



SAP ERP MM培训测试 ______ MM 模块 ______ ________ / ________分数 模块 岗位 / 部门第一部分:名词解释(每题5分,共20 分)1.Client集团)2.采购组织3. 采购组:4. 库存地:第二部分:多项选择题(每题5分,共30 分)1.物料管理的主数据包括有:()A、物料主数据B、供应商主数据C、信息记录D货源清单2.下列那些组织要素在物料管理中应用()A、集团B、公司代码C 、工厂D 、库存地E、采购组织F、采购组3.对公司代码,以下说法正确的是:()A 、一个集团(client )下可定义多个公司代码。

B 、进行会计核算的集团(client )中的法律实体或独立会计核算单位。

C 、要出具法律规定的资产负债表和损益表。

D 、所有财务凭证在此层次上记帐。

4.物料主数据包括那些视图(A 基础数据B 采购数据C 销售数据D MRP(生产)数据F 财务数据G 库存管理数据H 分类I 附加数据5.采购信息记录包括那些数据( A 一般数据B 采购数据C 条件D 文本6.物料类型具有哪些控制功能:(A、决定可以使用哪个视图B、物料的数量、价值是否可以更新C、是否允许内部或者外部采购D财务上更新哪个会计科目第三部分:填空题(每题 515 分)分,共1. 移动类型可以用位字母或者数字表示。

2. 供应商主数据的数据分为那三部分数据:、3. 在R/3 系统中,每种物料移动都会产生凭证,有两种凭证-第四部分:是非题,(共10 分)1、一个采购组织可以为多个工厂服务. ()2、一个工厂仅能指派给一个公司代码()3、库存盘点是在库存级进行的()4、由于各模块的使用部门不同,物料主数据分为多个视图。


()第五部分:简答题(共25 分)1.收货将产生哪些影响:2.库存类型举例:3、物料管理模块有哪些主数据。

这些主数据分别在哪些组织架构上维护4.采购申请/ 计划可以来自于哪些方面?。

SAP项目MM考试试题 及 答案v40

SAP项目MM考试试题 及 答案v40

MM 物料管理模块测试题小组:姓名:操作用户:考分:一、单项选择题(共8题,每题3分,共24分)1、MM模块管理的实际业务主要是针对 ( D )部门的。

A、财务和生产B、采购和销售C、采购和财务D、仓储和采购2、采购信息记录的作用是( A ) 。

A、记录供应商与物料采购价格B、记录采购员的信息C、记录供应商的信息D、记录物料的成本信息3、物料主数据扩充采购视图,使用的事务代码为:( D )A、MM60B、MM02C、MM06D、MM014、对于供应商账户组,下列说法错误的是( D )A、账户组可以决定供应商的分类B、账户组可以决定供应商的编码方式(内部给号或外部给号)C、账户组可以决定供应商的编码范围D、账户组可以决定供应商与物料的关系5、下列说法错误的有( B )。

A、采购申请可以直接手工创建或由运行MRP得到B、通过事物代码ME5A可以查询采购订单清单C、通过事物代码ME5A可以查询采购申请清单D、通过事物代码ME29N可以对单张采购订单进行审批6、与采购订单的创建来源无关的是( C )A、询价单B、采购申请C、销售订单D、采购合同7、货物移动肯定会产生( C )A、财务凭证B、会计凭证C、物料凭证D、库存数量变化8、系统中采购订单收货的移动类型是( A )A、101B、102C、161D、201二、不定项选择题(共6题,每题4分,共24分)1、采购订单中一般包含( ABCD )A.供应商B.价格C.交货时间D.数量2、物料主数据上可以激活( AB ) 功能。

A、批次管理B、过账入质检库存C、寄售D、退货3、下面哪几种方式可以创建采购订单?( ABCD )A、手工创建B、根据采购申请创建C、根据询价单创建D、根据采购合同创建4、SAP系统中的基本库存类型有 ( ABC )。

A、非限制使用货物B、质量检验货物C、冻结货物D、供应商分包货物5、下列关于货物移动的说法中,正确的是( BCD )。

A. 按照采购订单的收货肯定会造成库存数量的增加;B. 如果和财务相关,则会产生财务凭证;C. 所有的货物移动都会产生物料凭证;D. 同一公司下的不同工厂之间的库存转移不会产生会计凭证。



1、什么是ERP系统?答:ERP的名称是企业资源计划(Enterprise Resources Planning)的缩写,是一套将财会、分销、制造和其它业务功能合理集成的应用软件系统。




3、什么是SAP?R/3系统包含有哪些功能模块?SAP是一家通过业务工程成功地集成信息技术的公司,SAP(System Applications and Products in Data Processing,数据处理的系统、应用和产品)R/3系统是SAP用于分布式客户机/服务器环境的标准ERP软件的主打产品, 主要功能模块包括:销售和分销、物料管理、生产计划、质量管理、工厂维修、人力资源、工业方案、办公室和通信、项目系统、资产管理、控制、财务会计。

4、在SAP R/3 MM模块中,MM指的是?请列举三个或三个以上的MM主要功能。

答:MM指的是物料管理模块(Material management)MM对应的主要功能包含如下:∙产生物料需求计划;∙采购申请及维护;∙货物的移动;∙发票校验;∙库存管理;∙库房管理;∙库房结构定义;∙库房转移处理;∙库房级的库存支持;∙供应商评价;∙与应用相关的分类;∙采购信息系统维护;∙合作伙伴信息管理、销售业务人员管理、销售电话和会见客户等活动的管理等等。






SAP项目MM模块培训考试题日期: 部门: 姓名:单项选择题(每题5分,共40分):1.在MM的组织架构中,库存地点必须存在于:()A.工厂 B.公司代码 C.采购组织 D.集团2.下列选项中,哪些不是MM主数据:()A.物料主数据B.供应商C.采购信息记录D.客户3.在物料主数据中,重订货点的MRP类型是:()A.PDB.VBC.NDD.M14.采购申请的产生方式不可以是:()A.通过MRP自动生成B. 手工维护C.通过计划订单转换D.通过采购订单生成5.采购订单不能够参照下面的哪一项创建:()A.采购申请B.询报价C.采购订单D.采购信息记录6.供应商寄售的库存类型是:()A. KB. WC. OD. E7.下列哪一种移动类型通常不会产生会计凭证:()A. 101B. 201C. 311D. 3098.库存盘点的过程中,不包括的步骤是:()A. 创建盘点凭证B.进行物料移动C.查看差异清单D. 差异过帐日期: 部门: 姓名:上机操作(以下操作均需要截图):(60分)1、完成一个物料、一个供应商的“采购申请”、“采购信息记录”、“采购订单下达”、“采购订单收货”、“发票校验”的全部操作,并记录相关信息。














SAP MM培训阶段测试题 附答案

SAP MM培训阶段测试题 附答案

SAP培训阶段测试题――MM物料管理部门:姓名:分数:第一类:选择题(包括单选和多选,每题3.5分,共70分)1. 在SAP R/3系统中,MM模块是指下列哪一项:物料管理销售与分销生产计划财务管理2. MM模块管理的实际业务主要针对哪两个部门:财务和生产采购和销售采购和财务采购和物管创建采购申请创建采购订单修改采购订单差异过账MMBEMB03ME12ME135. 下面哪个选项的事务代码能查看物料凭证:MB03ME23NME53NMM036. 创建采购订单的事务代码是:ME21NME22NME51NME52NMD04ZMMR030MB51MB5B8. 查询物料编码所用到的事务代码分别是:MM01MMBEMM03MM049. 采购订单汇总的事务代码是:ME11ZMMR014ME54NME23N1010010001000011. 创建托外采购订单是,项目类别应选以下哪个:标准服务外协加工寄售ME53NMB51ZMMR037MB5213. 下列哪个移动类型跟收货无关的:10151150190114. 下列选项中,哪个不属于MM主数据:物料主数据供应商采购信息记录客户15. 信隆SAP系统中,事务代码ME59N是做什么处理的:分配货源采购申请审批自动转采购订单创建采购申请16. 系统内创建采购订单时,下列哪个字段不是必输字段:供应商采购组织数量文本26190190390518. 下面哪种采购文件类型是具有法律效应的外部文件,它代表与供应商之间的一个正式且经批准的采购业务:采购申请采购订单采购询价采购报价19. 下面事务代码中哪一个不是采购订单清单事务码:ME2NME2MME2LMB5120. 不良品报废用到的事务代码和移动类型是:MB1A/551MB1C/979MB1B/541MB1C/909第二类:问答题(30分)1、如何完整的创建一笔标准采购订单,请采购资讯员列举需要输入哪些信息。


SAP专业教材资料XX SAP -MM-培训练习1-20120521-V1

SAP专业教材资料XX SAP -MM-培训练习1-20120521-V1
– SAP菜单路径:后勤 -> 物料管理 -> 采购 -> 主数据 -> 信息记录 -> 清单显示 -> 按供 应商
▪ 采购清单显示-按物料(ME1M)
– SAP菜单路径:后勤 -> 物料管理 -> 采购 -> 主数据 -> 信息记录 -> 清单显示 -> 按物 料
– SAP菜单路径:后勤 -> 物料管理 -> 采购 -> 询价/报价 -> 报价邀请 -> 创建
▪ 询价单修改(ME42)
▪ 供应商主数据修改(XK02)
– SAP菜单路径:后勤 -> 物料管理 -> 采购 -> 主数据 -> 供应商 -> 中央的 -> 更改
▪ 供应商主数据查询(XK03)
– SAP菜单路径:后勤 -> 物料管理 -> 采购 -> 主数据 -> 供应商 -> 中央的 -> 显示
▪ 供应商清单显示(MKVZ)
© 2012 IBM Corporation
销售:一般/工厂 – 可用性检查:02 – 运输组:0001 – 装载组:0002 采购 – 采购组:
MRP – MRP类型:PD – MRP控制者:001 – 批量大小:EX – 采购类型:F – 计划边际码:000
© 2012 IBM Corporation
– SAP菜单路径:后勤 -> 物料管理 -> 采购 -> 采购申请 -> 显示
© 2012 IBM Corporation
物料:选择物料 申请数量: 交货日期: 工厂: 点击保存



第一部分:选择题1.在物资管理中,SAP系统所需要使用的一些基础数据我们称之为“主数据”,以下哪几项是物资管理模块中的主数据?A. 物料主数据B. 功能位置主数据C. 设备主数据D. 供应商主数据2.物料主数据工厂级数据不在以下哪个视图中维护____________。

A. 采购视图B. MRP视图C. 会计视图D. 基础数据视图3.以下哪个事务代码为创建采购申请的事务代码____________?A. MM01B. ME51NC. ME21ND. ME564.物资年度需求计划内容可以从以下哪些方式获取。

A. 通过项目年度需求计划B. 通过系统平衡利库C. 通过补录方式D. 通过检修计划工单产生5.以下哪种业务不属于采购员范畴。

A. 创建采购订单B. 维护采购信息记录C. 参与入库物资的质检工作D.建立PM01维修工单6.集团SAP项目从2012年5月开始实施,主要实施5大模块,这些模块分别是:设备管理(PM)、项目管理(PS)、财务管理(FICO)、合同管理(CM)及_______________模块。

A. 人力资源管理(HRM)B. 物资管理(MM)C. 文档管理(DMS)D. 客户关怀管理(CCS)7.以下对SAP系统的描述不正确的是。

A.一个工厂下可以存在多个库存地点B. 库存地点可以是物理上的也可以是虚拟的C. 采购申请单在创建时必须确定供应商及价格D. 采购订单可以基于采购申请或采购合同建立8.以下哪些事务码可以查询采购申请报表[]A. MM60B. MB51C. ME5AD. ME2M9.以下几个事务码可以查看当前物资库存状态?[]A. MB52B. IW21C. IH01D. MMBE10.采购申请在什么状态下才允许生成采购订单?[]A. 最终审批完成B. 生成采购申请时C. 询报价结束后D. 随时可以第二部分判断题1.点击菜单栏的“收藏夹”,选择“插入事务”,在弹出的窗口中,输入相关的事务代码(交易代码)即可将目标事务加入收藏夹。








6 标准委外加工需在项目类别内选择,费用性采购订单的科目类别选择为。

7、批量打印采购订单的事务码是二|判断题(每题2分,共20分),正确打“√”“×”1、必需由PMC部门下请购单才可以转采购订单()2、组件委外的信息记录在创建时一定要选择创建“标准委外”型的信息记录()3、现阶段科泰克的费用性采购订单和固定资产采购订单都是无料号的()4、采购订单如果修改后在打印必须要重新维护输出类型()5、开立采购订单之前必须先要维护采购价格条件记录和合格供应商清单()6、采购订单集中审批的事务代码是ME55 ()7、多个采购申请单可以下在同一订单,一个采购申请单也可以转成多个采购订单。

()8、原材料返修的采购订单和普通的国内采购订单形式上是一样的()9、只有三大件采购订单需要在系统进行报关维护作业()10、查询委外供应商库存的事务码是MB51()三、选择题(每题5分,共20分,可以多选)1、查看采购订单执行明细情况的事务码是:()A、ME2MB、MW2NC、ZMM011D、ME2L2、三大件采购员下采购订单的订单类型是:()A、一般贸易进口采购B、国内采购订单采购C、进料加工采购订单D、杂项采购订单3、可以按时间段查询物料出入库明细的事务码是:()A、MB52B、MB51C、MB5BD、MMBE4、采购订单打印事务代码:()A、ME9FB、ME28C、 ME23ND、ZMM002四、系统操作题(40分)(第1题是10分,第2题和第3题分别是15分)1、KAS1工厂行政部因急需购置一批一次性的办公用品,请采购部费用性采购人员依据以下条件建立一张一次性采购申请单并转换为的采购订单(建采购申请时不会可以提问)物料:鲜花数量:自定物料组:Z001(行政办公费用)采购组织:K000预估价格:自定工厂:KAS1采购订单号:2、请做一张委外采购订单,条件:供应商 10000008信息记录:工厂:KAS1采购单号为:3、采购人员请做一题内交出货的采购订单,条件:物料:34000003供应工厂:KAS2开单工厂:KAS1采购单号为:。



1. 在SAP R/3系统中,MM模块是指下列哪一项:
A 物料管理
B 销售与分销
C 生产计划
D 财务管理
2. MM模块管理的实际业务主要针对哪两个部门:
A 财务和生产
B 采购和销售
C 采购和财务
D 采购和物管
3. 采购业务的过程中,不包括的步骤是:
A 创建采购申请
B 创建采购订单
C 修改采购订单
D 差异过账
4. 下面哪个选项的事务代码能查看物料凭证:
A MB03
D MM03
5. 创建采购订单的事务代码是:
6. 查询物料编码所用到的事务代码分别是:
A MM01
C MM03
D MM04
7. 下列选项中,哪个不属于MM主数据:
A 物料主数据
B 供应商
C 采购信息记录
D 客户
8. 系统内创建采购订单时,下列哪个字段不是必输字段:
A 供应商
B 采购组织
C 数量
1 / 2
D 文本
9. 下面哪种采购文件类型是具有法律效应的外部文件,它代表与供应商之间的一个正式且经批准的采购业务:
A 采购申请
B 采购订单
C 采购询价
D 采购报价
10. 下面事务代码中哪一个不是采购订单清单事务码:
D MB51
2 / 2。



sap考试题一、概述SAP(Systeme, Anwendungen und Produkte in der Datenverarbeitung)是一种集成的企业资源计划(ERP)软件系统,由德国SAP公司开发并广泛应用于全球各行业。




以下为常见的SAP考试题型:1. 单项选择题:参与者需要从给定的选项中选择一个正确答案。

示例:Q1. 在SAP系统中,FI模块用于管理哪些业务流程?A)采购B)销售C)资金管理D)人力资源2. 多项选择题:参与者需要从给定的选项中选择一个或多个正确答案。

示例:Q2. SAP SD模块包含以下哪些业务功能?A)销售订单管理B)出厂物流C)收款管理D)供应商管理3. 填空题:参与者需要在给定的空白处填入正确的答案。

示例:Q3. 在SAP系统中,T-code CO11用于____。

填空:生产订单确认4. 简答题:参与者需要简短地回答一个问题,提供正确的解释或简要说明。

示例:Q4. 请解释SAP的全称。

回答:Systeme, Anwendungen und Produkte in der Datenverarbeitung (数据处理中的系统、应用和产品)5. 情景题:参与者需要根据给定的情景描述,回答相关问题。

示例:Q5. 你在SAP系统中接到一个客户投诉的电话,他声称他未收到他的订单。


三、备考建议1. 学习SAP系统:熟悉SAP系统的不同模块以及其对应的功能和业务流程是备考的基础。

通过学习系统界面、交互方式和常用T-codes (事务代码),加深对系统操作的理解和掌握。


What do you recommend?
a) O
Define and use a special confirmation control key and run the report "Generation of inbound deliveries" periodically. Use SAP SNC (Supplier Network Collaboration) to allow the supplier to create inbound deliveries in a Web portal. The goods receipt department should create an inbound delivery manually, if there is none. Activate "no shipping notification required" in the vendor master, that the system creates inbound deliveries automatically.
Questions 1. Your customer wants to harmonize the goods receipt processes "with reference to PO" and "with reference to inbound deliveries". They want to use inbound deliveries even if the supplier does not send shipping notifications.



1.Whatisthedifferencebetweenthestocktransferbetweentwoplants belongingtosamecompanycodeandthosebelongingtodifferentcompanycode?2.WhatarethefieldsinPurchasingview?3.Whatarethestepsinautomaticaccountassignmentconfig.4.Howdoyoucreatemovementtypes?Whatarethestepsinvolved?Whenwill yourecommendanewmovementtype?5.Whatismeantbyaccesssequence?Whenitisused?6.HowdoesthePOpickupthepricingschema?7.Whatarethestepsinvolvedincreatingapricingprocedure?8.Whatarethetypesofspecialstocksavailable?9.Whatarethetypesofinforecords?10.Whatismeantbyconsignmentstock?11.Whatarethestepsinvolvedinconsignmentcycle?12.Tellmeaboutthesubcontractingcycle.13.Howisscrapaccountedinsubcontracting?14.Howarethebyproductstakencareofinsubcontracting?15.Tellmeaboutthevariousmovementtypesandusage.16.Whatismeantbyscales?Canscalesbeusedinstandardpurchaseorder?17.Whatisthedifferencebetweenacontractandaschedulingagreement?18.Howdoesthesystemcalculatetaxes?19.Howdoesthesystemcalculatenondeductibletaxes?20.Whatismeantbybatches?Howcanthebatchesbesearched?21.Howisashelf-lifeitemmanagedinSAP?Whatisthefullcycle?22.Whatarethesettingsrequiredforquotaarrangement?23.WhatismeantbyMRPTypeandlotsizing?24.Canitbeconfiguredinsuchawaythattheexternalrequisitionscanalso betakenintoaccountwhileMRPrunsinconsumption-basedplanningifVBisselectedasMRPtype?25.Whatisareferencepurchaseorganization?Whencanitbeused?26.Explaintheconceptofsplitvaluationandwhencanitbeused?Whatarethesettingsrequired?27.Whatarevaluationarea,valuationcategoryandvaluationclass?28.Whatismeantbyacreditmemo?29.HowarefreeitemsmanagedinaPO?30.Whatismeantbyareleasestrategy?31.Whatarereleasegroupsandreleasecodes?32.Whatarethedifferencesbetweenreleaseprocedurewithclassificationandreleaseprocedure withoutclassification?Whenaretheyused?32.IsitpossibletohaveareleaseprocedurewithoutclassificationforaPO?33.WhatisthemaximumnumberoflevelsavailableinSAP?35.Isitpossibletohavescalesinaquotation?1. What is the difference between the stock transfer between two plants belonging to same company code and those belonging to different company code?2. What are the fields in Purchasing view?3. What are the steps in automatic account assignment config.4. How do you create movement types? What are the steps involved? When will you recommend a new movement type?5. What is meant by access sequence? When it is used?6. How does the PO pick up the pricing schema?7. What are the steps involved in creating a pricing procedure?8. What are the types of special stocks available?9. What are the types of inforecords?10. What is meant by consignment stock?11. What are the steps involved in consignment cycle?12. Tell me about the subcontracting cycle.13. How is scrap accounted in subcontracting?14. How are the byproducts taken care of in subcontracting?15. Tell me about the various movement types and u Sage.16. What is meant by scales? Can scales be used in standard purchase order?17. What is the difference between a contract and a scheduling agreement?18. How does the system calculate taxes?19. How does the system calculate nondeductible taxes?20. What is meant by batches? How can the batches be searched?21. How is a shelf-life item managed in SAP? What is the full cycle?22. What are the settings required for quota arrangement?23. What is meant by MRP Type and lot sizing?24. Can it be configured in such a way that the external requisitions can also be taken into account while MRP runs in consumption-based planning if VB is selected as MRP type?25. What is a reference purchase organization? When can it be used?26. Explain the concept of split valuation and when can it be used? What are the settings required?27. What are valuation area, valuation category and valuation class?28. What is meant by a credit memo?29. How are free items managed in a PO ?30. What is meant by a release strategy?31. What are release groups and release codes?32. What are the differences between release procedure with classification and release procedure without classification? When are they used?32. Is it possible to have a release procedure without classification for a PO ?33. What is the maximum number of levels available in SAP?35. Is it possible to have scales in a quotation?36. What is GR blocked stock? When it can be used?37. What is the movement type for return to vendor? How to reverse it?38. How are the variations in subcontracting taken care of in SAP?39. What are the tools available for data migration in SAP?40. What is LSMW?41. What is the difference between LSMW and CATT?42. How to give specifications for developments?43. How do you plan for a vendor rating system and move about?44. What is RTP?45. What is the movement type used in receipt of RTP?46. How is an item with serial no. managed?47. How do you make variants?48. What are the types of tables in SAP?49. How to inventory excise duty in SAP?50. What are the documents generated in the MIGO 101 movement type? What are the accounts hit?。

SAP MM 测试题

SAP MM 测试题

SAP MM 测试题Inventory ManagementQuestion 1In the purchase order on which the goods receipt is based, you defined a purchase order price unit that differs from the purchase order unit.What is the significance of the purchase order price unit and what should you take note of in the case of a goods receipt?1. The purchase order price unit is stored in the material master record or purchasing info record and defines the unit of measure in which the materialis ordered.2. The system establishes the relationship between InventoryManagement the purchase order price unit and the purchase order unit by unit conversion in the purchase order.3. At the time of goods receipt, both the quantity in the purchase order unit and the quantity in the purchase order price unit have to be entered, however, the quantity in purchase order price unit is calculated by the system. You have to change it, when the calculated quantity differs from reality.4. Both at the time of goods receipt and invoice verification, the material is valuated on the basis of the purchase order unit.Question 2You enter a goods issue and receive the following message: "W: On , only0.000 pieces are available".What do you conclude from this?1. No stocks of the material exist anywhere in the entire plant. Therefore, nothing can be withdrawn.2. Only the specified storage location does not contain any stocks ofthe material. Therefore, nothing can be withdrawn.3. The material exists in the specified storage location on the current day, however, it is unavailable, because of other reservations.4. The message represents a warning which you can ignore by pressing the ENTER key.Question 3At which level is physical inventory carried out in Inventory Management ?1. At material level2. At material/stock type level3. At material/plant/stock type level4. At material/plant/storage location/stock type levelQuestion 4What options do you have after entering a physical inventory count for a raw material?1. You can initiate a recount.2. You can print a list of differences to determine the materials you have to recount.3. You can post an inventory difference, whereby a material document and an accounting document are created in the background.4. You can post the inventory difference, whereby only an accounting document is created in the background.Question 5How do you replicate a delivery free of charge in R/3’s Materials Management?1. You enter a purchase order with the purchase order price. Then, however, you post the receipt with reference to the purchase order using a non-valuated movement type.2. You enter a purchase order item, set its invoice indicator to blank and its purchase order price to zero, and then post the goods receipt.3. You do not enter a purchase order, but post the delivery free of charge using a specific movement type in Inventory Management.4. You create the material with the material type UNBW and then post the goods receipt without reference to the purchase order.Question 6When does the system automatically create a storage location view in the material master record?1. At the first goods receipt into special stocks the system creates a special stock - storage location view with the number 9999.2. Automatic creation of storage locations (views) must be permitted for the plant.3. In customizing, you can define for movement types whether at goods movement the system creates a storage location view automatically.4. If the first goods receipt of a material is posted to a cost center and you have set the automatic creation of storage location views for the plant and movement type, the system creates the storage location view automatically.Question 7Which of the following statements about movement types are true?1. The movement type influences the update of material stock account and consumption account.2. In the standard SAP system, you can enter per material document only goods movements of one movement type.3. Goods movements, that are created from other application areas (for example a delivery in SD), are not described with movement types.4. The movement type used controls field selection for the goods movement transaction.5. If you use special stock indicators you can create different stock and value updates of a material for one and the same movement type.ValuationQuestion1Which of the following statements on procuring a material of material type NLAG are correct?1. The purchase order must be account assigned.2. The goods receipt must always be non-valuated.3. When you enter an invoice, you can change the account assignment as long as the goods receipt was non-valuated.4. When the material is for consumption, no document is ever created in Financial Accounting.Question 2Which of the following stock transfers/transfer postings are relevant to valuation?1. Stock transfer from storage location to storage location within the same plant or company code.2. Stock transfer from consignment stores of vendor XY to our unrestricted-use stock in storage location 0001.3. Transfer posting from stock in quality inspection in storage location 001 to stock in quality inspection in storage location 0002 within the same plant.4. Stock transfer of a material from storage location 0001 from plant 0001 to plant 0002. The plants belong to the same company, however the valuation areas are different (valuation level is plant).Question 3Which of the following statements about valuation classes are true?1. The valuation class is maintained in the material master record at the storage location level. With that, a split valuation per storage location is possible.2. The valuation class is maintained in the material master record at valuation area level. With that, different account determination is possiblefor the materials of one material type. For example, you can have different material stock accounts for different materials of the same material type.3. The valuation class is a standard class of the classification system. A characteristic of this class refers to the moving average price or standard price in the accounting view in the material master record. With that, it is possible to search for materials with similar prices. The search is possible with direct values, intervals and greater than / less than relationships.4. The valuation classes will be tied to one or more material types via an account category reference.Question 4Which of the following statements on price control in the SAP R/3 system are correct?1. Price control “Sâ€? allows only purchase orders with constant prices. Therefore, for purchased materials with price control “Sâ€?, you should arrange outline agreements to protect the constant price.2. Price control “Vâ€? is recommended for purchased materials.3. If a goods issue is posted between when you post the goods receipt and when you post the invoice, and this leads to the total stock being smallerthat the quantity to be settled, the system posts any differences between the purchase order price and the invoice for the quantity consumed (stock shortage) to a price difference account, irrespective of the price control that the material is subject to.4. The importance of price control “Vâ€? depends on whether the material ledger is active or not. If you are not working with the material ledger, price control “Vâ€? means that you are using the moving average price. This means that the value of the stock account and the price per price unit is adjustedfor existing stocks.5. In the case of differences between the purchase order price andthe valuation price in the material master, the difference is posted to aGR/IR clearing account at goods receipt if you are working with price control “Sâ€?. This is then cleared when the invoice is posted.Material RequirementsPlanningQuestion 1Which prerequisites must be fulfilled before a new MRP list can be created for amaterial?1. The material was included in the planning run.2. The creation indicator allows the creation ofMRP lists.3. The material has been assigned an MRP group.4. The material has been assigned an MRP profile.5. The planning run is carried out in the background.Question 2Which data must you have maintained in the system so that schedule linesare automatically created as a result of the planning run for forecast-based planning?1. MRP procedure VV is defined in the material master record; past consumption values exist; a scheduling agreement exists; a source list with the scheduling agreement as the supply source is defined as relevant to planning; a forecast exists; a planning run is executed with an appropriate setting for the automatic creation of schedule lines.2. MRPprocedure VV is defined in the material master record; a scheduling agreement exists; a quota arrangement exists and is defined as relevant to planning; a forecast exists; a planning run is executed with an appropriate setting for the automatic creation of schedule lines.3. MRP procedure VV is defined in the material master record; a scheduling agreement exits; a source list with the scheduling agreement as the supply source is defined as relevant to planning; a forecast exists; a planning run is executed with an appropriate setting for the automatic creation of schedule lines.4. MRP procedure VV is define in the material master record; past consumption values exist; a scheduling agreement exists; a quota arrangement relevant to planning exists; a forecast exists; a planning run is executed with an appropriate setting for the automatic creation of schedule lines.Question 3Which MRP procedures are used in consumption-based planning?1. Forecast-based Planning2. Material requirements Planning3. Manual reorder point Planning4. Systematic materials Planning5. Time-phased materials PlanningPurchasingQuestion 1How can a purchasing info record be generated?1. Manual entry2. Update from purchase order3.Update from purchase requisition4. Update from RFQQuestion 2Purchase orders can be outputted (printed or transmitted) in different languages. Where does the system obtain the information determining the language in which a PO is to be printed?1. Customizing setting2. The language must be specified when you log on to the system. This is then used as the basis for system printing.3. You specify the language to be generally used for communication purposes for each vendor in the vendor master record.4. The language from the PO header is used.5. The language is defined via the material short text.Question 3How is the outputting(printing/transmission) of purchase orders controlled?1. As a rule, the system attempts to determine a message record for each message type in the message schema by means of an access sequence.2. A message record in the PO header contains all the information that is necessary for outputting, such as the printer and the transmission time-spot.3. Printing only takes place if the print indicator has been set in the PO item.4. Printing only takes place if at least one message record can be found. Question 4What is an access sequence?1. The access sequence is used within the context of the "condition technique" to find condition records.2. An access sequence can comprise several condition tables.3. An access sequence defines which condition records are allowed and thesequence in which they are selected.4. An access sequence is assigned to the condition types that are to be determined automatically.5. Within an access sequence you can define, that after the first successful access at a condition record the system is not searching another records.Question 5How does the system determine the conditionswhen creating a purchase order?1. The system uses an access sequence stored in Customizing to determine the appropriate info record.2. If the info record concerned was created manually, you can copy the conditions directly from the info record to the purchase order.3. If the info record concerned was created automatically, there is onlya reference to the previous purchase order, from which the system then determines the conditions.4. You can enter the conditions manually. However, you cannot use scale prices.Question 6Which statements regarding the release(approval) of purchase requisitions with classification are correct?1. The assignment of the release strategy is effected automatically via the values assigned to the class characteristics.2. The release status describes which follow-on actions are possible in connection with the purchase requisition (for example, release for issue of RFQs, release for issue of RFQs and PO).3. The purpose of the release strategy is to exercise control over the transmission of the purchase requisition.Question 7In which way can you obtain information on purchase orders issued to a vendor that have not yet been invoiced?1. You make use of a list that displays all the purchase orders issued to a certain vendor. You limit the POs shown on the list to those that have not yet been invoiced by the appropriate definition of the Scope of List.2. You make use of a list that displays all the purchase orders issued to a certain vendor. You limit the POs shown on the list to those that have not yet been invoiced by means of the selection parameters.3. The selection parameters and list scopes are predefined by SAP and cannot be changed.Question 8How does the system assign prices to items when creating a purchase order? To what extent can you use these prices in subsequent purchase orders?1. You can enter conditions manually. However, you cannot use scaleprices.2. The conditions for the purchase order items are saved as conditions in the info record. The system then proposes these prices insubsequent purchase orders.3. Info records that the system created automatically from the purchase order only contain the reference to the previous purchase order, from which the system determines the conditions.4. If there is no info record, and if the purchase order item is created with reference to a purchase requisition item that has a material master record, the system assumes the price from the purchase requisition.Question 9What does the purchasing document type control?1. Number assignment2. Permitted item categories3. The eligibility of scaled prices in contracts4. The eligibility of scaled prices in scheduling agreements5. Which header texts, appendix texts, and item texts are printedQuestion 10:You wish to procure a material using a purchase order. You wish to takedelivery of the material at different times. A graduated discount scale exists for the material. How do you proceed if you wish to take advantage of the discount arrangement?A Enter several order items with the same material number and different delivery datesB Enter one order item with the material number and assign the material to different accountsC Enter an order item with the material number and create a number of schedule linesD Enter a number of purchase orders for the material and specify different delivery datesInvoice VerificationQuestion 1Which options for handling cash discounts are available in R/3?1. Gross or net posting at the time of goods receipt2. Gross or net posting at the time of invoice receipt3. Gross or net posting at the time of purchase order entry4. Deduction of cash discount during the payment run in Financial Accounting5. Gross or net posting when the invoice is releasedQuestion 2Which of the following statements on purchasing transactions using foreign currencies are correct?1. An exchange rate can be entered in the order header. This is onlyfor statistical purposes to be able to analyze fluctuations.2. At goods receipt the system uses the current exchange rate.3. You can configure the system so that it uses the current exchange rate in Invoice Verification.4. You can configure the system so that it uses the exchange rate from the purchase order in Invoice Verification.5. You can configure the system so that it uses the exchange rate from the order header in Invoice Verification.Question 3What must you take into account if you want to post an invoice before the goods receipt? What are the consequences of using this procedure?1. You must set the GR-based invoice verification indicator in the purchase order at the latest.2. Before you enter the invoice, you must set the GR-based invoice verification indicator in the vendor master record.3. The system cannot refer to the quantity to be settled and the corresponding amount. You must enter this information manually every time.4. The system identifies a quantity variance and blocks the invoice for payment (provided that the appropriate tolerance limits are exceeded).Master DataQuestion 1Which of the following statements about the material number are true?1. You can extend the length of the material number to a maximum of 40 characters. You configure this in Customizing.2. When you create a material, the system checks if the material number falls within a number range defined in Customizing, depending on the material type.3. The system checks the existence of the material number in all transactions that work with material master records.4. When you create a new material master record without specifying a material number, the system always generates a material number automatically.5. You can use a template to format the material number, which you configure in Customizing. It applies to all material master records in an R/3 System.Question 2What controls the account group in the vendor master?1. Account determination2. Field selection in the vendor master3. Type of number assignment for vendor master4. Particular use of vendor master recordQuestion 3:Which of the following statements on procuring a material of the material type NLAG are correct?A. The purchase order must be acount assigned.B. The goods receipt must always be unvaluated.C. when you enter an invoice, you can change the account assignement as long as the goods receipt was unvaluated.D. When the material is for consumption, no document is ever created in Financial Acccounting.。















A.手工B. MRPC. 合同D. 框架协议2.框架协议由()组成.A. 采购订单、采购申请B. 采购订单、合同C. 合同、计划协议D. 合同、交货计划3.维护框架协议涉及的事务代码是()A . ME31K B. ME01 C. ME31L D. ME384.外协采购的主要步骤有()A. 创建外协采购订单,项目类别为LB. 维护相应BOMC. 创建常规采购订单D. 创建特殊采购订单,项目类别为“空”5.合同可通过()方式维护A. MRPB. 手工C. 参照采购申请D. 参照询价E. 采购订单F. 计划订单6.采购订单可通过()方式创建A. 采购申请B. 合同C. 手工D. 报价7.维护源清单涉及的事务代码是()A. ME01B. ME03C. ME05D. ME118.“ME2M”事务代码主要的作用是()A. 采购信息记录查询B. 物料的采购凭证查询C. 供应商的采购凭证查询D. 物料凭证查询9.采购订单的审批事务代码是()A. ME29NB. ME28C. ME38D.ME22N10.寄售采购中的价格为()A. 零B. 由采购信息记录决定C. 手工输入D. 从合同中带入三.判断题(每题1分,共10分)1采购申请仅能手工创建。




A. 人力资源管理(HRM)B. 物资管理(MM)C. 文档管理(DMS)D. 客户关怀管理(CCS)2.物资年度需求计划内容可以从以下哪些方式获取。

A. 通过项目年度需求计划B. 通过系统平衡利库C. 通过补录方式D. 通过检修计划工单产生3.以下哪种业务不属于采购员范畴。

A. 创建采购订单B. 维护采购信息记录C. 参与入库物资的质检工作D.建立PM01维修工单4.物料主数据工厂级数据不在以下哪个视图中维护____________。

A. 采购视图B. MRP视图5.C. 会计视图 D. 基础数据视图以下对SAP系统的描述不正确的是。

A.一个工厂下可以存在多个库存地点B. 库存地点可以是物理上的也可以是虚拟的C. 采购申请单在创建时必须确定供应商及价格D. 采购订单可以基于采购申请或采购合同建立6.以下哪些事务码可以查询采购申请报表[]A. MM60B. MB51C. ME5AD. ME2M7.以下几个事务码可以查看当前物资库存状态?[]A. MB52B. IW21C. IH01D. MMBE8.以下哪个事务代码为进入库存操作界面的事务代码____________?A. MM01B. MIGOC. MB51D. ME569.通过何种方式可以在系统中进行领料出库操作。

A. 打印带工单号的领料单B. 领料时直接报工单号C. 正常情况下,可以先领料后补工单D. 手工记录领料出库10.以下哪些事务码可以查询出入库凭证记录[]A. MM60B. MB51C. ME5AD. ME2M第二部分判断题1.点击菜单栏的“收藏夹”,选择“插入事务”,在弹出的窗口中,输入相关的事务代码(交易代码)即可将目标事务加入收藏夹。



第一部分:选择题1.在物资管理中,SAP系统所需要使用的一些基础数据我们称之为“主数据”,以下哪几项是物资管理模块中的主数据?[]A. 物料主数据B. 功能位置主数据C. 设备主数据D. 供应商主数据2.物料主数据仓库级数据在以下哪些视图中维护____________。

A. 采购视图B. MRP视图C. 一般工厂数据/存储D. 基础数据视图3.以下哪种业务不属于仓库管理员范畴?[]A. 对工单进行发料B. 物资盘点C. 建立采购订单D. 物资报废4.以下哪个事务代码为进入库存操作界面的事务代码____________?A. MM01B. MIGOC. MB51D. ME565.集团SAP项目从2012年5月开始实施,主要实施5大模块,这些模块分别是:设备管理(PM)、项目管理(PS)、财务管理(FICO)、合同管理(CM)及_______________模块。

A. 人力资源管理(HRM)B. 物资管理(MM)C. 文档管理(DMS)D. 客户关怀管理(CCS)6.通过何种方式可以在系统中进行领料出库操作。

A. 打印带工单号的领料单B. 领料时直接报工单号C. 正常情况下,可以先领料后补工单D. 手工记录领料出库7.以下哪种业务不属于仓库保管员范畴。

A. 创建采购订单B. 返修件入库管理C. 参与入库物资的质检工作D. 库存盘点8.以下对SAP系统中的描述不正确的是。

A.一个工厂下可以存在多个库存地点B. 库存地点可以是物理上的也可以是虚拟的C. 厂内一步转储总库存数量不变D. 当已完成采购订单交货数量后,仍可以继续使用该凭证进行入库操作9.以下哪些事务码可以查询出入库凭证记录[]A. MM60B. MB51C. ME5AD. ME2M10.以下几个事务码可以查看当前物资库存状态?[]A. MB52B. IW21C. IH01D. MMBE第二部分判断题1.点击菜单栏的“收藏夹”,选择“插入事务”,在弹出的窗口中,输入相关的事务代码(交易代码)即可将目标事务加入收藏夹。



MM模块面试问题1. 什么是ERP系统?答:ERP是Enterprise Resource Planning(企业资源管理计划)的简称。


2. 请简单描述一下业务流程图的定义及其分类?答:业务流程图是一种具体描述业务流程中的业务操作步骤的图形表现方式。



3. 什么是SAP,R/3系统包含哪些功能模块?答:SAP是一家德国公司思爱普(System Application and Products)的简称,SAP公司是全球最大的企业管理软件公司,ERP是其名下的旗舰型产品,1982年推出的ERP的前身SAP R2,1992年推出ERP 产品SAP R3,2005年推出SAP ECC6。

SAP ERP 针对人力、财力、物力3类资源对象可分为三个主要功能组成部分:n 人力资源管理(HCM)功能模组:对应的主要是HR模块。

n 财务管理(Finace)功能模组:对应的主要是FI和CO模块。

n 后勤管理(Logistics)功能模组:细分为PP(生产计划与执行)、MM(物料管理)、SD(销售与分销管理)、QM(质量管理)等模块。

4. SAP中MM模块指的是?请列举3个以上MM功能。


MM模块主要功能包含:n 基本数据管理:物料主数据、供应商主数据、采购信息记录、货源清单、配额协议等各项数据的维护。

n 采购管理:包含采购申请、采购批准、采购订单处理、采购订单跟踪、采购货物接收入库等n 库存管理:库存事物处理(入库、出库、领料、发料、盘点),库存状态的控制,库存分析与评估n 发票校验:采购订单、收货单,发票数量和金额匹配,账实一致n 仓库管理:n 物料管理系统:5. MM管理的主要目标是什么?答:适时、适地、适量、适质、适地原则。

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1. 在SAP R/3系统中,MM模块是指下列哪一项:
A 物料管理
B 销售与分销
C 生产计划
D 财务管理
2. MM模块管理的实际业务主要针对哪两个部门:
A 财务和生产
B 采购和销售
C 采购和财务
D 采购和物管
3. 采购业务的过程中,不包括的步骤是:
A 创建采购申请
B 创建采购订单
C 修改采购订单
D 差异过账
4. 下面哪个选项的事务代码能查看物料凭证:
A MB03
D MM03
5. 创建采购订单的事务代码是:
6. 查询物料编码所用到的事务代码分别是:
A MM01
C MM03
D MM04
7. 下列选项中,哪个不属于MM主数据:
A 物料主数据
B 供应商
C 采购信息记录
D 客户
8. 系统内创建采购订单时,下列哪个字段不是必输字段:
A 供应商
B 采购组织
C 数量
1 / 2
D 文本
9. 下面哪种采购文件类型是具有法律效应的外部文件,它代表与供应商之间的一个正式且经批准的采购业务:
A 采购申请
B 采购订单
C 采购询价
D 采购报价
10. 下面事务代码中哪一个不是采购订单清单事务码:
D MB51
2 / 2。
