10 DOF IMU Sensor (D)


Performance Testing of the Desdemona Motion System

Performance Testing of the Desdemona Motion System

AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference and Exhibit 20 - 23 August 2007, Hilton Head, South CarolinaAIAA 2007-6472Performance Testing of the Desdemona Motion SystemManfred Roza1, Mark Wentink2 and Philippus Feenstra3 TNO Human Factors, Soesterberg, The NetherlandsTP PT TP PT TP PTIn the spring of 2007 TNO Human Factors together with AMST Systemtechnik GmbH have completed the development of their newest research simulator, the Desdemona, in The Netherlands. The Desdemona research simulator features a unique motion system not seen elsewhere in the world. Its serial design and geometrical dimensions give the motion system a large cylindrical motion space and a broad range of dynamic performance capabilities, which go beyond those of a classical Stewart platform. Like any other motion-base simulator the Desdemona motion system is driven by motion filters that transform the various simulation model outputs into safe and optimal motion cues. For the development of these motion filters it is necessary to exactly determine the dynamic performance characteristics of Desdemona and check whether these characteristics meet the specified motion system requirements. This paper describes the test protocol to measure, specify and verify the dynamic performance characteristics of the Desdemona motion system. The performance test protocol builds upon and extends the classical synergistic motion system test approaches, like the AGARD standard, to suite the specific Desdemona motion system capabilities.NomenclatureM&S DOF IMU MCC PLC = = = = = = modeling and simulation degree of freedom inertial measurement unit motion control computer programmable logical controller central yaw axisψ centrR Hφcab ψ cab θ cab= radial axis = heave axis = cabin roll axis = cabin yaw axis = cabin pitch axisI. IntroductionTNO Defense, Safety & Security in the Netherlands has a long tradition in research into modeling and simulation (M&S) technology and applications. The M&S effort of TNO Human Factors is centered in the area of flight, driving and ship simulators for human performance, training and behavior research. Over the years TNO Human Factors has specialized in human perception research ranging from visual & vestibular research to motion sickness and fidelity, to 3D-audio and haptic interfacing experiments1,4,5,6,7,8,9. To better facilitate this kind of research and the spatial disorientation training for the Royal Netherlands Air Force, TNO Human Factors initiated the development of a new research simulator, the Desdemona11,12,13.P P P PIn co-operation with AMST Systemtechnik GmbH, TNO Human Factors completed the development of the Desdemona simulator, in the late spring of 2007. The Desdemona research simulator features a unique and special designed non-synergistic motion system with six degrees of freedom (DOF). Its serial design and geometrical1TPResearch Scientist, TNO Defence, Safety & Security, Human Factors Department, manfred.roza@tno.nl, AIAA Member. Research Scientist, TNO Defence, Safety & Security, Human Factors Department, mark.wentink@tno.nl, AIAA Member. 3 Research Scientist, TNO Defence, Safety & Security, Human Factors Department, philippus.feenstra@tno.nl.PT HTU UTH2TP TPPTHTUUTHPTHTUUTH1 American Institute of Aeronautics and AstronauticsCopyright © 2007 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.dimensions give the motion system a large cylindrical motion space and a broad range of dynamic performance capabilities. One of the unique motion capabilities is the ability to combine onset cueing like a classical Stewart or hexapod platform with sustained acceleration cueing as found in dynamic flight simulators. Furthermore, the rotating gimbal system gives the Desdemona motion system the possibility to replicate unusual attitudes and large attitude changes one-to-one. The motion system houses a cabin, which is equipped with a 120 degree visual system. The modular hard and software design of the cabin enables fast reconfiguration of the interior and the installation of human machine interfaces. This makes the Desdemona simulator potentially suitable for a wide range of research applications including unusual aircraft and rotorcraft maneuvers, suburban, urban and terrain driving simulation, motion perception and cueing, spatial disorientation, motion sickness, and human-performance in artificial gravity conditions.Figure 1. The Desdemona Research Simulator Exterior Like all other motion-base simulators the Desdemona motion system is driven by motion filters that transform the various simulation model outputs into safe and optimal motion cues 13, 14. For the development of these motion filters it is necessary to exactly determine the Desdemona dynamic performance characteristics. In addition, the measured performance is used to verify whether it meets the specified motion system requirements. This paper describes the test protocol to measure, specify and verify the dynamic performance characteristics of the Desdemona motion system. The paper starts in Section II with a presentation of the Desdemona motion system configuration and properties. Next the rationale and top-level design of the dynamic motion test protocol are discussed (Section III). This protocol builds upon and extends the classical synergistic motion system test approaches described in literature such as AGARD and ASC/MIL standards to suite the specific Desdemona motion system capabilities 15,16. In two subsequent sections the various tests and associated performance metrics of the protocol are discussed. These tests are divided in two categories. The first category is the single axis tests (Section IV). These tests comprise timedomain tests for motion system position, velocity and acceleration limits and signal tracking accuracy, and frequency domain system identification based tests. Multi-axis performance tests form the second category of tests (Section V). These tests are typical for serial motion systems, like the Desdemona, where independent axes have to be moved in conjunction to reproduce the desired motion cues during simulation. Lessons-learned and experiences from the first execution of the Desdemona motion performance test protocol are presented in Section VI. The paper ends in Section VII with conclusions and future work to motion system performance testing in relation to research into motion system fidelity, perception and requirements.2 American Institute of Aeronautics and AstronauticsII. Desdemona Motion System DescriptionA. Motion System Configuration and Characteristics Unlike conventional motion systems such as the Stewart platform, the Desdemona motion system is not a synergistic or parallel robotic system. Instead the Desdemona has a non-synergistic or a serial motion system with six axes that can be moved independently (Figure 2). These six axes are respectively called: central yaw (ψ centr ), radius (R), heave (H), cabin roll ( φcab ), cabin yaw (ψ cab ) and cabin pitch ( θ cab ). The Desdemona cabin is suspended in a fully gimbaled 3DoF system ( φcab ,ψ cab and θ cab ), which allows unlimited cabinrotation around any arbitrary axis in space. This gimbaled system is mounted in a heave system (H) that translates the gimbal system and the cabin in the vertical plane. The heave/gimbal system can be moved horizontally over a sledge; the radius (R). The sledge itself can be rotated unlimited in the middle around a vertical axis (ψ centr ); the central yaw axis. This central yaw axis in combination with the radius gives the Desdemona motion system the capability of sustained g-load generation up to 3g.Figure 2. The Desdemona Motion System DOFAll the axes are driven by electric servo-systems. The required performance characteristics for each of these Desdemona axes in terms of the maximum attainable position, velocity and acceleration are given in the table below.Central Yaw Max. position Max. Velocity Max. Acceleration Radius Heave Cabin Roll Cabin Yaw Cabin Pitch>360P0P±4m 3.2 m/s 4.9 m/s2P±1m 2.0 m/s 4.9 m/s2>360P0P>360P0P>3600P P155 /sP P0180 /sP P0180 /sP P0180 /sP P045 /sP P P0290 /sP P P02P90 /sP P P02P90 /s2P P P P0Table 1 Maximum Position, Velocity and Acceleration Characteristics of the Desdemona Motion System B. Motion Control, Measurement and Integrated Test Systems The Desdemona motion platform is controlled by a motion control computer (MCC), which runs on a standard PC with a real-time operating system. The MCC hosts all necessary control logic, safety and communication I/O software to safely operate the Desdemona motion system. An Ethernet network with a dedicated protocol is used for the communication between the MCC and several PLC’s. These PLC’s form the interface between the MCC and the peripheral motion system hardware such as the engine drives, measurement and safety systems, and various analogue and digital I/O. A CanOpen field bus is used for communication and data transport between the drive PLC’s and the engine drives. The MCC software architecture allows for both running the , e.g. vehicle model and motion filter on the MCC itself or remotely on different PC’s in a distributed simulator architecture design. This gives the Desdemona simulator additional flexibility in developing and off-line testing of vehicle model and motion filter configurations. The MCC operates and generates motion control reference signals at a rate of 200Hz. The Desdemona motion system is equipped with three types of measurement systems, which could be used for dynamic performance testing. The first measurement system comprises the various position encoders mounted on each axis, which are used by the electrical drives to control each axis position. The second measurement system comprises three solid state accelerometers mounted on the cabin chair at the position of the subjects head. These 3 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronauticsthree sensors are intended for safety purposes to measure the local specific force vector exerted on the subject7. The last measurement system is an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), which comprises a fiber-optics and temperature compensated 3-axis gyro in combination with a solid-state 3-axis accelerometer. These high quality sensors have specifically been selected for motion performance measurement purposes. The gyro is rigidly attached to the inside of the cabin structure and the accelerometer is also attached to the cabin but with a flexible mechanical connection. This provides digital output signals of the three cabin (mechanical low-pass filtered) accelerations and the angular rates. All measurement systems are connected to the Desdemona integrated test system. This test system is capable of injecting test-signals, logging and visualizing all the actual sensor data at a rate of 200Hz. C. Post processing of measurement data: filtering and differentiating The motion performance measurement and analysis of Desdemona comprises the orientation or positions of each degree of freedom and their first and second order derivatives. However, not all derivatives are directly measured by the aforementioned Desdemona measurement systems and are therefore not directly available for analysis. Therefore, some of the required derivatives have to be obtained numerically in the Desdemona test system software. In the literature there exist various ways to approximate these derivatives. Three commonly used implementations are the forward Euler approximation, the backward Euler approximation and Tustin’s approximation. For the Desdemona motion performance analysis the backward Euler approximation is used. A derivative operation amplifies the high frequency components of a measured signal. These high frequency components are due to measurement and sampling noise. Therefore, a low-pass filter is needed to filter out these noise components without affecting the real signal too much. A second order anti-causal (reverse digital filtering) low-pass filter has been utilized for this purpose, where the filter cut-off frequencies were found by trial and error. The cut-off frequencies are in the range of 8 to 12 Hz. Moreover, an anti-causal filter prevents a phase lag between the filtered and unfiltered signal.III. Desdemona Motion Performance Test Protocol DesignA. Existing Motion Performance Test Methodologies The AGARD Advisory Report 144 is probably the first and most extensive publication on flight simulator motion system performance15. The AGARD report stems from the seventies. Another often cited publication, from the same era as the AGARD standard, is the Department of Defense MIL-STD-1558 standard. This standard has been revised and is currently included in the superseding U.S. air-force guide specification for flight simulators16. Compared to the AGARD report the air-force guide is less extensive in its metrics but provides generic requirements, based upon lessons learned, for each of its described metrics. Considering the simulation-technology advances made over the past decades one can question whether the techniques and metrics described in both reports have to be adjusted or extended to meet the today’s requirements and needs. More recent publications confirm this notion and have proposed several modifications and extensions to both original standards 17,18,19,20,21,23,24. The basis for the Desdemona motion performance test protocol consists therefore of a mixture of both classical standards and several of these proposed improvements and lessons-learned. B. The Basic Desdemona Motion Performance Concept In the context of the Desdemona simulator the major limit of the existing literature on motion system performance is that it mainly focuses on the classic Stewart platforms, i.e. a synergistic or parallel system, around a single operation point of the workspace. The Desdemona motion system, however, has a non-synergistic or serial motion system instead. Due to this the Desdemona motions system has a broader range of motion capabilities and no specific single operation point. Moreover, each axis, i.e. electric servo system, can be moved and controlled independently of the other axes. This makes it possible to execute dynamic performance tests for each single axis separately. Such tests are not possible with a Stewart platform. The advantage is that the performance of each axis, i.e. driving servo system, is directly measured unlike the classical 6-DOF (surge, sway, heave, pitch, roll and yaw) of the cabin of a Stewart platform. Therefore, the single axis performance tests can be used for both the optimization of the servo system control laws and the motion filters that build-upon it. There are, however, some limitations to single-axis tests in assessing motion performance capabilities of serial motion systems. With only single axis performance tests it is hard, if not impossible, to directly compare the performances with other motion systems. These comparisons have to be made based-upon the 6-DOF of the cabin in which the human subject experiences the simulated motion. Obviously, from the user perspective this is also the area of interest. For most simulation applications two or more axes of the Desdemona motion system have to be moved 4 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronauticsin conjunction to replicate these 6-DOF movements to be experienced by the subject13, 14. This can be realized by means of various, often not unique, combinations of axis movements. More importantly, under these different kinds of multi-axis operations structural and other mechanical (cross) coupling effects, like dynamic changes in the moment of inertia, centre of gravity, vibrations, Coriolis and centrifugal effects, could occur22. This may require changes to or additional compensation schemes in the Desdemona motion control system to obtain acceptable overall motion performance for multi axis operation. Furthermore, multi-axis tests provide additional information for optimization of motion-cueing algorithms for specific simulation applications.P P P PSuch multi-axis operation effects and knowledge cannot be identified through single axis tests. Therefore, the Desdemona motion performance test protocol combines both single axis (Chapter IV) and multi-axis performance tests (Chapter V). The multi-axis tests are based-upon the Desdemona mechanical configuration and its currently foreseen operational modes, motion filter types and research applications.IV. Desdemona Single Axis Motion Performance Test ProtocolA. System Limits Tests System limits define the upper and lower bounds for the position, velocity and acceleration of each degree of freedom provided by the motion system15. These system limits are usually expressed in the frequency domain in terms of the maximum allowed acceleration per frequency. A double log scale is used to get a convenient plot (Figure 3). System limits show the dynamic motion envelope of each axis and are used in the design of the dynamic performance tests in the remainder of this paper.P PFigure 3. A typical example of a motion system limit plotThe system limits for each Desdemona axis have been specified by TNO together with AMST as a trade-off between what TNO requires for the intended research applications and what is physically possible given the current state-of-the-art in motion system hardware (structure, controls, servo-systems, etc.). Table 1 shows the required Desdemona motion system performance limits. These motion system requirements are tested using sinusoidal reference signals that are preceded and followed by a cosine profile to ensure a smooth signal fade-in and fade-out. For each axis two of these reference signals are created with angular rates (ω) that meet the next relationships:ω=v amax and ω = max pmax vmaxT(1)THere amax, vmax and pmax are respectively the (absolute) maximum axis acceleration, velocity and position as specified in Table 1. The above relationships (1) directly follow from differentiating a sinusoidal signal.B B B B B BB. Frequency Domain Analysis Tests Commonly applied frequency domain analysis techniques are a powerful manner to identify, analyze and specify the dynamic behavior of both linear and non-linear systems23, 24. The basic concept behind these techniques is to excite the motion system with a reference acceleration signal of known frequency contents and analyze it against the frequency contents of the system response. There are two types of reference signals that can be used23. Deterministic sinusoidal signals or broadband sinusoidal signals, like the Schroeder multi-sine, and broad-band random input signals, like white or colored noise, or a pulse width modulated signals. Performing tests with broad-band signals is far less time-consuming than a series of separate sinusoidal signals covering the same frequency spectrum. However, for the Desdemona dynamic motion performance testing the single sinusoidal signal approach is chosen.P P P P5 American Institute of Aeronautics and AstronauticsThe most important rationale for this is a safety concern. The uniqueness and complexity of the Desdemona mechanical, drive and control system design requires certain care to avoid unforeseen hazardous situations and structural damage. Therefore, a rectangular grid of measurement points is chosen inside the system limits of each axis and the measurements are executed from low-power to high-power sinusoidal signals. This approach is visualized in Figure 3 by the blue arrow. For all these grid points, the next two classes of frequency domain performance measures are determined 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.P P1. Describing Functions Describing functions presented in the form of a series of Bode plots are a common manner to analyze and specify the dynamic behavior of a non-linear system in terms off gain and phase-lag. Describing functions are a more general version of linear system’s frequency response functions23. The difference is that describing functions not only vary the frequency but also the amplitude to identify amplitude dependent non-linearity. The AGARD standard assumes linearity of motion systems and only uses acceleration amplitudes of 10% of the system limits. For the Desdemona motion system this assumption is not trivial, therefore the following acceleration amplitudes have been chosen to test the correctness of this assumption; 2%, 5%, 10%, 25%, 50% and 75% of the system limits. The frequency grid points are chosen in the interval of 0.2 Hz to twice the expected design bandwidth for each axis. On each measurement grid point (ωk) the describing function gain and phase-lag ( G(j ωk) ) is calculate by dividing the cross and power spectral density estimates of the input and output acceleration signals as follows:P P B B B BG ( jωk ) =SUU ( jωk )TSYU ( jωk )(2)Expression (2) gives the describing function of the driven axis. However due to mechanical cross-coupling the driven axis will also excite the other axes. This means that in-total for each axis six describing functions can be constructed, one primary and five cross-talk describing functions. A cross-talk gain of maximum 2% in any nondriven axis is commonly acceptable16. To smoothen these estimates i.e. reduce the variance and leakage, the Welch’s method of periodogram averaging estimates for the spectral densities are applied. A quantification for the accuracy of these estimates is given by the coherence (γ) function:P Pγ2( ωk ) =SUU ( jωk ) SYY ( jωk )SYU ( jωk )2(3)The value of the coherence ranges always between zero and one. A value closer to one indicates a more accurate estimate. A coherence value larger or equal to 0.6 is considered to be adequate for an accurate estimate 24.P PThere exist two classical performance metrics that can be derived from the describing functions23,24,26. The first metric is the system bandwidth, which is defined as the frequency (F-3dB) at which the system amplitude gain sinks below the -3db. The second metric is defined as the frequency at which the system response exhibits a 90-degree phase lag (F-90deg).P P B B B B2. Noise Level Characteristics The objective of noise level measurement is to quantify the output noise characteristics of the Desdemona motion system for a single axis driven by a sinusoidal reference signal with a discrete frequency and acceleration amplitude. The basis for the noise level characterization is the variance of the measured noise, which can be estimated through calculating the average power over a frequency interval (N1<fk<N2) as:B B B B B Bσ Y2 =2 Nk = N1∑S (f )YY kP PN2(4)From this expression six noise level metrics can be defined, which are presented in Table 215, 17, 18. The major metrics are visualized in Figure 4 at the next page. For the Desdemona motion system these noise levels are quantified over the whole measurement grid as specified in the previous section and Figure 3 6 American Institute of Aeronautics and AstronauticsFundamental Frequency Powerσf =22 NSYY ( Ffund )N 2Total Noise Powerσn =22∑ S ( f ) −σ NYY k k =02−12 fLow Frequency Non-Linearity2σ lfn = σ freq 2 ⋅ F fund + σ freq 3 ⋅ F fund2()()High Frequency Non-LinearityFigure 4. Noise Level Characteristics Visualization The found noise level metrics for each axis are best expressed in terms of dimensionless noise ratios (Table 3) 15, 17, 18. These ratios are usually plotted for each frequency against the acceleration amplitude of the input signal. Similarly, for the non-driven axes the acceleration-noise ratio and peak-noise ratios caused by mechanical coupling are determined and plotted against the acceleration amplitude. According to the MIL standard the peak noise (Ap) should not exceed 0.04g peak acceleration in the driven axis and not exceed 2% acceleration cross-talk amplitude in the non-driven axes16.P P B B P Pσ hfn =22 N2∑ S (k ⋅ F )2N−1YYfundk =0Roughnessσ r = σ n − σ lfn2 2Peak NoiseAp = max{ Ynoise (t ) }Table 2 Noise Level MetricsThe signal-to-noise ratio is a special and important noise characteristic. Small signal to noise ratios imply that the noise significantly disturbs the commanded input acceleration that could result in perceivable false motion cues. By means of fitting a thin-plate spline through all rsn values over the whole measurement grid, it is possible to construct smooth contours with a constant signal-tonoise ratio value. These signal-to-noise contours specify, within the system limits, practical operational areas in which the rsn values will remain below a certain limit. Such information is useful when designing motion filters and applications for Desdemona.B B B BAcceleration noiseSignal-to-noise ratiorn =rp =σn σfAp 2⋅σ frsn =σ2 f2 σnPeak noise ratioLow-frequency non-linearity ratiorlfn = rhfn =σ lfn σf σ hfn σfRoughness ratioHigh-frequency non-linearity ratiorr =σr σfTable 3 Noise Ratio’sC. Time Domain Analysis Tests Single axis time domain analysis for the Desdemona motion comprises a series of tests to study and quantify how accurately each axis is capable of following a typical reference input signal. These input signals are either axis position, velocity and acceleration reference signals. 1. Acceleration Accuracy The Desdemona single axis acceleration accuracy test is an extension of the classical AGARD dynamic threshold measurement15. These measurements comprise the time-domain analysis of the motion system’s response to acceleration step inputs. Seven metrics are used to characterize and quantify the axis step response over time. The first four metrics are dead-time, rise-time, settling time and overshoot (Figure 5). From these metrics three other measures can be derived: dynamic threshold, estimate bandwidth and damping ratio.P P7 American Institute of Aeronautics and AstronauticsOvershoot is measured in terms of the percentage of the acceleration pulse amplitude. Settling-time is defined as the time needed before the system response remains within a defined tolerance band around the commanded acceleration input. The tolerance bands for this purpose are chosen in relation to human motion perception thresholds: 0.05 [m/s2] (R, H), 0.0166 [rad/s2] (ψ centr ) and 0.0052 [rad/s2] ( φcab , ψ cab , θ cab ). Too large overshoots and too long settling times may be a source for false perceivable motion cues.Figure 5. Acceleration Step Response Analysis MetricsThe dynamic threshold measure is the time required for each axis to reach sixty-three percent of the commanded acceleration step input. This time is the sum of two parts: dead-time and 0-63% rise-time. Dead-time is the elapsed time before a response is discernable in the axis. The result provides an indication of the magnitude of the system computation & communication time delays and responsiveness. Both the measured 10%-90% rise-time and the percentage overshoot can be used to make a rough estimate of the axis bandwidth (F-3dB) and damping ratio (ζ) respectively. The rules of thumb for these estimations are given in Table 4 and give acceptable estimates for low order system behavior23, 24.B B P PBandwidth EstimateDamping Ratio Estimate−ςπF−3dB0.35 = Trise10−90Povershoot = 100e1−ς 2Table 4 Bandwidth and damping estimatesThe measurements are performed with alternating step input pulse trains of varying amplitudes (25%, 50% and 75% of system acc. limits). This enhances the estimation quality due to averaging, helps to reduce non-linear effects (backlash, stick-slip, etc.) and identifies non-symmetrical behavior. Non-symmetrical behavior can be present, for instance, due to gravitational contributions or geometrical configurations in combination with motion control laws. 2. Position and Velocity Accuracy Position and velocity accuracy tests are additional tests to the classical AGARD and MIL acceleration accuracy tests, but common in robotics engineering 15,16,22. Unlike the acceleration-accuracy test the position and velocity accuracy are both tested with a profile that is generated by a smooth sin2 profile. The profile is shown in Figure 6. The amplitudes of these profiles have been set a-priori to 25%, 50% and 75% of the system limits.P P P Pptestp, vtestvtest atestt settltAFigure 6 Position and Velocity Accuracy Test Signal and Settling Time Definition (right picture details a square area in the left picture)Similar to the acceleration accuracy tests, several performance metrics are defined based upon a tolerance band around the test amplitude of the position and velocity profile. In Figure 6 the time tA is the time where the positionB B8 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics。






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Special cases0x00 - 0x07 and 0x78 - 0x7F are reserved I2C addresses0x00 - 0x0F0x00 - Reserved - General Call Address0x01 - Reserved for CBUS Compatibility0x02 - Reserved for I2C-compatible Bus Variants0x03 - Reserved for Future Use0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07 - Reserved for Hs-mode Master0x0EMAG3110 3-Axis Magnetometer (0x0E only)0x10 - 0x1F0x10VEML6075 UV sensor (0x10 only)VEML7700 Ambient Light sensor (0x10 only)0x11(0x11 or 0x63)0x13(0x13 only)0x18(0x18 - 0x1F)(0x18 or 0x19)0x19(0x18 - 0x1F)(0x18 or 0x19)(0x19 for accelerometer and 0x1E for magnetometer)0x1A(0x18 - 0x1F)0x1B(0x18 - 0x1F)0x1C(0x1C & 0x1E)(0x18 - 0x1F)(0x1C or 0x1D)(0x1C, 0x1D, 0x1E or 0x1F)MMA7455L (0x1C or 0x1D)0x1D(0x18 - 0x1F)(0x1C or 0x1D)(0x1C, 0x1D, 0x1E or 0x1F)(0x1D or 0x1E for Accel/Mag, 0x6A or 0x6B for Gyro) (0x1D or 0x53)MMA7455L (0x1C or 0x1D)0x1E(0x1C, 0x1D, 0x1E or 0x1F)(0x1E only)(0x1E only)(0x1C & 0x1E)(0x19 for accelerometer and 0x1E for magnetometer) (0x1D or 0x1E for Accel/Mag, 0x6A or 0x6B for Gyro) (0x18 - 0x1F)0x1F(0x18 - 0x1F)(0x1C, 0x1D, 0x1E or 0x1F)0x20-0x2F0x20(0x20 or 0x21)(0x20)(0x20 - 0x27)(0x20 - 0x27)0x21(0x20 or 0x21)(0x20 - 0x27)(0x20 - 0x27)0x22(0x20 - 0x27)(0x20 - 0x27)0x23(0x20 - 0x27)(0x20 - 0x27)0x24(0x20 - 0x27)(0x20 - 0x27)0x25(0x20 - 0x27)(0x20 - 0x27)0x26(0x20 - 0x27)(0x20 - 0x27)(0x26 only)0x27(0x20 - 0x27)(0x20 - 0x27)0x28(0x28 or 0x29)(0x28 - 0x2D)(0x28-0x2B)(0x28-0x2B)(0x28-0x2E, 0x48-0x4F, 0x70-0x77)(0x29 and 0x28)0x29(0x28 or 0x29)(0x28-0x2B)(0x28-0x2B)(0x28-0x2E, 0x48-0x4F, 0x70-0x77)(0x29 only)light sensor (0x29, 0x39 or 0x49)(0x29 and 0x28)ToF distance (0x29, software selectable)(0x29)(0x28 - 0x2D )0x2A(0x28 - 0x2D)(0x28-0x2B)(0x28-0x2B)(0x28-0x2E, 0x48-0x4F, 0x70-0x77)0x2B(0x28 - 0x2D)(0x28-0x2B)(0x28-0x2B)(0x28-0x2E, 0x48-0x4F, 0x70-0x77)0x2C(0x28 - 0x2D)(0x28-0x2E, 0x48-0x4F, 0x70-0x77)0x2D(0x28 - 0x2D)( (0x28-0x2E, 0x48-0x4F, 0x70-0x77)0x2E(0x28-0x2E, 0x48-0x4F, 0x70-0x77)0x30 - 0x3F0x33(0x33 only)0x38(0x38 and 0x39)(0x38 only)0x39(0x29, 0x39 or 0x49)(0x38 and 0x39)APDS-9960 IR/Color/Proximity Sensor (0x39 only)0x3C(0x3C or 0x3D, hardware selectable on some displays with a solder connection) (0x3C or 0x3D, hardware selectable on some displays with a solder connection) 0x3D(0x3C or 0x3D, hardware selectable on some displays with a solder connection) (0x3C or 0x3D, hardware selectable on some displays with a solder connection) 0x40 - 0x4F0x40(0x40 only)(0x40, 0x41, 0x42 or 0x43)(0x40 - 0x47)(0x40 - 0x47)(0x40 - 0x7F)(0x40 - 0x4F)(0x40 - 0x4F)0x41(0x40, 0x41, 0x42 or 0x43)(0x40 - 0x47)(0x40 - 0x47)(0x40 - 0x4F)(0x40 - 0x4F)(0x41 or 0x44)0x42(0x40, 0x41, 0x42 or 0x43)(0x40 - 0x47)(0x40 - 0x47)(0x40 - 0x4F)0x43(0x40, 0x41, 0x42 or 0x43)(0x40 - 0x47)(0x40 - 0x47)(0x40 - 0x4F)(0x40 - 0x4F)0x44(0x40 - 0x47)(0x40 - 0x47)ISL29125 Color Sensor (0x44 only)(0x40 - 0x4F)(0x40 - 0x4F)(0x41 or 0x44)0x45(0x40 - 0x47)(0x40 - 0x47)(0x40 - 0x4F)(0x40 - 0x4F)0x46(0x40 - 0x47)(0x40 - 0x47)(0x40 - 0x4F)(0x40 - 0x4F)0x47(0x40 - 0x47)(0x40 - 0x47)(0x40 - 0x4F)(0x40 - 0x4F)0x48(0x48 0x49 0x4A or 0x4B)(0x40 - 0x4F)(0x40 - 0x4F)(0x28-0x2E, 0x48-0x4F, 0x70-0x77)(0x48 only)TMP102 Temperature sensor (0x48 0x49 0x4A or 0x4B) 0x49(0x48 0x49 0x4A or 0x4B)(0x40 - 0x4F)(0x40 - 0x4F)(0x28-0x2E, 0x48-0x4F, 0x70-0x77)(0x29, 0x39 or 0x49)TMP102 Temperature sensor (0x48 0x49 0x4A or 0x4B) 0x4A(0x48 0x49 0x4A or 0x4B)(0x40 - 0x4F)(0x40 - 0x4F)(0x28-0x2E, 0x48-0x4F, 0x70-0x77)TMP102 Temperature sensor (0x48 0x49 0x4A or 0x4B) 0x4BTMP102 Temperature sensor (0x48 0x49 0x4A or 0x4B) (0x48 0x49 0x4A or 0x4B)(0x40 - 0x4F)(0x40 - 0x4F)(0x28-0x2E, 0x48-0x4F, 0x70-0x77)0x4C(0x40 - 0x4F)(0x40 - 0x4F)(0x28-0x2E, 0x30-0x37, 0x48-0x4F)0x4D(0x40 - 0x4F)(0x40 - 0x4F)(0x28-0x2E, 0x48-0x4F, 0x70-0x77)0x4E(0x40 - 0x4F)(0x40 - 0x4F)(0x28-0x2E, 0x48-0x4F, 0x70-0x77)0x4F(0x40 - 0x4F)(0x40 - 0x4F)(0x28-0x2E, 0x48-0x4F, 0x70-0x77)0x50 - 0x5F0x50(0x50 - 0x57)0x51(0x50 - 0x57)0x52(0x50 - 0x57)(0x52 only)0x53(0x1D or 0x53)(0x50 - 0x57)0x54(0x50 - 0x57)0x55(0x50 - 0x57)0x56(0x50 - 0x57)0x57(0x50 - 0x57)MAX3010x Pulse & Oximetry sensor (0x57) 0x58(0x58 only)SGP30 Gas Sensor (0x58 only)0x5A(0x5A, 0x5B, 0x5C, 0x5D)CCS811 VOC sensor (0x5A or 0x5B)(0x5A only)(0x5A only)0x5B(0x5A, 0x5B, 0x5C, 0x5D)CCS811 VOC sensor (0x5A or 0x5B)0x5C(0x5A, 0x5B, 0x5C, 0x5D)0x5D(0x5A, 0x5B, 0x5C, 0x5D)0x5E(0x5E)0x60 - 0x6F0x60(0x60 or 0x61)(0x60 only)MCP4725A0 12-bit DAC (0x60 or 0x61)TEA5767 Radio receiver (0x60 only)(0x60 only)0x61(0x60 or 0x61)MCP4725A0 12-bit DAC (0x60 or 0x61)0x62(0x62 or 0x63)0x63(0x62 or 0x63)(0x11 or 0x63)0x64MCP4725A2 12-bit DAC (0x64 or 0x65)0x65MCP4725A2 12-bit DAC (0x64 or 0x65)0x66MCP4725A3 12-bit DAC (0x66 or 0x67)0x67MCP4725A3 12-bit DAC (0x66 or 0x67)0x68This address is really popular with real time clocks, almost all of them use 0x68!(0x68 or 0x69)ITG3200 Gyro (0x68 or 0x69)MPU-9250 9-DoF IMU (0x68 or 0x69)MPU-60X0 Accel+Gyro (0x68 or 0x69)0x69(0x68 or 0x69)MPU-9250 (0x68 or 0x69)MPU-60X0 Accel+Gyro (0x68 or 0x69)ITG3200 Gyro (0x68 or 0x69)0x6A(0x6A or 0x6B)(0x6A or 0x6B)(0x6A or 0x6B)(0x6A or 0x6B)(0x1D or 0x1E for Accel/Mag, 0x6A or 0x6B for Gyro) 0x6B(0x6A or 0x6B)(0x6A or 0x6B)(0x6A or 0x6B)(0x6A or 0x6B)(0x1D or 0x1E for Accel/Mag, 0x6A or 0x6B for Gyro) 0x70 - 0x7F0x70(0x70 - 0x77)(0x28-0x2E, 0x48-0x4F, 0x70-0x77)(0x70 - 0x77)0x71(0x70 - 0x77)(0x28-0x2E, 0x48-0x4F, 0x70-0x77)(0x70 - 0x77)0x72(0x70 - 0x77)(0x28-0x2E, 0x48-0x4F, 0x70-0x77)(0x70 - 0x77)0x73(0x70 - 0x77)(0x28-0x2E, 0x48-0x4F, 0x70-0x77)(0x70 - 0x77)0x74(0x70 - 0x77)(0x74 0x75 0x66 or 0x77)(0x28-0x2E, 0x48-0x4F, 0x70-0x77)(0x70 - 0x77)0x75(0x70 - 0x77)(0x74 0x75 0x66 or 0x77)(0x28-0x2E, 0x48-0x4F, 0x70-0x77)(0x70 - 0x77)0x76(0x70 - 0x77)(0x74 0x75 0x66 or 0x77)MS5607/MS5611 Barometric Pressure (0x76 or 0x77)(0x28-0x2E, 0x48-0x4F, 0x70-0x77)(0x70 - 0x77)0x77BMA180 Accelerometer (0x77 only)(0x70 - 0x77)(0x74 0x75 0x66 or 0x77)MS5607/MS5611 Barometric Pressure (0x76 or 0x77)(0x28-0x2E, 0x48-0x4F, 0x70-0x77)(0x70 - 0x77)0x78 0x79 0x7A 0x7B - Reserved for 10-bit I2C Addressing 0x7C 0x7D 0x7E 0x7F - Reserved for Future Purposes。

10 DOF IMU传感器 (C) 用户手册说明书

10 DOF IMU传感器 (C) 用户手册说明书

10 DOF IMU Sensor (C)User Manual 1.FeatureTable 1: Product features2.Applications●Quadcopter;●Action game controller;●Indoor inertial navigation;●Self-balancing Robot;●Altimeter;●Industrial measuring instrument.3.Interface DescriptionsTable 2: Interface descriptions4.How to useWe will illustrate the usage of the module with an example of working with a STM32 series’development board.①Download the relative codes to the development board.②Connect the development board to a PC via a serial wire, and insert the module intothe I2C 2 interface on the development board. Please take attention to theconnection between the module and I2C 2 interface, each pin of the module shouldbe connected to its corresponding port on the I2C 2 interface and FSYN pin shouldbe kept suspended respectively.Figure 1: Connection between 10 DOF IMU Sensor module and STM32③Here is the configuration of the serial port, as Table 3 shows.Baud rate 115200Data bit 8Stop bit 1Parity bit noneTable 3: Serial port configuration④After powering 10 DOF IMU Sensor on, firstly, acceleration is calibrated at horizontalstate, and magnetic is calibrated later. After done, the qualify data will output from10 DOF IMU Sensor. For detail operations as below:A.Flatting 10 DOF IMU Sensor on the horizontal position and no motion isallowed,when serial terminal received the stable data from USART1, then pressJOYSTICK button down, LED1 is flashing and both of LED2 and LED3 turn off at the mean time.B.Rotating 10 DOF IMU Sensor 180 degrees around the Z axis on the horizontalposition, when serial terminal received the stable data from USART1, then press JOYSTICK button down, LED2 is flashing and both of LED1 and LED3 turn off at the mean time.C.Inverting 10 DOF IMU Sensor on the horizontal position, means holding thebackside of 10 DOF IMU Sensor upward and the positive side downward. Then press JOYSTICK button down, LED3 turn on forever indicating that magnetic calibration is complete, and both of LED1 and LED2 turn off at the mean time.D.Rotating 10 DOF IMU Sensor 180 degrees around the Z axis on the horizontalposition,recording and comparing with the magnetic data from serial terminal before and after rotating, if equaling to each other and behaving at opposite ofdirection, as a result, magnetic calibrating is successful.⑤If succeed to calibrate, serial terminal will received the qualify data as following:⑥The serial output is as followed:Roll, Pitch, Yaw Roll angle(°), Pitch angle(°), Yaw angle(°)Acceleration Acceleration value (LSB, translatable into theunit: g)Gyroscope Acceleration value (LSB, translatable into theunit: g)Magnetic Digital compass title angle (°)Pressure Pressure value (hPa)Altitude Altitude value (m)Temperature Temperature value (℃)Table 4: The meanings of the serial output5.Parameter calibration and calculation5.1 Altitude calibrationFor your first time to use 10 DOF IMU Sensor, you may find that there is a large difference between the altitude value outputted by the module and the actual altitude. This is because10 DOF IMU Sensor calculates the pressure at sea level P0 with the Altitude of its currentposition and the measured pressure, providing that both module current position andpressure are known. And this P0 will be taken as a benchmark for subsequent calculations.For more detailed information, please refer to BST-BMP180-DS000-09.pdf:Altitude:With the benchmark P0, you can calculate the Altitude of the module current position as well.Therefore, you should firstly set the altitude of the module current position as a benchmark in the sample code 10 DOF IMU Sensor\SRC\HardWare\BMP180\ BMP180.h (normally, it should be the absolute altitude of your position now, unit:5.2Acceleration calculationAcceleration measured by the program is in the unit of LSB (Least Significant Bit), however it is usually translated into the unit of gravitational acceleration (g) in practical application. In the sample code of the module, the default setting is AFS_SEL=0, of which the corresponding measurement range is 16384 LSB/g (±2g), so the actual measured acceleration would be: a=Acceleration/16384 ,Unit:gFor more detailed information, please refer toPS-MPU-9255.pdf Page 9RM-MPU-9255.pdf Page145.3Gyroscope angular velocity calculationGyroscope angular velocity calculationAngular velocity measured by the program is in the unit of LSB (Least Significant Bit), however it is usually translated into the unit of angular velocity (°/sec) in practical application. In the sample code of the module, the default setting is FS_SEL=2, of which the corresponding measurement range is 32.8 LSB/(°/s) (±1000°/sec), so the actual measured angular velocity would be:ω=Gyroscope/32.8 ,Unit:°/sFor more detailed information, please refer toPS-MPU-9255.pdf Page 8RM-MPU-9255.pdf Page14。



IMU中传感器的功能_IMU应用实例_IMU解决方案对于复杂且高动态惯性配置的MEMS IMU应用,评估功能时需要考虑许多属性。


ADI 近期举行的在线研讨会【适合高要求应用的高性能MEMS IMU解决方案】概述了这些属性以及关键应用条件。









二者的主要区别在于:arcsin方法能够测量+/- 90度,而arctan方法能够测量+/- 180度,也就是全部360度,这样您将知道您在哪一个象限。



























simotion d故障代码手册

simotion d故障代码手册

simotion d故障代码手册(实用版)目录1.Simotion D 故障代码手册概述2.Simotion D 故障代码手册的主要内容3.如何使用 Simotion D 故障代码手册4.Simotion D 故障代码手册的优势和作用正文【Simotion D 故障代码手册概述】Simotion D 故障代码手册是一本针对 Simotion D 系列伺服驱动器的故障代码查询工具书。

Simotion D 系列伺服驱动器是德国 Simotion 公司推出的一款高性能伺服系统,广泛应用于各种工业自动化设备中。


【Simotion D 故障代码手册的主要内容】Simotion D 故障代码手册包含了以下主要内容:1.故障代码列表:按照故障代码的数字顺序排列,方便用户查阅。




【如何使用 Simotion D 故障代码手册】当 Simotion D 系列伺服驱动器出现故障时,用户可以按照以下步骤使用故障代码手册:1.切断电源,确保安全。




5.若问题仍未解决,可联系 Simotion 技术支持或专业维修人员进行处理。

【Simotion D 故障代码手册的优势和作用】Simotion D 故障代码手册具有以下优势和作用:1.快速定位故障:通过查询故障代码,可以迅速了解设备出现问题的原因,提高维修效率。


多旋翼无人机二次开发 多旋翼无人机二次开发(现代职业)1_知识准备4MEMS传感器

多旋翼无人机二次开发 多旋翼无人机二次开发(现代职业)1_知识准备4MEMS传感器

第四章MEMS传感器4.1、MEMS传感器的发展4.1.1、MEMS传感器的历史图6.1 MEMS传感器MEMS(Microelectro Mechanical Systems),即微机电系统,这个领域是以半导体制造技术为基础发展起来的多学科交叉的前沿研究领域。




图6.2 传感器和火柴头比较MEMS工艺的发展可以追溯到1954年,Smith在贝尔实验室发现了压阻效应。







图6.3 MEMS传感器硬件结构MEMS传感器在国际上比较通用的分类中一共经历了4个发展阶段。




三轴数字加速度计:±10 g
Page 12
数字压力传感器: 300 mbar至1100 mbar
-- 自动协方差计算 -- 可编程参考重定向 -- 可编程传感器干扰水平 -- 可配置事件驱动控制
Page 10
因此,除了IMU输出外,器件还可在本地导航坐标系中提供 稳定的四元数、欧拉常数和旋转矩阵输出。
与复杂且昂贵的分立设计方案相比,ADIS16480为精确的多 轴惯性检测与工业系统的集成提供了简单而高效的方法。所 有必需的运动测试及校准都是工厂生产过程的一部分,大大 缩短了系统集成时间。严格的正交对准可简化导航系统中的 惯性坐标系对准。SPI和寄存器结构针对数据收集和配置控 制提供简单的接口。 ADIS16480的尺寸和连接器系统与ADIS16488相同,可大大 简化升级过程。它采用约为47 mm x 44 mm x 14 mm的模块 封装,配有标准连接器接口。工作温度范围为−40°C至 +85°C。
Page 8
调理和处理: 在工业市场上,诸如震动分析、平台校正、一般运动控制之 类的应用都需要高集成度和高可靠度的解决方案,而且在许 多情况下检测元件是直接嵌入到现有设备中。此外,还必须 提供足够的控制、校准和编程功能,使器件真正独立自足。 一些应用范例包括: ● 机器自动化 ● 工业机械的状态监控 ● 移动通信和监控
4.惯性传感器 - 作用原理
(1).科里奥利(Coriolis)原理:也称科氏效应(科氏力正比于 输入角速率)。该原理适用于机械式干式﹑液浮﹑半液浮﹑ 气浮角速率陀螺;挠性角速率陀螺;MEMS硅﹑石英角速率 陀螺(含半球谐振角速率陀螺)等。Coriolis法国物理学家 (1792年~1843年)。 (2).萨格纳(Sagnac)原理:也称萨氏效应(相位差正比 于输入角速率)。该原理适用于光纤角速率陀螺;激光角速 率陀螺等。Sagnac法国物理学家(1869年~1926年),居 里夫妇的朋友。1913年发明萨氏效应。








1 如何定义开源开源(Open Source)的概念最早被应用于开源软件,开放源代码促进会(Open Source Initiative)用其描述那些源码可以被公众使用的软件,并且此软件的使用、修改和发行也不受许可证的限制。




开源硬件的原则声明和定义是开源硬件协会(Open Source HardWare Association,OSHWA)的委员会及其工作组,以及其他更多的人员共同完成的。





开源硬件(OSHW)定义 1.0是在软件开源定义基础上定义的。







在具体应用中,PID 传感器通常与采样泵、过滤器等辅助设备一起使用,以提供更准确、可靠的气体浓度测量结果。




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(SKU:SEN0005)SRF02超声波测距传感器 (SKU:SEN0006)SRF05超声波测距传感器 (SKU:SEN0007)SRF08超声波测距传感器 (SKU:SEN0008)SRF10超声波测距传感器 (SKU:SEN0149)URM06-RS485 大功率超声波测距模块 (SKU:SEN0150)URM06-UART 大功率超声波测距模块 (SKU:SEN0151)URM06-PULSE 大功率超声波测距模块 (SKU:SEN0152)URM06-ANALOG 大功率超声波测距模块 (SKU:SEN0153)URM07-UART单探头超低功耗超声波测距传感器 (SKU:SEN0246)URM08-RS485 Waterproof Sonar Range Finder (SKU:SEN0243)URM08-UART Waterproof Sonar Range Finder (SKU:SEN0304)URM09 Ultrasonic Sensor(Gravity I²C)(V1.0)超声波传感器 (SKU:SEN0300)Water-proof Ultrasonic Sensor (ULS) (SKU:SEN0301)Water-proof Ultrasonic Sensor (ULA) (SKU:SEN0307)URM09 Ultrasonic Sensor(Gravity Analog)(V1.0)超声波传感器 (SKU:SEN0311)A02YYUW 防水超声波传感器 (SKU:SEN0312)ME007YS 防水超声波传感器 (SKU:SEN0313)A01NYUB 防水超声波传感器 (SKU:SEN0310)URM12 ultrasonic sensor(1500cm&RS485)



十位数字温度传感器(AD7416 )和四通道、单通道ADC(AD7417/AD7418)1. 概述AD7416是有8个管脚的温度监测器。





1.1 AD7416/AD7417/AD7418的主要特点●10位ADC,转换时间15μs和30μs●单通道和4单通道模拟输入●片上温度传感器测量范围:-40℃~+25℃●片上跟踪-保持●温度过热指示●转换结束自动掉电●供电电压范围:2.7V~5.5V●I2C兼容串口●串行总线地址允许八个AD7416/AD7417连接到一条总线上●AD7416可代替LM751.2 管脚说明AD7416管脚结构如图1所示,表1是其管脚功能说明。



图1 AD7416管脚结构图表1 AD7416管脚功能说明管脚号名称说明1 SDA 数字I/O。


2 SCL 数字输入。


3 OTI 逻辑输出。




4 GND 跟踪-保持、比较器和电容DAC、数字电路的参考地。

5 A2 数字输入。


6 A1 数字输入。


7 A0 数字输入。


8 V DD正向供电电压,2.7V~5.5V。

图2 AD7417管脚结构图管脚号名称说明1,16 NC 无连接。

Honeywel SDXL010D 0-10 英寸水柱 压力传感器 说明书

Honeywel SDXL010D 0-10 英寸水柱 压力传感器 说明书

概要说明SDX 系列传感器对要求小尺寸外加性能好的压力应用场合提供有很好成本效益的技术(解决)方案这些经校准并有温度补偿的传感器能在0°C 至50°C 温度范围精确又稳定的输出此系列传感器可用于不腐蚀非离子化的工作流体中例如空气干燥气体及类似介质SDXL010D 经专门设计可测量0至10英寸水柱满刻度量程范围内的低压力电桥输出与供电电压成比例可接受+20V 以下任何直流供电电压作为工作电压SDX 传感器具有一个集成电路传感元件和激光微调厚陶瓷膜它的安装在小型耐溶剂的外壳中该组件是双间距宽(即0.600”引线间距)的双列直插式组件除了具有整体式压力孔外这组件是集成电路制造商使用的同样常见的组件每一DIP 使用的印刷电路板区域范围约为0.26英寸2这尺寸极小的区域能以有限的可用空间使用多个传感器DIP 提供优良的隔离外部组件应力的作用DIP 将通过孔引脚安装在像标准集成电路那样的印刷电路板上引脚将压力传感器锚固在印刷电路板上使传感器比起用其它类型组件显得更可靠和稳定特 点:低成本DIP 有温度补偿经校准的零位和量程 体积小 噪声低高阻抗用于小功率应用场合应用场合:医疗设备计算机外围设备 气动控制器采暖通风和空调)等效电路-输出+输出电气连接输出+ 接地 输出-差压/表压高压孔0-10英寸水柱低压有补偿的压力传感器DIP (双列直插式)封装形式压力传感器特性最大额定值电源电压Vs+20VDc 任一压力孔上的最大压力 50psig 引线焊接温度(纤焊接2-4秒) 250°C爆裂压力 10psi 环境技术要求温度范围补偿0°C至50°C工作-40°C至+85°C 贮存-55°C至+125°C 湿度极限0至100%RH标准压力范围满刻度量程(2)零部件号工作压力耐压压力最小值典型值最大值SDXL010D 0-10英寸水柱 200英寸水柱24.5mV 25.0mV 25.5mV性能特点(1)特点最小值典型值最大值单位零点偏置 -1.0+1.0mV 组合的线性度和滞后性(3) -±0.2 ±1.0 %满量程温度对量程的影响(0-50°C)(4) -±0.4 ±2.0 %读数温度对补偿的影响(0-50°C)(4) -±0.2 ±0.6 mV可重复性(5) -±0.2 -%满量程输入阻抗(6) -20.0-KΩ输出阻抗(7) -7.0-KΩ共模电压(8) 0.753.05.5Vdc 响应时间(9) -100-微秒补偿和量程的长期稳定性(10) -±0.1 -%满量程技术规格附注:注1: 基准条件(除非另有规定): 供电电压Vs=12Vdc; TA=25°c; 共模线路压力=0 psig; 压力施加在P2注2: 量程是满刻度压力时的输出电压和零压力时的输出电压之间的代数差量程与供电电压成比例注 3: 滞后:在工作压力范围内任意一点,增加和减少压力的最大的输出差值注4: 相对于25°C 时的读数偏置电压的最大误差带和量程误差注5: 在工作压力范围内任意一点压力下和0°C至50°C 温度范围内最大输出差值a) 100次温度循环0°C至+50°Cb) 1.0百万次压力循环0psi至满量程(压力)注6: 输入电阻是Vs和接地之间阻抗注7: 输出电阻是+和-输出之间阻抗注8: 这是Vs=12Vdc的共模电压输出注9: 0psi 至满刻度量程压力的响应时间是步进变化的指的是10%至90%上升时间注10:1年时间的长期稳定性综述SDX 系列传感器给出一个与施加压力成正比的电压输出当增加施加在压力孔上的压力时表压传感器会给出一个增大的正输出该设备与供电电压成正比例且供电电压变化会造成补偿电压和满刻度量程成比例的变化气压接口DIP 还提供方便的安装和压力孔在压力连接时可方便地使用标准1/16”内径1/8”外径1/32”壁厚的软塑料管通常与压力传感器一起使用的小管子和大管子有下列优点:1) 小管子可以小半径弯曲但不会扭结 2)小管子更容易移动3) 小管子可以有各种颜色如透明白色黄色蓝色绿色等 从而可使装有多台压力传感器 的压力管路颜色偏码与电路中 成行导线的颜色编码相同这就 大大简化故障查找4) 压力传感器上应力小致使零偏漂移小5) 小管子需要的实际空间小 6) 小管子中的空气量小致使压力传感器响应快用户标准SDX 传感器已在补偿和量程方面作了全面的校准因此在大多数应用场合几乎不需要用户作调节真空基准(绝压传感器)绝压传感器有一个密封式的真空基准室因此这些传感器的补偿电压是真空0 psia 下测量的由于所有压力是相对于真空基准测量的所以气压的任何变化或海拔高度的变化都将导致传感器输出的变化介质相容性SDX 传感器与多数非腐蚀气体相容有关介质相容性问题请联系工厂应用方面的参考有关本系列传感器应用方面的参考可叁阅Sensym 固态传感器手册第2章中SCX 系列实际尺寸补偿电路SDX A2/G2封装SDX D4封装订货信息订货时使用下列部件号:压力范围差压/表压0-10英寸水柱 SDXL010D4公差除非另有规定±0.01用于小数点后2位±0.005用于小数点后3位。






第一部分:IMU的工作原理1.1 加速度计加速度计是IMU中的重要组成部分,它通过测量物体的加速度来确定其运动状态。




1.2 陀螺仪陀螺仪是IMU中另一个重要的传感器,它通过测量物体在旋转方向上的角速度来确定其姿态变化。




1.3 磁力计磁力计是IMU中的另一个重要传感器,它通过测量地磁场的变化来确定物体的方向。



第二部分:ODO的工作原理2.1 轮子编码器轮子编码器是ODO中的核心传感器,它通过对轮子旋转的测量来计算物体的位移。






dsnu的校正原理English:The DSNU (Digital Sensor Normalization Unit) operates on the principle of correcting image sensor anomalies by applying gain and offset values to individual pixel outputs. These gain and offset values are determined by comparing the sensor outputs to a reference standard under different operating conditions. The gain value is used to amplify or attenuate the output signal, while the offset value is added to or subtracted from the output signal. This process allows for the correction of non-uniformities in the sensor's response, such as dark current, fixed pattern noise, and temperature effects. By applying the appropriate gain and offset values to each pixel, the DSNU ensures a consistent and accurate sensor response across the entire image.中文翻译:DSNU(数字传感器标准化单元)的工作原理是通过将增益和偏移值应用到各个像素输出来纠正图像传感器的异常。

dioxus 原理

dioxus 原理

dioxus 原理

1. 氧传感器:Dioxus传感器内部包含一个氧气敏感电极和一个参比电极。


2. 内部电路:Dioxus传感器内部有一个集成的电路,用于处理从电极接收到的电位差信号。



3. IO-Link技术:IO-Link是一种数字通信协议,可以将传感器与其他设备进行连接,如PLC(可编程逻辑控制器)或SCADA(监控和数据采集系统)。


4. 环境适应性:Dioxus传感器具有良好的环境适应性。








SMART Position Sensor, 100 and 180 Arc ConfigurationsDESCRIPTIONThe Honeywell SMART Arc Position Sensor is one of the most durable, adaptable, lightweight, and non-contact position sensors available, enabling absolute position sensing with enhanced accuracy. This simple, robust, arc position sensor offers an IP69K sealed package, eliminating mechanical failure mechanisms, reducing wear and tear, improving reliability and durability, and minimizing downtime.The SMART Arc Position Sensor is a non-contact sensing solution, providing highly accurate motion control and improving operation efficiency and safety. This Honeywell position sensor utilizes magnetoresistive technology to detect the position of a magnet relative to the sensor in one of two available sensing ranges:0º to 100º0º to 180ºWhy is the SMART Position Sensor smart? SMART means that this is a sensor that can essentially think for itself. SMART Position Sensors provide a self-diagnostics feature and data gathering for enhanced reliability and closed-loop feedback control. These devices use a patented combination of an ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit) and an array of MR (magnetoresistive) sensors to accurately and reliably determine the position of a magnet attached to a moving object so that the object’s position can be determined or controlled.The MR array measures the output of the MR sensors mounted along the magnet’s direction of travel. The output and the MR sensor sequence determine the nearest pair of MR sensors to the center of the magnet location. The output of these two MR sensors is then used to determine the position of the magnet between them.With this sensor, Honeywell has utilized MR technology through the ASIC at a level never before accomplished.Other configurations are in development.VALUE PROPOSITIONS (★ = competitive differentiator) ★Reliable, durable: Non-contact design reduces wear and tear, improving reliability and durability, minimizingdowntime★Easy to install: Installation takes four steps (1: position device; 2: drill holes; 3: mount sensor; 4: locatemagnet/connect sensor) vs. up to 14 steps somecompetitive products require, simplifying installation andreducing set-up costsRugged: Honeywell utilizes unique package materialswith no moving parts within the sensor, making it resistantto vibration, shock, and extreme temperatures★Flexible: Air gap tolerance of 7,8 ±2,5 mm [0.307±0.098 in] or 9,2 ±2,5 mm [0.36 ±0.09 in] (100°) and 8,5±2,5 mm [0.338 ±0.098 in] (180°) between sensor andmagnet expands application use★Cost effective: Adaptable, non-contacting design allowscustomers to eliminate unnecessary connections forinstallation, reducing installation steps/time andcomponentsAccurate: 100° configuration accurately measures valuesdown to 0.06° while the 180° configuration accuratelymeasures values down to 0.11°★Adaptable: Electronics on board allow for flexiblepackaging and component compatibility with existingsystems★Lightweight: Lighter in weight than optical encoders★Self-diagnostics feature can reduce equipmentdowntime by providing predictive maintenance inputCombined patented MR sensor and ASIC technologyprovide enhanced differentiation and performanceIP67, IP69K sealingallow use in many harsh applicationsRoHS-compliant materials meet Directive 2002/95/EC2TransportationAerial work lift platform, front end loader and digger/excavator boom positionScissor lift positionRefuse truck lift and automatic reach arm positionMobile crane steeringTimber harvester/processor equipment cutter arm angleOn-board loader weighing system positionIndustrialTelescoping conveyor elevation Power generation contact angleRail-road crossing arms positionMilitaryRemote weapon systems elevationChassis suspension systems position height Military vehicle door positionAerospace:Ground-based solar panels elevation and azimuthGround-based satellite dish elevation and azimuthMedical:Robotically-assisted surgery equipment position Patient bed elevationFor more information on these potential applications, please see the application note “SMART Position Sensor, 100 and 180 Arc Configurations ”.100 Arc 180 Arc0 to 100 0 to 180 0.06 0.1140 mV/ ±4% FS 22.22 mV/ ±4% FSHoneywell Sensing and Control 3Figure 1. Dimensional Drawings (For reference only: mm/[in].) SPS-A100D-HAMS, SPS-A100D-VAMSSPS-A100D-HAWS4 Figure 1. Dimensional Drawings (For reference only: mm/[in], continued.) SPS-A100X-LAAS0401A = Magnet pin locating holeHoneywell Sensing and Control 5Figure 1. Dimensional Drawings (For reference only: mm/[in], continued.) SPS-A180D-HAMS, SPS-A180D-VAMSFigure 2. Connections4 Pin M12 ConnectorSPS-A100D-HAMS, SPS-A100D-VAMS SPS-A180D-HAMS, SPS-A180D-VAMSPin 1 = supply voltage (+) Pin 2 = output Pin 3 = ground (-)Pin 4 = inverted output Ampseal 16 Connector(p/n 776536)SPS-A100X-LAAS0401Pin 1 = supply voltage (+) Pin 2 = output Pin 3 = ground (-)Pin 4 = inverted outputRed wire = supply voltage (+) Green wire = output Black wire = ground (-) Blue wire = inverted output6 Sensing and Control Honeywell1985 Douglas Drive North Golden Valley, MN 55422 000732-3-ENFebruary 2013Copyright © 2013 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.SMART Position Sensor, 100 arc configuration, 0 to 100 inside sensing range, 6 Vdc to 24 Vdc supply voltage, 0.5 Vdc to 4.5 Vdc analog output, 4-pin M12 connector, magnet actuator included SMART Position Sensor, 100arc configuration, 0 to 100 inside sensing range, 18 Vdc to 40 Vdc supply voltage, 0.5 Vdc to 4.5 Vdc analog output, 4-pin M12 connector, magnet actuator included SMART Position Sensor, 100 arc configuration, 0 to 100 inside sensing range, 6 Vdc to 24 Vdc supply voltage, 0.5 Vdc to 4.5 Vdc analog output, 18 AWG flying leads, magnet actuator included SMART Position Sensor, 100 arc configuration, 0 to 100 outside sensing range, 5 Vdc supply voltage, 0.5 Vdc to 4.5 Vdc analog output, Ampseal 16 connector (p/n 776536), magnet actuator includedSMART Position Sensor, 180 arc configuration, 0 to 180 inside sensing range, 6 Vdc to 24 Vdc supply voltage, 0.5 Vdc to 4.5 Vdc analog output, 4-pin M12 connector, magnet actuator included SMART Position Sensor, 180 arc configuration, 0 to 180 inside sensing range, 18 Vdc to 40 Vdc supply voltage, 0.5 Vdc to 4.5 Vdc analog output, 4-pin M12 connector, magnet actuator includedWARRANTY/REMEDYHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship. Honeywell’sstandard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your orderacknowledgement or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items it finds defective. The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those ofmerchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.While we provide application assistance personally, through our literature and the Honeywell web site, it is up to the customer to determine the suitability of the product in the application.Specifications may change without notice. The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this printing. However, we assume no responsibility for its use. MISUSE OF DOCUMENTATIONThe information presented in this product sheet is for reference only. Do not use this document as a product installation guide.Complete installation, operation, and maintenance information is provided in the instructions supplied with each product.Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.SALES AND SERVICEHoneywell serves its customers through a worldwide network of sales offices, representatives and distributors. Forapplication assistance, current specifications, pricing or name of the nearest Authorized Distributor, contact your local sales office or:E-mail:*********************Internet: Phone and Fax: Asia Pacific +65 6355-2828 +65 6445-3033 Fax Europe +44 (0) 1698 481481 +44 (0) 1698 481676 Fax Latin America +1-305-805-8188 +1-305-883-8257 Fax USA/Canada +1-800-537-6945 +1-815-235-6847 +1-815-235-6545 Fax。

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10 DOF IMU Sensor (D)



•量程:300~1100hPa(海拔高度:+9000m ~ -500m)
以接入微雪电子的Open103V开发板为例,演示10 DOF IMU Sensor 模块的实验效果。


2.将串口线和模块接入开发板,把10 DOF IMU Sensor 模块插在开发板的I2C-2 接口上,
并注意模块引脚与I2C-2 接口必须对应起来。



sudo ./ 10Dof-D_Demo
