Notes of a Native Son译文


20世纪百部经典英文非小说作品(100 Classical Non-fiction English Works of 20th Century)

20世纪百部经典英文非小说作品(100 Classical Non-fiction English Works of 20th Century)

1.《亨利.亚当斯的教育》(The Education of Henry Adams)美国历史学家亚当斯(1838-1918)的自传2.《宗教经验种种》(The Varieties of Religious Experience)美国心理学家、哲学家詹姆士(William James,1842-1910)的作品3.《超越奴役》(Up from Slavery)美国黑人教育学家、社会改革者华盛顿(Booker T.Washington,1856-1915)的作品4.《自己的房间》(A Room of One's Own)英国文学家吴尔芙(Virgina Woolf,1882-1914)的长篇论文5.《寂静的春天》(Silent Spring)美国生态学家卡逊女士(Rachel Carson,1907-1964)的作品6.《1917-1932年论文选集》(Selected Essays,1917-1932)英国诗人艾略特(T.S.Eliot,1888-1965)的作品7.《双螺旋》(The Double Helix)美国遗传生物学家华特生(JamesD.Waston,1928-)的作品8.《说吧!记忆》(Speak,Memory)俄裔美籍作家纳巴科夫(Vladimir Nabokov,1899-1977)的作品9.《美国语言》(American Language)美国语言学家、新闻记者孟肯(H.L.Mencken,1880-1956)的作品10.《就业、利息和货币通论》(The General Theory of Employment,Interest and Money)英国经济学家凯恩斯(John M.Keynes,1883-1946)的作品11. 《一个细胞的生命》(The Live of a Cell)美国医师、研究学者汤玛斯(Lewis Thomas,1913-1993)的作品12.《美国历史中的边疆地区(The Frontier in American History)美国史学家特纳(Frederick Jackson Turner,1861-1932)的作品13.《黑人男孩》(Black Boy)美国黑人作家莱特(RichardWright,1908-1960)的自传14.《小说的几个方面》(Aspects of the Novel)英国小说家福斯特(E.M.Forster,1879-1970)的作品15.《南北战争》(The Civil War)美国作家富特(Shelby Foote,1916-)的作品16.《八月的炮声》(The Guns of August)美国历史学家塔其曼夫人(Barbara Tuchman,1912-1989)的作品17.《人类的研究》(The Proper Study of Mankind)英国哲学家、社会历史学家伯林(Isaiah Berlin,1909-)的作品18.《人的本性与命运》(The Nature and Destiny of Man)美国神学家尼布尔(Reinhold Niebuhr,1892-1971)的作品19.《土生子札记》(Notes of a Native Son)美国黑人作家鲍德温(James Baldwin,1924-1988)的散文集20.《爱丽斯.B.托克拉斯的自传》(The Autobiography of Alic B.Toklas)美国前卫派女作家斯坦因(Gertrude Stein,1874-1946)的作品21.《英文写作的风格与要素》(The Elements and Style of English Writing)美国英文教授史屈克(William Strunk,1869-1946)原著,作家怀特(E.B.White,1899-1985)增订的作品22.《美国难题:黑人问题与现代民主》(An American Dilemma:the Negro Problem and Modern Democracy)瑞典经济学家及社会学家米达尔(Gunnar23.《数学原理》(Principia Mathematica)英国数学家、教育家、形而上学家怀德海(Alfred North Whitehead,1861-1947)与哲学家罗素(Bertrand Russell,1872-1970)合写的作品24.《人的不可测量》(The Mismeasure of Man)美国古生物学家、地质学教授古尔德(Stephen Jay Gould,1941-)的作品25.《镜与灯:浪漫理论与批评传统》(The Mirror and the Lamp:Romantic Theory and Critical Tradition)美国英语教育学者亚伯拉姆斯(Meyer Howard Abrams,1912-)的作品26.《溶解的技术》(The Art of the Soluble)英国动物学家梅达沃(PeterB.Medawar,1915-1987)的作品27.《蚁类》(The Ants)德裔美籍生物学家霍尔多伯(Bert Holldobler,1936-)与美国生物学家威尔逊(Edward O.Wilson,1929-)合写的作品28.《正义的原理》(A Theory of Justice)美国哲学家罗尔斯(John Rawls,1921-)的作品29.《艺术与幻象》(Art and Illusion)奥裔英籍艺术史学者龚布瑞克(ErnestH.Gombrich,1909-)的作品30.《英国劳工阶级的形成》(The Making of the English working Class)英国社会史学家汤普逊(E.P.Thompson,1924-1993)的作品31.《黑人的灵魂》(The Souls of Black Folk)美国黑人社会学家杜包斯(W.E.B.Du Bois,1868-1963)的作品32.《伦理学原理》(Principia Ethica)英国哲学家摩尔(G.E.Moore,1873-1958)的作品33.《哲学和文明》(Philosophy and Civilization)美国哲学家、教育学家杜威(John Dewey,1859-1952)的作品34.《生长与体型》(On Growth and Form)英国生物学者汤普森生(Sir D'Arcy W.Thompson,1860-1948)的作品35.《概念与判断》(IIdeas and Opinions)德裔美籍物理学家爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein,1879-1955)的作品36.《杰克逊时代》(TThe Age of Jackson)美国历史学者施莱辛格(Arthur Schlesinger,1888-1965)的作品37.《原子弹的制作》(The Making of the Atomic Bomb)美国作家罗得斯(Richard Rhodes,1937-)的作品38.《黑羔羊与灰猎鹰》(Black Lamb and Grey Falcon)爱尔兰女记者、评论家威丝特(Dame Rebecca West,1892-1938)的作品39.《自传》(Autobiographies)爱尔兰诗人、剧作家叶慈(W.B.Yeats,1865-1939)的作品40.《中国之科学与文明》(Science and CIivilization in China)英国研究中国科学史学者李约瑟(Joseph Needham,1900-1995)的作品41.《向一切告别》(Goodbye to All That)英国诗人格雷夫斯(Robert Graves,1895-1985)的第一次大战回忆录42.《向加泰隆尼亚致敬》(Homage to Catalonia)英国作家欧威尔(George43.《自传》(The Autobiography of Mark Twain)美国作家马克吐温(Mark Twain)的作品44.《危机转捩之儿童:勇气与惧怕之研究》(Children of Crisis:a Study of Courage and Fear)美国精神医疗学者寇尔慈兹(Robert Coles,1929-)的作品45.《历史的研究》(A Study of History)英国历史学家汤恩比(ArnoldJ.Toynbee,1889-1975)的作品46.《富裕社会》(The Affluent Society)美国经济学家盖伯瑞斯(John Kenneth Galbraith,1908-)的作品47.《参与创造世界》(Present at the Creation)美国前国务卿契逊(Dean Acheson,1893-1971)的回忆录48.《大桥》(The Great Bridge)美国作家、电视节目主持人麦库洛夫(David McCullough,1933-)的作品49.《为国家流血》(Patriotic Gore)美国文艺评论家及散文作家威尔逊(Edmund Wilson,1895-1972)的作品50.《塞缪尔.约翰逊》(Samuel Johnson)美国文学传记作家巴特(Walter Jackson Bate,1918-)的作品51.《麦康姆.X自传》(The Autobiography of Malcolm X)美国作家哈雷(Alex Haley,1921-1992)与黑人领袖麦康姆.X(Malcolm X,1925-1965)合写的作品52.《太空英雄》(The Right Stuff)美国新闻记者伍夫(Tom Wolfe,1931-)的作品53.《维多利亚女王时代四名人传》(Emincent Victorians)英国传记作家司特雷奇(Lytton Strachey,1880-1932)的作品54.《劳动》(Working)美国作家、口述历史学家德克尔(Studs Terkel,1912-)的作品55.《黑暗视觉》(Darkness Visible)美国作家史泰隆(William Styron,1925-)的作品56.《不带偏见的想象》(The Liberal Imagination)美国文学评论家特利凌(Lionel Trilling,1905-1975)的作品57.《二次世界大战回忆录》(The Sencond World War)英国前首相丘吉尔(Winston Churchill,1874-1965)的作品58. 《远离非洲》(Out of Africa)丹麦女作家丹妮逊(Isak Dinesen,1885-1962)的作品59.《杰弗逊和他的时代》(Jefferson and His Time)美国史学家马伦(Dumas Malone,1892-1986)的作品60.《美国性格》(In the American Grain)美国诗人威廉斯(William Carlos Willams,1883-1963)的散文集61.《卡迪拉克沙漠》(Cadillac Desert:the American West and Its Disappearing Water)美国自然保护作家赖斯纳(Marc Reisner,1948-)的作品62.《摩根之家》(The House of Morgan)美国专栏作家切诺(Ron Chernow,1949-)的作品63.《熟练的技术》(Sweet Science)美国新闻记者赖伯宁(A.J.Liebling,1904-1963)的作品64.《开放社会及其敌人》(Open Society and Its Enemies)英国哲学家巴伯(Karl Popper,1902-1994)的作品65.《记忆的艺术》(The Art of Memory)英国文化史学者叶芝(FrancesA.Yates,1899-1981)的作品66.《宗教与资本主义的兴起》(Religion and the Rise of Capitaism)英国经济史学者托尼(R.H.Tawney,1880-1962)的作品67.《道德序论》(A Preface to Morals)美国新闻评论家李普曼(Walter Lippmann,1889-1974)的作品68.《知识分子与中国革命》(The Gate of Heavenly Peace:the Chinese and Their Revolution)英国史学家史景迁(Jonathan D.Spence,1936-)的作品69.《科学革命的结构》(The Stucture ofScientific Revolutions)美国哲学家孔恩(Thomas S.Kuhn,1922-1996)的作品70.《吉姆.克劳的奇异生平》(The StrangeCareer of Jim Crow)美国历史学家和教育学家伍德沃德(C.Vann Woodward,1908-)的作品71.《西方的兴起》(The Rise of the West)美国史学家麦尼尔(WilliamH.McNeill,1917-)的作品72.《诺斯替教的福音》(The Gnostic Gospels)美国宗教历史学家佩格尔斯(Elaine Pagels,1943-)的作品73.《詹姆斯.乔伊斯》(James Joyce)美国文学研究者埃尔曼(Richard Ellmann,1918-1987)的作品74.《南丁格尔传》(Florence Nightingale)英国传记作家乌德罕.史密斯(Cecil75.《大战和现代的记忆》(The Great War and Modern Memory)美国作家富谢尔(Paul Fussell,1924-)的作品76.《历史名城》(The City in History)美国人文学者孟福德(Lewis Mumford,1895-1990)的作品77.《呼喊自由之战》(Battle Cry of Freedom:the Civil War)美国历史教育学者麦克佛森(James M.McPherson,1936-)的作品78.《为什么我们不能等待》(Why We Can't Wait)美国黑人领袖马丁.路德.金(Martin Luther King)的作品79.《迪奥多.罗斯福之崛起》(The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt)美国历史学家莫利斯(Edmund Morris,1940-)的作品80.《圣像画法研究》(Studies in Iconology)德裔美籍美术史学家帕诺夫斯基(Erwin Panofsky,1892-1968)的作品81.《战役的一面》(The Face of Battle)美国军事历史学家基根(John Keegan,1934-)的作品82.《自由英国的奇异之亡》(The Strange Death of Liberal England)英裔美籍作家丹杰菲尔德(George Dangerfield,1904-1987)的作品83.《荷兰风俗画家-弗美尔》(Vermeer)英国画家高文(LawrenceGowing,1918-1991)的作品Woodham Smith,1896-1977)84.《亮丽的谎言》(A Bright Lie:John Paul Vann and American in Vietnam)美国新闻记者、作家席汉(Neil Sheehan,1936-)的作品85.《乘夜向西》(West with the Night)英国女飞行先锋马卡姆(BerylMarkham,1902-1986)的作品86.《这男孩的一生》(This Boy's Life)美国作家沃尔夫(Tobias Wolff,1945-)的作品87.《一个数学家的告白》(A Mathematician's Apology)英国数学家哈代(G.H.Hardy,1877-1947)的作品88.《物理的精髓》(Six Easy Pieces,Essentials of Physics,Explained by Its Most Brilliat Teacher)美国物理学家费曼(Richard P.Feyman,1918-1988)的作品89.《顶克湾的清教徒》(Pilgrim at Tinker Creek)美国作家狄拉德(Annie Dillard,1945-)的作品90.《金枝》(The Golden Bough)英国人类学家弗莱齐(James George Frazer,1945-)的作品91.《影子和动作》(Shadow and Aet)美国作家埃利森(Ralph Ellison,1914-1994)的作品92.《权力的经纪人》(The Power Broker)美国作家卡洛(Robert A.Caro,1936-)的作品93.《美国政治传统》(The American Political Tradition)美国历史学家霍夫斯达德(Richard Hofstadter,1916-1970)的作品94.《美国历史之轮廓》(The Contours of American History)美国历史教育学者威廉斯(William Appleman Williams,1921-1990)的作品95.《美国生活的前途》(The Promise of American Life)美国作家、编辑克罗利(Herbert Croly,1869-1930)的作品96.《冷血》(In Cold Blood)美国作家卡波特(Truman Capote,1924-)的作品97.《新闻记者和谋杀犯》(The Journalist and the Murderer)美国作家玛康姆(Janet Malcolm,?)的作品98.《命运的驯服》(The Taming of Chance)美国哲学教育学者哈金(Ian Hacking,1936-)的作品99.《操作指导:吾儿第一年的日志》(Operating Instructions:a Journal of My Son's First Year)美国作家拉莫特(Anne Lamott,1954-)的作品100.《梅尔本勋爵》(Melbourne)英国传记作家西赛尔(Lord DavidCecil,1902-1986)的作品。



10篇优秀英语长作文范文The art of crafting an engaging and impactful long-form essay is a skill that eludes many writers, both novice and experienced alike. However, for those who have mastered the art, the rewards can be substantial. Long essays provide the opportunity to delve deeply into a subject, to explore complex ideas and nuances, and to present a well-reasoned and persuasive argument.In this essay, we will examine 10 samples of excellent English long essays, each of which demonstrates the power and versatility of this literary form. From personal narratives to academic analyses, these works showcase the diverse range of topics and styles that can be employed in the long essay genre.1. "The Myth of Sisyphus" by Albert CamusIn this philosophical essay, Camus grapples with the absurdity of the human condition, using the Greek myth of Sisyphus as a metaphor for the endless and futile struggle of existence. Camus' prose is both elegant and profound, as he delves into the existential questions that have plagued humanity for centuries.2. "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience" by Henry David Thoreau Thoreau's classic essay is a powerful exploration of the individual's right and responsibility to disobey unjust laws. Drawing on his own experience of civil disobedience, Thoreau crafts a compelling argument for the moral imperative of resistance in the face of governmental overreach.3. "A Room of One's Own" by Virginia WoolfIn this seminal feminist work, Woolf examines the historical and social barriers that have prevented women from achieving literary success. Through a series of thought-provoking vignettes and analyses, she constructs a persuasive case for the necessity of financial and creative independence for female writers.4. "Notes of a Native Son" by James BaldwinBaldwin's deeply personal essay collection delves into the complex intersection of race, identity, and the African-American experience in mid-20th century America. With his characteristic eloquence and insight, Baldwin navigates the nuances of his own life story and its broader societal implications.5. "The Myth of Sisyphus" by Albert CamusIn this philosophical essay, Camus grapples with the absurdity of the human condition, using the Greek myth of Sisyphus as a metaphorfor the endless and futile struggle of existence. Camus' prose is both elegant and profound, as he delves into the existential questions that have plagued humanity for centuries.6. "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience" by Henry David Thoreau Thoreau's classic essay is a powerful exploration of the individual's right and responsibility to disobey unjust laws. Drawing on his own experience of civil disobedience, Thoreau crafts a compelling argument for the moral imperative of resistance in the face of governmental overreach.7. "A Room of One's Own" by Virginia WoolfIn this seminal feminist work, Woolf examines the historical and social barriers that have prevented women from achieving literary success. Through a series of thought-provoking vignettes and analyses, she constructs a persuasive case for the necessity of financial and creative independence for female writers.8. "Notes of a Native Son" by James BaldwinBaldwin's deeply personal essay collection delves into the complex intersection of race, identity, and the African-American experience in mid-20th century America. With his characteristic eloquence and insight, Baldwin navigates the nuances of his own life story and its broader societal implications.9. "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience" by Henry David Thoreau Thoreau's classic essay is a powerful exploration of the individual's right and responsibility to disobey unjust laws. Drawing on his own experience of civil disobedience, Thoreau crafts a compelling argument for the moral imperative of resistance in the face of governmental overreach.10. "A Room of One's Own" by Virginia WoolfIn this seminal feminist work, Woolf examines the historical and social barriers that have prevented women from achieving literary success. Through a series of thought-provoking vignettes and analyses, she constructs a persuasive case for the necessity of financial and creative independence for female writers.These 10 essays represent a mere fraction of the rich and diverse canon of long-form English writing. Each work showcases the power of the essay to illuminate complex ideas, to challenge societal norms, and to inspire deep reflection. Whether delving into the realms of philosophy, politics, or personal narrative, these essays demonstrate the enduring relevance and impact of the long essay form.。

高级英语阅读 土生子札记 James Bladwin

高级英语阅读 土生子札记  James Bladwin

He was born in the Black ghettos in New York which was called Harlem. He even didn` t know his father` s name. When he was 3 years old ,his mother who took service with a white family married to a poor priest. His tough foster father brought 9 children for this family. The little boy took the responsibility of supporting the family too early.
Thank you
—— The End ——
Notes of a Native Son
By James Baldwin
One of the most excellent African American writer in the 20th century, writing from his African American and homosexual identities, has created numerous literary works on such themes as African American history and culture heritage, the racial conflict between the black and white, modern sexual love, and individual consciousness.
James Baldwin` s literary writings generally fall into three categories: fictional writings, non-fictional writings and additionally innumerable shorter pieces. And among all of his nonfiction writings, the essay collection N o te s o f a n a tiv e s o n (1955),N o B o d y K n o w s M y N a m e (1961), T h e F ir e N e x t T i m e (1963) share the equal popularity among the reader at home and abroad.

应用型大学英语 Unit 2 The Landlord's Mistake

应用型大学英语 Unit 2 The Landlord's Mistake

check out and F: Sure, here it is. would it be possible to _________ pay the bill in the morning. Also, what time is breakfast served? breakfast buffet from 6:00am to M: There is a continental ________________________ 10:00am,is in the lobby. Also you can settle your bill in deposit in front. the morning, but we require a 20% ________ But I can just keep a record of your credit on file. Ok, set up . If you could just sign here, and I’ve got you all _______ initial ________ here, here is your room key, anything else I can do for you? F: Yes, could you call me a taxi please?
How many hotel-related words and expressions do you recognize?
Have you ever stayed in a really nice/ expensive hotel? Five-star Hotel Resort 度假村 Hilton / Holiday Inn / W Hotel / Shangri-La Hotel Luxurious Expensive Make / cancel a reservation Staff in a hotel: Cook; Chef厨师 Receptionist 接待员 Head Chef厨师长 Reception/Front desk 前台 Housekeeping staff 客房清洁人员 Head Waiter ;Captain领班 Cleaner清洁工 Bellboy 行李员 Hotel Greeter迎宾员 Lobby Manager大堂经理 Reservation Manager预订部经理 shuttle bus driver 班车司机

notes of a native son part 2

notes of a native son part 2

5. This was the time of what was called the "brown-out", when the lights in all American cities were very dim. When we re-entered the streets something happened to me which had the force of an optical illusion, or a nightmare. The streets were very crowded and I was facing north. People were moving in every direction but it seemed to me, in that instant, that all of the people (in sight) I could see, and many more than that, were moving toward me, against me, and that everyone was white. I remember how their faces gleamed. And I felt, like a physical sensation, a click at the nape of my neck as though some interior string connecting my head to my body had been cut. I began to walk. I heard my friend call after me, but I ignored him. Heaven only knows what was going on in his mind, but he had the good sense not to touch me----I don't know what would have happened if he had----and to keep me in sight. I don't know what was going on in my mind, either;I certainly had no conscious plan. I wanted to do something to crush these white faces, which were crushing me. I walked for perhaps a block or two until I came to an enormous, glittering, andbe served. I pushed through the doors and took the first vacant seat I saw, at a table for two, and waited.1. brown-out: a power failure affecting some but not all the electrical lights in an area.(部分停电)2. Dim: fairly dark or not giving much light, so that you cannot see well.(昏暗)eg: in the dim light of the early dawn 在破晓的微曦下dim=faint=dark3.force: the powerful effect4. Optical: concerned with the way light is seen.(视力的)Illusion: an idea or opinion that is wrong, especially about yourself.(幻觉,假象)Optical illusion: a picture or image that tricks your eyes and makes you see something that is not actually there (视错觉,光幻觉)5. nightmare: a very frightening dream (噩梦,梦魇)Eg: During the trial, she had nightmares.6. in that instant: at that moment7. gleam (v.): to shine slightly(发微光)eg: his teeth gleamedgleam (n.) eg: the gleam in her eyes8. sensation: a sense of touch(感觉能力)9. click: a short cut sound.(发出短而尖的声音)10. nape: the back of your neck(颈背,后颈) eg: He muzzled the soft, warm nape of her back.11. interior: the inner part or inside of something.(内部的) 反义词:exterior12. ignore: take no notice of13. what was going on in his mind= what he was thinking about14. had the good sense to do: be sensible to doSense: understanding, judgement15. in sight: in the area that he can see16. conscious: intentional, deliberate.(故意的,有意的)17. crush: to push something so hard that broke it into pieces.(压碎)Eg: crush one’s dreams/confidence ; crush the rebellion/revolt18. glitter: to shine brightly with flashing points of light.(闪烁,闪光) 同义词:sparkEg: The blades of their swords glittered in the sunlight. 他们刀剑的锋刃在阳光下闪闪发亮19. intercessio n: an act of interceding.(求情)6. I do not know how long I waited and I rather wonder, until today, what I could possibly have looked like. Whatever I looked like, I frightened the waitress who shortly appeared, and the moment she appeared all my fury flowed towards her. I hated her for her white face, and for her great, astounded, frightened eyes. I felt that if she found a black man so frightening I would make her fright worthwhile.1. fury: extreme, often uncontrolled anger.(暴怒) 生气程度由轻到重:anger→rage→furyI vent my anger on her.2. flow: move steadily and continuously.(流动)eg: Smoking affects the flow of blood to the brain. 吸烟会影响血液向大脑的流动3. astound: to make someone very surprised or shocked (使震惊)4. worthwhile: make something useful, worth spending time, money or effortEg: It is worthwhile learning English.7.She did not ask me what I wanted, but repeated, as though she had learned it somewhere,"We don't serve Negroes here."grown so accustomed, but, rather, with a note of apology in her voice, and fear. This made me colder and more murderous than ever. I felt I had to do something with my hands. I wanted her to come close enough for me to get her neck between my hands.1. blunt: outspoken, frank (直言不讳的)反义词:sharp2. derisive: mocking. (嘲笑的) derision(n.) deride(v.)3. a not of: a type of feeling or quality with somebody’s speech or behavior4. cold= cruel= unfriendly5. murderous: very dangerous and likely to kill people. (杀气腾腾的)6. She did not say it with the blunt, derisive hostility.There was a note of suspension in her voice.There was a note of anger in what he said.8. So I pretended not to have understand her, hoping to draw her closer. And she did step a very short step closer, with her pencil poised incongruously over her pad, and repeated the formula:"...don't serve Negroes here."1. poise: to put or hold something in a balanced position, especially above something else. (使平衡)2. i ncongruously: inappropriately(不协调地)incongruity(n.) incongruous(a.)= strange= unsuitable3. formula: a series of meaningless words9. Somehow, with the repetition of that phrase, which was already ringing in my head like athousand bells of a nightmare, I realized that she would never come any closer and that I would have to strike from a distance. There was nothing on the table but an ordinary water-mug half full of water, and I picked this up and hurled it with all my strength at her. She ducked and it missed her and shattered against the mirror behind the bar. And, with that sound, my frozen blood abruptly thawed, I returned from wherever I had been, I saw, for the first time, the restaurant, the people with their mouths open, already, as it seemed to me, rising as one man, and I realized what I had done, and where I was, and I was frightened. I rose and began running for the door. A round, potbellied man grabbed me by the nape of the neck just as I reached the doors and began to beat me about the face. I kicked him and got loose and ran into the streets. My friend whispered, "Run!" and I ran.1. repetition: doing the same thing many times. (重复) repeat(v.)Eg: Students are taught math by constant repetition.2. hurl: to throw something violently and with a lot of force, especially because you are angry. (投掷) “扔”的集中说法:throw(一般), toss (toss sth to sb; toss sb sth)(轻),hurl(重)3. shatter: to break suddenly into very small pieces.(使粉碎)Eg: A stone shattered the glass.搭配:shatter one’s confidence= crush/ dash one’s confidence4. thaw: to let frozen things unfreeze.(解冻,融化) eg: a potbellied office workerEg: When the lakes start to thaw, it’s dangerous to go skating.5. potbellied: having a large stomach that sticks out (大腹便便的,肚子大的)5. beat somebody in the face/ eye beat somebody on the nose10. My friend stayed outside the restaurant long enough to misdirect my pursuers and the police, who arrived, he told me, at once. I do not know what I said to him when he came to my room that night. I most awful way, that I had somehowequally difficult for the imagination to grasp, and one was that I could have been murdered. But the other was that I had been ready to commit murder. I saw nothing very clearly but I did see this: that my life, my real life, was in danger, and not from anything other people might do but from the hatred I carried in my own heart.1. misdirect: to send somebody in the wrong way (把…送错地方) misdirection(n.)翻译:5.当时是所谓“部分灯火管制”时期,美国所有城市里的灯光都非常暗淡。



4. Harlem Renaissance哈莱姆文艺复 兴(1920 -- 1940 )
• novelist Zora Neale Hurston佐拉· 尼尔· 赫斯顿, Their Eyes Were Watching God《他们眼望上苍》(1937) 是黑人文学中第一部充分展示黑人女子内心女性意识觉醒的作品. 她 让一位黑人妇女而不是男人独领风骚,使被遮蔽的女性自信与自强重 新成为社会的关注点,一改美国黑人文学的性别模式,塑造出一个寻 找自我、表现自我、肯定自我的黑人女性.
• Booker T. Washington布克· 华盛顿 (1856–1915) • In contrast to Du Bois, Washington believed that Blacks should first lift themselves up and prove themselves the equal of whites before asking for an end to racism.种族偏
Black American Novels 美国黑人小说
1. Early African American novelists
• William Wells Brown (1814–84) and Victor Séjour (1817– 74) produced the earliest works of fiction小说. • Séjour published his short story "Le Mulâtre" ("The Mulatto") in 1837. • It is the first known fiction by an African American, but as it was written in French and published in a French journal, it had apparently no influence on later American literature. Séjour never returned to African-American themes in his subsequent works.



l Mark Twain马克·吐温1835~1910n The Gilded Age镀金时代n The Adventures of Tom Sawyer汤姆·索亚历险记n The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn哈克贝里·芬历险记n Life on the Mississippi在密西西比河上n A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court在亚瑟王朝廷里的康涅狄格州的美国佬n The Man That Corrupted Hardleybug败坏了哈德莱堡的人American Naturalisml Theodore Dreiser西奥多·德莱塞1871~1945n Sister Carrie嘉丽妹妹n Financier金融家n The Titan巨头n The Stoic斯多噶n Jennie Gerhardt珍妮姑娘n American Tragedy美国的悲剧n The Genius天才l Stephen Crane斯蒂芬·克兰1871~1900n Maggie, a Girl of the Street街头女郎麦琪n The Red Badge of Courage红色英勇勋章n The Black Riders and Other Lines黑衣骑士及其他n War Is Kind战争是仁慈的The Modern Periodl Ezra Pound埃兹拉·庞德1885~1972n Cantos诗章l Thomas Sterns Eliot托马斯·斯特恩斯·艾略特1888~1965n The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock杰·阿尔弗雷德·普鲁夫洛克的情歌n The Waste Land荒原n Hollow Man空心人n Ash Wednesday圣灰星期三n Four Quarters四个四重奏n Murder in the Cathedral大教堂谋杀案n The Cocktail Party鸡尾酒会n The Confidential Clerk机要秘书n The Sacred Wood圣林n Essays on Style and Order风格与秩序论文集n After Strange Gods拜异教神l Robert Frost罗伯特·弗洛斯特1874~1963n A Boy’s Will一个男孩的意愿n Mountain Interval间歇泉n New Hampshire新罕布什尔l F. Scott Fitzgerald弗·斯科特·费兹杰拉德1896~1940n This Side of Paradise人间天堂n Flappers and Philosophers轻佻女郎与哲学家n The Beautiful and the Damned美丽的和该死的(漂亮冤家)n The Great Gatsby了不起的盖茨币(灯绿梦渺)n Tender is the Night夜色温柔n All the Sad Young Man一代悲哀的年轻人n The Last Tycoon最后的巨头l Ernest Hemingway厄内斯特·海明威1899~1961n In Our Time在我们的时代里n Winner Take Nothing胜者无所得n The Torrents of Spring春潮n The Sun Also Rises太阳照常升起n A Farewell to Arms永别了,武器n Death in the Afternoon午后之死n To Have and Have Not富有与贫穷n Green Hills of Africa非洲青山n The Fifth Column第五纵队n For Whom the Bell Tolls丧钟为谁而鸣n The Old Man and the Sea老人与海l Sinclair Lewis辛克莱·刘易斯1885~1951n Main Street大街n Babbitt巴比特n Arrowsmith埃罗史密斯n Dodsworth陶兹华斯n Elmer Gantry埃尔莫·甘德里l Willa Cather薇拉·凯瑟1873~1947n Alexander’s Bridge亚历山大的桥n O Pioneers啊,拓荒者!n The Song of the Lark莺之歌n My Antonia我的安东尼娅l William Faulkner威廉·福克纳1897~1962n The Marble Faun玉石雕像n Soldier’s Pay兵饷n Mosquitoes蚊群n Sartoris家族小说n The Sound and the Fury喧嚣与骚动n As I Lay Dying在我弥留之际n Light in August八月之光n Absalom, Absalom押沙龙,押沙龙n Go Down, Moses去吧,莫西l John Steinbeck约翰·斯坦贝克1902~1968n Cup of Gold金杯n Tortilla Flat煎饼坪n In Dubious Battle胜负未决的战斗n Of Mice and Men人与鼠n The Grapes of Wrath愤怒的葡萄The Post-War Periodl Jerome David Salinger杰罗姆·大卫·赛林格1919~ n Catcher in the Rye麦田里的守望者l Joseph Heller约瑟夫·海勒1923~1999n Catch-22第二十二条军规l Saul Bellow索尔·贝罗1915~n Dangling Man晃来晃去的人n The Adventures of Augie March奥吉·玛其历险记n Henderson the Rain King雨王汉德森n Herzog赫索格n Mr. Sammler’s Planet塞姆勒先生的行星n Humbol dt’s Gift洪堡的礼物n The Dean’s December院长的十二月American Dramal Eugene O’Neil尤金·奥尼尔1888~1953n Beyond the Horizon天边外n The Emperor Jones琼斯皇帝n The Hairy Ape毛猿n Desire under the Elms榆树下的欲望n The Iceman Cometh卖冰的人来了n Long Day’s Journey into Night长夜漫漫路迢迢l Tennessee Williams田纳西·威廉姆斯1911~1983 n The Glass Menagerie玻璃动物园n A Streetcar Named Desire欲望号街车n Summer and Smoke夏与烟n Cat on a Hot Tin Roof热铁皮屋顶上的猫l Arthur Milller亚瑟·米勒1915~n The Man Who Had All the Luck交好运的人n All My Sons都是我的儿子n Death of a Salesman推销员之死n The Crucible萨勒姆的女巫n A View for the Bridge桥头眺望l Edward Albee爱德华·阿尔比1928~n Zoo Story动物园故事n Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?谁害怕弗吉尼娅·沃尔芙?Black American Literaturel Richard Wright理查德·赖特1908~1960n Uncle Tom’s Children汤姆叔叔的孩子们n Native Son土生子n Black Boy黑孩子l Ralph Ellison拉尔芙·爱丽森1914~1994n Invisible Man看不见的人l James Baldwin詹姆斯·鲍德温1924~1987n Go Tell It on the Mountain向苍天呼吁n Notes of a Native Son土生子的札记n Nobody Knows My Name没有人知道我的名字n The Fire Next Time下一次将是烈火l Toni Morrison托妮·莫瑞森1931~n The Bluest Eye最蓝的眼睛n Song of Solomon所罗门之歌n Tar Baby柏油孩子n Beloved宠儿英美文学选读作品及作家一览表/viewdiary.15391314.html英国作家文学作品Chapter I 文艺复兴时期I. Edmund SpenserEpithalamion 贺新婚曲The Faerie Queene 仙后选文为The Faerie QueeneII.Christopher MarloweTamburlaine 铁木耳转Dr. Faustus 浮士德悲剧The Jew of Malta 马乐他岛的犹太人Edward II 爱德华二世Hero and Leander 海洛与勒安德尔选文为Dr. Faustus ;The Passionate Shepherd to His Love III. William ShakespeareRape of Lucrece 鲁克斯受辱记Venus and Adonis 维纳斯与安东尼斯Titus Andronicus 泰托斯安东尼The Comedy of Errors 错误的喜剧The Two Gentlemen of Veroma 维洛那二绅士The Taming of the Shrew 驯悍记Love’s Labour’s Lost 爱的徒劳Richard II 理查二世King John 约翰王Henry IV, Parts I and II, Henry VSix Comedies:A Midsummer Night’s Dream 仲夏夜之梦The Merchant of Venice 威尼斯商人Much Ado About Nothing 无事无非As You Like It 皆大欢喜Twelfth Night 第十二夜The Merry Wise of Windsor 温莎的风流娘儿们Two Tragedies:Romeo and Juliet 罗米欧与朱丽叶Julius Caesar 凯撒HamletOthelloKing LearMacbethAntony and Cleopatra 安东尼与克里佩特拉Troilus and Cressida, and Coriolanus 特洛伊勒斯与克利西达All’ Well That Ends Well (comedy) 终成成眷属Measure for Measure (comedy) 一报还一报Pericles 伯里克利Cymbeline 辛白林The Winter’s Tale 冬天的故事The Tempest 暴风雨Henry VIIIThe Two Noble Kinsmen两位贵族亲戚选文为Sonnet 18; The Merchant of Venice; HamletIV. Francis BaconThe Advancement of Learning 论科学的价值与发展Novum Organum 新工具Apophthagmes New and Old 新旧格言录The History of the Reign of Henry VIIThe New Atlantis 新大西岛Maxims of Law 法律原理The Learning Reading upon the Statute of Uses法令使用读书选文Of StudiesV. John DonneThe Elegies and Satires 挽歌与十四行诗The Songs and Sonnets 歌谣与十四行诗Holy Sonnets 圣十四行诗A Hymns to God the Father 给圣父的赞美诗选文The Rising Sun; Death Be Not ProudVI. John MiltonParadise Lost 失乐园Paradise Regain 复乐园Samson Agonistes力士参孙Lycidas 利西达斯Areopagitica 论出版自由Chapter II 新古典主义时期I.John BunyanThe Pilgrim’s Progress 天路历程Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners 罪人头目的赫免The Life and Death of Mr. Badman 拜德门先生生死录The Holy War 圣战选文The Vanity Fair (from the The Pilgrim’s Progress) II.Alexander PopeThe Dunciad 群愚史诗An Essay on Criticism 论批评The Rape of the Lock 夺发记选文An Essay on CriticismIII. Daniel DefoeRobinson Crusoe 鲁宾逊漂流记Captain Singleton 辛立顿船长Moll Flanders 莫尔弗兰德斯Colonel Jack 杰克上校A Journal of the Plague Year 灾疫之年的日记Roxana 罗克萨那选文Robinson CrusoeIV. Jonathan SwiftA Tale of Tub 木桶传The Battle of the Books 书籍的战斗Gulliver’s Travels 格列弗游记A Modest Proposal 一个小小的建议The Drapier’s Letters 布商的书信选文Gulliver’s TravelsV. Henry FieldingThe Coffee House Politician 咖啡屋的政治家The Tragedy of the Tragedies 悲剧中的悲剧The Historical Register for the Year 1736 1736历史年鉴The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and of his friend Mr. Abraham Adams, Written in Imitation of the Manner of CervantesThe History of Jonathan Wild the Great 大伟人江奈生翻乐德传The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling 汤姆琼斯The History of Amelia 阿米亚选文为Tom JonesVI. Samuel JohnsonPoems:LondonThe Vanity of Human Wishes 人生希望多空幻The History of Rasselas, Price of Abyssinia (a romance)阿比西尼亚王子的故事Irene (a tragedy) 艾琳The Ramble and The Idler 漫游者和闲散者Lives of PoetsA Dictionary of the English Language选文To the Right Honorable the Earl of ChesterfieldVII. Richard Brinsley SheridanThe Rival 情敌The School for Scandal 造谣学校St. Patrick’s Day 圣特帕里克节日Scheming Lieutenant 诡计多端的中尉The Duenna 少女的监护人The Critic 批评家Pizarro 比扎罗选文The School for ScandalVIII.Thomas GrayElegy Written in a Country Churchyard 写在教堂墓地的挽歌Ode on a Spring 春之颂Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College 伊顿远眺Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat 爱猫之死颂Hymn to Adversity 逆境颂选文Elegy Written in a Country ChurchyardChapter III 浪温主义时期I.William BlakePoetic Sketches 诗歌扎记The Songs of Innocence 天真之歌The Songs of Experience 经验之歌Marriage of Heaven and Hell 天堂与地狱联姻The Book of Urizen 尤里曾的书The Book of Los 洛斯的书The Four Zoas 四个成熟的个体Milton 弥尔顿选文The Chimney Sweeper (from Songs of Innocence); The TygerII. William WordsworthLyrical Ballads (抒情歌谣集)The PreludeThe ExcursionWorshipper of Nat ure (The Sparr,w’s Nest, To a Skylark, To the Cuckoo, To a Butterfly,I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud, An Evening Walking, My Heartn Leaps up, Tintern Abbey)选文:I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud, Composed upon Westminster Bridge,She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways, The Solitary ReaperIII. Samuel Taylor ColeridgeLyrical BalladsThe Rime of the Ancient Mariner (古舟子咏)Kubla Khan (忽必烈汗)This Lime Free Bower My Prison (酸橙树亭------我的监牢)Frost at Midnight 午夜霜The Nightingale 夜莺Biographia Literaria 文学传记选文Kubla KhanIV.George Grodon ByronHours of Idleness 闲散的时光Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage 恰尔德哈罗德游记Oriented Tales 东方化的传奇The Prisoner of Chillon 锡庸的囚徒Manfred 曼弗雷德Don Juan 唐璜Cain 该隐The Island 岛屿The Vision of Judgment 审判的想象选文Song for the Luddites ; The Isles of Greece (from Don Juan)V. Percy Bysshe ShelleyThe Necessity of Atheism 无神论的必要性Queen Mab: A Philosophical Poem 仙后麦布Alastor, or The Spirit of Solitude 复仇者或隐居者的精神Julian and Maddalo 朱利安与麦达格The Revolt of Islam 伊斯兰的反叛The Cenci 钦契一家The Prometheus Unbound解放了的普罗米修斯Adomais 阿多尼斯Hellas 海娜斯A Defense of Poetry 诗之辩护选文A Song: Men of England; Ode to the West WindVI. John KeatsOn First Looking into Chapman’s HomerEndymionLamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agens, and Other Poems (Ode on Melancholy, Ode on a Grecian Urn, Ode to a Nightingale, Ode to Psyche)Lyric masterpiece (To Autumn, Hyperion)选文Ode on a Grecian UrnVII. Jane AustenSense and Sensibility 理智与情感Pride and Prejudice 傲慢与偏见Northanger Abbey 诺桑觉寺Mansfield Park 曼斯菲尔德花园Emma 埃玛Persuasion 劝导The Watsons 屈陈氏一爱Fragment of a Novel 小说的片断Plan of a Novel 小说的计划选文Pride and PrejudiceChapter IV. 维多利亚时期I.Charles DickensSketches by Boz 博兹特写集The Posthumous of the Pickwick Club 皮克威克外传Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿Nicholas Nickleby 尼古拉斯尼克尔贝The Pickwick Paper 皮克威克外传David Copperfield 大卫科波菲尔Martin Chuzzlewit 马丁朱尔述维特Dombey and Son 董贝父子A Tale of Two Cities 双城记Bleak House 荒凉山庄Little Dorrit 小杜丽Hard Times 艰难时世Great Expectations 远大前程Our Mutual Friends 我们共同的朋友The Old Curiosity Shop 老古玩店选文为Oliver TwistII. The Bronte SistersPoem by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell (Charlotte, Emily, Anne)The Professor (Charlotte) 教师Jane Eyre (Charlotte) 简爱Wuthering Heights (Emily) 呼啸山庄Agnes Grey (Anne) 格雷The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (Anne)野岗庄园房客选文Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte III. Alfred TennysonPoems by Two Brothers 两兄弟诗集Poems, Chiefly Lyrical 诗集,主要是抒情诗Poems 诗集The Princess 公主In Memoriam 悼念Idylls of the King 国王叙事集选文Break,Break,Break, Crossing the Bar, UlyssesIV. Robert BrowningPauline 波琳Sordello 索尔戴洛Dramatic Lyrics 戏剧抒情诗Dramatic Romances and Lyrics 戏剧罗曼史和抒情诗Bells and Pomegranates 铃铛与石榴Men and Women 男人与女人Dramatic Personae 剧中人The Ring and the Book 指环与书Dramatic Idylls 戏剧田园诗选文My Last Duchess, Meeting at Night, Parting at MorningV. George EliotScenes of Clerical Life 教区生活场景Adam Bede 亚当比德The Mill on the Floss 弗洛斯河上的磨坊Romola 罗慕拉Felix holt, the Radical 激进分子菲尼克斯霍尔特Middlemarch 米德尔马契Daniel Deronda 但尼尔狄隆达选文MiddlemarchVI. Thomas HardyTess of the D’Urbervilles 苔丝Jude the Obscure 无名的裘德The Dynasts 列后The Return of the Native 还乡The Trumpet Major 号兵长The Mayor of Casterbridge 卡斯特桥市长The Woodlanders 林地居民Under the Greenwood 林间居民Far from the Madding Crowd 远离尘嚣选文Tess of the D’UrbervillesChapter V 现代主义时期I. George Bernard ShawCashel Byron’s Profession 卡歇尔拜伦的职业Our Theaters in the Nineties 90年代的英国戏剧Widower’s Houses 鳏夫的房产Candida 堪迪达Mrs. Warren’s Profession 沃伦夫人的职业Caesar and Cleoptra 凯撕与克利奥佩特拉St. Joan 圣女贞德Back to Methuselah 回归玛士撒拉Man and Superman人与超人John Bull’s Other Island 约翰布尔的另外岛屿Pygmalion 茶花女Getting Married 结婚Misalliance 不合适的媳妇Fanny’s First Play 范尼的第一部戏剧The Doctor’s Dilemma医生的困境Too True to be Good 难以置信选文Mrs. Warren’s ProfessionII. John GalsworthyFrom the Four Winds 来自四位吹奏者The Man of Property 财主The Silver Box 银盒The Forsyte Saga弗尔赛特三部曲( The Man of Property, In Chancery 骑虎难下, To Let 出租)A Modern Comedy 现代喜剧End of the Chapter 篇章未尾选文The Man of PropertyIII. William Butler YeatsThe Lake of Innisfree 伊尼斯岛Sailing to Byzantium 驶向拜占庭The Countess Cathleen 女伯爵凯瑟琳Cathleen ni Houlihan 故里痕的凯瑟琳The Land of Heart’s Desire 心里渴望的地方The Shadowy Waters 浅水区Purgatory 炼狱选文The Lake of InnisfreeIV. T. S. EliotThe Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock 布鲁富劳克的情歌The Waste Land 荒园Murder in the Cathedral 教堂里的谋杀The Family Reunion 家人团聚The Confidential Clerk 机要秘书The Statesmen 政治家The Cocktail Party鸡尾酒会选文The Love Song of J. Alfred PrufrockV. D. H. LawrenceSons and Lovers 儿子与情人The White Peacock白孔雀The Trespasser 过客The Rainbow彩虹Women in Love 恋爱中的女人Aaron’s Rod亚伦神仗Kangaroo 袋鼠The Plumed Serpent带羽毛的蛇Lady Chatterley’s Lover St. Mawr 圣摩尔The Daughter of the Vicar 主教的女儿The Horse Dealer’s Daughter贩马人的女儿The Captain’s Doll 般长的娃娃The Prussian Officer 普鲁士军官The Virgin and the Gypsy贞女和吉普塞人Trilogy(A Collier’s Friday Night, 矿工周五的夜晚The Daughter-in-law,儿媳The Widowing of Mrs. Holroyed 守寡的霍尔伊德夫人选文Sons and LoversVI. James JoyceDubliner 都柏林人A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man青年艺术家的自画像Ulysses 尤利西斯Finnegans Wake 为芬尼根守灵选文Dubliner美国文学Chapter I 浪漫主义时期I.Washington IrvingA History of New York form the Beginning of the World to the End of Dutch Dynasty 自古至荷兰占领为止的纽约史The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent 见闻扎记Bracebridge Hall 布雷斯布里奇庄园Tales of a Travel 旅行者的故事The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 睡谷的传说选文Rip Van WinkleII. Ralph Waldo EmersonNature 论自然Essay 散文集The American Scholar 论美国学者Self-Reliance 论自信The Over-Soul 论超灵选文NatureIII. Nathaniel HawthorneMosses from an Old Manse古宅青苔The Snow-Image and Other Twice-Told Tales 雪像和其他故事新编The Scarlet Letter 红字The House of Seven Gables 七个尖角阁的房子The Blithedale Romance 福谷传说The Marble Faun 大理石雕像选文Young Goodman BrownIV. Walt WhitmanLeaves of Grass选文There Was a Child Went Forth, Cavalry Crossing a Ford, Song of MyselfV. Herman MelvilleTypee 泰比Omoo 奥穆Mardi 玛迪Redburn 雷德本White Jacket 白外衣Pierre 皮埃尔Confidence-Man 信心人Moby-Dick 白鲸Billy Budd 比利伯德选文Moby-DickChapter II 现实主义时期I. Mark TwainAdventures of Huckleberry FinnLife on Mississippi The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras CountyInnocent Abroad 傻瓜出国记Roughing It 含莘如苦The Adventures of Tom Sawyer The Gilded Age 镀金时代A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court 亚瑟王宫庭中的美国佬The Tragedy of Pudd’nhead Wilson 傻瓜威尔逊The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg 败坏哈德莱堡的人The Mysterious Stranger 神秘的陌生人选文Adventures of Huckleberry FinnII. Henry JamesThe American 美国人Daisy Miller 黛西米勒The European 欧洲人The Protrait of A Lady 贵妇人的画像The Bostonians 波士顿人Princess Casamassima 卡撒玛西公主The Private Life 私生活The Middle Years 中年The Turn of the Screw 螺丝的拧紧The Beast in the Jungle 丛林猛兽What Maisie Knows 梅西所知道的The Wings of the Dove 鸽翼The Ambassadors 大使The Golden Bowl 金碗The Death of a Lion 狮之死选文Daisy MillerIII. Emily DickinsonIf you were coming in the fallThere came a day Summer’s fullI cannot live with You I’m ceded-I’ve stopped being theirs选文This is my letter to the World, I heard a Fly buzz-when I diedI like to see it lap the MilesBecause I could not stop for deathIV.Theodore DreisererSister Carrie 嘉莉妹妹Nigger Jeff 黑人杰夫Old Rogaum and His Theresa 老罗格姆和他的特里萨Jennie Gerhardt珍妮姑娘Trilogy of Desire The Financier 金融家The Genius 天才An American Tragedy 美国悲剧Dreiser at Russia 德莱塞对俄罗斯的观感选文Sister CarrieChapter III 现代主义时期I. Ezra PoundThe Cantos 诗章Collected Early Poems of Ezra Pound 庞德的诗章Personae 人物Cantos Hugh Selwyn Mauberley 休塞尔温莫伯利Make It New 要革新Literary Essays 文学散文The ABC of Reading 阅读入门Polite Essays 优雅的随笔The Translations of Ezra Pound 庞德译文集Confucius 孔子Shih-Ching 诗集选文In a Station of the Metro, The River-Merchant’s Wife: A Letter, A PactII. Robert Lee FrostA Boy’s Will 一个男孩儿的愿望North of Boston 波士顿以北Mountain Interval New Hampshire 新罕布什尔Snowy Evening 雪夜停马在林边West-Running Brook 向西流去的小溪Collected Poems 诗选A Winter Tree选文After Apple-Picking, The Road Not Taken, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening以III. Eugene O’NeillBound East for Cardiff 驶向东方的卡笛夫Beyond the Horizon 天外边Straw Anna Christie The Emperor Jones 琼斯皇帝The Hairy Ape 毛猿All God’ s Chillun Got Wings 所有上帝的烟斗都有翅膀The Great God Brown 伟大之神布朗Long Day’s Journal Into Night 直到夜晚的漫长的一天Desire Under the Elms 榆树下的欲望选文The Hairy ApeIV. F. Scott FitzgeraldThis Side of Paradise 天堂的这一边Beautiful and Damned 美丽而遭骂的人The Great Gatsby Tender is the Night 夜色温柔The Last Tycoon 最后一个巨头Flappers and Philosophers 吹捧者与哲学家Tales of the Jazz Age 爵士时代All the Sad Young Men 所有悲惨的小伙子Taps at Reveille 拍打在起床鼓上Babylon Revisited重返巴比伦选文The Great GatsbyV. Earnest HemingwayIn Our Time 在我们的时代A Farewell to Arms 永别了,武器For Whom the Bell Tolls 丧钟为谁敲响The Old Man and the Sea 老人与海Men Without Women 没有女人的男人Death in the Afternoon 午后之死The Snows of Kilimanjaro 开利曼扎罗之雪The Green Hills of Africa 非洲的青山选文Indian Camp (from In Our Time)VI. William FaulknerThe Marble Faun 玉石牧神The Sound and the Fury 喧嚣与骚动As I Lay Dying 我弥留之际Light in August 八月之光Absalom, Absalom 押沙龙!押沙龙!Wild Palms 疯狂的手掌The Hamlet 哈姆雷特The Unvanquished 不可征服的Go Down, Moses 去吧,摩西The Fable 寓言The Town 小镇The Mansion 大厦Soldier’s Pay 士兵的报酬。



100个经典英语作文The art of essay writing has a long and illustrious history, dating back to the ancient Greeks and Romans. Over the centuries, countless writers have honed their craft, producing works that have captivated and inspired readers from all walks of life. In this essay, we will explore 100 of the most celebrated and influential English essays, each one a testament to the power of the written word.1. "The Essays of Francis Bacon" by Francis Bacon - A collection of reflections on a wide range of topics, from politics and philosophy to science and human nature.2. "Self-Reliance" by Ralph Waldo Emerson - A seminal work of American transcendentalism, advocating for individualism and the power of the human spirit.3. "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience" by Henry David Thoreau - A powerful argument for civil disobedience in the face of unjust laws and government.4. "The Idea of a University" by John Henry Newman - A thoughtful exploration of the purpose and value of higher education.5. "The Myth of Sisyphus" by Albert Camus - A philosophical meditation on the absurdity of human existence and the search for meaning.6. "On the Pleasure of Hating" by William Hazlitt - A witty and insightful examination of the human capacity for hatred and resentment.7. "A Room of One's Own" by Virginia Woolf - A landmark feminist essay that argues for the importance of financial and creative independence for women.8. "Notes of a Native Son" by James Baldwin - A powerful and personal exploration of race, identity, and the African American experience.9. "The Myth of Sisyphus" by Albert Camus - A philosophical meditation on the absurdity of human existence and the search for meaning.10. "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience" by Henry David Thoreau - A powerful argument for civil disobedience in the face of unjust lawsand government.11. "Self-Reliance" by Ralph Waldo Emerson - A seminal work of American transcendentalism, advocating for individualism and the power of the human spirit.12. "The Essays of Francis Bacon" by Francis Bacon - A collection of reflections on a wide range of topics, from politics and philosophy to science and human nature.13. "The Idea of a University" by John Henry Newman - A thoughtful exploration of the purpose and value of higher education.14. "On the Pleasure of Hating" by William Hazlitt - A witty and insightful examination of the human capacity for hatred and resentment.15. "A Room of One's Own" by Virginia Woolf - A landmark feminist essay that argues for the importance of financial and creative independence for women.16. "Notes of a Native Son" by James Baldwin - A powerful and personal exploration of race, identity, and the African American experience.17. "The Myth of Sisyphus" by Albert Camus - A philosophical meditation on the absurdity of human existence and the search for meaning.18. "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience" by Henry David Thoreau - A powerful argument for civil disobedience in the face of unjust laws and government.19. "Self-Reliance" by Ralph Waldo Emerson - A seminal work of American transcendentalism, advocating for individualism and the power of the human spirit.20. "The Essays of Francis Bacon" by Francis Bacon - A collection of reflections on a wide range of topics, from politics and philosophy to science and human nature.21. "The Idea of a University" by John Henry Newman - A thoughtful exploration of the purpose and value of higher education.22. "On the Pleasure of Hating" by William Hazlitt - A witty and insightful examination of the human capacity for hatred and resentment.23. "A Room of One's Own" by Virginia Woolf - A landmark feminist essay that argues for the importance of financial and creativeindependence for women.24. "Notes of a Native Son" by James Baldwin - A powerful and personal exploration of race, identity, and the African American experience.25. "The Myth of Sisyphus" by Albert Camus - A philosophical meditation on the absurdity of human existence and the search for meaning.26. "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience" by Henry David Thoreau - A powerful argument for civil disobedience in the face of unjust laws and government.27. "Self-Reliance" by Ralph Waldo Emerson - A seminal work of American transcendentalism, advocating for individualism and the power of the human spirit.28. "The Essays of Francis Bacon" by Francis Bacon - A collection of reflections on a wide range of topics, from politics and philosophy to science and human nature.29. "The Idea of a University" by John Henry Newman - A thoughtful exploration of the purpose and value of higher education.30. "On the Pleasure of Hating" by William Hazlitt - A witty and insightful examination of the human capacity for hatred and resentment.31. "A Room of One's Own" by Virginia Woolf - A landmark feminist essay that argues for the importance of financial and creative independence for women.32. "Notes of a Native Son" by James Baldwin - A powerful and personal exploration of race, identity, and the African American experience.33. "The Myth of Sisyphus" by Albert Camus - A philosophical meditation on the absurdity of human existence and the search for meaning.34. "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience" by Henry David Thoreau - A powerful argument for civil disobedience in the face of unjust laws and government.35. "Self-Reliance" by Ralph Waldo Emerson - A seminal work of American transcendentalism, advocating for individualism and the power of the human spirit.36. "The Essays of Francis Bacon" by Francis Bacon - A collection ofreflections on a wide range of topics, from politics and philosophy to science and human nature.37. "The Idea of a University" by John Henry Newman - A thoughtful exploration of the purpose and value of higher education.38. "On the Pleasure of Hating" by William Hazlitt - A witty and insightful examination of the human capacity for hatred and resentment.39. "A Room of One's Own" by Virginia Woolf - A landmark feminist essay that argues for the importance of financial and creative independence for women.40. "Notes of a Native Son" by James Baldwin - A powerful and personal exploration of race, identity, and the African American experience.41. "The Myth of Sisyphus" by Albert Camus - A philosophical meditation on the absurdity of human existence and the search for meaning.42. "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience" by Henry David Thoreau - A powerful argument for civil disobedience in the face of unjust laws and government.43. "Self-Reliance" by Ralph Waldo Emerson - A seminal work of American transcendentalism, advocating for individualism and the power of the human spirit.44. "The Essays of Francis Bacon" by Francis Bacon - A collection of reflections on a wide range of topics, from politics and philosophy to science and human nature.45. "The Idea of a University" by John Henry Newman - A thoughtful exploration of the purpose and value of higher education.46. "On the Pleasure of Hating" by William Hazlitt - A witty and insightful examination of the human capacity for hatred and resentment.47. "A Room of One's Own" by Virginia Woolf - A landmark feminist essay that argues for the importance of financial and creative independence for women.48. "Notes of a Native Son" by James Baldwin - A powerful and personal exploration of race, identity, and the African American experience.49. "The Myth of Sisyphus" by Albert Camus - A philosophicalmeditation on the absurdity of human existence and the search for meaning.50. "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience" by Henry David Thoreau - A powerful argument for civil disobedience in the face of unjust laws and government.51. "Self-Reliance" by Ralph Waldo Emerson - A seminal work of American transcendentalism, advocating for individualism and the power of the human spirit.52. "The Essays of Francis Bacon" by Francis Bacon - A collection of reflections on a wide range of topics, from politics and philosophy to science and human nature.53. "The Idea of a University" by John Henry Newman - A thoughtful exploration of the purpose and value of higher education.54. "On the Pleasure of Hating" by William Hazlitt - A witty and insightful examination of the human capacity for hatred and resentment.55. "A Room of One's Own" by Virginia Woolf - A landmark feminist essay that argues for the importance of financial and creative independence for women.56. "Notes of a Native Son" by James Baldwin - A powerful and personal exploration of race, identity, and the African American experience.57. "The Myth of Sisyphus" by Albert Camus - A philosophical meditation on the absurdity of human existence and the search for meaning.58. "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience" by Henry David Thoreau - A powerful argument for civil disobedience in the face of unjust laws and government.59. "Self-Reliance" by Ralph Waldo Emerson - A seminal work of American transcendentalism, advocating for individualism and the power of the human spirit.60. "The Essays of Francis Bacon" by Francis Bacon - A collection of reflections on a wide range of topics, from politics and philosophy to science and human nature.61. "The Idea of a University" by John Henry Newman - A thoughtful exploration of the purpose and value of higher education.62. "On the Pleasure of Hating" by William Hazlitt - A witty andinsightful examination of the human capacity for hatred and resentment.63. "A Room of One's Own" by Virginia Woolf - A landmark feminist essay that argues for the importance of financial and creative independence for women.64. "Notes of a Native Son" by James Baldwin - A powerful and personal exploration of race, identity, and the African American experience.65. "The Myth of Sisyphus" by Albert Camus - A philosophical meditation on the absurdity of human existence and the search for meaning.66. "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience" by Henry David Thoreau - A powerful argument for civil disobedience in the face of unjust laws and government.67. "Self-Reliance" by Ralph Waldo Emerson - A seminal work of American transcendentalism, advocating for individualism and the power of the human spirit.68. "The Essays of Francis Bacon" by Francis Bacon - A collection of reflections on a wide range of topics, from politics and philosophy toscience and human nature.69. "The Idea of a University" by John Henry Newman - A thoughtful exploration of the purpose and value of higher education.70. "On the Pleasure of Hating" by William Hazlitt - A witty and insightful examination of the human capacity for hatred and resentment.71. "A Room of One's Own" by Virginia Woolf - A landmark feminist essay that argues for the importance of financial and creative independence for women.72. "Notes of a Native Son" by James Baldwin - A powerful and personal exploration of race, identity, and the African American experience.73. "The Myth of Sisyphus" by Albert Camus - A philosophical meditation on the absurdity of human existence and the search for meaning.74. "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience" by Henry David Thoreau - A powerful argument for civil disobedience in the face of unjust laws and government.75. "Self-Reliance" by Ralph Waldo Emerson - A seminal work of American transcendentalism, advocating for individualism and the power of the human spirit.76. "The Essays of Francis Bacon" by Francis Bacon - A collection of reflections on a wide range of topics, from politics and philosophy to science and human nature.77. "The Idea of a University" by John Henry Newman - A thoughtful exploration of the purpose and value of higher education.78. "On the Pleasure of Hating" by William Hazlitt - A witty and insightful examination of the human capacity for hatred and resentment.79. "A Room of One's Own" by Virginia Woolf - A landmark feminist essay that argues for the importance of financial and creative independence for women.80. "Notes of a Native Son" by James Baldwin - A powerful and personal exploration of race, identity, and the African American experience.81. "The Myth of Sisyphus" by Albert Camus - A philosophical meditation on the absurdity of human existence and the search formeaning.82. "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience" by Henry David Thoreau - A powerful argument for civil disobedience in the face of unjust laws and government.83. "Self-Reliance" by Ralph Waldo Emerson - A seminal work of American transcendentalism, advocating for individualism and the power of the human spirit.84. "The Essays of Francis Bacon" by Francis Bacon - A collection of reflections on a wide range of topics, from politics and philosophy to science and human nature.85. "The Idea of a University" by John Henry Newman - A thoughtful exploration of the purpose and value of higher education.86. "On the Pleasure of Hating" by William Hazlitt - A witty and insightful examination of the human capacity for hatred and resentment.87. "A Room of One's Own" by Virginia Woolf - A landmark feminist essay that argues for the importance of financial and creative independence for women.88. "Notes of a Native Son" by James Baldwin - A powerful and personal exploration of race, identity, and the African American experience.89. "The Myth of Sisyphus" by Albert Camus - A philosophical meditation on the absurdity of human existence and the search for meaning.90. "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience" by Henry David Thoreau - A powerful argument for civil disobedience in the face of unjust laws and government.91. "Self-Reliance" by Ralph Waldo Emerson - A seminal work of American transcendentalism, advocating for individualism and the power of the human spirit.92. "The Essays of Francis Bacon" by Francis Bacon - A collection of reflections on a wide range of topics, from politics and philosophy to science and human nature.93. "The Idea of a University" by John Henry Newman - A thoughtful exploration of the purpose and value of higher education.94. "On the Pleasure of Hating" by William Hazlitt - A witty and insightful examination of the human capacity for hatred andresentment.95. "A Room of One's Own" by Virginia Woolf - A landmark feminist essay that argues for the importance of financial and creative independence for women.96. "Notes of a Native Son" by James Baldwin - A powerful and personal exploration of race, identity, and the African American experience.97. "The Myth of Sisyphus" by Albert Camus - A philosophical meditation on the absurdity of human existence and the search for meaning.98. "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience" by Henry David Thoreau - A powerful argument for civil disobedience in the face of unjust laws and government.99. "Self-Reliance" by Ralph Waldo Emerson - A seminal work of American transcendentalism, advocating for individualism and the power of the human spirit.100. "The Essays of Francis Bacon" by Francis Bacon - A collection of reflections on a wide range of topics, from politics and philosophy to science and human nature.。



Lesson 1Text A Blueprint for a “Learning Society”bane造成困扰或不快的事物;wither away消失,破灭;dead weight沉重的负担;spur刺激,鼓舞;relegate使降级;decolonization非殖民化;underprivileged贫困的; prerogative特权;audiovisual aids直观教具;paradoxical似是而非的;plow through sth费劲地穿越;sweeping全面的;彻底的,大范围的,根本性的;substantially 非常;大大地;disparity差异,不同; authoritarianism专制; ideology意识形态; polytechnical多学科性质的; draw on吸收,汲取;take account of考虑斟酌,体谅;be acquainted with使某人熟悉…; make sense of懂得,了解...的意义Text B Education as a Path to ConformityConformity 1. 遵从;顺从[(+to/with)] 2. 相似;一致;符合[(+to/with)]corps名词n. 1. 兵团,军2. (医务、通讯、军械等兵种的)部队3. (经专门训练或有特种使命的)队,组,团avalanche名词n. [C]1. 雪崩;山崩2. 突然来到的大量事物[(+of)]slog及物动词vt. 1. 猛击2. 步履艰难地行(路); 不及物动词vi. 1. 猛击2. 顽强行进deadbeat名词n. 1. 赖债不还的人2. 游手好闲者3. 落泊者impart及物动词vt. [(+to)]1. 分给;给予;传授2. 告知;透露wimp名词n. 1. 软弱(或无能)者2. 【俚】无能的人;糊涂的人;懦弱的人patriarchal形容词a. 1. 家长的;族长的;家长(或族长)制的2. 【宗】教长的;牧首的3. 德高望重的glare不及物动词vi. 1. 怒目注视[(+at)]2. 眩目地照射3. 显眼,引人注目; 及物动词vt. 1. 用愤怒的目光表示trill名词n. [C]1. 【音】颤音2. (鸟等的)啼啭声3. 【语】颤动;颤音; 及物动词vt. 1. 用颤音发(声);用颤音唱(或奏) 2. (鸟)啼啭; 不及物动词vi. 1. 用颤音发声;用颤音唱歌(或演奏) 2. (鸟)啼啭censure及物动词vt. 1. 责备;谴责; 不及物动词vi. 1. 责备;谴责; 名词n. 1. 责备;谴责[U][C]fret及物动词vt. 1. 使苦恼;使烦躁;使发愁2. 侵蚀;腐蚀;使磨损;蛀蚀3. (经侵蚀而)形成(通道) 4. 使(水面)起波纹daunting形容词a. 1. 令人怯步的;使人气馁的Lesson 2Text A Notes of A Native Soningenious机灵的, 有独创性的, 精制的, 具有创造才能;Jim-crow歧视黑人的,<贬>黑人专用的;unanimous一致的,一致同意的; bounce back弹起,弹跳;跳回;predilection爱好, 偏袒;sardonic嘲笑的, 冷笑的, 讥讽的;discompose使不安, 使烦乱, 使烦恼;eject逐出, 撵出, 驱逐, 喷射;derisive嘲笑的, 值得嘲笑的;incongruous不调和的, 不适宜的; thaw使融解, 使缓和,融化, 解冻;outrageous侮辱人的, 极恶劣的;令人震惊的; 令人愤慨的;bawl高声喊叫, 咆哮; chamber房间, 寝[卧]室; imprecation诅咒,谩骂;enact制定,颁布;interception求情,调解;astound使震惊;rise as one man集体起立Text B:Momma, the Dentist, and Meexcruciate施酷刑,拷问,使苦恼,折磨;penance忏悔; 悔过; (赎罪的)惩罚;cavity 洞, 穴, 凹处, 槽; 空心; bailiwick职权范围,管辖区;loop:用环扣住(或套住);缠绕; enamel: 珐琅质; blinding pain: 使人眩目的痛; toy with: 随随便便的对待; starch: (用淀粉浆)给(衣服等)上浆; Screw up: 使振作,鼓舞; dislodge逐出,取出;离开住处;cushion垫子;缓和;保护;hypnotize施催眠术,使恍惚,使着迷;of one’s own accord: 自愿的; scoundrel无赖;流氓;enunciate(清楚地)表达;vernacular 土语; 方言; obliterate涂去,擦去,删除;lukewarm微温的;不热心的, 不起劲的;retributive报应的; 报复的; 惩罚的;rotten to the gums烂到了牙根;crushed aspirins阿司匹林粉; dislodge what little remained of my reason清除了所有的理智;It was no small effort.费了很大力气。

Notes of A Native Son翻译

Notes of A Native Son翻译

























An Introduction to LiteratureHomework IIIClass: 5 Name: 庞玲Mark: American Writers and Their Representative Works:Colonial AmericaNovelists Benjamin Franklin本杰明.富兰克林A Modest Inquiry into the Nature and Necessity of a Paper MoneyPoor Richard’s Almanac 《穷查理历书》The Autobiography 《自传》The Way to Wealth 《致富之道》Thomas Paine 托马斯.潘恩The Case of the Officers of Excise《税务员问题》Downfall of Despotism《专制体制的崩溃》Common Sense 《常识》Rights of Man 《人的权利》The Age of Reason 《理性时代》American Crisis 《美国危机》Poet Philip Freneau菲利普.弗伦诺The Rising Glory of America 《蒸蒸日上的美国》The Indian Burying Ground 《印第安人殡葬地》The Wild Honeysuckle 《野生金银花》To the Memory of the Brave Americans 《纪念美国勇士》The Britain Prison Ship 《英国囚船》American RomanticismNovelists Washington Irving华盛顿.欧文A History of New York 《纽约历史》The Alhambra 《阿尔罕伯拉》Talks of Travelers 《旅客谈》Brace Bridge Hall 《布里斯布里奇田庄》The Sketch Book 《见闻札记》The Legend of Sleepy Hollow《睡谷的传说》New England TranscendentalismNovelists Nathaniel Hawthorne纳撒尼尔.霍桑Twice-told Tales 《尽人皆知的故事》Mosses from an Old Manse 《古屋青苔》Young Goodman Brown 《年轻的古德曼.布朗》The Scarlet Letter 《红字》The House of the Seven Gables 《有七个尖角阁的房子》The Marble Faun 《玉石雕像》Herman Melville 赫尔曼.梅尔维尔Moby Dick/The White Whale 《白鲸》Typee 《泰比》Omoo 《奥穆》Mardi 《玛第》Redbum 《雷德本》White Jacket 《白色外衣》Pierre 《皮尔埃》Piazza 《广场故事》Billy Budd 《比利.巴德》Poets Ralph WaldoEmerson拉尔夫.沃尔多.爱默生Essays 《散文集》The American Scholar 《论美国学者》Nature 《论自然》Over Soul 《论超灵》Self-reliance 《论自立》The Transcendentalism 《超验主义》Representative Men 《代表人物》English Traits 《英国人的特征》School Address 《神学院演说》Concord Hymn 《康考徳颂》The Rhado 《杜鹃花》The Humble Bee 《野蜂》Days 《日子》Henry David Thoreau 亨利.戴维.梭罗Wadden, or Life in the Woods 《华腾湖林中生活》Resistance to Civil Government《抵制公民政府》A Week on the Concord and Merrimack RiversHenry Longfellow亨利.朗费罗The Courtship of Miles Standish 《迈尔斯.斯坦迪什的求婚》The Song of Hiawatha 《海华沙之歌》V oices of the Night 《夜吟》Ballads and Other Poems 《民谣及其它诗》Belfry of Bruges and Other Poems 《布鲁茨的钟楼及其它诗》An April Day 《四月的一天》Paul Revere’s Ride 《保罗.里维尔的夜奔》Poems on Slavery 《奴役篇》Walt Whitman 沃尔特.惠特曼When Lilacs Lost in the Dooryard Bloom《小院丁香花开时》Leaves of Grass 《草叶集》Song of the Broad-Axe 《阔斧之歌》I Hear American Singing 《我听见美洲在歌唱》Democratic Vistas 《民主的前景》The Tramp and Strike Questions 《流浪汉和罢工问题》Song of Myself 《自我之歌》Emily Dickinson 埃米莉.迪金森The Poems of Emily Dickinson《埃米莉.迪金森诗集》Edgar Allan Poe 埃德加.爱伦.坡Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque 《怪诞奇异故事集》Tales 《故事集》Fall of the House of Usher 《厄舍古屋的倒塌》Ligeia 《莱琪儿》Annabel Lee 《阿纳贝尔.李》Tamerlane and Other Poems 《帖木儿和其它诗》Al Araaf, Tamerlane and Minor Poems 《艾尔.阿拉夫,帖木儿和其它诗》The Raven and Other Poems 《乌鸦》The City in the Sea 《海城》Israfel 《伊斯拉斐尔》To Hellen 《致海伦》The Age of RealismNovelists William DeanHowells 威廉.狄恩.豪威尔斯Criticism and Fiction,Novel-Writing and Novel-Reading 《小说创作与小说阅读》The Rise of Silas Lapham 《塞拉斯.拉帕姆的发迹》A Modern Instance 《现代婚姻》A Hazard of Now Fortunes 《时来运转》A Traveler From Altruia 《从利他过来的旅客》Through the Eye of the Needle 《透过针眼--乌托邦小说》Henry James 亨利.詹姆斯The Real Thing and Other Tales 《真货色及其他故事》Daisy Miller 《苔瑟.米勒》The Portrait of A Lady 《贵妇人画像》The Bostonians 《波士顿人》The Wings of the Dove 《鸽翼》The Ambassadors 《大使》The Golden Bowl 《金碗》Local ColorismNovelist Mark Twain 马克.吐温The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County 《加拉维拉县有名的跳蛙》The Innocent’s Abroad 《傻瓜出国记》The Gilded Age 《镀金时代》The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 《汤姆.索耶历险记》The Prince and Pauper 《王子与贫儿》The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 《哈克贝利.费恩历险记》A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court 《亚瑟王宫中的美国佬》Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc 《冉.达克》The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg 《败坏哈德莱堡的人》How To Tell A Story 《怎样讲故事》American NaturalismNovelists Stephen Crane 斯蒂芬.克莱恩Magic A Girl of the Streets 《街头女郎梅姬》The Red Badge of Courage 《红色英勇勋章》The Open Boat 《小划子》The Bride Comes To Yellow Sky 《新娘来到黄天镇》Frank Norris 弗兰克.诺里斯Moran of the Lady Letty 《茱蒂夫人号上的莫兰》Mc-Teague 《麦克提格》The Epic of the Wheat 《小麦史诗》Octopus 《章鱼》The Pit 《小麦交易所》A Deal in Wheat and Other Stories of the Old and New West 《小麦交易所及其他新老西部故事》Theodore Dreiser 西奥多.德莱赛Sister Carrie 《嘉莉姐妹》Jennie Gerhardt 《珍妮姑娘》Trilogy of Desire 《欲望三部曲》An American Tragedy 《美国的悲剧》Nigger Jeff 《黑人杰夫》Upton Sinclair厄普顿.辛克莱尔Spring and Harvest 《春天与收获》The Jungle 《屠场》King Coal 《煤炭大王》Oil 《石油》Boston 《波士顿》Dragon’s Teeth 《龙齿》Dramatist Jack London 杰克.伦敦The Son of the Wolf 《狼之子》The Call of the Wild 《野性的呼唤》The Sea-wolf 《海狼》White Fang 《白獠牙》The People of the Abyss 《深渊中的人们》The Iron Heel 《铁蹄》Martin Eden 《马丁.伊登》How I Become A Socialist 《我怎样成为社会党人》The War of the Classes 《阶级之间的战争》What Life Means To Me 《生命对我意味着什么》Revolution 《革命》Love of Life 《热爱生命》The Mexican 《墨西哥人》Under the Deck Awings 《在甲板的天蓬下》The 1920sNovelists Francis ScottFitzgerald弗朗西斯.斯科特.菲茨杰拉德The Beautiful and the Damned 《美丽和倒霉》The Side of Paradise 《人间天堂》The Great Gatsby 《了不起的盖茨比》Tender in the Night 《夜色温柔》The Last Tycoon 《最后的巨头》Flappers and Philosophers 《姑娘们和哲学家》Tales of the Jazz 《爵士时代的故事》Taps at Reveillle 《早晨的起床号》The Ice Palace 《冰宫》The Diamond as Big as the Ritz 《像里茨大饭店那样大的钻石》Winter Dreams 《冬天的梦》The Rich Boy 《富家子弟》Babylon Revised 《重访巴比伦》The Crack-up 《崩溃》Ernest Hemingway 欧内斯特.海明威In Our Time 《在我们的年代里》The Torrents of Spring 《春潮》The Sun Also Rises 《太阳照常升起》Farewell To Arms 《永别了,武器》For Whom the Bell Tolls 《丧钟为谁而鸣》Men Without Women 《没有女人的男人》The Winners Take Nothing 《胜者无所获》The Fifth Column and First Forty-nine Stories 《第五纵队与首次发表的四十九个短篇》The Old Man and the Sea 《老人与海》The Snows of Kilimanjaro 《乞力马扎罗的雪》William Faulkner 威廉.福克纳The Marble Faun 《云石林神》Soldiers’ Pay 《兵饷》Dry September 《干燥的九月》The Sound and the August 《八月之光》Absalom,Absalom 押沙龙,押沙龙Sherwood Anderson 舍伍德.安德森Windy McPherson’s Son 《饶舌的迈克菲逊的儿子》Marching Men 《前进中的人们》Mid-American Chants 《美国中部之歌》Winesburg, Ohio 《俄亥俄州的温斯堡》Poor White 《穷苦的白人》Many Marriages 《多种婚姻》Dark Laughter 《阴沉的笑声》The Triumph of the Egg and Other Stories 《鸡蛋的胜利和其他故事》Death in the Woods and Other Stories 《林中之死及其他故事》I Want To Know Why 《我想知道为什么》Sinclair Lewis 辛克莱.刘易斯Dur Mr Wren 《我们的雷恩先生》The Job 《求职》The Main Street 《大先进》Babbitt 《巴比特》Arrowsmith 《埃罗史密斯》Elmer Gantry 《艾尔默.甘特里》It can’t Happen Here 《事情不会发生在这里》Kingsblood Royal 《王孙梦》Thomas Wolfe 托马斯.沃尔夫Look Homeward Angel 《天使,望乡》Of Time and the River 《时间与河流》The Web and the Rock 《蛛网与岩石》You can’t Go Home Again《有家归不得》The Hills Beyond 《远山》From Death To Morning 《从死亡到早晨》Poets Ezra Pound 艾兹拉.庞德The Spirit of Romance 《罗曼司精神》The Anthology Des Imagistes 《意象派诗选》Literary Essays 《文学论》Personage 《面具》Polite Essays 《文雅集》The Cantos of Ezra Pound 《庞德诗章》Thomas Steams Eliot 托马斯.艾略特Prufrock and Other Observations 《普洛夫洛克》The Waste Land 《荒原》The Burial of the Dead 《死者的葬礼》A Game of Chess 《弈棋》The Fire Sermon 《火诫》Dead by Water 《水边之死》What the Thunder Said 《雷电之声》Wallace Stevens 华莱士.史蒂文斯Harmonium 《风琴》The Man With the Blue Guitar 《弹吉他的人》Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction 《关于最高虚幻的札记》The Auroras of Autumn 《秋天的晨曦》William Carlos Williams 威廉.卡罗.威廉斯Spring and All 《春》The Journey of Love 《爱的历程》Pictures From Brueghel 《步留盖尔的肖像》Paterson 《佩特森》Asphodal,That Green Flower 《长春花日光兰》Red Wheelbarrow 《红色手推车》The Widow’s Lament in Spring 《寡妇的春怨》The Sparrow,to My Father 《麻雀-致父亲》Proletarian Portrait 《无产阶级肖像》Robert Frost 罗伯特.罗伯斯特A Boy’s Wish 《少年心愿》North of Boston 《波士顿之北》Mountain Interval 《山间》The Road Not Taken 《未选择的路》West-running Brook 《西流的溪涧》Further Range 《又一片牧场》A Witness Tree 《一株作证的树》Carl Sandburg 卡尔.桑德伯格Always the Young Stranger 《永远是陌生的年轻人》In Reckless Ecstasy 《肆无忌惮的狂热》The Prairie Years 《草原的年代》The War Years 《战争的年代》The American Songbag 《美国歌袋》The People,Yes 《人们,好》Honey and Salt 《蜜与盐》Com-huskers 《碾米机》Smoke and Steel 《烟与钢》E Cummings 肯明斯Tulips and Chimneys 《郁金香与烟囱》The Enormous Room 《大房间》Viva 《万岁》No,Thanks 《不,谢谢》Eimi 《爱米》The 1930sNovelists John Steinbeck 约翰.帕索斯The Three Soldiers 《三个士兵》The Adventures of a Young Man 《一个年轻人冒险》Number One 《第一号》The Grand Design 《伟大的计划》Orient Express 《东方特别快车》John Steinbeck 约翰.斯坦贝克Cup of Cup 《金杯》Tortilla Flat 《煎饼房》Of Mice and Men 《鼠和人》The Grapes of Wrath 《愤怒的葡萄》The Moon Down 《月亮下去了》Cannery Row 《罐头工厂》The Pearl 《珍珠》The Red Pony 《小红马》The Promise 《许诺》The Leader of the People 《人们的领袖》Black American LiteratureRalph Ellison 拉尔夫.埃利森Invisible Man 《看不见的人》William E.B Dubois 威廉.艾伯.杜波伊斯Souls of Black Folk 《黑人的灵魂》The Philadelphia Negro;John Brown;The Black Flame 《黑色的火焰》James Baldwin 詹姆斯.鲍德温Note of a Native Son 《土生子的笔记》Fire Next Time 《下一次烈火》No Name in the Street 《他的名字被遗忘》The Devil Finds Work 《魔鬼找到工作》Go Tell it on the Mountain 《向苍天呼唤》Giovanni’s Room 《乔万尼的房间》Another Country 《另一个国度》Tell Me How Long the Train’s Been Gone 《告诉我火车已开多久》Just Above My Head 《就在我头上》Going to Meet the Man 《去见这个人》The Amen Corner 《阿门角》Blues For Mister Charley 《为查理先生唱布鲁斯》One Day When I was Lost 《有一天当我迷失的时候》American DramaDramatists Eugene Oneal 尤金.奥尼尔Bound East to Cardiff 《东航卡迪夫》The Long V oyage Home 《归途迢迢》Beyond the Horizon 《天边外》Anna Christie 《安娜.克里斯蒂》The Emperor Jones 《琼斯黄》The Hairy Ape 《毛猿》All the God’s Children Got Wings 《上帝的女儿都有翅膀》The Great God Brown 《大神布朗》The Strange Interlude 《奇异的插曲》The Long Days Journey Into Night 《进入黑夜的漫长旅程》。



Notes of a Native Son一个土生子的札记By James Baldwin詹•鲍德温1。















现代散文的特点作文英文回答:Modern prose is characterized by its diversity, innovation, and reflection of contemporary society. Unlike traditional prose, modern prose often breaks away fromstrict structural and thematic conventions, allowing for more experimentation and individual expression.One of the key features of modern prose is its focus on the everyday experiences and emotions of ordinary people. Writers often draw inspiration from their own lives and observations of the world around them, creating a sense of authenticity and relatability in their work. For example, in the essay "The Joy of Reading and Writing: Superman and Me" by Sherman Alexie, the author shares his personal journey of discovering the power of literature despite growing up in a challenging environment.Another characteristic of modern prose is its use ofinnovative literary techniques and styles. Writers often employ unconventional narrative structures, fragmented storytelling, and stream-of-consciousness writing to convey the complexity of human thought and experience. For instance, in the essay "The Fourth State of Matter" by Jo Ann Beard, the author utilizes a non-linear narrative to explore themes of loss, resilience, and the passage of time.Furthermore, modern prose reflects the rapidly changing social, cultural, and political landscape of the contemporary world. Writers address pressing issues such as identity, diversity, environmental concerns, and technological advancements, offering insightful commentary and critique. In the essay "Notes of a Native Son" by James Baldwin, the author examines the complexities of race relations and the struggle for equality in America,shedding light on the enduring relevance of his words in today's society.In conclusion, modern prose is characterized by its diversity, innovation, and reflection of contemporary society. Through the use of everyday experiences,innovative literary techniques, and social commentary, writers are able to create compelling and relevant worksthat resonate with readers on a personal and societal level.中文回答:现代散文的特点是多样性、创新性和对当代社会的反映。



英文作文欣赏Here is an essay on the topic of "Appreciating English Essays" with more than 1000 words, written in English without any additional titles or unnecessary punctuation marks.Appreciating English EssaysThe art of essay writing has long been a cherished tradition in the English-speaking world. From the seminal works of literary giants like William Shakespeare and Jane Austen to the thought-provoking essays of contemporary writers, the English essay has evolved into a versatile and powerful form of expression. As readers, we have the privilege of delving into a vast and diverse landscape of essays that offer insights into the human experience, challenge our preconceptions, and inspire us to think in new and profound ways.One of the hallmarks of a great English essay is its ability to captivate the reader from the very first sentence. Whether it is a personal reflection, a critical analysis, or a persuasive argument, the best essays possess a certain je ne sais quoi that draws us in and compels us to continue reading. The writer's voice, the crafting of the language, and the overall structure of the essay all contribute to thiscaptivating quality.Consider the opening lines of Virginia Woolf's "A Room of One's Own," a seminal work of feminist literary criticism "But, you may say, we asked you to speak about women and fiction—what has that got to do with a room of one's own" Woolf's conversational tone and her immediate engagement with the reader's potential objections set the stage for a thought-provoking exploration of the challenges faced by women writers throughout history.Similarly, in his essay "Self-Reliance," Ralph Waldo Emerson famously begins with the declaration "I always find myself reckoned among the number of the infallibles." This bold statement not only captures the reader's attention but also foreshadows the essay's central theme of individualism and the importance of trusting one's own instincts and beliefs.Beyond their captivating openings, great English essays often possess a remarkable depth and complexity. They delve into the nuances of human experience, grappling with the complexities of identity, society, and the natural world. In his essay "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience," Henry David Thoreau explores the moral and political implications of individual conscience, challenging the reader to consider the ethical boundaries of government authority.Similarly, in her essay "Notes on Camp," Susan Sontag delves into the elusive and multifaceted concept of "camp," offering a profound analysis of the aesthetic sensibilities that underpin this cultural phenomenon. Sontag's essay not only illuminates the nature of camp but also encourages the reader to question the boundaries between high and low art, and to consider the role of irony and artifice in our cultural discourse.The power of the English essay also lies in its ability to transport the reader to new and unexpected places. Whether it is the lyrical evocations of nature in Annie Dillard's "Pilgrim at Tinker Creek" or the vivid descriptions of urban life in Joan Didion's "Goodbye to All That," the best essays have the capacity to transport the reader to another time and place, immersing them in a unique and often deeply personal perspective.In addition to their thematic depth and transportative qualities, great English essays often exhibit a remarkable mastery of language and style. Writers like George Orwell and James Baldwin, for example, are renowned for their elegant prose, their ability to craft precise and evocative sentences, and their skillful use of rhetorical devices to convey their ideas.In his essay "Shooting an Elephant," Orwell's prose is both economical and powerful, as he recounts his experiences as acolonial police officer in Burma. His use of vivid imagery and his nuanced exploration of the moral complexities of imperialism create a profoundly moving and thought-provoking reading experience.Similarly, in his essay "Notes of a Native Son," James Baldwin's writing is characterized by a lyrical and evocative style that seamlessly blends personal reflection with broader social and political commentary. Baldwin's command of language allows him to navigate the complex terrain of race, identity, and the human condition with a rare depth and eloquence.Beyond their individual merits, the collective body of English essays also serves as a testament to the diversity and richness of human experience. From the personal and confessional essays of writers like Joan Didion and Zadie Smith to the political and social commentaries of thinkers like Ta-Nehisi Coates and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, the English essay has become a platform for the expression of a wide range of perspectives and lived experiences.In an age of increasing globalization and cross-cultural exchange, the English essay has also become a means of bridging cultural divides and fostering greater understanding. Writers from diverse backgrounds have embraced the essay form to share their unique perspectives, to challenge dominant narratives, and to amplify the voices of marginalized communities.In this way, the appreciation of English essays is not merely an academic exercise but a profound engagement with the human experience in all its complexity. By immersing ourselves in the rich tapestry of English essays, we gain a deeper understanding of the world around us, and we are inspired to think, to question, and to grow in ways that can profoundly shape our lives and our communities.In conclusion, the art of the English essay is a testament to the power of language, the depth of human experience, and the enduring value of critical and creative expression. Whether we are reading the seminal works of the past or the cutting-edge essays of the present, the appreciation of English essays offers us a gateway to a world of ideas, emotions, and insights that can enrich our lives and expand our horizons. As readers and writers, we are privileged to be part of this ongoing tradition of literary excellence and cultural exchange.。

五篇大文章 英文

五篇大文章 英文

五篇大文章英文The art of essay writing has long been a cornerstone of academic and literary expression. From the seminal works of ancient philosophers to the modern-day musings of thought leaders, the essay has served as a powerful medium for conveying ideas, exploring complex topics, and shaping the intellectual discourse of our time. In this essay, we will delve into five of the most influential and groundbreaking essays that have left an indelible mark on the literary landscape.The first essay we will examine is "Self-Reliance" by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Published in 1841, this seminal work of American transcendentalism is a clarion call for individualism and nonconformity. Emerson's eloquent and impassioned prose challenges the reader to trust their own intuition, reject the constraints of societal norms, and embrace the power of self-reliance. Through a series of thought-provoking aphorisms and penetrating insights, Emerson encourages the reader to cultivate a deep sense of personal autonomy and to resist the temptation to conform to the expectations of others. The essay's enduring influence can be seen inits impact on subsequent generations of thinkers, writers, and activists who have drawn inspiration from Emerson's message of self-empowerment.Next, we turn our attention to "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience" by Henry David Thoreau. Published in 1849, this essay is a powerful meditation on the individual's moral obligation to resist unjust laws and government policies. Thoreau's essay, which was written in response to his own refusal to pay taxes in protest of the Mexican-American War and the institution of slavery, articulates a compelling case for civil disobedience as a means of promoting social and political change. Through his eloquent and unyielding prose, Thoreau argues that the individual has a moral duty to disobey unjust laws, even if such acts result in personal consequences. The essay's lasting impact can be seen in its influence on the civil rights movement, the anti-war movement, and other social and political struggles throughout history.The third essay we will explore is "A Room of One's Own" by Virginia Woolf. Published in 1929, this groundbreaking work of feminist literary criticism examines the historical and social barriers that have prevented women from achieving the same level of literary success as their male counterparts. Woolf's essay is a masterful blend of personal reflection, historical analysis, and impassioned advocacy for gender equality in the literary world. Through her vivid and evocativeprose, Woolf weaves a compelling narrative that challenges the patriarchal structures that have long dominated the literary canon and calls for a fundamental shift in the way we approach and value the contributions of women writers. The essay's enduring influence can be seen in its impact on the feminist movement and its continued relevance in contemporary discussions of gender and literature.The fourth essay we will consider is "Notes of a Native Son" by James Baldwin. Published in 1955, this powerful and poignant collection of essays explores the complex intersections of race, identity, and the American experience. Baldwin's writing is characterized by a rare combination of intellectual rigor, emotional vulnerability, and moral urgency. In "Notes of a Native Son," he grapples with the legacy of racism and racial violence, the challenges of navigating a society that often fails to recognize the humanity of Black individuals, and the deeply personal and psychological toll of these experiences. Through his masterful use of language and his unwavering commitment to truth-telling, Baldwin's essay has become a touchstone of the civil rights movement and a testament to the transformative power of the written word.Finally, we come to "The Myth of Sisyphus" by Albert Camus. Published in 1942, this seminal work of existentialist philosophy is a meditation on the absurdity of the human condition and the searchfor meaning in a seemingly indifferent universe. Camus' essay draws on the ancient Greek myth of Sisyphus, who was condemned to an eternity of pushing a boulder up a hill, only to have it roll back down, as a metaphor for the human experience. Through his incisive analysis and poetic prose, Camus grapples with the fundamental questions of human existence, the nature of happiness, and the search for purpose in a world that often seems devoid of meaning. The essay's enduring influence can be seen in its impact on subsequent generations of philosophers, writers, and thinkers who have wrestled with the existential challenges of the human condition.These five essays, each in their own way, have left an indelible mark on the literary and intellectual landscape. From Emerson's clarion call for individualism to Thoreau's impassioned defense of civil disobedience, from Woolf's groundbreaking exploration of gender and literature to Baldwin's searing examination of race and identity, and from Camus' existential meditations on the absurdity of the human condition, these works have challenged, inspired, and transformed the way we think about ourselves and our place in the world. As we continue to grapple with the complex and ever-evolving challenges of our time, the enduring power and relevance of these essays serve as a testament to the enduring power of the written word to shape our understanding, provoke our thinking, and inspire us to action.。



Notes of a Native Son的分析《Notes of a Native Son》是美国著名作家詹姆斯·鲍德文的一部散文集,于1955年首次出版。



作品主题在《Notes of a Native Son》中,鲍德文探讨了种族主义和身份认同的问题。





作品结构《Notes of a Native Son》的结构是十分有力的。


第一部分是“Everybody’s Protest Novel”,这一部分着重探讨了美国文学中关于非裔美国人的描写,鲍德文认为这些描写所反映的只是一种偏见,而不是真正的了解。


第二部分是“Many Thousands Gone”,这一部分涵盖了鲍德文早期的经历和他对种族主义的认识。


第三部分是“Notes of a Native Son”,这一部分讨论了黑人社区问题和白人和黑人之间的互动。







AnalysisNotes of a Native Son is a non-fiction passage by James Baldwin whose focus on issues of racial discrimination made him a prominent spokesperson for racial equality, especially during the civil rights movements of the 1960s. It was published in 1955. At that time, Negro earned more right and freedom than before. Notes of a Native Son reflects the society environment of that time in America and the racial discrimination. James Baldwin explored the African-American`s identity problems deeply. In his mind, Negroes should be free and equal native son of America just like the white. That`s the reason why this article named Notes of a Native Son.There are ten paragraphs in the passage. The first paragraph tells us the background of the story. There is a great change in the year which preceded his father`s death. He had been living in New Jersey, working in defense plants, working and living among southerners, white and black. The main body is from the second paragraph to the ninth paragraph. Itwas the same story all over New Jersey, in bars,bowling alleys diners, places to live. The white people said: “Negroes were not served here” in the restaurant. He worked in New Jersey and often turned down in segregated places. It can wreck more important things than race relations. Almost every detail of that night stands out very clearly in my memory, even the name of the movie. The lights were very dim and then something happened to him which had the force of an optical illusion ,or a nightmare. He felt ,like a physical sensation, a click at the nape of his neck as though some interior string connecting his head to his body had been cut. Then he want to do something to crush there white faces, which were crushing him. He hurled a pitcher of water at a waitress in an enormous, glittering, and fashionable restaurant. The result is running. The last paragraph is the end of the passage. He did see this: that his life, his real life, was in danger, and not from anything other people might do but from the hatred he carried in his heart.That this is not likely to happen is due to a great many reasons, most hidden and powerful among them the Negro's real relation to the white American. This relation prohibits, simply, anything as uncomplicated and satisfactory as pure hatred. In order really to hate white people, one has to blot so much out of the mind--and the heart--that this hatred itself becomes an exhausting and self-destructive pose. But this does not mean, on the other hand, that love comes easily: the white world is too powerful,too ready with gratuitous humiliation, and, above all, too ignorant and too innocent for that. One is absolutely forced to make perpetual qualifications and one's own reactions are always canceling each other out. It is this, really, that has driven so many people mad, both white and black.The passage was pregnant with deep and painful observations and assumptions, but nonetheless short of solutions. The message of avoiding hatred of white people for their atrocities and treatment of black people was loud and clear.In fact, Notes of a Native Son is a book. It is widely regarded as a classic of the African-American autobiographical genre, and has been called Baldwin`s finest work. The Modern Library placed it at number nineteen on its list of the 100 best 20th century nonfiction books.。



续写英语作文书推荐Title: "Exploring the Literary World: Recommended English Essay Collections"Are you an avid reader searching for thought-provoking essay collections to enrich your literary journey? Look no further! Below are several outstanding essay compilations spanning various themes and genres, guaranteed to captivate your imagination and stimulate your intellect.1. "The Opposite of Loneliness" by Marina Keegan。

Delve into this poignant collection of essays and stories that resonate with the complexities of youth, ambition, and the pursuit of meaning. Keegan's writing, brimming with insight and authenticity, offers a glimpse into the hopes and fears of a generation grappling with transition and identity.2. "Bad Feminist" by Roxane Gay。

In this compelling anthology, Roxane Gay fearlessly confronts societal norms and expectations, challenging readers to reconsider their perceptions of feminism, culture, and power dynamics. With razor-sharp wit and unapologetic honesty, Gay navigates through the nuances of contemporary feminism, sparking essential conversations about gender, race, and privilege.3. "Men Explain Things to Me" by Rebecca Solnit。

lesson7everyday use for your grandmama解读

lesson7everyday use for your grandmama解读
]迈克尔· 杰克逊是一位杰出的音乐家,有史以来
最伟大的舞蹈家,他是人类历史上声音最高的男 高音,太空步是由他创造的,机械舞在他手里得 到了完美的改进[5]。《Billie Jean》,中的向前 踢腿,手摸鼻子, 向后跺动时食指向下指地然 后改变手型大拇指掐住中指其它手指半伸半蜷从 下由右向左往上转半圈向上;嘴里先喊哎,然后 喊嗷 ,滑步前的预备动作;跺脚摆手摇头;手拿 麦克风把麦克风小心翼翼的甩放到后面;侧着身 双手抱到一起伸直胳膊抖擞着向下弯下身子;转 圈滑步,侧身滑步,前滑步(前滑步是他创造 的),后滑步;身体上半身向后仰摔着胳膊晃动 着手指的走路姿势等富有激情的肢体语言以及 《Smooth Criminal》
James Baldwin
• 父子关系是美国当代著名黑人作家詹姆斯·鲍德温毕生探 究的一大主题,他的许多作品中都体现了对心目中理想的 黑人父亲的渴求. • Go Tell It on the Mountain《向苍天呼吁》 • Another Country • The Fire Next Time.下一次将是烈火 • Notes of a Native Son 土生子札记 • Giovanni’s Room乔凡尼的房间 • Themes: race, homosexuality
He demanded that blacks shouldn't be treated as slaves but should have equal rights which inspired people to fight for equality
Later then ,The Civil Rights Act was passed by Congress and signed into law in 1964. it made it illegal to segregate blacks and other minorities.
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