Cement Industry 水泥行业
水泥工业能效对标和节能分析工具-BEST Cement 使用指南说明书
LBNL-1989E E RNEST O RLANDO L AWRENCEB ERKELEY N ATIONAL L ABORATORY水泥工业能效对标和节能分析工具-BESTCement使用指南开发单位:劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室环境与能源技术部美国加州伯克利能源研究所中国北京2008年7月1.方法概述水泥工业能效对标和节能分析工具(BEST Cement)是一个基于工艺过程的能效评估工具,其设计基于全球水泥工业能够提供的各种能效技术。
虽然实际的水泥企业不太可能采用“BEST Cement”基准所包括的所有能效措施,但这一基准给出了一个合理的标准,可以作为各个水泥企业努力的方向。
“BEST Cement”对这些变量都进行了考虑,并允许用户根据自己企业的特定运行参数修改模型。
“BEST Cement”对图1设定边界内的工序进行评估。
工业炉窑主要大气污染物排放标准 (湖南省)
钢铁工业 iron and steel industry从事烧结、球团、炼焦、炼铁、炼钢、轧钢等生产各类钢铁产品的工业。
GB/T 4754中归属炼铁(C3110)、炼钢(C3120)和钢压延加工(C3130水泥工业cement industry 从事水泥熟料生产、水泥制造的工业,不包括水泥原料矿山开采、水泥制品制造、砼结构构件制造、其他水泥类似制品制造等。
GB/T 4754中归属水泥制造(C3011工业炉窑industrial furnace and kiln 在工业生产中利用燃料燃烧或电能等转换产生的热量,将物料或工件进行熔炼、熔化、焙(煅)烧、加热、干馏、气化等的热工设备。
有色金属废弃资源综合利用工业 comprehensive utilization of nonferrous metal waste resource (次)氧化锌工业(secondary) zinc oxide industry 从事以含锌工业固体废物为主要原料生产氧化锌或次氧化锌的工业。
GB/T 4754中归属铅锌冶炼(C3212)、无机盐制造(C2613)、金属废料和碎屑加工处理(陶瓷工业ceramics industry 从事黏土类及其他矿物原料粉碎加工、成型、煅烧等生产各种陶瓷制品的工业。
GB/T 4754中归属建筑陶瓷制品制造(C3071)、卫生陶瓷制品制造(C3072)、特种陶瓷制品制造(C3073)、日用陶瓷制品制造(C3074)、陈设艺术陶瓷制造(C3075)、园艺陶瓷制造(C3076)、其他陶瓷制品制造(C3079)和耐火陶瓷制品及其他耐火材料制造(C3089砖瓦工业brick and tile industry 从事原料制备、挤出(压制)成型、干燥、焙烧等生产烧结砖瓦制品的工业。
GB/T 4754中归属粘土砖瓦及建筑砌块制造(C3031焦化工业coke chemical industry 炼焦煤按生产工艺和产品要求配比后,装入隔绝空气的密闭炼焦炉内,经高、中、低温干馏转化为焦炭、焦炉煤气和化学产品的工艺过程,包括常规焦炉、热回收焦炉、半焦(兰炭)炭化炉三种炼焦炉型。
2016-02-01 实施 发布
重 庆 市 环 境 保 护 局 重 庆 市 质 量 技 术 监 督 局
DB 50/656-2016
目 前
次 ................................................................................ I 言 ............................................................................... II 1 2 3 4 5 6 范围 .......................................................................... 1 规范性引用文件 ................................................................ 1 术语和定义 .................................................................... 2 大气污染物排放控制要求 ........................................................ 3 污染物监测要求 ................................................................ 5 实施与监督 .................................................................... 6
DB 50/656-2016 3 术语和定义 下列术语和定义适用于本标准。 3.1 水泥工业 cement industry 本标准指从事水泥原料矿山开采、水泥制造、散装水泥转运以及水泥制品生产的工业部门。 3.2 水泥窑 cement kiln 水泥熟料煅烧设备,通常包括回转窑和立窑两种形式。 3.3 窑尾余热利用系统 waste heat utilization system of kiln exhaust gas 引入水泥窑窑尾废气,利用废气余热进行物料干燥、发电等,并对余热利用后的废气进行净化处理 的系统。 3.4 烘干机、烘干磨、煤磨及冷却机 dryer, drying and grinding mill, coal grinding mill andclinker cooler 烘干机指各种型式物料烘干设备;烘干磨指物料烘干兼粉磨设备;煤磨指各种型式煤粉制备设备; 冷却机指各种类型(筒式、篦式等)冷却熟料设备。 3.5 破碎机、磨机、包装机及其他通风生产设备 crusher, mill, packing machine and other ventilation equipments 破碎机指各种破碎块粒状物料设备;磨机指各种物料粉磨设备系统(不包括烘干磨和煤磨);包装 机指各种型式包装水泥设备(包括水泥散装仓);其它通风生产设备指除上述主要生产设备以外的需要 通风的生产设备,其中包括物料输送设备、料仓和各种类型储库等。 3.6 采用独立热源的烘干设备 dryer associated with independent heat source 无水泥窑窑头、窑尾余热可以利用,需要单独设置热风炉等热源,对物料进行烘干的设备。 3.7 散装水泥中转站 bulk cement terminal 散装水泥集散中心,一般为水运与陆运中转站。 3.8 水泥制品生产 production of cement products 预拌混凝土、砂浆和混凝土预制件的生产,不包括水泥用于施工现场搅拌的过程。 3.9 标准状态 standard condition 温度为273K,压力为101.3 kPa 时的状态。本标准规定的大气污染物浓度均为标准状态下的质量浓度。 3.10 排气筒高度 height of stack 自排气筒(或其主体建筑构造)所在的地平面至排气筒出口计的高度,单位为m。 [GB 16297-1996,定义3.10] 3.11 无组织排放 fugitive emission 大气污染物不经过排气筒的无规则排放, 主要包括作业场所物料堆存、 开放式输送扬尘, 以及设备、 管线等大气污染物泄漏。 3.12 现有企业 existing facility 2014年3月1日前已建成投产或环境影响评价文件已通过审批的水泥工业企业或生产设施。 3.13 新建企业new facility
5.1.3 企业应按照环境监测管理规定和技术规范的要求,设计、建设、维护永久性采样口、采样测试 平台和排污口标志。
5.1.4 对企业排放废气的采样,应根据监测污染物的种类,在规定的污染物排放监控位置进行,有废 气处理设施的,应在该设施后监测。
DB13/ 2167—2015
5.2 排气筒排放监测要求
3 术语和定义
下列术语和定义适用于本文件。 3.1
DB13/ 2167—2015
水泥工业 cement industry 从事水泥原料矿山开采、水泥制造、散装水泥转运以及水泥制品生产的工业部门。 3.2 水泥窑 cement kiln 水泥熟料煅烧设备。 3.3 窑尾余热利用系统 waste heat utilization system of kiln exhaust gas 引入水泥窑窑尾废气,利用废气余热进行物料干燥、发电等,并对余热利用后的废气进行净化处理 的系统。 3.4 烘干机、烘干磨、煤磨及冷却机 dryer,drying and grinding mill,coal grinding mill and clinker cooler 烘干机指各种型式物料烘干设备;烘干磨指物料烘干兼粉磨设备;煤磨指各种型式煤粉制备设备; 冷却机指各种类型(筒式、篦式等)冷却熟料设备。 3.5 破碎机、磨机、包装机及其它通风生产设备 crusher,mill,packing machine and other ventilation equipments 破碎机指各种破碎块粒状物料设备;磨机指各种物料粉磨设备系统(不包括烘干磨和煤磨);包装 机指各种型式包装水泥设备(包括水泥散装仓);其它通风生产设备指除上述主要生产设备以外的需要 通风的生产设备,其中包括物料输送设备、料仓和各种类型储库等。 3.6 采用独立热源的烘干设备 dryer associated with independent heat source 无水泥窑窑头、窑尾余热可以利用,需要单独设置热风炉等热源,对物料进行烘干的设备。 3.7 散装水泥中转站 bulk cement terminal 散装水泥集散中心,一般为水运(海运、河运)与陆运中转站。 3.8 水泥制品生产 production of cement products 预拌混凝土、砂浆和混凝土预制件的生产,不包括水泥用于施工现场搅拌的过程。 3.9 标准状态 standard condition 温度为273.15K,压力为101325Pa时的状态。本标准规定的大气污染物浓度均为标准状态下的质量 浓度。 3.10
《水泥工程》2010-3Discussion on energy saving and emission reduction of building material industry in the trend of low-carbon economyThe requirements and trend of low-cabon economy in domestic and oversea was summarized, and the development of building material industry and the state of it’s energy consumption ,solid waste usage ,main pollutant discharge and the preventions were introduced.The gap between China and develop countries in energy saving and emission reduction and pollution control of building material industry as well as the problems were pointed out.Finally,several suggestions of realizing saving energy and emission reduction were put forward.浅谈低炭经济趋势下建材工业的节能减排概述了国内外低炭经济发展的要求和趋势,介绍了建材工业的发展状况以及建材工业能源消耗、固体废物利用和主要污染物排放水平和治理现状;指出了我国建材行业在节能减排、污染防治方面与世界发达国家的差距以及存在的诸多问题;最后提出了为实现建材行业节能减排目标的几个方面的建议。
consumption [英] [kənˈsʌmpʃən]网摘:MON ENGLISH GIOSSARY OF CEMENT INDUSTRY水泥工业常用英语词汇收藏指正2.Adhere to technical progress and speed up structural adjustment in our cement industry坚持技术进步加速我国水泥工业结构调整收藏指正3.APPLICATION OF MINIMATE EDXRF SPECTROMETER TO CEMENT ANALYSIS Minimate EDXRF谱仪在水泥工业分析中的应用收藏指正4.In a word, the cement意在抛砖引玉,以科学发展观引领水泥工业可持续健康发展。
2、Cu)、可替代原材料的应用现状 Alternative raw materials
2)、可替代燃料的应用现状 Alternative fuels
Conch Cement Group
Sinoma Liyang Plant
Huaxin Cement Company
3、未来的中国水泥行业 Future China Cement Industry
• Basic standard for cement enterprises: environmental and ecological protection
实例 Examples
Beijing Cement Plant: co-processed 0.6 million tons of wastes such as hazardous wastes and polluted soil in 2005
Guangdong Yuebao Cement Plant : co-processed 0.3 million tons of municipal sludge in 2009
Deputy Secretary General, Director of Technology Center, China Cement Association 2013.8.9
城市污泥 Municipal sludge
Strengths of cement kilns co-processing wastes • High temperature • Wastes staying long enough in the kiln • Stable burning • Alkaline burning environment • Sufficient burning • No waste residue • Solidification of heavy metal ion • Various co-processing sites along the kiln • Good performance of waste gas processing
关键词:水泥市场;产量;替代燃料;能源中图分类号:TQ172.8文献标识码:B 文章编号:1001-6171(2020)02-0088-05DOI :10.19698/ki.1001-6171.20202088通讯地址:天津水泥工业设计研究院有限公司,天津300400;收稿日期:2019-12-18;编辑:吕光石巍,刘骏,闫十一U.S.A Cement Market Overview and Status of Cement IndustrySHI Wei,LIU Jun,YAN Shiyi(Tianjin Cement Industry Design &Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Tianjin 300400,China )Abstract :The total cement output of the United States in 2018was approximately 88.5million tons,and 70%of domestic cement consumption was in the field of ready-mixed concrete.Foreign-owned cement plants account for about 80%of US cement plants.50%of total cement output is concentratedin Texas,California,Missouri,Florida,and Alabama.Most of the cement plants in United States are relatively low production scale with old appearance.Alternative fuel is widely used.Cement product is mainly delivered in the form of train bulk loading.Key words :cement market;output;alternative fuel;energy其他客户:10%承包商:10%混凝土制品制造商:10%年以来美国水泥市场的最低水平。
水泥行业脱硝催化剂的失活及资源化利用郑 鹏1,2 马国强1,2 何发泉1 李年华2 吴易昊1,2(1.国能龙源环保有限公司;2.国能龙源内蒙古环保有限公司)摘 要:随着水泥行业超低排放改造的深入推进,脱硝催化剂得到了更广泛的应用,但受高尘、高碱(碱土)金属、高重金属等恶劣工况影响,水泥行业脱硝催化剂的失活速率远快于火电行业。
关键词:水泥,脱硝催化剂,失活,再生,回收Deactivation and Resource Utilization of SCR Catalystsin Cement IndustryZHENG Peng1, 2 MA Guo-qiang1, 2 HE Fa-quan1 LI Nian-hua2 WU Yi-hao1, 2(1. China Energy Longyuan Environmental Protection Co., Ltd.;2. China Energy Longyuan (Inner Mongolia) Environmental Protection Co., Ltd.)Abstract:With the deepening of “ultra-low emissions” transformation in the cement industry, SCR catalysts have been widely used. However, due to the severe operation conditions such as high dust, high alkali (alkaline earth) metals, and high heavy metals, the deactivation rate of SCR catalysts in the cement industry is much faster than that in the power industry. This paper discusses the deactivation mechanism of SCR catalysts in the cement industry, and summarizes the latest research and industrialization achievements of two technical approaches, i.e. the regeneration and recycling of deactivated SCR catalysts .Keywords: cement, SCR catalyst, deactivation, regeneration, recycling基金项目:作者简介:本文受国电科技环保集团有限责任公司科技项目(项目编号:KH-2023-04)资助。
《节水型企业,水泥行业》ICS 13.060.25 Q11 备案号:。
中华人民共和国建材行业标准JC/T ____-____节水型企业水泥行业 Water saving enterprises - Cement industry (标准草案)__-__-__发布__-__-__实施中华人民共和国工业和信息化部发布 JCi目录前言 .............................................1 1 范围 .........................................2 2 规范性引用文件 .....................2 3 术语和定义 .............................2 4 评价指标体系及要求 .............3 4.1总则 ...........................3 4.2基本要求 ...................3 4.3节水型企业管理考核指标及要求 ...................................................... .............................................. 3 4.4 节水型企业技术考核指标及要求 ...................................................... .............................................. 6 4.5 数据统计 .....................8 附录 A (资料性)节水型企业技术考核指标的计算方法 ...................................................... ....................... 9 A.1 概述 .............................9 A.2 单位产品取水量 .........9 A.3 重复利用率 .................9 A.4 用水综合漏失率 .........9 参考文献 (10)1前言本文件按照GB/T 1.1-2021《标准化工作导则第1部分:标准化文件的结构和起草规则》的规定起草。
Analysis of the Current Situation and Future Development Trends of the Cement Industry
Current situation of the cement industry market
2. 绿色低碳发展加大环保投入,推动绿色低碳生产技术的研发和应用,实现低碳、清洁、环保的生产方式。
CEMENTAn OverviewThe cement industry is experiencing a boom on account of the overall growth of the Indian economy. The demand for cement, being a derived demand, depends primarily on the industrial activity, real estate business, construction activity, and investment in the infrastructure sector. India is experiencing growth on all these fronts and hence the cement market is flourishing like never before. Indian cem ent industry is globally competitive because the industry has witnessed healthy trends such as cost control and continuous technology upgradation. Global rating agency, Fitch Ratings, has commented that cement demand in India is expected to grow at 10% annually in the medium term buoyed by housing, infrastructure and corporate capital expenditures.Current ScenarioThe Indian cement industry is the second largest producer of quality cement, which meets global standards. The cement industry comprises 130 large cement plants with an installed capacity of 156. 26 million tonnes and more than 300 mini cement plants with an estimated capacity of 11.10 million tonnes making a total installed capacity of 167.36 million tonnes. Keeping in view the trend of growth of the industry, a production target of 142 million tonnes was fixed for the year 2005-2006. Cement production during April to December 2005 was 106.83 million tonnes, registering a growth of 9.31 percent. During November 2006, cement production was 12.43 Million tonnes, registering a growth of 11.98% as compared to 11.10 million tonnes in November 2005.ExportsIndian cement industry meets entire dom estic demand and is able to export cement and clinker. The export of cement and clinker during April- December 2005 was 4.24 Million Tonnes and 2.53 million tonnes respectively. During November 2006, cement export showed a decline of 36.92% (from 0.65 million tonnes in November 2005 to 0.41 million tonnes in November 2006), whereas clinker export grew by 40.74% (from 0.27 million tonnes in Nov 2005 to 0.38 million tonnes in November 2006).Technological Advancem entscontinuous technological upgradation and assimilation of latest technology has been going on in the cement industry. Indian cement industry is modern and uses the latest technology. India is also producing different varieties of cement like Ordinary Portland cement (OPC), Portland Pozzolana cement (PPC), Portland Blast furnace Slag Cem ent (PBFS), Oil Well Cem ent, Sulphate Resisting Portland Cement, White Cement, etc.Future OutlookFuture growth will be driven by expected GDP growth of more than 8 percent, growth of the housing sector and the developm ent of roads, ports, airports and other infrastructure.Major PlayersThe major players in the cement sector are ACC, Gujarat Ambuja Cement Limited, Grasim Industries and Ultratech, India Cements Limited, Jaiprakash Associates and JK Cements. Foreign players such as Holcim Italcementi, Heidelber and Lafarge have also entered the cement market.StatisticsCement(million tonnes)Source: C ement M anufacturers’ Assoc iat ionClinker(million tonnes)Source: C ement M anufacturers’ Assoc iationPolicy InitiativesFDI Policy:the cement sector has been gradually liberalized. 100 per cent FDI is now permitted in the cement industry.Useful Web LinksCem ent Manufacturers Association。
水泥专业词汇英语翻译矿渣硅酸盐水泥(矿渣水泥)slag cement硅酸盐水泥portland cement粉煤灰硅酸盐水泥(粉煤灰水泥)fly-ash portland cement火山灰质硅酸盐水泥(火山灰水泥)portland-pozzolana cement普通硅酸盐水泥(普通水泥)ordinary portland cement复合硅酸盐水泥(复合水泥)composite Portland cement主导产品leading product年产量annual output基准reference体系system完全燃烧complete combustion不完全燃烧incomplete combustion机械不完全燃烧mechanical incomplete combustion化学不完全燃烧chemical incomplete combustion雾化atomization雾化介质atomizing medium物料平衡material balance实际空气量amount of actual air for combustion理论空气量amount of theoretical air for combustion理论烟气量amount of theoretical burned gas;amount of theoretical flue gas 形成热heat of formation information 信息formation 形成单位热耗unit heat consumption标准煤Standard coal标准煤耗standard coal consumption实物煤耗raw coal consumption窑炉的余热利用waste heat utilization of kiln干燥周期drying cycle焙烧周期firing cycle热损失thermal loss;heat loss燃烧热heat of combustion有效热effective heat热效率heal efficiency燃烧效率combustion efficiency一次空气primary air二次空气secondary air系统漏入空气量false air空气系数air coefficient废气含尘浓度dust content in stack gas热平衡表heat balance table热流图heat balance diagram回转窑rotary kiln窑胭体内容积inside volume of kiln shell窑胴体有效内表面积effective inside surface of kiln shell窑或预热器排出飞灰量dust emit out from the Kiln or preheater system 入窑回灰量dust fed back into kiln system飞损飞灰量amount of flying loss of dust生料中可燃物质combustible components in raw meal生料带入空气量air volume carrying by raw meal冷却机烟囱排灰量dust content emitting from stack of cooler煤磨从窑系统抽出的热气体量hot gas volume from Kiln system for coal mill入窑回灰脱水及碳酸盐分解耗热heat consumption for dehydration and decarbonation for dust fed back into kiln system回转窑用煤应用基coal used in rotary kiln system立窑shaft Kiln漏风系数false air coefficient普通立窑cement shaft Kilt / ordinary shaft Kiln机械化立窑mechanized cement shaft kiln立窑喇叭口inversed cone inlet of shaft kiln立窑单位截面积产量production of shaft kiln for unit cross section立窑单位容积产量production of shaft Kiln for unit volume白生料common meal干白生料耗consumption of drying raw meal立窑断面平均风速average velocity in cross section of shaft kiln卸料管漏出风量amount of leaked out air for discharging tube窑面废气成分composition of combustion gas at the upper in surface of shaft Kiln黑生料black meal入磨煤量internal fuel amount of raw meal半黑生料semi-black meal入窑煤量external fuel amount of raw meal隧道窑tunnel Kiln倒焰窑down draft kiln检查坑道inspection pit预热带preheating zone烧成带firing zone;burning zone冷却带cooling zone窑车kiln car匣钵sagger棚板deck气幕air curtain直接冷却direct cooling间接冷却indirect cooling窑尾冷风cooling gas in the kiln outlet窑内断面温差difference of temperature in cross section of kiln 进车间隔时间kiln car time schedule坯体内结构水含量structural water content in body坯体的入窑温度inletting body temperature零压面neutral margin轮窑annular Kilt / ring Kilt circular kiln窑门wicket隧追式干燥室tunnel dryer湿坯wet green干坯dried green绝干坯absolute dried green普通砖common brick窑的部火数number of fire travels in annular kiln内掺燃料(简称内燃料)carbonaceous materials added to raw materials外投燃料(简称外燃料)external fuel added into firing-hole of a kiln焙烧反应热heat of burning reaction操作放热损失heat losses in the opening and closing of kiln wicket and firing holes 隧道式干燥室-轮窑(隧道窑)体系热效率(简称体系热效率)(ηtx)the fmal efficiency of tunnel dryer-annular kiln (tunnel kiln)system隧道式干燥室-轮窑(隧道窑)体系单位热耗(简称体系单位热耗)unit heat consumption of tunnel dryer-annular Kiln(tunnel kiln)system隧道式干燥室,轮窑(隧道窑)体系单位煤耗(简称体系单位煤耗)(mtxm)unit coal consumption of tunnel dryer-annular Kiln(tunnel kiln)system cardanshaft万向联轴节companionflange成对法兰结合法兰配对法兰screw螺丝钉packinglist装箱单hydraulic液压的rollerpress液压机bearing活动轴承bore钻孔thread穿线hexagonnut六角螺母springlockwasher螺丝弹簧垫片handpump手动泵grease润滑油file锉screwclamp螺丝钳slidingcaliper游标卡尺vice抬物架hose胶皮管tubefitting管接头cyl.rollerbearing轴承thrustroll.bear.spherical轴承spheric.pl.bearing球面轴承slidingplate滑板tyre轮带flatpacking密封shaftlipseal密封v-sealv-密封o-ringo形圈compressionspring弹簧垫片pumpingelement泵件progr.distributor分配器gasketset密封圈装置rubberplate橡胶板bellows橡胶防尘罩风箱transm.pressure压力表,压力传动器filterelement过滤芯gearedpump齿轮泵prop.contr.valve阀gasket密封pressuregauge压力表sightglass量位计einbaruventil阀hose管子liftcheckvalve阀diff.pressuregaue压力表diaph.accumulator气串瓶speicherblase气串temperaturesensor传感器gas-valveinsert阀芯ventileinheit阀芯clutch/coupling连轴带srppressorplug插座levelswitch开关sandwichplate夹层板direct.contr.valve直控阀ventilatingfilter滤芯flowcontrolvalveby-passvalve旁通阀,辅助阀,回流阀tubularcoredele.焊丝cored-wire焊丝plug-inconnector插座接头pulsegenerator脉冲发生器proximityswitchinductive非接触式电感开关sensor传感器pick-up传感器monitoringtransd.变送器hexagonbolt六角螺栓springlockwasher弹簧锁架垫片resist.thermometeroilleak-proof油封式变阻温度计resist.thermometer变阻温度计screwflatcountersunknibbolt螺旋平头垫头螺栓heatingcable耐热电缆connectionset连接装置controllerelectronic电子调节器,电控装置alum.adjesovetape胶带threadedjoint螺纹接合hoseassembly软组件twinnipple双喷嘴measuringinstrument计量工具bracket支座support支座hydr.cyl.flattype液压缸板型,水平水压气缸rotaryseal回转密封threadedrod螺纹杆hexagonnut六角螺母pressionhose压力软管hoseclip软管卡l-section组装列表controlblockhydraulicunitwithcontrol液压控制部件pumpset泵机组levelcontrol水平控制,水准控制press.reliefvalve安全阀tubefitting管接头progr.distributor程序寄存器crane龙头retainingplate固定板,支撑板directionalsign定向信号screwingarmature螺纹电枢variab.displ.motor可旋转电机shim薄垫片sprocketwheelforrollerchain链轮simpl.rollerchain单缸棍子链sliderail滑轨rerainingwasher固定垫片stickelectrodecovered焊条ratingplate标牌notchednail凹槽钉threadcutt.screw旋转螺纹distancepiece隔板screwhexagonsocketheadcapscrew六角螺钉locatingwasher定位垫片liningring衬垫clip压板o-sealo形密封圈flatiron扁铁floorplate地板elbow弯头hydraulichose水力管screwnipple螺纹连接管settingtool安装工具socketwrenchsquaredrive套筒扳手extensionbar加长杆handle.spintypemalesquare销式手柄lineal线pin销子adapter转接器clevispinu形夹销nitrogenload.dev.负载氮气wrench扳手shackle钩环chaintrackguard护链槽lateralwall单侧墙roundsteel圆钢intermed.piece中圆片discspring盘簧studscrew柱螺栓螺钉thrustwasher止推拴片rotationallock旋转锁定air exhaust 排气air exhaust opening 排气口clampingbox夹紧盒clampingsocket夹紧插座controlbox操纵台,控制箱,操作箱dowels销子squarekey方键lubricatingequipmentowge润滑用具setsofsuction抽水机,抽水泵shrinkdisc缩紧盘allowance补贴air cooled condenser空冷式冷凝器水泥行业常用英语会话水泥英语1 How do you do? Mr. Jensen . Welcome to Guangdong.你好,Jensen先生,欢迎到广东来。
• Temperature温度: 380°C
• NOX in进口浓度: 700-2500 mg/Nm3 • NOX out出口浓度: < 200 mg/Nm3 • NH3-Slip氨逃逸: < 5 mg/Nm3
Operating data运行参数:
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- - O ,e.hzah lReak_torcebl."
- - N O x t::..rninm & / N m . - - d p tot" m .bëlr
High Dust SCR with perfect dust cleaning
100% 90% 80% 70%
hSCR hyper stoichiometric quantity 氨水使用量对比
NOx reduction
2,0 2,1
、 - . ....
田 - , 山1 It' : ,-
C e l1正主rt
Reliability - Dust Cleaning is the Key /可靠性-清灰是关键
M e l"g e l s t e t t e n S C R T a g e s m i t t e l w e n e
水泥行业数字孪生应用场景及典型案例The application of digital twins in the cement industry has shown great potential in optimizing operations, improving efficiency, and reducing costs. Digital twins are virtual replicas of physical assets that combine real-time data with machine learning algorithms to provide insights and predictions for better decision-making. In the cement industry, digital twins can be used to monitor equipment health, predict maintenance needs, and optimize production processes.数字孪生在水泥行业的应用在优化运营、提高效率和降低成本方面展现出巨大潜力。
One of the typical applications of digital twins in the cement industry is predictive maintenance. By continuously monitoring equipment performance and analyzing data in real-time, digital twins can predict when certain components are likely to fail and schedule maintenance proactively. This proactive approach helps preventunexpected downtime, reduces maintenance costs, and extends the lifespan of equipment.数字孪生在水泥行业的典型应用之一是预测性维护。
cement production小作文
cement production小作文英文版Cement production is a vital industry that plays a crucial role in the construction and infrastructure development of a country. Cement is a key ingredient in concrete, which is used in various construction projects such as buildings, roads, bridges, and dams.The process of cement production involves several steps. Firstly, raw materials such as limestone, clay, and sand are mined and transported to the cement plant. These materials are then crushed, ground, and mixed in the correct proportions to form a raw meal. The raw meal is then heated in a kiln at high temperatures to produce clinker, which is a nodular material. The clinker is then ground into a fine powder and mixed with gypsum to produce cement.Cement production is a resource-intensive process that requires large amounts of energy and water. The industry also generates significant amounts of carbon dioxide emissions, which contribute to climate change. As a result, many cement manufacturers are investing in new technologies and practices to reduce their environmental impact.In conclusion, cement production is a vital industry that is essential for the development of infrastructure. However, it is important for the industry to adopt sustainable practices to minimize its environmental impact and contribute to a more sustainable future.中文翻译水泥生产是一个至关重要的行业,对一个国家的建设和基础设施发展起着至关重要的作用。
熟料熔出实验操作流程The operation process of clinker melting experiment is a crucial step in cement production. 熟料熔出实验操作流程是水泥生产中关键的一个环节。
The first step is to prepare the raw materials, including limestone, shale, and other additives. 第一步是准备原料,包括石灰石,页岩和其他添加剂。
These raw materials are then crushed into a fine powder and mixed in the right proportions. 然后把这些原料研磨成粉末,并按正确的比例混合。
The next step is to feed the mixed raw materials into a preheater, where they are heated to high temperatures. 接下来的步骤是将混合的原料送入预热器,将它们加热到高温。
This process helps to remove any moisture and prepare the raw materials for the next stage. 这个过程有助于去除任何水分,为下一阶段的准备原料。
Once the raw materials are preheated, they are then fed into a kiln, where they undergo a chemical transformation. 原料一旦预热完毕,就被送入窑内,在那里经历化学变化。
The high temperatures in the kiln cause the raw materials to fuse together and form small, rough nodules called clinker. 窑内的高温使原料融合在一起,形成小的粗糙的结节,称为熟料。
英文回答:The technical regulations for the cement sector are required by the relevant national laws and regulations and are designed to regulate processes, equipment, product quality and environmental protection in the production and use of cement。
Technical specifications for the cement sector cover production processes, raw material matching, fuel selection, product varieties, product quality control, and environmental emission limit values。
It is designed to ensure that the cement production process is safe and efficient and that the quality of the product is stable, while protecting the environment,saving energy and promoting the healthy and sustainable development of the cement industry。
Technical regulation of the cement sector is the basis and direction of the production of cement enterprises and the basis for supervision and inspection by the regulatory authorities。
水泥企业厂房亮化稿件范文大全英文回答:Introduction.The cement industry is a critical sector for infrastructure development and economic growth. However, cement production can also result in significant environmental impacts, including greenhouse gas emissions and dust pollution. Lighting plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and efficiency of cement plant operations while minimizing environmental impacts.Benefits of Efficient Lighting in Cement Plants.Improved safety: Proper lighting enhances visibility, reduces accidents, and improves working conditions for employees.Increased productivity: Adequate lighting enablesworkers to perform tasks more efficiently, boosting productivity and reducing downtime.Reduced energy consumption: Energy-efficient lighting systems consume less energy, leading to cost savings and environmental benefits.Enhanced environmental protection: Proper lighting reduces light pollution and minimizes the impact onwildlife and surrounding communities.Factors to Consider in Cement Plant Lighting.Light levels: The appropriate light levels for various areas of a cement plant depend on the specific tasks performed.Lighting layout: The placement of light fixtures should optimize light distribution and minimize glare.Lighting type: LED lighting is highly recommended for its energy efficiency, long lifespan, and reducedmaintenance costs.Control systems: Automated lighting control systems can adjust light levels based on occupancy and exterior lighting conditions, further reducing energy consumption.Best Practices for Cement Plant Lighting.Use LED lighting fixtures with high lumen output and low energy consumption.Install lighting fixtures strategically to provide uniform illumination.Implement daylight harvesting systems to reduce energy consumption during daylight hours.Install occupancy sensors to turn off lights when areas are unoccupied.Regularly maintain lighting systems to ensure optimal performance.Conclusion.Efficient lighting plays a vital role in the safe, productive, and environmentally sustainable operation of cement plants. By implementing best practices and adopting energy-efficient technologies, cement companies can significantly improve working conditions, reduce energy consumption, and minimize environmental impacts.中文回答:水泥厂厂房亮化。
水泥企业智能化实验室建设指南英文回答:Intelligent Laboratory Construction Guide for Cement Enterprises.1. Introduction.The cement industry is a pillar industry of the national economy, and the construction of intelligent laboratories is an important measure to promote the transformation and upgrading of the industry. Intelligent laboratories can effectively improve the efficiency of cement production, reduce production costs, ensure product quality, and provide strong support for the sustainable development of the cement industry.2. Construction Principles.Advanced technology: Adopt advanced testinginstruments, automation equipment, and information technology to build a modern and efficient laboratory.Comprehensive integration: Integrate laboratory information management, equipment control, data analysis, and other functions to achieve seamless connection and information sharing.Standardized management: Establish a standardized laboratory management system, including sample preparation, testing methods, data reporting, and quality control.Professional team: Build a professional laboratory team with strong technical capabilities and a good quality consciousness.Continuous improvement: Continuously improve laboratory management and technology levels to ensure the long-term effectiveness of the intelligent laboratory.3. Key Technologies.Automated sample preparation: Use automated equipment to complete sample preparation processes such as crushing, grinding, and weighing, reducing labor intensity and improving efficiency.Intelligent testing equipment: Adopt intelligent testing instruments with automatic calibration, data acquisition, and analysis functions to improve testing accuracy and reduce manual errors.Laboratory information management system (LIMS): Establish a LIMS to manage laboratory data, including sample information, test results, equipment maintenance records, and quality control records.Data analysis and visualization: Use data analysis and visualization tools to analyze and interpret laboratory data, identify trends and patterns, and make informed decisions.Remote monitoring and control: Implement remote monitoring and control systems to enable real-timemonitoring of laboratory equipment and data, allowing for remote management and troubleshooting.4. Benefits of Intelligent Laboratories.Improved efficiency: Automated equipment and information systems significantly improve laboratory efficiency, reducing testing time and labor costs.Enhanced accuracy: Intelligent testing instruments and data analysis tools ensure high accuracy and reliability in test results.Ensured quality: Standardized management and continuous improvement measures guarantee the quality of laboratory data and the reliability of product testing.Reduced costs: Automated sample preparation and efficient data management reduce labor and reagent costs, lowering overall laboratory expenses.Enhanced decision-making: Data analysis andvisualization tools provide valuable insights for decision-making, enabling better planning and optimization of production processes.5. Construction Roadmap.Feasibility study: Conduct a comprehensive feasibility study to assess the needs, resources, and potentialbenefits of an intelligent laboratory.System design: Design a detailed system architecture, including hardware, software, and network infrastructure.Equipment procurement: Procure and install advanced testing instruments, automated equipment, and information systems.Software development: Develop or customize LIMS, data analysis tools, and remote monitoring systems.Personnel training: Train laboratory staff on new equipment, software, and management procedures.System integration: Integrate all components of the intelligent laboratory to ensure seamless operation and data sharing.Trial operation: Conduct a trial operation period to test and refine the intelligent laboratory system.Formal implementation: Officially implement the intelligent laboratory and monitor its performance regularly.Conclusion.The construction of intelligent laboratories is a strategic investment for cement enterprises to enhance their competitiveness and achieve sustainable development. By adopting advanced technologies, implementing standardized management, and leveraging professional expertise, cement enterprises can build modern andefficient laboratories that contribute to improved efficiency, enhanced accuracy, and ensured quality.中文回答:水泥企业智能化实验室建设指南。
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Refractories for Cement Industry Products applicationsRotary KilnRefractories for Rotary Kiln2500T/D 5000T/DScaleApplicationMaterials CodeC18S Outlet ZoneHigh Strength Abrasion Resistant Corundrum-Mullite CastableC80MC MA-85A MA-85BMA-85C MA-93A Magnesia-MA Spinel BrickMA-93B SM1650 Silica Mullite BrickSM1680 Upper & Lower TransitionZonePhosphate Bonded High Alumina Brick P75 DMC-8A DMC-8B Directly Bonded Magnesia-Chrome BrickDMC-9A MFe-80 MFe-85 Magnesia Hercynite BrickMFe-90 Burning ZoneMagnesia Alumina Zirconia Lanthana BrickMAZL-90 YRS-70 AL-75AAL-75B AL-80A Spalling Resistant High Alumina BrickAL-80B High Strength Alkali Resistant Brick RK-H Calcining ZonePhosphate Bonded High Alumina BrickP75 Inlet ZoneHigh Alumina Low Cement CastableC16Physical and Chemical PropertiesPYSICAL PROPERTIES CHEMICAL ANALYSIS (WEIGHT %) CODEB.D. (g/cm3) A.P.%C.C.S.(Mpa)R.U.L.(T0.6,℃)T.E(%)MgO(%)Fe2O3(%)Al2O3(%)SiO2(%)Cr2O3(%)MA-85A 2.95 18 50 1700 1.2 85 8.0 1.0MA-85B 2.90 18 45 1700 1.2 82 8.0 2.0MA-85C 2.85 19 40 1650 1.2 80 8.0 3.0MA-93A 2.95 18 45 1700 1.5 93 5.0 1.0MA-93B 2.90 18 40 1700 1.5 90 5.0 2.0MFe-80 2.90 17 45 1550 1.6 80 7.5 2.0MFe-85 3.00 17 50 1600 1.6 85 7.5 1.0MFe-90 2.85 16 50 1650 1.7 90 4.5 1.5DMC-8A 3.00 17 40 1700 1.5 82 1.5 8.0 DMC-8B 2.95 18 45 1650 1.5 76 2.0 8.0 DMC-9A 3.00 19 40 1600 1.6 70 2.8 9.0 YRS-70 2.55 25 60 1470 1.7 70AL-75A 2.70 20 70 1500 1.7 75AL-75B 2.65 20 55 1500 1.7 75AL-80A 2.80 20 80 0.9 1.5 80AL-80B 2.70 20 70 1.5 80SM1650 2.65 20 95 1650 65 30SM1680 2.65 18 90 1680 65 30RK-H 20 60 13000.7025-3060-70MAZL90 2.95 18 50 1700 1.5 90 5.0 1.0P75 2.65 60 1300 3.2 75PYSICAL PROPERTIES CHEMICAL ANALYSIS(WEIGHT %) CODEB.D. (g/cm3)R.L.C.(1100*3h)%C.C.S(Mpa)M.W.T.(℃)W.A(%)Al2O3+SiC(%)Al2O3(%)SiC(%)C13NL 2.10±0.4 70 13006.5-7.590 48 50C14NL 2.20 ±0.4 70 1400 6-7 80 48 50 C16T 2.65 ±0.3 100 1600 5.5-6.570 75C16 2.60 ±0.4 100 1600 6.0-7.570C160 2.70 ±0.4 100 1600 5.5-6.075C15B 2.60 ±0.4 80 15005.5-6.570C18S 3.00 ±0.3 150 1750 4.5-5.065C80MC 2.90 ±0.3 100 1600 4.5-5.525-30C70MC 2.75 ±0.3 100 1600 5.5-6.590 5.0Note: B.D is short for Bulk DensityA.P is short for Apparent PorosityC.C.S is short for Cold Crushing StrengthR.U.L is short for Refractoriness Under LoadT.E. is short for Thermal ExpansionW.A. is short for Water AdditionM.S.T. is short for Max. Service TemperatureRefractories for Preheater/Kiln Hood/Calciner/Teriaty Air Duct/CoolerPhysical and Chemical PropertiesPYSICAL PROPERTIESCHEMICAL ANALYSIS(WEIGHT %)CODE B.D. (g/cm 3)A.P. %C.C.S. (Mpa)R.U.L. (T0.6,℃)T.E (%)Fe 2O 3 (%)Al 2O 3 (%)SiO 2 (%) YRS-70 2.5525 601470 1.770 AL-75A 2.7020 70 1500 1.7 75 AL-75B 2.6520 55 1500 1.7 75 AL-80A 2.8020 80 0.9 1.5 80 AL-80B 2.7020 70 1.5 80 SM1650 2.65 20 95 1650 65 30 SM1680 2.65189016806530RK-O 25 25 1350 0.70 25-30 60-70RK-H 20 60 1300 0.70 25-30 60-70 RK-A 25 30 1400 0.65 30-35 60-65CB-2030 15 1250 0.60 25-30 60-67CB-3030 20 1250 0.60 25-30 60-67PYSICAL PROPERTIES CHEMICAL ANALYSIS(WEIGHT %) CODEB.D. (g/cm3)R.L.C.(1100*3h)%C.C.S(Mpa)M.W.T.(℃)W.A(%)Al2O3+SiC(%)Al2O3(%)SiC(%)C13NL 2.10±0.4 70 13006.5-7.590 48 50C14NL 2.20 ±0.4 70 1400 6-7 80 48 50 C16T 2.65 ±0.3 100 1600 5.5-6.570 75C16 2.60 ±0.4 100 1600 6.0-7.570C160 2.70 ±0.4 100 1600 5.5-6.075C15B 2.60 ±0.4 80 15005.5-6.570C18S 3.00 ±0.3 150 1750 4.5-5.065C80MC 2.90 ±0.3 100 1600 4.5-5.525-30C70MC 2.75 ±0.3 100 1600 5.5-6.590 5.0Note: B.D is short for Bulk DensityA.P is short for Apparent PorosityC.C.S is short for Cold Crushing StrengthR.U.L is short for Refractoriness Under LoadT.E. is short for Thermal ExpansionW.A. is short for Water AdditionM.S.T. is short for Max. Service TemperatureGuide Line for Installation of Refractory Materials in Rotary Kiln 1) Preparation· Check the conjunct joint and weldable joint.· Keep the inside surface of rotary kiln neat and dry, exclude the sand blast.· Keep the stop brick ring in the vertical position with the kiln axe.2) Lining installation· Whether close any installation measure, make sure the bricks cling to the shell surface tightly. Now, it is universal of ring-installation that is intersecting at the kiln center by radial installation.· Draw the basic line matching the axes line of brick on the steel plate, then install the bricks strictly.· The mortar should be coated equably on the bricks, control the joint between bricks within 1-1.5mm.3) Locking-brick· Locking-brick must be installed in distance. The steel plates can be used to fulfill the joint, which are distributed averagely in locking-bricks ring.4) The transition of the new and old refractory bricks· Combine the surface of the new and old bricks tightly. The machining bricks (length no less than 80mm) may be used fir transition steadily in theinstallation.Item Measurements mmDiametermmVolumeA B H L D Dm3 VDZ-ShapesB216 78 65 160 198 1920 2.27B316 76 67 160 198 2702 2.27B416 75 68 160 198 3429 2.27B516 79 69 160 198 2528 2.34B616 74 69 160 198 4736 2.27B716 73 70 160 198 7787 2.27B218 78 65 180 198 2160 2.55B318 76.5 66.5 180 198 2754 2.55B418 75 68 180 198 3857 2.55B518 74.5 68.5 180 198 4470 2.55B618 74 69 180 198 5328 2.55B220 78 65 200 198 2400 2.83B320 76.5 66.5 200 198 3060 2.83B420 75 68 200 198 4286 2.83B520 74.5 68.5 200 198 4967 2.83B620 74 69 200 198 5920 2.83B820 73.5 69.5 200 198 7350 2.83B222 78 65 220 198 2640 3.11B322 76.5 66.5 220 198 3366 3.11Item Measurements mmDiametermmVolumeA B H L D Dm3 VDZ-ShapesB522 74.5 68.5 220 198 5463 3.11B622 74 69 220 198 6512 3.11 B822 73.5 69.5 220 198 8085 3.11B225 82 61 250 198 1952 3.54B325 78 65 250 198 3000 3.54 B425 76.5 66.5 250 198 3825 3.54B525 75 68 250 198 5357 3.54 B625 74.5 68.5 250 198 6208 3.54B725 74 69 250 198 7400 3.54 B825 73.5 69.5 250 198 9188 3.54B230 81 62 300 198 2558 4.25B430 77 66 300 198 4200 4.25B730 74 68 300 198 7400 4.22Item Measurements mm Diametermm Volume A B H L D Dm3 ISO-Shape216 103 86 160 198 1939 2.99 316 103 92 160 198 2996 3.09 218 103 84 180 198 1952 3.33 318 103 90.5 180 198 2966 3.45 418 103 93.5 180 198 3903 3.50 618 103 97 200 198 6180 3.56 220 103 82 200 198 1962 3.66 320 103 89 200 198 2943 3.80 420 103 92.5 200 198 3924 3.87 520 103 94.7 200 198 4964 3.91 620 103 96.2 200 198 6059 3.94 820 103 97.8 200 198 7923 3.98 222 103 80.3 220 198 1996 3.99 322 103 88 220 198 3021 4.16 422 103 91.5 220 198 3941 4.24 622 103 95.5 220 198 6043 4.32 822 103 97.3 220 198 7951 4.36 425 103 90 250 198 3962 4.78 625 103 94.5 250 198 6059 4.89。