Statistical Research Report Series

临床试验相关名词及解释(中英文)1.临床试验(Clinical Trial):指任何在人体(病人或健康志愿者身上)进行药品的系统性研究,以证实或揭示研究药品的作用、不良反应及/或试验用药品的吸收、分布、代谢和排泄,目的是确定研究药品的疗效与安全性。
3.研究者手册(Investigator's Brochure):是有关试验用药品在进行人体研究时已有的临床与非临床资料。
4.知情同意(Informed Consent):指向受试者告知一项试验的各个方面情况后,受试者自愿确认其同意参加该项临床试验的过程,须以签名和注明日期的知情同意书作为文件证明。
5.知情同意书(Informed Consent Form):是每位受试者表示自愿参加某一试验的文件证明。
6.伦理委员会(Ethics Committee):由医学专业人员、法律专家及非医务人员组成的独立组织,其职责为核查临床试验方案及附件是否合乎道德,并为之提供公众保证,确保受试者的安全、健康和权益受到保护。
8.协调研究者(Coordinating Investigator):在多中心临床试验中负责协调各参加中心的研究者的工作的一名研究者。


交出研究报告英文缩写Research Report - RRA research report is a detailed document that presents the findings, analysis, and conclusions of a research study. It serves as a means for researchers to communicate their work to the scientific community and beyond. The length and format of a research report can vary depending on the discipline and purpose of the study.The structure of a research report typically includes the following sections:1. Title: The title should succinctly convey the main focus of the research study.2. Abstract: The abstract is a brief summary of the report that provides an overview of the research question, methods, results, and main conclusions.3. Introduction: The introduction provides background information on the topic, states the research question or objective, and outlines the significance of the study.4. Literature Review: The literature review provides an overview of previous research relevant to the current study, highlighting the gaps or limitations of existing knowledge.5. Methodology: The methodology section describes the research design, participants, data collection procedures, and statistical analyses used in the study.6. Results: The results section presents the findings of the study, usually in the form of tables, figures, and/or descriptive statistics. It should be organized and clearly reported to facilitate understanding.7. Discussion: The discussion section interprets the results in light of the research question and relevant literature, highlighting the implications, limitations, and potential avenues for future research.8. Conclusion: The conclusion summarizes the main findings of the research study and provides a clear answer to the research question or objective.9. References: The references section lists all the sources cited in the report, following a specific citation style (e.g., APA, MLA).10. Appendices: Appendices may include additional data, questionnaires, or technical details that are relevant but too detailed to be included in the main text.In conclusion, a research report is an essential tool for disseminating research findings and contributing to the body of knowledge in a particular field. It allows researchers to communicate their work in a structured and concise manner, providing a foundation for further research and potential applications in future studies.。

Problem Section. The first required section of a research report is the statement of the problem with which the research project is concerned. This section requires a precise statement of the underlying question which the researcher has set out to answer. In this same section there should be an explanation of the significance -- social, economic, medical, psychological, educational, etc. -- of the question; in other words, why the investigation was worth conducting. Thus, if we set out, for example, to answer the question "What is the effect of regular consumption of fast foods on the health of the American teenager?" we must explain that the question is thought to have significant relevance to the health of this segment of the population and might lead to some sort of regulations on such foods.

调研报告的英文缩写A research report is commonly abbreviated as RR. It is a document that presents the findings, analysis, and conclusions from a research study or investigation. The purpose of a research report is to provide a comprehensive and systematic overview of the research project, including the methodologies used, data collected, and results obtained. Research reports are an essential part of academic and scientific research, as they allow researchers to communicate their findings to the wider scientific community and contribute to the existing body of knowledge.The structure of a research report typically includes an abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. The abstract provides a brief summary of the report, highlighting the research objectives, methodologies, and main findings. The introduction provides background information on the topic of study, establishes the research gap or problem, and outlines the research objectives. The literature review summarizes previous studies and research that are relevant to the topic and provides a theoretical framework for the current study. The methodology section describes the research design, data collection methods, and analysis techniques used. The results section presents the findings of the study, often in the form of tables, charts, and graphs. The discussion section interprets the results, compares them with previous research, and explores their implications. Finally, the conclusion summarizes the main findings, discusses their significance and limitations, and suggests future directions for research.Research reports are typically written in a clear and concisemanner, using a formal and objective tone. They should be well-organized, with headings and subheadings to guide the reader through the report. In addition to the main text, research reports may also include appendices to provide additional details, such as questionnaires, interview transcripts, or statistical analyses. It is important for researchers to adhere to specific formatting and citation styles, such as APA (American Psychological Association) or MLA (Modern Language Association), to maintain consistency and ensure the report's credibility.In conclusion, a research report is an important tool for communication in the field of research. It allows researchers to share their findings, contribute to the existing knowledge, and advance their specific field of study. Through a systematic and comprehensive structure, research reports provide a detailed overview of the research project, including its objectives, methodologies, results, and conclusions. By writing and disseminating research reports, researchers can contribute to the growth and development of their academic or scientific community.。

临床试验与实验室中常见的中英⽂名词与缩写中国创新药咨询与服务先锋CRO 临床试验以及实验室中常见的英⽂缩写药物临床试验英⽂缩写缩略语英⽂全称中⽂全称ADE Adverse Drug Event 药物不良事件ADR Adverse Drug Reaction 药物不良反应AE Adverse Event 不良事件AI Assistant Investigator 助理研究者BMI Body Mass Index 体质指数CI Co-investigator 合作研究者COI Coordinating Investigator 协调研究者CRC Clinical Research Coordinator 临床研究协调者CRF Case Report Form 病历报告表CRO Contract Research Organization 合同研究组织CSA Clinical Study Application 临床研究申请CTA Clinical Trial Application 临床试验申请CTX Clinical Trial Exemption 临床试验免责CTP Clinical Trial Protocol 临床试验⽅案CTR Clinical Trial Report 临床试验报告DSMB Data Safety and monitoring Board 数据安全及监控委员会EDC Electronic Data Capture 电⼦数据采集系统EDP Electronic Data Processing 电⼦数据处理系统FDA Food and Drug Administration 美国⾷品与药品管理局FR Final Report 总结报告GCP Good Clinical Practice 药物临床试验质量管理规范GCP Good Laboratory Practice 药物⾮临床试验质量管理规范GMP Good Manufacturing Practice 药品⽣产质量管理规范IB Investigator’s Brochure 研究者⼿册IC Informed Consent 知情同意ICF Informed Consent Form 知情同意书ICH International Conference on Harmonization 国际协调会议IDM Independent Data Monitoring 独⽴数据监察IDMC Independent Data Monitoring Committee 独⽴数据监察委员会IEC Independent Ethics Committee 独⽴伦理委员会IND Investigational New Drug 新药临床研究IRB Institutional Review Board 机构审查委员会IVD In Vitro Diagnostic 体外诊断IVRS Interactive Voice Response System 互动语⾳应答系统MA Marketing A pproval/Authorization 上市许可证MCA Medicines Control Agency 英国药品监督局MHW Ministry of Health and Welfare ⽇本卫⽣福利部NDA New Drug Application 新药申请NEC New Drug Entity 新化学实体NIH National Institutes of Health 国家卫⽣研究所(美国)缩略语英⽂全称中⽂全称PI Principal Investigator 主要研究者PL Product License 产品许可证PMA Pre-market Approval (Application) 上市前许可(申请)PSI Statisticians in the Pharmaceutical Industry 制药业统计学家协会QA Quality Assurance 质量保证QC Quality Control 质量控制RA Regulatory Authorities 监督管理部门SA Site Assessment 现场评估SAE Serious Adverse Event 严重不良事件SAP Statistical Analysis Plan 统计分析计划SAR Serious Adverse Reaction 严重不良反应SD Source Data/Document 原始数据/⽂件SD Subject Diary 受试者⽇记SFDA State Food and Drug Administration 国家⾷品药品监督管理局SDV Source Data Verification 原始数据核准SEL Subject Enrollment Log 受试者⼊选表SI Sub-investigator 助理研究者SI Sponsor-Investigator 申办研究者SIC Subject Identification Code 受试者识别代码SOP Standard Operating Procedure 标准操作规程SPL Study Personnel List 研究⼈员名单SSL Subject Screening Log 受试者筛选表T&R Test and Reference Product 受试和参⽐试剂UAE Unexpected Adverse Event 预料外不良事件WHO World Health Organization 世界卫⽣组织WHO-ICDRA WHO International Conference ofWHO 国际药品管理当局会议Drug Regulatory Authorities 药物临床试验英⽂缩写英⽂全称中⽂全称Accuracy 准确度Active control, AC 阳性对照活性对照Adverse drug reaction, ADR 药物不良反应Adverse event, AE 不良事件Adverse medical events 不良医学事件Adverse reaction 药物不良反应Alb ⽩蛋⽩ALD(Approximate Lethal Dose)近似致死剂量ALP 碱性磷酸酶Alpha spending function 消耗函数ALT 丙氨酸氨基转换酶Analysis sets 统计分析的数据集Approval 批准Assistant investigator 助理研究者AST 天门冬酸氨基转换酶ATR 衰减全反射法AUCss 稳态⾎药浓度-时间曲线下⾯积Audit 稽查Audit or inspection 稽查/视察Audit report 稽查报告Auditor 稽查员Bias 偏性偏倚Bioequivalence ⽣物等效应Blank control 空⽩对照Blind codes 编制盲底Blind review 盲态审核Blind review 盲态检查Blinding method 盲法Blinding/masking 盲法/设盲Block 层Block size 每段的长度Carryover effect 延滞效应Case history 病历Case report form/ case record form CRF 病例报告表病例记录表Categorical variable 分类变量Cav 平均浓度CD 圆⼆⾊谱CL 清除率Clinical equivalence 临床等效应Clinical study 临床研究Clinical study report 临床试验的总结报告Clinical trial 临床试验Clinical trial application CTA 临床试验申请Clinical trial exemption CTX 临床试验免责Clinical trial protocol CTP 临床试验⽅案Clinical trial/ study report 临床试验报告Cmax 峰浓度Co-investigator 合作研究者Comparison 对照Compliance 依从性Composite variable 复合变量Computer-assisted trial design CATD 计算机辅助试验设计Confidence interval 可信区间Confidence level 置信⽔平Consistency test ⼀致性检验Contract research organization CRO 合同研究组织Contract/ agreement 协议/合同Control group 对照组Coordinating committee 协调委员会Crea 肌酐CRF(case report form) 病例报告表Crossover design 交叉设计Cross-over Study 交叉研究Css 稳浓度Cure 痊愈Data management 数据管理Database 建⽴数据库Descriptive statistical analysis 描述性统计分析DF 波动系统Dichotomies ⼆分类Diviation 偏差Documentation 记录/⽂件Dose-reaction relation 剂量-反应关系Double dummy 双模拟Double dummy technique 双盲双模拟技术Drop out 脱落DSC 差⽰扫描热量计Effectiveness 疗效Electronic data capture EDC 电⼦数据采集系统Electronic data processing EDP 电⼦数据处理系统Emergency envelope 应急信件End point 终点Endpoint Criteria 终点指标Endpoint criteria/ measurement 终点指标Equivalence 等效性Essential Documentation 必需⽂件Ethics committee 伦理委员会Excellent 显效Exclusion criteria 排除标准Factorial design 析因设计Failure ⽆效失败Final point 终点Fixed-dose procedure 固定剂量法Forced titration 强制滴定Full analysis set 全分析集GC-FTIR ⽓相⾊谱-傅利叶红外联⽤GC-MS ⽓相⾊谱-质谱联⽤Generic drug 通⽤名药Global assessment variable 全局评价变量GLU ⾎糖Good clinical practice, GCP 药物临床试验质量管理规范Good manufacture practice, GMP 药品⽣产质量管理规范Good non-clinical laboratory practice, GLP 药物⾮临床研究质量管理规范Group sequential design 成组序贯设计Health economic evaluation, HEV 健康经济学评价Hypothesis test 假设检验Hypothesis testing 假设检验Improvement 好转Inclusion Criteria ⼊选表准英⽂全称中⽂全称Inclusion criteria ⼊选标准Independent ethics committee IEC 独⽴伦理委员会Information consent form ICF 知情同意书Information Gathering 信息收集Informed consent IC 知情同意Initial meeting 启动会议Inspection 检察/视察Institution inspection 机构检查Institution review board, IBR 机构审查委员会Intention-to –treat ITT 意向性分析(-统计学)Interactive voice response system IVRS 互动式语⾳应答系统Interim analysis 期中分析International Conference of Harmonization ICH ⼈⽤药品注册技术要求国际技术协调会国际协调会议Investigational Product 试验药物Investigator 研究者Investigator’s brochure, IB 研究者⼿册Last observation carry forward, LOCF 最接近⼀次观察的结转LC-MS 液相⾊谱-质谱联⽤LD50 板数致死剂量LOCF, Last observation carry forward 最近⼀次观察的结转Logic check 逻辑检查LOQ (Limit of Quantization) 定量限Lost of follow up 失访Marketing approval/ authorization 上市许可证Matched pair 匹配配对Missing value 缺失值Mixed effect model 混合效应模式Monitor 监察员Monitoring 监查Monitoring Plan 监察计划Monitoring Report 监察报告MRT 平均滞留时间MS 质谱MS-MS 质谱-质谱联⽤MTD(Maximum Tolerated Dose)最⼤耐受剂量Multi-center Trial 多中⼼试验New chemical entity NCE 新化学实体New drug application NDA 新药申请NMR 核磁共振谱Non-clinical Study ⾮临床研究Non-inferiority ⾮劣效性Non-parametric statistics ⾮参数统计⽅法Obedience 依从性ODR 旋光光谱Open-label ⾮盲Optional titration 随意滴定Original medical record 原始医疗记录Outcome 结果Outcome Assessment 结果评价Outcome assessment 结果指标评价Outcome measurement 结果指标Outlier 离群值Parallel group design 平⾏组设计Parameter estimation 参数估计Parametric statistics 参数统计⽅法Patient file 病⼈档案Patient history 病历Per protocol PP 符合⽅案集Placebo 安慰剂Placebo control 安慰剂对照Polytomies 多分类Power 检验效能Precision 精密度Preclinical study 临床前研究Primary endpoint 主要终点Primary variable 主要变量Principle investigator PI 主要研究者Product license PL 产品许可证Protocol 试验⽅案Protocol Amendments 修正案Quality assurance QA 质量保证Quality assurance unit QAU 质量保证部门Quality control QC 质量控制Query list query form 应⽤疑问表Randomization 随机Range check 范围检查Rating scale 量表Reference Product 参⽐制剂Regulatory authorities RA 监督管理部门Replication 可重复RSD ⽇内和⽇间相对标准差Run in 准备期Safety evaluation 安全性评价Safety set 安全性评价的数据集Sample size 样本量样本⼤⼩Scale of ordered categorical ratings 有序分类指标Secondary variable 次要变量Sequence 试验次序Serious adverse event SAE 严重不良事件Serious adverse reaction SAR 严重不良反应Seriousness 严重性Severity 严重程度Severity 严重程度Significant level 检验⽔准Simple Randomization 简单随机Single blinding 单盲Site audit 试验机构稽查SOP 试验室的标准操作规程Source data SD 原始数据Source data verification SDV 原始数据核准Source document SD 原始⽂件Specificity 特异性Sponsor 申办者Sponsor-investigator 申办研究者Standard curve 标准曲线Standard operating procedure SOP 标准操作规程Statistic 统计量Statistical analysis plan 统计分析计划Statistical model 统计模型Statistical tables 统计分析表Stratified 分层Study Audit 研究稽查Study audit 研究稽查Study Site 研究中⼼Subgroup 亚组Sub-investigator 助理研究者Subject 受试者Subject 受试者Subject diary 受试者⽇记Subject Enrollment 受试者⼊选Subject enrollment log 受试者⼊选表Subject identification code SIC 受试者识别代码Subject Identification Code List 受试者识别代码表Subject Recruitment 受试者招募Subject screening log 受试者筛选表Superiority 检验Survival analysis ⽣存分析SXRD 单晶 X-射线衍射System audit 系统稽查System Audit 系统稽查T1/2 消除半衰期Target variable ⽬标变量T-BIL 总胆红素T-CHO 总胆固醇Test Product 受试制剂TG 热重分析TLC、HPLC 制备⾊谱Tmax 峰时间TP 总蛋⽩Transformation 变量变换Treatment group 试验组Trial error 试验误差Trial Initial Meeting 试验启动会议Trial Master File 试验总档案Trial objective 试验⽬的Trial site 试验场所Triple blinding 三盲Two one-side test 双单侧检验Un-blinding 揭盲Unexpected adverse event UAE 预料外不良事件UV-VIS 紫外-可见吸收光谱Variability 变异Variable 变量Visual analogy scale 直观类⽐打分法Visual check ⼈⼯检查Vulnerable subject 弱势受试者Wash-out 洗脱Washout period 洗脱期实验室检查英⽂缩写英⽂全称中⽂全称⾎常规WBC white blood cell count ⽩细胞计数GR% granulocyte 中性粒细胞百分⽐LY% lymphocyte 淋巴细胞百分⽐MID% 中值细胞百分⽐EOS% eosimophil 嗜酸性粒细胞百分⽐AL% allergy lymphocyte 变异淋巴细胞百分⽐ST% 中性杆状粒细胞百分⽐RBC red blood cell 红细胞计数HGB hemoglobin ⾎红蛋⽩HCT hematocrit 红细胞⽐积红细胞⽐积MCV mean corpusular volume 平均红细胞体积MCH mean corpusular hemoglobin 平均红细胞⾎红蛋⽩含量平均红细胞⾎红蛋⽩浓度MCHC mean corpuscular hemoglobinconcerntrationRDW red blood cell volume distribution width 红细胞分布宽度变异PLT/BPC platelet count/blood platelet count ⾎⼩板计数MPV mean platelet volume 平均⾎⼩板体积PCT plateletocrit ⾎⼩板⽐积PDW platelet distribution width ⾎⼩板分布宽度尿便常规PH acidity 酸碱度NIT nitrite 亚硝酸盐GLU glucose 尿糖SG specific gravity ⽐重PRO protein 尿蛋⽩BLD blood 隐⾎BIL bilirubin 尿胆红素URO urobilinogen 尿胆原WBC white blood cell ⽩细胞addish 计数addish count 艾迪⽒计数/HP high power objective 每⾼倍视野/LP low power objective 每低倍视野OB occult blood test ⼤便隐⾎试验CSF cerebrospinal 脑积夜Pandy pandy 庞⽒试验⽣化检验TB total bilirubin 总胆红素DB direct bilirubin 直接胆红素TP total protein 总蛋⽩ALB albumin ⽩蛋⽩GLOB globulin 球蛋⽩UREA urea 尿素CREA creatinine 肌肝UA uric acid 尿酸GLU glucose ⾎糖ALT alanine amiotransferase 丙氨酸氨基转移酶AST aspartate aminotransferase 门冬氨酸氨基转移酶GGT γ-glutamyl transpeptadase ⾕氨酰转肽酶CK creatine kinase 肌酸肌酶CK-MB creatine kinase-MB 肌酸肌酶同⼯酶LDH lactate dehydrogenase 乳酸脱氢酶α-HBD α-hydroxybutyric dehydrogenase α-羟丁酸脱氢酶AMY serum amylase ⾎淀粉酶TG triglyceride 肝油三脂CHOL cholesterol 胆固醇HDL-c high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ⾼密度脂蛋⽩LDL-c low-density lipoprotein cholesterol 低密度脂蛋⽩VLDL very low-density lipoprotein 极低密度脂蛋⽩Ca serum calcium 钙Mg serum magnesium 镁IP inorganic phosphate ⽆机磷ALP alkaline phosphatase 碱性磷酸酶TBA total biliary acid 总胆汁酸ASO antistreptolysin 抗链球菌溶⾎素O a-AG a-acid glycoprotein a-酸性糖蛋⽩CRP C-reactive protein C 反应蛋⽩RF rheumatoid factor 类风湿因⼦MTP mili-total protein 微量蛋⽩IgG immunoglobin G 免疫球蛋⽩GIgA immunoglobin A 免疫球蛋⽩AIgM immunoglobin M 免疫球蛋⽩MC3 complement C3 补体C3C4 complement C4 补体C4cTNT troponin T 肌钙蛋⽩T MYOG myoglobin 肌红蛋⽩Na sodium 钠K kalium 钾Cl chloride 氯Ga calcium 钙Mg magnesium 镁⼄肝标志物HBV hepatitis B virus ⼄肝病毒HBsAg hepatitis B surface antigen ⼄肝表⾯抗原HBsAb antibody to hepatitis surface antigen ⼄肝表⾯抗体HBcAg hepatitis B core antigen ⼄肝核⼼抗原HBcAb antibody to hepatitis B core antigen ⼄肝核⼼抗体HBeAg hepatitis B e-antigen ⼄肝e 抗原HBeAb antibody to hepatitis B e-antigen ⼄肝e 抗体ELISA enzymelinked immunosorbentassy 酶联免疫吸附试验HAV hepatitis A virus 甲肝病毒HCV hepatitis C virus 丙肝病毒输⾎免疫全套HBV hepatitis B virus ⼄型肝炎病毒HCV hepatitis C virus 丙型肝炎病毒TP treponema pallidum 梅毒螺旋体HIV human immunodeficiency virus ⼈类免疫缺陷病毒。
statistical analysis report

statistical analysis report [Statistical Analysis Report]Introduction:In this statistical analysis report, I will delve into the importance of statistical analysis and its application in various fields. I will discuss the steps involved in conducting statistical analysis and provide examples to illustrate its significance.1. Understanding Statistical Analysis:Statistical analysis is a method of collecting, organizing, analyzing, interpreting, and presenting data in a meaningful way to extract valuable insights and make informed decisions. It is widely used in research, business, and other fields to discover patterns, relationships, and trends in data.2. Steps in Statistical Analysis:a. Define the Research Questions/Objectives:The first step in statistical analysis is to clearly define the research questions or objectives. This ensures that the analysis focuses on relevant aspects and provides meaningful results.b. Data Collection:Next, relevant data is collected through surveys, experiments, observations, or other methods. It is important to ensure that the data collected is representative and unbiased.c. Data Cleaning:Data cleaning involves checking for errors, inconsistencies, missing values, and outliers. This step ensures the data's integrity and reliability for analysis.d. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA):EDA involves analyzing and visualizing the data using various graphical and statistical techniques. It helps identify patterns, distributions, and initial relationships in the data.e. Hypothesis Testing:Hypothesis testing is used to make inferences and draw conclusions about the population based on sample data. It involves formulating null and alternative hypotheses, choosing an appropriate statistical test, calculating p-values, and interpreting the results.f. Analyzing Relationships:Statistical analysis explores the relationships between variables using techniques like correlation, regression, or analysis of variance (ANOVA). It helps understand the impact of independent variables on dependent variables.g. Drawing Conclusions:Based on the statistical analysis and results, conclusions are drawn and insights are derived. These conclusions may support or reject research hypotheses or address specific research objectives.h. Reporting and Presentation:Finally, the findings are documented and presented in a concise and meaningful manner. Visuals such as graphs, charts, and tables are often used to enhance the presentation of results.3. Application Examples:Statistical analysis finds applications in various fields. Here are a few examples:a. Medical Research:Statistical analysis helps assess the effectiveness of treatments,analyze patient outcomes, and identify risk factors for diseases. It also plays a crucial role in clinical trials to determine the safety and efficacy of new drugs.b. Marketing:Statistical analysis is used in market research to understand consumer behavior, target market segments, and evaluate the impact of marketing campaigns. It helps businesses makedata-driven decisions to optimize their marketing strategies.c. Finance:Statistical analysis is employed in financial forecasting, risk management, and portfolio optimization. It aids in understanding market trends, assessing investment opportunities, and managing financial risks effectively.d. Sports Analytics:Statistical analysis is increasingly used in sports to analyze player performance, develop game strategies, and predict outcomes. It helps teams gain a competitive edge and make effective decisions based on data.Conclusion:Statistical analysis is a powerful tool that enables data-driven decision-making in various fields. By following the steps outlined in this report, researchers and analysts can extract meaningful insights from data, leading to informed decisions and improved outcomes. Its applications are vast and continue to expand as businesses and researchers recognize the value of using data to gain a competitive advantage.。

科学研究报告纯英文Scientific Research ReportTitle: The Effects of Exercise on Mental Health and Well-being Introduction:Mental health and well-being are essential for individuals to lead fulfilling and productive lives. Exercise has long been associated with various physical health benefits, but recent research has also shown its positive effects on mental health. This study aims to investigate the impact of exercise on mental health and well-being. Methods:A random sample of 100 participants (50 males and 50 females) aged between 18 and 45 years participated in the study. Participants were divided into two groups: an exercise group and a control group. The exercise group engaged in a supervised 30-minute exercise routine three times a week for eight weeks, while the control group maintained their regular daily activities. Mental health and well-being were measured using standardized questionnaires administered at the beginning and end of the eight-week period.Results:Statistical analysis revealed a significant improvement in mental health and well-being scores in the exercise group compared to the control group. On average, participants in the exercise group reported a 25% increase in mental well-being scores, while those in the control group only showed a 5% increase. Furthermore, the exercise group reported lower levels of stress and anxiety compared to the control group.Discussion:These findings indicate that engaging in regular exercise can positively impact mental health and well-being. Exercise may act as a natural antidepressant by increasing the release of endorphins, which are known to improve mood. Additionally, exercise promotes better sleep patterns, increases self-esteem, and provides a distraction from daily stressors. These factors collectively contribute to improved mental health outcomes.Limitations:Although this study provides valuable insights into the effects of exercise on mental health and well-being, there are several limitations. Firstly, the study only focused on a relatively small sample size. Future research should consider larger and more diverse samples to enhance generalizability. Additionally, the study only examined the effects of exercise over an eight-week period. Longer-term studies are needed to determine whether these positive effects are sustained over time.Conclusion:This study reinforces the growing body of evidence supporting the benefits of exercise for mental health and well-being. Engaging in regular exercise can lead to improved mental well-being, reduced stress, and increased overall happiness. These findings highlight the importance of incorporating exercise into daily routines to promote mental health and well-being. Further research should explore the mechanisms by which exercise impacts mental health and investigate the most effective types and durations of exercise for optimal mental health outcomes.。

1. 调研目的 (Research objective): 指研究者在进行调研时所希望实现的具体目标或所要解决的问题。
2. 研究方法(Research method): 指进行调研的具体方法和手段,包括问卷调查、访谈、观察等。
3. 抽样 (Sampling): 指从总体中选择一部分样本进行研究的过程。
4. 问卷设计 (Questionnaire design): 指根据研究目的和调查问题,设计调查问卷的内容、结构和形式。
5. 数据收集 (Data collection): 指通过问卷调查、采访等方法,收集实际的研究数据。
6. 数据分析 (Data analysis): 指对收集到的数据进行整理、分类、统计和解释的过程,以得出结论和推断。
7. 统计方法 (Statistical methods): 指在数据分析中使用的各种统计学方法,如描述统计、相关性分析、回归分析等。
8. 结果报告 (Result reporting): 指对研究结果进行详细的整理和呈现,包括表格、图表、文字描述等形式。
9. 结论与建议 (Conclusion and recommendation): 指根据研究结果,得出的结论和对未来工作的建议。
10. 可信度和效度 (Reliability and validity): 指研究工具(如问卷)的可靠性和有效性。
11. 调研对象 (Research subject): 指研究的具体对象,可以是个人、团体、组织等。
12. 调研样本 (Research sample): 指从调研对象中选取的具体样本,用于代表整个调研对象群体。

调研报告英文Research Report Writing: Cases and TipsA research report is a common document in academic, business, and public sectors. It is designed to present findings and insights from systematic investigations of one or more research questions or hypotheses. The purpose of a research report is to communicate the scope, methods, results, and implications of a study to a particular audience, such as fellow researchers, managers, clients, investors, or policymakers. Writing a good research report requires a good command of research methods, data analysis, and presentation skills. In this article, we will introduce three cases of research reports and offer some tips and guidelines for writing effective research reports.Case 1: A Marketing Research Report on Social Media Usage for a Fashion BrandA marketing research firm was hired by a fashion brand to investigate the social media habits of its target audience. The goal was to gain insights into what types of content, platforms, and influencers the audience liked and disliked, how they used social media for fashion-related interactions, and what factors motivated them to follow or unfollow the brand. The study involved a sample of 500 female consumers aged 18-35, who were recruited from social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. The data were collected through a mix of online surveys, focus groups, and social listening tools. The findings showed that the audience preferred visual and interactive content, such as short videos, live streaming, and AR/VR experiences, and that theytended to follow celebrities and micro-influencers who shared authentic and relatable experiences. The recommendations for the brand included developing a social media strategy that aligned with the audience's preferences and behaviors, collaborating with selected influencers to create high-quality content, and monitoring the social media performance through analytics tools.Tips:- Define the research problem clearly and concisely, and specify the research objectives and hypotheses.- Use a representative and relevant sample, and employ appropriate sampling methods and size estimation.- Combine multiple data sources and methods to increase the validity and reliability of the data collection and analysis.- Use appropriate data analysis techniques and software tools, and present the results in an engaging and informative way.- Draw insightful and actionable conclusions and recommendations based on the research findings, and provide clear evidence and rationale for them.Case 2: A Scientific Research Report on the Effects of Climate Change on Forest EcosystemsA team of environmental scientists conducted a longitudinal study on the impacts of climate change on the growth, health, and biodiversity of forest ecosystems in a mountainous area. The study involved a combination of field observations, experiments, and remote sensing data analysis, and covered a period of 15 years. The research questions included how different climatic factorsaffected the phenology and productivity of tree species, how the changes in vegetation patterns influenced the carbon uptake and release of the forests, and how the interactions between biotic and abiotic factors affected the insect populations and their ecological roles. The findings showed that the warmer and drier conditions had negative effects on the growth and survival of some tree species, while benefiting others, and that the changes in vegetation structure and composition altered the carbon sequestration and nutrient cycling of the forests. The recommendations for the forest management included adapting the silvicultural practices to the changing climate, adopting more diverse and resistant tree species, and preserving the forest areas that served as biodiversity hotspots.Tips:- Frame the research questions in a clear and testable way, and contextualize them within the relevant theoretical and empirical literature.- Conduct the study in a systematic, controlled, and standardized way, and minimize the sources of bias and confounding factors.- Use appropriate statistical methods and models to test the hypotheses and analyze the data, and report the results in a transparent and comprehensive way.- Use visual aids, such as graphs, maps, and images, to enhance the clarity and persuasiveness of the data presentation and interpretation.- Discuss the implications and significance of the study for the scientific field, public policy, and social awareness, and suggest future research directions and limitations.Case 3: A Business Research Report on the Customer Satisfaction of an E-commerce PlatformA customer service department of an e-commerce platform conducted a survey on the customer satisfaction of its users, aiming to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the platform, as well as the needs and expectations of the customers. The survey was administered to a random sample of 1000 users, who were asked to rate their satisfaction on various aspects of the platform, such as ordering process, product quality, delivery time, customer support, and overall experience. The data were collected through an online questionnaire, and were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings showed that the users were generally satisfied with the platform, but there were some areas that needed improvement, such as faster delivery, more personalized recommendations, and clearer policies and procedures. The recommendations for the platform included streamlining the order tracking and delivery systems, using predictive analytics to customize the user interface and recommendations, and enhancing the human touch and empathy of the customer service.Tips:- Define the population and sample of the study, and use appropriate sampling and data collection methods to ensure the representativeness and reliability of the data.- Design the questionnaire in a user-friendly and non-biased way, and pre-test it with a pilot study or a focus group.- Use appropriate descriptive and inferential statistics to analyzethe data, and report the results in a concise and informative way. - Use tables, charts, and graphs to highlight the key findings and make them more accessible and visually appealing.- Provide actionable and feasible recommendations for the business based on the research results, and emphasize the value and impact of the research for the business growth and sustainability.Overall, writing a research report requires a combination of skills and techniques, such as planning, drafting, revising, editing, and proofreading. The key is to have a clear and structured outline, a logical and coherent argument, and a professional and engaging style. By following these cases and tips, you can improve your research report writing skills and achieve your research goals more effectively.In addition, it is important to consider the intended audience of the research report and tailor the content and tone accordingly. For example, a report intended for a scientific community may require a more formal and technical style, with detailed descriptions of the methodology and results, while a report intended for a business or policy audience may require a more concise and actionable style, with emphasis on the practical implications and recommendations.Another crucial aspect of research report writing is to ensure the ethical and legal compliance of the study. This includes obtaining informed consent from the participants, protecting their privacy and confidentiality, avoiding plagiarism and self-plagiarism, and citing the sources accurately and appropriately. Moreover, it is necessary to follow the ethical codes and guidelines of the relevant professional associations or regulatory bodies, and to report any potential conflicts of interest or biases.In summary, writing a research report is a challenging yet rewarding task that requires attention to detail, creativity, and critical thinking. By following the cases and tips presented in this article, you can enhance your research skills, increase your impact and visibility, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge and practice in your field.好的,那我接着写。
统计分析计划 和 临床研究报告

统计分析计划和临床研究报告英文回答:Statistical analysis plans (SAPs) and clinical study reports (CSRs) are essential components of the research process in clinical trials. They both play important rolesin ensuring the integrity and validity of the study results.A statistical analysis plan is a detailed document that outlines the statistical methods and procedures to be usedin analyzing the data collected during a clinical trial. It provides a roadmap for the data analysis and helps ensure that the analysis is conducted in a transparent andunbiased manner. The SAP typically includes information on the study objectives, study design, data collection and management, statistical methods, and the planned analyses.It also specifies the statistical software to be used andthe criteria for statistical significance.On the other hand, a clinical study report is acomprehensive document that summarizes the results and findings of a clinical trial. It provides a detailed description of the study design, patient population, treatment interventions, data collection and analysis, and the interpretation of the results. The CSR is typically written in a format that follows regulatory guidelines and includes sections such as introduction, methods, results, and discussion.Both the SAP and CSR are important for ensuring transparency and reproducibility in clinical research. The SAP helps to minimize the risk of bias by pre-specifying the statistical methods and analysis plan before any data is analyzed. This helps to prevent researchers from selectively reporting only the results that support their hypotheses, known as "data dredging" or "cherry-picking". By following the pre-specified SAP, researchers can avoid this bias and ensure that the analysis is conducted in a rigorous and objective manner.The CSR, on the other hand, provides a comprehensive summary of the study results and findings. It includes allrelevant information about the study design, patient characteristics, treatment interventions, and the analysis methods used. This allows other researchers and regulatory authorities to evaluate the study and independently verify the results. The CSR also plays a crucial role in the publication of study findings and in the regulatory approval process for new drugs or medical devices.In summary, the statistical analysis plan and clinical study report are essential components of the research process in clinical trials. They ensure transparency, minimize bias, and provide a comprehensive summary of the study results. By following these guidelines, researchers can ensure that their findings are reliable and reproducible.中文回答:统计分析计划(SAP)和临床研究报告(CSR)是临床试验研究过程中的重要组成部分。

实验报告英文格式Experimental Report FormatIntroductionIn scientific research, experimental reports play a crucial role in presenting the findings and conclusions of a study. These reports follow a specific format, which ensures clarity, consistency, and reproducibility. In this article, we will discuss the key components of an experimental report in English, highlighting their importance and providing examples where necessary.TitleThe title of an experimental report should be concise and informative, accurately reflecting the essence of the study. It should be written in a way that captures the attention of the reader while conveying the main focus of the experiment. For instance, a suitable title for a study investigating the effects of caffeine on cognitive performance could be "The Impact of Caffeine Consumption on Cognitive Function: A Controlled Experiment."AbstractThe abstract provides a brief summary of the experiment, highlighting the objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. It should be concise, usually ranging from 100 to 250 words. The abstract serves as a snapshot of the entire report, allowing readers to quickly determine if the study is relevant to their area of interest.IntroductionThe introduction section provides background information on the topic, justifies the need for the study, and outlines the research question or hypothesis. It should include a literature review, highlighting previous research related to the experiment. The introduction sets the context for the experiment and helps the reader understand the significance of the study. For example, in a report investigating the effects of exercise on mood, the introduction could discuss the existing literature on the relationship between physical activity and mental well-being.MethodsThe methods section describes in detail how the experiment was conducted. It should include information on the participants, materials used, procedures followed, and data collection methods. This section should be written in a clear and concise manner, allowing other researchers to replicate the study. For instance, in a report on a study examining the impact of a new drug on blood pressure, the methods section would include details on the dosage, administration, and monitoring procedures.ResultsThe results section presents the findings of the experiment. It should be organized in a logical and systematic manner, using tables, graphs, and figures to enhance clarity. The results should be presented objectively, without interpretation or discussion. For example, if the experiment involved measuring the growth rate of plants under different lighting conditions, the results sectionwould include the measurements recorded and any statistical analysis performed.DiscussionThe discussion section allows the researchers to interpret the results, compare them with previous studies, and draw conclusions. It should address the research question or hypothesis and provide explanations for the findings. Additionally, any limitations or potential sources of error should be acknowledged. The discussion section offers an opportunity to critically analyze the experiment and suggest future directions for research. For instance, in a report on a study investigating the effects of a new teaching method on student performance, the discussion section would analyze the results and discuss their implications for educational practices.ConclusionThe conclusion section summarizes the main findings of the experiment and restates the significance of the study. It should be concise and avoid introducing new information. The conclusion provides closure to the report and emphasizes the key takeaways for the reader.ReferencesThe references section lists all the sources cited within the report. It should follow a specific citation style, such as APA or MLA, ensuring proper credit is given to the original authors.In conclusion, an experimental report in English follows a structured format thatincludes a title, abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, and references. Each section serves a specific purpose, contributing to the overall clarity and comprehensibility of the report. By adhering to this format, researchers can effectively communicate their findings and contribute to the scientific knowledge in their respective fields.。

The residual sequence is the difference sequence between the original sequence and the fitted values.2.平稳序列是指序列的均值和方差都保持不变的序列。
A stationary sequence is a sequence with constant mean and variance.3.白噪声序列是指均值为零、方差为常数且相互之间不相关的序列。
A white noise sequence is a sequence with zero mean, constant variance, and uncorrelated values.4.残差序列通常是平稳序列。
The residual sequence is usually a stationary sequence.5.平稳序列的自相关函数和偏自相关函数具有明显的截尾特点。
The autocorrelation function and partial autocorrelation function of a stationary sequence have obvious truncation characteristics.6.白噪声序列满足独立同分布的条件。
White noise sequences satisfy the conditions of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.).7.残差序列可以通过差分运算得到平稳序列。
The residual sequence can be transformed into astationary sequence through differencing.8.平稳序列与白噪声序列都是时间序列分析中常见的基本模型。

Research Report Template in EnglishAbstractThe abstract should provide a brief overview of the research report, including the purpose, methodology, results, and conclusions. The abstract should be concise, clear, and provide a snapshot of the entire report.IntroductionThe introduction should present the background of the research topic and the research question(s) you plan to address. This section should also include a literature review that summarizes the existing knowledge on the topic, and identifies the gaps in the literature that the research aims to fill. The research objectives and the research hypothesis or hypotheses should be clearly stated at the end of this section.MethodologyThe methodology section should provide a detailed description of the research design and methods. It should explain how the research was conducted, including the participants, materials, procedures, and data analysis techniques used in the study. The research design should be aligned with the research objectives and hypothesis/hypotheses.ResultsThe results section should present the data you collected and any statistical analyses performed. The results should be clearly presented, and the tables and figures should be appropriately labeled and described. The findings should be discussed in relation to the research objectives and hypothesis/hypotheses identified in the introduction.DiscussionThe discussion section should provide an interpretation of the results and their implications. This section should explain how the findings support or refute the research hypothesis/hypotheses. The discussion should also explore the limitations of the study and any potential avenues for future research.ConclusionThe conclusion section should summarize the main findings of the research and their significance. It should also restate the research objectives andhypothesis/hypotheses. The conclusion should provide insights into the practicalimplications of the research and identify any potential recommendations for future research or practice.ReferencesThe references section should list all the sources cited in the research report in alphabetical order. The citation style should be consistent with the requirements of the research field.AcknowledgementsThe acknowledgments section should acknowledge the contributions of individuals or organizations that provided support for the research project, including funding, mentorship, or other forms of assistance.AppendicesThe appendices should include any supplementary information that may be useful to better understand the research findings, such as materials, data, and additional analyses. The appendices should be labeled and numbered, and referred to in the main text of the report.In conclusion, this research report template provides a comprehensive framework for organizing and presenting research findings. Following this structure will ensure that the report is clear, concise, and well-organized, and will help readers understand the significance of the research.。

高数中英文专业名词对照以下是一些高等数学中的中英文专业名词对照:1.代数学(Algebra):●代数表达式(Algebraic Expression)●方程式(Equation)●多项式(Polynomial)●因式分解(Factorization)●线性方程组(System of Linear Equations)●不等式(Inequality)2.微积分学(Calculus):●导数(Derivative)●微分(Differentiation)●积分(Integral)●不定积分(Indefinite Integral)●定积分(Definite Integral)●微积分基本定理(Fundamental Theorem of Calculus)●微分方程(Differential Equation)3.解析几何学(Analytic Geometry):●平面坐标系(Cartesian Coordinate System)●直线方程(Equation of a Line)●圆方程(Equation of a Circle)●曲线方程(Equation of a Curve)●空间几何(Three-Dimensional Geometry)4.线性代数(Linear Algebra):●矩阵(Matrix)●行列式(Determinant)●特征值和特征向量(Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors)●向量空间(Vector Space)●线性变换(Linear Transformation)●内积和外积(Dot and Cross Products)5.概率论与数理统计(Probability and Mathematical Statistics):●概率(Probability)●随机变量(Random Variable)●概率分布(Probability Distribution)●期望值(Expectation)●方差(Variance)●统计推断(Statistical Inference)6.数学分析(Mathematical Analysis):●数列(Sequence)●级数(Series)●极限(Limit)●导数学(Differential Calculus)●积分学(Integral Calculus)●泰勒级数(Taylor Series)●傅里叶级数(Fourier Series)请注意,这些对照可能根据不同的教材和学科有所不同,而且在实际应用中,有时候专业术语的翻译也会因上下文而略有变化。

1、数据挖掘(Data Mining):是从大量的历史数据中,发现有价值的、有用的信息的数
2、统计分析(Statistical Analysis):它是一种通用分析方法,使用统计学原理和方法,从数据中发现有用的统计规律,从而得出有效的对策。
3、时序分析(Time-Series Analysis):它以时间序列的形式分析数据,通过对时间序列
4、决策树分析(Decision Tree Analysis):它是一种用于建立决策的一种逻辑思维方式,通过对多个变量和决策的分析,建立一颗决策树,从而得出最优解,实现更好的决策。
5、因子分析(Factor Analysis):它是一种常用的数据分析方法,可以用来分析某一现

4. The entry-level statistician is proficient in statistical software such as SPSS or R. 初级统计师熟练使用统计软件,如SPSS或R。 5. The junior statistician presented the findings of the survey through descriptive statistics and charts. 初级统计师通过描述性统计和图表展示了调查结果。
初级统计师的英文可以是 "Junior Statistician" 或 "Entry-level Statistician"。
以下ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ一些与初级统计师相关的英语词汇和短语:
1. Statistics - 统计学 2. Data analysis - 数据分析 3. Probability - 概率 4. Sampling - 抽样 5. Hypothesis testing - 假设检验 6. Regression analysis - 回归分析
例句: 1. As a junior statistician, my role is to analyze and interpret data for research projects. 作为一名初级统计师,我的职责是为研究项目分析和解释数据。 2. The entry-level statistician is responsible for assisting in data collection and conducting basic statistical analysis. 初级统计师负责协助数据收集和进行基本的统计分析。 3. The junior statistician used regression analysis to examine the relationship between variables. 初级统计师使用回归分析来研究变量之间的关系。
英文说明文包括 研究报告

英文说明文包括研究报告Research ReportIntroduction:This research report aims to present the findings and analysis of a study conducted on a particular subject. The purpose of this research was to explore and understand various aspects related to the chosen topic and provide insights based on the collected data. The report includes an overview of the research methods employed, a detailed analysis of the findings, and a conclusion with recommendations for future research or action.Methods:In this section, the report describes the methodology used to gather and analyze data. It outlines the research design, including the sample size, selection criteria, and data collection methods. Any tools or instruments used for data collection, such as surveys, interviews, or observation protocols, are also explained here. Additionally, details about the statistical techniques or qualitative analysis methods applied to interpret the data are provided.Findings:The findings section presents the results of the study, broken down into relevant subsections. Each subsection highlights a specific theme or aspect of the research questions. The data collected is presented using tables, graphs, or charts to aid in understanding and interpretation. The analysis of the findings is discussed, withreferences to any relevant theories or previous research to support the observations. The report may also provide direct quotations or excerpts from participants to provide context and give voice to different perspectives.Discussion:After presenting the findings, the discussion section provides an in-depth exploration and interpretation of the data. The report identifies patterns, trends, and correlations that emerged from the analysis and compares them with existing literature or theoretical frameworks. The discussion also highlights any limitations or shortcomings of the study and suggests areas for improvement or further investigation.Conclusion and Recommendations:The conclusion summarizes the major findings of the research and their implications. It reviews the key points discussed in the report and assesses the validity and generalizability of the findings. Based on these conclusions, the report may make recommendations for future research, policy changes, or practical actions that could be taken in response to the research findings. These recommendations are based on the insights gained from the study and can help guide further exploration in the field.References:Finally, the research report includes a list of references used throughout the paper. This section provides citations for anysources cited in the report and follows a specific citation style such as APA or MLA. Proper referencing ensures that the research is credible, acknowledges the contributions of other scholars, and allows readers to access the original sources for further reading.Appendices:Appendices, if included, provide supplementary materials that support the main body of the research report. These may include additional tables, graphs, questionnaires, or interview transcripts that provide further details or evidence for the findings discussed in the report. The appendices section is optional but may be helpful for readers who wish to delve deeper into the research methodology or data.。

Research Report in English: A Comprehensive Study AbstractThis research report aims to explore the components and structure of a well-written research report in English. It provides valuable insights into the key sections, language style, and formatting requirements to ensure effective communication of research findings. The report outlines the importance of clarity, conciseness, and logical flow in presenting information, making it a valuable reference for researchers and academics.IntroductionA research report serves as a crucial medium for disseminating research findings in an organized and professional manner. Crafting a research report in English requires careful consideration of language use, structure, and formatting. This report provides a comprehensive guide on how to write an effective research report, discussing the key elements and considerations for each section.TitleThe title of a research report should succinctly capture the essence of the research study. It should highlight the main topic or research question without being too broad or too specific. A well-crafted title attracts readers’ attention and conveys the purpose of the research. It is typically written in a concise and informative manner, allowing readers to quickly understand the research focus.AbstractThe abstract is a brief summary of the research report, providing an overview of the research objectives, methods, findings, and implications. It is usually one paragraph long, ranging from 150 to 250 words. The abstract should concisely convey the significance of the research and its contribution to the field. It should be written in a clear and concise language, avoiding unnecessary technical jargon.IntroductionThe introduction sets the context for the research and presents the research question or objective. It provides background information on the topic, highlights the research gap or problem being addressed, and outlines the research aims and objectives. The introduction should engage readers and establish the research’s importance and relevance in the field. It typically ends with an overview of the report’s structure to guide readers through the subsequent sections.Literature ReviewThe literature review presents a comprehensive analysis of existing research and theories related to the study. It provides an overview of the current knowledge on the topic and identifies the research gaps that the present study aims to address. The literature review should critically evaluate previous studies, identify conflicting findings, and highlight the need for the current research. It should support the research hypothesis or research question and provide a foundation for the research methodology.MethodologyThe methodology section describes the research design, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques used in the study. It should provide sufficient details for other researchers to replicate the study. The methodology section should include information on the sample size, data sources, data collection instruments, and any statistical or qualitative analysis methods utilized. Clear and concise language should be used to ensure readers understand the research design and procedures accurately.ResultsThe results section presents the findings obtained from the data analysis. It should be organized in a logical manner and presented using appropriate charts, tables, or graphs where necessary. The results should be clearly stated and supported by sufficient evidence. This section should also include any statistical significance tests conducted and interpretations of the findings. It is important to only present the results and not offer any interpretation or discussion at this stage.DiscussionThe discussion section provides an interpretation and analysis of the research findings. It involves relating the results to the research objectives, existing theories, and previous studies outlined in the literature review. The discussion should highlight the significance of the findings, implications for the field, and any limitations of the study. It is important to critically analyze and compare the results with the existing literature while remaining objective and avoiding speculation.ConclusionThe conclusion summarizes the main findings of the research, reiterates the research objectives, and discusses their implications. It should be concise and highlight the contributions of the study to the field. Additionally, recommendations for further research or practical applications may be provided in this section.ReferencesThe references section lists all the sources cited within the research report. It should follow the appropriate citation style, such as APA or MLA, and should include complete and accurate bibliographic information for each reference.ConclusionWriting a research report in English requires following a structured approach and adhering to established guidelines. This comprehensive guide provides valuable insights into the essential components and considerations for each section of a research report. By following these guidelines, researchers can effectively communicate their findings and make significant contributions to their respective fields. Clear and concise language, proper formatting, and logical flow are essential for ensuring the research report’s credibility and impact.。

研究报告ppt英语版Research Report Presentation[Title Slide]- Title of the Research Report- Name of the Researcher- Date[Table of Contents]- Introduction- Research Objectives- Methodology- Findings- Discussion- Conclusion- References[Introduction]- Provide a brief background of the research topic- Clearly state the research objectives- Explain the significance of the research[Research Objectives]- Present the specific goals and objectives of the research- Outline the questions the research aims to address [Methodology]- Describe the research design and approach used- Explain the data collection methods employed (e.g., surveys, interviews, experiments)- Discuss the sample size and selection process- Highlight any limitations or biases in the methodology [Findings]- Present the main findings of the research- Use graphs, charts, or tables to visually represent the data- Provide statistical analysis to support the findings [Discussion]- Interpret the research findings and their implications- Compare and contrast the findings with previous studies or theories- Address any limitations or challenges encountered during the research- Propose future research directions based on the findings [Conclusion]- Summarize the main findings and their significance- Emphasize the contribution of the research to the field- Discuss the implications and potential applications of the findings [References]- List all the sources cited in the research report- Use a consistent citation format (e.g., APA, MLA)[Closing Slide]- Thank the audience for their attention- Provide contact information for further inquiries- Include any acknowledgments or funding information[Question and Answer Session]- Open the floor for any questions or clarifications- Respond to the audience's queries and engage in a discussion Note: The above outline provides a general structure for a research report presentation. The content and order may vary depending on the specific research project.。
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BUREAU OF THE CENSUSSTATISTICAL RESEARCH DIVISIONStatistical Research Report SeriesNo. RR2000/03Using the DISCRETE Edit System for ACS SurveysBor-Chung Chen, William E. Winkler, Robert J HemmigStatistical Research DivisionMethodology and Standards DirectorateU.S. Bureau of the CensusWashington D.C. 20233Report Issued: 8/14/2000Using the DISCRETE Edit System for ACS Surveys3 Bor-Chung Chen,William E.Winkler,and Robert J.HemmigBureau of the CensusWashington,DC20233-9100August14,2000AbstractThis paper describes the application of the DISCRETE edit sys-tem to the American Community Surveys(ACS)for the questions ofsex,age,householder relationship,marital status,and race.In orderto compare and edit the ages of the persons in the same household,each household with more than3persons is converted into a three-person household.We will discuss how the edit system is used toincorporate the age comparison into an edit table,which is the in-put of the system.The DISCRETE edit system is based on theFellegi and Holt model[1976]of editing.Advantages of using theDISCRETE edit system include that the logical consistency of theedit system can be performed before the real production begins andthat an edit table is used as an input le instead of the if-then-elserules.KEY WORDS:Explicit Edits,Redundant Covers,Subcovers,Inte-ger Programming,Optimization1.IntroductionThe American Community Survey(ACS),as part of the decennial program, is an on-going survey conducted by the U.S.Census Bureau that provides ac-curate and up-to-date pro les of America's Communities every year.The goals of the ACS are to(1)provide federal,state,and local governments an infor-mation base for the administration and evaluation of government programs;(2)improve the2010Census;(3)provide data users with timely demographic, housing,social,and economic data updated every year that can be compared across states,communities,and population groups.Full implementation of the 3This paper reports the results of research and analysis undertaken by Census Bureau sta .It has undergone a more limited review than o cial Census Bureau publications.This report is released to inform interested parties of research and to encourage discussion.survey would begin in2003in every county of the United States.The survey would include three million households.Data are collected by mail and Census Bureau sta will follow-up those who do not respond.The edit methodology described in this paper together with a separate imputation method is a pi-lot study for the full implemenation of the survey.Therefore,this study only deals with the questions of sex(sex),age(age),householder relationship(hhr), marital status(ms),and race(race).The information gathered in any survey,including the American Commu-nity Survey,may contain inconsistent or incorrect data.These erroneous data need to be revised prior to data tabulations and retrieval.The revisions of the erroneous data should not a ect the statistical inferences of the data.One of the important steps of this systematic revision process is computer editing. Fellegi and Holt[1976]provided the underlying basis of developing a computer editing system.An edit-generation algorithm,called the EGE algorithm,for the DISCRETE edit system was described in Winkler[1997].The EGE algo-rithm is a much faster alternative to Algorithm1,called the GKL algorithm, of Gar nkel,Kunnathur,and Liepins[1986].The objective of the DISCRETE edit system is to nd the minimum number of elds to change in a record if the record fails a set of edits.This can be done in two stages.The rst stage is to generate a complete set of edits. If no new edits can logically be derived from the explicit edits and known implied edits,the set of all edits(explicit and implied)having this property is called a complete set of edits.Fellegi and Holt[1976]showed that the edit generation process can check the edit system for logical consistency in which no contradictory edits exist.The set of failed edits of a record has to come from the complete set of edits for the imputed record to pass all the edits. The second stage is to nd the minimum number of elds to change using the technique of the integer linear programming or the set covering problem. Because most of the information needed for error localization( nding the minimum number of elds to impute)comes from the edit generation,the production editing software is exceedingly fast.We propose an editing methodology for the ACS study.The methodology consists of four programs:1.the age comparison program:this program produces the explicit editsfrom the age comparison condition variables;the explicit edits produced are contradictions between the condition variables and are part of the input to the DISCRETE edit generation program.2.the DISCRETE edit generation program:this program uses the Fellegi-Holt model to generate a complete set of edits,removes redundant edits, and checks inconsistent edits;this step of edit generation can be com-pleted before the survey data are available for production.3.the pre-edit program:this program identi es the householder and spouseif present;it converts all households into at most three-person households;it also performs age,race,householder relationship,and marital status pre-edits;it generates date of birth if missing,and performs consistency checking between age and date of birth.4.the error localization program:this program nds the minimum num-ber of elds to impute if a record fails a set of edits;it uses the integer programming and the set covering algorithm to obtain the optional solu-tion(s).The edit methodology is straightforward to learn.It can be much easier to maintain and apply in a variety of situations because edit rules are contained in tables.The mathematical software routines do not need to be changed. 2.Explicit EditsAn edit is a record or set of records in which certain combinations of values or code values in di erent elds(corresponding to the di erent questions on a questionnaire)are unacceptable or not allowed.Suppose that a record,a=(a1;a2;:::;a n),has n elds.a i2A i for each i 1 i n,where A i is the set of possible values or code values which may be recorded in Field i.j A i j=n i.If a i2A o i A i,we also saya2E o=A o12A o221112A o n:The code space is A12A22:::2A n=A.If each data point in E o is an unacceptable code combination and9at least one i,1 i n,3A o i=A i and8j,1 j n,A o j=;,E o becomes an edit and is declared a SET of unacceptable code combinations.Record a is said to fail the edit speci ed by E o.If an explicit edit fails,then at least one value in an entering eld must be changed.The record with the changed value in the entering eld will no longer fail the explicit edit.The expression of editsA o12A o221112A o n=Fis referred to as the normal form of edits.The set of edit rules in the normal form,as speci ed by the subject matter experts,is referred to as explicit edits. For example,suppose that a questionnaire contains three elds.Field Possible CodesAge0-14,15+Marital Status Single,Married,Divorced,Widowed,Separated Relationship to Householder Householder,Spouse of Householder,OtherEver Married=f Married,Divorced,Widowed,Separated gNot Now Married=f Single,Divorced,Widowed,Separated gThere are two edits:Edit1.(Age<15)and(MS=Ever Married)=FEdit2.(MS=Not Now Married)and(HHR=Spouse)=FLet A1=f1;2g,j A1j=2,where1=0{14,2=15+;A2=f1;2;3;4;5g, j A2j=5,where1=single,2=married,3=divorced,4=widowed,5= separated;A3=f1;2;3g,j A3j=3,where1=householder,2=spouse,3= other;thenEdit1:E1=A112A122A13=f1g2f2;3;4;5g2A3Edit2:E2=A212A222A23=A12f1;3;4g2f2gTo identify the explicit edits for this study,we assume that each household has at most3members,in which the rst member is the householder and the second member is the spouse of the householder if there is one.Section5 will describe how the households with more than3members are handled to meet this assumption.Therefore,the rst nine of the31 elds(or variables) identi ed are sex,householder relationship,and marital status for the three members in the household:1sex(meaning the rst person's sex,which has the eld ID or variable ID of var1),1hhr(var2),1ms(var3),2sex(var4),2hhr (var5),2ms(var6),3sex(var7),3hhr(var8),and3ms(var9).Table1lists the variable names and their possible code values.The other22 elds are for the age comparison condition variables.Section3will give a more detailed description of the age comparisons.A total of163explicit edits has been identi ed for t his study.Twenty-nine of them directly came from the1997ACS Edit and Allocation Speci cations. For example,in the1997ACS Edit and Allocation Speci cations,an if-then-else rule indicates thatUniverse Person2+and Relationship is Husband/wife;If:::Marital status is Widowed,divorced,separated,or never married;Then:::Make Marital status=Married;tally TP4(4);set allocation ag.This rule is translated into the normal form of the edit:A121112A42f2g2f2;3;4;5;6g2A721112A31=Fwith A o5=f2g(var5)and A o6=f2;3;4;5;6g(var6).Fields5and6are called entering elds of the edit because A o5=A5and A o6=A6.The edit places restrictions on the values that elds5and6can assume.The other elds are called uninvolved of the edit.Therefore,it is su cient to identify an edit with its entering elds and their values as it is with the input format of the DISCRETE program:Explicit edit#100:2entering field(s)VAR51response(s):2VAR65response(s):23456The other134explicit edits are the results of contradictions speci ed in the age comparison conditions as described in Section3.Table1.All Possible Values for sex,hhr,and householder relationship(hhr)marital status(ms) var1,var4,var7var2,var5,var8var3,var6,var91=male2=female 3=unknown 1=householder2=spouse3=child(natural/step)4=sibling5=parent6=grandchild7=in-law8=other relative9=roomer or boarder10=housemate or roommate11=unmarried partner12=foster child13=other nonrelative14=unknown1=now married2=widowed3=divorced4=separated5=never married6=unknown3.Age ComparisonEach person in a three-person household has9 elds for this study:sex, age,householder relationship(hhr),marital status(ms),race,detailed write-in race(p6cd),birth day(p2d),birth month(p2m),and birth year(p2y). The elds of sex,hhr,and ms are taken directly into the Fellgi-Holt model as described in Section2.The other elds,except age,are for the pre-edits and the eld of age is for the age comparison before the Fellgi-Holt model is used. In the age comparison,each time when a new age restriction appears in one of the if-then-else rules in the1997ACS Edit and Allocation Speci cations,a new age comparison condition variable is de ned.An age comparison conditionvariable is an inequality of the form:a1x1+a2x2+a3x3>b;(1) where a i(i=1;2;3)is one of the three values:01,0,and1,and x i is the i thperson's age.There are three possible values for each of the age comparison condition variables:1if(1)is true;2if false;and3if unknown.For example, one of the22age comparison condition variables is x10x2>060,where a1=1,a2=01,and a3=0.If the rst person's age is35and the second is 32,then the value of the variable of x10x2>060is1because it is true that 35032>060.Another example is that the rst person's age is less than or equal to17:x1 17,that is converted to the normalizing form of0x1>018 in(1)with a1=01,a2=a3=0,and b=018.Table2lists the22age comparison condition variables.The following example illustrates how the age comparison variables are used to identify the edit rule of a householder's age being less than15:A o2=f1g (var2)and A o13=f1g(var13).The normal form of the edit isA12f1g2A321112A122f1g2A1421112A31=F Another example is A o5=f3g(var5),A o15=f1g(var15),and A o16=f1g (var16),in which the second person's hhr(var5)is child,the age(var15)is greater than74,and the rst person is less than18years older than the second person.In this example,the if-then-else edit rules in the1997ACS Edit and Allocation Speci cations areUniverse Child with Age is greater than or equal to75;If:::Age of Reference person0Age is less than18and Marital status=Never married or SAS missing;Then:::Blank Age;tally Z(12);set allocation ag. Universe Child with Age is greater than or equal to75;If:::Age of Reference person0Age is less than18 and Marital status=Ever married;Then:::Blank Relationship;tally Z(13);set allocation ag.The normal form of the edit isA121112A42f3g2A621112A142f1g2f1g2A1721112A31=F The age comparison also identi es134explicit edits,each of which is a contradiction condition within a subset of the22age comparison condition variables.For example,the normal form of the explicit editA121112A92f2g2f1g2A122A132f1g2A1521112A31=Fwith A o10=f2g(var10),A o11=f1g(var11),and A o14=f1g(var14)de nes a contradiction situation among the variables var10,var11,and var14.If this edit is rewritten as the following inequalities:var10:0x1 018var11:0x1+x2>14var14:0x2>015it is clear that there are no values for x1(the rst person's age)and x2(the second person's age)to satisfy the above three inequalities.Table2.The22Age Comparison Condition Variables.Variable ID a1a2a3b Variable ID a1a2a3bvar10-100-18var210-11-4var11-11014var2210-114var121-10-60var2301-114var13-100-15var2401-1-15var140-10-15var2510-1-15var1501074var2600-1-30var16-110-18var270-10-30var1700174var2800159var18-101-18var29-101-35var191-10-1var3001059var20-101-4var31-110-354.The DISCRETE Edit GenerationThe objective of the DISCRETE edit generation is to nd a complete set of edits.A complete set of edits is the set of explicit(initially speci ed)edits and all essentially new implied edits derived from them.The main theorem of Fellegi and Holt demonstrated that,if one eld in each failing edit(explicit or implicit)is changed,then the record with eld values changed in the proper manner would pass all edits.The importance of a complete set of edits is illustrated with the example in Section2,which has two explicit edits:E1=A112A122A13=f1g2f2;3;4;5g2A3E2=A212A222A23=A12f1;3;4g2f2gSuppose we have a record y=(1,2,2),meaning a person,who is married and the spouse of the householder,has an age of less than15,then y fails edit E1 and passes edit E2.In an attemp to correct the record,we list a single row matrix with entries0or1,in which the entry is1if it is an entering eld ofthe failed edit,E 1,and 0otherwise:eld f 1f 2f 3y (122)E 1110 The sets of the eld(s),f f 1g and f f 2g ,are two prime covers of the failededit,E 1.Therefore,we can change either f 1or f 2,but not both,so that the new record is in E 1and passes the edit,E 1.If we decide to change f 1,we may choose a value from A 11=f 2g and change the record to y 1=(2,2,2).Alternatively,we may change f 2and choose a value from A 12=f 1g and change it to y 2=(1,1,2).It is obvious that y 12E 1and y 22E 1and both of them pass E 1.However,y 22E 2,the only other explicit edit,and therefore fails E 2while y 12E 2and passes E 2.To make sure the failing record,y ,being changed to y 1and not y 2,we need additional information.This additional information comes from the so-called implicit or implied edits .Implicit edits may be implied logically from the initially speci ed edits (or explicit edits).Implicit edits give information about explicit edits that do not originally fail but may fail when a eld in a record with an originally failing explicit edit is changed.Lemma 1gives a formulation on how to generate implicit edits.Lemma 1(Fellegi and Holt [1976]):If E r are edits 8r 2S ,where S is any index set,E r :n Y j =1A r j =F;8r 2S:Then,for each i (1 i n ),the expressionE 3:n Y j =1A 3j =F(2)is an implied edit,whereA 3j=\r 2SA r j =;j =1;111;i 01;i +1;111;nA 3i =[r 2SA r i =;:If all the sets A r i are proper subsets of A i ,i.e.,A ri =A i ( eld i is an entering eld of edit E r )8r 2S ,but A 3i =A i ,then the implied edit (2)is called an essentially new edit .Field i ,which has n i possible values,is referred to as the generating eld of the implied edit.The edits E r 8r 2S from which the new implied edit E 3is derived are called contributing edits .Therefore,in order to generate an essentially new implicit edit,we must have the following three conditions:1.A3j=;,8j,1 j n;2.A r i=A i,8r2S,where A r i=;;3.A3i=A i.Conditions2and3indicates that the set f A r i j r2S g is a cover of A i and are the foundations of the following set covering formulation in(3).Let f E r j r2S g be the set of the s edits with eld i entering,then the set covering problem related to the generating eld i isM inimize P r2S x rsubject to P r2S g i rj x r 1;j=1;2;111;n i(3)x r= 1;if Eris in the cover; 0;otherwise,r2Swhereg i rj= 1;if Ercontains the j th element in eld i; 0;otherwise,is the j th element in eld i of edit E r(r2S).If x is a prime cover solution to (3)and K=f r j x r=1g S,then[k2K A k i=A i.A prime cover solution is a nonredundant set of the edits whose i th components cover all possible values of the entering eld,which is the generating eld to yield an essentially new implicit edit.Suppose that a and b are two cover solutions to(3)and K a=f r j a r=1g and K b=f r j b r=1g.If a is a prime cover solution and K a is a proper subset of K b,then the implied edit E b derived from the contributing edits f E r j r2K b g is redundant because E b E a,which is derived from the contributing edits f E r j r2K a g.Therefore,prime cover solutions are more important and will generate nonredundant implicit edits.A redundant edit is an edit that is properly contained(as a subset)in another edit.The simple example continues in this section.The eld,f2,is an entering eld to both of E1and E2and f A12;A22g is a prime cover of A2.Furthermore, A11\A21=f1g\A1=f1g=;and A13\A23=A3\f2g=f2g=;.Then,the editE3=A312A322A33=f1g2A22f2gis an essentially new implicit edit.No other implicit edit can be derived from E 1,E 1,and E 3.So the set,f E 1;E 2;E 3g ,is a complete set of edits to our example.And record y =(1,2,2)also fails E 3,the two-row matrix is listed as following: eld f 1f 2f 3y (122)E 1E 3 110101!The set,f f 1g ,is the only prime cover solution to (4)in Section 6of the failed edits E 1and E 3.Therefore,we may change the value of f 1to a value from A 11[A 31=f 2g .The new imputed record y 1=(2,2,2)passes all three edits.This formulation is called error localization and is the subject of Section 6.5.Pre-EditsThe DISCRETE edit generation and the age comparisons are two major steps for the proposed methodology before the actual production is performed.The pre-edit step is the preparation for tting the Fellegi-Holt model and performing the production when the data are available.The purpose of the pre-edits is to (1)identify the householder and spouse if present;(2)perform householder relationship pre-edits;(3)convert each of the households into a three-person household;(4)perform age and date of birth pre-edits and the consistency checks between age and date of birth;(5)perform race pre-edits;and (6)perform marital status pre-edits.The rst person in a household is usually identi ed as the householder.It is also possible that a parent becomes the householder,in which the householder relationship of the other persons in the same household has to be changed according to Table 3,in which the parent who becomes the householder is considered the \ rst Father/Mother".The spouse or spouse-equivalent,such as unmarried partner,roommate,or housemate,is also identi ed if there is one.If there is more than one spouse or spouse-equivalent,the sequence of spouse,unmarried partner,roommate,and housemate is used to be the second person.The duplicates will be changed to \other nonrelative".We also assume that there are at most three generations living in a house-hold so that each household is converted into a three-person household,in which the householder and the spouse (or spouse-equivalent)if present are,respectively,the rst and second members.The third member will be one of the others.For example,if a household has 4persons:two parents and two children,then this four-person household is converted into two three-person households:the rst household consists of the two parents and the rst childand the second household the two parents and the second child.The conver-sion is consistent with the inequalities de ned in the age comparison condition variables in Section3.With the available ACS data,there are72375individual records and39407at most three-person household records for the Fellegi-Holt modelling.Table3.Householder Relationship Conversion Table.hhr before the pre-edits hhr after the pre-edits1Householder3Child2Spouse7In-law3Child6Grandchild4Sibling3Child5First Parent1Householder5Second Parent2Spouse5Third or Subsequent Parent2Spouse(see spouse pre-edits)6Grandchild8Other Relative7In-Law8Other Relative8Other Relative8Other Relative9Roomer or Boarder9Roomer or Boarder10Housemate or Roommate13Other Nonrelative11Unmarried Partner13Other Nonrelative12Foster Child12Foster Child13Other Nonrelative13Other Nonrelative14Unknown14UnknownMany individual records in the ACS data have either age or date of birth missing or there exists inconsistency between the age and the date of birth. An edit rule to correct this type of error is usually called within person edit rule.The within person edit rules in this study for the age and date of birth are1.the birth month distribution is as following:0.08385,0.16183,0.24520,0.32633,0.40912,0.49026,0.57576,0.66284,0.74868,0.83517,0.91600,1.00000(Wilcox[1999]);2.age is unknown,birth year is known:(a)if known birth month,unknown birth day;generate the birth dayfrom a conditional uniform distribution given the birth month andyear;(b)if unknown birth month,known birth day;generate the birth monthfrom a conditional distribution derived from Item1given the birthday and year;(c)if unknown birth month;unknown birth day;generate the birthmonth from the distribution in Item1given the birth year;gen-erate the birth day from a conditional uniform distribution given the generated birth month and the known birth year;and compute the age from the date of birth and the response date;3.age is known;birth year is known;(a)if known birth month,unknown birth day;generate the birth dayfrom a conditional uniform distribution given the birth month and year and the response date;(b)if unknown birth month,known birth day;generate the birth monthfrom a conditional distribution derived from Item1given the birth day and year and the response date;(c)if unknown birth month,unknown birth day;generate the birthmonth from the distribution in Item1given the birth year and the response date;generate the birth day from a conditional uniform dis-tribution given the generated birth month and the known birth year and the response date;and compute the age from the date of birth and the response date;if the computed age and the reported age are not consistent,replace the reported age with the computed age;4.age is known;birth year is unknown;compute the birth year from the age and the response date;(a)if known birth month,unknown birth day;generate the birth dayfrom a conditional uniform distribution given the birth month and the computed year and the response date;(b)if unknown birth month,known birth day;generate the birth monthfrom a conditional distribution derived from Item1given the birth day and computed birth year and the response date;(c)if unknown birth month,unknown birth day;generate the birthmonth from the distribution in Item1given the computed birth year and the response date;generate the birth day from a conditional uni-form distribution given the generated birth month and the computed birth year and the response date;make adjustment of the birth year given the age,the reponse date,the birth month,and the birth day;5.if both of the age and the birth year are missing,imputations of theage,the birth year,and possibly the birth month and the birth day are required;6.if the reported age or the computed age is greater than115,blank theage;an imputation of the age is required.Table4.Donor Sequence for Race.REL REL de nition Donor Sequence1Householder5,4,3,6,2,7,8,11,10,9,12,132Spouse7,3,13Child1,3,24Sibling1,4,55Parent1,4,56Grandchild3,6,1,27In-Law2,7,18Other Relative8,1,2,3,4,5,6,79Roomer or Boarder9,13,10,11,110Housemate or Roommate10,1,13,11,911Unmarried Partner3,1,13,10,912Foster Child12,1,2,11,13,10,913Other Nonrelative13,1,11,2,10,9The race pre-edits are to convert the race response to a three-digit race code.If the race response is missing and a donor in the household can be found,the donor's race will be used for imputation.Table4lists the donor sequence for race if a race response is missing.The marital status pre-edits are to make correction to the eld of marital status if a person less than15is other than\never married".6.Error LocalizationThe objective of error localization is to nd the minimum number of elds to change if a record fails some of the edits.It can be formulated as a set covering problem.Let@=f E1;E2;111;E m g be a set of edits failed by a record y with n elds,consider the set covering problem:Minimize P n j=1c j x jsubject to P n j=1a ij x j 1;i=1;2;111;m(4)x j= 1;if eld j is to be changed; 0;otherwise,wherea ij= 1;if eld j enters Ei; 0;otherwise,and c j is a measure of\con dence"in eld j.We need to get@from a complete set of edits to obtain a meaningful solution to(4).A complete set of edits is the set of explicit edits(initially speci ed or replaced by a dominating implicit edit)and all essentially new implied edits derived from them.If x is a prime cover solution to(4)and K=f r j x r=1g f1;2;111;n g, then for each k2K we may change the value of f k to a value fromB3k=[j2J A j k=\j2JA j k;where J=f j j1 j m;f k is an entering eld of E j g.The new imputed record y1,which has di erent value of f k8k2K from the record y,will pass all edits.Note that B3k=;.If B3k were an empty set,then S j2J A j k would be equal to A k and an essentially new implicit edit would have been generated and included in the set of@.A simple example of the error localization was given in Section4.7.Discussion and SummaryWe have discussed the edit methodology for the ACS study.The method-ology is very e ective if the given set of explicit sets is valid.A set of explicit edits,as speci ed by the subject matter experts,is called invalid if it is incon-sistent and/or some important edits are missing.A set of edits is said to be inconsistent if they jointly imply that there are permissible values of a single eld which would automatically cause edit failures.An inconsistent set of edits means that there is an implied edit E r of the formE r:A121112A i012A r i2A i+121112A n=F;where A r i is a proper subset of A i for some Field i,i.e.,A r i=A i. However,if A r i is a subset of A i,then this edit could not be an originally speci ed edit.Since the edit generating process identi es all implicit edits,it follows that this edit will also be generated.It is a simple matter to computer check the complete set of edits to identify implicit edits of this type and,thus, to determine whether the set of originally speci ed edits is inconsistent. Missing edits may be critical when the imputation is performed.The set of explicit edits provides a xed set of data points with the normal form.If a record is an element of the xed set of data points,say F,it fails some of the edits and is in need of some corrections.The corrected record must be an。