
KDIGO 2012 Clinical Practice Guideline

KDIGO 2012 Clinical Practice Guideline

KDIGO2012Clinical Practice Guideline ckd classification rules out creati-nine clearance24hours urine collection?A.Ognibene,G.Grandi,M.Lorubbio,S.Rapi,B.Salvadori, A.Ter-reni,F.VeroniPII:S0009-9120(15)00310-0DOI:doi:10.1016/j.clinbiochem.2015.07.030Reference:CLB9097To appear in:Clinical BiochemistryReceived date:11February2015Revised date:12July2015Accepted date:26July2015Please cite this article as:Ognibene A,Grandi G,Lorubbio M,Rapi S,Salvadori B, Terreni A,Veroni F,KDIGO2012Clinical Practice Guideline ckd classification rules out creatinine clearance24hours urine collection?,Clinical Biochemistry(2015),doi: 10.1016/j.clinbiochem.2015.07.030This is a PDFfile of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service to our customers we are providing this early version of the manuscript. The manuscript will undergo copyediting,typesetting,and review of the resulting proof before it is published in itsfinal form.Please note that during the production process errors may be discovered which could affect the content,and all legal disclaimers thatapply to the journal pertain.A C C E P T E D M A N U S C R I P TKDIGO 2012 C LINICAL P RACTICE G UIDELINE CKD CLASSIFICATION RULES OUT CREATININE CLEARANCE 24 HOURS URINE COLLECTION ?Ognibene A., Grandi G., Lorubbio M., Rapi S., Salvadori B., Terreni A., Veroni F.Laboratorio Generale – Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Careggi - Firenze ItalyCorresponding author:Agostino Ognibenea.ognibene@med.unifi.itPhone: +39 3403460965Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Careggi Largo Brambilla, 350134 Firenze ItalyAbbreviations: Creatinine Clearance (CrCl); Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD); Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR); Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration equations (CKD-EPI); estimation Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR); Modification of Diet in Renal Disease equation (MDRD).A C C E P T E D M A N U S C R I P TAbstractObjectives: The recent guideline for the Evaluation and Management of Chronic Kidney Disease recommends assessing GFR employing equations based on serum creatinine; despite this, creatinine clearance 24-hours urine collection is used routinely in many settings. In this study we compared the classification assessed from CrCl (creatinine clearance 24h urine collection) and e-GFR calculated with CKD-EPI or MDRD formulas.Design and Methods: In this retrospective study we analyze consecutive laboratory data: creatinine clearance 24h urine collection, serum creatinine and demographic data such as sex and age from 15777 patients >18 years of age collected from 2011 to 2013 in our laboratory at Careggi Hospital. The results were then compared to the estimated GFR calculated with the equations according to the recent treatment guidelines. Consecutive and retrospective laboratory data (creatinine clearance 24h urine collection, serum creatinine and, demographic data such as sex and age) from 15777 patients >18 years of age seen at Careggi Hospital were collected.Results: Comparison between e-GFR calculated with CKD-EPI or MDRD formulas and GFR according CrCl determinations, bias [95% CI] were 11.34 [-47,4/70.1] and 11.4 [-50.2/73] respectively. The concordance for 18/65 years aged group when compared e-GFR classification between MDRD vs CKDEPI, MDRD vs CrCl and CKD-EPI vs CrCl were 0.78, 0.34, and 0.41 respectively, while in the 65/110 years aged group the concordance Kappa were 0.84, 0.38, and 0.36 respectively.Conclusions: The use of CrCl provides a different classification than the estimation of GFR using a prediction equation. The CrCl is unreliable when it is necessary to identify CKD subjects with decrease of GFR of 5 ml/min/1.73 m 2/year.A C C E P T E D M A N U S C R I P TKey words: Glomerular Filtration Rate, Creatinine, MDRD, CKD-EPI, Creatinine Clearance, Chronic Kidney Disease, estimation GFR.IntroductionGlomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) is widely accepted as the best indicator of kidney function, yet in clinical practice except nephrology it is infrequently utilised moreover the GFR so calculated is a very mediocre to use as diagnostic test. GFR calculated by the clearance of exogenous markers such as iothalamate, or iohexol and inulin is considerably time-consuming, expensive, and requires the administration of substances not feasible in routine monitoring [1].GFR can be obtained also by the clearance of endogenous substances, very often urinary clearance of creatinine, computed from 24 hours urine collection (CrCl) [2]. Unfortunately, timed urinary collections are cumbersome and susceptible to error, making the 24 hour urine collections for the measurement of creatinine clearance no longer recommended routinely to estimate the level of kidney function [3].During the last decades, serum creatinine has been the most frequently employed marker to estimate GFR and serial measurements of creatinine are very useful for determining changes in kidney function. The K/DOQI guidelines emphasize the necessity to assess GFR employing equations based on serum creatinine and not to rely on serum creatinine concentration alone [1]. Specifically in the last few years, attention has been focused on two creatinine-based equations that are widely studied and applied, the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) [4] and Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) equations [5]. The first one, the MDRD formula, was developed in 1999 and re-expressed in 2007; it estimates GFR adjusted for body-surface area using age and gender as variables and using a standardized method forA C C E P T E D M A N U S C R I P Tthe measurement of serum creatinine [6]. The second one, the CKD-EPI equation, was developed in order to create a more accurate and precise formula than the MDRD, especially when actual GFR is > 60 mL/min per 1.73 m2 [7,8,9].GFR estimation became of extreme importance especially after the publication of the guidelines by KDIGO 2012, Clinical Practice Guideline for the Evaluation and Management of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) that updates the 2002 KDOQI Clinical Practice Guidelines for Chronic Kidney Disease [1, 10]. Particular emphasize is given to the change from 5 to 6 categories based on GFR levels to predict risk for outcomes of CKD. In this retrospective study we analyze data collected during three years (2011-13) in our laboratory. Specifically, from the database of the laboratory were extracted all CrCl tests performed during the above period of time. The results were then compared to the equations estimated GFR (e-GFR) in order to verify the concordance between methods, following the recent classification of CKD.Material and methodsStudy populationConsecutive and retrospective laboratory data such as creatinine clearance 24h urine collection (CrCl), serum creatinine (Scr) and demographic data such as sex and age from 15777 patients >18 years of age seen at Careggi Hospital between January 2011 and December 2013 were collected. These data were imported into Microsoft Excel, which was used to perform the eGFR (CKD-EPI and MDRD) calculations.Laboratory assayAll serum and urine creatinine were measured by IDMS-traceable assay on the ADVIA 2400 systems (Siemens Diagnostics) using a creatininase/creatinase based enzymatic method (ECRE_2, Siemens Diagnostics).eGFR algorithmsA C C E P T E D M A N U S C R I P TGFR was estimated using the MDRD study equation (175 × standardized Scr −1.154 × age −0.203 ×1.212[if patient is black] × 0.742 [if patient is female]) and the CKD-EPI equation (CKD-EPI = 141 × min(Scr/k, 1)α × max(Scr/k,1)-1.209 × 0.993age × 1.018 [if patient is female] × 1.159 [if patient is black], where age is in years, k is 0.7 for females and 0.9 for males, α is −0.329 for females and −0.411 for males, min indicates the minimum of Scr/k or 1, and max indicates the maximum of Scr/k or 1). GFR is expressed in ml/min/1.73 m 2[5,6]. CrCl was calculated from urinary creatinine × urinary volume (24h) / serum creatinine. To allow comparison, CrCl were normalized to standard values of 1.73 m 2 BSA, and expressed in ml/min/1.73 m 2.Six GFR category according to KDIGO 2012 Clinical Practice Guideline for the Evaluation and Management of Chronic Kidney Disease were: G1 (>90 ml/min/1.73 m 2), G2 (60-89 ml/min/1.73 m 2), G3a (45-59 ml/min/1.73 m 2), G3b (30-44 ml/min/1.73 m 2), G4 (15-29 ml/min/1.73 m 2), G5 (<15 ml/min/1.73 m 2) [10].Statistical analysisTo compare the effectiveness of the two equations studied we used a Bland and Altman plot. In particular the method calculates the mean difference between two methods of measurement and the 95% limits of agreement as the mean difference (1.96 SD) [11]. Paired-Samples T Test was used to compare the means; Cohen's and Fleiss Kappa were used measuring agreement between classifications [12]. An α <0.05 was considered statistically significant. The statistical analyses were performed with SPSS version 11.0.ResultsTable 1 shows the main characteristic of the study population, all parameters were statistically significant between two sexes except CrCl. Figure 1 shows Bland Altman plots for the comparison between e-GFR calculated with CKD-EPI or MDRD formulas and GFR according to CrCl determinations; mean bias [95% CI] were 11.34[-47.4, 70.1] and 11.4[-50.2, 73] respectively. Moreover when compared differences between e-GFR calculated with CKD-EPI or MDRDA C C E P T E D M A N U S C R I P Tformulas and GFR according CrCl determinations <60 ml/min, mean bias [95% CI] were -3.78[- 36.4, 28.8] and -2.7[-39.6, 34.1] respectively, while when CrCl determinations were >60 ml/min mean bias [95% CI] were 20.6[-43.6, 83.7] and 19.6[-47.6, 86.7] respectively (plots not showed).Figure 2 illustrates the standard error of the mean (SEM) of the differences of the CKD-EPI and MDRD with the mean of the two results, CrCl and CKD-EPI or CrCl and MDRD respectively. The differences were plotted in relation to age groups (A and B plot) and in relation to levels of GFR used for classification in 6 groups described in the recent guidelines for the progression of CKD (C and D plot). In tables 2, are shown the results of cross tabulation between the classification according to the KDIGO criteria, MDRD vs CKD-EPI and CrCl, and CKD-EPI vs CrCl; the concordance between classification tested with Cohen’s Kappa were 0.8, 0.35, and 0.4 respectively.Moreover in figure 3 were showed the comparison of e-GFR classification between CKD-EPI vs CrCl and MDRD vs CKD-EPI in two clusters of age 18/65 (10890/15777) and 65/110 years (4887/15777). The concordance Kappa for the 18/65 years aged group when compared e-GFR classification between CKD-EPI vs CrCl was 0.41 and 0.78 for MDRD vs CKD-EPI, while in the 65/110 years aged group was 0.36 and 0.84 respectively. Finally the overall concordance between MDRD, CKD-EPI and CrCl calculated by Fleiss Kappa test, was 0.52 when considered globally, while when considering separately each class were: 0.62 for G1, 0.41 for G2, 0.41 for G3a, 0.51 for G3b, 0.65 for G4 and 0.75 for G5.ConclusionsThis retrospective study compares three different methods to estimate GFR, two use the formulas MDRD and CKD-EPI and the other is an analytical determination CrCl; all are routinely used to assess kidney function [13].A C C E P T E D M A N U S C R I P TUnfortunately, for the peculiar characteristics of the study and the lack of the clinical outcome, we cannot here determine which of the methods is the most accurate. The main objective of the study is to verify the concordance of the three methods MDRD, CKD-EPI and CrCl, available in the clinical laboratory to estimate GFR.e-GFR is really a numerically-modified serum creatinine adjusted to minimize population variation from age, gender, and race. We know that the factors which may determine the extremely wide scatter seen between all e-GFR calculations, are numerous [14]. Surely the role of the clinical laboratory will be decisive for reducing the analytical bias but also to create the laboratory reports sufficient for the correct interpretation of the data [15]. As well known, small analytic changes in serum creatinine create major shifts in the distributions of eGFR, which can cause large differences in the classification of patients [14,15]. It is also true that while changes in Scr will certainly affect eGFR calculation, both the physiological and analytical changes in Scr are much smaller than the physiological and analytical variation of GFR measurements, whether by inulin or iothalamate. CrCl has at least one advantage over the others in that the blood concentration remains essentially constant during the clearance measurement.In this study, the creatinine enzymatic IDMS-traceable assay used allowed to minimize the analytical bias on the study of agreement between the three methods than non-enzymatic creatinine determination [16].The comparison of the differences from the Bland-Altman analysis shows a high bias of e-GFR obtained from the formulas MDRD or CKD-EPI when compared with CrCl (figure 1). The bias and the distribution of the differences is larger when we consider e-GFR> 90 and in subjects aged <71 years. When we consider the classes with e-GFR <90, the differences are lower but nevertheless the concordance in classification between the CrCl and e-GFR equations is very poor (table 2 and figure 3).The differences between the various age groups and between the levels of GFR are similar both for CKD-EPI for the MDRD compared with CrCl.A C C E P T E D M A N U S C R I P TInterestingly a lower variability of the differences for the CKD-EPI equation, for classes and G3a G3b, and in different age groups than the MDRD equation. This enhanced linearity is probably the result of a more effective normalization equation for estimating GFR (Figure 2).KDIGO (Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes) in 2012 published an updated guideline[10] of “The National Kidney Foundation–Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (NKFKDOQI) for evaluation, classification, and stratification of chronic kidney disease (CKD) published in 2002[1]. In particular, in this update of the guidelines the categories of the classification of CKD increased from 5 to 6 distinguishing stage 3 CKD in stage 3a (GFR of 45-59 mL / min / 1.73 m 2) and 3b (GFR of 30-44 mL /min/1.73 m 2). This distinction received approval from the scientific world, justified by the high risk in these categories of mortality and other negative outcomes [19, 20].Guidelines KDOQI and the latest updates KDIGO state that CrCl does not add any information compared to estimated GFR using a prediction equation. This new classification requires, regarding eGFR, greater accuracy but also a lower imprecision. CrCl, besides the overestimation of about 15% of CrCl due tubular secretion, is inconvenient and time consuming, but also imprecise and inaccurate, errors mainly due to reduced muscle mass and erroneous urine sampling [21].In the present study, there is an obvious lack of concordance between CrCl and e-GFR using a prediction equation. The low statistical concordance is more evident especially when we consider G2, G3a and G3b stages, in the table 2, and graphical representation of the concordance in the figure 3 showed the main differences in GFR estimation. These stages represent the groups that more likely will have a progression to renal damage with the highest incidence of risk of adverse events.The e-GFR obtained with the MDRD equation is underestimated in about 25% of the subjects, especially in classes G2, G3a, and G3b when compared with CKD-EPI e-GFR. This phenomenon is more evident when considering the subjects younger than 65 years of age (figure 3).A C C E P T E D M A N U S C R I P TIn light of these results we conclude that the use of CrCl provides a different classification than the estimation of GFR using a prediction equation. Stevens et al. [19] emphasizes the need to better understand the definitions of CKD progression and how they affect clinical practice and trials. The recent guidelines de facto excluded the CrCl for the evaluation and follow-up of patients with CKD, but there are n’t recommendations that advise against the use.Has been demonstrated that serial determinations of CrCl (each month for six months), have a variation greater than serial determinations of creatinine or cystatin C in healthy subjects [22].Then, in addition to the overestimation of CrCl due tubular secretion, the analytical variability of CrCl makes it inadequate and unreliable, especially when it is necessary to identify CKD subjects with progression of disease in presence of a decrease of GFR of 5 ml/min/1.73 m 2/year as recommended in recent guidelines.References[1] National Kidney Foundation. K/DOQI clinical practice guidelines for chronic kidneydisease. Am J Kidney Dis 2002;39:S1-S266.[2] Van Lente F, Suit P. Assessment of renal function by serum creatinine and creatinineclearance: glomerular filtration rate estimated by four procedures. 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Gerontology 2002;48:140-6.A C C E PT EDM A NU SC R I P T[22]Toffaletti JG, McDonnell EH. Variation of serum creatinine, cystatin C, and creatinine clearance tests in persons with normal renal function. Clin Chim Acta. 2008;395:115-9.Legend to figure:Figure 1: Bland –Altman analysis, comparison between GFR according CrCl determinations and e-GFR calculated with CKD-EPI equation (right) bias were 11.34[95% CI -47.4;70.1] or MDRD equation (left), bias 11.4 [95% CI -50.2;73].Figure 2: Standard Error of the Mean (SEM) of the differences of the CKD-EPI and MDRD withthe mean of the two results, CrCl and CKD-EPI or CrCl and MDRD respectively. The SEM of thedifferences was in relation to age groups (A and B plot) and in relation to levels of GFR (C and D plot), in x axis N represent the number of subjects for each class of age or GFR categories.Figure 3: Comparison of GFR estimation between MDRD vs CrCl (A), CKD-EPI vs CrCl (B) and MDRD vs CKD-EPI in the subjects of 18-65 (C) and 65-110 (D) years of age, according KDIGO stages. In Y axis is reported number of subjects.ANU STable1: Characteristics of the studied population, data are expressed as mean ±SD.Table 2: Number of subjects included in the categories specified by the KDIGO guidelines 2012, according to the estimation of GFR with: CrCl, CKD-EPI and MDRD.A CC15Figure 1T16Figure 2 95% C I S E M (m l /m i n /1.73 m 2)95% C I S E M (m l /m i n /1.73 m 2)Figure 317A C C E PT EDM A NU SC R I P THighlights1 - Clearance of creatinine computed from 24-hour urine collection2 - KDIGO 2012 Clinical Practice Guideline for the Evaluation and Management of ChronicKidney Disease3 - Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) and Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) equations .。


500 0
45-59 30-44 15-29
eGFR (ml/min/1.73m2)
正常蛋白尿 微量蛋白尿 大量蛋白尿
Hallan SI, et al. J Am Soc Nephrol 2009;20:1069-77 Hillege et al. Circulation 2002;106:1777–82
影响肾脏的系统性疾病 原发性肾脏疾病(不存在影
动脉粥样硬化,高血压, ANCA相关性血管炎(肾脏局 缺血,胆固醇栓塞,系 限),纤维肌性发育不良 统性血管炎,血栓性微 血管病变,系统性硬化 症
囊肿性和先 多囊肾病,Alport综合 肾发育不良,髓质囊性病,
早期预防:避免CKD发生 蛋白尿:定义和干预预后的靶点 CVD:肾科应关注和干预的重要预后
CKD患者尿白蛋白水平 与ESRD、CV死亡及非CV死亡均显著相关
4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000
Appel LJ, et al. N Engl J Med. 2010;363:918-29
早期预防:避免CKD发生 蛋白尿:定义和干预预后的靶点 CVD:肾科应关注和干预的重要预后
KDOQI指南:所有CKD患者应被视为心血管疾 病的“最高危”人群















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• We recommend the use of vasopressors in conjunction with fluids in patients with vasomotor shock with, or at risk for AKI. ( 1C)
• We suggest using protocol-based management of hemodynamic and oxygenation parameters to prevent development or worsening of AKI in high-risk patients in the perioperative setting (2C) or in patients with septic shock (2C)
AKD acute kidney diseases and disorder
• 符合以下任何一项
– AKI, 符合AKI定义 – 3个月内在原来基础上,GFR下降35%或Scr上
升50% – GFR<60ml/min/1.73m2, <3个月 – 肾损伤<3个月
– Waiting for published in this summer • AKI guideline for AKI :2011
– UK Renal Association Final Version 08.03.11 • AKI guidline—KDIGO 2012
– KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline for Acute Kidney Injury
KDIGO:Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes


















疗的患者中预防缺铁恶化。转铁蛋白饱和度 (TSAT)和血清铁蛋白水平是使用最广泛的两个铁 代谢检测指标。即使TSAT和铁蛋白未提示存在绝
g/L(<10.0 g/d1)的成人CKD非透析患者,建
应、输血的风险、ESA治疗的风险和贫血合并症状, 决定是否开始ESA治疗。成人HD患者Hb下降速
』盟!P!翌Biblioteka 些i型!!堕里!P!!堕!!!:!j
・医学继续教育・ 2012年改善全球肾脏病预后组织(KDIGO) 贫血指南解读
摘要2001年美国肾脏病基金会的肾脏疾病与透析患者生存质量指导指南(K/DOQI)颁布了慢性肾脏病 (CKD)贫血治疗指南、2004年发布了欧洲最佳实践指南(EBPGs)、2006年及2007年K/DOQI对指南的部分内容进 行了更新,之后2003年成立的改善全球肾脏病预后组织(KDIGO)颁布了2012年CKD贫血临床实践指南,该指南 在建立过程中遵循明确的证据审查和评价体系,对伴贫血或有贫血风险的CKD患者[非透析、血液透析、腹膜透 析、肾移植受者和儿童]提供临床指导、诊断、评价和管理策略。指南包含CKD贫血的诊断和评估、使用药物治疗 (铁剂、红细胞生成刺激剂和其他药物)及输注红细胞治疗贫血等。指南建议是基于相关试验的系统评价,每个章 节提出针对性治疗方法。根据分级推荐的评估方法(GRADE)系统评估证据质量和推荐强度,每一条推荐建议按 照强度分为1级(我们推荐)、2级(我们建议)和未分级;根据相关支持证据的质量高、中、低、很低分为A、B、c和D 级。本文将对上述指南中的某些重要问题作一解读。 关键词 慢性肾脏病改善全球肾脏病预后组织 贫血指南



KDIGO的AKI临床指南Kidney International 2012; 2(Suppl): 1推荐意见的强度分级意义患者临床医生政策1级“我们推荐”你的医院中大多数患者应当接受推荐的治疗措施,仅有少数患者不然大多数患者应当接受推荐的治疗措施推荐意见可以作为制订政策或行为评价的参考2级“我们建议”你的医院中多数患者应当接受推荐的治疗措施,但很多患者不然不同患者应当有不同的治疗选择。

每名患者需要得到帮助,以便作出与其价值观和意愿相符合的决策在制订政策前,很可能需要对推荐意见进行广泛的讨论,并有利益攸关方参加支持证据的质量分级证据质量意义A 高我们相信真正疗效与疗效评估结果非常接近B 中真正疗效很可能与疗效评估结果接近,但也有可能两者存在显著差别C 低真正疗效可能与疗效评估存在显著差别D 很低疗效评估结果非常不肯定,常与真实情况相去甚远推荐意见总结推荐意见推荐级别2. AKI定义2.1 A KI的定义与分级2.1. 1 AKI的定义为以下任一• 48小时内SCr增加≥ 0.3 mg/dl (≥ 26.5 μmol/l);或• 已知或推测在过去7天内SCr增加至≥ 基础值的1.5倍;或未分级• 尿量< 0.5 ml/kg/h x 6 hrs2.1.2根据以下标准对AKI的严重程度进行分级(表2)表2 AKI的分级分级血清肌酐尿量1基础值的1.5 –1.9倍或增加≥ 0.3 mg/dl (≥ 26.5 μmol/l)< 0.5 ml/kg/hr x 6 –1 2 hrs2 基础值的2.0 –2.9倍< 0.5 ml/kg/hr x ≥ 12hrs3 基础值的3.0倍或肌酐升高至≥ 4.0 mg/dl (≥ 353.6 μmol/l) 或开始进行肾脏替代治疗或年龄< 18岁时,eGFR下降至< 35 ml/min/1.73 m2< 0.3 ml/kg/hr x ≥ 24hrs 或无尿≥ 12 hrs未分级2.1.3应当尽可能确定AKI的病因未分级2.2 风险评估2.2.1我们推荐根据患者的易感性和暴露情况对AKI的风险进行分级1B2.2.2根据患者的易感性和暴露情况进行治疗以减少AKI的风险(见相关指南部分)未分级2.2.3通过测定SCr和尿量鉴别AKI高危患者以检测AKI 未分级2.3 A KI高危患者的评估和一般治疗2.3.1迅速对AKI患者进行评估,以确定病因,尤其应当注意可逆因素未分级2.3. 2 通过测定SCr和尿量对AKI患者进行监测,并依照2.1.2的推荐意见对AKI的严重程度进行分级未分级2.3.3根据分级和病因对AKI患者进行治疗(图4)未分级2.3. 4 发生AKI后3个月对病情恢复、新发疾病或既往CKD加重情况进行进行评估• 如果患者罹患CKD,应当根据KDOQI CKD指南的详细内容进行治疗• 即使患者未罹患CKD,仍应将其作为CKD的高危患者,并根据KDOQI CKD指南3中有关CKD高危患者的推荐治疗进行治疗未分级2.4 临床应用2.3 肾脏功能和结构改变的诊断3. AKI的预防和治疗3.1 血流动力学监测和支持治疗以预防和治疗AKI3.1. 1 在没有失血性休克的情况下,我们建议使用等张晶体液而非胶体液(白蛋白或淀粉)作为AKI高危患者或AKI患者扩容治疗的初始选择2B3.1. 2 对于血管舒张性休克合并AKI或AKI高危患者,我们推荐联合使用升压药物和输液治疗1C3.1. 3 对于围手术期高危患者或感染性休克患者,我们建议根据治疗方案纠正血流动力学和氧合指标,以防止发生AKI或导致AKI恶化2C3.2 A KI患者一般支持性治疗,包括并发症的处理3.3 血糖控制与营养支持3.3. 1 对于危重病患者,我们建议使用胰岛素治疗维持血糖110 –149 mg/dl (6.1 –8.3 mmol/l)2C3.3.2对于任何阶段的AKI患者,我们建议总热卡摄入达到20 –30 kcal/kg/d 2C3我们建议不要限制蛋白质摄入,以预防或延迟RRT的治疗2C3.3. 4 对于无需透析治疗的非分解代谢的AKI患者,我们建议补充蛋白质0.8 –1.0g/kg/d,对于使用RRT的AKI患者,补充1.0 –1.5 g/kg/d;对于使用持续肾脏替代治疗(CRRT)或高分解代谢的患者,应不超过1.7 g/kg/d2D3.3.5我们建议AKI患者优先选择肠道进行营养支持2C3.4 临床应用3.4.1我们推荐不使用利尿剂预防AKI 1B3.4.2我们建议不使用利尿剂治疗AKI,除非在容量负荷过多时2C3.5 血管扩张药物治疗:多巴胺,非诺多巴及利钠肽3.5.1我们建议不使用小剂量多巴胺预防或治疗AKI 1A3.5.2我们建议不使用非诺多巴(fenoldopam)预防或治疗AKI 2C3.5.3我们建议不使用心房利钠肽(ANP)预防(2C)或治疗(2B)AKI3.6 生长激素治疗3.6.1我们推荐不使用重组人(rh) IGF-1预防或治疗AKI 1B3.7 腺苷受体拮抗剂3.7.对于围产期严重窒息的AKI高危新生儿,我们建议给予单一剂量的茶碱2B3.8 预防氨基糖甙和两性霉素相关AKI3.8. 1 我们建议不使用氨基糖甙类药物治疗感染,除非没有其他更为适合、肾毒性更小的治疗药物选择2A3.8. 2 对于肾功能正常且处于稳定状态的患者,我们建议氨基糖甙类药物应每日给药一次,而非每日多次给药2B3.8. 3 当氨基糖甙类药物采用每日多次用药方案,且疗程超过24小时,我们推荐监测药物浓度1A3.8. 4 当氨基糖甙类药物采用每日一次用药方案,且疗程超过48小时,我们建议监测药物浓度2C3.8. 5 我们建议在适当可行时,局部使用(例如呼吸道雾化吸入,instilled antibiotic beads)而非静脉应用氨基糖甙类药物2B3.8.6我们建议使用脂质体两性霉素B而非普通两性霉素B 2A3.8. 7 治疗全身性真菌或寄生虫感染时,如果疗效相当,我们推荐使用唑类抗真菌药物和(或)棘白菌素类药物,而非普通两性霉素B1A3.9 预防氨基糖甙和两性霉素相关AKI3.9. 1 我们建议不要单纯因为减少围手术期AKI或RRT需求的目的采用不停跳冠状动脉搭桥术2C3.9.2对于合并低血压的危重病患者,我们建议不使用NAC预防AKI 2D3.9.3我们推荐不使用口服或静脉NAC预防手术后AKI 1A 4. 造影剂诱导AKI4.1造影剂诱导AKI:定义,流行病学和预后血管内使用造影剂后,应当根据推荐意见2.1.1 –2.1.2对AKI进行定义和分级未分级4.1. 1 对于血管内使用造影剂后肾脏功能改变的患者,应当对CI-AKI及AKI的其他可能原因进行评估未分级4.2 C I-AKI高危人群评估4.2. 1 对于需要血管内(静脉或动脉)使用碘造影剂的所有患者,应当评估CI-AKI的风险,尤其应对既往肾脏功能异常进行筛查未分级4.2.2对于CI-AKI高危患者,应当考虑其他造影方法未分级4.3 C I-AKI的非药物干预措施4.3.1对于CI-AKI高危患者,应当使用最小剂量的造影剂未分级4.3.2对于CI-AKI高危患者,我们推荐使用等渗或低渗碘造影剂,而非高渗碘造影剂1B 4.4 血糖控制与营养支持4.4. 1 对于CI-AKI高危患者,我们推荐静脉使用等张氯化钠或碳酸氢钠溶液进行扩容治疗1A4.4.2对于CI-AKI高危患者,我们推荐不单独使用口服补液1C4.4.3对于CI-AKI高危患者,我们建议口服NAC,联合静脉等张晶体液2D4.4.4我们建议不使用茶碱预防CI-AKI 2C4.4.5我们推荐不使用非诺多巴预防CI-AKI 1B4.5 血液透析或血液滤过的作用4.5.对于CI-AKI高危患者,我们建议不预防性使用间断血液透析(IHD)或血液滤过(H2C1 F)清除造影剂5. 透析治疗AKI5.1 A KI肾脏替代治疗的时机5.1.1出现危及生命的容量、电解质和酸碱平衡改变时,应紧急开始RRT 未分级5.1. 2 作出开始RRT的决策时,应当全面考虑临床情况,是否存在能够被RRT纠正的情况,以及实验室检查结果的变化趋势,而不应仅根据BUN和肌酐的水平未分级5.2 A KI停止肾脏替代治疗的标准5.2. 1 当不再需要RRT时(肾脏功能恢复至足以满足患者需求,或RRT不再符合治疗目标),应当终止RRT未分级5.2.2我们建议不使用利尿剂促进肾脏功能恢复,或缩短RRT疗程或治疗频率2B5.3 抗凝5.3.1对于CI-AKI高危患者,应当使用最小剂量的造影剂未分级5.3.1. 1 如果AKI患者没有明显的出血风险或凝血功能障碍,且未接受全身抗凝治疗,我们推荐在RRT期间使用抗凝1B5.3. 2 对于没有出血高危或凝血功能障碍且未接受有效全身抗凝治疗的患者,我们有以下建议:对于间断RRT的抗凝,我们推荐使用普通肝素或低分子量肝素,而不应使用其他抗凝措施1C对于CRRT的抗凝,如果患者没有枸橼酸抗凝禁忌症,我们建议使用局部枸橼酸抗凝而非肝素2B对于具有枸橼酸抗凝禁忌症的患者CRRT期间的抗凝,我们建议使用普通肝素或低分子量肝素,而不应使用其他抗凝措施2C5.3.对于出血高危患者,如果未使用抗凝治疗,我们推荐CRRT期间采取以下抗凝3 措施:5.3.3. 1 对于没有枸橼酸禁忌症的患者,我们建议CRRT期间使用局部枸橼酸抗凝,而不应使用其他抗凝措施2C5.3.3.2对于出血高危患者,我们建议CRRT期间避免使用局部肝素化2C5.3. 4 对于罹患肝素诱导血小板缺乏(HIT)患者,应停用所有肝素,我们推荐RRT期间使用凝血酶直接抑制剂(如阿加曲班[argatroban])或Xa因子抑制剂(如达那肝素[danaparoid]或达肝癸钠[fondaparinux]),而不应使用其他抗凝措施1A5.3.4.1对于没有严重肝功能衰竭的HIT患者,我们建议RRT期间使用阿加曲班而非其他凝血酶或Xa因子抑制剂2C5.4 血糖控制与营养支持5.4. 1 对于AKI患者,我们建议使用无套囊无隧道的透析导管进行RRT,而不应使用隧道导管2D5.4. 2 AKI患者选择静脉置入透析导管时,应注意以下考虑:• 首选:右侧颈内静脉• 次选:股静脉• 第三选择:左侧劲内静脉• 最后选择:锁骨下静脉(优先选择优势肢体侧)未分级5.4.3我们推荐在超声引导下置入透析导管1A 5.4.4我们推荐置入颈内静脉或锁骨下静脉透析导管后,在首次使用前应拍摄胸片1B5.4. 5 对于罹患AKI需要RRT的ICU患者,我们建议不在非隧道透析导管置管部位皮肤局部使用抗生素2C5.4. 6 对于需要RRT的AKI患者,我们建议不使用抗生素锁预防非隧道透析导管的导管相关感染2C5.5 A KI肾脏替代治疗的滤器膜1对于AKI患者,我们建议使用生物相容性膜材料的透析器进行IHD或CRRT 2C5.6 A KI患者肾脏替代治疗的模式5.6.1AKI患者应使用持续和间断RRT作为相互补充未分级5.6.2对于血流动力学不稳定的患者,我们建议使用CRRT而非标准的间断RRT 2B5.6. 3 对于急性脑损伤或罹患导致颅内高压或弥漫性脑水肿的其他疾病的AKI患者,我们建议使用CRRT而非间断RRT2B5.7 A KI患者肾脏替代治疗的缓冲溶液选择5.7. 1 AKI患者进行RRT时,我们建议使用碳酸盐而非乳酸盐缓冲液作为透析液和置换液2C5.7. 2 合并休克的AKI患者进行RRT时,我们推荐使用碳酸盐而非乳酸盐作为透析液和置换液1B5.7. 3 合并肝脏功能衰竭和(或)乳酸酸中毒的AKI患者进行RRT时,我们推荐使用碳酸盐而非乳酸盐2B5.7. 4 我们推荐AKI患者使用的透析液和置换液应当至少符合美国医疗设备协会(AAMI)有关细菌和内毒素污染的相关标准1B5.8 A KI肾脏替代治疗的剂量5.8.1应当在开始每次RRT前确定RRT的剂量未分级我们推荐经常评估实际治疗剂量以便进行调整1B5.8.2RRT时电解质、酸碱、溶质和液体平衡目标应当满足患者需求未分级5.8.3AKI患者采用间断或延长RRT时,我们推荐应达到Kt/V 3.9/周1AAKI患者进行CRRT时,我们推荐流出液容量20 –25 ml/kg/hr 1A 4这通常需要更高的流出液处方剂量未分级。


3.4.2 Hb<10.0g/dl(<100g/l)的成人非透析患者,建议 基于患者Hb下降程度、先前对铁剂治疗的反应、输 血的风险、ESA治疗的风险和贫血合并症状,个体化 决定是否开始ESA治疗(2C)
3.4.3 成人CKD5D期患者,为避免Hb跌至 9.0g/dl(90g/l)以下,建议Hb在9.0-10.0g/dl(90-100g/l) 时开始使用ESA治疗。(2B)
2.1.7 已接受ESA、未接受铁剂治疗的所有儿童CKD患 者,推荐口服铁剂(或CKD透析患者应用静脉铁剂)治 疗,以维持铁蛋白>100ng/ml(>100ug/l)。(1D)
TSAT和铁蛋白的指标在对骨髓铁储备及骨髓对补铁治 疗的反应性的预测的敏感性和特异性上还是存在局 限的。
2.1.2 成人CKD贫血患者未给予铁剂或ESA治疗, 出现以下情况时,建议尝试静脉铁剂治疗 (或CKD非透析患者或可尝试1-3月口服铁剂治 疗)(2C): ●非必须*开始使用ESA时,有望使Hb浓度升高 ● TSAT ≤30%并且 铁蛋白≤500ng/ml(≤500ug/l)
取决于患者的症状和总体临床目标,包括避免输血、贫血相关症 状的改善、活动性感染治愈后。
对于非透析患者没有明确的证据证明静脉铁比口服 铁更有优势,二者均可。
对于HD患者,更推荐应用静脉铁(血管通路) 常规剂量:口服铁剂-200mg元素铁/日
静脉铁剂-初始疗程约1g,如果无效,可重 复应用。 目前推荐任何长期使用静脉铁剂治疗的资料尚不足 最后一次静脉用铁间隔一周后才可查TSAT和铁蛋白。
2.1.5 随后CKD患者铁剂治疗的指导需根据:近期铁剂治疗后 Hb的反应、持续地血液丢失、铁状态检测(TSAT和铁蛋白)、 Hb浓度、应用ESA治疗的患者中ESA无反应和ESA剂量、各参 数的变化趋势和患者的临床情况。(未分级)



Sorensen CR, et al. Eur Heart J. 2002;23:948-952.
70 60
50.7 68.0
40 30 20
11.6 17.8 13.8 29.1
33.3 33.3 31.3
2-3期 4期 5期
5.6 1.0
10 0
冠心病 心衰 卒中
GFR >60 45-59 30-44 15-29
危险度 1.00 1.4 2.0 2.8 3.4
(+40%) (+100%) (+180%) (+240%)
30-44 15.29 <15GFR估计值 (ml/min来自1.73m2)<15
Go AS et al. New Engl J Med 2004; 351: 1296-1305
从“KDIGO2012慢性肾脏病的评估与管 理”指南谈CKD-CVD
广州中医药大学 第一附属医院 王超
• KDIGO:Kidney Disease: Improving
Global Outcomes(改善全球肾脏病预后组织)
• CKD-CVD:Chronic Kidney DiseaseCardiovascular Disease
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0

KDIGO 2012指南

KDIGO 2012指南



•对于需要铁剂的CKD ND患者,根据铁缺乏严重程度、静脉通路的情况、之前对口服铁剂的反应情况、对之前口服或静脉铁剂治疗的不良反应情况、患者依从性和药物价格等因素选择常规的铁剂治疗方法(未分级)。


•对所有单纯接受ESA治疗(未补充铁剂)的儿童CKD贫血患者,推荐口服铁剂(在CKD HD中,或可使用静脉铁剂治疗)治疗以维持铁蛋白>100μg/L(1D)。




•对于Hb≥100g/L的CKD ND患者,建议不应开始使用ESA治疗(2D)。

•对于Hb<100g/L的CKD ND患者,建议基于Hb下降率、需要输血的风险、与ESA治疗相关的风险以及贫血所致症状的出现等情况,个体化决定是否开始应用ESA治疗(2C)。




改善全球肾脏病预后组织( KDIGO) 临床实践 指南: 肾小球肾炎
李世军 译 刘志红 校
[译自: Kidney Int,2012,2 ( Suppl 2) : 143 - 153]
关键词 改善全球肾脏病预后组织( KDIGO) 临床实践指南 肾小球肾炎
儿童激素敏感型肾病综合征( SSNS)
儿童 SSNS 的初始治疗 1. 推荐糖皮质激素( 泼尼松或甲泼尼龙) 治疗 至少 12 周( 1B) 。 2. 推荐 单 次 口 服 泼 尼 松 ( 1B ) ,初 始 剂 量 60 mg / ( m2·d) 或 2 mg / ( kg·d) ( 最大剂量 60 mg / d) ( 1D) 。 3. 推荐至少 4 ~ 6 周每日口服泼尼松( 1C) ,续
建议 CNIs 治疗至少 12 个月( 2C) 。 5. 建议 霉 酚 酸 酯 ( MMF) 作 为 替 代 激 素 药 物
( 2C) 。 由于停 MMF 后多数儿童会复发,建议 MMF 起
始剂量 1. 2 g / ( m2·d) ,分两次服用,至少持续 12 个 月( 2C) 。
6. 建议利妥昔单抗( rituximab) 治疗仅限于最 佳联合( 泼尼松和激素替代药物) 治疗后仍然频繁 复发和 ( 或) 发 生 治 疗 严 重 不 良 反 应 的 激 素 依 赖 SSNS 儿童( 2C) 。
[作者单位] 南京军区南京总医院 全军肾脏病研究所 ( 南京,210016)
以隔日口服( 泼尼松 40 mg / m2 或 1. 5 mg / kg,最大剂 量 40 mg / 隔日) ( 1D) ,持续治疗 2 ~ 5 个月( 1B) 后 逐渐减量。
复发型 SSNS 的激素治疗 1. 儿童非频繁复发型 SSNS 的激素治疗: 建议 泼尼松 60 mg / ( m2·d) 或2 mg / ( kg·d) ( 最大剂量 60 mg / d) ,完全缓解≥3d 后开始减量( 2D) 。 2. 获得完全缓解后,建议泼尼松改为隔日顿服 ( 每次 40 mg / m2 或 1. 5 mg / kg,最大剂量 40 mg) 至 少 4 周( 2C) 。 反复复发和激素依赖 SSNS 1. 建议反复复发或激素依赖的 SSNS 儿童,采用 每日一次的激素治疗,诱导获得完全缓解≥3d 后可



推荐使用降低LDL-C的药物(他汀或他汀联合 依泽替米贝)来降低糖尿病和CKD患者动脉粥样 硬化事件,其中包括肾移植患者;(1B)
不推荐接受透析治疗的糖尿病患者起始他汀类药 物治疗(1B)
不推荐接受透析治疗的糖尿病患者起始他汀类药物 治疗(1B)
德国糖尿病透析工作室(4D),一项大型临床随机对照试验: 2776名血液透析患者(其中26%患有糖尿病)分别接受瑞舒伐他汀 10mg/日和安慰剂;研究发现,治疗组并没有在减少心血管事件 (死亡、心肌梗塞、梗塞性脑中风)具有优越性,但却使出血性脑卒 中的风险增加5倍。(肾功衰时高血压、血小板功能障碍,尿激酶、 肝素使用导致纤溶亢进、凝血因子Ⅱ、Ⅴ、Ⅶ、Ⅹ等的活力改变、维
最新临床试验表明, 降低糖尿病和CKD患者LDL-C的水平可降低减 少心血管事件。 心脏和肾脏保护研究(SHARP)一项大型随机对照试验:9438 名年龄大于40岁CKD患者,接受辛伐他汀20mg/日+依泽替米贝 10mg/日或安慰剂,随访五年,其中33%肾透析患者,23%合并糖 尿病,一半患者接受辛伐他汀20mg/日+依泽替米贝10mg/日,一 半接受安慰剂;试验发现:治疗组相比于安慰机组,主要动脉粥样硬 化事件结局如(冠心病死亡、心肌梗死、脑梗塞)发生率降低17%;
心肾终点 事件
Update of KDOQITM Clinical Practice Guideline for Diabetes and Chronic
Kindney Diease



2012kdigo指南ckd诊断标准Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a significant health issue affecting millions of people worldwide. The KDIGO (Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes) guidelines provide essential information for the diagnosis and management of CKD. These guidelines are crucial for healthcare professionals in identifying and treating patients with this condition.慢性肾脏疾病(CKD)是影响全球数百万人的重要健康问题。



One of the key aspects of the 2012 KDIGO guidelines concerning CKD diagnosis is the classification of the disease based on the level of kidney function and the presence of kidney damage. This classification system helps healthcare providers determine the severity of the disease and tailor treatment plans accordingly. By following these guidelines, healthcare professionals can ensure that patients receive appropriate care and interventions to slow the progression of CKD.2012 KDIGO指南关于CKD诊断的关键方面之一是根据肾功能水平和肾脏损伤的程度对疾病进行分类。


则推荐尝试使用静脉铁剂治疗; [在CKD ND 患者中,或可尝试进行为期1~3个月的口服铁剂治疗] (2C)。
对于需要铁剂的CKD ND患者,根据铁缺乏严重程度、静脉 通路的情况、之前对口服铁剂的反应情况、对之前口服或 静脉铁剂治疗的不良反应情况、患者依从性和药物价格等 因素选择常规的铁剂治疗方法(未分级)。
KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline for Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease
山东大学第二医院 柳刚


2000指南中,男性和绝经期后女性的贫血定义为Hb < 120 g/l 2006中,定义为Hb < 135 g/l 2000指南中,对于未绝经女性的贫血定义为Hb < 110 g/l, 2006中,更新为Hb < 120 g/l
4. 对于所有未接受铁剂或ESA治疗的儿童CKD贫血患 者,当铁蛋白≤100 μ g/L时,
推荐使用口服铁剂治疗; [在CKD HD患者中,或可使用静脉铁剂治疗](1D)。
5. 对所有单纯接受ESA治疗(未补充铁剂)的儿童 CKD贫血患者,
推荐口服铁剂治疗; (在CKD HD中,或可使用静脉铁剂治疗)治疗以维持铁 蛋白>100 μ g/L(1D)。
J ASN 16: 3070-3080, 2005


尿毒症患者口服吸收差,且治疗高磷血症的钙盐等药 物阻碍铁剂吸收

CKD PD&ND:口服or静脉
补铁方是铁状态评估低于目标值,给予静脉 补铁。
维持性补铁,即定期给予小剂量铁剂以维持铁离子于目 标范围内。

KDIGO临床实践指南 慢性肾脏病患者的血压管理》解读

KDIGO临床实践指南 慢性肾脏病患者的血压管理》解读

1、定义和分类:根据指南,慢性肾脏病被定义为肾小球滤过率(GFR)低于 60 mL/(min·1.73 m²)或存在肾脏损害超过3个月。根据GFR水平,慢性肾脏病 被分为5个阶段。
2、高血压的诊断标准:指南规定,慢性肾脏病患者的血压目标值应低于 140/90 mmHg。对于尿毒症患者,血压目标值应低于130/85 mmHg。
KDIGO指南是由国际肾脏病组织(KDIGO)发布的全球性慢性肾脏病评估和管 理指南。该指南结合了最新的科学证据和临床实践经验,旨在为慢性肾脏病的评 估和管理提供全面的指导。KDIGO指南适用于所有慢性肾脏病患者,评估内容包 括GFR、蛋白尿、血尿以及慢性肾脏病相关的并发症。管理方面,KDIGO指南强调 了慢性肾脏病综合管理的重要性,包括优化生活方式、控制危险因素、药物治疗 等。
除了药物治疗外,生活方式干预也是慢性肾脏疾病血压管理的重要组成部分。 KDIGO指南指出,饮食调整、控制体重、增加运动和减少精神压力等非药物治疗 措施有助于降低血压和保护肾脏。这些措施的实施需要医生与患者密切合作,制 定个体化的管理计划。
在解读KDIGO指南时,我们需要注意到其作为临床实践指导的价值,同时也 应认识到其局限性。指南中的建议是基于现有的最佳证据,但医学研究是不断发 展的,新的研究成果可能对指南产生影响。因此,医生在应用指南时,应根据患 者的具体情况和最新的研究进展进行个体化决策。
KDOQI和KDIGO指南在评估和管理慢性肾脏病方面具有异同点。共同点在于两 者均了GFR、蛋白尿和血尿等指标的评估,但在具体内容上有所差异。KDOQI指南 强调了一体化治疗策略,而KDIGO指南则更加慢性肾脏病的综合管理。在管理方 面,两个指南均强调了优化生活方式和控制危险因素的重要性,但KDIGO指南还 强调了针对不同病因和并发症的个体化治疗。



慢性肾疾病的 诊断与评估
肾小球滤过率(GFR): 小于60 mL/min/1
尿蛋白:大于300 mg/24小时
血清肌酐(Scr):大于 1
尿素氮(BUN):大于 20 mg/dL
血红蛋白(Hb):小于 10 g/dL
血压:大于140/90 mmHg
病史询问:了解 1 患者病史、症状、 家族史等
实验室检查:血 3 常规、尿常规、 生化指标等
病理检查:肾 5 活检等
饮食控制:低盐、 低脂、优质蛋白 饮食
运动锻炼:适当 增加运动量,提 高心肺功能
戒烟限酒:减少 烟草和酒精对肾 脏的损害
定期监测:定期 检查肾功能、尿 常规等指标,及 时调整治疗方案
心理调适:保持 乐观心态,减轻 心理压力
慢性肾疾病的 预后与随访
评估指标:肾 小球滤过率、 尿蛋白、血压 等
控制危险因素:如高 血压、糖尿病、高血
饮食管理:低盐、低 脂、优质蛋白饮食
心理支持:关注患者 心理状况,提供心理
康复治疗:根据病情 进行适当的康复训练,





1.K/DOQI标准:由美国肾脏病质量改进联盟(Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality


2.KDIGO标准:由国际肾脏病治疗指南组织(Kidney Disease Improving Global









KDIGO-2012年高血压指南)和对治疗的耐受性 • 3.1.2当使用降血压药物时查究有关体位性头晕和检查体
位性低血压 • 3.1.3 制定老年病人的降压计划时要认真考虑其年龄、并
存病和其他治疗情况,逐步增加治疗并密切留意降压治疗 的不良事件,包括电解质紊乱、急性肾功能减退、直立性 低血压和药物的副作用等
• 3.1.6 我们建议ARB或ACEI用于成年糖尿病伴CKD且尿白蛋 白排泄在30–300 mg/24h者
• 3.1.7 我们推荐ARB或ACEI用于成年糖尿病或非糖尿病伴 CKD且尿白蛋白排泄在>300 mg/24h者
• 3.1.8 没有充足的证据推荐联合使用ACEI和ARB预防CKD进 展
血糖控制 • 3.1.15 我们推荐HbA1c目标为~7.0%以预防和延缓糖尿病
和糖尿病肾病微血管病进展 (1A) • 3.1.16 我们推荐存在低血糖危险而HbA1c <7.0 %不需要治
疗 (1B) • 3.1.17我们建议对于有共存病而预期寿命有限且有低血糖
危险者HbA1c目标可超过7.0% (2C) • 3.1.18CKD和糖尿病者,血糖控制作为多种治疗措施一部
和MRI, 同位素扫描,血管造影)等检测 ✓ 多囊肾 ✓ 肾发育不良 ✓ 梗阻性肾积水 ✓ 梗死、肾盂肾炎或膀胱输尿管返流导致的皮层疤痕 ✓ 浸润性疾病肾脏增大 ✓ 肾动脉狭窄 ✓ 肾变小和强回声肾脏(常见于较严重的慢性肾脏病实
肾脏损害标志 白蛋白尿(AER>30mg/24h; ACR>30mg/g [>3mg/mmol])
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Table 11, from KDIGO CKD Guideline. KI. 2012.
CKD的病情评估—— cause
Chronicity Cause GFR Albuminuria 病因评估:评价临床资料,包括个人与家 族史,社会和环境因素,药物,体格检查, 实验室检查,影像学检查,以及病理诊断, 来确定肾脏病的原因。(Not Graded)
National Kidney Foundation. K/DOQI clinical practice guidelines for chronic kidney disease: evaluation, classification, and stratification. Am J Kidney Dis. 2002;39(suppl 2):S1-S266.
•高血压 •系统性感染 •尿路感染 •尿路结石 •尿路梗阻
•有CKD家族史 •肾脏质量减少 •使用某些药物 •低体重
•自身免疫性疾病 •曾有急性肾损伤
•人种差异 •暴露于某些化学或环境因素 •低收入/教育水平
NKF-KDOQI CKD Guideline. AJKD 2002
GFR: glomerular filtration rate 肾小球滤过率 AER: albumin excretion rate 尿白蛋白排泄率 ACR: albumin-to-cretinine ratio 尿白蛋白肌酐比(肾病指数)
2002 KDOQI 采用GFR分期系统 分期 GFR (ml/min/1.73m2) 描述
基于肌酐估算GFR不准确的情况举例 Chronicity Cause GFR Albuminuria
KDIGO CKD Guideline. KI. 2012.
CKD的病情评估—— Albuminuria
Chronicity Cause GFR Albuminuria
用额外的检验(如cystatin C或清除率测定)作为确诊实验。 (2B)
KDIGO CKD Guideline. KI. 2012.
CKD的病情评估—— GFR估算公式(eGFR)
2006 MDRD公式 1 GFR=170 × sCr-0.999 × age-0.176 × BUN-0.170 × albumin0.318 × 0.762 (女性) × 1.202 GFR=186 × sCr-1.154 × age-0.203 × 0.742 (女性) × 1.227 2009 CKD-EPI sCr 公式 2 GFR=141×min(sCr/k,1)α × max(sCr/k ,1) -1.209×0.993Age ×1.018(女性)×1.159 (黑人)
KDIGO CKD Guideline. KI. 2012.
CKD的病情评估—— GFR
Chronicity Cause GFR Albuminuria
推荐临床工作者:采用GFR估计公式来根据血清肌酐计算 GFR (eGFRcreat) 而不仅仅单独依赖于血清肌酐浓度;明白 哪些临床情况下eGFRcreat不够准确。(1B) 推荐在特殊条件下当基于血清肌酐的eGFR不够准确时,采
1. Ma YC, et al. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2006. 2. Levey AS, et al. Ann Intern Med. 2009. 3. Inker LA, et al. N Engl J Med. 2012.
Am J Kidney Dis. 2014 ay; 63(5):713-35.
四、CKD进展及其并发症的管理 五、CKD的转诊和专科管理
慢性肾脏疾病 (chronic kidney disease, CKD)
Go AS, et al. N Engl J Med. 2004
Levey AS, et al. Kidney Int. 2011
CKD cause
继发性 肾小球疾病 肾小管间质疾病 血管疾病 囊肿和先天性疾病
11 X X X
KDIGO CKD Guideline. KI. 2012.
Matshushita K, et al. Lancet. 2010
四、CKD进展及其并发症的管理 五、CKD的转诊和专科管理
评估CKD患者预后时,要考虑以下四个因素:(1) CKD病因; (2) GFR (3) 白蛋白尿 (4)其他危险因素及合并症情况 (Not Graded)
在CKD患者中,将GFR及白蛋白尿这两个分层系统以同等的危 险度对待进行CKD预后评估(Not Graded)
KDIGO CKD Guideline. KI. 2012.
KDIGO CKD Guideline. KI. 2012.
Chronicity Cause GFR Albuminuria
分期 GFR (ml/min/1.73m2)
分期 AER(mg/24h) ACR(mg/g)
G2 G3a
60~89 45~59
A2 A3
30-300 >300
30-300 >300
G4 G5
15~29 <15
GFR: glomerular filtration rate 肾小球滤过率 AER: albumin excretion rate 尿白蛋白排泄率 ACR: albumin-to-cretinine ratio 尿白蛋白肌酐比(肾病指数) 注意:当无肾脏损伤标志物时,GFR处于G1或G2不诊断CKD
(1)白蛋白尿: AER>30mg/24h或ACR>30mg/g (2)尿沉渣异常
(4)组织病理学异常 (5)影像学发现的结构异常
ml/min/1.73m2 ,伴或
(6)肾移植病史 2、GFR<60 ml/min/1.73m2
2期 3期 4期 5期
60~89 30~59 15~29 <15(或透析)
肾损害伴GFR轻度↓ GFR中度↓ GFR重度↓ 肾衰竭
GFR: glomerular filtration rate 肾小球滤过率
2012 KDIGO提出CGA分期系统 We recommend that CKD is classified based on Cause, GFR category, and Albuminuria category (CGA). (1 B)
2012 CKD-EPI sCysC 公式 3
GFR=133 × min(sCysC/0.8, 1)-0.499 × max(sCysC/0.8, 1)-1.328 × 0.996Age × 0.932(女性) 2012 CKD-EPI sCr-sCysC 公式 3 GFR=135 × min(sCr/k,1)α × max(sCr/k ,1)-0.601 × min(sCysC/0.8, 1)- 0.375 × max(sCysC/0.8, 1)-0.711 × 0.995Age × 0.969(女性) × 1.08(黑人)
KDIGO Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes 改善全球肾脏病预后组织
Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) CKD Work Group. KDIGO 2012 clinical practice guideline for the evaluation and management of chronic kidney disease. Kidney Int Suppl. 2013;3:1-150.
CKD的病情评估—— chronicity
Chronicity Cause GFR Albuminuria
AKD, acute kidney diseases and disorders AKI, acute kidney injury CKD, chronic kidney disease NKD, no known kidney disease
CKD的病情评估—— GFR的影响因素
食物 来源 血浆 浓度 肾外 排泄