Blood Donation 献血
《献血法》、《血站管理办法》、 《血液制品管理条例》等法律、法规 中分别规定了违反献血法律制度的行 政责任和民事责任。《刑法》中有关 于血液领域中犯罪应承担刑事责任的 规定。
血站的法律责任: 第十九条 血站违反有关操作规程和制度采集血液,由县级以 上地方人民政府卫生行政部门责令改正;给献血者健康造成 损害的,应当依法赔偿,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接 责任人员,依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事 责任。 上地方人民政府卫生行政部门责令改下,给予警告,可以并 处一万元以下的罚款 第二十一条 血站违反本法的规定,向医疗机构提供不符合 国家规定标准的血液的,由县级以上人民政府卫生行政部门 责令改正;情节严重,造成经血液途径传播的疾病传播或者 有传播严重危险的,限期整顿,对直接负责的主管人员和其 他直接责任人员,依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追 究刑事责任。
血液制品生产单位供应原料血浆,严禁向其他 任何单位供应原料血浆。 单采血浆站必须严格执行消毒管理及疫情上报 制度。其所采集的原料血浆的包装、储存、运 输必须符合卫生标准。
单采血浆站对本辖区持《供血浆证》者采集血液,《供血浆 证》由所在县人民政府卫生行政部门核发
对申请供血浆者按照《中华人民共和国药典》血液制品原料 血浆规程进行健康状况征询、健康检查和血样检验。
呼吁并规定民众献血、规定每年7月为献血活动月、献血教育 从少年儿童抓起。。。。
法国:献血者协会遍全国 约旦:用血者康复后须献血
血站是不以营利为目的,采集、提供临床用 血的公益性卫生机构。设立血站必须经批准取 得《血站执业许可证》; 分为一般血站和特殊血站。 特殊血站包括脐带血造血干细胞库和卫生部 根据医学发展需要批准、设置的其他类型血库。
一般来说,全球O型血者最多, A和B型血的人群比例基本相近 ,AB型血者比例较少,但各类 血型的人群比例会因为各地种
当一个人的红细胞上存在一种D抗原时即为Rh阳性,用Rh(+)表示 ,当缺乏D抗原时即为Rh阴性,用Rh(-)[即所谓的熊猫血]型表示。汉 族人Rh(-)所占人数的比例极少,仅0.3%,属稀有血型。 血液只能同型输注! 假如Rh(-)者生病或手术需要输血时,一定要将Rh(-)血型的情况告知医 生,以便医生及早和献血办公室联系,组织所需要的Rh(-)血源。
经常献血在生理上绝不会上瘾,它既不是吸烟,更不是吸毒,与上瘾物质“尼古丁”、“吗啡”根本不沾边。献血后 不会使机体以不正常速度再生血液,更不可能因血液产生过多,迫使献血者不停献血。 献血只是血液的暂时少量减少,很快就会恢复正常,不影响人体 血液的再生功能。而贫血是一种疾病,对于患有贫血病的人在献 血查体时,就会被检查出来,这类人是不能参加献血的。
妇女经期前后三天,妊娠期、流产未满六个月。 感冒、急性肠胃炎病愈未满一周。近五年内输注全血及血液成份者。 半月内拔牙或小手术者。较大手术后未满半年者。分娩及哺乳期未满一年者
有吸食毒品、同性恋、多个性伙伴的经历;患艾滋病及感染艾滋病病毒 ;曾患梅毒、淋病或其它性传染病;乙肝、丙肝病毒携带者
01 献血前
02 献血中
03 献血后
01 对于精神紧张者,除宣传献血常识外,在采血 过程中多与其聊天,分散其注意力使其在不知不觉中完成
02 血液生理知识
父母的血型 O×O A×A B×B
子女可能有的血型 子女不可能有的血型
国家提倡年龄18-55周岁健康公民自愿献血 献血者每次采集血量200ml至400ml,不得超
过400ml 全血采集间隔时间为6个月 成分血(机采血小板)采集间隔时间4周以上
01 献血法律法规
美国 西德 英国 法国 加拿大 比利时 瑞典 芬兰
450±45 500 450 400--450 450 385 450 400--450
01 献血法律法规
公民临床需要用血时只交付用于血液的采集、 储存、分离、检验等费用 。手续到血站报销上述费用 。
01 献血法律法规
(1)、献血证,献血者身份证件(代办人员也许提供身份证)。 (2)、诊断证明和住院每日清单(或总清单、或用血证明)。 (3)、结算发票(原件或复印件盖章)。
*核对身份,防止冒名顶替 *电脑查询献血记录(基本资料、 体检信息、检测结果等) *血站保存献血信息十年 *实名制献血,享受用血权利 *杜绝隐瞒真实情况的献血 *防止采集有安全隐患的血液 *从源头保证血液质量 *希望爱心人士大力支持
再次提醒: 参加无偿献 血时,请您 出示身份证 明!(身份 证、驾驶证、 献血证、军 官证等)
Donate your blood as a Chinese patriot2、人间自有真情在,献出鲜血播下爱。
As you donate your blood, love and affection in the society is enhanced and propagated. 3、献血无损健康,救人功德无量。
Blood donation, risk-free to your health, can save human life, therefore a great feat benefiting the society. 4、无偿献血,血浓情更浓。
While donating blood, your affection matters more. 5、献出的血有限,献出的爱无限。
Although the blood you donated is not limitless, your affection is. 6、你血输在我身,你情深入我心。
Your affection is transfused as your blood 7、献血献髓救人,生命之树常青。
The tree of life is thriving for ever as blood and marrow is donated. 8、我以我血献爱心。
Blood donation is the best way to display affection. 9、手拉手,心连心,献血不分你我他。
Hand in hand and heart by heart, blood donation is indiscriminate. 10、热血是生命的标志,无偿献血是文明进步的标志。
Blood characterizes life and therefore blood donation characterizes our enlightened civilization. 11、献血的意义在于:拯救别人,圣洁自己。
无偿献血的英语作文Voluntary blood donation is a selfless act that can save lives and contribute to the wellbeing of society. Here is an English essay on the importance of voluntary blood donation and the reasons why people should participate in it.Title The Significance of Voluntary Blood DonationIntroductionBlood is the lifeline of any living being and without it life would not be possible. In times of medical emergencies accidents or surgeries the availability of blood can make the difference between life and death. This is where voluntary blood donation comes into play offering a lifesaving resource to those in need.Body1. Importance of Blood DonationBlood donation is critical in healthcare as it is needed for various medical procedures such as surgeries organ transplants and treating patients with blood disorders.It is a way to help others without expecting anything in return embodying the spirit of altruism and community service.2. Benefits of Blood DonationDonating blood not only helps others but also has health benefits for the donor. It can help lower the risk of heart disease and improve overall blood circulation.Regular blood donation can also lead to early detection of certain health conditions during the screening process.3. Overcoming Fears and MisconceptionsSome people may be hesitant to donate blood due to fear of needles or misconceptions about the process. However blood donation is a safe and relatively painless procedure.Educating the public about the importance of blood donation and dispelling myths can encourage more people to participate.4. Encouraging ParticipationBlood donation drives can be organized in schools workplaces and community centers to increase awareness and participation.Social media campaigns and celebrity endorsements can also play a role in promotingvoluntary blood donation.5. Legal and Ethical ConsiderationsBlood donation should be voluntary and not coerced. Donors should be treated with respect and dignity.Ethical guidelines must be followed to ensure the safety and wellbeing of both donors and recipients.ConclusionVoluntary blood donation is a noble act that can save countless lives. By participating in blood donation individuals can make a significant contribution to society and help those in need. It is our collective responsibility to support and promote this lifesaving initiative. In conclusion voluntary blood donation is a selfless and heroic act that can have a profound impact on the lives of others. It is a way to give back to the community and make a difference in the world. By overcoming fears misconceptions and promoting awareness we can encourage more people to participate in this vital cause. Let us all come together to support voluntary blood donation and help save lives.。
捐款的英语名词捐款的英文:donationdonation 读法英 [də(ʊ)'neɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [do'neʃən]n. 捐款,捐赠物;捐赠短语:1、blood donation 献血;捐血;供血2、charitable donation 慈善捐款例句:1、Employees make regular donations to charity.员工们定期向慈善机构捐赠物品。
2、If you would like to send a donation, you can make a cheque out to Feed the Children您如果有捐款的意愿,可以填写一张支票寄给救助儿童基金会。
扩展资料一、donation的词义辨析:donation, contribution这两个名词的共同意思是“捐赠,捐款,捐赠物”。
二、donation的近义词:contributioncontribution 读法英 [kɒntrɪ'bjuːʃ(ə)n] 美 [,kɑntrɪ'bjuʃən] n. 贡献;捐献;投稿短语:1、make contribution 贡献2、make a contribution to 捐赠,贡献给;为…做出贡献3、capital contribution 资本认购;资本摊缴4、profit contribution 利润贡献;毛利5、financial contribution 财政捐款。
关于无偿献血的英语作文120英文回答:Blood Donation: An Act of Compassion and Altruism.Blood donation is a selfless act of giving that has the power to save lives. It involves voluntarily donating blood, which is then processed and used for transfusions in hospitals and medical facilities. Blood donation isessential for treating various medical conditions,including trauma, surgery, blood disorders, and cancer.The process of donating blood is relatively straightforward. Donors must meet certain eligibility criteria, such as age, weight, and health status. Theactual donation process typically takes around 10-15 minutes, during which approximately one pint of blood is collected.There are numerous benefits associated with blooddonation. Firstly, it can help save lives. Every blood donation can potentially help up to three people in need. Secondly, blood donation can provide health benefits to donors, such as reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke, and certain types of cancer. Thirdly, it promotes a sense of community and social responsibility.To encourage blood donation, many countries have established blood banks and donation campaigns. These organizations aim to collect sufficient blood to meet the needs of their communities. Blood donation is often incentivized with small gifts or rewards, such as snacks or gift cards. However, it is important to remember that blood donation should be motivated by a desire to help others, rather than personal gain.There are certain precautions and guidelines that donors should follow to ensure the safety and quality of the donated blood. These include abstaining from alcohol and certain foods before donating, being well-rested, and disclosing any potential medical conditions or medications.In conclusion, blood donation is a vital act ofkindness that can make a profound difference in the livesof others. It is a simple and rewarding way to contributeto the well-being of our communities. By donating blood, we not only save lives but also support a critical aspect of healthcare.中文回答:无偿献血,一份仁慈与无私。
献血 英语作文
献血英语作文Donating Blood。
Blood donation is an act of giving a part of your blood to save someone's life. It is a noble act that can make a huge difference in someone's life. One unit of blood can save up to three lives, and the process of donating bloodis simple, safe, and painless. In this article, we will discuss the importance of blood donation, the benefits of donating blood, and the process of donating blood.Importance of Blood Donation。
Blood donation is important because it helps save lives. Blood is needed for various medical procedures, surgeries, and accidents. In cases of emergencies where a patient has lost a lot of blood, immediate transfusions can be life-saving. Blood donation is also important for people who suffer from chronic diseases like leukemia, sickle cell anemia, and thalassemia. These patients require regularblood transfusions to survive.Benefits of Donating Blood。
In China, for example, the annual blood donation day has become a nationwide event. It is held on June 14th every year and aims to raise awareness about the importance of blood donation. During this event, people from all walks of life come together to donate blood, demonstrating their commitment to saving lives and supporting their communities.
Furthermore, blood donation plays a critical role in supporting medical research and advancements. Blood is a valuable resource for scientists and researchers who are working to develop new treatments, medications, and therapies. By donating blood,individuals contribute to the advancement of medical science, which can benefit society as a whole.
申请无偿献血三免卡流程英文回答:Applying for the free blood donation three exemption card involves a simple and straightforward process. This card allows individuals to donate blood without any cost, while also exempting them from certain fees and charges related to blood donation. Here is the step-by-step process to apply for the card:1. Research and gather information: Before applying for the three exemption card, it is important to gather all the necessary information about the card's benefits,eligibility criteria, and any specific requirements. This can be done by visiting the official website of the blood donation center or contacting them directly.2. Check eligibility: Ensure that you meet theeligibility criteria for obtaining the three exemption card. Typically, the criteria include being of legal age, in goodhealth, and not having any medical conditions that may prevent blood donation. It is also important to check if there are any additional requirements, such as a minimum weight or a specific blood type.3. Complete the application form: Obtain theapplication form either online or from the blood donation center. Fill out the form accurately and provide all the required information, such as personal details, contact information, and any medical history that may be relevant. Double-check the form for any errors or missing information before submitting it.4. Medical examination: After submitting theapplication form, you may be required to undergo a medical examination to ensure that you are fit for blood donation. This examination usually includes a physical check-up, blood tests, and screening for any infectious diseases. The results of the medical examination will determine your eligibility for the three exemption card.5. Receive the card: If you meet all the requirementsand pass the medical examination, you will be issued thefree blood donation three exemption card. This card will be valid for a specific period, usually one year, and can be used to donate blood without any cost or additional charges.6. Utilize the benefits: Once you have the three exemption card, you can start donating blood without any financial burden. Moreover, you may also be exempted from certain fees or charges related to blood donation, such as laboratory tests or processing fees. It is important to familiarize yourself with the specific benefits provided by the card and utilize them accordingly.中文回答:申请无偿献血三免卡的流程非常简单和直接。
英文:In my opinion, blood donation is a very important issue. Firstly, donating blood can help save the lives of others. When someone has an accident or is ill and needs a blood transfusion, our donation can be their lifeline. In this process, we can feel our own value and significance, because our little contribution can change the fate of others.中文:其次,献血也有益于自己的身体健康。
英文:Secondly, blood donation is also beneficial to our own physical health. Each time we donate blood, it can promote metabolism and make our bodies healthier. Moreover, through blood donation, we can have regular check-ups of our physical condition and detect potential health problems in time. Therefore, blood donation can not only help others, but also make ourselves healthier.中文:当然,献血也可以让我们感受到一种成就感和快乐。
献血的好处与坏处英语作文Title: The Pros and Cons of Blood Donation。
Introduction:Blood donation is a noble act that involves voluntarily giving blood, typically to a blood bank or hospital, foruse in transfusions or medical research. While it is widely acknowledged for its benefits, there are also somepotential drawbacks to consider.Pros of Blood Donation:1. Saving Lives:Blood donation saves lives by providing essential blood products to those in need, including accident victims, surgical patients, and individuals with medical conditions such as anemia or cancer.2. Health Benefits for Donors:Regular blood donation can have health benefits for the donors themselves, including reducing the risk of heart disease and certain cancers. Donating blood also stimulates the production of new blood cells, promoting overall blood circulation and health.3. Free Health Screening:Blood donation centers typically provide donors with free health screenings, including tests for blood pressure, hemoglobin levels, and infectious diseases such as HIV and hepatitis. This can help donors become more aware of their health status and detect any potential health issues early on.4. Community Contribution:Blood donation strengthens communities by fostering a culture of altruism and compassion. It brings people together for a common cause and encourages solidarity amongcommunity members.5. Environmental Impact:By donating blood, individuals contribute toreducing medical waste, as unused blood products have a limited shelf life and must be disposed of properly. This helps minimize the environmental impact of healthcare practices.Cons of Blood Donation:1. Potential Health Risks:While rare, there are potential health risks associated with blood donation, including fainting, dizziness, and bruising at the donation site. In some cases, donors may experience more serious complications such as infection or allergic reactions.2. Time and Effort:Blood donation requires a significant time commitment, as donors must undergo a screening process, donate blood, and then rest and recover afterward. This can be inconvenient for individuals with busy schedules orthose who live far from donation centers.3. Exclusion Criteria:Not everyone is eligible to donate blood due to certain exclusion criteria, such as age, weight, medical history, or recent travel to certain countries. This canlimit the number of potential donors and make itchallenging to meet the demand for blood products.4. Fear and Anxiety:Some individuals may experience fear or anxietyabout the blood donation process, including fear of needles, fainting, or adverse reactions. These psychologicalbarriers can deter potential donors from participating in blood donation programs.5. Limited Shelf Life:Blood products have a limited shelf life, typically ranging from a few days to several weeks depending on the type of product. This means that blood donations must be constantly replenished to meet ongoing demand, posing logistical challenges for blood banks and hospitals.Conclusion:In conclusion, blood donation offers numerous benefits, including saving lives, promoting donor health, and strengthening communities. However, it is essential to acknowledge the potential drawbacks, such as health risks, time commitment, and exclusion criteria. By weighing the pros and cons, individuals can make informed decisions about whether to participate in blood donation programs and contribute to the collective effort to improve public health and well-being.。
无偿献血英语作文Voluntary blood donation is a selfless act that saves lives and contributes to the well-being of society. It is an act of kindness where individuals donate their blood without any financial compensation, with the sole purpose of helping those in need.The process of blood donation is quite straightforward. Donors are first required to fill out a health questionnaire to ensure they are eligible to donate. This is followed by a brief physical examination and a small blood sample test to check for any diseases. If the donor is deemed fit, they are then led to a donation area where their blood is drawn by trained medical professionals.Blood donation is not only beneficial for the recipients but also for the donors themselves. Regular blood donation can help in maintaining a healthy iron level in the body, whichin turn can reduce the risk of heart disease. Moreover, it can also help in creating a sense of community and fostering a spirit of altruism.However, it is important to note that not everyone can donate blood. There are certain health conditions and lifestyle factors that may disqualify an individual from donating. Pregnant women, individuals with certain infections, and those with low hemoglobin levels are typically not eligible to donate.In conclusion, voluntary blood donation is a noble act that plays a crucial role in healthcare. It is a way for individuals to give back to their community and potentially save lives. By understanding the process and the benefits, more people may be encouraged to participate in this life-saving activity.。
献血注意事项Blood donation is an act of kindness and generositythat can save lives. However, it is important to beinformed and prepared before deciding to donate. Here are some key things to consider when it comes to blood donation: 1. **Eligibility Criteria:** Not everyone is eligibleto donate blood. Criteria include being at least 18 years old, weighing at least 50 kilograms, and being in general good health. Additionally, individuals should not have any active infections or chronic diseases.2. **Pre-donation Preparation:** It is important tostay hydrated and eat a healthy meal before donating. Avoid fatty foods as they can affect the quality of the blood. Also, get a good night's sleep and refrain from alcohol and drugs for at least 24 hours before donation.3. **Health History:** It is crucial to provide an accurate health history when registering for blood donation. This includes any past or present medical conditions, surgeries, hospitalizations, and allergies. Thisinformation helps ensure the safety of both the donor and the recipient.4. **Donation Process:** During the donation process,it is important to remain calm and relaxed. The procedureis relatively painless and takes about 30 minutes to an hour. After the donation, it is normal to feel slightly lightheaded or dizzy, so it is advisable to rest for a few minutes before leaving.5. **Post-donation Recovery:** After donating blood, it is important to rest and avoid strenuous activities for the next 24 hours. Drinking plenty of water and eating iron-rich foods can help replenish the body's iron stores.6. **Frequency of Donation:** While regular blood donation is encouraged, it is important to wait at least 56 days between donations to ensure the body has enough time to recover.7. **Risks and Side Effects:** Although blood donation is generally safe, there are some risks and side effects to be aware of. These include temporary fatigue, soreness at the donation site, and rarely, allergic reactions or fainting.In conclusion, blood donation is a noble act that can have profound impacts on the lives of others. However, it is crucial to be informed and prepared before donating. Following these guidelines can help ensure a safe and successful donation experience.**献血注意事项**献血是一种善良和慷慨的行为,可以挽救生命。
英语作文献血的好处The Benefits of Blood Donation.Blood donation is an altruistic act that saves livesand promotes community well-being. It involves thevoluntary transfer of blood from a healthy individual to a person in need, often due to an illness, accident, or surgery. The process is safe, simple, and can have profound impacts on both the recipient and the donor.1. Saving Lives.The most significant benefit of blood donation is its ability to save lives. Blood is a vital resource in healthcare, essential for transfusions and other procedures. Each donation can potentially help multiple patients, depending on the type of blood and its compatibility with recipients. By donating blood, individuals contribute tothe global effort to ensure a reliable supply of thiscrucial resource.2. Promoting Health.Blood donation is also beneficial for the donor's health. It stimulates the body's natural regeneration process, leading to the production of new blood cells. This can improve cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of certain diseases, such as iron overload and heart disease. Additionally, regular blood donation can help maintain a healthy weight and reduce the chances of developing high blood pressure.3. Community Solidarity.Blood donation fosters a sense of community and solidarity. It brings people together, creating a bond based on shared values and the desire to help others. By participating in blood donation campaigns, individuals can contribute to building a stronger, more resilient community that is prepared to respond to emergencies and crises.4. Ensuring Blood Safety.Regular blood donations from healthy individuals help ensure the safety of the blood supply. Regular screeningand testing of donors ensure that the blood collected isfree from infectious diseases and other contaminants. This ensures that patients receiving blood transfusions are at minimal risk of acquiring infections or other complications.5. Boosting the Immune System.Blood donation can also have a positive impact on the donor's immune system. When the body produces new bloodcells following a donation, it also produces more white blood cells. These cells are crucial for fightinginfections and maintaining overall health. Therefore, blood donation can be seen as a way to strengthen one's immune system and reduce the risk of infections.6. Providing Emotional Fulfillment.For many individuals, blood donation brings a sense of fulfillment and purpose. The act of giving something asprecious as blood to someone in need can be deeply rewarding and satisfying. It is a way to contribute to society, make a difference, and know that one's actions have had a positive impact on another person's life.In conclusion, blood donation is a valuable and beneficial act that has far-reaching impacts. It saves lives, promotes health, fosters community solidarity, ensures blood safety, boosts the immune system, and provides emotional fulfillment. By rolling up one's sleeve and donating blood, individuals can make a significant contribution to global health and well-being.。
11 献血场所关键物料
11.1 献血场所应配备饮料和点心。 有效期、取用方式、补充方式、安全
11.2 献血场所应配备医用消毒剂、医用手套、血型检测 试剂、血红蛋白检测试剂、一次性采血针(或注射 器)、止血带、血袋、标本管、献血条形码、无菌纱 布、医用胶布、无菌棉签、绷带、医疗废物专用包装 袋和容器、接触血源性病原体个人防护用品,急救药 品、末梢采血针、末梢血收集用毛细管、创口贴等。 制定采血清单
天然污染源:指自然界自行向环境排放有害物质或造成有害影响的场所, 如正在活动的火山。
人为污染源:人类社会活动所形成的污染源。按排放污染的种类,可分为 有机污染源、无机污染源、热污染源、噪声污染源、放射性污染源、病 原体污染源和同时排放多种污染物的混合污染源。 人流量:所有人?适宜人群?测算方式?
6 献血场所布局
献血场所 2-3 4-5
献血屋(至少) 1 1-2
4-8万 8~12万
6-7 8-12
3-5 6-10
5 献血场所选址
宜选择附近没有污染源、交通便利、人流量大、方便 献血者的地点。
污染源:指造成环境污染的污染物发生源,通常指向环境排放有害物质或 对环境产生有害影响的场所、设备、装置或人体。
1 本标准规定了献血场所配置的基本要求。 本标准适用于行政区划设置献血场所。
2 GB 15982医院消毒卫生标准(2012版) GB/T 18883室内空气质量标准 3 明确献血场所定义及类型 4 明确对应数量、选址、布局要求,人员、设备
设施、关键物料配备要求,以及固定献血场所 面积
3 术语和定义
的细菌菌落总数应符合GB 15982 规定的Ⅲ类环境标准的要求。
你知道怎么用英语表达吗?College students' blood donation statistics will be linked to their academic performance and assessment at college, according to Beijing Municipal Health Bureau (BMHB) Monday.Beijing has suffered from a blood shortage since last winter, and the blood bank storage Monday showed that they are in urgent need of all four major blood types, according to the municipal blood donation service website.北京市卫生局周一下发文件表示,献血工作与志愿服务、大学生综合测评、社会实践学时以及党团组织争先创优活动相结合。
【讲解】文中的“blood donation”就是献血的意思。
无偿献血的英文表达是voluntary blood donation。
academic performance就是学业成绩的意思。
文中提到blood shortage就是大家熟知的血荒。
blood bank就是血库的意思。
血型的英语是blood type,或者也可以说是blood group。
WS T203-2020 输血医学术语 献血服务学
WS/T203-2020《输血医学术语》4 献血服务学有关术语4.1献血 blood donation个人为临床治疗需要给予全血或血液成分的过程。
4.2 单采 apheresis从一个献血者体内采集一种或几种血液成分,并将其余成分回输给献血者的过程,通常由血细胞分离机自动完成。
4.3 献血者 donor;blood donor给予全血或血液成分者。
4.3.1 自愿无偿献血者 non-remunerated voluntary blood donor个人自愿捐出其全血或血液成分而不接受任何报酬,无论是以现金的形式,还是可以折算成现金的其他替代形式,如超过献血和来往交通所需的合理时间之外的休假。
自愿无偿献血也被称为利他性献血(altruistic blood donation)。
注:在我国港澳台地区称为捐血者(donor;blood donor)。
4.3.2 初次献血者 first-time donor第一次参加献血的献血者。
4.3.3 重复献血者 repeat donor献血2次及以上的献血者。
4.3.4 定期献血者 regular donor至少献过3次血,且近12个月内献血至少1次的献血者。
4.4 单位 unit献血量和血液成分的计量方式。
全血以200 ml为1个单位;血液成分以从200 ml全血中分离制备出的为1个单位;单采血小板以符合国家标准的1袋单采血小板(1个人份)为1个单位,1个单位单采血小板又称为1个治疗量(therapeutic dose)。
4.5 千人口献血量 blood donations per thousand population一段时间内(通常为一年),一个区域内平均每一千人口中的献血量(单位),通常用于衡量临床用血满足程度。
那么,你知道无偿献血的英文怎么说吗?无偿献血的英语:blood donation without payment | Blutspende | Blood donation | Don de sang无偿献血的英语:Blood Donation without Repayment无偿献血车的英语:Voluntary Blood Donation Vehicle无偿献血屋的英语:Voluntary Blood Donation Station自愿无偿献血者:VNRBD无偿献血的英语例句:献血类型有三种:自愿无偿献血、家庭/替代献血和有偿献血。
There are three types of blood donation: voluntary, unpaid donations, family/replacement donations, and paid donations.无偿献血志愿者们在街头向市民介绍无偿献血的知识。
Non-remunerated blood donation volunteers were introducing blood donation knowledge to citizens.那要看是不是无偿献血,但现在大多是无偿献血。
That is not to look at non-remunerated blood donation, but now mostly non-remunerated blood donation.无偿献血,体现您高尚的精神境界。
Unpaid blood donation embodies the spirit of the noble realm.第十一条无偿献血的血液必须用于临床,不得买卖。
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• Double red cells. Double red cell donation is also done using apheresis. In this
case, only the red cells are collected.
About Blood Donation
• Plasma. Plasma may be collected simultaneously with a platelet donation or it may be
collected without collecting platelets during an apheresis donation.
we could help those injured people not only via collecting calamity fund but also via donating blood
Blood donation is a voluntary procedure. You agree to have blood drawn so that it can be given to someone who needs a blood transfusion. Millions of people need blood transfusions each year. Some may need blood during surgery. Others depend on it after an accident or because they have a disease that requires blood components. Blood donation makes all of this possible.
1. Are you male or female? 2. Have you ever donate blood? How many times? 3. Why do you donate blood? 4. Do you think it is dangerous to donate blood? 5. Will you do it again?
Tyle blood. This is the most common type of blood donation, during which
approximately a pint of whole blood is given. The blood is then separated into its components — red cells, plasma, platelets.
There are 44 people did my survey and all of them are Chinese college students, 19 males (43.18%) and 25 females (56.82). There are 21 persons (47.73%) have experience of blood donation which could not reach the half of the sum. It means in China only a small group of college student have blood donation experience. In the folks ever donated blood, there are 10 (22.73%) persons donated 2 – 3 times while 5 (11.36%) persons donated over 3 times, which occupies 71.42% in all the people who ever donated blood. That shows that almost three-quarter will donate blood not only ones.
• Participants: Chinese student and their attitude • Internet survey: Convenient • Invitations delivered: QQ (most common) • 6 questions: Feedback elevation and time saving • Reviews and research papers: PubMed
Some persons think that
It’s dangerous
The others think that
It’s meaningful and safe
In China, one of the biggest groups to make a blood donation are college students
Online survey by
• To know the relationship between the affection factors, such as age, gender and the importance of the first time, and blood donation, I could get the trend of blood donation. What is more, potential donor may be found via analysis of characters and purpose of blood donation.
Blood Donation
At the Beijing Time of 8:02 on April 20
Lushan County in Ya'an
a small village of Sichuan Province, China
An earthquake of 7.0 magnitude
• With the analysis of the reasons why the donors think blood donation is favorable or unfavorable, I would form an primary idea about how to promote and advocate blood donation in daily life and which realm the potential donors would most easily misunderstood.
Obviously, the trend of blood donation situation is positive in the group of Chinese college student who is the major part of blood donation group. But the people who have been donated blood is still less than those with no experience. The reason of this phenomenon is worth thinking. Maybe, the publicity or promotion is not enough. On the other dimension, people may not have right and enough knowledge in blood donation. It should clarified in the following survey. After the first blood donation, most of the donators will do it again, which mean it doesn’t look like so dangerous or scary. At least, the reason why people want to donate blood is favorable and most of the survey participants express that they would donate blood in future. With this survey, it can be summarized that the trend and the attitude of blood donation is good. With this trend goes, blood donation will be accepted by more and more persons.
• Platelets. This type of donation uses a process called apheresis. During apheresis, the
donor is hooked up to a machine that collects the platelets and some of the plasma, and then returns the rest of the blood to the donor.
Whether they have donated blood is another crucial issue. Most of them (69.05%) hold the idea that helping people is the main aim of blood donation and the second reason is that do good to health. Amazingly, nobody think that blood donating is harmful and have no chance to do it. Also, none of them donate blood for knowing blood type. Mentioned with the risk, over half of the participants (68.18%) say “no”. when asked “will you do it again?” , 59.09% of the persons hold the positive intention.