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银川海派英语 想拽想酷?学会这些台词先!

银川海派英语 想拽想酷?学会这些台词先!

银川海派英语想拽想酷?学会这些台词先!想拽想酷?学会这些台词先!一、《ShawshankRedemption肖申克的救赎》1.Youknow some birds are not meant to be caged their feathers are just too bright. 你知道,有些鸟儿是注定不会被关在牢笼里的,它们的每一片羽毛都闪耀着自由的光辉。

2.Thereis something inside that they can't get to that they can't touch. That'syours. 那是一种内在的东西他们到达不了也无法触及的那是你的。

3.Hope isa good thing and maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies.希望是一个好东西也许是最好的好东西是不会消亡的。

二、《ForrestGump 阿甘正传》1.Lifewas like a box of chocolates you never know what you're gonna get.生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料。

2. Miracles happen every day.奇迹每天都在发生。

3. Death is just a part of lifesomething we're all destined to do.死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要做的一件事。

4. You just stay away from meplease.求你离开我。

5. If you are ever in troubledon't try to be brave just run just run away.你若遇上麻烦,不要逞强,你就跑,远远跑开。

6. I don't know if we each have a destiny or if we're all justfloating around accidentally―like on a breeze.我不懂我们是否有着各自的命运,还是只是到处随风飘荡。



























神奇动物在哪里(Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them)中英文双语字幕 看字幕学英语

神奇动物在哪里(Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them)中英文双语字幕 看字幕学英语

杜格尔拜托安静一点Dougal, settle down now, please.很快就好了It won't be long.下一位Next.英国人是的 British, huh? Yes.第一次来纽约是的 First trip to New York? Yes.里面有带吃的东西吗Anything edible in there?没有No.动物呢Livestock?这箱子该修理了没有Must get that fixed. Um... No.让我看看Let me take a look.欢迎来纽约Welcome to New York.谢谢Thank you.下一位Next.就好像像一阵风...And it was like a... Like a wind.还是一个鬼魂Or like a... Like a ghost.虽然很黑But dark.但是我看见它的眼睛And I saw its eyes.亮晶晶银白色的眼睛Shining white eyes.一阵黑色的风还有眼睛 A dark wind, with eyes?黑漆漆的一团It's like a dark mass.就在那里的地面上往地底下消失了And it dove down there. Downunderground.这件事应该有人来管一管Someone ought to do something aboutit.它们无所不在这些东西已经失控了It's everywhere, this thing. It's out ofcontrol.嘿问出什么了吗?Hey, you get anything?一阵黑色的风还有...Dark wind. Blah, blah.像是某种的大气乱流Some sorta atmospheric hooey. Orelectrical.去喝一杯吧Hey, you thirsty?不我戒酒了我向玛莎保证过不喝了 No. I'm on the wagon. Promised MarthaI'd lay off.是天气造成的吧It's atmospheric.在路上了错过Out of the way, folks. Coming through! 这个城市闪耀着人类伟大的发明This great city sparkles with the jewels ofman's inventions.电影院、汽车、Movie theaters, automobiles,无线电、电器照明the wireless, electric lights,all dazzle and bewitch us. I'm so sorry. 迷惑着我们像女巫对我们施了魔法非常抱歉但是有光亮就会有阴影朋友们But where there is light, there is shadow,friend.某些东西正潜藏在我们的城市里Something is stalking our city,伺机破坏然后消失的无影无踪wreaking destruction, and thendisappearing without a trace!请听我说我们必须战斗 We have to fight.加入我们新的塞勒姆审判即将开始Join us, the Second Salemers, in ourfight.借过一下我急着赶到银行Excuse me, doll. Just trying to get to thebank.我们要一起战斗We have to fight together借过一下for the sake of our... Excuse me...嘿当心点Hey! Watch it!抱歉是我的行李箱So sorry. My case.没关系No harm done.借过Excuse me.你You!朋友...Friend.为什么来参加这个集会What drew you to our meeting today?我只是路过Oh, I was just passing.你是一个追寻者吗Are you a seeker?在寻找真相 A seeker after truth?我其实更像是一个追球手I'm more of a chaser, really.听从我的诤言Hear my words.记住我的警告And heed my warning.你如果有胆量尽管嘲笑我And laugh if you dare.巫师就在我们之中Witches live among us.我们必须战斗为了我们的孩子We have to fight together for the sake ofour children.为了我们的明天For the sake of tomorrow.你觉得如何朋友What do you say to that, friend?抱歉失陪了Excuse me.你需要帮助吗先生Can I help you, sir?不我在我还在等...No, I was just... I was just waiting. 嗨Hi.你来银行办什么事What brings you here?跟你一样Same as you.你也要贷款开面包店You're here to get a loan to open up abakery?对Yes.怎么会那么巧What are the odds of that?有实力的人赢得胜利对不起 Well, may the best man win, I guess.Excuse me.嘿这位先生Hey! Hey, mister!这位先生Hey, mister.喂朋友Hey, fella.科瓦尔斯基先生宾利先生等着见你Mr. Kowalski, Mr. Bingley will see younow.好的Okay.好Okay.你目前在You're currently working罐头工厂上班in a canning factory.这是我能找最好的工作了我在1924年回国1924That's the best I can do. I only got back in, uh, '24.回国从欧洲先生 Got back? From Europe, sir.对我是美国远征军的一员Yeah. I was part of the expeditionaryforces there.好吧科瓦尔斯基先生...All right. Mr. Kowalski...你一定要吃看看我做的糕点好吗You gotta try the paczkis, okay?这是我奶奶的独家秘方里面的橙子馅简直 ...It's my grandmother's recipe. Theorange zest just...科瓦尔斯基先生...MR. Mr. Kowalski.你有什么担保品给银行作为抵押What do you propose to offer the bankas collateral?担保品Collateral?担保品Collateral.现在已经有机器可以在There are machines now一个小时生产几百个甜甜圈that can produce hundreds of donuts anhour.我知道知道但是我...I know. I know. But they're nothinglike what I can do. You...银行不能有呆帐科瓦尔斯基先生The bank must be protected, Mr.Kowalski.日安再见了Good day to you.喂英国人...Hey! Mr. English Guy!你的蛋快孵化了I think your egg is hatching.哇它怎么了...What just happened?怎么回事But, excuse me?我刚才在那里I was over there. Came over...现在在这里...I was over there.快进去你好 In you hop. Hello?不行No.你们都安静一点Everyone settle down.安静杜格尔Stay. Dougal, don't make me come inthere.别逼我下去找你们Don't make me come down there.这个绝对不可以Absolutely not.开锁 (咒语) ()Alohomora.原来你在偷钱Oh, so you're gonna steal the money,huh?统统石化(咒语) ()Petrificus Totalus.宾利先生...Mr. Bingley!科瓦尔斯基...Kowalski.真的要这样Really?不要再玩了No. Don't play that.你看Look.不不要Oh, no.请别开枪No, no, no. Don't... Don't shoot.不要开枪啊Don't shoot!这是最后一次Right. For the last time, you pilferingpest,下次你再去偷别人的东西的话...paws off what doesn't belong to you. 有人在抢银行Someone's robbing the bank!对不起啊先生Awfully sorry about that.这到底是什么东西What the hell was that?跟你没关系Nothing that need concern you.但是你知道的太多了所以Now, unfortunately, you have seen fartoo much.如果你不介意If you wouldn't mind, if you just standthere,请站好马上就没事了this'll be over in a jiffy. 好的Mmm-hmm. Sure. Yeah. 对不起Sorry.糟了Bugger.你是谁?Who are you?很抱歉你到底是谁I'm sorry. Who are you?纽特斯卡曼德吗你又是谁你箱子里是什么东西Newt Scamander. And you are? What's that thing in your case?那是我的嗅嗅That's my Niffler.你脸上有...Say, you've got something on your... 你为什么让它跑出来Why in the name of Deliverance Danedid you let that thing loose?我不是故意的它老是这样I didn't mean to. He's incorrigible, yousee.看到闪亮亮的东西就...Anything shiny, he's all over... Youdidn't mean to?这也管不住 a worse time to let that creature loose. 尤其在这个节骨眼We're in the middle of a situation here. 我要把你带走I'm taking you in.你要带我去那里Taking me in where?美国魔法国会Magical Congress of the United States ofAmerica.你为美国魔法国会工作So you work for MACUSA.做什么算是调查员吗?What are you, some kind ofinvestigator?至少那个麻鸡你已经处理好了吧?At least tell me you took care of the No-Maj.什么麻鸡The what? The No-Maj.没有魔法的人普通人No-Magic. The non-wizard!对不起我们把他叫做麻瓜Oh. Sorry, we call them Muggles.你把他的记忆消除了对吧?You wiped his memory, right?那个看到箱子的麻鸡The No-Maj with the case? 嗯……响……Um... Oh...魔法规章3条款斯卡曼德先生 3 3AThat's a Section 3-A, Mr. Scamander. 跟我走吧I'm taking you in.走吧Come on.抱歉但是我还有事情要办Sorry, but I do have things to do,actually.看来你的事情是办不成了Well... You'll have to rearrange them.你来纽约做什么What are you doin' in New York anyway?我来买一个生日礼物I came to buy a birthday present.不能在伦敦买吗Couldn't you have done that in London?不行阿帕卢萨小毛球的饲养者世界上只有一个 No, there's only one breeder of Appaloosa Puffskeins in the world,他刚好就在纽约and he lives in New York. So, no.有人违反规定3条款3 3AI got a Section 3-A.嘿Hey.顺便告诉你我们禁止在纽约饲养魔法生物 By the way, we don't allow the breedingof magical creatures in New York.所以一年前就把那个人给关起来了We closed that guy down a year ago.魔法国会嘿歌思汀Hey, Goldstein.嘿瑞德Hey, Red.重案调查部我以为你要 ...Major Investigation Department.我们要去重案调查部I thought you was... Major InvestigationDepartment.有人违反3条款3 3AI got a Section 3-A.魔法干扰增加巫师暴露风险国际巫师联合会已经威胁说要派代表团来 The International Confederation isthreatening to send a delegation.他们认为这与欧洲的格林德沃攻击事件有关 They think this is related to Grindelwald's attacks in Europe.我当时在现场I was there.那是魔法生物This is a beast.没有人有那种能力主席阁下No human could do what this thing iscapable of, Madam President.不管是什么有一点可以肯定的是我们必须阻止它 Whatever it is, one thing is clear. It must be stopped.如果它让麻鸡感到害怕It's terrorizing No-Majs.麻鸡就会出手攻击And when No-Majs are afraid, theyattack.那我们就会暴露This could mean exposure.可能引起战争It could mean war.我已经很清楚的告诉你了歌思汀小姐 I made your position here quite clear,Ms. Goldstein.是的主席但是我你不再是傲罗... Yes, Madam President. But I... You'reno longer an Auror.不主席但No, Madam President, but...歌思汀Goldstein.这个人他...There's been a minor...这里是讨论重大事件的地方This office is currently concerned withvery major incidents. Get out.出去吧是的主席 Yes, ma'am.你有魔杖许可证吗So you got your wand permit?所有在纽约的外国人都必须申请All foreigners have to have them in NewYork.几个星期前我已经寄出申请邮件I made a postal application weeks ago. 斯卡曼德...Scamander...你之前一直待在赤道几内亚And you were just in Equatorial Guinea? 我刚完成了一年的实地调查And I've just completed a year in thefields.我正在写一本关于魔法生物的书I'm writing a book about magicalcreatures.像是灭绝生物指南Like an extermination guide?不是告诉人们这些生物需要保护No, a guide to help people understand 而不是杀死它们why we should be protecting thesecreatures instead of killing them.歌思汀Goldstein?人呢Where is she?她在哪里歌思汀Where is she? Goldstein?歌思汀Goldstein?你是不是又去调查小组多管闲事了Did you just butt in on the investigativeteam again?你去哪里了Where have you been?什么What?她在哪里找到你的Where'd she pick you up?我Me?你又跑去跟踪新赛勒姆集会了吗Have you been tracking them SecondSalemers again?当然没有先生Of course not, sir.午安格雷夫斯长官Afternoon, Mr. Graves, sir.午安埃伯纳西Afternoon, Abernathy.格雷夫斯长官这位是斯卡曼德先生Mr. Graves, sir, this is Mr. Scamander. 他有只魔法生物在手提箱里He has a crazy creature in that case,在银行的时候跑出来造成混乱and it got out and caused mayhem in abank.让我看看这小家伙但是长官...Let's see the little guy.蒂娜Tina.对不起外婆I'm sorry, Grandma.什么情况……What the...我的妈咪你的妈咪My momma, your momma要去抓女巫Gonna catch a witch我的妈咪你的妈咪挥舞小棒子My momma, your momma Flying on aswitch我的妈咪你的妈咪女巫不会哭My momma, your momma Witches nevercry我的妈咪你的妈咪女巫将会死My momma, your momma Witchesgonna die女巫一号淹死在河里Witch number one, drown in the river女巫二号判决被吊死Witch number two, got a noose to giveher女巫三号看着她烧死Witch number three, gonna watch herburn女巫四号鞭打转一圈Witch number four, flogging take a turn 孩子们吃饭了把传单收好Collect your leaflets before you get food,children.女士那是巫师的标记吗Is it a witch's mark, ma'am?不是No.他没问题 He's okay.真不敢相信你没对那个麻鸡施~遗忘咒 ~I can't believe you didn't Obliviate thatman.如果有人发现我就完蛋了If there's an inquiry, I'm finished.为什么是你完蛋不是我完蛋Why would you be finished? I'm the onethat's...我本来就不应该接近新赛勒姆I'm not supposed to go near the SecondSalemers.那是什么What was that?呃飞蛾大飞蛾...Uh, moth, I think. Big moth.嘿安静下来请听我说...Hey! Quiet down! I'm trying to get astatement.我告诉你如果这次又是煤气爆炸I'm telling you, it's a gas explosion again. 我可不要让孩子回去除非真的安全I ain't taking the kids back up there untilit's safe.对不起女士没有闻到煤气味Hey, sorry, ma'am. There ain't no smellof gas.不是煤气警官我看见了It weren't gas, officer. I seen it.那是一个非常巨大的...It was a gigantic, huge hippopoto...没错是煤气味Gas.煤气味道我不知道走开Gas. It was gas!斯卡曼德先生Mr. Scamander!箱子打开过It was open?只开了一条缝而已Just a smidge.那只疯狂的嗅嗅又跑出来了That crazy Niffler thing's on the looseagain?应该是Uh... Might be.那就赶快找回来Then look for it.你看Look! Oh...他的脖子在流血His neck's bleeding.他受伤了He's hurt.先生麻鸡先生Oh... Wake up! Mr. No-Maj.饶了我吧那是什么Mercy Lewis, what is that?不用担心It's nothing to worry about.那是一只莫特拉鼠...That is a Murtlap.箱子里到底还有什么东西What else have you got in there?是你你好 You? Hello.放轻松Easy, Mr...科瓦尔斯基雅各布...Kowalski. Jacob.你不能对他施~遗忘咒~You can't Obliviate him.我们需要他当证人We need him as a witness.对不起让你陪我走了大半个纽约I'm sorry. You've just yelled at me thelength of New York我应该早点对他施~遗忘咒~for not doing it in the first place.他受伤了看起来蛮严重的He's hurt! He looks ill. He'll be fine.他会好起来的莫特拉鼠的咬伤没关系的 Murtlap bites aren't serious.好吧我承认这次看起来比较严重Yeah, I admit that is a slightly moresevere reaction than I've seen.但如果是这样他现在已经...But if it was really serious, he'd have... 什么What?第一个症状是屁股会喷出火焰Well, the first symptom would be flamesout of his anus.这还不严重He doesn't seem to... This is balled up! 它最多会持续四十八小时It'll last 48 hours at the most.如果你想要我陪着他陪着他 I can keep him, if you want me to. Keephim?我们不能陪着他We don't keep them.斯卡曼德先生你了解美国的巫师协会吗Mr. Scamander, do you know anythingabout the wizarding community inAmerica?事实上我确实了解一些I do know a few things, actually.我知道关于普通人跟巫师的规范条律已经过时 I know that you have rather backwards laws about relations with Non-Magic people.你不能和他们交朋友That you're not meant to befriend them.你也不能和他们结婚That you can't marry them, which seemsmildly absurd to me.你们俩个都跟我来You're both coming with me.我为什么要跟你走?I don't see why I need to come withyou.帮个忙我在作梦吗 Help me. I'm dreaming, right?是啊Yeah. Please.我从来就没有去过银行是吧I'm tired. I never went to the bank.这只是一个梦对吧This is all just some big nightmare, right? 对我也在做梦科瓦尔斯基先生For the both of us, Mr. Kowalski.嘿你还好吗Hey, you all right there?哇Whoa!这里就是新闻编辑部And so this is the newsroom.我们走吧Let's go.嘿你们好吗Hey, how are you?让条路给贝尔朋Make way for the Barebones.现在他们只要把报纸放回去Now, they're just putting the papers tobed,就是这样as they say.萧先生他和参议员在一起Mr. Shaw. Sir. He's with the Senator.没关系巴克我要见我父亲Never mind that, Barker. I wanna see myfather.对不起先生但你儿子...I'm so sorry, Mr. Shaw, but your soninsisted.爸爸你听听这个Father, you're gonna wanna hear this. 我有一件重要的事情I've got something huge.你哥哥和我正在忙兰登Your brother and I are busy here,Langdon.我们在讨论他的竞选活动Working on his election campaign.没有时间听你说We don't have time for this.这是新塞勒姆协会的玛丽卢贝尔朋 This is Mary Lou Barebone from the NewSalem Preservation Society.她要告诉你一个重大的消息And she's got a big story for you.她有什么消息Oh, she has, has she?整个城市都有怪事发生There's strange things going on all overthe city.整件事的关键人物并不是普通人The people behind this, they are not likeyou and me.这是巫术你知道吗This is witchcraft. Don't you see?兰登她并非要钱 Langdon. She doesn't want any money. 如果她不是要钱那么就是她的故事毫无价 Then either her story is worthless, orshe's lying about the cost.值没有人会免费送给你有价值的东西兰登 Nobody gives away anything valuablefor free, Langdon.你说得对萧先生You're right, Mr. Shaw.我们要的是比金钱更珍贵的东西What we desire is infinitely morevaluable than money.你的影响力It's your influence.数百万的人看你的报纸Millions of people read your newspapers, 他们需要知道这件事的危险性and they need to be made aware aboutthis danger.地铁里出现不知名的乱流The crazy disturbances in the subway. 你看看这些照片Just look at the pictures.我想请你和你的朋友离开I'd like you and your friends to leave.不你会错失头条报导看一下照片No. Look, you're missing a trick here.Just look at the evidence!真的吗Really?兰登听爸爸的话走吧Langdon. Listen to Father and just go. 还有And...把这些怪物也一起带走Take the freaks with you.这是爸爸的办公室不是你的This is Father's office, not yours.我受够了别再说了 And I'm sick of this. Every time I walk inhere...出去吧Okay. That's it!谢谢Thank you.我们希望您能重新考虑萧先生We hope you'll reconsider, Mr. Shaw.我们不难找到We're not difficult to find.在此之前...Until then,感谢您宝贵的时间we thank you for your time.小子Hey, boy!你东西掉了You dropped something.拿去怪胎Here you go, freak.把它丢到垃圾桶顺便连你一起Why don't you put that in the trashwhere you all belong?就在这里Take a right here.好Okay.在我们进去之前...Before we go in...我不应该带男人回来的I'm not supposed to have men on thepremises.既然这样我们可以找其他住的地方In that case, Mr. Kowalski and I caneasily seek other accommodations.不可以No, you don't.小心脚下Watch your step.是你吗蒂娜That you, Tina?Shh.Shh.是的埃斯波西托夫人Yes, Mrs. Esposito.你一个人吗Are you alone?我一向独来独往埃斯波西托夫人I'm always alone, Mrs. Esposito.噢Oh...蒂娜Teenie,你带男人回来you brought men home.先生们这是我妹妹Gentlemen, this is my sister.你要不要再加件衣服奎妮Wanna put something on, Queenie?当然Oh, sure.那么他们是谁So, who are they?那位是斯卡曼德先生That's Mr. Scamander.他违反了“美国魔法规章”He's committed a serious infraction ofthe National Statute of Secrecy.他是罪犯没错 He's a criminal? Uh-huh.而这位科瓦尔斯基先生他是麻鸡And that's Mr. Kowalski. He's a No-Maj. 麻鸡 A No-Maj?蒂娜你在干嘛Teen, what are you up to?他受伤了说来话长He's sick. It's a long story.斯卡曼德先生掉了东西我要帮他找回来 Mr. Scamander has lost something I'mgoing to help him find.噢Oh...你还是坐下来先生You need to sit down, honey.他一整天都没吃东西He hasn't eaten anything all day.而且……And...真可怜Oh, that's rough.他没有得到贷款开面包店He didn't get the money he wanted forhis bakery.你会烤面包You bake, honey? 嗯……Uh...我喜欢烹饪I love to cook.你能摄神取念You're a Legilimens? Mmm. Yeah.是的但碰到你们总有点麻烦英国人 But I always have trouble with yourkind. Brits.因为口音的问题It's the accent.你懂读心术You know how to read minds?别担心先生Oh, don't worry, honey.大部份的人看到我都跟你想的一样Most guys think what you was thinkingfirst time they see me.尤其是第一次看到我Now, you need food.热狗吗不要读我的心 Hot dog? Again? Don't read my mind. 热狗并不是非常健康的午餐Not a very wholesome lunch.嗨斯卡曼德先生Hey, Mr. Scamander.你喜欢派还是卷饼You prefer pie or strudel?我都可以I really don't have a preference.你喜欢卷饼吗亲爱的You prefer strudel, huh, honey?那就卷饼吧Strudel it is.请坐斯卡曼德先生Well, sit down, Mr. Scamander.我们不会给你加料的We're not gonna poison you.你很难过You're upset.又是你母亲It's your mother again.一定有人又说了些什么Somebody said something.告诉我What did they say? Tell me.我是个怪胎吗Do you think I'm a freak?不你是非常特别的年轻人No. I think you're a very special youngman,不然我不会找你帮忙对吧or I wouldn't have asked you to help me,now would I?有什么发现吗告诉我Have you any news?我还在找I'm still looking.嗯Mmm.格雷夫斯先生我想知道它是女孩还是男孩 Mr. Graves, if I knew whether it was agirl or a boy...我只知道这孩子有强大的力量My vision showed only the child'simmense power.不管是女孩还是男孩都不超过十岁 10 He or she is no older than 10.我看见这孩子离你母亲很近I saw this child in close proximity to yourmother.你母亲我看得清清楚楚She I saw so plainly.那可能是几百个中的一个还有别的东西 That could be any one of hundreds... 一些我没告诉你的事我看见你和她一起There's something else. Something Ihaven't told you.在纽约I saw you beside me in New York.只有你能得到那孩子的信任You're the one who gains this child'strust.你就是关键我看到了这点You are the key. I saw this.你想要加入魔法世界You want to join the wizarding world. 我也是克里登斯I want those things too, Credence.这都是为了你I want them for you.找到那个孩子So find the child.找到孩子我们就都自由了 Find the child and we'll all be free.我的工作并不是那么光鲜亮丽The job ain't that glamorous.我大部分时间都在煮咖啡、I mean, I spend most days makingcoffee.扫厕所Unjinxing the john.蒂娜才是真正的职业女郎Tina's the career girl.我们是孤儿Nah, we're orphans.当我们还小时爸妈死于龙痘 Ma and Pa died of Dragon Pox when wewere kids.噢Oh.你真贴心You're sweet.但我们互相照顾But we got each other.可以请你暂时不要读我的心吗Could you stop reading my mind for asecond?喔Oh...请你别误会我喜欢这样Don't get me wrong, I love it.这真是美味的一餐This meal, it's insanely good.我是个厨师我知道And this is what I do, I'm a cook.这是我这辈子最棒的一餐And this is like the greatest meal I haveever had in my life.喔你嘴真甜Oh! You slay me.我从来不曾跟麻鸡聊那么久I ain't never really talked to a No-Majbefore.Huh.Huh.真的吗Really?我没有在调情I am not flirting.我是说不要太投入I'm just saying, don't go gettingattached.他终究要被消除记忆的He's gonna have to be Obliviated.不是针对你It's nothing personal.你还好吗Oh, hey, you okay, honey?先生我想科瓦尔斯基先生想早点休息So, Ms. Goldstein, I think Mr. Kowalskicould do with an early night.而且我们明天必须早起Besides, you and I will need to be去找我的嗅嗅所以...up early tomorrow morning to find myNiffler, so...什么是嗅嗅What's a Niffler?不要再问了Don't ask.那你们就在这里睡吧Hey, you guys can bunk in here.我想你们也许想来杯热饮Uh, I thought you might like a hot drink. 哇Wow!斯卡曼德先生你看可可...Psst! Hey. Mr. Scamander, look, cocoa. 洗手间在大厅的右边Toilet's down the hall to the right.谢谢Thanks.再谢一次Very much.赶快Come on.看在上帝的份上For the love...你要坐下吗Will you sit down?好主意Good idea.那一定是莫特拉鼠咬的That's definitely the Murtlap.你一定是特别敏感You must be particularly susceptible.因为你是个麻瓜See, you're a Muggle,所以我们的生理机能是有点不同so our physiologies are subtly different.Ew!Ew!好了Stay still. Ah...现在应该不会再流汗了That should stop the sweating.这个药是治疗抽搐的And one of those should sort the twitch. 拿着Here, take that. Ugh...再来一点Come on.你手上拿的是什么Whatcha got there?这个当地人叫做“恶闪鸦”This, the locals call Swooping Evil.听名字好像不太友善Not the friendliest of names.但它的行动非常敏捷It's quite an agile fella.我一直在研究他而且我确定他的毒液 I've been studying him, and I'm prettysure只要经过稀释将会有效的that his venom could be quite useful ifproperly diluted.能消除那些不好的记忆Just to remove bad memories, youknow?不过最好别在这里把它放出来Probably shouldn't let him loose in here,though.走吧Come on.快点快下来Come on. Down you come.来吧Come on.谢谢你派拉尔塞苏斯Thank Paracelsus.如果你跑出去那就天下大乱了If you'd have got out, that could've beenquite catastrophic.他就是我来美国的真正原因So he's the real reason I came toAmerica.要带法兰克回家To bring Frank home.等等别动...Wait. No, sorry. Stay there.他对陌生人有点敏感He's a wee bit sensitive to strangers.好了没事了Here you are. Here you are.他是被人贩卖掉的He was trafficked, you see.我在埃及发现他全身被铁链绑着I found him in Egypt. He was all chainedup.不能留下它不管一定要把它带回来Couldn't leave him there. I had to bringhim back.我要把你送回属于你的地方法兰克I'm gonna put you back where youbelong, aren't I, Frank?那就是亚利桑那州的荒野To the wilds of Arizona.他们来了All right, here they come.谁来了?Here who comes?紫角兽Graphorns.别紧张没关系的Hey! You're all right.哈罗Oh! Hello.你好Hello.所以他们是现有仅存最后一对还有繁殖能力的 So they're the last breeding pair in existence.如果我没有拯救它们So if I hadn't managed to rescue them, 紫角兽将会永远灭绝that could've been the end of Graphornsforever.好了All right.什么你拯救这些生物What, you rescue these creatures?没错拯救、养育、保护它们Yes, that's right. Rescue, nurture andprotect them.并且让其他巫师了解它们And I'm gently trying to educate myfellow wizards about them.跟我来Come on.哇Wow.堤多、芬恩、Titus, Finn.波比、马洛、汤姆Poppy, Marlow, Tom.他感冒了He had a cold.需要保持温暖He needed some body warmth.Aww...Aww...好了跳啊All right, on you hop.他非常黏人He has some attachment issues.过去吧皮克特Now, come on, Pickett.皮克特Pickett.他们不会欺负你的快过去吧No, they're not gonna bully you, nowcome on.皮克特Pickett.那好吧All right.所以它们都怪我偏心And that is exactly why they accuse meof favoritism.杜格尔不见了Oh, no, Dougal's gone.好啦来了All right, I'm coming. I'm coming.妈妈来了妈妈来了Mum's here. Mum's here.你好啊Oh, hello.让我来看看你Let me take a look at you.我见过这些小家伙I know these guys.你的鸟蛇Your Occamy.你说我的鸟蛇What do you mean, my Occamy? Yes. 没错你想不想...Do you want to...我想当然好啊Oh... Oh, wow, yeah, sure.好Okay.嘿Hey.对不起不要摸它的头Ahh! Oh, sorry, no, don't pet him.他们早就已经学会保护自己了They, um, learn to defend themselvesearly.你看他们的蛋壳都是银的所以非常珍贵 See, their shells are made of silver, sothey're incredibly valuable.好的Okay.他们的鸟巢很容易被猎人洗劫Their nests tend to get ransacked byhunters.谢谢Thank you.斯卡曼德先生Mr. Scamander?叫我纽特Oh, call me Newt.纽特先生我想我不是在作梦Newt. I don't think I'm dreaming.你是怎么发现的What gave it away?我没有那么好的想像力I ain't got the brains to make this up. 你可以帮我把这些小肉球Would you mind throwing some of thosepellets扔给那边的拜月兽吃吗in with the Mooncalfs over there?好啊没问题就在那边 Yeah, sure. Just over there's...糟了Bugger.嗅嗅不见了Niffler's gone.这个小淘气Course he has, little bugger.绝不能让它看到亮晶晶的东西Any chance to get his hands onsomething shiny.今天怎么样啊雅各布What did you do today, Jacob?我在一个手提箱里I was inside a suitcase.嘿Hey.小伙子你们好啊Oh, hello, fellas.好啦好啦All right. All right.慢慢来慢慢来Take it easy. Take it easy.吃吧吃吧Cutie.就这样子There it is.退回去天啊 Step back.退回去Step back.这到底怎么了我说了退回去 What's the matter with this? I said, stepaway.这是什么东西What the hell is this thing?这是默默然It's an Obscurus.我要走了I need to get going.在他们受到伤害之前全部找回来Find everyone who's escaped, beforethey get hurt.在他们受到伤害之前Before they get hurt?是的科瓦尔斯基先生Yes, Mr. Kowalski.他们现在身处陌生环境So they're currently in alien terrain身旁围绕这星球数百万残忍的生物surrounded by millions of the mostvicious creatures on the planet.就是人类Humans.你是说像那样中等大小的生物So where would you say that a medium-sized creature喜欢开阔的平原who likes broad open plains,树木、水洞之类的东西...trees, sort of waterholes, that sort ofthing.她会跑去哪里呢Where might she go?纽约有这种地方吗有的 In New York City?平原Yes. Plains?中央公园Central Park.它的位置在哪里And where is that exactly?中央公园吗Where is Central Park?好吧Well, look...我是可以带你去I would come and show you,但你不觉得这样对不起那两姐妹吗but don't you think it's kind of a double-cross?她们好心招待我们又帮我们煮热可可The girls take us in, they make us hotcocoa...你别忘了Now you do realize that once they see 当他们看到你病好了就会对你施~遗忘咒 ~that you stopped sweating, they willObliviate you in a heartbeat?什么是~遗忘咒 "" ~What's "Bliviate" mean?就是当你一觉醒来所有关于魔法的记忆都会忘光光 It'll be like you wake up and all memory of magic gone.我都不会记得这些事吗I won't remember any of this?没错No.那好吧我会帮你的All right, yeah, okay. I'll help you.那么走吧Come on, then.克里登斯你跑去哪里了Credence, where have you been?我去找明天要集会的地方I was looking for a place for tomorrow'smeeting.第三十二大街的转角可以...There's a corner on 32nd Street thatcould...对不起妈妈I'm sorry, Ma.我不知道已经这么晚了I didn't realize it was so late.吃饭的时候我一直在观察你怎么了 I was watching you at dinner. Yeah.大家喜欢你对吗科瓦尔斯基先生People like you, don't they, Mr. Kowalski? 噢Oh.我想大家也都很喜欢你Well, I'm sure people like you, too, huh? 你错了我真的不讨人喜欢Not really, no. I annoy people.啊Ah.你为什么想要做面包师Why did you decide to be a baker?那么……Well, um...因为我觉得生命没有意义Because I'm dying在罐头工厂工作in that canning factory.每个人都活的很累好像被榨干了一样Everyone there's dying. It just crushesthe life out of you.你喜欢罐头食物吗不喜欢 Do you like canned food? No.我也不喜欢Yeah, me neither.所以我想卖人们喜欢吃的面包糕点That's why I wanna make pastries. Youknow, it makes people happy.。







一边丧,一边上:必看《马男波杰克》的六大原因作者:Louis Peitzman译者:朱小钊校对:王旻彦导读&笔记:杨婧娴策划:张鑫健6 Reasons You Should Be Watching 'BoJack Horseman'一边丧,一边上:必看《马男波杰克》的六大原因本文选自Buzzfeed | 取经号原创翻译关注取经号,回复关键词“外刊”获取《经济学人》等原版外刊获得方法1. It's deeply funny.令人捧腹Few sitcoms are as consistently funny as BoJack Horseman, which offers that rare combination of smart character-based humor, sight gags, and hilarious one-liners. It's a testament to the writing staff — led by creator Raphael Bob-Waksberg, with production designer Lisa Hanawalt responsible for most ofthe background jokes — that the show provides so many laughs...and never at the cost of story. There is something especially satisfying about a show that finds the right balance between jokes and storytelling, a task sitcoms often fumble.很少有情景喜剧像马男波杰克(注:下文统一使用Bojack)连续几季都这么有趣,也鲜有情景剧能成功地塑造一个集诙谐、滑稽动作与幽默段子手于一身的人物形象。



Let go of the stresses and strains.

They were like one and the same back then.

We handled the matter with kid gloves.

Don't touch the tender spot.

What are you? Hit the jackpot?
Stop harping on about it!
We compared notes.

Woe betide you if it happens again!





The key to being happy isn’t a search for meaning. 寻求人生的意义并不是得到快乐的关键。

因为我想要所有人都喜欢我because I want everyone to like me
人生总是如此that’s the problem with life
生活就是到处碰壁life is series of closing doors
一切都不能怪我it’s not my fault



黑虎掏心Angry crow takes flight泰山压顶Emu Stands on Mountaintop二龙戏珠Monkey Plucks Two Peaches碎瓜拳螳螂拳Mantis Boxing Style蛇形步Serpent Paw Standing莲花飘Float Like Lotus Blossom蝎子掌Sting Like Scorpion佛朗明哥舞步Flamenco Dance飞天锤Flying Dragon Corkscrew猫落地Cat Lands on Feet熊掌出击Bear's Clows猫抖水Cat Shakes off Water猫转身Cat turns around飞鹤捕虾Hungry Crane Diving for Shrimp猩猩折枝Gorilla Snaps Frail Twig兔子拳Rabbit Punch骡子踢腿Mule Kick龙虾爪Lobster Claw眼镜蛇Cobra Corn牡蛎壳Oyster Shuck乌鸦坐飞机Angry Crow Takes Flight大象踢腿Elephant Thrusts His Leg一虎杀两羊Tiger Slaughters Two Lambs电眼逼人Heat Beam Eye-Blas睡熊盲醒Slumbering Bear Greets the Dawn恶狼前进螺丝卷Flying Dragon Corkscrew马尾拍苍蝇Horse Tail Swatting Flies镰刀凿地Snake Cuts Grass泼猴发功Mad Monkey Kung-Fu愤怒的章鱼Octopus Fists of Fury小鱼水中游Shredding Lion Claws鲸鱼摆尾Minnow Wallops Whalet脑袋砸核桃Charging Rhino Crashes Wallnut劈山掌原声未说话巨斧砍大树Woodchuck Chucks Wood飞鹰展翅英语版为乌鸦坐飞机Angry Crow Takes Flight 顽猴神功Mad Monkey Kung-Fu螳螂神拳Mantis Boxing Style狡兔出击狮子拜天Lion stocks sits pray猎豹飞奔Run Like Cheetah羚羊飞跃Leap Like Gazelle黑虎捕食困小羊Black Tiger Corners Little Lamb豺狼捕兔Bunny flees from vicious jackals鹞鹰落地The Eagle Has Landed虎爪吃布丁Tiger claws…pudding…乌龟拳Turtle Fist树獭踢腿Sloth Kick飞天猴巧夺宝盒Flying Monkey Snaches Magic Box青鱼绝杀Spanish Mackerel Technique老鼠走迷宫Mouse Runs Through Maze老鼠偷奶酪Mouse Takes Cheese鲨鱼吞饵Shark snaches bait水牛打老鼠怒鸦扑Angry Crow Takes……未使用成功怒鸦飞行英语版为乌鸦坐飞机Angry Crow Takes Flight仓鼠上车轮Rabbit hamster climbs wheel熊捉鲑鱼Bear foraging for salmon猴子爬树Monkey climbs vine袋鼠跳kangaroo hop犀牛狂奔羚羊起跳山羊爬山蜘蛛吃苍蝇Spider Eats Fly龙叔回敬一招:蜘蛛吃耳屎Spider Eats Earwax 飞象踩老鼠Flying Elepant Stamps Rat土拨鼠掷鼬鼠Woodchuck Chucks Weasel鲨鱼吃鱼Shark bites bottom feeder凤凰奔月Phoenix Flies to Moon流星毁灭Meteor Brings Mass Extinction龙卷风摧毁停车场Tornado Decimates Trailer Park暴龙振翅飞翔Tyrannosaurus火山喷发Volcano blows up火山烧农场飓风踢Hurricane Kick地震拳Earthquake Fist小行星带Asteroid Belt流星连打山翼龙夺牛Pterodactyl Snaches Ox轰雷拳Thunder Fist虎落鹰背Tiger Lands on Eagle超新星燃烧猴拳Gorilla Fist扫堂腿Horse Kick打虎式Weasel Strike双风贯耳霸王龙骨架带走渡渡鸟T-Rex skeleton takes dodo 鹰爪功飞龙在天Flying Dragon Corkscrew老鹰展翅Elage Expand The Wings我成了瘸腿鹅Crying puppy feet腾空飞脚Flying Tiger Kick蛇拳出动Cobra strike猴拳Gorilla Fist龙爪手Dragon Fist长臂在天long arm in the sky笨驴踢腿Stupid Donkey Kicks leg紧身顶抱bear hug。



























一、马男篇《马男波杰克》是深受欢迎的反鸡汤美剧,里面有很多经典而地道的英语表达:1.I was dumped. 我被甩了。


2.Don't burn the bridge.言外之意,给自己留条后路。

3.I got to bounce.我得挂了。

4.Excuse me. Can you check on our drinks?能帮我催催我们的酒水吗?这句感觉很有用,酒水可以换成食物。

5.Looking sharp/You look sharp.你看起来很精神。

compliment someone's look,这个在电影《在云端》里出现过。

6.Grow a spine. 振作起来,涨点志气。

7.Trip has a boner again. 大家都知道马男有时候很黄啦,boner是勃起的意思。

8.my good amigo. 美国受墨西哥文化影响蛮深,马男的根据地洛杉矶更甚,所以剧中经常出现一些西班牙语,amigo可能是用得最多的表示朋友的意思。

9.I'm probably just overthinking it.我可能想多了。

10. You took that the bad way. 你曲解了我的意思11. I'm gonna level with you. 我要跟你实话实说(通常是不好的事)12. We are so in tune. 我们太有默契了13.马男里这个场景,一个说巧克力如何容易发胖,最后总结一句“but I love chocolate”,另一个说"Story of my life."Person is just agreeing heavily. Like saying that's been kind of that person's life.二、Yik Yak篇Yik Yak是一个美国很多年轻人在用的app,像国内的校园BBS,使用群体主要是美国大学生。



The Big Bang Theory 生活大爆炸中英翻译词汇解析学习笔记S04-E01第四季第1集灰色底纹为中文翻译蓝色字体为普通词汇红色字体为重要词汇高光字体为扩充知识The Robotic Manipulation 操控机械手-Howard: And now the Kung Pao Chicken.现在上的是宫保鸡丁。

Kung Pao Chicken 专业说法:spicy diced chicken with peanuts.-Leonard: Ah, yeah. Wow.啊,好,哇。

-Raj: Smooth.厉害。

smooth: 平稳地,顺利地-Howard: And finally,finally: 最终,最后-my Moo Shu Pork.是我的木须肉。

-Raj: Whoo-hoo!哇塞!-Howard: Oh, there you have it, gentlemen.好了,先生们,菜上齐了-Our entire dinner unpacked by robot.整整一桌有机器人上的晚餐entire: 全部的,整个的dinner: 晚餐,晚宴unpack: 打开-Raj: And it only took 28 minutes.仅仅花了28分钟。

-Sheldon: Impressive,很好很不错,impressive: 令人钦佩的,给人印象深刻的-but we must be cautious.但我们还是得小心点。

cautious: careful 谨慎的,小心的-Howard: Why?为什么?-Sheldon: Today, it's a Chinese food retrieval robot.今天,这是传递中国菜的机器人retrieval: 检索,取回,恢复eg.1 Data retrieval数据检索;beyond retrieval无法挽回地;eg.2 “My retrieval of people’s name is very poor.”-Tomorrow, it travels back in time明天,它穿越时空回到过去,ps.看到有翻译成“明天,它会及时地穿越时空”,因为短语in time 表“及时”,但个人觉得在此语境中不妥。



电影马语者经典语录英文原版Movie "The Horse Whisperer": Classic Quotes in EnglishIn the world of cinema, there are certain films that leave an indelible mark on our hearts and minds. One such film is "The Horse Whisperer" directed by Robert Redford. Released in 1998, this movie captivated audiences worldwide with its powerful storytelling and memorable characters. One aspect that resonated deeply with viewers is the timeless wisdom contained within the dialogue. In this article, we will explore some of the classic quotes from "The Horse Whisperer" in their original English version.1. "Knowing it's all about giving them a second chance. And a third chance. Until there's nothing of you left to give." - Tom BookerTom Booker, played by Robert Redford himself, is the titular character of "The Horse Whisperer." This quote reflects Tom's profound understanding of the healing power of patience and perseverance. It reminds us that true compassion requires unconditional and relentless effort.2. "Sometimes, all it takes is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it." - Tom BookerIn this quote, Tom Booker emphasizes the importance of taking risks and embracing fear. He encourages us to push beyond our comfort zones and seize opportunities, no matter how daunting they may seem. This quote serves as a powerful motivator to overcome our limitations and pursue greatness.3. "You don't help others by disappearing. You help them by staying." - Annie MacLeanAnnie MacLean, played by Kristin Scott Thomas, is the mother of a young girl who suffers a tragic horse riding accident. After the incident, Annie faces immense emotional turmoil and considers leaving her family behind. However, this quote highlights the significance of staying present for those who need us the most. It teaches us that true support lies in remaining committed through the most challenging times.4. "The horse is a mirror to your soul. Sometimes you might not like what you see in the mirror." - Tom BookerTom Booker's deep connection with horses allows him to see beyond their physical presence. In this quote, he recognizes the profound relationship between humans and animals. It serves as a reminder that our interaction with animals often reflects our own inner struggles and desires for self-improvement and introspection.5. "People come here with expectations: boys on the girls, girls on the horses, and everyone in flight from cold climates. And from each other." - Tom BookerThis quote offers insight into the nature of human relationships. Tom Booker acknowledges that people often arrive at his ranch seeking solutions to their problems or seeking escapism. However, it reminds us that true connection and healing can only occur when we confront our realities and embrace genuine interaction with others.6. "Sometimes, the right path is not the easiest one." - Grace MacLeanGrace MacLean, the young girl who suffers the horse riding accident, shares this profound wisdom. It recognizes the complexities of life and the choices we have to make. It inspires us to consider that the most fulfilling journeys may not always be the simplest ones, but they are undoubtedly the ones that shape us the most.In conclusion, the movie "The Horse Whisperer" presents a treasure trove of classic quotes that offer insights into human resilience, compassion, and personal growth. Through the compelling characters and their remarkable journeys, this film teaches us valuable life lessons. Whether it's the importance of patience, the need for courage, or the impact of genuine connections, these quotes continue to resonate with audiences, capturing the essence of the human spirit.。



Gobsmacked瞠目结舌的英语口语Jean: Hello, this is Real English from BBC Learning English, I’m John.Jean: And I’m Jean. Hello!John: In Real English, we look at words and phrasesthat you might not find in your dictionary.Jean: 和汉语一样,里也是有着非常多的成语和俗话的,所以要想能听得懂英国人日常的说话聊天,就一定要来学学这些他们常用的通俗词语。

John: Today’s word is gobsmacked – G-O-B-S-M-A-C-K-E-D gobsmackedJean: Gobsmacked,好似gob这个词是俚语里最的意思吧,John?John: Yes it is…Jean: 而smack这个词又有打人耳光的意思,那Gob再加上smacked,这个词岂不是要打人家嘴巴的意思吗?John: Well literally yes – it does mean to be hit in the mouth. But gobsmacked is a word you use when you are so surprised about something that you don’t know what to say.Jean: AH,听你这么一说,原来gobsmacked是形容一个人因为某事而太吃惊、太震惊了,简直像被人打着了嘴巴一样,说不出话来了,就是瞠目结舌的意思。

那John,你能给我们再举个例子说明一下吗?John: Well if you hear some very surprising news – for example…if you found out your best friend dating your brother and they never told you – you might be gobsmacked.Jean: 那倒是,如果我刚发现我最好的朋友已经和我自己的哥哥好了好一段时间了却没告诉我,那我的反响肯定也是gobsmacked,瞠目结舌了!John: Or maybe if Brad Pitt walked in the room now and asked you on a date – I think you would be pretty gobsmacked.Jean: 那当然了–如果布拉德皮特Brad Pitt现在走进来约会我出去,我肯定更会是gobsmacked!! 张口结舌、不知所措、说都不会话了–唉,不过我想我是不会有这样的艳福了,John,咱们还是给大家举个更实际的例子吧。



month monthly morning night noon o'clock past quarter(pastˈkwɔːtə(r)/ second spring summer time today tomorrow tonight week weekday 时间3 weekend weekly winter working hours year yesterday
体育运动1 ball /bɔːl/ badminton /ˈbædmɪntən/ baseball /ˈbeɪsbɔːl/ basketball /ˈbɑːskɪtbɔːl/ bat /bæt/ bathing suit beach /biːʧ/ bicycle /ˈbaɪsɪkl/ bike /baɪk/ boat /bəʊt/ catch /kæʧ/ climb /klaɪm/ club /klʌb/ coach /kəʊʧ/ competition /ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn/ cricket /ˈkrɪkɪt/ cycling /ˈsaɪklɪŋ/ enter(a competition) /ˈentə(r)/ fishing /ˈfɪʃɪŋ/ football /ˈfʊtbɔːl/ football player game /geɪm/ goal /gəʊl/ golf /gɒlf/ hockey /ˈhɒki/ kit /kɪt/ luck /lʌk/ member /ˈmembə(r)/ 体育运动2 play /pleɪ/ player /ˈpleɪə(r)/ pool /puːl/ practice /ˈpræktɪs/ practise /ˈpræktɪs/ prize /praɪz/ race /reɪs/ racket /ˈrækɪt/ rest /rest/ ride /raɪd/ riding /ˈraɪdɪŋ/ rugby /ˈrʌgbi/ run /rʌn/ sailing /ˈseɪlɪŋ/ sea /siː/ skate /skeɪt/ skateboard /ˈskeɪtbɔːd/ ski /skiː/ skiing /ˈskiːɪŋ/ snowboard /ˈsnəʊbɔːd/ snowboarding /ˈsnəʊbɔːdɪŋ/ soccer /ˈsɒkə(r)/ sport /spɔːt/ sports centre

【推荐】好奇的马姆博的儿童英语口语对话-推荐word版 (2页)

【推荐】好奇的马姆博的儿童英语口语对话-推荐word版 (2页)

【推荐】好奇的马姆博的儿童英语口语对话-推荐word版本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==好奇的马姆博的儿童英语口语对话Mumbo the monkey has found a small box while walking down the street.马姆博这只猴子当在街上走的时候,发现了一个小盒子。

“What’s this?”Mumbo was curious.“这个是什么?”马姆博很好奇。

Mumbo’s friends started to talk one after another.马姆博朋友开始一个一个的谈论。

“This is something that people keep money in.”“这是人们放钱的物件。

”“No,it’s not.This is something you put mice in.”“不,不是。


”“No,it’s not.This is something you store meat in.”“不,不是。


”“I think it’s a magic box.”“我想他是一个神奇的盒子。

”Eventually,Mumbo and his friends decided to ask the child.最终,马姆博和他的朋友决定问这个孩子。

“Hey,kid!Do you know what this is used for?”“嘿,孩子!你知道这个是做什么用的么?”。



马男波杰克台词大全1. 看似与众不同的人,实际上跟自己一样脆弱一样会受伤,他们的孤独感会减少。

2. 你自己都不喜欢自己,又怎能希望别人去爱你呢。

3. 如果老去关心别人怎么想,那你什么都做不成。

4. 人生是不用橡皮擦画画的艺术5. 波杰克,当你伤了心,就奔跑吧。






6. 电视就是靠把我们这个时代的各种复杂性变为空洞易为人接受的'标语而兴旺繁荣的。

7. 人这一生,不怕错遇了爱情,只怕辜负了自己8. 如果有幸遇到能凑合忍得了的人,就用尽全力抓紧,无论如何都不要放手。

9. 我肚子里的寄生虫都比你独立。

10. 和你在一起,我不讨厌自己了…11. 两个人在一起的意义是共同成长、共同升值,而不是让你慢慢长成一张被生活欺负的脸12. 人生苦短,何必留仇。

13. 他们只想听自己已经相信的事,没人想知道真相。

14. 爱到最后要么伤人要么受伤有什么意义呢15. 每个早晨都是奇迹。

16. 放不下就不要放下,忘不了就先记着吧,总有一天你会发现在念念不忘中,已经遗忘17. 如果你真得想过简单的生活,肯定会有简单的生活。

18. 一切的不能怪我,都怪这个社会,一切都是这个社会的错!19. -承认吧你怕作出承诺。


20. 我可是很了解真正的自己,相信我,不会有人爱那种人的。


21. 你是个好人,戴安,这才是最重要的。


22. 在这个世界,办事情一旦偷懒就办不好。

23. 结局,和你想得不一样的叫生活,和你想得一样的叫童话。

24. 每个美好的结局之后,我们还是要继续过日子,不是吗?25. 人生总是如此:你要么知道自己想要什么,但是却得不到;要么得到了,可是却不知道自己想要什么了。

B1 Unit 7 Text 1 英汉对照(原Unit9)【范本模板】

B1 Unit 7 Text 1 英汉对照(原Unit9)【范本模板】

Text OneThe Call of the Wildby Jack London1.Buck,a large dog,used to live in the south. But this was 1897,when men and dogs were hurrying to north—west Canada to look for gold. Buck was stolen and taken to the north,which was entirely new to him, being so close to the dangerous wilderness。

How did Buck manage to adapt himself to the new life? Please read the following selection from Jack London’s famous novel simplified by Nick Bullard.2.Buck lived in Mr。

Miller’s big house in the sunny Santa Clara valley。

There were large gardens and fields of fruit trees around the house, and a river nearby. In a big place like this,of course, there were many dogs。

There were house dogs and farm dogs, but they were not important。

Buck was chief dog; he was born here,and this was his place。

He was four years old and weighed sixty kilos. He went swimming with Mr。

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接着话锋一转,发出了一句“I kind of feel like I'm nailing it (指this interview)(我有点觉得自己此时此刻在采访中表现得很棒)”的感慨。


初次看到nail it这个短语时你可能会感到疑惑,nail不是“手指甲;脚趾甲”或“钉子”的意思吗?那么BoJack说的这句话应该如何理解呢?其实,nail it是一句地道的美国口语,表示“成功做成某事”,相当于make it或manage to do sth.。

比如,当你得知为托福考试准备了很久的Jane终于通过了考试,你就可以说:“Wow! She nailed it!(哇!她通过了考试!)”此外,我们也可以将it替换成其他的名词,构成nail sth.的结构,表示“(花了很多时间或精力而)得到”。

比如:She finally nailed her dream job. (她终于找到了理想的工作。

)下面,再跟大家分享一个与nail有关的短语,那就是nail down,它的含义是“稳稳地赢得”。

比如在2016年6月结束的NBA总决赛中,勒布朗·詹姆斯(Lebron James)率领的骑士队击败了金州勇士队,首度夺得了NBA总冠军,而这也是James本人第三次获得总冠军的荣誉,我们就可以说:Lebron James nailed down another champion in the NBA Final. (勒布朗·詹姆斯稳稳地赢得了NBA总决赛中的又一个冠军。

)put a label on sth.Todd是个碌碌无为的嬉皮男孩,因被父母赶出家门、无处可去而一直在BoJack家借宿。

一天BoJack起床后,Todd在第一时间跟他打招呼:“Morning, sunshine. Why so gloomy, roomie?(早啊,暖男。

怎么这么闷闷不乐呢,室友?)”随后BoJack解释道:“First of all, we're not roommates. You're my houseguest. (首先,我们不是室友,你是我的房客。

)”Todd笑着回答道:“Well, we don't need to put labels on things. (哎呀,咱们没必要给什么东西都贴上标签嘛。

)”大家都知道label有“标签”的含义,那Todd所说的“put labels on things”是什么意思呢?难道就是“给事物加标签”,就像我们坐飞机时需要给行李贴上一个标签,以防止行李误拿吗?其实,put labels on sth.除了这层含义之外,还可以引申出“给……扣帽子;给……下定义”的含义。

因为label是可数名词,所以这个短语也可有单数形式,即put a label on sth.。

虽然当今社会越来越变成一个看脸的社会,但我们还是要知道人不可貌相,这时我们可以说:We shouldn't put labels on others just because of their appearance. (我们不能仅凭外表来给别人下定义。

)在看完《和莎莫的500天》(500 Days of Summer)这部电影之后,我们也可以发出这样的感慨:It's not a love story. It's just a story about the growing up of boys and girls. Don't put a label on it. (这不是一个爱情故事,只是一个关于男孩和女孩成长的故事。


)miss the deadlineBoJack與企鹅出版集团签约出自己的回忆录却迟迟写不出稿,社长就催促道:“Now, as you know, Penguin is very eager to publish your memoirs, but you keep missing your deadlines. (喏,你也知道,企鹅出版集团非常渴望出版你的回忆录,但你却一直拖稿。

)”BoJack回答道:“I know, and I'm sorry, but I'm making great progress. (我知道,我也很抱歉,不过我正在加油写呢。


Miss the deadline的含义就是“超出截止期限”,在上面的剧情中,特指“错过稿件的截止时间”,也就是我们通常所说的“拖稿”。

同学们进入大学后会有很多paper (论文)要写,将来工作之后也会有很多job assignment (工作任务)要应对,所以随之而来的便是各种令人头疼的deadline。

如果你昨晚因为通宵学习而耽误了作业的话,你可能会说:“The math problems delayed me for the English essay deadline!(我因为做那些数学题耽搁了,无法按时交英语作文了。

)”而为了赶上截稿日期不得不熬夜加班的一个编辑就可以说:“I stayed up yesterday to fi nish my work so I wouldn't miss the deadline. (我昨天为了完成工作而熬夜加班,所以不会错过截稿日期。

)” 那么,赶上截止期限应该怎么说呢?很简单,就是meet a/the deadline。

与deadline有关的其他表达还有set/impose a deadline (设定最后期限)、within the deadline (在规定期限以内)和the deadline of sth. (某事的最后期限)。

a top priority 在企鹅出版集团社长的一再催促下,BoJack承诺自己会全神贯注地撰写回忆录,并在一周后提交几页书稿,他这样对社长说:“I'm telling you,this book is a top priority for me. (我跟你说,这本书是我的当务之急。

)”Priority的意思是“优先考虑的事;最重要的事”,词组a top priority 则是priority中最重要的事,也就是指“最优先考虑的事;当务之急”。

Mike最近迷上了吉他,所以觉得学好吉他是自己眼下最重要的事,Mike可以说:Learning guitar is a top priority for me. (学吉他是我当前最重要的事。

) Priority的形容词形式为prior,它可以从时间的角度指“先前的;较早的”,比如:Visits are by prior arrangement. (参观需要事先安排。

) Prior也可以从重要性的角度指“优先的;较重要的”,如a prior consideration/choice (优先的考虑/选择)。

词组prior to意为“在……之前”,比如:You should wash your hands prior to meals. (饭前应该洗手。

)has-beenBoJack的女友兼经纪人Princess Carolyn向他提出分手,颇感意外的BoJack说:“What is the problem here? Are you embarrassed of me because I'm a has-been?(咱俩之间有什么问题吗?是因为我是过气明星,所以我让你感到丢脸吗?)”大家都知道has been是现在完成时的标志,可上面剧情中出现的has-been是什么意思呢?在这里,作为名词的has-been其实是一种口语说法,指的是“一度有名(或成功、重要)的人物;曾经红极一时的人物;过气名人”,怎么样,是不是很形象?成为万众瞩目的明星大概是很多人小时候的梦想,不过在激烈的竞争与残酷的现实面前,许多人恐怕只是昙花一现、红极一时,我们可以说:The performer is a has-been. (那个演员曾经红过一阵子。

)story of my life一只狐狸和一只狗在超市前相遇,狗对狐狸说:“I really shouldn't eat chocolate, 'cause it can literally kill me. (我真的不应该吃巧克力,因为吃了真的会要我的命。

)”狐狸回答道:“Oh, I know. (哦,我知道。

)”狗接着说道:“But I love chocolate. (但我超爱巧克力。

)”“Story of my life. (谁不是呢。


同学们乍一看story of my life可能会将其译为“我人生的故事”。


所以story of my life在这里的含义就是“我也是”或“谁不是呢”,借此表达和对方产生了共鸣。

比如这个周末你一觉睡到了早上10点,这时你就可以跟室友说:“I overslept again! I feel like I'm the laziest person in the world!(我又睡过头了!我觉得自己是这个世界上最懒的人!)”室友却回答道:“Story of my life. (谁不是呢。

)”今后当你想要表达“我也是”时,不要只会说me too,别忘了还可以选用更高级的story of my life。

再跟大家分享一个相关的表达,那就是that's the story of my life,当某人经历失望的事情之后表达自己经常遭遇此类不幸时,就可以说这句话,意思是“我就是这个命”,大家可不要把它跟story of my life弄混了哦。

have dibs on sth.BoJack逛超市时偶然在水果架上看到一盒松餅,他刚把松饼拿起来,就有一只海豹过来跟他搭讪。

BoJack以为又是自己当年拍的电视剧的粉丝前来询问他是不是剧中的演员,便回答道:“Yes, I'm BoJack Horseman, star of Horsin' Around. (是的,我是马男波杰克,《胡闹的小马》中的明星。
