Dialogue 4 A: Have a nice weekend! B: Thanks. You too!. A: Do you have any plans? B: Another day, another dollar. (和往常一样)
Do you know……
It’s been lovely to see you again.
Look forward to seeing you again.
All the best.
Best wishes.
Regards to your parents.
Send your parents my best.
Are you leaving for Guangzhou soon?
I guess so. Perhaps next Monday.
Dialogue 2 How are you getting along? I haven’t seen much of you lately. Keeping busy. Doing what? I am supposes to give you my oral defense(答辩) tomorrow. A: Well, keeping busy before oral defense is all in day’s work. be all in day’s work:不足为奇,司空见惯
Dialogue 2 A: I must run along now. I’ve enjoyed this evening very much. B: It was a pleasure having you. A: Every success with your research project. I hope it goes well. B: Thank. Take care then.
Dialogue 4 A: Have a nice weekend! B: Thanks. You too!. A: Do you have any plans? B: Another day, another dollar. (和往常一样)
Do you know……
It’s been lovely to see you again.
Look forward to seeing you again.
All the best.
Best wishes.
Regards to your parents.
Send your parents my best.
Are you leaving for Guangzhou soon?
I guess so. Perhaps next Monday.
Dialogue 2 How are you getting along? I haven’t seen much of you lately. Keeping busy. Doing what? I am supposes to give you my oral defense(答辩) tomorrow. A: Well, keeping busy before oral defense is all in day’s work. be all in day’s work:不足为奇,司空见惯
Dialogue 2 A: I must run along now. I’ve enjoyed this evening very much. B: It was a pleasure having you. A: Every success with your research project. I hope it goes well. B: Thank. Take care then.
The measures were effective.The antelope population has recovered and in June2015,the Tibetan antelope was removed from the endangered species list. The government.howeverdoes notintend to stop the protection programmes. since the threats to the Tibetan antelope have not yet disappeared.
Myguide is Zhaxi, a villager from Changtang. He works at the Changtang National Nature ReseveThe reserve is a shelter for the animals and plants of northwestern TibetToZhaxi, the land is sacred and protecting the wildlife is a way of life. "We're not trying to save the animals," he says. "Actually, we're trying to save ourselves."
Tibetan antelopes live on the plains of Tibet, Xinjiang. and Qinghai. Watching them move slowly across the green grass, I'm stuck by their beauty. i'm also reminded of the danger they are in.They are being hunted, ilegally, for their valuable fur.
Myguide is Zhaxi, a villager from Changtang. He works at the Changtang National Nature ReseveThe reserve is a shelter for the animals and plants of northwestern TibetToZhaxi, the land is sacred and protecting the wildlife is a way of life. "We're not trying to save the animals," he says. "Actually, we're trying to save ourselves."
Tibetan antelopes live on the plains of Tibet, Xinjiang. and Qinghai. Watching them move slowly across the green grass, I'm stuck by their beauty. i'm also reminded of the danger they are in.They are being hunted, ilegally, for their valuable fur.
A, 投诉人和被投诉人的名称、地址、电话等 B,具体的投诉事项及事实依据 C,质疑和质疑回复情况及相关证明材料 D, 提起投诉的日期
Group work (模板仿写)
Dear (称呼),
I am
(自我介绍).I feel பைடு நூலகம்ad to trouble you but I’m afraid that I have to
• A reason for not being satisfied; a statement that sb makes saying that they are not satisfied.
Key words
1.neighbour与……为邻 3.be located/situated in/near 坐落在 5.with a history of 有……的历史 7.cover an area of 面积有……
(问题产生的后果).I would appreciate it
very much if you could
Thank you for your consideration and I am looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,
课堂活动 角色扮演
投诉某件事 要求演出或说出投诉信的内容
A letter of complaint should include the following writing points:
A,投诉人和被投诉人的名称、地址、电话等 B,具体的投诉事项及事实依据 C,质疑和质疑回复情况及相关证明材料 D提起投诉的日期
长 的 时 间 隧 道,袅
进 入 夏 天 ,少 不了一 个热字 当头, 电扇空 调陆续 登场, 每逢此 时,总 会想起 那 一 把 蒲 扇 。蒲扇 ,是记 忆中的 农村, 夏季经 常用的 一件物 品。 记 忆 中 的故 乡 , 每 逢 进 入夏天 ,集市 上最常 见的便 是蒲扇 、凉席 ,不论 男女老 少,个 个手持 一 把 , 忽 闪 忽闪个 不停, 嘴里叨 叨着“ 怎么这 么热” ,于是 三五成 群,聚 在大树 下 , 或 站 着 ,或随 即坐在 石头上 ,手持 那把扇 子,边 唠嗑边 乘凉。 孩子们 却在周 围 跑 跑 跳 跳 ,热得 满头大 汗,不 时听到 “强子 ,别跑 了,快 来我给 你扇扇 ”。孩 子 们 才 不 听 这一套 ,跑个 没完, 直到累 气喘吁 吁,这 才一跑 一踮地 围过了 ,这时 母 亲总是 ,好似 生气的 样子, 边扇边 训,“ 你看热 的,跑 什么? ”此时 这把蒲 扇, 是 那 么 凉 快 ,那么 的温馨 幸福, 有母亲 的味道 ! 蒲 扇 是 中 国传 统工艺 品,在 我 国 已 有 三 千年多 年的历 史。取 材于棕 榈树, 制作简 单,方 便携带 ,且蒲 扇的表 面 光 滑 , 因 而,古 人常会 在上面 作画。 古有棕 扇、葵 扇、蒲 扇、蕉 扇诸名 ,实即 今 日 的 蒲 扇 ,江浙 称之为 芭蕉扇 。六七 十年代 ,人们 最常用 的就是 这种, 似圆非 圆 , 轻 巧 又 便宜的 蒲扇。 蒲 扇 流 传 至今, 我的记 忆中, 它跨越 了半个 世纪, 也 走 过 了 我 们的半 个人生 的轨迹 ,携带 着特有 的念想 ,一年 年,一 天天, 流向长
世,它的各部分装饰设计、装饰 风格、装饰(雕刻、壁画、彩画 等)艺术都体现了以藏族为主, 汉、蒙、满各族能工巧匠高超的
进 入 夏 天 ,少 不了一 个热字 当头, 电扇空 调陆续 登场, 每逢此 时,总 会想起 那 一 把 蒲 扇 。蒲扇 ,是记 忆中的 农村, 夏季经 常用的 一件物 品。 记 忆 中 的故 乡 , 每 逢 进 入夏天 ,集市 上最常 见的便 是蒲扇 、凉席 ,不论 男女老 少,个 个手持 一 把 , 忽 闪 忽闪个 不停, 嘴里叨 叨着“ 怎么这 么热” ,于是 三五成 群,聚 在大树 下 , 或 站 着 ,或随 即坐在 石头上 ,手持 那把扇 子,边 唠嗑边 乘凉。 孩子们 却在周 围 跑 跑 跳 跳 ,热得 满头大 汗,不 时听到 “强子 ,别跑 了,快 来我给 你扇扇 ”。孩 子 们 才 不 听 这一套 ,跑个 没完, 直到累 气喘吁 吁,这 才一跑 一踮地 围过了 ,这时 母 亲总是 ,好似 生气的 样子, 边扇边 训,“ 你看热 的,跑 什么? ”此时 这把蒲 扇, 是 那 么 凉 快 ,那么 的温馨 幸福, 有母亲 的味道 ! 蒲 扇 是 中 国传 统工艺 品,在 我 国 已 有 三 千年多 年的历 史。取 材于棕 榈树, 制作简 单,方 便携带 ,且蒲 扇的表 面 光 滑 , 因 而,古 人常会 在上面 作画。 古有棕 扇、葵 扇、蒲 扇、蕉 扇诸名 ,实即 今 日 的 蒲 扇 ,江浙 称之为 芭蕉扇 。六七 十年代 ,人们 最常用 的就是 这种, 似圆非 圆 , 轻 巧 又 便宜的 蒲扇。 蒲 扇 流 传 至今, 我的记 忆中, 它跨越 了半个 世纪, 也 走 过 了 我 们的半 个人生 的轨迹 ,携带 着特有 的念想 ,一年 年,一 天天, 流向长
世,它的各部分装饰设计、装饰 风格、装饰(雕刻、壁画、彩画 等)艺术都体现了以藏族为主, 汉、蒙、满各族能工巧匠高超的
• About The Death
• 西藏人死后有五种葬法,最隆重的是塔葬。然 而只有活佛和一些领主死后,才能享受塔葬。 小孩死了,或因其它病疾死亡的人,则把尸体 丢进河里喂鱼,这叫水葬。生前作过坏事的人, 即用土葬。藏族认为,被埋的人是永远不会转 世的。 天葬寄托于一种升上“天堂”的幻想。 天葬仪式一般都是在清晨举行的:死者家属在 天亮前,要把尸体送到拉萨北郊的天葬台,太 阳徐徐升起,天葬仪式开始。不经允许一般是 不欢迎人们去观看的,因为这不太好。
• In the Tibet of snowy region, one of the most exciting and attractive things is the tr aditional festival there. Almost every month there is one or two days being festival days, some of which are evolved from the folk custom activities. Such as The Tibet an Calendar New Year. The Tibetan calendar is one of the famous Astronomical Al manac of China. The Tibetan New Year usually begins in the first day of the lunar Ja nuary and last for three or five days.The Tibetan lunar January15 is the Lantern Fes tival. This day was originally the day of the assembly; people do a lot of Ghee Lamp pilgrimage for Buddhist. Later, people add the lighthouse, lamp holder as well as b utter sculptures to shape a variety of characters, flowers, birds and animals, for vie wing.
Speaking activity: Imagine that you and your partners are
planning to make a trip down the Mekong,
you need to choose what you will take with
you, please have a group of four to discuss
but to go down the hills was great fun. hardly wait to see our 3. At last, we can_____________ cousins.
How does Wang Kung feel about the trip now? What do you think changed his mind? He is starting to like / enjoy it. Seeing how beautiful the land is has changed Wang Kun’s attitude.
WK: Well, I stay up late last night to watch the stars. WW: That’s nice. They must be pretty.
WK: Yes, they were.
Listen to the tape and mark the
rising and falling tone of each
matches water bottle
Can & bottle openers
【全国百强校】西藏林芝地区第一中学高一上学期英语课件:Unit4 Wildlife Protecti
3. And we collect money to protect the endangered animals.
Practise writing in class
A report on some endangered wildlife in China
Not enough food: loss of bamboo growing areas. Number before concern: nearly all disappeared
Leading in
What did you see in the video?
What about the seas? The heavens are falling down. I can't even breathe. What about the bleeding Earth? Can't we feel its wounds? What about animals? We've turned kingdoms into dust. What about elephants? What about tigers?
One habitat in China: Wolong Nature Reserve, Sichuan Province.
Number after concern: There are about 70 after bamboo areas set up to help them grow.
What do you think we should do to protect wild animals?
Discussion 1.First we should treat them as our friends.
Practise writing in class
A report on some endangered wildlife in China
Not enough food: loss of bamboo growing areas. Number before concern: nearly all disappeared
Leading in
What did you see in the video?
What about the seas? The heavens are falling down. I can't even breathe. What about the bleeding Earth? Can't we feel its wounds? What about animals? We've turned kingdoms into dust. What about elephants? What about tigers?
One habitat in China: Wolong Nature Reserve, Sichuan Province.
Number after concern: There are about 70 after bamboo areas set up to help them grow.
What do you think we should do to protect wild animals?
Discussion 1.First we should treat them as our friends.
【全国百强校】西藏林芝地区第一中学高一上学期英语课件:Unit4 Wildlife Protection (共16张PPT)
What do you think we should do to protect wild animals?
Discussion 1.First we should treat them as our friends.
2.Then we protect the environment in order to let them have enough food and good living conditions .
die out, protect the environment , endangered, in danger
Pna. Number before concern:
none One habitat in China : Nanhaizi Milu Park, Beijing. Number after concern:
林芝地区第一中学 王亚茹
Leading in
What did you see in the video?
What about the seas? The heavens are falling down. I can't even breathe. What about the bleeding Earth? Can't we feel its wounds? What about animals? We've turned kingdoms into dust. What about elephants? What about tigers?
very few.
Baishanzu National Natural Protection Zone, Zhejiang Province.
【全国百强校】西藏林芝地区第一中学高一上学期英语课件:Unit4 Wildlife Protection (共16张PPT)
3. And we collect money to protect the endangered animals.
Practise writing in class
A report on some endangered wildlife in China
Not enough food: loss of bamboo growing areas. Number before concern: nearly all disappeared
What do you think we should do to protect wild animals?
Discussion 1.First we should treat them as our friends.
2.Then we protect the environment in order to let them have enough food and good living conditions .
Warming up
too much hunting and killing
Why do people kill them ?
fur & skin
Why do people kill them?
Conclusion 1
What do people kill them for?
One habitat in China: Wolong Nature Reserve, Sichuan Province.
Number after concern: There are about 70 after bamboo areas set up to help them grow.
Practise writing in class
A report on some endangered wildlife in China
Not enough food: loss of bamboo growing areas. Number before concern: nearly all disappeared
What do you think we should do to protect wild animals?
Discussion 1.First we should treat them as our friends.
2.Then we protect the environment in order to let them have enough food and good living conditions .
Warming up
too much hunting and killing
Why do people kill them ?
fur & skin
Why do people kill them?
Conclusion 1
What do people kill them for?
One habitat in China: Wolong Nature Reserve, Sichuan Province.
Number after concern: There are about 70 after bamboo areas set up to help them grow.
起因: 五个红军要去偷袭萨伐河上的一座桥,而其 中一名战斗(契诃拉耶夫)牺牲在必经的一 块方场上。
经过: 老妇人掩埋士兵。
结果: 一位有斯拉夫母亲的喜烛点在苏联士 兵的坟头,悼精品念课件 烈士表达敬意。
1、请你用最简洁的语言说 说:
本文主要讲了一件什 么事?
• 明确:南斯拉夫老妇人冒 着生命危险埋葬苏联红军 烈士。
[问题]:你能体会出句中蕴含 的深意吗?
5、在炮火烧焦了的土地上,在炸弯了 的铁器和烧死了的树木中间,那位南 斯拉夫母亲的惟一珍爱的东西──她 的结婚的花烛──还是明晃晃地点在 一个苏联青年的坟头。
[问题]:这段文字如果写成“在方场 上,老妇人的蜡烛精品课还件 是明晃晃地点在
第三部分(14~31段):详写老妇人育乞 西置生死于度外,安葬红军烈士,还在 坟堆上点上藏了45年的结婚喜烛。
第四部分(32~44段):写苏联红军寻找 战士尸体时,却发精品现课件坟堆、老妇人和烛 光。
就从她那黑色的大围巾底下, 摸出她离开地窖的时候揣在 怀里的东西,这是一支大蜡 烛,是45年前她结婚的喜烛, 她一直舍不得用,珍藏到今
补充说明这支天蜡。烛非同寻常的意 [问义,题表]现:了为老妇什人么给要红对军这烈士支
蜡献烛出的的来是一历份做最补珍充贵的说感明情?。 精品课件
2、老妇人对着这烛光,坐在坟边,一动也不动, 两臂交叉抱在胸前,披着那黑色的大围巾。 [问题]:这里又提到围巾的颜色,有什么特 殊的意味?
黑色,表沉痛哀悼的庄重情感,这一着色,渲 染了肃穆气氛,表达了老妇人的哀悼之情。
老妇人是一个怎样的人 ①她从动地窖作里爬出来,想招呼那五个红军到她那里去。
经过: 老妇人掩埋士兵。
结果: 一位有斯拉夫母亲的喜烛点在苏联士 兵的坟头,悼精品念课件 烈士表达敬意。
1、请你用最简洁的语言说 说:
本文主要讲了一件什 么事?
• 明确:南斯拉夫老妇人冒 着生命危险埋葬苏联红军 烈士。
[问题]:你能体会出句中蕴含 的深意吗?
5、在炮火烧焦了的土地上,在炸弯了 的铁器和烧死了的树木中间,那位南 斯拉夫母亲的惟一珍爱的东西──她 的结婚的花烛──还是明晃晃地点在 一个苏联青年的坟头。
[问题]:这段文字如果写成“在方场 上,老妇人的蜡烛精品课还件 是明晃晃地点在
第三部分(14~31段):详写老妇人育乞 西置生死于度外,安葬红军烈士,还在 坟堆上点上藏了45年的结婚喜烛。
第四部分(32~44段):写苏联红军寻找 战士尸体时,却发精品现课件坟堆、老妇人和烛 光。
就从她那黑色的大围巾底下, 摸出她离开地窖的时候揣在 怀里的东西,这是一支大蜡 烛,是45年前她结婚的喜烛, 她一直舍不得用,珍藏到今
补充说明这支天蜡。烛非同寻常的意 [问义,题表]现:了为老妇什人么给要红对军这烈士支
蜡献烛出的的来是一历份做最补珍充贵的说感明情?。 精品课件
2、老妇人对着这烛光,坐在坟边,一动也不动, 两臂交叉抱在胸前,披着那黑色的大围巾。 [问题]:这里又提到围巾的颜色,有什么特 殊的意味?
黑色,表沉痛哀悼的庄重情感,这一着色,渲 染了肃穆气氛,表达了老妇人的哀悼之情。
老妇人是一个怎样的人 ①她从动地窖作里爬出来,想招呼那五个红军到她那里去。
The students who want to take part in the contest should sign up at the office of the Students’ Union before September 30.
The contest will be held from 7:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on October 9 in our school meeting hall.
Teaching Design
3. 想参加运动会的学生在九月三十日之前到学生会办公
室报名。The students who want to take part in the sports meeting should sign up at the office of the Students’ Union before September 30.
报名时间:9月30日以前(报名:sign up) 报名地点:学生会办公室 比赛时间:10月9日晚7:00~9:00 比赛地点:学校大会议室 奖励前8名
Teaching Design
How to write a poster?
Step 1:细审题、三确定 1.确定体裁:本文为英文海报。 2.确定人称:以第三人称为主。 3.确定时态:以一般现在时和一般将来时 为主。
Teaching Design
III 根据下列素材,完成下列写作任务. 为提高我校学生的英语口语水平,我们将举办英语
演讲比赛(English speaking contest),请你根据下面的 信息,以学生会(the Students’ Union)的名义写一份海报, 欢迎全校同学参加,届时特邀本校美籍教师史密斯先生 颁奖。
The students who want to take part in the contest should sign up at the office of the Students’ Union before September 30.
The contest will be held from 7:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on October 9 in our school meeting hall.
Teaching Design
3. 想参加运动会的学生在九月三十日之前到学生会办公
室报名。The students who want to take part in the sports meeting should sign up at the office of the Students’ Union before September 30.
报名时间:9月30日以前(报名:sign up) 报名地点:学生会办公室 比赛时间:10月9日晚7:00~9:00 比赛地点:学校大会议室 奖励前8名
Teaching Design
How to write a poster?
Step 1:细审题、三确定 1.确定体裁:本文为英文海报。 2.确定人称:以第三人称为主。 3.确定时态:以一般现在时和一般将来时 为主。
Teaching Design
III 根据下列素材,完成下列写作任务. 为提高我校学生的英语口语水平,我们将举办英语
演讲比赛(English speaking contest),请你根据下面的 信息,以学生会(the Students’ Union)的名义写一份海报, 欢迎全校同学参加,届时特邀本校美籍教师史密斯先生 颁奖。
Im. 我们再强调学习普通话的重要性也不为过。 We can not stress the importance of learning Mandarin too much. 仿写: 我们再强调学习英语的重要性也不为过。 —————————————————————————— 2. 随着中国在世界上不断强大,越来越多的外国人对学习中文变得感兴趣。 With China becoming more powerful in the world, an increasing number of foreigners become interested in learning Chinese. 仿写: 随着中国经济的发展,越来越多的外国人对学习中文变得感兴趣。 —————————————————————————— 3. 掌握英语意味着我们可以通过一个新的窗口看世界。 Mastering English means we can see the world through a new window. 仿写: 掌握一门外语意味着我们可以多了解外面的世界。
Summary and Homework
We have to stop here.Today we talked about the important or impressive persons around.Again we can see showing love to each other is of great importance.If we love each other,we can make our life more interesting and colorful. Check their compositions again and write one. Sum up what we have learnt in this unit.