


井 喷 。
完 善 ,爱 司凯就 计 划在 未来 提供 一种 更 加灵 活
短 国产 力量在CT 市场的初步 显现大约在2 0 的 “ 租 ”模式 在这 种模 式下 ,印刷 企业 可 P 04 年前 后 .随着科 雷、爱司凯 ( 保利特 企业 )、豹 随 用随租 随租 随退 ” ,以满 足短 期 应急 的
() 3 本年度积 极参 与调 查的 品牌 有海德 堡 、
爱 克发 、网屏 、科 雷 、赛 图科 技 ( 斯 印代 理 方 正 电 、乐凯 华光 ( C M代理 商 ) .此外 我 们 约 为5 0 。另外据C P E R 3台 T 设备供应商和 业内专家预 还间接 了解 了柯达 、方正 电子 富士胶 片等 品牌 计 ,除柯达 、富士胶片 、海 德堡 、方正 电子 、网
驰 、中 印周晋 、大族 冠华 、方正 电子 、华锐 精 需 求 。
艺 华光数码 、龙 马铝 业 、东信灵通 、东方宇之 光等企业 的加 入 国产CT 设备供应商 在研发 、 P 制造 和推广方面迅速取 得突破 ,凭借 完善的设备
国 内C P 场 的放 量增 长 固 然令 人 兴奋 国 产 T市
求 ,把脚 T技 术 的未 来 发展趋 势 ,同 时为 印刷 企业 制 定CP 备投 资 决 策及 发展 计 划提 供 参 考 。 P T设
中国印刷 业2 年C P 0 1 1 T 装机量调查报告
文 I 本刊编辑部
在 深入 解读本年度调 查数据之前 ,我们需要
说 明 以 下几 点 。
从CT 的保有情况来看 .华 南地 区占据 了C P P T 总量 的近2 5 /
华东地 区占据了近1 3 T 总量 ,华北地区占据 了1 1 E右的份 / 的C P /o



造纸行业分析报告【最新资料,WORD文档,可编辑修改】目录第一章造纸行业市场供需分析 (7)第一节行业在国民经济中的地位变化 (7)一、行业产业链分析 (7)二、行业工业总产值占GDP比重变化 (7)三、行业投资额度占全国投资总额比重变化分析 (8)第二节行业供给分析 (9)一、供给总量及速率分析 (9)二、供给结构分析 (10)第三节行业需求分析 (11)一、需求总量及速率分析 (11)二、需求结构及特点分析 (12)第四节行业进出口分析 (14)一、进口量分析 (14)二、进出口特点分析 (14)第二章行业规模与效益分析 (15)第一节行业规模分析 (15)一、资产规模变化分析 (15)二、收入和利润变化分析 (15)第二节行业效益分析 (17)一、行业三费减少 (17)二、行业效益分析 (18)三、行业平均生产率显著提高 (19)第三章行业竞争分析 (20)第一节行业竞争特点分析 (20)一、行业的规模特点 (20)二、行业的政策监管状况 (20)三、行业的资本结构特点 (21)四、行业的资源整合趋势 (21)第二节行业竞争结构分析 (22)一、供应商分析 (22)二、购买者分析 (22)三、替代品分析 (23)四、潜在竞争者分析 (23)第三节行业垄断性分析 (24)一、企业集中度总体分析 (24)二、前20家企业集中度具体分析 (24)第四节行业进入壁垒分析 (27)一、投资金额大 (27)二、设备技术含量高及其管理水平要求高 (27)三、废水处理等环保措施要求高 (27)四、原料供应渠道稳定性要求高 (28)第四章企业分析 (28)第一节造纸业企业特征分析 (28)一、行业企业总体特征分析 (28)二、规模特征分析 (28)三、所有制特征分析 (30)第二节主要企业运营状况对比分析 (33)一、盈利能力分析 (33)二、偿债能力分析 (35)三、发展能力分析 (36)四、营运能力分析 (37)第三节上市公司运营状况对比分析 (39)一、总体排名分析 (39)二、盈利能力对比分析 (40)三、经营能力对比分析 (40)四、偿债能力对比分析 (41)五、发展能力对比分析 (42)附表表1 1992年-2007年纸及纸板消费量 (11)表2 2004-2007年造纸行业盈利能力变化 (18)表3 2004-2007年造纸行业偿债能力变化 (18)表4 2004-2007年造纸行业发展能力变化 (18)表5 2004-2007年造纸行业营运能力变化 (19)表6 造纸行业相关政策 (20)表7 2007年造纸行业集中度 (24)表8 2007年造纸行业前20家企业销售收入集中度 (25)表9 2007年造纸行业前20家企业资产集中度 (25)表10 2007年造纸行业前20家企业利润集中度 (26)表11 造纸行业不同规模企业的资产状况 (29)表12 造纸行业不同规模企业的亏损状况 (29)表13 造纸行业不同规模企业的发展及盈利状况 (29)表14 造纸行业不同所有制企业的资产状况 (30)表15 造纸行业不同所有制企业人员状况 (30)表16 造纸行业不同所有制企业亏损状况 (32)表17 造纸行业不同所有制企业盈利状况 (32)表18 2007年造纸业前20家企业盈利能力分析 (33)表19 2007年造纸业前20家企业“三费”增长情况 (34)表20 2007年造纸业前20家企业偿债能力分析 (35)表21 2007年造纸业前20家企业发展能力分析 (37)表22 2007年造纸业前20家企业营运能力分析 (38)表23 上市公司分析指标及权重 (39)表24 2007年9月造纸行业上市公司企业排序 (39)表25 2007年9月上市公司获利能力 (40)表26 2007年9月上市公司经营能力 (41)表27 2007年9月上市公司偿债能力 (41)表28 2007年9月上市公司发展能力 (42)附图图1 造纸行业产业链结构 (7)图2 2004-2007造纸行业工业总产值占GDP比重 (8)图3 2004-2007造纸行业固定资产投资占全社会比重 (8)图4 2004-2007纸及纸板产量及增速 (9)图5 2004-2007年造纸行业工业总产值及增速 (10)图6 2006年造纸行业供给结构 (10)图7 2007年造纸行业供给结构 (10)图8 2004-2007年造纸行业销售收入及增速 (12)图9 2006年造纸行业需求结构 (12)图10 2007年造纸行业需求结构 (13)图11 2007年各国人均消费纸张数量比较 (13)图12 2004-2007年造纸行业资产变化 (15)图13 2004-2007年造纸行业收入与利润变化 (16)图14 2004-2007年三费增速变化 (17)图15 2004-2007年三费占销售收入比重变化 (18)图16 2004-2007年造纸行业平均生产率水平变化 (19)图17 我国造纸行业单个企业平均固定资产净值变化 (27)图18 造纸行业企业规模分布 (28)图19 造纸行业企业所有制分布 (30)第一章造纸行业市场供需分析第一节行业在国民经济中的地位变化一、行业产业链分析造纸行业的产业链相对较短,从上游到下游依次划分为制浆、造纸和纸制品行业。

2011 Annual Report of China's Paper Industry

2011 Annual Report of China's Paper Industry

2011 Annual Report of China's Paper Industry佚名【摘要】I. Production and Consumption of Paper & Board1. The General Situation of 2011According to the survey made by China Paper Association (CPA), in 2011, there were about 3,500 paper & board manufacturers; their total production of paper & board was 99.30milliontons,【期刊名称】《造纸信息》【年(卷),期】2012(000)008【总页数】14页(P89-102)【关键词】中国造纸协会;年度报告;造纸工业;纸张生产;CPA【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TS7;F426.83According to the survey made by China Paper Association(CPA), in 2011, there were about 3,500 paper & board manufacturers; their total production of paper & board was 99.30 million tons, increased by 7.12% compared to 92.70 million tons in 2010; the total paper & board consumption was 97.52 million tons, increased by 6.31% compared to 91.73 million tons in 2010; paper & board per capita consumption was 73 kg, increased 5 kg. From 2001 to 2011, the total paper & board production of the country increased by 210.31% with an average annual growth rateof 11.99%, total consumption increased by 164.78% with an average annual growth rate of 10.23%. As shown in Fig.1.The production and consumption of the main paper &board grades in 2011 were as follows: The production of newsprint was 3.90 million tons, accounted for 3.93% of the total production and decreased by 9.30% compared to 2010; its consumption was 3.89 million tons, accounted for 3.99% of the total consumption and decreased by 8.04%compared to 2010. The production of uncoated printing& writing papers was 17.30 million tons, accounted for 17.42% and increased by 6.79%; its consumption was 16.87 million tons, accounted for 17.30% and increased by 6.10%.The production of coated printing papers was 7.25 million tons, accounted for 7.30% and increased by 13.28%; its consumption was 5.99 million tons, accounted for 6.14%and increased by 9.11%; of which the production of coated art paper was 6.40 million tons, accounted for 6.45% of the total and increased by 15.32%, its consumption was 5.32 million tons, accounted for 5.46% of the total and increased by 10.83%. The production of household paper was 7.30 million tons, accounted for 7.35% and increased by 17.74%; its consumption was 6.74 million tons, accounted for 6.91% and increased by 18.87%. The production of packaging paper was 6.20 million tons, accounted for 6.24% and increased by 3.33%; its consumption was 6.32 million tons, accounted for 6.48% and increased by 3.27%. The production of white board was 13.40 million tons, accounted for 13.49% and increased by 7.20%; its consumption was 13.22 million tons, accounted for 13.56%and increased by 5.42%; of which the production of coatedwhite board was 12.90 million tons, accounted for 12.99%and increased by 7.50%, its consumption was 12.72 million tons, accounted for 13.04% and increased by 5.65%. The production of liner board was 19.90 million tons, accounted for 20.04% and increased by 5.85%; its consumption was 20.73 million tons, accounted for 21.26% and increased by 6.53%. The production of corrugating medium was 19.80 million tons, accounted for 19.94% and increased by 5.88%;its consumption was 19.91 million tons, accounted for 20.42% and increased by 5.40%. The production of specialty papers & boards was 2.10 million tons, accounted for 2.11%,increased by 16.67%; its consumption was 1.79 million tons,accounted for 1.84% and increased by 9.15%. As shown in Table 1 and Fig.2.The statistic data indicated that the production and consumption of paper & board in 2011 showed a steady growth trend, and the growth rates of production and consumption decreased 0.17 percentage points and 0.74 percentage points respectively compared to 2010.(1) NewsprintIn 2011, the production was 3.90 million tons, decreased by 9.30%. Its consumption was 3.89 million tons, decreased by 8.04% compared to 2010. The average annual growth rates of production and consumption were8.47% and 7.60%respectively from 2001 to 2011. As shown in Fig.3.(2) Uncoated Printing & Writing PapersIn 2011, the production was 17.30 million tons, increased by 6.79%, and the growth amplitude decreased 0.49 percentage points compared to 2010. Its consumption was 16.87 million tons, increased by 6.10% compared to2010,and the growth amplitude decreased 0.11 percentage points compared to 2010. The average annual growth rates of production and consumption were 9.95% and 9.72%respectively from 2001 to 2011. As shown in Fig.4.(3) Coated Printing PapersIn 2011, the production was 7.25 million tons, increased by 13.28%, and the growth amplitude increased 4.81 percentage points compared to 2010. Its consumption was 5.99 million tons, increased by 9.11% compared to 2010,and the growth amplitude decreased 9.46 percentage points compared to 2010. The average annual growth rates of production and consumption were 18.75% and 10.89%respectively from 2001 to 2011. As shown in Fig.5.Of which, the production of coated art paper was 6.40 million tons, increased by 15.32%, and the growth amplitude increased 4.32 percentage points compared to 2010. Its consumption was 5.32 million tons, increased by 10.83%,and the growth amplitude decreased 9.47 percentage points compared to 2010. The average annual growth rates of production and consumption were 19.26% and 10.56%respectively from 2001 to 2011. As shown in Fig.6.(4) Household PaperIn 2011, the production was 7.30 million tons, increased by 17.74%, and the growth amplitude increased 10.84 percentage points compared to 2010. Its consumption was 6.74 million tons, increased by 18.87% compared to 2010,and the growth amplitude increased 11.69 percentagepoints compared to 2010. The average annual growth rates of production and consumption were 10.46% and 9.95%respectively from 2001 to 2011. As shown in Fig.7.(5) Packaging PaperIn 2011, the production was 6.20 million tons, increased by 3.33%, and the growth amplitude increased 1.02 percentage points compared to 2010. Its consumption was 6.32 million tons, increased by 3.27% compared to 2010, and the growth amplitude decreased 0.99 percentage points compared to 2010. The average annual growth rates of production and consumption were 4.48% and 3.09% respectively from 2001 to 2011. As shown in Fig.8.(6) White BoardIn 2011, the production was 13.40 million tons, increased by 7.20%, and the growth amplitude decreased 1.50 percentage points compared to 2010. Its consumption was 13.22 million tons, increased by 5.42% compared to 2010,and the growth amplitude decreased 2.68 percentage points compared to 2010. The average annual growth rates of production and consumption were 16.14% and 12.81%respectively from 2001 to 2011. As shown in Fig.9.Of which, the production of coated white board was 12.90 million tons, increased by 7.50%, and the growth amplitude decreased 1.59 percentage points compared to 2010. Its consumption was 12.72 million tons, increased by 5.65%compared to 2010, and the growth amplitude decreased 2.82 percentage points compared to 2010. The average annual growth rates of production and consumption were 17.83% and 14.17%respectively from 2001 to 2011. As shown in Fig.10.(7) Liner BoardIn 2011, the production was 19.90 million tons, increased by 5.85%, and the growth amplitude decreased 2.82 percentage points compared to 2010. Its consumption was 20.73 million tons, increased by 6.53% compared to 2010,and the growth amplitude decreased 1.04 percentage points compared to 2010. The average annual growth rates of production and consumption were 15.77% and 14.29%respectively from 2001 to 2011. As shown in Fig.11.(8) Corrugating MediumIn 2011, the production was 19.80 million tons, increased by 5.88%, and the growth amplitude decreased 3.16 percentage points compared to 2010. Its consumption was 19.91 million tons, increased by 5.40% compared to 2010,and the growth amplitude decreased 2.05 percentage points compared to 2010. The average annual growth rates of production and consumption were 12.68% and 10.78%respectively from 2001 to 2011. As shown in Fig.12.(9) Specialty Papers & BoardsIn 2011, the production was 2.10 million tons, increased by 16.67%, and the growth amplitude decreased 3.33 percentage points compared to 2010. Its consumption was 1.79 million tons, increased by 9.15%, and the growth amplitude decreased 4.74 percentage points compared to 2010. The average annual growth rates of production and consumption were 12.44% and 7.73% respectively from 2001 to 2011. As shown in Fig.13.According to the statistics released by the National Bureau of Statistics, in 2011, there were 2,620 paper mills which scales are above the statistical threshold. The total number of employees was 708,500. The gross industrial output value was RMB 691.1 billion, increased by 23.10% compared to 2010. The industrial sales value was RMB 674.0billion,increased by 21.60% compared to 2010. The core business income was RMB 671.4 billion, increased by 21.54%compared to 2010. Sales to production ratio was 97.50%,decreased 0.70 percentage points. The products inventory was RMB 28.8 billion, increased by 27.70% compared to 2010. The total pre-tax profits was RMB 55.7 billion,increased by 8.44% compared to 2010, of which total profits was RMB 36.2 billion and increased by 6.20% compared to 2010. The total asset was RMB 699.0 billion, increased by 17.58% compared to 2010. The asset-liability ratio was 59.07%, increased 1.19 percentage points. The total liability was RMB 412.9 billion, increased by 19.99% compared to 2010. 287 mills accounting for 10.95% of 2,620 mills were running with deficit.In 2011, the accomplishment situation of major production and economic indicators is better, the gross industry output value and core business income have a large growth,but the total pre-tax profits and total profits slow down significantly. The products inventory increases significantly,and the sales to production ratio decreases.The major economic indicators from 2001 to 2011 were shown in Fig.14 and Fig.15.According to CPA's survey, in 2011, the total pulp production was 77.23million tons, increased by 5.53%compared to 73.18 million tons in 2010. The total pulp consumption was 90.44 million tons,increased by 6.89% compared to 84.61 million tons in 2010.In which, wood pulp consumption was 21.44 million tons,increased by 15.33%, and the share of wood pulp in total pulp consumption was 24%; non-wood pulp consumption was 12.40 million tons and decreased by 4.39%, accounted for 14% of total pulp consumption; the consumption of pulp from wastepaper was 56.60 million tons and increased by 6.69%, accounted for 62%. The share of imported wood pulp in the total wood pulp increased 1 percentage point;the share of pulp from imported wastepaper in the total pulp from wastepaper decreased 1 percentage point, and the share of pulp from domestic wastepaper was equal to the previous year. In non-wood pulp consumptions, the share of rice & wheat straw pulps decreased 2 percentage points; the share of bamboo pulp was equal to the previous year; the shares of reed pulp and bagasse pulp increased 1 percentage point respectively. In 2011, the total pulp consumption increased 203% compared to 2001, in which the consumption of domestic pulp increased by 210%compared to 2001. As shown in Table 2, Table 3, Fig.16 and Fig.17.1. In 2011, the import amount of paper & board was 3.31 million tons and decreased by 1.49% compared to 3.36 million tons in 2010; the export amount of paper & board was 5.09 million tons and increased by 17.55% compared to 4.33 million tons in 2010; the export amount is 1.78 million tons more than the import. The import amount of pulp was 14.45 million tons, increased by 27.09% from 11.37 million tons in 2010; export amountof pulp was 99,100 tons,increased by 22.35% from 81,000 tons. The import amount of wastepaper was 27.28 million tons, increased by 12.03%from 24.35 million tons; its export amount was 3,600 tons,increased slightly compared to 2010. The import amount of converted paper products was 170,000 tons, decreased by 5.56% from 180,000 tons; its export amount was 2.43 million tons, increased by 6.58% from 2.28 million tons in 2010.In 2011, the total import amount of paper & board, pulp,wastepaper, converted paper products was 45.21 million tons, increased by 15.16% compared to 39.26 million tons in 2010; their total value was USD 23.954 billion, increased by 27.53% compared to USD 18.783 billion in 2010. The average price of imported paper & board was USD 1261.54 per ton, increased by 11.39% compared to USD 1132.52 per ton in 2010. The average price of imported pulp was USD 825.86 per ton, increased by 6.49% compared to USD 775.51 per ton in 2010. The average price of imported wastepaper was USD 255.39 per ton, increased by 16.19% compared to USD 219.80 per ton in 2010.In 2011, the total export amount of paper & board, pulp,wastepaper, converted paper products was 7.6227 million tons, increased by 13.91% compared to 6.6918 million tons in 2010; the foreign currency earned from the export was USD 13.2 billion, increased by 36.08% compared to USD 9.7 billion in 2010. The average price of exported paper & board was USD 1261.04 per ton, increased by 15.32% compared to USD 1093.50 per ton in 2010. The average price of exported pulp was USD 2323.80 per ton, increased by 34.54% compared to USD 1727.18 per ton in 2010. Theaverage price of exported wastepaper was USD 215.79 per ton, increased by 12.51%compared to USD 191.80 per ton in 2010.In 2011, the paper & board grades with larger import amount included liner board, coated white board, coated printing paper and uncoated printing & writing papers, and specialty papers & boards; their total import amount was 2.79 million tons, accounted for about 84% of total import. The paper &board grades with higher export amount included coated printing papers, coated white board, uncoated printing &writing papers, household paper, and specialty papers &boards; their total export amount was 4.69 million tons,accounted for about 92% of total export amount.In 2011, the import amount of pulp and wastepaper increased, in which, the import amount of pulp increased by 27.09% compared to 2010, and the import amount of wastepaper increased by 12.03%. The average prices increased in some extent. The average price of imported pulp increased USD 50.35 per ton, with a growth rate of 6.49%. The average price of imported wastepaper increased USD 35.59 per ton, with a growth rate of 16.19%. But the price of imported pulp and wastepaper began to fall from June, and decreased to USD 752.94 per ton and USD 234.83 per ton respectively in December, already lower than the average price in 2010. The import amount of paper & board decreased slightly,the export amount increased slightly compared to 2010 and was larger than import amount. As shown in Table 4, Table 5,Fig.18 and Fig.19.2. Import and Export of Major Paper Grades from 2001 to 2011In 2011, the main paper & board grades which import amounts were higher than export included packaging paper,liner board, corrugating medium. The main paper & board grades which export amounts were higher than import included newsprint, uncoated printing & writing papers,coated printing papers, household paper, white board,specialty papers & boards and other paper & board.(1) Newsprint: its export exceeded the import and the net export amount was 10,000 tons in 2011, as shown in Fig.20.(2) Uncoated printing & writing paper: its export exceeded the import and the net export amount was 430,000 tons in 2011, as shown in Fig.21. (3) Coated printing papers: its export exceeded the import and the net export amount was 1.26 million tons in 2011,as shown in Fig.22; in which, the export of coated art paper exceeded the import and the net export amount was 1.08 million tons, as shown in Fig.23.(4) Household paper: its export exceeded the import and the net export amount was 560,000 tons in 2011, as shown in Fig.24.(5) Packaging paper: its import exceeded the export and the net import amount was 120,000 tons in 2011, as shown in Fig.25.(6) White board: its export exceeded the import and the net export amount was 180,000 tons in 2011, as shown in Fig.26; in which, the export of coated white board exceeded import and the net export amount was 180,000 tons, as shown in Fig.27.(7) Liner board: the import exceeded the export and the net import amount was 830,000 tons in 2011, as shown in Fig.28.(8) Corrugating medium: its import exceeded the export and the net import amount was 110,000 tons in 2011, as shown in Fig.29.(9) Specialty papers & boards: its export exceeded the import and the net export amount was 310,000 tons in 2011, as shown in Fig.30.According to the survey of CPA, in 2011, the total paper &board production of 12 provinces (regions, cities) in eastern China accounted for 71.7% of the nation's gross, increased 0.1 percentage points compared to 2010; the total production of the 9 provinces (regions, cities) in central China accounted for 20.4%, increased 0.3 percentage points; and the total production of the 10 provinces (regions,cities) in western China accounted for 7.9%, decreased 0.4 percentage point. As shown in Table 6 and Fig.31. There were 16 provinces (regions) where the paper & board production exceeded 1 million tons in 2011: Shandong,Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Henan, Fujian, Hebei, Hunan,Sichuan, Anhui, Hubei, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Chongqing, Tianjin and Hainan, their total production reached 93.05 million tons, accounted for 93.71% of nation's gross, as shown in Table 7, Fig.32.The paper enterprises with paper & board production above 1 million tons in 2011 included Nine Dragons Paper 7.60 million tons, Shandong Chenming Paper Group 3.61 million tons, Lee & Man Paper 3.54 million tons, Shandong Huatai Group 2.55 million tons, Shandong Sun Paper 2.42 million tons, Gold East Paper (Jiangsu) 2.20 million tons, China Paper Corporation 2.10 million tons, Ningbo Zhonghua Paper(including Asia Pulp & Paper) 1.53 million tons, MCC Paper Group 1.31 million tons, ShandongBohui Paper 1.16 million tons, Longchen Paper (China) Co., Ltd. 1.16 million tons.The enterprises with pulp production above 1 million tons in 2011 included Shandong Yataisenbo Pulp & Paper Co.,Ltd. 1.69 million tons, Hainan Jinhai Pulp & Paper 1.24 million tons.In 2011 the regional layout of paper industry changed slightly, the eastern China was still the major paper production region. The production centralization of key provinces/regions and key paper manufacturers increased in some degree. The number of enterprises with paper & board annual production above 1 million tons increased two.According to the industrial statistics of the paper enterprises which scales are above the statistical threshold released by National Bureau of Statistics, in 2011, 65 paper mills were state-owned or state-owned holding, accounted for 2.48% of the total mills, increased 0.33 percentage points compared to 2.15% in 2010; 334 paper mills were“three types of foreign-investment”, accounted for 12.75% and increased 1.63 percentage points compared to 11.12% in 2010; 2221 paper mills were collectivelyowned or other ownerships, accounted for 84.77% and decreased 1.96 percentage points compared to 86.73% in 2010. The core business income of state-owned or stateowned holding paper mills accounted for 11.53% of the nation's total, decreased 0.85 percentage points compared to 12.38% in 2010. The core business income of “three types of foreign-investment” paper mills accounted for 29.41% and increased 0.62 percentage points compared to28.79% in 2010. The core business income ofcollectivelyowned or other ownerships accounted for 59.06% and increased 0.23 percentage points compared to 58.83% in 2010. The total pre-tax profits of state-owned or stateowned holding paper mills accounted for 7.48% of the nation's total, decreased 6.10 percentage points compared to 13.58% in 2010. The total pre-tax profits of “three types of foreign-investment” paper mills accounted for 26.95% and decreased 2.09 percentage points compared to 29.04% in 2010. The total pre-tax profits of collectivelyowned or other ownerships paper mills accounted for 65.57%, increased 8.19 percentage points compared to 57.38% in 2010. In which, the total profit of state-owned or state-owned holding paper mills accounted for 4.54%of the nation's total, decreased 6.82 percentage points compared to 11.36% in 2010; the total profit of “three types of foreign-investment” paper mills accounted for28.86%and decreased 3.14 percentage points compared to 32.00%in 2010; the total profit of collectively-owned or other ownerships paper mills accounted for 66.59%, increased 9.95 percentage points compared to 56.64% in 2010. As shown in Fig.33.Since 2011, National Bureau of Statistics adjusted scale criteria for industrial enterprises only the enterprises with core business income of RMB 20 million or more (RMB 5 million or more in pass years) were included as the statistic data source.In 2011, the number of paper manufacturers which scales were above the statistical threshold was 2,620, and there were 287 paper enterprises operating with deficit in 2011,of which state-owned & state-ownedholding, “three types of foreign-investment” and collectively-owned or other ownerships paper enterprises accounted for 8.71%, 21.60%and 69.69% respectively.The nation's total 2,620 paper enterprises which scales were above the statistical threshold in 2011 could be categorized as large, medium and small scale according to China's standard,435 paper enterprises belongedto large and medium scale,accounted for 16.60% of the total paper & board mills; 2185 paper enterprises belonged to small scale and accounted for 83.40%. The paper & board core business income of large and medium scale paper enterprises accounted for 64.25% of the nation's total, and small-scale accounted for 35.75%; the pre-tax profits of large and medium scale paper enterprises accounted for 62.66% and small-scale accountedfor 37.34%;and the total profits of large and medium scale paper enterprises accounted for 63.62% and small scale accounted for 36.38%, as shown in Table 8.According to the industrial statistics of the Ministry of State Environmental Protection in 2010, the water consumption of pulping & papermaking and paper converting enterprises(the number of surveyed enterprises was 5570, decreased 201 compared with the previous year) was 12.339 billion tons;of which fresh water consumption was 4.615 billion tons and accounted for 8.48% of the total industrial fresh water consumption of 54.395 billion tons. The reused water was 7.724 billion tons and water recycling rate was62.59%, increased 5.55 percentage points compared to 2009. Fresh water consumption per RMB 10,000 output values (current price) was 89.6 tons,decreased by 16.9% (i.e.18.2 tons) compared to 2009. The effluent discharge from paper industry was 3.937 billion tons in 2010, accounted for 18.58% of the nation's total industrial effluent discharge(21.186 billion tons) and decreased 0.2 percentage points.3.78 billion tons of discharged effluent met the discharge regulation, accounted for 96.01% of the total discharge from paper industry and increased 2.48 percentage points.The COD discharge from paper industry was 952,000 tons and decreased 145,000 tons compared to 2009, accountedfor 26.04% of the nation's total industrial COD discharge and decreased 2.89 percentage points. The COD discharge intensity for RMB 10,000 output values (current price) of paper industry was 18 kg, decreased by 28%. As shown in Fig.34. The ammonia nitrogen in discharged effluent was 25,000 tons and decreased 2,400 tons compared to 2009, accounted for 10.19% of the nation′s total industrial ammonia nitrogen emission and decreased 0.99 percentage points. The annual operating cost for wastewater treatment facilities of paper industry was RMB 6.49 billion, increased by 27.25% (i.e. RMB 1.39 billion) compared to previous year.2011 was the first year of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social of Development of The People's Republic of China, facing the complex and changeful international economic situation and declining domestic market, some paper enterprises performed poorly, and benefit decreased. However the paper industry achieved steady growth of production and sales after overcoming lots of difficulties such as increasing of energy price, labor cost, raw material price andcomprehensive production cost.In order to keep the steady growth, enhance the overall competitiveness, promote sustainable development,paper industry should accelerate the transformation of development mode, adjust industrial structure, give full play the characteristics of the paper industry “low carbon,gree n and sustainable”, accelerate the transition of paper industry to low-consumption, low-pollution, low-emission,and strive to make breakthroughs at the bottleneck caused by resources, environment and structure.。



2011年4月份全国汽车工业产销综述(图表)Motorlink 原创文章发表于:2011-05-115月10日,中国汽车工业协会发布了4月份国内汽车工业产销整体形势以及全国乘用车销售情况。


4月,乘用车共销售 114.23万辆,环比下降15.23%,同比增长2.79%,增幅与上年同期相比回落30.42个百分点。







中顺洁柔:2011年第一季度报告全文 2011-04-26


中顺洁柔纸业股份有限公司2011年第一季度季度报告全文§1 重要提示1.1 本公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证本报告所载资料不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性负个别及连带责任。

1.2除下列董事外,其他董事亲自出席了审议本次季报的董事会会议1.3 公司第一季度财务报告未经会计师事务所审计。

1.4 公司负责人邓颖忠、主管会计工作负责人李林及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)董晔声明:保证季度报告中财务报告的真实、完整。

§2 公司基本情况2.1 主要会计数据及财务指标单位:元非经常性损益项目√适用□不适用单位:元2.2 报告期末股东总人数及前十名无限售条件股东持股情况表单位:股§3 重要事项3.1 公司主要会计报表项目、财务指标大幅度变动的情况及原因√适用□不适用3.2 重大事项进展情况及其影响和解决方案的分析说明3.2.1 非标意见情况□适用√不适用3.2.2 公司存在向控股股东或其关联方提供资金、违反规定程序对外提供担保的情况□适用√不适用3.2.3 日常经营重大合同的签署和履行情况□适用√不适用3.2.4 其他□适用√不适用3.3 公司、股东及实际控制人承诺事项履行情况上市公司及其董事、监事和高级管理人员、公司持股5%以上股东及其实际控制人等有关方在报告期内或持续到报告期内的以下承诺事项□适用√不适用3.4 对2011年1-6月经营业绩的预计3.5 其他需说明的重大事项3.5.1 证券投资情况□适用√不适用§4 附录4.1 资产负债表编制单位:中顺洁柔纸业股份有限公司2011年03月31日单位:元4.2 利润表编制单位:中顺洁柔纸业股份有限公司2011年1-3月单位:元本期发生同一控制下企业合并的,被合并方在合并前实现的净利润为:0.00元。

4.3 现金流量表编制单位:中顺洁柔纸业股份有限公司2011年1-3月单位:元4.4 审计报告审计意见:未经审计§5 其他报送数据5.1 大股东及其附属企业非经营性资金占用及清偿情况表□适用√不适用5.2 违规对外担保情况□适用√不适用。























中国经济信息网中国造纸行业分析报告(2010年4季度)出版日期:2011年2月 编写说明2010年,造纸及纸制品制造业资产规模继续扩大。













中国经济信息网目 录Ⅰ 2010年1~11月造纸及纸制品业运行情况 (1)一、行业规模 (1)二、资本/劳动密集度 (2)三、销售情况 (3)四、成本费用结构 (5)五、盈利情况 (6)六、行业运营绩效 (8)(一)成长能力 (8)(二)盈利能力 (9)(三)偿债能力 (10)(四)经营能力 (10)七、企业景气指数 (11)八、投资情况 (12)Ⅱ 主要产品生产情况 (13)一、纸浆 (13)(一)累计生产情况 (13)(二)月度生产情况 (14)二、机制纸及纸板 (15)(一)累计生产情况 (15)(二)月度生产情况 (15)三、新闻纸 (16)(一)累计生产情况 (16)(二)月度生产情况 (17)四、纸制品 (17)(一)累计生产情况 (17)中国经济信息网(二)月度生产情况 (18)五、纸箱(瓦楞纸箱) (18)(一)累计生产情况 (18)(二)月度生产情况 (19)六、箱纸板 (20)(一)累计生产情况 (20)(二)月度生产情况 (20)Ⅲ 主要产品进出口情况 (21)一、牛皮纸 (21)(一)出口情况 (21)(二)进口情况 (22)(三)贸易平衡 (23)二、新闻纸 (24)(一)出口情况 (24)(二)进口情况 (25)(三)贸易平衡 (26)三、纸及纸板(未切成形的) (27)(一)出口情况 (27)(二)进口情况 (28)(三)贸易平衡 (29)四、瓦楞原纸 (30)Ⅳ 重点地区产业运行及产品生产情况 (31)一、重点地区产业运营状况 (31)(一)产品销售收入 (31)(二)利润 (31)(三)亏损面 (31)(四)亏损深度 (32)二、重点地区产品生产情况 (33)中国经济信息网(一)纸浆 (33)(二)机制纸及纸板 (34)(三)新闻纸 (35)(四)纸制品 (36)(五)纸箱(瓦楞纸箱) (37)(六)箱纸板 (38)Ⅴ 市场竞争状况 (39)一、企业规模结构 (39)(一)产品销售收入 (39)(二)利润 (39)(三)亏损企业亏损额 (40)(四)亏损深度 (40)二、经济类型结构 (41)(一)产品销售收入 (41)(二)利润 (42)(三)亏损企业亏损额 (42)(四)亏损深度 (43)Ⅶ 行业动态 (44)一、“十二五”中国纸业发展重点 (44)二、人民币升值降低造纸业进口成本 (46)三、环境税拟2013年起征 (47)四、河北补贴9000万淘汰造纸等落后产能 (48)附录 (49)一、行业说明 (49)二、指标及公式解释 (49)中国经济信息网图表目录图表 1 2010年1~11月造纸及纸制品业产业规模情况.........................................1 图表 2 2010年1~11月造纸及纸制品业资本/劳动密集度情况............................3 图表 3 2010年1~11月造纸及纸制品业产销情况.................................................4 图表 4 2010年1~12月造纸及纸制品业工业品出厂价格指数.............................4 图表 5 2010年1~11月造纸及纸制品业成本费用情况.........................................6 图表 6 2010年1~11月造纸及纸制品业成本费用结构.........................................6 图表 7 2010年1~11月造纸及纸制品业盈利情况.................................................7 图表 8 2010年1~11月造纸及纸制品业成长能力.................................................8 图表 9 2010年1~11月造纸及纸制品业盈利能力.................................................9 图表 10 2010年1~11月造纸及纸制品业偿债能力...............................................10 图表 11 2010年1~11月造纸及纸制品业经营能力................................................11 图表 12 2010年4季度我国造纸及纸制品业企业景气指数...................................12 图表 13 2010年1~12月我国造纸及纸制品业固定资产投资情况.......................12 图表 14 2010年1~12月我国造纸及纸制品业固定资产投资增长情况...............13 图表 15 2010年1~12月我国纸浆累计产量及同比增长情况...............................14 图表 16 2010年1~12月我国纸浆月度产量及同比增长情况...............................14 图表 17 2010年1~12月我国机制纸及纸板累计产量及同比增长情况...............15 图表 18 2010年1~12月我国机制纸及纸板月度产量及同比增长情况...............16 图表 19 2010年1~12月我国新闻纸累计产量及同比增长情况...........................16 图表 20 2010年1~12月我国新闻纸月度产量及同比增长情况...........................17 图表 21 2010年1~12月我国纸制品累计产量及同比增长情况...........................17 图表 22 2010年1~12月我国纸制品月度产量及同比增长情况...........................18 图表 23 2010年1~12月我国纸箱(瓦楞纸箱)累计产量及同比增长情况.......19 图表 24 2010年1~12月我国纸箱(瓦楞纸箱)月度产量及同比增长情况.......19 图表 25 2010年1~12月我国箱纸板累计产量及同比增长情况...........................20 图表 26 2010年1~12月我国箱纸板月度产量及同比增长情况...........................21 图表 27 2010年1~12月我国牛皮纸出口情况.......................................................21 图表 28 2010年1~12月我国牛皮纸进口情况.......................................................22 图表 29 2010年1~12月我国牛皮纸贸易平衡情况...............................................23 图表 30 2010年1~12月我国新闻纸出口情况.......................................................24 图表 31 2010年1~12月我国新闻纸进口情况. (25)中国经济信息网图表 32 2010年1~12月我国新闻纸贸易平衡情况...............................................26 图表 33 2010年1~12月我国纸及纸板(未切成形的)出口情况.......................27 图表 34 2010年1~12月我国纸及纸板(未切成形的)进口情况.......................28 图表 35 2010年1~12月我国纸及纸板(未切成形的)贸易平衡情况...............29 图表 36 2010年1~12月我国瓦楞原纸进口情况...................................................30 图表 37 2010年1~11月我国造纸及纸制品业分省市运营状况...........................32 图表 38 2010年1~12月我国纸浆分地区累计产量及同比增长情况...................33 图表 39 2010年1~12月我国机制纸及纸板分地区累计产量及同比增长情况...34 图表 40 2010年1~12月我国新闻纸分地区累计产量及同比增长情况...............35 图表 41 2010年1~12月我国纸制品分地区累计产量及同比增长情况...............36 图表 42 2010年1~12月我国纸箱分地区累计产量及同比增长情况...................37 图表 43 2010年1~12月我国箱纸板分地区累计产量及同比增长情况...............38 图表 44 2010年1~11月我国造纸及纸制品业分企业规模运营状况...................40 图表 45 2010年1~11月我国造纸及纸制品业分经济类型运营状况. (44)本报告图表如未标明资料来源,均来源于“中经网统计数据库”中国经济信息网Ⅰ 2010年1~11月造纸及纸制品业运行情况一、行业规模2010年,造纸及纸制品制造业资产规模继续扩大;累计产品销售收入同比增幅明显高于上年同期;企业单位数目也有所增加。






















1、产量和消费量继续增长2011年生活用纸消费量同比增长12.7%,市场规模(市场总销售额)达到月662.0亿元,人均年消费量从2010年的3.48kg提高到3.9kg,已经接近世界人均消费量水平(4.2kg)表1 2011年生活用纸的产量和消费量2011年2010年同比增长/%产量/万t582.1524.810.9出口量/万t46.246.5-0.6消费量/万t525.4466.312.7年人均消费量/kg 3.9 3.4812.1国内市场规模/亿662.0543.221.9元注:根据国家统计局资料,2010年年底总人口13.41亿人,2011年底总人口13.47亿人。













二、2011年1~9月国内造纸工业生产情况及全年预测1、1~9月生产完成情况从今年1~9月份的规模以上造纸企业生产快报情况统计,1~9月纸浆生产量完成1665.70万吨,比去年同期1667.07万吨减少1.37万吨,同比下降0.08%;纸及纸板生产量共完成8306.42万吨,比去年同期7338.93万吨增加967.49万吨,同比增长13.18%,增幅比去年同期上升 4.27个百分点;纸及纸板产品的产销率为97.2%,比去年同期下降0.9个百分点。





1.2016年1-6月我国废纸和新闻纸进出口情况简析 [J], 郭萌
2.2014年1-6月我国废纸和新闻纸外贸情况简析 [J], 郭萌
3.2013年1-6月我国废纸和新闻纸外贸情况简析 [J], 郭萌
4.废纸进出口齐增新闻纸进出口锐减——2011年我国废纸和新闻纸贸易情况简析[J], 郭萌
5.废纸进出口齐增新闻纸进出口双减2011年1—9月我国废纸和新闻纸贸易情况简析 [J], 郭萌






1.2011年生活用纸企业委托国家纸张质量监督检验中心检验产品情况 [J],
2.2003年生活用纸行业概况 [J], 江曼霞
3.2009年生活用纸行业概况和展望 [J], 江曼霞; 张玉兰; 周杨
4.2009年生活用纸行业概况和展望 [J], 江曼霞; 张玉兰; 周杨
5.2019年生活用纸行业概况和展望 [J], 周杨;郭凯原;张玉兰





1.2013年9月份中国烧碱及PVC产量同比仍呈增长态势 [J],
2.2013年8月份中国烧碱及PVC产量同比增长 [J],
3.2011年7月份烧碱、PVC产量同比增长电石产量同比显著增加 [J],
4.11月份PVC产量继续呈增长态势电石产量同比大幅下降 [J],
5.2017年5月PVC、烧碱产量同比小幅增加 [J],
















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