,图7,参数设定需根据项目特点而定。
需传递 单据接受
的单据 部门 测试人 果
对于此选择元素不存 在
开始日期:9.1 完成日期:9.4
结签果 署 :
销售部在系统里录入毛坯布的销售订单后, 计划调度针对销售订单的需求作物料需求计划并且评估系统自动计划的结果。
1 运行单项多层物料需求计划
2 集中显示物料需求计划结果, MD06
集中显示物料需求计划结果, MD06
工厂: 1000 MRP控制者:220 例外组:5、8 工厂:1000 MRP控制者:带有未处理标识的行 (一个绿的勾+一支笔的图 标, 未处理的标识标识表示 相应的物料有新的需求, 并 在上一次MRP运行时, 产生计 划员未确认过的计划订单), 确认新产生的计划订单, 并 把未处理标识改成处理标识
文件名: 模块:
ABAP 需求操作手册
日期: 状态:
ABAP 需求开发测试及操作手册
程 序
事物代码 程序名称 程序描述 开发类型 测试语言 测试客户端 (CLIENT)
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操作 必输,因为取不同公司的抬头信息 要打印的 PO 号码 可选 必选 必选 与第 7 项为二选一 与第 6 项为二选一
采购订单号输入采购订单号查询 对应 PO 所属的订单类型 即显示在 PO 的收货地址显示为英文还是中文 即显示在 PO 中的物料接收存放大概位置. 先执行打印预揽后,再打印. 不打印,直接产生 PDF 文档,存在本地电脑中
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ABAP 需求操作手册
日期: 状态:
3,结果评估 结果确认 确认日期 2008-7-22 确认人 结 果
系统操作路径 模块 系统操作路径
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ABAP 需求操作手册
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About the T utorialMany Organizations implement SAP ERP to manage their business operations efficiently. SAP Testing is about testing the functionality of various SAP modules and to ensure that they perform as per the configuration. This tutorial explains the basics of SAP testing. AudienceThis tutorial is meant for all those readers who want to learn complete end-to-end testing and validation of all SAP modules in SAP ERP environment.PrerequisitesYou need to have a basic understanding of the concepts of enterprise resource planning in order to make the most of this tutorial.Disclaimer & Copyright© Copyright 2018 by Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd.All the content and graphics published in this e-book are the property of Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. The user of this e-book is prohibited to reuse, retain, copy, distribute or republish any contents or a part of contents of this e-book in any manner without written consent of the publisher.We strive to update the contents of our website and tutorials as timely and as precisely as possible, however, the contents may contain inaccuracies or errors. Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. provides no guarantee regarding the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of our website or its contents including this tutorial. If you discover any errors on our website or inthistutorial,******************************************T able of ContentsAbout the Tutorial (i)Audience (i)Prerequisites (i)Disclaimer & Copyright (i)Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................... i i1.SAP TESTING – OVERVIEW (1)2.SAP TESTING – TYPES OF TESTING (4)3.SAP TESTING – MANUAL AND AUTOMATION TESTING (5)4.SAP TESTING – SDLC (6)Software Testing Life Cycle (7)5.SAP TESTING – TESTING TYPES IN SAP (11)Unit Testing (11)System Testing (11)Scenario-based Testing (11)Integration Testing (12)SAP Interface Testing (12)SAP User Acceptance Testing (12)SAP System Performance Testing (12)SAP Load Testing (12)SAP Security and Authorizations Testing (13)SAP Cutover Testing (13)SAP Regression Testing (13)Test Planning (14)Test System Setup (14)Test Execution and Evaluation (14)SAP Testing – Critical Process (14)7.SAP TESTING – NAVIGATION (16)8.SAP TESTING – SCREEN FLOW (19)Creating Screen Flow (19)Testing Screens (20)9.SAP TESTING – MODULES (21)10.SAP TESTING – INTERFACES (23)11.SAP TESTING – TEST-CASES (24)12.SAP TESTING – TAO (27)SAP TAO 2.0 (27)SAP TAO Process Architecture (28)Prerequisites for Installing SAP TAO (29)13.SAP TAO – FOLDER STRUCTURE (30)14.SAP TESTING – CONFIGURE SAP QUALITY CENTER (33)HP Server Attributes (33)HP Project (33)15.SAP TAO – RESULTS ANALYSIS (38)16.SAP TAO – BUILD & EXECUTE TEST SCRIPT (40)17.SAP TAO – CONSOLIDATE (41)19.SAP TESTING – AUTOMATION TOOLS (43)20.SAP TESTING – SOLUTION MANAGER (44)21.SAP TESTING – HP BUSINESS PROCESS TESTING (46)HP Quality Center (ALM) (47)22.SAP TESTING – QTP (49)23.SAP TESTING – CASE STUDY (51)24.SAP TESTING – INTERVIEW QUESTIONS (52)SAP Testing 1Many organizations implement SAP ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) to manage their business operations and adapt according to new market challenges. SAP R/3 is an integrated ERP software that allows organizations to manage their business efficiently. Organizations can reduce the cost to run their operations by using SAP R/3 ERP packages. SAP R/3 also allows customers to interact with different databases to run different applications with the help of a user-friendly GUI. The SAP R/3 system is divided into different modules to cover the functionality of different business operations in an organization.The most common SAP R/3 modules are:∙SAP Material Management ∙SAP Financial Accounting and Controlling ∙SAP Sales and Distribution ∙SAP Human Resource ∙SAP Supply Chain Management ∙ SAP Plant ManagementSAP Testing is about testing the functionality of these modules and to ensure that they perform as per the configuration.1.2A SAP system undergoes various changes like patch management and fixes, new module implementations, and various other configuration changes. All these modifications raise a need for Regression testing that is to be performed in SAP environments. SAP testing automation tools like SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization tools can be used for this purpose.SAP TAO is an automation tool to generate test cases for end-to-end scenarios for SAP applications. Apart from this, there are various other Automation testing tools for SAP testing like HP QTP, and ECATT, etc. that can be used.Importance of TestingHere is a list of key reasons why SAP testing is performed and why it is an important function in the growth of an organization:∙System Validation: SAP Testing involves complete end-to-end testing and validation of all SAP modules in SAP ERP environment.∙Quality and Revenue: SAP Testing is an output-based testing and not like conventional testing methods which are input-based. It ensures the quality of SAP system and also focuses on revenue and cost of the organization.∙Cost and Predictability: SAP Testing involves reducing the SAP development costs and improve predictability.3∙Compliance Requirement: SAP Testing ensures that the SAP implementation is meeting the new compliance requirements in a specific organization and all the modules are working as per the expected configuration.∙New Implementation and Configuration Changes: There are different types of changes implemented in a SAP system, like patches and fixes, new implementation, configurational changes. Therefore, SAP testing ensures that all the modules are performing as per requirement in this dynamic system environment.∙Integration: SAP testing is performed to test various reports, data flows and work flows, GUI forms, etc. It is used to check system integration between different modules. For example, if an order posting is done that requires an action in Sales and Distribution, MM and FICO, then SAP testing checks the integration between these systems.∙Performance: It is also used to ensure if the system will be able to meet the Service Level agreements, time taken by system to perform specific actions, performance of the system, etc.SAP Testing 4There are different testing methods that can be used to test the functionality of a software, system, or an application.The most common testing techniques are:∙ Unit Testing : It is a type of white-box testing that involves testing a single unit or group of units.∙ Integration Testing : In this testing, multiple systems are combined together to test the output of the integrated system.∙ Functional Testing: It checks the functionality of each module as per the desired result.∙ Usability Testing: It checks the ease of use of an application or a system. It checks how easy it would be for a new user to use an application or to understand the system.∙ Acceptance Testing: Acceptance testing is performed to test if a system meets the user requirement and whether to accept the application or system.∙ System Testing: Entire system is tested as per the requirement and specification.∙ Stress Testing: In this testing, the system is put into stress beyond its specification to check when it fails.∙ Performance Testing: This testing is performed to check if the system meets the performance requirement.∙ Regression Testing: It includes testing the full application or system for the modifications.∙ Beta Testing: The aim of beta testing is to cover unexpected errors. It falls under the class of black-box testing. It is performed by releasing the pre-version of the final product, called Beta.∙ Database Testing: Database testing is used to test the data in the database. It is performed using SQL statements.∙ETL Testing: ETL testing is performed to ensure if data is correctly extracted, transformed, and loaded from a source system to a target system.2.SAP Testing 5Manual TestingManual testing means you are testing a software manually without using any automated tools or any script. In this type of testing, the tester takes over the role of an end-user and tests the software to identify bugs or any unexpected behavior.There are different stages of a manual testing. They are: unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and user acceptance testing.Various test plans, test cases, or test scenarios are used by a manual tester to ensure the completeness of testing. Manual testing can also be called exploratory testing because the testers explore the software to identify errors in it manually. Automation TestingIn Automation testing, the tester writes the scripts and uses software tools to test the product. This process involves the automation of a manual process. Automation testing includes re-running the test-cases multiple times that were performed manually. Automation testing is also used to test the application from load, performance, and stress purpose. It is used to increase the coverage of test. Automation testing improves the accuracy and saves time and money in comparison to manual testing. Software Testing ToolsThe following tools can be used for Automation testing:∙HP Quick Test Professional (QTP) ∙Selenium ∙SAP TAO ∙ECATT ∙IBM Rational Functional Tester ∙SilkTest ∙TestComplete ∙Testing Anywhere ∙WinRunner ∙LaodRunner ∙Visual Studio Test Professional ∙ WATIR3.SAP Testing 6Software Development Life Cycle determines the series of steps to be performed to develop an application or the efficiency of a software. In this chapter, we will discuss the phases defined in SDLC. Each phase has its own process and deliverables that goes into the next phase.Feasibility StudyThe first stage of SDLC is requirement gathering . After the requirements are gathered, the team comes up with a rough plan of software process. At this step, the team analyzes if a software can be made to fulfill all the requirements of the user. It is found out if the project is financially, practically, and technologically feasible for the organization to take up. There are many algorithms available, which help the developers to conclude the feasibility of a software project.System AnalysisAt this step, the developers decide a roadmap of their plan and try to bring up the best software model suitable for the project. System analysis includes understanding of software product limitations, learning system-related problems or changes to be done in the existing systems, identifying and addressing the impact of the project on the organization and personnel etc. The project team analyzes the scope of the project and plans the schedule and resources accordingly.Software DesignThe next step is to bring the whole knowledge of requirements and analysis on to the desk and design the software product. The inputs from the users and the information gathered in the requirement gathering phase are the inputs of this step. The output of this step comes in the form of two designs; logical design and physical design . Engineers produce meta-data and data dictionaries, logical diagrams, data-flow diagrams and in some cases pseudocodes.CodingThis step is also known as programming phase . The implementation of software design starts in terms of writing the program code in a suitable programming language and developing error-free executable programs efficiently.TestingAn estimate says that 50% of the whole software development process should be tested. Errors may ruin the software from critical level to its own removal. Software testing is done while coding by the developers and thorough testing is conducted by testing experts at various levels of code such as module testing, program testing, product testing, in-house testing and testing the product at user’s end. Early discovery of errors and their remedy is the key to developing a reliable software.4.7IntegrationSoftware may need to be integrated with the libraries, databases, and other program(s). This stage of SDLC deals with the integration of the software with outer world entities. ImplementationImplementation or deployment means installing the software on user machines. At times, the software needs post-installation configurations at the user’s end. Software is tested for portability and adaptability and integration related issues are solved during implementation.Software T esting Life CycleSoftware Testing Life Cycle (STLC) consists of all the steps that are performed in a specific way to ensure that quality goals are met and each step has specific goals and deliverables.STLC is used to improve the quality of a software product and to make it capable to meet the business requirements to achieve certain goals.The different stages that come under Software Testing Life Cycle are as follows: ∙Requirements phase∙Test Planning∙Test Analysis∙Test Design Phase∙Test Implementation∙Test Execution Phase∙Test Closure Phase8Requirement PhaseThis is the first phase of Software Testing Life Cycle. During this phase, the tester’s job is to analyze the requirements. There are various methods for Requirement Analysis like conducting brainstorming sessions with business people, team members, and try to find out whether the requirements are testable or not.This phase determines the scope of the testing. If a testing team finds any features that can’t be tested, then that should be communicated to the client.Test PlanningIn this phase, the tester identifies the activities and resources which would help to meet the testing objectives.Various metrics are defined and there are methods available to determine and track those metrics. Test planning also includes identifying key performance indicators for testing evaluation.Test AnalysisThis phase determines the guidelines that has to be tested. It includes identifying the test conditions using the requirements document, any risks involved, and other test criteria.9Various factors are used to find out the test conditions:∙Product Complexity∙Depth of Testing∙Risk Involved∙Skills Required∙Knowledge of testing team members∙Test management∙Availability of the stakeholdersTest conditions should be written in a detailed way.Let us take an example. For a website selling products online, a test condition is that a customer should be able to make an online payment. You can add detailed conditions like, payment should be feasible using Credit card, NEFT transfer, debit card or net banking. The advantage of writing the detailed test condition is that it increases the scope of testing because test-cases are normally written on the basis of the test condition. It allows to write more detailed test cases. It also helps in determining the condition of when to stop the testing of a software product.Test Design PhaseThis phase determines how the tests are performed.∙Break down the test conditions into multiple sub-conditions to increase its coverage.∙Get the test data.∙Set up the test environment.∙Get the requirement traceability metrics.∙Create the test coverage metrics.Test Implementation PhaseThis phase includes the creation of detailed test-cases as per the test conditions and metrics defined.∙Prioritize the test case.∙Test-case to be used for Regression.∙Ensure the correctness of the test-cases.∙Sign off of the test-cases before the actual execution starts.10Test Execution PhaseThis phase of Software Testing Life Cycle involves actual execution of test-cases.∙Execute the test-cases.∙Log the defects.∙Check traceability metrics to track progress.Test ClosureThis phase includes checking for the completion of the test.∙Check if all the test-cases are executed and opened defects.∙Note down the lessons learnt.∙Close the Testing phase.11End of ebook previewIf you liked what you saw…Buy it from our store @ https://。
9、V-01 当客户接受我们的报价后,我们以报价单为蓝本,创建正式的销售订单。
Automation Testing
In Automation testing, the tester writes the scripts and uses software tools to test the product. This process involves the automation of a manual process. Automation testing includes re-running the test-cases multiple times that were performed manually.
Automation testing is also used to test the application from load, performance, and stress purpose. It is used to increase the coverage of test. Automation testing improves the accuracy and saves time and money in comparison to manual testing.
There are different stages of a manual testing. They are − unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and user acceptance testing.
Various test plans, test cases, or test scenarios are used by a manual tester to ensure the completeness of testing. Manual testing can also be called exploratory testing because the testers explore the software to identify errors in it manually.
SAP系统测试报告SAP系统测试报告2020年9月30日目录第一章概述 (1)1.1 系统定义 (1)1.2 功能模块 (1)1.3 测试环境 (2)第二章系统测试 (2)2.1测试人员和角色 (3)2.2测试目的 (3)2.3测试用例及测试结果 (4)2.3.1PS模块测试用例及测试结果 (4)2.3.2PM模块测试用例及测试结果 (6)2.3.3MM模块测试用例及测试结果 (7)2.3.4FI/CO模块测试用例及测试结果 (8)2.4系统性能分析 (10)2.4.1系统运行情况总表 (10)2.4.2SAP系统一日内重要指标: (11)2.4.3工作日内存使用情况 (11)2.5系统安全性 (11)第三章测试总结 (12)3.1测试总结及风险评估 (12)3.2建议 (13)第一章概述目前,研究院的SAP核心业务系统已经在全院成功上线使用,通过SAP信息化项目实现对基础数据的精细化管理,采购流程的规范化管理,项目的生命周期管理以及搭建一个高效、统一、安全的财务管理信息系统。
Performing SAP testing for the above example using QTP
To perform SAP testing for the above example, follow the steps given below −
The first step is to install HP QTP tool and to install necessary plug-ins within QTP to make it compatible to connect to ERP system.
Non SAP ERP systems like PeopleSoft, Edwards, Oracle E business suite have different customers and capabilities. The testing team needs to understand the functionality of complete system.
Logistics Modules − Material Management (MM), Plant Maintenance (PM), Sales and Distribution (SD), Quality Management (QM), etc.
Human Resource Management − Accounting Payroll, Time Management, Training and Event Management.
Types of Testing Team
There are normally two types of testers available in SAP projects −
1.SAP730需要Loadrunner版本11.50及以上2.脚本录制:a.选择协议:b.业务流程的拆分:1)整个流程完整地录制完后再按照业务拆分Action2)按照业务流程建好action,在录制窗口录完一个action的业务后选择下一个actionc.参数化:将登录用户名和密码参数化:d.脚本中录进去的Set focus代码可去除:(Optional)e.录制脚本中SAP GUI Table对象input的值自动保存为系统命名的参数,如data,data1,data2,为了便于脚本的维护和理解可以修改sapgui_table_fill_data函数的第一个参数,去路径C:\Users\luze\Documents\VuGen\Scripts\SAPDemo下重命名dat文件或者用新的table参数替换系统自动保存的参数:(Optional)Table可改为SAP GUI Table名重命名dat文件或者新建table参数替换系统自动保存的table参数:Table类型的参数必须确保行数,列数,列名与SAP里的一致。
f.获取生成的动态参数如SO:先获取status bar的运行状态:通过添加的参数可得到status bar的状态:通过获取的状态判断是否生成Order,以此为依据来得到生成的SO等动态参数:sapgui_status_bar_get_type("CreateOrderStatus",LAST);if (0==strcmp(lr_eval_string("{CreateOrderStatus}"),"Success"))sapgui_status_bar_get_param("2","{ZONCOrder}",LAST);g.后续步骤如VF01的参数化:VF01创建billing需要填的order为系统生成的动态值,VA01中获取:sapgui_table_set_text函数中SAP GUI table的index起始值为0,即第一行第一列index值为0,0可能出现的问题:1 参数化取值不唯一可能引起SAP系统错误2 系统配置:a 系统未设置成允许脚本运行sapgui error: Type="Gui_Err_Scripting_Disabled_Srv", Additional Info: Scripting is disabled by the server(T-Code:RZ11,更改SAPGui/user_scripting的参数为enable)b GUI界面变化导致不能识别3 测试结果不准确a 测试时其他用户同时在操作导致测试结果不准确b 系统ABAP程序重新编译SAP执行ABAP有三种情况:1)此程序的运行态对象在系统中不存在,则需编译此ABAP程序生成运行态对象再执行。
SAP系统性能测试报告1. 测试概述本报告旨在对SAP系统的性能进行测试,以评估系统在不同负载条件下的响应能力和性能表现。
2. 测试环境- 测试日期:2022年3月1日至3月7日- SAP系统版本:SAP S/4HANA 1909- 服务器配置:HP ProLiant DL380 Gen10,双Intel Xeon2.4GHz处理器,64GB内存- 客户端配置:Windows 10,Intel Core i7处理器,8GB内存3. 测试方法为了获取准确的性能数据,我们采用了以下测试方法:3.1 负载测试通过模拟实际的业务场景,我们使用了工具对系统进行负载测试。
负载测试主要包括以下几个方面的测试:- 并发用户数:从10到100,以每次递增10个用户进行测试。
- 事务数量:选择常用的业务事务进行测试,包括订单处理、报表生成等。
- 测试时段:每个负载测试持续30分钟,以便获取系统在长时间负载下的表现。
3.2 监测和记录在测试过程中,我们使用了系统监测工具来收集关键的性能指标数据,包括响应时间、吞吐量和资源利用率等。
4. 测试结果根据测试数据的分析和评估,我们得出以下结论:- 并发用户数对系统的响应时间有一定影响,随着并发用户数的增加,系统的响应时间逐渐增加。
- 系统在处理大量的事务时,表现出良好的稳定性和处理能力。
- 资源利用率表现稳定,系统能够有效利用服务器资源进行处理。
5. 建议和改进措施根据测试结果,我们提供以下建议和改进措施:- 针对高并发用户场景,可以优化系统的响应时间,以提升用户体验。
- 进一步优化系统的资源利用率,以提高系统的整体性能和效率。
- 定期进行性能测试和监测,以确保系统的稳定性和性能持续优化。
6. 结论本次性能测试报告对SAP系统的性能进行了综合评估和分析,并提供了相应的建议和改进措施。
sap 可用性检查设置详解资料
专业的sap 论坛:⏹销售与分销以及生产部门相互沟通,处理需求。
SAP AG RShortage: Scope of Availability Check Inward movementOutward movementTime PlannedorderStockPurchaserequisition PurchaseorderOther salesrequirementsReservation⏹If the availability check is configured for the material and thetransaction, it includes the scope of check defined by theavailability check indicator in the material master.⏹The scope of the availability check includes inward and outwardmovements of stock.⏹在定制中,按照您正在使用的事务,您可以配置何种要素包括在可用性检查中。
⏹在案例1中, 关于外向移动的情况如下:•已有的内向移动为:•库存: 100 单元•已有的采购订单:50 和60 单元•以下的外向移动也在计划:•已有的销售订单: 100, 40 和50 单元⏹您现在输入一个额外的10个单位的订单。
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d.脚本中录进去的Set focus代码可去除:(Optional)
e.录制脚本中SAP GUI Table对象input的值自动保存为系统命名的参数,如data,data1,
Table可改为SAP GUI Table名
先获取status bar的运行状态:
通过添加的参数可得到status bar的状态:
if (0==strcmp(lr_eval_string("{CreateOrderStatus}"),"Success"))
sapgui_table_set_text函数中SAP GUI table的index起始值为0,即第一行第一列index值为0,0
1 参数化取值不唯一可能引起SAP系统错误
2 系统配置:
a 系统未设置成允许脚本运行
sapgui error: Type="Gui_Err_Scripting_Disabled_Srv", Additional Info: Scripting is disabled by the server
b GUI界面变化导致不能识别
3 测试结果不准确
a 测试时其他用户同时在操作导致测试结果不准确
b 系统ABAP程序重新编译
Average Dialogue Response Time,每屏切换时间。
SAPS(SAP Application Performance Standard),SD模块的基准指标。
100SAPS定义为每小时完全处理2000个order line items,这个指标反映了系统处理能力。
每个order line items包含新定单产生、发货单产生、定单显示、改变发货内容、货品录入、列出定单及产生发票。
1 Workload Statistics
Response time: 用户请求进入dispatcher queue开始到下一屏幕返回给用户为止,不包括把屏幕传送到用户前端的时间。
Wait time: 用户请求在dispatcher queue中的时间,从用户请求进入dispatcher queue开始到用户请求被处理为止。
Roll-in time: 把user context信息放到work process需要的时间。
Load time: 从数据库中取出并生成类似于ABAP source code,CUA和screen information对象需要的时间。
Database request time: 从数据库请求从database interface发出开始到database interface返回结果。
CPU time: R/3 work process使用CPU的时间。
2 Database Statistics
Data Buffer Quality: 用户请求从Data Buffer中读取数据的命中率
DD-cache Quality: DD(Data Dictionary) cache被访问的命中率
Shared SQL Area: 使用Shared SQL Area中的SQL语句成功率
User calls/Rec. calls: User calls 与Recursive calls 的比例
1 Workload Statistics
Average Wait Time < 10% Average Response Time
Main menu (choose Transaction Profile) < 100 ms
Average Roll-in time < 20 ms
Average Roll Wait time < 200 ms
Average Load time < 10% of Average Response Time < 50 ms
Average Database request time < 40% of (Average Response Time- Average Wait time) Average CPU time 40% of (Average Response Time- Average Wait time)
2 Database Statistics
Data Buffer Quality >= 90%
DD-cache Quality >= 90%
Shared SQL Area接近99%
T-Code: STAD
查看single program/transaction运行时总体数据分析(查看用户操作记录):
CPU time > 40% -> SE30: Runtime Analysis, 引起该结果的是由于一些ABAP process,例如loop等Database time>40% -> ST05: SQL Trace。