华为OLT-ONU设备开局配置文档(步骤)一、OLT配置:display ont autofind all //显示当前OLT下所有未注册ONUinterface epon 0/1 进入PON口ont add 05 mac-auth 0025-9EA3-A2B7 snmp ont-lineprofile-id 20 des BXJ_WCLS_5626注册ONT 设备(A代表PON口B代表子接口)ont ipconfig 015 ip-address mask gateway manage-vlan 12 ont multicast-mode A B ctc 配置管理地址#service-port vlan 12 epon 0/1/7ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 12 tag-transform translateservice-port vlan 2750 epon 0/1/7 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 2750 tag-transform translateservice-port vlan 3713 epon 0/1/7 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 1113 tag-transform defaultservice-port vlan 3713 epon 0/1/7 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 1114 tag-transform defaultservice-port vlan 3713 epon 0/1/7 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 1115 tag-transform defaultservice-port vlan 3713 epon 0/1/7 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 1116 tag-transform defaultservice-port vlan 3713 epon 0/1/7 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 1117 tag-transform defaultservice-port vlan 3713 epon 0/1/7 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 1102 tag-transform defaultservice-port vlan 3713 epon 0/1/7 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 1103 tag-transform defaultservice-port vlan 3713 epon 0/1/7 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 1104 tag-transform defaultservice-port vlan 3713 epon 0/1/7 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 1105 tag-transform defaultservice-port vlan 3713 epon 0/1/7 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 1106 tag-transform defaultservice-port vlan 3713 epon 0/1/7 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 1107 tag-transform defaultservice-port vlan 3713 epon 0/1/7 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 1108 tag-transform defaultservice-port vlan 3713 epon 0/1/7 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 1109 tag-transform defaultservice-port vlan 3713 epon 0/1/7 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 1110 tag-transform defaultservice-port vlan 3713 epon 0/1/7 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 1111 tag-transform defaultservice-port vlan 3713 epon 0/1/7 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 1112 tag-transform default二、通过管理地址进入ONT设备配置:terminal user name buildrun_new_password srxadmin *[%_-FHL1GF99IZ8OV4$0Q:0(:*1、创建VLAN:vlan 12 smartvlan 1097 to 1112 muxvlan 2750 standardport vlan 12 0/0 1 (OLT已经下发)port vlan 1097 to 1112 0/0 1port vlan 2750 0/0 12、<h831vesc-0>interface emu 0esc digital 0 available-level high-levelesc digital 1 available-level high-levelesc digital 2 available-level high-levelesc digital 3 available-level high-level3、配置数据端口信息:service-port 0 vlan 1113 eth 0/1/1 multi-service user-vlan untagged rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 service-port 1 vlan 1098 eth 0/1/2 multi-service user-vlan untagged rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 service-port 2 vlan 1099 eth 0/1/3 multi-service user-vlan untagged rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 service-port 3 vlan 1100 eth 0/1/4 multi-service user-vlan untagged rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 service-port 4 vlan 1101 eth 0/1/5 multi-service user-vlan untagged rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 service-port 5 vlan 1102 eth 0/1/6 multi-service user-vlan untagged rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 service-port 6 vlan 1103 eth 0/1/7 multi-service user-vlan untagged rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 service-port 7 vlan 1104 eth 0/1/8 multi-service user-vlan untagged rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 service-port 8 vlan 1105 eth 0/1/9 multi-service user-vlan untagged rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 service-port 9 vlan 1106 eth 0/1/10 multi-service user-vlan untagged rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 service-port 10 vlan 1107 eth 0/1/11 multi-service user-vlan untagged rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 service-port 11 vlan 1108 eth 0/1/12 multi-service user-vlan untagged rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 service-port 12 vlan 1109 eth 0/1/13 multi-service user-vlan untagged rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 service-port 13 vlan 1110 eth 0/1/14 multi-service user-vlan untagged rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 service-port 14 vlan 1111 eth 0/1/15 multi-service user-vlan untagged rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 service-port 15 vlan 1112 eth 0/1/16 multi-service user-vlan untagged rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 63、配置SNMP:snmp-agent local-engineid 800007DB0300259EA59106snmp-agent community read publicsnmp-agent community write privatesnmp-agent community read srwgzx&readsnmp-agent community write srwgzx&writesnmp-agent target-host trap-hostname 1MTU. address udp-port 161 trap-paramsname 1MTU. target-host trap-paramsname 1MTU. v1 securityname huaweisnmp-agent trap enable standard二、配置语音:1、interface vlanif12ip address、voipip address media address signaling、<h248-0>interface h248 0if-h248 attribute mgip mgport 2944 transfer udpif-h248 attribute primary-mgc-ip1 primary-mgc-port 2944mgc-domain-name1 286ED461CB09-BGWif-h248 attribute secondary-mgc-ip1 secondary-mgc-port 2944if-h248 attribute mg-media-ip1 MIDtype domainNameif-h248 attribute profile-index 6if-h248 attribute domainName 286ED461CB09tid-format pstn prefix USERmg-ringmode add 0 10 26mg-software parameter 2 2mg-software parameter 13 14、pstnportpstnport attribute set 0/2/1 clip-reverse-pole-pulse enablepstnport attribute set 0/2/2 clip-reverse-pole-pulse enablepstnport attribute set 0/2/3 clip-reverse-pole-pulse enablepstnport attribute set 0/2/4 clip-reverse-pole-pulse enablepstnport attribute set 0/2/5 clip-reverse-pole-pulse enablepstnport attribute set 0/2/6 clip-reverse-pole-pulse enablepstnport attribute set 0/2/7 clip-reverse-pole-pulse enablepstnport attribute set 0/2/8 clip-reverse-pole-pulse enablepstnport attribute set 0/2/9 clip-reverse-pole-pulse enablepstnport attribute set 0/2/10 clip-reverse-pole-pulse enablepstnport attribute set 0/2/11 clip-reverse-pole-pulse enablepstnport attribute set 0/2/12 clip-reverse-pole-pulse enablepstnport attribute set 0/2/13 clip-reverse-pole-pulse enablepstnport attribute set 0/2/14 clip-reverse-pole-pulse enablepstnport attribute set 0/2/15 clip-reverse-pole-pulse enable pstnport attribute set 0/2/16 clip-reverse-pole-pulse enable5、esl usermgpstnuser add 0/2/1 0 terminalid 1000mgpstnuser add 0/2/2 0 terminalid 1001mgpstnuser add 0/2/3 0 terminalid 1002mgpstnuser add 0/2/4 0 terminalid 1003mgpstnuser add 0/2/5 0 terminalid 1004mgpstnuser add 0/2/6 0 terminalid 1005mgpstnuser add 0/2/7 0 terminalid 1006mgpstnuser add 0/2/8 0 terminalid 1007mgpstnuser add 0/2/9 0 terminalid 1008mgpstnuser add 0/2/10 0 terminalid 1009mgpstnuser add 0/2/11 0 terminalid 1010mgpstnuser add 0/2/12 0 terminalid 1011mgpstnuser add 0/2/13 0 terminalid 1012mgpstnuser add 0/2/14 0 terminalid 1013mgpstnuser add 0/2/15 0 terminalid 1014mgpstnuser add 0/2/16 0 terminalid 10156、ip route-static route-static常用操作命令一、OLT1.进入MA5680T后进入终端配置模式进行操作,进入此模式的方法为:MA5680T>enableMA5680T#configMA5680T(config)#2.查看自动发现的ONUMA5680T(config)#display ont autofind all3.查看端口下ONU的状态MA5680T(config)#interface gpon(框/槽)MA5680T(config-if-gpon-0/1)#display ont info(口)all如:需要查看0/1/2端口下的ONU状态:MA5680T(config)#interface gpon 0/1MA5680T(config-if-gpon-0/1)#display ont info 2 all------------------------------------------------------------------------------框/槽/端口ONT序列号控制运行配置匹配0/1/248575443A6A3AE42 激活在线正常匹配0/ 1/2148575443AA35C742 激活在线正常匹配0/ 1/2248575443A7F79942 激活在线正常匹配4.查看ONU的详细信息(ONU最近上下线的时间及原因等信息):MA5680T(config)#interface gpon(框/槽)MA5680T(config-if-gpon-0/1)#display ont info (口)(ONT ID)如:查看0/1/2端口下ONT ID为的信息:MA5680T(config)# interface gpon 0/1MA5680T(config-if-gpon-0/1)#display ont info 0 0框/槽/端口: 0/1/0ONT编号: 0控制标志:激活运行标志:在线配置状态:正常匹配状态:匹配DBA方式: SRONT测距距离(m): 4316ONT电池状态: -认证方式: SN认证序列号: 3230313115B47442 (2011-15B47442) 管理模式: SNMP隔离状态:正常描述: ONT_NO_DESCRIPTION 最后一次下线原因: LOS最后一次上线时间: 2011-06-12 23:44:42 最后一次下线时间: 2011-06-12 23:44:37最后一次dying gasp时间: 2011-06-08 19:42:47二、ONU1.查看端口状态:查看MA5626下端口的状态:若端口为激活则已经打开,若为去激活则为关闭MA5626(config)#display board 0/1 1FE自协商自协商100自协商全双工关激活在线2FE自协商自协商自协商关激活离线3FE自协商自协商自协商关激活离线4FE自协商自协商自协商关激活离线5FE自协商自协商自协商关激活离线6FE自协商自协商自协商关激活离线7FE自协商自协商自协商关激活离线8FE自协商自协商自协商关激活离线2.关闭或打开端口MA5626(config)# interface eth 0/1MA5626(config-if-eth-0/1)#undo shutdown ( 端口号)打开端口MA5626(config-if-eth-0/1)#shutdown (端口号)关闭端口用手机扫此二维码继续阅读:分享到:使用一键分享,轻松赚取财富值,了解详情嵌入播放器:(450*500pix) (630*500pix)预览复制窗体顶端窗体底端你可能喜欢华为ONU配置华为MA5680T OLT设备常见故障终端手册故障处理手册华为GPON 配置Wireshark使...华为新建ONU数据配置 2页免费华为ONU数据配置 5页免费华为OLT_ONU开局配置 4页1财富值华为HG850a(ONU) 配置手册(SIP) 11页免费华为GPON ONU配置指引 21页 2财富值更多与“华为ONU配置”相关的文档>>华为EPON OLT MA5680T产品介绍 38页免费华为SmartAX MA5680T光接入解决方案宣... 10页免费华为MA5680T 产品描述(V800R007C... 99页 10财富值华为OLT-MA5680T产品介绍 37页 2财富值华为MA5680T支持的单板 2页免费更多与“华为MA5680T”相关的文档>>EPON-OLT设备简介 66页免费OLT设备 27页免费OLT设备型号大全 27页免费OLT设备 27页免费OLT设备型号大全 27页免费更多与“OLT设备”相关的文档>>ADSL常见经典故障暂无评价4页免费硬盘常见故障与维护暂无评价1页免费uv上光常见故障暂无评价3页免费Word 常见故障4页免费打印机常见故障及排除方法暂无评价22页免费更多与“常见故障”相关的文档>>王老吉2010年终端标准手册 63页免费蒙牛终端标准陈列手册 38页免费可口可乐终端生动化手册 26页免费《终端管理手册》1.0精简本 21页免费渠道及终端运营业手册 17页免费更多与“终端手册”相关的文档>>电脑硬件常见故障处理速查手册 23页免费电脑硬件常见故障处理速查手册 16页免费VRP 5.3故障处理手册VPN篇01-第1章L... 43页免费01-华为BTS3012故障处理手册 52页免费VRP 5.3故障处理手册路由篇第9章组播VP... 18页免费更多与“故障处理手册”相关的文档>>华为GPON配置说明 7页免费华为GPON配置 7页1财富值华为GPON OLT 组播业务配置 65页 2财富值华为GPON OLT VLAN配置 21页 1财富值华为GPON配置脚本 2页免费更多与“华为GPON配置”相关的文档>>Wireshark使用教程用户手册 87页免费Wireshark使用教程 87页免费Wireshark使用教程2011年DOC版 90页免费Wireshark简明使用教程 14页 1财富值51CTO下载-Wireshark使用教程 75页免费更多与“Wireshark使用教程”相关的文档>>©2013 Baidu 使用百度前必读 | 文库协议用手机扫此二维码:쎗*当前选择了字,最多支持70字。
>>User name:root注释:默认登陆用户名为:root>>User password: 注释:默认登陆用户密码为:adminHuawei Integrated Access Software.Copyright(C) Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2002-2012. All rights reserved.MA5606T>enable注释:进入特权模式MA5606T#switch language-mode 注释:切换语言种类当前语言模式已切换到本地语种MA5606T#config注释:进入特权模式MA5606T(config)#vlan 100 to 120 smart注释:建立VLAN100-120 并定义VLAN类型为smart 此操作需要较长时间, 维护终端可能超时退出, 可通过idle-timeout命令设置终端自动超时退出时间确实要增加VLAN? (y/n)[n]:y已经处理的VLAN总数是21增加的VLAN总数是21MA5606T(config)#port vlan 100 to 120 0/1 0注释:使VLAN100-120通过上联端口0/1/0透传此操作需要较长时间, 维护终端可能超时退出, 可通过idle-timeout命令设置终端自动超时退出时间确实要增加标准端口? (y/n)[n]:y已经处理的VLAN总数是21增加标准端口VLAN总数是21MA5606T(config)#port vlan 100 to 120 0/1 1 注释:使VLAN100-120通过上联端口0/1/0透传此操作需要较长时间, 维护终端可能超时退出, 可通过idle-timeout命令设置终端自动超时退出时间确实要增加标准端口? (y/n)[n]:y已经处理的VLAN总数是21增加标准端口VLAN总数是21MA5606T(config)#interface vlanif 100MA5606T(config-if-vlanif100)#! 运行信息重要2011-03-17 16:18:42 告警名称:三层接口链路恢复参数信息:接口类型: VLAN接口, 接口编号: 100MA5606T(config-if-vlanif100)#ip address{ <cr>|sub<K> }:命令: 注释:OLT管理VLAN地址ip address 16:19:14 MA5606T IFNET/2/UPDOWN:链路协议在接口vlanif100上状态变为UP MA5606T(config-if-vlanif100)#quit注释:返回上一层MA5606T(config)#display board 0注释:显示单板信息-------------------------------------------------------------------------槽号板名称状态扣板0 扣板1 在线状态-------------------------------------------------------------------------1 H801MCUA 主用正常O2GN2 H801EPBA 待确认3 H801EPBA 待确认-------------------------------------------------------------------------MA5606T(config)#board confirm 0 注释:确认单板,使OLT的EPON端口激光器打开! 运行信息警告2011-03-17 16:24:45 告警名称:OLT端口激光器打开告警参数信息:机框号: 0, 槽位号: 2, 端口号: 0MA5606T(config)#! 运行信息警告2011-03-17 16:24:45 告警名称:OLT端口激光器打开告警参数信息:机框号: 0, 槽位号: 2, 端口号: 1MA5606T(config)#! 运行信息警告2011-03-17 16:24:45 告警名称:OLT端口激光器打开告警参数信息:机框号: 0, 槽位号: 2, 端口号: 2MA5606T(config)#! 运行信息警告2011-03-17 16:24:45 告警名称:OLT端口激光器打开告警参数信息:机框号: 0, 槽位号: 2, 端口号: 3MA5606T(config)#! 运行信息警告2011-03-17 16:24:45 告警名称:OLT端口激光器打开告警参数信息:机框号: 0, 槽位号: 3, 端口号: 0MA5606T(config)#! 运行信息警告2011-03-17 16:24:45 告警名称:OLT端口激光器打开告警参数信息:机框号: 0, 槽位号: 3, 端口号: 1MA5606T(config)#! 运行信息警告2011-03-17 16:24:45 告警名称:OLT端口激光器打开告警参数信息:机框号: 0, 槽位号: 3, 端口号: 2MA5606T(config)#! 运行信息警告2011-03-17 16:24:45 告警名称:OLT端口激光器打开告警参数信息:机框号: 0, 槽位号: 3, 端口号: 3MA5606T(config)#ont-profile add epon profile-id 18 profile-name yishanju ?---------------------------------------------config 模式命令:---------------------------------------------<cr> 请输入回车以执行命令MA5606T(config)#ont-profile add epon profile-id 18 profile-name yishanju注释:配置线路模板按Q 或者q 键退出当前输入操作> ONT管理模式<1-SNMP, 2-SNMP-NOPARA, 3-OAM> [3]:> UNI属性是否关注<1-不关注, 2-关注> [2]:> ONT FE 端口列表(fomat: 1,3-5,7 )<S><0-100> [-]:1-4> ONT GE 端口列表(fomat: 1,3-5,7 )<S><0-100> [-]:> POTS 端口数目<0-16> [0]:2> TDM 端口类型<1-E1> [1]:> TDM 端口数目<0-8> [0]:> RF 端口数目<0-16> [0]:添加ONT能力集模板成功模板ID : 18模板名称: yishanjuMA5606T(config)#interface epon 0/2 注释:进入EPON 0/2模式MA5606T(config-if-epon-0/2)#port 0 ont-auto-find enable注释:打开0端口的自动发现ONU功能MA5606T(config-if-epon-0/2)#端口配置命令执行成功MA5606T(config)#! 运行信息警告2011-03-17 16:58:59 告警名称:ONU自动发现参数信息:机框号: 0, 槽位号: 2, 端口号: 0, MAC: 001F-A4D7-770C, 密码:Huawei注释:当自动发现ONU功能打开而且ONU也正常运行后就会自动检测到OUN的相关信息MA5606T(config-if-epon-0/2)#ont add 0 1 mac-auth 001F-A4D7-770C profile-id 18 注释:添加ONU。
10/14/2019 Page No. 07
DBA profile配置
显示所有配置的DBA profile:
MA5600T(config)#display dba-profile all
10/14/2019 Page No. 09
创建gpon-lineprofile ID
MA5600T(config)#ont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 10 profile-name wxf_1
Command of config Mode:
Add a DBA profile
Delete a DBA profile
System Test Enginner
10/14/2019 Page No. 01
1,Vlan配置 2,DBA profile 配置 3,线路模板:gpon-lineprofile配置 4,业务模板:ont-srvprofile配置 5,ONT注册 6,流量模板配置 7,service port配置 8,vlan与上联口关联 9,组播配置 10,删除业务
OLT业务配置一、华为OLT操作EPON1、开局配置(暂时不用管)2、查看上联口的VLANDisplay port vlan 0/8/13、创建DBA (动态带宽分配)模版①在创建DBA模版之前,先用命令display dba-profile all查看哪些Profile-ID已经被占用,我们创建新DBA时要避开这些已经创建好的DBAo②d ba-profile add profile-id 21 profile-name "Li” type3 assure 4096 max10240…-创建新的DBA模版也可以先不指定profile-id,设置为缺省值,有系统自动分配其ID号dba-profile add profile-name qian type3 assure 1024 max 10240---缺省值③display dba-profile profile-id 21---查看新建的DBA 模版dba-profile delete profile-id 21删除新建的DBA 模版dba-profile modify profile-id 21・・■修改新建的DBA 模版2、创建线路模版display ont-lineprofile epon all—首先用命令查看现有的线路板模型<ont-lineprofile epon profile-id 22 profile-name "Li"—创建新的线路板模型2 PON接口绑定VLANZXAN(config)#interface epon-onu_ 1/4/8:15ZXAN(config-if)#switchport mode trunkZXAN(config-if)#switchport vlan 666 tag查询PON-ON U接口的vlan信息:ZXAN(config・if)#show vlan port epon-onu_l/4/8:153 ONU端口VLAN配置在ONU远程管理模式下,配置用户端口vlanZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng epon-onu_ 1/4/8:15ZXAN(epon-onu-mng)#vlan port eth_O/l mode tag vlan 666 priority 0 ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#end组播测试:SFU与HGU方法相同1.在ONU接口配置模式下,配置ONU带宽。
开局board confirm 0interface gpon 0/1port 0 ont-autofind enable 做到7dba-profile add profile-id 10 type3 assure 10240 max 20480 ont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 2tcont 1 Dba-profile-ID 10不用管那个gem add 0 eth tcont 1gem mapping 0 0 vlan 2commitquitok///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////记住这几部等会从id3 开始做到id10ont-srvprofile gpon profile-id 2ont-port eth 1 pots 1port vlan eth 1 2(vlan)commitquitvlan 2 to 10 smartport vlan 2 to 10 0/上行板的槽位0上行板是多少槽位disp boa 0Onu注册interface gpon 0/1(0/1第一块业务版0/2第二块业务版)MA5680T(config-if-gpon-0/1)#display ont autofind 0(端口) display ont info 0 all //查看ONT的状态------------------------------------------------------------------------Number : 1F/S/P : 0/1/0Ont SoN : 485754434105041EPassword : 0x00000000000000000000Loid :Checkcode :VendorID : HWTCOnt Version : 4D2.AOnt SoftwareVersion : V3R012C00S100Ont EquipmentID : 110FOnt autofind time : 2014-08-28 16:20:04+08:00------------------------------------------------------------------------MA5680T(config-if-gpon-0/1)#ont add 0(接口)sn-auth 485754434105041E omciont-lineprofile-id 2 ont-srvprofile-id 2(2为VLAN){ <cr>|desc<K> }:Command:ont add 0 sn-auth 485754434105041E omci ont-lineprofile-id2ont-srvprofile-id 2Number of ONTs that can be added: 1, success: 1PortID :0, ONTID :0MA5680T(config-if-gpon-0/1)#quitMA5680T(config)#service-port vlan 2(vlan号)gpon 0/1/0 ont 0(ont号)gemport 0 multi-service user-vlan 2(vlan号){ <cr>|bundle<K>|inbound<K>|rx-cttr<K>|tag-transform<K>|user-encap<K>}:Command:service-port vlan 2 gpon 0/1/0 ont 0 gemport 0 multi-serviceuser-vlan 2MA5680T(config)#interface gpon 0/1(0/1第一块业务版0/2第二块业务版)MA5680T(config-if-gpon-0/1)#ont port native-vlan 1(端口号)0(ont号)eth 1 vlan 2限速:可以使用如下命令查询ONU系统内存在的CAR模板信息:MA5620G(config)#display traffic table ip from-index 0Traffic table ip index 12 cir 10240 pir 10240 priority 0 priority-policy tag-in-packageDisp service-port port 0/0/1Int G0/1Ont port car 0 0 eth outbound 12service-port vlan 10 gpon 0/1/1 ont 7 gemport 0 multi-servicetag-transform translate outbound index 12Service-port举例:增加用户huawei1234,指定用户操作级别为Administrator、绑定用户模板为缺省模板、可重复登录数为1。
在MA5680T 上配置:telnet 到MA5680T>>User name:root>>User password:adminMA5680T>enableMA5680T#configMA5680T(config)# sysname Ueusiuee_MA5680T // 修改系统名,根据实际设备修改Ueusiuee_MA5680T(config)# time 2021-07-15 09:00:11 // 修改系统时间Ueusiuee_MA5680T(config)# switch language-mode // 切换中文模式当前语言模式已切换到本地语种Ueusiuee_MA5680T(config)# display board 0 // 查看所有单板状态Ueusiuee_MA5680T(config)# board confirm 0 // 确认所有单板BaiZiMen_MA5680T(config)# interface epon 0/1BaiZiMen_MA5680T(config-if-epon-0/1)# port 0 ont-auto-find enable // 开启0 端口的自动发现BaiZiMen_MA5680T(config-if-epon-0/1)# port 1 ont-auto-find enable // 开启 1 端口的自动发现Ueusiuee_MA5680T(config)# vlan 39 smart // 创立网管vlan 39 类型为smartUeusiuee_MA5680T(config)# port vlan 39 0/18 0 // 透传vlan 到上行口Ueusiuee_MA5680T(config)# vlan 2064 to 2095 smart // 创立从vlan 号2094 到2095 的smart 类型的宽带业务vlanUeusiuee_MA5680T(config)# vlan 3304 smart // 创立窄带语音vlanUeusiuee_MA5680T(config)# port vlan 3304 0/18 0 // 透传窄带语音vlanUeusiuee_MA5680T(config)# port vlan 2064 to 2095 0/18 0Ueusiuee_MA5680T(config)# interface vlanif 39Ueusiuee_MA5680T(config-vlanif39)# ip address // 配置网管地址Ueusiuee_MA5680T(config)# quitUeusiuee_MA5680T(config)# ip route-static // 配置默认路由, 为网关配置DBA 模板和线路模板:BaiZiMen_MA5680T(config)# display DBA-profile all // 查看所有创立过的dba 模板BaiZiMen_MA5680T(config)# DBA-profile add profile-id 13 profile-name MA5616 type3 assure102400 max 15360 // 创立模板 id 为 13; 模板名为 MA5616 ;Assure:保证带宽10M ; max :最大带宽15M ;BaiZiMen_MA5680T(config)# display ont-lineprofile epon all // 查看所有创立过的线路模板 BaiZiMen_MA5680T(config)# ont-lineprofile epon profile-id 13 profile-name 5616 // 创立线路 模板 BaiZiMen_MA5680T(config-epon-lineprofile-13)# llid dba-profile-id 13 // 线路模板中绑定 dba 模板 ID 为 13 的 dba 模板BaiZiMen_MA5680T(config-epon-lineprofile-13)# commit // 保存模板(此处必须保存否那么将丢 失模板配置)BaiZiMen_MA5680T(config-epon-lineprofile-13)# quit注册 onuBaiZiMen_MA5680T(config)# display ont autofind allBaiZiMen_MA5680T(config-if-epon-0/1)# display ont autofind 0 BaiZiMen_MA5680T(config-if-epon-0/1)# ont add 0 0 mac-auth ont-lineprofile-id 13 desc TO:JinHaiAnQingChuanLou_MA5616 // 0 ; mac 地址为 0018-82B3-A4D7 的 onu ; 管理方式为 snmp; 描述此 onu所处位置以及设备型号BAIZIMEN_MA5680T(config-if-gpon-0/1)# ont ipconfig 0 0 ip-address mask255.255.255.0 gateway manage-vlan 39// 给 onu 0 下发 ip 地址BaiZiMen_MA5680T(config-if-gpon-0/1)# quit 配置业务虚接口:service-port vlan 39 epon 0/1/0 ont 0 multi-service user-vlan 39 tag-transform translate // 配置管理的业务虚接口service-port vlan 3304 epon 0/1/0 ont 0 multi-service user-vlan 3304 tag-transform translate // 配置语音的业务虚接口service-port vlan 2064 epon 0/1/0 ont 0 multi-service user-vlan 2064 tag-transform translate // 配置宽带的业务虚接口service-port vlan 2095 epon 0/1/0 ont 0 multi-service user-vlan 2095 tag-transform translate // 配置宽带业务虚接口 保存数据:序列号 框/ 槽/端口ONT MAC 密码 生产厂商 ID ONT 型号 ONT 软件版本 ONT 硬件版本 ONT 自动发现时间 : 0/1/0 : 286E-D487-3BB2: 00000000000000000000000000000000 : HWTCMDUV8R306C01B053MA56162021-12-03 16:47:51// 查看 0 端口发现的 onu286E-D487-3BB2 snmp 注册端口为 0 ;onu 编号为线路模板为 13 ; desc:Ueusiuee_MA5680T(config)# save (必须保存,否那么设备重启后数据会丧失)。
dba-profile 是流控模板,建立ont-lineprofile时会用到ont-lineprofile 是ONT线路模板,添加ONU之前必须要建立这个模板ont-srvprofile 小型ONT的虚业务端口模板DBA是用于ONT上行带宽控制的,定义了固定带宽,保证带宽,最大带宽等参数,跟线路模板中的TCONT绑定;在线路模板中:1、要添加TCONT,然后绑定DBA模板,2、再增加gem-Port,与TCONT绑定,3、设置映射模式,比如gemPort和vlan的映射,4、设置QoS模式,如优先级映射等;在业务模板中:1、定义ONT的端口能力,如所用的ONT有几个ETH口,几个POTS口,2、设置ONT端口的vlan;。
>>User name:root注释:默认登陆用户名为:root>>User password: 注释:默认登陆用户密码为:adminHuawei Integrated Access Software.Copyright(C) Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2002-2012. All rights reserved.MA5606T>enable注释:进入特权模式MA5606T#switch language-mode 注释:切换语言种类当前语言模式已切换到本地语种MA5606T#config注释:进入特权模式MA5606T(config)#vlan 100 to 120 smart注释:建立VLAN100-120 并定义VLAN类型为smart 此操作需要较长时间, 维护终端可能超时退出, 可通过idle-timeout命令设置终端自动超时退出时间确实要增加VLAN? (y/n)[n]:y已经处理的VLAN总数是21增加的VLAN总数是21MA5606T(config)#port vlan 100 to 120 0/1 0注释:使VLAN100-120通过上联端口0/1/0透传此操作需要较长时间, 维护终端可能超时退出, 可通过idle-timeout命令设置终端自动超时退出时间确实要增加标准端口? (y/n)[n]:y已经处理的VLAN总数是21增加标准端口VLAN总数是21MA5606T(config)#port vlan 100 to 120 0/1 1 注释:使VLAN100-120通过上联端口0/1/0透传此操作需要较长时间, 维护终端可能超时退出, 可通过idle-timeout命令设置终端自动超时退出时间确实要增加标准端口? (y/n)[n]:y已经处理的VLAN总数是21增加标准端口VLAN总数是21MA5606T(config)#interface vlanif 100MA5606T(config-if-vlanif100)#! 运行信息重要2011-03-17 16:18:42 告警名称:三层接口链路恢复参数信息:接口类型: VLAN接口, 接口编号: 100MA5606T(config-if-vlanif100)#ip address{ <cr>|sub<K> }:命令: 注释:OLT管理VLAN地址ip address 16:19:14 MA5606T IFNET/2/UPDOWN:链路协议在接口vlanif100上状态变为UP MA5606T(config-if-vlanif100)#quit注释:返回上一层MA5606T(config)#display board 0注释:显示单板信息-------------------------------------------------------------------------槽号板名称状态扣板0 扣板1 在线状态-------------------------------------------------------------------------1 H801MCUA 主用正常O2GN2 H801EPBA 待确认3 H801EPBA 待确认-------------------------------------------------------------------------MA5606T(config)#board confirm 0 注释:确认单板,使OLT的EPON端口激光器打开! 运行信息警告2011-03-17 16:24:45 告警名称:OLT端口激光器打开告警参数信息:机框号: 0, 槽位号: 2, 端口号: 0MA5606T(config)#! 运行信息警告2011-03-17 16:24:45 告警名称:OLT端口激光器打开告警参数信息:机框号: 0, 槽位号: 2, 端口号: 1MA5606T(config)#! 运行信息警告2011-03-17 16:24:45 告警名称:OLT端口激光器打开告警参数信息:机框号: 0, 槽位号: 2, 端口号: 2MA5606T(config)#! 运行信息警告2011-03-17 16:24:45 告警名称:OLT端口激光器打开告警参数信息:机框号: 0, 槽位号: 2, 端口号: 3MA5606T(config)#! 运行信息警告2011-03-17 16:24:45 告警名称:OLT端口激光器打开告警参数信息:机框号: 0, 槽位号: 3, 端口号: 0MA5606T(config)#! 运行信息警告2011-03-17 16:24:45 告警名称:OLT端口激光器打开告警参数信息:机框号: 0, 槽位号: 3, 端口号: 1MA5606T(config)#! 运行信息警告2011-03-17 16:24:45 告警名称:OLT端口激光器打开告警参数信息:机框号: 0, 槽位号: 3, 端口号: 2MA5606T(config)#! 运行信息警告2011-03-17 16:24:45 告警名称:OLT端口激光器打开告警参数信息:机框号: 0, 槽位号: 3, 端口号: 3MA5606T(config)#ont-profile add epon profile-id 18 profile-name yishanju ?---------------------------------------------config 模式命令:---------------------------------------------<cr> 请输入回车以执行命令MA5606T(config)#ont-profile add epon profile-id 18 profile-name yishanju注释:配置线路模板按Q 或者q 键退出当前输入操作> ONT管理模式<1-SNMP, 2-SNMP-NOPARA, 3-OAM> [3]:> UNI属性是否关注<1-不关注, 2-关注> [2]:> ONT FE 端口列表(fomat: 1,3-5,7 )<S><0-100> [-]:1-4> ONT GE 端口列表(fomat: 1,3-5,7 )<S><0-100> [-]:> POTS 端口数目<0-16> [0]:2> TDM 端口类型<1-E1> [1]:> TDM 端口数目<0-8> [0]:> RF 端口数目<0-16> [0]:添加ONT能力集模板成功模板ID : 18模板名称: yishanjuMA5606T(config)#interface epon 0/2 注释:进入EPON 0/2模式MA5606T(config-if-epon-0/2)#port 0 ont-auto-find enable注释:打开0端口的自动发现ONU功能MA5606T(config-if-epon-0/2)#端口配置命令执行成功MA5606T(config)#! 运行信息警告2011-03-17 16:58:59 告警名称:ONU自动发现参数信息:机框号: 0, 槽位号: 2, 端口号: 0, MAC: 001F-A4D7-770C, 密码:Huawei注释:当自动发现ONU功能打开而且ONU也正常运行后就会自动检测到OUN的相关信息MA5606T(config-if-epon-0/2)#ont add 0 1 mac-auth 001F-A4D7-770C profile-id 18 注释:添加ONU。
3/8/2019 Page No. 05
DBA profile配置
DBA profile 的几种操作:
MA5600T(config)#dba-profile ? --------------------------------------------Command of config Mode: ---------------------------------------------
System Test Enginner
3/8/2019 Page No. 01
1,Vlan配置 2,DBA profile 配置 3,线路模板:gpon-lineprofile配置 4,业务模板:ont-srvprofile配置 5,ONT注册 6,流量模板配置 7,service port配置 8,vlan与上联口关联 9,组播配置 10,删除业务
DBA profile 创建指令:
MA5600T(config)#dba-profile add profile-id 2 type5 fix 10240 assure 10240 max 1024000
3/8/2019 Page No. 07
DBA profile配置
3/8/2019 Page No. 04
MA5600T(config)#display vlan all { <cr>|vlanattr<K>|vlantype<E><mux,standard,smart,super> }: Command:
3.确认设备信息进入设备操作界面后,通过命令"show version"确认设备的基本信息,包括设备型号、软件版本、设备序列号等。
5.添加用户及口配置在配置模板中,通过命令"ont-lineprofile gpon profile-id"添加用户配置信息。
可以配置用户的上下行速率、VLAN ID等参数。
接着,通过命令"ont-srvprofile gponprofile-id vport-mode gemport"配置用户的业务信息。
6.端口配置通过命令"interface gpon X/X/X"进入Gpon端口的配置模式,通过命令"port hybrid gpon"将端口配置为GPON类型。
1/3/2020 Page No. 02
vlan Dba profile
service port
1/3/2020 Page No. 03
MA5600T(config)#vlan 601 ?
Command of config Mode:
Add a DBA profile
Delete a DBA profile
System Test Enginner
1/3/2020 Page No. 01
1,Vlan配置 2,DBA profile 配置 3,线路模板:gpon-lineprofile配置 4,业务模板:ont-srvprofile配置 5,ONT注册 6,流量模板配置 7,service port配置 8,vlan与上联口关联 9,组播配置 10,删除业务
Modify a DBA profile configuration
1/3/2020 Page No. 06
DBA profile配置
DBA profile中几种type:
MA5600T(config)#dba-profile add ?
华为OLT数据配置(宽带+电话业务)及光猫配置教程1、olt数据配置及光猫注册登陆OLTTelnet:>>User name:root>>User password:adminma5680t>enablema5680t#configma5680t(config)#switch language-mode当前语言模式已切换到本地语种ma5680t(config)#Vlan10//新建电话业务vlanVlan100//新建宽带业务vlanPort vlan100/190Port vlan1000/190//vlan数据加入上行端口ont-srvprofile gpon profile-id101profile-name"101"ont-port pots adaptive eth adaptiveport vlan eth1translation100user-vlan100port vlan eth2translation100user-vlan100port vlan eth3translation100user-vlan100port vlan eth4translation100user-vlan100port vlan iphost translation10user-vlan10CommitQuit//新建业务模版ont-lineprofile gpon profile-id101profile-name"101"tr069-management ip-index0tcont1dba-profile-id100gem add1eth tcont1gem add2eth tcont1gem add3eth tcont1gem add4eth tcont1gem mapping11vlan100gem mapping12vlan10commitquit//新建线路模版ma5680t(config)#display ont autofind all----------------------------------------------------------------------------序列号:1框/槽/端口:0/1/4ONT SN:43494F54019E0AA0密码:0x00000000000000000000逻辑标识:校验码:生产厂商ID:CIOTONT版本:HV1.1.00.053ONT软件版本:V1.1.00.053ONT设备ID:GM219-SONT自动发现时间:2020-08-2913:15:12+08:00----------------------------------------------------------------------------GPON自动发现ONT个数为1ma5680t(config)#interface gpon0/1ma5680t(config-if-gpon-0/1)#ont confirm4all sn-auth omci ont-lineprofile-id101 ont-srvprofile-id101{<cr>|desc<K>}:命令:ont confirm4all sn-auth omci ont-lineprofile-id101ont-srvprofile-id101可以被添加的ONT数目:1,成功数目:1端口号:4,ONT号:8ma5680t(config-if-gpon-0/1)#ont port native-vlan48eth1vlan100{<cr>|priority<K>}:命令:ont port native-vlan48eth1vlan100ma5680t(config-if-gpon-0/1)#ont port native-vlan48eth2vlan100{<cr>|priority<K>}:命令:ont port native-vlan48eth2vlan100ma5680t(config-if-gpon-0/1)#ont port native-vlan48eth3vlan100{<cr>|priority<K>}:命令:ont port native-vlan48eth3vlan100ma5680t(config-if-gpon-0/1)#ont port native-vlan48eth4vlan100{<cr>|priority<K>}:命令:ont port native-vlan48eth4vlan100ma5680t(config-if-gpon-0/1)#ont port native-vlan48iphost vlan10{<cr>|priority<K>}:命令:ont port native-vlan48iphost vlan10ma5680t(config-if-gpon-0/1)#quitma5680t(config)#service-port vlan100gpon0/1/4ont8gemport1multi-service user-vlan 100{<cr>|bundle<K>|inbound<K>|rx-cttr<K>|tag-transform<K>|user-encap<K>}:命令:service-port vlan100gpon0/1/4ont8gemport1multi-service user-vlan100ma5680t(config)#service-port vlan10gpon0/1/4ont8gemport1multi-service user-vlan 10{<cr>|bundle<K>|inbound<K>|rx-cttr<K>|tag-transform<K>|user-encap<K>}:命令:service-port vlan10gpon0/1/4ont8gemport1multi-service user-vlan10ma5680t(config)#ma5680t(config)#save//最后保存数据至此OLT数据配置完成。
profile-name type1 type2 type3 type4 type5
DBA profile ID
DBA profile name Fixed bandwidth Assured bandwidth Assured bandwidth, Maximum bandwidth Maximum bandwidth Fixed bandwidth, Assured bandwidth, Maximum bandwidth
vlan Line-profile ONT Dba profile service-profile 流量模板
service port
11/14/2018 Page No. 02
MA5600T(config)#vlan 601 ? --------------------------------------------Command of config Mode: ---------------------------------------------
显示所有配置的DBA profile:
MA5600T(config)#display dba-profile all ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Profile-ID type Bandwidth compensation 1 2 3 4 1 4 3 1 No No No No Fix (kbps) 5120 0 0 1024000 0 800000 0 Assure (kbps) 0 0 1024000 1024000 0 0 Max (kbps) 9 2 0 Bind times
T-CONT 的由来 OLT如何区分不同ONT的上行数据? 如果OLT分配给某ONT的发送时间比较长,那么会发生什么呢? GPON采用的是根据T-CONT来分配带宽
DBA, Dynamically Bandwidth Assignment(动态带宽分配) DBA是一种能在微秒或毫秒级的时间间隔内完成对上行带宽的
动态分配的机制 动态带宽分配采用集中控制方式:所有的ONU的上行信息发送,
都要向OLT申请带宽,OLT根据ONU的请求按照一定的算法给予 带宽(时隙)占用授权,ONU根据分配的时隙发送信息。其分 配准许算法的基本思想是:各ONU利用上行可分割时隙反映信 元到达的时间分布并请求带宽,OLT根据各ONU的请求公平合理 地分配带宽。基本工作原理为OLT安排好各ONU允许发送上行信 号的时隙,发出时隙分配帧。ONU根据时隙分配帧,在OLT分配 给它的时隙中发出自己的上行信号。这样,ONU之间就可以共 同享有上行信道,即众多的ONU共享有限的上行信道带宽。
模板 ont-port pots 2 eth 4 multicast-forward untag port vlan eth 1 2 ONU的以太网1口,打上vlan 2标签 port vlan eth 2 3 2口,打上vlan 3标签 port vlan eth 3 4 3口,打上vlan 4标签 port vlan eth 4 5 4口,打上vlan 5标签 port vlan iphost 6 语音口,打上vlan 6标签 commit
华为O L T配置教程本页仅作为文档封面,使用时可以删除This document is for reference only-rar21year.March>>User name:root注释:默认登陆用户名为:root>>User password: 注释:默认登陆用户密码为:adminHuawei Integrated Access Software.Copyright(C) Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2002-2012. All rights reserved.MA5606T>enable注释:进入特权模式MA5606T#switch language-mode 注释:切换语言种类当前语言模式已切换到本地语种MA5606T#config注释:进入特权模式MA5606T(config)#vlan 100 to 120 smart注释:建立VLAN100-120 并定义VLAN类型为smart 此操作需要较长时间, 维护终端可能超时退出, 可通过idle-timeout命令设置终端自动超时退出时间确实要增加VLAN (y/n)[n]:y已经处理的VLAN总数是21增加的VLAN总数是21MA5606T(config)#port vlan 100 to 120 0/1 0注释:使VLAN100-120通过上联端口0/1/0透传此操作需要较长时间, 维护终端可能超时退出, 可通过idle-timeout命令设置终端自动超时退出时间确实要增加标准端口 (y/n)[n]:y已经处理的VLAN总数是21增加标准端口VLAN总数是21MA5606T(config)#port vlan 100 to 120 0/1 1 注释:使VLAN100-120通过上联端口0/1/0透传此操作需要较长时间, 维护终端可能超时退出, 可通过idle-timeout命令设置终端自动超时退出时间确实要增加标准端口 (y/n)[n]:y已经处理的VLAN总数是21增加标准端口VLAN总数是21MA5606T(config)#interface vlanif 100MA5606T(config-if-vlanif100)#! 运行信息重要 2011-03-17 16:18:42 告警名称 :三层接口链路恢复参数信息 :接口类型: VLAN接口, 接口编号: 100MA5606T(config-if-vlanif100)#ip address{ <cr>|sub<K> }:命令: 注释:OLT管理VLAN地址ip address 16:19:14 MA5606T IFNET/2/UPDOWN:链路协议在接口vlanif100上状态变为UP MA5606T(config-if-vlanif100)#quit注释:返回上一层MA5606T(config)#display board 0注释:显示单板信息-------------------------------------------------------------------------槽号板名称状态扣板0 扣板1 在线状态-------------------------------------------------------------------------1 H801MCUA 主用正常 O2GN2 H801EPBA 待确认3 H801EPBA 待确认-------------------------------------------------------------------------MA5606T(config)#board confirm 0 注释:确认单板,使OLT的EPON端口激光器打开! 运行信息警告 2011-03-17 16:24:45 告警名称 :OLT端口激光器打开告警参数信息 :机框号: 0, 槽位号: 2, 端口号: 0MA5606T(config)#! 运行信息警告 2011-03-17 16:24:45 告警名称 :OLT端口激光器打开告警参数信息 :机框号: 0, 槽位号: 2, 端口号: 1MA5606T(config)#! 运行信息警告 2011-03-17 16:24:45 告警名称 :OLT端口激光器打开告警参数信息 :机框号: 0, 槽位号: 2, 端口号: 2MA5606T(config)#! 运行信息警告 2011-03-17 16:24:45 告警名称 :OLT端口激光器打开告警参数信息 :机框号: 0, 槽位号: 2, 端口号: 3MA5606T(config)#! 运行信息警告 2011-03-17 16:24:45 告警名称 :OLT端口激光器打开告警参数信息 :机框号: 0, 槽位号: 3, 端口号: 0MA5606T(config)#! 运行信息警告 2011-03-17 16:24:45 告警名称 :OLT端口激光器打开告警参数信息 :机框号: 0, 槽位号: 3, 端口号: 1MA5606T(config)#! 运行信息警告 2011-03-17 16:24:45 告警名称 :OLT端口激光器打开告警参数信息 :机框号: 0, 槽位号: 3, 端口号: 2MA5606T(config)#! 运行信息警告 2011-03-17 16:24:45 告警名称 :OLT端口激光器打开告警参数信息 :机框号: 0, 槽位号: 3, 端口号: 3MA5606T(config)#ont-profile add epon profile-id 18 profile-name yishanju---------------------------------------------config 模式命令:---------------------------------------------<cr> 请输入回车以执行命令MA5606T(config)#ont-profile add epon profile-id 18 profile-name yishanju注释:配置线路模板按 Q 或者 q 键退出当前输入操作> ONT管理模式<1-SNMP, 2-SNMP-NOPARA, 3-OAM> [3]:> UNI属性是否关注<1-不关注, 2-关注> [2]:> ONT FE 端口列表(fomat: 1,3-5,7 )<S><0-100> [-]:1-4> ONT GE 端口列表(fomat: 1,3-5,7 )<S><0-100> [-]:> POTS 端口数目<0-16> [0]:2> TDM 端口类型<1-E1> [1]:> TDM 端口数目<0-8> [0]:> RF 端口数目<0-16> [0]:添加ONT能力集模板成功模板 ID : 18模板名称 : yishanjuMA5606T(config)#interface epon 0/2 注释:进入EPON 0/2模式MA5606T(config-if-epon-0/2)#port 0 ont-auto-find enable注释:打开0端口的自动发现ONU功能MA5606T(config-if-epon-0/2)#端口配置命令执行成功MA5606T(config)#! 运行信息警告 2011-03-17 16:58:59 告警名称 :ONU自动发现参数信息 :机框号: 0, 槽位号: 2, 端口号: 0, MAC: 001F-A4D7-770C, 密码:Huawei注释:当自动发现ONU功能打开而且ONU也正常运行后就会自动检测到OUN的相关信息MA5606T(config-if-epon-0/2)#ont add 0 1 mac-auth 001F-A4D7-770C profile-id 18 注释:添加ONU。
1/15/2020 Page No. 04
MA5600T(config)#display vlan all { <cr>|vlanattr<K>|vlantype<E><mux,standard,smart,super> }:
display vlan all
System Test Enginner
1/15/2020 Page No. 01
1,Vlan配置 2,DBA profile 配置 3,线路模板:gpon-lineprofile配置 4,业务模板:ont-srvprofile配置 5,ONT注册 6,流量模板配置 7,service port配置 8,vlan与上联口关联 9,组播配置 10,删除业务
Assured bandwidth, Maximum bandwidth
Maximum bandwidth
Fixed bandwidth, Assured bandwidth, Maximum bandwidth
DBA profile 创建指令:
MA5600T(config)#dba-profile add profile-id 2 type5 fix 10240 assure 10240 max 1024000
1 smart common
2 smart common
10 smart common
30 smart common
1、CZ_HT_MA5606T(config)#vlan 1231 smart (创建VLAN)2、CZ_HT_MA5606T(config)#vlan attrib 1231 q-in-q(设置VLAN为QINQVLAN)3、CZ_HT_MA5606T(config)# port vlan 1231 0/1 0 (设置VLAN在上联口透传)4、CZ_HT_MA5606T(config)# vlan 42 smart (生成语音VLAN)5、CZ_HT_MA5606T(config)# port vlan 42 0/1 1 (语音VLAN在上联口透传)6、CZ_HT_MA5606T(config)# interface epon 0/3 (进入相应的EPON板)7、CZ_HT_MA5606T(config-if-epon-0/2)#ont add 2(端口) 27(ONT序号) mac-auth0018-82C6-938C(设备MAC) profile-id 12(不变)desc "LiuPo_anzhifang1#1D"(描述)8、CZ_HT_MA5606T(config-if-epon-0/2)# ont ipconfig 2(端口)27(ONT序号)ip-address管理IP) mask gateway网关) manage-vlan 13(管理VLAN)9、CZ_HT_MA5606T(config-if-epon-0/2)# quit10、CZ_HT_MA5606T(config)# display board 0/2(查看PON板下各端口设备上线情况)---------------------------------------Board Name : H801EPBABoard Status : Normal---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Port Port type------------------------------------------0 EPON1 EPON2 EPON3 EPON-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------F/S/P ONT-ID MAC Control Run Config Match LoopbackFlag State State State State-----------------------------------------------------------------------------0/ 2/0 0 0018-82C6-938C active up (已上线) normal match disable11、 CZ_HT_MA5606T(config)# service-port 111(序号) vlan 1231(QINQVLAN) epon 0/2/0 ont all multi-service user-vlan 13 to 13可用一条命令完成该PON口下所有的拥有相同的管理VLAN的service-port 配置。
华为OLT-ONU设备开局配置文档(步骤)一、OLT配置:display ont autofind all //显示当前OLT下所有未注册ONUinterface epon 0/1 进入PON口ont add 05 mac-auth 0025-9EA3-A2B7 snmp ont-lineprofile-id 20 des BXJ_WCLS_5626注册ONT 设备(A代表PON口B代表子接口)ont ipconfig 015 ip-address mask gateway manage-vlan 12 ont multicast-mode A B ctc 配置管理地址#service-port vlan 12 epon 0/1/7ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 12 tag-transform translateservice-port vlan 2750 epon 0/1/7 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 2750 tag-transform translateservice-port vlan 3713 epon 0/1/7 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 1113 tag-transform defaultservice-port vlan 3713 epon 0/1/7 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 1114 tag-transform defaultservice-port vlan 3713 epon 0/1/7 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 1115 tag-transform defaultservice-port vlan 3713 epon 0/1/7 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 1116 tag-transform defaultservice-port vlan 3713 epon 0/1/7 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 1117 tag-transform defaultservice-port vlan 3713 epon 0/1/7 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 1102 tag-transform defaultservice-port vlan 3713 epon 0/1/7 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 1103 tag-transform defaultservice-port vlan 3713 epon 0/1/7 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 1104 tag-transform defaultservice-port vlan 3713 epon 0/1/7 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 1105 tag-transform defaultservice-port vlan 3713 epon 0/1/7 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 1106 tag-transform defaultservice-port vlan 3713 epon 0/1/7 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 1107 tag-transform defaultservice-port vlan 3713 epon 0/1/7 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 1108 tag-transform defaultservice-port vlan 3713 epon 0/1/7 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 1109 tag-transform defaultservice-port vlan 3713 epon 0/1/7 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 1110 tag-transform defaultservice-port vlan 3713 epon 0/1/7 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 1111 tag-transform defaultservice-port vlan 3713 epon 0/1/7 ont 1 multi-service user-vlan 1112 tag-transform default二、通过管理地址进入ONT设备配置:terminal user name buildrun_new_password srxadmin *[%_-FHL1GF99IZ8OV4$0Q:0(:*1、创建VLAN:vlan 12 smartvlan 1097 to 1112 muxvlan 2750 standardport vlan 12 0/0 1 (OLT已经下发)port vlan 1097 to 1112 0/0 1port vlan 2750 0/0 12、<h831vesc-0>interface emu 0esc digital 0 available-level high-levelesc digital 1 available-level high-levelesc digital 2 available-level high-levelesc digital 3 available-level high-level3、配置数据端口信息:service-port 0 vlan 1113 eth 0/1/1 multi-service user-vlan untagged rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 service-port 1 vlan 1098 eth 0/1/2 multi-service user-vlan untagged rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 service-port 2 vlan 1099 eth 0/1/3 multi-service user-vlan untagged rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 service-port 3 vlan 1100 eth 0/1/4 multi-service user-vlan untagged rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 service-port 4 vlan 1101 eth 0/1/5 multi-service user-vlan untagged rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 service-port 5 vlan 1102 eth 0/1/6 multi-service user-vlan untagged rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 service-port 6 vlan 1103 eth 0/1/7 multi-service user-vlan untagged rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 service-port 7 vlan 1104 eth 0/1/8 multi-service user-vlan untagged rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 service-port 8 vlan 1105 eth 0/1/9 multi-service user-vlan untagged rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 service-port 9 vlan 1106 eth 0/1/10 multi-service user-vlan untagged rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 service-port 10 vlan 1107 eth 0/1/11 multi-service user-vlan untagged rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 service-port 11 vlan 1108 eth 0/1/12 multi-service user-vlan untagged rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 service-port 12 vlan 1109 eth 0/1/13 multi-service user-vlan untagged rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 service-port 13 vlan 1110 eth 0/1/14 multi-service user-vlan untagged rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 service-port 14 vlan 1111 eth 0/1/15 multi-service user-vlan untagged rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 service-port 15 vlan 1112 eth 0/1/16 multi-service user-vlan untagged rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 63、配置SNMP:snmp-agent local-engineid 800007DB0300259EA59106snmp-agent community read publicsnmp-agent community write privatesnmp-agent community read srwgzx&readsnmp-agent community write srwgzx&writesnmp-agent target-host trap-hostname 1MTU. address udp-port 161 trap-paramsname 1MTU. target-host trap-paramsname 1MTU. v1 securityname huaweisnmp-agent trap enable standard二、配置语音:1、interface vlanif12ip address、voipip address media address signaling、<h248-0>interface h248 0if-h248 attribute mgip mgport 2944 transfer udpif-h248 attribute primary-mgc-ip1 primary-mgc-port 2944mgc-domain-name1 286ED461CB09-BGWif-h248 attribute secondary-mgc-ip1 secondary-mgc-port 2944if-h248 attribute mg-media-ip1 MIDtype domainNameif-h248 attribute profile-index 6if-h248 attribute domainName 286ED461CB09tid-format pstn prefix USERmg-ringmode add 0 10 26mg-software parameter 2 2mg-software parameter 13 14、pstnportpstnport attribute set 0/2/1 clip-reverse-pole-pulse enablepstnport attribute set 0/2/2 clip-reverse-pole-pulse enablepstnport attribute set 0/2/3 clip-reverse-pole-pulse enablepstnport attribute set 0/2/4 clip-reverse-pole-pulse enablepstnport attribute set 0/2/5 clip-reverse-pole-pulse enablepstnport attribute set 0/2/6 clip-reverse-pole-pulse enablepstnport attribute set 0/2/7 clip-reverse-pole-pulse enablepstnport attribute set 0/2/8 clip-reverse-pole-pulse enablepstnport attribute set 0/2/9 clip-reverse-pole-pulse enablepstnport attribute set 0/2/10 clip-reverse-pole-pulse enablepstnport attribute set 0/2/11 clip-reverse-pole-pulse enablepstnport attribute set 0/2/12 clip-reverse-pole-pulse enablepstnport attribute set 0/2/13 clip-reverse-pole-pulse enablepstnport attribute set 0/2/14 clip-reverse-pole-pulse enablepstnport attribute set 0/2/15 clip-reverse-pole-pulse enablepstnport attribute set 0/2/16 clip-reverse-pole-pulse enable5、esl usermgpstnuser add 0/2/1 0 terminalid 1000mgpstnuser add 0/2/2 0 terminalid 1001mgpstnuser add 0/2/3 0 terminalid 1002mgpstnuser add 0/2/4 0 terminalid 1003mgpstnuser add 0/2/5 0 terminalid 1004mgpstnuser add 0/2/6 0 terminalid 1005mgpstnuser add 0/2/7 0 terminalid 1006mgpstnuser add 0/2/8 0 terminalid 1007mgpstnuser add 0/2/9 0 terminalid 1008mgpstnuser add 0/2/10 0 terminalid 1009mgpstnuser add 0/2/11 0 terminalid 1010mgpstnuser add 0/2/12 0 terminalid 1011mgpstnuser add 0/2/13 0 terminalid 1012mgpstnuser add 0/2/14 0 terminalid 1013mgpstnuser add 0/2/15 0 terminalid 1014mgpstnuser add 0/2/16 0 terminalid 10156、ip route-static route-static华为EPON设备MA5680T通常的命令查看方法华为EPON设备MA5680T通常的命令查看方法SmartAX MA5680T,全球首款汇聚型OLT,融合汇聚交换功能,提供高密度接入,高精度时钟,支持TDM、ATM、以太网专线,能够实现流畅的三重播放业务、高可靠的企业接入服务。
DBA profile配置
DBA profile 的几种操作: MA5600T(config)#dba-profile ? -------------------------------------------ode: --------------------------------------------- add Add a DBA profile delete Delete a DBA profile modify Modify a DBA profile configuration
Gem,eth port,vlan mapping关系 MA5600T(config-gpon-lineprofile-11)#gem mapping 0 0 eth 1 vlan 600 priority 0 MA5600T(config-gpon-lineprofile-11)#gem mapping 1 1 eth 1 vlan 601 priority 0 MA5600T(config-gpon-lineprofile-11)#gem mapping 2 2 eth 1 vlan 602 priority 5 MA5600T(config-gpon-lineprofile-11)#gem mapping 3 3 eth 1 vlan 603 priority 3 MA5600T(config-gpon-lineprofile-11)#gem mapping 4 4 eth 1 vlan 604 priority 0 MA5600T(config-gpon-lineprofile-11)#gem mapping 5 5 eth 1 vlan 605 priority 7 注意:该指令中提到的vlan,priority值是最终从gem port 里面出去的vlan和priority。
华为OLT部署iptv业务方案华为OLT部署iptv业务方案 (1)1.华为OLT组播和QOS部署 (1)1.1部署组播(GPON) (1)1.2部署组播(EPON) (5)1.3 QOS的部署 (9)2.IPTV业务组网 (9)3.光猫的配置实例(华为、中兴、海信等) (10)3.1以华为HG8321R的光猫为例 (10)1.华为OLT组播和QOS部署1.1部署组播(GPON)1,华为olt部署组播首先创建光猫的线路模板、服务模板、DBA模板ont-srvprofile gpon profile-id 50 profile-name "IPTV-G" //iptv业务的服务模板ont-port pots adaptive eth adaptivemulticast-forward untagcommitquitont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 50 profile-name "IPTV-G" //iptv业务的线路模板tr069-management ip-index 0mapping-mode prioritytcont 1 dba-profile-id 12gem add 0 eth tcont 1gem mapping 0 0 priority 0gem mapping 0 4 priority 4gem mapping 0 5 priority 5gem mapping 0 6 priority 6gem mapping 0 7 priority 7commitquitdba-profile add profile-id 12 profile-name "IPTV-G" type3 assure 10240 max 15072 //iptv 业务的DBA模板2,配置点播和组播VLANvlan 3001 to 3016 //点播的业务VLAN,根据现网VLAN规划改变VLAN配置。
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MA5683T(config)#MA5683T(config)#MA5683T(config)#DISPLAY CURRent-configuration{ <cr>|ont<K>|port<K>|section<K>|service-port<K>|simple<K>||<K> }:命令:DISPLAY CURRent-configuration[MA5600V800R011: 5800]#[sysmode]<sysmode>switch adsl mode to rfc2662 vdsl mode to tr129xpon mode switch-to profile-modeprotocol support h248system ex-mode backup#[global-config]<global-config>alarm output alarmid 0x64110001alarm output alarmid 0x64120001dba-profile add profile-id 100 profile-name "ceshi" type3 assure 409600 max 1024000ont-srvprofile gpon profile-id 100 profile-name "ceshi"ont-port eth 4commitont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 0 profile-name "line-profile_default_0"tcont 0 dba-profile-id 2tcont 1 dba-profile-id 0commitquitont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 100 profile-name "ceshi"tcont 1 dba-profile-id 100gem add 1 eth tcont 1gem mapping 1 0 vlan 100commitquit#[device-config]<device-config>board add 0/5 H802GPBDboard add 0/9 H801GICKboard add 0/12 H801CITD sub0 BITSBboard add standby sub0 CKMCrack info 0 description "RACK-300" name "RACK-300" manufactured-name "Huawei" #[public-config]<public-config>snmp-agent local-engineid 800007DB0304F9389148000A#[vlan-config]<vlan-config>vlan 100 smartport vlan 100 0/9 0#[vlan-srvprof]<vlan-srvprof>vlan service-profile profile-id 100 profile-name "ceshi"user-bridging enablecommitvlan bind service-profile 100 profile-id 100#[gpon]<gpon-0/5>interface gpon 0/5port 0 ont-auto-find enableport 1 ont-auto-find enableport 2 ont-auto-find enableport 3 ont-auto-find enableport 4 ont-auto-find enableport 5 ont-auto-find enableport 6 ont-auto-find enableport 7 ont-auto-find enableont add 0 1 sn-auth "485754433F52DD9A" omci ont-lineprofile-id 100ont-srvprofile-id 100 desc "ceshi-1"ont add 0 2 sn-auth "485754433F52DE9A" omci ont-lineprofile-id 100ont-srvprofile-id 100 desc "ceshi-1"ont port native-vlan 0 1 eth 1 vlan 100 priority 0ont port native-vlan 0 1 eth 2 vlan 100 priority 0ont port native-vlan 0 1 eth 3 vlan 100 priority 0ont port native-vlan 0 1 eth 4 vlan 100 priority 0ont port native-vlan 0 2 eth 1 vlan 100 priority 0ont port native-vlan 0 2 eth 2 vlan 100 priority 0ont port native-vlan 0 2 eth 3 vlan 100 priority 0ont port native-vlan 0 2 eth 4 vlan 100 priority 0#[giu]<giu-0/12>interface giu 0/12mdi 2 normal#[emu-config]<emu-config>emu add 0 fan 0 1 "H801FCBI"emu add 1 h801citd 0 10 "H801CITD"#[bbs-config]<bbs-config>service-port 1 vlan 100 gpon 0/5/0 ont 1 gemport 1 multi-service user-vlan 100 tag-transform translate inbound traffic-table index 6 outbound traffic-tableindex 6service-port 2 vlan 100 gpon 0/5/0 ont 2 gemport 1 multi-service user-vlan 100 tag-transform translate inbound traffic-table index 6 outbound traffic-tableindex 6#[abs-config]<abs-config>config#[config]<config>mpls label start 8192#[prevlanif]<prevlanif>interface vlanif100#[vlanif]<vlanif100>interface vlanif100ip address[meth]<meth0>interface meth0ip address[null]<null0>interface null0#[aaa]<aaa>aaaauthentication-scheme "default"#authorization-scheme "default"#accounting-scheme "default"#domain "default"#returnMA5683T(config)#MA5683T(config)#MA5683T(config)#disdev^% 未知的命令,错误位于'^'所指的位置MA5683T(config)#display dev^% 未知的命令,错误位于'^'所指的位置MA5683T(config)#display version{ <cr>|backplane<K>|frameid/slotid<S><Length 1-15> }:命令:display version版本: MA5600V800R011C00补丁: SPC100 SPH102 HP1007 HP1102产品类型: MA5683T主用主控板运行区域信息:-------------------------------------------------- 当前程序运行区: A当前数据运行区: AA区程序的版本: MA5600V800R011C00B区程序的版本: MA5600V800R011C00A区数据的版本: MA5600V800R011C00B区数据的版本: MA5600V800R011C00--------------------------------------------------备用主控板运行区域信息:-------------------------------------------------- 当前程序运行区: A当前数据运行区: AA区程序的版本: MA5600V800R011C00B区程序的版本: MA5600V800R011C00A区数据的版本: MA5600V800R011C00B区数据的版本: MA5600V800R011C00-------------------------------------------------- 已经运行: 0 天, 0 小时, 37 分钟, 38 秒MA5683T(config)#MA5683T(config)#MA5683T(config)#display interface br^% 参数错误,错误位于'^'所指的位置MA5683T(config)#display ip interface{ <cr>|brief<K>|meth<K>|null<K>|vlanif<K> }:命令:display ip interfacemeth0当前状态:DOWN链路层协议当前状态:DOWNMTU是1500字节输入0包, 共0字节, 有0多播包输出0包, 共0字节, 有0多播包本接口地址是10.11.104.2/24广播地址是:收到的TTL等于1的报文个数: 0收到的TTL非法的报文个数: 0收到的ICMP报文总数: 0ECHO应答: 0不可达: 0源地址抑止: 0路由重定向: 0ECHO请求: 0 路由广播: 0路由请求: 0时间超期: 0IP头错: 0时间戳请求: 0时间戳响应: 0信息请求: 0信息响应: 0掩码请求: 0掩码响应: 0未知类型: 0null0当前状态:UP链路层协议当前状态:UP (Spoofing)MTU是1500字节输入0包, 共0字节, 有0多播包输出0包, 共0字节, 有0多播包没有配置Internet协议处理广播地址是:收到的TTL等于1的报文个数: 0 收到的TTL非法的报文个数: 0 收到的ICMP报文总数: 0 ECHO应答: 0 不可达: 0源地址抑止: 0路由重定向: 0 ECHO请求: 0 路由广播: 0路由请求: 0时间超期: 0IP头错: 0时间戳请求: 0时间戳响应: 0信息请求: 0信息响应: 0掩码请求: 0 MA5683T(config)#interface vlanif 100MA5683T(config-if-vlanif100)#display this^ % 未知的命令,错误位于'^'所指的位置MA5683T(config-if-vlanif100)#MA5683T(config-if-vlanif100)#display curr^% 未知的命令,错误位于'^'所指的位置MA5683T(config-if-vlanif100)# display curr^% 未知的命令,错误位于'^'所指的位置MA5683T(config-if-vlanif100)#?---------------------------------------------vlanif100 模式命令:---------------------------------------------arp 地址解析协议description 设置接口描述信息dhcp DHCP命令组dhcp-client DHCP client 命令dhcp-server 配置此三层接口的DHCP server组dhcpv6-server 配置此三层接口的DHCPv6 server组display 显示相关信息firewall 设定防火墙igmp 设置IGMP参数ip <组>ip命令组ipv6 <组>ipv6命令组isis 配置ISIS协议接口参数mpls <组>mpls命令组mtu <组>MTU命令组ntp-service 指定NTP(网络时间协议)配置信息ospf <组>ospf命令组pim 设置PIM 协议接口参数priority-mark 为本接口发出的报文标记优先级quit 退出当前命令模式进入前一级命令模式,也可以退出配置环境return 退出当前命令模式进入Privilege模式MA5683T(config-if-vlanif100)#MA5683T(config-if-vlanif100)#MA5683T(config-if-vlanif100)#quitMA5683T(config)#display current-configuration{ <cr>|ont<K>|port<K>|section<K>|service-port<K>|simple<K>||<K> }:命令:display current-configuration[MA5600V800R011: 5800]#[sysmode]<sysmode>switch adsl mode to rfc2662 vdsl mode to tr129xpon mode switch-to profile-modeprotocol support h248system ex-mode backup#[global-config]<global-config>alarm output alarmid 0x64110001alarm output alarmid 0x64120001dba-profile add profile-id 100 profile-name "ceshi" type3 assure 409600 max 1024000ont-srvprofile gpon profile-id 100 profile-name "ceshi"ont-port eth 4commitont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 0 profile-name "line-profile_default_0"tcont 0 dba-profile-id 2tcont 1 dba-profile-id 0commitquitont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 100 profile-name "ceshi"tcont 1 dba-profile-id 100gem add 1 eth tcont 1gem mapping 1 0 vlan 100commitquit#[device-config]<device-config>board add 0/5 H802GPBDboard add 0/9 H801GICKboard add 0/12 H801CITD sub0 BITSBboard add standby sub0 CKMCrack info 0 description "RACK-300" name "RACK-300" manufactured-name "Huawei" #[public-config]<public-config>snmp-agent local-engineid 800007DB0304F9389148000A#[vlan-config]<vlan-config>vlan 100 smartport vlan 100 0/9 0#[vlan-srvprof]<vlan-srvprof>vlan service-profile profile-id 100 profile-name "ceshi"user-bridging enablecommitvlan bind service-profile 100 profile-id 100#[gpon]<gpon-0/5>interface gpon 0/5port 0 ont-auto-find enableport 1 ont-auto-find enableport 2 ont-auto-find enableport 3 ont-auto-find enableport 4 ont-auto-find enableport 5 ont-auto-find enableport 6 ont-auto-find enableport 7 ont-auto-find enableont add 0 1 sn-auth "485754433F52DD9A" omci ont-lineprofile-id 100 ont-srvprofile-id 100 desc "ceshi-1"ont add 0 2 sn-auth "485754433F52DE9A" omci ont-lineprofile-id 100 ont-srvprofile-id 100 desc "ceshi-1"ont port native-vlan 0 1 eth 1 vlan 100 priority 0ont port native-vlan 0 1 eth 2 vlan 100 priority 0ont port native-vlan 0 1 eth 3 vlan 100 priority 0ont port native-vlan 0 1 eth 4 vlan 100 priority 0ont port native-vlan 0 2 eth 1 vlan 100 priority 0ont port native-vlan 0 2 eth 2 vlan 100 priority 0ont port native-vlan 0 2 eth 3 vlan 100 priority 0ont port native-vlan 0 2 eth 4 vlan 100 priority 0#[giu]<giu-0/12>interface giu 0/12mdi 2 normal#[emu-config]<emu-config>emu add 0 fan 0 1 "H801FCBI"emu add 1 h801citd 0 10 "H801CITD"#[bbs-config]<bbs-config>service-port 1 vlan 100 gpon 0/5/0 ont 1 gemport 1 multi-service user-vlan 100 tag-transform translate inbound traffic-table index 6 outbound traffic-tableindex 6service-port 2 vlan 100 gpon 0/5/0 ont 2 gemport 1 multi-service user-vlan 100 tag-transform translate inbound traffic-table index 6 outbound traffic-tableindex 6#[abs-config]<abs-config>config#[config]<config>mpls label start 8192#[prevlanif]<prevlanif>interface vlanif100#[vlanif]<vlanif100>interface vlanif100ip address[meth]<meth0>interface meth0ip address[null]<null0>interface null0#MA5683T(config)#interface vlanif 100MA5683T(config-if-vlanif100)#ip address 24{ <cr>|description<K>|sub<K> }:命令:ip address 24MA5683T(config-if-vlanif100)#MA5683T(config-if-vlanif100)#MA5683T(config-if-vlanif100)#quitMA5683T(config)#display current-configuration{ <cr>|ont<K>|port<K>|section<K>|service-port<K>|simple<K>||<K> }:命令:display current-configuration[MA5600V800R011: 5800]#[sysmode]<sysmode>switch adsl mode to rfc2662 vdsl mode to tr129xpon mode switch-to profile-modeprotocol support h248system ex-mode backup#[global-config]<global-config>alarm output alarmid 0x64110001alarm output alarmid 0x64120001dba-profile add profile-id 100 profile-name "ceshi" type3 assure 409600 max 1024000ont-srvprofile gpon profile-id 100 profile-name "ceshi"ont-port eth 4commitont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 0 profile-name "line-profile_default_0"tcont 0 dba-profile-id 2tcont 1 dba-profile-id 0commitquitont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 100 profile-name "ceshi"tcont 1 dba-profile-id 100gem add 1 eth tcont 1gem mapping 1 0 vlan 100commitquit#[device-config]<device-config>board add 0/5 H802GPBDboard add 0/9 H801GICKboard add 0/12 H801CITD sub0 BITSBboard add standby sub0 CKMCrack info 0 description "RACK-300" name "RACK-300" manufactured-name "Huawei" #[public-config]<public-config>snmp-agent local-engineid 800007DB0304F9389148000A#[vlan-config]<vlan-config>vlan 100 smartport vlan 100 0/9 0#[vlan-srvprof]<vlan-srvprof>vlan service-profile profile-id 100 profile-name "ceshi"user-bridging enablecommitvlan bind service-profile 100 profile-id 100#[gpon]<gpon-0/5>interface gpon 0/5port 0 ont-auto-find enableport 1 ont-auto-find enableport 2 ont-auto-find enableport 3 ont-auto-find enableport 4 ont-auto-find enableport 5 ont-auto-find enableport 6 ont-auto-find enableport 7 ont-auto-find enableont add 0 1 sn-auth "485754433F52DD9A" omci ont-lineprofile-id 100ont-srvprofile-id 100 desc "ceshi-1"ont add 0 2 sn-auth "485754433F52DE9A" omci ont-lineprofile-id 100ont-srvprofile-id 100 desc "ceshi-1"ont port native-vlan 0 1 eth 1 vlan 100 priority 0ont port native-vlan 0 1 eth 2 vlan 100 priority 0ont port native-vlan 0 1 eth 3 vlan 100 priority 0ont port native-vlan 0 1 eth 4 vlan 100 priority 0ont port native-vlan 0 2 eth 1 vlan 100 priority 0ont port native-vlan 0 2 eth 2 vlan 100 priority 0ont port native-vlan 0 2 eth 3 vlan 100 priority 0ont port native-vlan 0 2 eth 4 vlan 100 priority 0#[giu]<giu-0/12>interface giu 0/12mdi 2 normal#[emu-config]<emu-config>emu add 0 fan 0 1 "H801FCBI"emu add 1 h801citd 0 10 "H801CITD"#[bbs-config]<bbs-config>service-port 1 vlan 100 gpon 0/5/0 ont 1 gemport 1 multi-service user-vlan 100 tag-transform translate inbound traffic-table index 6 outbound traffic-tableindex 6service-port 2 vlan 100 gpon 0/5/0 ont 2 gemport 1 multi-service user-vlan 100 tag-transform translate inbound traffic-table index 6 outbound traffic-tableindex 6#[abs-config]<abs-config>config#[config]<config>mpls label start 8192#[prevlanif]<prevlanif>interface vlanif100#[vlanif]<vlanif100>interface vlanif100ip address[meth]<meth0>interface meth0ip address[null]<null0>MA5683T(config)#MA5683T(config)#save{ <cr>|configuration<K>|data<K> }:命令:saveMA5683T(config)#保存配置文件操作需要一段时间,请稍候...MA5683T(config)#MA5683T(config)#MA5683T(config)#Warning: There is a risk on the user-interface which you login through. Please change the configuration of the user-interface as soon as possible.<switch-ceshi><switch-ceshi><switch-ceshi>sysEnter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z.[switch-ceshi]inter vla n100^Error: Wrong parameter found at '^' position.[switch-ceshi]inter vlan 100[switch-ceshi-Vlanif100]ip add 192^Error: Wrong parameter found at '^' position.[switch-ceshi-Vlanif100]168^Error: Unrecognized command found at '^' position.[switch-ceshi-Vlanif100]88^Error: Unrecognized command found at '^' position.[switch-ceshi-Vlanif100]ip add 24[switch-ceshi-Vlanif100]Apr 2 2000 00:25:37 switch-ceshi %%01RM/4/ROUTERID_CHANGE(l)[0]:The router ID is (InstanceID=0)Apr 2 2000 00:25:37 switch-ceshi %%01RM/4/ROUTERID_CHANGE(l)[1]:The router ID is (InstanceID=0)[switch-ceshi-Vlanif100]dis this#interface Vlanif100ip address[switch-ceshi-Vlanif100][switch-ceshi-Vlanif100][switch-ceshi-Vlanif100][switch-ceshi-Vlanif100]q[switch-ceshi]q<switch-ceshi>savThe current configuration (excluding the configurations of unregistered boards or cards) will be written to flash:/vrpcfg.zip.Are you sure to continue?[Y/N]Error: Please choose 'YES' or 'NO' first before pressing 'Enter'. [Y/N]:yNow saving the current configuration to the slot 0..Apr 2 2000 00:25:40 switch-ceshi %%01CFM/4/SAVE(s)[2]:The user chose Y when deciding whether to save the configuration to the device..Save the configuration successfully.<switch-ceshi><switch-ceshi>Apr 2 2000 00:25:46 switch-ceshi DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID configurations have been changed. The current change number is 1, the change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.<switch-ceshi><switch-ceshi><switch-ceshi>sysEnter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z.[switch-ceshi]inter vlan 100[switch-ceshi-Vlanif100]ip add 24[switch-ceshi-Vlanif100]Apr 2 2000 00:26:20 switch-ceshi %%01RM/4/ROUTERID_CHANGE(l)[3]:The router ID is (InstanceID=0)Apr 2 2000 00:26:20 switch-ceshi %%01RM/4/ROUTERID_CHANGE(l)[4]:The router ID is (InstanceID=0)[switch-ceshi-Vlanif100][switch-ceshi-Vlanif100][switch-ceshi-Vlanif100]dis this#interface Vlanif100ip address[switch-ceshi-Vlanif100][switch-ceshi-Vlanif100][switch-ceshi-Vlanif100][switch-ceshi-Vlanif100]q[switch-ceshi]q<switch-ceshi>savThe current configuration (excluding the configurations of unregistered boards or cards) will be written to flash:/vrpcfg.zip.Are you sure to continue?[Y/N]yNow saving the current configuration to the slot 0..Apr 2 2000 00:26:24 switch-ceshi %%01CFM/4/SAVE(s)[5]:The user chose Y when deciding whether to save the configuration to the device...Save the configuration successfully.<switch-ceshi><switch-ceshi>Apr 2 2000 00:26:26 switch-ceshi DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID configurations have been changed. The current change number is 2, the change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.<switch-ceshi><switch-ceshi><switch-ceshi>ping 56 data bytes, press CTRL_C to breakRequest time outRequest time outRequest time outRequest time outRequest time out--- ping statistics ---5 packet(s) transmitted0 packet(s) received100.00% packet loss<switch-ceshi>ping 56 data bytes, press CTRL_C to breakReply from bytes=56 Sequence=1 ttl=255 time=4 msReply from bytes=56 Sequence=2 ttl=255 time=1 msReply from bytes=56 Sequence=3 ttl=255 time=1 msReply from bytes=56 Sequence=4 ttl=255 time=1 msReply from bytes=56 Sequence=5 ttl=255 time=1 ms--- ping statistics ---5 packet(s) transmitted5 packet(s) received0.00% packet lossround-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/4 ms<switch-ceshi>ping 56 data bytes, press CTRL_C to breakReply from bytes=56 Sequence=1 ttl=64 time=4 msReply from bytes=56 Sequence=2 ttl=64 time=1 msReply from bytes=56 Sequence=3 ttl=64 time=1 msReply from bytes=56 Sequence=4 ttl=64 time=1 msReply from bytes=56 Sequence=5 ttl=64 time=1 ms--- ping statistics ---5 packet(s) transmitted5 packet(s) received0.00% packet lossround-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/4 ms<switch-ceshi>Apr 2 2000 00:30:55 switch-ceshi %%01IFPDT/4/IF_STATE(l)[6]:Interface GigabitEthernet0/0/4 has turned into UP state.<switch-ceshi><switch-ceshi>dis mac-ade^Error: Unrecognized command found at '^' position.<switch-ceshi>dis mac-add------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAC Address VLAN/VSI Learned-From Type------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 000c-296e-ed9a 100/- GE0/0/4 dynamic04f9-3891-4805 100/- GE0/0/28 dynamic 0800-0699-4ae5 100/- GE0/0/28 dynamic 28d2-44c8-1c31 100/- GE0/0/28 dynamica01d-48b7-59c8 100/- GE0/0/4 dynamice0dc-a08b-d21d 100/- GE0/0/28 dynamic------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total items displayed = 6<switch-ceshi>dis arpIP ADDRESS MAC ADDRESS EXPIRE(M) TYPE INTERFACE VPN-INSTANCEVLAN------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c4ff-1f4c-1c30 I - Vlanif100192.168.88.254 04f9-3891-4805 16 D-0 GE0/0/28100192.168.88.11 28d2-44c8-1c31 17 D-0 GE0/0/28100------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total:3 Dynamic:2 Static:0 Interface:1<switch-ceshi>ping Unknown host<switch-ceshi>ping 56 data bytes, press CTRL_C to breakReply from bytes=56 Sequence=1 ttl=64 time=1 msReply from bytes=56 Sequence=2 ttl=64 time=1 msReply from bytes=56 Sequence=3 ttl=64 time=1 msReply from bytes=56 Sequence=4 ttl=64 time=1 msReply from bytes=56 Sequence=5 ttl=64 time=1 ms--- ping statistics ---5 packet(s) transmitted5 packet(s) received0.00% packet lossround-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/1 ms<switch-ceshi>ping 56 data bytes, press CTRL_C to breakReply from bytes=56 Sequence=1 ttl=30 time=3 msReply from bytes=56 Sequence=2 ttl=30 time=1 msReply from bytes=56 Sequence=3 ttl=30 time=1 msReply from bytes=56 Sequence=4 ttl=30 time=3 msReply from bytes=56 Sequence=5 ttl=30 time=1 ms--- ping statistics ---5 packet(s) transmitted5 packet(s) received0.00% packet lossround-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/3 ms<switch-ceshi>ping 56 data bytes, press CTRL_C to breakReply from bytes=56 Sequence=1 ttl=30 time=3 msReply from bytes=56 Sequence=2 ttl=30 time=3 msReply from bytes=56 Sequence=3 ttl=30 time=2 msReply from bytes=56 Sequence=4 ttl=30 time=2 msReply from bytes=56 Sequence=5 ttl=30 time=2 ms--- ping statistics ---5 packet(s) transmitted5 packet(s) received0.00% packet lossround-trip min/avg/max = 2/2/3 ms<switch-ceshi>Apr 2 2000 00:37:43 switch-ceshi %%01IFADP/4/PORTDOWNINFO(l)[7]:Interface GigabitEthernet0/0/4 has turned into DOWN state. (Information=Physical state: DOWN, Negotiation: ENABLE, Negotiation complete: No, Local full-duplex(10M: Yes, 100M: Yes, 1000M: Yes, 2.5G: No, 10G: No), Local half-duplex(10M: Yes, 100M: Yes, 1000M: No, 2.5G: No, 10G: No), Remote full-duplex(10M: No, 100M: No, 1000M: No, 2.5G: No, 10G: No), Remote half-duplex(10M: No, 100M: No, 1000M: No, 2.5G: No, 10G: No))Apr 2 2000 00:37:43 switch-ceshi %%01IFPDT/4/IF_STATE(l)[8]:Interface GigabitEthernet0/0/4 has turned into DOWN state.<switch-ceshi>Apr 2 2000 00:38:19 switch-ceshi %%01IFPDT/4/IF_STATE(l)[9]:Interface GigabitEthernet0/0/6 has turned into UP state.<switch-ceshi>Apr 2 2000 00:38:49 switch-ceshi %%01IFADP/4/PORTDOWNINFO(l)[10]:Interface GigabitEthernet0/0/6 has turned into DOWN state. (Information=Physical state: DOWN, Negotiation: ENABLE, Negotiation complete: No, Local full-duplex(10M: Yes, 100M: Yes, 1000M: Yes, 2.5G: No, 10G: No), Local half-duplex(10M: Yes, 100M: Yes, 1000M: No, 2.5G: No, 10G: No), Remote full-duplex(10M: No, 100M: No, 1000M: No, 2.5G: No, 10G: No), Remote half-duplex(10M: No, 100M: No, 1000M: No, 2.5G: No, 10G: No))Apr 2 2000 00:38:49 switch-ceshi %%01IFPDT/4/IF_STATE(l)[11]:Interface GigabitEthernet0/0/6 has turned into DOWN state.<switch-ceshi>Apr 2 2000 00:39:14 switch-ceshi %%01IFPDT/4/IF_STATE(l)[12]:Interface GigabitEthernet0/0/6 has turned into UP state.<switch-ceshi>Apr 2 2000 00:39:28 switch-ceshi %%01IFADP/4/PORTDOWNINFO(l)[13]:Interface GigabitEthernet0/0/6 has turned into DOWN state. (Information=Physical state: DOWN, Negotiation: ENABLE, Negotiation complete: No, Local full-duplex(10M: Yes, 100M: Yes, 1000M: Yes, 2.5G: No, 10G: No), Local half-duplex(10M: Yes, 100M: Yes, 1000M: No, 2.5G: No, 10G: No), Remote full-duplex(10M: No, 100M: No, 1000M: No, 2.5G: No, 10G: No), Remote half-duplex(10M: No, 100M: No, 1000M: No, 2.5G: No, 10G: No))Apr 2 2000 00:39:28 switch-ceshi %%01IFPDT/4/IF_STATE(l)[14]:Interface GigabitEthernet0/0/6 has turned into DOWN state.<switch-ceshi><switch-ceshi><switch-ceshi>ping 56 data bytes, press CTRL_C to breakReply from bytes=56 Sequence=1 ttl=30 time=5 msReply from bytes=56 Sequence=2 ttl=30 time=2 msReply from bytes=56 Sequence=3 ttl=30 time=3 msReply from bytes=56 Sequence=4 ttl=30 time=2 msReply from bytes=56 Sequence=5 ttl=30 time=2 ms--- ping statistics ---5 packet(s) transmitted5 packet(s) received0.00% packet lossround-trip min/avg/max = 2/2/5 ms<switch-ceshi>\^Error: Unrecognized command found at '^' position.<switch-ceshi><switch-ceshi>dis port vlan actT=TAG U=UNTAG------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Port Link Type PVID VLAN List------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GE0/0/1 access 100 U: 100GE0/0/2 access 100 U: 100GE0/0/3 access 100 U: 100GE0/0/4 access 100 U: 100GE0/0/5 access 100 U: 100GE0/0/6 access 100 U: 100GE0/0/7 access 100 U: 100GE0/0/8 access 100 U: 100GE0/0/9 access 100 U: 100GE0/0/10 access 100 U: 100GE0/0/11 access 100 U: 100GE0/0/12 access 100 U: 100GE0/0/13 access 100 U: 100GE0/0/14 access 100 U: 100GE0/0/15 access 100 U: 100GE0/0/16 access 100 U: 100GE0/0/17 access 100 U: 100GE0/0/18 access 100 U: 100GE0/0/19 access 100 U: 100GE0/0/20 access 100 U: 100GE0/0/21 access 100 U: 100GE0/0/22 access 100 U: 100GE0/0/23 access 100 U: 100GE0/0/24 trunk 1 T: 100GE0/0/25 access 1 U: 1GE0/0/26 access 1 U: 1GE0/0/27 access 1 U: 1GE0/0/28 trunk 1 T: 100<switch-ceshi><switch-ceshi><switch-ceshi><switch-ceshi><switch-ceshi><switch-ceshi><switch-ceshi>dis mac-add------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAC Address VLAN/VSI Learned-From Type------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 04f9-3891-4805 100/- GE0/0/28 dynamic 0800-0699-4ae5 100/- GE0/0/28 dynamice0dc-a08b-d21d 100/- GE0/0/28 dynamic------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total items displayed = 3<switch-ceshi>dis arpIP ADDRESS MAC ADDRESS EXPIRE(M) TYPE INTERFACE VPN-INSTANCEVLAN------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c4ff-1f4c-1c30 I - Vlanif100192.168.88.254 04f9-3891-4805 20 D-0 GE0/0/28100192.168.88.11 28d2-44c8-1c31 6 D-0 GE0/0/28100192.168.88.1 0800-0699-4ae5 10 D-0 GE0/0/28100192.168.88.2 e0dc-a08b-d21d 19 D-0 GE0/0/28100------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total:5 Dynamic:4 Static:0 Interface:1<switch-ceshi>Apr 2 2000 00:43:07 switch-ceshi %%01IFPDT/4/IF_STATE(l)[15]:Interface GigabitEthernet0/0/4 has turned into UP state.<switch-ceshi>。