Extreme X-ray variability in the luminous quasar PDS 456




第27卷第2期粉末冶金材料科学与工程2022年4月V ol.27 No.2 Materials Science and Engineering of Powder Metallurgy Apr. 2022DOI:10.19976/ki.43-1448/TF.2021090激光熔覆马氏体/铁素体涂层的组织与抗磨耐蚀性能张磊1, 2,陈小明1, 2,霍嘉翔1,张凯1, 2,曹文菁1, 2,程新闯3(1. 水利部产品质量标准研究所浙江省水利水电装备表面工程技术研究重点实验室,杭州 310012;2. 水利部杭州机械设计研究所水利机械及其再制造技术浙江省工程实验室,杭州 310012;3. 绍兴市曹娥江大闸管理局,绍兴 312000)摘要:为提高液压活塞杆的耐腐蚀和抗磨损性能,在45号钢表面采用激光熔覆技术在不同激光功率下制备具有马氏体/铁素体组织的Fe基合金熔覆层。




涂层的硬度与耐磨性能随激光功率增大而提高,当功率为2.4 kW时,涂层的平均显微硬度(HV)为647.64,耐磨性能为45号钢的9.37倍,磨损机制为磨粒磨损。

随激光功率提高,Fe基合金熔覆层的耐腐蚀性能先升高后降低,当激光功率为2.0 kW时涂层具有最佳耐腐蚀性能,显著高于活塞杆常用碳钢、不锈钢以及电镀硬铬等材料,可在相关领域替代电镀铬。

关键词:激光熔覆;Fe基合金;组织;磨损;腐蚀;活塞杆中图分类号:TG174.44文献标志码:A 文章编号:1673-0224(2022)02-196-09All Rights Reserved.Microstructure and wear-corrosion resistance performance oflaser cladding martensite/ferrite coatingZHANG Lei1, 2, CHEN Xiaoming1, 2, HUO Jiaxiang1, ZHANG Kai1, 2, CAO Wenjing1, 2, CHENG Xinchuang3(1. Key Laboratory of Surface Engineering of Equipment for Hydraulic Engineering of Zhejiang Province, Standard &Quality Control Research Institute, Ministry of Water Resources, Hangzhou 310012, China;2. Water Machinery and Remanufacturing Technology Engineering Laboratory of Zhejiang Province, HangzhouMechanical Research Institute, Ministry of Water Resources, Hangzhou 310012, China;3. Shaoxing Municipal Cao’e River Floodgate Construction Administration Committee, Shaoxing 312000, China)Abstract: To improve the corrosion resistance and wear resistance of piston rod, Fe-based coatings with martensite andferrite structure were prepared on 45# steel by laser cladding. The phase compositions, microstructure and elementsdistribution of the coatings were characterized by X-ray diffractometer, scanning electron microscope and X-ray energydispersive spectrometer. The microhardness and wear resistance of the coatings were tested by Vickers hardness testerand dry sliding friction wear tester. Furthermore, the corrosion resistance of laser cladding Fe-based coatings was studiedby electrochemical workstation. The results show that the phase of laser cladding Fe-based alloy coating is mainlycomposed of α-Fe, Ni-Cr-Fe, γ-(Fe,C), Fe9.7Mo0.3. The main microstructure is martensite, ferrite and a small amount ofresidual austenite. The dendritic structure of coating is uniform, compact, without cracks or pores. The coating and thesubstrate are bonded metallurgically. The hardness and wear resistance of the coatings increase with increasing基金项目:浙江省“一带一路”国际科技合作项目(2019C04019);浙江省公益性技术应用研究计划资助项目(GC22E017317,LGC19E090001,2018C37029)收稿日期:2021−11−02;修订日期:2021−12−23通信作者:张磊,工程师,硕士。

Diffuse X-Ray Emission from the Quiescent Superbubble M17, the Omega Nebula

Diffuse X-Ray Emission from the Quiescent Superbubble M17, the Omega Nebula

a rXiv:as tr o-ph/32579v127Fe b23Diffuse X-Ray Emission from the Quiescent Superbubble M 17,the Omega Nebula Bryan C.Dunne 1,You-Hua Chu 1,C.-H.Rosie Chen 1,Justin D.Lowry 1,Leisa Townsley 2,Robert A.Gruendl 1,Mart´ın A.Guerrero 1,and Margarita Rosado 3carolan@ ABSTRACT The emission nebula M 17contains a young ∼1Myr-old open cluster;the winds from the OB stars of this cluster have blown a superbubble around the cluster.ROSAT observations of M 17detected diffuse X-ray emission peaking at the cluster and filling the superbubble interior.The young age of the cluster suggests that no supernovae have yet occurred in M 17;therefore,it provides a rare opportunity to study hot gas energized solely by shocked stellar winds in a quiescent superbubble.We have analyzed the diffuse X-ray emission from M 17,and compared the observed X-ray luminosity of ∼2.5×1033ergs s −1and the hot gas temperature of ∼8.5×106K and mass of ∼1M ⊙to model predictions.We find that bubble models with heat conduction overpredict the X-ray luminosity by two orders of magnitude;the strong magnetic fields in M 17,as measured from H I Zeeman observations,have most likely inhibited heat conduction and associated mass evaporation.Bubble models without heat conduction can explain the X-ray properties of M 17,but only if cold nebular gas can be dynamically mixed into the hot bubble interior and the stellar winds are clumpy with mass-loss rates reduced by a factor of ≥3.Future models of the M 17superbubble must takeinto account the large-scale density gradient,small-scale clumpiness,and strong magnetic field in the ambient interstellar medium.Subject headings:ISM:bubbles —HII regions —ISM:individual (M17)—stars:early-type —stars:winds,outflows1.IntroductionMassive stars dynamically interact with the ambient interstellar medium(ISM)via their fast stellar winds and supernova ejecta.OB associations,with their large concentrations of massive stars,provide an excellent laboratory to study these interactions.The combined actions of the stellar winds and the supernovae from the massive stars in OB associations sweep up the ambient ISM to form expanding shells called superbubbles(Bruhweiler et al. 1980).The physical structure of a superbubble is very similar to that of a bubble blown by the stellar wind of an isolated massive star,as modeled by Castor,McCray,&Weaver (1975)and Weaver et al.(1977).Theoretically,an interstellar bubble consists of a shell of swept-up ISM with its interior filled by shocked fast wind at temperatures of106–108K.There are two basic types of models for wind-blown bubbles:energy-conserving and momentum-conserving.In the former,the shocked stellar wind is separated from the swept-up interstellar shell by a contact discontinu-ity,where heat conduction and mass evaporation may take place.The expansion of the shell is driven by the pressure of the hot interior gas(Dyson&de Vries1972;Castor et al.1975). In the momentum conserving bubbles,the fast stellar winds impinge on the swept-up shell directly,and the expansion is driven by the momentum of the fast stellar wind(Avedisova 1972;Steigman,Strittmatter,&Williams1975).One significant difference between a superbubble and a single star bubble is the possibil-ity that supernovae may occur inside a superbubble and introduce significant perturbations in the surface brightness and characteristic temperature of the X-ray emission,especially if a supernova explodes near the dense shell(Mac Low&McCray1988).This intermittent X-ray brightening has been observed in superbubbles in the Large Magellanic Cloud(LMC). Using Einstein and ROSAT observations,Chu&Mac Low(1990)and Dunne,Points,& Chu(2001)have reported diffuse X-ray emission from a large number of superbubbles in the LMC,and their X-ray luminosities all exceed the luminosities expected by Weaver et al.’s bubble model,indicating recent heating by supernovae.No LMC superbubbles in a quies-cent state,i.e.,without recent supernova heating,have been detected in X-rays by ROSAT (Chu et al.1995).It would be of great interest to detect diffuse X-ray emission from a qui-escent superbubble and compare it to model expectations,as this could provide a valuable diagnostic of bubble models.The emission nebula M17(from the catalog of Messier1850,α=18h21m,δ=−16◦10′(J2000.0),also known as the Omega Nebula,the Horseshoe Nebula,and NGC6618)is located on the eastern edge of a massive molecular cloud,M17SW(Lada,Dickinson,&Penfield 1974).M17exhibits a“blister-like”structure with an overall diameter of∼20′–25′,or∼10–12pc at an adopted distance of1.6kpc(Nielbock et al.2001).The nebula encompassesan open cluster with a stellar age of∼1Myr(Hanson,Howarth,&Conti1997).The open cluster is located on the western side of the nebula,which borders the molecular cloud. Arcuatefilaments extend eastward,creating a shell morphology,and suggesting that it is a young superbubble blown by the OB stars within.The young age of the cluster in M17 implies that no supernova explosions have occurred,thus M17provides an ideal setting to study the generation of hot gas solely by fast stellar winds inside a superbubble at a quiescent state.Recent Chandra observations of M17have revealed diffuse X-ray emission in the vicinity of the embedded open cluster(Townsley et al.2003).As a matter of fact,diffuse X-ray emis-sion from M17over a more extended area was previously detected in a ROSAT observation but was never reported.We have analyzed this diffuse X-ray emission from the interior of M17detected by ROSAT to determine the physical properties of the hot interior gas,and considered bubble models with and without heat conduction.Wefind that models with heat conduction produce results with the largest discrepancy from the observed X-ray luminos-ity and hot gas temperature and mass of the superbubble in M17.This paper reports our analysis of the ROSAT observations of M17and comparisons to a range of bubble models.2.Observations and Data Reduction2.1.ROSAT Archival DataWe have used an archival ROSAT Position Sensitive Proportional Counter(PSPC) observation to study the diffuse X-ray emission from M17and investigate the physical prop-erties of the hot,shocked gas interior to the superbubble.The PSPC is sensitive to X-rays in the energy range0.1–2.4keV and has an energy resolution of∼40%at1keV,with a field of view of∼2◦.Further information on the PSPC can be found in the ROSAT Mission Description(1991).The PSPC observation of M17(sequence number RP500311,PI:Aschenbach)was ob-tained on1993September12–13.It is centered on the nebula atα(J2000)=18h21m04.s78 andδ(J2000)=−16◦10′12.′′0,and has an exposure time of6.7ks.As M17has an angular size of∼20′–25′,the diffuse X-ray emission from the superbubble interior is well contained within the inner window support ring of the PSPC.The PSPC data were reduced using standard routines in the PROS4package under the IRAF5environment.2.2.Optical ImagingTo compare the spatial distribution of the X-ray-emitting gas with that of the cooler ionized gas in M17,we have obtained narrow-band Hαimages of this emission nebula.M17 was observed with the Mount Laguna1-m telescope on2002October28–31using a Tektronik 2K CCD.Afilter with peak transmission at6563˚A and a FWHM of20˚A was used to isolate the Hαline.Because the2K CCD has∼0.′′4pixels and afield-of-view of13.′6,the entire nebula could not be observed in a single exposure.Instead a total of twenty-four300s exposures were acquired at8positions to span the nebula.These exposures were combined to form a mosaic image of the nebula and to reject cosmic-ray events in the individual images using the methods outlined in Regan&Gruendl(1995).3.Analysis of the X-Ray EmissionSignificant X-ray emission is detected from M17in the PSPC observation,as can be seen in Figure1.To determine the nature and origin of this emission,we have analyzed its spatial distribution and spectral properties.We have examined the distribution of the X-ray emission and compared it to the optical morphology of the emission nebula.We have also extracted spectra from the PSPC data and modeled them to determine the physical conditions of the hot gas.3.1.Spatial Distribution of the X-ray EmissionTo study the spatial distribution of the X-ray emission from M17,the data were binned to5′′pixels and then smoothed with a Gaussian function ofσ=4pixels(see Figure1a). We have also taken our Hαmosaic and overlaid it with X-ray emission contours to study the extent of X-ray emission within the H II region(see Figure1b).Diffuse X-ray emission is observed to be well confined by the optical nebula.This diffuse emission shows no evidence of limb brightening,suggesting that the interior of M17is centrallyfilled with hot gas. The peak of the X-ray emission is coincident with the center of the open cluster in M17, where Chandra observations show a large number of point sources superposed on the diffuse emission(Townsley et al.2003).This spatial distribution suggests that the X-ray-emitting hot gas originates in the open cluster,as would be expected in a bubble blown by stellarwinds.As there is a massive molecular cloud to the west of M17,we expect the hot gas to expand more rapidly to the east;thisflow of hot gas to the east has then blown the blister-like bubble seen in optical images.Four additional point sources are detected in thefield around M17.The brightest of these point sources lies to the south of the X-ray peak and has been previously designated 1WGA J1820.6−1615in the WGA Catalog of ROSAT Point Sources(White,Giommi,& Angelini1994).This point source is coincident with OI352(Ogura&Ishida1976),an O8star on the southern edge of the open cluster in M17.The other three point sources lie on the northern edge of the emission nebula.These X-ray point sources,designated as1WGA J1820.8−1603,1WGA J1821.0−1600,and1WGA J1820.8−1556,are coincident with stars GSC606265−01977,SAO161369(a known O5star),and GSC06265−01808, respectively.These point sources are marked in Figure1a.3.2.X-Ray SpectraIn order to examine the spectra of the diffuse X-ray emission,wefirst excluded the point sources found in§3.1.Then,noting that M17is on the edge of a dense molecular cloud,we have sectioned the nebula into four regions to account for anticipated changes in the foreground absorption column density.These regions have been labeled A,B,C,and D and are displayed in Figure2.Additionally,we have selected a background annulus around the superbubble,as indicated in Figure2.The background-subtracted spectra were then extracted from the PSPC eventfiles.The observed X-ray spectra of the superbubble is a convolution of several factors:the intrinsic X-ray spectrum of the superbubble,the intervening interstellar absorption,and the PSPC response function.Because the interstellar absorption and the PSPC response function are dependent on photon energy,we must assume models of the intrinsic X-ray spectrum and the interstellar absorption to make the problem tractable.As the X-ray emission from the superbubble interior appears largely diffuse,we have used the Raymond &Smith(1977)thermal plasma emission model to describe the intrinsic X-ray spectra of the superbubble and the Morrison&McCammon(1983)effective absorption cross-section per hydrogen atom for the foreground absorption,assuming solar abundances for both the emitting and absorbing materials.We then simulated the observed spectrum,combining theassumed models for the intrinsic spectrum and the interstellar absorption with the responsefunction of the PSPC.The best-fit spectrum is found by varying parameters and comparingχ2for the simulated and observed spectra.We performed aχ2grid search of simulated spectralfits to determine the best-fit levelsfor the thermal plasma temperature,kT,and absorption column density,N H.Plots of thebestfits to the X-ray spectra are shown in Figure3,andχ2plots are presented in Figure4.Theχ2plots of regions A,B,and C indicate that the X-ray emission can befit by eitherhigher temperature plasma,∼0.7keV,with lower absorption column density,∼1020−21cm−2,or lower temperature plasma,∼0.2keV,with higher absorption column density,∼1022cm−2.This is a common problem for PSPC spectra with a limited number of counts because ofthe poor spectral resolution and soft energy coverage of the PSPC.The best modelfits favorthe higher temperature plasma and lower absorption column density solution.Indeed,thedetection of soft X-ray emission below0.5keV indicates that the solution with N H∼1022cm−2cannot be valid,as such a solution predicts no significant soft X-ray emission should bedetected.Furthermore,the high absorption column density solution predicts a foregroundabsorption column density for M17equal to the total Galactic H I column density along theline of sight(Dickey&Lockman1990).As M17is located in the plane of the Galaxy atl=15◦03′,b=−00◦40′and has a distance of1.6kpc,we do not expect the majority of theGalactic H I toward this direction to be located in front of the superbubble.From the modelfits,we calculated the unabsorbed X-rayflux,and therefore the X-rayluminosity,L X,of the diffuse X-ray emission from each source region.The normalizationfactor,A,of the thermal plasma model is equal to n e n p dV/4πD2,where n e and n p are the electron and proton number densities,V is the volume of the superbubble,and D is thedistance to the source.Assuming a He:H number ratio of1:10and that the X-ray emittinggas is completely ionized,wefind n e≃1.2n p,and that the volume emission measure can beexpressed as<n2e>fV,where f is the volumefilling factor.We have used the diameter ofthe superbubble,∼10–12pc,as the depth of the X-ray emitting gas in each source region.We determined the volume,V,of each source region by multiplying the surface area of theregion by the depth and a geometric correction factor of2/3(approximated by the volumeratio of a sphere to a cylinder).Taking the volumefilling factor to be f=0.5,we thencalculated rms n e in each region.The best-fit values of kT,A,N H,L X and rms n e are givenin Table1.Note that the modelfit to region D did not converge because it contains a largenumber of unresolved stellar sources as well as diffuse emission;only approximate values forthe X-ray luminosity and absorption column density are given.See Townsley et al.(2003)for a detailed analysis of the Chandra observations of region D.Combining our results from each of the source regions,wefind a total diffuse X-ray lu-minosity of∼2.5×1033ergs s−1in the ROSAT PSPC0.1–2.4keV band,a mean characteristic temperature of kT∼0.72keV or T∼8.5×106K,a mean electron density of∼0.09cm−3,and a total hot gas mass of∼1M⊙.We have calculated the total thermal energy in hot,shocked wind component of the superbubble to be E th∼1×1048ergs with a cooling timescale of t T∼40Myr.Given the stellar age of the open cluster,∼1Myr,we do not expect significant radiative cooling to have occurred.As a rough check,we multiply the current X-ray lumi-nosity by the age of the cluster andfind that the total energy radiated away by the X-ray emission is 10%of the total thermal energy.4.Discussionparisons with Model ExpectationsWe now compare the observed physical properties of M17determined above to theo-retical calculations from basic wind-blown bubble models.Although the M17superbubble is in an inhomogeneous ambient medium with a significant density gradient and the cluster is off-centered(a more complex scenario than is considered in basic bubble models),if the superbubble structure is indeed governed by the physical processes prescribed by these mod-els,we expect the properties of the diffuse X-ray emission to agree with predictions within similar orders of magnitude.Wefirst consider the wind-blown bubble model of Weaver et al.(1977)and will later consider a wind-blown bubble model without heat conduction.4.1.1.A Bubble with Heat ConductionIn the Weaver et al.model,heat conduction and mass evaporation act across the bound-ary between the hot interior gas and the nebular shell to lower the temperature and raise the density of the bubble interior.The temperature and electron density profiles of such a bubble have been calculated by Weaver et al.(1977),and the X-ray luminosities of such bubbles can be determined using two methods outlined by Chu et al.(1995).In thefirst method,we derive the expected X-ray luminosity from the observed physical properties of the gas in the104K ionized shell of swept-up ISM.In the second method,we use the spectral types of massive stars in M17to estimate the combined mechanical luminosity of the stellar winds and then derive the expected X-ray luminosity.These two methods use independent input parameters and thus allow us to check the consistency of the pressure-driven bubble model in addition to comparing the expected and observed X-ray luminosities.X-Ray Luminosity Method1:The Ionized ShellThe expected X-ray luminosity in the ROSAT band of0.1–2.4keV for the Weaver et al. (1977)wind-blown bubble model has been given by Chu et al.(1995),L X=(8.2×1027ergs s−1)ξI(τ)n10/70R17/7pcV16/7km/s,(1)whereξis the metallicity relative to the solar value and in this case we assume a value of unity,I(τ)is a dimensionless integral of value∼2,n0is the number density of the ambient medium in cm−3,R pc is the radius of the superbubble in pc,V km/s is the expansion velocity of the superbubble in units of km s−1.The ambient density n0cannot be measured directly, but assuming that the ram pressure of the expanding shell is equal to the thermal pressure of the ionized superbubble shell,the relation between the ambient density and the density of the ionized shell is given byn0=(9/7)n i kT i/(µa V2exp),(2) where n i is the electron number density in the ionized shell,T i∼104K is the electron temperature in the ionized shell,V exp is the expansion velocity of the bubble,andµa= (14/11)m H(Weaver et al.1977;Chu&Mac Low1990).Adopting a mean electron density of n i∼300cm−3(Felli,Churchwell,&Massi1984)and an observed V exp∼25km s−1(Clayton et al.1985),we calculated an ambient density of n0∼40cm−3.Given the superbubble radius of5–6pc,we have determined an expected X-ray luminosity of∼3×1035ergs s−1.X-Ray Luminosity Method2:Wind Luminosity from OB StarsWe can also calculate the expected X-ray luminosity in an energy-conserving,wind-blown bubble by the following equation from Chu et al.(1995),L X=(1.1×1035ergs s−1)ξI(τ)L33/3537n17/35t19/35Myr,(3)where L37is the mechanical luminosity of the stellar winds in units of1037ergs s−1,and t Myr is the age of the bubble in Myr.To remain independent of Method1,we do not use the value of n0determined for that method.Rather,we use the following relations between ambient density,radius,wind luminosity,bubble age,and expansion velocity,n0=(1.3×108cm−3)L37t3Myr R−5pc,(4)t Myr=(0.59Myr)R pc/V km/s,(5) (Weaver et al.1977;Chu et al.1995).We again take the expansion velocity to be∼25km s−1 (Clayton et al.1985)and the radius to be5–6pc and derive a bubble age of∼0.13Myr.To determine the wind luminosity of M17,we examined its massive stellar content. Hanson et al.(1997)identified nine O stars and four late-O/early-B stars in the open cluster. Using the spectral types of these massive stars,we have estimated their terminal stellar wind velocities,effective temperatures,and luminosities based on the stellar parameters given by Prinja,Barlow,&Howarth(1990)and Vacca,Garmany,&Shull(1996).We then calculated the mass-loss rates for the OB stars in M17by utilizing the empirically derived relationship between effective temperature,luminosity,and mass-loss rate of de Jager,Nieuwenhuijzen,& van der Hucht(1988).Table2lists the detected OB stars,their spectral types as determined from optical and K-band observations,their terminal wind velocities V∞,stellar effective temperatures T eff,stellar luminosities L,and their mass-loss rates˙M.We calculated the total mechanical luminosity of the stellar winds,L w=Σ(1/2)˙MV2∞,(6) from the OB stars to be∼1×1037ergs s−1.As noted by Felli et al.(1984),the identified OB stars can approximately account for the ionization of the emission nebula;we therefore expect our calculated wind mechanical luminosity to be reasonably complete as well.Assuming a relatively constant mechanical luminosity,wefind a total energy deposited by stellar winds of∼4×1049ergs over the life of the bubble.In addition,this value of the wind mechanical luminosity gives an ambient density of∼60cm−3and an expected X-ray luminosity of ∼5×1035ergs s−1.This X-ray luminosity value is consistent to within a factor of two with the value found by Method1.Although the two methods of determining the expected X-ray luminosity are consistent with each other,they do not agree with the X-ray luminosity derived from the PSPC obser-vation.The observed X-ray luminosity is∼100–200times lower than expected from Weaver et al.’s bubble model.It is possible that stellar winds are clumpy,as suggested by Moffat& Robert(1994),then the conventionally derived mass loss rates would be reduced by a factor of≥3.Even using the reduced mass loss rates,the expected X-ray luminosity is more than 40times too high.The observed temperature,density,and surface brightness of the hot gas in M17do not agree with the model expectations,either.The physical conditions of the shocked stellar winds in Weaver et al.’s model are heavily modified by heat conduction and the hot gas mass is dominated by the nebular mass evaporated across the interface.The predicted temperature is5.0–5.6×106K near the center and decreases outward,the predicted density is0.2–0.4cm−3near the center and increases outward,and the X-ray surface bright-ness is expected to show pared with observed properties,the expected temperature is too low,density is too high,and the X-ray morphology is inconsistent.The disagreements between observations and model expectations suggest that heat conduction may not play a dominant role in determining the physical conditions inside this superbubble.Heat conduction can be suppressed by the presence of magneticfields(Soker1994;Band &Liang1988).The magneticfield strength in M17has been measured via the H I Zeeman effect to be100–550µG,peaking near the interface between the H II region and the molecular cloud M17SW(Brogan et al.1999).Assuming a comparable magneticfield strength in the swept-up104K shell,wefind the Alfv´e n speed to be10–60km s−1which is comparable to or much greater than the isothermal sound velocity of the104K gas,10km s−1for H atoms. In addition,the magneticfield strength and isothermal sound velocity indicate a gyro-radius of 10km for protons in the swept-up shell.This suggests that the protons in the104K gas will be unable to escape the magneticfield and diffuse into the interior of the superbubble, inhibiting heat conduction and mass evaporation between the hot interior and the cool shell of the bubble.4.1.2.A Bubble without Heat ConductionWe now turn our consideration to a wind-blown bubble without heat conduction.The X-ray emission of a bubble interior depends on both the temperature and the amount of hot gas.We willfirst compare the plasma temperature expected from the shocked stellar winds to the observed hot gas ing the combined stellar winds mass-loss rate of 4.3×10−6M⊙yr−1(summed from Table2)and the integrated wind mechanical luminosity L w of1×1037ergs s−1as calculated in§4.1.1,we derive an rms terminal wind velocity of V∞∼2700km s−1.The post-shock temperature of the combined stellar winds is therefore expected to be∼8×107K.This temperature is an order of magnitude higher than that indicated by PSPC observations;to lower it to the observed temperature of∼8.6×106K requires the mixing in of cold nebular mass that is nearly10times the mass of the combined stellar winds.This mixing may be provided by turbulent instabilities at the interface between the shocked fast winds and the cold nebular shell(e.g.,Strickland&Stevens1998)or through the hydronamic ablation of clumps of cold nebular material distributed within the hot bubble interior(Pittard,Hartquist,&Dyson2001).Assuming that mixing has taken place,we next determine the hot gas mass expected as a result of mixing and compare it to the observed value(§3.2).Given the dynamical age of the superbubble,0.13Myr,a total stellar wind mass of∼0.56M⊙has been injected to the superbubble interior,and the expected total mass of the hot gas will be5–6M⊙.This is significantly greater than the observed value of∼1M⊙.This discrepancy can be reduced if we again consider the possibility of clumpy stellar winds(Moffat&Robert1994).With the mass-loss rates reduced by a factor of≥3,the expected hot gas mass is∼2M⊙,which would be in remarkable agreement with the observed value.We summarize the comparison between the observed X-ray emission and the various models in Table3,which lists the observed X-ray luminosity and hot gas temperature and mass as well as those expected from models with and without heat conduction for both homogeneous winds and clumpy winds.It is clear that bubble models with heat conduction have the largest discrepancies from the observations.The best agreement with observed properties is from bubble models without heat conduction but allowing dynamical mixing of cold nebular material with the hot gas.For models either with or without heat conduction, clumpy winds with reduced mass loss rates are needed to minimize the discrepancy between model expectations and observations.parisons with Other Wind-Blown BubblesDiffuse X-ray emission has been previously detected from other types of wind-blown bubbles,including planetary nebulae(PNe)and circumstellar bubbles blown by Wolf-Rayet (WR)stars.The X-ray emission from these circumstellar bubbles is qualitatively and quan-titatively different from that of M17.Chu,Gruendl,&Guerrero(2003)find that the X-ray emission from PNe and WR bubbles shows a limb-brightened spatial distribution,in sharp contrast to the centrally-filled spatial distribution in M17as described in§3.1.Further,Chu et al.(2003)note that PNe and WR bubbles exhibit hot gas temperatures of1–3×106K and electron densities of10–100cm−3,while the hot interior gas of M17exhibits a temperature of8.5×106K and a substantially lower electron density of∼0.09cm−3.The comparisons of morphology and temperature between the M17superbubble and small circumstellar bubbles show fundamental differences.The limb-brightened X-ray spa-tial distribution,low temperatures,and high electron densities of PNe and WR bubbles are qualitatively consistent with a hypothesis of heat conduction and mass evaporation occurring between the hot gas interior and the swept-up shell.However,the observed X-ray luminosi-ties for PNe and WR bubbles are both significantly lower(10–100times)than predicted by bubble models with heat conduction(Chu et al.2001;Wrigge,Wendker,&Wisotzki1994; Wrigge1999).It is possible that in these wind-blown bubbles,heat conduction has also been suppressed and that dynamical mixing,which allows a lower mass injection rate,occurs at the interface between the hot gas interior and the cool nebular shell.Exploring this question will require magneticfield measurements of PNe and WR bubbles.5.SummaryWe have presented analysis of a ROSAT observation of the emission nebula M17.The blister-like morphology seen in the optical images indicates that it is a superbubble blown by the winds of its OB stars in an inhomogeneous ISM.With a stellar age of∼1Myr,M17must be a young quiescent superbubble without any supernova heating.Diffuse X-ray emission is detected from M17and is confined within the optical shell.This suggests the presence of hot106–108K gas in the interior of M17,as is expected in a wind-blown bubble.Analysis of the diffuse X-ray emission indicates a characteristic gas temperature∼8.5×106K with a mean electron number density of0.09cm−3.We have considered bubble models with and without heat conduction and found that those with heat conduction overpredict the X-ray luminosity by two orders of magnitude. Furthermore,the magneticfield measured in M17is large enough to suppress heat conduc-tion and associated mass evaporation.Bubble models without heat conduction overestimate the hot gas temperature unless mixing with cold nebular gas has occurred.If nebular gas can be dynamically mixed into the hot bubble interior and if the stellar winds are clumpy with a lower mass-loss rate,the X-ray morphology and luminosity,and hot gas temperature and mass can be reasonably reproduced.M17provides us a rare opportunity to probe the physical conditions of hot gas energized solely by shocked stellar winds in a quiescent superbubble.While we have learned much from the current analysis,our model considerations were performed on a very basic level.More robust models are needed to accurately describe the evolution of a superbubble in a medium with a large-scale density gradient,small-scale clumpiness,and a strong magneticfield.We would like to thank the anonymous referee for the stimulating comments with have helped us to improve this paper.This research has made use of data obtained through the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center Online Service,provided by the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center.。



以上现象叫散射,所引起的波与波之间的 加强 或削弱作用叫波的相干
原子核质量较大,在x-ray作用下产生位移极小, 散射效应也很小,故相干散射主要是x-ray作用于 电子而发生的
Cu 的工作电压为 30~40kV)作用下撞到X-ray源的
2. X-ray 的波长范围 范围:约1—10000pm(0.01—100Å)之间的电磁波。 用于测定晶体结构的 X-ray:
波长为:50—250pm(0.5—2.5 Å),此波长范围与 晶体点阵面间距大致相当。
§2-4. 衍射方向与晶胞参数
生的衍射线偏离入射线的角度。 衍射方向决定于:晶体内部结构周期重复的方式
衍射方向 联系 晶胞大小、形状 —— 的两个方程:
Laue: 以直线点阵为出发点 二者等效 Bragg : 以平面点阵为出发点
比从: 7.5 :1上升到500 :1
如上图: Ni的吸收曲线在148.81pm处有一突变,
一、 X-ray与晶体的作用
比较复杂, X-ray与 晶体的作用方式总结:



互)作用,使得能级发生分裂。对于ι >0的内壳层,这种分裂可以用内量子数j来
l + ms

1 2
所以:对于ι =0,j=1/2。对于ι >0,则j= ι +½或者ι -½。也就是说,除了s能
hv = Eb + Ek + Er
电子结合能 电子动能
− m)υa*2
忽略 Er (<0.1eV)得
hv = Ek + Eb
对孤立原子或分子,Eb 就是把电子从所在轨道
S能级的内量子数½通 常省略。如:C的1s 能级没有分裂,在 XPS谱图上只有一个 峰,表示为:C1s。
4、电子结合能Eb: 一个自由原子或者离子的结合能,等于将此电子从所在的能级转移到无限远处所 需要的能量。对于气体样品,如果样品室和谱仪制作材料的影响可以忽略,那么 电子的结合能Eb可以从光子的入射能量hν以及测得的电子的动能Ek求出,即:
5、XPS信息深度: 在XPS分析中,一般用能量较低的软X射线激发光电子(如:Al 和Mg的Kα线)。虽然软X射线的能量不高,但是仍然可以穿透 10nm厚的固体表层,并引起那里的原子轨道上的电子光电离。 产生的光电子在离开固体表面之前,要经历一系列的弹性(光 电子与原子核或者其他电子相互作用时不损失能量)和非弹性 散射(光电子损失能量)。弹性散射的光电子形成了XPS谱的 主峰;非弹性散射形成某些伴峰或者信号的背底。 一般认为:对于那些具有特征能量的光电子穿过固体表面时, 其强度衰减遵从指数规律。假设光电子的初始强度为I0,在固体 中经过dt距离,强度损失了dI,有:




对于X 射线焊缝图像评定,目前采用的人工评片受到多种主观因素的影响,导致漏检或错检情况相对较高。


综述了以神经网络技术为代表的深度学习模型在焊缝缺陷检测方面的研究进展,详细分析了基于卷积神经网络和Faster R-CNN 网络的工业设备焊缝缺陷自动检测的理论模型及其优缺点,并对焊缝缺陷自动检测技术的发展进行了展望。

关键词:焊缝缺陷;卷积神经网络;Faster R-CNN 网络;自动检测中图分类号:TG409文献标志码:A文章编号:1009-9492(2021)03-0065-04开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID ):Summary of Research on Application of Deep Learning in Weld Defect DetectionWang Jingran 1,Wang Guitang 1,2,Yang Bo 3,Wang Zhigang 3,Fu Qinshen 1,Yang Zhen 1(1.School of Electromechanical Engineering,Guangdong University of Technology,Guangzhou 510006,China;2.Foshan Cangke Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd.,Foshan,Guangdong 528311,China;3.Guangzhou Special Pressure Equipment Inspection and Research Institute,Guangzhou 510663,China )Abstract:The detection of weld defects is an extremely critical link in the petrochemical industry and other fields.The quality of the weld directly affects theperformance of the structure.For the evaluation of X-ray weld image,the currently used manual evaluation is affected by a variety of subjective factors,resulting in a relatively high rate of missed or wrong inspections.In recent years,with the development of industrial intelligent detection technology,the unique advantages of deep learning in image feature learning make it have important practical value in automatic defect detection.The research progress of deep learning modelrepresented by neural network technology in weld defect detection was summarized,and the theoretical models and their advantages and disadvantages of weld defect automatic detection based on convolutional neural network and Faster R-CNN network were analyzed in detail,and the development of automatic detection in weld defects was prospected.Key words:weld defect;convolutional neural network;Faster R-CNN;automatic detection第50卷第03期Vol.50No.03机电工程技术MECHANICAL &ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGYDOI:10.3969/j.issn.1009-9492.2021.03.012王靖然,王桂棠,杨波,等.深度学习在焊缝缺陷检测的应用研究综述[J ].机电工程技术,2021,50(03):65-68.0引言随着我国工业化程度的不断提高,焊接技术已广泛应用到承压容器、冶金工业、石油化工等各个领域,工业设备焊接质量的好坏直接影响焊接结构的使用性能和寿命。



[Crystal Structure Analysis, 3rd Edition, p. 48]
[Methods of Experimental Physics Volume 16: Polymers, Part B Crystal Structure and Morphology, p. 5]
X射线衍射需要在广角范围内测定,因此又 被称为广角X射线衍射(Wide-Angle X-ray Scattering, WAXS)。
如果被照射试样具有不同电子密度的非周 期性结构,则次生X射线不会发生干涉现象, 该现象被称为漫射X射线衍射(简称散射)。
X射线散射需要在小角度范围内测定,因此 又被称为小角X射线散射(Small-Angle Xray Scattering, SAXS)。
[Fundamentals of Powder Diffraction and Structural Characterization of Materials, 2nd Edition, p. 9]
设晶体的晶面距为 d,X射线以与晶面间交
角为 的方向照射,从晶面散射出来的X射
[Fundamentals of Powder Diffraction and Structural Characterization of Materials, 2nd Edition, p. 265]
[Fundamentals of Powder Diffraction and Structural Characterization of Materials, 2nd Edition, p. 153]






名词后缀:-ity表名词,“能力,性质”不表示实物adaptability n 适应能力(adapt 适应)可靠性dependability n 可靠性(depend 依靠) variability n 变化性 (vary 变化) capacity n 容量;能力(cap 容纳) personality n 人格,个性( person 人) nationality n 国籍( nation 国家) hospitality n 好客, (host容纳)-ion表名词,“行为,过程,结果”不表示实物obligation n 责任( oblige 承担) starvation n 饥饿( starve 使饿死) imagination n 想象(imagine 想象)combination n 结合(combine 结合) determination n 决定(determine 决定) exclamation n 大喊,感叹(exclaim 大喊)-ance,-ancy-ence表名词,“性质,状况”不表示实物reliance n 信赖(rely 依靠)perseverance n 坚持不懈(persevere 坚持) appearance n 出现,外表(appear 出现)vacanyc n 空白,空缺(vac 空+ancy) pregnancy n 怀孕 elegancy n 优美,高雅(elegant 高雅) i negligence n 疏忽,粗心(neg 不+lig 选择+ence…不加选择…粗心)-acy表名词,“性质,状态”不表示实物fallacy n 谬误,错误 (fall 错) supremacy n 至高无上 (supreme 崇高的) intimacy n 亲密(intim亲密,参考 :intimate 亲密的)-ment1.表名词“行为或结果”"不表示实物movement n 运动( move 动) agreement n 协议(agree 同意) management n 管理( manage 管理) establishment n 建立,设立(establish 建立)commencement n 开始(commence 开始) embodiment n 化身,体现(embody 体现) harassment n 烦恼,骚扰2.表示具体物pavement n 人行道(pave 铺路)equipment n 设备(equip 配备,装备) fragment n 碎片(frag 破碎)basement n 地下室(base 哺础)segment n 部分,片断(seg 部分)garment n 衣服(gar装饰+ment)-ness表名词,“性质,状态,”不表示实物,但通常加在形容词后面forwardness n 大胆,鲁莽 (forward 向前的,鲁莽的) positiveness n 肯定(positive肯定的)emptiness n 空洞(empty 空的)kindness n 仁慈(kind 仁慈的) tiredness n 疲倦 (tired 疲倦的) darkness n 黑暗 (dark 黑暗的) brightness n 光明(bright 光明的)-ture表名词,通常在单词t结尾时使用,表示“一般状态,行为miniature n 小画像,缩影(mini 小) legislature n 立法机关(legis 法律+lat带来+ure) fracture n 骨折,断裂(fract 断) expenditure n 支出(expend 花费) torture n 酷刑,折磨 (tort 扭曲) signature n 签名 (sign 签字) mixture n 混合物( mix 混合)*-itude表名词,“性质,状态等”不表示实物longitude n 精度 (long 长) latitude n 纬度,言行自由 (lat 宽, 阔) attitude n 态度(att=apr 能力,倾向)solitude n 孤独(sol 单个)plenitude n 大量 (plen 满,多) magnitude n 重量 ( magn 大) platitude n 陈词滥调 (plat 平,参考 :platform 平台)ing1.表名词,“行业”fishing n 渔业 (fish 鱼) banking n 银行业 (bank 银行) advertising n 广告业(advertise 做广告)accounting n 会计学(account 计算)shoemaking n 制鞋业( shoe 鞋+make 制造+ing) dancing n 舞蹈(dance 跳舞)2.表形容词,“正…的”,“令人…的”changing a 正在变化的( change 变化) outgoing a 友善的(out 出+go 走…走出去和别人交往…友善的) assuming a 自负的( assume 自以为是,认为+ing) fascinating a 迷人的 (fascinate 使…入迷) discriminating a 有辨别力的(discriminate 分辨)-ship表示某种关系或状态friendship n 友谊(friend 朋友)hardship n 苦难(hard 艰难的) dictatorship n 独裁专政(dictator 独裁者) partnership n 合伙关系(partner 合伙人) relationship n (亲属) 关系 ( relation 关系) citizenship n 公民身份( citizen 公民) membership n 成员资格( member 成员)-ics表名词,“学科,学术”aesthetics n 美学(aesthet美+ics)genetics n 遗传学(gene 哺因+t+ics) logistics n 后勤学(log 词语,逻辑+ist+ice…逻辑地安排事务…后勤) linguistics n 语言学(linguist 语言学家+ics) economics n 经济学(economy 经济+ics) mechanics n 机械学 dynamics 动力学(dyn力量+ics学科)-ism名词 1.表示“各种主义,宗教”cynicism n 犬儒主义 (cynic 犬儒主义者) optimism n 乐观主义 (aptim 最好) opportunism n 机会主义 (opportune 时机的,机会的) extremism n 极端主义 (extreme 极端) idealism n 唯心主义 (ideal 理想materialism n 唯物主义(material 物质)lslamism n 伊斯兰教(I slam 伊斯兰)Confucianism n 儒教(confucian 孔子的)Catholicism n 天主教( C atholic 天主教徒) Buddhism n 佛教(B uddha 佛)2.表示“学术流派”magnetism n 磁学,磁性 (magnet 磁铁) fatalism n 宿命论 (fatal 致命的) atheism n 无神论(a 无+the 神+ism)atomism n 原子论(atom 原子) modernism n 现代派( modern 现代的) impressionism n 印象派(impression 印象) socratism n 苏格拉底学派(Socrates 苏格拉底,古希腊哲学家)3.表示“行为,现象,状态”escapism n 逃难现实( escape 逃难) sexism n 性别歧视( sex 性别) fanaticism n 狂热盲信(fanatic 狂热者)cannibalism n 同类相食(cannibal 原指加勒比土著,为一食人族) barbarism n 野蛮状态 (barbar 原形容野人说话方式)-hood表名词,“时期,性质等”childhood n 童年 boyhood n 少年时期 manhood n 成年 bachelorhood n 独身生活 likelihood n 可能性(likely可能的) falsehood n 谬误(false 错, 假)ward=方向backward forward downward heavenward inward northward outward upward southward awkward afterward*-ery1.表名词,“场所,地点”2.表名词,“行为,情况”robbery n 抢劫(rob 抢+ery)bravery n 勇敢(brave 勇敢)bribery n 贿赂(bribe 贿赂)trickery n 欺诈(trick 诡计)表示人的后缀:-er,or 1.表名词,“…人”singer n 歌唱家(sing 唱歌) leader n 领袖(lead 领导) writer n 作家(write 写) teenager n 青少年 (teenage 十三到十九岁) southerner n 南方人(southern 南方的) villager n 村民(village 村庄) mentor n 导师(ment 精神)vendor n 小贩(vend 出售)gladiator n 角斗士(gladi 剑→用剑斗) arbitrator n 仲裁人( arbitr 仲裁+ator) executor n 遗嘱执行人(execute 执行)2.表名词,“物品,机器”washer n 洗衣机(wash 洗)lighter n 打火机(light 点火)heater n 加热器(heat 加热) generator n 发电机(gener 产生) tractor n 拖拉机(tract 拖,拉) detector n 探测器(detect 察觉) compressor n 压缩机(com 共同+press 压)ee表名词,“被动的人”employee n 雇员(employ 雇用) trainee n 受训练者(train 训练) examinee n 被考者(examine 考查)appointee n 被任命者(appoint 任命) absentee n 缺席者 (absent 缺席的) refugee 难民 (re反复+fug=flee 逃跑+ee人=长期被迫流动的人)ess表名词,指“女性”heiress n 女继承人(heit 继承人) waitress n 女服务员( waiter 服务员) actress n 女演员 (actor 演员) poetess n 女诗人 (poet 诗人) goddess n 女神 (god 神) lioness n 母狮 (lion 狮子) leopardess n 母豹 (leopard 豹子)-ant,-ent1.表形容词,“ …的”vibrant a 振动的,生气勃勃的( vibr 振动;参考: revibrate再震动) discordant a 不一致的 (dis 不+cord 心…不是一条心) resistant a 抵抗的(resist 抵抗,对抗)prevalent a 流行的,盛行的(来自动词prevail .pre+vail 力量)obedient a 服从的(obey 服从) excellent a 杰出的(excel 超越,ex+cel 上升)2.表名词,“…人”accountant n 会计(ac+count 计数)assistant n 助手(assist 帮助) inhabitant n 居民(inhabit 居住)participant n 参与者(participate 参加) student n 学生 (study 学习) president n 总统;校长 (preside 主持) antecedent n 先行者 (ante 前+ced 走+ent) resident n 居民(inhabit 居住)ian表形容词或名词,“…的(人)”humanitarian a/n 人道主义的(人) (human 人) doctrinarian a/n 教条主义的(人) (doctrine 教条)vegetarian a/n 素食的(人)(vegetable 蔬菜) utilitarian a/n 功利主义的(人) (utility 实用,功用) totalitarian a/n 极权主义的(人) (total 全部)-ist表名词,“表示信仰者,专家或从事某活动的人”feminist n 女权主义者(femine 女性的) nationalist n 民族主义者(national 民族的) materialist n 唯物主义者 (material 物质) moralist n 道德家 (moral 道德的) dentist n 医科医生 (dent 牙齿+ist) antagonist n 敌手,对手 (ant 相反+agon 斗争+ist) capitalist n/a 资本家 (的) (capital 资本) socialist n/a 社会主义者(的) (social 社会的) materialist n/a 唯物主义者(的)*-ard表名词,“不好的人”drunkard n 醉鬼(drank 醉的)laggard n 落后者(lag 落后)coward n 胆怯者 (cow 奶牛) bastard n 私生子 (bast 原意“结婚”,后指不结婚而同居) niggard n 吝啬鬼 ( nigg[=niggle 小气做事]+ard) sluggard n 懒鬼 (slug 一种爬得很慢的虫子) wizard 巫师,奇才(wit智慧)ad表名词1“…东西,状态”ballad n 歌谣,歌曲 (ball 舞,歌) blockade n 封锁 (block 挡住) decade n 十年 (dec十,参考: decagon 十角形) lemonade n 柠檬水 (lemon 柠檬) arcade n 拱廊(arc 弧形)barricade n 栅栏(bar阻挡+ic+adc)cascade n 小瀑布(cas下落+ade)-ar1.表形容词,“…的”vulgar a 无教养的(vulg 平民+ar)familiar a 熟悉的(family 家庭)2.表名词,“人,物”liar n 说谎者(lie 说谎) beggar n 乞丐(beg 乞求) registrar n 注册员( register 注册) cellar n 地窖 (cell 小房子+ar) calendar n 日历 (calend 一天+ar)-al1.表形容词,“…的”personal a 个人的 (person 人) exceptional a 例外的 (exception 例外) regional a 地区性的( region 地区) pastoral a 田园生活的(pastor 牧人;牧师) rural a 乡村的(rur乡村+al)2.表名词,“人,物,状态”rival n 竞争者(riv=river 河,由“河”引申为“流动,跑,一起跑→竞争)criminal n 犯罪分子 (crime 罪行) aboriginal n 原始居民 (ab+ori起源+al) hospital n 医院 (hospit客人+al,病人是医院的客人) dismissal n 解雇 (dismiss 解雇) survival n 生存,幸存( sur 后+viv 活+al→事故后活下来→幸存) -ary1.表形容词,“…的”imaginary a 想象的(imagine 想象)elementary a 基本的(element 元素,要素) stationary a 静止的( station 车站,驻扎) temporary a 短暂的(tempor时间)2.表名词,“人,场所,物”secretary n 秘书 (secret 秘密) missionary n 传教士 ( mission 宗教使命) adversary n 对手(ad 反+vers 转…反转…对手) luminary n 杰出人物(lumin 明亮)emissary n 特使(e出+miss送)-an表名词和形容词,“…地方.…人American a 美洲的 n . 美洲人 Roman a 罗马的 n . 罗马人partisan n 党徒(party 党派)artisan n 手工艺人(artist 艺术家+an) republican a 共和国的 n .共和党人 amphibian a 两栖动物 (的) (amphi 二个+bl 生命+an) urban a 城市的 (urb 市,参考: suburb 郊区, sub+urb) 表示形容词的后缀:-able,-ible表形容词,“可…的,能…”conceivable a 想象得出的( conceive 设想,想象) desirable a 值得要的(desire 渴望) eligible a 合格的( e 出+lig 选择+ible…挑选出来的…合格的) feasible a 可行的,合理的(feas 做+ible…可做的) flexible a 易弯曲的(flex弯曲+ible) sensible a 明智的( sense 感觉,理智+ible)-ous表形容词,“反复的,多…的”rapacious a 掠夺成性的( rape 掠夺,强奸) capacious a 宽敞的(cap 能→的+acious,参考: capble有能力的) vivacious a 活泼的(viv 活,参考:revive 复活) audacious a 大胆的(aud 大胆+acious)-ic.表形容词,“…的”static a 静态的(stat 站+ic)fanatic a 狂热的(fan 狂热者)apathetic a 冷漠的( a 无+pathet 感情+ic) chaotic a 混乱的( chao 混乱+t+ic) antibiotic a 抗生素的(anti抗+bio 生命+t+ic) cosmic 宇宙的( cosm 宇宙+ic)-tive表形容词.“有…倾向(性质)的”talkative a 好说话的(talk 讲话)preservative a 防腐的(preserve 保存) authoritative a 权威性的(authority 权威)affirmative a 肯定的(affirm 肯定)tory1.表形容词,“有…性质的”obligatory a 义务的,强制性的 mandatory a 命令性的(mand 命令+atory) anticipatory a 预料的( anticipate 预料) explanatory a 解释的(explain 解释)*2.表名词,“场所,地点”observatory n 天文台 (observe 观察) laboratory n 实验室 (labor 劳动) conservatory n 暖房,音乐学院(conserve 保存)lavatory n 厕所(lav 冲洗)factory n 工厂(fact 做)armory n 军械库(arm 武器)dormitory n 宿舍(dormit 睡眠)directory n 电话目录(direct 指导)-ful1.表形容词,“有…的”grateful a 感激的(grate 感激) willful a 任性的(will意志…任意办事) shameful a 可耻的( shame 耻辱) forgetful a 易忘的(forget 忘记) 2.表名词,“满,量”handful n 一把 spoonful n 一勺的量 mouthful n 一口 boatful n 一㠊-id表形容词,“如…的”florid a 如花的 (flor 花+id) stupid a 笨的 (stup 笨,麻木+id) splendid a 辉煌的(splend 光辉+id) fluid a 流动的(flu 流+id) invalid a 无效力的(in 无+val 力量+id)humid a 潮湿的-ile1.表形容词,“…的”servile a 奴性的(serv 服务+ile)juvenile a 青少年的(juven 年轻+ile) fertile a 肥沃的(fert 带有;繁殖+ile) ductife a 可塑的(duct 引导+ile) senile a 年老的( sen 老+ile,参考: senior 年长的,高年级的)2.表名词,“物体”missile n 发射物,导弹( miss 发送+ile) domicile n 住宅(domic 家+ile) automobile n 汽车(auto自己+mob动+ile)-ior表形容词,“比较…的”通常都是成对出现anterior a 较早的 (anter 早)posterior a 较后的 (poster 后)exterior a 外部的( exter 外) interior a 内部的(inter 内) superior a 在上面的,超越的(super 在上面)inferior a 低下的(infer 下面)senior a 年长的(sen 年老)junior a 年少的(jun 年轻)-less表形容词否定意思,""无…的,不…的” "nerveless a 无勇气的( nerve 勇气,神经) relentless a 无情的( relent 宽厚) effortless a 不䌊力的(effort 努力) flawless a 无瑕疵的(flaw 缺点) tireless a 不倦的(tire 疲倦)colorless a 无色的(color 颜色)homeless a 无家可归的(home 家)-like表形容词,“像…一样” "dreamlike a 如梦般的(dream 梦)steel like a 钢铁般的(steel 钢) womanlike a 女人气的(woman 女人)childlike a 孩子般的(child 孩子) warlike a 好战的( war 战争)-ly1.表形容词,通常加在名词后timely a 及时的(time 时间) lively a 活跃的(live 活)friendly a 友好的(friend 朋友) costly a 昂贵的 (cost 代价) manly a 有男子气的 ( man 男人) weekly a 每周的(week 周) monthly a 每月的(month 月)2.表副词,通常放在形容词后exceedingly ad 过分的 (exceed 超过) gloriously ad 光荣的 ( glorious 光荣的) extremely ad 过分的( extreme 极端的) definitely ad 明确的(definite 明确的) probably ad 可能性(probable 可能的)-proof表形容词,“防…的”waterproof a 防水的( water 水) foolproof a 错不了的(fool 笨蛋) rainproof a 防雨的 ( rain 雨) airproof a 不透气的 (air 空气) lightproof a 不透光的 (light 光线) bulletproof a 防弹的 (bullet 子弹) gas proof a 防毒气(gas 气体,毒气)-some表形容词,“充满…的,具有…倾向的”noisome a 恶臭的(noi 臭+some) winsome a 媚人的,漂亮的 (win 赢得…赢得好感) cumbersome a 笨重的 (cumber 障碍物) quarrelsome a 好争吵的(quarrel 争吵) lonesome a 孤独的(lone 单独)wholesome动词后缀:-ate1.表动词,“使做,造成”frustrate v 挫败(frustr 犯错误+ate)2.表形容词,“具有…的”considerate a 考虑周到的 (consider 考虑) moderate a 有节制的 (mod 模式) regenerate a 收过自新的( re 再+gener 产生) innate a "生来的,天赋的(in在…内+nat 出生)"3.表名词,“人或地位”graduate n 毕业生(gradu 等级)delegate n 代表(de+leg 选+ate…选出来的人…代表) candidate n 候选人(cand 白,古代候选人穿白袍) advocate n 拥护者 (ad+voc 声音+ate) doctorate n 博士学位 (doctor 博士)electorate n 全体选民(elect 选举)-ish1.表形容词,“坏的”,通常放在一具体名词后具有负面意思snobbish a 势利眼的(snob 势利眼) waggish a 滑稽的(wag 小丑) sluggish a 行动迟钝的(slug 懒汉)boorish a 粗野的(boor 粗野之人) coltish a 放荡不羁 (colt 小马驹) childish a 孩子气的 (child 孩子) bookish a 书生气的(book 书本)foolish a 愚蠢的(fool 笨蛋)coldish a 稍冷的(cold 冷) yellowish a 微黄的(yellow 黄色的) fattish a 稍胖的(fat 胖)2.表动词,“…化…”polish v 擦亮(pol 擦亮+ish) banish v 放逐,摒弃(ban 禁止,放弃+ish) admonish v 告诫 (ad+mon 警告+ish) impoverish v 使成赤贫 (im 进入+pover 贫困+ish;参考: poverty 贫困) diminish v 缩小 (di 使+min 小+ish) flourish v 繁荣 (flour 花+ish) vanish v 消失 (van 空,失去+ish) nourish v 养育,哺育( nour 营养+ish)3.表示“国家的或语言”english a 英国的n . 英语 turkish a 土耳语的n . 土耳语swedish a 瑞典的n . 瑞典语lrish a 爱尔兰的n . 爱尔兰语-ise-ize,“…化”memorize v 记住( memor 记忆)criticize v 批评(ctitic 批评家) advertise v 做广告 (advert 注意到, ad+vert 转+ise) authorize v 授权 (anthor 权力;参考authority 权威) fertilise v publicize v 宣传(public 公开的) aggrandize v 扩张(ag+grand 大+ize) jeopardize v 危害 (jeopard 危害+ize) materialize v 赋予…形体 ,物质化 (material 物质+ize) neutralize v 使中和 (neutral 中间的,中和的+ize) industrialize v 工业化 (industrial 工业的+ize) popularize v 推广,普及(popular 流行的+ize)ify= 使…..化clarify classify justify testify certify modify intensify notify identify terrify horrify purify beautify simplify amplify qualify specify diversify glorify satisfy。



Incoming Inspection and Verifications 输入检验和确认
In-process Inspection
Maintains Consistent Quality
Accuracy ( Concentration ): 0.01% 含量精确度:万分之一
Active Ingredients 活性成分 Impurities 杂质 Concentration 浓度 Homogeneity 同质性
SpectRx™ NIR
Diffused Reflectance 漫反射系数 Tablet Hardness 硬度 Tablet Disintegration 崩解 Tablet/Capsule Moisture Contents 湿度含量 Tablet Friability 脆性 Tablet Capsule Active Ingredients 活性组分 Tablet/Capsule Impurities 杂质 Tablet Cracks 裂纹 Capsule Deterioration 变质 Tablet/Capsule Homogeneity 药片-胶囊同质性
库), 95%的机会可以发现一个未知的成分,除非组成的信号信噪比太小。
On Line Production 在线生产 (Including raw materials release 包括原材料放行)
Rotary Inspection in Lab (实验室旋转式检测)



双能X线骨密度测定法联合骨转换标志物定量法在绝经后骨质疏松诊断中的临床应用价值发布时间:2021-06-01T07:19:07.245Z 来源:《健康世界》2021年4期作者:王小雨赵诗瑶耿静陈星雅杨赫男[导读] 目的探索双能X线骨密度测定法联合骨转换标志物对女性绝经后骨质疏松的诊断价值。

方法 2019年1月-2020年9月我院收治的100例绝经后女性患者,分别于初诊、初诊后6个月、12个月,用电化学发光仪检测绝经后患者血液中I型胶原氨基端延长肽(PINP)和β-胶原特殊序列(β-CTX)、N-骨钙素(N-MID)、甲状旁腺激素(PTH)、25羟维生素D[25(OH)D3]含量变化,双能X线骨密度仪检测绝经后患者1-4腰椎的骨密度值。

王小雨赵诗瑶耿静陈星雅杨赫男齐齐哈尔医学院附属第三医院黑龙江齐齐哈尔 161006摘要:目的探索双能X线骨密度测定法联合骨转换标志物对女性绝经后骨质疏松的诊断价值。

方法 2019年1月-2020年9月我院收治的100例绝经后女性患者,分别于初诊、初诊后6个月、12个月,用电化学发光仪检测绝经后患者血液中I型胶原氨基端延长肽(PINP)和β-胶原特殊序列(β-CTX)、N-骨钙素(N-MID)、甲状旁腺激素(PTH)、25羟维生素D[25(OH)D3]含量变化,双能X线骨密度仪检测绝经后患者1-4腰椎的骨密度值。





关键词:双能X线骨密度;I型胶原氨基端延长肽;β-胶原特殊序列;N-骨钙素;甲状旁腺激素;25羟维生素D;绝经后;骨质疏松 The value of diagnosing perimenopausal osteoporosis by dual-energy X-ray bone mineral density combined with Markers of bone turnover level Wang Xiaoyu;Zhao Shiya;Wang Lili;Shen Jianfei;Ren Lijun;Liu Zhijian;Yao Lan;Geng Jing;Chen Xingya Department of nuclear medicine,Third Affiliated Hospital of Qiqihar Medical College,Qiqihaer,Heilonghjiang,161006 Abstract Objective To explore the value of diagnosing perimenopausal osteoporosis by dual-energy X-ray bone mineral density measurement combined with Markers of bone turnover.Methods From May 2019 to June 2020,100 patients with perimenopausal osteoporosis admitted to our hospital were included in the experimental group,and 100 normal menstruation were included as the control group.The Electrochemiluminescence instrument test was used to detect the changes of blood N-terminal propeptide of typeⅠprecollagen(PINP),β cross-linked C-telopeptide of typeⅠcollagen(β-CTX),N-terminal in the middle osteocalcin(N-MID),parathyroid hormone(PTH)and 25-hydroxy vitamin D3 [(25(OH)D3)] levels in the two groups.The dual-energy X-ray bone densitometer was used to detect the bone mineral density of the 1-4 lumbar vertebrae in the two groups.Realtime Compared with the control group,the peak bone mineral density of the lumbar vertebrae of the same segment in the experiment group is lower(P<0.01).The blood PINP,β-CTX,N-MID,PTH levels in the experiment group were higher than those in the control group(P<0.01);The level [25(OH)D3] in the test group was lower than that in the control group(P<0.01).Conclusion The dual-energy X-ray bone mineral density measurement combined with Markers of bone turnover has a high diagnostic value for diagnosing perimenopausal osteoporosis.Key words Dual-energy X-ray bone mineral density;β-isomerized C-terminal telopeptides(β-CTx);Procollagen type 1 amino-terminal propeptide(tP1NP);Perimenopausal period;Osteoporosis绝经后骨质疏松症的特征是矿物质形成与吸收之间的不平衡,导致净骨矿物质流失,骨脆性增加的常见疾病[1]。



X射线的种类及应用摘要:Like many imperishable discoveries,X-rays’s invention or discovery was accidental. 1895 at Wurzburg, Wilhelm Rontgen discovered X-rays (Rontgen rays). After all these years, the technology of the X-rays has not only got extensivedevelopment in industry, also play a more and more important role in medical science. It is mainly used for the human body perspective and check injury. While scientists explore the essence of,they found the phenomenon of diffraction of X-rays and opened the gate of the crystal structure. With the widely use of x-ray both in micro fields and macro fields, it have brought great gospel to human.引言:自1895年X射线被发现,X射线已被广泛应用到医疗卫生、军事、科学及工农业各方面,为人类社会的发展做出了巨大贡献。






科技英语阅读理解目录Contents1.Mae Jemison (2)2.Can a Computer Think?……………………………………………………………………(4)3. BlackHoles (6)cation May Protect against Effects of Shrinking Brain (9)5.Radioactivity ……………………………………………………………………………(11)6. Uses of Ultrasound (14)7.Challenges for a Webbed Society (16)8.The World of Robots (19)9.The Scientific Exploration of Space…………………………………………………(21) 10. Improving IndustrialEfficiency through Robotics (24)11. Heat Loss from the Human Body ...............................................................(26) 12. Energy and Public Safety (28)13.Earth Resources Technology Satellites (32)14.Can Stress Make You Sick? (35)15.Can It Really Happen? (37)16.An Ultrasonic Torch ……………………………………………………………………(40) 17. Miracle of theBrain (42)18.All Over in a Flash (45)19.Control Earthquakes……………………………………………………………………(48) 20. Smoking and Cancer (51)21.How Well Do You See? (54)22. A Killer Is Born (56)23.It May Be Easy To Live Longer--Just Stop Eating (59)24.Study: T. Rex No Speedster (62)25.Modern Examination (64)26.Ecology (68)27.Appearances Can Be Important (70)28.Animal Senses (74)29.Telecommunications Satellite Spins Out of Control (76)30.Building Better Ultralight Computers (78)31.NASA Oks Second Space Tourist (81)32.Drink to - and for - Your Health (84)33.Three Things That Will Change Your Life (86)34.Bye-bye Credit Cards & Hello Digital Money (88)35.Gender Detector (90)1. Mae JemisonImagine you are lying on your back, strapped into a chair, with your knees bent in front of you. You feel your heart beating with excitement as you hear a voice on the earphone inside your helmet counting down slowly,” Three, two, one,” Then, beneath you, a deep rumble start as rocket fuel ignites in the huge engines. You① feel a lurch as the docking mechanisms let go, and your rocket begins to rise. This is the moment Mae Jemison has been waiting and working for since 1987. The firstAfrican-American female astronaut-in-training at the National Aeronautics and Space②Administration (NASA) , Jemison is scheduled to “fly” in September 1992. She is to serve as a specialist on Spacelab—J, a joint Japanese—American research project.Mae Jemison was thirty-three when she was selected for NASA’s astronaut training program. Astronaut candidates must have science degree. They must be fit and healthy with normal blood pressure and good eyesight. They must stand between five feet and six feet four inches tall. They must complete a one-year training program that includes water-survival lessons and weightless walks in a huge antigravity tank. On the 1991 mission, astronaut Jemison says that her “responsibility are to be familiar with the shuttle and how it operates, to do the experiments once you get③ into orbit, to help launch the payloads or satellites, and also to do extra-vehicular activities, or space walks.”How did Mae Jemison grow up to become such a special person? Science —especially astronomy—fascinated her from childhood.She also had a strong desire to help other people. Born in Alabama, but raised in Chicago, she studied chemical engineering and African—American culture and history at Stanford University. To help others, she decided to become a doctor. While still a medical student, she went to Cuba and Kenya on study trips, then worked in④a refugee camp in Thailand. She spent three years in West Africa as a doctor with the Peace Corps. When Dr. Jemison finally returned to the United States, she settled in California to practice medicine. And it was then that she decided to reach for the stars.Mae Jemison’s first application to NASA was not successful. Then, in 1986, the⑤Challenger space shuttle exploded, killing all aboard . NASA did not take in any new astronauts for about a year. When it finally reopened its application process, Mae Jemison was ready, and so was NASA. After being selected as a minority astronaut, Mae Jemison received a good deal of attention from newspaper and television. She explained to reporters that the space program and other fields in high technology offer promising careers for African-Americans and other minorities who study hard⑥and make the most of their opportunities .1.The first paragraph is about ______.A.how excited Mae Jemison was when she became an astronautB. how Mae Jemisonbecame an astronautC.how the people usually feel when the rocket they take begins to riseD.what Mae Jemison did after she was able to fly a rocket2.Which of the following statements is true?A.Mae Jemison had a strong desire to become famous.B.Mae Jemison was brought up in Alabama.C.Mae Jemison studied astronomy at Stanford University.D.Mae Jemison studied medicine.3.When did the Challenger space shuttle explode? A. Before Mae Jemison became a doctor.B.Shortly after Mae Jemison graduated from Stanford University.C.About a year before Mae Jemison was selected as an astronaut.D.About a year after Mae Jemison became famous all over the world.4.Mae Jemison believed that _______.A.men and women were not equalB.women were better paid than men wereC.American blacks were unable to find satisfactory jobs no matter how hard they studiedD.American blacks were able to find satisfactory jobs if they studied hard and made gooduse of their chance5.What is the attitude of the writer towards Mae Jemison’s achievements?A.JealousB.UpsetC. NegativeD. PositiveNotes:①lurch v. : To roll or pitch suddenly or erratically. 突然倾斜,突然地或者无规则地倾斜或坠落。

XGT-9000 XRF分析微观显微镜说明书

XGT-9000 XRF分析微观显微镜说明书

XGT-9000XRF Analytical MicroscopeScreen, Check, Map and MeasureThe combination of elemental images and transmission images allows one to detect hidden defects.Large working distance and coaxial vertical optics provide a clear transmission image without the shadow effect in undulating electronic boards.with elemental image only)and identifiedLine profile of blue part What is the XGT-9000?Screen, check, map and measureThe XGT-9000 is an X-ray Fluorescence Analytical Microscope, which provides non-destructive elemental analysis of materials.Incident X-ray beam is guided towards thesample placed on the mapping stage.X-ray fluorescence spectrum and transmission X-ray intensity are recorded at each point.Information available: Qualitative & quantitative elemental analysis/Mapping/Hyperspectral imaging.123Optical image Elemental imagesTransmission image Elemental imagesTransmission imageTransmission imageFull spectrum at each pixelfil f blXYThe XGT-9000 can detect anddetermine the composition of foreign particles, and therefore track the source of contamination.X-ray Fluorescence photons can be partially absorbed by theencapsulated material and will not show in the spectrum. The X-ray transmission image provides a complete picture.XGT-9000 with a wide range of applicationsOptical imageTiCrFeX-ray backscatter imageX-ray transmission imageAu thicknessOptical imageMapping areaLayered imageAu patternThe combination of microbeam and thickness measurement capability makes the XGT-9000 a useful tool for the QC of semiconductors,which feature thin and narrow patterns. Thickness sensitivity depends on elements traced, but can be at the Angstrom level.Biological samples contain water or gas, and will be heavily modified or damaged if measured in a vacuum. The unique partial vacuum mode of the XGT-9000 keeps the sample in ambient conditions while the detection is in a vacuum for optimum light elements measurement.Archeological artifacts are valuable materials and can only be analyzed by non-destructive methods.Dragonfly eye: XGT-9000 measurement has helped to ascertain the Dragonfly eye found in China actually originated Egypt/Middle East during the 2nd century B.C.Sample: Foreign matter in thecapsuleSample: Fly5 c mAlCaCu ComImage processing for mappingStandard GUI RoHS mode GUI Raw imageFloating viewQueue functionMultiple measurements including mapping /multi pointsResult list viewOptical imageParticle detectionFe image Particle detectionEdited GUIProcessed imageThe user interface offers a flexible way to measure multiple samples or areas in unattended mode (queue function),display the analytical results, present the data, and edit reports. Advanced treatments include image processing, particle finder, colocalization measurement and multivariate analysis (refer to "Combination of XRF and Raman Spectroscopies").XGT-9000 Software SuiteThe particle finding function is available from all the 3 images in the XGT-9000 (Optical, Fluorescence X-ray and Transmission). The particle finding function automatically detects particles and marks their position for multi-point measurement, classification and analysis.Coordinates of detected particles are automatically stored and transferred to the multi-point analysis modeViewbaTeh t s ak c a t S dn a p x ELabSpec linkCombination of XRF9 samples For 2”/4” wafersLow backgroundXGT-9000SLThe XGT-9000SL provides a non-destructive analysis of your most valuable pieces, which may be large or fragile.MESA-50 seriesElemental analysis and RoHS characterizationSLFA seriesThe reference instrument for sulfur-in-oil analysisIn/On-line solutionsReal time analysis forthickness and compositionDo more with your HORIBA XRFHORIBA XRF family* The sample chamber of the XGT-9000SL complies with the radiation safety requirement. The sample is measured in ambient conditions, while the detector operates at ambient or vacuum modes.XRF and Raman spectroscopies are complementary techniques.XRF provides information about elemental composition of the material, whereas Raman spectroscopy offers molecular information.Co-localized measurements between the XGT-9000 and HORIBA Raman spectrometers provide more information about the sample.Transfer of the XGT-9000 data to the advanced LabSpec Suite software using LabSpec link.Various sample holders areprovided to fit different shapes and types of samples.Fast and easy change between holders with HORIBA's modularstage design.Customization examplesTransfer vessel:Measurement of samples isolatedfrom airDimensionsXGT-9000SLXGT-9000(Unit: mm)(134)(476)(38)(9)(50)(1500)(2640)(1090)(1837)(1616)(74)(12)(16)(159)(769)74(2400)1800)003()003()A E R A E C N A N E T N A M()A E R A E C N A N E T N A M((3)(MANTENANCEAREA)DOOR OPENED914.5Bulletin:HRE-3764Ba Printed in Japan 2002SK62 The specifications, appearance or other aspects of products in this catalog are subject to change without notice.Please contact us with enquiries concerning further details on the products in this catalog.The color of the actual products may differ from the color pictured in this catalog due to printing limitations.It is strictly forbidden to copy the content of this catalog in part or in full.The screen displays shown on products in this catalog have been inserted into the photographs through compositing.All brand names, product names and service names in this catalog are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.3 Changi Business Park Vista #01-01, Akzonobel House,Singapore 486051Phone: 65 (6) 745-8300 Fax: 65 (6) 745-8155Unit D, 1F, Building A, Synnex International Park, 1068 WestTianshan Road, 200335, Shanghai, ChinaPhone: 86 (21) 6289-6060 Fax: 86 (21) 6289-5553Beijing Branch12F, Metropolis Tower, No.2, Haidian Dong 3 Street, Beijing,100080, ChinaPhone: 86 (10) 8567-9966 Fax: 86 (10) 8567-9066Guangzhou BranchRoom 1611 / 1612, Goldlion Digital Network Center,138 Tiyu Road East, Guangzhou, 510620, ChinaPhone: 86 (20) 3878-1883 Fax: 86 (20) 3878-1810Head Office2 Miyanohigashi-cho, Kisshoin, Minami-ku, Kyoto, 601-8510, JapanPhone: 81 (75) 313-8121 Fax: 81 (75) 321-5725HORIBA, Ltd.HORIBA Instruments (Singapore) Pte Ltd.HORIBA (China) Trading Co., Ltd.JapanSingaporeChina HORIBA India Private LimitedHORIBA (Thailand) LimitedIndiaTaiwanThailandPT HORIBA Indonesia Indonesia9755 Research Drive, Irvine, CA 92618, U.S.A.Phone: 1 (949) 250-4811 Fax: 1 (949) 250-0924HORIBA New Jersey Optical Spectroscopy Center20 Knightsbridge Rd, Piscataway, NJ 08854, U.S.A.Phone: 1 (732) 494-8660 Fax: 1 (732) 549-5125Via Luca Gaurico 209-00143, ROMAPhone: 39 (6) 51-59-22-1 Fax: 39 (6) 51-96-43-34Neuhofstrasse 9, D_64625, BensheimPhone: 49 (0) 62-51-84-750 Fax: 49 (0) 62-51-84-752016-18, rue du Canal, 91165, Longjumeau Cedex, FrancePhone: 33 (1) 69-74-72-00 Fax: 33 (1) 69-09-07-21HORIBA FRANCE SASGermanyFranceHORIBA Jobin Yvon GmbHItalyHORIBA ITALIA SrlHORIBA Instruments Incorporated USA246, Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase 3 New Delhi-110020, IndiaPhone: 91 (11) 4646-5000 Fax: 91 (11) 4646-5020Bangalore OfficeNo.55, 12th Main, Behind BDA Complex, 6th sector, HSR Layout,Bangalore South, Bangalore-560102, IndiaPhone: 91 (80) 4127-3637393, 395, 397, 399, 401, 403 Latya Road, Somdetchaopraya,Klongsan, Bangkok 10600, ThailandPhone: 66 (0) 2-861-5995 ext.123 Fax: 66 (0) 2-861-5200East Office850 / 7 Soi Lat Krabang 30 / 5, Lat Krabang Road, Lat Krabang,Bangkok 10520, ThailandPhone: 66 (0) 2-734-4434 Fax: 66 (0) 2-734-4438Jl. Jalur Sutera Blok 20A, No.16-17, Kel. Kunciran, Kec. PinangTangerang-15144, IndonesiaPhone: 62 (21) 3044-8525 Fax: 62 (21) 3044-852125, 94-Gil, Iljik-Ro, Manan-Gu, Anyang-Si, Gyeonggi-Do,13901, KoreaPhone: 82 (31) 296-7911 Fax: 82 (31) 296-7913HORIBA KOREA Ltd.KoreaRua Presbitero Plinio Alves de Souza, 645, LoteamentoMultivias, Jardim Ermida II - Jundiai Sao Paulo - CEP13.212-181 BrazilPhone: 55 (11) 2923-5400 Fax: 55 (11) 2923-5490HORIBA Instruments Brasil, Ltda.BrazilKyoto Close Moulton Park Northampton NN3 6FL UKPhone: 44 (0) 1604 542500 Fax: 44 (0) 1604 542699HORIBA UK Limited UK8F.-8, No.38, Taiyuan St. Zhubei City, Hsinchu County 30265,Taiwan (R.O.C.)Phone: 886 (3) 560-0606 Fax: 886 (3) 560-0550HORIBA Taiwan, Inc.Lot 3 and 4, 16 Floor, Detech Tower II, No.107 Nguyen Phong SacStreet, Dich Vong Hau Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi, VietnamPhone: 84 (24) 3795-8552 Fax: 84 (24) 3795-8553HORIBA Vietnam Company Limited Vietnam。



第 21 卷 第 4 期2023 年 4 月太赫兹科学与电子信息学报Journal of Terahertz Science and Electronic Information TechnologyVol.21,No.4Apr.,2023抗辐射电子学研究综述曾超,许献国,钟乐(中国工程物理研究院电子工程研究所,四川绵阳621999)摘要:抗辐射电子学是一门交叉性、综合性的学科,其研究的辐射效应规律、损伤作用机制、加固设计方法、试验测试方法、建模仿真方法等对极端恶劣环境中的电子系统的可靠工作至关重要。






关键词:抗辐射;辐射效应;试验与测试;建模与仿真;协同效应中图分类号:TL7文献标识码:A doi:10.11805/TKYDA2023083A review of radiation-hardened electronicsZENG Chao,XU Xianguo,ZHONG Le(Institute of Electronic Engineering,China Academy of Engineering Physics,Mianyang Sichuan 621999,China)AbstractAbstract::Radiation hardened electronics is a crossed and compositive subject whose radiation effects, mechanisms of radiation damage, hardening methods,test methods and simulation methods arevery important for electronic system working in extreme environment. All kinds of damage effectsproduced by neutrons,gamma and X-rays from nuclear explosions and energetic particles from space andatmosphere are systemically hackled which includes dose rate effect,total ionizing effect,single eventeffect and displacement effect. The development of synergistic damage effects between radiation andenvironment and among different kinds of radiation are introduced in detail, including atom transfereffect on photocurrent,damage difference among single irradiation,serial irradiation and coinstantaneousirradiation of neutron and gamma ray,damage difference among proton,X-ray and neutron irradiation andsynergistic effect between hydrogen and gamma irradiation. Technique evolvement of nuclear explosive,space and atmosphere radiation hardening is expatiated on. The ground test equipments and simulationsoftware capabilities of nuclear,space and atmosphere radiation effects are summarized. Finally, thepotential challenges and key techniques in the field of radiation hardened electronics after the 2020s areprospected.KeywordsKeywords::radiation hardening;radiation effect;experiment and testing;modeling and simulation;synergistic effect抗辐射电子学是一门交叉性、综合性的学科,内容涉及核技术、电磁场与电离辐射、微电子技术、脉冲功率技术、数值计算技术以及电子部件及其元器件的辐射效应规律、损伤机理、加固方法、模拟方法等[1-15]。


To aid users the index includes a reference to the supplement in which the latest version of a text can be found. For example : Amikacin sulfate...............................................7.5-4579 means the monograph Amikacin sulfate can be found on page 4579 of Supplement 7.5. Note that where no reference to a supplement is made, the text can be found in the principal volume.
English index ........................................................................ 4707
Latin index ................................................................................. 4739
Numerics 1. General notices ................................................................... 7.5-4453 2.1.1. Droppers...................



第49卷第12期人工晶体学报Vol.49No.12 2020年12月JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS December,2020锑化铟晶体材料的发展及应用柏伟,赵超,刘铭(华北光电技术研究所,北京100015)摘要:锑化铟(InSb)晶体材料自发现伊始,基于其独特的物理化学性质和优良的工艺兼容性,成为了半导体材料领域研究的热点。




关键词:锑化铟晶体;半导体;红外探测器;发展;应用中图分类号:TN213文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-985X(2020)12-2230-14Development and Application of InSb CrystalBAI Wei,ZHAO Chao,LIU Ming(North China Research Institute of Electro-Optics,Beijing100015,China)Abstract:Indium antimonide(InSb)crystal has became a hot spot in the field of semiconductor materials due to its unique physicochemical properties and excellent process compatibility since it is discovered.In recent years,as its application prospect in the field of infrared detection,it is widely concerned and valued by many research institution all over the world, and the technology has developed rapidly.At present,InSb crystal is the first choice for the preparation of high-performance medium wave infrared detector,which has great application prospect and commercial demand.The rapid development of infrared detector based on InSb crystal have greatly improved the performance of the infrared system and it promoted the infrared technology wide application in military and civil fields.This paper mainly introduce the properties of InSb crystal and summarize the research progress of InSb crystal at home and abroad,as well as its application in the field of infrared detection.Finally,the prospect and trend of its development is prospected.Key words:InSb crystal;semiconductor;infrared detector;development;application0引言锑化铟(InSb)作为一种皿-V族二元化合物半导体材料,物理化学性质稳定、工艺兼容性优良,自发现伊始,便成了半导体材料领域研究的热点。

Lecture 8-Luo LB [兼容模式]

Lecture 8-Luo LB [兼容模式]

Light Diffraction With Lens
Strayed refracted light Lens Diffracted light collected by the lens ro Less diffraction after focused by the lens Ideal light Intensity pattern D Mask
From the early 1960s through the mid-1980s, Hg lamps had been used in lithography for their spectral lines at 436 nm ("g-line"), 405 nm ("h-line") and 365 nm ("i-line"). However, with the semiconductor industry’s need for both higher resolution (to produce denser and faster chips) and higher throughput (for lower costs), the lamp-based lithography tools were no longer able to meet the industry’s requirements.
Optical microscopy
Exposure light Historically, photolithography has used ultraviolet light from gas-discharge lamps using mercury, sometimes in combination with noble gases such as xenon. These lamps produce light across a broad spectrum with several strong peaks in the ultraviolet range. This spectrum is filtered to select a single spectral line.



纳米金刚石拉曼生物探针用于抗菌肽杀菌过程的可视化研究李丹丹;陈鑫;王宏;付杨;余愿;只金芳【摘要】本工作以纳米金刚石为探针,依赖拉曼成像技术,成功实现了对细菌体系生命活动的观察.实验中将抗菌肽死亡素负载于100 nm的金刚石上,利用纳米金刚石在1332 cm-1处的特征拉曼信号为标记,通过共聚焦拉曼成像技术可视化了纳米金刚石-死亡素复合物与枯草芽孢杆菌间的相互作用过程.同时,采用扫描电子显微镜观察手段验证了上述拉曼成像方法的有效性.此外,抗菌实验验证了纳米金刚石-死亡素复合物对枯草芽孢杆菌有达到45%的明显杀灭效果,表明纳米金刚石探针的引入不会影响死亡素的抗菌性能.本工作证实了纳米金刚石拉曼生物探针用于观察抗菌过程的可行性,为其在生物成像领域中的应用提供了重要依据.%This article realizes the application of nanodiamonds (NDs) Raman probes for vital activity observation in bacteria system.The antimicrobial peptide thanatin was immobilized on 100 nm NDs,and the interaction of the NDs-thanatin conjugate with Bacillus subtilis was visualized via Raman imaging with the intrinsic diamond Raman signal (1332 cm-1) as label.Scanning electron microscope was further utilized to verify the practicability of Raman mapping.Besides,antibacterial activity of NDs-thanatin conjugate was validated,suggesting the adsorbed thanatin on NDs remained superior capability.The results showed the feasibility of nanodiamonds as Raman probes to visualize the bacteria activity,indicating the potential use of NDs in bio-imaging applications.【期刊名称】《影像科学与光化学》【年(卷),期】2018(036)001【总页数】11页(P89-99)【关键词】纳米金刚石;拉曼生物探针;抗菌肽;杀菌活性;可视化【作者】李丹丹;陈鑫;王宏;付杨;余愿;只金芳【作者单位】中国科学院理化技术研究所,北京100190;中国科学院大学,北京100049;中国科学院理化技术研究所,北京100190;中国科学院大学,北京100049;北京大学药学院,北京100191;北京大学药学院,北京100191;中国科学院理化技术研究所,北京100190;中国科学院大学,北京100049;中国科学院理化技术研究所,北京100190;中国科学院理化技术研究所,北京100190【正文语种】中文随着纳米技术的兴起,纳米金刚石(nanodiamonds,NDs)以其具备稳定的物理、化学性质、良好的生物兼容性、易于修饰的表面性能和较高的商业普及度等独特优势[1-3],在生物医学领域备受瞩目[4-8]。



A really good film will show anterior ribs too, there should
Be 6 to qualify as a good inspiratory film.
Quality (cont.)
• Is the film over or under penetrated if under penetrated you will not be able to see the thoracic vertebrae.
Why do I say posterior here?
When X-ray beams pass through the anterior chest on to the film Under the patient, the ribs closer to the film (posterior) are most apparent.
Quality (cont)
• Check for rotation
– Does the thoracic spine align in the center of the sternum and between the clavicles?



中考英语推理单选题50题1. Tom's mother is very angry. He must have done something wrong, because she usually doesn't get so mad. What do you think Tom did?A. He finished his homework.B. He broke the vase.C. He helped his sister with her studies.D. He cleaned the room.答案:B。

解析:妈妈通常不会这么生气,A 选项完成作业、C 选项帮助妹妹学习、D 选项打扫房间都是好的行为,不会让妈妈生气。

B 选项打破花瓶是不好的行为,会让妈妈生气,所以选B。

2. You see a girl crying in the corner of the park. What might have happened to her?A. She got a high score in the exam.B. She lost her favorite toy.C. She met her best friend.D. She won a prize.答案:B。

解析:女孩在角落里哭,A 选项考试得高分、C 选项见到好朋友、D 选项获奖都是开心的事,不会哭。

B 选项丢失最喜欢的玩具会让她伤心哭泣,所以选B。

3. Your friend looks very tired. Why do you think so?A. He just had a nice sleep.B. He played football for a long time.C. He ate a big meal.D. He watched a funny movie.答案:B。

解析:A 选项刚睡了好觉、C 选项吃了大餐、D 选项看了有趣的电影都不会让人很累。

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a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /0209120v 1 6 S e p 2002Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,000–000(0000)Printed 2February 2008(MN L A T E X style file v1.4)Extreme X-ray variability in the luminous quasar PDS 456J.N.Reeves 1,G.Wynn 1,P.T.O’Brien 1,K.A.Pounds 11Departmentof Physics and Astronomy,University of Leicester,University Road,Leicester LE17RH;U.K.May 2002,submitted to MNRASABSTRACTWe present evidence from BeppoSAX and XMM-Newton of extreme X-ray vari-ability in the high luminosity radio-quiet quasar PDS 456,the most luminous knownAGN at z <0.3.Repeated X-ray flaring is found in PDS 456,over the duration of the 340ksec long BeppoSAX observation.The X-ray flux doubles in just 30ksec,whilst the total energy output of the flaring events is as high as 1051erg.Under the assumption of isotropic emission at the Eddington limit,this implies that the size of the X-ray emitting region in PDS 456is less than 3Schwarzschild radii,for a 109M ⊙black hole.From the rates of change of luminosity observed during the X-ray flares,we calculate lower limits for the radiative efficiency limit between 0.06and 0.41,implying that accretion onto a Kerr black hole is likely in PDS 456.We suggest that the rapid variability is from X-ray flares produced through magnetic reconnection above the disc and calculate that the energetics and timescale of the flares are plausible if the quasar is accreting near to the maximum Eddington rate.A similar mechanism may account for the extreme rapid X-ray variability observed in many Narrow Line Seyfert 1s.In the case of PDS 456,we show that the X-ray flaring could be reproduced through a self-induced cascade of ∼1000individual flares over a timescale of the order 1day.Key words:galaxies:active –quasars:individual:PDS 456–X-rays:quasars1INTRODUCTIONPDS 456is a luminous,butlow redshift (z =0.184)radio-quiet quasar identified in 1997(Torres et al.1997).The op-tical and infra-red spectra (Simpson et al.1999)show broad Balmer and Paschen lines (e.g.H βFWHM 3000km s −1),strong Fe ii ,a hard (de-reddened)optical continuum (f ν∝ν−0.1±0.1),and one of the strongest ‘big blue bumps’of any AGN (Simpson et al.1999,Reeves et al.2000).It is also radio-quiet (F 5GHz =8mJy;Reeves et al.2000),and is pre-sumably not jet dominated or strongly beamed.PDS 456has a de-reddened,absolute blue magnitude of M B ≈−27(Simpson et al.1999),making it as luminous as the radio-loud quasar 3C 273(z =0.158,M B ≈−26).Indeed PDS 456is the most luminous known AGN in the local Universe (z <0.3),its luminosity being more typical of quasars at z=2-3,at the peak of the quasar luminosity function.PDS 456was first detected as the X-ray source RXS J172819.3-141600in the ROSAT All Sky Survey (Vo-ges et al.1999).Subsequent ASCA and RXTE observations of PDS 456showed that it was highly X-ray variable (see Reeves et al.2000).In particular,during the RXTE observa-tion,an X-ray flare occurred with a doubling time of just 15ksec,implying that the X-ray emitting region was extremely compact,less than 2Schwarzschild radii (or 2R S )in size.Such rapid variability is very unusual for luminous quasars,as the variability timescale is thought to increase with lu-minosity,and black hole mass (e.g.Turner et al.1999).Onepossibility is that the accretion rate is unusually high in PDS 456,perhaps close to Eddington.An analogy might then be drawn with the extreme events observed in several Narrow Line Seyfert 1galaxies (e.g.Boller,Brandt &Fink 1996,Leighly et al.1999),thought to have smaller black hole masses (106M ⊙-107M ⊙),accreting near to the Eddington rate.We report here on X-ray observations of PDS 456,con-ducted with BeppoSAX and XMM-Newton in February and March 2001.The prime motivation was to study the extra-ordinary variability of PDS 456with an imaging X-ray tele-scope,thus negating the possibility of source contamination which may occur within the field of view of a non-imaging instrument.2THE X-RAY OBSER V ATIONSPDS 456was observed by BeppoSAX between 26th February 2001and 3rd March 2001,with a total duration of 345ksec.Lightcurves were extracted from circular regions of 4′and 6′radius around PDS 456,for the MECS (Medium En-ergy Concentrator Spectrometer;Boella et al.1997)and the LECS (Low Energy Concentrator Spectrometer;Parmar et al.1997)detectors respectively.Background lightcurves werec0000RAS2Reeves etal.Figure1.Background subtracted BeppoSAX lightcurves for the (a)LECS(0.3-2keV)and(b)MECS(1-10keV),binned into or-bital bins(96minutes).Repeated X-rayflaring is seen throughout the observation.The largest changes are by a factor of x1.9in the MECS in35ksec and a factor of x4.1in the LECS in40ksec, after230ksec.The variations imply that for PDS456,with a 109M⊙black hole,the X-ray emitting region is no larger than3 Schwarzschild radii(3R S).taken from circular regions,offset from the source.The av-erage net source count rates obtained were(1.045±0.001)×10−1ct s−1and(7.25±0.12)×10−2ct s−1for the MECS and LECS respectively,whilst the background rates were less than10%of the source count rate.XMM-Newton also observed PDS456on26th February2001,with a duration of40ksec.The start of the XMM-Newton observation was coincident with the onset of the BeppoSAX exposure.Here, we show only the timing data from the EPIC-pn detector (Struder et al.2001).A full description of the XMM-Newton data and spectroscopic observations will be presented in a subsequent paper(Reeves et al.2002,in preparation).Val-ues of H0=50km s−1Mpc−1and q0=0.5have been as-sumed throughout and errors are quoted at the90%confi-dence level.3THE X-RAY V ARIABILITY OF PDS456The background subtracted BeppoSAX lightcurves are plot-ted in Figure1,grouped into orbital length bins(96min-utes),and extracted over the energy bands0.3-2keV and1-10keV,for the LECS and MECS rge changes influx are seen throughout the BeppoSAX observation.The most extreme events are theflares seen toward the end of the observation at230ksec,where the MECS count rate increases by a factor of×1.9over35ksec,whilst the LECS flux increases by×4.1over40ksec.The XMM-Newton EPIC-pn lightcurve is plotted in Figure2(upper panel),extracted from0.3-10keV.The in-crease influx corresponds to the initial rise of the BeppoSAX lightcurves over itsfirst40ksec of observation,where these two observations were concurrent.There is no variability over timescales as short as∼1ksec,consistent with a large (109M⊙)black hole mass in this ing the XMM-Newton data,we also searched for evidence of spectral vari-ability in PDS456.A‘softness ratio’was defined,taking the ratio of the pn count rate over the0.3-1.0keV and2-10 keV bands;the time-averaged value was then renormalized to1.A plot of softness ratio against time is shown in Figure 2(lower panel).The spectrum becomes softer(by a factor ∼20%)when the count rate is higher during the course of theflare in the pn lightcurve.This is also illustrated in Fig-ure3,which plots the softness ratio as a function of total pn count rate,the correlation is significant at>99.99% confidence using a Spearman-Rank test.We also constructed cross correlation functions in or-der to search for any soft to hard time lags using both the BeppoSAX and XMM-Newton data.No delays were found, the upper-limit was<1ksec.It appears that both the soft (0.3-1.0)keV and hard(2-10keV)bands vary coherently on timescales much shorter than that of the overallflare dura-tion.For simple reprocessing models,where the thermal disc emission is Compton up-scattered to reproduce the hard X-ray power-law(e.g.Czerny&Elvis1987),this implies that the size of the reprocessing region is<1013cm or<0.1R S (for a Thomson depth ofτ∼1).The spectral softening appears consistent with observations of some AGN,where the X-ray spectra are generally softer at higherfluxes(e.g. Vaughan&Edelson2001).4THE SIZE AND EFFICIENCY OF THE X-RAY EMISSION IN PDS456Using light-crossing arguments,and assuming that relativis-tic beaming is unimportant,one can calculate the overall size of the X-ray emitting region in PDS456from the expres-sion l=ct/(1+τ),where t is the rise-time of theflares and τis the Thomson depth of the X-ray emitting region.Past multi-wavelength studies have shown that PDS456has a total bolometric luminosity of1047erg s−1,peaking in the optical-UV band(Simpson et al.1999,Reeves et al.2000). With the assumption of isotropic emission(noting that PDS 456is a radio-quiet,non-blazar AGN),this then requires a109M⊙black hole accreting at the Eddington rate.As the X-rayflux from PDS456can double on timescales of ∼30ksec,then the X-ray emitting region has a maximum size of l<1015cm,or<3R S for a109M⊙black hole,consis-tent with the previous RXTE measurement in1998(Reeves et al.2000).If one relaxes the assumption that PDS456 is accreting at the Eddington rate,and thus the black hole mass is>109M⊙,or if the Thomson depth of the region is large(τ>1),then the restriction on the radius of the emit-ting region is even more severe(i.e.l<<3R S).Thus the extreme variability suggests that the accretion rate in PDS 456is indeed very high,with the X-ray emission originating from a very compact region(of<3R S),presumably close to the event horizon of the putative109M⊙black hole.It is possible to calculate the efficiency of converting rest mass into energy from theflaring events.Firstly we estimate the total X-ray luminosity from the XMM-Newton spectral fits to PDS456.The XMM-Newton EPIC MOS and pn spec-trum of PDS456is shown in Figure4;extrapolating a simple power-lawfit to the2-10keV spectrum shows a clear excess of counts below1keV in both detectors.Fitting the con-tinuum with a hard power-law(ofΓ=1.98±0.02)and ac 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000Extreme X-ray variability in the luminous quasar PDS4563 Figure2.XMM-Newton EPIC-PN lightcurve of PDS456,con-current with thefirst40ksec of BeppoSAX observation(up-per panel).The observations are consistent with the BeppoSAXlightcurves,an increase influx is seen after20ksec in XMM-Newton but there are no rapid changes over shorter timescales.The lower panel shows the variation in softness ratio(0.3-1.0/2-10keV count rate)versus time,which shows the source softeningtowards the end of theobservation.Figure3.Softness ratio verus total PN count rate.A significantcorrelation is seen,showing that the spectrum of PDS456softenswith increasingflux.single temperature blackbody component to model the softexcess(with kT=101±5eV),then the time-averaged0.3-10keV luminosity obtained is1.10×1046erg s−1,comparedto the bolometic output of1047erg s−1(Simpson et al.1999,Reeves et al.2000).Note that slightly higher values for theluminosity are obtained if one uses either a Comptonisedblackbody or a disk blackbody spectrum.The time-averaged count rate in the EPIC-pn detec-tor is3.33±0.01ct s−1,hence one can calculate a con-stant factor for the conversion of count rate to luminosity off pn=(3.30±0.01)×1045erg ct−1.From a linearfit to the in-crease in the XMM-Newton lightcurve after20ksec(Figure2),wefind a change in PN count rate of1.64±0.13ct s−1,over18/(1+z)ksec(quasar rest frame),a factor of×1.62in-crease.Thus the corresponding rate of change in luminosityof PDS456is∆L/∆t=(3.56±0.27)×1041erg s−2.As-suming photon diffusion through a spherical mass of accret-ing matter in which the opacity is dominated by Thomsonscattering,the observed change in luminosity implies a min-imum efficiency ofη>(∆L/∆t)/(2×1042)(Fabian1979,Guilbert,Fabian&Rees1983).The derived efficiency,fromthis expression,ofη>0.18±0.02,exceeds the theoreticalmaximum for a Schwarzschild black hole,but is consistentwith the limits for a Kerr metric(Thorne1974).Constraints can also be placed onηfrom the Bep-poSAX LECS lightcurve.A0.3-2.0keV luminosity of9.65×1045erg s−1was derived from a power-law plus black-bodyfit to the(high signal to noise)XMM-Newton spec-trum.The mean LECS count rate,over the portion ofthe lightcurve simultaneous with XMM-Newton was(6.5±0.2)×10−2ct s−1.Hence the constant factor for convert-ing between luminosity and BeppoSAX LECS count rateis f LECS=(1.48±0.07)×1047erg ct−1.The two fastestevents observed here correspond to an increase in count rateof(5.42±1.53)×10−2ct s−1in11500/(1+z)sec after230ksec,and an increase of(4.98±0.95)×10−2ct s−1in17280/(1+z)sec(after253ksec),corresponding to∆L/∆t=(8.3±2.3)×1041erg s−2and∆L/∆t=(5.1±0.9)×1041erg s−2respectively.The implied efficiency fac-tors are thenη>0.41±0.11andη>0.26±0.05,nearthe maximum permitted value ofη∼0.3for extraction ofenergy around a Kerr black hole.As discussed by Brandt et al.(1999),there are severalcaveats to note about the standard definition of the effi-ciency limit(Fabian et al.1999,Guilbert et al.1983).Thelimit can be invalid if the X-ray emission is relativisticallyboosted,as can occur in a blazar like AGN,although wenote here that PDS456is radio-quiet(the radio-loudnessof PDS456,defined as the ratio of5GHz to B bandflux,is F6cm/F B=0.18)-hence any X-ray emission associatedwith a radio-jet is likely to be weak or d relativis-tic boosting may be possible through coronalflare emission,in this case velocities ofβ=v/c=0.3can be achieved(e.g.Beloborodov1999).However in PDS456the relativelysteep(Γ=2.0)time-averaged2-10keV photon index,andthe spectral steepening observed during aflare(Figures2and3),makes this possibility unlikely.The derived efficiency also assumes that the radiationis emitted at the centre of a spherical region;the limit canbecome invalid if the X-ray emission occurs in the outerlayers of a sphere of high(τ>>1)optical depth,as theflare rise-time can then become unusually short(see the dis-cussion in Brandt et al.1999,Appendix A).Such a highvalue forτseems unlikely in PDS456,as from light-crossingarguements this would require a very compact region ofl<<3R S for the X-ray emission.Nonetheless,in order toadopt a more conservative approach in estimatingη,we cal-culated the total integrated increase in X-ray emission dur-ing the course of aflare,rather than using the rise-time ofthe event.The integrated energy emitted during the largestflare during the BeppoSAX observation(after230ksec)was(9.1±0.6)×1050erg,over a duration of103.6/(1+z)ksec.Hence the rate of change of X-ray luminosity over the wholeflare is∆L/∆t=(1.19±0.08)×1041erg s−2and the de-rived efficiency limit is thenη>0.060±0.004,close to themaximum possible value for accretion onto a Schwarzschildblack hole.c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–0004Reeves etal.Figure4.The XMM-Newton EPIC MOS(black)and pn(grey) spectrum of PDS456.A power-law of photon indexΓ=1.98±0.02has beenfitted to the2-10keV spectrum.Extraploation of this power-law model to lower energies(0.3keV)results in a clear soft X-ray excess,which can be modelled by either blackbody or comptonised blackbody emission.The total X-ray luminosity measured from0.3-10keV is then1.1×1046erg s−1.5DISCUSSIONThe tight limits placed on the timescale and size of the X-ray variations in PDS456allow us to place constraints on its physical origin.The rapid rise times and large ampli-tudes of the X-ray variations suggest that these are coherent events from the innermost regions(R in∼3R S)of the accre-tion disc.Moreover the high value of the radiative efficiency, measured betweenη>0.06(conservative)andη>0.41(op-timal),is indicative of accretion onto a Kerr black hole.The timescale of theflares(tflare∼100ksec)is shorter than the dynamical time scale(t dyn)of the disc at3R S(here t dyn∼350ksec at3R S,for a pseudo-Newtonian potential, Abramowicz1996).We suggest that X-rayflares produced via magnetic reconnection events in the corona of the in-ner disc are a plausible mechanism to explain the observed variations over such a short(sub-orbital)time scale.Magnetic reconnection events are likely to arise as a direct result of buoyant magneticflux tubes emerging ran-domly from the disc surface.Reconnection then takes place in regions of the corona in which oppositely directed mag-neticfield lines come in close contact.Di Matteo(1998)ex-amined coronal heating andflare production via Petschek reconnection events in AGN.The discussion presented here is based on many of the results of that analysis.Flare events in many AGN can be accounted for by the onset of an ion-acoustic instability associated with slow MHD shocks and Petschek reconnection in the accretion disc corona.The fundamental energy source driving this process is the or-bital energy of the inner disc,as shear stresses in the turbu-lent disc can rapidly amplify any seedfields.The resultant flux tubes are subject to a buoyancy(Parker)instability and emerge from the disc into the magnetically-structured corona.In this way a fraction of the accretion energy is con-verted into coronal magnetic energy.The emergence rate of magnetic energy into the disc corona should therefore be proportional to the the kinetic energyflux through the inner disc˙E disc=∂t(2πRΣv2φ)∼˙Mv2φ∼˙Mc2/ǫin steady state at R=ǫR S,whereΣis the disc surface density,vφis the azimuthal velocity and˙M is the steady state accretion rate. Assuming a109M⊙black hole accreting at the Eddington rate,we have˙E disc(3R S)∼1047erg s−1withǫ=3and from observation the total output of theflares is Eflare∼1051erg, over the lifetime(recurrence time)of theflares of t rec∼1 day.A relatively high efficiency(∼>0.1)for the conversion of accretion energy to X-ray luminosity is required to power theflares in PDS456,and is another indication that the massive black hole in this object is accreting at a rate close to the Eddington limit.The buoyancy condition for magneticflux tubes within the accretion disc is that the magnetic pressure should ex-ceed the local gas pressure(e.g.Coroniti1981),the critical condition being B2cn s 1/4H∼50H.(1) In the case of a Shakura-Sunyaev accretion disc H/R∼< 0.1implying that hflare∼>R in.Hence the total magnetic energy stored in the corona of the inner disc should be of the order B2c R3in/8π∼1051erg.This large reservoir of storedc 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000Extreme X-ray variability in the luminous quasar PDS4565 accretion energy is enough to explain the large amplitude X-ray variations seen in PDS456,and highlights the efficiencywith which accretion energy must be converted to magneticenergy to explain theseflaring events.We now consider the rise time of the events in thelight curves(t rise∼>30ksec)in the light of the abovemodel.An attractive feature of the Petschek model is theshort time scale on which reconnection can take place.Thiscan be of the order of a few Alfv´e n timesτA∼l/v A∼R in(4πn s m p)1/2/B c where l is the characteristic length scaleassociated with changes of the magneticfield(here l∼R in),v A is the local Alfv´e n speed and m p is the proton mass.Theestimates above yieldτA∼50ksec,encouragingly close tothe observed rise time of theflares.The time scaleτA pro-vides a constraint on the density of the accretion disc andpost shock gas.An accretion disc density significantly lowerthan n disc∼1017cm−3or a shock density much higher thann s∼1010cm−3would increaseτA to a level inconsistentwith the observations.The energy production rate for an individualflare canbe estimated from(Di Matteo1998):-˙Eflare ∼n s Ll(kTflare)3/2m1/2e(2)where L is the length of the slow shock region,Tflare is the X-ray temperature and m e is the electron mass.The dimension L is the essentially the length of region of oppositely-directed magneticfield lines which we constrain to be of the order L∼R in.Adopting Tflare∼109K we obtain˙Eflare∼<1043 erg s−1.This suggests that the large scale X-ray variations in the light curve of PDS456involve∼>1000or so individual flares.Theseflares could not produce the large amplitude variations observed in PDS456if they were incoherent.However it is possible that the magnetic structure within the disc corona could reach a self-organized,criti-cal state in which the reconnection andflaring of oneflux tube could prompt similarflares in its neighbors,allowing a coherent cascade offlares to develop(Leighly&O’Brien 1997).The timescale on which the global cascade could take place can be constrained from the Alfv´e n time in the region involved,which is consistent with observed timescale of the flaring events in the light curve.This leads to a suggestion of why it is that PDS456 releases such a large fraction of its accretion energy in the form of large-amplitude,coherent X-ray variations.Aflare cascade along the lines of that suggested above would re-quire that magnetic energy was stored in the disc corona until some triggering criterion was reached,promoting the firstflare event.The energy involved in such a cascade is likely to be governed by the time scale on which magnetic energy is pumped into the disc corona(t mag)and the time scale on which the triggering criterion is satisfied(t trigger). Two possible cases emerge:(a)t mag≫t trigger in which case theflares will be incoherent and the resultant X-ray vari-ability small-amplitude and(b)t mag∼<t trigger producing the possibility of large-amplitude coherentflare cascades. Unfortunately little is known about t trigger,however t mag must be related to˙E disc via t mag∼E c/˙E disc where E c is a measure of the minimum magnetic energy required to be stored in the disc corona before it can reach a critical state allowing aflare cascade.Hence t mag∝E c/˙M∝E c/˙mM BH, where˙m is the accretion rate in Eddington units.Hence systems in which a high mass black hole accretes at the Ed-dington limit should be more able to release stored magnetic energy in the form of a coherentflare cascade,providing at least a tentative explanation of why the X-ray variability of PDS456is so extreme.The similarity of the X-ray behavior of PDS456and the Narrow Line Seyfert1s(see Leighly et al.1999)suggests that˙m is the critical factor in determining the scale of the X-ray variability in AGN.The energy of X-rayflares in some NLS1s can be as high as∼1048erg(e.g. IRAS13324-3809,Boller et al.1997),a factor of∼103less than theflares observed in the light curve of PDS456,in good agreement with the ratio of black hole masses in these systems.If we use these observations to make the connection E c∝M BH,then t mag∼1/˙m.Such a relation would suggest that any system accreting close to the Eddington rate would be likely to show strong X-ray variability.6CONCLUSIONSRecent BeppoSAX and XMM-Newton observations have shown that the luminous quasar PDS456exhibits rapid X-ray variability on timescales of∼30ksec,with a total energy output of1051erg s−1for theflaring events.This limits the size of the X-ray emitting region to<3Schwarzschild radii for a109M⊙black hole.The energetics of the of the accre-tion disc in PDS456can power its extreme X-ray variability if the black hole is massive(∼>109M⊙)and is accreting close to the Eddington rate.Coronal magneticflare events can explain the X-ray variability as long as the disc is able convert accretion energy into coronal magnetic energy effi-ciently,and that this energy can be released in the form of a self-induced cascade of∼>1000individualflare events on a timescale of the order1day.REFERENCESAbramowicz M.A.,Beloborodov A.M.,Chen X.M.,IgumenshchevI.V.,1996,A&A,313,334Beloborodov A.M.,1999,ApJ,510,L123Boella G.,et al.,1997,122,327Boller Th.,Brandt W.N.,Fink H.,1996,A&A,305,53Boller Th.,Brandt W.N.,Fabian A.C.,Fink H.H.,1997,MNRAS, 289,393Brandt W.N.,Boller Th.,Fabian A.C.,Ruszkowski M.,1999,MN-RAS,303,53LCoroniti F.V.,1981,ApJ,244,587Czerny,B.,Elvis,M.,1987,312,305Di Matteo T.,1998,MNRAS,299,15Fabian A.C.,1979,Proc.R.Soc London.,Ser A,336,449 Guilbert P.W.,Fabian A.C.,Rees M.J.,1983,MNRAS,205,593 Leighly K.,1999,ApJS,125,297Leighly K.,O’Brien,P.T.,1997,ApJ,481,L15Parmar A.N.,et al.,1997,A&AS,122,309Reeves J.N.,O’Brien P.,Vaughan S.,Law-Green D.,Ward M., Simpson C.,Pounds K.,Edelson R.,2000,MNRAS,312,L17 Simpson C.,Ward M.,O’Brien P.T.,Reeves J.N.,1999,MNRAS, 303,L23Struder L.,et al.,2001,A&A,365,L18Torres C.A.O.,et al.,1997,ApJL,488,19Thorne K.S,1974,ApJ,191,507Turner T.J.et al.1999,ApJ,524,667Voges W.et al.,1999,A&A,349,389Vaughan S.,Edelson R.,2001,ApJ,548,694c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000。
