Microsurgery, Emergency Response Robotics, and the Satellite Test Assistant
因此四麦轮并排排布所需宽度约为520mm,小于最大宽度 1200mm。
Mic-Nose TM属于USTSensor专利技术,采用先进传感器制造工艺及模型算法,提升检测最低识别率,极大提高反应时间与选择性。
ISOTS 19880-12016气态氢加注站第1部分一般要求标准解读
A M卿麵备蜜全I法规标准I S O/T S1 9880-1:2016气态氢加注站第1部分一般要求标准解读刘再斌管坚石坤段志祥(中国特种设备检测研究院北京100029)摘要:氫燃料电池汽车是目前氫能源交通领域利用的热点,加氫站是为燃料电池汽车加注氢气的场所,是氩能源安全、高效利用的保证,国际标准化组织制定了丨S0 1988〇气态氫加注站系列标准,本文对其第1部 分一般要求的主要内容进行解读,并与国内加氩站相关标准进行对比分析,为我国加氫站相关科学研究和标 准体系建设提供建议。
关键词:加氫站一般要求氫能源氫燃料电池汽车ISO/TS 19880—1:2016 Gaseous Hydrogen Fuelling Stations Part 1 GeneralRequirements Standard InterpretationLiu Zaibin Guan Jian Shi Kun Duan Zhixiang(China Special Equipment Inspection Institute Beijing100029)Abstract Hydrogen fuel cell vehicle is a hot spot in the field of hydrogen energy transportation at present. Hydrogen fuelling station is a place for filling hydrogen into fuel cell vehicle,which is the guarantee of safe and efficient utilization of hydrogen energy.The International Organization for Standardization formulated ISO 19880 gaseous hydrogen fuelling stations series standards,this article interprets the main content of its Part 1general requirements,and compares and analyzes the relevant standards of domestic hydrogen refueling stations,and provides suggestions for scientific research and standard system construction of hydrogen refueling stations in my country.Keywords Hydrogen fuelling station General requirements Hydrogen energy Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles中图分类号:X924 文献标识码:B文章编号:1673-257X(2020)11—0020-04 DOI:10.3969/j. issn.1673-257X.2020.11.005氢能技术能够解决与能源安全、稳定和可持续发 展有关的社会问题,可以推动传统煤炭、石油、天然 气等化石能源清洁利用,支持风能、水能、太阳能等 可再生能源大规模发展,也是全面深入推进绿色交通 发展的最佳选择[u。
1.这日本东京消防局出牌的RoboCue,它的目的是安全的将受者带走2.RobertSatoshi Tadokoro 公司的机器蛇,用来搜寻生命体3.能装下一个110Kg大汉的机器,名为 robotic crawler(不过看不见外面的状况,且还是趟着的,会有种莫名的恐惧感吧!)4.东京工业大学 Shigeo Hirose 教授的作品,同样也是一个蛇形搜索生命体的玩意。
(想问问这个东西不小心翻过去了,自己还能翻回来吗?有木有懂的人给回答一下)6.美国 Warwick 大学的几个家伙用 Kinect 游戏机改装成了一个探测机器人,能够探测三围地形等等7.熊抱士兵救助机器人,战场上军医要医治受伤同僚,还要把他们运送到安全的后方,很容易成为敌方攻击目标,这时候 Vecna Robotics 研制的战场辅助机器人 BEAR 就可以派上用场了。
而其手指关节亦相当灵活,足以玩转一支 M4 步枪。
Vecna Robotics表示这种机器人适用于高危的城市巷战。
微通道反应器 团体标准
微通道反应器团体标准Microchannel reactors have become a popular choice for many chemical processes due to their unique design and efficient heat and mass transfer capabilities. These reactors consist of small channels that allow for enhanced mixing and reaction rates, resulting in higher yields and shorter residence times compared to traditional reactors. The use of microchannel reactors has also led to improved safety and environmental benefits, as the small size allows for better control over reactions and reduced waste production. Overall, these reactors offer a promising solution for various industries looking to optimize their processes and improve overall efficiency.微通道反应器由于其独特的设计和高效的热质传递能力已经成为许多化工过程的热门选择。
Full Name
Advanced Audio Distribution Profile Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting Advanced Audio Coding ATM Adaptation Layer type 1 Authentication Algorithm Number Activity-Based Buggeting Activity-Based Costing Activity-Base Management Available Bit Rate Alternating Current Audio Coder-3 Accept Anisotropic Conductive Film Advanced Configuration & Power Interface AT Command Interpreter Acknowledgement SMS Access Control List Add, Compare, Select Agency Dept. Automatic data capture Absolute Dimension Measurement Administration Function at the LIAN Audio Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line Adaptive Dynamic Threshold Additional Elementary Functions Association for Electric Home Appliances Advance Encryption standard Alternative Frequency List Audio Frequency Control Annual Failure Rate Access Gateway Audio Gateway Anti-Glare Advanced Global Alignment Accelerated Graphics Port、Advanced Graphics Port Assisted Global Positioning System Auto Insertion Acquisition Indicatior Acquisition Indication Channel Article Inspection report Article Inspection report ATM Line Interface Module subrack alternate lighting of surfaces Accelerated Life Test General Administration Dept.
纳米技术做救灾探测机器人作文英文回答:Nanotechnology has revolutionized various fields, and one area where it has shown immense potential is in the development of disaster relief and detection robots. These robots, equipped with nanotechnology, can play a crucialrole in saving lives during natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods.One of the key advantages of nanotechnology in these robots is the ability to enhance their sensing capabilities. Nanosensors, which are tiny devices made using nanotechnology, can be integrated into the robots to detect various environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, gas levels, and even the presence of hazardous materials. This information can be crucial for first responders and disaster management teams to make informed decisions and take appropriate actions.Furthermore, nanotechnology can also be used to improve the mobility and agility of these robots. By using nanomaterials such as carbon nanotubes, the robots can be made lighter and stronger, allowing them to navigate through debris and inaccessible areas more efficiently. Additionally, nanotechnology can be used to develop self-healing materials, which can repair any damages sustained by the robots during rescue operations, ensuring their continuous functionality.Moreover, nanotechnology can enable the development of miniaturized robots that can easily access hard-to-reach areas. These nanorobots can be designed to enter collapsed buildings or narrow spaces to search for survivors. They can also be equipped with micro cameras and communication systems to transmit real-time images and data to the rescue teams, enabling them to strategize and plan their rescue efforts more effectively.中文回答:纳米技术在救灾探测机器人的发展中发挥着重要作用。
• 1.蟑螂救援机器人
• 最近,加州大学伯克利分校的科学家们研制出 了一种新的机器人,它很适合钻过狭窄的缝隙, 这在地震等灾难的搜救工作中可以发挥作用。 为了制造出伸缩自如的机器人结构,研究者们 可是认真地对蟑螂进行了好一番观察试验。在 实验室里摆弄蟑螂是有些恶心,不过令人生厌 的蟑螂可是自然界的钻缝大师,它们灵活适应 环境的外骨骼其实很有借鉴价值。
• 国内一些科研单位也在开展蛇形机器人的研究工作。 上海交通大学1999年研制了一种仿蛇机器人样机 (图7)。该机构由一系列刚性连杆连接而成的自 由 多刚体系统,由步进电机控制两刚性连杆之间的夹 角,使连杆作平面运动,连杆两边装有滚动轴承作车 轮,滚动轴承只改变纵向和横向摩擦系数之比。 中 国科学院沈阳自动化所2001年基于可重构的思想研 制了一种模块化蛇形机器人, 该蛇形机器人由8个单 自由度关节模块组成,长约0.5米
• 2.蛇形机器人 • 日本的Hirose教授第一个从仿生的观点研究蛇形机 器人,他对蛇的运动形式有较深的研究,并提出了用 蛇形曲线来描述蛇的蜿蜒向前运动,很好的模拟了实 际蛇的运动。Hirose教授还研制了一系列蛇形机器 人样机,最新的样机ACM-R3如图1所示,其结 构是由 两个串联的一个自由度的关节组成一个模块,他们的 轴线互相垂直,从而可以实现三维空间运动,每一节 安装一对很大的被动轮,不但可以改变机器人运动的 纵横摩擦系数比;并且可以把机器人的整个躯体包围, 起到保护的作用。且该机构翻滚90度后,照常运动, 大大的提高了机构适应环境的能力。该机构结构简 单,灵活的实现平面和空间运动,并可以实现直接单 元驱动、侧面滚动、螺旋运动、S曲线空间运动等各 种运动形式
• 高速摄影机记录下了蟑螂钻过缝隙的一系列步 骤:它们首先用触角试探出口,将两个触角都 伸出缝隙,接下来,它们将身体斜向下,让头 部和前肢冲出缝隙,再挣扎着拖动身体通过。 蟑螂身上交叠的外骨骼体现出了极好的灵活性, 不仅是一道窄缝,它们在连续的狭窄空间中依 然表现良好。随着缝隙越来越窄,蟑螂们的身 体压缩程度越来越高,腿部也逐渐摊平,但它 们的脚到身体中线的距离却基本保持不变,这 使得肢体能够最大限度地提供前进的推力。
基于职业院校技能大赛“救援机器人”自动控制系统设计施立群(辽宁装备制造职业技术学院 自动控制工程学院,辽宁 沈阳 110000)摘 要:随着社会生活水平的不断进步,服务机器人应用越来越广泛。
本文是基于职业院校技能大赛的基础上对救援机器人的自动控制系统进行设计,采用MultiFLEX2-PXA270控制器,说明了该救援机器人的结构设计和传感器的选用,完成救援机器人的软件编程,编程采用NorthSTAR 图形化集成开发环境。
关键词:MultiFLEX2-PXA270控制器;红外接近传感器中图分类号:TP242.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-7241(2019)02-0074-04Automatic Control System Design of Rescue Robots Based on Vocational College Skills CompetitionSHI Li-qun( Liaoning Institute Of Equipment Manufacturing, Career Technical College, School Of Automatic Control Engineering,Shenyang 110000 China )Abstract: With the continuous progress of social life level, service robots are more and more widely used. However, during thedevelopment of service robots, research on rescue robot is regarded as a key topic. Because in the rescue after a disaster, the rescue robot can minimize the loss in a short time and help rescue workers complete the rescue task. This paper designs the automatic control system of rescue robot based on vocational college skill contest. It used a multiflex2-pxa270 controller, and the structure of the rescue robot and the sensor used are explained. In this design, the software programming of rescue robot is completed by using NorthSTAR graphical integrated development environment. This robot can avoid obstacles with relatively high precision and flexibility.Key words: MultiFLEX2-PXA270 controller; infrared proximity sensor收稿日期:2018-05-281 引言现如今,服务型机器人发展飞速,救援机器人的研究一直被视为服务型机器人中的重点课题。
纳米地震救生床400字作文英文回答:Nanotechnology is changing the world in many ways, and one of the most promising applications is in the medical field. Researchers are developing new ways to use nanotechnology to improve patient care, including the development of a new type of hospital bed that could help save lives.The nano-earthquake rescue bed is a new type ofhospital bed that uses nanotechnology to detect and respond to earthquakes. The bed is equipped with a network of sensors that can detect the slightest vibrations in the ground. When an earthquake occurs, the sensors send a signal to the bed's computer, which then activates a series of mechanisms to protect the patient.The bed's first response is to raise the patient's head and neck to prevent them from suffocating if the ceilingcollapses. The bed then moves the patient to the center of the room, where they are less likely to be injured by falling objects. The bed also activates a system of airbags that surround the patient, providing further protection from falling debris.The nano-earthquake rescue bed is still in the early stages of development, but it has the potential to save lives in the event of an earthquake. The bed is designed to be easy to use and can be quickly deployed in any hospital room. It is also relatively inexpensive, making it a viable option for hospitals around the world.中文回答:纳米技术正在以多种方式改变世界,而最有希望的应用之一就是在医疗领域。
rescue robot英语作文
rescue robot英语作文English:Rescue robots play a crucial role in disaster response scenarios, where human intervention may be limited or hazardous. These robots are designed with advanced technologies such as sensors, cameras, and robotic arms, enabling them to navigate through complex environments, detect survivors, and perform tasks like removing debris or delivering supplies. Their ability to access areas inaccessible to humans due to safety concerns or structural damage makes them invaluable assets in search and rescue missions. Moreover, rescue robots can operate autonomously or be controlled remotely by operators, ensuring flexibility and adaptability in various situations. Through their tireless efforts, rescue robots not only save lives but also minimize the risks faced by human responders. However, challenges remain, including the need for improved durability, agility, and communication capabilities to enhance their effectiveness in dynamic and unpredictable disaster scenarios. Despite these challenges, the continuous development and deployment of rescue robots offer promising solutions for enhancing disaster response capabilities and ultimately saving more lives.Translated content:救援机器人在灾难响应场景中发挥着至关重要的作用,人类干预可能受到限制或危险。
介绍救人机器人作文英文回答:Introduction:Rescue robots are advanced machines designed to assist in emergency situations where human lives are at risk. These robots are equipped with various sensors, cameras, and mechanical arms, enabling them to navigate through dangerous environments and perform life-saving tasks. In this essay, I will discuss the importance of rescue robots and how they have revolutionized emergency response.Body:1. Enhanced Speed and Efficiency:Rescue robots are capable of reaching disaster-stricken areas much faster than human responders. For instance, in the case of earthquakes or building collapses, time is ofthe essence. These robots can swiftly traverse rubble, debris, and other hazardous obstacles, saving valuable minutes or even hours. Their agility and mechanical capabilities allow them to access areas that may be inaccessible to humans, increasing the chances of finding survivors.2. Remote Sensing and Surveillance:Rescue robots are equipped with advanced sensors and cameras that provide real-time data to human operators. This remote sensing capability allows responders to assess the situation more accurately and make informed decisions. For example, in a fire incident, a robot can enter a burning building and transmit live video footage to firefighters outside, enabling them to strategize and plan their rescue operations effectively. This technology minimizes the risk to human lives by providing crucial information without endangering responders.3. Life-Saving Tasks:Rescue robots are designed to perform various life-saving tasks that are too dangerous or physically demanding for humans. These tasks include removing debris, providing medical assistance, and even extracting people trapped in collapsed structures. For instance, the use of a robot with mechanical arms can help extricate a person stuck under heavy wreckage without risking further injury. This capability not only saves lives but also reduces the physical strain on human responders, allowing them to focus on other critical tasks.4. Adaptability and Versatility:Rescue robots are designed to adapt to different emergency scenarios and perform a wide range of tasks. They can be programmed to operate in various environments, such as underwater, in extreme temperatures, or even in hazardous chemical spills. This versatility makes them invaluable assets in emergency response efforts. For instance, a robot equipped with water-resistantcapabilities can assist in rescue operations during floods or tsunamis, where human intervention may be limited orrisky.Conclusion:In conclusion, rescue robots have revolutionized emergency response by enhancing speed and efficiency, providing remote sensing and surveillance capabilities, performing life-saving tasks, and demonstrating adaptability and versatility. These machines have the potential to save countless lives and reduce the risks faced by human responders. As technology continues to advance, the development and deployment of rescue robots will play an increasingly crucial role in safeguarding human lives during emergencies.中文回答:引言:救援机器人是先进的机器,旨在在危急情况下协助拯救人类生命。
二、项目目标1. 确定市场需求:调研市场需求,了解客户对水下救援器材的需求和偏好。
2. 开发设计水下救援器:设计一款价格便宜、性能稳定、易操作的水下救援器。
3. 进行试验验证:对开发设计出的水下救援器进行多次试验验证,确保其可靠性和稳定性。
4. 推广销售:推广销售水下救援器,开拓市场,提高产品影响力。
三、项目实施步骤1. 确定项目需求:明确水下救援器的使用场景、功能和技术要求。
2. 调研市场需求:通过市场调研问卷、访谈等方式,了解客户对水下救援器的需求和偏好。
3. 设计水下救援器:根据市场需求和技术要求,进行水下救援器的设计和制造。
4. 进行试验验证:对水下救援器进行多次试验验证,确保其性能稳定可靠。
5. 推广销售:通过展会、推广活动等方式,将水下救援器推广到市场,提高产品影响力。
四、项目预算1. 设备采购费用:100万元2. 人力资源费用:50万元3. 研发费用:80万元4. 推广费用:30万元总计:260万元五、项目风险控制1. 技术风险:不同技术难点的攻克和解决。
2. 市场风险:市场需求的不确定性和竞争对手的影响。
3. 资金风险:项目资金不足或超支导致项目无法顺利完成。
六、项目可行性分析1. 市场前景广阔:水下救援器市场需求大,开发一款性能稳定的水下救援器具备市场竞争力。
2. 技术实力雄厚:团队成员具备丰富的水下作业器材研发和制造经验。
3. 资金保障有力:项目所需资金充足,能够保证项目的顺利开展。
1.罗克韦尔自动化推出MicroLogix 1400控制器 [J], 无
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3.罗克韦尔自动化推出OEH加速度程序,帮助生命科学领域OEM [J],
4.罗克韦尔自动化新批次应用工具包可降低批次控制系统的风险 [J],
5.罗克韦尔自动化 PLC Micro850和Micro830 [J],
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ANS 6TH TOPICAL MEETING ONC.capability, safety, cost effectiveness and probability of success of NASA missions. To that end, the program fosters the development of innovative system concepts for on-orbit servicing and planetary surface missions which useMicrosurgery, Emergency Response Robotics, and the Satellite Test Assistant Robot.1.1avoidance algorithms are used to monitor the arm motion while the operator commands the arm during the inspection.A multi-sensor end-effecter [4] includes a gas sensor for detection of gas leaks and a pyrometer to measure surface temperatures, in addition to CCD cameras. This end-effecter also houses two proximity sensors to provide collision avoidance and a force/torque sensor for safe contact with the environment. Algorithms for flaw detection based on real-time imageposition havefor realistic tests indevelop a prototype common architecture workstation which implements these capabilities for other NASA technology projects and planned NASA flight applications.This task develops and supports threerobot simulation which moves in real time according to the operator’s motion input to a hand controller.robotic system for execution. In teleprogramrning, the operator’s manual interaction with a 3-E) virtual environment (physically identical to previeware preserved, while providing greatly increased operational robustness against extended (2-1 O sees.) and possibly intermittentThis effort is a cooperative research and development activity betweenJapan.of these technological areas manifest themselves in respective application interests; the main Japanese application interest is in space assembly, while the U.S. focus is in space servicing.Viewing Controlcamera views which are fused with calibrated 3-D virtual workspace presentations. This capability includes software facilities for interactive modeling,i.e., the capture of new workspace features, their rendering/presentation,management. Intelligent Motion Control (lMC) orto extend time-delay1 he focus of this task involves the augmentation tofour fingered hand [9]. This includes integration with a visualmicrorover performance in the areas of goal identification, increased vehicle mobility, intelligent terrain navigation with in-situ resource management, and manipulation of scienceinstruments.km of rough terrain with execution of selectmanipulation tasks; (4) complete1 is being implemented with extensive university and industrial involvement in such areas as sensor suites for long distance navigation on planetary surfaces; legged vs. wheeled mobility; virtual environment operator interfaces; robotic grasping devices; and behavior based obstacle avoidance and fault tolerance.Ill. Terrestrial NASA Applications and CommercializationA. Robotic Assisted MicrosurgeryThrough a cooperative NASA-industry effort, the Robot Assisted Microsurgery (RAMS) task develops a dexterity-enhanced master-slave telemanipulator enabling both breakthrough procedures in micro/minimally invasive surgery [13]. l-he applicable medical practice includes eye, ear, nose, throat, face, hand, and cranial surgeries. As part of planned task activities, the resulting NASA robot technologies will be benchmarked in actual operating room procedures for vitreous retinal surgery.l-he primary objective of this task is to provide an integrated robotic platform for master-slave dual-arm manipulation operationall in a one cubic inch work volume at features in the 100 micron range (our goal is to extend these capabilities to features in the 20 micron range). The research is a natural evolution of our extensive experience in force-reflectingmobile robot enabling the JPLhe primary mission of the robot, calledmust first gain entry into the incident site which may involve climbing stairs, unlocking and opening doors, and maneuvering in tight spaces. Once the spill is located, an on-board chemical gas sensor is used for material identification.or containment of the incident by, for instance, closing a leaking valve, deploying absorbent material, or placing a broken container in secondary containment.enabling operation in atmospheres that contain combustible vapors. Other system features include a track drive base with front and rear articulating sections for obstacle/stair climbing, a sixcolor CCD cameras. To date, the robot has been used by theteam in three simulated response missions to test and demonstrate system capability.(S1 AR)10-ft and test chamberswhere temperatures range from -190 C to + 100 C and extremely high vacuums can be achieved, STAR consists of a 25lighting and camera instrumentation allowing close-up real-time visual inspection and infrared thermal mapping of a spacecraft under test in the simulated space environment inside the chamber. S1 AR will help engineers by improving test reliability and reducing overall test costs.IV. ConclusionsJPL is conducting research and development in various areas ofprogram which aims to develop and demonstrate the required technology so that by the year 2004, 50% of the E. VA-required operations on orbit and on planetary surfaces may be conductedV1. References2.H., ‘q-ask-Based Configuration Control of Redundant Robots,”Journal of Robotic Systems, 9 (3), pp. 411-451, 1992.4. J.,“Technology for Robotic Surface Inspection inSpace.” Has been accepted for presentation at the AlAA Conference onIntelligent Robots in Field, Factory, Service, and SpaceT., Redundant Robot System forInspection.” Has been accepted for presentation at the AlAA Conference onIntelligent Robots in Field, Factory, Service, and Spaceon Robotics and Automation, Vol., 9, No. 5, pp. 698-702, 1993.Proceedings, Sixth International Conference on AdvancedGraduate Student Researchers Program).P. G., Beahan, J., and Bon, B., “Interactive Command Buildingand Sequencing for Supervised Autonomy,”A.Symposium on Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators; andC. ,“F{over Plan”,28, 1993.12.W. Zimmerman, “JPL Rover Technology Program”, accepted for publication in ISRAM ’94, 5th International Symposium onMaui, Hawaii, August 14-17, 199413.Medicine Meets Virtual Reality Conference, San Diego, California, June 1992; see also, Schenker, P.and Manufacturing Automation, Maui, Hawaii, August 1994.G. O., “Applying Robotics toConference - NASA Technology 2003, Anaheim, CA,。