基础班使用说明:红色:表示比较重要;【】:表示好的句式套句模板;“”:表示好词考研作文最好能用得上的词;():补充说明有拼写错误你就自己看着办哈~~~~写作第一部分:词汇的运用简单词汇时可以用的,但是一定要出新意——玩搭配(短语、修饰语)如:important——be of importancevery much——very much grateful※复习策略:1、打包法:(1)常用常见的同根同缀词(2)动词、形容词的同反义词(名词可以尤前两者转换)(3)考研高频词2、新旧搭配旧:指四级以下词汇新:指旧词新意或者是四级以上词汇如:charge——新意(及不常用的意思):要钱;控告3、考研作文中恐怖的三罪(1)一句同级:一个句子中全部是同级别的低级词汇(2)连句同词:相连相关的几个句子用到同一个或统计个词或短语(3)同句同词:包括用一个词,或者是一个词的派生词(如:Many inventors invented many inventions.)4、词汇的复习顺序:核心词汇(资料“周湘英语”开始列出来的那些)→课堂词汇→高频词汇书※词汇使用原则一. 后词优先后词:指高中以后词汇,只要是v; adj; n.如:v. think: claim; maintain; indicate; demonstrateadj.: important; crucial; essential; critical; indispensablen.: idea: notion; standpoint; viewpoint; perspective回避”三重复原则”名词, 动词, 形容词使用越后越好.不会使用后词的话, 则需要记住”新旧搭配法”二. 派生词优先1 “-”词优先原则“-”词构造法----well----well-organized/well-considered/well-built/well-established/well--developed/well-systemized/well-made…….cost-effective 节约成本far-reaching 控制(好象是这个具体我们没有记到不好意思哪)thought-provoking 激发思维的environment-friendly 环保的time-consuming 消磨时间的well-off 富裕的badly/well-(动词-ed) 可以构成所需要的褒义或贬义词(名言名句:没背到就编呗) 2形容词”取非”法反义词??---传统打包法---important/unimportant; generous/miserly; upright/unworthy; positive/negative; wholesome/noisome; ruthless/merciful; shrewd/awkward等…取非法---not +形容词?升级版三姐妹---hardly, barely, scarcely;Efficient---hardly efficient;Sensational---barely sensational;Spectacular---scarcely spectacular;Sociable---hardly sociableStubborn---barely stubborn一个形容词使用的重要原则:表形要难, 定形可易(表语形容词;定语形容词)定形:Much, little, great, good, bad, happy, lucky, eminent, influential(用来替换great)等(great 是一个很好的词什么都可以用它修饰同时也很地道弊端就是太简单当实在找不到别的次词的时候用它就可以)Great man/scientist/philosopher/politician抽象的精神层面的词都可以用much修饰altruistic 利他主义的无私的——selfless (都可以用much修饰)Much love/help/devotion/careLittle love/help/devotion/care/concentration表形:People are suspicious/superstitious.Work is tedious.Love is powerful.Women are intolerable.大作文小作文中非常非常重要的原则之一:简单词不但蹦一定要有修饰!三、短语优先原则当想不到难词只有简单词时想要多得分可以利用“up”来构造1、“up”可以加在短小的简单次后面不会改变原词的意思,可以用来拯救低级词汇Build up 不止可以指建筑还可以指社会,声望等Establish/build up a harmonious societyBuild up the harmonious relations between countriesBuild up the good reputation in my circle (由此可知想用build 时因为其太过简单所以一律换成“build up”)save——save up=conservepail——pail up=accumulateset——set up2、makeMake 这个词太简单make sth. 这种表达是开卷老师不喜欢的但下面这种表达极简单也招老是喜欢make +名词取名词之意如:make use of make choice of make judgement make success 因此如果想用某些简单的名词时前面加上“make”变成动词使用或者想用某些简单动词先把它变成名词前面加make 使用四. 名词优先原则为什么?因为”疯狂的名词”是我们的信条(credo)考研写作中, 尤其是小作文里“名词不单蹦”大小作文非常非常重要的原则之二:名词不但蹦绝对不能单蹦除非这个名词本身很强悍很明星how crazy can a noun be?1、“纯名词”——非派生来的formula: 冠词a/an/the+形容词+名词+定语从句/介词短语定语从句的处理方法(略)介词短语的处理方法In---在地在时间In a well-developed zone/district/society/communityOn—在星期关于The issue on idol worship/love/reverenceFrom—从来自于An American gir l→a girl form America(改变的不是在于它难而是在于很多人不这么用所以新颖——虽然看着很恶俗)注意 from 搭配的短语:derive from; stem from; originate fromOf---…的后面跟“非生命的名词”如:自信的力量power of confidenceBetween 在之间(只掌握上述这五个介词以及其所列出来的意思用法就够用了。
新东方作文笔记(强烈推荐)此笔记出自新东方杨煜(winson)老师,这个老师虽然名气不大,但我感觉他的课讲得很好,很负责任.这个笔记一共分四个课时.因为他讲课喜欢穿插的讲,也就是说讲到综合部分的阅读时会讲一些写作的方法,所以我整理了一下分为综合部分,独立部分. 在这四个课时里他讲了很多写作的技巧.以及他在接受ETS培训的时候ETS明确提出的一些问题(ETS明确提出的地方我会标注),个人觉得对大家的写作帮助很大.PART I 综合部分.重点:1.词语:同义词的变化很重要,不断的用相同的词语(除了中心词和无法变换的词语)要扣分.→Webster电子软件同义词词典2.格式:每一段的开头不空格,段与段间空行.每一段的开头空四格,段与段间不空行.3.特别提示:正式文体书写最好不要用缩写.→can’t=cannot don’t=do not (这是ETS明确提出的)4.每一段的分论点应该是由听力开头,而不是阅读.→虽然OG上有阅读开头的范文,但是最好不要这么写.5.阅读部分不可抄原文,论点要用自己的话重新总结(ETS明确指出)6.这个部分的开头并无实际的意义,所以如果要写的话最好有一个15-20词的长句.7.阅读文章如果来不及看,反应背景的部分可以扫过,因为它与topic sentence无关,之后用1分钟提论点,然后再话1分半钟来看论点后面的论述.最后半分钟用来推测(这个后面会讲到).8.听力中表示反驳的词汇除了常见的那些but/however等还有new/today/change等.如果听力中有设问,那么它的答案一定要听清楚明白.9.写作的时候给出了听力中分论点后同样需要例子来支持.一般听力中讲的时候后有例子,这个也需要记录下来..需要训练的技巧:在读阅读的时候就要会推测听力的论点.哪怕推得不完全对也要推.如果你无法推测就说明两种情况:1.阅读中的论点没有找到.2.文章确实是无法推测. 关于这点是winson特意花了时间训练我们的.也就是说这点可能在综合写作的部分确实是很重要.我就拿3.10号的考题来举个例子吧.阅读说到speed cameras可以用来取代police.三点:1.限制司机的驾车速度.2.取代警察.3.为court提供更确切的证据找到这三个论点之后你推测你就往反的方向想就可以了.1.也许speed camera未必可以限制车速; 2.可能因为种种原因它未必可以取代警察; 3.同样因为种种原因它未必可以为traffic court提供便利.这么做看上去很简单,实际上它是有一定潜在的好处的:1.帮助加深考生对阅读中论点的印象.2.有助于在听力中更集中精力. 在听听力之前,考生往往想知道自己的推测是不是正确.在听的时候如果推对的话就要集中听那个”种种原因”到底是什么原因.如果推错的话就会更仔细的听到底它给出的是什么论点.这里需要注意的是,不论是推对了还是推错了都要镇定的听下去,不要太兴奋或者是太失落!!!PART II 独立部分这个部分winson讲的有点散,我就分条列出来好了!先讲一下ETS对这个部分是怎么评分的.1.对比----改卷老师手边上都有从1分到满分的样本答案,改的时候这些样本答案是摊在桌上的.通过对比判断你大概是哪个分数档次.这个步骤主要是看文章的字数,结构,句子的平均长度(这个在下面会说到)以及主题句.winson说这个步骤是很重要的,如果文章给人感觉是3分档的,那么在仔细看过之后就算写得比3分档好一般也就3+,最多到4分档.所以第一印象很重要.2.句子长度----ETS有专门的计算句子平均长度的机器.计算方法是:总的字数/句子数=句子的平均长度.一般平均长度在13-18词/句为佳.也就是说长句子不能太多,一般短句应该比长句多一点.3.议论段的浏览---ETS指明好的文章应该是第一段主体段的长度>第二段主体段的长度>第三段主体段的长度.(也就是说三个议论段的字数要有明显的递减趋势,最重要的最中心的写在第一段)重点技巧:1.符号的多样性----可多用引号,连字符,问号,感叹号. ETS明确指出连字符有加分.30分里面加1分.连字符有几种简单的构成方法:(a.)表示”再”的时候用re-,比如说re-exam; (b.)数字+n. 比如:five-layer; (c.)可用连字符表示大规模,大范围等等.后面加scale.比如:large-scale price ; (d.)几分之几. 比如:one-fifth. 同样的,多用设问句可以加强文章的生动性.比如:Can you guess the ending of this story? When the project failed, the blame was placed on all the members of the group. 再者说,引号可以用来表示(a.)否定,讽刺; (b.) 引用;(c.)强调.2.单词的难度和级别要一致.也就是说不能一个高中词汇,一个GRE词汇.3.对于举例的要求: 2 examples→ETS指明一个example是不足以说明问题的.最好是两个examples都用短事例.要lay-out,而不是deep reasoning. 同时,在example后面最好用一个长句来解释example,也就是说这个example怎么证明了你的topic sentence.4.不论是综合部分或者是独立部分,都要遵守短语优先原则.但是这里的短语必须要有把握才能用.5.写的时候最好是不要用过于绝对的或者是尖锐的词汇,比如说must, should,everyone,everytime.多用像likely, probobly, perhaps,more or less, sometimes, in a way, in the sense这样没有说死的词汇/词组.6.能用修辞的时候可以适当的用点修辞,但必须在有把握能用对的情况下才能用.比如: ateam of people attack the project.7.多用代词,代词是最好的过渡词,可以加强句子的连贯性.8.灵活使用词汇.可将n.→v. 例如:surface不一定要用做n. 还可以做v.关于句式的问题.1.把能打开的词组或者是搭配拉得越开越可体现文字的表达能力.比如:A group of people has a wider range of knowledge,expertise, and skills than any singleindicidual is likely to possess.2.关于句子的强调: 多用新奇的强调,一些老调强调,比如not only…but also/ it is that….要多用了.因为中国学生一般强调就是这么两种方式,人家也看得烦了!可以用一些比较少见的强调方式.(a.)用and 连接两个拼写不同但是意思相同或者是相近的词语.比如:problems and issues.(b.)Not only ….but also的改写:not only x but x……例如: To get his or her contributions andideas not only recognized but recognized as highly significant.(c.)用逗号连接两个形容词表示强调. 比如:it took many, many meetings to build theagreement.(这个方法我个人比较汗…..)3.尽量不要用no ,not, none等表示否定.用free from/little等代替.4.为了丰富符号,插入语的两个逗号可以用破折号代替.开头立场的问题:1.合格的:立场2.完美的:在主题句中暗示了2.3.4.段的主要内容,有立场,有原因.例如:While there is still hunger, poverty, and illiteracy on Earth, our resources should be focused not in outer space.3. 不要用谁的优点大于谁这种句子做为观点.因为没有立场.谁的观点大于谁, 并不代表你就支持那个优点多的.。
听力篇考试结构:Section A:10 short conversations 复习的重点Section B:最可能考三个段子(3 passages)。
其次,有可能考复合式听写(Compound Dictation)或听写填空(Spot Dictation)。
短对话题型分类:Section A考题为六种题型。
如:Would you go to dance with me tonight?第二人的回答只有两种Yes或No。
听力范围:Campus life考察对象:College students(在什么都没听清的情况下,异性猜classmate,同性猜roommate)一、语音问题:连读小练习1. rush hour 高峰时间,尖峰时刻;2. cheer up 使振奋,使高兴;3. check (it) out 借书;办理出院手续;彻底检查;退房(check in 开房);4. travel agent 旅行社(travel agency, travel bureau);financial aid 经济资助;5. turn down 关掉,拒绝;turn on 打开二、口语问题:注意语气,语调,语汇。
例如:1. tape 胶带;cassette 磁带。
2. project 作业(homework, assignment);工程;项目;计划;任务。
实例二99年6月真题Reading Selectively Or Extensively?Outline: 1.有人认为读书要有选择2.有人认为应当博览群书3.我的想法①11分When it comes to reading, some people think that reading selectively is a good way, but some other people do not agree with them, they think that reading extensively is better.Those people, who think that reading selectively is better, believe that good booksSure, you can choice one from previous ideas,on one hand, There are too book to read for us. We should choose those which we interested, and it would be helpful for us.On another hand. Someone’s interesting was wide. Each book could bring you specific contain we couldn’t reading at only one level.I confirmed all of these ideas were g ood but weren’t wise.As a reader, the main task is to discover more and more books the second task is to held some which wonderful and helpful for us. Don’t treat these books with reckless abandon.The best technology of reading is connect.失分原因:分段太多,语法错误太多④14分How should we read? Should we read selectively or extensively? Everyone has his own view.Some people think we should read selectively. They argue that with the development of modern science and technology, more and more books are published. It is impossible for us to read all the books. What’s more, there are many bad books that are poisonous to our mind, and we shouldn’t read them. Since we can’t read all the books and we shouldn’t read bad books, we must read selectively.(转)Paragraph III:(1)承上启下的过渡句;(2)提出另一种观点或缺点;(3)本段的支持性分论点(4)本段总(可以省略)。
小宝老师新托福写作笔记写作目标:25 scores达到目标的方法:A.题型的归纳——1、综合性写作:Reading+ Listening+ Writing(Write aboutthe RELATION of reading and listening)2、独立性写作:185个作文题库,强调个性化的内容和个性化的语言B.更高级的语言与更高级的逻辑等(GRE&GMAT)New TOEFL考试的精髓——RELATION1、Writing& Reading RELATION:logic(逻辑重于语言);2、Writing& Oral EnglishA. Oral English: Reading+ Listening+ Speaking→Writing: Reading+ Listening+ Writing→Reading+ Listening+ Writing(省略)+ SpeakingB.口语的前两题“独立性口语”经常借鉴独立性写作的185个作文题库里面的题目Overall information about writing:1. Test Procedure: A. the last section(听力先热身,可以借鉴Reading)B. typing requiredC.显示器位置RELATIONSHIP between reading and listening:1.Support---A.对应型支持;B.补充型支持2.Oppose---立刻完全“取非”,结论与论述理由全部“取非”★Listening→Reading(一定要从Listening入手)独立性写作(Writing Based on Knowledge and Experience)独立性写作题型分析:1.表态类题目——A.分析单一事物的利弊;B.分析两个事物/两种观点的利弊;a.常规b.隐藏——存在比较级与最高级的陈述2.对比选择类题目:A or B3.列举类题目——A.给出结论,列写理由;B.先选择,再列举理由;C.描写事物的特征;中英文思维的差异英文的思维:1、关键句要放在段首(置先原则);2、重于逻辑logic;Soccer is a difficult sport. A player must be able to run steadily without rest. Some times a player must hit the ball with his or her head. Players must be willing to bang into and be banged into by others. They must put up with aching feet and score muscles.It is apparent that soccer is a difficult sport. First and foremost A player must be able to run steadily without rest. Furthermore, some times a player must hit the ball with his or her head.In addition, Players must be willing to bang into and be banged into by others. Last but not least, they must put up with aching feet and score muscles.用词的多样性——全局变量I think---I support, I assume, I maintain, I insist, I conceive, to my knowledge, in my eyes, from thepersonal perspective;Important---influential, profound, crucial, essential, vital, significant, play a key role;Show---reflect, confirm, reveal, convey, imply, indicate, demonstrate, illustrate;More and more---A growing trend involves, __________ be on the rise, people in increasing numbers, A growing number;Most---the vast majority of, universally, commonly, generally, widely, the considerable proportion Of;句子的生动性:Without art, a society can survive but can never thrive.(★押韵修辞)句子的变化性引例:The horses were grazing peacefully on the farm.They were unaware of the approaching hunter.(1)Grazing peacefully on the farm, the horses were unaware of the approaching hunter.(2)The horses were grazing peacefully on the farm, unaware of the approaching hunter.(3)As the horses grazed peacefully on the farm, they were unaware of the approachinghunter.独立性写作八大论证功能段落1、对比观点的引出段When it refers to (TOPIC), people opinions are divergent on such a controversial issue. The overwhelming majority would support that (主流观点); Others, however, take the negative attitude.2、个人观点的引出段A. From the personal perspective, I prefer A rather than B as my inclination.B. To choose A or B is something of a dilemma, to the public, because they are alwaysconfused by the seemingly good qualities of A but neglect the genuinely profound aspects of B.3、原因概述功能段落Among countless factors which directly or indirectly influence __________, there are several conspicuous factors as follows.4、原因列举功能段落A. At the risk of sounding too simplistic, my main proposition can be summarized in onesaying that _________.B. Another equally essential factor why I advocate __________relates to __________.C. Beyond all these obvious reason mentioned above, however, lies a deeper one__________.5、利弊分析功能段落However, __________ serves as a double-edged sword, in other words, the inferiorities of__________ coexist its superiorities.6、例证功能段落引出History is replaced with evidence to demonstrate this point, a case in point has an association with SB in the realm of __________.7、趋势影响分析功能段落Undoubtedly,__________ will give rise to a multitude of positive/negative effects _________ in the foreseeable future.8、结论From what I have discussed above, we may safely come to the conclusion that __________.托福写作必备四大类论证句型归纳一、表达某个事物重要、必要1.否定词+比较级---Nothing be adj(er) than to doe.x. Nothing is more important than to receive education.没有什么比接受教育更加重要的了。
雅思写作(留学类)——Task 2新东方网络课堂主讲人:张驰新第一节:文章题型判断Task2是考试的重头戏,首先来看审题的过程:浏览文章出题的最后一句话(写作指令句),一个有经验的考生就会这样做,现在现行的考题一共有四种题型:一,discursive (50%)讨论性题型凡是以下五种,都被认为是discursive,前三种回答没有任何限制1, T o what extent do you agree (or disagree)2, How far do you agree (or disagree)3, What`s your opinion towards the statement?4, Discuss both opinions/statements (and give your own one)5, Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?discursive的四种写法:,1,单边同意一个观点2,单边反驳一个观点3,两个观点一起论述,支持观点可以多写一点(有倾向性)4,同时论证两个观点,表示中立(无倾向性)总体来说是两种大的写法,单边写和双边写,单边写就是同意不同意,双边写就是七三开和五五开。
二,agree or disagree(只能单边写)三,PRR(Problem + Reason + Recommendation)why + what 25%给你一个问题,你提出原因和解决方案,这种文法类似why+what,考生在写作过程中一定要注意比例,原因和建议的比例控制在6:4。
Reason : Recorn = 6:4,如果原因很多,建议很少甚至没有那是不可能高于5分的。
四,A&D(双边写,五五开,保持中立的写法)A: advantageB: disadvantage这样的文法是直接问好坏处,只要把好坏处加在一起,各写50%就到位了,是保持中立的一种写法,本身比较极限,没有自由,最近已经没落了下来,07年也只考了两次。
1. 阅读技巧(1) 预览:通过阅读题目、题干和文章开头,快速了解文章的主题和结构,掌握文章的大意,有助于把握文章的重点和理顺文章的思路。
(2) 留意关键词:关键词是指在文章中出现频率较高的词语,一般与文章的主题和论点相关。
(3) 理解语篇结构:语篇结构是指文章的组织结构和段落之间的逻辑关系。
2. 备考建议(1) 提高阅读速度:考研英语阅读部分的时间是有限的,因此提高阅读速度是非常重要的。
(2) 增加词汇量:词汇是阅读的基础,掌握更多的词汇可以帮助我们更好地理解文章的内容。
(3) 多做模拟题:通过做模拟题可以更好地了解考研英语阅读的题型和出题思路,提高解题能力。
1. 写作技巧(1) 明确论点:写作时要明确自己的论点或立场,有一个明确的中心思想,并在全文中有机地组织论据和例证来支持自己的观点。
(2) 合理组织结构:写作时应分段落进行,每个段落都要有明确的主题句,并通过合理的连接词和过渡句将各个段落组织起来,使文章结构清晰,逻辑严密。
(3) 多用复杂句:在写作中,适当使用一些复杂的句子结构能够提高文章的语言表达能力和得分效果,增加文章的亮点。
专题一:功能句的写法一方面另一方面:in the first place … in the second place…for one thing … for another thing …首先,其次,最后primarily … flowing that … in the final analysis …(一)原因的引入写法:1.原因太多而不能一一列举,在此刻,我想列举出最典型的一个(几个)The reason are too numerous to list one by one, and here, I would like to list the most typically one(ones)…2.我觉得有两个原因可以解释这个社会现象盛行的原因Two fundamental factors, in my mind, could account for the prevalence of negative social phenomenon. The examples are… 2.我觉得有两个原因可以解释这种精神品质重要的原因Two fundamental factors, in my mind, could account for the significance of the spirit. The examples are…(二)原因的具体写法: 1.这个社会现象可以看作是的结果。
The social phenomenon could deemed as the result/consequence of 2.某个社会现象主要起源于这对现今现象的盛行起决定作用The social phenomenon mainly sterms /originates/ dirives from which is decisive to the prevalence of this negative social phenomenon. *消极的社会现象:不完善的社会福利体制:theinsufficient social welfare system 不完善的教育体制:the insufficient social educational system*几类人的名词:游客:backpacker老年人:senior citizens老太太:a grandmotherly women eg: A grandmotherly women is playing Tai Chi on the square. 一个老太太正在广场上打太极. 残疾人:physically-challenged person(身体残疾)mentally-challenged person(身体残疾)vertically-challenged person(侏儒)(三)小标题的引入写法:在图的上方/下方有一些文字:爱心是一盏明灯,在越黑暗的地方越明亮.1.At the upper/lower part of the cartoon/drawing, there are some characters which indicate2.At the upper/lower part of the cartoon/drawing, there is a caption which indicate* Benevolence is an oil-lamp. The darker , the brighter.(四)解决措施的引入写法(多用被动句):1.It is imperative and pressing that effective measures be adopted.这些有效措施的采取是紧迫和必要的imperative:必要的pressing:紧迫的effective:有效的2.If we keep turning a blind eye and deaf ear to this social issue, it tends to generate severe consequences.如果我们继续对这个社会问题不闻不问,它将会产生严重的后果(五)表示认为的表达写法(代替think):1.Somebody hold the standpoint thateg: quiet a number of animal rights advocates hold the stand point that commodities associated with ivory be banned.许多动物权利保护着认为与象牙制品相关的贸易应该被制止eg: quiet a number of citizens hold the standpoint that we should not keep pets in communities be banned. 许多市民认为在社区里养宠物应该被禁止 2.From the perspective of (从某人的视角来看) 3.s.b assumed that (某些人假定认为) 4.s.b convincingly argued that (某些人坚信) 5.s.b insist that (某些人坚称) 6.s.b proposed that (某些人提议)7.It is believed that (某些人相信)8.According to my bestknowledge and personal experience, Its advantages outweigh its disadvantage.(根据我的阅历认为,利大于弊)9.It is universally acknowledged that (人们广泛认为)(六)名言的引出写法(批判性思维): 1.There is no rose without a thorn, an is not an exception. 就像没有一朵玫瑰是不带刺的,互联网的影响也是如此。
作文分两部分:一:integrated writing .二:independent writing.每一部分都是0-5分。
各项技能的最低得分Reading: 28 Listening: 26 Writing: 25 Speaking: 22独立写作:作文练习标准:1-5 篇:不限时,结构完整,300字左右。
写完之后:1 拼写和语法检查。
2 有无跑题或表达不清。
写完之后:1,2 同上,3 修饰文章。
黄金规则一The longer, the better.一篇好的文章包含以下几个方面: ﹛1 结构 2 句子 3 词语﹜句子的训练方法:1.用多种方法表达同一句意:例如:我认为:I feel \ think \ hold \ claim\ believe\ deem \maintain \ reckon \ argue \ assume that.In my opinionFrom my points of viewAs far as I am concernedI hold \ share the opinion\believe\position\standpoint\idea thatAs I see\view\perceive that the problem\question\issue\case\discussion\ argument\controversy.My viewpoint\belief\opinion is that2.补充句子——不断增加新的语法结构,如同位语,插入语,非谓语结构,各种从句,多于25字。
作文笔记整理Issue部分一、Issue写作特点以及写作要点(一)题干特点1.显逻辑命题:所见即所得(四)反证法With A ____.Without A, ______.四、Issue写作要注意的细节问题1. 往往一些绝对化的词汇是写作的切入点。
2. 注意逻辑联结词的使用,关联词的使用是否得当非常重要。
E-rator①先后次序:previously 先前的; anteriorly? 早期的; originally 起初的; simultaneously 与此同时;coinstantaneously ; eventually ; ultimately②因果关系:duo to ; hens ; owing to ; in respect that ; in virtue of ; on account of ; resultantly 于是,结果是;thereupon ; whereupon③转折关系:yet ; but yet 强转折; whereas ; howbeit 强转折; nevertheless ; instead ; notwithstanding 但是,然而; conversely 相反地④递进关系:additionally ; withal 进一步说; ulteviorty? ; detailedly? ; minutely ; specifically⑤类比关系:similarly ; approximatively? ; analogously ; likewise ; by the same token ; in like manner⑥强调关系:undoubtedly ; determinately ; undeniably ; demonstrably ; definitely ; assuredly ; authentically ;without reservations3. 语言上要注意的事情:1)承上启下(过渡)段与段之间/段落内部——用信号词(见教材)2)句式变换①长短句结合(两长一短);②否定形式的否定句→肯定形式的否定句切换:… not …→miss, fail, lack, in short of, deny, refuse, reject③主动→被动(多用,体现客观性)3)词汇多样性8组宏观词汇:①认为、思考:Think —conceive ; acknowledge ; consider ; to one’s knowledge ; contemplate ; suppose ; assume ; maintain ;insist ; personally ; from the personal perspective ; in one’s eyes②重要的:important —influential ; crucial ; vital ; essential ; profound ; significant ; play a pushing role ; be of great significance③说明、表明:show —reflect ; reveal ; convey ; confirm 证实了; demonstrate 阐明; illustrate 阐明; justify 证明;indicate ; disclose ; signify ; throw light on/upon 说明、阐明; review 揭示了; imply ; exhibit 展示④引起、引发:arouse —ignite ; stimulate ; spur ; motivate ; give rise to ; render⑤困难、复杂:hard —intractable ; involved ; troublesome ; tough ; complicated ; complex ; stubborn ; sphinx-riddle⑥方法、提议:way —solution ; approach ; scheme ; proposal ; recipe ; recommendation ; remedy⑦普遍的、急迫的:popular —pervasive ; prevalent ; rampant ; pressing ; urgent ; bumming⑧分歧、一致性:(dis)agreement ; debate ; controversy ; dispute ; consensus ; coherence ; consistency其他:现象、命题:issue ; event 事件; occurrence incident 事件的发生热门、流行的:pervasive ; prevalent 普遍的; rampant (rampancy(n.)) 泛滥; urgent ; pressing 紧急的;burning迫切的争论、争议:controversy ; dispute n.争议; argument ; debate建议、方法:scheme ; solution ; recipe ; approach褒义词:effectual 有效的; valid ; efficacious 有效力的(>effectual) ; sound ; resultful 可行的,有效的否定词:fail ; miss ; deny ; refuse ; decline ; reject ; lack (of) ; in ignorance of 在对…无知的状态中半否定:seldom ; hardly ; rarely4)语法错误尽量少(十个以内小错误不会影响拿5分)5)标点(见教材)避免用“!”显得不理性6)语言与证据:用好“小宝老师写作工具箱”黄书p198五~十详见讲义;以下为笔记内容:句子表达变化性一、并列(一)并列大量名词:n1,n2,n3,…,and nn.——A,B,C,…and other Xs…由具体(小)到抽象(大)的并列原则。
写作的宏观总结一、考研大纲的四个巨变:1、增加了考研听力2、去掉了词汇和语法部分,加大了完型填空的难度3、把阅读和翻译合二为一4、加大了写作的难度二、四次课的重点1、考研写作的十大困境2、考研写作出现的各类题型(四大类主力题型,十一种功能段落)3、范文分析4、语言分析第一部分考研写作中的各类问题一、写作中的十大困境1、滔滔不绝意识流意识流创作有两种表现:(1) 自由分段(2) 语言杂乱注意:要控制语言;语句控制(第一段写三到四句;第二段写七到八句;第三段写五到六句)原则:紧扣提纲、紧扣要求2、无话可说真难受值得考虑的话题:(1) 大型宏观话题如:城乡差异、代沟、友谊、爱心、健康、实干精神、生态平衡、文化等(2) 小型微观话题如:WTO、中国足球、克隆现象、安乐死、海归派、考研热等训练方法:(1) 例证法如:沉溺于上网(web addiction)、青少年犯罪、TV ads (win-win deal双赢)、It pays to be honest等(2) 平时的思维拓展练习长文章的五要素:利与弊、不同的观点、寻找原因及后果、解决措施、未来趋势3、真情流露没必要写作的三个角度:语言第一位;结构第二位;内容第三位要求:结构简单,而语言卓越,但在内容上只要相关即可4、思维跳跃断层多英语中启、承、转、合的设置启:启动观点,开篇点题Nowadays, there is growing concern over …;When it comes to …,people hold different opinions.It is generally believed that …承:涉及文章第二段(拓展段),原因一、二、三,方面一、二、三要有层次感In the first place…; above all; To begin with ;For one thing; On the one hand;In the second place…; In addition; Further more; More over; What’s more;For another ; On the other hand;Last but not least; More importantly; Even worse;转:表示转折的方法如下:However; On the contrary; Conversely; Whereas; Instead; Nevertheless;合:表示合并总结:As a result; As a consequence; consequently; Accordingly; Therefore; Thus;Hence; In conclusion; To sum up; In brief; In sort; On the whole; By and large;Generally speaking; As somebody put(puts) it; As the saying goes;句与句之间要衔接,段与段之间要过渡5、英语表达憋得慌解决的方法:要靠日常的积累,大量的积累。
Today we learned the text of the first unit.2.课文内容是关于一个小男孩的故事。
The content of the text is about the story of a little boy.3.小男孩的名字叫做小兔子。
The little boy's name is Xiao Tuzi.4.小兔子生活在一个美丽的村庄里。
Xiao Tuzi lives in a beautiful village.5.他喜欢在村庄里的小河边玩耍。
He likes to play by the river in the village.6.小兔子有一只可爱的小狗作为他的朋友。
Xiao Tuzi has a lovely dog as his friend.7.他们经常一起探险、玩耍。
They often go on adventures and play together.8.小兔子是一个善良又勇敢的男孩。
Xiao Tuzi is a kind and brave boy.9.小兔子的家人是一个温暖的家庭。
Xiao Tuzi's family is a warm family.10.他们一起生活、一起快乐。
They live together and are happy together.11.我觉得小兔子的故事很有意义。
I think Xiaotuzi's story is very meaningful.12.通过他的故事,我们可以学到很多东西。
Through his story, we can learn a lot.13.比如,勇敢、友情、珍惜。
For example, courage, friendship, and cherish.14.这些都是非常重要的人生价值观。
开始之前,送大家两句话-----“Chances always favor the prepared winds.”幸运女神总是青睐有准备的人“A penny saved is a penny earned.”积少成多首先,来看看作文评卷标准。
1 结构清晰2词汇变化3句型变化4错误较少其次是战略(strategies)1结构第一:面子问题----注意书写(分体)、格式(顶格/隔行)标点(中英文标点区别)、字数控制、注意拼写。
说明:think important more and more hard 这些“初级“词汇尽量用考研大纲的单词来替换。
参考替换词汇:Think: maintain, suppose, insist, propose,present ,consider, argueas far as I am concerned, in my eyes, to my knowledge, for my part (think 着用这些词汇或短语来替换)important: vital, crucial, critical, essential, fundamental, significant,dominant, decisive,principal,primary, indispensable.More and moe: a grawing number ofan increasing amount ofhard: harsh tough arduous3内容第三:思想大众化,思想健康化。
态度积极,避免敏感政治话题注意:标题不要写最后看看具体操作1 名言的活用在熟练背诵名言的前提下,可以根据文章主题来自由发挥。
EX1:,All roads lead to Romans.改写后:All roads lead to “success”.EX2:Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.---John F.kennedy改写后:Ask not what your “parents” can do for you; ask what you can do for your “parents.”不要问你的父母能为你做什么,而要问你能为父母做什么。
2 出题数量非等额选项(题目5道,6-7个选项)3 测试重点考生需要认真搞清楚主干内容和结构上的关系和布局,从而分辨出选项部分从结构和内容上看是属于文章的哪个部分,并可以与空白处的上下文有机地衔接起来。
六级作文培训课程笔记上海新东方六级写作之——第一课(ver.6502)第一课——概述ü自我介绍1. 英语专业2. 领事馆3. 新东方ü课程安排1. 概述和书信2. 书信和对立观点题3. 对立观点和单一观点题4. 单一观点和图表5. 图表,改错和完型ü课程要求1. 预读——范文,模板,泛读2. 复读——例文,笔记3. 实践——押题ü评分原则——内容与结构ü总体评分1. 找:idea2. 扫:从,写作方法3. 感:文字,文法,文体,文笔检查扣分点1. 作文格式2. 拼写3. 搭配4. 三“一致”ü印象分——加分点/闪光点十大闪光点(求求大家)1. 提问法2. 总结法3. “一些人认为”4. 从句:宾语从句、定语从句5. 并列句6. 理由词汇7. 理由段公式8. 路线句型9. 数据的表达10. 结语书信¶信件类型:订购信、退货信、投诉信、建议信、道歉信、感谢信、邀请信、咨询信、安排信、通知信、倡议信、求职信和辞职信十三种。
¶下面归纳五大信函写作策略:1. 求职信开头段:表明信息来源,说明写作意图(时间、地点)。
2. 投诉信开头段:说明与收信人的相关性,点明你写作的意图(人物、关系)。
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作文讲义一.Argument的写作特点:attack logic.(C-conclusion A-assumption E-evidence)二.Argument整体结构:第一段:开头段归纳论点论据(原题)--改写或提炼:指明逻辑漏洞个数(待攻击的个数)第二段第三段第四段:正文—分类攻击各个逻辑错误.(独立与组合)第五段:结尾段—总结归纳.三.如何写开头段:发起攻击C-conclusion E-evidence F-flaw四.开头段的小宝式写法:Merely based on the unfounded assumption and dubious(suspicious) evidence, the statement draws the conclusion that _____. To substantiate(support) this conclusion, the arguer points out the evidence that _____. In addition, he indicates that _____.Furthermore, he cites the result of a recent survey in support of the recommendation.//At first glance, this argument appears to somewhat convincing, but reflection, reveals that it omits some substantial concerns that should be addressed. From the logical perspective, the argument suffers from N logical flaws.五.如何写正文段:1.顺序式攻击法(1-2-3)2.主次式攻击法(主要-次要)3.让步式攻击法(逻辑排列):A-不成立——即便A成立,B也不成立——即便AB成立,C也不成立六.写正文段首句:主次式排列的引言句.1.The threshold problem with this argument is that _____.2.Another problem that weakness OF the logical of this argument isthat _____.3.Before I come to my conclusion, it is necessary to point out that____ .七.如何写结尾段:总结陈词(C-conclusion S-suggestion)八.结尾段的具体写法:To sum up, this arguer fail to substantiate his claim that C .Because the evidence cited in the analysis does not lend strong support to what the arguer maintains.//To make the evidence more convincing, the author would have to provide more information with regard to S1 .Additionally, he would have to demonstrate that S2 . Therefore, if the argument had include the given factors discussed above, it would have been more thorough and logically acceptable.九.各个逻辑错误的原理,逻辑,语言1.Survey/Study: (调查类错误)----2Q: quality quantity(1)Procedure (调查过程错误)A.Selective sample (选择性样本)B.Quantity of the sample (样本数量)①攻击样本数量和取样不随机性②取样片面③攻击样本数量少C. Are the respondents being forthright ?D. Loaded questions?标志词:survey, study, sample, respondent, response, answer, taste, 1500, 96%, many, most.攻击体系:Unless the surveyor sampled a sufficient number of _____ and did so randomly across the entire spectrum,the survey results are not reliable to gauge _____generally. The number of respondents/samples, in itself,does not ensure representativeness. For example, if thesample include only _____, then the results would nodoubt suggest _____. Or if the grosses are considerable,(1200) would account for only a little percentage, whichwould render the results of the survey meaningless. (2)Result of the survey (调查结果类错误)A. Do the statistics make any meaningfulness? (数据是否有意义)B. Are the statistics misleadingly vague? (数据是否含糊)攻击体系:A threshold problem is that editorial neglects to indicate how recently the survey was actually conducted. Whensamples are used to make general claims about aparticular group, the samples should be closed enoughto the generalization. All we know in this editorial is thatthe survey was recently published. The less recent thesurvey itself, the less reliable the results to indicatecurrent interest levels.词汇归纳:n –survey, questionnaire, statistical, study, sample,specimen, sampling, accidental sampling, classsampling (整体抽样),randomness, randomly(随机性),quantity, quality, statistic, poll, absolutevalue, percentage, proportion, validity, statisticalvalidity, range, scope, spectrumv – select, choose, sample, indagate, investigate, examine,scrutinize, comprisea –valid, authentic, random, quantitive, statistical,representative, characteristic, typical, far-ranging,comprehensive, extensive, generally, universally,rarely.2.Sufficient Evidence and the Necessary Condition (充分必要条件类错误)(1)Sufficient Evidence (充分条件类错误)充分条件类错误标志词:once, will (预测-将来时)(2) Necessary Condition (必要条件类错误)必要条件类错误标志词:without, necessary, only.攻击体系:The editor’s recommendation depends on theassumption that no factors other than A caused B .However, common sense informs me that this assumption isa poor one. A myriad of other factors, including C orD orE , might be the cause of B . To be specific, -____. Without ruling out (排除) these and other possiblecauses, the editor cannot justifiably conclude that only Acan B .充分必要条件类词汇归纳:v -- constitute, established, suffice, resultin, induce, render, exclude.a –sufficient, necessary, perforce =necessarily, required.3. Cause and Effect Fallacies (因果关系类错误)(1) 无因果类错误标志词: for, cause, reason, since, link, correlation, connection, therefore.(2) 时序性因果错误标志词:because, after this (before - ), since then, therefore,consequence, consequently.攻击体系:Based on the fact that A accrued after B . Theauthor inferred that B shouldresponsible for A . However, thesequence of these events, in itself,does not suffice to prove that earlierdevelopment caused the later one. Itmight have resulted from some otherevents instead: C D E ---- to just afew possibilities. Without rulting outscenarios such as these, the editorcannot established a cause-and-effectrelationship between A and Bupon which the editor’srecommendation depends.(3)同时性因果类错误标志词:meanwhile, also, with, during, under, over, parallel.(4) 忽略其它可能原因(5) 混淆因果因果类词汇归纳:n –relation, causation, relevancy, conjunction,connection, nexus, association, linkage.v –associate, link, connect, relate to, ignore,neglect, bose, sight of,.a –relational, relevant, causal, related, sequent,traceable.4. Changing Scope Fallacies (范围变化类错误)(1) 偷换概念(2) 个体推整体–放大类错误(3) 整体推个体–缩小类错误(4) 平均值错误标志词:论据核心词---- 结论核心词(核心名词)nationwide, statewide, throughout, overall, across,average.词汇归纳:n – scope, localization, diversity, variety, individual, writ,wholev –extend, expend, broaden, enlarge, spread, shrink,differentiate, distinguish.a –overall, generally, extensive, entire, diverse,dissimilar, multiplex (多元的)poly— = multi—5.考虑问题不全面(profit问题,利润)(1)没有考虑事物正负得失(2)没有考虑可行性标志词:profit, profitable, profitability.攻击体系:The author’s conclusion that _____ is unwarranted. Profit is a factor relating to not only revenue, but also cost. // It’sentirely possible that the cost of A , or other costsassociated with B,C will offset, even out weigh therevenue. Besides, a myriad of other unexpectedoccurrences, such as unfavorable economic depression,might prevent _____ from being as profitable as argumentpredicts.6.时间外推类错误标志词:实践性表达--- two years ago, trend, tendency, continue,remain, stay.攻击体系:The author claims that 将来,because 过去/现在. Thisassumption is unwarranted because thingsrarely remain the same over extendedperiod of time. There are likely all kinds ofdifference between 过去and 将来. Forexample, 将来. However, 过去. Any ofthese scenarios, if true, would serve toundermine the claim that ______ .词汇归纳:n – trend, tendency, direction, fixedness, diversification, shift from.V –forecast, anticipate, continue, remain, alter, inflect, shift, transferA –by past, fore past, current, present, intending,continued, changeless, unaltered, variable(变化的) 7. 论据含糊类错误(1)主观类词汇(promise, guess)·词类归纳:vague, invalid, void(无效的), in defined, indistinct,unclear(2)关联性FA –主观错不代表可观发生.8. 错误类比标志词:similar, same, nearby(高频), neighboring(高频), 两个行业/公司名字,两个城市/洲/国家名字FA 错误攻击体系:The author’s recommendation relies on what mightbe a poor analogy between A and B . theanalogy falsely depends on the assumption that ____in both A and B are similar. However, it isentirely possible that A与B的差异. In shot, withoutaccounting for such possible difference between Aand B , the arguer cannot prove that B willkeep the similar benefit from the proposed method.词汇归纳:n – analogy, comparison, similarity, comparability, parallelism.V – resemble, differ, vary, distinguish, discriminate, secern.A –analogically, homologous, analogous, distinct, dissimilar,disparate.9. 非此即彼类错误标志词:either … or…, mutually, exclusively, alternatively攻击体系:1. Even assuming A is not the reason for C , theauthor falsely assumes that C must beattributable to B . This “either…or…”agument isfallacious in that it ignores other possible causes of C,Perhaps D , or perhaps E .2.The editorial seems to make two irreconcilable (不可调和的) claims. One is A; the other is B. However, thisassumption presents a false dilemma, since A,B arenot necessarily mutually exclusive alternatives.10 无理假设类错误11. 绝对化词汇错误(结尾一段话)标志词:all, best, any, anything, everybody...。