Transcytosis_ Crossing Cellular Barriers









6.永久性寄生虫(permanent parasite):永久性寄生虫是指在宿主体内发育成熟的寄生虫,成虫必须营寄生生活,或全部生活阶段均营寄生生活的寄生虫。

7.暂时性寄生虫(temporary parasite):有些寄生虫仅在叮咬时接触、侵袭宿主,然后离去,称为暂时性寄生虫。

8.专性寄生虫(obligatory parasite):专性寄生虫在宿主外不能生存,其生活史全部,或至少部分阶段营寄生生活,其成虫营寄生生活,幼虫可营自生生活和(或)寄生生活。

9.兼性寄生虫(facultative parasite):兼性寄生虫是在适宜条件下营自生生活或营寄生生活的寄生虫,但在正常情况下营自生生活,偶然进入人体可营寄生生活。

10.偶然寄生虫(accidental parasite):进入或附着于非正常宿主,但不能在此宿主中长期寄生的寄生虫称为偶然寄生虫。

11.终宿主(definitive or final host):寄生虫的成虫或有性阶段寄生的宿主称为终宿主。

12.中间宿主(intermediate host):寄生虫的幼虫或无性阶段寄生的宿主称为中间宿主。

13.转续宿主(paratenic host):某些蠕虫幼虫侵入非正常宿主,虽能存活,但不能发育为成虫,长期保持幼虫阶段,当此幼虫有机会进入正常宿主,才能继续发育为成虫,这种非正常宿主称为转续宿主。

碧云天生物技术 Min6 (小鼠胰岛β细胞) 产品说明书

碧云天生物技术 Min6 (小鼠胰岛β细胞) 产品说明书

碧云天生物技术/Beyotime Biotechnology订货热线:400-168-3301或800-8283301订货e-mail:******************技术咨询:*****************网址:碧云天网站微信公众号Min6 (小鼠胰岛β细胞)产品编号产品名称包装C7406 Min6 (小鼠胰岛β细胞) 1支/瓶产品简介:Organism Tissue Morphology Culture Properties Mus musculus (Mouse) Pancreas Epithelial Adherent本细胞株详细信息如下:General InformationCell Line Name Min6 (Mouse Islet Β Cells)Synonyms Min6; MIN-6; Mouse INsulinoma 6Organism Mus musculus (Mouse)Tissue PancreasCell Type -Morphology EpithelialDisease Mouse insulinomaStrain -Biosafety Level* -Age at Sampling 13 weeksGender -Genetics -Ethnicity -Applications -Category Transformed cell line* Biosafety classification is based on U.S. Public Health Service Guidelines, it is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that their facilities comply with biosafety regulations for their own country.CharacteristicsKaryotype -Virus Susceptibility -Derivation -Clinical Data -Antigen Expression -Receptor Expression -Oncogene -Genes Expressed -Gene expressiondatabases -Metastasis -Tumorigenic -Effects -Comments -Culture MethodDoubling Time -Methods for Passages Wash by PBS once then 0.05% trypsin-EDTA solution and incubate at room temperature, observe cells under an inverted microscope until cell layer is dispersed (usually 1 minute)Medium DMEM (high glucose) 10% FBS+0.05mM 2-Mercaptoethanol MCH2 / 5 C7406 Min6 (小鼠胰岛β细胞)400-1683301/800-8283301 碧云天/BeyotimeSpecial Remarks -Medium Renewal -Subcultivation Ratio 1:5 to 1:15 Growth Condition 95% air+ 5% CO 2, 37ºC Freeze medium DMEM (high glucose)+20% FBS+10% DMSO ,也可以订购碧云天的细胞冻存液(C0210)。



【名词解释】1、Epidermal melainin unit:表皮黑素单元。





















Cell biology名词解释

Cell biology名词解释

1.Cell biology,cytbiology. 细胞生物学,是研究细胞基本生命活动规律的科学,它在不同层次上研餿结构和功能,发育和调控,以及细胞间关系和在细胞整体上的作用. municating junction 通迅连接,介导细胞间的物质运输,化学或电化学信号的传递,除有机械性的细胞连接作用外,还可以在细胞间形成电耦联或代谢耦联.3.desmosome 桥粒,细胞内锚蛋白形成的特殊的盘状致密胞质体,一侧与细胞内中间丝相连,另一侧与粘连蛋白相连,分布在承受强拉力的组织中.4.lysosome 溶酶体,由单层膜围绕,内含多种酸性水解酶类的囊泡状细胞器,主要功能是进行细胞内的消化,在维持细胞正常代谢和防御等方面有重要作用 transport 主动运输,由介质介导的物质逆浓度梯度或电化学梯度从低浓度一侧向高浓度一侧跨膜运输的方式.6.cotransport 协同运输,间接消耗ATP的主动运输方式,物质跨膜运输的直接动力来源于膜内外两侧的电化学浓度梯度,而维持梯度是通过质子泵或钠钾泵消耗ATP来实现的.7.endocytosis 胞吞作用,细胞膜内陷形成囊泡,将外界物质裹入细胞的过程.8.pinocytosis 胞饮作用,连续摄取细胞基质中的液体,形成的囊泡直径一般小于150nm.9.phagocytosis 吞噬作用,胞吞物为较大颗粒,如微生物或较大的细胞残片,形成的囊泡直径一般大于250nm10.exocytosis 胞吐作用,将细胞内的分泌泡或某些膜泡内的物质通过细胞膜运出细胞的过程.11.signal sequence 信号序列,存在于蛋白质一级结构的线性序列,有些信号序列在完成蛋白质的定向转移后便被信号肽酶切除.12.signal patch 信号斑,存在于完成折叠的蛋白质中,构成信号斑的信号序列可以不相邻,折叠后构成蛋白质分选的信号.13.signal recognition particle 信号识别颗粒,由6种不同蛋白质和一个由300个核苷酸构成的7SRNA组成的核糖核蛋白复合体,属于GTP结合蛋白 translational translocation共翻译转运途径,在信号肽的指导下,新生肽边合成边转运入粗面内质网,随后经高尔基体运至溶酶体,细胞质膜或分泌到细胞外.15.vesicular transport膜泡运输,蛋白质以不同类型的转运小泡从粗面内质网合成部分转运到高尔基体再分选到细胞的各部分.16.cell communication细胞通迅,一个细胞发出的信号通过介质传递到另一个细胞并与靶细胞相应受体相互作用,通过细胞信号转导在细胞内产生一系列生理生化变化,最终表现为细胞整体的生物学效应的过程.17.double messenger system双信使系统,胞外信号与G蛋白耦联受体结合,激发质膜上的PLC,使质膜上的PIP2水解成DAG和IP3两个第二信使.胞外信号转为胞内信号,分别激发IP3-CA2+和DAG-PKC两个信号转导途径.18.cytoskeleton细胞骨架,以三种蛋白质纤维为主要成份的网络结构,主要由三种不同的蛋白质纤丝组成,包括,微管微丝,中间丝.19.nucleosome核小体,由一个200bp左右的DNA超螺旋和一个组蛋白八聚体和一分子组蛋白H1构成的染色体基本结构单位.20.genome基因级,生物贮存在单倍染色体组中的总遗传信息.21.karyotype染色体组在细胞发育中期的表型,包括染色体的大小数目形态特征的总和.22.ribosome核糖体,由数种rRNA和核糖体蛋白组成的大分子复合物,具有一个大亚基和一个小亚基,是蛋白质合成的场所.23.giant chromosome巨大染色体,在某些细胞中,特别是一些处于发育时期的细胞中可观察到特殊的,体积很大的染色体.24.cell differentiation细胞分化,由一种相同的细胞类型经细胞分裂后逐渐形成形态,结构,功能的稳定性差异,产生不同类型的细胞群体的过程.25.apoptosis细胞凋亡,一个主动的由基因决定的自动结束生命的过程.。

寄生虫学课件 利什曼阴道毛滴虫

寄生虫学课件 利什曼阴道毛滴虫

呈世界性分布,以女性20~40岁年龄组感染 率最高,平均感染率为28%。 传染源:为滴虫性阴道炎患者和无症状带虫 者或男性感染者。 传染途径:
直接传播,主要通过性交传播。 间接传播,主要通过公共浴池、浴具、公 用游泳衣裤、坐式厕所而感染。
夫+ →妻+ 91% 妻+ →夫+ 31% 孩+ →父+44%,母+72%
抵抗力降低,泌尿道生理功能失调,月 经期后期、妊娠,pH近中性,血清存 在,有利于虫体和有害菌生长繁殖,此 期感染率、发病率高。
男性感染者一般无症状而呈带虫状态, 可招致配偶的连续重复感染。有时也相引 起尿道前列腺炎,出现夜尿增多,局部压 痛。 阴道毛滴虫能吞噬精子,分泌物阻碍 精子存活,因此有可能引起不孕症。
二 生活史
无鞭毛体 前鞭毛体 无鞭毛体 (人及动物体) (白蛉胃) (人及动物体)
Life cycle of Leishmania donovani
Life cycle main points 生活史小结
感染方式与感染阶段: 白蛉吸血注入前鞭毛体
寄生部位与致病虫期: 无鞭毛体(利杜体)寄生于肝、脾、骨 髓和淋巴结等处巨噬细胞内
犬源型 自然疫源型
媒介 中华白蛉(家栖) 中华白蛉(偏 吴氏白蛉
易感者 地区
儿童(10岁↓) 婴幼儿 (2岁↓)
丘陵山区 荒漠半开发区
黄淮海地区 关中,疆南
西北,华北 东北丘陵山区
塔里木 额济纳旗

高等植物Na+ 吸收、转运及细胞内Na+ 稳态平衡研究进展

高等植物Na+ 吸收、转运及细胞内Na+ 稳态平衡研究进展

植物学通报Chinese Bulletin of Botany 2007, 24 (5): 561−571, 收稿日期: 2006-12-20; 接受日期: 2007-05-08基金项目: 863计划(No. 2006AA10Z126)、国家自然科学基金(No. 30671488)和新世纪优秀人才支持计划(No. NCET-05-0882)* 通讯作者。

E-mail: smwang@.综述.高等植物Na +吸收、转运及细胞内Na +稳态平衡研究进展张宏飞, 王锁民*兰州大学草地农业科技学院, 兰州 730000摘要 盐胁迫是影响农业生产的重要环境因素之一。

本文对植物Na +吸收的机制和途径、Na +在植物体内的长距离转运以及细胞内Na +稳态平衡的研究进展进行了概述。

参与植物Na +吸收与转运的蛋白和通道可能包括HKT 、LCT1、AKT 和NSCC 等。

其中, HKT 是植物体内普遍存在的一类转运蛋白, 能够介导Na +的吸收, 其结构中的带电氨基酸残基对于其离子选择性有着非常明显的影响。

LCT1是从小麦中发现的一类能够介导低亲和性阳离子吸收的蛋白, 然而在典型的土壤Ca 2+浓度下LCT1并不能发挥吸收Na +的功能。

AKT 家族的成员在高盐环境下可能也参与了Na +的吸收。

目前虽然还没有克隆到编码NSCC 蛋白的基因, 但是NSCC 作为植物吸收Na +的主要途径的观点已被广泛接受。

SOS1和HKT 参与了Na +在根部与植株地上部的长距离转运过程, 它们在木质部和韧皮部的Na +装载和卸载中发挥重要作用, 从而影响植物的抗盐性。

另外, 由质膜Na +/H +逆向转运蛋白SOS1、蛋白激酶SOS2以及Ca 2+结合蛋白SOS3组成的SOS 复合体对细胞的Na +稳态具有重要的调节作用, 单子叶和双子叶植物之间的这种调节机制在结构和功能上具有保守性。

SOS 复合体与其它位于质膜或液泡膜上的Na +/H +逆向转运蛋白以及H +泵一起调节着细胞的Na +稳态。





1. Pathology(病理学)病理学是研究疾病本质及其发生机制的科学。


2. Biopsy(活组织检查)活组织检查是通过采取组织样本,经过染色、显微镜观察及其他分析方法来确认细胞或组织的病理情况。


3. Necrosis(坏死)坏死是细胞或组织受到严重损伤或死亡的过程。

常见的坏死类型包括凝固性坏死(coagulative necrosis)、液化性坏死(liquefactive necrosis)和干酪样坏死(caseous necrosis)等。

4. Metastasis(转移)转移是指恶性肿瘤的细胞或组织从一个部位扩散到其他部位的过程。


5. Inflammation(炎症)炎症是身体对组织损伤或异物侵入的非特异性反应。


6. Hyperplasia(增生)增生是指细胞数量的增加,可以导致组织或器官的增大。


7. Dysplasia(异型增生)异型增生是一种细胞形态异常的病理过程,可能是癌前病变的早期指标之一。


8. Carcinoma(癌症)癌症是恶性肿瘤的一种类型,其中细胞无法进行正常的调控和分化。


9. Sarcoma(肉瘤)肉瘤是一种恶性肿瘤,起源于身体的结缔组织,如骨髓、肌肉或软组织。



Parasitology 寄生虫学Fasiolopsis buski 布氏姜片吸虫Parasite 寄生虫Paragonimus westermani卫氏并殖吸虫Parasitosis 寄生虫病Schistosomajaponicum 日本血吸虫lifecycle 生活史schistosomiasis 血吸虫病host 宿主Oneomelania 钉螺definitiveorfinalhost 终宿主cestode(Class Cestoda) 绦虫intermediatehost 中间宿主Taenia solium 链状带绦虫reserviorhost 储蓄宿主Taenia saginata 肥胖带绦虫paratenichost 转续宿主Cystieercus 囊尾蚴infectivestage 感染期cysticercosis 囊虫病epidemiology 流行病学Echinococcusgranulosus细粒棘球绦虫pathogenesis 致病机理hydatidcyst 棘球蚴concomitantimmunity 伴随免疫Protczca 原生动物亚界premunition 带虫免疫Entamoeba histolytica 溶组织内阿米巴carrier 带虫者trophozoite 滋养体ectopicparasitism 异位寄生cyst 包囊helminth 蠕虫opportunisticprotozoan 机会致病原虫nematode(Class Nematoda) 线虫(纲) malaria 疟疾Ascaris lumbricoides 似蚓蛔线虫Plasmodium vivax 间日疟原虫adultworm 成虫ringform 环形滋养体ovum(p1.ova) 卵细胞sporozoite 子孢子directsmear 直接涂片法relapse 复发Trichuris trichiura 毛首鞭形线虫recrudescence 再燃hookworm 钩虫flagellate 鞭毛虫.Ancylostoma duodonale 十二指肠钩口线虫Leishmania donovani 杜氏利什曼原虫Necator americanus 美洲板口线虫Kala-azar 黑热病larve(p1.1arvae) 幼虫leishimaniasis 利什曼病brinefloration 盐水浮集法Trichimonus vaginalis 阴道毛滴虫Trichinella spiralis 旋毛形线虫Giadia lamblia 蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫filariasis 丝虫病Toxoplasma gondii 刚地弓形虫microfilaria 微丝蚴Pneumocystis carinii 卡氏肺孢子虫Wuchereria bancrofti 班氏吴策线虫tachymite 速殖于Brugia malayi 马来布鲁线虫bradyzoite 缓殖子noctunalperiodicity 夜现周期性PhylumArthropoda 节肢动物门Enterobius vermicularis 蠕形住肠线虫insect 昆虫trematodeematoda) 吸虫(钢) vector 媒介sucker 吸盘metamorphosis 变态oralsucker 口吸盘entomology 昆虫学ventralsucker 腹吸盘tick 蜱miracidum 毛蚴mosquito 蚊cercaria 尾蚴metacercaria 后尾蚴、囊蚴Clonorchis sinensis 华枝睾吸虫。






cAMP 作为细胞内的重要第二信使,在单细胞生物中发挥着关键作用。

例如在某些细菌中,当外界环境中的营养物质缺乏时,细胞会通过一系列反应产生 cAMP。

cAMP 与特定的受体蛋白结合,从而改变这些受体蛋白的活性,进而调控相关基因的表达,使细胞能够适应营养匮乏的环境。



比如在一些原生动物中,外界的刺激可能导致细胞内储存的 Ca²⁺释放,从而引起细胞的收缩、运动或者分泌等反应。



尽管单细胞生物的 RTK 结构和功能可能与多细胞生物有所不同,但它们同样能够通过受体的酪氨酸磷酸化来启动下游的信号级联反应。



MAPK 通路可以将细胞表面受体接收到的信号传递到细胞核内,从而调节基因的表达。



在单细胞生物中,磷脂酶 C 可以将磷脂酰肌醇二磷酸(PIP₂)水解为肌醇三磷酸(IP₃)和二酰甘油(DAG)。

IP₃可以促使细胞内钙库释放 Ca²⁺,而 DAG 则可以激活蛋白激酶 C,从而引发一系列的细胞反应。




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泌尿系统英文单词本页仅作为文档页封面,使用时可以删除This document is for reference only-rar21year.Marchhilus肾门ureter pelvis肾盂major/minor calyces肾大小盏labyrinths皮质迷路pyramids肾椎体renal papillae乳头area cribrosa筛孔区Renal corpuscles肾小体Afferent arteriole入球Efferent arteriole出球Glomerulus肾血管球Bowman's capsule鲍曼氏囊; 肾小球囊podocytes足细胞heparan肝素Ln层粘连蛋白entactin巢蛋白mesangium血管系膜mesangial cell系膜细胞pedicels足突nephrin裂孔膜蛋白Filtration membrane滤过膜distal tubule远端小管principle(主、亮) Cintercalated (闰、暗) CCollecting tubule 集合小管interstitial cell间质细胞Transitional epithelium变移上皮Facet cell盖细胞Lamina propria固有层Muscular layer肌层Adventicia外膜serosa浆膜fibrosa纤维膜intermediate mesoderm间介中胚层Nephrogenic cord 生肾索Urogenital ridges 尿生殖嵴pronephros 前肾mesonephros中肾gonad性腺mesonephric ridge中肾嵴gonodal ridge生殖腺嵴urogenital ridge尿生殖嵴cloacal cavity泄殖腔Ureteric bud输尿管芽Metanephrogenic blastema生后肾原基ventral hilum 腹侧肾门inside hilum内侧肾门Congenital anomalies 泌尿畸形Ectopic kidneys 异位肾Unilateral renal agenesis单侧肾缺如Bilateral renal agenesis双侧肾缺如Horseshoe kidney马蹄肾inferior mesenteric A肠系膜下动脉、Duplicated ureters双输尿管与双肾Double kidneys 双肾Cystic kidney肾囊肿、多囊肾Fused kidney肾融合Malrotation旋转异常Urachal anomalies脐尿管异常urachal cyst 脐尿管囊肿urachal sinus 脐尿管窦urachal fistula 脐尿瘘Ecotopic ureteric opening 输尿管开口异常ventibule尿失禁Hypospadia尿道下裂Bowman’s capsule肾球囊size-dependent barrier function分子大小依赖的屏障charge-dependent barrier function电荷依赖的屏障Glomerulonephritis (GN)肾小球肾炎PAS碘酸SchiffPASM过碘酸六胺银Acute nephritic syndrome急性肾炎综合征Rapidly progressive GN syndrome急进性肾炎综合征nephrotic syndrome肾病综合征hypoalbuminemia低蛋白血症hyperlipidemia and lipiduria高脂血症和脂尿asymptomatic hematuria or proteinuria无症状性血尿或蛋白尿chronic nephritic syndrome慢性肾炎综合征diffuse弥漫性focal局灶性global球性segmental节段性Acute Diffuse Proliferative Glomerulonephritis急性弥漫性增生性肾小球肾炎endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis毛细血管内增生性GN postinfectious glomerulonephritis感染后GNpoststreptococcal GN链球菌感染后性肾炎nonstreptococcal GN非链球菌感染性肾炎Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis急进性GN(RPGN)cresentic新月体性Goodpasture syndrome肺出血肾炎综合征ANCA,antinutrophil cytoplasmic antibody抗嗜中性粒细胞胞质抗体Membranous glomerulopathy膜性肾小球病membranous nephropathy膜性肾病Minimal change glomerulopathy轻微病变性肾小球病lipoid nephrosis脂性肾病Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSG)局灶性节段性肾小球硬化Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN) 膜增生性GN mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis系膜毛细血管性肾小球肾炎Mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis (MPG) 系膜增生性GNIgA nephropathy IgA肾病Chronic glomerulonephritis慢性肾小球肾炎Pyelonephritis肾盂肾炎Renal cell carcinoma肾细胞癌Wilms tumor(nephroblastoma)肾母细胞瘤urothelial tumor尿路上皮肿瘤juxtaglomerular apparatus球旁器extraglomerular mesangial cell球外系膜细胞macula densa致密斑fenestration窗孔filtration slit membrane滤过裂隙膜myogenic mechanism肌源性机制tubuloglomerular feedback管—球反馈glomerular filtration rate, GFR肾小球滤过率filtration fraction滤过分数effective filtration pressure有效滤过压filtration equilibrium滤过平衡renal blood flow肾血流量renal plasma flow肾血浆流量filtration coefficient ,Kf滤过系数reabsorption重吸收secretion分泌transcellular pathway 跨细胞转运途径paracellular transport细胞旁转运途径diffusion扩散osmosis渗透facilitated易化扩散solvent drag溶剂拖曳active transport主动转运secondary active transport继发性主动转运proximal convoluted tubule近曲小管principal cell主细胞intercalated cell闰细胞titratable可滴定酸Spironolactone螺内酯(安体舒通)eplerenone依普利酮amiloride阿米洛利triamterene氨苯蝶啶glutamine谷氨酰胺countercurrent multiplication逆流倍增countercurrent exchange逆流交换osmotic渗透性利尿glomerulotubular balance球-管平衡constant fraction reabsorption定比重吸收antidiuretic ,ADH抗利尿激素osmotic pressure晶体渗透压osmoreceptor渗透压感受器water diuresis水利尿renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system肾素-血管紧张素-醛固酮系统aldosterone -induced protein醛固酮诱导蛋白Bradykinin缓激肽clearance清除率inulin菊粉Endogenous clearances内生肌酐pelvic nerve盆神经hypogastric nerve腹下神经pudendal nerve阴部神经micturition reflex排尿反射overflow incontinence溢流性尿失禁urine retention尿潴留urine incontinence尿失禁acid base balance酸碱平衡standard bicarbonate,SB标准碳酸氢盐actual bicarbonate,AB实际碳酸氢盐buffer base,BB缓冲碱base excess,BE碱剩余anion gap,AG阴离子间隙undetermined anion,UA未测定的阴离子undetermined cation,UC未测定阳离子acid base disturbance酸碱平衡紊乱Lactic acidosis乳酸酸中毒Keto- acidosis酮症酸中毒Uremic acidosis尿毒症性酸中毒Renal tubular acidosis,RTA肾小管性酸中毒Distal renal tubular acidosis远端肾小管性酸中毒Proximal renal tubular acidosis近端肾小管性酸中毒Renal tubular acidosis肾小管性酸中毒respiratory acidosis呼吸性酸中毒respiratory alkalosis呼吸性碱中毒mixed acid-base disorders混合型酸碱平衡异常Glomerulus disease肾小球病变Tubular necrosis肾小管坏死Damage of renal interstitium肾间质损害Disease of renal blood vessels肾血管病变Glomerulus insufficiency肾小球功能障碍Permeability barrier孔径屏障Electrostatic barrier电荷屏障Renal tubular insufficiency肾小管功能障碍Hyposthenuria低渗尿Isosthenuria等渗尿acute renal failure, ARF急性肾功能衰竭Prerenal ARF肾前性ARFFunctional ARF功能性ARFIntrarerenal ARF肾性ARFParenchymal ARF器质性ARFacute tubular necrosis,ATN急性肾小管坏死Postrerenal ARF肾后性ARFKidney blood flow down肾血流量降低Renal hypoperfusion肾灌注压下降Vasoconstriction肾血管收缩Change of blood rheology血液流变学的改变Oliguric acute failure少尿型急性肾功能衰竭Oliguric phase少尿期Azotemia氮质血症Water intoxication水中毒Hyperkalemia高血钾Metabolic acidosis代谢性酸中毒Diuretic phase多尿期Recovery phase恢复期Nonoliguric acute renal failure非少尿型chronic renal failure, CRF慢性肾功能衰竭renal hypertension肾性高血压renal anemia肾性贫血uremia尿毒症Hydrostatic pressure静水压Osmotic pressure渗透压Disorders of sodium metabolism钠代谢紊乱Hypernatremia高钠血症hypotonic dehydration低渗性脱水Symptom of circulatory failure循环衰竭体症(休克)Dehydrate symptom脱水症状hypertonic dehydration高渗性脱水Urine sodium尿钠Dehydrant fever脱水热isotonic dehydration等渗性脱水edema水肿Increased capillary hydrostatic pressure毛细血管有效流体静压升高Decreased plasma colloid osmotic pressure血浆胶体渗透压降低Increased capillary permeability微血管壁通透性升高lymphatic obstruction淋巴回流受阻Imbalance of exchange between intra- and extra-body fluid体内外液体交换失平衡的机制Decreased glomerular filtration rate GFR急剧降低Increased tubular reabsorption肾小管重吸收增多Rank edema显性水肿Pitting edema凹陷性水肿Disorder of Potassium Metabolism钾代谢紊乱hypokalemia低钾血症hyperkalemia高钾血症Hyperkalemi periodic paralysis高钾血症型周期性麻痹Pharmacodynamics药效学Pharmacokinetics药动学Excretion 排泄organic anion transporters,OATs有机阴离子转运体organic cation transporters,OCTs有机阳离子转运体competitive inhibition竞争性抑制diuretics利尿药loop diurectis袢利尿药high efficacy diurectics高效能利尿药furosemide呋噻米(速尿)etacrynic acid依他尼酸(利尿酸)thiazide and thiazide-like diuretcs噻嗪类及类噻嗪类利尿药moderate efficacy diuretics中效能利尿药thiazides噻嗪类chlorothiazide氯噻嗪hydrochlorothiazide氢氯噻嗪hydroflumethiazide氢氟噻嗪bendroflumethiazide苄氟噻嗪cyclopenthiazide环戊噻嗪potassium-retaining diuretics保钾利尿药low efficacy diuretics低效能利尿药spironolacton螺内酯triamterene氨苯蝶啶amiloride阿米洛利carbonic anhydrase inhibitors碳酸酐酶抑制药diamox乙酰唑胺osmotic diuretics渗透性利尿药Aminoglycosides氨基糖苷类gentamicin庆大霉素amikacin阿米卡星Amphotericin B 两性霉素BVancomycin万古霉素cisplatin顺铂Bisphosphonates双膦酸盐zoledronic acid唑来膦酸Drug-induced acute interstitial nephritis药物诱导的急性间质性肾炎Rifampin利福平pamidronate帕米膦酸盐lithium锂Thrombotic microangiopathy血栓性微血管病Acyclovir阿昔洛韦high-dose methotrexate氨甲喋呤Indinavir 印地那韦Sulfonamides 磺胺类药物Ciprofloxacin环丙沙星Aristolochic acids马兜铃酸Aristolochic acid nephropathy (AAN)马兜铃酸肾病Balkan-endemic nephropathy (BEN),巴尔干地方性肾病Anti-angiogenesis drugs抗血管生成药物mitomycin-C丝裂霉素Cgemcitabine吉西他滨Proteinuria 蛋白尿Hematuria 血尿Edema 水肿Heparan sulfate硫酸乙酰肝素sialic acid 唾液酸MAU微量白蛋白尿、Glomerular proteinuria肾小球性蛋白尿Tubular proteinuria肾小管性蛋白尿Overflow proteinuria溢出性蛋白尿Benign proteinuria生理性蛋白尿Diabetes mellitus,糖尿病肾病Lupus nephritis,狼疮性肾炎Amyloidosis,淀粉样变性light chains本周氏蛋白Rhabdomyolysis横纹肌溶解myoglobulin肌红蛋白Hemoglobin血红蛋白Menses月经hemorrhoid 痔疮出血Rifampin利福平beets甜菜blackberries黑莓renal colic 肾绞痛three-glass test 尿三杯试验Urethra尿道Abdominal plain X-ray (routine)腹部平片IVP (intravenous pyelogram)静脉肾盂造影Cystoscopy膀胱镜Retrograde pyelogram逆行肾盂造影plasma oncotic pressure 血浆胶体渗透压intravascular hydrostatic pressure 毛细血管内静水压interstitial tissue tension 组织压myxedema粘液性水肿tibia 胫骨fibula 腓骨ankle 踝pleural effusion 胸腔积液,ascite 腹水cardiovascular edema 心源性水肿nephrologic edema 肾性水肿hepatic edema 肝源性水肿malnutritional edema 营养不良性水肿Filariasis丝虫病Mastectomy乳腺癌手术Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) 局灶性节段性肾小球硬化Autosomal dominant常染色体显性遗传steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome类固醇抗性肾病综合征autosomal recessive常染色体隐性遗传Chronic kidney disease (CKD) 慢性肾病MG微球蛋白Lithium锂Comorbidity疾病Myoglobinuria肌红蛋白尿Polycystic kidney disease多囊肾病(PKD或PCKD,也称为多囊肾综合征)Connective tissue disease,CTD结缔组织病Immune thrombocytopenia(ITP)免疫性血小板减少性紫癜CTX环磷酰胺Microalbuminuria微量白蛋白尿malaria疟疾Multiple myeloma(MM)多发性骨髓瘤Comorbidity合并症Polycystic kidney disease(PDK)多囊肾病Immune thrombocytopenia(ITP)免疫性血小板减少性紫癜Minimal change disease (MCD)微小病变Intravenous pyelography(IVP)静脉肾盂造影Angiomyolipoma(AML)血管平滑肌脂肪瘤IVP Intravenous pyelography, excretory urography排泄性尿路造影retrograde urography逆行性尿路造影abdominal aorography腹主动脉造影selective renal arteriography选择性肾动脉造MRU,MR urography磁共振尿路成像DWI, diffusion weighted image弥散加权成像renal tuberculosis肾结核ureteral tuberculosis输尿管结核Renal cell carcinoma肾细胞癌renal pelvic carcinoma肾盂癌。






犬埃里希氏体病(Canine Ehrlichiosis)又称犬的艾滋病,是由犬埃里希氏体(Ehrlichiacanis)引起的,主要侵害犬的免疫系统,传染媒介为血红扇头蜱,其特征为消瘦、出血、多数脏器呈浆细胞浸润、血小板和血细胞减少。

















































转铁蛋白受体在土拉弗朗西斯菌LVS入侵巨噬细胞期间的作用潘欣【期刊名称】《生物技术通报》【年(卷),期】2009(000)0z1【摘要】评估转铁蛋白受体-1在土拉弗朗西斯菌LVS感染鼠巨噬细胞期间的作用.用表达GFP的土拉弗朗西斯菌LVS感染鼠巨噬细胞J774A.1.结合单抗的转铁蛋白受体-1分别用键合了Alexa594的羊抗鼠二抗显色,用小干扰RNA下调转铁蛋白受体-1的表达,进而用土拉弗朗西斯菌LVS分别感染转铁蛋白受体-1表达下调的细胞和转染无关siRNA的细胞,并进行细菌计数.分布在细胞膜上的转铁蛋白受体-1参与巨噬细胞对弗朗西斯菌的摄入.免疫印迹结果表明小于扰RNA对转铁蛋白受体-1的表达下调了大约75%.细菌入侵试验显示,在感染1 h时,转铁蛋白受体-1表达下调的细胞内细菌数量等同于对照(F=1.06.P=0.3265);而在感染24 h时,Tfr1下调样本中的细菌数量明显低于对照样本(F=24.12,P=0.0006).这些发现说明在感染早期转铁蛋白受体-1参与了细菌的摄入,这可能与弗朗西斯菌获取铁以利在胞内生存有关.转铁蛋白受体-1的下调不影响细菌的入侵,但抑制细菌在细胞内的增殖.【总页数】5页(P376-379,383)【作者】潘欣【作者单位】第二军医大学微生物学教研室,上海,200433【正文语种】中文【中图分类】Q93【相关文献】1.细胞膜微结构域中胆固醇对小鼠巨噬细胞摄取土拉弗朗西斯菌的作用 [J], 潘欣;李广波;瞿旻;赵子夜;李晗;戚中田2.质膜微区对土拉弗朗西斯菌LVS感染鼠巨噬细胞的影响 [J], 潘欣;祁建城;李广渡;贾文凯;瞿曼;赵子夜3.转铁蛋白受体1表达在弗朗西斯菌入侵巨噬细胞中的作用 [J], 潘欣;祁建城;李广波;贾文凯;赵子夜;瞿旻4.肌动蛋白结合脂筏促进巨噬细胞摄入土拉弗朗西斯菌 [J], 潘欣;曾思良;蔡家麟;吴鉴今;杨光;黄通来5.土拉弗朗西斯菌与巨噬细胞膜的早期相互作用 [J], 潘欣;祁建城;李广波;贾文凯因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

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Transcytosis:Crossing Cellular BarriersPAMELA L.TUMA AND ANN L.HUBBARDDepartment of Cell Biology,Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine,Baltimore,MarylandI.Introduction871 II.Documented Transcytosis In Vivo872A.Transcytosis in the vasculature873B.Transcytosis in the brain876C.Immunological protection and transcytosis879D.Role for transcytosis in the homeostasis of micronutrients881E.Additional transcytosis systems885F.Role of transcytosis in plasma membrane biogenesis in vivo885 III.In Vitro Cell Models of Transcytosis886A.What constitutes a“good”transcytotic cell model?886B.Microvascular endothelial cell models892C.Epithelial cell models893D.Transcytosis outside of the epithelial world895 IV.More About Two Different Transcytosis Systems896A.Caveolae-mediated transcytosis896B.Clathrin-mediated transcytosis898 V.Mechanisms and Molecules Regulating Transcytosis902A.Targeting machinery902B.Cytoskeleton909C.Lipids and transcytosis911D.Perturbations of transcytosis913E.Transcytosis versus direct PM delivery916 VI.Conclusion917 Tuma,Pamela L.,and Ann L.Hubbard.Transcytosis:Crossing Cellular Barriers.Physiol Rev83:871–932,2003;10.1152/physrev.00001.2003.—Transcytosis,the vesicular transport of macromolecules from one side of a cell to the other,is a strategy used by multicellular organisms to selectively move material between two environments without altering the unique compositions of those environments.In this review,we summarize our knowledge of the different cell types using transcytosis in vivo,the variety of cargo moved,and the diverse pathways for delivering that cargo.We evaluate in vitro models that are currently being used to study transcytosis.Caveolae-mediated transcytosis by endothelial cells that line the microvasculature and carry circulating plasma proteins to the interstitium is explained in more detail,as is clathrin-mediated transcytosis of IgA by epithelial cells of the digestive tract.The molecular basis of vesicle traffic is discussed,with emphasis on the gaps and uncertainties in our understanding of the molecules and mechanisms that regulate transcytosis.In our view there is still much to be learned about this fundamental process.I.INTRODUCTIONAt its simplest,transcytosis is the transport of mac-romolecular cargo from one side of a cell to the other within a membrane-bounded carrier(s).It is a strategy used by multicellular organisms to selectively move ma-terial between two different environments while main-taining the distinct compositions of those environments. Cells have other strategies not involving membrane vesi-cles to selectively move smaller cargo(ions and small solutes)across cellular barriers.Paracellular transport, the movement between adjacent cells,is accomplished by regulation of tight junction permeability,and transcellular transport,the movement of ions and small molecules through a cell,is accomplished by the differential distri-bution of membrane transporters/carriers on opposite sides of a cell.Together,these three processes contribute to the success of multicellular organisms.Physiol Rev83:871–932,2003;10.1152/physrev.00001.2003.Historically,the existence of transcytosis wasfirst postulated in the1950s by Palade in his studies of capil-lary permeability(426).He described a prominent popu-lation of small vesicles,many of which were in continuity with the plasma membrane,and hypothesized that these vesicles were the morphological equivalent of the large pore predicted by the physiologist Pappenheimer to ex-plain the high permeability of blood microvessels to mac-romolecules(428).N.Simionescu was thefirst to coin the term transcytosis to describe the vectorial transfer of macromolecular cargo within the plasmalemmal vesicles from the circulation across capillary endothelial cells to the interstitium of tissues(538).During this same period, another type of transcytosis was being discovered.Immu-nologists comparing the different types of immunoglobu-lins found in various secretions(e.g.,serum,milk,saliva, and the intestinal lumen)speculated that the form of IgA found in external secretions(called secretory IgA,due to the presence of an additional protein component)was selectively transported across the epithelial cell barrier (577,578).The pathway and origin of the component acquired during transport were actively investigated,and in1980secretory component(SC)in secretory IgA was identified as the ectoplasmic domain of the intestinal epithelial cell membrane receptor that binds dimeric IgA and transports it through multiple intracellular compart-ments to the opposite side of the cell(391,423).These two historic transcytotic systems are still actively inves-tigated today.We now know that transcytosis is a widespread transport process;a variety of cell types use it,different carriers and mechanisms have evolved to carry it out,and the cargo moved by it is diverse.Cell types:we are most familiar with transcytosis as it is expressed in epithelial tissues,which form cellular barriers between two envi-ronments.In this polarized cell type,net movement of material can be in either direction,apical to basolateral or the reverse,depending on the cargo and particular cellu-lar context of the process.However,transcytosis is not restricted to only epithelial cells.Reports of cultured osteoclasts(398,490)and neurons(221)carrying vesicu-lar cargo between two environments indicate that the strategy of vesicular transcytosis has been used else-where.Mechanisms:in intestinal cells transcytosis is a branch of the endocytic pathway,with cargo being inter-nalized via receptor-mediated(i.e.,clathrin-coated)mech-anisms and progressively sorted away from internalized material destined for other cellular destinations.How-ever,transendothelial transport in blood capillaries does not conform to this scenario,since different carriers and a more direct route are used to cross the cell.Such differences illustrate that multiple transcytotic mecha-nisms have evolved that depend on the particular cellular context.Furthermore,they illustrate that cargo in the transcytotic pathways seems able to avoid degradation in lysosomes.How?Cargo:the nature of the transcytotic cargo also varies.Although today we might think of trans-cytosis as a selective process,the originally defined sys-tem,endothelial cells of the microvasculature,moves macromolecular cargo rather nonselectively within the fluid phase of the transport vesicle or by adsorption to the vesicle membrane.Furthermore,transcytotic cargo is not limited to macromolecules.Several vitamins and ions uti-lize endocytic mechanisms and vesicular carriers as part of their transcellular sojourn.This brings up another un-solved mystery,that of a cell transcytosing particular cargo for use by other cells but also using some of it for its own metabolism.How is such apportionment made?A major goal of this review is to summarize the widespread occurrence of transcytosis and focus on its many variations.First,we present documented examples of in vivo transcytosis in mammals,using the expanded definition given above.Next,we assess the status of in vitro cell models currently used to study the different types of transcytosis.We then review in more depth the two best-studied transcytosis systems,transendothelial transport of circulating macromolecules and transcytosis of IgA in polarized epithelial cells,focusing on the simi-larities and differences of their pathways and carriers. Finally,we present current information about the molec-ular mechanisms and regulation of transcytosis.Through-out,we identify gaps in our present understanding of this process,with the hope that interested researchers willfill in those gaps with insightful experiments and definitive answers.II.DOCUMENTED TRANSCYTOSIS IN VIVO Table1documents that transcytosis is widespread. As expected,epithelial cells forming barriers between the outside world and the interstitium or between the internal world(circulation)and the interstitium are the major cells participating in transcytosis.However,the question of whether transcytosis occurs in all adult epithelia(e.g., kidney and skin)is open.While proximal tubule cells are endocytically active,only micronutrients seem to be “transcytosed”by them in vivo.Other segments of the nephron,e.g.,the collecting tubule,are more difficult to assess.Transcytosis certainly occurs in the most obvious fetal organs,the yolk sac and placenta,and it probably operates elsewhere in the developing fetus.Further ex-amination of Table1reveals that the transport of iron, vitamin B12,and the immunoglobulins IgA and IgG occurs in several organs.However,the routes and fates of the molecules are not always the same.Curiously,the routes and mechanisms by which circulating hormones gain ac-cess to their target tissues have not been extensively explored(181).Finally,although not yet examined in all polarized cells,the biogenesis of apical plasma membrane872PAMELA L.TUMA AND ANN L.HUBBARDproteins is an example of endogenous molecules using transcytosis to attain their destination.A.Transcytosis in the VasculatureThe most extensive exchange in vivo is that of plasma constituents across the endothelium that lines the inner surface of the blood vasculature.Of the three types of endothelium,continuous,fenestrated,and discontinu-ous(sinusoidal),only thefirst two form selective cellular barriers to the passage of macromolecules between the circulation and the underlying interstitium.All continuous and fenestrated endothelia throughout the vascular sys-tem are capable of the rapid and extensive bidirectional exchange of small and large molecules,but those of the capillaries and postcapillary venules are the major players in this activity(535,536,539).These two parts of the vascular tree constitute what is often called the microvas-cular exchange system,whose surface area is enormous (ϳ600m2)(Fig.1A).While fenestrated endothelia are more permeable to small solutes and water than are con-tinuous endothelia,their relative permeability to macro-molecules,and hence participation in transcytosis,is con-troversial(534).Although obvious,it is nonetheless im-portant to state that transcytosis is but one of many important functions carried out by vascular endothelial cells,which are dynamic and capable of rapid responses to local changes in the environment.1.Structural features of continuous endotheliumThe simple,squamous epithelial cells of continuous endothelium are quite distinctive morphologically(Fig. 1B).They are remarkably thin(0.2–0.5␮m)in regions not including nuclei.A defining feature of these and all epi-thelial cells is a basement membrane that underlies their basal surface(Fig.1C).It is made collaboratively by the endothelial and underlying interstitial cells.The most prominent intracellular feature is a population of smooth-surfaced vesicles of50–70nm diameter,some of which are in continuity with the plasma membrane facing the circulation(the apical or luminal surface),others in con-tinuity with the opposite surface(the basolateral or ablu-minal surface),and still others apparently free in the cytoplasm(Fig.1C).These vesicles,which have anϳ35-nm-diameter opening with a thin diaphragm across it, were originally termed plasmalemma vesicles but are now called caveolae(“small caves”)because of their charac-teristicflask shape(Fig.1D)(10).In continuous endothe-lial cells,the frequency of caveolae varies widely depend-ing on the organ.For example,in endothelium of skeletal muscle(the diaphragm),the estimate isϳ1,200/␮m3, whereas in pulmonary capillaries it is onlyϳ130/␮m3 (539).This variation does not correlate with permeability, suggesting other functions for caveolae.Caveolae are also found in other cell types where their functions and com-positions are actively being investigated(reviewed in Refs.9,546).An important feature of endothelial cells is their tight junctions,which represent a barrier to paracellu-lar diffusion(219).While there is good experimental evidence that the permeability of endothelial cell tight junctions changes depending on local conditions(336), the molecular basis has yet to be elucidated.The dis-covery of a large family of tight junction membrane proteins,the claudins,and their capacity to form het-eroligomeric complexes with distinct permeability properties(580),will undoubtedly provide insights into the dynamic regulation of tight junction permeability in capillaries.Important to an understanding of transcytosis in en-dothelial cells is the endocytic system,including clathrin-coated vesicles,endosomes,and lysosomes.These or-ganelles are present in all capillary endothelium but are not abundant,and they are usually located in the thicker, perinuclear regions of cells.The endocytic system is clearly functional,as attested by the delivery of modified albumins and oxidized low-density lipoproteins(LDLs)to lysosomes(296,506).But how do these cells distinguish between cargo destined for transcytosis versus that for degradation?The simplest explanation is that different cargoes use different receptors that are localized to dif-ferent entry sites in the plasma membrane(PM).How-ever,how do endothelial cells themselves utilize the same cargo that they transport for use by other cells;that is, how is the apportionment of cargo for self versus others regulated?As we shall see in section III,at least one cargo molecule(e.g.,native LDL)may use different entry ports (i.e.,caveolae versus clathrin-coated vesicles),offering the interesting possibility that the point of entry deter-mines the subsequent fate of a particular internalized cargo molecule.2.Microvascular permeability and transcytosisMicrovessels are approximately two orders of mag-nitude more permeable than other epithelia,making them leaky to the passage of circulating proteins into the inter-stitium.Most macromolecules move across capillary en-dothelium by bulk-phase not receptor-mediated mecha-nisms.Nonetheless,there is selectivity to the process, with the size and charge of cargo being important factors. Furthermore,although transport is bidirectional,the con-centration gradient extending from the blood(apical side) to the interstitium(basal side)dictates that the bulk of transport is in an apical-to-basolateral direction.Finally, different continuous capillary beds have distinctive perm-selectivities,as evidenced by the varied compositions of the lymph draining from them.The basis for high capillary permeability has been aTRANSCYTOSIS873TABLE1.Documented in vivo transcytosisOrgan System Cell Type Cargo Direction Receptor/Carrier Comments Reference No.Heart,lung, skeletalmuscle,adiposetissue Continuous capillaryendotheliumMoleculesϾ1.7nmA-BL and BL-A Fluid phase in caveolae See text See text Albumin A-BL and BL-A gp60in caveolae Albumin plays multiple roles incaveolae-mediated transcytosisthroughout the vascular tree183,378,503,602Orosomucoid A-BL and BL-A Unidentified incaveolae456IgG A-BL and BL-A FcRn in unidentifiedcarrierContributes to IgG homeostasisand prolonged half-life of IgG inbody47 Arterial endothelium LDL cholesterol A-BL Fluid-phase in caveolae Not via LDL receptor600Testis Continuous capillaryendothelium(hasmarkers of brain EC)Gonadotrophin A-BL Chorionic gonadotropinreceptor in CCVTarget is Leydig cell181,182 Transferrin(Tf)-ironA-BL Nonspecific in caveolae Not via Tf receptor236Brain Cerebral endothelium(tight continuous)Insulin A-BL Insulin receptor viaunidentified carrierRabbit,rhesus monkey,binding toisolated human brain capillaries133,431 LDL A-BL LDL receptor viaunidentified carrierIn vitro study,but LDL receptorpresent in vivo112 Iron A-BL Tf receptor via CCV Debate over FeϾϾϾTf104,476 Tf BL-A Tf receptor viaunidentified carrierApo-form preferred over holo635 IgG BL-A FcRn Efflux from brain501,634Choroid plexus Membraneassociated very little A-BL;no BL-A?Degradation in lysosomes ispredominant fate590Adultintestine M cells in Peyer’spatches of ileumAntigens,pathogensA-BL Both phagocytic andclathrin-mediateduptakeLack of thick glycocalyx thought topermit entry;␤1-integrin onapical PM mediates entry;transcytosis thought to bethrough prelysosome thenexocytosis259,400,402,404,492Absorptive enterocytes dIgA BL-A pIgA receptor via CCV Multiple intermediatecompartments in pathway64 Newlysynthesizedapical PMproteinsBL-A Unknown No intracellular intermediatesidentified148,355Absorptive enterocytesin terminal ileumVitamin B12A-BL Cubilin/megalin viaCCVSee Table2for molecular players128,129,515,519Liver Hepatocytes dIgA BL-A pIgA-receptor via CCV Multiple intermediatecompartments in pathway238,468Hepatocytes Newlysynthesizedapical PMproteins BL-A Unknown Entry mechanisms unknown,intermediate compartments maybe same as those of pIgA32,499Sinusoidal endothelium Ceruloplasmin A-BL Unknown Postulated to be desialylated intransit to hepatocytes570Kidney Proximal tubule cells Vitamin B12A-BL TCII;megalin-mediatedin CCVDegradation of TCII in lysosomes;unknown storage site for B12311Vitamin D A-BL D binding protein;megalin-mediated inCCV Degradation of protein carrier inlysosomes;fate of vitamin D?413Vitamin A A-BL Retinol binding protein;megalin-mediated inCCVSame fate as above347Neonatalintestine Enterocytes Maternal IgG A-BL FcRn via CCV Subsequent movement into apicalendosomes then fusion withlateral membrane1,245Yolk sac Maternal B12A-BL Cubilin?/megalin/TCII Identification of cubilin as target ofteratogenic antibodies450,516Placenta Syncytiotrophoblasts Maternal IgG A-BL FcRn Apical location of receptor543Iron A-BL Maternal Tf receptorvia unidentifiedcarrier Apical location of receptor andHFE receptor modulator;ferreportin and endogenouscopper oxidase believed tofacilitate iron release atbasolateral PM107,172,432,433Fetal capillary endothelial cells Iron,maternalIgGBL-A Tf receptor and FcRnvia unidentifiedcarriers14874PAMELA L.TUMA AND ANN L.HUBBARDFIG. 1.The ultrastructure of a capillary network,an endothelial cell,its membrane,and caveolae.A :the vascular casts of the forestomach are shown in this scanning electron micrograph.The submucosal vessels are seen under the two-dimensional mucosal capillary network.[From Imada et al.(254),copyright 1987Springer-Verlag.]B :this transmis-sion electron micrograph is representative of the ultrastructure of an endothelial cell if the capillaries indicated in A were viewed in cross section.[From Bolender (40)by copyright permission of The Rockefeller University Press.]C :a higher magni fication of the indicated region of the endothelial cell in B .The caveolae attached to both the luminal and basal plasma membrane (PM)domains are indicated.[From Fawcett (147),with permission from Journal of Histochemistry &Cytochemistry .]D :a higher magni fication of the indicated caveolae in C .Caveolae (vesicles;v)open to the blood or tissue fronts or that appear to be completely closed are indicated.[From Bruns and Palade (65)by copyright permission of The Rockefeller University Press.]TABLE1—ContinuedOrgan System Cell TypeCargo Direction Receptor/Carrier CommentsReference No.LungTrachea HRP,ferritin A-BL UnknownPresence in large endosomes;degradation also?469Upper airways IgA BL-A IgA-receptor via CCV A-BL at low levels may be entry point for pathogens273Bronchial epitheliumAlbumin A-BL Unknown Degraded fragments released at BL (Ussing chamber)269Bioactive-Fc fusion protein A-BL FcRnTransport of intact protein determined by bioassay 553Perfused rat lungAlbumin A-BL gp60in caveolae Question of which alveolar cell type involved267Mammary glandAlveolar epitheliumdIgA BL-A pIgA-receptorPresumed to be same as in intestine and liver497Iron BL-A Tf receptor viaunidenti fied carrier Transferrin synthesized by lactating gland;pathway of iron unknown 310IgGBL-A Not identi fied;not FcRnNeonatal rodent only 245Thyroid Thyroid epithelial cells ThyroglobulinA-BLMegalin-mediatedendocytosis via CCVSeparate route for Thy-T 3/T 4(lysosomes)352A,apical;BL,basolateral;HFE,hemachromatosis gene product;PM,plasma membrane;Tf,transferrin;TCII,transcobalamin II;CCV,clathrin-coated vesicle;Thy,thyroglobulin;T 3/T 4,thyroxines;pIgA,polymeric IgA;FcRn,IgG receptor;LDL,low-density lipoprotein.TRANSCYTOSIS875controversy between physiologists and morphologists for over50years.Numerous reviews documenting the his-tory,experimental details,and different interpretations have appeared in this and other journals(377,467,539, 571,608,614).Because the controversy centers on whether tight junctions or caveolae serve as the major (only)conduit for transported cargo,we will briefly recap this story.On the basis of experiments in which he compared the compositions of the blood and lymph in the hindleg muscle of cats injected with various size tracers,Pappen-heimer et al.(428)postulated in1951that plasma compo-nents(ions,small solutes,and proteins)were transported through two types of rigid pores:a small,ϳ3-to5-nm-diameter pore present at a frequency of100/␮m3and a large,ϳ20-to40-nm-diameter pore present at1%the frequency of the small ones(428).When the endothelium was seen at the ultrastructural level,no structures corre-sponding to the postulated pores were found.Instead, caveolae were observed,leading Bruns and Palade(65, 66)to suggest that they performed the function ascribed to the rigid pores.In the early years of this controversy, differences in the cell systems,approaches,and tracers used by researchers in the two camps often yielded con-flicting results with differences in interpretations.How-ever,both sides progressively refined their experimental approaches and have arrived at an apparent consensus: caveolae do play a role in transport across endothelia, either as fused channels(physiologists)or bonafide trans-port vesicles(cell biologists).Our position is that caveo-lae contribute to the high permeability of continuous endothelium.However,because their number exceeds the number of functional pores predicted by Pappenhei-mer’s results,there must be other functions for caveolae. In fact,they have been proposed to harbor signal trans-duction components in both active and inactive states (9,546).The recent reports of mice genetically engineered to lack the protein caveolin-1,a major component of caveolae,are particularly relevant and are discussed in section IV.Although the controversy has focused on bulk-phase transcytosis,receptor-mediated transcytosis of specific macromolecules also takes place across the endothelia of the microvasculature(Table1).Albumin and orosomu-coid are both transcytosed in competable,saturable,and temperature-dependent fashions,and caveolae mediate their transport.A putative receptor for albumin ofϳ60 kDa that is present only on continuous capillary endothe-lia has been identified by several groups(Table1),but it has not yet been cloned and sequenced.The transcytosis of IgG across continuous endothelial cells is particularly interesting,in light of the expression of the neonatal Fc receptor(FcRn)by these cells(47)and the receptor’s role in maintaining high serum IgG in the adult(Table1).Does the receptor work in both the apical-to-basal and reverse directions?Are clathrin-coated vesicles used,as they are to carry maternal IgG from the gut to the interstitium (apical to basolateral)in neonatal rodents(Table1)?Is excess IgG degraded when the endothelial FcRn receptor is saturated with its ligand,absent,or dysfunctional?If so, how?This area of endothelial cell biology deserves fur-ther study,because it might reveal the mechanism(s)used to selectively deliver a ligand(IgG)from the interstitum back to the circulation(basolateral to apical).We will return to several of these issues below.Finally,one polypeptide hormone,human luteinizing hormone/chori-onic gonadotrophin(hLH/CG),is reportedly transcytosed via clathrin-coated pits and vesicles across the continu-ous endothelium of the testis(Table1).The transport is apparently mediated by the same receptor present on Leydig cells,the target of the hormone in the testis.This system deserves further study,because it is one of two documented examples in which clathrin-coated vesicles of an endothelium transcytose cargo;the other is brain endothelia and transferrin-Fe(see sect.II B1C).B.Transcytosis in the BrainSince the19th century dye experiments of Ehrlich, the brain has been known as a“privileged”organ where access is tightly regulated so that the environment re-mains chemically stable.The brain’sfluid is different from either the blood or noncerebral tissue.The two principal gatekeepers of the brain are the cerebral capillary endo-thelium and the epithelial cells of the choroid plexus(Fig. 2A).These cellular barriers are specialized for the pas-sage of different nutrients from the blood(132,552).The capillaries move nutrients that are required rapidly and in large quantities,such as glucose and amino acids.These small molecules are transported by membrane carriers using facilitated diffusion.The choroid plexus supplies nutrients that are required less acutely and in lower quan-tities.These are folate and other vitamins,ascorbate,and deoxyribonucleotides.Their transport requires energy since the blood concentrations of these nutrients are extremely low.Of relevance to this review is experimen-tal evidence that transcytosis of a limited set of macro-molecules occurs across brain capillaries from blood to the interstitium(the blood-brain barrier)but does not occur across the epithelial cells of the choroid plexus into the cerebrospinalfluid[the blood-cerebrospinalfluid (CSF)barrier].1.Cerebral capillariesCompared with other organs,the abundance of capil-lary endothelium in brain is very high(35).At the same time, permeability is about two orders of magnitude lower than that of endothelia in peripheral organs,giving rise to the designation of this endothelium as“tight continuous”(201).876PAMELA L.TUMA AND ANN L.HUBBARDTwo features of brain endothelia are different from endo-thelia in the periphery.Brain endothelial cells have the low-est frequency of caveolae (Ͻ100/␮m 3),and the character of their tight junctions is in fluenced by underlying astrocytes through the actions of soluble factors,including cytokines (111,263).Claudins 1and 5as well as occludin appear to be relevant players in providing a particularly tight junction(229,289,319,385).Very little macromolecular cargo is transcytosed across the cerebral capillary endothelium.The three best-studied ligands are insulin,LDL-cholesterol,and iron;questions and controversy surround each.A)INSULIN.The finding that insulin-sensitive glucose transporters (GLUT 4)were present in the brain (312,369)led to the search for insulin receptors onendothe-FIG.2.The barriers of the blood-brain (A )and placenta (B ).A :in a ,a diagram indicating the location of the choroid plexus in the human brain is shown.In b ,the relationship between the blood,brain,and cerebrospinal fluid is shown.The dashed line follows two typical open pathways connecting the ventricular cerebrospinal fluid with the basement membrane of parenchymal blood vessels and with the basement membrane of the surface of the brain.A,astrocytic process;C,choroid plexus epithelium;Cs,choroid plexus stroma;E,endothelium of parenchymal vessel;EC,endothe-lium of choroid plexus vessel;Ep,ependyma,GJ,gap junction;N,neuron;SCSF,cerebrospinal fluid of the subarachnoid space;TJ,tight junction;VCSF cerebrospinal fluid of ventricles.[From Brightman and Reese (60)by copyright permission of The Rockefeller University Press.]B :a “low magni fication ”diagram of the chorionic villus is shown (a ).The arterio-capillary-venous network (network)is indicated at the top .[From Moe (380).]In b ,a cross section of a full-term villus is shown.The placental membrane separates the maternal blood from the fetal blood.At the end of pregnancy,this membrane becomes very thin.[From Moe (380).]In c ,a more detailed version of the chorionic villus is shown.The microvillar surfaces (MV)and basal membranes (basal)are indicated.CT,cytotrophoblast;FV,fetal vessel;SK,syncytial knot;ST syncytiotrophoblast.[From Moore and Persaud (383)by copyright permission of Saunders.]TRANSCYTOSIS877。
