Ballast Systems
SECTION 10P IPING S YSTEMS1General1.1Application1.1.1a)General requirements applying to all piping systems arecontained in Articles:• [2] for their design and construction• [3] for the welding of steel pipes• [4] for the bending of pipes• [5] for their arrangement and installation• [20] for their certification, inspection and testing. b)Specific requirements for ship piping systems andmachinery piping systems are given in Articles [6] to [19].1.2Documentation to be submitted1.2.1 DocumentsThe documents listed in Tab 1 are to be submitted.1.2.2 Additional informationThe information listed in Tab 2 is also to be submitted.Table 1 : Documents to be submittedItem No I/A (1)Document (2)1A Drawing showing the arrangement of the sea chests and ship side valves2A Diagram of the bilge and ballast systems (in and outside machinery spaces), including calculation for the bilge main, bilge branch lines and bilge pumps capacity as per Rule requirements 3A Specification of the central priming system intended for bilge pumps, when provided4A Arrangement drawings of the compartments where active substances intended for ballast water treatment are stored or used5A Diagram of the scuppers and sanitary discharge systems6A Diagram of the air, sounding and overflow systems7A Diagram of cooling systems (sea water and fresh water)8A Diagram of fuel oil system9A Drawings of the fuel oil tanks not forming part of the ship‘s structure10A Diagram of the lubricating oil system11A Diagram of the thermal oil system12A Diagram of the hydraulic systems intended for essential services or located in machinery spaces13A Diagram of steam system, including safety valve exhaust and drain pipes14For high temperature steam pipes:A•stress calculation noteI•drawing showing the actual arrangement of the piping in three dimensions15A Diagram of the boiler feed water and condensate system16A Diagram of the compressed air system, including:•starting air calculation as per Rule requirements•procedure and preliminary calculation showing that after "dead ship conditions" the propulsion may be restored within 30 min17A Diagram of the hydraulic and pneumatic remote control systems18A Diagram of the remote level gauging system19A Diagram of the exhaust gas system20A Diagram of drip trays and gutterway draining system21A Arrangement of the ventilation system22A Diagram of the oxyacetylene welding system23A Drawings and specification of valves and accessories, where required in [2.7](1) A = to be submitted for approval, in four copies;I = to be submitted for information, in duplicate.(2) Diagrams are also to include, where applicable, the (local and remote) control and monitoring systems and automation systems.Table 2 : Information to be submitted1.3Definitions1.3.1 Piping and piping systemsa)Piping includes pipes and their connections, flexiblehoses and expansion joints, valves and their actuating systems, other accessories (filters, level gauges, etc.) and pump casings.b)Piping systems include piping and all the interfacingequipment such as tanks, pressure vessels, heat exchangers, pumps and centrifugal purifiers, but do not include boilers, turbines, internal combustion engines and reduction gears.Note 1: The equipment other than piping is to be designed in accordance with the relevant Sections of Part C, Chapter Design pressurea)The design pressure of a piping system is the pressureconsidered by the manufacturer to determine the scant-ling of the system components. It is not to be taken less than the maximum working pressure expected in this system or the highest setting pressure of any safety valve or relief device, whichever is the greater.b)The design pressure of a boiler feed system is not to beless than 1,25 times the design pressure of the boiler or the maximum pressure expected in the feed piping, whichever is the greater.c)The design pressure of steam piping located upstream ofpressure reducing valves (high pressure side) is not to be less than the setting pressure of the boiler or superheater safety valves.d)The design pressure of a piping system located on thelow pressure side of a pressure reducing valve where no safety valve is provided is not to be less than the maxi-mum pressure on the high pressure side of the pressure reducing valve.e)The design pressure of a piping system located on thedelivery side of a pump or a compressor is not to be less than the setting pressure of the safety valve for displace-ment pumps or the maximum pressure resulting from the operating (head-capacity) curve for centrifugal pumps, whichever is the greater.1.3.3 Design temperatureThe design temperature of a piping system is the maximum temperature of the medium inside the system.1.3.4 Flammable oilsF lammable oils include fuel oils, lubricating oils, thermal oils and hydraulic oils.1.4Symbols and units1.4.1 The following symbols and related units are com-monly used in this Section. Additional symbols, related to some formulae indicated in this Section, are listed wherever it is necessary.p:Design pressure, in MPaT:Design temperature, in °Ct:Rule required minimum thickness, in mmD:Pipe external diameter, in mm.1.5Class of piping systems1.5.1 Purpose of the classes of piping systems Piping systems are subdivided into three classes, denoted as class I, class II and class III, for the purpose of acceptance of materials, selection of joints, heat treatment, welding, pres-sure testing and the certification of fittings.1.5.2 Definitions of the classes of piping systemsa)Classes I, II and III are defined in Tab 3b)The following systems are not covered by Tab 3:•cargo piping for oil tankers, gas tankers and chemi-cal tankers, and•fluids for refrigerating plants.Item No I/A (1)Document1I Nature, service temperature and pressure of the fluids2A Material, external diameter and wall thickness of the pipes3A Type of the connections between pipe lengths, including details of the weldings, where provided 4A Material, type and size of the accessories5A Capacity, prime mover and, when requested, location of the pumps6A For plastic pipes:•the chemical composition•the physical and mechanical characteristics in function of temperature•the characteristics of inflammability and fire resistance•the resistance to the products intended to be conveyed(1) A = to be submitted for approval, in four copies;I = to be submitted for information, in duplicate.Table 3 : Class of piping systemsTable 4 : Definition of the design pressurefor fuel oil systems2General requirements for design and construction2.1Materials2.1.1 GeneralMaterials to be used in piping systems are to be suitable for the medium and the service for which the piping is intended.2.1.2 Use of metallic materialsa)Metallic materials are to be used in accordance withTab 5.b)Materials for class I and class II piping systems are to bemanufactured and tested in accordance with the appro-priate requirements of NR216 Materials and Welding.c)Materials for class III piping systems are to be manufac-tured and tested in accordance with the requirements of acceptable national or international standards or speci-fications.d)Mechanical characteristics required for metallic materi-als are specified in NR216 Materials and Welding.2.1.3 Use of plasticsa)Plastics may be used for piping systems belonging toclass III in accordance with Ch 1, App 3. The use of plastics for other systems or in other conditions will be given special consideration.b)Plastics intended for piping systems dealt with in thisSection are to be of a type approved by the Society.Media conveyed bythe piping systemClass I Class II (1) (4)Class III (7) Toxic media without special safeguards (3)not applicable not applicable Corrosive media without special safeguards (3)with special safeguards (3)not applicable Flammable media:•heated above flashpoint, or•having flashpoint < 60°CLiquefied gaswithout special safeguards (3)with special safeguards (3)not applicableOxyacetylene irrespective of p not applicable not applicableSteam p > 1,6 or T > 300other (2)p ≤ 0,7 and T ≤ 170 Thermal oil p > 1,6 or T > 300other (2)p ≤ 0,7 and T ≤ 150 Fuel oil (8)Lubricating oilFlammable hydraulic oil (5)p > 1,6 or T > 150other (2)p ≤ 0,7 and T ≤ 60Other media (5) (6)p > 4 or T > 300other (2)p ≤ 1,6 and T ≤ 200(1) Valves under static pressure on oil fuel tanks or lubricating oil tanks belong to class II.(2) Pressure and temperature conditions other than those required for class I and class III.(3) Safeguards for reducing leakage possibility and limiting its consequences:e.g. pipes led in positions where leakage of internal fluids will not cause a potential hazard or damage to surrounding areaswhich may include the use of pipe ducts, shielding, screening etc.(4) Valves and fittings fitted on the ship side and collision bulkhead belong to class II. See also [20.4.3] b).(5) Steering gear hydraulic piping system belongs to class I irrespective of p and T.(6) Including water, air, gases, non-flammable hydraulic oil.(7) The open ended pipes, irrespective of T, generally belong to class III (as drains, overflows, vents, exhaust gas lines, boiler escapepipes, etc.).(8) Design pressure for fuel oil systems is to be determined in accordance with Tab 4.Note 1: p : Design pressure, as defined in [1.3.2], in MPa.Note 2: T : Design temperature, as defined in [1.3.3], in °C.Note 3: Flammable media generally include the flammable liquids as oil fuel, lubricating oil, thermal oil and flammable hydraulic oil.Working pressure P, in barWorking temperature T, in °C T ≤ 60T > 60P ≤ 7 3 bar or max. workingpressure, whichever isthe greater 3 bar or max. working pressure, whichever isthe greaterP > 7max. working pressure14 bar or max. workingpressure, whichever isthe greaterTable 5 : Conditions of use of metallic materials in piping systemsMaterial AllowableclassesMaximum designtemperature (1)Particular conditions of useCarbon andcarbon-manganese steelsIII, II, I 400 (2)Class I and II pipes are to be seamless drawn pipes (3)Copper and aluminium brass III, II, I200•Not to be used in fuel oil systems, except for class III pipes of adiameter not exceeding 25 mm not passing through fuel oil tanksCopper-nickel III, II, I300•Not to be used for boiler blow-down valves and pieces forconnection to the shell platingSpecial high temperatureresistant bronzeIII, II, I260 (4)Stainless steel III, II, I300Austenitic stainless steel is not to be used for sea water systemsSpheroidal graphite cast iron III, II (5)350 •Minimum elongation is not to be less than 12% on a gauge lengthof 5,65.S0,5, where S is the actual cross-sectional area of the testpiece•Not to be used for boiler blow-down valves and pieces forconnection to the shell platingGrey cast iron IIIII (6)220Grey cast iron is not to be used for the following systems:•boiler blow-down systems and other piping systems subject to shocks, high stresses and vibrations•bilge lines in tanks•parts of scuppers and sanitary discharge systems located next to the hull below the freeboard deck or for passengers ships belowthe bulkhead deck•ship side valves and fittings•valves fitted on the collision bulkhead•valves fitted to fuel oil and lubricating oil tanks under staticpressure head•class II fuel oil systems and thermal oil systemsAluminium and aluminium alloys III, II200Aluminium and aluminium alloys are not to be used on the followingsystems:•flammable oil systems•sounding and air pipes of fuel oil tanks•fire-extinguishing systems•bilge system in boiler or machinery spaces or in spaces containingfuel oil tanks or pumping units•scuppers and overboard discharges except for pipes led to thebottoms or to the shell above the freeboard deck or fitted at theirupper end with closing means operated from a position above thefreeboard deck•boiler blow-down valves and pieces for connection to the shellplating(1) Maximum design temperature is not to exceed that assigned to the class of piping.(2) Higher temperatures may be accepted if metallurgical behaviour and time dependent strength (ultimate tensile strength after100 000 hours) are in accordance with national or international standards or specifications and if such values are guaranteed by the steel manufacturer.(3) Pipes fabricated by a welding procedure approved by the Society may also be used.(4) Pipes made of copper and copper alloys are to be seamless.(5) Use of spheroidal cast iron for class I piping systems will be given special consideration by the Society.(6) Use of grey cast iron is not allowed when the design pressure exceeds 1,3 MPa.Table 6 : Minimum wall thickness for steel pipesExternal diameter(mm)Minimum nominal wall thickness (mm)Minimum reinforcedwall thickness(mm) (2)Minimum extra-reinforced wallthickness (mm) (3) Pipes ingeneral (1)Vent, overflow andsounding pipes forintegral tanks (1) (5)Sea water pipes, bilgeand ballast systems(1) (4)10,2 - 12,01,6−−−−13,5 - 19,31,8−−−−20,02,0−−−−21,3 - 25,02,0−3,2−−26,9 - 33,72,0−3,2−−38,0 - 44,52,04,53,66,37,648,32,34,53,66,37,651,0 - 63,52,34,54,06,37,670,02,64,54,06,37,676,1 - 82,52,64,54,56,37,688,9 - 108,02,94,54,57,17,8114,3 - 127,03,24,54,58,08,8133,0 - 139,73,64,54,58,09,5152,4 - 168,34,04,54,58,811,0177,84,55,05,08,812,7193,74,55,45,48,812,7219,14,55,95,98,812,7244,5 - 273,05,06,36,38,812,7298,5 - 368,05,66,36,38,812,7406,4 - 457,26,36,36,38,812,7(1) Attention is drawn to the special requirements regarding:•bilge and ballast systems•scupper and discharge pipes•sounding, air and overflow pipes•ventilation systems•oxyacetylene welding systems•CO2 fire-extinguishing systems (see Ch 4, Sec 14)•cargo lines (see Pt D, Ch 10, Sec 3). The wall thickness is to be subject to special consideration by the Society.(2) Reinforced wall thickness applies to pipes passing through tanks containing a fluid distinct from that conveyed by the pipe andto pipe connections fitted to the tanks.(3) Extra-reinforced wall thickness applies to pipes connected to the shell below the freeboard deck.(4) The minimum wall thickness for bilge lines and ballast lines through deep tanks is to be subject to special consideration by theSociety. The ballast lines within oil cargo tanks (where permitted) is to be subject to special consideration by the Society (see Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 4, [2.1.3]).(5) For sounding pipes, except those for flammable cargoes, the minimum wall thickness is intended to apply only to the part out-side the tank.Note 1: A different thickness may be considered by the Society on a case by case basis, provided that it complies with recognised standards.Note 2: For pipes efficiently protected against corrosion, the thickness may be reduced by an amount up to 1 mm.Note 3: The thickness of threaded pipes is to be measured at the bottom of the thread.Note 4: The minimum thickness listed in this table is the nominal wall thickness and no allowance is required for negative tolerance and reduction in thickness due to bending.Note 5: For nominal diameters ND > 450 mm, the minimum wall thickness is to be in accordance with a national or an interna-tional standard, but is not to be less than the minimum wall thickness of the appropriate column indicated for 450 mm pipe size. Note 6: Exhaust gas pipe minimum wall thickness is to be subject to special consideration by the Society.2.2Thickness of pressure piping2.2.1 Calculation of the thickness of pressure pipesa)The thickness t, in mm, of pressure pipes is to be deter-mined by the following formula but, in any case, is not to be less than the minimum thickness given in Tab 6 to Tab 9.where:t0:Coefficient, in mm, equal to:with:p and D:as defined in [1.4.1],K:Permissible stress defined in[2.2.2],e:Weld efficiency factor to be:•equal to 1 for seamless pipesand pipes fabricated accord-ing to a welding procedureapproved by the Society,•specially considered by theSociety for other weldedpipes, depending on theservice and the manufactureprocedure.b:Thickness reduction due to bending definedin [2.2.3], in mmc:Corrosion allowance defined in [2.2.4], inmma:Negative manufacturing tolerance percent-age:•equal to 10 for copper and copper alloypipes, cold drawn seamless steel pipesand steel pipes fabricated according to awelding procedure approved by theSociety,•equal to 12,5 for hot laminated seamlesssteel pipes,•subject to special consideration by theSociety in other cases.b)The thickness thus determined does not take intoaccount the particular loads to which pipes may be sub-jected. Attention is to be drawn in particular to the case of high temperature and low temperature pipes.Table 7 : Minimum wall thicknessfor copper and copper alloy pipesTable 8 : Minimum wall thicknessfor austenitic stainless steel pipesTable 9 : Minimum wall thicknessfor aluminium and aluminium alloy pipestt0b c++1a100---------–----------------------=t0p D⋅2Ke p+--------------------=External diameter(mm)Minimum wall thickness (mm)Copper Copper alloy8 - 101,00,812 - 201,21,025 - 44,51,51,250 - 76,12,01,588,9 - 1082,52,0133 - 1593,02,5193,7 - 2673,53,0273 - 457,24,03,54704,03,55084,54,0Note 1: A different thickness may be considered by the Soci-ety on a case by case basis, provided that it complies withrecognised standards.External diameter (mm)Minimum wall thickness(mm)10,2 to 17,21,021,3 to 48,31,660,3 to 88,92,0114,3 to 168,32,3219,1 2,6273,02,9323,9 to 406,43,6over 406,44,0Note 1: Diameters and thicknesses according to national orinternational standards may be accepted.External diameter (mm)Minimum wall thickness(mm)0 - 101,512 - 382,043 - 572,576 - 89 3,0108 - 1334,0159 - 194 4,5219 - 2735,0above 2735,5Note 1: A different thickness may be considered by the Soci-ety on a case by case basis, provided that it complies withrecognised standards.Note 2: For sea water pipes, the minimum thickness is not tobe less than 5 mm.2.2.2 Permissible stress a)The permissible stress K is given:•in Tab 10 for carbon and carbon-manganese steelpipes •in Tab 11 for alloy steel pipes, and•in Tab 12 for copper and copper alloy pipes,as a function of the temperature. Intermediate values may be obtained by interpolation.b)Where, for carbon steel and alloy steel pipes, the valueof the permissible stress K is not given in Tab 10 or Tab 11, it is to be taken equal to the lowest of the following values:where:R m,20:Minimum tensile strength of the material at ambient temperature (20°C), in N/mm 2R e :Minimum yield strength or 0,2% proof stress at the design temperature, in N/mm 2S R :Average stress to produce rupture in 100000h at design temperature, in N/mm 2S :Average stress to produce 1% creep in 100000 h at design temperature, in N/mm 2A:Safety factor to be taken equal to:•1,6 when R e and S R values result fromtests attended by the Society •1,8 otherwise.c)The permissible stress values adopted for materials otherthan carbon steel, alloy steel, copper and copper alloy will be specially considered by the Society.Table 10 : Permissible stresses for carbon and carbon-manganese steel pipesTable 11 : Permissible stresses for alloy steel pipesR m 20,27,-----------R e A-----S R A----SSpecified minimum tensile strength (N/mm 2)Design temperature (°C)≤50100150200250300350400410420430440450320107105999278625755555454544936012011711010391766968686864564941013613112411710693868479716456494601511461391321221111019998857362534901601561481411311211111099885736253Type of steelSpecified minimum tensile strength (N/mm 2)Design temperature (°C)≤501002003003504004404504604701Cr1/2Mo440159150137114106102101101100992 1/4Cr1Mo annealed410766757504745444343442 1/4Cr1Mo normalised andtempered below 750°C 4901671631531441401361301281271162 1/4Cr1Mo normalised and tempered above 750°C 4901671631531441401361301221141051/2Cr 1/2Mo 1/4V460166162147120115111106105103102Type of steelSpecified minimum tensile strength (N/mm 2)Design temperature (°C)4804905005105205305405505605701Cr1/2Mo440989791766251423427222 1/4Cr1Mo annealed410424241414140404037322 1/4Cr1Mo normalised andtempered below 750°C 4901069686796758494337322 1/4Cr1Mo normalised and tempered above 750°C 490968879726456494337321/2Cr 1/2Mo 1/4V460101999794827262534537Table 12 : Permissible stresses for copper and copper alloy pipesTable 13 : Corrosion allowance for steel pipes2.2.3 Thickness reduction due to bendinga)Unless otherwise justified, the thickness reduction b dueto bending is to be determined by the following for-mula:where:ρ:Bending radius measured on the centre lineof the pipe, in mmD:as defined in [1.4.1]t0:as defined in [2.2.1].b)When the bending radius is not given, the thicknessreduction is to be taken equal to:c)For straight pipes, the thickness reduction is to be takenequal to Corrosion allowanceThe values of corrosion allowance c are given for steel pipes in Tab 13 and for non-ferrous metallic pipes in Tab 14.Table 14 : Corrosion allowancefor non-ferrous metal pipes2.2.5 TeesAs well as complying with the provisions of [2.2.1] to [2.2.4], the thickness t T of pipes on which a branch is welded to form a Tee is not to be less than that given by the following formula:where:D1:External diameter of the branch pipeD:As defined in [1.4.1]t0:As defined in [2.2.1].Note 1: This requirement may be dispensed with for Tees provided with a reinforcement or extruded.Material (annealed)Specified minimumtensile strength(N/mm2)Design temperature (°C)≤5075100125150175200225250275300Copper215414*********,518,5Aluminium brass32578787878785124,5Copper-nickel 95/5and 90/1027568686765,564625956524844 Copper-nickel70/30365817977757371696765,56462Piping system Corrosion allowance (mm)Superheated steam0,3 Saturated steam0,8 Steam coils in cargo tanks and liquid fuel tanks2,0 Feed water for boilers in open circuit systems1,5 Feed water for boilers in closed circuit systems0,5 Blow-down systems for boilers1,5 Compressed air1,0 Hydraulic oil 0,3 Lubricating oil0,3 Fuel oil1,0 Thermal oil1,0 Fresh water0,8 Sea water3,0 Refrigerants referred to in Section 130,3 Cargo systems for oil tankers2,0 Cargo systems for ships carrying liquefiedgases0,3Note 1: For pipes passing through tanks, an additional cor-rosion allowance is to be considered in order to account for the external corrosion.Note 2: The corrosion allowance of pipes efficiently protected against corrosion may be reduced by no more than 50%. Note 3: When the corrosion resistance of alloy steels is ade-quately demonstrated, the corrosion allowance may be dis-regarded.bDt025ρ,-----------=Piping material (1)Corrosionallowance(mm) (2)Copper0,8Brass0,8Copper-tin alloys0,8Copper-nickel alloys with less than 10% of Ni0,8Copper-nickel alloys with at least 10% of Ni0,5Aluminium and aluminium alloys0,5(1) The corrosion allowance for other materials will bespecially considered by the Society. Where their resist-ance to corrosion is adequately demonstrated, the cor-rosion allowance may be disregarded.(2) In cases of media with high corrosive action, a highercorrosion allowance may be required by the Society.t010------t T1D1D------+⎝⎠⎛⎞t⋅=2.3Calculation of high temperature pipes2.3.1 GeneralFor main steam piping having a design temperature exceed-ing 400°C, calculations are to be submitted to the Society concerning the stresses due to internal pressure, piping weight and any other external load, and to thermal expan-sion, for all cases of actual operation and for all lengths of piping.The calculations are to include, in particular:•the components, along the three principal axes, of the forces and moments acting on each branch of piping •the components of the displacements and rotations causing the above forces and moments•all parameters necessary for the computation of forces, moments and stresses.In way of bends, the calculations are to be carried out tak-ing into account, where necessary, the pipe ovalisation and its effects on flexibility and stress increase.A certain amount of cold springing, calculated on the basis of expected thermal expansion, is to be applied to the pip-ing during installation. Such springing is to be neglected in stress calculations; it may, however, be taken into account in terms of its effect on thrusts on turbines and other parts.2.3.2 Thermal stressThe combined stress σID, in N/mm2, due to thermal expan-sion, calculated by the following formula:σID = (σ2 + 4 τ2)0,5is to be such as to satisfy the following equation:σID≤ 0,75 K20 + 0,25 K Twhere:σ:Value of the longitudinal stress due to bending moments caused by thermal expansion,increased, if necessary, by adequate factors forbends, in N/mm2; in general it is not necessaryto take account of the effect of axial forceτ:Value of the tangential stress due to torque caused by thermal expansion, in N/mm2; ingeneral it is not necessary to take account of theeffect of shear forceK20:Value of the permissible stress for the material employed, calculated according to [2.2.2], for atemperature of 20°C, in N/mm2K T:Value of the permissible stress for the material employed, calculated according to [2.2.2], forthe design temperature T, in N/mm2.2.3.3 Longitudinal stressesThe sum of longitudinal stresses σL , in N/mm2, due to pres-sure, piping weight and any other external loads is to be such as to satisfy the following equation:σL ≤ K Twhere K T is defined in [2.3.2].2.3.4 Alternative limits for permissible stresses Alternative limits for permissible stresses may be considered by the Society in special cases or when calculations have been carried out following a procedure based on hypothe-ses other than those considered above.2.4Junction of pipes2.4.1 Generala)The junctions between metallic pipe lengths or betweenmetallic pipe lengths and fittings are to be made by:•direct welding (butt-weld, socket-weld)•bolted flanges (welded-on or screwed-on)•threaded sleeve joints, or•mechanical joints (see [2.4.5]).The joints are to comply with a recognised standard or to be of a design proven to be suitable for the intended purpose and acceptable to the Society. See also [2.1.2].The expression "mechanical joints" means devices intended for direct connection of pipe lengths other than by welding, flanges or threaded joints described in[2.4.2]. [2.4.3]. [2.4.4].b)The number of joints in flammable oil piping systems isto be kept to the minimum necessary for mounting and dismantling purposes.c)The gaskets and packings used for the joints are to suitthe design pressure, the design temperature and the nature of the fluids conveyed.d)The junction between plastic pipes is to comply with Ch1, App Welded metallic jointsa)Welded joints are to be used in accordance with Tab 15.Welding and non destructive testing of welds are to be carried out in accordance with [3].b)Butt-welded joints are to be of full penetration type,with or without special provision for a high quality of root side.The expression "special provision for a high quality of root side" means that butt welds were accomplished as double welded or by use of a backing ring or inert gas back-up on first pass, or other similar methods accepted by the Society.c)Slip-on sleeve and socket welded joints are to havesleeves, sockets and weldments of adequate dimensions in compliance with a standard recognised by the Society.2.4.3 Metallic flange connectionsa)In general, the metallic flange connections used for pip-ing systems are to be in compliance with a standard rec-ognised by the Society.b)The material used for flanges and gaskets is to be suita-ble for the nature and temperature of the fluid, as well as pipes on which the flanges are to be fitted.c)The dimensions and configuration of flanges and boltsare to be chosen in accordance with recognised stand-ard intended for design pressure and design temperature of the piping system. Otherwise, the flange connections are subject to special consideration.。
轨道交通专业术语中英文对照轨道专业术语中英文对照表中文名称英文对照一、道岔turnout道岔和交叉turnout and crossings单开道岔simple turnout对称道岔bilateral turnout三开道岔symmetrical double turnout/three-throw turnout/tandem turnout 菱形交叉diamond crossing交分道岔slip switch复式交分道岔double slip switch单式交分道岔single slip switch单渡线Single crossover渡线Crossover交叉渡线scissors crossover套线overlapping of lines套线道岔mixed gauge turnout左开道岔left hand turnout右开道岔right hand turnout高速道岔high-speed turnout提速道岔speed-up turnout普速道岔conventional turnout二、转辙器Switch可弯式尖轨转辙器flexible switch间隔铁式尖轨转辙器loose heel switch转辙角switch angle三、导曲线(连接部分)lead curve四、辙叉Frog高锰钢(整铸)辙叉solid manganese steel frog钢轨组合辙叉bolted rigid frog可动心轨辙叉movable-point frog钝角辙叉obtuse frog锐角辙叉end frog曲线辙叉curved frog辙叉角frog angle辙叉号数frog number辙叉心轨理论尖端theoretical point of switch rail 辙叉趾端toe end of frog辙叉跟端heel end of frog辙叉趾长toe length of frog辙叉跟长heel length of frog辙叉趾宽toe length of frog辙叉跟宽heel length of frog辙叉咽喉throat of frog五、轨件Rail基本轨stock rail直基本轨straight stock rail曲基本轨curved stock rail尖轨switch rail直线尖轨straight switch rail曲线尖轨curved switch rail护轨guard rail,check rail翼轨wing rail心轨point rail,nose rail异形轨compromise rail矮形轨flat-web-section rail特种断面钢轨special section rail长心轨long point rail短心轨short point rail导轨guide rail/closure rail淬火轨quenched rail绝缘轨insulated rail可动心轨swing nose rail无缝钢轨continuous welded rail (CWR)轨缝joint gap 钢轨接头rail joint绝缘接头insulated joint胶结接头glued joint焊接接头welded joint冻接接头frozen joint异形接头compromise joint六、板件Plate轨撑垫板tie plate of rail brace接头平垫板joint flat tie plate辙跟垫板switch heel tie plate支距扣板offset fastening plate垫板tie plate七、轨枕Sleeper木枕wooden sleeper混凝土枕concrete sleeper岔枕switch sleeper八、零部件Components工件workpiece易损件wear parts备件spare parts扣件rail fastenings弹条Clip弹性扣件elastic rail fastenings尖轨补强板reinforcing bar轨撑rail brace支撑块support block支座条bearer strap低紧扣件low restrain fastening道钉track spike间隔铁filler限位器position-limited device滑床板slide plate鱼尾板Fishplate道岔拉杆switch rod,stretcher bar道岔连杆connecting bar,following stretcher bar钢轨伸缩调节器expansion joint导电销conductive pin调整楔adjusting wedge辙跟内轨撑rail brace inside of switch heel辙跟外轨撑rail brace outside of switch heel双头螺柱double head bolt轨距块gauge block调整片adjustment shim长方头螺栓rectangle head bolt接头夹板fish plate,joint bar接头螺栓fish bolt,tract bolt螺纹道钉screw spike轨撑rail brace补强板reinforcing bar顶铁Iron/stud/Distance block调整片adjustable shim绝缘垫片insulated shim轨距块是扣轨肢的,顶铁是顶轨腰的,间隔铁一般是和钢轨轨头下颚和轨肢上颚相接触的。
Fuel Oil Systems
Main concerns • Fire hazards
– – – – – Flash point Insulation Remote control of fuel oil valves Stopping of pumps Collection of drains from leaks
HFO Settling Tank
HFO Service Tank
Quick-closing Valves
FO Supply to Engine
FO System
FO Supply to Engine
Main components • Storage (bunkers) • Transfer pump • Settling tank • Heater • Purifier • Service tank • Filter • Viscosity controller • Return Tank (10 to 15 minutes engine operation)
Air and Sounding Systems
Machinery Spaces • Air or overflow pipes internal are are normally required to be 1.25 times the area of respective filling pipes for a tank. • Velocity in the air pipe is not to exceed 4 m/s when using one pump for one tank.
Air and Sounding Systems
Air and Sounding Systems
Press editorialApril 2013Redefining leadership in ballast water treatment: inside PureBallast 3.0April marks the official unveiling of the third generation of Alfa Laval’s chemical-free system for ballast water treatment. Less of an update than a sweeping redefinition of the system, PureBallast 3.0 re-establishes Alfa Laval as a groundbreaker in ballast water treatment.PureBallast, which was developed in cooperation with Wallenius Water, was originally launched in 2006 as the world’s very first commercially available ballast water treatment system. Since then it has matured considerably, arriving in an updated PureBallast 2.0 version with EX options in 2010. Already then there were improvements to its energy efficiency and its basic construction, but nothing to compare with the advances in PureBallast 3.0.“This time we’ve completely rewritten the book when it comes to PureBallast,” says Per Warg, the Alfa Laval Business Manager responsible for the system. “We’ve achieved space savings of 50%, energy savings of up to 60% and huge improvements in flexibility and flow capacity. But we’ve also learned a great deal that can be of impact for ballast water treatment in general.”Going back to the beginningThe development of PureBallast 3.0 began almost immediately after the release of its predecessor, with Alfa Laval returning to the drawing board in in early 2011. Jonas Alván, Product Development Manager for PureBallast, points out that this was really a new start for the system. “The original construction had been streamlined as much as was possible, which meant we were forced to think in new ways to move forward,” he says.That original construction had been decided at a time when no supplier knew what would be needed to pass the IMO tests. Not being a company to take risks with compliance, Alfa Laval had thus created PureBallast with a good margin of error in terms of biological efficiency. Now, drawing on real experience from around 100 PureBallast systems commissioned andhundreds more sold, it was possible to re-evaluate. So the development team set tough goals for the new system, especially when it came to energy efficiency.Identifying potential parametersThe key component in a UV-based system is its reactor, the chamber where UV treatment actually occurs. In standard UV treatment, organisms are eliminated directly or rendered unable to reproduce through damage to their DNA and biological structure. In PureBallast, the treatment process is enhanced by AOT (advanced oxidation technology), which creates free radicals that cause irreversible cell membrane damage. The AOT effect has a proven biological impact leading to better treatment performance and lower energy consumption.In approaching a new PureBallast system, the development team asked itself one fundamental question: What factors determine the effectiveness of a UV-based reactor to be used with seawater at a high flow rate?The latter part of that question was critical, according to Jonas Alván. “The UV treatment of seawater is a very different process from the UV treatment of drinking water on land,” he explains. “In drinking water applications, which many ballast water treatment systems are adapted from, the process is continuous and targets mainly bacteria in pre-cleaned and well-regulated water. In ballast water treatment, the process is intermittent and involves a lot of standstill with saline water in the reactor. Plus the organisms targeted are hardier and more varied.”At sea, continuous treatment is not practically feasible. Neither is increasing residence time in the reactor, since ballasting and deballasting have to occur quickly. Adding stronger UV lamps or increasing the lamp number can increase biological efficiency, but only at the expense of energy efficiency. So the team was left with two main reactor parameters that could be adjusted: flow patterns and lamp placement.Developing the new reactor“One of the things we were looking for was greater mixing, which would both increase the effect of the AOT and help to compensate for low UV transmittance,” Alván says, referring to the distance UV light travels in water. “With more fluid mixing, the chance of an organism passing close to the UV lamps – and thereby the biological efficiency – increases.”Again, the difference between land-based and marine UV treatment was important. As Alván puts it, “Finding an acceptable balance of parameters is easier in a drinking water application, where clear and consistent water provides high UV transmittance. But the varying UV transmittance of ballast water, along with the need to minimize power consumption, makes it a more complex challenge to find an ideal reactor design.”That design was finally found with the help of a unique CFD (computational fluid dynamics) model, which was developed around a well-established model for standard UV treatment. In the new model, light sources were introduced into the equation, making it possible to see the UV dose for each of 50,000 theoretical particles (organisms) passing through the reactor.“In our visualizations, we assigned each particle a colour according to the UV dose incurred,” Alván explains. “By optimizing the reactor design for a uniform colour among exiting paths, we could ensure the most even UV dose possible. And that gave us the reactor design with the least possible energy consumption. The end result is startling.”Taking a hard look at CIPOf course, the reactor was not the only focus of the PureBallast 3.0 development project. Another component re-evaluated was PureBallast’s CIP (Cleaning-In-Place) unit, which cleans the UV lamp sleeves between treatments by circulating a non-toxic, low-pH fluid. In this case, however, the unit was left unchanged.“A lot of suppliers leave out CIP as a way to save space and cost,” says Alván. To evaluate the consequences of doing so, the team performed its own tests, allowing PureBallast to run for many cycles without performing CIP. “As it turns out, CIP was even more important than we expected,” Alván says.The reason is the build-up of calcium chlorides and metal ions on the UV lamp sleeves, which occurs not only in PureBallast, but in all UV treatment involving seawater. This build-up degrades the sleeves’ UV transmittance, which greatly lowers the biological effect.“We saw clear value in performing CIP to retain full equipment performance after ballasting or deballasting,” Alván says. “Mechanical wipers remove calcium chlorides but not metal ions,and both wipers and manual cleaning will eventually cause performance-reducing scratches on the quartz glass. CIP is the most gentle and effective means available to keep performance at type-approved levels.”The finished system – a small wonderThe completed PureBallast 3.0 system, while based on the same treatment technology as its predecessors, is a remarkable leap forward in terms of its compactness, energy efficiency and flexibility. Most striking at a first glance is its size.Where previous PureBallast reactors handled 250 m3/h each, individual PureBallast 3.0 reactors can handle either 300 m3/h or 1000 m3/h. Using the larger reactor, which is not much bigger than the original 250 m3/h version, the footprint of a 1000 m3/h system is literally cut in half. The bigger the system, the bigger the space savings.“Needless to say, the new reactor capacities greatly reduce the footprint of larger systems,” says Per Warg. “With one reactor doing the same job that four did before, PureBallast 3.0 is competitive across the entire flow range up to 6000 m3/h.”Energy savings of 30-60%The size, however, is not the only thing that makes PureBallast 3.0 competitive. The new system is also as energy efficient as it is compact.“The new 1000 m3/h reactors consume just 100 kW at full power, which is a minimum energy savings of 30% over previous versions,” Warg says. “And when full power isn’t needed, the energy savings can be as much as 60%.”Warg is referring to the new dimming function in PureBallast 3.0, which lowers the system’s power consumption in clearer waters with good UV transmittance. In such conditions, less energy is needed to neutralize the organisms present. “PureBallast 3.0 has a dimming capacity of 50% and handles the dimming process automatically,” says Warg. “The system will operate with some level of dimming in the majority of circumstances, providing up to 60% energy savings over previous versions in fully dimmed mode.”Installation flexibility and economyFor shipyards, the most appealing aspect of PureBallast 3.0 will not be its energy-efficient operation, but rather its high degree of flexibility and ease of installation – even when it comes to the highest flow rates. With the new reactor capacities, only one reactor will be needed per 1000 m3/h, which makes designing a system considerably simpler.“When individual reactors can handle a greater amount of ballast water, there are fewer reactors and lamp drive cabinets to install,” says Warg. “That means not only less installation time, but also easier and more economical installation, since it does away with a considerable amount of pipework.”When it comes to the lamp drive cabinets, there is an additional bit of flexibility. Whereas reactors and cabinets were attached in previous versions of PureBallast, the cabinets can now be placed anywhere up to 150 m away. “The free placement of lamp drive cabinets within 150 metres simplifies the design of EX systems, since the power supply is easy to place outside the hazardous zone,” says Warg. “But it’s of benefit to everyone, since it can save space in the engine room where it’s needed most.”Leadership redefinedWarg and Alván are visibly proud of the new PureBallast 3.0, and certainly not without reason. Its capabilities and features place the new system firmly at the cutting edge of ballast water treatment.“Alfa Laval has always been at the forefront of ballast water treatment, but PureBallast 3.0 truly redefines that leadership,” says Warg. “We’re looking not just at a new generation of the system, but rather at a whole new standard that lives up to the tougher demands raised by today’s customers.” His colleague Alván agrees, concluding, “Where size, economy and energy efficiency are important, I’ve no doubt that customers will find what they’re looking for in PureBallast 3.0.”To learn more about PureBallast 3.0 and Alfa Laval’s approach to ballast water treatment, visit /pureballast3Editor’s notesAbout Alfa LavalAlfa Laval is a leading global provider of specialized products and engineering solutions based on its key technologies of heat transfer, separation and fluid handling.The company’s equipment, systems and services are dedicated to assisting customers in optimizing the performance of their processes. The solutions help them to heat, cool, separate and transport products in industries that produce food and beverages, chemicals and petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, starch, sugar and ethanol.Alfa Laval’s products are also used in power plants, aboard ships, in the mechanical engineering industry, in the mining industry and for wastewater treatment, as well as for comfort climate and refrigeration applications.Alfa Laval’s worldwide organization works closely with customers in nearly 100 countries to help them stay ahead in the global arena.Alfa Laval is listed on Nasdaq OMX, and, in 2012, posted annual sales of about SEK 29.8 billion (approx. 3.5 billion Euros). The company has today about 16 400 employees.For further information, please contact:André SzczerbaCentral Communication ManagerMarine & Diesel EquipmentAlfa Laval Tumba AB, SwedenPhone: +46-8 530 651 17Fax: +46-8 530 345 55E-mail:****************************/marine。
阿尔法拉維 PureBallast 3 Compact Flex 球泥水管理系統說明書说明书
170 m3/h systemNow in its third generation, Alfa Laval PureBallast is an auto-mated inline treatment solution for the biological disinfection of ballast water. Operating without chemicals, it combines initial filtration with an enhanced form of UV treatment to remove organisms in accordance with stipulated limits.The main component of the modular system is an enhanced UV reactor in which disinfection treatment occurs. The special design of the reactor’s synthetic quartz lamp sleeves supports transmission of a broader wavelength spectrum, providing more UV light during disinfection. Combined with the reactor’s internal design, this ensures optimal UV dos-age and low energy consumption.This leaflet covers PureBallast 3 Compact Flex, a systemof loose components, designed for simple, plug-and-play installation where space is vital. The system offers space savings of up to 20% compared to PureBallast 3 Std.ApplicationType approved by IMO and the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG), PureBallast 3 Compact Flex is designed for ballast water management in all water salinities – fresh, brackish and marine – and is available for flows of 32–1000 m3/h.*Due to its enhanced UV technology and power ramp-up capabilities, PureBallast 3 Compact Flex provides un-matched biological disinfection performance in low-clarity waters. When operating in IMO-regulated waters, full-flow treatment is possible where the UV transmittance is as low as 42%.* Larger capacities are possible with PureBallast 3 Std, which can be configured for flows up to 3000 m3/h with a single system or even higher with multiple systems (see separate leaflet).Superior performance in all water salinitiesPureBallast 3 Compact Flex offers unmatched biological disinfection performance in all water salinities: fresh, brack-ish and marine. This includes water in liquid form at frigid temperatures. In addition, the system excels in low-clarity water conditions. When operating in IMO-regulated waters, it performs at full flow where the UV transmittance is as low as 42%.Ease of usePureBallast 3 Compact Flex is automated, fully enclosed and thoroughly integrated with the ballast water system. Crews can spend their time and effort on other duties.Effective power managementAutomatic power management minimizes energy con-sumption in IMO-regulated waters, including when USCG-certified systems operate outside the United States. With this feature, PureBallast 3 Compact Flex runs at just 50% of its potential operating power in most situations. It can then ramp up to full power for the most challenging waters.Flexible construction with minimized footprintPureBallast 3 Compact Flex is an inline system in which the major components (filter and reactor) are incorporated into the ballast water piping. The reactor diameter, in particular, is only marginally larger than that of the piping itself.Because PureBallast 3 Compact Flex is delivered as loose components, it offers the highest possible flexibility and space savings of up to 20% compared to PureBallast 3 Std. This makes it the answer to installation challenges, especial-ly in retrofits and other situations where space is vital. Chemical-free operationPureBallast 3 Compact Flex meets biological disinfection requirements without the addition of salt or chemicals, even when operating in fresh water. No dosing is required, and there are no tanks or ventilation systems needed to manage consumables and residuals.Benefits*One or two required for flows of 500–1000 m 3/hCompact Cleaning-In-Place (CIP) unitElectrical cabinetRemote control panel (optional)Logbox (optional)Lamp drive cabinet (LDC)*Complete worldwide supportAlfa Laval is a global supplier and an experienced partnerin ballast water management, with a complete range ofsolutions for both newbuild and retrofit needs. Shipyardsand engineering companies can expect clear and thoroughdocumentation, as well as expert consultation. Shipownershave access to far-reaching ownership support, including afull range of dedicated services and agreements for cost-efficient peace of mind.UV reactorFilterFilterFilterThe filter is used during ballasting operations to block the intake of larger organisms and reduce sediment in the ballast water tanks. Bypassed during deballasting, the filter is cleaned via automatic backflushing using a small portion of the system flow. This not only improves backflushing efficiency, but also increases overall filter effectiveness by producing a higher net capacity.In combination with the reactor, the effective basket filter de-sign enables treatment of fresh, brackish and marine water in conditions with low UV transmittance.UV reactorThe enhanced UV treatment stage occurs within a reactor. Four reactor sizes are available for PureBallast 3 Compact Flex, each with a flow-optimized interior that ensures high turbulence and the concentration of the UV dose. The reactor lamps employ specially designed lamp sleeves of synthetic quartz. These support transmission of a broader wavelength spectrum, thus providing more UV light during disinfection Temperature and level sensors within the reactor ensure its safety.The reactor design, which draws on treatment technology from Wallenius Water, is specially developed for marine applications. The reactor construction is of super-auste-nitic stainless steel, which ensures a long lifetime withoutcorrosion.Lamp drive cabinet (LDC) 1/2For flows above 300 m 3/h, one or two additional lamp drive cabinets are required to power the UV lamps. Flows of 500–600 m 3/h require one additional cabinet (LDC1), while flows of 750–1000 m 3/h require two(LDC1 + LDC2). Each cabinet is phys-ically separate from the UV reactor and may be placed up to 30 m cablelength away.Electrical cabinetIn PureBallast 3 Compact Flex, the lamp drive cabinet and control cabinet are integ r ated into a single electrical cabinet that can be placed up to 30 m away from the UV reactor. This cabinet provides power to the UV lamps for flows up to 300 m 3/h and features a 7” display with a graphical user interface.The control system can be integrated with onboard automation systems via Modbus, allowing access to all func-tions through the vessel’s Integrated Ship Control System.Compact Cleaning-In-Place (CIP) unitUV lamp performance is safeguarded by a CIP cycle that uses a non-toxic and biodegradable cleaning solution to remove any impairing build-up. Such build-up cannot be removed by wiping, which would also risk scratch-ing the sleeve surface.Auxiliary equipmentA broad range of auxiliary equipment is available to support integra-tion into any vessel, including backflush pumps, sampling points, valve packages and remote control panels.Operating sequenceBallastingThe ballast water treatment process is fully automated. When initiated, the system undergoes a brief startup sequence.When ballasting begins, the incoming ballast water first passes through the filter stage. This removes any larger organisms and particles, which improves the quality of the water for treatment. The filter stage is of benefit for operation in cloudy coastal waters and fresh water.After filtration the water continues through the reactor stage, where it is disinfected by means of enhanced UV before entering the ballast water tanks.Once ballasting is completed, the filter stage is filled with fresh water and a Cleaning-In-Place (CIP) cycle is prompted for the reactor stage. The CIP cycle should be performed within 30 hours. The reactor stage is rinsed with fresh water at the beginning of the CIP cycle and filled with fresh water upon its completion.DeballastingThe deballasting process is essentially the same as the bal-lasting process. However, the filter stage is bypassed during deballasting since the water has already been filtered.After leaving the ballast water tanks, the outgoing ballast water passes through the reactor stage to eliminate any re-growth of microorganisms that may have occurred in transit. Having thus been disinfected to the established limits, it is discharged into the receiving water at the deballasting site. The same startup and shutdown sequence, including CIP, is employed during both ballasting and deballasting.Ex placementPureBallast 3 Compact Flex is configured for installation within the safe zone. For placement in the hazardous zone, a PureBallast 3 Ex system is required (see separate leaflet).Type approvalsIMOPureBallast 3 Compact Flex systems have IMO revised G8 type approval. When operating in IMO-regulated waters, they make maximum use of their power management and other capabilities.USCGPureBallast 3 Compact Flex systems have USCG type approval and provide the option of minimized holding time when operating in USCG-regulated waters. The minimized holding time is just 2.5 hours and is only needed when crossing between Captain of the Port Zones. OperationMaintenance intervals:•Filter inspection once per year•Lamp replacement after up to 3000 hours of operation(a safe and easy procedure performed in minutes)•CIP fluid replacement, typically every 3–12 monthsThe System Manual provides detailed informationin electronic or printed format:•Installation instructions•Operating instructions•Alarms and fault finding•Service and spare partsCommissioning and technical services are available from all Alfa Laval offices to start up the system and to provide advice about operation and maintenance. Onboard training for the crew is available upon request.Optional equipment•Remote control panels (max two per system)•B ackflush pump•H igh-pressure system (up to 10 bar) for use with high-pressure ballast water pumps•S ampling device•B ypass valve•L ogbox•Automatic Cleaning-In-Place (CIP) unitTechnical dataPureBallast 3 Compact FlexPower consumption, 170 m3/h reactor11 kW (20 kW at full ramp-up*)Power consumption, 300 m3/h reactor17 kW (32 kW at full ramp-up*)Power consumption, 600 m3/h reactor33 kW (63 kW at full ramp-up*)Power consumption, 1000 m3/h reactor52 kW (100 kW at full ramp-up*)* Power consumption can be increased to handle low-clarity water with low UV transmittance.Power supply: 400–440 VAC, 50/60 HzWorking pressure: Max 6 bar (up to 10 bar optional)Capacity range (flow in m3/h)PureBallast 3 Compact FlexPureBallast 3 Compact Flex(32*)851351702503005006007501000 * PureBallast 3 Compact Flex/85 system at reduced flow rate.Component dimensionsPureBallast 3 Compact FlexSize (mm) (W×D×H )Net/dry weight (kg)Volume (L) Reactor, 170 m3/h663×807×112118045 Reactor, 300 m3/h734×807×144925080 Reactor, 600 m3/h800×801×1492400100 Reactor, 1000 m3/h986×931×1568540190 Electrical cabinet for 32–1000 m3/h 900×570×1468160LDC1 for 500/600 m3/h 1035×545×928150LDC2 for 750/1000 m3/h 1035×545×928150CIP unit535×443×118663Max 15 Basket filter, 85 m3/h450×460×91815015 Basket filter, 135 m3/h510×530×106118025 Basket filter, 170 m3/h 510×530×111124033 Basket filter, 250 m3/h585×600×125939061 Basket filter, 300 m3/h600×600×131442082 Basket filter, 500 m3/h 755×760×1394664146 Basket filter, 750 m3/h 855×830×1646937241 Basket filter, 1000 m3/h900×950×182********This document and its contents are subject to copyrights and other intellectual property rights owned by Alfa Laval Corporate AB. No part of this document may be copied, re-produced or transmitted in any form or by any means, or for any purpose, without Alfa Laval Corporate AB’s prior express written permission. Information and services provided in this document are made as a benefit and service to the user, and no representations or warranties are made about the accuracy or suitability of this information and these services for any purpose. All rights are reserved. 100000181-5-EN-2212© Alfa Laval Corporate ABHow to contact Alfa LavalUp-to-date Alfa Laval contact details for all countries are always available onour website at 。
阿尔萨斯海水泵站洗水系统PureBallast 3.0系统说明说明书
System description
PureBallast 3.0 is a highly compact and energy-efficient ballast water treatment system. Operating without chemicals, it uses an enhanced form of UV treatment to reduce organisms in ballast water to IMO and USCG limits.
• Easy and flexible installation PureBallast 3.0 is modular and designed to fit between existing pipes. Reactors are now available in 300 m3/h and 1000 m3/h capacities, and in most cases this leads to a greatly reduced number of units compared to previous versions of the system. That means less footprint, pipework and complexity, which in turn means cheaper and easier installation.
海外铁路工程实用口语Introduction:Hello everyone, I am here to talk about railway engineering and its associated jargons and terminologies. The railway industry is a vast and complex system that encompasses a myriad of engineering and operational concepts. It is essential for us to have a good understanding and practical knowledge of these concepts to work efficiently in the railway industry. So, let's dive in and learn some practical railway engineering terminologies and phrases! 1. Gauge:The gauge is the distance between the inner faces of the rails measured between the running edges of the wheels. There are different gauges used all over the world, such as standard gauge, broad gauge, and narrow gauge. These gauges vary depending on the region and country.2. Welding:Welding is an essential aspect of railway engineering, where two pieces of metal are fused together by heating them to their melting point. Welding plays a crucial role in rail connections, as it ensures the rails remain connected to each other, allowing trains to travel safely. A common type of welding in railway engineering is flash butt welding, which is used in the manufacturing of continuous welded rails.3. Ballast:Ballast is the stone or gravel bed found beneath railway tracks that stabilizes the track by providing support and drainage. Ballast is essential, as it ensures the track remains level and provides a stablebase for trains to travel on.4. Points:Points are the movable rail sections used to divert trains from one track to another. Points are usually controlled by a switch, which is operated by a lever or control panel. It is essential to maintain the points to ensure the smooth running of trains and avoid derailments.5. Signals:Signals are visual displays used to control the movement of trains. Signals provide information to train drivers, indicating whether they can proceed or need to stop. Signals are essential, and the driver should adhere to them to ensure the safety of the passengers and the train.6. Crossing:Crossings are the points where train tracks cross each other. Crossings are of two types, level crossings and overpasses. Level crossings are where the road and railway track intersect at the same level, and overpasses are where the road passes over the railway track.7. Traction:Traction is the force required to move a train along the tracks. This force is usually provided by locomotives, which are powered by electricity or diesel. Traction plays a significant role in the speed and efficiency of trains.8. Capacity:The capacity of a railway line refers to the number of trains thatcan run on the track at any given time. Capacity is determined by several factors, such as the length of the line, the number of stations, the frequency of trains, and the speed of trains.9. Maintenance:Maintenance is crucial to ensure the smooth running of trains and the safety of passengers. Railway tracks, signals, and rolling stock require regular maintenance to ensure their optimal performance. Maintenance includes activities such as inspection, repair, and replacement of worn-out parts.10. Speed:Speed is an important aspect of railway engineering. It refers to the velocity at which a train travels. The speed of a train is dependent on several factors, such as the condition of the track, the quality of rolling stock, and the traction provided.Conclusion:Thus, railway engineering is a complex and intricate system full of various terminologies and aspects. It is crucial to have a good understanding of these concepts to work effectively in the railway industry. I hope this article has provided you with a practical insight into the world of railway engineering, and you find it useful in your future endeavors.11. Rolling stock:Rolling stock is the collective term used to describe the vehicles that run on railway tracks. This includes locomotives, passenger coaches, freight wagons, and other specialized vehicles. Rolling stock is critical to the efficient running of trains and needs to be maintained regularly to ensure their optimal performance.12. Electrification:Electrification in railway engineering refers to the conversion of railway tracks to run on electricity rather than conventional diesel or steam power. Electrification provides several benefits, such as reduced pollution, increased fuel efficiency, and faster acceleration and braking capabilities for trains.13. Gradient:Gradient refers to the incline or slope of a section of railway track. The gradient of a track is measured in terms of the rise over the run, which is usually expressed as a percentage. It is essential to consider the gradient of a track when designing or constructing itto ensure the safe and efficient running of trains.14. Track circuit:A track circuit is an electrical circuit used to detect the presence of trains on the track. Track circuits are placed at regular intervals along the track and are used to control signals and other safety devices. When a train passes over a track circuit, it sends a signalto the control room, indicating the presence and location of the train.15. Block system:The block system is a safety system used in railway engineering to ensure that no two trains occupy the same section of track simultaneously. The track is divided into blocks, and only one train is allowed to occupy a block at a time. The block system requires a network of signals and control devices to operate effectively.16. Braking system:The braking system is an essential aspect of railway engineering, which is responsible for stopping the train when required. The braking system consists of several components, such as brake shoes, brake discs, and brake pads. A typical braking system uses air pressure to activate the brakes on each wagon or coach.17. Axle load:Axle load refers to the weight that each axle of a train or wagon exerts on the track. Axle load is an important factor in railway engineering, as excessive axle loads can cause damage to the track and infrastructure. It is essential to consider the axle load when designing or operating trains.18. Clearance:Clearance refers to the distance between the edge of the train and any obstacles or structures along the track. Clearance is crucial in railway engineering, as trains require sufficient clearance to travel safely. Factors such as tunnels, bridges, and platforms need to be designed to provide adequate clearance for trains of different sizes and types.19. Train protection system:The train protection system is a safety system used in railway engineering to prevent collisions and ensure the safe operation of trains. Train protection systems use various technologies, such as automatic train control and automatic train protection, to monitor trains and control their speed and movement along the track. 20. Communication system:Communication systems are essential in railway engineering toensure efficient communication between different components and devices. Communication systems include systems such as radio communication, signaling systems, and control room communication systems. Effective communication is crucial to ensure the safe and efficient operation of trains.Conclusion:In conclusion, railway engineering is a complex system that requires a good understanding of various concepts and terminologies. From design and construction to operation and maintenance, every aspect of railway engineering is critical to ensure the safe and efficient running of trains. The jargons and terminologies discussed above are just some of the key aspects of railway engineering that are essential for anyone working in this field. With the right knowledge and practical experience, railway engineers can help to develop and maintain the railway system that plays a vital role in transportation and economic development worldwide.。
城市轨道交通专业英语复习城市轨道交通专业英语复习提纲考试题型:①英汉互译②选择题(10题)③英译汉④汉译英⑤作文一、词汇Aaccess to platforms 站台入口additional coach 加挂列车additional train 加开列车arrival and departure siding 到发线assistant driver/motorman 副司机assistant station master 副站长ATC signal 列车自动控制信号automatic door operation 自动开关车门automatic train control (ATC)列车自动控制automatic train operation (ATO)列车自动运行,列车自动驾驶Bbaggage office/room 行李房ballast 道砟,道床berth ticket 卧铺车票boarding gate 检票口box car/wagon 棚车Ccab 司机室,驾驶室carriage with cushioned berths 软卧车carriage with cushioned seats 软坐车carriage with hard seats 硬座车carriage with semi-cushionedberths 硬卧车check ticket 检票,查票chief conductor 列车长chief dispatcher 调度长city railway 城市铁路coach NO.6 六号车厢consist 列车编组顺序表【美】;车列【美】container 集装箱crew 乘务组;乘务人员crew car 宿营车crew member/man乘务人员crew room 乘务员室Ddining-car 餐车direct train 直达车down direction 下行方向Eelectric multiple-unit(EMU)电动车组emergency braking 紧急制动entrance 入口,进站口exit 出口,出站口express ticket 特快车票Ggrade crossing 平面交叉;平交道口,道口【美】guests’waiting-room 贵宾候车室Hhead driver=head engineer 司机长heavy rail 重轨high-speed intercity train 高速城际列车hump 驼峰hump yard 驼峰调车场Iinformation bureau 问讯处【美】in transfer to 中转到issuing station 售票站Llevel crossing 平面交叉,平交道口light rail 轻轨locomotive 机车locomotive depot 机务段long-distance passenger train 长途旅客列车lower berth 下铺luggage office=baggage office 行李房,行李托运处luggage storage service 行李寄存处Mmaglev(magnetically levitated)train 磁悬浮列车main-line coach 干线客车maintenance维修,保养metro 地铁middle berth 中铺monorail 单轨铁路Ppassenger service 客运passenger station 客运站people mover 小型快速交通系统personal rapid transit system 小型快速交通系统pick-up goods train 摘挂列车platform 站台points 道岔Rrailway signaling 铁路信号railway station 火车站railway transport/transportation 铁路运输rapid transit 快速交通系统reception and departure of trains 接发列车refund of ticket 退票rolling stock 机车车辆总称round-the-clock service 昼夜服务round-trip fare 往返票价Sservice charge 手续费Service Counter 服务台station attendant 车站服务员station facilities 车站设备Station Master 站长station operator 车站值班员straddle monorail 跨骑式单轨铁路suspended monorail 悬挂式单轨铁路Tterminal 终点站;枢纽ticket office=booking office=reservation office 售票处ticket valid 车票有效期time interval 时间间隔to endorse ticket 签票TOFC(trailer on flat car)平车装运的集装箱挂车tunnel 隧道;地道Uunclaimed baggage 无人认领行李underground 地铁unmanned crossing=unstaffed level crossing 无人看守道口up direction 上行方向upper berth 上铺Vvehicle 车辆;运输工具Wwaiting room 候车室waiting-room for soft seat passengers 软席候车室二、选择题Unit 21、The dictionary definition of a train is a long line ofvehicles traveling in (C)direction.A、differentB、leftC、the sameD、right2、A maglev train floats about(A)mm above the guideway on a magnetic field.A、10B、11C、9D、83、Because there are no wheels running along there is no wheel(B).A、maintenanceB、noiseC、disturbanceD、resistance4、Of the 5,000 km that TGV trains serve in France,only about (C)km is high speed line.A、1,000B、1,100C、1,200D、1,3005、The vast majority of resistive force at high speed is(A)resistance.A、airB、frictionC、electricityD、heatUnit101、A rapid transit usually has high capacity and frequency,with large trains and total or near total(C)separation from other traffic. A、level B、part C、grade D、whole2、Power is commonly supplied by means of a single live third rail at(A)volts.A、600 to 750B、700 to 850C、500 to 650D、800 to 950 3、Metro systems generally use(B)power.A、ACB、DCC、overheadD、return4、Rubber tires system is much (A)than conventional steel-wheeled trains.A、quieterB、noisierC、largerD、smaller5、Some cities with steep hills incorporate(C)railway technologies into their metros.A、undergroundB、suspendedC、mountainD、conventionalUnit141、(A)is a station sited where a railway line ends or terminates.A、A terminusB、An interchangeC、A unionD、A depot2、A(C)is a stopping place that may not even have platform.A、taxi rankB、bus bayC、haltD、pub3、Some stations have unusual platform layouts,due to space constraints of the station location,or the (D)of the railway lines.A、curveB、elevationC、parallelD、alignment4、Considerrations for people with disabilities include elevator or (A)access to all platforms,matching platform height to train floors,etc.A、rampB、humpC、campD、lamp5、There are safety measures for disabled people,such as(B)markingof platform edges and covering of third rail.A、audibleB、tactileC、tastefulD、smellyUnit161、Propulsion for the train is typically provded by a separate locomotive,or from individual motors in self-prolled(B).A、single unitB、multiple unitC、double unitsD、triple units2、A train hauled by two locomotive is said to be(A).A、double-headedB、single-headedC、triple-headedD、multiple-headed3、Special trains are also used for track maintenance,this is called (C).A、RPOB、TPOC、MOWD、TOFC4、Tilting is a system where the passenger cars automatically (A)into curves,reducing the centrifugal forces.A、leanB、goC、moveD、run5、The trains are electrically powered,usually by(B)rail.A、firstB、secondC、thirdD、fourth三、对话A:Are you a conductor? 你是列车员吗?B:No,I am a station attendant. 不,我是车站服务员。
Floatover Technology
• Connection Types for Twin-Barge Method
Rigid Connection Type, Hinged Connection Type, Flexible Connection Type
• Pre-Loadout Preparations • Pre-Sailaway Preparations • Pre-Floatover Preparations
Rapid Ballast System
Bollards to connect with positioning tugs
• Most of all meet the sailaway criteria
Pre-Floatover Preparations
• Upon arrival at site, the barge is connected with positioning tugs and a pre-installed positioning mooring system via an AHTS tug; • Soft-line rigging preparations; • Barge and substructure preparations; • Function test GPS positioning monitoring system; • Function test barge motion monitoring system;
• Selection of Floatover Barge(s): single barge, twin barges, catamaran barge
• Load Transfer System & Separation System: e.g. LMUs & DSUs
关于压舱石的作文记叙文Ballast stones, also known as "压舱石" in Chinese, have a long history in the maritime world. These stones were used to stabilize ships and improve their stability in the water. In ancient times, when ships had empty cargo holds, they would take on ballast stones to keep the ship balanced. 压舱石在航海世界中有着悠久的历史,又被称为"ballast stones"。
From a historical perspective, ballast stones played a significant role in the development of global trade and shipping. They enabled ships to be seaworthy and enabled the transportation of goods across the oceans. Without the use of ballast stones, ships would be vulnerable to capsizing or becoming unmanageable in rough waters. 从历史的角度来看,压舱石在全球贸易和航运的发展中起着重要作用。
EditorialNovember 2017An established supplier can be insurance against a non-compliant ballast water treatment systemRecent clarifications of U.S. Coast Guard policy show that care is needed when choosing a ballast water treatment system. For long-term compliance, the choice of supplier can be as important as the choice of the system itself.Selecting the right supplier is an important part of any major equipment investment. But it has special significance in the marine industry, where global operations and long periods away from port make access to support and spare parts more critical. It becomes even more important in a new application like ballast water treatment, where so many suppliers and ballast water treatment systems have little practical experience at sea.This fact was highlighted in a recent blog post from the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG). The September 22nd post, which outlines the requirements for retaining type approval when a manufacturer goes out of business, suggests that choosing a less established supplier may have serious implications.No type approval without approved partsIn its blog, the USCG writes that a type approval certificate must be updated if the system manufacturer changes hands. In addition, it makes clear that a ballast water treatment system cannot be operated, maintained or repaired with parts that are not included in its type approval.In other words, if the original equipment manufacturer ceases to exist, a ballast water treatment system is at serious risk. If no other manufacturer buys the technology and updates the type approval certificate within five years, the type approval will expire and there will be no possibility for new parts that can keep existing systems in compliance.Supplier knowledge an important assetNaturally, the issue extends beyond the availability of spares. While type-approved spare parts for a defunct system could perhaps be scavenged from a scrapped vessel, the lack of access to qualified support may be equally problematic. When a supplier disappears, the knowledge of how to work with the system effectively may disappear as well."Supplier knowledge becomes increasingly important as customers begin to understand the criteria for certification and upholding compliance,” says Anders Lindmark, Head of Alfa Laval PureBallast. “We receive many questions that go beyond the PureBallast technology itself, in part because of our unmatched experience with the operation of ballast water treatment systems and our practical know-how from hundreds of retrofit projects. We also have dedicated resources who dig into the regulatory aspects of ballast water treatment. Customers turn to us for answers, and our responsibility is to support them with answers that are complete.”Asking the right questionsIn light of USCG policy, there are strong arguments for seeking out experience. Even among established suppliers, however, there can be key differences that impact compliance – or the ease of acquiring, installing and servicing a ballast water treatment system. As an aid in decision-making, many of these issues are highlighted in this downloadable checklist:/globalassets/documents/microsites/pureballast/pdf/Alfa_Laval_PureB allast_Chapter_extract_Selection.pdfThe checklist is taken from “Making sense of ballast water management”, a comprehensive guide that explores regulations, technologies, systems and more. The full guide is available from Alfa Laval at the following link: /pureballast/knowledge/To learn more about Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.1 and Alfa Laval’s approach to ballast water treatment, visit /pureballastFor further information, please contact:Anders LindmarkHead of Alfa Laval PureBallastAlfa Laval Marine DivisionPhone: +46 70 104 29 19E-mail:*****************************Anja SimonssonVice President CommunicationAlfa Laval Marine DivisionPhone: +46 8 53 06 55 27E-mail:****************************/marineEditor’s notesAbout Alfa Laval PureBallastPureBallast, which was the first commercially available ballast water treatment system, is a chemical-free system sold and serviced by Alfa Laval. A vital component of the system is the Enhanced UV Reactor, which was developed jointly by Alfa Laval and Wallenius Water based on Wallenius Water Technology.About Alfa LavalAlfa Laval is a leading global provider of specialized products and engineering solutions based on its key technologies of heat transfer, separation and fluid handling.The company’s equipment, systems and services are dedicated to assisting customers in optimizing the performance of their processes. The solutions help them to heat, cool, separate and transport products in industries that produce food and beverages, chemicals and petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, starch, sugar and ethanol.Alfa Laval’s products are also used in power plants, aboard ships, oil and gas exploration, in the mechanical engineering industry, in the mining industry and for wastewater treatment, as well as for comfort climate and refrigeration applications.Alfa Laval’s worldwide organization works closely with customers in nearly 100 countries to help them stay ahead in the global arena. Alfa Laval’s worldwide organization works closely with customers in nearly 100 countries to help them stay ahead in the global arena. Alfa Laval is listed on Nasdaq OMX, and, in 2016, posted annual sales of about SEK 35.6 billion (approx.3.77 billion Euros). The company has about 17 000 employees.。
in ballast航运术语
in ballast航运术语
1. Ballast tank: ballast tank是专门用来储存ballast水的舱室。
船舶通常有多个ballast tank,它们
2. Ballast water: ballast water是用于填充ballast tank的水。
船舶在不同的航行阶段会通过泵将水进入或排出ballast tank来调整船舶的重心,以提供稳定性。
3. Ballast system: ballast system是指用来管理船舶ballast水的系统,包括填充、排放和调节ballast水的装置和设备。
4. Ballast exchange: ballast exchange是指在船舶航行过程中进行的ballast水交换操作。
5. Ballast pump: ballast pump是用来将ballast水进出ballast tank的装置。
梵德·瓦尔克太阳能系统:太阳能挂钩系统版本01 梵德斜面说明书
Solar Mounting SystemsPlease Note• This manual is not project specific.• This manual is not legally binding.• No rights may be derived from this manual.• Use this manual in combination with the ValkPVplanner project report.• Check ‘Datasheet Cable management’ for cable suggestions.• The system is placed in the middle zone of the roof.Table of contentsDisclaimer Page-Mounting the Smartline roof hooks Page 01 Mounting the Slimline roof hooks Page 02 Mounting the Standard roof hooks Page 03 Mounting the hangerbolts Page 04 Mounting the Side++ profile Page 05 MountingSide+profilePage05B Mounting the Side++ coupling Page 06 Mounting the clamps Page 07 Mounting the clamps Page 08 Mounting the clamps Page 09 Mounting the insert profile Page 10 Coupling insert profile Page 11 MountingendpiecePage12 Mountingmodules Page13 Mounting the cable clamps Page 14Van der Valk Solar SystemsSolar Mounting SystemsDisclaimerThis installation manual must be seen in addition to the project report which shows you specific information about your project like a project drawing and ballast plan for flat roofs.The project report is a result of the calculation tool, the ValkPVplanner. This online calculation tool and/or the project reports derived from this tool were composed with the greatest possible care. Nonetheless, it is possible that some information might not be entirely correct as the results for each project report can be based on default values, which values always need to be checked by you. The instructions provided in this project report must be observed at all times. All applicable standards and appendixes have been integrated in this online calculation tool.All current structural, safety and building regulations must be observed. Solar mounting systems installed on roofs will be exposed to wind and snow.The building in question will be subject to a load as a result of the PV system. A design calculation must be used to establish whether or not the building will be able to withstand the extra load. Where necessary, modifications need to be made.Flat roof systems should either be attached to the roof or need to be supported by ballast, to make sure that the system is unable to be lifted or tipped over.The ballast specified in the ValkPVplanner project report will be vital to ensure that the mounting system can be used.Flat roofs with an angle above 5 degrees must be attached to the roof.The calculations in the online calculation tool do not take into account obstacles in the near surrounding like high buildings, cliffs and mountains. Restrictions also apply for the position of the system on a roof. The solar panels must be installed at a certain distance from edge of the roof as shown in this project report and the installation manual.The standard warranty for pitched roof, flat roof and ground mount systems is 10 years, which can be extended under certain conditions.The guarantee provided is subject to the guarantee conditions stated in the general terms and conditions stipulated by Van der Valk Solar Systems B.V.Our terms and conditions shall apply to all our products and can be found on our website: der Valk Solar Systems B.V. does not accept any liability for any direct and/or indirect consequences of any act (or omission) ensuing from the information in or the failure to observe the instruction provided in the project report and the installation manual and for possible incorrect results resulting from the use of this online calculation tool which was made available to you.The mounting system is a product that has been produced by:Van der Valk Solar Systems B.V.,Registered with the chamber of commerce forHaaglanden under number 27355116. Internet: www.valksolarsystems.nlIssue date: February 2018Version: General user instructions v2 ENVan der Valk Solar SystemsSolar Mounting SystemsA74.78.3277.38.40Detail ADetail AA75.40.----L(L [mm])See page 273.90.03Keep at least 3 mm clearanceSee page 3Optional:Optional:Optional:For the distance between roof hooks.See page 4Optional:AAAAAA7NmADetail ADetail AASee page 1See page 3Optional:Optional:72.95.3172.95.41FixedAdjustableFor the distance between the Slimline roof hooks.See the Project Report of the ValkPVplanner.See page 4Optional:AAAAAAAAA74.78.45Detail ADetail AASee page 1See page 2Optional:Optional:See page 4Optional:77.33.60For the distance between the roof hooks.AAAAAAAA7NmAMounting the hangerboltsDetail ADetail A74.79.15 (M10x200)74.79.17 (M10x250)See page 1See page 2Optional:Optional:AM1074.79.20 (M12x250)74.79.22 (M12x350)M12Drill hole for hanger bolts.M10 : Hole size 10 mm in corrugatedsheetM12 : Hole size 12 mm in corrugated sheetPre drill in wood.M10 : Hole size 7,0 mm M12 : Hole size 8,4 mm See page 3For the distance between the AAAAAAAAAAOptional:Mounting the Side++ profileThe groove of the bolt corresponds with the orientation of the bolt head.70.17.-----(L [mm])Detail BBDetail ABBBBBBBi ew ALMounting Side++ profileDetail CThe groove of the bolt corresponds with the orientation of the bolt head.Detail A Detail BAC72.11.00M i n . 1m mAt least 1 mm thread above the clamp.12M 10M 123Top view15NmMounting the Side++ couplingThe groove of the bolt corresponds with the orientation of the bolt head.Detail B(L [mm])70.17.-----72.48.63Detail AB15 NmLMounting the clamps 72.40.511215NmMounting the clampsP a ne ls i ze -119P an e ls iz e - 87P a ne ls i z e - 131smalllargeClamping side upClamping side upClamping side upClamping side downP a ne ls i ze -163Clamping side upClamping side downsmalllarge38Insert assembly help72.40.51Option 1Option 2Upper profileMiddle profile Middle profileLower profile Upper profile Lower profile 15Nm15Nm15Nm15Nm15Nm15NmMounting the clampsP a ne ls i ze -87P an e ls iz e- 87P a ne ls i ze -13Clamping side upP an e ls iz e- 130Clamping side down38Insert assembly help72.40.51When only using middle profilesOption 3Option 4Middle profile 15NmMiddle profile Middle profile Middle profile Middle profile Middle profile Clamping side upClamping side upClamping side upClamping side down15Nm15Nm15Nm15Nm15NmMounting the insert profileDetail ALLL70.05.---.-----(panel height in mm)(L [mm])(L [mm])70.03.---.-----(panel height in mm)70.01.---.-----(L [mm])(panel height in mm)largesmallU p p e r p r o f i l eM i d d l e p ro f i l eL o w e r pr o f i l e123AL o we r pr o f i l eM i d dl e p ro f i l eM i d dl e p ro f i l eU p pe r pr o fi l e15Nm72.48.10123Detail AAAA12Nmoption 1option 272.48.20AAA 12Nm12Nm12AMounting the cable clamps 73.20.01Max. cablediameter 9 mm Mounting cable clamp on panel.73.20.03Max. cable diameter 9 mmMounting cable clamp on insert profile.Mounting cable clamp on Side++ profile.73.20.05Max. cable diameter 9 mm。
Alfa Laval Pure Ballast知识指南说明书
The choice you make should meanpeace of mind tomorrowIf you find the information in this document useful, you can download the complete guide at:/pureballast/knowledge/When selecting a major onboard system, the choice of supplier can be just as important as the choice of system itself. This is especially true in an application like ballast water treatment, where there are not only new technologies, but also a wide range of new suppliers to the marine industry. Considering that a ballast water treatment system should last the vessel’s lifetime, there is no advantage in taking risks.Recent clarification from the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) puts this in the spotlight. In a blog post dated 22 September 2017, the USCG explains what happens if the manufacturer of a ballast water treatment system goes out of business. Simply put, the system cannot be operated, maintained or repaired with parts thatare not included in its type approval. So if no company purchases the technology and updates the type approval certificate within five years, the type approval will expire and no new parts will become available to keep existing systems in compliance.In light of this, it becomes important to consider not only the capabilities of the ballast water treatment system, but also the capabilities and track record of its supplier. Global presence, marine history and repeat business are all worth evaluating as indicators of future reliability.This document can be useful in such an evaluation. The text is an excerpt from “Making sense of ballast watermanagement”, a comprehensive guide to regulations and compliance alternatives. Chapter 5 and Appendix H, which are presented here in their entirety, offer concise background and a checklist for supplier discussions.Supplier selection guide As discussed throughout this book, there are numerous factors to consider when evaluating potential equipment suppliers for a ballast water treatment system. These factors relate not only to the operational strengths and limitations of the systems themselves, but also to the suppliers’ own capabilities.Asking the right questionsThe following is a summary of the most important questions to ask when considering a potential supplier in ballast water treatment. The questions highlight critical differences that will impact upfront system and installation costs, but more importantly the long-term costs over the system’s lifetime.A checklist for use in supplier discussions can be found in Appendix H.1. Can the supplier ensure performance in widely diverse operating conditions?The supplier should provide a fully compliant ballast water treatment system without limiting the vessel’s operations. The system should have both IMO and USCG type approval and offer a full range of options to avoid restricting the place or manner in which the vessel does business. It is important to make sure the system is capable of performing in fresh, brackish and marine water, as well as in all water temperatures. In the case of a UV treatment system, it should also perform in conditions where UV transmittance is low. 2. Has an authorized third party conducted type approval tests of the supplier’s equipment?Type approval testing by an authorized third party is important to secure transparency, validity and ultimate-ly system compliance. Third-party testing bodies can ensure a controlled testing environment and realistic test conditions, which will prevent system deficiencies from being overlooked. Much is known today about the control mechanisms needed to ensure compliance – serious suppliers seek third-party transparency and perform their tests with water that contains naturally occurring organisms to ensure compliance in all possible conditions.3. Does the supplier have a long track recordof working in the marine industry?Selecting a true marine supplier with extensive industry experience helps guarantee that a system has been designed with an understanding of the specific demands facing different types of vessels operating in a range of water conditions. For example, many UV treatment systems actually have their roots in drinking water treatment. Because they are adaptations of land-based technologies for water purification, they are less suited to common marine circumstances such as low UV transmittance. Choosing a system specificallydeveloped for marine use avoids these problems.4. Is the supplier’s system easy to installand operate?If the supplier has considered simplicity of installation, the system should offer a small footprint and flexibility of placement ‒ which are particularly important for retrofits. A system that incorporates major components into the ballast water piping and requires no additional tanks or ventilation systems will generally be easier to install. Operation should be fully automatic with an intuitive control system interface, and there should be never be a need for manual intervention from the crew.5. Has the supplier received repeat ordersfrom customers?Nothing says more about a ballast water treatment system or its supplier than the trust placed in them by customers. An extensive reference list is valuable, but the most important references are those where the same customer has purchased a system multiple times. The decision to purchase again, based on successful operation at sea, is the best seal of approval available.6. Has the supplier successfully installed a large number of ballast water treatment systems?The supplier’s reference list should be examined critically for the number of systems installed and still in operation aboard both newbuilds and existing vessels. Retrofit projects in particular demand considerable coordination of numerous partners. The more exten-sive the supplier’s experience in this area, the more likely the supplier’s ability to facilitate a smooth installation, which is important for ensuring the proper performance of the system in the long term.7. Does the supplier have a track recordof meeting delivery times?A spotless delivery track record is vital. If a supplier is unable to get equipment to the shipyard during the scheduled time slot, there can be a great deal of additional expense as well as lost income opportuni-ties. This has become a critical issue with the entry of the BWM Convention into force, as the increased number of vessels installing treatment systems impacts the availability of equipment and shipyard slots.8. Can the supplier minimize time out of service for installation and commissioning?While the installation of a ballast water treatment system is a major undertaking, the supplier should be able to minimize the time during which the vessel is out of service. With smart supply solutions and good planning, it should be possible to limit downtime at a capable shipyard to two weeks. Some suppliers may also have the capability to perform much of the installation while sailing, without interrupting the vessel’s normal course of operation.9. Does the supplier have global support capabilities?The ballast water treatment system is a solution that will be with the vessel for many years. This makes it important to choose a stable supplier with a strong global network, who can provide parts and long-term support wherever the vessel sails. In the unlikely event of a system failure, it is important to have 24/7 access to the supplier’s services, no matter where the vessel is.10. Does the supplier have an extensiveand flexible service offering?A ballast water treatment system is a major investment that requires expert maintenance to secure lasting, compliant performance. Periodic inspection and service from the original supplier can safeguard that investment by verifying full system functionality according to the system’s type approval. A tailor-made performance agreement with the supplier is a flexible solution that offers the ideal service for the vessel’s specific needs at a fixed, budgeted cost.Appendix H: Ballast water treatment system supplier checklistThe following checklist can be used when evaluating suppliers according to the key factors presented in this book. Rate each supplier on a scale from 1 to 5,where 5 indicates the strongest performance inrelation to the question. The higher the overall marks, the stronger the supplier.。
阿尔法拉瓦尔PureBallast 3.1 UV球装水处理系统说明书
EditorialNovember 2017UV ballast water treatment systems highly competitive for large flowsRecent market developments show a shift in thinking when it comes to ballast water treatment systems for tankers and other large vessels. Today more and more ship owners see advantages in choosing UV ballast water treatment over electrochlorination for large flows, even with respect to power consumption and footprint.The idea that electrochlorination is more suitable for large flows than UV technology has persisted since the early days of ballast water treatment. Indeed, the first generations of UV treatment systems were often larger and more power-intensive. But modern systems such as Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.1 are changing this preconception.UV treatment systems now compete easily on power and footprint parameters, even at flows of 1500–3000 m3/h or above. As a result, their simplicity and lower operating costs are tipping the balance in major projects. Earlier this year, for example, Alfa Laval signed a deal to supply multiple vessels with PureBallast 3.1 systems for 3000 m3/h.Power and footprint on equal footingAs many ship owners have realized, the power consumption of today’s UV and electrochlorination systems is similar in practice. Electrochlorination systems are dependent on seawater temperature and salinity, which means they use considerably more power in low-temperature or low-salinity conditions. PureBallast 3.1, as well as having effective power management, is certified for all water types and is completely unaffected by temperature or salinity.In terms of footprint, UV systems can actually be smaller than electrochlorination systems. With a range of four different reactor sizes, PureBallast 3.1 can be optimally configured to match the vessel and its ballast water flow. In part because no heaters or major auxiliaries are needed, UV systems are also easier and less costly to install.Operational advantages with UV technologyWhen power consumption and footprint are largely equivalent, the additional advantages of UV treatment become compelling arguments. With no chemical dosing or active substances to store and manage, UV treatment systems are safer and easier for the crew to operate. Likewise, they require no measures to prevent corrosion or neutralize residual oxidants. In total, such factors mean less risk, less maintenance and less operating cost for the vessel.Making an informed decisionGiven the advances of recent years and the complexity of ballast water management, ship owners are wise to inform themselves about the current capabilities of ballast water treatment systems. “Making sense of ballast water management”, a comprehensive guide that includes detailed evaluations of both UV and electrochlorination technologies, is available from Alfa Laval at the following link: /pureballast/knowledge/To learn more about Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.1 and Alfa Laval’s approach to ballast water treatment, visit /pureballastFor further information, please contact:Anders LindmarkHead of Alfa Laval PureBallastAlfa Laval Marine DivisionPhone: +46 70 104 29 19E-mail:*****************************Anja SimonssonVice President CommunicationAlfa Laval Marine DivisionPhone: +46 8 53 06 55 27E-mail:****************************/marineEditor’s notesAbout Alfa Laval PureBallastPureBallast, which was the first commercially available ballast water treatment system, is a chemical-free system sold and serviced by Alfa Laval. A vital component of the system is the Enhanced UV Reactor, which was developed jointly by Alfa Laval and Wallenius Water based on Wallenius Water Technology.About Alfa LavalAlfa Laval is a leading global provider of specialized products and engineering solutions based on its key technologies of heat transfer, separation and fluid handling.The company’s equipment, systems and services are dedicated to assisting customers in optimizing the performance of their processes. The solutions help them to heat, cool, separate and transport products in industries that produce food and beverages, chemicals and petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, starch, sugar and ethanol.Alfa Laval’s products are also used in power plants, aboard ships, oil and gas exploration, in the mechanical engineering industry, in the mining industry and for wastewater treatment, as well as for comfort climate and refrigeration applications.Alfa Laval’s worldwide organization works closely with customers in nearly 100 countries to help them stay ahead in the global arena. Alfa Laval’s worldwide organization works closely with customers in nearly 100 countries to help them stay ahead in the global arena. Alfa Laval is listed on Nasdaq OMX, and, in 2016, posted annual sales of about SEK 35.6 billion (approx.3.77 billion Euros). The company has about 17 000 employees.。
FLUENT中常见的单词解析FLUENT中常见的单词31页visibility [vizi'biliti] n.能见度, 视程,清晰度①能见度【摘要】vid/vis == see, vision 视⼒,视觉, invisible 看不见的, visibility 能见度. viv == life, vivid ⽣动的, revive 复活, survive 幸存,逃⽣. voc/vok == call;voice ...②可见度【摘要】可见度visibility 科教⽚science education film 科教兴国rejuvenate our country through secience and education 克扣dock wages 客流量volume of commuters; ...③可见性【摘要】逻辑整合的⾸要问题就是区别的形成,这就是“可见性”(visibility)。
但“可见的”并不是在“此时此地”(here and now)的直接性之中被把握,⽽总是涉及⼀个区分背景和轮廓...④明视度【摘要】visibility 明视度visible wavelength 可见波长vision electronic recording apparatus 视频电⼦记录装置visual acuity 视觉锐度或视⼒visual angle 视⾓...geometry[d?i?mitri]verticesvertex32页33页translaterotatereflectscale34页35页36页45页inviscidLaminarspalart-allmarasReynoldsrealizableequilibriumenhancedconverged55页plotaxis62页nodegradient67页:snapfit68页visibilitygeometryverticesfittetarc69页uvalradiuswireframetolerance70页meshdefaultinterval[int?v?l]n.间隔时间The interval between the two trees measures 40 feet.这两棵树的间隔是40英尺。
压载水管理系统批准现状updated in June 2012
Table (1) – List of ballast water management systems that make use of Active Substances which received Basic Approval from IMO1Name of the system and proposing countryName of manufacturerDate of Basic Approval1Peraclean® OceanDegussa Gmbh, Germany24 March(subsequently changed to SEDNA®2006Ballast Water Management System(Using Peraclean® Ocean)),Germany2Electro-Clean (electrolyticTechcross Ltd. and Korea Ocean24 Marchdisinfection) system (subsequently Research and Development Institute2006changed to Electro-Cleen™ ), the (KORDI)Republic of Korea3Special Pipe Ballast WaterJapan Association of Marine Safety13 OctoberManagement System (combined with (JAMS)2006Ozone treatment), Japan4EctoSys™ electrochemical System, Permascand AB, Sweden, subsequently 13 OctoberSwedenacquired by RWO GmbH, Germany20065PureBallast System, SwedenAlfa Laval/ Wallenius Water AB13 July 20076NK Ballast Water Treatment System, NK Company Ltd., the Republic of13 July 2007the Republic of Korea (subsequently Koreachanged to NK-O3 BlueBallastSystem (Ozone))7Hitachi Ballast Water PurificationHitachi, Ltd. /Hitachi Plant technologies, 4 April 2008System (ClearBallast), JapanLtd.8Resource Ballast TechnologiesResource Ballast Technologies (Pty)4 April 2008System, South Africa9GloEn-PatrolTM Ballast WaterLtd. Panasia Co., Ltd.4 April 2008Management System, the Republicof Korea10OceanSaver® Ballast WaterMetaFil AS4 April 2008Management System (OS BWMS),Norway11TG Ballastcleaner andThe Toagosei Group (TG Corporation, 10 OctoberTG Environmentalguard SystemToagosei Co. Ltd. and Tsurumi Soda2008(subsequently changed to JFECo. Ltd.)Ballast Water Management System),Japan12Greenship Sedinox Ballast Water Greenship Ltd10 OctoberManagement System, the2008Netherlands13Ecochlor® Ballast Water Treatment Ecochlor, INC, Acton, the United States 10 OctoberSystem, Germany20081 More comprehensive information regarding these systems is available in document BWM.2/Circ.34 L:\MED\BSS\MEPC\website\table updated in June 2012 including TA information.docTable 1 (continued)Name of the system and proposing countryName of manufacturerDate of Basic Approval14Blue Ocean Shield Ballast WaterChina Ocean Shipping (Group)17 July 2009Management System, ChinaCompany (COSCO)15Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. the 17 July 2009(HHI) Ballast Water ManagementRepublic of KoreaSystem (EcoBallast), the Republicof Korea16AquaTriCombTM Ballast WaterAquaworx ATC GmbH17 July 2009Treatment System, Germany17SiCURETM Ballast WaterSiemens Water Technologies26 MarchManagement System, Germany201018Sunrui Ballast Water Management Qingdao Sunrui Corrosion and Fouling 26 MarchSystem (subsequently changed toControl Company2010BalClor Ballast Water ManagementSystem), China19DESMI Ocean Guard Ballast Water DESMI Ocean Guard A/S26 MarchManagement System, Denmark201020Blue Ocean Guardian (BOG) Ballast 21st Century Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.26 MarchWater Management System,2010(subsequently changed to "ARABallast" Ballast Water ManagementSystem),the Republic of Korea21Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. the 26 March(HHI) Ballast Water ManagementRepublic of Korea2010System (HiBallast), the Republicof Korea22Kwang San Co., Ltd. (KS) BallastKwang San Co., Ltd.26 MarchWater Management System "En-2010Ballast", the Republic of Korea23OceanGuard™ Ballast WaterQingdao Headway Technology Co., Ltd. 26 MarchManagement System, Norway201024Severn Trent DeNora BalPure®Severn Trent De Nora (STDN), LLC26 MarchBallast Water Management System,2010Germany25Techwin Eco Co., Ltd. (TWECO)Techwin Eco Co., Ltd.1 OctoberBallast Water Management System2010(Purimar), the Republic of Korea26AquaStar Ballast Water Management AQUA Eng. Co., Ltd.1 OctoberSystem,2010the Republic of Korea27Kuraray Ballast Water Management Kuraray Co., Ltd.1 OctoberSystem, Japan201028ERMA FIRST Ballast WaterERMA FIRST ESK Engineering15 July 2011Management System, GreeceSolutions S.A.29BlueSeas Ballast WaterEnvirotech and Consultancy Pte. Ltd. 15 July 2011Management System, SingaporeL:\MED\BSS\MEPC\website\table updated in June 2012 including TA information.docTable 1 (continued)Name of the system and proposing countryName of manufacturerDate of Basic Approval30SKY-SYSTEM® with Peraclean®Katayama Chemical, Inc.15 July 2011Ocean Ballast Water ManagementSystem, Japan31JFE BallastAce that makes use ofJFE Engineering Corporation15 July 2011NeoChlor Marine® Ballast WaterManagement System, Japan32BallastMaster Ballast WaterGEA Westfalia Separator Systems15 July 2011Management System, GermanyGmbH33BlueWorld Ballast WaterEnvirotech and Consultancy Pte. Ltd. 15 July 2011Management System, Singapore34Neo-PurimarTM Ballast WaterSamsung Heavu Industries Co., Ltd.15 July 2011Management System, the Republicof Korea35"Smart Ballast" Ballast WaterSTX Metal Co., Ltd.2 March 2012Management System, the Republicof Korea36DMU ·OH Ballast WaterDalian Maritime University2 March 2012Management System, China37EcoGuardianTM Ballast WaterHanla IMS Co., Ltd.2 March 2012Management System, the Republicof KoreaL:\MED\BSS\MEPC\website\table updated in June 2012 including TA information.docTable (2) – List of ballast water management systems that make use of Active Substances which received Final Approval from IMO2Name of the system and proposing countryName of manufacturerDate of Final Approval1PureBallast System, NorwayAlfa Laval / Wallenius Water AB13 July 20072SEDNA® Ballast WaterDegussa Gmbh,4 April 2008Management System (UsingGermanyPeraclean® Ocean), Germany3Electro-Cleen™ System, the Republic Techcross Ltd. and Korea Ocean10 Octoberof KoreaResearch and Development Institute 2008(KORDI)4OceanSaver® Ballast WaterMetaFil AS10 OctoberManagement System (OS BWMS),2008Norway5RWO Ballast Water ManagementRWO GmbH Marine Water17 July 2009System (CleanBallast), GermanyTechnology, Germany6NK-O3 BlueBallast System (Ozone), NK Company Ltd., the Republic of17 July 2009the Republic of KoreaKorea7Hitachi Ballast Water PurificationHitachi, Ltd. /Hitachi Plant17 July 2009System (ClearBallast), Japantechnologies, Ltd.8Greenship Sedinox Ballast WaterGreenship Ltd17 July 2009Management System,the Netherlands9GloEn-PatrolTM Ballast WaterPanasia Co., Ltd.26 March 2010Management System,the Republic of Korea10Resource Ballast TechnologiesResource Ballast Technologies (Pty) 26 March 2010System, South AfricaLtd.11JFE BallastAce® Ballast WaterJFE Engineering Corporation26 March 2010Management System, Japan12Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. the 26 March 2010(HHI) Ballast Water ManagementRepublic of KoreaSystem (EcoBallast), the Republic ofKorea13Special Pipe Hybrid Ballast WaterMitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co., 1 October 2010Management System combined with Ltd.Ozone treatment version(SP-Hybrid BWMS Ozone version),Japan14"ARA Ballast" Ballast Water21st Century Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.1 October 2010Management System,the Republic of Korea15BalClor Ballast Water Management Qingdao Sunrui Corrosion and Fouling 1 October 2010System, China16OceanGuardTM Ballast WaterControl Company Qingdao Headway Technology Co.,1 October 2010Management System, NorwayLtd.17Ecochlor® Ballast Water Management Ecochlor, INC, Acton, the United1 October 2010System, GermanyStates2 More comprehensive information regarding the systems approved until December 2011 is available in document BWM.2/Circ.34. L:\MED\BSS\MEPC\website\table updated in June 2012 including TA information.docTable 2 continuedName of the system and proposing countryName of manufacturerDate of Final Approval18Severn Trent De Nora BalPure®Severn Trent De Nora (STDN), LLC1 October 2010Ballast Water Management System,Germany19HiBallast Ballast Water Management Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.15 July 2011System, the Republic of Korea20Purimar Ballast Water Management Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.15 July 2011System, the Republic of Korea21SiCURE™ Ballast WaterManagement System, GermanySiemens Water Technologies2 March 201222ERMA FIRST Ballast WaterManagement System, GreeceERMA FIRST E.S.K. Engineering Solutions S.A.2 March 201223MICROFADETM Ballast WaterManagement System, JapanKuraray Co., Ltd.2 March 201224AquaStarTM Ballast WaterAQUA Eng. Co.Management, the Republic of Korea2 March 201225Neo-PurimarTM Ballast WaterSamsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.2 March 2012Management System, the Republic of (SHI)KoreaL:\MED\BSS\MEPC\website\table updated in June 2012 including TA information.docTable (3) – List of ballast water management systems which received Type Approval Certification by their respective Administrations (resolution MEPC.175(58))3Approval DateName of the AdministrationName of the ballast water management systemCopy of Type Approval CertificateActive Substance employedMEPC report granting Final Approval1June 2008 Det NorskePureBallastProvidedVeritas, asSystem(MEPCdelegated by the61/INF.3)NorwegianAdministrationYes, please refer to MEPC 56/23,MEPC 56/2/2,paragraphannex 52.82 10 June 2008Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, GermanySEDNA® Ballast Water Management System (Using Peraclean® Ocean)Provided (MEPC 58/INF.17)Yes, please refer to MEPC 57/2/10, annex 7MEPC 57/21, paragraph 2.163 31Ministry of Land, Electro-December Transport andCleenTM2008Maritime Affairs, Systemthe Republic ofKoreaProvided(MEPC59/INF.6)Yes, please refer to MEPC 58/2/7, annex 7MEPC 58/23, paragraph 2.84 17 April 2009 Det NorskeOceanSaver® ProvidedYes, please refer to MEPC 58/23,Veritas, asBallast Water (MEPCMEPC 58/2/8,paragraphdelegated by the Management 59/INF.17annex 42.10NorwegianSystem (OS and MEPCAdministrationBWMS)62/INF.15)524Ministry of Land, NK-O3ProvidedYes, please refer to MEPC 59/24,November Transport andBlueBallast(MEPCMEPC 59/2/16,paragraph2009Maritime Affairs, System60/INF.14) annex 62.8.the Republic of (Ozone)Korea64 December Ministry of Land, GloEn-PatrolTM ProvidedYes, please refer to MEPC 60/22,2009Transport andBallast Water (MEPCMEPC 60/2/11,paragraphMaritime Affairs, Management 61/2/19)annex 42.7the Republic of SystemKorea7 5 MarchMinistry of Land, Hitachi Ballast ProvidedYes, please refer to MEPC 59/24,2010Infrastructure,Water(MEPCMEPC 59/2/19,paragraphTransport andManagement 61/INF.21) annex 42.8Tourism of Japan System(ClearBallast)828 January China MaritimeBalClorTMProvidedYes, please refer to MEPC 61/24,2011SafetyBallast Water (MEPCMEPC 61/2/15,ParagraphAdministrationManagement 62/INF.29) annex 92.7.3System3 Table 3 above was compiled based on the information provided by the respective Administrations L:\MED\BSS\MEPC\website\table updated in June 2012 including TA information.docTable 3 continuedApproval DateName of the AdministrationName of the ballast water management systemCopy of Type Approval CertificateActive Substance employedMEPC report granting Final Approval9 26 May 2010 Inspection andJFEProvidedYes, please refer to MEPC 60/22andMeasurementBallastAce® (MEPCMEPC 60/2/12,paragraph25 MarchDivision, Maritime Ballast Water 62/INF.25) annex 52.72011Bureau, Ministry Managementof Land,SystemInfrastructure,Transport andTourism of Japan10 19 April 2011 The South African ResourceProvidedYes, please refer to MEPC 60/22Department ofBallast(MEPCMEPC 60/2/11,paragraphTransportTechnologies 62/INF.18) annex 72.7System11 2 September Office of theNEI Treatment Available at No ActiveNot2008MaritimeSystem VOS- requestSubstances usedapplicableAdministration,2500-101according to theMarshall Islandscommunicationreceived from theAdministration ofMarshall Islands(Letter of 10 Dec.2008)19 January 2010Merchant Shipping Directorate of MaltaProvided (BWM.2/Circ. 25)Please refer to circular BWM.2/Circ.25Not applicable12 29 April 2009 Lloyd’s Register, HydeProvidedas delegated by GUARDIANTM (MEPCtheballast water 59/INF.20)Administration of managementthe UnitedsystemKingdom13 12 November Det NorskeOptiMarinProvided2009Veritas, asBallast System (MEPCdelegated by the (OBS)61/INF.4)NorwegianAdministrationNo Active Substances used according to the communication received from the Administration of United Kingdom (please refer to MEPC 59/INF.20)No Active Substances used according to the communication received from the Administration of Norway (please refer to MEPC 61/INF.4)Not applicableNot applicableL:\MED\BSS\MEPC\website\table updated in June 2012 including TA information.docTable 3 continuedApproval DateName of the AdministrationName of the ballast water management systemCopy of Type Approval CertificateActive Substance employedMEPC report granting Final Approval14 16 February China Maritime Blue OceanProvidedNo ActiveNot2011SafetyShield Ballast(MEPCSubstances usedapplicableAdministrationWater62/INF.28) according to theManagementcommunicationSystemreceived from theAdministration ofChina (please referto MEPC 62/INF.28)15 10 MarchThe Norwegian PureBallst 2.0 Provided No ActiveNot2011Maritimeand PureBallast (MEPCSubstances usedapplicableAdministration2.0 Ex62/INF.14) according to thecommunicationreceived from theAdministration ofNorway (please referto MEPC 62/INF.14)16 16 March 2011The Ministry of Land, Transport and MaritimeEcoBallast Ballast Water ManagementProvided (MEPC 63/INF.5)Yes, please refer to MEPC 59/2/16, annex 8MEPC 60/22 paragraph 2.13Affairs of theSystemRepublic of Korea (Hyundai HeavyIndustries Co.,Ltd.)17 28 MarchChina MaritimeBSKYTM Ballast ProvidedNo ActiveNot2011SafetyWater(MEPCSubstances usedapplicableAdministrationManagement62/INF.30) according to theSystemcommunicationreceived from theAdministration ofChina (please referto MEPC 62/INF.30)18 6 June 2011 Inspection andFineBallast® OZ Provided Yes, please refer to MEPC 61/24Measurement(the Special(MEPCMEPC 61/2/15,paragraphDivision, Maritime Pipe Hybrid63/INF.12) annex 62.7Bureau, Ministry Ballast Waterof Land,ManagementInfrastructure,SystemTransport andcombinedTourism of Japan with Ozonetreatmentversion)19 6 AugustOffice of theNEI Treatment Available at No ActiveNot2011MaritimeSystemrequestSubstances usedapplicableAdministrator,VOS-500 toaccording to theRepublic of the VOS-6000communicationMarshal Islandsreceived from theAdministration ofMarshall Islands(Letter of 9 August2011)L:\MED\BSS\MEPC\website\table updated in June 2012 including TA information.docApproval DateName of the AdministrationName of the ballast water management system20 31 October The Ministry ofPurimarTM2011Land, Transport Systemand MaritimeAffairs of theRepublic of Korea21 11 November The Ministry of2011Land, TransportHiBallastTM Ballast Waterand MaritimeManagementAffairs of theSystemRepublic of KoreaCopy of Type Approval CertificateActive Substance employedProvided (MEPC 63/INF.6)Yes, please refer to MEPC 62/2/18, annex 6MEPC report granting Final ApprovalMEPC 62/24 paragraph 2.5Provided (MEPC 63/INF.4)Yes, please refer to MEPC 62/2/18, annex 5MEPC 62/24 paragraph 2.5Note: all lists above updated in June 2012.L:\MED\BSS\MEPC\website\table updated in June 2012 including TA information.doc。
一,1 these “hauling ways” initially had a surface of stone slabs or timber baulks,shich soon proved unsatisfactory as the loads carried inevitably grew heavier.这种拖拉方式起初依靠石板或木梁的平面进行,但随着载重的不断增大,证明这种方式是不可行的。
2within that definition there is a host of variations in forms of propulsion,details of track structure,train make-up or “consist”,dominant class of traffic and so on which fall within the meaning of the term “railway”.在该定义下,有许多不同形式,如驱动方式、轨道结构、列车组成、交通管辖等都落在地铁这个术语的范畴内3the “trackbed” comprises the ballast and any subballast layers and is there to support the track,to drain water from the bottom of the sleepers and to distribute the imposed track load to such s degree that the subgrade can resist the imposed bearing pressure adequately.道床由道砟和所有底层道砟组成,从而支撑轨道,从轨枕底排水,并且分散施加在轨道上的载荷,以致路基足以承受的压力程度4 combining the vehicles into trains is important in increasing the capacity of a narrow transportation corridor, particularlary important in providing needed mobility without wasting vast areas of real estate.将车辆连接组成列车,对增大这种狭长通道交通方式的运用能力至关重要,特别是提供了必需的资产流动以避免造成大量不动资产的浪费。
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The Proʼs and Conʼs of Ballast SystemsBy Mike CaswellThere are many systems available for ballasting a submarine, and for someone new to this hobby, it must be very difficult to determine the best course of action. This article attempts to explain each system logically,Depending on the level of skills in electronics, plumbing and engineering, each system will press different demands on the modeler.What exactly does a ballast system do? It simply removes and replaces water to change the weight of the model, making it surface or submerge. This procedure is not complicated, but many of these ballast systems are fangled, expensive and difficult to maintain, and they lose this main objective.Also worthy of note is the fact that most model submarines do not operate at depths much below periscope depth. In fact, it can be extremely dangerous to dive greater than a few feet, as some ballast systems cannot overcome the water pressure, making their failsafe recovery system useless.Assuming there are minimal skills, we propose the following approach.The simplest system to operate is a Snort (Schnorkel) system, bringing fresh air into the ballast tank at periscope depth. The boat is trimmed so that when the ballast tank is full of water, only the periscope is out of the water. Therefore, if all the systems fail for whatever reason, the boat will float to the surface. When the ballast tank is blown (with fresh air from the Snort pump), the boat will surface to its correct waterline position. The ballast tank is either full or empty of water, there is no ʻin-betweenʼ. This makes operation of the ballast tank a very simple process for the novice.To dive, the boat is ballasted to ʻventʼ or flood the ballast tank, and the rear planes set to the dive position. As the boat moves forward, the planes will push the boat underwater. If the engines are stopped, the boat will assume periscope depth. The faster the engines are run, the deeper the boat will go, but it will always revert to periscope depth.Assuming there is some sort of catastrophe, and the boat dives to 15 feet or more, then the on board Gas Reserve will be activated by the failsafe system and it will blow the ballast tank. This is where gas systems excel over bladders and pumps, as the latter cannot overcome the water pressure.Once the basics of operating and maintaining a Gas/Snort Sub-driver have been mastered, a novice submariner may wish to try different systems. RCABS is in voguecurrently and is a good second choice, as it is a fairly simple operation to convert a Subdriver to this system, if required.The basic principal of RCABS-R (Recirculating Compressed Air Ballast System- Reversed) is that a bladder is placed into the wet hull of the submarine and is inflated prior to operation. To submerge the vessel, the pump deflates the bladder, passing the air into the Pressure Tank. When the vent valve is opened, the compressed air in the Pressure Tank escapes into the bladder, so the bladder inflates and the boat surfaces.Here is a typical Clippard valve, available for approx $25 from-Clippard Instrument Laboratory, Inc.7390 Colerain Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45239(877) 245-6247 Another solenoid valve from-/models/bhm.htmlAir Vacuum Pumps come in different sizes from-/models/pumps.htmlHere is a typical Clippard valve, available for approx $25 from-Clippard Instrument Laboratory, Inc.7390 Colerain Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45239(877) 245-6247 Bladders come in four sizes from-/models/bladders.htmlDrawing kindly provided by George Protchenko, who invented the RCABS-R system.The major advantage of RCABS-R over the standard RCABS system is that no air is taken from the pressure hull. This reduces the potential of leaks caused by a vacuum in the cylinder as the air is pumped into the bladder.If the system loses power etc. then the normally pressurised bladder is re-inflated as the pressure in the compressed air tank slowly leaks back into it. It will not do so at depth as the water pressure will be too great.This system needs an extra space in the hull to accommodate the compressed air tank. On the larger models, this may not be so much of an issue, but on smaller models, it could potentially create problems if additional ʻextrasʼ like cameras or torpedo launching systems are envisaged.RCABSThe RCABS System uses the air within the WTC to inflate a bladder laying within the boats hull. As the bladder inflates, the boat surfaces. To dive, a solenoid valve is opened and the air in the bladder is released back into the WTC.The RCABS system uses the same valves, pumps and bladders as depicted in the RCABS-R system.In some models, locating the bladder in a convenient place may cause problems, due to cramped cylinder/hull conditions.Many RCABS/-R bladders will not inflate at depths of 10ʼ or more, due to water pressure.Once set-up, the RCABS & RCABS-R system is fairly easy to maintain and operate, however, there are no ready made systems available commercially, meaning a beginner has to spend time experimenting, tweaking and building a WTC.THE GAS SYSTEMThe Gas System uses a liquid compressed gas to expel water from the ballast tank. Gas is supplied from a can into the Gas Reservoir using a special valve that screws onto the can. Other types of gas are available, but none of them have the threaded exhaust port and need major modifications to fit the tire valve fill port.The benefits of a Gas Ballast System.Immediate BLOW-VENT operation. Realistic and scale like - No wait for bladder or piston pumps. Does not require a vent above the water-line as does a pump-type ballast system.Low Maintenance - No wires, pipes, motors, pumps or bladders. One servo operates blow and vent valves.Minimal space requirement which leaves room for torpedoes and cameras etc.Gas Empty Indicator - Boat assumes slightly positive trim, changes position in the water when GAS charge is low, telling Commander to return to port.Unique 'Gas Saver' mechanism meters out exact amount of gas to 'blow' ballast tank. (N/a to 1/144 Seawolf & Kilo due to limited space.)Deep Dive Blow Feature. Ballast tank will fail-safe BLOW at depths of up to 100'. Air pumps only work up to 15-20 feet.Fail Safe. Any gas leaks (unlikely) automatically fill ballast tank and surface the boat. Low Battery Drain. Occasional split second servo use to operate blow-vent- no pumps or motors to operate.For the new person in this hobby, a D&E Sub-driver is definitely the easier way to start out, as the units are sold assembled and virtually ready to run. Ballast tank size, waterline trim and other constraints are already calculated, so expensive experimentation is not needed. Even the motor/s and gear reduction drives are installed. In most models, the Snort system can be incorporated at a later date. This allows the submarine to use fresh air at periscope depth to blow the ballast tank, giving a realistic feel and look to the submarine. Gas becomes the safety back-up fail-safe system, and as this operates at depths of 100 feet or more, the chances of losing your boat in a deep pond are minimized.THE SNORT SYSTEMThe Snort System uses fresh air to blow the ballast tank. This concept is ideal in extremely small boats, where space in a major consideration.Here are two types of Air Vacuum Pumps, the smaller beingideal for 1/144 scale Revell & Trumpeter models etc.The larger pump has 17psi and 14 “ vacuum, drawing .2 ampThe smaller pump has 17psi and 12” vacuum, drawing .1 amp By installing a miniature solenoid valve the ballast tank is vented. Controlled by a switch such as a SubES1 which is plugged into the receiver and wired to the solenoid valve.see /models/bhm.htmlThis ʻSnort onlyʼ miniature Sub-driver is only 10” long by 1.5” diameter and is able to fit into the smallest Revell models. It is the ideal ʻPool Toyʼ system, as it incorporates a ballast system with dynamic diving, making the best use of an extremely crampedspace. The boat is trimmed to be at periscope depth with a full ballast tank, so ʻblowingʼthe tank will bring the boat to its correct waterline position. To dive, the ballast tank isʻventedʼ and the forward planes positioned downwards. With the engines running, the boat is dynamically driven to the required depth. If the engines are cut, then the boat will return to periscope depth. A final ʻblowʼ to the ballast tank, will return the boat to the surface. Two servos are installed, one for the rudder, and another for the forward planes. Although this doesnʼt give the degree of control larger boats with pitch controllers etc.The Snort system is extremely realistic, giving the operator the chance to drive the boat the way it was really done. Bubbles abound!THE SNORT SYSTEM - WITH GAS FAIL-SAFEA D&E Sub-driver or gas WTC can usually be modified slightly to accommodate a Snort system. All that is required is that the appropriate low pressure pump and SUB ES1 switch controller are installed. The pump sucks surface air into the ballast tank, blowing the water out. To vent, the normal vent valve is used. Gas is on board, only in the case of an emergency, or when deep diving.Custom built WTCs can be constructed around this simple concept, and may even have a much smaller gas reservoir to conserve space and weight. The vent valve can be a small solenoid.As the Gas system is only used in emergencies, such as a deep dive which needs a failsafe to operate, the on board supply of gas can be dramatically reduced. A smaller tank, or just a quick shot of gas injected will be enough to operate the boat for hours. In fact, the batteries will be run down before you run out of gas.The D&E Sub-driver could also be modified to run as an RCABS/R system, installing a bladder into the ballast tank, or free hull space and using the Snort pump to inflate it.For the beginner, making a decision on which of the numerous systems to use is a somewhat daunting experience. There are so many proʼs and conʼs to each system, so how does one make an informed choice?I guess it depends on the degree of model making, engineering and electronics skills you possess. If you are of the fortunate few that are proficient in all these skills, you can try all the systems over a relatively short period of time, and tinker with each one. In my own case, I found I had enough problems building the model itself, and after several attempts at building a Water Tight Cylinder, I gave up in favor of purchasing a ready made unit.Determining the ballast tank size and overall WTC size needs experience that I do not possess. Figuring out which type of ballast system to use and actually getting it assembled and working, proved to be a major problem. I found that gleaning over the few model submarines forums available, that there was a small core of people who were more experienced, yet they seemed to be over complicating everything, and were obviously biased in their thinking. Not one set of decent, easy to follow instructions existed.I purchased parts to make my own cylinder, and initially went the gas route, but I had to make the gas reservoir myself, and install seals and motors in the end-caps. It was a difficult project, and the outcome was failure because of inadequate and explicit drawings. I tried to convert the system to a bladder operation, but this also was fraught with problems. So, after many weeks of tinkering in my basement, I quit and purchased a ready-made gas system. My time was now devoted to finishing the model, and unfortunately, I picked a fiberglass mold, which had very little in the way of instructions, no fittings kit, and it needed a ton of work. The combination of trying to build a WTC and a fiberglass model was too much for someone with few skills and just starting out in this hobby.Eventually, the boat was in the water and working, but it took me over eighteen months and much frustration.I should have stuck to a smaller model, an injection molded kit that had good build instructions, and had a ʻfittings kitʼ with all the parts ready to convert it to an R/C model.Having now completed my first model, I can safely say my experience was a trial by fire, and I now feel well informed to advise a newcomer on the fastest way to get a working model. After all, the real fun part of this game is to get the darned boat in the water and -play!So, here are my suggestions.1.Get a plastic injection molded model that has a Fittings Kit. Donʼt try to modify any injection molded model that does not have one of these kits, you will have no end of problems.2.Get a Gas Propel Cylinder, ready made, that can easily have the Snort system installed. Boats as small as the Trumpeter Kilo (15” long) can operate a Snort.3.Trim your boat so the Snort intake is just above the waterline when the ballast tank is flooded (vent). When the ballast tank is empty of water (blow) it should sit in the water at the correct waterline position.4.Operate the boat using the Snort to blow the ballast tank. There are only two positions for a ballast tank, full or empty. Do not try to trim the boat halfway.5.To dive, vent the ballast tank completely, so you should be submerged with the Snort tube out of the water, then use the rear planes and the force of the propeller to dive. So, if you have a problem, stop engines, and you will surface, even though your ballast tank is full of water. You should easily be able to dive one or two feet deep using this technique. Any deeper and you probably wonʼt be able to see where you are going and could easily lose your boat.6.Only in the case of an emergency will you need to blow the ballast tanks using the reserve tank of liquid gas. It is worthy of note that ONLY a gas system will recover a boat that is lost to depths of over approximately twenty feet. Bladder systems pumps are unable to produce sufficient pressure to inflate the bladder at these depths. A gas system used as the fail-safe will work at depths of 100 feet.。