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OnmyfirstdayasSecretary-GeneraloftheUnitedNations, one question weighs heavily on my heart.今天是我担任联合国秘书长的第一天。有一个问题沉重地压在我的心头。

How can we help the millions of people caught upin conflict, suffering massively in wars with no endin sight?数百万民众身陷冲突,在看不到尽头的战争中饱受苦难。我们怎样才能去帮助他们?

Civilians are pounded with deadly force. Women,children and men are killed and injured, forced fromtheirhomes,dispossessedanddestitute.Evenhospitals and aid convoys are targeted.平民遭受致命攻击。男女妇孺,死伤惨重,他们背井离


No one wins these wars, everyone loses. Trillionsofdollarsarespentdestroyingsocietiesandeconomies,fueling cycles of mistrust and fear that can last forgenerations.Andwholeregionsaredestabilizedandthenew threat of global terrorism affects us all.在这些战争中,没有赢家,人人皆输。数


On this New Year’s Day, I ask all of you to joinme in making one shared New Year’s resol ution: Let usresolve to put peace first.值此元旦之际,我请所有人和我一起,共同下定一个新年决心:让我们决心把和平摆在首位。

Let us make XX a year in which we all–citizens,governments,leaders–strivetoovercomeourdifferences.让我们大家,不论是公民、政府、还是领导人,努力使201x年成为克服彼此分歧的一年。

Fromsolidarityandcompassioninourdailylives,to dialogue and respect across political divides…无论在日常生活中展现团结精神和同情之心,还是超越政治分歧开展对话、相互尊重……

From ceasefires on the battlefield, to compromiseatthenegotiatingtabletoreachpoliticalsolutions…无论是在战场上实现停火,还是在谈判桌上为实现政治解决而达成妥协……

Peace must be our goal and our guide.和平必须是我们的目标,我们的指针。

And all that we strive for as a human family–dignity and hope, progress and prosperity–dependson peace.尊严和希望、进步和繁荣,这些都是我们人类大家庭奋力实现的目标,它们都取决于和平。

But peace depends on us.而和平要靠我们去实现。

Iappealtoyoualltojoinmeincommittingtopeace,today and every day.我呼吁大家和我一起,在今天,在每一天,都致力于和平。

Let us make 201x a year for peace.让我们使XX年成为和平之年。

Thank you.谢谢大家。
