The Evaluation of In-Vehicle Adaptive Systems




NHTSA’S NCAP ROLLOVER RESISTANCE RATING SYSTEMPatrick L. BoydNational Highway Traffic Safety Administration United StatesPaper Number 05-0450ABSTRACTStarting in the 2004 model year, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) improved the rollover resistance ratings in its New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) consumer information by adding a dynamic maneuver test. NHTSA had provided rollover resistance ratings in the 2001 – 2003 model years based solely on the Static Stability Factor (SSF) measurement of vehicles. The ratings express the risk of a vehicle rolling over in the event of a single vehicle crash, the type of crash in which most rollovers occur. The SSF, which is determined by a vehicle’s center of gravity height and track width, had proved to be a powerful predictor of rollover risk based on a linear regression study of rollover rates of 100 vehicle models in 224,000 single vehicle crashes (R2 = 0.88). The TREAD Act required NHTSA to change its rollover resistance ratings to use a dynamic maneuver test, and the 2004 and later NCAP rollover resistance ratings use both SSF and a dynamic maneuver. This paper describes the development of the risk prediction model used for present rating system. Twenty-five vehicles were tested using two highly objective automated steering maneuvers (J-turn and Fishhook) at two levels of passenger loading. A logistic regression risk model was developed based on the rollover outcomes of 86,000 single-vehicle crashes involving the make/models that were tested. The vehicles were characterized by their SSF measurements and binary variables indicating whether or not they had tipped up during the maneuver tests. It was found that the Fishhook test in the heavy (5 passenger equivalent) load was the most useful maneuver test for predicting rollover risk. The relative predictive powers of the SSF measurement and the Fishhook test were established by a logistic regression model operating on the rollover outcomes of real-world crash data. This model was used to predict the rollover rates of vehicles in the 2004 and 2005 NCAP program based on their SSF measurements and Fishhook maneuver test performance. The information in this paper first appeared in NHTSA’s Federal Register notice [1] that established the NCAP rollover resistance rating system for model year 2004. INTRODUCTIONPrior NCAP Program and the TREAD ActNHTSA’s NCAP program has been publishing comparative consumer information on frontal crashworthiness of new vehicles since 1979, on side crashworthiness since 1997, and on rollover resistance since January 2001.The 2001-2003 NCAP rollover resistance ratings were based on the Static Stability Factor (SSF) of a vehicle, which is the ratio of one half its track width to its center of gravity (C.G.) height. After an evaluation of some driving maneuver tests in 1997 and 1998, NHTSA chose to use SSF instead of any driving maneuvers to characterize rollover resistance. NHTSA chose SSF as the basis of NCAP ratings because it represents the first order factors that determine vehicle rollover resistance in the vast majority of rollovers which are tripped by impacts with curbs, soft soil, pot holes, guard rails, etc. or by wheel rims digging into the pavement. In contrast, untripped rollovers are those in which tire/road interface friction is the only external force acting on a vehicle that rolls over. Driving maneuver tests directly represent on-road untripped rollover crashes, but such crashes represent less than five percent of rollover crashes [2].At the time, NHTSA believed it was necessary to choose between SSF and driving maneuver tests as the basis for rollover resistance ratings. SSF was chosen because it had a number of advantages: it is highly correlated with actual crash statistics; it can be measured accurately and inexpensively and explained to consumers; and changes in vehicle design to improve SSF are unlikely to degrade other safety attributes. NHTSA also considered the fact that an improvement in SSF represents an increase in rollover resistance in both tripped and untripped circumstances while maneuver test performance can be improved by reduced tire traction and certain implementations of electronic stability control that it believes are much less likely than SSF improvements to increase resistance to tripped rollovers.Congress directed the agency to enhance the NCAP rollover resistance rating program. Section 12 of the “Transportation Recall, Enhancement, Accountability and Documentation (TREAD) Act of November 2000" directs the Secretary to “develop a dynamic test on rollovers by motor vehicles for a consumer information program; and carry out a program conducting such tests. As the Secretary develops a [rollover] test, the Secretary shall conduct a rulemaking to determine how best to disseminate test results to the public.” The rulemaking was to be carried out by November 1, 2002.Research and Public Comment on Dynamic Rollover TestsOn July 3, 2001, NHTSA published a Request for Comments notice (66 FR 35179) regarding its research plans to assess a number of possible dynamic rollover tests. The notice discussed the possible advantages and disadvantages of various approaches that had been suggested by manufacturers, consumer groups, and NHTSA’s prior research. The driving maneuver tests to be evaluated fit into two broad categories: closed-loop maneuvers in which all test vehicles attempt to follow the same path, and open-loop maneuvers in which all test vehicles are given equivalent steering inputs. The principal theme of the comments was a sharp division of opinion about whether the dynamic rollover test should be a closed loop maneuver test like the ISO 3888 double lane change that emphasizes the handling properties of vehicles or whether it should be an open loop maneuver like a J-Turn or Fishhook that are limit maneuvers in which vulnerable vehicles would actually tip up. Ford recommended a different type of closed loop lane change maneuver in which a path-following robot or a mathematical correction method would be used to evaluate all vehicles on the same set of paths at the same lateral acceleration. It used a measurement of partial wheel unloading without tip-up at 0.7g lateral acceleration as a performance criterion in contrast to the other closed loop maneuver tests that used maximum speed through the maneuver as the performance criterion. Another unique comment was a recommendation from Suzuki to use a sled test developed by Exponent Inc. to simulate tripped rollovers.The subsequent test program [3] (using four SUVs in various load conditions and with and without electronic stability control enabled on two of the SUVs) showed that open-loop maneuver tests using an automated steering controller could be performed with better repeatability of results than the other maneuver tests. The J-Turn maneuver and the Fishhook maneuver (with steering reversal at maximum vehicle roll angle) were found to be the most objective tests of the susceptibility of vehicles to maneuver-induced on-road rollover. Except for the Ford test, the closed loop tests were found not to measure rollover resistance. Instead, the evaluation criterion of maximum maneuver entrance speed measured just prior to entering a double lane change assessed vehicle agility. None of the test vehicles tipped up during runs in which they maintained the prescribed path even when loaded with roof ballast to experimentally reduce their rollover resistance. The speed scores of the test vehicles in the closed loop maneuvers were found to be unrelated to their resistance to tip-up in the open-loop maneuvers that actually caused tip-up. The test vehicle that was clearly the poorest performer in the maneuvers that caused tip-ups achieved the best score (highest speed) in the ISO 3888 and CU short course double lane change, and one vehicle improved its score in the ISO 3888 test when roof ballast was added to reduce its rollover resistance.Due to the non-limit test conditions and the averaging necessary for stable wheel force measurements, the wheel unloading measured in the Ford test appeared to be more quasi-static (as in driving in a circle at a steady speed or placing the vehicle on a centrifuge) than dynamic. Sled tests were not evaluated because NHTSA believed that SSF already provided a good indicator of resistance to tripped rollover. National Academy of Sciences StudyDuring the time NHTSA was evaluating dynamic maneuver tests in response the TREAD Act, the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) was conducting a study of the SSF-based rollover resistance ratings and was directed to make recommendations regarding driving maneuver tests. NHTSA expected the NAS recommendations to have a strong influence on TREAD-mandated changes to NCAP rollover resistance ratings.When NHTSA proposed the prior (SSF only) rollover resistance ratings in June 2000, vehicle manufacturers generally opposed it because they believed that SSF as a measure of rollover resistance is too simple since it does not include the effects of suspension deflections, tire traction and electronic stability control (ESC). In addition, the vehicle manufacturers argued that the influence of vehicle factors on rollover risk is too slight to warrant consumer information ratings for rollover resistance. In the conference report of the FY2001 DOT Appropriations Act, Congress permitted NHTSA tomove forward with its rollover rating program, but directed the agency to fund a National Academy of Sciences (NAS) study on vehicle rollover ratings. The study topics were “whether the static stability factor is a scientifically valid measurement that presents practical, useful information to the public including a comparison of the static stability factor test versus a test with rollover metrics based on dynamic driving conditions that may induce rollover events.” The National Academy’s report was completed and made available at the end of February 2002 [4].The NAS study found that SSF is a scientifically valid measure of rollover resistance for which the underlying physics and real-world crash data are consistent with the conclusion that an increase in SSF reduces the likelihood of rollover. It also found that dynamic tests should complement static measures, such as SSF, rather than replace them in consumer information on rollover resistance. The dynamic tests the NAS recommended would be driving maneuvers used to assess “transient vehicle behavior leading to rollover.”The NAS study also made recommendations concerning the statistical analysis of rollover risk and the representation of ratings. It recommended that NHTSA use logistic regression rather than linear regression for analysis of the relationship between rollover risk and SSF, and it recommended that NHTSA consider a higher-resolution representation of the relationship between rollover risk and SSF than is provided by a five-star rating system. NHTSA published a Federal Register notice on October 7, 2002 (67 FR 62528) that proposed to modify the NCAP rollover resistance ratings to satisfy the requirements of the TREAD Act and to align it with the recommendation of the NAS report. NHTSA chose the J-Turn and Fishhook maneuver (with roll rate feedback) as the dynamic maneuver tests because they were the type of limit maneuver tests that could directly lead to rollover as recommended by the NAS. NHTSA also proposed to use a logistic regression analysis to determine the relationship between vehicle properties and rollover risk, as recommended by the NAS.DYNAMIC MANEUVER TESTS OF 25 VEHICLESThe original NCAP rollover resistance ratings predicted the rate of rollovers per single vehicle crash based on the SSF of vehicles. Stars were used to express rollover risk in rate increments of 10% (i.e., 2 stars for a predicted rollover rate between 30 and 40%, 3 stars for a predicted rollover rate between 20 and 30%, etc.). The relationship between rollover rate and SSF was determined using a linear regression between the logarithm of SSF and the actual rollover rates of 100 vehicle make/models [5]. The rollover rates were determined from 224,000 state crash reports and were corrected for differences between vehicles in demographic and road condition variables reported by the states.The idea for improving the prediction of rollover rate (the risk model) using dynamic maneuver tests was to describe the vehicle by its SSF plus a number of variables resulting from the vehicle’s behavior in the dynamic maneuvers. In that way, the risk model would consider more than just the geometric properties of the vehicle. Four binary variables were anticipated. They would describe whether the vehicle tipped up or did not in the J-turn and in the Fishhook maneuver, each performed with the vehicle in two passenger load configurations. The risk model for predicting rollover rate on the basis of SSF plus dynamic test results would be determined using logistic regression between the rollover outcomes of state crash reports of single vehicle crashes of a number of vehicles and the new set of vehicle attributes (SSF plus dynamic test variables). The expression of rollover risk by stars would continue with the same relationship between the number of stars and the predicted rollover rate.The linear regression, SSF only, risk model used crash data on 100 vehicles, but it was impractical to perform maneuver tests on that many vehicles to develop the present risk model. This section presents an overview of the test maneuvers and the results for the subset of 25 vehicles selected for developing the logistic regression risk model. A more extensive account of the test program is contained in the Phase VI and VII rollover research report [6]. The NHTSA J-Turn and Fishhook (with roll rate feedback) maneuver tests were performed for 25 vehicles representing four vehicle types including passenger cars, vans, pickup trucks and SUVs. NHTSA chose mainly high production vehicles that spanned a wide range of SSF values, using vehicles NHTSA already owned where possible. Except for four 2001 model year vehicles NHTSA purchased new, the vehicle suspensions were rebuilt with new springs and shock absorbers, and other parts as required for all the other vehicles included in the test program.J-Turn ManeuverThe NHTSA J-Turn maneuver represents anavoidance maneuver in which a vehicle is steered away from an obstacle using a single input. The maneuver is similar to the J-Turn used during NHTSA’s 1997-98 rollover research program and is a common maneuver in test programs conducted by vehicle manufacturers and others. Often the J-Turn is conducted with a fixed steering input (handwheel angle) for all test vehicles. In its 1997-98 testing, NHTSA used a fixed handwheel angle of 330 degrees. During the development of the present tests, NHTSA developed an objective method of specifying equivalent handwheel angles for J-Turn tests of various vehicles, taking into account their differences in steering ratio, wheelbase and linear range understeer properties [3]. Under this method, one first measures the handwheel angle that would produce a steady-state lateral acceleration of 0.3 g at 50 mph on a level paved surface for a particular vehicle. In brief, the 0.3 g value was chosen because the steering angle variability associated with this lateral acceleration is quite low and there is no possibility that stability control intervention could confound the test results. Since the magnitude of the handwheel position at 0.3 g is small, it must be multiplied by a scalar to have a high maneuver severity. In the case of the J-Turn, the handwheel angle at 0.3 g was multiplied by eight. When this scalar is multiplied by handwheel angles commonly observed at 0.3 g, the result is approximately 330 degrees. Figure 1 illustrates the J-Turn maneuver in terms of the automated steering inputs commanded by the programmable steering machine. The rate of the handwheel turning is 1000 degrees per second. To begin the maneuver, the vehicle was driven in astraight line at a speed slightly greater than the desired entrance speed. The driver released the throttle, coasted to the target speed, and then triggered the commanded handwheel input. The nominal maneuver entrance speeds used in the J-Turn maneuver ranged from 35 to 60 mph, increased in 5 mph increments until a termination condition was achieved. Termination conditions were simultaneous two inch or greater lift of a vehicle’s inside tires (two-wheel lift) or completion of a test performed at the maximum maneuver entrance speed without two-wheel lift. If two-wheel lift was observed, a downward iteration of vehicle speed was used in 1 mph increments until such lift was no longer detected. Once the lowest speed for which two-wheel lift could be detected was isolated, two additional tests were performed at that speed to monitor two-wheel lift repeatability.Fishhook ManeuverThe Fishhook maneuver uses steering inputs that approximate the steering a driver acting in panic might use in an effort to regain lane position after dropping two wheels off the roadway onto the shoulder. NHTSA has often described it as a road edge recovery maneuver. As pointed out by some commenters, it is performed on a smooth pavement rather than at a road edge drop-off, but its rapid steering input followed by an over-correction is representative of a general loss of control situation. The original version of this test was developed by Toyota, and variations of it were suggested by Nissan and Honda. NHTSA has experimented with several versions since 1997, and the present test includes roll rate feedback in order to time the counter-steer to coincide with the maximum roll angle of each vehicle in response to the first steer.Figure 2 describes the Fishhook maneuver in terms of the automated steering inputs commanded by the programmable steering machine and illustrates the roll rate feedback. The initial steering magnitude and countersteer magnitudes are symmetric, and are calculated by multiplying the handwheel angle that would produce a steady state lateral acceleration of 0.3 g at 50 mph on level pavement by 6.5. When this scalar is multiplied by handwheel angles commonly observed at 0.3 g, the result is approximately 270 degrees. This is equivalent to the 270 degree handwheel angle used in earlier forms of the maneuver but, as in the case of the J-Turn, the procedure above is an objective way of compensating for differences in steering gear ratio, wheelbase and understeer properties between vehicles. The fishhook maneuver dwell times (the time between completion of the initial steering ramp and the initiation of the countersteer) are defined by the roll motion of the vehicle being evaluated, and can vary on a test-to-test basis. This is made possible by having the steeringFigure 1. NHTSA J-turn maneuver description.machine monitor roll rate (roll velocity). If an initial steer is to the left, the steering reversal following completion of the first handwheel ramp occurs when the roll rate of the vehicle first equals or goes below 1.5 degrees per second. If an initial steer is to the right, the steering reversal following completion of the first handwheel ramp occurs when the roll rate of the vehicle first equals or exceeds -1.5 degrees per second. The handwheel rates of the initial steer and countersteer ramps are 720 degrees per second.To begin the maneuver, the vehicle was driven in astraight line at a speed slightly greater than the desired entrance speed. The driver released the throttle, coasted to the target speed, and then triggered the commanded handwheel input described in Figure 2. The nominal maneuver entrance speeds used in the fishhook maneuver ranged from 35 to 50 mph, increased in 5 mph increments until a termination condition was achieved. Termination conditions included simultaneous two inch or greater lift of a vehicle’s inside tires (two-wheel lift) or completion of a test performed at the maximum maneuver entrance speed without two-wheel lift. If two-wheel lift was observed, a downward iteration of vehicle speed was used in 1 mph increments until such lift was no longer detected. Once the lowest speed for which two-wheel lift could be detected was isolated, two additional tests were performed at that speed to check two-wheel lift repeatability.NHTSA observed that during the Fishhook tests, excessive steering caused some vehicles to reach their maximum roll angle response to the initial steering input before it had been fully completed (this is essentially equivalent to a “negative” T1 in Figure 2). Since dwell time duration can have a significant effect on how the Fishhook maneuver’s ability to produce two-wheel lift, excessive steering may stifle the most severe timing of the counter steer for some vehicles. In an attempt to better insure high maneuver severity, a number of vehicles that did not produce two-wheel lift with steering inputs calculated with the 6.5 multiplier were also tested with lesser steering angles by reducing the multiplier to 5.5. This change increased the dwell times observed during the respective maneuvers. Some vehicles tipped up in Fishhook maneuvers conducted at the lower steering angle (5.5 multiplier) but not at the higher steering angle (6.5 multiplier). NHTSA adopted the practice of performing Fishhook maneuvers at both steering angles for NCAP. Loading ConditionsThe vehicles were tested in each maneuver in two load conditions in order to create four levels of stringency in the suite of maneuver tests. The light load was the test driver plus instrumentation in the front passenger seat, which represented two occupants. A heavier load was used to create a higher level of stringency for each test. In our NPRM, NHTSA announced that the heavy load would include 175 lb anthropomorphic forms (water dummies) in all rear seat positions. During the test of the 25 vehicles, it became obvious that heavy load tests were being run at very unequal load conditions especially between vans and other vehicles (two water dummies in some vehicles but six water dummies in others). While very heavy passenger loads can certainly reduce rollover resistance and potentially cause special problems, crashes at those loads are too few to greatly influence the overall rollover rate of vehicles. Over 94% of van rollovers in our 293,000 crash database occurred with five or fewer occupants, and over 99% of rollovers of other vehicles occurred with five or fewer occupants. The average passenger load of vehicles in our crash database was less than two: 1.81 for vans; 1.54 for SUVs; 1.48 for cars; and 1.35 for pickup trucks. In order to use the maneuver tests to predict real-world rollover rates, it seemed inappropriate to test theFigure 2. NHTSA Fishhook maneuver description.vehicles under widely differing loads that did not correspond to the real-world crash statistics. Therefore, the tests used to develop a statistical model of rollover risk were changed to a uniform heavy load condition of three water dummies (representing a 5-occupant loading) for all vehicles capable of carrying at least five occupants. Some vehicles were loaded with only two water dummies because they were designed for four occupants. For pickup trucks, water dummies were loaded in the bed at approximately the same height as a passenger in the front seat.Test ResultsThe test results in Table 1 (presented on the next page) reflect the performance as described for a heavy load condition representing five occupants except for the Ford Explorer 2DR, the Chevrolet Tracker and Metro that were designed for only four occupants, and the Honda CRV, Honda Civic and Chevrolet Cavalier that could not be loaded to the 5-occupant level without exceeding a gross axle weight rating because of the additional weight of the outriggers.Each test vehicle in Table 1 represented a generation of vehicles whose model year range is given. Twenty-four of the vehicles were taken from 100 vehicle groups whose 1994-98 crash statistics in six states were the basis of the present SSF based rollover resistance ratings. The nominal SSFs used to describe the vehicle groups in the prior statistical studies are given. While there were some variations between the SSFs of the individual test vehicles and the nominal vehicle group SSF values, the nominal SSFs were retained for the present statistical analyses because they represent vehicles produced over a wide range of years in many cases and provide a simple comparison between the risk model presented in this notice and that discussed in the previous notices. The X’s under the various test maneuver names indicate which vehicles tipped up during the tests. Eleven of the twenty-five vehicles tipped up in the Fishhook maneuver conducted in the heavy condition. The heavy condition represented a five-occupant load for all vehicles except the six mentioned above that were limited to a four-occupant load by the vehicle seating positions and GVWR. All eleven were among the sixteen test vehicles with SSFs less than 1.20. None of the vehicles with higher SSFs tipped up in any test maneuver. The Fishhook test under the heavy load clearly had the greatest potential to cause tip-up. The groups of vehicles that tipped up in other tests were subsets of the larger group of eleven that tipped up in the Fishhook Heavy test. There were seven vehicles in the group that tipped up in the J-Turn Heavy test, six of which also tipped up in the Fishhook Light test. The J-Turn Light test had the least potential to tip up vehicles. Only three vehicles tipped up, all of which had tipped up in every other test.ROLLOVER RISK MODELIn its study of NHTSA’s rating system for rollover resistance [4], the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) recommended that NHTSA use logistic regression rather than linear regression for analysis of the relationship between rollover risk and SSF. Logistic regression has the advantage that it operates on every crash data point directly rather than requiring that the crash data be aggregated by vehicle and state into a smaller number of data points. For example, NHTSA now has state data reports of about 293,000 single-vehicle crashes of the hundred vehicle make/models (together with their corporate cousins) whose single-vehicle crashes NHTSA have been tracking in six states. The logistic regression analysis of this data would have a sample size of 293,000, producing a narrow confidence interval on the repeatability of the relationship between SSF and rollover rate. In contrast, the linear regression analysis operates on the rollover rate of the hundred vehicle make/models in each of the six states. It produces a maximum sample size of only 600 (100 vehicles times six states) minus the number of samples for which fewer than 25 crashes were available for determining the rollover rate (a data quality control practice). Confidence limits computed for a data sample size of 600 will be much greater than those based on a sample size of 293,000. On average, each sample in the linear regression analysis was computed from over 400 crash report samples. However, ordinary techniques to compute the confidence intervals of linear regression results do not take into account the actual sample size represented by aggregated data. The statistical model created to combine SSF and dynamic test information in the prediction of rollover risk was computed by means of logistic regression as recommended by the NAS. Logistic regression is well suited to the correlation with crash data of vehicle properties that include both continuous variables like SSF and binary variables like tip-up or no tip-up in maneuver tests.NHTSA had previously considered logistic regression during the development of the SSF based rating system [4], but found that it consistently under-predicted the actual rollover rate at the low end of the。


feedback-control. The vehicle adaptive cruise control simulation system is finished finally. It is applied to different driving scenarios including normal ACC , stop & go, and emergency braking. The simulation results show that the proposed ACC system is steady and safe in any driving scenario which proves the effectiveness of the ACC system. Keywords: adaptive cruise control; adaptive dynamic programming; PID controller; fuzzy inferences; particle swarm optimization.
Adaptive cruise control (ACC) system, one of driver-assistance systems, belongs to active security technology. By using a sensor to detect the target vehicle ahead and measure relative distance and relative speed, the host vehicle equipped with ACC adjusts their speed automatically and keeps a safe distance. It is an active safety technology, which maintains the vehicle in a constant speed set by the driver when no other vehicles ahead. ACC system aims at promoting the comfort, reducing the driver workload, as well as increasing the traffic volume and reducing the accidents. In the literature, Matlab/Simulink is used to build the vehicle longitudinal dynamics model, incorporating the engine, gearbox, driveline, brake and tire. The model is validated to possess the fundamental characteristics, similar to those of the vehicle. Meanwhile, it can be used to design and test the ACC system. In order to enforce the functions of ACC system and make it accurate and steady, there are two controllers in the ACC system-the upper controller and bottom controller. The upper controller will generate the desire acceleration control signal according to the setting of drivering habit, relative velocity and relative distance; the bottom controller will transfer the desired acceleration signal to the throttle and brake control signals, which will help to make the actual vehicle acceleration equal to the desired one. The upper controller is built with the help of a Supervised Adaptive Dynamic Programming (SADP) algorithm. SADP is able to learn online, not only the driving habit, but also the new road situation. The controller can tune its actions according to different situation and adapt itself to the complex and changeable driving scenarios. The bottom controller consists of the throttle control and the brake control. A self-tuning of proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller based on fuzzy inference system is used in the throttle control. It solves the problem caused by the conventional PID controller that is linear relationship between the inputs and outputs. So this controller has the robustness and flexibility of fuzzy controller and the accuracy of PID controller as well. The parameters of the fuzzy inference part are optimized by means of particle swarm optimization algorithms using a fitness function associated with the system’s performance of indices. A hybrid feed-forward-control & feedback-control law is applied in the brake control, so that it has the speediness of feed-forward-control as well as the accuracy of



包 装 工 程 第44卷 第6期12 PACKAGING ENGINEERING 2023年3月收稿日期:2022–11–10谭浩,唐诗妍(湖南大学 设计艺术学院,长沙 410082)摘要:目的 对智能汽车人机界面的相关研究进行综述,以总结归纳用户体验评估对象、评估指标和评估方法,从学术的角度建立智能汽车交互界面用户体验评估方法体系。

方法 通过系统文献综述,对纳入系统综述的文献进行信息提取,从而得到基础数据;通过总结归纳的方式,进行数据分析。

结果 分析了汽车数字化、智能化的发展趋势对汽车交互界面用户体验设计与评估的影响,从评估对象、评估指标、评估方法三个方面总结智能汽车领域用户体验研究进展。



结论 在智能汽车时代下,技术发展使汽车人机交互界面日趋复杂,用户体验评估被证明有利于提供反馈,以帮助开发者设计和改进产品并完成产品迭代。


关键词:智能汽车;人机交互;人机界面;用户体验评估中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-3563(2023)06-0012-13 DOI :10.19554/ki.1001-3563.2023.06.002User Experience Evaluation Methodology of Interactive Interface in Intelligent VehicleTAN Hao , TANG Shi-yan(School of Design, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China)ABSTRACT: The work aims to conduct systematic review of literature on human-machine interface (HMI) of intelligent vehicles, summarize the objects, metrics, and methods for evaluation of user experience (UX) to develop a methodology for UX of HMI in intelligent vehicles. System literature review (SLR) was conducted and information was extracted from literature included in the systematic review to obtain basic data and conduct analysis. The effects of the development trend of intelligent vehicles on UX design and evaluation of vehicle HMI were analyzed and the research progress of UX was summarized from three aspects, which included evaluation objects, evaluation metrics and evaluation methods. It put forward two dimensions of evaluation objects: product types and product elements (including physical characteristics and virtual elements), and emphatically elaborated three types of evaluation metrics (namely safety, performance, and experi-ence), based on the optimization layer of human-machine system. Three evaluation method dimensions were constructed based on the attributes of the evaluation methods, which included research objects, the method attributes, and the quality -efficiency, providing reference for the selection of evaluation methods. Besides, the application of evaluation tools in different studies was analyzed in detail. Finally, the objects, metrics and methods of evaluation were summarized. In the era of intelligent vehicles, the development of technology has increased the complexity of HMI. UX evaluation has been proved to be beneficial to provide feedback to help developers design and improve products and complete product itera-tions. This method can provide vehicle developers with theoretical knowledge and practical reference on how to conduct UX evaluation successfully.KEY WORDS: intelligent vehicle; human-machine interaction; human-machine interface; user experience evaluation第44卷第6期 谭浩,等:智能汽车交互界面用户体验评估方法体系综述 13智能汽车正越来越多地渗透到人们的日常生活中。



汽车的发展英文作文100英文回答:The development of cars has been an incredible journey over the past century. From the first horseless carriage to the modern electric vehicles, cars have become an essential part of our lives. Let me take you through this fascinating journey.In the early 20th century, cars were a luxury item and only the wealthy could afford them. They were large, bulky, and required a lot of manual effort to operate. However, with advancements in technology, cars became more accessible to the general public. The introduction of assembly line production by Henry Ford in the 1910s allowed for mass production of cars, making them more affordable.As time went on, cars started to become faster and more efficient. The invention of the internal combustion engine revolutionized the automobile industry. It allowed cars totravel longer distances and at higher speeds. The development of better suspension systems and tires also improved the overall driving experience.In recent years, there has been a significant shift towards greener and more sustainable cars. Electric vehicles (EVs) have gained popularity due to their low carbon emissions and cost savings on fuel. Many countries have also introduced incentives and subsidies to encourage the adoption of EVs. This shift towards electric cars is not only beneficial for the environment but also for our wallets.Another notable development in the automotive industry is the integration of technology. Cars are now equipped with advanced features such as GPS navigation, Bluetooth connectivity, and autonomous driving capabilities. These technological advancements have made driving safer and more convenient. For example, the introduction of adaptive cruise control allows cars to maintain a safe distance from the vehicle in front, reducing the risk of accidents.中文回答:汽车的发展在过去的一个世纪里取得了令人难以置信的进步。









以某重型车辆为例进行的MATLAB 仿真结果显示,与传统被动悬架和最优控制相比,自适应滑模控制器能够显著改善车辆的平顺性,并对模型参数的不确定性和外界扰动展现出良好的适应性和鲁棒性。







Abstract:This study focuses on the adaptive sliding mode control algorithm of semi-active suspension, aiming to improve the smoothness and stability of vehicle driving throughin-depth theoretical analysis and experimental verification. As an advanced automotive suspension system, semi-active suspension can perceive road conditions and body posture through sensors, adjust damping parameters in real time, and optimize vehicle performance. The application of adaptive sliding mode control algorithm can further improve the performance of semi-active suspension. We propose an adaptive sliding mode variable structure control algorithm based on an improved ideal ceiling system. The core of this algorithm lies in generating asymptotically stable sliding mode motion in the error dynamics system between the actual controlled system and the reference model. We have demonstrated the stability of thedesigned sliding mode control algorithm through the Lyapunov stability principle. The MATLAB simulation results using a heavy vehicle as an example show that compared with traditional passive suspension and optimal control, the adaptive sliding mode controller can significantly improve the smoothness of the vehicle, and demonstrate good adaptability and robustness to the uncertainty of model parameters and external disturbances. The sliding mode control algorithm also has the problem of chattering, which is also a focus of future research. To address this issue, we have explored various solutions to reduce chattering and observed in experimental verification that the chattering phenomenon of sliding mode control is relatively small. This indicates that the designed sliding mode controller can effectively improve suspension performance and achieve the expected results. We also studied the effect of tire damping on suspension system performance and proposed a quarter car model that considers tire nonlinear damping. Through simulation analysis under different road conditions, we delved into the performance of sliding mode control and canopy controlunder different vehicle speeds and road frequencies. This study provides in-depth theoretical and experimental support for the adaptive sliding mode control algorithm of semi-active suspension, and provides new ideas and methods for further improving the driving performance of automobiles. The chattering problem of sliding mode control still needs further research and improvement to adapt to more complex road and driving conditions.一、概述随着汽车工业的不断发展,对车辆行驶平顺性和稳定性的要求也在日益提高。

road safety优秀作文英语

road safety优秀作文英语

road safety优秀作文英语Road safety is a critical issue that affects millions of people around the world every day. It encompasses a wide range of factors, including vehicle safety, driver behavior, road infrastructure, and more. According to the World Health Organization, road traffic injuries are the leading cause of death among young people aged 15-29. Therefore, it is imperative to address this issue from multiple perspectives in order to minimize the number of accidents and fatalities on the roads.道路安全是一个影响全世界数百万人的关键问题,每天都在发生。




From the perspective of vehicle safety, it is crucial for car manufacturers to prioritize the inclusion of advanced safety features in their vehicles. This includes technologies such as automatic emergency braking, lane departure warning systems, and adaptive cruise control. These innovations can significantly reduce the likelihood of accidents caused by human error, and ultimately savelives. 从车辆安全的角度来看,汽车制造商优先考虑在他们的车辆中加入先进的安全功能至关重要。



汽车领域的介绍英文作文英文,In the realm of automobiles, there exists a world of innovation, passion, and functionality. Cars, as we commonly refer to them, have become an indispensable part of our lives, providing us with convenience, freedom, and sometimes even a sense of identity.From the sleek lines of a sports car to the ruggedness of an off-road vehicle, automobiles come in various shapes and sizes, catering to different needs and preferences. For instance, when it comes to family outings, a spacious SUV might be the ideal choice, offering ample room for both passengers and cargo. On the other hand, for those craving adrenaline-pumping experiences, a nimble sports car with powerful acceleration and precise handling would be more enticing.The automotive industry is not just about the vehicles themselves; it encompasses a wide array of components and technologies that work together to create the drivingexperience. Take, for example, the engine, often hailed as the heart of a car. Whether it's a traditional internal combustion engine or an electric motor powering the vehicle, advancements in engine technology have led to improvementsin performance, fuel efficiency, and environmental friendliness.Moreover, safety features play a pivotal role in modern automobiles, providing peace of mind to drivers and passengers alike. From anti-lock braking systems (ABS) to advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS), these technologies help mitigate risks and prevent accidents on the road. For instance, adaptive cruise controlautomatically adjusts the vehicle's speed to maintain asafe distance from the car ahead, reducing the likelihoodof rear-end collisions.In addition to functionality, automobiles also serve as cultural symbols and status markers. A luxury sedan parkedin the driveway may convey success and prestige, while a vintage convertible cruising down the coastal highwayevokes nostalgia and charm. Brands like Ferrari,Lamborghini, and Rolls-Royce are not just manufacturers of cars; they represent a lifestyle, a dream for many enthusiasts around the world.In conclusion, the world of automobiles is afascinating blend of engineering marvels, personal expression, and societal influence. Whether it's the thrill of the open road or the comfort of a daily commute, cars continue to shape our lives in profound ways.中文,在汽车领域,存在着创新、激情和实用性的世界。



第46卷 第1期2024年1月系统工程与电子技术SystemsEngineeringandElectronicsVol.46 No.1January 2024文章编号:1001 506X(2024)01 0271 09 网址:www.sys ele.com收稿日期:20221212;修回日期:20230425;网络优先出版日期:20230906。

网络优先出版地址:http:∥基金项目:国家自然科学基金(12002398)资助课题 通讯作者.引用格式:张亮,刘思,赵康伟,等.运载火箭自适应增广控制参数设计及稳定性裕度分析[J].系统工程与电子技术,2024,46(1):271 279.犚犲犳犲狉犲狀犮犲犳狅狉犿犪狋:ZHANGL,LIUS,ZHAOKW,etal.Parametersdesignandstabilitymarginanalysisofadaptiveaugmentingcontrolforlaunchvehicle[J].SystemsEngineeringandElectronics,2024,46(1):271 279.运载火箭自适应增广控制参数设计及稳定性裕度分析张 亮1, ,刘 思2,赵康伟1,胡存明2(1.中山大学航空航天学院,广东深圳518107;2.上海航天控制技术研究所,上海201100) 摘 要:针对运载火箭主动飞行段的强鲁棒姿态控制系统设计要求,提出自适应增广控制器(adaptiveaugmentingcontroller,AAC)的参数设计方法以及稳定性裕度分析方法。

首先,针对传统运载火箭建立了小扰动线性化方程,推导了传递函数,并基于特征点参数设计了比例微分(proportional derivative,PD)控制器及校正网络。




环境适应性和可靠性/ES~1Adapt a bUi t y基于层次优化算法的低温环境电动汽车变速器可靠性评估贾晓霞刘文伟2(1.神木职业技术学院公共课教学部,榆林719300; 2.神木职业技术学院机电工程系,榆林719300)摘要:当前,面对着石化能源日益短缺的压力,电动汽车的推广应用成为解决此问题的主要措施之一。









关键词:层次优化算法;电动汽车;可靠性分析;评估中图分类号:U469.72文献标识码:A文章编号:1004-7204(2021)02-0103-06Reliability Evaluation of Electric Vehicle Transmission in Low Temperature Environment Based on Hierarchical Optimization AlgorithmJIA Xiao-xia1,LIU Wen-wei2(1.Public Teaching Department,Shenmu Vocational and Technical College,Yulin719300;2.Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Department,Shenmu Vocational and Technical College,Yulin719300)Abstract:At present,facing the pressure of petrochemical energy shortage,the promotion and application of electrie vehicles has become one of the main measures to solve this problem.The application scope of electrie vehicles is gradually increasing.In order to ensure the safety of driving in extreme weather,the reliability evaluation method of electrie vehicle transmission in low temperature environment is mostly used to analyze the use effect of transmission.However,due to the poor constmetion ability of reliab订ity model,the use effect of this method is not good.Therefore, the reliability evaluation method of electrie vehicle transmission in low temperature environment based on hierarchical optimization algorithm is designed.The fault condition of electrie vehicle transmission in low temperature environment is reflected by Weibull distribution coefficient,and the reliability index data of electrie vehicle transmission is estima/ted.The transmission failure is simulated in the form of operation shutdown operation”,and the reliability evaluation model is construeted.The hierarchical optimization algorithm is used to complete the reliability classification of electrie vehicle transmission.So far,the design of reliability evaluation method for electrie vehicle transmission in low temperature environment based on hierarchical optimization algorithm is completed.Through the experimentai comparison,it can be found that the evaluation ab订ity of this method is better than the original method.In the future development of electrie vehicles,this method can be used to complete the transmission research.Key words:hierarchical optimization algorithm;electrie vehicle;reliability analysis;evaluation103环境技术/Environmental TechnologyE霊嚮需】Adaptability/环境适应性和可靠性引言在节能环保的国家号召下,发展电动汽车是解决现阶段能源问题的最佳可行方案。

Automotive Systems and Control

Automotive Systems and Control

Automotive Systems and Control Title: The Evolution of Automotive Systems and Control Introduction: The automotive industry has witnessed significant advancements in systems and control technologies over the years. From the early days of mechanical controls to the integration of sophisticated electronic systems, the evolution of automotive systems has revolutionized the driving experience. This essay explores the various perspectives surrounding the development and importance of automotive systems and control. Paragraph 1: One perspective on automotive systems and control focuses on the improvement of safety. Modern vehicles are equipped with advanced safety features such as anti-lock braking systems (ABS), electronic stability control (ESC), and adaptive cruise control (ACC). These systems enhance the driver'sability to maintain control of the vehicle, avoid collisions, and mitigate the severity of accidents. The integration of sensors, actuators, and control algorithms has greatly contributed to reducing the number of road accidents and saving lives. Paragraph 2: Another perspective emphasizes the role of automotive systems and control in enhancing fuel efficiency. With the increasing concern for environmental sustainability, automakers have been investing in technologies that improve fuel economy. Systems like engine management control, variable valve timing, and start-stop systems optimize the combustion process, reduce energy losses, and minimize fuel consumption. These advancements not only benefit the environment but also provide cost savings to vehicle owners. Paragraph 3: The integration of automotive systems and control has also led to the development of autonomous driving technology. This perspective highlights the potential for self-driving vehicles to transform the future of transportation. By combining various sensors, cameras, and artificial intelligence algorithms, autonomous vehicles can perceive their surroundings, make informed decisions, and navigate without human intervention. This technology has the potential to enhance mobility, reducetraffic congestion, and improve overall road safety. Paragraph 4: However, there are concerns regarding the reliance on automotive systems and control. Critics argue that the increasing complexity of these systems makes vehicles more vulnerable to cyber-attacks and malfunctions. The interconnectedness of various components and the reliance on software raise concerns about the potential forhacking and unauthorized access. Additionally, the dependence on advanced technology may lead to a loss of driving skills and a lack of human control, which some argue can diminish the overall driving experience. Paragraph 5: From an economic perspective, automotive systems and control have created new job opportunities and stimulated innovation. The development and implementation of these technologies require a skilled workforce, from engineers designing control systems to technicians maintaining and repairing them. Moreover, the integration of automotive systems has paved the way for new business models, such as ride-sharing and mobility-as-a-service, which have disrupted traditional transportation industries. Conclusion: The evolution of automotive systems and control has transformed the automotive industry, enhancing safety, fuel efficiency, and mobility. While there are concerns about cybersecurity and the loss of human control, the benefits outweigh the risks. As technology continues to advance, it is crucial to strike a balance between automation and human involvement to ensure a seamless and enjoyable driving experience. The future of automotive systems and control holds immense potential, and it will be fascinating to witness further advancements in this field.。



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CN 11-5904/U J Automotive Safety and Energy, Vol. 11 No. 2, 2020220—226用于自动驾驶汽车的汽车—骑车人事故场景分析韩大双,马志雄,朱西产*,曾宇凡(同济大学汽车学院,上海201800,中国)摘要:为在汽车—骑车人场景下测试评价自动驾驶汽车的安全性,建立了汽车—骑车人事故场景测试工况库和相应的测试工况集评价模型。




关键词:自动驾驶汽车;事故评价;汽车—骑车人场景;数据库;国家车辆事故深度调查体系(NAIS);层次分析法(AHP)中图分类号: U 461.91 文献标识码: A DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8484.2020.02.009 Car-cyclist accident scene analysis for autopilot vehiclesHAN Dashuang, MA Zhixiong, ZHU Xichan*,ZENG Yufan(School of Automotive Studies, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China)Abstract: A vehicle-ride-accident scenario test-condition-library and the corresponding test condition setevaluation model were established to test and evaluate the safety of autopilot in vehicle rider scenarios. 116vehicle cyclist crashes were screened out. Seven accident scenarios were extracted by using the method ofclassification tree based on the traffic accident database of a city in Jiangsu Province of China, and based onthe National Vehicle Accident In-depth Investigation System (NAIS) database of China. An overall test conditionset of the scenarios was generated according to the road and environmental parameters. An evaluation modelof vehicle and cyclist crash scene is established by using an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and a fuzzycomprehensive evaluation method. The results show that as a typical type of accident test condition in China,two-wheeled-vehicle crossing has the highest score and the highest risk on an unobstructed road section in asunny day with both a passenger-car and a two-wheeled-vehicle driving in a same direction.Key words: a utomatic driving vehicles; accident evaluation; vehicle rider scenarios; database; NationalAutomobile Accident In-Depth Investigation System (NAIS); analytic hierarchy process (AHP)收稿日期 / Received :2019-05-19。


单词பைடு நூலகம்词组
torsional stiffness Outboard conflict domestic adequate equivalent secure hydraulic air cylinder stanchion deflection angular transducer string pots load cell device mount instrumentation calibrate cushion validation visually inspect ultimate rearward load portion conditions horizontal inboard fabricate influence opposite conduct test room temperature statically apply incremental evaluation parallel vehicle
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关于汽车评估的作文英语Title: Evaluating Automobiles: A Comprehensive Analysis。

In the realm of automotive assessment, evaluating a vehicle extends far beyond mere appearance or brand reputation; it involves a meticulous examination of various factors that collectively define its worth. This essay delves into the multifaceted process of assessing automobiles, exploring the criteria, methodologies, and significance of such evaluations.First and foremost, performance stands as a cornerstone in the evaluation of automobiles. Performance encompasses a spectrum of aspects, including engine power, acceleration, handling, and fuel efficiency. Engineers and testers rigorously scrutinize these elements through dynamic tests, track trials, and real-world simulations to gauge how a vehicle performs under diverse conditions. Through comprehensive performance assessments, consumers can ascertain whether a vehicle aligns with their expectationsregarding speed, agility, and overall driving experience.Safety represents another pivotal dimension in automobile evaluation. Modern vehicles integrate an arrayof safety features, ranging from airbags and antilock braking systems to advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) like lane-keeping assist and automatic emergency braking. Evaluating safety entails subjecting vehicles to crash tests, evaluating structural integrity, and assessing the effectiveness of safety technologies in mitigatingpotential risks. By scrutinizing safety ratings and test results, consumers can make informed decisions toprioritize their well-being and that of their passengers.Beyond performance and safety, the evaluation of automobiles encompasses considerations of comfort and convenience. Interior ergonomics, seat comfort, cabin noise levels, and infotainment systems contribute to the overall comfort quotient of a vehicle. Moreover, factors such as cargo space, storage compartments, and connectivity options influence the convenience and practicality of a vehicle for everyday use. Through thorough assessments of thesefeatures, consumers can ascertain whether a vehicle aligns with their lifestyle needs and preferences.Evaluating the economic aspects of automobile ownership also holds significant importance. Total cost of ownership (TCO), encompassing factors such as initial purchase price, fuel consumption, maintenance costs, and depreciation, provides a holistic perspective on the financial implications of owning a vehicle over its lifespan. Furthermore, considerations of resale value and insurance premiums contribute to the economic evaluation, allowing consumers to make informed decisions regarding long-term financial commitments.Environmental sustainability has emerged as a critical criterion in contemporary automobile evaluation. With increasing concerns over climate change and environmental degradation, the automotive industry has witnessed a shift towards greener technologies such as hybridization, electrification, and alternative fuels. Evaluating the environmental impact of vehicles involves assessing emissions, energy efficiency, and overall ecologicalfootprint throughout the vehicle's lifecycle. By opting for environmentally friendly vehicles, consumers can contribute to mitigating environmental challenges while enjoying the benefits of advanced automotive technologies.In conclusion, the evaluation of automobiles encompasses a comprehensive assessment of performance, safety, comfort, economic viability, and environmental sustainability. Through rigorous testing, analysis, and comparison, consumers can make informed decisions to select vehicles that best align with their needs, preferences, and values. As the automotive landscape continues to evolve with technological advancements and shifting consumer demands, the importance of thorough and transparent evaluations remains paramount in guiding consumers towards vehicles that embody excellence across diverse dimensions.。



车辆接近预警专业名词英文In English:Vehicle Approach Warning (VAW) is a safety system designed to alert drivers when another vehicle is approaching too closely. This technology utilizes various sensors, such as radar or cameras, to detect nearby vehicles and assess their distance and speed relative to the host vehicle. Once a potential collision risk is detected, the system issues visual, auditory, or haptic warnings to prompt the driver to take evasive action.The primary purpose of VAW is to enhance situational awareness for drivers, especially in scenarios where visibility may be limited, such as during night driving or adverse weather conditions. By providing early warnings about approaching vehicles, VAW helps drivers to better anticipate potential hazards and react accordingly to avoid accidents.VAW systems typically employ a combination of sensor fusion and advanced algorithms to accurately determine the risk of collision and deliver timely warnings. Thesesystems may also incorporate features like automatic emergency braking or adaptive cruise control to assist drivers in mitigating collision risks.In addition to its role in collision prevention, VAW technology also contributes to overall traffic safety by promoting smoother traffic flow and reducing the likelihood of rear-end collisions. By alerting drivers to the presence of nearby vehicles, VAW encourages more cautious driving behaviors and facilitates safer interactions between vehicles on the road.Overall, Vehicle Approach Warning systems represent a significant advancement in automotive safety technology, offering drivers an additional layer of protection against potential collisions and helping to create safer road environments for all users.中文翻译:车辆接近预警(Vehicle Approach Warning,VAW)是一种安全系统,旨在在另一辆车辆接近得过于紧密时警示驾驶员。



第22卷第1期2024年03月交通运输工程与信息学报Journal of Transportation Engineering and InformationVol.22No.1Mar.2024文章编号:1672-4747(2024)01-0191-15车货供需匹配模型与算法研究综述徐新昊1,张小强*1,2,3,杨云1,王光超4(1.西南交通大学,交通运输与物流学院,成都611756;2.综合交通大数据应用技术国家工程实验室,成都611756;3.综合交通运输智能化国家地方联合工程实验室,成都611756;4.华中师范大学,信息管理学院,武汉430079)摘要:随着货车保有量及货运需求的迅速增长,车货供需匹配问题成为了货运电子商务平台的核心和热点。








介绍多功能汽车的作文英语In the modern era, the automotive industry has evolved to meet the diverse needs of consumers. One of the most innovative developments is the multifunctional car, which combines various features to enhance the driving experience and cater to different lifestyles. Here is an essay that introduces the concept of a multifunctional car:The Multifaceted Marvel: The Multifunctional CarThe automobile has always been a symbol of freedom and mobility. However, with the rapid advancement in technology, the traditional car has transformed into a multifunctional marvel that goes beyond mere transportation. This essay explores the features and benefits of multifunctional cars, which are redefining the automotive landscape.Versatility in DesignMultifunctional cars are designed with adaptability in mind. They can be configured to suit various purposes, from family outings to business trips. The interiors are often modular, allowing for easy reconfiguration to accommodate more passengers or additional cargo space. Seats can fold flat to create a larger storage area, or they can be arranged to face each other for a more social setting during long journeys.Technological IntegrationAt the heart of a multifunctional car is its advanced technology. Infotainment systems have become more intuitive, offering seamless connectivity with smartphones and other devices. Navigation systems are GPS-enabled and can provide real-time traffic updates, ensuring the most efficient route is always taken. Some models even include voice recognition, allowing drivers to control various functions without taking their hands off the wheel.Safety FeaturesSafety is paramount in the design of multifunctional cars. Modern vehicles are equipped with a suite of safety features such as adaptive cruise control, which automatically adjusts the vehicle's speed to maintain a safe distance from the car in front. Lane departure warnings and blind spot monitoring systems are also standard, alerting drivers to potential hazards they might not see.Eco-Friendly OptionsAs environmental concerns grow, multifunctional cars are also available in hybrid or fully electric versions. These models offer reduced emissions and lower fuel consumption, making them a greener choice for eco-conscious drivers. Regenerative braking systems in electric cars convert kinetic energy back into electrical energy, which is then stored for later use, further enhancing efficiency.Customization and PersonalizationOne of the key aspects of multifunctional cars is the ability to customize them to individual preferences. From exterior paint jobs to interior trim options, drivers can personalize their vehicles to reflect their unique style. Some models even offer software customization, allowing drivers to adjust settings for steering response, throttle sensitivity, and more.ConclusionThe multifunctional car is more than just a vehicle; it's a statement of modern living. It embodies the spirit of innovation, adaptability, and sustainability. As technology continues to progress, the capabilities of these vehicleswill only expand, offering an even more integrated and personalized driving experience for the future.This essay provides an overview of what makes multifunctional cars stand out in the current market, highlighting their adaptability, technological integration, safety features,eco-friendliness, and customization options.。



介绍车况及特点英语作文Title: Introduction to Vehicle Condition and Features。

In today's rapidly evolving automotive industry, the variety of vehicles available on the market is astounding. Each vehicle comes with its own set of features and characteristics, catering to different needs and preferences of consumers. In this essay, we will delve into the condition and features of various types of vehicles.First and foremost, let's explore the condition of vehicles. Whether it's a brand-new car fresh off the assembly line or a pre-owned vehicle, the condition plays a crucial role in determining its value and performance. New cars typically boast pristine condition with minimal wear and tear, offering the latest technology and safety features. On the other hand, pre-owned vehicles may vary in condition depending on factors such as age, mileage, and maintenance history. However, with proper care and maintenance, pre-owned cars can still offer excellentperformance and value for money.Now, let's shift our focus to the features of vehicles. Modern cars come equipped with a plethora of features designed to enhance comfort, convenience, safety, and performance. One of the key features found in many vehicles today is advanced safety technology such as adaptive cruise control, lane-keeping assist, automatic emergency braking, and blind-spot monitoring. These features help to prevent accidents and keep occupants safe on the road.In addition to safety features, many vehicles alsooffer advanced infotainment systems with touchscreen displays, smartphone integration, navigation, and voice recognition capabilities. These systems allow drivers and passengers to stay connected, entertained, and informed while on the go.Furthermore, the rise of electric and hybrid vehicles has brought about a new era of eco-friendly transportation. These vehicles feature electric or hybrid powertrains that produce fewer emissions compared to traditional gasoline-powered cars, reducing their environmental impact. Moreover, electric vehicles offer the added benefit of loweroperating costs and reduced dependency on fossil fuels.Another trend in the automotive industry is the increasing popularity of autonomous vehicles. Thesevehicles are equipped with sensors, cameras, and artificial intelligence technology that enable them to navigate and operate without human intervention. While fully autonomous cars are still in the development stage, semi-autonomous features such as adaptive cruise control and self-parking capabilities are already available in many vehicles on the market.In conclusion, the condition and features of vehicles play a significant role in determining their value, performance, and suitability for consumers. Whether it's safety technology, infotainment systems, eco-friendly powertrains, or autonomous capabilities, today's vehicles offer a wide range of options to meet the diverse needs and preferences of drivers. As technology continues to advance,we can expect even more exciting innovations in the automotive industry in the years to come.。

Automotive Control Systems

Automotive Control Systems

Automotive Control Systems Automotive control systems play a critical role in the functionality and safety of modern vehicles. These systems encompass a wide range of technologies and components that work together to ensure optimal performance, efficiency, and overall control of the vehicle. From the engine management system to the anti-lock braking system (ABS) and traction control, automotive control systems have become increasingly sophisticated and integral to the driving experience. In this response, we will delve into the various aspects of automotive control systems, including their importance, functionality, and impact on vehicle performance and safety. One of the primary functions of automotive control systems is to manage the operation of the vehicle's engine. The engine control unit (ECU) is thecentral component of the engine management system, responsible for regulating fuel injection, ignition timing, and other crucial parameters to optimize performance and fuel efficiency. This level of control allows for precise adjustments to be made in real-time, ensuring that the engine operates within its optimal parameters regardless of driving conditions. As a result, drivers can experience smoother acceleration, improved fuel economy, and reduced emissions, all of whichcontribute to a more enjoyable and environmentally friendly driving experience. In addition to engine management, automotive control systems also encompasssafety-critical features such as the ABS and traction control. These systems are designed to prevent skidding and loss of control, especially in adverse road conditions. By modulating brake pressure and engine power, the ABS and traction control systems can help drivers maintain stability and steer out of potentially dangerous situations. This level of active safety not only protects the occupants of the vehicle but also other road users, making it an essential feature for modern vehicles. Furthermore, automotive control systems extend to the vehicle's suspension and steering, where electronic stability control (ESC) plays a pivotal role. ESC utilizes sensors to monitor the vehicle's stability and, if necessary, applies individual brakes to specific wheels to help maintain control during evasive maneuvers or sudden changes in direction. This level of intervention can be crucial in preventing rollovers and other serious accidents, particularly in larger vehicles such as SUVs and trucks. As a result, ESC has become a mandatorysafety feature in many regions, further emphasizing the significance of automotive control systems in enhancing vehicle safety. Moreover, the integration of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) has further expanded the capabilities of automotive control systems. Features such as adaptive cruise control, lane-keeping assist, and automatic emergency braking rely on a network of sensors, cameras, and actuators to provide a semi-autonomous driving experience. While these systems are designed to assist the driver and enhance safety, they also represent asignificant leap forward in the development of autonomous vehicle technology. As such, automotive control systems are not only shaping the driving experience today but also paving the way for the future of transportation. In conclusion, automotive control systems are integral to the functionality, performance, and safety of modern vehicles. From managing the engine and optimizing fuel efficiency to preventing skidding and enhancing stability, these systems encompass a wide range of technologies that work together to ensure a smooth and safe driving experience. With the integration of advanced driver assistance systems, automotive control systems are also playing a key role in shaping the future of transportation. As such, the continued development and refinement of these systems are essential to advancing vehicle technology and improving road safety fordrivers and pedestrians alike.。



In the realm of transportation, innovation is the key to progress. As we venture into a future where sustainability and efficiency are paramount, the concept of a new mode of transportation is not just a dream but a necessity. Lets explore the creation of a groundbreaking vehicle that could revolutionize the way we travel.The Concept:The EcoGlide is a hybrid vehicle designed to cater to the needs of urban and suburban environments. It is a fusion of a bicycles ecofriendliness and a cars convenience, with the added flexibility of a hovercrafts ability to traverse different terrains.Design and Functionality:1. EcoFriendly Propulsion: The EcoGlide is powered by a combination of an electric motor and a small, efficient hydrogen fuel cell. This dual power system ensures that the vehicle has a longer range without the need for frequent charging or refueling.2. Adaptive Terrain Technology: Equipped with adjustable hover pads, the vehicle can glide smoothly over various surfaces, from paved roads to sandy beaches, and even shallow water bodies, making it versatile for different landscapes.3. Smart Connectivity: Integrated with advanced AI, the EcoGlide can connect to citywide traffic management systems, optimizing routes to avoid congestion and reduce travel time.4. Safety Features: The vehicle is equipped with autonomous driving capabilities, collision avoidance systems, and an emergency response module that can alert authorities in case of an accident.5. SpaceEfficiency: With a compact design, the EcoGlide can easily park in tight spaces and is designed to be shared, reducing the number of vehicles on the road and alleviating traffic.Manufacturing and Materials:The body of the EcoGlide is constructed from lightweight, recyclable materials, reducing its carbon footprint. The use of nanotechnology in the manufacturing process ensures durability and resistance to wear and tear.Impact on Society:The introduction of the EcoGlide could lead to a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, noise pollution, and traffic congestion. It promotes a healthier lifestyle by encouraging cycling while providing the comfort and speed of motorized transport.Challenges and Solutions:1. Infrastructure: Developing the necessary infrastructure for charging and refueling stations will be crucial. Partnerships with city planners and governments can help integrate these facilities into existing urban landscapes.2. Regulation: New regulations will need to be established to accommodate this type of vehicle, ensuring safety and fairness in its use alongside traditional modes of transport.3. Public Acceptance: Educating the public about the benefits of the EcoGlide and addressing concerns about its safety and reliability will be essential for widespread adoption.Conclusion:The EcoGlide represents a leap forward in transportation technology, offering a sustainable, efficient, and adaptable solution to the growing demands of modern travel. With careful planning, innovative design, and a commitment to environmental responsibility, this new vehicle has the potential to reshape the way we move through our world.。

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The Evaluation of In-Vehicle Adaptive SystemsTalia Lavie, Joachim Meyer, Klaus Bengler, Joseph F. Coughlin1Department of Industrial Engineering and ManagementBen Gurion University of the NegevBeer Sheva 84105, Israel{tlavie, Joachim} Forschung und Technik, GmbH, Munich, GermanyKlaus-Josef.Bengler@bmw.de3AgeLab, Massachusetts Institute of Technol ogy (MIT),Cambridge MA, USA(jmeyer, Coughlin)@Abstract. Although research on adaptive systems has begun only recently,studies have shown the benefits of using adaptive systems. However most ofthose studies have examined systems with and without adaptive qualities,disregarding additional factors that may influence the interaction. This studypresents a first step towards a more comprehensive evaluation of adaptivesystems. We assert that adaptive systems should be examined with regard todifferent types of tasks, different situations and using various users to be able todetermine the conditions in which adaptivity will be beneficial. A preliminarystudy evaluated adaptivity when performing routine and infrequent tasks. Thestudy showed that adaptivity is beneficial for routine tasks, and that adaptivityimpairs performance of infrequent tasks. The study proposes a method tocalculate the point at which adaptivity ceases to be beneficial as a function ofthe relative frequencies of different tasks and provides a starting point for amore comprehensive understanding of the subject.1. IntroductionAdaptive user interfaces (AUI) are designed to support users in performing their tasks by adapting to their individual characteristics. AUIs can facilitate user performance, make the interaction more efficient, improve ease of use and assist the user in overcoming information overflow and help them use complex systems [2]. However, adaptation has also some limitations, usually related to usability problems, as the user her/himself is an adaptive “system”. Such problems include: lack of control the user may feel regarding the system appearance or functions [6], [7], lack of consistency [8], [9], [11], and lack of transparency and predictability [6], [7]. In addition to these problems, [7] suggested two other problems. First, the adaptive system might place demands on the users’ attention, therefore reducing the capability to focus on the system’s main task. He referred to this problem as Unobtrusiveness. Secondly, he mentioned that the adaptive system might impair the user’s breadth of experience because some types of adaptive systems assist the user by acquiring10 Talia Lavie, Joachim Meyer, Klaus Bengler, and Joseph F. Coughlininformation or perform parts of the task instead of the user. Therefore, users may become less knowledgeable in a certain domain (i.e. knowledge degradation). This may also lead to over reliance on the system by the user who believes that the choices made by the system are always relevant and good [5], [7].Given that adaptive systems have the limitations mentioned, it is valuable to demonstrate that adaptivity indeed improves the interaction with the system, and under what circumstances such an improvement will occur. Therefore, the evaluation of such systems is of great importance and should be as comprehensive as possible.Our evaluation of the benefits of adaptivity will focus on adaptivity in in-vehicle telematic systems. These systems are now standard equipment in high-end cars. They combine a variety of functions in a single user interface, including access to the navigation system, traffic advise, entertainment (C D, radio, satellite radio, MP3, etc.), climate control, communications (cellular phone, SMS, email access, web access, etc.). The population of drivers is a highly diverse user population in terms of age, cognitive abilities, skills, computer experience, etc., and it therefore is very appealing to adjust systems to the properties and preferences of the individual driver. One way to achieve this goal would be by incorporating adaptive functions in such systems. These functions need to meet two basic requirements: 1. They should facilitate the interaction with the system and improve driver satisfaction with it. 2. They should not increase the distraction (and consequent safety problems) caused by the system, and should ideally even lower distraction. A number of papers have addressed the use of adaptivity in in-vehicle devices (e.g., the “adaptive route advisor” by [10]).1.1 The Evaluation of Adaptive SystemsThe evaluation of AUIs refers mainly to the effectiveness of the systems and whether they meet usability criteria. The effectiveness is usually determined by the quality of the information the system provides, its accuracy, performance time and users’ subjective evaluations. This off course depends on the specific characteristics of the adaptive system. The extent to which these systems meet usability criteria is usually evaluated through traditional HC I usability variables such as consistency, transparency, learnability, predictability etc. To date, the evaluation of adaptive systems is still in its infancy and only few studies have evaluated such systems empirically. Additionally, most studies up to now compared an adaptive and a non- adaptive system on a number of variables, examining whether the adaptive system has some advantage over the non-adaptive system (e.g., [3], [4], [6] [12], and [13]).The evaluation of adaptive systems needs to cope with a number of problems that are particularly crucial in this context. First, the benefits and limitations of using adaptivity are likely to appear only after fairly prolonged use. Short experiments or observations may fail to provide an adequate picture. Second, the dynamic changes in system properties that result from adaptivity may have differential effects in different situations, while performing different tasks and on different users. For instance, adaptivity may be more beneficial for complex tasks. Similarly, while some users may consider adaptivity to have advantages, others may find it confusing and prefer to have it turned off. Therefore, the evaluation might consider properties of the user,The Evaluation of In-Vehicle Adaptive Systems 11 the task and the situation,since it is not enough to establish for a specific system whether the adaptive version is better compared to the same system without adaptivity. Additionally, there are various types of adaptive systems, ranging from systems that support system use, like adaptive menus, to systems that support information acquisition, such as adaptive filtering systems(see[7]).Fig.1presents the variables we claim influence the interaction with an adaptive system and therefore should be considered when evaluating a system.Fig. 1. The variables assumed to influence the interaction with an adaptive systemWe assert that a framework describing the conditions in which adaptivity will be most beneficial should be generated and examined. Such a framework requires the evaluation of adaptive systems in a number of steps. The first step should examine adaptivity when performing different types of tasks, such as routine and uncommon tasks,tasks with different levels of difficulty, etc. The second step should examine adaptivity in different situations, such as different environmental conditions. Finally, the third step should evaluate system use by various types of users differing in age, level of expertise with the system, etc. We claim that the frequency at which a task needs to be performed has major influence on the degree in which the system will be beneficial.1.2 Task FrequencyThe aspect of task frequency has been examined before in other domains, such as adaptable systems and mainly in the study of automation, but has not yet been examined with relation to adaptive user interfaces. Previous research has raised the value of task frequency. [1] For example, compared two interfaces. In one interface the user can customize all the items in the menu(the user adds all features to the menu) for both frequent and infrequent tasks he or she will need to perform.In a second interface the user customizes only the features necessary for the more12 Talia Lavie, Joachim Meyer, Klaus Bengler, and Joseph F. Coughlinfrequently performed tasks (the user needs to switch to the full interface to perform infrequent tasks). [1] Found that when users perform a task infrequently, adding all items is not always as efficient as adding only those from the frequent task. Adding infrequently used items depends on a number of factors including the number of infrequently used features, where these features will be located in the menus, the ratio at which the infrequent features will be used compared to the frequent features and the user’s expertise.1.3 The StudyThis paper will describe a step towards developing a framework for evaluating adaptive systems by examining the first variable we assert influences the interaction. We assert that adaptive systems should be more beneficial to the user when performing routine and frequent tasks. On the other hand, when the user is required to perform an uncommon and infrequent task, the adaptive system will most likely cease to be advantageous and even may become a burden on the user. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the issue of task frequency and more specifically to provide a method to calculate the point from where adaptivity will no longer be beneficial and may impair performance.2. Method2.1 ParticipantsTwenty engineering students at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, served as paid participants in this study.2.2 ApparatusAn experimental system, which consists of two subsystems, was developed: a driving simulator and a telematic system simulating in-vehicle devices. The system was PC based and was developed in Visual 2003. It displayed a road scene on a 21-inch monitor located in the center of the participant’s visual field. The simulator showed a two-lane curved road without additional traffic. The car position in the lane was controlled through a steering wheel and it drove at a constant speed of approximately 30 km/h. The in-vehicle telematic system was simulated through a visual display (16 cm wide X 9 cm high) that was displayed on a separate 15-inch screen to the right of the driving simulator screen. The telematic system included three subsystems: a communication system (including SMS, Outlook, News Updates), an entertainment system (including radio and CD) and a navigation system (including traffic updates). Participants controlled the telematic system using buttons located onThe Evaluation of In-Vehicle Adaptive Systems 13 the steering wheel (left, right buttons for navigation in the telematic system and a button for selection). The integrated system was connected to an output data file that contained data on driving performance (the driver’s steering actions and lateral lane position were recorded every 200 mSec) and on task performance with the telematic system. To assess the drivers' subjective evaluations of the system they were asked to respond to three questionnaires, one at the end of each drive.2.3 Experimental DesignA 2 X 3 X 5 X 2 between-within experimental design was employed. The between subject variable was the manual condition compared to the adaptive condition. The within-subject variables included: the number of drives (2 routine and 1 uncommon drive), 5 tasks (traffic updates check, SMS reading, news updates reading, e-mail checking and C D change) and 2 occurrences of all tasks (first, second). The dependent variable was the performance with the telematic system. Performance time was measured in milliseconds for all participant actions with the telematic system.2.4 ProcedureParticipants were requested to perform tasks with the telematic system while driving the car. The experiment began with an introduction drive in which the user became acquainted with the system and the tasks in the manual mode. After completing the introduction drive, participants drove 2 routine drives and 1 uncommon drive. Each routine drive included 12 tasks the user was asked to perform (5 tasks that occurred twice and additional 2 tasks in which lane shifts were required). The uncommon drive included 3 uncommon tasks in addition to the routine tasks. Ten participants performed the tasks in the manual mode and ten in the adaptive mode. During the drive the participants received a text message in the top section of the telematic system that specified the required task. For example, the system notified the participant that she received an SMS message and she was requested to reply with a message “I’m driving”. In the manual condition, the participants were requested to reply manually by typing their reply on a virtual keyboard. In the adaptive condition, the system automatically sent the participants’ usual response. The text messages were always accompanied by an auditory message. The appearance of the next task was conditioned on the successful completion of the previous task. All 4 drives (introduction, 2 routine and 1 uncommon) took place in one experimental session that lasted about 90 minutes, with 5-minute breaks between the drives and time for filling out the questionnaires. The participants performed the following tasks with the telematic system: Receiving an SMS message and sending a reply, reading e-mail from the inbox, receiving news updates, receiving traffic updates, and changing from radio to C D. The participants received some instructions prior to their drive, informing them about their regular use of the telematic system.14 Talia Lavie, Joachim Meyer, Klaus Bengler, and Joseph F. Coughlin3. ResultsPerformance time was measured in milliseconds as the time from the moment the message appeared on the screen until the participant completed the task. Performance time was analyzed for two types of tasks:1. C onstant tasks: tasks that did not include uncommon actions andtherefore did not change along the three drives. These tasksincluded checking traffic updates, checking news updates and oneinstance of reading an email message.2. C hanging tasks: tasks that included uncommon actions during thethird drive. These tasks included the 2 SMS messages received andone instance of checking email in which the participants wererequired to change the user in the inbox.Analyses on both tasks used a 2-way ANOVA with repeated measures on the number of drive variable (3 drives). The between factor was adaptivity (Manual and Adaptive).The results of the ANOVA performed on the constant task showed an interaction Adaptivity X Drive (F(2, 28)= 5.99, p<0.0001). Fig. 2 presents the results. The results show that in all drives performance times were better in the adaptive condition, although they significantly improved in the third drive in the manual condition.The results of the ANOVA performed on the changing tasks showed an interaction Adaptativity X Drive (F(2, 28)= 74.45, p<0.0001). Fig. 3 presents the results. The results show that in the first two drives, which include the routine tasks, performance times in the adaptive condition were much faster, while in the third drive, where the tasks were infrequent, performance times in the adaptive condition were significantly longer, compared to the manual condition.We propose that an additional factor related to the frequency of the task relates to the ratio at which routine and infrequent tasks occur. The greater the ratio of the routine tasks to the infrequent tasks, the more adaptivity should be beneficial. The calculation of the costs and benefits of adding adaptivity to a system can be demonstrated on the results of our experiment.As can be seen in Fig. 3, the mean time required to perform the tasks in drives 1 and 2 (in which only routine tasks needed to be performed) was 43.25 seconds for the manual condition. The use of adaptivity improved the time to 22.63 seconds, so that we can state that introducing adaptivity shortened the performance times to approximately half their value without adaptivity. In drive 3, when non-routine tasks needed to be performed, times remained approximately the same for the manual condition (49.31 seconds) whereas performance time increased to 72.69 seconds for the adaptive condition. Thus adaptivity increased performance times in non-routine tasks by approximately 50%. We do not state that the symmetry in the effects (where adaptivity shortens times for routine tasks by half and raises times for non-routine tasks by half, as well) will be found whenever adaptive systems are evaluated, but it can serve as a convenient first approximation of the effects of adaptivity.AdaptiveManual condition 7000800090001000011000120001300014000150001600017000P e r f o r m a n c e t i m e s (M S c )Fig. 2. Mean time to perform constant tasks in the manual and adaptive conditionsAdaptiv eManualcondition 100002000030000400005000060000700008000090000P e r f o r m a n c e t i m e s (M S c )Fig. 3 Mean time to perform changing tasks in the manual and adaptive conditionsThe Evaluation of In-Vehicle Adaptive Systems 15It is now possible to compute some estimate for the effects of adaptivity as a function of the proportion of frequent tasks out of all tasks that need to be performed.A measure of the total performance time T Total can be computed from the expression)1)(1()1(C p B p T Freq Freq Total .where p Freq is the proportion of frequent tasks, B is the benefit from adaptivity for frequent tasks, and C is the cost of adaptivity for non-frequent tasks. C osts and benefits in our case are the degree of change in performance time after introducing adaptivity for frequent and infrequent actions. T total in this case is the ratio between the performance time with adaptivity and without it, so that T total =1 when adaptivity has no effect on performance time, T total <1 when adaptivity shortens performance times, and T total >1 when adaptivity lengthens performance times. In our case we can set B=C =.5. The resulting computation is shown in Fig. 4. C learly, in this very simple case, system performance will benefit from installing adaptivity if the proportion of frequent tasks out of all tasks that need to be performed with the system exceeds 50%. Performance time ratio as a function of the ratios of routine and non-routine tasks. The value 1 represents the performance level without adaptivity. Shorter times indicate faster andtherefore better performance.16 Talia Lavie, Joachim Meyer, Klaus Bengler, and Joseph F. CoughlinThe Evaluation of In-Vehicle Adaptive Systems 17 4. Discussion and SummaryAdaptive user interfaces were shown to be beneficial in empirical studies that compared an interaction concept in an adaptive versus non adaptive version.However, a number of additional factors influence the interaction with adaptive systems and are likely to affect the value of adaptivity. We call for a more comprehensive examination of adaptive systems that should lead to the development of guidelines that specify the conditions in with adaptivity will be beneficial. These conditions should be based on the analysis of the set of tasks that need to be performed with the system, the various usage situations, and the characteristics of the individual users.Our study is a first step towards achieving this goal. It evaluates adaptivity asa function of the ratio of routine and infrequent tasks. We suggested that adaptivitywill be beneficial when routine tasks are to be performed and will impair performance when infrequent tasks arise. The results of our study support our assumptions and showed that indeed adaptivity improves performance of routine tasks and impairs performance of infrequent tasks. We demonstrate that for a given adaptivity algorithm the relative value of adaptivity can be assessed, given the benefits of adaptivity for the performance of frequent tasks, the costs due to adaptivity for infrequent tasks, and the relative frequency of frequent tasks.This study presents only a preliminary evaluation of the subject. C learly more experiments are needed to replicate and expand the results. For instance, we assume here that the costs and benefits are independent of the relative frequency of the frequent task. This assumption may hold after prolonged experience in using a system, but may actually require closer scrutiny in the early stages of learning system usage. Future research should examine adaptivity using different frequencies of routine and infrequent tasks. Also, the effects of the different categories of variables that we identified as affecting the performance with adaptive systems should be examined empirically. We hope that by gradually accumulating a set of empirical results on the performance with adaptive systems for different tasks in different usage situations and by different users, we will be able to develop a comprehensive model from which the outcome of installing adaptive functions in a system can be predicted.Such models should have great value for system designers in general. They may have particularly great appeal for the interaction design of e.g. in-vehicle systems, where issues of adaptivity and user performance have major impact both on the appeal of the system to the driver population and the safety of the use of the system.5. References1. Bunt, A., C onati, C. and McGrenere, J.: What Role C an Adaptive Support Play in anAdaptable System? IUI 04, January (2004) 13-162. 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