Sweeping simplices A fast iso-surface extraction algorithm for unstructured grids




s-snom工作原理英文回答:S-SNOM Working Principle.Scanning s-SNOM (scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy) is a powerful technique for imaging the local optical properties of materials with nanoscale resolution. The working principle of s-SNOM is based on the scattering of light from a sharp metallic tip that is brought into close proximity to the sample surface. The tip acts as a subwavelength antenna that concentrates the incident light field and enhances the scattering signal from the sample.The scattering signal collected by the tip is directly related to the optical properties of the sample at the nanoscale. For example, the amplitude of the scattering signal is proportional to the local refractive index, while the phase of the scattering signal is related to the localthickness and topography of the sample. By raster scanning the tip across the sample surface, it is possible to generate images that map the spatial distribution of these optical properties.S-SNOM has a number of advantages over other near-field optical microscopy techniques, such as apertureless SNOMand photoluminescence SNOM. First, s-SNOM does not require the use of a subwavelength aperture, which can be difficult to fabricate and maintain. Second, s-SNOM is compatiblewith a wide range of samples, including opaque and non-fluorescent materials. Third, s-SNOM can be used to image both the real and imaginary parts of the sample's optical response.S-SNOM has been used to study a wide range of materials, including semiconductors, metals, polymers, and biological materials. It has been used to investigate the optical properties of nanostructures, such as quantum dots and plasmonic resonators. It has also been used to study the local optical properties of materials in heterogeneous systems, such as solar cells and thin films.中文回答:S-SNOM工作原理。

ICEM Surf -Shape Diagnoses中英帮助文档

ICEM Surf -Shape Diagnoses中英帮助文档

Shape Diagnoses – Reflection 形状分析—反射
Course of reflection and highlight lines 反射和高光线课程
Reflection lines are created with this diagnosis allowing an exact evaluation of surfaces. 用这种诊断方式创建的放射线能精确的评估曲面。
The diagnostic line is continuous at the patch matching. However, not the curvature continuity at the patch edge point is decisive, but the continuous course of the curve across several patches. 已匹配片的诊断线应该是连续的。但并不由匹配边上的点是否曲率曲面上的点。由 反射角得到放射线和曲面法向。 b)在光源方向上,光线将以同样 的角度被反射。光源位于从曲面点 到指定距离的直线段上。 2.计算反射线上更多的反射点 不 a)光源会被三角化 懂 b)曲面上更多的点也会被从光源按 eye 指定的距离计算。这些点构成反射 point 线。
反射分析原理 Principle of the reflection diagnosis
light source in X direction
light source in Z direction
杆状光源沿径向发出光线。每一 条光线都通过指定或计算反射在 曲面上。 反射线是条从曲面点到观察点的 一条直线。观察点由Display –



医学物理实验_山东大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年1.日常生活中的表面吸附现象有:The surface adsorption phenomena in dailylife are as follows:参考答案:面粉洗葡萄Washing grapes with flour_活性炭过滤水Activated carbonfilter water_水面上的油膜Oil film on water2.杨氏弹性模量E仅决定于材料本身的性质,而与外力ΔF,物体的长度L以及截面积S的大小无关,它是表征固体材料性质的一个重要物理量。

Young's modulus of elasticity e is only determined by the properties of thematerial itself, but has nothing to do with the external force Δ F, the length L of the object and the cross section product S. It is an important physicalquantity to characterize the properties of solid materials.参考答案:正确3.精密度是与“真值”之间的一致程度,是系统误差与随机误差的综合。

Precision is the degree of consistency with "true value", and is the synthesis of systematic error and random error.参考答案:错误4.以下说法正确的是:Which statement below is correct参考答案:在一定的温度下,它的旋光率与入射光波长的平方成反比,且随波长的减少而迅速增大,这现象称为旋光色散。





对于原子计算,我们可以采用如下的INCAR文件PREC=ACCURATENELMDL = 5 make five delays till charge mixingISMEAR = 0; SIGMA=0.05 use smearing method采用如下的KPOINTS文件。



Monkhorst Pack 0 Monkhorst Pack1 1 10 0 0采用如下的POSCAR文件atom 115.00000 .00000 .00000.00000 15.00000 .00000.00000 .00000 15.000001cart0 0 0采用标准的H的POTCAR得到结果如下:k-point 1 : 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000band No. band energies occupation1 -6.3145 1.000002 -0.0527 0.000003 0.4829 0.000004 0.4829 0.00000我们可以看到,电子的能级不为。

Free energy of the ion-electron system (eV)---------------------------------------------------alpha Z PSCENC = 0.00060791Ewald energy TEWEN = -1.36188267-1/2 Hartree DENC = -6.27429270-V(xc)+E(xc) XCENC = 1.90099128PAW double counting = 0.00000000 0.00000000entropy T*S EENTRO = -0.02820948eigenvalues EBANDS = -6.31447362atomic energy EATOM = 12.04670449---------------------------------------------------free energy TOTEN = -0.03055478 eVenergy without entropy = -0.00234530 energy(sigma->0) = -0.01645004我们可以看到也不等于。

Resonant modes and laser spectrum of microdisk lasers

Resonant modes and laser spectrum of microdisk lasers

Resonant modes and laser spectrum of microdisk lasersN. C. Frateschi and A. F. J. LeviDepartment of Electrical EngineeringUniversity of Southern CaliforniaLos Angeles, California 90089-1111ABSTRACTA theory for quantitative analysis of microdisk laser emission spectra is presented. Conformal mapping is used to determine the radial and azymuthal eigenvalues and eigenvectors corresponding to leaky optical modes in the disk. The results are compared with experimental data obtained from a 0.8mm radius InGaAs/InGaAsP quantum well microdisk laser.New semiconductor microdisk1,2 and microcylinder3 resonant cavities have been studied with measured lasing emission wavelength at λ=1550nm,4λ=980nm,3 and λ=510nm.5 Position in a cylinder is specified by natural axial coordinate, z, radial coordinate, r, and azymuthal angle, q. Isolated short cylinders are disks of thickness L. The design and optimization of a semiconductor microdisk laser is critically dependent on the Q of resonant optical modes as well as the spectral and spatial overlap of these modes with the active medium.Microdisk lasers typically consist of a quantum well active region which can exhibit optical gain at, for example, λ=1550nm. For such devices disk radius 0.5µm<R<10µm and thickness 0.05µm<L<0.3µm. Because of high optical confinement due to the air/semiconductor interface, in essence device models involve solving for the optical field ψ(r,θ) in the 2-dimensional transverse direction for a medium with refractive index n=neff. The Helmholtz equation for optical field is separable in r and θ so that ψ(r,θ)=R(r)e iZθ and we may writer2ddr22R r()+r ddrR r()−(k2r2+Z2)R r()=0andd2dθ2Θ(θ)−Z2Θ(θ)=0where k=neffω/c. Z is, in general, a complex constant. Two polarizations can be studied with the TE (TM) mode of the slab waveguide having the magnetic (electric) field in the ˆz directionE z (r,θ) (Hz(r,θ)) with neff=neffTE(TM).One approach to simplify the problem is to assume that optical resonances may beapproximated by the whispering gallery modes (WGM) which are obtained by applying theboundary condition ψin (R,θ)=0. In this situation ψin(r,θ)=AMJM(rneffωM,N/c)e iMθwhere JMare Bessel functions of integer order Z M≡=±±±0123,,,,... and A M is a normalization constant.The boundary condition results in resonance frequencies ωM,N`=xMN c/neffR where xMN is the N thzero of J M (r ) and N =1 for WGMs. One may show that the instantaneous Poyting vector is of the formk M =k θ(r )cos 2(M θ)ˆθ+k r (r )sin(2M θ)ˆr with propagation in the ˆθdirection (clockwise or counterclockwise depending on the sign of M )and 2M symmetrical mirror-reflections with respect to the radial direction. The time average energy flux is given by S ∝c µωM ˆθ so that no optical energy escapes the disk in the radial direction.A physically more reasonable solution is obtained by assuming a complex number Z =M +i αR to be the eigenvalue for the Helmholtz equation. This allows ψ to have exponential decay in the azymuthal direction and Bessel type functions of "complex order" in the radial direction that lead to radial energy flux. Nevertheless, for high order M 's and N =1 we anticipate a small radial flux of energy so α is very small. In this limit WGM behavior is a good approximation. However, since in these modes no energy leaves the cavity, radiation losses may not be calculated directly. For small disks, M is small since the resonance wavelengths can not besmaller than the wavelength in the material (x M N ≤2πRn eff 2/λ). Therefore, in this situation,physically meaningful solutions depart considerably from the WGM picture. This paper presents results of using conformal mapping to obtain exact solutions for the resonant modes and respective losses in small optically transparent disks for which low M values are important.The first step in the exact calculation is to follow the approach used by Heiblum and Harris to calculate loss in curved optical waveguides.6 In this work a conformal transformation u +iv =f (r ,θ)=R ln[re i θ/R ] is applied to the 2-dimensioned Helmholtz equation. The problem istransformed into an asymmetric slab waveguide in the ˆvdirection with a varying index of refraction profile n (u )=n eff e u /R for r ≤R and n (u )=e u /R for r >R as illustrated in Fig. 1.Modes propagate according to f (u ,v )=U (u )e i (β+i α). For the microdisk resonator Z =M +i αR gives Ψ(r ,θ)=F (r )e iM θe −αθ in real space and Ω(u ,v )=H (u )e iM /R θe −αθ/R in the transformedspace. That is, a wave propagating in the ˆvdirection with a known propagation constantkv=M/R with M integer to guarantee a stationary solution in the ˆθdirection and a propagation loss α. In the ˆu directiond2H(u) du2+ω2c2η2(u)H(u)=0where plane waves in each infinitesimal slice δu propagate in the ±ˆu direction through an index of refractionη(u)=n2(u)−(cω(M/R+iα))2.These waves change phase by δφ=(ω/c)η(u)δu in the medium and are reflected at the discontinuities of h(u). For α<<M/R reflections occur at the roots of n(u)=(c/ω)M/R,u 1=R ln[(c/ω)M/Rneff]for u<0 and u2=R ln[(c/ω)M/R] for u>0 and at the physicalinterface at u0=0. Fig. 1 shows these reflection points for a given M, note that u1and u2aremetal-type reflections while uis a dielectric-type reflection. A stationary solution in u willrequire a round trip phase change N2πN=1,2,3,... between u1and u. For u1 to existM<Mmax =2πRneff/λmust be satisfied. At uthe phase change depends on phase responsefrom the combined dielectric- and metal-type reflections that occur at u0, the segment Γ, and u2.Also it depends on the polarization since for the TM (TE) slab modes ∇u H(u)(∇uH(u)ε) iscontinuous. If these reflections are in phase, high reflectivity results and a quasi-confined stationary mode exists. The requirement on round-trip phase and constructive reflection at theu 0−Γ−u2mirror combination result in two equations involving α and ω for a given M and N.A quasi-confined stationary mode M with round-trip phase N2π resonates with frequency ωM,N,loss αM,N and a very fast optical feedback time on the scale of 2π/ωM,N. We also note that whenu 2 doesn't exist (M<Mmin=2πR/λ) stationary (but not quasi-confined) states are allowed sincelight leaving the disk only sees a low reflectivity dielectric interface in a situation physically analogous to below the critical angle φCincidence. We expect, therefore, spectral lines with cavityQ=M/αM,NR to occur within the range of non quasi-confined spontaneous emission.Fig. 2 shows measured spectra for a microdisk with R =0.8µm and L =0.18µm . The medium has an average refractive index n =3.456+0.333(h ω−0.74eV ).4 Emission peaks at λ5,1=1542nm and λ4,1=1690nm are observed in a spontaneous emission background ranging from λ=1300nm to λ=1800nm . To calculate the spectra for this structure we fit the calculatedeffective index dispersion n eff =n eff TE =1.494+1.427h ω. We have neglected TM emission sincen eff TM is too small to allow resonances within the spontaneous emission range. For this n eff and the wavelength range of interest, 3<M <9. Fig. 3 shows the calculated spectral lines for this disk where modes with Q >0.2 were considered. The cavity Q increases exponentially with M and we observe that it reduces rapidly with N. The modes (5,1) and (4,1) match very well the measured resonances shown in Fig. 2 where a combination of higher Q and greater overlap with the spontaneous emission lead to the dominating mode at λ5,1=1540nm . The highest Q mode in this range (6,1) is not seen in the spectra because, unlike our model, the semiconductor is strongly absorbing at this wavelength. M =7,8,9 with higher Q are not depicted because for these resonances λ<1300nm .In summary, conformal mapping is used to determine the radial and azymuthal eigenvalues and eigenvectors of leaky optical modes present in dielectric microdisks. Remarkably, our model,which describes resonances in an optically transparent medium, appears to apply equally well to semiconductor microdisk lasers. Agreement with experimental results is very good even though gain and loss vary considerably over the wavelength range of spontaneous emission in the device.This work is supported in part by the Joint Services Electronics Program under contract #F49620-94-0022.REFERENCES[1]S. L. McCall, A. F. J. Levi, R. E. Slusher, S. J. Pearton, and R. A. Logan Appl. Phys. Lett. 60, 289 (1992).[2] A. F. J. Levi, R. E. Slusher, S. L. McCall, T. Tanbun-Ek, D. L. Coblentz and S. J. Pearton, Electron. Lett. 28, 1010 (1992).[3] A. F. J. Levi, R. E. Slusher, S. L. McCall, S. J. Pearton, and W. S. Hobson, Appl. Phys. Lett. 62, 2021 (1993).[4] A. F. J. Levi, S. L. McCall, S. J. Pearton, and R. A. Logan, Electron. Lett. 29, 1666 (1993).[5]M. Hovinen, J. Ding, A. V. Nurmikko, D.C. Grillo, J. Han, L. He, and R. L. Gunshor, Appl. Phys. Lett. 63, 3128 (1993).[6]M. Heiblum and J. H. Harris, IEEE J. Quantum Electron. QE-11, 75 (1975).urn 2(u )ω2c 2max2min22Figure 1 - Index of refraction profile for the slab waveguide in the transformed space (u ,v ). The reflection points (u 0,u 1,u 2) are shown for a mode with M Min ≤M ≤M Max .180017001600150014001300P ex =1.5m WP ex =1.0m WP ex =0.6m WWav eleng th λ, n mFigure 2 - Room temperature photoluminescence spectra of R =0.8µm radius microdisk laser.An AlGaAs/GaAs laser diode provides λ=0.85µm wavelength power for the optical pump. P ex is the incident excitation power.40.11101001000180017001600150014001300C a v i t yQ Wa velen gth λ, n mFigure 3 - Calculated spectral lines with respective cavity Q for the resonant modes in the R =0.8µm radius microdisklaser of Fig. 2. The broken line represents the experimentally observed spontaneous emission.。



Problems for the 28th IYPT 20151. PackingThe fraction of space occupied by granular particles depends on their shape. Pour non-spherical particles such as rice, matches, or M&M’s candies into a box. How do characteristics like coordination number, orientational order, or the random close packing fraction depend on the relevant parameters?1.堆积(Packing)被颗粒状物体(particles)占据的小部分空间取决于它们的形状。

将例如米、火柴或M&M糖果的非球状物体倾倒进一个盒子里,相关参量如何影响配位数(coordination number)、秩序性排列(orientational order)和随机紧密堆积分数(random close packing fraction)这样的特征?2. Plume of SmokeIf a burning candle is covered by a transparent glass, the flame extinguishes and a steady upward stream of smoke is produced. Investigate the plume of smoke at various magnifications.2.羽状的烟/烟羽(Plume of smoke)如果一支燃烧着的蜡烛被一块透明玻璃板覆盖,火焰会熄灭,并且产生一缕稳定的向上流动的轻烟。


Smooth iso-surface approximation

Smooth iso-surface approximation
This work was supported in part by grants from NSF, DARPA, IBM, NCR, Sun Micros-91-J-4052 ARPA order 8225.
Cube 3
Additional Keywords: Isosurface, Arbitrary Topology.
1 Introduction
We present a method for approximating an isosurface with a smooth parametric model. Modeling shapes via an isosurface of a 3 dimensional data set is an e cient and natural method for specifying the topology and basic geometry of an object BS91] GH91] Mur91] GCB86] but it can be di cult to control ne surface detail. Parametric surfaces (e.g., Bsplines) provide good detail control, but creating topologically arbitrary surfaces with them is di cult. We propose a modeling paradigm wherein an artist creates a sketch of an object using a 3D paint program such as Sculpt GH91] from which a smooth parametric representation of an isosurface is constructed, at some level of delity. Further adjustment of the surface detail is accomplished using the parametric representation. In order to produce a parametric model from an isosurface we must rst determine a patch mesh. We formally de ne a patch mesh in Section 4; informally, a patch mesh is a

fast motion deblurring 中文翻译

fast motion deblurring 中文翻译







GPU(Graphics Processing Unit图像处理器)的安装使用程。











早期的方法在运动模糊核上强加了限制条件,使用了参数化形式[Chen et al. 1996;Chan and Wong 1998; Yitzhaky et al. 1998; Rav-Acha and Peleg2005]。

Appearance-Mimicking Surfaces

Appearance-Mimicking Surfaces
Appearance-Mimicking Surfaces
Christian Sch¨ uller Daniele Panozzo ETH Zurich Olga Sorkine-Hornung
Figure 1: A collection of appearance-mimicking surfaces generated with our algorithm.
image, which has a strong relation with the depth buffer used in the standard graphics pipeline. Most works have proposed to create bas-reliefs from given digital 3D scenes by either directly compressing the depth buffer of the scene’s rendering or by working in the gradient domain, where the final model is obtained by solving a Poisson equation. In this work, we define appearance-mimicking surfaces (AMS) that generalize bas-reliefs, lifting their restriction to a height field. Our generalization makes the reliefs usable at a wider range of viewing angles, while still guaranteeing self-intersection free results, which is mandatory for subsequent fabrication. Specifically, we develop a mathematical framework to compute surfaces whose normals optimally approximate the normals of a given 3D shape or scene, while strictly obeying given depth- or volume-confinement constraints. Direct fitting of normals and spatial constraints is in general a challenging, nonlinear problem, which led previous works to employ heuristics that circumvent difficult numerical optimizations. Unfortunately, giving up the constrained optimization of normals means forfeiting bounds on geometry and appearance distortion in the resulting relief. Instead, we propose a novel view-dependent surface representation which allows us to cast the optimization as a quadratic program. The resulting problem formulation is convex, and we are guaranteed to find the optimal solution under feasible constraints. Differently from previous works, our method does not rely on rasterization of the input geometry and the depth buffer. AMS are generated by deforming the input mesh without modifying its connectivity, thereby increasing the algorithm’s efficiency, details preservation and allowing to easily transfer surface attributes. As a positive side effect of our representation, we can exactly satisfy per-vertex depth constraints and we can “project” the target shapes on disconnected and arbitrarily shaped surfaces, as shown in Figure 3. Our algorithm is controllable and robust, enabling to design complicated appearance-mimicking surfaces with minimal user effort. We test our method in a variety of applications, such as the design of optical illusions in architectural settings and the creation of carving patterns on complex geometries. To verify the realism of our model and lighting assumptions, we validate our results via 3D printing.

Mathematical Modeling of Impinging Gas Jets on Liquid Surfaces

Mathematical Modeling of Impinging Gas Jets on Liquid Surfaces

Mathematical Modeling of Impinging Gas Jetson Liquid SurfacesHO YONG HWANG and GORDON A.IRONSIn top-blowing operations,the gas jet is a major source of momentum,so to model themomentum exchange properly with the liquid,the full-stress boundary conditions must beapplied.A new mathematical method for better representation of the surface boundary conditionwas developed by combining the Cartesian cut cell method and volume offluid method.Thecomputational code was validated with the broken dam problem and reported critical phe-nomena in wave generation.The model was applied to impinging jets on liquid surfaces in twodimensions.The cavity depth was in good agreement with experimental measurements.Theprocess of ligament and droplet formation was reproduced.The extent of momentum transfer tothe liquid was investigated,and the trends with lance height and gasflow rate were similar toexperimental evidence.The following important aspects of momentum transfer were identified:surface roughness as well as the development of local pressure gradients around wave crests.Kelvin–Helmholtz instability theory was used to interpret the results with respect to criticalvelocity for the onset of droplet formation.These principles were extended to conditions relevantto basic oxygen furnace(BOF)steelmaking.The critical velocities for droplets were calculated asfunctions of the physical properties for the gas–steel,gas–slag,slag–steel interfaces.The impli-cations for BOF steelmaking were discussed.The mathematical model was applied to a simplifiedconfiguration of full-scale BOF steelmaking,and the local force balance was well described.DOI:10.1007/s11663-011-9493-6ÓThe Minerals,Metals&Materials Society and ASM International2011I.INTRODUCTIONA N enduring problem in process metallurgy is the mathematical description of impinging gas jets on liquid surfaces.The most prominent application is the top lancing of oxygen in the basic oxygen steelmaking process.The momentum of the oxygen jet destabilizes the slag and metal phases to create what is known as the slag–metal emulsion.At the same time,the oxygen reacts with the slag and the metal at extremely high rates and generates a large amount of heat.Therefore,a complex interplay takes place betweenfluidflow,heat transfer,and mass transfer that has not been captured in a detailed mathematical model of the process.The present work is a contribution to thefluid mechanical aspects of the impinging jet with liquid surfaces, focusing on aspects of surface instability and droplet formation.Several approaches have been developed to solve this problem analytically and numerically.Conformal map-ping techniques,[1]local force balances,[2,3]and solving the Bernoulli equation for the surface wave[4–6]provide analytical solutions for the surface shape but cannot account for the momentum transfer to the liquid.Progress also has been made in the application of some computationalfluid dynamics techniques for free surface representation.Qian et al.[7,8]constructed the surface with the impinging gas pressurefield and solved the momentum equation according to the constructed surface. Olivares et al.[9]used the volume offluid(VOF)method with a renormalization group k–e turbulence model. Some computations have used commercial software[10,11]; most recently,Odenthal et al.[12]used FLUENT(ANSYS, Canonsburg,PA)to solvefluidflow,heat transfer,and mass transfer for the basic oxygen steelmaking and the argon-oxygen decarburization processes.In most free surface problems,theflow of the denser fluid is more important and the source of momentum is in the denserfluid;stirring of liquids in vessels is an example.In these circumstances,it is a reasonable approximation to neglect the shear stress to the less dense phase.However,in the case of an impinging gas jet on a liquid surface,the gas phase is the source of momentum,so it is necessary to apply the full stress boundary condition to represent the physical situation properly.[13]Height function methods or unstructured grid adaptation[14–16]can handle this boundary condi-tion,but these methods are not as capable of dealing with multiple interfaces when droplets are generated. For the current study,the VOF[17]method and the Piecewise Line Interface Construction(PLIC)[18]scheme were used to separate the phase domains.Each separated computational domain was treated with the Cartesian cut cell[19–21]technique.This technique is an appropri-ate choice for thefluid computation with stationary or moving boundaries.It provides a computationalHO YONG HWANG,formerly Graduate Student with Steel Research Centre,McMaster University,Hamilton,Ontario L8S4L7, Canada,is now with Esser Steel Algoma Inc.,Sault Ste.Marie, Ontario P6A7B4,Canada.GORDON A.IRONS,Dofasco Professor of Ferrous Metallurgy and Director,is with the Steel Research Centre, McMaster University.Contact e-mail:ironsga@mcmaster.ca Manuscript submitted January8,2011.Article published online February19,2011.framework for arbitrarily shaped domains and has an accuracy level comparable with body-fitted coordinate schemes.[22]This new combined modeling technique is validated with existing physical evidence and computation and applied to the impinging jet problem in a basic oxygen furnace with simplified geometry.This work explores the effect thatflow conditions and the physical proper-ties of thefluids have on momentum transfer to the liquid as well as the onset of instability.II.MODELING METHODerning EquationsTheflow system is limited to two-dimensional(2-D), incompressible,immiscible,laminar,isothermal,and nonreacting two-phaseflow.The following governing equations are continuity,the Navier–Stokes equation, and the volume advection equation(volume fraction conservation for the VOF method):rÁu i¼0½1q i@u i@tþrÁu i u i¼Àr pþrÁs iþF B½2@F@tþuÁr F¼0½3where q is the density offluid,p is the pressure,s is the stress tensor,u is the velocity vector,F is the volume fraction function,i is the i th phase of the system,and F B is the body force.B.Separation of Domains and DiscretizationIt is absolutely essential to describe the interface position accurately and shape to compute the shear stress properly at the interface for each phase.Thefirst step was to use the volume fraction function to construct the assumed surface lines.The surface lines generally did not match their neighbors at cell boundaries,so the surface shapes were represented by the PLIC scheme[23] and was improved with a least-square method.[24–26]This line construction of the interface cuts the calcula-tion cells as illustrated in Figure1(a)and often results in small or thin cut cells,with certainflow conditions and aspect ratios Courant number instability develops.[27]A cell-merging technique[19,28,29]was used to reduce the computational instability;the cells were classified as major(F‡0.5)and minor(F<0.5)cells,and the minor cells were merged with their neighbor cells according to the cell orientation,as shown in Figures1(c)and(d). The discretization procedure followed the general finite volume methods with collocated variables,[30]but special care was taken with merged cells.A merged cell contained extra faces with its neighbors,as illustrated in Figure1(d).The contributions of mass and momentum through extra faces were added explicitly as source terms for the mass and momentum equations.The Navier–Stokes equation was discretized with afirst-order Eulerian time-marching scheme andfirst-order spatial neighbors.In the viscous stress tensor,the transpose terms usually cancel out in rectangular grids, but because of the irregular shape of merged cells,the terms did not cancel and were specifically calculated. Because incompressibleflow was assumed for the computation,the surface movement must satisfy the volume or space conservation law.[31]The mass conti-nuity equation was reformulated from the Reynolds transport theorem as follows:qZA fsnÁv cv dA¼qZAðtÞnÁv cvÀuðÞdA½4where A fs is the free surface,v cv is the velocity of con-trol volume,u is thefluid velocity,and n is a normal vector.The boundary movement follows thefluid movement and the cell control volumes are stationary, so the Eq.[4]can be simplified as follows:qZA fsnÁv cv dA¼qZAðtÞ6¼A fsÀnÁu dA½5This simplification makes the discretization procedure straight forward:Æq A fs v fsnþ_m eþ_m x eÀ_m wÀ_m x wþ_m nþ_m x nÀ_m sÀ_m x s¼0½6and simple merging procedure:surface configuration,(b)assignmentwhere v fsn is surface normal velocity;_m is massflux for each cell face(q Au);_m x is massflux contribution from the extra cell face;and e,w,n,and s are indexes for the each neighbor cell faces.The±sign depends on the computational phase and the definition of surface orientation.Using Eq.[6],the SIMPLE pressure correction equation was applied in the usual manner for nonsur-face cells.[30]For the surface cells,the velocity was corrected according to the following:vÃfsn ¼vÃnÀD VA Pf sdpdnfsÀdpdnfs"#½7v0fsn¼ÀD VA Pfsp0f sÀp0ph i½8where vÃfsn is the approximate surface normal velocity tobe corrected with v0fsn ,prime is the correction of eachflow variables and the over bar means linear interpola-tion.The surface pressure correction term must be modeled,so it was approximated as a constant pressure boundary for denserfluid(p¢=0),and the pressure correction was extrapolated for the lighter phase as in a solid boundary case.This scheme is similar to that used by Muzaferija and Peric[14]but is generalized by the present authors.Many variables needed to be computed in irregular computational nodes such as cell faces,extra faces of merged cells,and the surface points.For accurate representation of the irregular interface and to reduce computational time,a proper interpolation method, which can deal with irregularly distributed variables, was required.Renka[32]compared many different methods,and from them,the Quadratic Shepard method,[33,34]which is simple but accurate,was chosen. The method computes a least-squarefit of a2-D quadratic polynomial for each computation node and the interpolation coefficients are weighted with the Shepard scheme.C.Surface Boundary ConditionsThe surface boundary condition in two dimensions has the following variables:u1,v1,u2,v2,p1,and p2, with only four equations—two kinematic and two momentum conditions.Assuming the same surface velocities for each phase,u1=u2,v1=v2,reduces the number of variables to four.However,one can use normal and tangential equations consistently with the flowfield away from the interface with appropriate extrapolations.The normal and tangential boundary conditions neglecting surface tension gradients are expressed as follows:p1Àp2þrj¼s nn1Às nn2½90¼s nt1Às nt2½10 where s nn is the normal stress tensor component and s nt is the tangential component.A direct solution with extrapolated pressures from the bulk of each phase is extremely unstable;a smallfluctuation in pressure prevents a valid velocity computation,so an iterative approach was applied,which iterates with extrapolated gas pressure and u and v from the previous iteration.D.Solution ProceduresTo accelerate computation,the linearized equations were solved with a multigrid scheme.[30]A simple zero-th order,algebraic,and V-cycle multigrid method was applied with a Point Gauss–Seidel internal solver.To account for the separation of the computation domains, two coarse-grid computation storages were used for each phase.If only the coarse grid had the correspond-ing phase in theirfiner grid cells,then that part of coarse grid was included in that level of the multigrid compu-tation.During the construction of coarse grid coeffi-cients,cells from the other phase were excluded so that the smearing error across the boundary was prevented. Once the momentum equations converged,liquid movement was permitted to update the volume fraction ing the basic idea from Young’s[18]method, geometric volumefluxes[35,36]were used for the volume fraction balance.This was required because of the unstable nature of Eq.[3]and to minimize false diffusion of the volume fraction function.The balance equation for the volume fraction is expressed as follows:F nþ1ÀF nÀÁV¼Àd FðÞwþd FðÞeÀd FðÞnþd FðÞs½11 where superscripts n and n+1refer to the time steps and d F is the volume fractionflux through each computational cell face.The following is the summary of the computation procedure:(a)Set the base grid system for the whole domain;thiswas used for the general geometrical variables (b)Construct the line representation of the surfacebased on the volume fraction function(F)(c)The line construction cuts cells,so determine themerging partner cells and their geometrical infor-mation(d)Apply interpolation to obtain newly generated cellinformation(e)Obtain the coefficients for the nonsurface cells usingthe following techniques:(i)Collocated arrangement;Rhie–Chow typemomentum interpolation(ii)First order upwind(iii)SIMPLE pressure correction(f)For the surface cells,apply the same scheme as(e),but the surface geometry must be considered and contributions from irregular parts added to the mass and momentum equations with source terms(g)Momentum computation was performed as follows:(i)Apply boundary condition Eq.[9]and obtain p2(liquid phase)along the surface with extrapo-lated gas pressure p1(ii)Solve liquid velocity(iii)Obtain surface normal velocity with momen-tum interpolation(iv)Update tangential surface velocity(v)Correct pressure assuming the surface as afixed pressure boundary(vi)Correct liquid velocity(vii)Update tangential surface velocity(viii)Solve gas velocity assuming the surface normal velocity isfixed(ix)Update tangential surface velocity(x)Correct gas velocity(xi)Update tangential surface velocity(xii)Repeat until convergence is achieved(h)Determine the velocity for VOF advection(i)Advect volume fraction with the modified Young’smethod(j)Advance timeE.Validation of the Computational CodeNo standard tests are available for free surface codes, but the broken dam problem[37]is often used.The broken dam problem starts with a stationary liquid block of specified initial width-to-height ratio that suddenly collapses by gravity on one side.[17,38–41] Wind-generated waves also were used to see how well the shear stress transfer represents physical phenomena, but unfortunately,no well-controlled experiments have been done for quantitative comparison.For the broken dam problem,the height(12cm)and width(6cm)were similar to Martin and Moyce’s experiment.[37]The computational domain was restricted horizontally to twice the column width as others have done.[17,38–41]A closed box with80960uniform cells was used for the whole domain.Initially,20940cells werefilled with water and the gas phase was air.A1-ms time step was used.Physical properties at1atm and 293K(20°C)were used for the computation(Table I). Figure2shows an example of surface profile and velocityfields.The dimensionless wetted distance(z/a) and the remaining height(h/a)were compared with Martin and Moyce’s experimental results and other computational results in Figure3.All computational results show a faster movement of the leading edge than in the experiments.However,the overall slope of the wetted distance(the speed of the liquid front advance)matches well with experiments.The remaining height changes more slowly than the leading edge movement and the computational and experimental results match well. Physical observations of wind-generated waves on still water were summarized by Munk.[42]For wind speeds between 1.1and 6.6m/s,the surface is smooth but wavy.When the wind speed exceeds the critical value, the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability criterion(6.5m/s) waves grow rapidly.The wave initiation,which occurs at1m/s,far below the critical velocity,is caused by the turbulent gas pressurefluctuations as well as by the res-onance between the pressurefluctuations and the surface waves.[43,44]Surface roughness and friction velocity relationships also affect wave growth.[45]As shown in Figure4,the computational test was designed to pass gas horizontally over a long,thin water dish.A uniform cell size of2.5mm92.5mm was used, and the front2.5cm and rear2.5cm were covered by a thin imaginary solid surface for pressure stabilization. The wind speed was varied from2m/s to8m/s.A1-ms time step was used up to6-m/s cases and a250-l s time step was used for7-and8-m/s cases.Table I.The List of Physical Properties at1atm and293K(20°C)and ConstantsPhysical Properties Values UnitsAir Density(q g) 1.20kg/m3Water Density(q l)998.0kg/m3Air Viscosity(l g) 1.80910À5PaÆsWater Viscosity(l l) 1.003910À3PaÆsSurface Tension(r)7.28910À2N/mContact angle90degAcceleration of gravity(g)9.81m/s2(a)Figure5shows the surface profiles at different wind speeds.For2-m/s wind,the surface shows slight undulation but could not effectively generate waves. From4m/s to5m/s,the surface has small waves with a typical wavelength of1.5cm.For6m/s,some wave amplitudes increase sharply,and droplet detachment was observed at the8-m/s case.Generally,the wave behavior in this test matches with the physical observation from the intermediate to the critical wind speed.III.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONputational Domain and Boundary Conditions for the Impinging JetThe computational domain,as shown in Figure6,is similar to that of the water-model experiments.[46]A 45cm926cm Cartesian box with a5mm95mm uniform grid around the liquid interface and a 5mm91cm grid below were used.Gas outlets were placed at each side of the top boundary,and their width was1.5cm to prevent backflow of the gases;a constant pressure boundary condition was applied.Initially,the water was20-cm deep.Because the gas jet behavior away from the surface was not the main concern of this study and because high gas velocity requires short time steps for numerical stability,the top boundary was set close to the liquid interface,and Go tler’s[47,48]analytical solution for gas velocity distribution was used for the gas-inlet conditions.Go tler’s solution employs Prandlt’s mixing length hypothesis,so the distribution represents turbulent conditions.Because gas jet expansion over the jet length is similar for plane and circular jets,[48]the nozzle exit velocities in the2-D plane jet simulation were converted from the gasflow rates in the water model.[46] Table II shows simulated lance height and nozzle exit velocities.To simulate the gas side shear stress accurately, boundary layer information is required,but the gas side boundary layer adjacent to a moving liquid has not been well studied.Direct numerical simulation[49]results show that the gas side boundary layer is similar to that close to a solid wall;they follow Nicuradze’s log law function.Therefore,the following wall function for-mula[50]was applied:uþ¼yþ;0yþ55ln yþÀ3:05;5yþ302:5ln yþ;30yþ8<:½12 where uþ¼"u=u s,y+=q u s/l and u s¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffis w=qp.The apparent viscosity was obtained from the following:l t¼q"uuÃ2,@"ut@nwhere u s computation requires a tangential shear stress term,and the previous iteration’s viscosity were used for this point.B.Grid Size DependenceThe current setup of the grid was refined and coarsened to investigate the effect of the number of grids in the calculation domain.The coarsened grid had uniform cells,and thefiner grid was produced by dividing the current setup by half in x and y directions, four times greater in number.Figure7shows the change in momentum trans-ferred to the liquid phase change with time for each grid setup.As expected,thefiner grid shows more momentum transfer,but the difference was diminished as the grid refinement is greater.Table III compares thedistance andsteady-state momentum levels by setting the finest grid as a reference.The coarse-grid setup showed 60pct of momentum transfer and the medium-grid setup showed more than 90pct momentum transfer.Considering the computation time and convergence behavior,the medium-size grid was used for this study.C.Surface ProfilesIn the computations,the jet cavity was formed within 1to 2seconds after the start of the gas.The depression depth was more stable than the cavity width;the width fluctuated because of the wave formation andpropagation.Figure 8shows a time series of the surface profiles for two flow rates.At the lower flow rate,gentle waves propagated from the impingement point.At the higher flow rate,small waves were initiated inside the cavity and grew to the lip.The waves formed long extensions or ligaments;in some instances,theendsdiagram of numerical Table II.The Lance Height and Nozzle Exit Velocityin the SimulationLance Height (cm)Flow Rate (SLPM)u 0(m/s)122019.33029.04038.35048.46058.07067.7182015.83023.94031.65039.57055.28063.2242013.93020.54034.25041.07047.98054.7SLPM:Standard liter per minute.detached from the main part to form droplets.The code was successful in depicting the detachment of the droplets;however,it should be noted that because of restrictions in computer capacity,an adequate resolu-tion of the droplets was not obtained (usually less than 10grid volumes in each droplet).Therefore,at this stage of development,the droplet size may have some grid size dependence.Other examples of surface profiles with different blowing conditions are shown in Figure 9.Figure 10shows the influence of lance height and gas flow rate on the cavity depth.Figure 11shows that these computed cavity depths agree well with the depths measured in the classical work of Banks and Chandr-asekhara.[51]In this respect,the present 2-D code is a good representation of the physical situation.D.Velocity DistributionsExamples of velocity fields from simulations are plotted in Figure 12.Because the gas and liquid veloc-ities are so different,different scales were used.As expected,the gas jets spread to the side and the shear stress produced liquid flow in the same direction.The liquid flow was directed downward at the wall,produc-ing a circulating flow in the liquid.For the highest lance height (Figure 12(a)),the shear stress initiated small waves no higher than 1.5cm.Even such small defor-mations increased the pressure on the windward side of the waves,producing some gas acceleration.When the lance was moved closer to the surface (Figures 12(b)and (c)),larger waves were generated,and the gas flow separated on the leeward side of the wave crest,causinga pressure gradient increase as Figure 13shows.Because of a large pressure gradient operating across the rather narrow liquid wave,droplets are sheared from the surface.E.Momentum Transfer to the LiquidThe extent of liquid stirring produced by the top jet is important in steelmaking operations.The amount of momentum transfer to the liquid was assessed by simply summing the momentum in the liquid cells.Figure 14shows the results of the calculation.At each flow rate,more momentum was transferred as the lance was lowered.To assess the efficiency of the transferofTable III.The Grid Size Conditions and the Comparisonof the Effect on the Momentum TransferGrid Size Around the SurfaceNumber of Grid Ratio Coarse 1cm 269450.597Medium 0.5cm 359920.913Fine0.25cm7091841.0Fig.8—Surface profile change with time variation:(a )12cm 20SLPM D t =0.04s and (b )12cm 50SLPM D t =0.02s.energy,an energy transfer index I,was defined as follows [46]:I ¼R q u 2dV_E in ½13 It is the ratio between the kinetic energy in a sum overall fluid elements and the input kinetic energy flux input rate at the lance exit.The index is plotted for the same computational results in Figure 15.At a low flow rate,the index increases as the lance is lowered,whereas the reverse is true at a higher flow rate.The same trends were observed in the water model experiments.[46]The following hypothesis is proposed to explain the findings.At a low flow rate,only a small cavity is present,as Figure 8shows,so bringing the lance closer increases the ripples in the interface,which enhances momentum transfer.At a higher flow rate,a cavity is found with ripples on the surface,so increasing the lance height widens the cavity,which in turn increases the contact area for the rippled region and enhances the momentum transfer.The significance of the surface roughness to the momentum transfer is shown in Figure 16,which depicts oscillation of the momentum transfer.At ‘‘A,’’time ripples were present,but by time ‘‘B,’’the waves were dampened.The first maximum occurred when the center plume of the liquid returned to the impingement point;the increased liquid velocity stabilizes the surface shape,and consequently,the momentum transfer was diminished after point A.The surface roughness and the shear stress have a mutual interaction in that an increase in the roughness provides more area to transfer the shear stress,which in turn disturbs the interface.The importance of surface roughness has some precedents.Increased tangential stress and friction velocity accelerate wave growth;the wave growth factor is proportional to the square of the friction velocity.[45]At higher flow rates,the local pressure gradient generated by waves is an important factor.Munk [42]suggested that the accelerated gas from the windward impinges the next crest and the pressure increases.Figure 13quantitatively shows that his suggestion was correct for the case of a wave generated in the test shown in Figure 5for 7-m/s wind speed.The windward side experienced higher pressure than the leeward side,so the wave crest was accelerated by this pressure gradient and,consequently,increased the momentum transfer efficiency from the gas to liquid.F.Effect of Physical PropertiesTo understand the factors that influence the interface shape and momentum transfer to the liquid,the physical properties in the system were varied systematically.The base case was taken as the air–water system,and gravitational acceleration,surface tension,liquid den-sity,and liquid viscosity were individually increased by a factor of 10.Figure 17shows the effect on the surface profile for two flow rates.The increase of liquid density andgravityandhad equivalent effects in damping cavity formation and wave generation.The increase in surface tension did not reduce the cavity depth but did have a remarkable effect in smoothing the waves and preventing droplet forma-tion.The increased liquid viscosity did not change the cavity depth but did have a much less pronounced effect in smoothing the waves than did the increase in surface tension.The effects that the physical properties had on the momentum transferred to the liquid are shown inFigure 18.The density increase made the liquid heavier and liquid velocities were small compared with other cases,so it could not reach equilibrium within paring the effect of the viscosity and surface tension,the contribution of surface tension was much greater in reducing momentum transfer from the gas to liquid,which can be explained with the same reasoning in the Section III–D .G.Interfacial InstabilitiesThe previous section demonstrated that surface ten-sion is most pronounced on the roughness of the interface and droplet formation.Increased roughness of the surface in turn promoted the exchange of momentum to the liquid.Furthermore,Figure 16shows that the increased contact area of a rough interface also increases the momentum transfer.The viscosity of the liquid had a much less pronounced effect.In this configuration of moving stratified fluids,one would expect that the instability of the surface would be governed by the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability theory (i.e.,the critical velocity for instability from the theory would give an indication of how easy it is to promote surface roughness).The theory originally was developed for inviscid conditions.[52]The viscous potential the-ory [53]provides the means to include viscous effects,forFig.12—Examples of velocity profile at 10s.Gas and liquid are scaled with different factor:(a )24cm 50SLPM,(b )18cm 50SLPM,and (c )12cm 50SLPM.。

SURFTEST SJ-410系列移动表面粗糙度测试仪说明书

SURFTEST SJ-410系列移动表面粗糙度测试仪说明书

Form MeasurementBulletin No. 2080Portable surface roughness tester evolutionRich choice of options provide easier, smoother and more accurate measurements1981Color-graphic LCDThe color-graphic LCD with excellent visibility The display interface supports 16 languages.Backlight providedA backlight improves usability in dim testing Easy to use and highly functionalThis portable surface roughness tester is equipped with analysis functionality rivaling that of benchtop surface roughness testers.Complies with many industry standardsThe Surftest SJ-410 complies with the Applicable standardsEnhanced power for making measurements on siteMultilingual supportIcon display Data compensationSimple contour analysis functionText displayA wide range, high-resolution detectorMeasuring range/ resolution 800µm/0.01µm 80µm/0.001µm 8µm/0.0001µmHigh straightness drive unitStraightness/ traverse length 0.3µm/25mm (SJ-411)0.5µm/50mm (SJ-412)High accuracy measuringSJ-412SJ-411Memory card (optional) is supportedThe measurement conditions and data can be stored in a memory cardA variety of interfaces supplied as standardThe external device interfaces that come as standard include USB, RS-Access to functions can be restricted by a passwordA pre-registered password can limit use of measurement conditionsThe unit is easily transported in a dedicated carrying casewhich includes holders for the accessories as well as thetester itself. (Standard accessory.) Interfaces Data storagePassword protectionCarrying case→High-speed printer prints out measurement results on siteA high-quality, high-speed thermal printer prints out measurement results.It can also print a BAC curve or an ADC curve as well as calculatedresults and assessed profiles. These results and profiles are printed outin landscape format, just as they appear on the color-graphic LCD.PrinterA sturdy key-sheet-button panel with superior durability in any en-vironment is provided. For repeat measurement of the same work,Key-sheet buttonsS ur f test4Enhanced measuring functions•Height/tilt adjustment unit (Standard accessory)The height/tilt adjustment unit comes as standard for leveling the drive unit prior to making skidless measurements and, supported by guidance from the unique D.A.T. function, makes it easy to achieve highly accurate alignment.leveling: leveling table*1, 3-axis alignment table*1 or tilt adjustment unit*1. *1: For details about optional products, see P6-7.Powerful support for levelingPatent registered in Japan, U.S.A.. Patent pending in GermanyYour choice of skidless or skidded measurementPatent registered in Japan, U.S.A.. Patent pending in GermanyHeight adjustment knob•Skidded measurementIn skidded measurements, surface features are measured with reference to a skid following close behind the stylus. This cannot measure waviness and stepped features exactly but the range of movement within which measurement can be made is greater because the skid tracks the workpiece surface contour.•Skidless measurementSkidless measurement is where surface features are measured relative to the drive unit reference surface. This measures waviness and finely stepped features accurately, in addition to surface roughnness, but range is limited to the stylus travel available. The SJ-410 series supports a variety of surface feature measurements simply by replacing the stylus.Fulcrum point of StylusStylus Traverse directionfeatures: SkidlessUsually, a spherical or cylindrical surface (R-surface) cannot be evaluated, but, by removing the radius with a filter, R-surface data is processed as if taken from a flat surface.Step Dimensions Step volumeCoordinate differenceMore measuring functions than expected from a compact testerPreviously measured data can be recalculated for use in other evaluations by changing the current standard, assessed profile and roughness parameters.A single measurement enables simultaneous analysis under twodifferent evaluation conditions. A single measurement allows calculation of parameters and analysis of assessed profiles without the need for recalculation after saving data, contributing to higher work efficiency.Point group data collected for surface roughness evaluation is used to perform simplified contour analysis (step, step height, area and coordinate variation). It assesses minute forms that cannot be assessed by a contour measurer.This function allows a sampling length to be arbitrarily set in 0.01mm increments (SJ-411: 0.1mm to 25mm, SJ-412: 0.1mm to 50mm). It also allows the SJ-410 series to make both narrow and wide range measurements.The “OK” symbol means the measurement is within the limits set; “NG” means it is not, in which case an arrow points to either the upper or lower limit in the printout.An “OK/NG” judgment symbol is displayed when limits are set for the roughness parameter. In case of “NG,” the calculated result is highlighted. The calculated result can also be printed out.Surface roughness measurement requires a run-up distance before starting the measurement (or retrieving data). When the SJ-410 Series measures, its run-up distance is normally set to 0.5mm. This distance, however, can be shortened to 0.15mm using the narrow part measurement function (starting from the origin point of the drive unit). The function extends the possibility of measurement of narrow locations such as grooves in piston ring / O-ring mounts.This function samples stylus displacement for a specified time without engaging detector traverse, which enables use as a simplified vibration meter or displacement gage incorporated in another system.RecalculatingAssessing a single measurement result under two different evaluation conditionsSimple contour analysis functionArbitrary sampling length settingGO/NG judgement functionNarrow space measuring function Patent pending in JapanReal sampling3.52.5Example: surface roughness measuring Example: surface roughness measuringof mounting groove for O-ring Overruns surface using 0.5mm run-upthe measurementc=0.8mmThe run-up distance can be shortened to 0.15mm by measuring from the origin point.•Narrow space measuring Typical applications6Optional AccessoriesThree new optional products are available to be attached to the manual column stand (No.178-039). You can choose the unit that suits your application.Or, you can also use the three products in any combination. Using the optional units makes SJ-411/412 more convenient and easier to use to ensure accurate measurements.Can be adjusted to match the height of the item to be measured.Options for simple column standSimple column standNo.178-039Vertical adjustment range: 250mm Dimensions: 400×250×578mm Mass: 20kg* C annot be used when the tester’s main unit is an older model (SJ-401/402).•Auto-set unit (178-010)*This unit enables the vertical (Z axis) direction to be positioned automatically (auto-set function).A single button operation completes a series of operations from measurement, saving and auto-return (saving and auto-return can be switched on and off by operating the drive unit).•Tilting adjustment unit (178-030)*This unit is used for aligning the workpiece surface with the detector reference plane. It supports the DAT function to make the leveling of workpiece surfaces easier.•X-axis adjustment unit (178-020)*This unit helps fine-tune the horizontal (X axis) direction.Preliminary measurementTilt adjustmentComplete set of optional units for the manual column standAuto-set unit10m m12.5mm 12.5mm±1.5°7The tester includes X- and Y-axes micrometer heads. This makes axis alignment much easier because the tilt adjustment center is the same as the rotation center of the table.(Code No.178-042-1/178-043-1)This table helps make the alignment adjustments required when measuring cylindrical surfaces. The corrections for the pitch angle and the swivel angle are determined from a preliminary measurement and the Digimatic micrometers are adjusted accordingly. A flat-surfaced workpiece can also be leveled with this table.The levelling table can be used to align the surface to be tested with the detector reference plane. The operator is guided through the procedure byscreen prompts.XY leveling tablesPrecision viseCylinder attachmentReference step specimen3-axis Adjustment Table: 178-047Patent registered in Japan, U.S.A.. Patent pending in GermanyDAT Function for the optional leveling tablePatent registered in Japan, U.S.A.. Patent pending in GermanyDAT screen guides the user when levelingDigimatic micrometer No.178-048Inclination adjustment angle: ±1.5°Table dimensions: 130×100mmMaximum load: 15kg•Fits on the stand.This block can be positioned on top of cylindrical objects to perform measurements.No.12AAB358Diameter: ø15~60mm Configuration:•Cylindrical measurement block •Auxiliary block•ClampUsed to calibrate detector sensitivity.No.178-611Step nominal values: 2µm/10µm•T-groove dimensions•Movement is in X- and Y-axes only.Application178-042-1178-049Unit: mm*Drive unit not included.8Optional Accessories: Detectors / StyliStandard stylusDouble-length for deep hole *2*1: Tip angle 60°*2: For downward-facing measurement only.*3 :44.7DetectorsUnit: mmExtension rodsStyliUnit: mm14601011.5• 12AAG202 Extension rod 50mm• 12AAG203 Extension rod 100mm* No more than one extension rod can be connected.Styli Unit: mm For deep groove (10mm)For deep groove *2 (20mm)Please contact any Mitutoyo office for more information.10Optional Accessories: For External Output• OS: Windows XP-SP3 Windows Vista Windows 7• Spreadsheet software: Microsoft Excel 2002 Microsoft Excel 2003 Microsoft Excel 2007 Microsoft Excel 2010Required environment*This program can be downloaded free of charge from the Mitutoyo website.http://www.mitutoyo.co.jp The optional USB cable is also required.• USB cable for SJ-410 series No.12AAD510*Windows OS and Microsoft Excel are products of Microsoft Corporation.• Printer paper (5 rolls)No.270732• Durable printer paper (5 rolls)No.12AAA876• Touch-screen protector sheet (10 sheets) No.12AAN040• Memory card (2GB) *No.12AAL069• Connecting cable (for RS-232C) No.12AAA882* m icro SD card (with a conversion adapter to SD card)Contour / Roughness analysis software FORMTRACEPAKSimplified communication program for SURFTEST SJ seriesOptional accessories, consumables, and others for SJ-410More advanced analysis can be performed by loading SJ-410 series measurement data to software program FORMTRACEPAK via a memory card (option) for processing back at base.The Surftest SJ-410 series has a USB interface, enabling data to be transferred to a spreadsheet or other software.We also provide a program that lets you create inspection record tables using a Microsoft Excel* macro.By connecting this printer to the Surftest SJ-410's digimatic output,you can print calculation results, perform a variety of statistical analyses, draw a histogram or D chart, and also perform complicated operations for X-R control charts.This unit allows you to load Surftest SJ-410 calculation results (SPC output) into commercial spreadsheet software on a PC via a USB connector. You can essentially use a one-touch operation to enter the calculation results (values) into the cells in the spreadsheet software.USB keyboard signal conversion type*IT-012UNo.264-012-10* R equires the optional Surftest SJ-410 connection cable.1m: No.936937 2m: No.965014USB-ITN-DNo.06ADV380DDigimatic mini processor DP-1VRCalculation results input unit INPUT TOOLNo.264-504 -5ASJ-410→DP-1VR Connecting cable 1m: No.936937 2m: No.965014This unit allows you to remotely load Surftest SJ-410 calculation results (SPC output) into commercial spreadsheet software on a PC.You can essentially use a one-touch operation to enter the calculation results (values) into the cells in the spreadsheet software.Measurement Data Wireless Communication System U-WAVEU-WAVE-T *(Connects to the SJ-410)No.02AZD880D* R equires the optional Surftest SJ-410 connection cable.No.02AZD790DU-WAVE-R(Connects to the PC)No.02AZD810DSpecifications*2: Only for JIS'97 standard.*3: Only for JIS'01 standard.*4: Only for ANSI standard.*5: λs may not be switchable depending on standard selected.*6: Standard deviation only can be selected in ANSI.16% rule cannot be selected in VDA.*7: Either No.178-396-2 or No.178-397-2 is supplied as a standard accessory depending on the Order No. of the main unit for SJ-410 Series.*8: The standard stylus (No.12AAC731 or No.12AAB403), which is compatible with the detector supplied, is a standard accessory.11。



Functional code X : Thick film low ohm M : Metal low ohm N : Metal low ohm, high power W : Thick film low TCR P : Thick film low TCR high power ( 2512 size=2 watt, 2010 size=1 watt, 1210 size=0.5 watt, 1206 size=0.5 watt,
Tolerance F : +/- 1% J : +/- 5% P : Jumper
Packaging code P : 4” reel taping T : 7” reel taping A : 7” reel taping 15Kpcs Q : 10” reel taping G : 13” reel taping R : 0603 2mm pitch taping B : Bulk K : Bulkcase
Termination code L = Sn base (Lead free) 5 3E SSP (total)
Type code WW: R< 1ohm MW: R< 1ohm Automotive SW: R< 1ohm Anti-sulfuration
Size code 25 : 2512 (6432) 20 : 2010 (5025) 18 : 1218 (3248) 12 : 1206 (3216) 10 : 1210 (3225) 08 : 0805 (2012) 06 : 0603 (1608) 04 : 0402 (1005)

Quasivacuum solar neutrino oscillations

Quasivacuum solar neutrino oscillations

a rXiv:h ep-ph/5261v219Se p2Quasi-vacuum solar neutrino oscillations G.L.Fogli a ,E.Lisi a ,D.Montanino b ,and A.Palazzo a a Dipartimento di Fisica and Sezione INFN di Bari,Via Amendola 173,I-70126Bari,Italy b Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali dell’Universit`a di Lecce,Via Arnesano,I-73100Lecce,Italy Abstract We discuss in detail solar neutrino oscillations with δm 2/E in the range [10−10,10−7]eV 2/MeV.In this range,which interpolates smoothly be-tween the so-called “just-so”and “Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein”oscillation regimes,neutrino flavor transitions are increasingly affected by matter effects as δm 2/E increases.As a consequence,the usual vacuum approximation has to be improved through the matter-induced corrections,leading to a “quasi-vacuum”oscillation regime.We perform accurate numerical calculations of such corrections,using both the true solar density profile and its exponen-tial approximation.Matter effects are shown to be somewhat overestimated in the latter case.We also discuss the role of Earth crossing and of energy smearing.Prescriptions are given to implement the leading corrections in the quasi-vacuum oscillation range.Finally,the results are applied to a global analysis of solar νdata in a three-flavor framework.PACS number(s):26.65.+t,14.60.PqTypeset using REVT E XI.INTRODUCTIONA well-known explanation of the solarνeflux deficit[1]is provided byflavor oscillations[2]of neutrinos along their way from the Sun(⊙)to the Earth(⊕).For two active neutrino states[say,(νe,νµ)in theflavor basis and(ν1,ν2)in the mass basis],the physics of solarνoscillations is governed,at any given energy E,by the mass-mixing parametersδm2andωin vacuum,1as well as by the electron density profile N e(x)in matter[3].Different oscillation regimes can be identified in terms of three characteristics lengths, namely,the astronomical unitL=1.496×108km,(1) the oscillation length in vacuumL osc=4πEeV2/MeV−1km,(2)and the refraction length in matterL mat=2π2G F N e=1.62×104 N e(cos2ω−L osc/L mat)2+sin22ω.(4)Typical solutions to the solar neutrino problem(see,e.g.,[4])involve values of L osc either in the so-called“just-so”(JS)oscillation regime[5],characterized byL JS osc∼L≫L mat,(5) or in the“Mykheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein”(MSW)oscillation regime[3],characterized byL MSWosc∼L mat≪L.(6) The two regimes correspond roughly toδm2/E∼O(10−11)eV2/MeV and toδm2/E>∼10−7 eV2/MeV,respectively.For just-so oscillations,since L mat/L osc→0,the effect of matter is basically to suppress the oscillation amplitude both in the Sun and in the Earth(sin22ωm→0),so that(coherent)flavor oscillations take place only in vacuum,starting from the Sun surface[6].Conversely, for MSW oscillations,L osc∼L mat andflavor transitions are dominated by the detailed matter density profile,while the many oscillation cycles in vacuum(L osc≪L)are responsible for completeνdecoherence at the Earth,once smearing effects are taken into account[7].2].Therefore,it is intuitively clear that in the intermediate range between(5)and(6), corresponding approximately to10−10<∼δm2/E<∼10−7eV2/MeV,the simple vacuum oscillation picture of the JS regime becomes increasingly decoherent and affected by matter effects for increasing values ofδm2/E,leading to a hybrid regime that might be called of “quasi-vacuum”(QV)oscillations,characterized byL mat<∼L QV osc<∼L,(7) In the past,quasi-vacuum effects on the oscillation amplitude and phase have been ex-plicitly considered only in relatively few papers(see,e.g.,[8–14])as compared with the vast literature on solar neutrino oscillations,essentially because typicalfits to solarνrates al-lowed only marginal solutions in the range where QV effects are relevant.However,more recent analyses appear to extend the former ranges of the JS solutions upwards[15]and of the MSW solutions downwards[16]inδm2/E,making them eventually merge in the QV range[17],especially under generous assumptions about the experimental or theoreticalνflux uncertainties.2Therefore,a fresh look at QV corrections seems warranted.Recently, a semianalytical approximation improving the familiar just-so formula in the QV regime was discussed in[18]and,in more detail,in[19],where additional numerical checks were performed.In this work we revisit the whole topic,by performing accurate numerical cal-culations which include the exact density profile in the Sun and in the Earth,within the reference mass-mixing rangesδm2/E∈[10−10,10−7]eV2/MeV and tan2ω∈[10−3,10].3We also discuss some approximations that can simplify the computing task in present applica-tions.We then apply such calculations to a global analysis of solar neutrino data in the rangeδm2≤10−8eV2.Our paper is structured as follows.The basic notation and the numerical techniques used in the calculations are introduced in Sec.II and III,respectively.The effects of solar matter in the quasi-vacuum oscillation regime are discussed in Sec.IV,where the results for true and exponential density profiles are compared.Earth matter effects are described in Sec.V.The decoherence of oscillations induced by energy(and time)integration is discussed in Sec.VI.The basic results are summarized and organized in Sec.VII,and then applied to a three-flavor oscillation analysis in Sec.VIII.Section IX concludes our work.II.NOTATIONTheνpropagation from the Sun core to the detector at the Earth can be interpreted as a“double slit experiment,”where the originalνe can take two paths,corresponding to the intermediate transitionsνe→ν1and toνe→ν2.The globalνe survival amplitude is then the sum of the amplitudes along the two paths,A(νe→νe)=A⊙(νe→ν1)·A vac(ν1→ν1)·A⊕(ν1→νe)+A⊙(νe→ν2)·A vac(ν2→ν2)·A⊕(ν2→νe),(8) where the transition amplitudes from the Sun production point to its surface(A⊙),from the Sun surface to the Earth surface(A vac)and from the Earth surface to the detector(A⊕) have been explicitly factorized.Theνe survival probability P ee is then given byP ee=|A(νe→νe)|2.(9) In general,the above amplitudes can be written asA⊙(νe→ν1)=P⊕exp(iξ⊕),(10c) for thefirst path and asA⊙(νe→ν2)=1−P⊕,(11c) for the second path,where R⊙is the Sun radius.4In the above equations,P⊙and P⊕are real numbers(∈[0,1])representing the transition probability P(νe↔ν1)along the two partial paths inside the Sun(up to its surface)and inside the Earth(up to the detector). The corresponding phase differences between the two paths,ξ⊙andξ⊕(∈[0,2π]),have been associated to thefirst path without loss of generality.Theνe survival probability P ee from Eq.(9)reads thenP ee=P⊙P⊕+(1−P⊙)(1−P⊕)+2(1−δR−δ⊙−δ⊕),(13)2Ewith the definitionsR⊙δR=ξ⊙,(15)δm2L2Eδ⊕=4Although R⊙is relatively small(R⊙/L=4.7×10−3),it is explicitly kept for later purposes.The Earth radius R⊕can instead be safely neglected(R⊕/L=4.3×10−5).A relevant extension of the2νformula(12)is obtained for3νoscillations,required to accommodate solar and atmospheric neutrino data[21].Assuming a third mass eigenstate ν3with m2=|m23−m21,2|≫δm2,the3νsurvival probability can be written asP3νee=c4φP2νee+s4φ,(17)whereφis the(νe,ν3)mixing angle,and P2νee is given by Eq.(12),provided that the electron density N e is replaced everywhere by c2φN e(see[20]and refs.therein).Such replacement implies that the3νcase is not a simple mapping of the2νcase,and requires specific calculations for any given value ofφ.We conclude this section by recovering some familiar expressions for P ee,as special cases of Eq.(12).The JS limit(L mat/L osc→0,with complete suppression of oscillations inside matter)corresponds to P⊙≃c2ω≃P⊕and to negligibleδ⊙,δ⊕.Then,neglecting alsoδR, one gets from(12)the standard“vacuum oscillation formula,”P JS ee≃1−sin22ωsin2(πL/L osc).(18) In the MSW limit(L/L osc→∞),the global oscillation phaseξis very large and cosξ≃0on average.Furthermore,assuming for P⊙a well-known approximation in terms of the“crossing”probability P c between mass eigenstates in matter[in our nota-tion,P⊙≃sin2ω0m P c+cos2ω0m(1−P c),withω0m calculated at the production point],one gets from(12)and for daytime(P⊕=c2ω)the so-called Parke’s formula[22],P MSWee,day≃12−P c)cos2ωcos2ω0m.(19)III.NUMERICAL TECHNIQUESIn general,numerical calculations of theνtransition amplitudes must take into account the detailed N e profile along the neutrino trajectory,both in the Sun and in the Earth.Concerning the Sun,we take N e from[23](“year2000”standard solar model).Figure1 shows such N e profile as a function of the normalized radius r/R⊙,together with its expo-nential approximation[1]N e=N0e exp(−r/r0),with N0e=245mol/cm3and r0=R⊙/10.54. For the exponential density profile,the neutrino evolution equations can be solved analyt-ically[8–11].In order to calculate the relevant probability P⊙and the phaseξ⊙,we have developed several computer programs which evolve numerically the familiar MSW neutrino evolution equations[3]along the Sun radius,for generic production points,and for any given value ofδm2/E∈[10−10,10−7]eV2/MeV and of tan2ω.We estimate a numerical(fractional) accuracy of our results better than10−4,as derived by several independent checks.As a first test,we integrate numerically the MSW equations both in their usual complex form (2real+2imaginary components)and in their Bloch form involving three real amplitudes [24],obtaining the same results.We have then repeated the calculations with different inte-gration routines taken from several computer libraries,and found no significant differences among the outputs.We have optionally considered,besides the exact N e profile,also the exponential profile,which allows a further comparison of the numerical integration of theMSW equations with their analytical solutions,as worked out in[10,11]in terms of hyper-geometric functions(that we have implemented in an independent code).Also in this case, no difference is found between the output of the different codes.Concerning the calculation of the quantities P⊕andξ⊕in the Earth,we evolve analyti-cally the MSW equations at any given nadir angleη,using the technique described in[25], which is based on afive-step biquadratic approximation of the density profile from the Pre-liminary Reference Earth Model(PREM)[26]and on afirst-order perturbative expansion of the neutrino evolution operator.Such analytical technique provides results very close to a full numerical evolution of the neutrino amplitudes,the differences being smaller than those induced by uncertainties in N e[25].In particular,we have checked that,forδm2/E≤10−7 eV2/MeV,such differences are<∼10−3.In conclusion,we are confident in the accuracy of our results,which are discussed in the following sections.IV.MATTER EFFECTS IN THE SUNFigure2shows,in the mass-mixing plane and for standard solar model density,isolines of the difference c2ω−P⊙(solid curves),which becomes zero in the just-so oscillation limit of very smallδm2/E.The isolines shape reminds the“lower corner”of the more familiar MSW triangle[22].Also shown are isolines of constant resonance radius R res/R⊙(dotted curves),defined by the MSW resonance condition L osc/L mat(R res)=cos2ω.The values of c2ω−P⊙are already sizable(a few percent)atδm2/E∼10−9,and increase for increasing δm2/E and for large mixing[tan2ω∼O(1)],especially in thefirst octant,where the MSW resonance can occur.The difference between matter effects in thefirst and in the second octant can lead to observable modifications of the allowed regions infits to the data[19],and to a possible discrimination between the casesω<π4[17,19].In the whole parameter range of Fig.2,it turns out that,within the region ofνproduction (r/R⊙<∼0.3),it is L mat(r)≪L osc(and thus sin22ω0m≃0).5As a consequence,all the curves of Fig.2do not depend on the specificνproduction point(as we have also checked numerically),and no smearing over theνsource distribution is needed in the quasi-vacuum regime.This is a considerable simplification with respect to the MSW regime,which involves higher values ofδm2/E and thus shorter(resonance)radii,which are sensitive to the detailed νsource distribution.Figure3shows,in the same coordinates of Fig.2,the isolines of c2ω−P⊙corresponding to the exponential density profile(dotted curves),for which we have used the fully analytical results of[10,11].(Identical results are obtained by numerical integration.)The solid lines in Fig.3refer to a well-known approximation(sometimes called“semianalytical”)to such results,which is obtained in the limit N e→0at the Sun surface(it is not exactly so for the exponential profile,see Fig.1).More precisely,the zeroth order expansion of the hypergeometric functions[10,11]in terms of the small parameter z=i√5This is also indicated by the fact that R res/R⊙>∼0.55in theδm2/E range of Fig.2.and dotted curves in Fig.3are essentially due to the“solar border approximation”(N e→0) assumed in the semianalytical case;indeed,the differences would practically vanish if the exponential density profile,and thus the“effective”Sun radius,were unphysically continued for r≫R⊙(not shown).Such limitations of the semianalytical approximation have been qualitatively suggested by the authors of[27]but,contrary to their claim,our Fig.3shows explicitly that the semianalytical calculation of P⊙represents a reasonable approximation to the analytical one forωin both octants,as also verified in[28].A comparison of the results of Fig.2(true density)and of Fig.3(exponential density) shows that,in the latter case,the correction term c2ω−P⊙tends to be somewhat over-estimated,in particular when the semianalytical approximation is used.We have verified that such bias is dominantly due to the difference(up to a factor of∼2)between the true density profile and its exponential approximation around r/R⊙∼0.8(see Fig.1)and, subdominantly,to the details of the density profile shape at the border(r/R⊙→1).As a consequence,the“exponential profile”calculation of P⊙(either semianalytic[17,19]or analytic)tends to shift systematically the onset of solar matter effects to lower values of δm2/E.For instance,at tan2ω≃1(maximal mixing),the value c2ω−P⊙=0.05is reached atδm2/E≃8×10−10eV2/MeV for the true density,and atδm2/E a factor of∼2lower for the exponential density.In order to avoid artificially larger effects at lowδm2/E in neutrino data analyses,one should numerically calculate P⊙with the true electron density profile. The difference between the numerical calculation and the semianalytic approximation is also briefly discussed in[19]forδm2/E≤10−8eV2/MeV(where P c≃P⊙).Concerning the phase factorδ⊙,we confirm earlier indications[12,13]about its small-ness,in both cases of true and exponential density.In the latter case,the semianalytic approximation gives[10,12],forδm2/E→0,theω-independent resultδ⊙≃L−1 r0 ln(√6The interested reader can obtain numerical tables of P⊙,calculated for the standard solar model density,upon request from the authors.less than one permill,and thus it can be safely neglected in all current applications.V.MATTER EFFECTS IN THE EARTHStrong Earth matter effects typically emerge in the range where L osc∼L mat within the mantle(N e∼2mol/cm3)or the core(N e∼5mol/cm3),as well as in other ranges of mantle-core oscillation interference[29],globally corresponding toδm2/E∼10−7–10−6 eV2/MeV.Therefore,only marginal effects are expected in the parameter range considered in this work,as confirmed by the results reported in Fig.4.Figure4shows isolines of the quantity c2ω−P⊕,which becomes zero in the just-so oscillation limit of very smallδm2/E.The solid curves corresponds to a nadir angleη=0◦(diametral crossing of neutrinos)and the dotted curves toη=45◦(crossing of mantle only). For other values ofη(not shown),the quantity c2ω−P⊕has a comparable magnitude.In the current neutrino jargon,the Earth effect shown in Fig.4is operative in the lowermost part of the so-called“LOW”MSW solution[16]to the solar neutrino problem,or,from another point of view,to the uppermost part of the vacuum solutions[15].Concerning the phase correctionδ⊕(not shown),it is found to be smaller than1.5×10−5in the whole mass-mixing plane considered,and thus can be safely neglected.In practical applications,the correction term c2ω−P⊕must be time-averaged.This poses, in principle,a tedious integration problem,since such correction appears,in Eq.(12),both in the amplitude of the oscillating term(∝cosξ)and in the remaining,non-oscillating term. While the integration over time can be transformed,for the non-oscillating term,into a more manageable integration overη[25],this cannot be done for the oscillating term,which depends on time both through the prefactorC= cos δm2L2E ,(21)can be written,in the narrow-width approximation(∆E=E− E ≪ E ),in terms of the Fourier transform of the spectrum,˜s(τ)= dE s(E)e i∆Eτ.(22) More precisely,C≃ dE s(E)cos δm2L E (23)=D cos δm2Lδm2L2E E≃D·cos≃J0 ǫδm2L2E ,(26) 2π 2π0dt L22Ewhere J0is the Bessel function,acting as a further damping term for large values of its argument.Notice that the maximum fractional variation of the orbital radius,(L max−L min)/L= 2ǫ=3.34×10−2,is an order of magnitude larger thanδR=R⊙/L=4.7×10−3which,in turn,is larger than the phase correctionsδ⊙andδ⊕.Therefore,one can safely neglectδR,δ⊙andδ⊕in practical applications involving yearly(or even seasonal)averages,as we do in this work.However,for averages over shorter time intervals,such approximation might break down.In particular,δR(δ⊙)might be comparable to the monthly(weekly)variations of the solar neutrino signal.The observability of such short-time variations is beyond the present sensitivity of real-time solarνexperiments and would require,among other things, very high statistics and an extremely stable level of both the signal detection efficiency and of the background.If such difficult experimental goals will be reached in the future,some of the approximations discussed so far(and recollected in the next section)should be revisited and possibly improved.VII.PRACTICAL RECIPESWe have seen in the previous sections that,asδm2/E increases,the deviations of P⊙(and subsequently of P⊕)from the vacuum value c2ωbecome increasingly important.We have also seen that the phase correctionsδ⊙andδ⊕are smaller thanδR=R⊙/L,which can in turn be neglected in present applications,so that one can practically take the usual vacuum value for the oscillation phase,ξ≃δm2L/2E.We think it useful to organize known and less known results through the following approximate expressions for the calculation of P ee,which are accurate to better than3%with respect to the exact,general formula(12) valid at anyδm2/E.Forδm2/E<∼5×10−10eV2/MeV,one can take P⊙≃P⊕≃c2ω,and obtain the just-so oscillation formulaP JS ee≃c4ω+s4ω+2s2ωc2ωcosξ,(27) withξ=δm2L/2E.For5×10−10<∼δm2/E<∼10−8eV2/MeV,one can still take P⊕≃c2ω, but since P⊙=c2ω(quasi-vacuum regime)one has thatP QVee≃c2ωP⊙+s2ω(1−P⊙)+2sωcωof P⊕can be transformed into a more manageable integration over the nadir angle,both for yearly[25]and for seasonal[34]averages.To summarize,the above sequence of equations describes the passage from the regime of just-so to that of MSW oscillations,via quasi-vacuum oscillations.In the JS regime,oscillations are basically coherent and do not depend on the electron density in the Earth or in the Sun(N e→∞).In the MSW regime,oscillations are basically incoherent(L→∞) and,in general,depend on the detailed electron density profile of both the Sun and theEarth.In particular,in the MSW regime one has to take into account the interplay between the density profile and the neutrino source distribution profile.The intermediate QV regime is instead characterized by partially coherent oscillations(with increasing decoherence as δm2/E increases),and by a sensitivity to the electron density of the Sun(but not of the Earth).Such sensitivity is not as strong as in the MSW regime and,in particular,QV effects are independent from the specificνproduction point,which can be effectively taken at the Sun center.For the sake of completeness,we mention that,for high values ofδm2/E(≫10−4eV2/MeV),corresponding to L osc≪L mat in the Sun,the sensitivity to matter effects is eventually lost both in the Sun and in the Earth(P⊙≃P⊕≃c2ω),and one reaches a fourth regime sometimes called of energy-averaged(EA)oscillations,which is totally incoherent and N e-independent:P EAee≃c4ω+s4ω.(30) Such regime,which predicts an energy-independent suppression of the solar neutrinoflux, seems to be disfavored(but perhaps not yet ruled out)by current experimental data on total neutrino rates.In conclusion,forδm2/E going from extremely low values to infinity, one can identify four rather different oscillation regimes,JS→QV→MSW→EA,(31) each being characterized by specific properties and applicable approximations.Experiments still have to tell us unambiguously which of them truly applies to solar neutrinos.VIII.THREE-FLA VOR OSCILLATION ANALYSIS As discussed in[19],in the QV regime the2νsurvival probability(28)is non-symmetric with respect to the operationω→π2−ω.Therefore,while P JS3ν[obtained from Eqs.(17)and(27)]is symmetric with respect to theω=π8In the MSW regime,the mirror asymmetry of thefirst two octants was explicitly shown in[20].properties become evident in the triangular representation of the solar3νmixing parameter space discussed in[20,33],to which the reader is referred for further details.Figure6shows,in the triangular plot,isolines of P QV3ν(dotted lines)forδm2/E close to1.65×10−9eV2/MeV,corresponding to about100oscillation cycles.More precisely,the six panels correspond toξ=100×2π+∆ξ,with∆ξfrom0toπin steps ofπ/5.The dotted isolines are asymmetric with respect toω=π4also shows up in solar neutrino datafits[19].Figure7reports the results of our global(rates+spectrum+day/night)three-flavor analysis in the mass-mixing rangeδm2∈[10−11,10−8]eV2and tan2ω∈[10−2,102],for several representative values of tan2φ.We only show99%C.L.contours10(N DF=3)for the sake of clarity.The theoretical[35]and experimental[36–41]inputs,as well as theχ2statistical analysis[42],are the same as in Ref.[16](where MSW solutions were studied).Here, however,the range ofδm2is lower,in order to show the smooth transition from the MSW solutions to the QV andfinally the JS ones asδm2is decreased.In particular,the solutions shown in Fig.7represent the continuation,at lowδm2,of the LOW MSW solutions shown in Fig.10of[16](panel by panel).11As anticipated in the comments to Fig.6,the mirror asymmetry around tan2ω=1decreases for decreasingδm2(JS regime);a little asymmetry is still present even atδm2∼10−10eV2,where the gallium rates(sensitive to E as low as∼0.2MeV)start to feel QV effects.In the region where QV effects are important, the solutions are typically shifted in the second octant(ω>∼π/4),since the gallium rate is suppressed too much in thefirst octant(see also[19]).A similar drift was found for the LOWMSW solution [16].At any δm 2,the asymmetry decreases at large values of φ(tan 2φ>∼1.5)which,however,are excluded by the combination of accelerator and reactor data [21],unlessthe second mass square difference m 2turns out to be in the lower part of the sensitivity range of the CHOOZ experiment [43](m 2∼10−3eV 2).For φ=0,the standard two-flavor case is recovered,and the results are comparable to those found in [15].The Super-Kamiokande spectrum plays only a marginal role in generating the mirror asymmetry of the solutions in Fig.7,since the modulation of QV effects in the energy domain is much weaker than the one generated by the oscillation phase ξ.We find that,at any given δm 2<∼10−8eV 2,the χ2difference at symmetric ωvalues is less than ∼1for the 18-bin spectrum data fit.Therefore,QV effects are mainly probed by total neutrino rates at present.We think it is not particularly useful to discuss more detailed features of the current QV solutions,such as combinations of spectral data or rates only,fits with variations of hep neutrino flux,etc.(which were instead given in [16]for MSW solutions).In fact,while the shapes of current MSW solutions are rather well-defined,those of JS or QV solutions are still very sensitive to small changes in the theoretical or experimental input.Therefore,a detailed analysis of the “fine structure”of the QV solutions in Fig.7seems unwarranted at present.Finally,in Fig.8we show sections of the allowed 3νsolutions (at 99%C.L.)in the triangle representation,for six selected (increasing)values of δm 2.Solutions are absent or shrunk at s 2φ∼0.5,where the theoretical νflux underestimates the gallium and water-Cherenkov data.The lowest value of δm 2(0.66×10−10eV 2)falls in the JS regime,so that the ring-like allowed region (which resembles the curves of iso-P ee in Fig.6)is symmetric with respect to the vertical axis at ω=π/4.However,as δm 2increases and QV effects become operative,the solutions become more and more asymmetric,and shifted towards the second octant of ω[17,19].Figures 7and 8in this work,as well as Fig.10in [16],show that solar neutrino data,by themselves,put only a weak upper bound on the mixing angle φ.Much tighter constraints are set by reactor data [43],unless the second mass square difference m 2happens to be<∼10−3eV 2(which seems an unlikely possibility).In any case,QV effects are operative also for a small (or zero)value of s 2φ.IX.CONCLUSIONSWe have presented a thorough analysis of solar neutrino oscillations in the “quasi-vacuum”oscillation regime,intermediate between the familiar just-so and MSW regimes.The QV regime is increasingly affected by matter effects for increasing values of δm 2.We have calculated such effects both in the Sun and in the Earth,and discussed the accuracy of various possible approximations.We have implemented the QV oscillation probability in a full three-flavor analysis of solar neutrino data,obtaining solutions which smoothly join (at δm 2∼10−8eV 2)the LOW MSW regions found in [16]for the same input data.The asymmetry of QV effects makes such solutions different for ω<π4,the two cases being symmetrized only in the just-so oscillation limit of small δm 2.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe thank J.N.Bahcall for providing us with updated standard solar model results.We thank A.Friedland and S.T.Petcov for useful discussions.REFERENCES[1]J.N.Bahcall,Neutrino Astrophysics(Cambridge University 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Confocal 介绍

Confocal 介绍

Side on design
Gain varies with the voltage across the dynodes and the total number of dynodes With typically 9 dynodes, gain of 4x106 can be achieved
Confocal microscope principle
x pinhole Light source detector Transmissive design Sample objective (object plane) y pinhole
• “conjugate focal planes” • illumination and detection of the same focal point • need to displace the sample in x and y to construct an image
A section of mouse intestine imaged with both confocal and non-confocal microscopy
How big is a Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope ?
Laser module 405, 458, 477, 488, 514, 561, 633 nm Scanning head
System electronic rack
Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
• High intensity • Spatial and temporal coherence • Monochromatic • Focused

Range Synthesis for 3D Environment Modeling三维环境建模的

Range Synthesis for 3D Environment Modeling三维环境建模的
Range Synthesis for 3D Environment Modeling三 维环境建模的范围内的合成
Statistics in the Image Domain for Mobile Robot Environment Modeling
L. Abril Torres-Méndez and Gregory Dudek
✓ Proposed solution: Combine visual and partial depth Shape-from-(partial) Shape
International Symposium of Robotics and Automation, August 25-27, 2004
- Ex. For rescue and inspection tasks.
• Robots are commonly equipped with camera(s) and laser rangefinder.
Would like a full range map of the the environment.
Range synthesis basis
✓ Range and intensity images are correlated, in
complicated ways, exhibiting useful structure.
- Basis of shape from shading & shape from darkness, but they are based on strong assumptions.
• Laser line scanners are commonplace, but

Simpleware ScanIP 图像处理软件说明书

Simpleware ScanIP 图像处理软件说明书

Description of Simpleware ScanIPSimpleware™ ScanIP provides a core image processing interface with additional modules available for Finite Element model generation, CAD integration, NURBS export, and material property calculation. Simpleware ScanIP is the software device, with modules integrating into the same software, rather than representing separate software programs in their own right. Indications for UseScanIP is intended for use as a software interface and image segmentation system for the transfer of imaging informationfrom a medical scanner such as a CT scanner or a Magnetic Resonance Imaging scanner to an output file. It is also intendedas pre-operative software for simulating/evaluating surgical treatment options. ScanIP is not intended to be used for mammography imaging.Warnings and RecommendationsThis product is for professional use only and should be used only by trained technicians with a professional level of English. English is the language used in the Simpleware ScanIP software interface.The output must be verified by the responsible clinician.Simpleware ScanIP has the ability to process, store or discard information contained in medical image files such as DICOM files during the import process of these files. When such files contain personal patient information, it is the responsibility of the end-users to follow the local laws related to appropriate handling of personal data, and to discard any information when required.It is recommended to use Simpleware ScanIP within a hardware and/or network environment in which cyber security controls have been implemented including anti-virus and use of firewall.AccuracySimpleware ScanIP image processing and meshing algorithms are designed to use partial volume effects to improve surface accuracy. The reconstructed 3D surface typically has a maximal error of ½ of a voxel size.Note: the accuracy of a model is dependent on the image resolution and the quality of the original scan. The accuracy of a model for simulation is also dependent on user requirements and choice of simulation software.During surface reconstruction, error can be found near sharp edges, which are difficult to reconstruct when using any image-based meshing techniques. Excessive noise in scanned images can also affect surface reconstruction accuracy.Other Ways of Viewing this Information and EmergenciesEnd-users of Simpleware ScanIP can request a free paper copy of this document. To do so, please contact***********************.If information is needed in an emergency, please call +44(0)1392 428750.In the event that you experience temporary unavailability of this document through the Synopsys website or to the Internet in general, or of your institutional access, we recommend temporarily suspending use of the software until access is restored, unless you have a paper copy of this document.There are no foreseeable medical emergencies related to this device. If you believe that the device may have directly or indirectly contributed to a patient’s injury or death, then please immediately contact *********************** or call +44(0)1392 428750. Dialog SymbolsSimpleware ScanIP uses a set of standard symbols (icons) when displaying information dialogs. The table below provides information about the severity of the risk associated with each type of symbol.Instructions for UseStarting Simpleware ScanIPAfter installing the software on your PC, double click the Simpleware ScanIP icon on your desktop. Alternatively, you can click on the Windows icon in the “taskbar” and navigate to Synopsys > Simpleware ScanIP N-2018.03.Simpleware ScanIP usage is controlled through a license key file which may either be node-locked or floating. Instructions for setting up both license options are described in the Reference Guide. All required software installers (product and licensing tools) and license keys can be downloaded from SolvNet (https://). Please note that only active licenses of Simpleware ScanIP will be able to get access to SolvNet.Supported Operating Systems•Windows 7 (Service Pack 1)*•Windows 8*, Windows 8.1*•Windows 10*†•Windows Server 2008 R2*•Windows Server 2012*•Windows Server 2016*•Licensing tools for Linux 32-bit and 64-bit*Only 64-bit versions of these operating systems are supported.†Simpleware ScanIP is fully tested on this operating system.2Recommended System Requirements©2018 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved. Synopsys is a trademark of Synopsys, Inc. in the United States and other countries. A list of Synopsys trademarks isavailable at /copyright.html. All other names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.06/14/18.CS12917_SimplewareScanIP-InstructionToUse.。

Epson SCARA机械臂规格表说明书

Epson SCARA机械臂规格表说明书

SPECIFICATION SHEETRobotsSCARASpecification Sheet | Page 1 of 2Performance, speed, payload up to 3 kg and a 400 mm reach.Powerful performance with minimal overshoot — powered by Epson’s proprietary Residual Vibration TechnologyEasy to use — intuitive, feature-packed Epson RC+® development software makes it simple to create high performance solutionsOutstanding acceleration/deceleration rates — smooth start/stop motion to optimize cycle timesHigh-speed cycle times — maximize parts throughputIdeal for high-precision, small-parts assembly — up to 3 kg payload, reach of 400 mmIntegrated options — vision, designed specifically for robot guidance; plus, parts feeding, fieldbus interface solutions, RC+ 7.0 API software for open-platform functionality, teach pendants and customizable GUIs ISO 4 Clean models available — for critical dust-free applicationsEasy setup — built-in camera cable for optional vision system; top-of-arm electrical and pneumatic layout with screw holes to mount additional equipment No battery required for encoder — minimizes downtime and eliminates the cost for battery replacement and installationLS3-B SCARA RobotSpecification Sheet | Page 2 of 2Specifications and terms are subject to change without notice. EPSON and Epson RC+ are registered trademarks, EPSONExceed Your Vision is a registered logomark and Better Products for a Better Future is a trademark of Seiko Epson Corporation. IntelliFlex is a trademark of Epson America, Inc. SmartWay is a registered trademark of the U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgency. All other product and brand names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Epson disclaims any and all rights in these marks. Copyright 2020 Epson America, Inc. Com-SS-Oct-13 CPD-59054 4/20Epson America, Inc.3840 Kilroy Airport Way, Long Beach, CA 90806Epson Canada Limited 185 Renfrew Drive, Markham, Ontario L3R 6G3 www.epson.caContact:1 Cycle time based on round-trip arch motion (300 mm horizontal, 25 mm vertical) with2 kg payload (path coordinates optimized for maximum speed). 2 SmartWay is an innovative partnership of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that reduces greenhouse gases and other air pollutants and improves fuel efficiency.See the latest innovations from Epson Business Solutions at /forbusiness。



180 TEOS
183 TMP
TI 记忆产品样品(原型),TI 内存
14 AS75
19 BF2
21 B.O.E

178 TDDB
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Figure 1: Surface-cell intersection geometry. as follows. Each cell in the eld is traversed. Depending on the scalar values at the cell's corners, the geometry of surfaces inside each tetrahedron is determined. For a eld represented by tetrahedral elements, there are only three di erent types of surface-cell intersection geometry, as shown in Figure 1. Although the naive algorithm is straightforward to implement, it is computationally ine cient. Given a particular isovalue, only a portion of cells in the eld will intersect with the given value; for this reason, the traversal of the entire set of cells in the volume is unnecessary. Theoretically, the upper bound for the number of intersected cells is approximately O(N 2=3). In this paper we present an algorithm that addresses the cell traversal problem to achieve fast isosurface extraction within unstructured grids. The algorithm comprises two parts: a data decomposition scheme and a sweep algorithm. The data decomposition scheme minimizes the number of cells that need to be inspected for a particular iso-value. The sweep algorithm incrementally locates the intersected cells for the speci ed value. Our algorithm signi cantly reduces cell traversal time not only when the iso-value changes smoothly, but also when the iso-value changes dramatically. In the following sections, we begin by surveying related work. We then describe our sweep algorithm and data decomposition scheme. Finally, we conclude with a detailed algorithm analysis and results of simulation
Sweeping Simplices: A fast iso-surface extraction algorithm for unstructured grids
Han-Wei Shen and Christopher R. Johnson Department of Computer Science University of Utah Salt Lake City, UT 84112. E-mail: hwshen@ and crj@Biblioteka 1 Introduction
Displaying iso-surfaces is an e ective way to visualize three-dimensional scalar elds. Used to represent regions where the physical eld is constant, isosurfaces allow visualization with a full range of visual depth. By visualizing the spatial distributions of several iso-surfaces, scientists are able to obtain a greater understanding of a eld's underlying structure; however, displaying multiple contours in a single frame has proved di cult. Dynamically probing the scalar eld interactively by varying the iso-value has proven e ective, but this method has been di cult to perform in real time. We present a new algorithm that overcomes the previous obstacles for interactive iso-surface extraction on unstructured grids. The marching cubes algorithm proposed by Lorensen and Cline 1] has become a standard technique to generate iso-surfaces. Although the algorithm originates from medical applications, which typically use structured grids, the algorithm can be extended to problems using unstructured grids of tetrahedral elements. A naive implementationof the algorithm works
We present an algorithm that accelerates the extraction of iso-surfaces from unstructured grids by avoiding the traversal of the entire set of cells in the volume. The algorithm consists of a sweep algorithm and a data decomposition scheme. The sweep algorithm incrementally locates intersected elements, and the data decomposition scheme restricts the algorithm's worstcase performance. For data sets consisting of hundreds of thousands of elements, our algorithm can reduce the cell traversal time more than 90% over the naive isosurface extraction algorithm, thus facilitating interactive probing of scalar elds for large-scale problems on unstructured three-dimensional grids.
2 Related Work
Octrees: Wilhelms and Van Gelder 2] use an octree data structure to accelerate iso-surface extraction. The algorithm starts with a setup phase that creates the octree. Each node of the octree contains the maximum and minimum scalar values among the data elements in the sub-volume. When the user speci es an iso-value, the algorithm starts the surface- nding phase, which examines the volume by traversing from the root of the octree. All the sub-volumes with minimum values higher than the iso-value or maximumvalues lower than the iso-value are then excluded. When a leaf node is visited, this node's eight cells are examined to generate surfaces. Octrees can substantially reduce cell traversal time because visits to non-intersected regions can be entirely avoided. However, octree data structures have primarily been implemented for data on structured grids. Moreover, octree methods are often sensitive to high-frequency noise within the data. Active List: Giles and Haimes 3] have developed an algorithm that accelerates the cell traversal process by sorting the elements by their maximum and minimum values to form two separate lists. They also calculate a global maximum, z , among the di erences of all cells' two extreme values. When an iso-value S is initially speci ed or has changed from its previous value by more than z , all the cells with minimum values between S ? z; S ] are placed into an \active list." The active list is then purged of all cells that do not cross the iso-value. If the iso-value has changed less than z and is greater than its previous value, then the cells in the minimum list that have minimum values between old S , new S ] are placed into the active list. If the iso-value has changed less than z and is smaller than its previous value, then the elements in the maximum list with maximum values between new S , old S ] are placed into the active list. The updated active list is then purged of all cells that do not cross the iso-value. While it can accelerate the cell traversal process, Gile's and Haimes' algorithm has several disadvantages. First, z cannot be too large, otherwise the range of S ? z; S ] can include a very large number of cells. The algorithm then degenerates to the naive method. Unfortunately, the range of z is hard to control because any cell with a large gradient could increase the global maximum by a large amount. One often sees this phenomenon in boundary value problems solved using a nite element method. Second, the