









1.What movies does the woman like?A. AmericanB. AfricanC. Australian2.What will the man do?A. Go to Andy’s birthday party.B. Look after his mother.C. Go to see the doctor.3.What will they do probably at first?A . Go to the cinema. B. Go shopping. C. Go to the restaurant. 4.What doesn’t th e man like to do?A .Join the party. B. Stay at home. C. Read a book.5.How does the woman feel now?A. Good.B. Tired.C. Bored.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。




6. What are the speakers talking about?A. A training program.B. A railroad schedule.C. How to get to Chicago.7. When does the train to Chicago leave?A. At 2:40.B. At 4:13.C. At 4:30.8. On which day does this conversation take place?A. On Sunday.B. On Saturday.C. On a weekday.听第7段材料,回答第9-11题。



西藏拉萨中学2016届高三藏文3月月考试题繳續纀︽羍︽繳繻纀︽輦︽繲繳︽纋纍︽纉繴︽繻繳︽繽臥︽纋繼︽繳翭繳︽纊繴︽臰繻︽繽纍︽較臥︽纀轂繼︽聏繳纍︽軷繴︽繶臥︽繼繴︽纈輄纀纍︽舉繳醔繳續纀︽繳纍纋︽腵繴︽輿繳︽纋纍︽繻繳︽肕纊︽臰繻︽繽臥︽轂︽繽︽肑()臫繼﹀A繳舋繻︽繿繿纍﹀繳繵纀︽繳纍繳臞纋︽臞繳B軲︽纈輙繻﹀舚︽繿舚繻︽繽﹀繻羒︽臜繼﹀C繿肐繴纍﹀繾繼︽舙纀纍﹀臷繴︽輿繳醕繳續纀︽繳纍纋︽腵繴︽纈羖纋︽纋纍︽纉繴︽腵︽繻繳︽繽臥︽肏︽肑()臫繼﹀A繿肧繳︽繽---- 繳繼繳︽舙纀纍︽繿繵繴纍︽繽臥︽輄繼﹀肕繳︽胑---- 舙纊︽肵︽繵繼﹀B臰繴纍︽纈轃繼---- 腂︽輑纋︽翾︽繲繳︽羆︽繻羈︽羢繼﹀軥纍︽舋纍︽---- 臫繻︽翾纍︽耯繻︽繽臥︽輄繼﹀C繳輲繳︽纋繳---- 臱繳︽繳繼纍︽繺纀纍︽繵繻︽贂︽脅︽腵繴︽﹀輇繳︽肏---- 纍繴纍︽義纍︽續贁︽軹繿︽繽纍︽繿繵纍︽繽︽纀纄繻︽臮纋︽羍︽繸繼︽軻纍︽賮繼︽繻繳纈︽輥﹀耤︽繻繳纈︽輥﹀纈羗︽纀羑繳纍﹀繼繿纍︽胑﹀纈輂繼︽繽﹀纈繶纊︽繱︽軶︽輇繳︽羉醖繳續纀︽繳纍纋︽纋纍︽纃繴︽纀︽纀軦繼︽繿耓繻︽臫繼︽繽臥︽肏︽肑()臫繼﹀A軬︽繽臥︽纋纀﹀腫繴︽輶臥︽纇纍︽繵繼﹀舚︽纀繴﹀B翽︽纈轃繼﹀腷︽聄繳︽纇纍︽繵繼﹀續︽轀繳纍﹀C輆︽繿臚繼﹀軞︽繿義︽繽﹀纈耇繻︽纀軹繼︽纀﹀醗軗繳︽舚繳纍︽繸纀纍︽聾繼︽繳繴︽臲繴︽羆﹀肧纀︽纈羏纊︽軷繼︽繽()義繼﹀A繿肎纍︽繿耓繻﹀B繸纀纍︽聾繼﹀C纊繿︽聕繳醘繿翯︽輝繳︽臱繳︽繳繼纍︽義︽纀轂纊︽與繳纍︽腣繴纍︽繽臥﹀﹀舺繿︽繻胑繼︽纀翿繳︽罽繻︽舧纊︽纉繴︽纀繲纍︽繽︽繳纆繼﹀﹀繿軶繼︽繽臥︽轀纋︽纈輁纍︽繿舧繿︽輦︽臱繳︽繽臥︽繳繼纍﹀﹀繻︽輂繴︽纀繴︽輂︽纀翺纍︽纋︽軥纍︽繽︽耯繻﹀﹀臙纍︽繽臥︽繻胐纊︽繿耓繻︽較︽耲繼︽繴繳︽羆()義繼︽臫繼﹀A繳纍纋︽輩繻﹀B輕纋︽輨繴︽﹀C輄繼︽繳纆繼︽繿贀繻︽繽臥﹀醙耟繴纍︽肧纀︽繻繴︽繻軦纍︽肧纀︽繳耡纍︽贂︽罺繻︽翿纍︽纋()繳耡纍︽臰繻﹀﹀A舦繳︽聾繼︽繻繴︽舦繳︽腷繻﹀B纀軦繼︽舘纀︽繻繴︽耑纍︽繻繽繳C纈羇纋︽聾繼︽繻繴︽纈羇纋︽腷繻﹀醜繻羈︽舃繳纍︽繽臥︽羕繿︽纀繺臥︽舦纋︽繳聄繻︽繽︽胑︽肑︽耑︽輴繴︽繲︽繽︽臫繼﹀臩︽繼﹀繳續纀︽纋纍︽罸繴︽羆︽繿輵纀纍︽翿纍︽肑()臫繼﹀A«臱繼︽胑︽翾︽繳舘纀︽羍︽繳繹纀︽羍︽腪纊︽繿»B«脋繻︽纈耇繳» C«義纋︽舝纍︽纋繳與繼»醝輵︽繿纊﹀繻繻︽繽︽腷繻︽繽︽舺繿︽纀纊︽繿軶繼︽繽︽纀纃繴︽臙纍︽繽臥︽纈羖纋︽繽︽臲︽舚繴︽繿臥︽纃繼︽繽︽肑()A輄繼︽腷繻︽輄繳纍︽繽︽纇︽繿︽翿︽纈輟纋︽臫繼﹀B纀轆︽腲纋︽繳纉繴︽纋︽轚繴︽繿︽聖︽輣︽臫繼﹀C繺纋︽腸︽腣纊︽繼纍︽腂︽纀纊︽纈輘︽繿︽臫繼﹀醞迏︽軡繴︽繻羉繼︽繽︽輘繳︽繿繹繿︽纀繲繼︽肑纈腁纀︽軷繼︽繽︽義纋︽繿臥︽纈輨繴︽繳繼纍︽臫繼︽臗繴︽﹀罸繴︽羆纍︽輥繻︽繿羫繻︽繼繴︽繿軳繼︽羍︽羕繿︽纀繺纈()舦纋︽纈輩繻︽繳繼繴︽臰繻﹀A纍︽罤︽繽﹀B繻輣︽纀︽繽﹀C繿繱纈︽繳繻纀纍︽繽﹀醔醓纈轆纀纍︽繼︽罥繻︽纈罺繳︽繽︽羍纍﹀輗繴纍︽繼︽肎繳︽纈罺繳︽繽︽羍纍﹀臙纍︽繽臥︽纈罺繳︽羆︽纃繿︽聀︽翾纍︽臩纍︽繽臥︽輿繳︽肑()臫繼﹀A羉纀纍﹀B軺繳C羒繴︽﹀醔醔繻︽輙繼︽繶繻︽繼纀︽繼纀︽纆纊︽纆纊︽臙纍︽繽臥︽繿輊︽耭繴︽羆︽羉︽輄繼︽纉繴︽繻繳︽繽臥︽轂︽繽︽肑()臫繼﹀A繻︽繼纍︽繿臜繴︽聁︽繼︽繼︽纃︽纃︽臙纍︽繽臥︽輄繼﹀B舧繻︽輙繼︽繶繻︽輂纍︽繳繹繼︽輂︽臙纍︽繽臥︽輄繼﹀C舧繻︽輙繼︽羇纍︽羇纍︽臘纀︽臘纀︽臙纍︽繽臥︽輄繼﹀醔醕贜繴︽繽︽罸︽繼︽繻繴︽贜繴︽纈輄繳纍︽繿輸繳纍︽繳舘纀︽繳纊︽纈耇繳︽繽臥︽翬繼︽纈耇繳︽羆︽臫︽羈︽肑︽翧︽輙︽臱纀︽繽︽繿臗繼︽輂()臫繼﹀A繿︽繻繴︽纀﹀B繳︽繻繴︽繻﹀C繳︽繻繴︽繿﹀肧纀︽繻繱纊︽與繳纍︽繽臥︽纍︽輥繼︽羍纍︽纍︽膖繼︽繽臥﹀﹀肧纀︽纀繴︽纀繷繻︽繽︽繿纍纀︽腵︽罺繿︽繽︽臫纍﹀﹀肧纀︽繽︽輂︽纀臥︽纈羗︽纋︽繾繼︽纀纄繻︽繽纊﹀﹀肧纀︽賮繼︽耴繴︽繼纍︽纀︽羇纍︽纍︽臗繳︽纀輄繳﹀臙纍︽繽臥︽輿繳纍︽繿繵繻︽舎︽興︽繱︽繿贐繳纍︽耑纍︽繳續纀︽羍︽輆︽繿醔醖繼纍︽醔醘繿纊︽纋繼︽纈較繿纍︽繻羉纍﹀﹀醔醖羉繴︽羆︽舎︽興︽繱臥︽繼繴︽舦纋︽羫繼︽耲繼︽輹纀︽纋︽軹繼︽腸繴︽纀︽臫繼︽繽臥︽輹纀︽舃纍︽贂︽羕繿︽繶︽纈繳纈︽臰繻︽繽︽纋纍()臫繼﹀A輹纀︽繽纊︽繻纀︽繿繵纈︽繿﹀B纀翿繻︽繿耓繻﹀C纀耇繳︽繿肎臥︽繿翬︽膚繼﹀醔醗羉繴︽繿贀繻︽舎︽興︽繱︽肑︽臱︽輥繴︽繵繼︽羍︽輨繴︽繿︽繿耓繻︽繽︽繳纉纍︽纈罻纋︽輂繴︽羆︽軞︽繻輦繴纍︽臙纍︽繽︽纋纍︽繿繻纀纍︽繽︽繻繴︽﹀舺繿︽纃繼︽較臥︽繼繴︽輦繴︽翽繿︽舙纀纍︽繽臥()耴繴︽軷繿纍︽纋︽繿翧繳纍︽繽︽繿耓繻︽臰繻﹀A腤繼︽繽臥︽B繿輹繼︽纈羕纍︽贂︽C繿臞繻︽繽臥︽醔醘羉繴︽繿贀繻︽舎︽興︽繱臥︽繼繴︽羆︽纀輄繳︽翲纍︽繽臥︽輿繳︽羆︽纈羖纋︽轀纋︽纉繴︽繻繳︽肑()臫繼﹀A臰繻︽繽臥︽輄繼﹀﹀B輙︽轀纋︽羍︽肧纀︽繽臥︽輄繼C輄繼︽羍︽耴繴︽胑纈纀︽輎繳︽繲臥︽輄繼﹀醔醙繻羈︽舺繴︽繻繳︽繳纀︽纀繲纍︽肧纀纍︽贂纍﹀繿舥繳︽繿繵繻︽繿輊纊︽繿臥︽繳舙纊︽繿臗繼︽輂﹀與繳纍︽繽纊︽繿聏繳︽纋︽繴︽臫︽繿繱纈﹀腂繴纍︽繿纊︽輦︽臫︽羇纍︽輙纊︽腵繼﹀臙纍︽繽臥︽輿繳纍︽繿繵繻︽肑()繳舘繴纍︽繽︽繻繴︽﹀較臥︽繿軳繼︽輄繼︽纀輄纊︽繿肎纍︽肑()臫繼﹀A輣︽軷繼︽臱繼︽翾繼︽羕繿︽贂纍﹀繻羈︽舺繴︽繻繴︽纀繲纍︽繽︽肧纀纍︽纋纍︽羇纍︽纆繿纍︽輦︽繻羉纍︽繽臥︽輄繼﹀B纈輭繳︽繽︽賮繼︽與繳纍︽贂纍﹀罸繴︽羆︽繿繱纈︽舺繿︽耑纍︽纊繿纍︽繽纍︽繻繴︽輂︽腂繴纍︽繻羉纍︽繽臥︽輄繼﹀C軷繼︽繽︽繿翴纀︽聾繼︽纈繻纍︽贂纍﹀腵︽翾︽羈︽腸︽繳繴︽纈輅︽臗繳︽羆纍︽繳舘繴纍︽繽臥︽罜繻︽繶︽繻繴︽輄繼︽繳繴︽臫繼︽臲繴︽較纊︽繿聏繳︽繻胟繻︽纇繿︽腸︽輦纍︽聁︽繿較繼︽繿轉繼︽繻輩︽繿︽纈輩繻︽繽︽纋纍﹀羇纍︽繽︽纁纀︽繻繴︽輙︽轀纋︽羍︽肧纀︽繽︽纁纀︽羍︽繲纍︽腂繴纍︽腵︽臲繴︽繿臥︽輄繼﹀醔醜繿舗纋︽繿臥︽輆︽繿臚繼︽繻繴︽纈羗繳纍︽繼纍︽罺繿︽繽臥︽輆︽繿舘繴︽肑︽肑︽繺繳︽臱繴︽羆︽繲繴︽繿輸繳纍︽纀軻繼︽胑︽纋纍︽纀翾繻︽繽臥︽耲繼︽纈耈繿纍︽羛︽繻輦繴纍︽贂︽耑纍︽舘︽贕繴︽繽︽纈耉繳翲纍︽繽臥︽繼繴()脄繻︽臰繻﹀A纊繿︽聕繳︽義繼﹀B軞︽義繼﹀C轂纊︽繿耑臥︽義繼﹀醔醝輥繻︽贂︽興︽羫纍︽軻繳︽羆︽輎︽臱繴︽翧︽舎纍︽肑()臫繼﹀A繻輤繼︽纆繴︽輎︽臱︽﹀B輸︽臚纋︽輎︽臱繴︽﹀C罜纊︽翯繴︽輎︽臱繴︽﹀醔醞軠繴︽繳繹纀︽羍︽罸纊︽臮繳︽纋︽繻輩︽繼︽繳耡纍︽臰繻﹀較︽纋纍︽腵︽肵臥︽纈羇纋︽罫繻︽贂︽輂纍︽轂繻︽繻繴︽纍︽繶﹀繼纀︽輂纍﹀繳繼纀︽繳舉纍﹀纍︽繲纀纍︽舚繳纍︽纀轂繼︽繽︽肑()臫繼﹀A脅︽轂繳纍︽罸纊︽臮繳B繳耡纍︽繱C纊繴︽輨繴︽罸纊︽臮繳醕醓輹纀︽臱繳︽羆︽纊繴︽繿臗繼﹀軛︽輵纋︽羍︽纊繴︽繿臗繼﹀纈羀繿︽軷繼︽羍︽纊繴︽繿臗繼︽繿繵纍︽肑()罺繻︽翿纍︽臫繼﹀A繳纍纊︽纈羏纊︽羍﹀B繳繹纀︽繿續繻︽贂﹀C羐纊︽纈輄繼︽羍﹀贄﹀纈輁︽肑︽纊繴︽繿臗繼︽羍︽腉繿︽翽︽繻贃纍︽纀︽臗繳︽纀︽臫繼︽聁﹀臙纍︽繽臥︽輿繳︽輂纀︽繿贐繳纍︽耑纍︽繳續纀︽羍︽輆︽繿︽醕醔繼纍︽醕醖繿纊︽纋︽纋繼︽軻繿︽舉繳醕醔贄︽臙纍︽繽臥︽輄繼︽肑()纋︽纈耇繳A舧纊︽繿肎﹀B纈輥繻︽軞﹀C纀羉︽輥︽繻羐︽繿臥︽輄繼﹀醕醕聁︽軞︽較︽輄繼︽()纈耇繳A繻纀︽繿繵纈︽轘繳︽繿繵纍﹀B纀纃纀纍︽腪纊︽轘繳︽繿繵纍﹀C繳纆繼︽纈輈繼︽轘繳︽繿繵纍﹀醕醖纊繴︽繿臗繼︽羍︽腉繿︽翽︽繻贃纍︽纀︽臗繳︽纀︽臫繼︽臝纊︽輄繼︽肑()臫繼﹀A纈耂繳纍︽臘纀︽脀︽纁纀︽腷繻︽翭繴︽罧︽軷繿纍︽贂︽繻繽纋︽纈繿纊︽繿臥︽輥繻︽繳繴纍︽繵繼︽繳臚繼︽肒︽肧纀纍︽贂︽纋繴︽轂臥︽耴繴︽軷繿纍︽纀轂繼﹀B纈罻纋︽翽︽繻繴︽轈繴︽輣臥︽翽︽舚繳纍︽纀︽臫繼︽繽纍﹀C較︽肑︽輥繻︽贂︽繳繴纍︽繶繿︽軶﹀纉繼︽纋繳︽繿義繻︽聾繼︽羍︽罺繻︽翿纍︽聾繼︽繽纍﹀醕醗繳續纀︽繳纍纋︽纋纍︽翬繼︽纈耇繳︽聏繳纍︽贂︽繻輩︽繿︽繻繴︽纈耇繳︽繽臥︽罣纊︽羍︽繿續繻︽轀纋︽纉繴︽腵︽繻繳︽繽臥︽肏︽肑()臫繼﹀A輵︽繿纊﹀纏︽肑︽纀纃繼︽腷繻︽翲纍︽贁繴︽輦﹀臙纍︽繽臥︽纏︽肑︽腸︽繳續纀︽羍︽臫︽羈︽臫繼︽繽︽纀︽纇繻﹀軞︽輹纋︽舉繼︽聀︽纆繼︽繽纍︽舚﹀﹀B翬繼︽纈耇繳︽肧纀纍︽聏繳纍︽繿臗纊︽繻輩︽輄繼︽肑﹀較︽肧纀纍︽纊繴︽纊繴︽羆︽纈耇繳︽臮纋︽腵繴︽繳臗臥︽臫︽羈︽繻繴︽腣纊︽繼纍︽贔繳︽罜繿纍︽軞︽繳繻繴纍︽輅繳︽纆繼︽臰繻︽繽臥︽繻繿繴︽羆纍︽舚﹀C輄繼︽羕繿︽贂纍︽膠︽羇纍︽舎繳︽軻繳︽聀︽臫︽羈︽輬纍﹀臙纍︽繽臥︽繻胐纊︽繿耓繻︽贂︽輦︽肑︽輬纍﹀輩繻︽肑︽輄繼︽羕繿︽繻繴︽膠︽羇﹀纋纍︽肑︽臫︽羈輬纍︽肑︽輂纍︽纀︽臩繴纍︽繽﹀醕醘繳續纀︽繳纍纋︽纋纍︽耑纍︽纈耇繳︽聏繳纍︽贂︽繻輩︽繿︽繻繴︽聏繳纍︽贂︽纈耇繳︽繽臥︽罣纊︽羍︽繿續繻︽軳繴纍︽纉繴︽腵︽繻繳︽繽臥︽肏︽肑︽()A輵︽繿纊﹀翧︽纀︽繳纊︽聖纊︽纈羏纊︽繿︽繻繴︽輙︽纀︽耂︽聖纊︽纈羏纊︽繿︽臙纍︽繽臥︽翧︽纀︽較︽耑纍︽纈耇繳︽︽繻繴︽輙︽纀︽較︽腵繴︽繳臗︽舚繳纍︽纋︽羉B繿軠繿纍---罧纍︽輣︽纈輬繴︽﹀繿軘纀纍---- 舉繼︽聀︽腸﹀纈轂纋---- 纀纃繼︽腷繻︽纀︽肑繴︽﹀C繳舗繴︽纀---- 聏繳纍︽纀轀繴纍︽纈輈繼︽繽﹀繺纋︽腸---- 繿耓繻︽繿較︽纈輈繼︽繽﹀醕醙繳續纀︽羍︽繿輵纀纍︽翿纍︽繲繳︽羆︽輹纀︽繽︽胑︽繻繴︽輹纀︽舃纍︽纉繴︽繼︽輹纀︽軳繴纍︽繿繵纍︽纈羖纋︽轀纋︽纉繴︽纀︽繻繳︽繽臥︽轂︽繽︽肑()A«腷︽聄繳︽肂纀︽纊臥︽繼繴︽羆︽贐繼︽繱»---- 羘繴︽纀輂繼︽繻繽纋︽纈輪纊---- 纊繿︽聕繳︽軠繴︽繳繹纀﹀B«繳繴纍︽舙繴︽臰繻︽腷繻︽贂︽繻胟繻︽繽»---- 繻羈︽纈輂繼︽翿纍︽纈輖纋----繻繳繳︽軠繿︽輹纀﹀C«繻繽纈︽輥臥︽腷︽聄繳»----纊繴︽羗纋----輄繼︽繿耓繻︽轚繳︽輹纀﹀輿繳︽羆︽纈羃纋︽繿︽軶︽肕纊︽纈羃纋︽肧纀纍︽腷繻︽繽纊︽繿臞︽輩繻︽贂︽纋繳︽繶︽聖︽輣臥︽臱繳︽繽︽肑()臫繼﹀輄繼︽羍︽纈羃纋︽繿︽軶﹀輄繼︽羍︽繳繹繼︽輿繳纍︽纈羃繳纍︽繽︽繻繴︽輙繼︽翭︽興繳︽繽纊︽膤︽繿纊︽輩繻︽繽︽纋纍︽肈繳︽繽臥︽纋繳︽繶︽聖︽輣臥︽臱繳︽繽︽肑()臫繼﹀纊繴︽羆︽舙纀纍︽較︽耫繼︽膔繴纍︽繽臥︽輂繳︽繳舘纀︽纋纍︽繿聀纋︽聁︽臗︽輂纋︽繿繳︽臰繻︽繻繴︽輦纀纍︽耴繴︽耑︽繻繴︽聾繼︽繽纊︽輩繻︽繽臥︽臱繳︽繽︽肑()臫繼﹀繳舚︽輦﹀繳舚︽輩繻﹀繳舚︽臮纋︽繿繵纍︽繻繴︽聾繼︽臗繴︽舙纀纍︽繵繼︽繳繴︽較臥︽罜繿纍︽纈輝纋︽羍︽肎繳︽繿翧纋︽舙纋︽翭繴︽轁︽繿舠繴纍︽繿纊︽輩繻︽繺繿纍︽贂︽臱繳︽繽︽肑()臫繼﹀羫繼︽聾繼︽羍︽纈轂︽繿臥︽軻繳︽耤︽繿纊︽纀罸︽臗繴︽繿罜纋︽聾繼︽肧纀纍︽纋︽繾繼︽纈輄繳纍︽繽纊︽輩繻︽繽臥︽臱繳︽繽︽肑()臫繼﹀醕醜羉繴︽繿贀繻︽贂︽羇繳︽聏繳纍︽繼繴︽①繿臞︽臱繳︽繽﹀②繼繴︽臱繳︽繽﹀③軞︽臱繳︽繽﹀④纃繻︽纀︽臱繳︽繽﹀⑤繳舚︽繿︽臱繳︽繽︽繿繵纍︽羉︽臱纀︽繿臗繼︽纉繴︽繻繳︽繽臥︽纋繼︽肑()臫繼﹀A①②③④⑤B⑤①③④②C③④②⑤①醕醝腵︽纀軹繼︽繽臥︽輜繳纍︽繳耡纍︽繱纍︽繾繼︽轀繼︽繿纍纀︽舋纍︽輩繻︽繻羉纍︽繽臥︽繻胐︽翿纍︽肑()臫繼﹀A纋︽繸繳︽纀轆︽繳臝繴纍﹀B羈繳纍︽舙纋︽輥繳纍︽纈輄繼﹀C纀轆︽腲纋︽繳纉繴︽轚繴︽﹀醕醞()舋纍︽繼︽腵繴︽纋︽腵︽膔繴纍﹀()舋纍︽繼︽輿繳纍︽繿繵繻︽纋︽腵︽膔繴纍﹀()舋纍︽繼︽罜繻︽臱繳纍︽纋︽腵︽膔繴纍﹀()舋纍︽繼︽羒繴纍︽纋︽腵︽膔繴纍﹀()舋纍︽繼︽輿繳︽義繼︽纋︽腵︽膔繴纍﹀羉繴︽繿贀繻︽羇繳︽聏繳纍︽①耲繼︽繴繳②纀軦繼︽繿耓繻﹀③臤纍︽繳纊﹀④肏繿纍︽腪纊﹀⑤罜纊︽輶纍︽繿繵纍︽繼繴︽羉︽臱纀︽繿臗繼︽纉繴︽繻繳︽繽臥︽纋繼︽肑()臫繼﹀A②④③⑤①B③①④⑤②C⑤①②③④醖醓纍繴纍︽義纍︽贂︽繿繱纈︽繿軳繼︽繻繴︽繳舘繴︽纊繿︽臰繻︽輄︽翴繳︽纀輄纊︽纈輆纋︽繼︽繳舘纀︽羍︽罸繴纍︽舘︽繳聄繳纍︽繽︽軶﹀纈輂纋︽繿臥︽肏︽肻繻﹀纀軦繼︽繽臥︽肏︽肻繻﹀纀輄︽肏臥︽肏︽肻繻︽繿繵纍︽繳舘纀︽臫繼︽臗繴︽﹀較︽肧纀纍︽纋()臝纊﹀A繿舧繿︽繽︽繳舘纀﹀B肏︽肻繻︽繳舘纀﹀C耫繼︽腸繴纍︽輂繳︽繳舘纀︽醖醔纀︽繿纍纀︽繽臥︽纆纋︽翸︽纀︽繳繹繴︽﹀繳繴︽羆︽軻繳︽聀︽翭︽繿繿纍︽腵︽舋纍︽臙纍︽繽臥︽纆纋︽翸︽臙纍︽繽臩︽輄繼︽肑()臫繼﹀A翸︽臫︽臙︽纍﹀B軦︽繳輄繴︽羆︽輄繼﹀C羂纀纍︽贂︽輄繼﹀醖醕腵︽臱繳纍︽繳纆繼︽羍︽罜繻︽繿輊臥︽繼繴︽繼纍︽繳纉纊︽繼纍︽脋繻︽繽臥︽腵繴︽纋()臝纊﹀A臜纊︽繶繳︽罜繻﹀B臮纋︽罜繻﹀C臫繳︽罜繻﹀醖醖輿繳︽輄繼︽羍︽羉︽繿︽與繼︽軳繴纍︽肕纊︽繿臥︽纃繼︽繽︽肑()臫繼﹀A翽︽腷繻︽羅繼︽繽︽臱︽腸臥︽纀纊︽腷︽繿臗繼﹀臙纍︽繽︽肑︽臱︽腸臥︽軶繴︽羆︽纀纊︽腷︽繼繴︽繿臗繼︽纎︽繵繴︽纀轅纍︽胑︽臰繻︽繽臥︽輄繼﹀B舠繻︽繽臥︽輕繼︽轂繳纍︽繳臰︽繿︽羠繳︽羆︽繳纊﹀臙纍︽繽臥︽羠繳︽羆︽繳纊︽較纍︽罜繻︽翭繳︽罜繻︽翭繳︽纋︽纈羏纊︽繿︽繻繴︽腵︽聏繳︽繽臥︽肵繴︽轀纋︽纀轂繼︽繽︽臫繼﹀C纈繻纀︽纋︽繿繹繿︽繽臥︽輕纊︽繽︽繿臗繼︽纈羏纊︽繿﹀臙纍︽繽纍︽繳臰︽纈羇纋︽翾︽臗繴︽繿聏繼︽胑︽腷繻︽繽臥︽輄繼﹀醖醗輂纍︽纀︽臩繴纍︽繽臥︽輦︽輿繳︽羆︽輿繳︽羗繳纍︽臫繼︽繽臥︽肏︽肑( ) 臫繼﹀A繿臗繼﹀軔繴︽﹀羆繼﹀B羫﹀繻羉纍﹀輶纍﹀C臛繼﹀纃纊﹀舚繴︽﹀醖醘繻繳纈︽繿︽繻繴︽羅︽繿︽舚繳纍︽臫繻︽贂︽纈羏纊︽繿︽舃纍︽繴繳︽聀︽腵︽續纊︽繿︽肑 ( ) 臫繼︽纋﹀較︽耡繻︽耈︽翾纊︽纈輖纋︽繼纍︽纈轄纀︽繽纈纀︽羅︽繳耤纊︽繿肎纍︽繽︽聖︽輣︽舃纍︽繴繳︽聀︽續纊︽繿︽肑 ( ) 臫繼﹀臙纍︽繽臥︽輄繼︽羍︽纈耇繳︽繽︽羉︽臱纀︽繿臗繼︽纉繴︽繻繳︽繽︽肑 ( )A纈羏纊﹀繸纀纍﹀B繸纀纍﹀纈羏纊﹀C繿纍纀︽繽﹀纈輂繼︽繽﹀醖醙繳繴纍︽臱纍︽腵繳︽翽︽纈輧繼﹀繳纁繴︽胑纍︽軤︽軞︽転繳翲纍︽繽纊︽耲繼︽繴繳︽羆︽義繼︽( ) 輤繻︽脄繻︽臰繻﹀A繳臜繳纍︽義繼﹀B繻胐︽義繼﹀C纊繿︽聕繳︽義繼﹀醖醜輥繻︽贂︽臫︽羈︽肑( ) 臫繼﹀A軞︽腪纊︽B纈輅︽繳臜繳纍︽C纈輅︽繳臜繳纍︽繻繴︽軞︽腪纊︽纀繸纀︽纈輈纍︽醖醝臩繻︽贂︽軸繳︽與︽肑﹀膎︽輦臥︽転︽纀輄繴纍﹀肔︽輴臥︽転︽軹纋﹀纇︽臩繳︽羆︽臱︽腸﹀繻繿繴︽胑臥︽繳臘︽臱纍﹀聖纊︽肑︽繻胐︽義繼︽羍︽繼繴︽繳舙纍 ( ) 臫︽繸纀纍︽臫繼﹀A輠繴︽繿臥︽繻胐﹀B羫臥︽繻胐﹀C纀繴︽繿臥︽繻胐﹀醖醞繱︽繿續繻︽纋︽腵繴︽羆︽肧纀︽羒繴纍︽舘︽( ) 繻繴︽( ) 臙纍︽贁繴︽臝纊﹀A舃繳纍︽纈輨繴︽繱︽繿續繻︽繻繴︽舃繳纍︽肈繳︽繱︽繿續繻﹀B繴繳︽軻繳︽繱︽繿續繻︽繻繴︽臫繳︽軻繳︽繱︽繿續繻﹀C繱︽輹纀︽繻繴︽繱︽輠繴︽醗醓繳繴︽臗繳︽軻纍︽繽纍︽臫繻︽肑︽繻繻︽羏纊︽繼纍﹀﹀與繳纍︽繽纊︽繻繳纈︽纋︽繿聏繼︽繽︽耡繻︽輂︽纈羏纊﹀﹀舋纍︽纊繿︽罧纍︽臗繴︽繳耾︽腶繳︽腷繻︽繽纊︽纈羏纊﹀﹀纊繴︽羆︽續纍︽贁繴︽較︽耡繻︽耫︽繿纊︽臱繳纍﹀﹀臙纍︽繽臥︽輿繳纍︽繿繵繻︽纈輁臥︽繼繴 ( ) 繿軳繼︽臰繻﹀A舋纍︽纊繿︽贂︽繻羈︽纀纃繼︽繻繴︽繳纋︽翾繼︽纊繴︽繿臗繼﹀B軻纍︽繽臥︽繻羈︽纀纃繼︽繻繴︽繳纋︽翾繼︽纊繴︽繿臗繼﹀C繻繻︽繽臥︽繻羈︽纀纃繼︽繻繴︽繳纋︽翾繻︽纊繴︽繿臗繼﹀醗醔繳續纀︽繳纍纋︽腵繴︽輄繼︽纋︽纈羖纋︽繽︽纉繴︽繻繳︽繽臥︽轂︽繽︽肑()A羑繻---- 繲︽纀翽纈纀︽輹繻︽繽﹀繻枙︽翭繳----聄繳︽纁纀﹀纈繳繿----臩纍︽繽纈纀︽纈羓繳︽繽﹀B軡繼︽腸--繳輄繴︽纈媍﹀繳翲枙︽輣--罸︽繼纈纀︽罷枙︽贜繴︽﹀臫︽腶繳--舙纀纍︽羀纋︽罧纍︽繽﹀C繻輣︽臮—繳繼繳︽輚繳︽迏︽翴︽腷繻︽繽︽纋︽臝纊﹀興繳︽聕繳—輙繼︽翭︽興繳︽羆︽聕繳︽繻胦繻﹀繿舧繻︽繽—罫繼︽纈耇繳︽繽︽繻繴︽罫繼︽舥︽繿﹀醗醕 ( )纋︽繼繴︽輄繼︽羍︽繶︽繼纍︽繿纍纀︽腇臥︽纊繴︽繿臗繼︽繻繴︽﹀肧纀︽繽臥︽繶︽繼纍︽軛︽輵纋︽羍︽纊繴︽繿臗繼︽繻繴︽﹀纈輫纍︽輣臥︽繶︽繼纍︽繾繼︽翿繻︽贂︽纊繴︽繿臗繼︽繿繵纍︽聾繼︽繻羉纍︽繽︽臫繼﹀A繳繹纀︽繿續繻﹀B繻纀繴纍︽繳纆纍﹀C繳繹纀︽繻胐﹀醗醖輦︽輩繻︽繺︽繻繻︽繽︽繻繴︽繺︽腵︽繻繻︽繽︽繳耡纍﹙﹚繿聓繼︽繼纍︽繻輩︽繿︽纈輩繻︽繻羉纍﹀A輦︽繿︽繻繴︽輩繻︽繽︽胑︽繳耡纍︽纋﹀ B纋纍︽纍纀︽臮纋︽繻繴︽輩繻︽繽︽胑︽繳耡纍︽纋﹀C纋纍︽纍纀︽輦︽臮纋︽繻繴︽輦︽繿︽繳耡纍︽纋﹀醗醗罞纋︽輿繳︽肑︽輂纍︽繳舘纀︽纋纍 ( )罸繴纍︽舘︽繳聄繳纍﹀A輂纍︽纀︽臩繴纍﹀B輂纍︽纈繻纍︽繽﹀C輂纍︽繻︽聖︽繿﹀醗醘罜纊︽翽繴︽輎︽臱繴︽肑︽輥繻︽義纋( )羍纍︽繿輲繳纍﹀A羂︽肅︽舦繴︽繿纁繼﹀B羂︽舦繴︽肅臦︽繿纁繼﹀C羂︽繳輲繳︽肅︽繿纁繼﹀醗醙耲繼︽繴繳︽羆︽義繼︽纋︽繻輩︽繼︽軹繼︽腸繴︽繻繴︽軹繼︽腸繴︽纀︽臫繼︽繽臥︽義繼︽繳耡纍︽臰繻﹀臩︽繼︽軹繼︽腸繴︽羆︽義繼︽纋︽繻輩︽繼( )臰繻﹀A繻胐︽義繼﹀繳臜繳纍︽義繼﹀繳纍纋︽輩繻︽義繼﹀B繿肎纍︽繿耓繻︽義繼﹀繳繿︽輿繳︽義繼﹀輕纋︽輨繴︽義繼﹀C軞︽義繼﹀輄繼︽義繼﹀繳繿︽輿繳︽義繼﹀醗醜纀軦繼︽繿耓繻︽翲纍︽繽︽肑︽纈耂繳︽聓繼︽羍︽翿纍︽肧纀纍︽軲纍︽繿繵纍︽贂纍︽繾繼︽轀繼︽纈輅︽繿︽繻繴︽﹀纈腀纋︽繿﹀羫︽纈輫纍﹀聓繼︽繻繴︽繿聓繼︽繽﹀肈繳︽繽︽舚繳纍︽羫︽纀纃繼︽輂︽輦纍︽聁︽繺︽耲繻︽繳繻繳纍︽繽︽臗繳︽臫繼﹀較纊︽繻輩︽繼( )繳耡纍︽臰繻﹀A腵繴︽繳翭繳︽輄繼︽纀繴︽纋︽纈耇繳︽繽臥︽纀軦繼︽繿耓繻︽繻繴︽輄繼︽繳翭繳︽腵繴︽纀繴︽纈耇繳︽繽臥︽纀軦繼︽繿耓繻﹀B纀軦繼︽繿耓繻︽纀繲纍︽繽臥︽肧︽義繼︽繻繴︽纀軦繼︽繿耓繻︽義︽纀轂臥︽翽︽軸繳纍﹀C羒繴纍︽贂︽纀軦繼︽繿耓繻︽繻繴︽腵繴︽羆︽纀軦繼︽繿耓繻﹀醗醝輥繻︽贂︽興︽逇臥︽纃繻︽繳臗︽繶︽纃繴︽繿纊︽繿軳繼︽繽臥︽繳臘繴︽翧︽舎纍︽肑( )臫繼﹀A繿較繼︽繻羈︽纀轅纍︽繳舘纀﹀B輩繻︽輫繳︽聕繳纍︽輩繻︽翾繼︽腸﹀C軞︽腪纊︽繿纀︽繳耡纍﹀醗醞肕纊︽繼繳︽肑︽輥繻︽贂︽纈腁繳︽繽︽纀繴︽轂繳纍︽贂︽纀羉纊︽輕繿︽繽臥︽腫︽繼繳︽繻繴︽贕繴︽纋︽羑繼︽繽臥︽贀︽轘纀﹀繲︽纋︽纇︽繿︽繻繴︽纈胏繴︽繿臥︽纀纊︽輚纊︽繻繴︽臩︽臚﹀纈羓纀︽纈羕纋︽羍︽繿臚繼︽繲纋︽繻繴︽耫︽轂繴︽羆︽轂繴︽臞繳纈轂︽繿臥︽聓繼︽繳臗︽繻繴︽軻繼︽罧繻︽贂︽羫︽繶臥︽軻繼︽罶繴纍︽輕纋︽輨繴︽臗繳︽臫繼﹀臙纍︽繽臥︽輂纀︽輣纊( )A輦︽繻軦纍︽贂︽羕繿︽轀纋︽繳纍纋︽繿續繻︽輦纍︽臰繻﹀B輦︽繻軦纍︽贂︽軦︽輥臥︽繶︽繼纍︽繳纍纋︽繿續繻︽輦纍︽臰繻﹀C輦︽繻軦纍︽贂︽脋繻︽軘臥︽軻繳︽繼纍︽繳纍纋︽繿續繻︽輦纍︽臰繻﹀纈繷纀︽纈繷纀︽纎繻︽圗臥︽繴繳︽肑︽繿纋︽纋纍︽纈繷纀﹀﹀輷繿︽輷繿︽繳耾繴︽羆︽罸繳︽繽︽輎︽纋纍︽輷繿﹀﹀耲繼︽耲繼︽輿繳︽羆︽臰纋︽繿纍︽繿軟繿纍︽輦纍︽繼纍﹀﹀繴繼︽繴繼︽舙纀纍︽贂︽輂繳︽纀繻纈︽纈輖繼︽繽纊︽輩繻﹀﹀羉繴︽羆︽輿繳纍︽繿繵繻︽舎︽興︽繱︽繿贐繳纍︽繼纍︽繳續纀︽羍︽輆︽繳臗︽醗醞繼纍︽醘醓纊︽纋繼︽軻繿︽舉繳醘醓羉繴︽羆︽輿繳纍︽繿繵繻︽繼繴︽耲繼︽繴繳︽羆︽義繼( )輤繻︽脄繻︽纈輂繳A繳臜繳纍︽義繼﹀B臜繴︽肊繼︽義繼﹀C繻胐︽義繼﹀醘醔羉繴︽繿贀繻︽輿繳纍︽繿繵繻︽贂︽繻胐︽繻繴︽繻胐︽繵繼︽繻輩︽繿︽纈輩繻︽轀纋︽纉繴︽纀︽繻繳︽繽臥︽肏︽肑( )臫繼﹀A繻胐---繿纋︽纈繷纀﹀繻胐︽繵繼---繴繳︽纈繷纀繻胐---罸繳︽繽︽輷繿︽胑﹀繻胐︽繵繼---輎︽輷繿︽胑﹀B繻胐---臰纋︽繿﹀繻胐︽繵繼---耲繼︽繽臥︽輿繳繻胐---繴繼︽舙纀纍﹀繻胐︽繵繼---輂繳︽纀繻纈﹀C繻胐---罸繳︽繽︽輷繿︽胑﹀繻胐︽繵繼---輎︽輷繿︽胑﹀繻胐---輂繳︽纀繻纈﹀繻胐︽繵繼---繴繼︽舙纀纍﹀醘醕繳續纀︽繳纍纋︽纋纍︽繾繼︽轀繼︽臤繳︽臟纊︽腵︽纈羗︽繿臥︽肏︽肑( )臫繼﹀A繳臰---罫纀﹀纈輂---纈輫纋﹀纊繳纍---臗繿﹀B纈輝纋---纈輕繳纍﹀纈耇繳---肈繳羓纀---轜繻﹀C纀軦繼---罛繳肳---聑纋﹀繻羈---肍繳醘醖繳續纀︽纋纍︽羒繴纍︽纈輈繼︽轀纋︽纉繴︽腵︽繻繳︽繽臥︽肏︽肑( )臫繼﹀A繻羈︽繿︽繿翯︽肑﹀舦繳︽腵︽繳翴繻︽繽﹀纀︽輧繼︽繽纊︽腵︽與繼︽繽﹀興繳︽繳膵纀︽脃繴︽繿﹀繿較繼︽繽纊︽膤︽繿﹀輝︽纀︽腵︽輩繻︽繽﹀輿繳︽纈繷纀︽胑纊︽膤︽繿﹀繴繳︽腵︽纈繶纋︽繿﹀繳纆繼︽羍︽肕纊︽纋︽繶繳纍︽舥繻︽腵︽輩繻︽繽﹀繳纆繼︽纋︽繳肕繻︽舙纀纍︽腵︽罧繻︽繽﹀纈耂繳︽聓繼︽繽臥︽纉繴︽腵︽繻繳︽繽臥︽聖︽繿﹀B耡繼︽腸臥︽軹繼︽繳舘纀︽肑﹀軻︽臵繴纍﹀耡繼︽羇繴︽﹀輙︽載﹀C纀纄繴纍︽纀臥︽臰繼︽繹繼︽繿義繻︽肑﹀罧纍︽繽︽腷繻︽贁繴︽耫繼︽腸繴纍︽贂︽繻繿繴︽輂︽腵︽纈羗︽繿﹀罻纀︽繺繿︽纋︽耴繴︽耤︽繿﹀輣︽纀繴︽輂︽繿纁纈︽繿﹀舃纍︽轀繳纍︽軹繿︽繽﹀膤︽繿︽纀繴︽胑︽腷繻︽繽﹀舙纀纍︽輅繴︽繿﹀輙︽繺繳︽臱繴︽繿﹀纋纍︽纋︽纉繴︽臗繴︽纋繳纈輫纍︽繳纁繴︽繿﹀繳續纀︽羍︽輵︽輿繳︽繿贐繳纍︽繼纍︽輆︽繳臗︽醘醖繼纍︽醘醘繿纊︽軠繿︽繻羉纍﹀輵︽輿繳纈繻纍︽纋︽繿纍︽纈輕纋︽纉繴︽纈耇繳︽臰繻﹀﹀繻︽聖︽繿︽纋︽繳耡纍︽繱︽腷繻﹀﹀纀︽臩繴纍︽纈輕纋︽臰繻︽纉繴︽纈耇繳︽腷繻﹀﹀罞纋︽輿繳︽纈輕纋︽腷繻︽纉繴︽纈耇繳︽臰繻﹀﹀罜繿纍︽纈繳纊︽纈繻纍︽繻繴︽罞纋︽輿繳︽纋﹀﹀纍︽贜繴︽腣纊︽繿纍︽纈軹纍︽繽纈繴︽臰繻﹀﹀醘醗羉繴︽羆︽輵︽輿繳︽較纍( )繿軳繼﹀A輂纍︽繳舘纀︽脅纊︽繿繹繴︽繿﹀B輂纍︽繳舘纀︽軻纊︽輣︽繿﹀C輂纍︽繳舘纀︽輩︽輫繳︽繽﹀醘醘繻︽聖︽繿纋︽繳耡纍︽繱︽腷繻︽翲纍︽繽臥︽繳耡纍︽繱︽肑( ) 臫繼﹀A翬繼︽纈耇繳︽繻繴︽纉繴︽纈耇繳B翬繼︽纈耇繳︽繻繴︽耑纍︽纈耇繳C耑纍︽纈耇繳︽繻繴︽纉繴︽纈耇繳醘醙纍︽贜繴︽腣纊︽繿纍︽纈軹纍︽繽纈繴︽臰繻﹀翲纍︽繽臥︽纍︽臫繳︽較( )纋︽臝纊﹀A纉繴︽纈耇繳︽纍﹀B腵繴︽繳臗︽纍﹀C耑纍︽纈耇繳︽纍﹀醘醜繳續纀︽繳纍纋︽輹纀︽臱繳︽罣纊︽羍︽繼繴︽輄繼︽纉繴︽腵︽繻繳︽繽臥︽肏︽肑( ) 臫繼﹀A軠繴︽繳繹纀︽羍︽輨繴︽臱纀︽肑︽腵︽肵︽纋︽繿軵繼︽繼纍︽軟繳︽繽︽臫繼︽繽纍﹀腵︽肵︽腷︽繻︽繼︽輨繴︽臱纀︽輦︽繿纈繴︽腷繻﹀B繻繳繳︽軠繿︽輹纀︽臫繳︽纋︽纊繴︽舃繳纍︽纈繺繻︽聾繼︽輂︽軠繿︽繽臥︽繻繳繳︽軠繿︽輹纀︽繻繴︽﹀繳纆繼︽舃繳纍︽繻繳繳︽繽臥︽繻繳繳︽軠繿︽輹纀︽繳耡纍︽臰繻﹀C耲繼︽繴繳︽繻繴︽耲繼︽繳臘繴︽繳耡纍︽輄繼︽繳翭繳︽臫繼﹀醘醝纍︽軔繴︽翧纍︽舘︽輦纍︽繽臥︽罜纊︽纀︽臩繻︽翾繼︽臙纍︽繽臥︽罜纊︽纀︽臩繻︽翾繼︽肑( ) 羉︽繻羉纍﹀A繳繴纍︽臱﹀B繳繴纍︽臱纍︽纀轂繼︽繽臥︽輥繻︽腵︽繻纀繴纍﹀C臩繻︽翾︽繿臥︽罜纊︽纀﹀醘醞罸臥︽繸纋︽纍︽舉繼︽聀︽翽繴︽繿︽肑︽軔纀︽臗繳︽繻繴︽纈輅︽纋﹀繸纋︽羂臥︽軻繳︽繸纋︽羇纊︽臗繳︽贁繴︽輕繿︽纈輂繳︽翲纍︽繽臥︽繼繴︽腵︽肵臥 ( ) 臗繿︽纈輬︽輦纍︽臰繻﹀A舙纀纍︽繲纀纍﹀B罸纊︽臮繳C輦︽輩繻﹀醙醓輥繻︽贂︽興︽羫纍︽贂︽輂纍︽纀纃纀纍︽繻輩︽罜繿纍︽繿軳繼︽繽︽翧︽繻纊︽臙纍︽繽︽肑﹙﹚A輥繻︽輂︽繼繴纍︽繽︽纍繴纍︽義纍︽翿纍︽舃繳纍︽軻繳︽纀纊︽繻纊︽繿︽繼纍︽義纋︽胑︽羘繴︽繻纊︽羍纍︽繿軳繼︽繽︽纀︽繿肸繿纍︽繿纊﹀ B 輥繻︽纋︽繼繴︽繽︽纍繴纍︽義纍︽翿纍︽舃繳纍︽纀︽繻纊︽翬繼︽羍︽輂纍︽纊繿纍﹀C繿軳繼︽繽︽繻纊︽繿︽繼纍︽繻︽聖︽繿臥︽繿纊︽羍︽輂纍︽纊繿纍﹀繳耡纍︽繽﹀軷繴纈耇繳︽輆︽繳臗﹀罜纊醔醓醙醔輦纀纍︽繽纍︽繿輹繼︽纈羕纍︽贂纍︽繻胐︽較繿︽繿贐繳纍︽臙纍︽繽臥︽繻胐纊︽繿耓繻︽贂︽輦︽肑︽------------輩繻︽------------纋纍︽------------臫繼﹀繿贐繳纍︽贂︽輂纍︽繳舘纀︽罞纋︽輿繳︽肑︽輂纍︽纀︽臩繴纍︽繽------------ 輂纍︽繻︽聖︽繿︽------------輂纍︽纈繻纍︽繽------------罞纋︽輿繳------------醙醕輥繻︽贂︽輗︽繸︽繿︽纋︽------------繻繴︽------------臱繳纍︽繳耡纍︽纀翺纍﹀醙醖腵︽繴繼︽繳翭繳︽羆纍︽臮纋︽轂︽輕繴︽臗繴︽繻贌繳纍﹀------------------------繳舘纀︽繽﹀軳繿纍︽繿較臥︽輆︽繳臗﹀罜纊醔醓醙醗轚繳︽輹纀︽繻繴︽軠繴︽繳繹纀︽纋︽罺繻︽繽纊︽繳繴︽臰繻︽繻纀﹀醙醘舦纋︽羫繼︽耲繼︽輹纀︽繻繴︽纊繴︽腸纍︽耲繼︽輹纀︽繳耡纍︽纋︽罺繻︽繽纊︽繳繴︽臰繻︽繻纀﹀繿臗︽繽﹀繿聖︽贔繳︽繻輩︽臗繿﹀罜纊醕醘較︽繼纍︽罸︽繳耡纍︽贂纍︽輒臦︽轂繳纍︽繽臥︽纍纊︽輙繼︽繼纍﹀輦︽肧纀纍︽繾纊︽纋繿︽轀纊︽纋繿︽輩繻︽舃繳纍﹀輄繼︽纈羓繳︽繶繳纍︽贂︽輎繳︽繲︽纈輁︽聖纊︽較︽纋︽輦︽義纋︽羨繻︽胑纍︽繺繳︽繿繵繻︽繽︽聖纊︽輦︽纃繴︽纀纍︽腸纍︽舉繴︽繺繳︽繿繵繻︽舚繴︽繿纍﹀繻︽罿繻︽纊繴︽輒臦︽肧纀纍︽肑︽輄繼︽輧繴纍︽翧︽纍︽繻︽繳繼纍︽贂︽軻繳︽胾繴︽臱臥︽繳舘纀︽繶︽繳翭繳︽輙繼︽繶繻︽繳纁繴︽繻繳︽羆︽繲纍︽腂繴纍︽臰繻︽繽纍︽繸繼︽繻羉纍︽繽︽纎︽繵繴︽翾︽臗繴︽﹀繻︽纋繼︽繸繼︽繽纍︽腵︽纃繻﹀繻︽輙繼︽繶繻︽贁繴︽耂︽舠繻︽繿纊︽較︽纋纍︽腵︽纈繳纋︽繿︽輩繻︽繻羉纍︽舚︽臙纍︽膤纍︽繽︽繼﹀輒臦︽纃繴︽纀︽繻繳纈︽臗繴︽舉繴︽聄繳︽繻繴︽腷︽聄繳︽輶︽聄繳︽舚繳纍︽纎︽繵繴︽纀繴︽繿︽罸繴︽繳耡纍︽纋︽與繳纍︽罧纍︽贂︽轀纋︽輂︽脀繴纍︽軻繳︽輒纋︽羢繼︽腇︽繿纇繴︽羆纍︽纈輁︽罜繻︽翲纍︽膤纍︽舚﹀贄︽贄︽臱︽輥繴︽繻繴︽較︽輗︽轀纊︽纋︽繳舚繼﹀罽繻︽肧纀︽繳耡纍︽輦︽繻繴︽臱︽辴繳纍︽贂﹀羅繻︽繼纍︽腇︽聾繼︽臫繼︽肕︽臙纍﹀肧︽繿︽繳耡纍︽贂纍︽翧纊︽繼纍︽軻纍﹀輄繼︽纉繴︽繻繳︽臫繼︽繽︽繻︽纋繼︽舋纍﹀較︽臫繼︽繽臥︽臫繼︽舃繳纍︽舎繻︽臝纊︽繼﹀罸繴︽纈繻繿︽繶繳纍︽翾︽翽繴︽羒繴纍︽腷繻︽臵繻﹀軥繻︽輒臦︽纀繴︽耣繴︽較︽纁纀︽臵繻﹀較︽臵︽纋︽腇︽舙纀纍︽臵︽臵︽臰繻﹀較︽繺纀纍︽繵繻︽繳翭繳︽聀︽纀軹繼︽繽︽繻繱纈﹀醙醙.輦︽輒纋︽繳耡纍︽繻繿纊︽羍︽輹繻︽繳臗︽較︽纀繺纊︽舘︽繻繴︽舘纍︽纈輂纀︽纈羓繳︽纀纄繻︽纈輂繳︽繳纀﹀罜纊醗纋繼﹀醙醜.輦︽輒纋︽繳繹纀︽羫繻︽纋纍︽輜軁︽舚臥︽輅繴︽輜軁︽繻繴︽肈繳︽輜軁︽羆︽腵︽肵︽繳繴︽繻繳︽臰繻︽繽︽輬纍︽繻繴︽﹀罜纊醙纋繼﹀醙醝輦︽輒纋︽繳繹纀︽羫繻︽纋纍︽興︽羫纍︽贂︽義繿︽耟繴纍︽翭︽纈輅︽臗繳︽纀轂繼︽羍︽纈輂繳︽繳纀﹀罜纊醙纋繼﹀醙醞輦︽輒纋︽繳繹纀︽羫繻︽贂︽纀耇繳︽纀繺纊︽輦︽輒纋︽繳耡纍︽繾繼︽轀繼︽纈繶纀︽纀軹繼︽輨繴︽繿︽纋纍﹀臮纋︽較纈繴︽纈輪纊︽繽︽義纍︽繽︽繻繴︽﹀繿贉︽舉纍︽繻繴︽聾繼︽繽﹀繿較︽罥繻︽輕繼︽舘纀︽轂繳纍︽繽︽輨繴︽纈輂繳︽繽︽纋纍︽繴︽轂纍︽繳繼纍︽舃繳纍︽翭︽纈輅︽臗繳︽聕繳纍︽軹繿︽繿纀﹀罜纊醘纋繼﹀醜醓輂纀︽翽繴︽羅繻︽聏繳纍︽纈罸繻︽繽臥︽腵繴︽輄繼︽纈羖纋︽繻羉纍﹀罜纊醗輎繳︽繲﹀輶︽聄繳腇︽聾繼﹀繻︽纋繼﹀軬︽繽﹀輹纀︽臫繳︽纈輬︽羫﹀罜纊醗醘。







1. Who is the man probably?A.The woman’s f a ther.B.The woman’s boss.C.The woman’s teacher.2. What will the man do this weekend?A.Go to an art exhibition.B.Get together with his friends.C.Hold a party at home.3. Why does the woman make an appointment with the Bank of China?A.To deposit some money.B.To open an account.C.To withdraw some money.4. Where are the speakers probably?A.In a store.B.In a hospital.C.In a hotel.5. When did the woman set off?A.At 10:00 pm.B.At 10:30 pm.C.At 11:00 pm.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。









1.When does the shop close?A. At 5:35B. At 5:55C. At 6:302. Where is the man going?A. To the bankB. To the Science MuseumC. To Sanqiao3. What were they planning to do before they heard the storm warning?A. Going boatingB.Play tennisC. Go bicycling4. Where is Jane and Bill’s new home?A. Near a train stationB.Near an airportC.Near the city center5. How long can the man stay here?A. For 2 hoursB.For 4 hoursC.For one day第二节共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。




●听第6段材料,回答6~7题6.Why doesn’t the man run?A.He hates runningB. He hurt his legC. He can’t find time7. What will Jenny do first?A. Take a showerB. Have a classC. Run for an hour●听第7段材料,回答8~9题8. Who bought the new car?A. The womanB. HenryC. Lily9. What do we know about Lily?A. She likes Henry very muchB. She wants to marry a famous manC. She doesn’t like money so much●听第8段材料,回答10~12题10. When does the store close?A. At 6:00B. At 6:30C. At 5:3011. What won’t they buy?A. Party hatsB. BalloonsC. Gift boxes12. What will the woman ask Lily to do?A. Buy some snacksB.Play some tricksC. Find a magician●听第9段材料,回答13~16题13. What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Boss and secretaryB. Husband and wifeC. Brother and sister14. When will the man go to the airport?A. At 12:30B. At 13:30C. At 3:0015. Where will the man be on the seventeenth day of his business?A. In ChinaB. In AmericaC. In Japan16. Why does the woman think Tom is lucky?A. Because he can come back home earlyB. Because he doesn’t go on businessC. Because he can travel to Tokyo●听第10段材料,回答17~20题17. What do we know about fennec foxes?A. They are very heavyB. They live in the forestsC. They have large ears18. What do fennec foxes use as a blanket?A. Their furB. Their tailsC. Their feet19. What do fennec foxes eat ?A. Only meatB. Only plantsC. Meat and plants20. How many babies do fennec foxes have at a time?A. One to fiveB. Five to tenC. Ten to twelve第二部分阅读理解(共 15小题;每小题两分,满分30分)第一节阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项A 、B、C 、D中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。



拉萨中学高三年级(2016届)第七次月考英语试卷(满分150分,考试时间120分钟,请将答案填写在答题卡上)第Ⅰ卷 (选择题)注意事项:1.答第Ⅰ卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。







第一节 (共5小题:每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。




例:How much is the shirt ?A.$19.15.B.$9.18C.$9.15答案是C.1. Where is the man’s passport?A. In his car.B. In his pocket.C. In his bag.2. What will the woman do next?A. Get off at the next stop.B. Walk to the university.C. Take the downtown bus.3. What does the woman like best about the shirt?A. The material.B. The price.C. The color.4. What does the man say about Stephanie?A. She will get well soon.B. She is coming to the beach.C. She has a very bad cold.5. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. At a clothing store.B. At a laundry.C. In a tailor’s shop.第二节(共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

西藏拉萨二中高三下学期第四次月考英语试题 含答案

西藏拉萨二中高三下学期第四次月考英语试题 含答案







1. What happened to the man?A. He broke his leg.B. He broke his arm.C. He broke his neck.2. How much did the man pay for the computer?A. 500 dollars.B. 250 dollars.C. 750 dollars.3. How many days did the woman spend in Spain?A. Three days.B. Five days.C. Seven days.4. Why did the woman not go to the cinema?A. She didn’t have time.B. She didn’t want to go.C. She wasn’t interested in that movie.5. What does the woman mean?A. She doesn’t like Jack.B. Jack is a good person.C. She would prefer not to go.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。












1. What does the man like about the play?A. The story.B. The ending.C. The actor.2. Which place are the speakers trying to find?A. A hotel.B.A bank.C. A restaurant.3. At what time will the two speakers meet?A. 5:20.B. 5:10.C.4:40.4. what will the man do ?A. Change the plan.B. Wait for a phone call.C. Sort things out.5. What does the woman want to do ?A. See a film with the man.B. Offer the man some help.C. Listen to some great music.第二节(共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)请听下面5段对话。











1. What movies does the woman like?A. AmericanB. AfricanC. Australian2. What will the man do?A. Go to Andy’s birthday party.B. Look after his mother.C. Go to see the doctor.3. What will they do probably at first?A. Go to the cinema.B. Go shopping.C. Go to the restaurant.4. What doesn’t the man like to do?A. Join the party.B. Stay at home.C. Read a book.5. How does the woman feel now?A. Good.B. Tired.C. Bored.第二节(共1 5小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。





6. What are the speakers talking about?A. A training program.B. A railroad schedule.C. How to get to Chicago.7. When does the train to Chicago leave?A. At 2:40.B. At 4:13.C. At 4:30.8. On which day does this conversation take place?A. On Sunday.B. On Saturday.C. On a weekday.听第7段材料,回答第9-11题。









1.Who will pay for the meal ?A . The man .B . The woman .C . It‟s free.2 . How was the woman‟s vacation ?A. SatisfyingB. FrighteningC. Disappointing3. How long was the meeting delayed ?A.For 5 minutusB. For 10 minutesC. For 25 minutes4. What does Angie congratulate Joe on ?A. Graduating from university.B. Getting a new job.C. Getting a pay rise .5. What time is it now ?A. 10 o‟clock at night .B. About 10:30 at night .C. Nearly 12 o‟clock at night.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。

6. What is the man‟s membership number ?A.040155 .B. 040115 .C. 004155 .7. What time does the man book his tennis field for at last ?A. From five to sixB. From six to sevenC. From eight to nine听第7段材料,回答第8-10题。







1. What movies does the woman like?A. AmericanB. AfricanC. Australian2. What will the man do?A. Go to Andy’s birthday party.B. Look after his mother.C. Go to see the doctor.3.What will they do probably at first?A. Go to the cinema.B. Go shopping.C. Go to the restaurant.4. What doesn’t the man like to do?A.Join the party.B. Stay at home.C. Read a book.5. How does the woman feel now?A. Good.B. Tired.C. Bored.第二节(共1 5小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。





6. What are the speakers talking about?A. A training program.B. A railroad schedule.C. How to get to Chicago.7. When does the train to Chicago leave?A. At 2:40.B. At 4:13.C. At 4:30.8. On which day does this conversation take place?A. On Sunday.B. On Saturday.C. On a weekday.听第7段材料,回答第9-11题。







1. What movies does the woman like?A. AmericanB. AfricanC. Australian2. What will the man do?A. Go to Andy’s birthday party.B. Look after his mother.C. Go to see the doctor.3.What will they do probably at first?A. Go to the cinema.B. Go shopping.C. Go to the restaurant.4. What doesn’t the man like to do?A.Join the party.B. Stay at home.C. Read a book.5. How does the woman feel now?A. Good.B. Tired.C. Bored.第二节(共1 5小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。





6. What are the speakers talking about?A. A training program.B. A railroad schedule.C. How to get to Chicago.7. When does the train to Chicago leave?A. At 2:40.B. At 4:13.C. At 4:30.8. On which day does this conversation take place?A. On Sunday.B. On Saturday.C. On a weekday.听第7段材料,回答第9-11题。



2019-2020学年西藏自治区拉萨中学高三英语月考试题及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ANational Disability Insurance Scheme (方案)The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) will transform the way Queenslanders with disability are supported and change the way disability services are funded and delivered.Under the scheme, Queenslanders with disability will have choice and control over how they access support and who delivers them. They will also have certainty that they will be supported throughout their lifetime to achieve their personal goals.The NDIS will have an effect on the following programs.School Transport Assistance Program for Students with DisabilityThe NDIS will not disrupt existing services for qualified students. The Queensland Government will also continue to provide school transport assistance for students with disability who are not qualified to receive funding via the NDIS.For more information about the School Transport Assistance Program, and to check your qualification, visit the Education and Training website.Taxi Subsidy (补助金) SchemeThe Queensland Governmenthas lengthened the Taxi Subsidy Scheme (TSS) membership for NDIS qualified members to 31 October, 2022. This will allow more time to solve transport support arrangements under the Commonwealth’s NDIS.You can find more information about the TSS and your qualification on the TransLink website.Disability Parking Permit SchemeNo changes will be made to the Disability parking permit scheme when the NDIS is introduced inQueensland. Current arrangements for this scheme will be maintained.You can find more information on this scheme, and check your qualification, on the Queensland Government website.Public Transport Concessions for People with DisabilityThere will be no change to concessions on public transport for people with disability when the NDIS isintroduced inQueensland. TransLink will continue to ensure concessions are provided for disabled persons travelling on public transport inQueenslandwhen the NDIS is introduced.You can find more information about public transport discounts for people with disability, and check your qualification, on the TransLink website,1.Which program helps drive the disabled to and from school?A.Taxi Subsidy Scheme.B.Disability Parking Permit Scheme.C.Public Transport Concessions for People with Disability.D.School Transport Assistance Program for Students with Disability.2.What can we learn about Taxi Subsidy Scheme?A.The scheme is for parking permit.B.The existing membership can be effective for longer time.C.There is no change to current arrangements for the scheme.D.The NDIS will not break off existing services for qualified students.3.What do the four programs have in common?A.They are all related to transport.B.They are all largely affected by NDIS.C.They all can be checked on the same website.D.They all provide discounts for disabled persons.BAt the World Economic Forum last month, President Trump drew claps when he announced the United States would respond to the forum's proposal to plant one trillion(万亿) trees to fight climate change. The trillion-tree idea won wide attention last summer after a study published in the journal Science concluded thatplanting so many trees was “the most effective climate change solution to date”.If only it were true. But it isn't. Planting trees would slow down the planet's warming, but the only thing that will save us and future generations from paying a huge price in dollars, lives and damage to nature is rapid and considerable reductions in carbon release from fossil fuels, to net zero by 2050.Focusing on trees as the big solution to climate change is a dangerous diversion(偏离). Worse still, it takes attention away from those responsible for the carbon release that are pushing us toward disaster. For example, in the Netherlands, you can pay Shell an additional 1 euro cent for each liter of regular gasoline you put in your tank,to plant trees to balance the carbon release from your driving. That's clearly no more than disaster slightly delayed. The only way to stop this planet from overheating is through political, economic, technological and social solutions that end the use of fossil fuels.There is no way that planting trees, even across a global area the size of theUnited States, can absorb the huge amounts of fossil carbon released from industrial societies. Trees do take up carbon from the atmosphere as they grow. But this uptake merely replaces carbon lost when forests were cleared in the first place, usually long ago. Regrowing forests where they once grew can undo some damage done in the past, but even a trillion trees can't store enough carbon to head off dramatic climate changes this century.In a sharp counter argument to last summer's Paper in Science, Justin Gillis wrote in the same journal in October that the study's findings were inconsistent with the dynamics of the global carbon cycle. He warned that “the claimthat global tree restoration(复原) is our most effective climate solution is simply scientifically incorrect and dangerously misleading”.4. What do we know about the trillion-tree idea?A. It was published in a journal.B. It was proposed last summer.C. It was put forward by Trump.D. It drew lots of public attention.5. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?A. A drawback of the tree planting strategy.B. An example of balancing carbon release.C. An anecdote of making a purchase at Shell.D. A responsibility for politicians and economists.6. What was Justin Gillis's attitude towards global tree restoration?A. Indifferent.B. Opposed.C. Hesitant.D. Supportive.7. What is the best title for the text?A. Contradictory Ideas on Tree Planting.B. A Trillion Trees Come to the Rescue.C. Planting Trees Won't Save the World.D. The Best Solution to Climate Change.CStarting at university or college can be a big challenge, especially if you’re living away from home for the first time. You arefaced with big questions such as, “Who’s going to do my washing?” “Who’s going to tidy my room?” And, most importantly, “How am I going to eat?” Yes, living on your own means cooking for yourself, and when you’re living a student lifestyle, this could be a recipe for disaster.Students, in the UK at least, often rely on generally available food such as baked beans or cheese on toast. And for the more adventurous, there’s “spag bol” — spaghetti bolognaise(肉酱意粉), that is, cooked spaghetti served with a ground beef and tomato sauce — a budget-friendly solution. If you make a huge pan of it, it can probably last you a whole week! Other low-cost options include jar sauces and oven pizzas.Recently, a British supermarket suggested that rose harissa paste, organic cider vinegar and Swiss bouillon powder were the important food materials needed for the “student cupboard”. But are these items considered essential and affordable for someone on a budget?As a matter of fact, living on a budget is certainly one barrier to eating a well-balanced diet. What’s more, some young people don’t know much about cooking, and for many young students, there are more fun things to go and do than just stay inside and cook. That’s where takeaways and microwave meals come in.What should a health-conscious student really have in his or her food cupboard? Jack Monroe, a food writer and campaigner, has words to say: baked beans, lemon juice, canned tomatoes and tomato ketchup, described as “salt, sugar, vinegar and tomato all in one handy squeezy bottle”. And should that not appeal, you can always wait till your next visit to your mum and dad for a square meal!8. What does the author indicate by “this could be a recipe for disaster”?A. Cooking is difficult for a student.B. Students must cook if they live alone.C. It is important to live independently.D. Learning to cook will cause disasters.9. What is the feature of “spag bol”?A. It is delicious.B. It is healthy.C. It saves money.D. It needs little skill.10. What is paragraph 4 mainly about?A. How well-balanced diets can be realized.B. How students can eat healthily with limited money.C. Why living on a budget is common among students.D Why students choose takeaways and microwave meals.11. Why does the author write the last paragraph?A. To advocate visiting parents.B. To offer some tips.C. To promote health consciousness.D. To introduce a writer.DIn 2002, young Elon Musk tried unsuccessfully to buy Russian rockets to help him send mice to Mars and back. Afterwards, the youngmillionaire decided to build his own rockets.Musk went to Southern California and started hiring people to help bring his dream to life. In a very short time, and despite some failures, his company SpaceX launched Falcon 1, the first successful privately-built liquid fuel rocket, into Earth's orbit in 2008.As the first Falcon rocket began testing, development was already underway for the Falcon 9. This much larger rocket, which uses nine engines to lift heavy payloads(有效载荷)into orbit, is engineered to return to Earth, ready to be reused for another flight.For Musk, space is the final destination. To help people get there, his company Neuralink is developing devices that will link people's brains with computers. A similar device has been developed at the University of Utah. It consists of a chip(芯片)with 256 threads(线程)that is placed between a person's skin and brain. The threads attach directly to brain tissue(脑组织).Patients who have the device are able to use only their minds to communicate with one another through computers.Neuralink's chips will have about 1,000 threads. A robot developed by the company will place up to ten chips under a person's skin. The chips will communicate without wires but with a tiny device that will be worn behind the person's ear. That device, in turn, will communicate with computers. The primary market for the technology will be for people that, because of injuries or birth defects, cannot control their hands and arms. With Neuralink^ product, they'll be able to mentally command a computer to type messages for them or carry out other tasks.12. According to this article, what was the first Falcon 1 able to do?A. Launch big satellites.B. Reach distant moons.C. Move around our planet.D. Study the universe.13. What does the article explain about Neuralink's chips?A. How they'll be set up.B. What safety features they'll have.C. How much money they'll earn.D. Where they'll be produced.14. According to this article, who is Neuralink going to market its product to first?A. Those who own great wealth.B. Those who are physically disabled.C. Those who travel internationally.D. Those who do research on plants.15. In which publication is this article most likely to appear?A. The Journal of Environmental Studies.B. Advances in Business and Technology.C. Digest of Fashion and Entertainment News,D. Consumer's Guide to Outdoor Recreation.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。







1. Who is the man probably?A.The woman’s father.B.The woman’s boss.C.The woman’s teacher.2. What will the man do this weekend?A.Go to an art exhibition.B.Get together with his friends.C.Hold a party at home.3. Why does the woman make an appointment with the Bank of China?A.To deposit some money.B.To open an account.C.To withdraw some money.4. Where are the speakers probably?A.In a store.B.In a hospital.C.In a hotel.5. When did the woman set off?A.At 10:00 pm.B.At 10:30 pm.C.At 11:00 pm.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。










1. When does the park close today?A. At 5:30.B. At 6:00.C. At 6:30.2. Which hotel will the speakers go to this year?A. The one next to the river.B. The one on top of the hill.C. The one in the woods.3. Why is the woman upset?A. She can’t move into a new office.B. Her project is very much behind schedule.C. There is too much noise from the construction.4. What is the woman’s concern when buying a desk?A. The brand.B. The price.C. The size.5. Where are the two speakers?A. By the sea.B. In a gallery.C. In a library.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。



西藏拉萨市第三高级中学2016届高三上学期第一次月考英语试题 含答案

西藏拉萨市第三高级中学2016届高三上学期第一次月考英语试题 含答案


5分)例:How much is the shirt?A。







1.How much will the man pay for the tickets?A.£7。







Which is the right gate for the man’s flight?A。

Gate 16. B。

Gate 22。


Gate 25。

3.How does the man feel about going to school by bike?A. Happy。



C. Worried。

4.When can the woman get the computers?A。

On Tuesday。

B. On Wednesday. C. On Thursday。

5.What does the woman think of the shirt for the party?A。

The size is not large enough。


The material is not good。

C.The color is not suitable.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22。

5分) 6.What can we learn about Mr。


He is in his office。


He is at a meeting。

C. He is out for a meal.7.What will the man probably do next?A。

Call back.B。

Come again。

C. Leave a message。







(每题1.5分)现在你有5秒钟的时间阅读第一小题的有关内容.例:How much is the shirt?A。

£19.15. B。


15. C.£9.18.答案是B。

1. What does the man like about the play?A。

The story. B。

The ending。


The actor.2. Which place are the speakers trying to find?A。

A hotel. B. A bank. C。

A restaurant.3。

At what time will the two speakers meet?A. 5:20.B. 5:10。

C. 4:40.4。

What will the man do?A. Change the plan。

B. Wait for a phone call. C。

Sort things out.5. What does the woman want to do?A. See a film with the man.B. Offer the man some helpC。

Listen to some great music。








1、What does the man want to do?A. Help Judy.B. Borrow some money.C. Make friends with Judy.2、Where are the two speakers going?A. To a restaurant.B. To a zoo.C. To a shop.3、What’s the time now?A. 11:15.B. 11:25.C. 11:40.4、How many colds has the man had?A. One.B. Two.C. Four.5、What can we learn about the man from the conversation?A. He will probably wait until summer to go to Canada.B. He will probably go to Mexico for his vacation.C. He will probably go to Canada for his vacation.第二节(共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。




听第6 段材料,回答第6至7 题。







1. What does the man like doing to spend the long winter evenings?A. Listening to the radio.B. Doing a lot of reading.C. Going to cinemas and theatres.2. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. At a railway station.B. In a bank.C. On a train.3. What has the man bought?A. A pullover.B. A shirt.C. A skirt.4. What are the speakers talking about?A. A painting.B. A city view.C. A kind of drink.5. What does the woman advise the man to do?A. Call Miss. Li tomorrow.B. Pick up Miss. Li tomorrow.C. Meet Miss. Li in her office tomorrow.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。





西藏自治区拉萨中学2017届高三英语上学期第三次月考试题(满分150分,考试时间120分钟,请将答案填写在答题卡上)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话。




例:How much is the shirt?A. £l9. 15.B. £9. 15.C. £9. 18.答案是B。

1. What did the woman do today?A. She did nothing.B. She wrote letters.C. She practiced the piano.2. What does the man say about Delta Restaurant?A. The service was better.B. The food was delicious.C. The menu was attractive.3. What vehicle will the woman probably take tomorrow?A. A bus.B. A taxi.C. The subway.4. How much will the woman pay?A. $3.B. $6.C. $9.5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. A book.B. A teacher.C. An exam.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白。



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1. What movies does the woman like?A. AmericanB. AfricanC. Australian2. What will the man do?A. Go to Andy’s birthday party.B. Look after his mother.C. Go to see the doctor.3. What will they do probably at first?A. Go to the cinema.B. Go shopping.C. Go to the restaurant.4. What doesn’t the man like to do?A. Join the party.B. Stay at home.C. Read a book.5. How does the woman feel now?A. Good.B. Tired.C. Bored.第二节(共1 5小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。





6. What are the speakers talking about?A. A training program.B. A railroad schedule.C. How to get to Chicago.7. When does the train to Chicago leave?A. At 2:40.B. At 4:13.C. At 4:30.8. On which day does this conversation take place?A. On Sunday.B. On Saturday.C. On a weekday.听第7段材料,回答第9-11题。

9. When did the woman graduate?A. Two years ago.B. Three years ago.C. Four years ago.10. What did the woman do after her graduation?A. Playing computer.B. Selling computer.C. Repairing computer.11.What does the job require?A. Skills.B. Ability.C. Concentration.听第8段材料,回答第12-14题。

12. What does the man think of Paul?A. Ambitious.B. Dishonest.C. Sociable.13. What does the man consider himself to be?A. Ambitious, polite and relaxed.B. Polite, careful and shy.C. Careful, relaxed and honest.14. When is the woman’s birthday?A. On Friday.B. On Saturday.C. On Sunday.听第9段材料,回答第15-17题。

15. When did the man have lunch at the restaurant?A .The day before. B. Earlier that day. C. The previous week.16. What does the woman confirm?A. T he man’s name.B. The time of reservation. C .The number of people.17. What does the man prefer?A. A private table. B . A table by the window.C.A table in the non-smoking section.听第10段材料,回答第18-20题。

18. When did the Continental Congress approve a new flag?A .On July 4th, 1776.B .On June 14th, 1777.C .On June 4th,1777.19. Who made the first American flag?A . Betsy Ross.B . Francis Hopkinson.C . It is not mentioned.20. What is the speaker mainly talking about?A .What is the American flag like.B .Who made the American flag.C. The history of American flag.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

AJohn was waiting for the girl whose heart he knew,but whose face he didn’t,the girl with the rose.Thirteen months ago,in a Florida library he took a book off the shell and found himself interested in the notes in the margin(页边).The soft handwriting showed a thoughtful soul and insightful(有洞察力的)mind.In front of the book,he discovered the name,Miss Hollis Maynell. With time and effort he got her address.He wrote her a letter introducing himself and inviting her to keep in touch.During the next year and one month the two grew to know each other through the mail.A romance started.John requested a photograph,but she refused.She felt that if he really cared, it wouldn’t matter w hat she looked like.Later they agreed on their first meeting—7:00 pm at Grand Central Station in New York.―You’ll recognize me,‖ she wrote,―by the red rose I’ll be wearing my coat.‖ So at 7:00 he was in the station looking for the girl with the red rose.A girl in a green suit was coming toward him,her figure long and slim and her eyes were blue as flowers.Almost uncontrollably he came to her,and just at this moment he saw Hollis Maynell—a woman well past 40.The girl was walking quickly away.He did not hesitate,saying,―I’m John,and you must be Miss Maynell.I am so glad you could meet me. May I take you to dinner?‖The woman smiled, ―I don’t know what this is about,son,‖ she answered,―but the young lady in the green suit begged me to wear this rose on my coat.And she said if you were to ask me out to dinner,I should tell you that she is waiting for you in the restaurant across the street.She said it was some kind of test!‖It’s not difficult to admire Miss Maynell’s wisdom. The true nature of a heart is seen in itsresponse to the unattractive.21.John was attracted by Miss Hollis Maynell because ________.A.John considered her as one of her old friendsB.she took excellent notes with a soft handwritingC.John held the opinion that she was a considerate and thinking ladyD.she was very charming with a slim figure and blue eyes22.The reason why John uncontrollably went up to the young girl in the green suit was that .A.he knew it was Miss Hollis Maynell.B.she was the very lady he was waiting for.C.he was attracted by her beautiful appearance.D.John didn’t want to run into Miss Hollis Maynell23.What’s the main idea of the story?A.The wisdom is shown in one’s action.B.Love can be encountered by chance if you like.C.You should never judge a book by its cover.D.A unselfish heart is seen in its response to the unattractive.BNOW ADAYS, most animated (动画) films rely heavily on computer technology. But his magical world – where witches (魔法师) cast spells and castles float in the sky – is brought to life by hand. Nevertheless, Hayao Miyazaki is referred to as Japan’s Walt Disney and considered by many to be the world’s greatest living animator.This month, the 72-year-old Miyazaki announced his retirement. The Japanese animator has directed 11 animated full-length films over the past four decades, including the Oscar-winning Spirited Away (《千与千寻》) and his latest release, The Wind Rises (《起风了》), which tells the life story of a man who designed Japanese World War II fighter planes.Just as The Wind Rises shows, Miyazaki is well-known for his obsession with flight, especially human flight. Other striking aspects of Miyazaki’s films include his themes of environmental protection and the horrors of war.Miyazaki’s work is also famous for its l ack of clearly defined good and evil characters. He seesthe 21st century as a complex time when old norms need to be re-examined.As a storyteller, he is an inventor of fairy tales full of mystery. In the Miyazakian universe, wizards (巫师) turn into birds of prey; young girls are transformed overnight into 90-year-old women; greedy parents are changed into pigs; and shooting stars become fire demons (恶魔).As a visual (视觉的) artist, most of Miyazaki’s grace comes from his vivid (鲜明的) colors and lovingly drawn landscapes –a rolling meadow (草地) covered with flowers and shadowed by clouds, or a range of rocky hills rising toward snow-capped mountain peaksPeople attribute Miyazaki’s success to his long pursuit of his hand-drawn technique, although in an interview with CNN he called himself an ―extinct species‖ in the age of digital animation.A recent television documentary on the making of The Wind Rises showed a disappointed Miyazaki throwing a pile of drawings into the trash. He is said to have redrawn thousands of frames of the much-praised Princess Mononoke (《幽灵公主》) when they did not meet his standards.But his huge attention to detail has earned him the respect of the entire animated film world. Even John Lasseter –head of Pixar, the famous US computer animation studio –once called Miyazaki ―one of the greatest filmmakers of our time‖.24.What can we know about Miyazaki’s film The Wind Rises?A.It was put on a long time ago.B.Its hero is a soldier.C.It describes horrors of war.D.It is an Oscar-winning film.25.What does the underlined word ―obsession‖ mean in paragraph 3? ?A.Enthusiasm. B.Hate. C.Envy D.Sympathy. 26.According to the article,Miyazake’s films _____.A.are full of mystery and imaginative characters and landscapesB.are likely to use hand-drawn technique and redrawn abstract framesC.are full of new norms and clearly defined good and evil charactersD.are likely to demonstrate environmental protection and anti-war themes27.What is the main idea of this article?A.Miyazake’s impact on Japanese cultureB.the characteristics of Miyaza ke’s filmsC.what inspired Miyazake to create his filmsD.what made Miyazake succeedCA few years ago, I was on a plane with my friend, waiting for it to take off. The pilot’s voice was heard throughout the plane: ―Sorry for the delay, ladies and gentlemen. Our engines don’t work. We are going to jump-start them. Once we get them going, we’ll get up in the air and see what happens.‖That was all he said. ―See what happens?‖ Shouldn’t we have had a better plan than that? At that point. I could onl y laugh nervously. One woman started crying, ―Oh no! We are going to crash!’’ There were sighs of hopelessness and anxiety, and we hadn’t even taken off yet.The pilot even seemed unhappy. He told us our one engine was working double time, and his plan was to get up in the air and see what happens! Then we did. We got up in the air, and what happened? Nothing. We arrived in Norfolk, and no sooner had the wheels touched down than applause burst out as everyone on the airplane breathed a sigh of relief.While I do prefer planning better than ―see what happens‖ when it comes to flying, it really isn’t such a bad idea for life. All too often, people stop trying to achieve their goals just because they don’t have a guaranteed result. But success will never be gua ranteed. The best thing that you can do is just get up in the air, and see what happens. If your effort is to build a business then get up in the air and see what happens! Don’t give yourself all the reasons why you can’t. Do not wait until you have everything you need. You never will!If your goal is to start a friendship, say ―Hello‖, get up in the air and see what happens! The results could be very rewarding.If your goal is to learn a new skill, get up in the air and see what happens! It might not be as difficult as your think. It could be fun!When traveling, i hope that my pilot has a more detailed plan than ―we will see what happens‖ . But in life, it is not a bad strategy at all.28.What was the pilot’s attitude toward the situation?A.Disappointed and panickedB.Surprised and honestC.Comforting and encouragingD.Hesitant and weak.29.What was the passengers’ reaction when they arrived in Norfolk ?A.They were thankful and relieved.B.They cheered for the pilot’s correct operation.C.They complained that the plane was not safe enoughD.They just walked off the plane as if nothing had happened.30.What can we know from the passage?A.The plane was delayed because of its wheels.B.The plane arrived at the airport safely.C.It was a terrible journey for the author.D.Most of the passengers remained calm on hearing the bad news31.What is the main idea of this article ?A.―we will see what happens‖ is not a good plan for pilotsB.Try to have everything prepared before you do somethingC.When you want to do something, you have to actually do it.D.Never stop chasing your goals even if they are certain to failDThere are three separate sources of danger in supplying energy by nuclear power.First, the radioactive (有放射性的) material must travel from its place of production to the power station. Although the power stations themselves are strongly built, the containers used for the transport of the materials are not. Normally, only two methods of transport are in use, namely road or rail. Unfortunately, both of these may have an effect on the general public, since they are sure to pass near, or even through, heavily populated areas.Second, there is the problem of waste. All nuclear power stations produce wastes that in most cases will remain radioactive for thousands of years. It is impossible to make these wastes non-radioactive, and so they must be stored in one of the inconvenient ways that scientists have invented. For example, they may be buried under the ground, or dropped into deserted mines, or sunk in the sea. However, these methods do not solve the problem, since an earthquake couldeasily break the containers.Third, there may occur the danger of a leak (泄漏) or an explosion at the power station. As with the other two dangers, this is not very likely, so it does not provide a serious objection (不赞成,反对) to the nuclear program. However, it can happen.Separately, these three types of dangers are not a great cause for worry. Taken together, though, the probability of disaster is extremely high.32.Which of the following is not true?A.It is likely that a leak or an explosion occurs at a power station.B.It is not usual for radioactive materials to be conveyed across land.C.The containers are likely to be broken by an earthquake.D.Nuclear wastes remain risky in most cases for many years.33.The author thinks that the ways to store nuclear wastes are __________.A.easy B.impossibleC.reasonable D.ineffective34.What do we learn from the last paragraph?A.The power station is a place that frees from danger.B.The dangers of nuclear energy could be prevented.C.The general public are opposed to the nuclear program.D.By itself, none of the three dangers is very likely to lead to much worry.35.What is this passage about?A.Uses of nuclear power.B.Dangers from nuclear power.C.Public anger at nuclear power.D.Accidents caused by nuclear power.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
