

浙江省苍南县巨人中学2011-2012学年高二上学期第二次月考语文试题 Word版含答案

浙江省苍南县巨人中学2011-2012学年高二上学期第二次月考语文试题 Word版含答案

高二上学期第二次月考语文试题座位号_________一、选择题(每题2分,共28分)1、下列加点字读音全都正确的一项是()A、骨骸.(hái ) 重创.(chuàng) 攒.(cuán)射买椟.(dú)还珠B、枯槁.(.gǎo) 洗濯.(.zhuó) 愠.(yùn)色长歌当.(.dāng)哭C、慰藉.(jiâ) 怃.(fǔ)然遒劲.(jìn ) 不可遏.(â)制D、绯.闻( fēi ) 濒.临(bīn) 杀戮.(lù) 妄自菲.薄(fěi)2、下列各组词语中错别字最多的一项是()A、喋血弛骋慷概惮精竭虑B、苍桑钟磬典籍黯然失色C、安详红绡俯瞰祸起萧墙D、篙草凋蔽和蔼广有羽翼3、把下列关联词语依次填在横线上,最恰当的一项是()谁能解释为什么同一物种分布得广远而且繁多,_____另一个近似物种分布得狭小而稀少呢?______这些关系是极其重要的,_________他们决定着这个世界上的一切生物现在的安全,_____我们相信也决定着生物未来的命运和变异的趋向。

A、而然而因为并且B、可是可是由于并且C、可是因为由于同时D、而当然因为所以4、下列各句中加点的成语,使用恰当的一项是( B )A、鲁迅先生对于友人,尤其对于青年,爱护无所不至....,不但尽心竭力,还常主动帮忙。








高二上学期第二次月考物理试题一、单项选择题(本题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分,每小题给出的四个选项中有且只有一个选项是正确的)1.关于曲线运动的下列说法中正确的是:( )A. 做曲线运动物体的动能大小一定变化B.做曲线运动物体的加速度一定变化C. 做曲线运动物体的速度一定变化D.做曲线运动物体所受的合外力一定变化 2、质量为m 可视为质点的物体,在所受合外力F 作用下运动的速度v 随时间变化的规律如图1所示,合外力的方向始终在一条直线上。

已知t =0时质点的速度为零,在图示的t 1、t 2、t 3和t 4各时刻中,下列说法正确的是( )A .t 1后物体运动的速度方向改变B .t 1到t 3 时间内物体受到的合外力与选定的正方向相反C 、t 2时刻物体的速度为零、合外力也为零D 、t 1到t 4 时间内物体回到出点3. 如图2所示,B 物体放在粗糙的水平面上,当A 物体沿B 物体的斜面匀速下滑时,楔形木块B 在粗糙水平地面上始终保持静止状态,则以下说法正确的是( )A .木块A 所受外力的个数为3个B .楔形木块B 所受外力的个数为5个C .桌面与楔形木块B 之间的静摩擦力一定不为零D .地面对楔形木块B 的支持力一定大于A 、B 重力大小之和4、如图3所示,放在水平桌面上的木块A 处于静止状态,所挂砝码和托盘的总质量为0.6kg ,弹簧秤的读数为3N .若轻轻取走盘中的部分砝码,使其质量减少到0.4kg ,将会出现的情况是(g=10m/s 2,不计滑轮的摩擦)( )A .弹簧秤的读数立即变小B .A 物体对桌面的摩擦力将变小C .A 物体向左匀速移运动D .A 物体立向左加速运动5.汽车发动机的转动通过变速箱中的齿轮传递到车轮上,转速比可以通过变速杆来改变。


有关汽车上坡“换档”动作,下列说法正确的是( ) A .换高速档,增大牵引力 B .换高速档,减小牵引力 C .换低速档,增大牵引力 D .换低速档,减小牵引力v图1图36.地球上,在赤道的物体A 和在杭州的物体B 随地球自转而做匀速圆周运动,如图所示,则( ) A .A 的周期大于B 的周期B .A 的向心加速度大于B 的向心加速度C .若两物体质量相同,则两物体所受的支持力大小相等D .A 的动能一定大于B 的动能7.如图所示,物体A 静止于倾角为 的斜面体B 上,现对该斜面体施加一个水平向左的推力F ,使物体随斜面体一起沿水平方向向左匀速运动,则在此过程中( )A . 水平向左的推力F 不做功B . A 所受摩擦力做正功C . A 所受支持力不做功D . A 所受重力不做功8.我国道路安全部门规定:高速公路上行驶的最高时速为120km/h 。

浙江省苍南县巨人中学2011-2012学年高二上学期第二次月考生物试题 Word版含答案

浙江省苍南县巨人中学2011-2012学年高二上学期第二次月考生物试题 Word版含答案


那么,科学家认定其为生物的理由是()A.能使动物患病 B.含有蛋白质成分 C.能不断增殖 D.结构简单2.下列与无机盐的功能无关的()A.是某些重要复杂化合物的成分B.是细胞中能源物质之一C.能维持生物体的生命活动 D.能维持细胞的形态和功能3.下列叙述错误的是()A.常见的单糖有果糖、核糖、葡萄糖等,它们可以被人体直接吸收B.淀粉是一种多糖,粮食作物玉米、小麦、水稻的种子中含有丰富的淀粉C.纤维素不溶于水,人和动物细胞中不含纤维素D.糖元是植物体和动物体内常见的多糖4.由m个氨基酸构成的一个蛋白质分子,含n条肽链,这个蛋白质分子完全水解共需水分子个数为()A.m B.m-n C.m+n D.n5.叶绿体与线粒体在结构和功能上的相同点是()①具有双层膜;②转化能量;③产生氧气;④水作为生理功能的一种原料;⑤含有DNA;⑥内部含有酶;⑦分解有机物,释放能量A.①②④⑤⑥ B.③④⑤⑥ C.②③④⑤ D.①④⑤⑥⑦6.若用同一显微镜观察同一标本4次,每次仅调整目镜或物镜和细准焦螺旋,结果得到下面各图。

其中视野最暗的是()7.人体组织细胞可以从组织中吸收甘油,其吸收的量主要取决于()A.细胞周围的组织液中甘油的浓度B.细胞膜上载体的数量C.细胞呼吸作用的强度D.细胞膜上载体的种类8.下列有关ATP的叙述中,正确的是()A.ATP释放能量往往与某些放能反应相关联B.光反应产物中只有ATP是碳反应中将二氧化碳还原为糖的能源物质C .ATP 分子由1个腺嘌呤和3个磷酸基团组成D .细胞连续分裂时,伴随着ATP-ADP 循环9.图纵轴为生成物量,横轴为反应时间,其中能正确表示酶浓度增加,而其他条件不变时,生成物量变化的曲线图是(图中虚线表示酶浓度增加后的变化曲线) ( )10.某成熟植物细胞经某种处理后仍保持活性,但在0.3 g/mL 的蔗糖溶液中不发生质壁分离现象,实验操作正确。

浙江省苍南县巨人中学等三校2013-2014学年高二下学期第二次联考数学试题 Word版含答案

浙江省苍南县巨人中学等三校2013-2014学年高二下学期第二次联考数学试题 Word版含答案


一.选择题(本题有25小题,1—15每小题2分,16—25每小题3分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个正确答案) 1.已知集合{1,0},{1,2},A B ==则AB =( )A.{1, 0, 2}B.{1}C.{2}D.{0} 2.函数3log (1)y x =-的定义域为( )A.RB. (–∞,1)∪(1, ∞)C. (–∞,1)D. (1, ∞)3.在ΔABC 中,若3tan 4A =,则cos A =( ) A.35 B.45 C.45- D.45±4.sin 240°=( )A.23-B. 21C. 23D. 21-5.化简AC -BD +CD -AB 得( )A .AB B .C .BCD .06.已知平面向量(3,1)a =,(,3)b x =-,且a b ⊥,则x =( )A .3-B .1-C .1D .37.下列函数中,在(0,+∞)上是减函数的是( )A.x y 1=B.12+=x yC.x y 2=D.()⎩⎨⎧<->=0)0(x x x x y 8.将函数x y 2sin =的图像向左平移12π个单位,得到函数 )20)(2sin(πϕϕ<<+=x y 的图像,则ϕ=( )A.6π- B. 12π- C. 6π D. 12π9.已知43cos ,(,2)52πααπ=,则=+)4(cos πα ( )A.10B.10 C. 10-10-10.在ΔABC 中,已知A=120°,1=b ,2=c ,则=a ( )A.3B.325+C.7D.325-11.已知等差数列}{n a 中,716a =,14=a ,则10a =( )A.15B.30C.31D.6412.在等比数列{}n a 中,若12344,12,a a a a +=+=则78a a +=( )A.16B.28C.32D.10813.设集合{|10},{|}A x x B x x a =+>= ,若AB ¹Ф,则实数a 的取值范围是( )A.1a <-B.1a ?C.1a >-D.1a ?14.幂函数图像过点,则(4)f = ( )A. B.2D.1 15. 函数]5,1[,142∈+-=x x x y 的值域是………( )A ]61[,B ]13[,-C ),3[+∞-D ]63[,-16.“2230x x --<”是“3<x ”的 ( )A .充分不必要条件 B.必要不充分条件C .充分必要条件 D.既不充分也不必要条件 17.方程x x 28lg -=的根)1,(+∈k k x ,k ∈Z ,则k =( ) A .2 B .3 C .4D .518.函数)1,0(≠>-=a a a a y x 的图像可能是( )A. B. C. D. 19.已知下列命题中:(1)若k R ∈,且0kb =,则0k =或0b =, (2)若0a b ⋅=,则0a =或0b =(3)若不平行的两个非零向量b a ,,满足||||b a =,则0)()(=-⋅+b a b a (4)若a 与b 平行,则||||a b a b =⋅其中真命题的个数是( )A .0B .1C .2D .3 20.函数2()2cos ()14f x x π=+-是( ) A.最小正周期为2π的奇函数 B. 最小正周期为2π的偶函数 C.最小正周期为π的奇函数 D. 最小正周期为π的偶函数21.若sin α+sin β=75,cos α+cos β=-75,则cos(α-β)等于( )A .-2425 B.2425 C .-150D.15022.在数列*1111{},,(2,)21n n n a a a n n N a -==澄-中若,则2014a 等于( )A .21B .1C .2D .–1 23.已知{}n a ,{}n b 都是等比数列,那么( )A.{}n n b a +,{}n n b a ⋅都一定是等比数列B. {}n n b a +一定是等比数列,但{}n n b a ⋅不一定是等比数列C. {}n n b a +不一定是等比数列,但{}n n b a ⋅一定是等比数列D. {}n n b a +,{}n n b a ⋅都不一定是等比数列 24.设偶函数)sin()(ϕω+=x A x f (,0>A )0,0πϕω<<>的部分图象如图所示,△KLM为等腰直角三角形,∠KML =90°,KL =1,则1()6f 的值为( )A.43-B .14-C .12-D .4325.已知圆O 的半径为2,A B 、是圆上两点且AOB ∠=23π,MN 是一条直径,点C 在圆内且满足(1)OC OA OB λλ=+-(01)λ<<,则CM CN ⋅的最小值为( )A .-1B .-2C .-3D .-4试卷Ⅱ二.填空题(本题有5小题,每小题2分,共10分)26. 已知数列{}n a 前n 项和2n S n n =+,则12111098a a a a a ++++=___________ 27.在ABC ∆中.若1b =,c =23C π∠=,则a= 。



浙江省名校2023-2024学年高二下学期2月月考英语试卷学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、听力题1.What will James do tomorrow?A. Watch a TV program.B. Give a talk.C. Write a report. 2.What can we say about the woman?A. She’s generous.B. She’s curious.C. She’s helpful.3.When does the train leave?A. At 6:30.B. At 8:30.C. At 10:30.4.How does the woman go to work?A. By car.B. On foot.C. By bike.5.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Classmates.B. Teacher and student.C. Doctor and patient. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。

6.What does the woman regret?A. Giving up her research.B. Dropping out of college.C. Changing her major.7.What is the woman interested in studying now?A. Ecology.B. Education.C. Chemistry.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。

8.What is the man?A. A hotel manager.B. A tour guide.C. A taxi driver.9.What is the man doing for the woman?A. Looking for some local foods.B. Showing her around the seaside.C. Offering information about a hotel.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。



2012届高三上学期第二次月考物理试题注意:本卷中g=10m/s2一、单项选择题(每题4分,共28分)1.甲、乙、丙三辆汽车以相同的速度经过某一路标,从此时开始,甲车做匀速直线运动,乙车先加速后减速,丙车先减速后加速,它们经过下一个路标时的速度相同,则: A .甲车先通过下一路标 B .乙车先通过下一路标 C .丙车先通过下一路标 D .三辆车同时通过下一路标2.在一个竖直方向运动的密闭升降机内,用弹簧秤挂着一个已知质量的砝码,当地的重力加速度已知。

根据弹簧秤的读数,我们可以知道:A .升降机加速度的大小和方向B .升降机速度的大小和方向C .升降机加速度的大小和速度的方向D .升降机加速度的大小和方向以及速度的方向 3.如图,竖直圆环内侧凹槽光滑,aOd 为其水平直径,两个相同的小球A 和B (均可视为质点),从a 点同时以相同速率v 。

开始向上和向下沿圆环凹槽运动,且运动中始终未脱离圆环,则A 、B 两球第一次:A .可能在c 点相遇,相遇时两球的速率v A <vB <v 0; B .可能在b 点相遇,相遇时两球的速率v A >v B >v 0;C .可能在d 点相遇,相遇时两球的速率v A =v B =v 0;D .可能在c 点相遇,相遇时两球的速率v A =v B <v 0;4.某动车组列车以平均速度v 从甲地开到乙地所需的时间为t ,该列车以速度v 0从甲地出发匀速前进,途中接到紧急停车命令紧急刹车,列车停车后又立即匀加速到v 0继续匀速前进,从开始刹车至加速到v 0的时间是t 0(列车刹车过程与加速过程中的加速度大小相等),若列车仍要在t 时间内到达乙地,则动车组列车匀速运动的速度v 0应为 A .0t t vt - B .0t t vt+ C .021t t vt - D .021t t vt+ 5.一物体在地球表面上的重力为16N,它在以5m/s 2的加速度加速上升的火箭中的视重为9N,则此时火箭离地面的高度是地球半径R 的A.2倍B.3倍C.4倍D.0.5倍 6.如图(甲)所示,在粗糙的水平面上,质量分别为 m 和M (m:M=1:2)的物块A 、B 用轻弹簧相连,两物块与水平面间的动摩擦因数相同,当用水平力F 作用于B上且两物块以共同加速度向右匀加速运动时,弹簧的伸长量为x 1,当用同样大小、方向竖直向上的力F 作用于B 上且两物块以共同加速度竖直向上匀加速运动时(如图乙所示),弹簧的伸长量为x 2,则x 1:x 2等于A .1:1B .1:2C .2:1D .2:37.如图所示的电路中,电源的内电阻不能忽略不计。

浙江省苍南县巨人中学2011-2012学年高二上学期第二次月考英语(3-4班)试题 Word版含答案

浙江省苍南县巨人中学2011-2012学年高二上学期第二次月考英语(3-4班)试题 Word版含答案

巨人中学2011-2012学年高二上学期第二次月考英语(3-4班)一、单词翻译(1*10=10分)1. adj. 私人的_________________2. n. 信息____________________3. n.注意__________________4. adv.无礼地____________________5. n.决定__________________6. n.人群____________________7. v.允许,让_________________8. v. 损坏_____________________9. v 震惊__________________ 10.v. 接受_____________________11 people grow flowers there ________________12 not long ago ________________13 very clean and tidy ________________1 4 places between two places ________________15 company ________________16 not in one’s own country ________________17 some one asks for money or food but doesn’t work ________________18 .look forward to (期待) ________________19 valuable ________________20 take away stranger’s things without telling him ________________三、单项选择题。

(1*15=15分)( )21、The writer could not bear it .He could not _______it.A. carryB. sufferC. standD. lift( )22. He doesn’t get up early on Sundays. He gets up_____.A. late B . lately C. slowly D. hardly( )23. Taiwan is _______the south of China.A.toB. inC. atD. into( )24. His father hasn’t seen him ______January.A.forB. sinceC. fromD. by( )25. __________,I cooked this ________you show me.A. On the way, by the wayB. In the way, on the wayC .By the way, in the way D. By the way, in a way( )26.Mr. Scott has a garage in Silbury. His _______garage is in Pinhurst.A. anotherB. other C .else D. different( )27.I knocked _______ early yesterday and went to a football match.A. overB. offC. atD. out( )28. Someone had filled the parcel with stones and sand. It was ______stones and sand.A. full withB. full ofC. fill withD. full in( )29.Joe’s garden is _______.Joe is _______in gardening.A interesting, interested B. interested, interestingC. interest, interestingD. interested, interest( ) 30.Tom wins every time . He always______ Bill Firth.A. beatsB. winsC. gainsD. earns( )31. The ship called several ports between Dalian and Shanghai.A. onB. inC. atD. for( )32. To _____ he won the match at last.A. my surprisedB. my surprisingC. my surpriseD. my surprises ( )33.While I _______a novel, someone ______at the door.A.read, was knockingB. read, knockedC. was reading, knockedD. was reading, was knocking( )34. We are not _ __ touch that machine.A. allowedB. allowed toC. allow toD. allowing ( )35. The cake is made _____ flour, butter, eggs and sugar.A. ofB. fromC. byD. in四、完型填空(1*10=10分)Mr. White works in an office. He liked 36 in bed when he was at school. It was bad for his eyes and now he has near sight(近视). But he wouldn't like anybody else to know about _37_and he never wears a pair of glasses, and it often _38_ him some trouble.One winter morning he was sent to a village school on business. He _39_ the bus at a stop in a small town. Then he had to _40_ there. The road to the village wasn't smooth(平坦). He fell over some times and it made his clothes dirty. When he_41_ got to the village, it began to blow and it got _42_. He was looking for the school while his _43_was blown off. He began to run after it but he couldn't get it. He couldn't understand why his hat ran into a house as if it had __44__. And he ran into the house, too.A woman stopped him and shouted angrily, "_45_are you running after my hen for?"Choose the best answer according to the passage36. A. reading B. dancing C. singing D. writing37. A. these B those C. them D. it38. A. follows B takes C. brings D. carries39. A. took off B got off C. got on D. come on40. A. ride B drive C. walk D. fly41. A. at first B .at home C. at times D. at last42. A. hotter B. warmer C. colder D .cooler43. A. clothes B. bag C. hat D. glasses44. A. legs B. hands C. shoes D. arms45. A. What B. Why C. Which D. Who五、阅读理解(2*10=20分)ATom Green spent his 114th birthday the other day and some reporters visited him to find out the secret of a long life .“The secret of a long life is happiness ,” Green said .“If you are happy , you will live a long time .”“Are you married ?” a reporter asked . “Yes , ”Green answered . “ I married my third wife when I was 102. If you are happily married, you will live better . But for(要不是) my third wife , I would have died ye ars ago .”“What about smoking and drinking ?” another reporter asked . “Yes, they are important ,” Green said . “Don’t smoke at all and you will feel well . Drink two glasses of wine a day and you will be healthy and happy .”46. Some reporters visited Green because _____________.A. he did something peculiarB. he was a friend of themC. he had lived much longer than most peopleD.he had married three times47. Green thought that ______________was the most important to life .A.his third wifeB.gladC.happinessD.smoking48. Green thought his third wife helped him to live _________ years longer.A.12B.14C.16D.1849. The writer wants to the us ______________________.A. drinking a great deal is good for our healthB. drinking within a limit is helpfulC. smoking and drinking are indispensable to good healthD. we should quit smoking or drinking50. The best title for this passage is __________________.A .Drinking and Smoking B. The Secret of a Long LifeC. Hqppiness in LifeD. Astonished RiportersBIn England recently three foreign gentlemen came to a bus stop and waited . About five minutes later, the bus they wanted came along. They were just going to get on when suddenly there was a loud noise behind them. People rushed onto the bus and tried to push them out of the way . Someone shouted at them. The bus conductor came rushing down the stairs to see what all the trouble was about. The three foreigners seem all at sea and looked embarrassed (窘迫的. No one had told them about the British custom (习惯)of lining up for a bus that the first person who arrives at the bus stop is the first person to get on the bus .Learning the language of a country isn't enough. If you want to have a pleasant visit, find outas much as possible about the manners and customs of your host country. You will probably be surprised just how different they can be from your own. A visitor to India would do well to remember that people there consider it impolite to use the left hand for passing food at table. The left hand is supposed to be used for washing yourself. Also in India, you might see a man shaking his head at another to show that he doesn't agree. But in many parts of India a shake of the head means agreement. Nodding (点头) your head when you are given a drink in Bulgaria will most probably leave you thirsty .In that country, you shake your head to mean 'yes'—a nod means 'no' . At a meal in countries on the Arabic Peninsula(阿拉伯半岛), you will find that your glass is repeated refilled as soon as you drink up . If you think that you have had enough , you should take the cup or glasses in your hand and give it a little shake from side to side or place your hand over the top.51. The British people tried to push the three gentlemen out of the way, because the gentlemen _________ .A. were foreignersB. didn't have ticketsC. made a loud noiseD. didn't line up for the bus52. According to the article, if you want to have a pleasant journey in a foreign country, you should _________.A. learn the language of the countryB. understand the manners and customs of the countryC. have enough time and moneyD. make friends with the people there53. In India it is considered impolite ___________.A. to use the right hand for passing food at table.B. to pass food with the left hand.C. to eat food with your hands.D. to help yourself at table.54. To cross one's legs at an important meeting in Europe is _______.A. a common (平常的) habitB. an important mannerC. a serious (严重的) troubleD. a bad manner55. The best title (题目) for this article is ________.A. People's Everyday LifeB. Mind Your MannersC. Shaking and Nodding HeadD. Taking a Bus in England六、用a, an, the 或some , any 填空, 如果不需要,则用/ 代替.(1*10=10分’)56.______ harder we study, ______ more we learn.57. Alice is _____ air-hostess. Her father is _____ engineer and her mother is _____ housewife. They all play _____ tennis very well.58. He has ____ uncle and his uncle lives in ____ United Kingdom. He first saw him in ____ autumn of 1978.59. Will you have _____ more tea? There’s plenty in the pot.七、中英互译(2*5=10分)60.我弟弟以前从未出过国。

浙江省苍南县巨人中学2011-2012学年高二上学期第二次月考语文试题 Word版含答案

浙江省苍南县巨人中学2011-2012学年高二上学期第二次月考语文试题 Word版含答案

高二上学期第二次月考语文试题座位号_________一、选择题(每题2分,共28分)1、下列加点字读音全都正确的一项是()A、骨骸.(hái ) 重创.(chuàng) 攒.(cuán)射买椟.(dú)还珠B、枯槁.(.gǎo) 洗濯.(.zhuó) 愠.(yùn)色长歌当.(.dāng)哭C、慰藉.(jiâ) 怃.(fǔ)然遒劲.(jìn ) 不可遏.(â)制D、绯.闻( fēi ) 濒.临(bīn) 杀戮.(lù) 妄自菲.薄(fěi)2、下列各组词语中错别字最多的一项是()A、喋血弛骋慷概惮精竭虑B、苍桑钟磬典籍黯然失色C、安详红绡俯瞰祸起萧墙D、篙草凋蔽和蔼广有羽翼3、把下列关联词语依次填在横线上,最恰当的一项是()谁能解释为什么同一物种分布得广远而且繁多,_____另一个近似物种分布得狭小而稀少呢?______这些关系是极其重要的,_________他们决定着这个世界上的一切生物现在的安全,_____我们相信也决定着生物未来的命运和变异的趋向。

A、而然而因为并且B、可是可是由于并且C、可是因为由于同时D、而当然因为所以4、下列各句中加点的成语,使用恰当的一项是( B )A、鲁迅先生对于友人,尤其对于青年,爱护无所不至....,不但尽心竭力,还常主动帮忙。






浙江省苍南县巨人中学2011-2012学年高二上学期第二次月考物理(理)试题 Word版含答案

浙江省苍南县巨人中学2011-2012学年高二上学期第二次月考物理(理)试题 Word版含答案

巨人中学2011-2012学年高二上学期第二次月考物理(理)试题考试时间:90分钟 满分:100分 本卷中:g=10m/s 2一、选择题(每小题只有一个选项是正确的,每小题4分,共56分)1、真空中有相距为r 的两个点电荷A 、B ,它们之间相互作用的静电力为F ,如果将A 的带电量增加到原来的4倍,B 的带电量不变,要使它们的静电力变为F/4,则它们的距离应当变为:( )A 、16rB 、4rC 、r 22D 、2r2、由电场强度的定义式q F E可知,在电场中的同一点 ( )A .电场强度E 跟F 成正比,跟q 成反比B .无论点电荷所带的电量如何变化,q F 始终不变C .电场中某点的场强为零,则在该点的电荷受到的电场力可能不为零D .一个不带电的小球在P 点受到的电场力为零,则P 点的场强一定为零3、如图所示,虚线a 、b 、c 代表电场中的三个等势面,相邻等势面之间的电势差相等,即U ab =U bc ,实线为一带正电的质点仅在电场力作用下通过该区域时的运动轨迹,P 、Q 是这条轨迹上的两点,据此可知以下说法中不正确的是( )A.三个等势面中,a的电势最高B.带电质点通过P点时的电势能比Q点大C.带电质点通过P点时的动能比Q点大D.带电质点通过P点时的加速度比Q点大4、如图所示,在匀强电场中有A、B两点,将一电量为q的正电荷从A点移到B点,第一次沿直线AB移动该电荷,电场力做功为W1;第二次沿路径ACB移动该电荷,电场力做功W2;第三次沿曲线AB移动该电荷,电场力做功为W3,则 ( )A.W1>W2>W3 B.W1<W3<W2 C.W1= W2 = W3 D.W1= W2<W35、如图所示,将S闭合后一平行板电容器两板间有匀强电场.其中有一个带电液滴处于静止状态,当发生下列变化时,液滴将向上运动是()A.S仍然闭合,将电容器下极板稍稍下移.B.S仍然闭合,将电容器上极板稍稍下移.C.将S断开,并把电容器的上极板稍稍上移.D.将S断开,并把电容器的上极板稍稍下移.6、如图所示的电路,闭合开关S后,a、b、c三盏灯均能发光,电源电动势E恒定且内阻r 不可忽略.现将变阻器R的滑片稍向上滑动一些,三盏灯亮度变化的情况是()A.a灯变亮,b灯和c灯变暗B.a灯和c灯变亮,b灯变暗C.a灯和c灯变暗,b灯变亮D.a灯和b灯变暗,c灯变亮7、如图所示,图线1表示的导体电阻为R1,图线2表示的导体的电阻为R2,则下列说法正确的是()A.R1:R2 =1:3 B.R1:R2 =3:1C.将R1与R2串联后接于电源上,则电流比I1:I2=1: 3D.将R1与R2并联后接于电源上,则电流比I1:I2=1:38、一根粗细均匀,阻值为8Ω的电阻丝,在温度不变的情况下,先将它等分成四段,每段电阻为R1;再将这四段电阻丝并联,并联后总电阻为R2。

浙江省苍南县巨人中学等三校2013-2014学年高二下学期第二次联考语文试题 Word版含答案

浙江省苍南县巨人中学等三校2013-2014学年高二下学期第二次联考语文试题 Word版含答案

高二下学期第二次联考语文试题(考试时间:110分钟,分值:100 分,共 6 页)选择题部分一、选择题(共18题,每小题3分,共54分)1.下列词语中,加点字的读音全都正确的一项是A.漱.(sù)口愧煞.(shā)殉.(xùn)葬铺.(pù)面B.寥廓.(kuò)亘.(gâng)古梵.(fàn)文伺.(cì)候C.惊愕.(â)袖襟.(jīn)褶.(zhã)皱模.(mó)糊D.炮.(páo)烙蹒跚.(shān)惦.(diàn)记脑髓.(suǐ)2. 下列句子中没有别字的一项是A.你看,这些家俱都是你从前顶喜欢的东西,多少年我总是留着,为着纪念你。





③满园子都是草木___________ 生长弄出的响动,窸窸窣窣窸窸窣窣片刻不息。

A.工夫琢磨竞相 B.功夫捉摸竞自C.功夫琢磨竞自 D.工夫捉摸竞相4.下列句子中加点的成语运用不恰当的一项是A.对联,是一种独特的文学样式,它要求形式上对仗整齐,内容上别具用心,好的对联看似信手拈来....,其实已凝聚了作者的智慧。







高二上学期第三次月考英语试题〔8-9班〕一.单项选择:〔20分〕1. He looked the man and the woman angrily. He looked at ________ angrily.A. themB. theyC. theirD. us2. _______ did the writer feel? Angry .A. WhyB. HowC. WhenD. Where3. He was a young man. He wasn’t very _______.A. bigB. tallC. largeD. old4. The young man spoke rudely. He wasn’t very ________.A. cleverB. rudeC. politeD. kind5. He sometimes _________ in bed until lunchtime.\A. stayB. is stayingC. staysD. staying6. He ______ out of the window and saw that it was raining.A. lookedB. sawC. remarkedD. watched7. Aunt Lucy said, “ Dear me.〞because she was _______A. angryB. surprisedC. tiredD. pleased8. He doesn’t get up early on Sundays. He gets up _________.A. lateB. latelyC. slowlyD. hardly9. _______ him a few words of Italian? The writer.A. Who taughtB. What did he teachC. Who did teachD. Whom did he teach10. The waiter lent him a book. He ________ a book from the waiter.A. tookB. stoleC. borrowedD. lent11. On the last day he made a big decision. It was the ________ day of his holiday.A. endB. finalC. bottomD. latest12. The writer _______ a few lines, but he didn’t understand a word.A. readsB. readC. redD. reading13. Tim is in Australia. How long _______ there?A. is heB. has he beenC. has heD. was he14. Tim’s brother hasn’t seen him _______ January.A. forB. sinceC. fromD. by15. He will fly to Perth. He will go there ________.A. with airB. in airC. by airD. through air16. He has just bought an Australian car. He bought one_______.A. a short time agoB. a long time agoC. last yearD. six months ago17. Mr. Scott cannot get a telephone for his garage. ________ he has just bought12 pigeons.A. That’s soB. That’s whyC. BecauseD. For18. Urgent messages are important, so they must be sent _______.A. quicklyB. slowlyC. by handD. largely19. She gave _________.A. to him a mealB. a meal for himC. him to a mealD. a meal to him20. Everybody knows him. _______ know him.A. EachB. They allC. EveryD. All they二.完形填空〔20分〕I live in a very old town which is ____21___by beautiful woods. It is a famous beauty spot. ____22_____Sundays, hundreds of people come from the _____23____to see our town and to walk through the woods. ___24_____ have been asked to keep the woods clean and tidy. Litter baskets have been ____25_____ under the trees, but people still ____26_____ their rubbish everywhere. Last Wednesday, I went for a walk in the woods. What I saw made me very ____27____. I ____28___ seven old cars and three old refrigerators. The litter baskets were _____29____ and the ground was ____30_____ with pieces of paper, cigarette ends, old tyres, empty bottles and rusty tins. Among the rubbish, I found a sign which said, 'Anyone who leaves litter in these woods will be prosecuted!'21. A. located B. followed C. covered D. surrounded22. A. In B. On C. At D. From23. A. school B. country C. city D. province24. A. students B. workers C. foreigners D. visitors25. A. thrown B. placed C. used D. pushed26. A. pick B. lie C. leave D. throw27. A. sad B. satisfied C. happy D. comfortable28. A. heard B. cleaned C. counted D. left29. A. full B. broken C. empty D. dirty30. A. covered B. placed C. put D. crowded三.阅读理解〔40分〕AOn the River Thames there are a number of boat races every year and these have become very popular with the public. Perhaps the best – known of these races is the University Boat Race. This takes place just before Easter〔复活节〕every year and is a competition between teams from the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. They row from Putney to Mertlake, a distance of about four and a quarter miles. This race has been taking place almost every year since 1829.31、The best – known of these races is __________.A.the Boat Race of the University of Oxford.B.the Boat Race of the University of CambridgeC.the Boat Race of the Olympic GamesD.the University Boat Race32、Generally, the Boat Race takes place _________.A.once a year B.twice a year C.every three years D.every other year33、The distance of the competition is about ________ miles.A.4 B.5 C. 6 D.734、The race has been taking place for _________.A.one hundred years B.more than a century and a halfC.a century and a half D.two centuries35、The words “Putney〞and “Mertlake〞 are _________.A.names of places B.names of teamsC.names of boat races D.names of universitiesBEverybody wants it, everybody works for it, and nobody can live without it. Whatis it? Mon ey, of course! How often people ask us, “Will you go on holiday this summer? Will you buy this? Will you do that? 〞And very often the answer is , “Itall depends…〞It all depends what? “It all depends〞always means, “If I have enough money, I shall…〞 Not only your simplest needs, but our wildest dreams are often connected with money . “If I win the national lottery〔彩票〕, I shall…〞Some people think it is the root of all evil〔罪恶〕, others think it will solveall the world’s problems. Both sides agree ther e is never enough of it. Of coursemoney isn’t an answer to everything. You can’t buy love or happiness. for example. But as someone said. “If you are going to be unhappy, it is easier to be unhappy in comfort.〞36、According to the passage, whether you will go on holiday or not depends on ________. A.how much money you have B.how much you will be paidC.what you have D.if you are invited 37、The people who think that money will solve all the world’s problems believe that _________.A.you can’t buy love B.people try hard to get more money C.you can’t buy happiness D.everybody can live without money. 38、The passage mainly〔主要〕says __________.A.money is important but it is not everything.B.money is not important in our daily life.C.some people want money but some don’tD.money brings everything good to all of us.39、Some people think ________.A.money can never lead us to happiness. B.money is the root of all evil.C.we don’t need money. D.we should stop making more money.40、The best title〔标题〕for this passage should be “___________〞.A.Money Is Everything B.The Root of all EvilC.The Answer to Everything D.The Question〔困惑〕of MoneyCDuring the Second World War, it was difficult to travel by plane, because the seats were needed for important government officials and army officers. Mr Brown worked for the government during the war and he was doing very secret work. Nobody was allowed to know how important he was except very few people. One day he had to fly to London to give a talk to a few top people there, but an important army officer came to the airport at the last minute. Mr Brown’s seat was given to him, so he was not able to fly to the city to give his talk. It was not until he reached the city that the important officer discovered that the man whose seat he had taken wasthe one whose talk he had flown to hear.41、Mr Brown was ___________.A.an army officer B.a secret workerC.a government official D.a public speaker42、Plane tickets were hard to get for _________.A.ordinary people B.government officialsC.army officers D.secret workers43、Mr Brown had got an air ticket because _________.A.he must get to London at once B.he must travel secretly C.he trained army officers D.he worked for the government44、Mr Brown could not take the plane, because _________.A.his secret work was discovered.B.he wanted to change for another plane.C.his seat was given to an important army officer.D.he was unable to go by air.45、What did the army officer discover in the end? ________.A.He had taken a very important person’s seat.B.Mr Bro wn’s talk was importantC.Mr Brown didn’t do important secret workD.Mr Brown was a kind person.DKate:I like running very much. It’s good exercise. My parents both like running, too. We usually get up early in the morning and run together. It is good for one's legs, heart and lungs. It helps one to have a strong body. Mum says that she should thank running because it helps her to get thinner. Running is fun. It can make one happy. There are many different ways for one to run. One can run in a school or in a park. One can join a running club to run and make new friends, too.Chen Feng: I like ball games, like foot-ball, basketball and tennis. And basketball is my favorite. I often play basketball with my friends on Sunday mornings when we are free and the weather is nice. I joined my school team last year. And I can play it very well now. There is going to be a basketball game between No. 1Middle School and our school in our school next Saturday. Many students are going to cheer us on. Our teacher says that she will buy some presents for us if we win.I hope we can win the game.( )46. Kate and his parents usually ______ together in the morning.A. leave homeB. runC. play gamesD. have breakfast( )47. Kate's mother thinks that ________.A. running is coolB. Kate dislikes runningC. running is as popular as swimmingD. running makes her get thinner( )48. Chen Feng _______.A. likes football bestB. hopes to win the football gameC. is a member of the school basketball teamD. plays basketball with his friends on the mornings of weekends( )49. Chen Feng's teacher is going to _______ if Chen Feng's team wins the game.A. tell them a storyB. buy some presents for themC. sing a song for themD. cook delicious food for them( )50. Both Chen Feng and Kate _______.A. like sportsB. want to make new friendsC. like ball gamesD. are middle school teachers四.单词短语互译〔10分〕51.生气的_______52.唯一的,单一的_______53.承受,收到_______54. 主要的__________ 55.口袋___________ 56. turn around___________ 57. up to now_________58. to my surprise_________ 59. precious__________ 60. in return______五.书面表达〔10分〕假定你的名字叫张明,是一名高二学生。

浙江省苍南县巨人中学2011-2012学年高二上学期第二次月考数学(文)试题 Word版含答案

浙江省苍南县巨人中学2011-2012学年高二上学期第二次月考数学(文)试题 Word版含答案

巨人中学2011-2012学年高二上学期第二次月考数学(文)试题一、选择题:(共10小题,每小题4分,共40分)1、下列命题中,真命题是 ( )A .偶函数的图像关于原点对称B .菱形的对角线相等C .空集是任何集合的子集D .指数函数是增函数{}{}{}:0,:11,2,p q ∅⊆∈∨∧2.已知命题由它们构成的"p q""p q"形式的命题中,真命题有( )A.0个B.1个C.2个D.无法确定3、直线l 1过点(-1,-2)、(-1,4),直线l 2过点(2,1)、(x ,6),且l 1∥l 2,则x =( ).A .2B .-2C .4D .14、下列说法正确的是( )A 、//,//a b b a αα⊂⇒B 、,a b b a αα⊥⊂⇒⊥C 、,//a b a b αα⊥⊥⇒D 、,a a αββα⊥⊂⇒⊥5. 在空间直角坐标系中,点(2,1,4)-关于x 轴的对称点的坐标为( ) A .(2,1,4)-- B .(2,1,4)- C .(2,1,4)--- D .(2,1,4)-6、已知,a b 是实数,则“0a >且0b >”是“0a b +>且0ab >”的 ( ) A .充分不必要条件 B.必要不充分条件C .充要条件 D.既不充分又不必要条件7、若方程221259x y m m +=-+表示焦点在y 轴上的椭圆,则实数m 的取值范围是( ) A.925m -<< B. 825m << C. 1625m << D.8m >8、 将棱长为2的正方体木块削成一个体积最大的球,则这个球的表面积为( ) A .2π B .4π C .8π D .16π9.若一个椭圆长轴的长度、短轴的长度和焦距成等差数列,则该椭圆的离心率是( )A.45B.35C. 25D. 1510、已知两点A(-2,0), B(0,2),点C 是圆0222=-+x y x 上任意一点,则ABC ∆面积的最小值是( ) C B A 二、 填空题(共7小题,每小题4分,共28分)11.直线:23120________l x y +-=与坐标轴围成的三角形的面积为12、命题“在数列{}{}(n n n a a an b a b a =+中,若、为常数),则数列是等差数列”的逆否命题是____________13、椭圆1162522=+y x 的左、右焦点分别是F 1、F 2,P 是椭圆上一点,且31=PF ,则_____2=PF14、若命题P:022,0200≤++∈∃x x R x ,则命题P 的否定是:______________ 15、直线22120(0)x y x y ay a a +=+-=>与圆没有公共点,则的取值范围是____ ______________16、过点(1,2)且与圆221x y +=相切的直线方程为____________17、已知实数xyx y x y x 则满足方程、,01422=+-+的最大值是_________三、 解答题(第18题8分,第19题12分,第20题12分,共32分) 18、已知()()q p a x a x q x p ⌝>---≤≤是若,01:,121:的充分不必要条件,求实数a 的取值范围.20、椭圆22221(0)x y a b a b+=>>的两个焦点21F F 、,点P 在椭圆C 上,且1PF 12F F ⊥,12414,.33PF PF ==(1) 求椭圆C 的方程(2) 若直线22l 420x y x y M ++-=过圆的圆心交椭圆于A 、B 两点,且A 、B 关于点M对称,求直线l的方程。

浙江省苍南县巨人中学等三校2013-2014学年高二下学期第二次联考历史试题 Word版含答案

浙江省苍南县巨人中学等三校2013-2014学年高二下学期第二次联考历史试题 Word版含答案














浙江省苍南县巨人中学2011-2012学年高二上学期第二次月考通用技术试题 Word版含答案

浙江省苍南县巨人中学2011-2012学年高二上学期第二次月考通用技术试题 Word版含答案

巨人中学2011-2012学年高二上学期第二次月考通用技术一.选择题(本大题共35题、每题2分、共70分)1. 随着计算机技术的发展,建筑效果图和室内装修效果图得到了广泛的运用,效果图的运用拉近了设计师和用户之间的交流,也丰富了设计师的设计手段。

这体现了技术与设计的什么关系()A、设计是技术的发展的重要驱动力B、技术发展对设计产生重要影响C、设计的丰富内涵D、设计制约技术的发展2. 钢锯是金工操作的常用工具,为了使钢锯使用时达到安全、高效、健康与舒适,必须对钢锯进行合理的人机关系设计。

以下四个选项中,不属于人机关系设计的是( )A. 手柄的外形B.采用元宝紧固螺帽紧固钢锯条C.锯杆采用弧形弯曲D.锯条的锯齿大小3.读高中二年级的小李要为自己设计一款台灯用于学习,从使用者本身这一因素去考虑,下列不属于的是()A.照明效果好B.追求个性C.光线柔和D.具有定时功能4.如果进行座椅的设计,不合理的是()A.座椅的尺寸应适宜于就坐者的人体尺寸B.靠背的结构和形状要尽量减少就坐者背部和脊柱疲劳C.在限定人的坐姿后,把坐姿与座椅的样式和尺寸联系起来D.座面前沿应离开小腿一定得距离,以保证小腿的灵活性5.学校宿舍中床的宽度一般设计为1米,比普通学生的人体宽度尺寸大,这在设计中考虑到了()A.人的生理需求与人的心理需求 B.静态人与动态人的需求C.特殊人群的需求 D.环境美观的需要6.以下产品中,设计实现人机关系的目标与其它项不相同的是()A手机防盗器B鲨鱼皮泳衣C龙头拐杖的防滑圈 D婴儿专用电子测温汤匙7.如图所示的安全门卡,卡在普通房门上,可以防止关门时小孩的手被意外夹伤。

在设计该门卡时,不需要考虑的是()A.门板的厚度B.小孩手的大小C.门卡采用的材料D.门的高度8.以下的设计,没有体现合理人机关系的是:()A.门把手 B.红绿灯 C.遥控电扇 D.鼠标垫9.如图所示是一款调味品勺子,具有称重和数字显示功能,便于掌握调味品的用量、该产品主要体现了设计的A.创新原则、实用原则B.经济原则、道德原则C.美观原则、经济原则D.技术规范原则、可持续发展原则如图所示是一款图钉的设计作品,以及评价该作品的坐标图。

浙江省苍南县巨人中学2011-2012学年高二上学期第二次月考地理试题 Word版含答案

浙江省苍南县巨人中学2011-2012学年高二上学期第二次月考地理试题 Word版含答案






3、下列降污措施按其对以上污染物的针对性,排序正确的是:①为机动车加装净化装置,并使用清洁燃料②植树种草、城市绿化覆盖率达36% ③推广使用天然气、电、优质煤等清洁能源A.①②③ B.③②① C.③①② D.②①③4、北京市春季大气悬浮颗粒物增多的动力原因是:A.大气的热力环流 B.冷气团的快速移动C.土地荒漠化速度的加快 D.气旋的频繁活动20世纪50年代初,北欧的挪威瑞典等国渔业减产,大片森林枯死。




浙江省苍南县巨人中学等三校2013-2014学年高二下学期第二次联考生物试题 Word版含答案

浙江省苍南县巨人中学等三校2013-2014学年高二下学期第二次联考生物试题 Word版含答案



红薯的块状根中贮藏有丰富的多糖,下列属于红薯中的多糖的是A .蔗糖、麦芽糖B .果糖、糖元C .葡萄糖、纤维素D .淀粉、纤维素2.用纤维素酶除去植物细胞的细胞壁,而细胞膜成分却不受任何影响,这一现象体现酶的A .催化性B .专一性C .多样性D .高效性3.在细胞周期中,DNA 的复制发生在A .G 1期B .S 期C .G 2期D .M 期 4.在某细胞培养液中加入32P 标记的磷酸分子,一段时间内分离出细胞的ATP ,发现其含量变化不大,但部分A TP 的末端磷酸基团已带上放射性标记,该现象不能..说明 A .ATP 中远离A 的磷酸基团容易脱离B .部分32P 标记的A TP 是重新合成的C .ATP 是细胞内的直接能源物质D .该过程中ATP 既有合成又有分解5.对于多细胞生物而言,下列有关细胞生命历程的说法正确的是A .正常情况下,细胞分化是可逆的B .细胞癌变是所有细胞都要经历的一个阶段C .细胞衰老时细胞呼吸的速率减慢D .细胞凋亡是细胞癌变的结果6.需氧呼吸过程中与柠檬酸循环有关的酶分布在哪里?A .线粒体内膜B .细胞溶胶C .线粒体基质D .线粒体基质和线粒体内膜7.图甲表示酶催化反应过程的示意图,图乙表示在最适温度下该酶促反应生成氨基酸的量与时间的关系曲线。

下列叙述错误..的是A .图甲中b 表示二肽B .图甲中a 与b 结合后,a 的形状会发生变化图甲C.适当降低温度,图乙中得M值不变D.图乙中c-d段形成的主要原因是酶的数量有限8.下图表示生物体内的某化学反应,下列有关该反应的叙述中错误..的是A.需要ATP合成酶B.属于水解反应C.会有能量变化D.反应速率与温度有关9.测得苹果果实在一段时间内,CO2的释放量比O2的吸收量大,由此可以推断出果实A.需氧呼吸占优势B.需氧呼吸与厌氧呼吸消耗的葡萄糖相等C.厌氧呼吸占优势D.既进行厌氧呼吸又进行需氧呼吸10.探索温度对酶活性影响的实验,需进行如下步骤①取3支试管,编号并注入2mL淀粉溶液;②观察实验现象;③向各试管滴1滴碘液;④向各试管注入1mL唾液并摇匀,并在各自的温度下静置5min;⑤将3支试管分别放在37℃的温水、沸水和冰块中维持温度5min最合理的实验顺序应为A.①→②→③→④→⑤ B.①→③→②→④→⑤C.①→④→⑤→③→② D.①→⑤→④→③→②11.如图所示,科学家对单细胞伞藻的幼体嫁接,将甲的伞柄嫁接到乙的假根上,长出了伞帽。

浙江省苍南县巨人中学等三校2013-2014学年高二下学期第二次联考通用技术试题 Word版含答案

浙江省苍南县巨人中学等三校2013-2014学年高二下学期第二次联考通用技术试题 Word版含答案


不选、多选、错选,均不得分) 阅读以下材料回答第1—4小题:2011年3月11日13时46分(北京时间)发生在西太平洋国际海域的里氏9.0级地震,此次的9.0级地震强度在世界纪录史排列第三。



混凝土安全壳内径约40m ,壁厚约1m ,高约60~70m 。


1.日本核电站泄漏给全球都带来了负面影响,特别是对福岛当地居民的影响,下列关于核能说法正确的是( ) A .核能技术开发不符合低碳环保原则,应尽量避免开发B .地球上核能是取之不尽用之不竭的能源,应大量推广C .核电开发技术属于科学范畴,不能申请专利D .日本福岛核电站泄漏体现了技术的两面性2.核反应的安全壳都是采用的圆柱形结构,而不采用方形结构,主要因为( )A .圆柱形结构比方形结构更加美观B .等量材料铸成圆柱形结构的稳定性更好C .等量材料铸成圆柱形结构的强度更好D .方形结构设计难度大,成本高3.核反应的安全壳主要由钢筋混凝土浇筑而成,在混凝土里加入钢筋是为( )A .提高安全壳结构的抗压性能B .提高安全壳结构的抗拉性能C .提高安全壳结构的抗扭转性能D .使安全壳结构更加稳定4. 根据材料中的混凝土尺寸效应我们可以知道( )A .核反应的安全壳结构越厚就一定越安全B .核反应的安全壳结构越薄就一定越安全C .核反应的安全壳壁厚约1m ,不符合科学性原则D .核反应的安全壳壁厚约1m ,符合科学性原则5. 如图是我国的国家大剧院,那么它的主体结构类型是( )A.实体结构B.框架结构C.壳体结构D.以上都不是阅读以下材料回答第6—7小题核反应堆结构图2011年4月8日新华网等官方媒体以“巨舰即将出航,圆70年中国人航母梦”为标题报道了中国第一首“瓦良格”号航空母舰即将完工出航的消息。



高一下学期第二次月考英语(9-10班)一.单项选择:(1*20)1. It’s eight o’clock. The children usually go to school _____ car every day.A. inB. onC. byD. with2. Mr. Sawyer _____ his children to school every day.A. bringsB. takesC. bringD. take3. Mrs. Sawyer stays ______ every day. She _____ the house work.A. stay at home, doB. stay at home, doesC. stays at home, didD. stays at home, does4. They come home from school. They arrive _____ home early.A. atB. inC. toD. /5. ---What does she usually do in the morning?----________________.A. I often shave in the morningB. He often sings in the morning.C. They usually play the piano in the morning.D. She often washes dishes in the morning.6. Do you want the large size _____ the small size?A. andB. butC. orD. either7. I want ________.A. two boxes of chalkB. two box of chalksC. two boxes of chalksD. two box of chalk8. --- ___________________.---It’s half past seven.A. What’s the time?B. What’s date?C. When is the time?D. What day is today?9. --- ___________________?---He feels ill.A. Where is Tom?B. What’s the matter with Tom?C. Is he at home?D. Where does he come from?10. He ____ a bad cold, so he must stay at home.A. hadB. haveC. hasD. is11. He has a stomach ache. So he must ______ some medicine.A. tookB. takesC. takingD. take12. You must stay in bed for ______ two weeks.A. otherB. the otherC. othersD. another13. _____ he ______ a temperature?A. Do, hasB. Do, haveC. Does, haveD. Does, have14. It’s so cold here. You must keep the room_____.A. warmB. hotC. warmlyD. clean15. Now you are in the library. You _____ talk with others.A. may notB. mustn’tC. don’tD. can’t16. Don’t _______, the baby is sleeping.A. make noiseB. make noisesC. make a noiseD. keep a noise17. --Don’t you usually come to school by bike?--______.But sometimes I walk to school.A. No, I don’tB. Yes, I doC. Yes, I don’ tD. No, I do18. -- “Who sits next to you?” --“Nobody _______”.A. doB. areC. isD. does19. I hope ________.A. that you to have a good timeB. you to have a good timeC. you has a good timeD. you have a good time20. It’s _______ .A. heavy rainB. a heavy rainC. heavily rainD. heavy rains 二.完形填空 (每小题一分,共10分)There are many different animals in a zoo. Koala bears(考拉熊)come from Australia. They are quiet, friendly and cute. Children like ___21___. Koala bears need a tree ___22___ a home. Some penguins(企鹅)also come from ___ 23____. Penguins are quiet and interesting, ___24___they are not friendly. They need a ___25___ pool. Giraffes(长颈鹿) come from Africa. They are interesting ___26___exciting. They need a big home. Lions are also ____27___Africa. They are exciting, but scary(可怕的). Tigers are from India and China. They’re exciting and scary, too. Lions and tigers need a place ___28____. Pandas are from China. They’re cute and friendly. They ____29___ need a big home. Elephants are from Africa. They are exciting and friendly. They don’t need any meat ___30___.21 A. it B. her C. them D. him22 A. for B. in C. at D. of23 A. China B. Australia C. Africa D. Japan24. A. and B. or C. so D. but25 A. swim B. swimming C. swimming D. swim’s26. A. and B. or C. but D. so27. A. of B. to C. at D. from28. A. run B. to run C. running D. are running29. A. don’t B. doesn’t C. aren’t D. not30. A . too B. also C. either D. else 三.阅读理解 (共40分)AOne day a little monkey (猴子)plays in a tall tree near the river. A crocodile(鳄鱼) swims slowly near the bank (河岸) with her son. She looksfor some food .Suddenly (突然) she sees themonkey. She thinks “Oh, there is my meal.” She then looks at her son and says, “My dear, you go and catch the monkey and give me his heart (心) to eat.” The little crocodile says, “ But, mum, how can I? Monkeys can’t swimand I can’t climb (爬) trees.” Her mother says, “My son, you can’t climbthe tree, think it over and you can find a good way.”The little crocodile thinks hard. Then he has a good idea. He swims nearthe tree and shouts (大喊), “Hi, Monkey. Do you like some bananas?” “bananas! Oh, I love them.” says the monkey. “But where are they?”( ) 31. One day the monkey plays _________.A. in the riverB. in a tall treeC. near the riverD. nearthe tree( ) 32. The mother crocodile wants to eat ________.A. the little crocodileB. some foodC. the heart of the monkeyD. the monkey( ) 33. The little crocodile can’t ________.A. climb treesB. swim in the riverC. looks for some foodD. see the monkey( ) 34. The monkey loves ______ very much.A. the crocodileB. the riverC. the tall treeD. bananas( ) 35. Which is right(正确)?A. The little crocodile can catch the monkey.B. The little crocodile can the eat the monkey.C. The crocodile can’t get the heart of the monkeys.D. Monkeys can swim very well.BMr and Mrs King don’t often go out in th e evening. But today Mrs King says to her husband(丈夫), “ There is a good film at the cinema(电影院) this evening . Can we go and see it?” Mr king is happy about it. So they go to see the good film. They have a good time.They come out of the cinema at eleven o’clock. They get into their car and drive(开车) home. It is very dark(黑). Mrs King says,“Look , Bill. A woman is running very fast and a man is running after her. Can you see them?” Mr King says , “Yes, I can.” He drives the car slowly(慢慢地) near the woman a nd says to her. “ Can we help you ?” “No, thanks.” The woman says, but she doesn’t stop running. “ My husband and I always run home after the cinema, and the last one washes the dishes(洗盘子)at home!”( ) 36.Mr and Mrs King go out one evening because (因为)__________. A. they don’t often go out B. they want to see a filmC. they want to driveD. they like to run home( ) 37. ___________ like the film.A. Mr KingB. Mrs KingC. The KingsD. everyone( ) 38. Mr King wants to ___________.A. help the womanB. drive the car slowlyC. run on the road D, looks at the woman( ) 39. The woman __________.A. wants to get helpB. runs for funC. doesn’t want to do the washingD. wants to wash dishes( ) 40 .Mr and Mrs King ________ give (给)help.A. mustB. canC. mayD. can’tCMrs Brown had a small garden behind her house, and in spring she planted some vegetables in it. She looked after them very carefully, and when summer came, they looked very nice.One evening Mrs Brown looked at her vegetables and said, “ TomorrowI am goingto pick them, and then we can eat them.” But early the nextmorning, her son ran into the kitchen (厨房) an d shouted, “ Mother, Mother! Come quickly! Our neighbour’s (邻居的) ducks are in the garden and they are eating our vegetables!” Mrs Brown cried, and her neighbour was very sorry, but that was the end of the vegetables.Then a few days before Christmas (圣诞节), the neighbour brought Mrs Brown a parcel (包裹). In it was a beautiful, fat duck, and on it wasa piece of paper with the words.“ Enjoy your vegetables!”根据短文内容,判断正(A)误( B)。



浙江苍南巨人中学等三校2013-2014学年高二下第二次联考英语试卷(带解析)1.It shows that ______ knowledge of first aid can make _____ real difference.A.a. /; aB. /; theC. the; theD. the; a【答案】A【解析】试题分析:考查冠词辨析。


A knowledge of 某方面的知识,Make a difference起作用,有影响。


考点 : 考查冠词辨析2.________by the beauty of nature,the girl from London decided to spend another two days on the farm.A.Attracting B.AttractedC.To be attracted D.Having attracted【答案】B【解析】试题分析:考查非谓语动词。


首先确定两个句子共用一个主语the girl,attract与the girl之间是被动关系,故选B 项。

考点 : 考查非谓语动词3.—Have you got any particular plans for the coming holiday?—Yes. ______, I’m going to visit some homes for the old in the city.A. If everB. If busyC. If possibleD. If anything【答案】C【解析】试题分析:考查短语辨析。

A. If ever如果有过的话;B. If busy如果很忙;C. If possible 如果可能;D. If anything 总之。

句意:对于将要到来的假期你有什么特殊的安排吗?是的,如果可能的话,我想考点 : 考查短语辨析4.—Tommy,do the dishes.—Mum,it’s a girl’s job. I would rather ________the floor.A.to sweep B.sweepC.sweeping D.swept【答案】B【解析】试题分析:考查固定句型结构。

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第I卷一、单项填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)1.---Could you turn the TV down a little bit?---______.Is it disturbing you?A.Take it easy.B.I’m sorry.C.Not a bit D.It depends2.What surprised me was not what he said but ______he said it.A.the way B.in the way that C.in the way D.the way which 3.The accident ______ the death of two passengers.A. resulted fromB. resulted inC. resulted ofD. resulted with4. When he was still a child, he ______ in the river, but now he no longer swims in it.A. was used to swimmingB. used to swimC. was used to swimD. used to swimming5.Please tell me how the accident_____. I am still in the dark.A. came byB. came outC. came toD. came about6. He didn't make ____ clear when and where the meeting would be held.A. thisB. thatC. itD. these7. It is generally considered unwise to give a child _______ he or she wants.A. howeverB. whateverC. whicheverD. whenever8. Many of the one-family children are so accustomed to ______ that they react violently when they hear something different.A. be praisedB. praiseC. praisingD. being praised9.It was ______ back home after the experiment.A. not until midnight did he goB. until midnight that he didn’t goC. not until midnight that he wentD. until midnight when he didn’t go10. ---I will not come here tomorrow.--- _____________to me, because I don’t care.A. It doesn’t make any differenceB. It makes much differenceC. It doesn’t make no differenceD. It makes a difference二、完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从11~30各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出一个最佳答案, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Mrs. Brown, the wife of a famous doctor, was good at cooking. Once the Browns invited some of their friends to lunch. Mrs. Brown thought it was a good chance for her to ___11___ how wonderfully she could cook, so she ___12___ a new way of cooking a fish dish. She was quite pleased with herself when the dish was ___13___. “I have never cooked such ___14___ dish before!” she thought.As the dish was very ___15___ she put it near the open window to cool for a few minutes. But,several minutes ___16___ , when she came back ___17___ it, she was shocked(震惊) to find the neighbor’s cat, Chester, at the dish. She was in time to stop the cat ___18___ it was too late.When all the guests sat, the dinner began. The fish dish ___19___ really wonderful and everyone ___20___ it very much. They talked and laughed ___21___ four o’clock.At the end of the afternoon, when she was alone again, Mrs. Brown felt ___22___ but also happy. She sat in a chair near a window to have a ___23___. She happened to look down ___24___ the window, and saw something ___25___ a little animal in the garden.“Oh, it is Chester. Dear, she is dead! Why? The fish dish must be bad! What will ___26___ to my friends?” she was frightened.Immediately she telephoned her husband for ___27___. The doctor told her to telephone ___28___ of the guests to meet him at the hospital as soon as he could.Finally the danger was ___29___. Once again, Mrs. Brown was alone in her chair in the sitting room, still tired but no longer happy. Just then the telephone rang, it was her ___30___ who cried, “Oh, Mrs. Brown, Chester is dead. She was killed by a car and someone put it in your garden.”11. A. enjoy B . show C. make D. say12. A. did B. made C. tried D. found13. A. ready B. gone C. finishing D. already14. A. an expensive B. an excellent C. a terrible D. a pretty15. A. hot B. cold C. warm D. heat16. A. early B. earlier C. later D. late17. A. with B. to C. for D. after18. A. after B. before C. when D. until19. A. tasted B. was eaten C. felt D. looked20. A. ate B. enjoyed C. had D. ate up21. A. at B. from C. to D. till22. A. worried B. sad C. tired D. sorry23. A. bread B. break C. breath D. stop24. A. through B. throughout C. past D. out25. A. as B. seem C. to seem D. like26. A. change B. happen C. become D. come27. A. thought B. advice C. ways D. ideas28. A. both B. any C. all D. each29. A. end B. away C. over D. passed30. A. husband B. doctor C. neighbor D. guest三、阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节:(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项A、B、C、D 中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Health experts have discovered that adding low-calorie vegetable soup to the start of a meal can actually help to lose weight.Because you tend to feel full sooner, you eat less of your main course.The soup regime was tested by researchers at Pennsylvania State University, led by Dr Barbara Rolls.They found that when participants in the study ate a first course of soup before lunch they reduced their total calorie intake by 20 per cent, compared with those who did not begin the meal with soup.But those who favour creamy soups should be careful.Researchers stressed the soup must be low-calorie and based on stock(菜汤), not cream.All of the soups tested in the study were made from identical ingredients - chicken stock , broccoli(硬花甘蓝), potato, cauliflower(菜花)and carrots.They were mixed together to create four different textures and thickness from separate stock and vegetables through to pureed soup.Scientists thought that thick soups with chunks of vegetables which required chewing might be more filling, but to their surprise they found all forms had the same effect.The findings were presented to the Experimental Biology conference in Washington, DC, and the research was part-funded by the National Institutes of Health.31.What’s the reason that adding low-calorie vegetable soup to the start of a meal can actually help tolose weight?A.you can take in large quantities of vegetables.B.you can absorb high calories from the soup.C.you can take in low calories from the soup.D.you can feel full soon after having the soup.32.Which of the following can not be in the low-calorie soup?A.chicken stock.B.cauliflower.C.cream.D.carrots. 33.What’s the general idea of the seventh paragraph?A.What is contained in the soup.B.How the soup is made.C.Whom the soup is suitable to.D.where the soup is stored.34.What is the best title of this passage?A.Vegetable Soup Helps to Lose Weight.B.A Scientific Research is Carrying out.C.A Research did at Pennsylvania State UniversityD.Findings were carried out to the Experimental Biology.35.The underlined word “favour” is the same in meaning with ______.A.hate.B.enjoy.C.prefer.D.drink.People are more likely to wash their hands properly after using the toilet if they are shamed into it or think they are being watched, scientists said on Thursday.Hand-washing is the cheapest way of controlling disease but less than one third of men and two thirds of women wash their hands with soap after going to the toilet, a British study by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine showed.But when prompted by an electronic message flashing up on a board asking: "Is the person next to you washing with soap?," around 12 percent more men and 11 percent more women used soap.Health authorities around the world are stepping up efforts to persuade people to be more hygienic and wash their hands properly to help slow the spread of H1N1 swine flu, which was declared a pandemic(大流行病)by the World Health Organization in June."Hand-washing with soap has been ranked the most effective way for the worldwide control of disease," the study's authors wrote."It could save more than a million lives a year from diarrhoeal diseases, and prevent respiratory(呼吸)infections -- the biggest causes of child mortality(死亡)in developing countries."In developed nations, hand-washing can help prevent the spread of viral infections like flu and sickness and diarrhea bugs like norovirus and rotavirus, as well as hospital-acquired infections like MRSA and C-difficile, the authors said.The researchers studied the behavior of a quarter of a million people using toilets at motorway service stations in Britain over 32 days.Use of soap was monitored by sensors.The study, published in the American Journal of Public Health to mark Global Hand-washing Day, showed that with no reminders, 32 percent of men and 64 percent of women used soap. 36.In which of the following situation can people wash their hands properly?A.After they going to toilet.B.when they think they are being watched.C.When they think their hands are dirty. D.When they find soap nearby. 37.Which of the following is the main advantage of hand-washing?A.people can always get their hands clean.B.People can save a lot of time and water.C.It is the cheapest way of controlling disease.D.It wastes no any time and energy.38.What is the biggest cause of child death in developing countries?A.respiratory infections.B.diarrhoeal diseases.C.H1N1 swine flu.D.hospital-acquired infections.39.Which of the following is true according to the seventh paragraph?A.Hand-washing is popular in the developed countries.B.They authorities persuaded the people to wash their hands daily.C.More and more people know to wash their hands properly.D.The spread of viral infections is a serious problem.40.We can conclude from the passage that _______.A.Most people wash their hands after going to toilet.B.Many people can not wash their hands properly.C.Few people know Global Hand-washing Day.D.H1N1 swine flu was declared a pandemic.CFor a while, my neighborhood was taken ever by an army of joggers(慢跑者). They were there all the time: early morning, noon, and evening. There were little old ladies in gray sweats, young couples in Adidas shoes, middle-aged men with red faces. “Come on!” My friend Alex encouraged me to join him as he jogged by my house every evening. “You’ll feel great.”Well, I had nothing against feeling great and if Alex could jog every day, anyone could. So I took up jogging seriously and gave it a good two months of my life, and not a day more. Based on my experience, jogging is the most overvalued form of exercise around, and judging from the number of the people who left our neighborhood jogging army. I’m not alone in my opinion.First of all, jogging is very hard on the body. Your legs and feet a real pounding(追击)ruining down a road for two or three miles. I developed foot, leg, and back problems. Then I read about a nationally famous jogger who died of a heart attack while jogging, and I had something else to worry about. Jogging doesn’t kill hundreds of people, but if you have any physical weaknesses, jogging will surely bring them out, as they did with me.Secondly, I got no enjoyment out of jogging. Putting one foot in front of the other for forty-five minutes isn’t my idea of fun. Jogging is also a lonely pastime. Some joggers say, “I love being out there with just my thoughts”Well, my thoughts began to bore me, and most of them were on how much my legs hurt.And how could I enjoy something that brought me pain? And that wasn’t just the first week: it was practically every day for two months. I never got past the pain level, and pain isn’t fun. What a cruel way to do it! So many other exercises, including walking, lead to almost the same results painlessly, so why jog?I don’t jog any more, and I don’t think I ever will. I’m walking two miles three times a week ata fast pace, and that feels good. I bicycle to work when the weather is go od. I’m getting exercise, and I’m enjoying it at the same time. I could never say the same for jogging, and I’ve found a lot of better ways to stay in shape.41. From the first paragraph, we learn that in the writer’s neighborhood ______.A. jogging became very popularB. people jogged only during the daytimeC. Alex organized an army of joggersD. jogging provided a chance to get together42. The underlined word “them”(Paragraph 3) most probably refers to _____.A. heart attacksB. Back problemsC. famous joggersD. physical weaknesses43. What was the writer’s attitude towards jogging in the beginning?A. He felt it was worth a try.B. He was very fond of it.C. He was strongly against it.D. He thought it must be painful.44. Why did the writer give up jogging two months later?A. He disliked doing exercise outside.B. He found it neither healthy nor interesting.C. He was afraid of having a heart attack.D. He was worried about being left alone.45. From the writer’s experience, we can conclude that______.A. not everyone enjoys joggingB. he is the only person who hates joggingC. nothing other than jogging can help people keep fitD. jogging makes people feel greater than any other sport.第二节:(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)Molly信箱是一个报刊栏目,主持人Molly回答读者提出的各种问题。
