Advanced Camera for Surveys Observations of Young Star Clusters in the Interacting Galaxy U




The camera,a device that captures moments in time,has evolved significantly over the years.From the early days of photography to the digital age,cameras have become an integral part of our lives,allowing us to document and share our experiences with others.History of the CameraThe cameras history dates back to the19th century with the invention of the first practical photographic process,the daguerreotype,by Louis Daguerre in1839.This was followed by the introduction of the calotype by William Henry Fox Talbot,which allowed for multiple copies of a negative to be made.Types of CamerasThere are several types of cameras available today,each with its unique features and uses:1.Digital Cameras:These are the most common type of camera today.They use digital technology to capture and store images,allowing for easy editing and sharing.2.Film Cameras:These cameras use film to capture images.They are still popular among photography enthusiasts for their unique aesthetic and the tactile experience of developing film.3.DSLR Cameras:Digital SingleLens Reflex cameras are popular among professional photographers for their highquality images and advanced features.4.Mirrorless Cameras:These cameras,like DSLRs,offer highquality images but without the mirror mechanism,making them lighter and more compact.5.Instant Cameras:Instant cameras,such as the Polaroid,produce a physical print of the photo immediately after it is taken,offering a nostalgic and tangible experience.Technological AdvancementsWith the advent of digital technology,cameras have become more sophisticated,offering features such as:HighResolution Sensors:These capture more detail in images,allowing for larger prints and better cropping flexibility.Image Stabilization:This feature reduces the effect of camera shake,resulting in sharper images.Autofocus Systems:Modern cameras have advanced autofocus systems that can track moving subjects and adjust focus quickly.Builtin Editing Tools:Many cameras come with builtin editing tools,allowingphotographers to adjust settings like exposure,contrast,and saturation directly on the camera.Photography TechniquesUnderstanding different photography techniques can enhance the quality of photos taken with a camera:Composition:Techniques like the rule of thirds,leading lines,and framing can make a photo more visually appealing.Lighting:Understanding how to use natural and artificial light can dramatically affect the mood and quality of a photo.Depth of Field:Controlling the depth of field can create a sense of depth or isolate a subject from the background.The Impact of Cameras on SocietyCameras have had a profound impact on society,influencing how we remember events, communicate,and express ourselves creatively.They have also played a crucial role in journalism,allowing for the documentation of historical moments and the sharing of stories from around the world.In conclusion,the camera is more than just a tool it is a medium through which we can capture and share our world.As technology continues to advance,the possibilities for creative expression through photography will only continue to expand.。






A1. Aperture (光圈)光圈是调节镜头光线的大小,通常用f值表示。


2. Auto Focus (自动对焦)自动对焦是指相机能够自动识别并对焦于所选择的目标,而不需要手动调整镜头。

B1. Bokeh (虚化)虚化是指在摄影中通过控制焦距和光圈大小,使得背景模糊,从而突出主体目标。

2. Bracketing (曝光补偿)曝光补偿是指通过连续拍摄同一景物的多张照片,每张照片的曝光参数有所不同,以确保至少有一张符合要求的曝光。

C1. Depth of Field (景深)景深是指摄影作品中清晰焦点与模糊焦点之间的范围,主要受光圈大小、镜头焦距和拍摄距离等因素的影响。

2. Cropping (裁剪)裁剪是指在后期处理中对照片进行裁剪或修剪,从而改变画面的构图和内容。

D1. Dynamic Range (动态范围)动态范围是指相机传感器能够捕捉的亮度范围,通常以光线最暗部分和最亮部分之间的差异来衡量。

2. Double Exposure (双重曝光)双重曝光是指在同一张底片或传感器上连续曝光两次或以上,从而叠加多个场景,创造出独特的效果。

E1. Exposure (曝光)曝光是指相机传感器或胶卷对光线的暴露时间,通过控制快门速度、光圈和ISO等参数来调节曝光量。

2. Electronic Viewfinder (电子取景器)电子取景器是指使用数字信息显示相机镜头捕捉画面的一种取景方式,通常在无反光镜相机中使用。

F1. Fisheye Lens (鱼眼镜头)鱼眼镜头是一种超广角镜头,其视角非常广阔,画面呈现出凸起状,造成鱼眼效果。

徕卡Nova TS60第三代超高精度全站仪

徕卡Nova TS60第三代超高精度全站仪
编码功能应用和线路作业变得极其简单、快速、强大 可以自定义横断面模板,实现自动化测量,使得测量道路(河床、河 岸)横断面更加容易 大大节省外业的工作时间,提高生产力
徕卡Nova TS60行业应用
中国技术“华龙一号”走出国门,落地 英国。我们用什么测量来保证中国制造 呢?
TS60业界最顶尖的人工自动测角测距精 度和稳定性,以及Captivate三维软件功 能,确保复杂而精密的核电测量丝毫不 差!
RS232, USB, Bluetooth®, WLAN
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1. 目标检测:通过图像处理技术,从视频或图像序列中检测出目标物体。


2. 特征提取:从检测到的目标物体中提取出具有代表性的特征,如颜色直方图、SIFT、SURF等。

3. 匹配与跟踪:利用提取的特征,通过匹配算法实现目标物体在不同帧之间的匹配,从而实现对目标的跟踪。

三、视觉跟踪技术的主要方法根据不同的应用场景和需求,视觉跟踪技术主要分为以下几种方法:1. 基于特征的方法:通过提取目标物体的特征,如颜色、形状、纹理等,进行特征匹配和跟踪。

2. 基于模板的方法:通过建立目标物体的模板,在后续帧中搜索与模板相似的区域,实现目标的跟踪。

3. 基于光流的方法:利用光流场估计目标物体的运动轨迹,实现目标的跟踪。

4. 基于深度学习的方法:利用深度学习算法,从大量数据中学习目标的特征和运动规律,实现目标的准确跟踪。

四、视觉跟踪技术的研究现状及发展趋势1. 研究现状:目前,视觉跟踪技术已经在众多领域得到了广泛应用,如智能监控、无人驾驶、机器人导航等。


2. 发展趋势:未来,视觉跟踪技术将朝着更高精度、更强鲁棒性、更广泛应用的方向发展。


特斯拉 纯视觉方案 技术实现流程

特斯拉 纯视觉方案 技术实现流程
















D. All of the above
A. LeNet
B. AlexNet
D. All of the above
A. TensorFlow
B. PyTorch
D. All of the above
D. All of the above
D. All of the above
A. TensorFlow
B. PyTorch
C. OpenCV
D. Keras
B. ImageNet

索尼HDR-XR500V 120GB HDD高清录像机说明书

索尼HDR-XR500V 120GB HDD高清录像机说明书

The HDR-XR500V employs an advanced "Exmor R" CMOS sensor to capture stunning, 1920 x 1080 high definitionvideo and 12.1 megapixel still images to its internal 120GB hard disk drive. In addition, a built-in GPS receiver Geo-tags your videos and photos.1 71920 x 1080 high definition video recording:1920 x 1080 high definition resolution lets you record your memories inexceptional Sony® Full High Definition quality .2 12.1 megapixel still image capture:12.1 megapixel still image capture lets you take stunning, high resolution digital photos120GB hard disk drive:A built-in 120GB hard disk drive can record and store up to 48 hours of high definition video footage (HD LP mode), or up to 84 hours of standard definition footage (SD LP mode). In addition, “HDD Smart Protection” gives you peace of mind by helping to prevent any recorded video and images from being lost if the camcorder is accidentally dropped.1 1/2.88” "Exmor R" CMOS image sensor with ClearVid™ array:A 1/2.88” Exmor R™ CMOS image sensor delivers bright, vivid,spectacularly detailed video footage, as well as 12.1. With 6 megapixel(effective) video resolution, the image sensor actually captures video at four times the density of high definition resolution resulting in a sharper and more detailed 1920 x 1080 HD picture. In addition, "Exmor R" technology captures images with high resolution and high sensitivity, while theadvanced Sony® BIONZ™ image processor improves camera response time and screens out noise to helpensure that the signal from each pixel is as pure as possible.Back-illuminated "Exmor R" CMOS sensor:Experience stunning low-light sensitivity with improved image clarity anddrastically reduced grain with the newly developed, back-illuminated "Exmor R" sensor. Designed for compact cameras and camcorders, the "Exmor R" sensor relocates the photo diodes above the support circuitry, maximizing the light-gathering area per pixel so you can shoot with better results in lower lighting conditions. Approx. 2x increase insensitivity compared to Sony's existing front-illuminated CMOS sensors at F2.0.Geotagging with built-in GPS receiver:A built-in GPS receiver makes the HDR-XR500V an ideal choice for travelers. In addition to automatically adjusting your camcorder's clock to the proper time zone, the GPS receiver also gives you the ability to view your current location on the LCD map display, as well as "tag" your shooting locations. Tagged videos and still images can be reviewed and played back using the Map Index function on the camcorder or once downloaded to your PC using the supplied PMB (Picture Motion Browser) software .7 9 Map Index function:Map Index uses the geotaggingcapabilities of the built-in GPS receiver to "tag" your shot locations on a map in the camcorder, offering a new way to easily search and find a desired scene by location or view where a scene was captured.7 ADDITIONAL FEATURESFace Detection technology for Video Footage and Digital Still Photos:Smile Shutter™ technology for still and dual capture:Optical SteadyShot™ image stabilization with Active Mode:3.2” wide touch panel Xtra Fine LCD™ display (921K pixels):3 Power On by opening LCD display:Highlight Playback:Professional-quality Sony®G Lens:12X Optical / 150X Digital Zoom:Dedicated Mic and Headphone inputs:Dolby® Digital 5.1ch recording with Built-in Zoom Mic:Active Interface Shoe:Dual Record with 8.3MP still image capture:Sony Electronics Inc. • 16530 Via Esprillo • S an Diego, CA 92127 • 1.800.222.7669 • w Last Updated: 02/16/20091. 120GB available. Storage capacity may vary. A portion of the memory is used for data management functions.2. This camcorder captures high definition footage in the AVCHD format. DVD media containing AVCHD footage should not be used with DVD based players or recorders, as the DVDplayer/recorder may fail to eject the media and may erase its contents without warning. DVD media containing AVCHD footage must only be played back on a compatible Blu-ray Disc device, PC with supplied software or PLAYSTATION®3 devices. 3. Viewable area measured diagonally.5. Requires BRAVIA Sync feature in each product, including a compatible BRAVIA® HDTV. Please refer to owner’s manual to determine compatibility.7. By using Picture Motion Browser software, supplied with certain Sony cameras and camcorders*, a PC and a broadband Internet connection, your photos can be shown on an online map service. The online map service is currently provided courtesy of Google, and is subject to change or termination without notice.9. Requires Microsoft Windows XP SP3/ Windows Vista SP1. Not supported by Mac OS. 10. Smooth Slow Record captures 3 seconds of video which play back over 12 seconds.12. One Touch Disc Burn feature requires DVDirect burner or compatible PC with supplied PBM software (sold separately). © 2008 Sony Electronics Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Sony, Handycam, Optical SteadyShot, BIONZ, Xtra Fine LCD, Smile Shutter,AVCHD, ClearVid, x.v. Color, BRAVIA, BRAVIA Sync, Exmor, Memory Stick Duo, Memory Stick PRO Duo, Memory Stick and the Memory Stick logo are trademarks of Sony. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows Vista are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Blu-ray Disc and it’s logo are trademarks. PLAYSTATION is a registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment. Dolby is a registered trademark of Dolby Laboratories. All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. *Logo mentions need to be included if logo shown or listed in copyPlease visit the Dealer Network for more information at/dnSpecificationsGeneralImaging Device: 1/2.88""Exmor R" CMOS sensor Pixel Gross: 6631KRecording Media: 120GB Non-Removeable Hard DiskDriveMemory Stick PRO Duo™ Media (Sold Separately) Recording and Playback Times: 120GB HDD: HighDefinition: FH = up to 870 min., HQ = up to 1770 min. SP = up to 210 min., LP = up to 2870 min. StandardDefinition: HQ = up to 1770 min., SP = up to 2620 min., LP = up to 5020 min.When using 16GB Memory Stick PRO Duo™ Media (sold separately): High Definition: FH = up to 110 min., HQ = up to 230 min. SP = up to 280 min., LP = up to 375 min. Standard Definition: HQ = up to 230 min., SP = up to 340 min., LP = up to 655 min.Video Actual: 4150K Pixels (16:9),3110K Pixels (4:3) Still Actual: 4500K Pixels (16:9), 6000K Pixels (4:3) Processor: BIONZ™ image processor Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080 Still Picture Resolution: 12 megapixelAudioRecording Format: Dolby® Digital 5.1 Microphone: Built-in Zoom MicrophoneConvenienceAccessory Shoe: Yes (Active Interface Shoe)Memory Stick PRO™ Media Compatibility: Memory StickPRO Duo™ Media (Sold Separately) Still Image Mode(s): JPEG Face Detection: Yes Hybrid: YesQuick On: Power on by LCD Dual Record: 8.3 megapixel Smile Shutter: YesConvenience FeaturesEasy Operation: YesMultiple Language Display: Yes Slide Show Mode: YesScene Mode(s): Auto, Twilight, Candle, Sunrise & Sunset,Fireworks, Landscape, Portrait, Spotlight, Beach, Snow Dynamic Range Optimizer: Yes Low Light Capability: NightShot Fader Effect(s): Black, White Face Index: Yes Film Roll Index: YesPhoto Capture from Movie: Yes x.v.Color™: YesSteadyShot® Image Stabilization: Optical SteadyShot™image stabilization White Balance: Auto / outdoor / indoor / Onepush (TouchPanel)BRAVIA® Sync™: YesVideoFormat: HD: MPEG4 AVC/H.264; SD: MPEG2 Video Signal: HD: 1920x1080/60i; SD: NTSC color, EIAstandardsVideo FeaturesPhotoTV HD: YesInputs and OutputsAnalog Audio/Video Output(s): Included (via A/V RemoteTerminal)Digital Audio/Video Output(s): HDMI USB Port(s): Hi-speed (2.0 compliant)Component Video (Y/Pb/Pr) Output(s): Supplied (via A/VRemote jack) Headphone Jack: Yes Microphone Input: YesS-Video Output(s): Sold separately (via A/V Remote jack) HDMI™ Connection Output(s): Yes (mini)Audio/Video Remote Terminal: Video / S Video / Audio /Component Out / Remote Active Interface Shoe: YesDisplayLCD Screen: 3.2" wide touch panel LCD display (921kpixels)HardwareViewfinder: Wide (color 123k)Memory Stick slot: Memory Stick PRO Duo™ Media Manual / Auto Lens Cover: AutoAssignable Dial: YesS/S & Zoom button on LCD: Yes Light/Flash: YesOptics/Lens35mm Equivalent: 43 - 516mm (16:9), 52 - 624mm (4:3) Aperture: F1.8-3.4Exposure: Yes (Touch Panel) Filter Diameter: 37mmFocal Distance: 5.5 - 66.0mmFocus: Full range Auto / Manual (Touch Panel) Shutter Speed: Scene Selection, 1/8-1/800; STD, 1/60-1/800 Optical Zoom: 12x Digital Zoom: 150xResolution: 12 megapixel still Lens Type: G Lens™Minimum Illumination: STD, 11 lux(1/60 Shutter Speed); LOW LUX, 3 lux(Auto Slow Shutter ON, 1/30 Shutter Speed)PowerPower Consumption: 4.4WBattery Type: InfoLITHIUM® with AccuPower™ MeterSystem (NP-FH60) Power Requirements: 7.2V (battery pack); 8.4V (ACAdaptor)Service and Warranty InformationLimited Warranty Term: Limited Warranty --- 1 Year Parts;90 Days LaborSoftwareSupplied Software: PMB Ver.4.2.00 Supported bt Windows2000 Professional Service Pack4 (SP4), Windows XP Service Pack3 (SP3)(32bit)Windows Vista Service Pack1 (SP1)(32bit/64bit). Not supported by Mac OS.DimensionsWeight: w/o battery: 1lb 1oz (500g), w battery: 1lb 4oz(580g)Measurements: 2 7/8 x 3 x 5 1/2 inch (71 x 75 x 137mm)Supplied AccessoriesAC adaptor (AC-L200)Rechargable Battery Pack (NP-FH60) Remote Commander (RMT-835) Component A/V Cable A/V Connecting CableLithium Battery (CR2025)Application Software / USB Driver / (CD-ROM) USB CableOptional AccessoriesRechargeable InfoLITHIUM Batteries (NP-FH50/FH70/FH100) Case (LCS-BBDB/R/L)Starter Kit (ACC-ASH6, ACC-HDH6)AC Adaptor/Charger for H series batteries (AC-VQH10) Travel Charger (BC-TRP)Wireless Microphone (ECM-HW2)Wide Angle Conversion Lens (VCL-HGE07A) HDMI Cable (mini) (VMC-30MHD) Tripod (VCT-80AV) Video Light (HVL-10NH)Underwater Sports Pack (SPK-HCE) UPC Code: 027*********。

索尼Alpha7S II镜头说明书

索尼Alpha7S II镜头说明书

Key Features1920x1080 Full HD 24p/60p w/24.5MP Exmor R ® CMOS SensorCreate cinematic video in high de nition 1920 x 1080 24p/60p and high quality 24.5MP stillimages. Experience stunning low-light sensitivity with improved image clarity and drasticallyreduced grain with Sony’s back-illuminated Exmor R ® CMOS sensor. Designed for compactcameras and camcorders, the Exmor R ® CMOS sensor relocates the photo diodes above thesupport circuitry, maximizing the light gathering area per pixel so you can shoot with better resultsin lower lighting conditions.Balanced Optical SteadyShot™ image stabilizationOn standard Optical SteadyShot™ camcorders a single “shi lens” is moved in the optical blockto o set camera shake. Balanced Optical SteadyShot™ w/ Active Mode moves the entireoptical block at once, maintaining the integrity of the optical path and reducing shake. It alsoreduces vignetting (light fallo towards the edge of a scene) and lowers distortion in videos andstill photos.Project ~200” videos w/ 50lm built-in projector via HDMI ®Enjoy your favorite memories virtually anywhere with the high-contrast 50 lumen projector built-into the LCD panel. The HDMI ® multi-terminal allows you to connect external devices that have anHDMI output (smartphones, laptops, tablets, etc.) and use the camcorder’s projector to enjoyother forms of entertainment such as video games and streaming videos from the Internet. Thecamcorder even has built-in Auto Keystone Adjustment, which corrects the dimensions of theprojected image when you cannot situate the device straight on to the wall.Manual Control (Iris/Shutter/Exposure/White Balance)Get the most out of your camcorder with enhanced manual controls. The assignable dial allowsfor control of focus, exposure, white balance, iris, and shutter speed.Wireless control, transfer, data backup via Wi-Fi ®/NFC 1Built-in Wi-Fi ®/NFC makes for easy one touch connection to compatible mobile devices 1. Turnyour mobile phone and/or tablet into a remote control/viewing device, transfer your les to yourmobile device wirelessly for instant sharing, Back up your data on your PC and even enjoy yourvideos and photos on a TV without wires.Wide Angle G lens to capture more of what you wantExperience the pinnacle of Sony lens technology with the professional-quality G Lens. Engineeredfor superior optical performance, Sony G lenses deliver brilliant, accurate color reproductionand sharp, amazingly detailed images. In addition, the 26.8mm focal length in Photo and VideoModes o ers a broader perspective for enhanced wide angle shooting.Color EVF (0.27” 201K) crisp clear video monitoringA color EVF (electronic view nder) provides clear crisp representation of your video allowing forproper framing, battery conservation, and increased stability.3.0” Xtra Fine LCD™ display (921K) touch screen w/ WhiteMagic™The 3.0” (16:9) Xtra Fine LCD™ screen (921K) displays sharp, bright, vivid images, letting youcompose a shot more easily -- even outdoors, while enabling you to change settings to bestrepresent the scene. Easily scroll through menus and view footage thanks to WhiteMagic™technology that dramatically increases visibility in bright daylight. The large display deliversbrilliant-quality still images and movies while enabling easy focusing operation.5.1ch surround sound mic w/ new audio record controlsHDR-P J810/BFull HD 60p/24p Camcorder w/ advanced Manual ControlsCapture special occasions in the stunningly-sharp, 24p/60p HD they deserve with silky-smooth Balanced Optical SteadyShot™ image stabilization that keeps your memories looking their best. You can also share your family’s special moments up to 200” with the built-in projector for an instant at-the-movies feel. Feeling artistic? Manual control of iris, shutter and more let you express your personal style.Dolby® Digital 5.1 channel recording captures active sounds coming from all directions, so you can experience your home movies the way you experienced them while recording. Premium sound features such as Auto Wind Noise Reduction and Premium Closer Voice make it even easier to attain ideal sound quality in various situations.Get creative w/ 7 picture e ects for video and still photosPicture E ects add a new level of expression and creativity to video and photos. Sevenpicture e ects (Toy Camera, Pop Color, So High Key, Partial Color, Retro Photo, High Contrast Monochrome, and Posterization) are available in both photo and video modes. Shooting with these special modes will provide you an easy way to instantly transform your memories without any post editing so ware needed.Up to FPO hours of recording with 32GB embedded Flash MemoryThe built-in 32GB embedded Flash memory can record and store up XX hours XX minutes of high de nition video footage (HD LP mode).Speci cations1. Requires NFC-compatible mobile device. Check device’s user manual for compatibility.© 2014 Sony Electronics Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Sony, Exmor R, BIONZ and the Sony logo are trademarks of Sony Corporation. All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. Features and speci cations subject to change without notice. / UPC:/ Updated: December 19, 2013。


镜片上有由近到远的光学焦点,具有自动变焦功能,在近距离用眼的时候,它就像一台自动变焦照相机,以 “镜片焦距的自动调节”替代“人眼睫状肌的调节”,让眼镜主动适应眼睛,帮助睫状肌始终处于放松状态,真 正做到让眼睛主宰一切。
根据环境光线强弱,在0.2秒内瞬间调节镜片透光度,过滤有害光,反射光,保护眼球不受刺激,明显增加 清晰度和视距。
“让眼镜完美地呼应眼睛,打造独一无二的专人专镜”是MORTOR技术的灵魂所在。传统眼镜让“眼球去适应 眼镜,度数年年升”,而MORTOR的设计哲学是从自然中寻找灵感,让“眼镜能自动调节去主动适应眼睛,同时提 升视力”。融入仿生智能化设计的MORTOR技术和镜片完全具备了功能智能化的特征:
镜片上嵌入无数仿生智能按摩光学点,能通过光线的进入和智能调节,对睫状肌进行光学仿生按摩,增强睫 状肌弹性,最终恢复睫状肌自我调节功能,逐渐提升视力。
MGM数位验光法(国际标准的 验光程序)
囊括屈光度、裸眼视力、散光、轴位、瞳距、正负相对调节(包括:正相对调节、负相对调解)、瞳距(包 括:左右眼单眼瞳距、双眼瞳距)、瞳高(包括左眼右眼的)、眼位(包括:正视眼、内隐斜、外隐斜、上隐斜、 下隐斜)、调节幅度(即最近能看到多少毫米)、眼镜倾斜面、顶点距离(镜片中心点到角膜之间的距离)、立 体视觉、双眼融相、倾斜角、后顶点距离、镜架尺寸、镜面角、CSF(对比敏感度函数)等40多项精确验光数据。
眼妈妈研发中心将MORTOR视光技术进行改良和深入创新,完美呈现4款MORTOR技术智能眼镜:有“科学分镜” 和“智能变焦”强势结合的拳头产品——智能AB学生镜;通过MORTOR技术在镜片上设计了弹性焦距,遏制了白内 障的形成的智能高清老花镜;通过MORTOR技术加工的镜片能够抗99.8%的紫外线,阻断电磁波,有效保护角膜的 智能白领专用镜;以及能智能调整眼界光线,白天柔化强光,夜晚增强弱光,具有防眩目、防雨防雾功能的智能 驾驶专用镜,满足不同消费者的个性化需求。

80PHQ 使用说明书

80PHQ 使用说明书

80PHQ使用说明书User s Manual,欢迎使用ASKAR 80PHQ 中文版(简体)E n g l i s h使用产品前请仔细阅读本使用说明书。

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从直观的外形上看,80P H Q 更加小巧。

80P H Q 全长450m m ,标准装重量4.7kg。

所以,如果你的赤道仪载重本身较小;或者你厌倦了扛着笨重的长焦比望远镜四处奔波,那么80P H Q 作为一台便携式的折射镜是一个非常不错的选择。

在光学设计上,80PHQ的有效口径为80mm,焦距为600mm,焦比为f /7.5。

虽然和A s k a r 以往的经典短焦比望远镜相比,80P H Q 可以算是长焦比望远镜。

但是和市场上常见的f/4和f/5短焦比望远镜或者f/10和f /11长焦比望远镜相比,80P H Q 属于中焦比折射望远镜。







Photography is an art form that captures moments in time,allowing us to preserve memories and share the beauty of the world around us.It has become an integral part of our lives,with the advancement of technology making it more accessible to everyone. Heres an essay on the importance and joy of capturing beautiful scenes through photography.The Power of Capturing MomentsPhotography is more than just a hobby its a way of life for many.It allows us to freeze time and capture the essence of a moment that would otherwise be fleeting.Whether its a breathtaking landscape,a candid family moment,or the vibrant colors of a city skyline at sunset,photography enables us to immortalize these scenes in a tangible form.The Art of ObservationTo capture beautiful scenes,one must develop an eye for detail and an appreciation for the subtleties of light and composition.Photographers often find beauty in the mundane, turning ordinary scenes into extraordinary images.This art of observation not only enhances the photographers skill but also enriches their perspective on life. Technological AdvancementsThe evolution of photography has been remarkable,from the early days of film to the digital age we live in today.With smartphones equipped with highquality cameras, anyone can be a photographer.This democratization of photography has led to a surge in creativity,as people from all walks of life share their unique viewpoints with the world. The Role of PostProcessingWhile capturing the scene is the first step,the magic often happens in postprocessing. With software like Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop,photographers can enhance their images,adjusting colors,contrast,and composition to bring out the best in their photos. This digital darkroom allows for a level of creativity and precision that was once only possible in a physical darkroom.The Impact of Photography on SocietyPhotography has a profound impact on society.It can raise awareness about social issues, document historical events,and inspire people through the beauty of nature.Its a powerful tool for storytelling,allowing photographers to convey messages and evokeemotions that words alone cannot.The Joy of SharingOne of the most rewarding aspects of photography is sharing your work with others. Whether its through social media,exhibitions,or print,seeing your images appreciated by others is a fulfilling experience.Its a way to connect with people,share experiences, and inspire others to see the world through your lens.The Continuous Learning JourneyPhotography is a field that offers endless opportunities for learning and growth.From mastering new techniques to exploring different genres,photographers are always pushing their boundaries and striving for improvement.This continuous journey of learning keeps the passion for photography alive and ensures that each new image is better than the last.ConclusionIn conclusion,photography is a powerful medium that allows us to capture and share the beauty of the world.Its an art form that requires patience,skill,and a keen eye,but the rewards are well worth the effort.As we continue to document our lives and the world around us,photography remains a timeless and treasured way to preserve memories and express creativity.。




















如何使用拓展现实技术为产品设计拍摄照片拓展现实技术(Augmented Reality,AR)作为一种数字技术,已经在各个领域展现出了巨大的潜力。








在使用拓展现实技术进行产品设计拍摄照片时,以下是一些关键的步骤和注意事项:1. 选择合适的AR平台:有许多AR平台可供选择,例如ARKit(苹果)、ARCore(谷歌)和Vuforia等。


2. 准备设计样本:将产品的3D模型或设计图转化为AR可识别的格式。



3. 设计虚拟环境:在AR平台中创造一个虚拟环境,该环境能够显示产品的3D模型。



4. 将真实环境和虚拟元素结合起来:使用AR平台的摄像功能,将真实环境与虚拟元素结合在一起。



5. 拍摄照片和保存:在AR平台中拍摄虚拟元素与实际环境结合的照片。




The advent of beauty camera apps has revolutionized the way we capture and share our moments. Here are some of the benefits of using a beauty camera for English composition writing, especially for a junior high school freshman:1. Enhanced Confidence: The primary benefit of using a beauty camera is the boost in selfconfidence it provides. By smoothing out skin imperfections and brightening the face, users feel more comfortable and confident in their appearance, which can be a positive influence on their selfexpression.2. Improved Presentation: For students learning English, the ability to present oneself well in photos can be an extension of their desire to present well in written compositions.A beauty camera helps in creating visually appealing images, which can translate to a more polished and professional appearance in written work.3. Creativity Boost: Using a beauty camera encourages creativity. Students can experiment with different filters and effects, which can inspire them to think outside the box in their writing, using more vivid descriptions and imaginative scenarios.4. Cultural Awareness: Many beauty camera apps offer filters and features inspired by various cultures. This exposure can help students become more aware of global beauty standards and cultural diversity, enriching their understanding and potentially influencing their writing style.5. Social Skills Development: Sharing photos edited with a beauty camera can be a social activity. It teaches students about the importance of communication and the impact of visuals in social interactions, which can be beneficial when they learn to write persuasive or descriptive essays.6. Digital Literacy: In the digital age, being proficient with technology is crucial. Using a beauty camera app helps students develop digital literacy skills, which can be applied to other areas of technology use, including writing and editing digital documents.7. Time Management: Editing photos with a beauty camera can teach students about the value of time. They learn to balance the time spent on perfecting an image with the time needed for other tasks, such as writing assignments.8. Aesthetic Appreciation: Developing an eye for aesthetics through photo editing can translate into an appreciation for the aesthetics of language and structure in writing. This can lead to a more refined and visually appealing writing style.9. Relaxation and Stress Relief: Sometimes, taking a break from writing to edit a photo can provide a relaxing and enjoyable distraction. This can help reduce stress and refresh the mind, potentially improving focus and creativity when returning to writing tasks.10. Portfolio Building: For students interested in creative writing or journalism, a wellcurated collection of photos can serve as a visual portfolio. This can be a useful tool for showcasing their work and personality to potential readers or editors.In conclusion, while the primary purpose of a beauty camera is to enhance photos, its benefits extend to various aspects of a students life, including their writing skills and overall personal development.。



Photography is an art form that captures moments in time,allowing us to revisit memories and experiences long after they have passed.The camera,as a tool for this creative expression,has evolved significantly over the years,from the early days of film to the digital cameras we use today.The History of CamerasThe first cameras were simple devices,capturing images through a pinhole.As technology advanced,so did the camera,with the invention of the daguerreotype in the 19th century,which used a silvercoated copper plate to capture an image.The introduction of film in the late1800s revolutionized photography,making it more accessible and portable.Types of CamerasThere are various types of cameras available today,each serving different purposes and catering to different skill levels:1.PointandShoot Cameras:These are compact and userfriendly,designed for casual photographers who want to capture images without the need for manual settings.2.DSLR Cameras:Digital SingleLens Reflex cameras offer more control over settings like aperture,shutter speed,and ISO,making them popular among enthusiasts and professionals.3.Mirrorless Cameras:These cameras,like DSLRs,allow for interchangeable lenses and manual settings but without the mirror mechanism,making them lighter and more compact.4.Instant Cameras:Instant cameras,such as the Polaroid,produce physical prints shortly after a photo is taken,offering a tangible and immediate result.5.Smartphone Cameras:With the advancement in smartphone technology,the cameras integrated into these devices have become incredibly powerful,offering highquality images and a range of features.Technological AdvancementsModern cameras are equipped with sophisticated technology that enhances the photography experience.Features such as image stabilization,autofocus,and high dynamic range HDR are now standard in many models.Additionally,digital cameras allow for immediate review and editing of images,as well as the ability to shoot in various formats,including RAW,which provides more flexibility in postprocessing.The Role of Cameras in SocietyCameras have played a significant role in society,from documenting historical events to capturing everyday life.They have also become a medium for artistic expression,with photographers using their cameras to tell stories,evoke emotions,and challenge perspectives.The Future of PhotographyAs technology continues to evolve,so too will cameras.We can expect advancements in sensor technology,lens capabilities,and computational photography,which will further blur the lines between professional and amateur photography.The integration of artificial intelligence in cameras may also lead to more intuitive and automated photography experiences.In conclusion,the camera is more than just a device it is a gateway to capturing and sharing the world around us.As we continue to innovate and push the boundaries of what is possible with photography,the camera remains a vital tool for creative expression and documentation.Whether you are a professional photographer or a casual snapper,the camera offers endless possibilities to explore and preserve the moments that matter most.。

FLIR Ex-Series 红外相机说明书

FLIR Ex-Series 红外相机说明书

FLIR E4, E5, E6, and E8 infrared cameras are powerful and extremely cost-effective, easy-to-use troubleshooting tools for building,electrical, and mechanical applications. Four resolution options are available (ranging from 80 x 60 IR pixels to 320 x 240) to fit the target size, working distance, and detail you require. All includeMSX ® technology that provides extraordinary thermal imaging detail. Wi-Fi connectivity to smartphones and tablets via the FLIR Tools ® Mobile app makes sharing images and sending reports from any location easier, enabling you to make critical decisions faster. Byproviding thermal images to help you find hidden problems along with accurate temperature measurements, an Ex-Series camera is the ideal budget-friendly replacement for old-school IR thermometers.Easy to useIntuitive, user-friendly interface for measurements in thermal or MSX mode• Fully automatic and focus-free• Simple button navigation to on-screen settings, imaging modes, and measurement tools • MSX adds digital camera detail to IR images for better perspective and interpretationConveniently share images and findingsDownload images, create reports, and show what you’ve found instantly• Wi-Fi connectivity to mobile devices via FLIR Tools Mobile app • Rapid Wi-Fi or USB image transfer for documentation • Analyze and edit images, and create convincing reports with FLIR ToolsCompact and ruggedBuilt for portability and use in harsh environments• Lightweight (1.2 lb / .0575 kg) and withstands 2-meter drop test• 2-year warranty coverage on camera, 5 years on batteries, 10 years on detectorFLIREX SeriesPoint-and-Shoot Thermal Imaging CamerasMSX shows you numbers, labels and structuralfeatures, eliminating the need to look at a visual image for detailVariable emissivity and reflected temperatureparameters give you reliable results fast/instruments/ex-seriesSpecificationsEquipment described herein may require US Government authorization for export purposes. Diversioncontrary to US law is prohibited. Imagery for illustration purposes only. Specifications are subject to change without notice. ©2018 FLIR Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. (Updated April 5) 17-086 NASDAQ: FLIRPORTLANDCorporate Headquarters FLIR Systems, Inc.27700 SW Parkway Ave.Wilsonville, OR 97070PH: +1 866.477.3687NASHUAFLIR Systems, Inc.9 Townsend West Nashua, NH 03063PH: +1 866.477.3687CANADAFLIR Systems, Ltd.920 Sheldon CourtBurlington, ON L7L 5K6CanadaPH: +1 800.613.0507LATIN AMERICA FLIR Systems Brasil Av. Antonio Bardella,320 Sorocaba,SP 18085-852BrasilPH: +55 15 3238 7080CHINAFLIR Systems Co., Ltd Rm 1613-16, Tower II Grand Central Plaza 138 Shatin Rural Committee Rd.Shatin, New Territories Hong KongPH: +852 2792 8955BELGIUMFLIR SystemsLuxemburgstraat 22321 Meer BelgiumPH: +32 (0) 3665 5100UNITED KINGDOM FLIR Systems UK2 Kings Hill Ave., Kings Hill West Malling, Kent ME19 4AQUnited KingdomPH +44 (0)1732 220 011Specifications are subject to change without notice. For the most up-to-date specifications, go to Wireless connectivity to smartphones, tablets and more.Download images fast via USB.。

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a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /0211371v 1 15 N o v 2002A CCEPTEDFOR PUBLICATION INThe Astrophysical JournalPreprint typeset using L A T E X style emulateapj v.11/12/01ADV ANCED CAMERA FOR SURVEYS OBSERV ATIONS OF YOUNG STAR CLUSTERS IN THEINTERACTING GALAXY UGC 10214H.D.T RAN 1,M.S IRIANNI 1,H.C.F ORD 1,G.D.I LLINGWORTH 2,M.C LAMPIN 3,G.H ARTIG 3,R.H.B ECKER 4,R.L.W HITE 3,F.B ARTKO 5,N.B ENÍTEZ 1,J.P.B LAKESLEE 1,R.B OUWENS 2,T.J.B ROADHURST 6,R.B ROWN 3,C.B URROWS 3,E.C HENG 7,N.C ROSS 1,P.D.F ELDMAN 1,M.F RANX 8,D.A.G OLIMOWSKI 1,C.G RONWALL 9,L.I NFANTE 10,R.A.K IMBLE 7,J.K RIST 3,M.L ESSER 11,D.M AGEE 2,A.R.M ARTEL 1,W M .J.M C C ANN 1,G.R.M EURER 1,G.M ILEY 8,M.P OSTMAN 3,P.R OSATI 12,W.B.S PARKS 3,AND Z.T SVETANOV 1Received 2002October 11;accepted 2002November 14ABSTRACTWe present the first Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS)observations of young star clusters in the collid-ing/merging galaxy UGC 10214.The observations were made as part of the Early Release Observation (ERO)program for the newly installed ACS during service mission SM3B for the Hubble Space Telescope (HST ).Many young star clusters can be identified in the tails of UGC 10214,with ages ranging from ∼3Myr to 10Myr.The extreme blue V −I (F606W −F814W)colors of the star clusters found in the tail of UGC 10214can only be ex-plained if strong emission lines are included with a young stellar population.This has been confirmed by our Keck spectroscopy of some of these bright blue stellar knots.The most luminous and largest of these blue knots has an absolute magnitude of M V =−14.45,with a half-light radius of 161pc,and if it is a single star cluster,would qualify as a super star cluster (SSC).Alternatively,it could be a superposition of multiple scaled OB associations or clusters.With an estimated age of ∼4-5Myr,its derived mass is <1.3×106M ⊙.Thus the young stellar knot is unbound and will not evolve into a normal globular cluster.The bright blue clusters and associations are much younger than the dynamical age of the tail,providing strong evidence that star formation occurs in the tail long after it was ejected.UGC 10214provides a nearby example of processes that contributed to the formation of halos and intra-cluster media in the distant and younger Universe.Subject headings:galaxies:individual (VV 29,Arp 188,UGC 10214)–galaxies:star clusters1.INTRODUCTIONIn 2002April,as part of the early release observations (EROs)to demonstrate the new capabilities of the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS;Ford et al.1998)installed in early March 2002on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST ),deep im-ages of the interacting galaxies NGC 4676(“The Mice”)and UGC 10214(“Tadpole”=VV 29=Arp 188)were obtained,us-ing the Wide Field Channel (WFC)with the F475W (g ),F606W (broad V )and F814W (I )filters.NGC 4676is a pair of galax-ies caught in the act of a collision,while UGC 10214appears as a disturbed spiral with a long tail of stars.In this paper,we present the observations,and focus on the search and identifi-cation of very young star clusters found in the long tidal tail of one of these galaxies,UGC 10214.In addition,we present op-tical spectroscopy of some of these brightest clusters obtained with the Keck 10m telescope.A detailed analysis of the data,including the magnitudes,colors,specific frequencies and spa-tial distributions of candidate clusters found in the both sys-tems of interacting galaxies will be the subject of a future paper (Sirianni et al.2002).Analysis of the numerous faint galaxies visible in the background field will also be presented in a sepa-rate paper (Benítez et al.2002).The redshift of UGC 10214is z =0.03136(Briggs et al.2001),placing it at a distance of 125Mpc (H o =75km s −1Mpc −1).At this distance,1′′corresponds to 606pc,and 1WFC pixel covers 30.3pc.2.OBSERVATIONS AND REDUCTION2.1.ACS ImagingThe initial ACS observations of UGC 10214,dubbed the Tadpole,were obtained on 2002April 1(UT),using the ACS/WFC through the F475W (g ),F606W (broad V )and F814W (I )filters.We used POS TARG command offsets of 3′′in the Y direction to bridge the gap between the two WFC chips.In order to minimize the visibility of the gap,for each filter,we commanded the telescope offsets to three pointings,at(0′′,0′′),(0.′′248,3.′′001)and (−0.′′248,−3.′′001).At each POS1Department of Physics and Astronomy,Johns Hopkins University,Baltimore,MD 21218.2UCO/Lick Observatory,University of California,Santa Cruz,CA 95064.3STScI,3700San Martin Drive,Baltimore,MD 21218.4Physics Department,University of California,Davis,CA 95616,and Institute for Geophysics and Planetary Physics,L-413,Lawrence Livermore National Labora-tory,7000East Avenue,Livermore,CA 94550.5Bartko Sci.&Tech.,P.O.Box 670,Mead,CO 80542-0670.6The Racah Institute of Physics,Hebrew University,Jerusalem 91904,ISRAEL.7NASA-GSFC,Greenbelt,MD 20771.8Leiden Observatory,P.O.Box 9513,2300Leiden,The Netherlands.9Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics,The Pennsylvania State University,525Davey Lab,University Park,PA 16802.10Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,Santiago,Chile.11Steward Observatory,University of Arizona,Tucson,AZ 85721.12European Southern Observatory,Karl-Schwarzschild-Str.2,D-85748Garching,Germany.12Tran et al. TARG position,two individual exposures were taken to aid inthe removal of cosmic rays.Unfortunately,there was an errorin the telescope pointing for thefirst set of observations,which caused part of the“head”of the Tadpole to get cut off from thefield of view.A second set of observations were subsequently obtained on2002April9,using the identical settings and se-quence of exposures as thefirst,but with a slight change in the position and telescope orientation to include the entire head andbody of the“Tadpole”in the full WFCfield of view.The total exposure times for the sum of both sets of observations were13,600s(6orbits)in F475W,8,040s(4orbits)in F606W,and8,180s(4orbits)in F814W.The data were reduced byfirst calibrating with CALACS,which included bias and dark subtraction,flatfielding,and cos-mic ray rejection,then processed through the ACS InvestigationDefinition Team pipeline at Johns Hopkins University,which measured offsets and rotations between individual dithered im-ages from both datasets and combined them while removing geometric distortion,residual cosmic rays and detector defects.We used the best referencefiles available at the time of reduc-tion.The reader is referred to the ACS Data Handbook(Mack et al.2002)for details.Identification of point-like objects(stars and clusters)and their photometry were performed using DAOPHOT with an aperture radius of3pixels(0.′′15)and sky background between 10-15pixels.Since the size of a WFC pixel(30.3pc)is much larger than the typical effective radius of young blue clusters found in nearby galaxies(Larsen1999),the majority of the compact clusters identified in our image are not resolved.The aperture correction was therefore calculated by measuring the encircled energy profiles for three isolated stars in thefield.The corrections applied were:0.11(F475W),0.14(F606W)and 0.17(F814W).All magnitudes are in AB system with the fol-lowing zero points:25.87(F475W),26.36(F606W)and25.86 (F814W).No correction for Galactic extinction was performed, as it is negligible.We used the following selection criteria to identify the cluster candidates:i)cluster must be present in all three bands,ii)FWHM>1pixel in all3bands,iii)M V<−9.0, to exclude stars,and iv)magnitude error<0.3in all three bands.2.2.Keck SpectroscopyLong-slit spectra were obtained on2002May11with the Echellette Spectrograph and Imager(ESI,Sheinis et al.2002) on the Keck II telescope using the multiorder echellette mode with an1′′wide slit.The slit was centered on a cluster or “knot”of bright blue stars in the tail of UGC10214[RA=16 0615.16,Dec=+552548.74(2000)],and oriented at PA= 70◦along the elongation of the blue knot to include a trail of nearby clumps of stars(see Fig.1).A single900s exposure was obtained through variable clouds,giving a wavelength coverage from3900Åto11000Å,with a two pixel spectral resolution of∼55km s−1(FWHM).The data were reduced using standard IRAF tasks.3.RESULTSFigure1shows a color image of UGC10214and a close-up of the bright extended stellar association found in the tail of the galaxy.We identified a total of42cluster candidates in this re-gion of the tail;their F475W−F606W(g−V)vs.F606W−F814W(V−I)color-color diagram is shown in Figure2.The points generally cluster in a narrow range of g−V color,butF IG. 2.—F475W−F606W(g−V)vs.F606W−F814W(V−I)color-color diagram for the42clusters identified in the bright blue extended clump in the tail of UGC10214.The solid curve shows the stellar evolutionary track from the population synthesis models(for instantaneous starburst with Salpeter IMF,and empirical stellar spectra with solar metallicity)of Bruzual&Char-lot(2001).The dashed curve denotes the same model but with the addition of emission bels along the tracks indicate ages in Myr.A reddening vector for A V=1.5is also shown.The arrow marks the brightest stellar knot (red arrow in Fig.1),which has an absolute magnitude of M V=−14.45and qualifies as a super star cluster(SSC).The extreme blue V−I color of this and other clusters cannot be explained by the stellar population alone,but is due instead to the presence of strong emission lines.they cover a wider range in V−I,from zero to≈2.0.The brightest stellar knot(marked by an arrow in Fig.1) of the extended blue clump is very blue(V−I=−1.18,g−V =−0.05),and has apparent AB magnitudes of F475W(g)= 21.07,F606W(V)=21.12,F814W(I)=22.30.With an abso-lute magnitude of M V=−14.45,it is most likely a very young massive super star cluster(SSC).The combination of the mod-erate g−V color but extremely blue V−I color cannot be ex-plained by the usual population synthesis models of Bruzual& Charlot(2001,hereafter BC01)or Starburst99models of Lei-therer et al.(1999,hereafter SB99),even for stars as young as 1Myr(see Fig.2).The simplest way that these colors could be fitted is to include strong emission lines in the starburst models of BC01and SB99.The alteration of colors of young com-pact star clusters due to the presence of strong emission lines has been recognized for some time,as discussed in e.g.,Mas-Hesse&Kunth(1991),Mayya(1995),Stiavelli et al.(1998) and Whitmore&Zhang(2002),among others.Shown in Figure3are the model spectrum of such a cluster. The model was constructed from a combination of the stellar continuum of BC01and the strongest and most common emis-sion lines,whose strengths were derived based on the Hβequiv-alent width versus age relationship of SB99,and assuming typ-ical line ratios for a starburst region.Also plotted in thefigure are thefilter bandpasses for the threefilters used in the observa-tion.As can be seen,for the redshift of UGC10214,the F606W filter would allow all of the strongest emission lines through, while they are all excluded from the F814Wfilter.On the other hand,the strong emission lines of[O III]λλ4959,5007,but not the Hα+[N II]complex,are allowed through the F475Wfilter.UGC10214Star Clusters3 F IG.1.—Composite g,V,and I color image of UGC10214,with a close-up of the bright blue clump in the tail.The brightest stellar knot marked by the red arrow is a probable super star cluster(SSC).Parallel lines indicate the slit width and orientation used in the Keck spectroscopy.This results in a V−I(F606W−F814W)color that is too blue compared to a stellar continuum from a pure(i.e.,no emission line)population synthesis model,but a g−V(F475W−F606W) color that is not unusual.This clearly demonstrates that the addition of emission lines could naturally explain the extreme V−I observed color,while the g−V color remained relatively unchanged.The color-color evolutionary tracks derived from the model described above is shown in Figure2.As can be seen,the model with emission lines(dashed curve)appears tofit better with the observed data points than that without(solid curve).Most of the candidate clusters lie close to and slightly below the4Tran etal.F IG . 3.—Model optical spectrum of the SSC in the tail of UGC 10214.Overlaid are the transmission curves of the three filters used.At the redshift of UGC 10214,most strong emission lines are able to pass through both F475W and F606W filters,while none is allowed through F814W.modeled track,and are consistent with ages in the range 3-10Myr.The slightly redder g −V color of most of the older clusters compared to the modeled curve could be explained by a small amount of extinction.From a comparison with the model,the best age estimate for the SSC is about 4-5Myr.Based on these findings,in May 2002we obtained Keck spectroscopy of the blue knot (see §2.2)in order to test the following:i)confirm the presence of strong emission lines as required by the models.ii)look for the expected signatures of Wolf-Rayet (W-R)stars which descended from the very mas-sive O stars ( 30M ⊙)in the cluster,and iii)better constrain the spectral energy distribution (SED)of the star cluster and test the theoretical models of BC01and SB99.A Keck spectrum of the brightest blue knot is shown in Figure 4.As predicted,very strong emission lines are seen.These lines include those of H β,H α,[O III]λλ4959,5007,[N II]λλ6548,6583,and [S II]λλ6717,6731.The heliocen-tric velocity measured from these lines is 9422±7km s −1.This is consistent with the HI velocity measured by Briggs et al.(2001)at the position of this knot.The emission line widths are very narrow,but may be slightly resolved in our spectra.The observed FWHM is ≈75km s −1,giving an instrumental-corrected (subtraction in quadrature)width of ∼50km s −1.The observed Balmer decrement H α/H βis 2.76,indicating very lit-tle or no reddening toward the tail of UGC 10214at the posi-tion of this blue knot.Other line ratios are:[O III]λ5007/H β=5.53,[N II]λ6583/H α=0.0705,[S II](6717+6731)/H α=0.090,[O I]λ6300/H α=0.012,[O III](5007+4959)/4363=86,and [S II]6717/6731=1.35.These emission-line ratios yield an electron temperature of about 1.36×104K and density of 60cm −3,fairly typical of photoionized gas in metal-poor H II regions.They also place them among areas typically occupied by H II regions and H II galaxies in the diagnostic diagrams of Veilleux &Osterbrock (1987).The observed optical continuum is very faint and barely de-tectable.This results in a very uncertain determination of the equivalent width (EW)of the H βemission line.We measure an H βEW of 290±255Å,the error for which is dominated by that of the continuum level.In principle,this can be used to constrain the age of the star cluster (SB99;Schaerer &Vacca1998),yielding an estimate of 1-6Myr,consistent with the age obtained from population synthesis model fits to ACS photome-try.Due to the faintness of the continuum and the non-optimum observing conditions,the S/N is insufficient to allow a search for W-R features,such as the 4686Åbump,which is expected for a young star cluster of this age.Better quality spectra would be needed to confirm the existence of W-R stars and constrain the star formation history of the cluster.4.DISCUSSIONIt is of interest to ask if the large knots or clumps of blue stars found in the tail of UGC 10214were created from the galactic encounter and whether they are precursors to the compact glob-ular clusters (GC)that are found in our Galaxy and essentially all galactic halos.These star clusters are similar to those found in the tidal debris of the Antennae Galaxies (NGC 4038/4039,e.g.,Whitmore et al.1999)or of the Stephan’s Quintet (NGC 7318/7319,Gallagher et al.2001).We can estimate the mass of the brightest blue stellar “knot”,or SSC in the tail of UGC 10214from its estimated age and ob-served brightness by using an existing relationship between age and mass-to-light ratio (M /L )for young stellar clusters derived by Chandar et al.(1999)using Padua models (Chiosi,Vallenari,&Bressan 1997).With a derived age of ∼4-5Myr,the correla-tion gives log M /L V =−1.6.The observed absolute magnitude for the SSC in F606W is −14.45or L V =107.7L ⊙,yielding an estimated mass of 1.3×106M ⊙.We note that this actually rep-resents an upper limit of the mass since the modeled M /L does not include contribution from emission lines.To correct for the emission-line contribution,we compared the integrated flux of our modeled spectrum with and without emission lines through the F606W filter.The difference in cluster brightness is found to be 0.75mag in F606W,giving a corrected (line-free)abso-lute magnitude of −13.70or L V =107.42L ⊙,and reducing the mass to 6.6×105M ⊙.These values are typical for a SSC.In particular,the luminosity and mass of this SSC are similar to those of the ∼60Myr old SSC “F”in M82(Smith &Gallagher 2001),or of the 15Myr old SSC “1447”in NGC 6946(Larsen et al.2001).The 3to 10Myr ages of the clusters in the tidal tail show that they formed close to their present positions.The projected distance of the ∼4.5Myr old SSC is 61kpc from the center of UGC 10214.Assuming that the maximum ejection velocity available to the cluster is comparable to the 400km s −1rotation speed measured by Briggs et al.(2001)for the main galaxy,the dynamical age for the tail is at least 150Myr old.Since this is much older than the estimated age of the SSC,we conclude that the young clusters in the tail formed long after the galac-tic encounter that produced the tidal debris.This conclusion is consistent with the mechanism proposed by Wallin (1990),who suggested that star formation was triggered in the tail by density enhancements produced from tidal forces in the colli-sion.It is also consistent with the suggestion by Hibbard &van Gorkom (1996)that “gaps”(region of reduced surface bright-ness)in tidal tails are induced by self-gravity in the tails.The two most prominent regions of star formation in UGC 10214tail are separated by the most conspicuous gap in the tail.In situ star formation in tidal tails has also been observed in many other systems (e.g.,Schweizer 1978;Mirabel,Dottori,&Lutz 1992),and appears to be a common feature of such tails.Fitting the surface brightness profiles of the SSC with a kingmodel (King 1962)gives a core radius of about 0.′′155,or 94UGC 10214Star Clusters5F IG .4.—Keck observed ESI spectrum of the brightest blue stellar knot (SSC)in the tail of UGC 10214.StrongH βand [O III]λλ4959,5007emission lines are seen to the left around 5100Å,and H α+[N II]complex is at near 6750Å.pc,corresponding to a half light radius of r e =0.′′266=161pc.To our knowledge,the largest r e measured for a SSC or a scaled OB association (SOBA)is 84pc (Maíz-Apellániz 2001).As a comparison,the F-M82SSC,which has similar mass and luminosity,has a half light radius of 2.8pc.Therefore,the un-usually large size of the SSC in UGC 10214suggests that this cluster could be a particularly populous OB association or an unresolved superposition of a multiple system like that in NGC 1569A1-A2(De Marchi et al.1997).In contrast to the case of 30Doradus Nebula,which has a very large emission-line re-gion but the stellar component is largely confined to the very compact R136star cluster (Walborn,Maíz-Apellániz,&Barbá2002),we can rule out the possibility of a similar significant nebula contribution to the large size of the UGC 10214SSC.The UGC 10214cluster radius measured from the F814W data,where stellar continuum dominates,is not significantly different from those measured from the F475W and F606W data,where line emission dominates.Thus,the measured size of the SSC in UGC 10214can be taken as genuinely due mostly to stars.The above estimated mass of the SSC (6.6×105M ⊙)is ≈3×the mass of a typical globular cluster (GC;Mandushev,Spassova,&Staneva 1991),while its radius is approximately 50×the size of a GC.This corresponds to a mass density that is at least 4orders of magnitude smaller than that of a GC.Assuming that the projected half-mass radius r m =4/3r e(Spitzer 1987),the mass density within the half-mass radius is only ∼10−2M ⊙pc −3.Thus,under the assumption that the SSC represents a single cluster of young stars,it appears to be quite “fluffy”for its mass.For an isotropic,gravitationally bound system,the total cluster mass is given by the virial theorem:M =3σ2R /G ,where σis the line-of-sight velocity dispersion and R is the effective radius.Therefore,to remain bound like a GC,σfor the blue SSC has to be 1/4×σGC .The velocity dis-persion of a Galactic GC is typically less than 20km s −1,with a mean of σGC =8.4km s −1(Mandushev et al.1991),which means that the stellar velocities in the SSC cannot be greater than ∼5km s −1,if it is to remain bound.This cannot be the case,if the stars move about like the gas (∼50km s −1,§3)in the cluster.Thus the blue clump in the tail of UGC 10214is unlikely grow up to be a GC,unless it is dynamically very cold.Because we do not know the distribution of mass in UGC 10214’s halo and the geometry of the tidal tail,it is difficult to say whether or not the stars and gas in the tail are gravitationally bound to the parent galaxy.Briggs et al.(2001)found that the HI velocities in the tail are only ∼100km s −1higher than the HI systemic velocity of UGC 10214,with little or no velocity gra-dient over the 100kpc length of the tail.They also revealed a possible counter tail on the western side of the main galaxy with an approaching velocity of ∼300km s −1.Such tail kinematics are like those of other mergers sporting similarly long tidal tails6Tran et al.(e.g.,NGC7252,Hibbard&Mihos1995;Arp299,Hibbard& Yun1999).Numerical simulations of NGC7252(Hibbard& Mihos1995)have indicated that most of the tail material will remain bound,falling back towards the merger remnant over several billion years,perhaps forming rings,shells and high-velocity streams.Similar detailed modeling for UGC10214 should be very valuable in accounting for its tidal morphology and tail kinematics,and predicting their future evolution,but it seems likely that the stars and gas will remain bound in the poor cluster WBL608(White et al.1999)to which UGC10214 belongs.UGC10214and galaxies like it provide nearby exam-ples of processes that contributed to the formation of halos and intra-cluster media in the distant and younger Universe,when the density of galaxies was higher.5.CONCLUSIONSWe obtained ACS WFC observations of the peculiar merg-ing galaxy UGC10214,and presented Keck optical spectra of a luminous,young blue stellar clump located in the tail of the galaxy.The unusually blue V−I color but normal g−V color of the clump can be well explained by the presence of strong emission lines characteristic of H II regions embedded in a su-per cluster of massive,young stars.Population synthesis mod-els indicate the age of the star cluster to be∼4-5Myr.The large size of the cluster,combined with its moderate estimated mass of M∼6.6×105M⊙suggest that its mass density is too low to allow it to evolve into a normal globular cluster.The bright blue clusters and associations lie at large projected dis-tances,with an age much younger than that of the tail,providing strong evidence that star formation occurs in the tail long after it was ejected.ACS was developed under NASA contract NAS5-32864,and this research is supported by NASA grant NAG5-7697.We are grateful for an equipment grant from the Sun Microsys-tems Corporation.The W.M.Keck Observatory is operated as a scientific partnership between the California Institute of Technology and the University of California,made possible by the generousfinancial support of the W.M.Keck Foundation. Work performed at the Lawrence Livermore National Labora-tory is supported by the DOE under contract W7405-ENG-48. We thank an anonymous referee for several useful comments.REFERENCESBenítez, al.2002,ApJ,in preparationBriggs,F.H.,Moller,O.,Higdon,J.L.,Trentham,N.,&Ramirez-Ruiz,E. 2001,A&A,380,418Bruzual, A.G.,&Charlot,S.2001,Population Synthesis Models, Chandar,R.,Bianchi,L.,Ford,H.C.,&Salasnich B.1999,PASP,111,794 Chiosi,C.,Vallenari,A.,&Bressan A.1997,A&AS,121,301De Marchi,G.,Clampin.M.,Greggio,L.,Leitherer,C.,Nota,A.,&Tosi,M. 1997,ApJ,479,27Ford,H.C.,&The ACS Science Team1998,SPIE V ol.3356,234 Hibbard,J.E.,&Mihos,J.C.1995,AJ,110,140Hibbard,J.E.&van Gorkom,J.H.1996,AJ,111,655Hibbard,J.E.&Yun,M.S.1999,AJ,118,162King.I.1962,AJ,67,471Larsen,S.S.1999,A&AS,139,393Larsen,S.S.,Brodie,J.P.,Elmegreen,B.G.,Efremov,Y.N.,Hodge,P.W.,& Richtler,T.2001,ApJ,556,801Leitherer, al.1999,ApJS,123,3(SB99)Mack, al.2002,in HST ACS Data Handbook,version1.0,ed.B.Mobasher, Baltimore,STSciMaíz-Apellániz,J.2001,ApJ,563,151Mandushev,G.,Spassova,N.,&Staneva,A.1991,A&A,252,94Mas-Hesse,J.M.&Kunth,D.1991,A&AS,88,399Mayya,Y.D.1995,AJ,109,2503Mirabel,I.F.,Dottori,H.,&Lutz,D.1992,A&A,256,L19Gallagher,S.C.,Charlton,J.C.,Hunsberger,S.D.,Zaritsky,D.,&Whitmore, B.C.2001,AJ,122,163Schaerer,D.,&Vacca.W.D.1998,ApJ,497,618Schweizer, F.1978,IAU Symp.77:Structure and Properties of Nearby Galaxies,77,279Sheinis,A.I.,Bolte,M.,Epps,H.W.,Kibrick,R.I.,Miller,J.S.,Radovan M. 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