英汉习语的文化差异及其翻译 20.48











英国人的祖先居住在平原和海岸边,他们的习语往往涉及海上航行,如to rest on ones oars(暂时歇一歇),to keep ones head above water(奋力图存),all at sea(不知所措)等;中国是个农业大国,汉民族在亚洲大陆生存繁衍,形成了自己耕作的生活方式。



例如,比喻花钱浪费,大手大脚,英语是spend money like water,而汉语是挥金如土。





英谚中有When the wind is in the east ,its good for neitherman nor beast(东风到,寒风吹,对人对畜都不好)。


莎士比亚在他的一首十四行诗中把爱人比作夏天,Shall I compare thee to a summers day? / Thou art more lovely and more temperate。














关键词:习语;文化差异;翻译AbstractDifferent people from different cultures may have different understandings of the same sentence because they are ignorant of target cultures. It is necessary for us to study the cultural differences in some fields between China and Western countries. Idioms, which reflect customs, are the essence of culture in every country. Idiomatic phrases, the essence of languages, are loaded with rich cultural information and serve as a mirror of cultural differences between Chinese and English. Therefore, in this paper, the author will discuss the idioms reflecting the differences of Chinese and English in six levels: living environment, custom, religion, allusion, the acknowledge of objective thing. When expressing linguistic meanings and cultural features, there are mainly three types of idioms: correspondent, semi-correspondent and non-correspondent. For the correspondent idioms, we can translate them word for word into the target language .But for the semi-correspondent and non-correspondent idioms, it’s better to make sure first of th eir cultural connotations and practical meanings, and then translate them appropriately according to the context. Therefore, translation of idiomatic phrases is more cultural communication than simple translation of these two languages. The mastery of the technique for translating idiomatic phrases is a must to the cultivation of linguistic comprehension and intercultural competence.Key words: idioms; cultural differences; translation语言承载着丰富的文化内涵,而作为语言精华的习语更是如此。







例如,英语中的“in the same boat”和汉语中的“同舟共济”都表达了共同的意境,但在文化背景上却大相径庭。

英语中的“in the same boat”源自欧洲的航海文化,而汉语中的“同舟共济”则源自中国的传统水文化。

同样,英语中的“black sheep”和汉语中的“害群之马”虽然都表示“不合群的人”,但在文化意象上却存在差异。




例如,英语中的“talking through one's hat”和汉语中的“纸上谈兵”都表示“空谈”,但英语中的比喻让人产生更加直观的感受。


例如,“a skeleton in the cupboard”和“家丑不可外扬”都表达了相似的意境,但英语中的习语更显得简洁有力。




例如,英语中的“情人节”(Valentine’s Day)就直接音译为“瓦伦丁节”,既保留了其文化源头,又让中国读者更容易接受。



例如,“to break the ice”可意译为“打破僵局”,形象生动地表达了原意。











在中国,自古以来就有“南面为王,北面为朝”,南尊北卑的传统,人们常把南的方位置前,如“从南到北,南来北往”等等,而英美人理解汉语中的“从南到北”则用“from north to south”来表达。






另一位英国诗人Alfred Tennyson有诗云:Sweet and low,sweet and low,western sea,,low,breathe and blow,轻轻地、柔和地,轻轻地、柔和地西边吹来海风;轻轻地、轻轻地吹拂,西边吹来海风!)在翻译时,为了让中国读者更好理解,也有把“西风”译成“东风”的,例如在方重译的《坎特伯雷故事集·总引》中的诗句里,“Zephyrus”一词是西风的意思,而译文则是“当东风吹香……”。









美车哲学教授H.P.Grice在他的Meaning一书中把话语的意义分为自然意义(natural meaning)和非自然意义(non-natural meaning)两种。


这就是Grice的会话含意(conversational implicature)理论的基础。














如“clean the deck(扫除障碍)” “trim the sails to the wind(顺势前进)”“keep one’s head above water(奋发图强)”等等。


因此,我们也就可以理解为什么英语说“to spend money like water”,而汉语说“挥金如土”了2.习俗的差异英汉习俗差异是多方面的,比如在运用动物比喻时就有诸多不同,其中最典型的莫过于人们对狗的态度。




如:She is a lucky dog.她是位幸运儿。

Every dog has his day. 凡人皆有得意日。

Love me,love my dog. 爱屋及屋。

这种习俗上的巨大差异在英汉习语互译上会造成很大的困难,如将“痛打落水狗”机械地翻译成“beat a dog in the water”,而无上下文释义的话,非但不能传达汉语的本意,而且可能在英语读者中引起误解和反感。








一、文化差异1. 礼貌与表达方式中英两国的文化差异在于对待礼貌的态度和表达方式,这也体现在他们的习语中。



举个例子,英国人可能会用“Could you please pass me the salt?”来委婉地请求盐,而中国人则可能会直接说“给我盐”。

2. 自然环境与历史文化中英两国的自然环境和历史文化差异也会在习语中得到体现。



3. 宗教与哲学思想中英两国的宗教信仰和哲学思想也造就了他们不同的文化差异。



二、翻译方法1. 直译与意译在翻译中英习语时,我们需要根据文化差异进行适当的处理,一方面要尽量保持原文的意思和表达方式,另一方面也要让译文更符合目标语言的表达习惯。


2. 补充说明和解释由于中英习语在文化背景和表达方式上存在差异,因此在翻译时可能需要对习语进行一定的补充说明和解释,让读者更好地理解原文的内涵和意义。


( 2 ) A b i d e b y t h e l a w a n d b e h a v e o n e s e l f . 民族 一个 国家 的民 很难在英语 中找到对等 的习语 。 1 . 3宗教信仰
风俗习惯 , 凝聚着无数语 言使用者 数代 的智 宗 教是一种 文化现象 ,英汉 习语 中与宗 f 3 ) T o s t r i k e w h i l e t h e i r o n i s h o t . 趁热打铁。 慧和心血 , 它承载着无数难 以言表 的超乎语 教有关 的习语反 映 了宗教 对语言 的影响 。英 以上 例句都采用 了直译 法 ,既保 留 了原 言之外 的信息与哲 理。英语 和汉语是两 种高 语 中有些 习语 主要与基督教有关 ,如 :i n t h e 习语 的形 象 ,又准确 地传达 了原意 ,把 英语 度发展 的语言 ,因而都拥有 大量 的习语 ,由 r i g h t c h u r c h ,b u t i n t h e w r o n g p e w f 进 对 了 教 习语迁移 到汉语 中来 ,既可 丰富本族 语言 , 于地域 、历史 、宗 教、习俗等 方面 的差 异 ,
如果说语 言是一个 民族文化 的瑰 宝的话 , 那
么习语便 是这个瑰 宝中最耀 眼的一颗 明珠。
情 、国情 , 地理风貌 ,历史背景 ,文学作 品,
“ 夸父 追 日”、 “ 嫦 娥奔月 ”等 出 自神话传 f 1 ) L o v e m o n e y a s o n e l o v e o n e ’s l i f e .爱 说 。这充分体现 了中华 民族独特 的古代 文化 , 财如命
差异 。
教 国家 ,其 中尤以佛教 的影 响最 大 ,因此汉
语 中的 习语 主要来 自于佛教 ,与佛 、庙 、和







一、中英习语的文化差异中英习语的文化差异主要表现在以下几个方面:1. 文化背景差异:中西方文化背景的差异导致了中英习语的不同。

“一箭双雕”在中国习语中表示一举两得,而在英语中可能用“kill two birds with one stone”来表达同样的意思。

2. 传统习惯差异:中西方的传统习惯也影响着习语的表达方式。

“千里之行,始于足下”这个中国谚语,表达了行动的重要性,而在英语中可能会用“a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”来表达同样的观念。

3. 历史文化差异:中国拥有悠久的历史和文化,所以中文中的许多习语都源自古代的故事、典故或者传说。







以下是一些翻译方法:1. 直译法直译法是最常见的中英习语翻译方法,它在尽量保留习语原意的基础上,用目标语言中与之相类似的习语来替换。

中文中的“九牛一毛”在英语中可以直译为“a drop in the bucket”。

2. 动态对等法动态对等法是相对灵活的一种翻译方法,它不是简单地对习语进行翻译,而是根据习语的内涵和文化特色,选用目标语言中更具有表现力和文化内涵的习语。






一、英汉习语的文化差异1. 礼仪中国人讲究礼仪文化,礼节在交际中是必不可少的。




2. 观念中西文化差异很大,文化观念和价值观念也各有不同。



3. 语言汉语和英语有很大的差别,在翻译英汉习语时,需要考虑到这些语言差异。




以下是几个要点:1. 了解背景和文化了解什么是习语,它们在不同的文化环境下的含义和使用方式非常重要。



2. 选择最合适的方式来翻译习语是一种特殊的语言形式,通常不可直接解释。



3. 在语境和情景中使用习语通常是在特定的语境和情景下使用的,因此在翻译时需要考虑到这种情况。










关键词:习语、文化差异、翻译AbstractIdioms usually include idioms, proverbs, mottoes, colloquialisms, slang and allusions. Large in quantity, long in history and rich in cultural information, both English and Chinese Idioms are deeply rooted in life. Idioms represent the social phenomenon and natural rules accurately with lively and plain words. As far as their underlying cultural information is concerned, some idioms are completely or partial equivalent both in Chinese and in English while some others have nothing in common at all. In order to convey their cultural information fully, faithfully and effectively, we can translate these idioms word for word, give notes or add extra words. This paper explores the cultural differences between Chinese and English Idioms, discusses the influences of cultural differences on the idioms and gives some specific approaches in translation of Chinese and English idioms.Key Words: Idioms, cultural difference, translation.在汉语和英文悠久灿烂的文化宝库中,都有习语这一语言表达形式。




英谚受基督教的影响,反映了基督教的伦理道德和行为规范,如:No respecter of persons.(一视同仁);Man propose,God disposes.(谋事在人,成事在天)等,而汉谚则受到“儒”、“释”、“道”三教的影响。


英谚中有大量出自典章及名人的作品中那些脍炙人口的词句,如:Never say die.(永远不要说”死定了”)出自英国小说狄更斯的《匹克威克外传》;而汉语文史学家们则认为汉谚相当一部分出自社会生活和生产实践,如:“远亲不如近邻”是对日常生活经验的总结。









如:Every dog has his day.(人皆有出头日);Love me, love my dog.(爱屋及乌)等。







Cultural Differences betweenChinese and English Idioms and Their TranslationABSTRACT:This paper attempts to discuss the cultural differences of Chinese and English idioms from the perspectives of historical background, living conditions, religious beliefs, custom, etc. English and Chinese have many idioms, which resulted from various aspects of culture. They carry the features and message of different culture and are the embodiment of culture. Thus, you cannot understand idioms correctly without the help of the cultural context. They are inseparable. Sometimes, cultural factor is the difficult point in translation. Therefore, this paper will talk about two main methods to translate Chinese and English idioms from the cultural comparative study.KEY WORDS: idioms, cultural differences, literal translation, free translationⅠ. IntroductionIdiom is phrase or sentences whose meaning is not clear from the meaning of its individual words and which must be learnt as a whole unit. To translate idiom isnot a easy job and it concerns a lot of things, especially culture.Chinese culture and Britain culture growing on somewhat the same and at the same time largely different ground appear to have their individual features. As we all know, language are closely related to culture and can be said as part of culture. In the magnificent and vast culture of China and Britain, idioms as a special form of language exist in both of them and carry a large amount of cultural information such as history, geography, religion, custom, nationality psychology, thought pattern and etc.By taking a comparison between Chinese and English idioms, great similarities can be found as well as even greater dissimilarities in the terms of culture. This article, by analyzing some of the dissimilarities between Chinese and Britain idioms, reveals the cultural differences in various aspects between China and Britain, which result in the differences in idioms of the two languages. The findings may serve as a guide to the further research on the relationship between idioms and culture and throw some light on the learning of English idioms.Talking of different cultures, people often think about their differences, such as the differences between Chinese and Western cultures, differences between eastern and western cultures and so on. Therefore, differentiation together with analysis is the usual way to compare different cultures.But what we neglect is the premise of comparison that is the prerequisite comparability of things. In other words, it means the things we compare must have something in common.For example, comparing men and women for them both are belonging to mankind; comparing English and Chinese for them pertaining to the language system. If someone compares man with English or woman with Chinese language, we will all surely burst into laughter, and they are not related at all. In other words, the two things we compare should be similar. Hence the difference and the similarity are inseparable. When we compare cultural differences, we have to compare them on the base of the cultural similarities. Comparing different cultures should be like making friends----seeking common points while reserving differences is the right way.Culture is defined as, “the totality of beliefs and practices of a society” (Nida 301). It‟s a mixture of almost every aspect ofa society, such as religio n, politics, history, arts and so on. It‟s different among countries in the world. For example, willingness to commit suicide in order to prove one‟s innocence was popular and understandable in some Asian countries, such as Japan and China. While for American, it is preposterous.Idioms are from various aspects of culture. They are embodiment of culture. According to Longman Dictionary of English Idioms, “an idiom is a fixed group of words with a special different meaning from the meaning of the separate words”. Webster’s Dictionary has defined it as “an expression whose meaning is not predictable from the usual meaning of its elements”. Through these definitions, one can easily find out the key point about idioms, which is, their meanings can not usually be discovered through the comprehension of the individual words. “White elephant”, for instance, an idiom meaning “a useless possession”, has actually nothing to do with either the white color or the animal elephant. The purpose of using idioms in both speech and writing is to add local and cultural color or to intensify conciseness and vivacity to a mental process or state a concept, a person, an action, a quality or an object, or to trigger imagination of the readers.Idiom to culture is what language to thinking; it is one kind of expression-form. Hence, idioms are the carrier of a culture. From the idioms, we can touch the meaning of the culture; from the comparison of the expression-form, such as comparing literatures,comparing linguistics, etc. We may peek the culture similarities and differences. The idiom has rich and colorful forms. These refined phrases, widely used, frequently a ccumulate and summarize the distillation of mankind‟s cultural experience.They always touch the fundamental part of mankind‟s existence. Therefore, in different cultures, we can find similar expressions.As we know, idioms are widely used. They are passed from generation to generation without changing, even some idioms are grammatically wrong. Idioms are the essences of languages, reflecting the native cultures. Many people can‟t properly understand the meaning of a phrase or sentence without a new word in it just because they know little about cultural differences between E/C idioms. This paper, will discuss their cultural discrepancies in living environment, custom, religion believes, historical allusions and some useful approaches to translating E/C idioms. This paper will discuss two approaches to translating the idioms. Each approach has its own advantages and disadvantages, so we need to take the idioms‟ cultural background into consideration to choose the best approaches to do translations.Idioms in both English and Chinese are very rich-full and they are essentially national in character, that is to say, their components are mostly native elements. English and Chinese idioms possess their own national culture. As different nations possess different cultures, it may difficult to do a good job in translation. However, if one has enough background knowledge of the idioms, it may help one to do a good translation.The English—speaking and Chinese—speaking people possess different cultures. They live in different geography environment, hold different religious believes, and have different customs. Those elements make the translation a hard work. To solve the problem, translators can choose proper approaches to smooth the road to do a goodtranslation. The approaches available are literal translation, free translation.Culture differences Idioms, reflecting culture and society, are an important part of language. Great works and speeches are full of idioms, which will add colour to them and interest the readers or listeners. But the improper use or overuse makes the language sounds unnatural and effected. Idioms were created a long time ago, unchanged. They are the essence of languages. The correct use of idiomatic English is one main aim of non-native learners, because leaning and using idioms is the best way to master a language. It will help one to improve one‟s English very quickly.Culture as defined by Nida is the totality of beliefs and practice of society, permeate every corner of the society, and in turn the different culture may conflict everywhere in the form of concept, language, and behavior. When one doing translation, whether one could do a good job depends mainly whether one could master two cultures. Learning a language is a kind learning of culture and habit of the country where the language is spoken.Culture and language is closely related and actually can‟t be separated. As a result, the relation between them exerts great influence on translation. Different culture may conflict each other, so a literal translation is not always the closest to the original meaning. As merry/happy/lovely as cricket is to show a happy mood in English ,but if we translate it in Chinese快乐如蟋蟀, it will perplex the Chinese people ,cricket is a symbol of grief, desolations, and worries reflected in the poem as 时光易逝,岁暮将至,蟋蟀在堂,岁亟其末.Ancient Chinese people considered that the cricket lived on the top of the tree and drank dew, living a noble and hermetic life, asin the poem, 居高声自远,非是籍秋风.People who were depressed and dismayed conveyed their feel with cricket, as the poem露多飞难进,风多响易沉. We should translate it into 快乐如麻雀/神仙Another example,动如脱兔,can we translate it into …‟as quick as a hare ? In the English—speaking countries, hare is the image of timidness, while mouse condemned by the Chinese people is the image of quickness. So we should translate it into as quick as a mouse. In Chinese we say 胆小如鼠,but we can‟t literally translate it into English as timid as a mouse ,since mouse is considered as a smart and nimble animal according to which the cartoon Micky Mouse is made .We can translate it into as timid as a hare. Culture differences add difficult to translating. To do good translating, one need to master the foreign countries‟ cultures. Without mastering the foreign counties‟ cultures, non-native learners may find it hard to understand the idioms not to mention doing a good translation. Main effects on idioms are result from the cultural differences between English and Chinese.Because of differences in history and culture, words and expressions have their own associative meanings in different languages. In Chinese, we use 锦囊妙计to indicate that one have a good solution to a difficult problem and dispel danger .In English—speaking countries, people use “have an ace on one‟s sleeves”. In the three countries, the Prime Minister, named Kongmin, used a silk wetted bag to contain a piece of good idea to solve a complicated problem. The playing cards are introduced to China, and there are not many idioms about the playing cards. However, the English language have many idioms about cards, such as an ace in the hole(出奇制胜的王牌) be on the cards(可能的时机), play one‟s card right(正确利用机会), play one‟s trump card(打出王牌), show one‟s cards(摊牌), stack the cards (暗中作弊), call sb‟s bluff (不怕某人的威胁). For the last idioms, the readers may find it hard to under stand, since there are not the words …card‟. The fact is that the last idiom expresses a kind of action happening in the process of playing cards. For “call sb‟s bluff”, it describes that when one pla yer challenge another to change his guess about the cards, the challenged face the challenges and insist the player to show his cards .If the readers have some knowledge about the card playing in the west countries, it will be not very hard for them to understand the meaning of the idioms. If the differences in history and culture are neglected, a ridiculous and miserable translation may appear. The problem of rending one idiom into another is always complex. The culture differences reflected by Chinese and English idioms are shown as below.Ⅱ. The Similarities between Chinese and English Idioms2.1. Some idioms have the same form of expression in Chinese and English, so can be translated literally. For instance:to pluck up one’s heart 鼓起勇气to praise to the skies 捧上天去to kill two birds with one stone 一石两鸟forbidden fruit 禁果as easy as turning over one’s hand 易如反掌swallow his anger and hold his tongue 忍气吞声We can hardly find any cultural differences in these idioms. In the origin ofidioms, even some are reciprocal reference or translation. Perhaps comparative research on western and eastern cultural exchange can supply some proofs. But the fact that there are such similar idioms circulating in the two different cultures illustrate that the cultural accumulating process of mankind community possess a lot of fundamental common progress.2.2. Some idioms have same implication but different figures of speech in Chinese and English. For instance:Like a rat in a hole 瓮中之鳖Neither fish nor fowl 非驴非马A black sheep 害群之马Some Chinese idioms originate from the literary quotation. Maybe English idioms came into being in the same way. For instance, turtle in the Chinese culture has the very objectionable emblem sense, which is different from that of the western culture.Ⅲ. The cultural differences reflected in the idioms.Idioms can mirror the cultural differences, and both Chinese and English are expressive languages, which are very rich in idiomatic expressions. Different characteristics and different history background give color to most idiomatic expressions. Some idioms have evident meanings, we can understand them literally. Some idioms have implicit meanings, which often require readers‟ knowledge of the different cultures. If we are not familiar with the custom and the cultural background of a country, we will be at a loss when we see an idiom which uses illusion, so weshould pay attention to the main factors which cause the cultural differences reflected in idioms.3.1. The differences caused by different living environments.The emergence of idioms is closely related to a people life and labor. For example, the British people live along the coast line and their livelihood is dependent on the cost, so they get a close relationship with sea and have many idioms about sea and water. While the Chinese people often work on the land and got a history of agriculture producing. When we want to say somebody is extravagant in English, it is “spend money like water”, but Chinese expresses it as “挥金如土”. There are other English idioms about ship and water, and there is no equivalence in Chinese. For instance, “shove in one’s oar”(干涉;干预) ,“to keep one’s head above water”(未陷入困境等), “all at sea”(不知所措;茫然;糊涂)etc.“In hot water”its meaning is not “在热水中”. Its meaning is somebody meets very difficult problem. For example,“Joe is really in hot water now---his girlfriend just found out he is seeing another women.”(乔现在可是难办了,因为他的女朋友最近发现他另外还有一个女朋友.) “To hold water” means something is right or can stand up. The American always say:“That excuse simply doesn‟t hold water.”(那个借口根本站不住脚.) In Chinese, we use 疾风知劲草to express that hard circumstance test a man‟s endurance. In English—speaking countries, the idiom—A good polite is not known when the sea is calm and the water is faire, is used to convey that meaning.In Chinese, 未雨绸缪is to indicate that plough the soil to receive m ore rainand repair the house before it rains. In English, it is “mend your sail when it is fine weather.(修帆趁天晴)”In Chinese, we say 进退维谷to describe that a person is in a dilemma. In English, it‟s between the devil and the deep sea.树倒猊猢散is to describe when the influential person falls from power, his hangers-on disperse. The English equivalent is …All the rats desert the sinking ship” There are more fish in the sea. (好的人,事物有很多)A fish out of water (离开水的鱼,因环境不熟悉而感到不舒服或尴尬的人)have other fish to fry(有别的事要干).drink like a fish(豪饮)Neither fish, flesh or good red nerring(不伦不类)an old/a queer fish(古怪之人)a cold fish(冷若冰霜之人)a poor fish(愚笨之人)never offer to teach a fish to swim(不要班门弄斧)The best fish smells when three days old(久住招人嫌)Fish begins to stink at the head.(上梁不正,下梁歪)tower one‟s sail(甘拜下风)pull one‟s oar in(干涉)make fish of one and flesh of another (厚此薄彼)take wind out of one‟s sail(先发制人)in full sail(全力以赴)From the above-mentioned idioms, we can see that “fish, ship, sail, water, oar, sea” are words describe the coastline living environment, while “地、土、草、树”appearing in the Chinese idioms exemplify the land living environment. When the translators doing translation, they should take people‟s living environments into consideration, for people in different living environments shows different favors in the use of words. In order to do good translation, translators should have an eye on the use of the words in the idioms.There is an idiom in Chinese,“夏练三伏,冬练三九”,which is said to urge people to do exercise to build up a good physique. “The hottest period of the year” and “The third nine-day period after winter solstice” What are they in English? When an interpreter says “Three Fu” and “Three Nine” to several Canadi ans, the listeners are surely confused. He should say “in summer keep exercising during the hottest days, in winter do the same thing during the coldest weather”. Be living in the Chinese cultural atmosphere, “East wind” is “Spring wind”, and the summer co nstantly gets together with heat, “Blazing sun is as if firearms” is constantly used for the description of summer. But England located in Western Hemisphere, North Temperate Zone, belongs to maritime climate. It is the west wind to bring the information of the coming of spring. The famous poet of England, Sherry, eulogized the spring in his Ode to the West Wind. The summer of England is warm and delightful, linked with the words like, lovable, mild, fine. Shakespeare compared the summer to lover in his son net, “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? / Thou art lovelier and more temperate”.3.2. Differences in customs.From Chinese and English idioms, we can see people‟s different attitudes towards animals. In the west dogs are companion of their masters. They hunt with their masters. They watch home for their masters. They can live in the hotels set up for themselves when in a journey with their masters, living a luxurious live. In English, there are idioms about dogs, such as “ lucky dog” (幸运儿), “ a dog l ike affection” (忠实的爱), “gay dog”(快乐的人), “every dog has his day” (凡人皆有得意时), “dog doesn‟t eat dog”(同类不相残). All the above—mentioned idioms about dogs has commentary meanings. But in China, dog is an image to be condemned. In Chinese, we say “狗仗人势”, “狗尾续貂”,“摇尾乞怜”, “狗急跳墙”, “狗眼看人低”and so on. All the above—mentioned idioms in Chinese are derogatory in meanings.More examples like “Fox friend dog political party/狐朋狗党”、“A cornered beast will do desperately/狗急跳墙”、“It is rapacious as a wolf and savage as a cur/狼心狗肺”、“Hired thug/狗腿子”etc. Yet “A dog in the manger's”Great dictionary of American explained this phrase as: “The dog who would not allow a horse or ox to eat the hay in a manger, even though he himself did not want it.” And on the base of this meaning, the connotation of it is “a person who selfishly withholds from others something that he himself can not use or does not need.” Seeing this meaning, we may think of a Chinese idiom “占着茅坑不拉屎”. They indeed have the same meaning in semantics. According to the specific context, this phrase can also be comprehended as “a s elfish man”, “a very stingy man”. For instance, “Don't be such a dog in themanger. Lend your bicycle to him since you will not go out this afternoon.”People‟s different attitude about animals is also shown in the idioms about “bat”. “as blind as a bat” (瞎的跟蝙蝠一样,眼力不行) “crazy as a bat”(疯的像蝙蝠) “have the bat in the belfry”(异想天开). From the above—mentioned idioms about bat in English, it is can be inferred that bat is usually associated with negative qualities in the west. Judging from its physical appearance, it is an small, blackish creature. Westerners considered it as an ugly, sinister, blood—sucking creature. It stirs the emotion of fright and revulsion. However, to Chinese people, bat is a symbol of fortune and well—being----all are positive qualities. The reason for such association is probably because the creature is pronounced the same as “福”. Thus the popularity of the traditional design that shows the bat and the deer together.蝠鹿,pronounced the same as 福禄good fortune, happiness, and positions.3.3. Differences caused by religious beliefsBuddhism has great influence on Chinese customs and thinking. Buddha is powerful, in charge of moral human beings, cultivating human, such as “放下屠刀,立地成佛”, “佛法无边,普渡众生”, “平时不烧香,急时抱佛脚”. English idioms reflect the influence of Christianity. For example, “God help those who help themselves.” (上帝帮助自助的人);“put the fear of God into sb”(使某人非常害怕); “in the lap of the Gods”(难以预料).From the above—mentioned idioms both in English and Chinese, the reader can infer that God is powerful in Christianity, and that Buddha is mighty in Buddhism. The Chinese people adore the Buddha, while the westerners should their respect to theGod.Both the Christianity and the Buddhism preach that if human can bear all the sufferings in their lives and do good deeds, they can live in heaven after death. Out of such preaches, the readers can inferred that heaven in English and “天”in Chinese approximately h ave the same meaning. “谋事在人,成事在天”is an Chinese saying which seemingly corresponds to “Man proposes, God dispose” Heaven in Chinese is quite different from God in English, so we should translate it into “Men propose, Heaven dispose”.In Chinese we have the expression,望子成龙and if we translate it into English literally, to …expect one‟s son to be a dragon,‟ English readers will find it hard to understand. In the west, dragon is considered as a furious animal, which can expel fire. But in china, 龙is regard as sacredness, loftiness, and even of national spirit. It is a mysterious creature and can exhale fire. It is also associated with power since the emperors in China associated themselves with the image of dragon. So望子成龙expresses that one‟s parents expect one to be successful in the future, and to be somebody in their future.In terms of expressions of natural force, there are some traditional ancient words in Chinese. “阴”and“阳” have no equivalent expressions in English.Contemporary English dictionary of Longman defined them as, “According to the world outlook of Taoism, yin and yang are two kinds of force, and the essence of them produces cosmos and maintains it harmonious. Yin stands for darkness, feminine, negative. Yang means bright, masculine, and active”. Yin and yang are used for many centuriesas the fundamental principle of herbalist doctor in China. However, the principles are still very difficult for foreigners to understand. The traditional Chinese medicine theory “寒”, “上火” etc. are also hard to exp ress in English, only can be made some explanation. For instance, “suffer from excessive internal heat/上火”,is supposed as “disorders due to predominance of the yang is too many” after depicting the symptom.3.4. Differences caused by different history allusionsLanguage carries culture in a comprehensive way. In terms of functions, language manifests mostly the non—material features of culture. It carries abundant information about cultural information. Idioms, being an organtic part of a language, serve the best in doing so. Idioms generally generate from historical events and present a vivid picture and society.There are many Chinese and English idioms formed by historical allusions. These idioms have simple patterns, but profound meanings. We can not translate and understand them by their literal meanings. For example,“东施效颦/ blind imitation with ludicrous affection”、“ 名落孙山/ fall in a competitive examination”、“ 叶公好龙/ professed love of what one actually fears” are all from Chinese history.守株待兔:Stand by the stamp to wait for the hare to dash themselves against it—trust to chances and windfalls.此地无银三百两: a saying that means a guilty person gives himself away by conspicuously protesting his innocents一帆风顺:Plain sailing完璧归赵:Return the jade to the state of Zhao --- return something to its owner inperfect state.In English- speaking countries the Bible, the Greek myths and the legendaries, and Shakespeare‟s great works are the main sources of English idioms. Here are some examples:Achilles‟ heel-(唯一致命弱点)----the week or vulnerable point of a person, a organism, a state , a country and etcA Herculean task(艰巨的任务)---task require great power of body or mindCast one‟s bread upon the waters(做事而不期回报)----do good deeds but do not expect to be rewardedA doubling Thomas(怀疑主义者)----personIn addition, the history of Rome conquest has great influence on English idioms. England was ruled about four hundred years by Rome people, so in today‟s English idioms, we can easily find the trail of Rome‟s. For example:Appeal to Caesar 向恺撒诉说(诉诸最高权力机关)Great Caesar! 天啊!Cross the Rubicon 渡过鲁比肯河Burn one’s boat 破釜沉舟bear the palm戴棕榈枝(emblem of win)Worth one’s salt 值得某人的那份盐(in the particular period of Rome, salt is the precious, and the military supply of Rome army consisted a section of salt, and the meaning of salt is salary originated from the word “salarium”, a kind of money to buy salt pass down).Thumbs Up ( Down ) 拇指向上或向下( in ancient Rome slave owner hired slavers as gladiators to fight each other on the abattoir in public in order to find amusement. After the fighting, the audience judge what the fate of the one who was defeated. If the thumb of audience upwards (thumbs up)the person would be set free, and executed th e person if the thumb is downwards. Now people use “thumb up” to express the meaning of “agree”, “thumb down” means disagree.Ⅳ. Methods to translate Chinese and English idiomsEarlier in the Tang dynasty, the learned monk Xuanzang designed the criteria for translation is accuracy and general idea. In the Qing Dynasty, YanFu established a three—character stand in translation:信(faithfulness), 达(expressiveness), 雅(elegance). After the May 4th movement, Lu Xun proposed faithfulness and smoothness as the criteria of translation. Influential criteria created by foreign experts on translation is as following: American translator Eugene A. Nida laid down功能对等(functional equivalence)or 动态对等(dynamic equivalence) In the last decade of the 18th century, Alexander Fraser Tytler, laid down fundamentals by which a translation should made or judged .They were …A translation should give a complete transcript idea of the original work. The style and manner of writing should be of the same character of the original‟.Smoothness and faithfulness are qualities contradictory to each other .It seems that a translation, which is faithful to the original work, is usually not smooth in the target language, while a translation, which is smooth in the target language, may not faithful to the original language. Even if it were the case, it was still important to combine faithfulness and smoothness intranslation. And it is not sheer impossible to bring that into realization, though it is always requiring very careful and tactful handlings. The crux of the matter lies in the fact that the modes of expression in the version should not only coincide with the usage of the target language, but also exactly convey the original thoughts and precisely follow the original style.The problem of rending idioms of one language to another is always complex. The resolution of contradiction in translation practically has nothing to do with the so—called free translation or literal translation. In effects, both liberalism and mechanism are deviations from translation that a translator or an interpreter has to guard agonist, not to speak of considering them necessary to help him in the resolution of contradiction in translation.When comes to the standards of translation, the famous translators abroad and home have their own different opinions. From Yan Fu‟s “ faithful, expressive, elegant”(Wang 8), Zhang Peiji‟s “faithful, smooth”(Zhang 3) to the famous American translator Eugene A · Nidar‟s “functional equivalence” or “dynamic equivalence”, “Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.”(Nidar 78). “The translator must strive for equivalence rather than identity. In a sense this is just another way of emphasizing the reproducing of the message rather than the conservation of the form of the utterance”(97). When discussing the equivalence of form and pattern, Nidar also proposes “…the message in the receptor language should match as closely as possible the different elements in the。



际动 画 的轨 道 , 面 临严 峻挑 战和 考验 。 将 在这 一段 中国动 画 低 谷 时期 , 中 国电影人 依 旧坚 持着 对 中 国新 动 画的 探索 。 19 年 ,宝 莲灯 》 99 《 制作 完成 , 入 、 出基 本持 平 , 当 时被 投 产 在 称 为 奇迹 。 《 在 宝莲 灯》 后 , 国 民族 动 画 已经 开始 向商 业 之 中 动 画转 型 。 院动 画有 2 0 影 0 4年 《 山伯与 祝英 台》 2 0 梁 、0 5年
墨动 画是世 界动 画界 的珍 宝 , 墨动 画作 品悠远 深长 的画面 水
20 0 5年 《 里人 》2 0 年 《 灵 世纪》 2 0 年 国 内首部 大 梦 、0 6 精 、0 7
型武 侠三 维动 画连 续剧 《 时 明月》 。 秦 等 中 国动 画 曾无 比地辉 煌过 , 也证 明中 国动画 片是 有实 这
荣誉 。
旨。 画 片 中洋溢着 活 泼清 新 的气 息 , 动 给人 以美 的启迪 。同
时又 十分注 重 教化 意 义 ,在动 画 片 的创 作 中秉承 “ 寓教 于
乐” 使 动 画片 不致 流于 肤 浅的纯 娱 乐搞 笑 。中 国动 画片 经 , 过 几十 年 的苦 心经 营 , 建 了一个 动 画王 国 。 营 动 画是 一 门假 定性 的 电影 艺术 , 品的创 作不 是去照 搬 作 生活 , 全 模拟真 实 的 生活 , 是虚 拟 、 张 、 完 而 夸 幻想 来 创作 的 电影 艺术 。我相 信 , 不久 的将 来 , 国会有 属于 自己独 特 在 中
力 的 , 适合 它发 展 的艺 术规 律 。 中 国动 画片 发展 脉络 有 有 对
一Hale Waihona Puke 个 了解 , 今天 的动 画 片创 作是 大有 裨 益 的 。 对 既可 从 中借



2532020年46期总第538期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS英汉习语的文化差异及翻译文/王 蕾典故,其中包含民间传说和历史故事等。

譬如在英语习语中,“cross the Rubicon”就来源于传统的罗马历史故事,与汉语习语中的“孤注一掷”比较类似,“hang by a thread”则来源于希腊故事,与“千钧一发”的含义接近。


例如,“cat's paw”的字面意义就是猫的爪子,但是在英语习语中具有比喻“被愚弄的人或者事物”的含义。





(1)“in the right church,but in the wrong pew ”这句习语的释义为“进了正确的教堂,但是坐错了椅子”,用来比喻做人做事大方向是正确的,但是在细节方面具有缺失;(2)“God helps those who help themselves”的释义为“天神会帮助那些帮助自我的人”,与汉语习语中的“自助者、天助之”非常类似,其中的天神正是基督教中的信仰形象。









中文习语中的“以柔克刚”和英文中的“kill two birds with one stone”表达了不同的文化观念。

在中文中,“以柔克刚”强调通过柔和的手段来对待强硬的问题,反映了中国人讲究柔和、平和的价值观;而英文中的“kill two birds with one stone”则强调一举两得,追求高效率和结果,反映了西方人务实的思维方式。



中文中的“国色天香”强调国色天香,美丽动人,体现了中国人对美好的追求;而英文中的“devil's advocate”则强调挑战权威,发表不同见解,体现了西方人讲究个人独立和自由的思维方式。



中文中的“炼石成金”和英文中的“sour grapes”分别反映了中国人追求神话传统和英文中人们对基督教故事的理解。












比如比喻花钱浪费,大手大脚,英语是“spend mon-ey like water”,而汉语是“挥金如土”。


英国诗人雪莱(P.B .S helly )的《西风颂》《Ode to the West Wind 》正是对出的讴歌。


不同的文化习俗,不同的信念与价值观,以及审美观,产生了各自独特的社会风俗以及民族心理,并反映在语言中,例如:我国姓氏里,张、王、李、赵等很普遍,而英语一般是Tom,Dick,Harry 等。

汉语中有一个习语“张三李四”,英语则用习语“any Tom,Dick or Harry”,两者意思很接近。



在西方许多国家,特别是英美,人们信奉基督教,相关的习语如Good helps those who help themselves (上帝帮助自助的人),也有Go to hell (下地狱去)这样的诅咒。

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外国语学院毕业论文论文题目:英汉习语的文化差异及其翻译学生姓名:学号:专业:英语方向:教师教育指导教师2012年5月The Cultural Differences between English and Chinese Idiomsand Idiomatic TranslationA ThesisSubmitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the B. A. Degree in English Language and LiteratureByUndergraduate ProgramSchool of Foreign LanguagesHubei University of Science and TechnologySupervisor:Signature:ApprovedMay 2012论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。








(请在以上相应方框内打“√”)作者签名:2012 年5月导师签名:2012 年5月CONTENTS1. Introduction ······················································································································· - 1 -1.1 Background of the analysis ······················································································ - 1 -1.2 The Purpose of the analysis ······················································································ - 2 -1.3 The structure of the thesis ························································································· - 3 -2. Language and Culture········································································································ - 3 -2.1 The definition of language ························································································ - 3 -2.2 The definition of culture ··························································································· - 4 -2.3 Relationship between language and culture ····························································· - 4 -2.4 Divergences between language and culture ······························································ - 5 -3. Idioms and Culture ············································································································ - 5 -3.1 The definition and characteristics of idioms ····························································· - 5 -3.2 Relationship between idioms and culture ································································· - 6 -3.3 The importance of understanding idioms ································································· - 6 -4. Main Aspects of Cultural Differences between English and Chinese Idioms ··················· - 7 -4.1 Living environment ·································································································· - 7 -4.2 Historical culture ······································································································ - 7 -4.3 Religious beliefs ······································································································· - 8 -4.4 Customs or living habits ··························································································· - 8 -4.5 Values ························································································································ - 9 -5. Methods of Idiomatic Translation ····················································································· - 9 -5.1 Some common methods of translating idioms ························································· - 9 -5.1.1 Literal translation ·························································································· - 10 -5.1.2 Liberal translation ························································································· - 10 -5.1.3 Substitution ··································································································· - 10 -5.2 Some other methods of translating idioms ····························································· - 11 -5.2.1 Literal translation + liberal translation ························································· - 11 -5.2.2 Literal / liberal translation + annotation ······················································· - 11 -5.2.3 Omission ······································································································· - 12 -6. Conclusion ······················································································································· - 12 - Bibliography ························································································································ - 12 - Acknowledgements ············································································································· - 13 -The Cultural Differences between English and Chinese Idioms and Idiomatic Translation学生:指导教师:单位:外国语学院摘要:英汉两种语言包含着大量的生动形象的习语。
