仔细想想,下面约翰逊(Johnson,2002: 59)的这段话,虽然不能说是幸灾乐祸,但毫无疑问是“见错心喜”:50. 外语学习者的话语中,最吸引人的莫过于其中的错误。
6.1 偏误分析的背景20世纪五六十年代时,占统治地位的语言学习理论是对比分析假说。
校园英语 / 翻译研究公示语翻译的错误分析及对策广安职业技术学院/母滨彬【摘要】随着国际步伐的加速和我国对外开放的逐渐深入,公示语的翻译(英译)与日俱增。
【关键词】公示语 错误 对策公示语是一种常见于公共场所的特殊文体,用寥寥数字来表达对受众的某些要求或引起人们的注意。
例如在我国很多景区,游客经常会看到“注意安全,小心落水”的警示牌,英译文竟然是“Take care! Fall into water carefully!”很显然,原文中的“小心落水”是希望游客能加以防范,也就是“Be careful of deep water!”并不是要希望大家“小心地落入水中”,试想若果某些外国游客轻信了警示牌中的英译文,还以为这是景区的某个娱乐项目,都纷纷“小心翼翼落入水中”,其后果将不堪设想。
select card error 中文-概述说明以及解释
select card error 中文-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述在"select card error"(选择卡错误)这篇文章中,我将探讨在使用设备时可能会遇到的选择卡错误,并提供相关的解决方法。
1.2 文章结构文章结构部分的内容:文章结构即本文所采用的组织架构和章节划分方式。
在引言部分,我们会对"select card error"这个主题进行概述,并介绍本文的结构和目的。
在错误类型章节中,我们将详细介绍出现"select card error"错误的几种不同类型,包括语法错误、逻辑错误和数据错误。
由于混合使⽤了JPA和JDBC两种操作⽅式,该程序移植到后PostgreSQL错误不断且不好诊断,其中耗时耗⼒最多的就是:“org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: 不良的类型值 long ”。
⼆、原因分析以下是PostgreSQL抛出例外处的⽇志⽚段:Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: 不良的类型值 long : \x0040010346504d4e00000001000003900101000000000000000002800000028001f4007d000202040000000200000000000000000000000000000000000000005041 at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgResultSet.toLong(PgResultSet.java:2860)at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgResultSet.getLong(PgResultSet.java:2114)at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgResultSet.getBlob(PgResultSet.java:418)at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgResultSet.getBlob(PgResultSet.java:405)at mons.dbcp.DelegatingResultSet.getBlob(DelegatingResultSet.java:565)at mons.dbcp.DelegatingResultSet.getBlob(DelegatingResultSet.java:565)at org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.BlobTypeDescriptor$1.doExtract(BlobTypeDescriptor.java:48)at org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.BasicExtractor.extract(BasicExtractor.java:47)at org.hibernate.type.AbstractStandardBasicType.nullSafeGet(AbstractStandardBasicType.java:258)at org.hibernate.type.AbstractStandardBasicType.nullSafeGet(AbstractStandardBasicType.java:254)at org.hibernate.type.AbstractStandardBasicType.nullSafeGet(AbstractStandardBasicType.java:244)at org.hibernate.type.AbstractStandardBasicType.hydrate(AbstractStandardBasicType.java:327)at org.hibernate.persister.entity.AbstractEntityPersister.hydrate(AbstractEntityPersister.java:2775)at org.hibernate.loader.plan.exec.process.internal.EntityReferenceInitializerImpl.loadFromResultSet(EntityReferenceInitializerImpl.java:305)... 64 more可以看出,这是在读取BLOB(即BYTEA)类型数据时出的错,具体是把想byte[]当作long来读取。
recognizer error 10114
二、Recognize错误xxx可能的原因1. 数据质量不佳:输入的数据质量可能不够好,包括图像、声音等,导致系统无法正确识别。
2. 网络问题:在使用云端语音识别或人工智能系统时,网络连接不稳定或不畅可能导致识别错误xxx的出现。
3. 软件Bug:人工智能系统或语音识别软件本身存在bug或者逻辑错误,导致无法正确识别输入。
三、如何避免Recognize错误xxx的出现1. 提高数据质量:在进行语音识别或图像识别时,尽量提高输入数据的质量,确保清晰度和准确性。
2. 稳定网络连接:在使用云端语音识别或人工智能系统时,确保网络连接稳定和畅通。
3. 及时更新软件:保持软件和系统的更新,可以及时修复一些潜在的bug和错误。
四、如何处理Recognize错误xxx的情况1. 重新输入:如果是语音识别时出现了错误xxx,可以尝试重新输入并确保清晰度和准确性。
2. 检查网络:如果是云端识别时出现了错误xxx,可以先检查网络连接是否正常,确保稳定和畅通。
3. 反馈问题:如果错误xxx是由于软件本身的bug导致的,可以及时向软件提供反馈,并等待修复。
Display Error Messages显示错误信息Alarms and Warnings 警报和警告If an error occurs, the unit will display an alarm or warning message in clear text on the graphic display (60). Each error is allocated an error code.如果发生错误,机器将会在文本中以图线形式显示报警或警告信息。
Errors are separated into three categories:错误可分为3 类:Hard alarms (error codes -1 to -1023): When a hard alarm occurs, temperature control is immediately stopped. The unit must be turned off, using the main switch (36) and the error condition corrected. The unit can then be turned on again. If an alarm occurs during the unit start up and self-test, please contact Huber for advice.硬报警(错误代码-1 到-1023):硬报警(错误代码-1至-1023):当发生硬报警,立即停止温度控制。
Soft alarms (error codes -1024 to -2047): These alarms also cause the temperature control to be immediately stopped. After clearing the error condition temperature control can be restarted without cycling power to the unit.软报警(错误代码-1024 到-2047):软报警(错误代码-1024至-2047):报警也可导致温度控制立即停止。
比如,在博克1958年的实验中,研究者给儿童看一张照片,上面是一只像鸟一样但很怪异的动物,并且告诉儿童This is a wug;然后给儿童看另一张照片,上面有两只这种动物,并且對兒童说Now there's another one.There are two of them.There are two...?对于这个问题,调查中91%的儿童都回答说wugs(转引自Mitchell & Myles,1998)。
第三章中儿童的other one spoon就是错误的英语结构。
通常人们把1967年作为第二语言习得研究(Second Language Acquisition—SLA)这一新领域的开始,因为在这一年著名语言教育家S.P.Corder发表了他颇具影响的论文《学习者言语错误的重要意义》。
springboot启动的时候报错,错误如下:Field demoRepository in com.ge.serviceImpl.DemoServiceImpl required a bean of type 'com.ge.dao.DemoRepository' that could not be found.The injection point has the following annotations:- @org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired(required=true)Action:Consider defining a bean of type 'com.ge.dao.DemoRepository' in your configuration.原因分析:由于搭建的springboot项⽬是分模块搭建的,使⽤的是spring-data-jpacom.ge.dao.DemoRepository是在ge-springboot-dao模块下。
代码如下public interface DemoRepository extends JpaRepository<Demo, Integer> {}但是SpringBootApplication是在ge-springboot-web这个module下。
com.ge.MainApplication@SpringBootApplication(exclude = {DataSourceAutoConfiguration.class})public class MainApplication {public static void main(String[] args) {SpringApplication.run(MainApplication.class, args);}}看错误信息的意思是spring找不到这个bean,也就是扫描不到。
十大中国学生口音的错误Top 10 mistakes Chinese student make when speaking English.1. Intonation, Stress, and RhythmIntonation and rhythm are different in English than in Chinese. Also, Chinese words usually only have 1 syllable, whereas English words can have up to...well, 19, if you count "Pnuemonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis!"Of course most words in English aren't that long, but it is common to have 5-6 syllables in an English word. Many Chinese speakers tend to rush through these long words, trying to say them very fast, which causes them to mispronounce the word.Practice pronouncing long words slowly, giving yourself time to pronounce all the sounds. Listen to the intonation and rhythm of the English speakers around you, noticing how they use intonation for different meanings. Try to imitate these patterns as much as you can. I plan to make a blog post just about intonation soon!2. /r/ as in "right."The consonant /r/ is similar to the Chinese /r/ in some dialects, but still quite different. To an English speaker, the Chinese /r/ may sound more like the English /l/ sound. In other words, when you say "right" with a Chinese /r/, English speakers may hear "light." Depending on your dialect of Chinese, your "right" may sound like "white."The best thing to do is usually to keep the tip of your tongue low, so that your /r/ won't sound like an /l/. If your /r/ sounds like a /w/, make sure to keep your lips stretched back and not purse your lips while pronouncing /r/. (I also plan to make an instructional Youtube video about /r/ soon!)3. /θ/ as in "think" and /ð/ as in "that"Chinese does not have these two sounds. Many of my Chinese students actually know how to produce these sounds, but forget when they are speaking quickly, especially since the /ð/ shows up a lot in small words such as "this," "the," "that," "those," "there," and so on.4. "Consonant clusters," or more than one consonant in a row.Chinese does not have any "consonant clusters," or more than one consonant in a row. For example, the words "blue," "truck," and "spring" have consonant clusters.5. Consonants at the end of words, especially /b/, /d/, /g/, /p/, /t/, and /k/.These sounds are called voiced and voiceless stop consonants, and Chinese has no voiced consonants at the end of words. English speakers usually differentiate between voiced consonants (/b/, /d/, /g/) and voiceless consonants (/p/, /t/, /k/) by producing a longer vowel for voiced consonants and a shorter vowel for voiceless consonants.For example, the words "mop" and "mob" would be pronounced exactly the same except the vowel in "mop" would be shorter than the vowel in "mob." (I also plan to make a video about this concept, since it is hard to demonstrate in writing.)6. The consonants /v/ as in "van," /ð/ as in "breathe," /z/, /ʒ/ as in "measure," and /dʒ/ as in "judge."These sounds are called "voiced fricatives and affricates," and Chinese does not have them. If you put your fingers on your throat, you should be able to feel your voice vibrating during these sounds. For example, if you say "fffffff," your voice should not be vibrating, and if you say, "vvvvvvv," you should feel your throat vibrate.7. Differentiating between /l/ and /n/.In my experience, Cantonese speakers and Chinese speakers from the south of China often have trouble differentiating between /l/ and /n/. In other words, if you say "need," an English speaker might hear "lead." It is important to keep in mind that for /n/, sound should be directed through your nose, and for /l/, sound should be directed around either side of your tongue.8. /l/ at the end of words.To produce a /l/ at the end of a word like "little," make sure the tip of your tongue is curled up, barely touching the tooth ridge, and that your lips are not rounded.9. /m/, /n/, and /ŋ/ at the end of words.Chinese does include these sounds at the end of words, but they tend to be much shorter. Emphasize the final consonant in words like "arm," "sun," and "sing."10. Pronouncing these vowel pairs differently from each other:/i/ vs /ɪ//e/ vs /ɛ//u/ vs /ʊ//e/ vs /æ/Chinese speakers tend to pronounce each of these vowel pairs in an identical way. Therefore, "sheep"/"ship," "mate"/"met," "shoed"/"should," and "mate"/"mat" may sound the same.。
偏误分析 课件
①教师可以了解学习者对目的语的掌握程度及达到的阶段。 ②研究者可以了解学习者是如何习得目的语的。 ③学习者可以验证他们对第二语言规则的理解正确与否。
此外,科德并不怎么认可偏误或“偏离”(deviant) 等词,科德选择的术语是“特异性”(idiosyncracy)。 不过,特异性也好,偏误也好,都是与目的语对比的结 果,指的都是与目的语相异的形式,它俩实质上并没有太大 的不同。学者们后来使用更多的术语,仍然是“偏误”。 在偏误分析中,偏误也不仅仅指系统的错误,而是指 所有的错误,包括“表现中,我们把“偏误”和“错误”看成是可替换 术语。
所谓“偏误”(error)是指第二语言学习者在使用某词 汇、发音、语法、语义和语用等语项时出现的语误,对比标准 目的语,表现出学习错误或不完善的特征(faulty or incomplete learning),偏误与偏误之间是成系统、有规律 地联系着的。 偏误分析(error analysis)是对学习者在第二语言习得过 程中所出现的偏误进行观察、分析和分类,从而了解学习者本身 的语言习得障碍,揭示第二语言习得的过程和规律。它涉及来自 母语干扰的语际分析,来自目的语干扰的语内分析、交际中的社 会语言环境、心理及认知策略,以及其他相关的影响因素。
第六章 偏误分析 (Error Analysis)
一、偏误分析的背景 二、科德的偏误分析观 三、偏误分析的步骤 四、偏误分类
六、偏误分析评价 七、小结
对 比 分 析
现代语言学自考题-8(总分100,考试时间90分钟)PART ONEⅠDirections: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices **pletes the statement and put the letter A, B, C or D in the brackets.1. Saussure used ______ to refer to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a **munity.A. performance B. parole C. langue D. competence2. In terms of the place of articulation, the following sounds [t][d][s][z][n] share the feature of ______.A. palatal B. alveolar C. bilabial D. dental3. There are different types of affixes or morphemes. The affix "ed" in the word "learned" is known as a(n) ______.A. derivational morpheme B. free morpheme C. inflectional morpheme D. free form4. The structural and logical functional relations of constituents are called ______ relations.A. linear B. hierarchical C. semantic D. grammatical5. A word with several meanings is a ______.A. synonymy B. polysemic word C. co-hyponym D. complete hyponym6. Y's utterance in the following conversation exchange violates the maxim of ______.X: Who was that you were with last night?Y: Did you know that you were wearing odd socks?A. quality B. quantity C. relation D. manner7. ______ involves a reversal in position of two adjoining sound segments.A. Apocope B. Epenthesis C. Metathesis D. Assimilation8. No two speakers of the same language or ______ use their language or ______ in exactly the same way.A. variety, dialect B. variation, dialect C. dialect, idiolect D. dialect, dialect9. The motor area within the brain is responsible for ______.A. speech production B. comprehension of speech C. converting a visual stimulus into an auditory form and vice versa D. physical articulation of utterances.10. Basically all the following categories except ______ are always missing in the children's telegraphic speech stage.A. the copula verb "be" B. inflectional morphemes C. function words D. content wordsPART TWOⅡDirections: Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word, the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in ONE word only, and you are not allowed to change the letter given.1. P relates the study of language to psychology.2. Stops, fricatives, affricates, liquids, and glides all have some degree of o and are therefore consonants.3. I morphemes are those morphemes that show various grammatical relations or categories such as number, tense and case.4. Words and phrases are organized according to the syntactic c they belong to.5. That the denial of one member of two words implies the assertion of the other is the characteristic of c antonyms.6. D tries to get the hearer to do something.7. The deletion of a word final vowel segment is called a ______.8. One mark of an informal style is the frequent occurrence of s words and expressions, which make sense only to the people of particular social groups and serve as a mark of membership and solidarity within a given social group.9. Genie's case not only confirms the critical period hypothesis, but also the view that human's language a device is independent of other intellectual abilities.10. Linguists often use the term native language or mother tongue instead of first language, and t language instead of second language in second language acquisition literature.ⅢDirections: Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Put a T for true or F for false in the brackets in front of each statement. If you think a statement is false, you must explain why you think so and then give the correct version.1. In the history of any language the writing system always came into being before the spoken form.A. 正确B. 错误2. In English, long vowels are also tense vowels because when we pronounce a long vowel such as/i:/, the larynx is in a state of tension.A. 正确B. 错误3. Theoretically speaking, a compound can be a combination of two words of any parts of speech.A. 正确B. 错误4. Since a compound is a word, **ponents can not be written separately.A. 正确B. 错误5. Every utterance occurs in a particular spatiotemporal situation, the **ponents of which include the place and time of the utterance.A. 正确B. 错误6. Of the views concerning the study of semantics, the contextual view, which places the study of meaning in the context in which language is used, is often considered as the initial effort to study meaning in a pragmatic sense.A. 正确B. 错误7. The most distinguishable linguistic feature of a regional dialect is its regional background.A. 正确B. 错误8. Wernicke's work strengthened Broca's claim that left hemispheric structures are essential for speech.A. 正确B. 错误9. Conscious knowledge of linguistic rules does ensure acquisition of the rules and therefore an immediate guidance for actual performance.A. 正确B. 错误10. The grammatical errors that occur in second language acquisition can all be explained by mother tongue interference.A. 正确B. 错误ⅣDirections: Explain the following terms and give examples for illustration where appropriate.1. place of articulation2. complementary antonyms3. registers4. linguistic taboo5. sentence stress6. grammaticality7. diphthong8. fricative9. hyponymy10. toneⅤDirections: Answer the following questions.1. Explain sociological triggers for language change by giving a typical example in the history of English.2. Describe the distinctive features of Black English in its syntactic system by using examples.。
expecting member declaratio
expecting member declaratio “expecting member declaration”是一个编程错误,通常出现在C++或其他类似的面向对象的编程语言中。
这里有一些可能导致“expecting member declaration”错误的常见原因:语法错误:在类的主体中,你可能不小心写了一些不符合语法的代码。
这里有一个简单的C++类定义的例子,它应该不会导致“expecting member declaration”错误:cppclass MyClass {public:int myMemberVariable; // 成员变量声明void myMemberFunction(); // 成员函数声明};// 成员函数的定义可以在类的外部进行void MyClass::myMemberFunction() {// 这里是函数的实现}在这个例子中,MyClass 类有一个成员变量 myMemberVariable 和一个成员函数 myMemberFunction。
一、Hibernate配置错误1、Limit附近有语法错误(不能进行分页)映射文件中数据库方言配置错误,应该有MySQLDialect改为SQLServerDialect二、Strus2配置错误1、ng.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/lang3/StringUtils缺少struts2中的jar包commons-lang-2.5.jar2、Unable to load configuration. - action – file:...struts.xmlCaused by: Action class [example.HelloWorld] not foundStruts.xml中Action配置错误3、ng.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/struts2/util/ObjectFactoryDestroyable重启tomcat4、Exception in thread "main" ng.IllegalArgumentException: PWC6311: compilerTargetVM 1.7 too high将项目——属性——源代码/二进制格式改成JDK1.6,而不是原来的JDK1.75、failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: entity.Student.classes, no session or session was closed映射文件中设置lazy=”false”,加载方式改成load而不是get6、升级到struts2.3后validate框架失效的解决<!DOCTYPE validators PUBLIC "-//OpenSymphony Group//XWork Validator 1.0.2//EN""/xwork/xwork-validator-1.0.2.dtd">改成:<!DOCTYPE validators PUBLIC"-//Apache Struts//XWork Validator 1.0.2//EN""/xwork/xwork-validator-1.0.3.dtd">7、com.mchange.v2.async.ThreadPoolAsynchronousRunner$DeadlockDetector@12539a92 -- APPARENT DEADLOCK!!! Complete Status:数据库服务没有启动三、Spring3配置错误1、log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger<context-param><param-name>log4jConfigLocation</param-name><param-value>/WEB-INF/config/log4j.properties</param-value></context-param>······<!-- 定义LOG4J监听器--><listener><listener-class>org.springframework.web.util.Log4jConfigListener</listener-class></listener>2、ng.ClassNotFoundException: org.testng.annotations.BeforeTestSpring3类库中添加testing3、WARN [org.hibernate.internal.util.xml.DTDEntityResolver] - HHH000223: Recognized obsoletehibernate namespace /. Use namespace/dtd/ instead. Refer to Hibernate 3.6 Migration Guide!修改配置文件和映射文件中dtd的地址改成四、Spring3.x+Hibernate4.x升级问题1、Caused by: ng.ClassNotFoundException: org.hibernate.cache.CacheProvider出现这个问题主要是hibernate4里不在有cacheprovider类,cacheprovider在hibernate3中才有,用hibernate4就应该用hibernate4的SessionFactory。
2.4.131.The new school regulation is not welcome since most students __________ it as a restriction.A.interpretB.stretchC.submitD.edit正确答案:A32.Don't leave your bike around here __________, since it is likely to be stolen.A.appropriatelyB.overnightC.outwardsD.externally正确答案:B33.I like your methods of working very much and shall ____________ them in my factory.A.acquireB.abuseC.adoptD.adapt正确答案:C34.There was nothing worthy of ____________ at the Flower Show, you'd better not go there.A.remnantB.remarkC.factionD.faculty正确答案:B35.The music aroused an ____________ feeling of homesickness in him.A.intermediateB.inferiorC.intenseD.individual正确答案:C36.They are going to construct the train station in ____________ with another company.A.associationB.tuneC.touchparison正确答案:A37.The young man's clothes were scattered about his room ____________.A.at willB.at randomC.at timesD.at time正确答案:B38.As a housewife, her __________ duties include cooking, cleaning and taking care of the whole family.A.routeB.routineC.jobD.assignment正确答案:B39.Stress is not a bad thing sometimes, for it may __________ a person's best qualities.A.call forthB.call onC.call upD.call in正确答案:A40.A teacher cannot give ____________ attention to his students if his class is very large.A.individualB.ineligibleC.gloriousD.substantial正确答案:A41.The only link to the real world for a cybernut may be a computer that is __________ on the Internet.A.loopedB.slippedC.hookedD.relied正确答案:C42.The three hours I spent in the school library ____________ my oldpassion for reading.A.called forthB.called onC.brought forthD.brought back正确答案:D43.Your article is fairly good, but it needs ___________ before it could be published.A.stretchingB.editingC.designingD.arranging正确答案:B44.I don't want to get _________ their argument about the school reform.A.taken inB.sucked intoC.put upD.relied on正确答案:B45.The sight of seeing violent and bloody scenes in films __________ on me.A.jarsB.jerksC.sucksD.abuses正确答案:A46.Dark color clothes are preferred in winter for they can __________ light and heat to make people feel warm.A.put inB.take inC.put upD.take down正确答案:B47.The ____________ government collapsed, conceding all power to the religious leader.A.civilianB.onwardC.outwardD.timely正确答案:A48.After mailing the resume, the applicant waits anxiously for a(n) ___________.A.reviewB.disturbanceC.interviewD.interference正确答案:C49.Don't be so ____________ as to believe everything the politicians say.A.innumerableB.innocentC.vacantD.incredible正确答案:B50.If you want to air the clothes in fine weather, first you have to __________ a rope between two poles.A.strainB.suckC.stretchD.submit正确答案:C51.I feel a lot of __________ for her because I have been through the same kind of misfortune myself.A.symptomB.mercyC.bitternessD.sympathy正确答案:D52.The local government decided to __________ the factories instead of concentrating them in a single region.A.scatterB.gatherC.scareD.slip正确答案:A53.Many young people nowadays prefer to __________ with their friends via email or OICQ rather than a face-to-face talk.A.contactB.cooperateC.criticizemunicate正确答案:D54.The "check and balance" system is supposed to prevent the three government branches from ___________ their authorities.A.accusingB.projectingC.restoringD.abusing正确答案:D55.Even though she tried not to show her true feelings, the __________ of her voice showed that she was very excited.A.accentB.dataC.pronunciationD.tone正确答案:D56.If negotiations for the new trade agreements take ____________, critical food shortages will spread in several countries.A.too much longerB.much too longC.the longerD.the longest正确答案:B57.The match had to be cancelled because most of the members ____________a match without a standard court.A.objected to havingB.objected to haveC.were objected to haveD.were objected to having正确答案:A58.Their great grandfather was among the first to settle in ___________ is now the famous tourist resort.A.whichB.thatC.whereD.what正确答案:D59.It's time ____________ about the traffic problem downtown.A.something was doneB.anything will be doneC.everything is doneD.nothing to be done正确答案:Anguage belongs to each one of us, to the flower-seller ___________ to the professors.A.as long asB.as much asC.as far asD.as good as正确答案:B2.4.231.During the Second World War, thousands upon thousands of Jews __________ Germany in order to avoid the possible persecution.A.escapedB.flewC.excusedD.fled错误率为0% 正确答案:D32.If a person is bringing in goods of great value, the customs inspector may ask him to pay ____________ on them.A.taxesB.customsC.appointmentsD.contribution错误率为83.33% 正确答案:B33.I missed an important meeting this morning, because I was not ____________ of it.A.interviewedrmedC.interweavedD.reformed错误率为5.55999756% 正确答案:B34.His words are hard to understand because he speaks English with a stronglocal __________.A.dialectB.accentC.pronunciationD.tone错误率为22.2200012% 正确答案:B35.There is an official ___________ towards simpler administration.A.tendencyB.fashionC.versionD.interaction正确答案:A 错误率为22.2200012%36.The strike has been on for half a year; ____________ there is a severe decline in production.A.converselyB.subsequentlyC.consequentlyD.frequently错误率为27.7799988% 正确答案:C37.The first step to make dumplings is to make the dough. To do that you can add water to the flour or, __________ the flour to water.A.controversiallyB.doggedlyC.converselyD.externally错误率为5.55999756% 正确答案:C38.The drug was never ____________ to sufficiently severe tests.A.submittedB.subjectedC.undergoneD.yielde错误率为83.33% 正确答案:B39.Mary is a __________ person in every other aspect except that she has been lost in playing computer games on the Internet.A.sensitiveB.sensibleC.reasonableD.considerate错误率为38.89% 正确答案:B40.When a girl tells a boy, "If I could finish my work, I'll go out with you", what she means is ____________ a flat refusal.pletelyB.virtuallyC.converselyD.slightly错误率为16.6699982% 正确答案:B41.People ____________ the house to the way it might have looked in the 1920s.A.restoredB.recoveredC.resumedD.repaired,错误率为22.2200012% 正确答案:A42.The old government has been overthrown for a year, but the bright future promised by the new leaders is still not __________ and many people began to lose confidence.A.in sightB.in futureC.on lineD.on demand错误率为0% 正确答案:A43.Improvements of all kinds are constantly being made in television so that ____________ will be as close to perfection as possible.A.relationshipB.receptionC.reflectionD.response错误率为61.11% 正确答案:B44.Nowadays people need not go out to buy goods, since they can visit a __________ store on the Internet and choose what they want.A.fashionableB.localC.virtualD.convenient错误率为0% 正确答案:C45.I'm in no ____________ this evening to listen to his silly jokes.A.moodB.feelingC.tendencyD.attitude错误率为16.6699982% 正确答案:A46.In many cultures people who were thought to have the ability to ____________ dreams were likely to be highly respected.A.interveneB.inheritC.impartD.interpret错误率为27.7799988% 正确答案:D47.He ____________ himself out on the beach to enjoy warm sunshine of the Caribbean.A.squattedB.yawnedC.stretchedD.imitated错误率为16.6699982% 正确答案:C48.When the four banks in the city failed in one day, there was a ___________ among businessmen.A.fearB.terrorC.panicD.dread错误率为38.89% 正确答案:C49.The map was drawn to the standard ____________ of 1:150,000, so there was not much detail.A.toneB.routeC.lineD.scale错误率为50% 正确答案:D50.People who refuse to ____________ with the law will be punished.municateB.consentplyD.conceal错误率为33.33% 正确答案:C51.The invention of paper meant more people could be educated because more books could be printed and ____________.A.distributedB.dividedC.spreadD.scattered错误率为50% 正确答案:A52.The tutor taught his students the history of Europe and they could not ____________ what he told.A.take inB.take awayC.take toD.take about错误率为16.6699982% 正确答案:A53.Since the number of graduates is increasing each year, there is ___________ competition in the job market.A.innocentB.individualC.intensiveD.intense错误率为22.2200012% 正确答案:D54.Television has become an important _____________ for spreading political ideas.A.resolutionB.infancyC.vehicleD.veil错误率为16.6699982% 正确答案:C55.After careful consideration the representatives are supposed to __________ their proposals for the new round development of the city to the local government.A.submitB.stretchC.supplyD.sustain错误率为16.6699982% 正确答案:A56.A serious accident happened on Zhongshan Road this morning and ____________ there has been a severe congestion of traffic.A.until thenB.since thenC.for whichD.after that错误率为27.7799988% 正确答案:B57.Why do you make such a foolish mistake again? I think I have pointed it out to you ___________.A.on more than one occasionsB.on more occasions than oneC.in more than one occasionsD.in more occasions than one错误率为33.33% 正确答案:A58.Many Chinese learners of English find the difference between [ae] and[e] in the English language hard to ___________.A.distinguishB.be distinguishedC.being distinguishedD.distinguishing错误率为16.6699982% 正确答案:A59.None of us would agree on where to go on vacation, so we went to different places, ___________.A.New York to them and Washington to meB.New York for them and Washington for meC.they to New York and I to WashingtonD.they for New York and I for Washington错误率为50% 正确答案:C60.____________ to understand what he doesn't, he makes a fool of himself.A.Always pretendingB.Always pretendedC.Having always pretendedD.Always being pretended错误率为27.7799988% 正确答案:A2.5.131.The genteel princess dedicated all her life ____ the poor and the wretched.A.to helpB.to helpingC.in helpingD.for helping错误率为22.2200012% 正确答案:B32.These days are very queer and uncomfortable -- showers often ____ with sunshine.petingB.alternatingC.surroundingD.hugging错误率为27.7799988% 正确答案:B33.Many children still believe in Santa Claus and it would be cruel to ______ them.A.disillusionB.fertilizeC.mingleD.tumble错误率为22.2200012% 正确答案:A34.She played with seemingly____ skill in the world tennis match and won the championship in the Nasdaq-100 Open on Wednesday.A.weightliftingB.effortlessC.judiciousD.shimmering错误率为38.89% 正确答案:B35.Being horribly injured and scared during the kidnapping by the gangsters, she's ____ loss of memory.A.suffering fromB.suffering ofC.falling fromD.falling of错误率为5.55999756% 正确答案:A36.What _______ you to this conclusion that we shouldn't believe anything she said?A.tookB.reachedC.arrivedD.led错误率为44.44% 正确答案:D37.The evidence obtained _______ their claims that bin Laden is closely related to the September 11 terrorist attacks.A.takes inB.bears outC.works onD.puts forward错误率为22.2200012% 正确答案:B38.I explained the problem to him two times but it didn't seem to _______.A.chuckB.intrudeC.skimD.penetrate错误率为5.55999756% 正确答案:D39.The mayor didn't realize the _______ of people's feelings on the housing issue.A.emotionB.unisonC.intensityD.welfare错误率为11.1100006% 正确答案:C40.In between parts of the prestigious opera Don Giovanni, there is often an____ during the performance.A.wonderB.pediatricianC.principalD.interval错误率为27.7799988% 正确答案:D41.Although we had told them not to keep us waiting, they made no ______ to speed up deliveries.A.trialB.attemptC.actionD.progress错误率为38.89% 正确答案:B42.______ their efforts in sales, the big company is still making a heavy loss.A.In spite ofB.In point ofC.In view ofD.On behalf of错误率为5.55999756% 正确答案:A43.Tobacco is heavily taxed in this religious country, ____ many alcoholic drinks.A.along withB.in additionC.coincide withe together错误率为72.22% 正确答案:A44.Their conventional way of doing things and stubborn attitude marked some ____ of their culture and country.A.traitsB.nightmaresC.forumsD.feats错误率为27.7799988% 正确答案:A45.Many teachers recognize the importance of following the _____ law of teaching and bring up the children healthy.A.progressB.progressiveC.advanceD.model错误率为33.33% 正确答案:B46.The exhibition got the ____ by the Society of Culture to promote cross-culture communication.A.sponsorshipbinationC.disciplineD.tribulation错误率为11.1100006% 正确答案:A47.The Palestinian Authority argued that the partly built barrier ofditches, watch posts and concrete walls was a violation of international law and an ____ annex Palestinian land.A.forward toB.enforcement toC.hold on toD.attempt to错误率为77.78% 正确答案:D48.Our government must deal with the environmental pollution problem and ______ measures in line with the latest research in this field.A.set aboutB.work outC.fill upD.bring over错误率为5.55999756% 正确答案:B49.Having watched so many animated cartoons, some children can't distinguish between ______ and reality.A.mottoB.fantasyC.gorgeD.ivory错误率为11.1100006% 正确答案:B50.If you really don't believe me, the other witnesses will ____ what I say.A.coach me awayB.work me outC.bear me outD.bring me back错误率为27.7799988% 正确答案:C51.He wore his shabbiest clothes to the summit meeting: he has no sense of _____!A.occasionB.mottoC.eruptionD.accomplishment错误率为5.55999756% 正确答案:A52.She told me that she has three other nice cars ______ the one she drives to work.A.besidesB.in additionC.exceptD.except for错误率为38.89% 正确答案:A53.Despite all his ______ we still think he is one of the best professors in this prestigious university.A.disadvantagesB.drawbacksC.shortcomingsD.defects错误率为16.6699982% 正确答案:C54.After his successful vaulting, he could see nothing in his ____ eye but the proud smile on his mother's face.A.soul'sB.heart'sC.mind'sD.brain's错误率为22.2200012% 正确答案:C55.There, a new Roman Court —a skylit room with double-height ceilings punctuated with limestone columns — is to be____ to house Hellenistic and Roman Art Museum, which is scheduled to open in Spring 2007.A.titledB.enhancedC.installedD.dismissed错误率为22.2200012% 正确答案:C56._______ that increasing the intake of fruits and vegetables can lower the risk of getting some types of cancer.A.To believeB.BelievesC.The believeD.It is believed错误率为11.1100006% 正确答案:D57.Tom was driven out of the house and, ______ might be expected, died of cold and hunger.A.whichB.thatC.whoD.as错误率为44.44% 正确答案:D58.____ mural art of painter Charles Alson that had established his reputation and insured his fame.A.TheB.ThatC.It is theD.Since the错误率为5.55999756% 正确答案:C59.She speaks French fluently ____ she prefers to chatter in her native language — Spanish.A.and yetB.but stillC.anyhowD.in spite of错误率为72.22% 正确答案:A60.The fire started on the first floor of the hospital, many of ______ patients are elderly and infirm.A.itsB.theirC.whichD.whose错误率为11.1100006% 正确答案:D2.5.231.Teachers of the school may participate in excursions to beautiful beaches around the small island at regular ______.A.gaps .rate C.length D.intervals错误率为16.6699982% 正确答案:D32.Richard Brinsley Sheridan once said: "There is not a ____ so strongly rooted in the human heart as envy."A.passionB.mediaC.sponsorshipD.mission错误率为12.5% 正确答案:A33.Recent series of deceptions on voting ____ most civilians to distrust all politicians in that island country.A.madeB.bumpedC.penetratedD.inclined错误率为20.8300018% 正确答案:D34.Many people were wondering whether bias in the news ______ contributed to the candidate's failure.A.corruptionB.extractC.mediaD.faculty错误率为75% 正确答案:D35.Because of the riot last month, police are patrolling the major ____ roads to the football stadium.A.approachB.shakerC.corporationD.executive错误率为12.5% 正确答案:A36.He strained himself last week, because he has to work with great ____ in that joint venture.A.intensityB.eruptionC.sacrificeD.fortitude错误率为12.5% 正确答案:A37.The relationship between the two countries has ____ since the beginning of the talks on the border conflicts.A.easedB.crippledC.peeredD.gashed,错误率为12.5% 正确答案:A38.We feel much more optimistic about our ability to solve the problems and obstacles which ______ us.A.confrontB.encounterC.rescueD.originate错误率为25% 正确答案:A39.The dispute on trade deficit has further increased the ____ between the two countries.A.vigilanceB.thumpC.tensionD.emotion错误率为0% 正确答案:C40.Once she ______ herself in her favorite armchair, she will keep on reading for a whole day.A.putsB.placesC.equipsD.installs错误率为50% 正确答案:D41.Much of Bush's speech was forward-looking. It sought to position Mr. Bush as ____ and steady in the face of serious challenges to the country and relentless attacks by Democrats.A.impatientB.optimisticC.intervalD.disillusioned错误率为12.5% 正确答案:B42.He gave great encouragement to his students, especially if their passions happened to _______ his own.A.coincide toB.coincide atC.coincide withD.coincide in错误率为4.169998% 正确答案:C43.His work was most unsatisfactory, so the boss ___ him ___ at the end of the month.A.paid ... backB.paid ... offC.paid ... upD.paid ... for错误率为20.8300018% 正确答案:B44.In order to _______ the pain, the doctor asked the patient to take two of the tablets three times a day before meal.A.freeB.scatterC.easeD.decrease错误率为0% 正确答案:C45.The adventurous story Lord of the Rings is a____ , which displays usa courageous fellowship of friends and allies to destroy the legendary evil.A.startleB.alternateC.breezeD.fantasy错误率为29.1699982% 正确答案:D46.The information that the United States received about any of the hijackers has now become an important ____ of an investigation into the events of Sept. 11, 2001.A.locomotiveB.elementC.thoughtD.persecution错误率为20.8300018% 正确答案:B47.She is very _____ about his chances of winning a gold medal in the pole-vaulting event at the National Olympics next year.A.optimisticB.optionalC.outstandingD.obvious错误率为4.169998% 正确答案:A48.With a supply of compressed air the large balloon _______ in a matter of seconds.A.deflatedB.infusedC.prescribedD.inflated错误率为12.5% 正确答案:D49.They can always ______ a crazy scheme like manufacturing paper from straw by themselves.A.dream upB.dream toC.dream ofD.dream with错误率为58.33% 正确答案:A50.In spite of various difficulties, this little boy always ______ to the dream of becoming a famous violinist.A.holds backB.holds downC.holds onD.holds off错误率为4.169998% 正确答案:C51.Goleman admits the danger of suggesting that you can assign a ______ value to a person's character.A.numericalB.numerousC.numeral错误率为91.67%正确答案:A52.His father is really a ____ person and always sticks to some obsolete rites like a Puritan does.A.delicateB.vainC.prestigiousD.hard-core错误率为20.8300018% 正确答案:D53.He took advantage of this _______ to express all his old grievances against the chairman.A.caseB.situationC.conditionD.occasion错误率为37.5% 正确答案:D54.The Morning News ____ the pitiful mother — her son was abducted and became a hostage in the foreign battlefield.A.finger-tippedB.outranC.startledD.sprinted错误率为25% 正确答案:C55.The political situation became severe, and the demonstration spread into a fierce ____of violence.A.inflationB.barC.push-upD.eruption错误率为25% 正确答案:D56.In some countries, ____ is called "equality" does not really mean equal rights for all people.A.whatB.thatC.whichD.on which错误率为0% 正确答案:A57.Ever since the family moved to the suburbs last year, they ____ better health.A.could have enjoyedB.had enjoyedC.have been enjoyingD.are enjoying错误率为4.169998% 正确答案:C58.______ the help of their group, we would not have succeeded in the investigation.A.BesidesB.Regardless ofC.But forD.Despite错误率为12.5% 正确答案:C59.____ , the damage and casualty would have been incalculable in this holy city.A.Has such an explosion occurredB.Had such an explosion occurredC.If such an explosion occurredD.If such an explosion had been occurred 错误率为25% 正确答案:B60.______ its economy continues to recover, the US is increasingly becoming a nation of part-timers and temporary workers.A.Now thatB.If onlyC.Even thoughD.Provided that错误率为58.33% 正确答案:C2.6.131.These antique brick huts were the testimony of their civilization, and they were strangely arranged at ____ of ten meters.A.strawberryB.occasionsC.intervalsD.rattles错误率为9.089996% 正确答案:C32.Your examination results were quite satisfactory, but ____ if you had spent less time in playing basketball?A.wouldn't they be betterB.wouldn't they have been betterC.hadn't they been betterD.weren't they better错误率为45.45% 正确答案:B33.They were ______ with envy and hatred at what had happened to the girl.A.consumingB.consumedC.consumptiveD.consumption错误率为18.18% 正确答案:B34.I could see from her expression that his sarcastic comments had _______. She was indeed selfish.A.hit homeB.at homee homeD.get home,错误率为4.550003% 正确答案:A35.His voice began to ____ at the mention of his sufferings as a hostage kidnapped by some anti-government extremists.A.checkB.accomplishC.hustleD.falter错误率为0% 正确答案:D36.They argued against the notion that man should dominate nature rather than live in ______ with it.A.cooperationB.harmonyC.peacefulnessD.unity错误率为9.089996% 正确答案:B37.There has been an ______ amount of interest in the information highway during the last few years.A.incredibleB.incurableC.inefficientD.inedible错误率为0% 正确答案:A38.In the morning, they ______ their attack against the enemy though they failed in their offense yesterday.unchedB.madeC.renewedD.prepared错误率为59.09% 正确答案:A39.In the ______ of the project not being a success, the manager stand to lose his job.A.faceB.timeC.eventD.course错误率为90.91% 正确答案:C40.He was rather skeptical ______ the rich man's professed sympathy for the poor.A.onB.withC.ofD.to错误率为31.82% 正确答案:C41.The students played a trick on their teacher. Fortunately he was too smart to be ______.A.taken inB.taken awayC.taken upD.taken on错误率为9.089996% 正确答案:A42.What we need now is to put the scheme into ______.A.realB.realityC.trueD.practice错误率为18.18% 正确答案:D43.Coal is a ______ source of energy compared with other forms of energy such as oil.A.plentyB.enoughC.sufficientD.plentiful错误率为36.36% 正确答案:D44.Steve will have to ____ his act ____ if he is going to pass the exam. He can't just sit about doing nothing all day.A.get ... throughB.get ... togetherC.get ... aroundD.get ... out 错误率为13.6399994% 正确答案:B45.He had run this shop for five years before deciding to ______ another business.A.move on toB.move forC.move upD.move off错误率为9.089996% 正确答案:A46.The shop assistant was dismissed as he was ______ of neglecting his duty.A.accusedB.chargedC.scoldedD.cursed错误率为27.2699966% 正确答案:A47.The fantastic series of Harry Potter stories greatly ____ many children's imagination worldwide.A.stirredB.quittedC.prayedD.horrified错误率为18.18% 正确答案:A48.Because of the economic recession, many illiterate and poorly educated people could only find some ____ jobs occasionally.A.plentifulB.supportiveC.curativeD.temporary错误率为13.6399994% 正确答案:D49.Men have generally been assured that achieving their ____ desires would be a piece of cake.A.heart'sB.mind'sC.soul'sD.brain's错误率为9.089996% 正确答案:A50.I tried to conceal the truth, but my friend's words ____. I have to confess it to the public.A.hit beltB.hit homeC.hit the sackD.hit the ceiling错误率为4.550003% 正确答案:B51.Michael was a famous bookworm. He could ____ a 500-page FlowerEncyclopedia over one night!A.consumeB.wonderC.strikeD.devour错误率为31.82% 正确答案:D52.Never having read such an interesting story, he ______ Harry Potter over one night.A.swallowedB.devouredC.devotedD.digested错误率为13.6399994% 正确答案:B53.If you visit Salzburger, the most famous classical music festival, you'll ____ the atmosphere of the splendid performances of Mozart's works.A.soak awayB.soak throughC.soak upD.soak out错误率为31.82% 正确答案:C54.Don't be ____ by his charming and courteous manner, he's completely ruthless and selfish.A.taken onB.taken upC.taken inD.taken afte错误率为0% 正确答案:C55.The famous pop singer ____ guilty to dozens of counts of child molestation recently.mittedB.pleadedC.steeledD.harassed错误率为45.45% 正确答案:B56.The belief in free enterprise is at the ______ of our political thinking.A.huskB.seedC.corkD.core错误率为40.91% 正确答案:D57.We consider the electronic computer ______ one of the most useful tools in use today.A.beingB.to beC.beD.have been错误率为18.18% 正确答案:B58.His arrest for stock market fraud and falsifying documents produced an immediate _____ from the press.A.reactionB.creditC.snapD.crisis错误率为90.91% 正确答案:C59.Advertising is distinguished from other forms of communication ____ the advertiser pays for the message to be delivered.A.in whichB.in thatC.in order thatD.in the way错误率为72.7299957% 正确答案:B60.Since you need to catch an early train tomorrow morning, we ____ now.A.might as well leaveB.ought to have leftC.had better to leaveD.should have to leave错误率为50% 正确答案:A2.6.231.After several days of excitement there was a ____ of strange anxiety, disillusion and confusion ahead of him.A.patienceB.monotonyC.reactionD.outsider错误率为33.33% 正确答案:C。
;'not allowed before'ELSE'ElSE前不允许有“;”''clause not allowed in OLE automation section在OLE自动区段不允许“”子句''is not a type identifier不是类型标识符''not previously declared as a PROPERTY前面没有说明PROPERTY'GOTO'leads into or out of TRY statement GOTO进入或超出TRY语句的范围clause expected,but found要求子句,但出现16-Bit fixup encountered in object file''在对象文件遇到16位修复486/487instructions not enabled不能用486/487指令Abstract methods must be virtual or dynamic抽象方法必须为虚拟的或动态的Array type required需要数组类型Assignment to FOR-Loop variable''给FOR循环变量赋值Bad argument type in variable type array constructor在变量类型数组结构中不正确的参数类型Bad file format''错误的文件格式Bad file format:错误的文件格式Bad global symbol definition:''in object file''对象文件''中错误的全局符号定义''Bad unit format:错误的单元格式BREAK or CONTINUE outside of loop BREAK或CONTINUE超出循环Cannot add or subtract relocatable symbols不能增加或减少可重置的符号Cannot assign to a read-only property不能指定只读属性Cannot BREAK,CONTINUE or EXIT out of a FINALLY clause超出FINALLY子句的范围,不能使用BREAK,CONTINUE或EXIT语句Cannot initialize local variables不能初始化局部变量Cannot initialize multiple variables不能初始化多个变量Cannot initialize thread local variables不能初始化线程局部变量Cannot override a static method不能覆盖静态方法Cannot read a write-only property不能读取只写属性Case label outside of range of case expression CASE标号超出了CASE表达式的范围Circular unit reference to对单元循环引用Class already has a default property类已具有默认的属性Class does not have a default property类没有默认的属性Class or object types only allowed in type section在类型区段只允许有类或对象类型Class type required需要类类型Close error on文件关闭错误Compile terminated by user用户中止编译Constant expected要求常量Constant expression expected要求常量表达式Constant expression violates subrange bounds常量表达式超出子界范围Constant object cannot be passed as var parameter常量对象不能作为变量参数传递Constant or type identifier expected要求常量或类型标识符Constants cannot be used as open array arguments常量不能用作打开数组参数Constructing instance of''containing abstract methods构造的实体包含抽象的方法Could not compile used unit''不能用单元编译Could not create output file不能建立输出文件Could not load RLINK32.DLL不能加载RLINK32.DLLData type too large:exceeds2GB数据类型太大:超过2GBDeclaration of differs from previous declaration的说明与先前的说明不同Default property must be an array property默认的属性必须为数组属性Default values must be of ordinal,pointer or small set type默认的值必须为序数、指针或小集类型Destination cannot be assigned to目标不能指定Destination is inaccessible目标不能存取Dispid''already used by''DISPID标识号已被使用Dispid clause only allowed in OLE automation section DISPID子句只能在OLE自动区段中使用Division by zero除数为零Duplicate case label CASE标号重复Duplicate tag value重复的标志值Dynamic method or message handler not allowed here这里不允许有动态方法或信息处理程序Dynamic methods and message handlers not allowed in OLE automation section在OLE自动区段不允许有动态方法或消息处理程序Element0inaccessible-use'Length'or'SetLength'元素0不能存取-使用LENGTH或SETLENGTHError in numeric constant数值常量错误EXCEPT or FINALLY expected要求EXCEPT或FINALLYEXPORTS allowed only at global scope EXPORTS只允许在全局范围使用Expression has no value表达式没有值Expression too complicated表达式太复杂Field definition not allowed in OLE automation section在OLE自动区段中不允许域定义Field definition not allowed after methods or properties在方法或属性后不允许域定义Field or method identifier expected要求域或方法标识符File not found:文件没有找到File type not allowed here这儿不允许文件类型For loop control variable must be simple local variable FOR循环控制变量必须为简单局部变量For loop control variable must have ordinal type FOR循环控制变量必须为序数类型FOR or WHILE loop executes zero times-deleted FOR或WHILE循环执行零次-删除FOR-Loop variable''cannot be passed as var parameter FOR循环变量不能作为参数传递FOR-Loop variable''may be undefined after loop在循环后的FOR循环变量是不确定的Function needs result type函数需要结果类型Identifier redeclared:''标识符重复说明Illegal character in input file:''($)在输入文件中的非法字符''Illegal message method index非法的消息方法指针Illegal reference to symbol''in object file''在对象文件中对符号的非法引用Illegal type in OLE automation section:''在OLE自动区段中的非法类型Illegal type in Read/Readln statement在Read/Readln语句中的非法类型Illegal type in Write/Writeln statement在Write/Writeln语句中的非法类型Inaccessible value不可存取的值Incompatible types:''and''不兼容的类型和Incompatible types:不兼容的类型Inline assembler stack overflow内联汇编溢出Inline assembler syntax error内联汇编语法错误Instance variable''inaccessible here实体变量在这里不能存取Integer constant or variable name expected要求整形常量或变量名Integer constant too large整型常量太大Internal error:内部错误Invalid pointer operation无效的指针(地址)操作,在使用数组或调用dll 时可能遇到,原因可能是地址分配不够,比如要遍历五个数,只分配了四个地址。
php json_decode失败的几种处理方式
一、检查JSON字符串格式当使用json_decode解析JSON字符串失败时,我们需要检查JSON 字符串的格式是否符合标准的JSON格式。
可以使用JSON模块、YAJL 等库来代替PHP的json_decode函数。
云南普通话注意事项The Yunnan dialect, also known as Southwestern Mandarin or Yunnanese, is a group of very different varieties of Chinese that are spoken in the province of Yunnan, China. 云南话,也被称为西南官话或云南话,是中国云南省境内的一组非常不同的汉语方言。
It is important to be aware of several things when it comes to speaking or understanding the Yunnan dialect. 说或理解云南方言时,有几件事情是很重要的。
This article will explore some important considerations when dealing with the Yunnan dialect. 本文将探讨在处理云南方言时的一些重要考虑因素。
First and foremost, it's important to understand that the Yunnan dialect is not mutually intelligible with Standard Mandarin. 首先,重要的是要了解,云南话与普通话不具有互相理解的能力。
This means that speakers of Standard Mandarin may have difficulty understanding the Yunnan dialect, and vice versa. 这意味着普通话的讲者可能会很难理解云南话,反之亦然。
Therefore, it's essential to approach the Yunnan dialect with an open mind and a willingness to learn and adapt to its unique features. 因此,必须以开放的心态和乐于学习并适应其独特特征的心态来对待云南方言。
新接触⼀个项⽬,导⼊源码,在本地启动的时候后台报了⼀个错误:Could not discover the dialect to use. java.sql.SQLException: Io 异常: The Network Adapter could not establish the connectionat java.sql.SQLException: Io 异常: The Network Adapter could not establish the connectionat at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(DatabaseError.java:112)at at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(DatabaseError.java:146)at at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(DatabaseError.java:255)at at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.logon(T4CConnection.java:387)at at oracle.jdbc.driver.PhysicalConnection.<init>(PhysicalConnection.java:439)at at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.<init>(T4CConnection.java:165)at at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CDriverExtension.getConnection(T4CDriverExtension.java:35)at at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.connect(OracleDriver.java:801)at at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:582)at at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:185)at at ch.qos.logback.core.db.DriverManagerConnectionSource.getConnection(DriverManagerConnectionSource.java:54)at at ch.qos.logback.core.db.ConnectionSourceBase.discoverConnnectionProperties(ConnectionSourceBase.java:47)at at ch.qos.logback.core.db.DriverManagerConnectionSource.start(DriverManagerConnectionSource.java:38)at at ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.NestedComplexPropertyIA.end(NestedComplexPropertyIA.java:168)at at ch.qos.logback.core.joran.spi.Interpreter.callEndAction(Interpreter.java:315)at at ch.qos.logback.core.joran.spi.Interpreter.endElement(Interpreter.java:194)at at ch.qos.logback.core.joran.spi.Interpreter.endElement(Interpreter.java:180)at at ch.qos.logback.core.joran.spi.EventPlayer.play(EventPlayer.java:52)at at ch.qos.logback.core.joran.spi.Interpreter.play(Interpreter.java:332)at at ch.qos.logback.core.joran.GenericConfigurator.doConfigure(GenericConfigurator.java:126)at at ch.qos.logback.core.joran.GenericConfigurator.doConfigure(GenericConfigurator.java:93)at at ch.qos.logback.core.joran.GenericConfigurator.doConfigure(GenericConfigurator.java:52)at at ch.qos.logback.classic.util.ContextInitializer.configureByResource(ContextInitializer.java:60)at at ch.qos.logback.classic.util.ContextInitializer.autoConfig(ContextInitializer.java:121)at at org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder.init(StaticLoggerBinder.java:85)at at org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder.<clinit>(StaticLoggerBinder.java:55)at at org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.bind(LoggerFactory.java:121)at at org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.performInitialization(LoggerFactory.java:111)at at org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory(LoggerFactory.java:268)at at org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(LoggerFactory.java:241)at at mons.logging.impl.SLF4JLogFactory.getInstance(SLF4JLogFactory.java:156)at at mons.logging.impl.SLF4JLogFactory.getInstance(SLF4JLogFactory.java:132)at at mons.logging.LogFactory.getLog(LogFactory.java:272)at at org.mule.context.DefaultMuleContextFactory.<clinit>(DefaultMuleContextFactory.java:36) ⾸先想到的是是不是数据配置有问题,找到配置数据库的⽂件,先检查服务器IP是否正确,ping⼀下服务器IP地址,看是否正确,在dos页⾯输⼊如下指令:ping 服务器IP 得到的结果如下: 请求超时,意识到这可能是⽣产环境的数据,在本地启动没有操作权限,需要更改为测试环境的数据库启动。
1.编译错误2.▪ 1.1. 与关键字一致的标识▪ 1.2. 变量和函数名的特殊字符▪ 1.3. 使用switch操作符的错误▪ 1.4. 函数返回值▪ 1.5. 函数参数数组3.运行时间错误4.▪ 2.1. 数组越界▪ 2.2. 除数为零▪ 2.3. 当前字符用0替代NULL▪ 2.4. Unicode格式字符串和它们在DLL中的使用▪ 2.5. 文件共享▪ 2.6. 日期时间转换5.编译器警告▪ 3.1. 全局和局部变量名称一致▪ 3.2. 类型不匹配▪ 3.3. 未使用的变量1编译错误如果程序代码中包含错误,则它不能被编译。
1.1. 与关键字一致的标识编译器会返回一个错误信息:图1. 错误“unexpected token(非预期标记)”和“name expected(预期名称)”要解决这个错误,您需要使用变量或函数的正确名称。
1.2. 变量和函数名的特殊字符如果变量或函数名称中包含特殊字符($,@,点):编译器会返回一个错误信息:图 2. 错误“unknown symbol(未知交易品种)”与“semicolon expected(预期分号)”要解决这个错误,您需要使用正确的函数或变量名。
1.3. 使用switch操作符的错误在旧版本的编译器中,您可以在switch操作符的表达式和常量中使用任何值:在新的编译器中,switch操作符的常量和表达式必须是整数,所以当您尝试使用这样的结构时会发生错误:图3. 错误“illegal switch expression type(非法switch表达式类型)”和“constant expression is not integral(常量表??达式不是整数)”在这种情况下,您可以使用明确的数值比较,例如:1.4. 函数返回值除了空值外的所有函数都应该返回声明的类型值。