0differentiation of arterial ,venous and lymphatic endothelial cells from vascular progenitors
Differences are the seeds from which the flower of art blossoms.In the realm of art, diversity is not just a concept but a vital element that fuels creativity and innovation.It is through the recognition and celebration of these differences that we can truly appreciate the beauty and richness of artistic expression.The first way in which differences contribute to the flourishing of art is through the unique perspectives that each artist brings to their work.Every individual has their own set of experiences,beliefs,and emotions that shape their worldview.When these perspectives are translated into art,they create a tapestry of diverse ideas and interpretations that enrich the cultural landscape.For example,the Impressionist movement in the late19th century was characterized by artists like Claude Monet and PierreAuguste Renoir,who used their unique approaches to capture the fleeting moments of light and color in their paintings.Another way differences enhance art is through the various mediums and techniques employed by artists.The use of different materials,such as oil paints,watercolors,or digital tools,allows for a wide range of artistic styles and expressions.Additionally, techniques like pointillism,cubism,or abstract expressionism each offer distinct ways of representing reality and inviting viewers to engage with the artwork on a deeper level. Cultural differences also play a significant role in the development of art.Art is often a reflection of the society and culture from which it originates.By exploring the artistic traditions and styles of different cultures,we gain a greater understanding of the values, beliefs,and history of those societies.For instance,the intricate patterns and motifs found in Islamic art,the bold colors and shapes of African textiles,and the delicate brushwork of Chinese calligraphy all provide insights into the unique cultural identities of these regions.Moreover,the inclusion of diverse themes and subjects in art broadens the scope of artistic exploration.By addressing topics such as social issues,environmental concerns, or personal narratives,artists can provoke thought,inspire change,and foster empathy among viewers.For example,the works of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo often dealt with themes of pain,identity,and feminism,offering a powerful commentary on the human experience.Furthermore,the interaction between different artistic styles and movements can lead to the emergence of new and innovative forms of expression.The blending of traditional and contemporary techniques,or the fusion of Eastern and Western artistic influences, can result in unique and captivating works of art.For instance,the Harlem Renaissance of the1920s saw African American artists like Aaron Douglas and Romare Beardencombining African art forms with Western styles,creating a vibrant and influential artistic movement.In conclusion,it is the celebration of differences in art that allows for the creation of a rich and diverse artistic landscape.By embracing the unique perspectives,techniques, cultural influences,and themes that each artist brings to their work,we can appreciate the true depth and beauty of artistic expression.As such,differences are not barriers but rather the very essence that enables the art to flourish and captivate the hearts and minds of those who encounter it.。
Differences have always been a source of inspiration for artists,allowing them to create unique and diverse forms of art.The beauty of art lies in its ability to express a wide range of emotions,perspectives,and experiences.When artists embrace their differences,they can create art that is truly groundbreaking and innovative.One of the most significant ways differences can enhance art is through the incorporation of various cultural influences.Artists from different backgrounds bring their own unique experiences and traditions to their work,resulting in a rich tapestry of artistic expression. For example,the fusion of Eastern and Western art styles has led to the creation of captivating pieces that blend elements of both cultures,such as the use of calligraphy in modern paintings or the incorporation of traditional African motifs in contemporary sculptures.Another way differences can contribute to the evolution of art is through the exploration of diverse themes and subject matter.Artists who are not afraid to tackle controversial or unconventional topics can challenge societal norms and provoke thought and discussion. For instance,the works of Frida Kahlo often explored themes of pain,suffering,and identity,while Banksys street art frequently addresses political and social issues. Furthermore,differences in artistic styles and techniques can lead to the development of new and innovative forms of expression.From the abstract paintings of Jackson Pollock to the surrealistic creations of Salvador Dalí,artists have always pushed the boundaries of what is considered traditional art.By experimenting with different mediums,techniques, and perspectives,they have been able to create works that are both visually stunning and intellectually stimulating.In addition,the use of technology in art has opened up new avenues for creativity and selfexpression.Digital art,for example,allows artists to manipulate images and create intricate designs that would be impossible with traditional methods.This has led to the emergence of a whole new genre of art that is constantly evolving and adapting to new technological advancements.Moreover,the collaboration between artists with different skill sets and backgrounds can result in the creation of truly unique and original works.By combining their individual strengths and perspectives,artists can create pieces that are greater than the sum of their parts.This collaborative approach can also lead to the development of new artistic movements and styles,as artists learn from one another and build upon each others ideas.In conclusion,the celebration of differences in art is essential for the continued growth and evolution of the creative process.By embracing diversity in all its forms,artists cancreate works that are not only visually appealing but also thoughtprovoking and culturally significant.The art world benefits from the unique perspectives and experiences of its creators,and it is through this diversity that art can truly flourish and inspire future generations.。
A Rare Occurrence of Simultaneous Venous and Arterial Thromboembolic Events - Lower Limb Deep
IntroductionAcute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) is a distinct subtype of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). It is named as AML-M3 by the French–American–British classification system according to morphological features. Cyto g enetically, APL is character-ized by a balanced reciprocal translocation between chromo-somes 15 and 17, which results in the fusion between retinoic acid receptor and promyelocytic leukemia gene. The develop-ment of AML has been attributed to various factors, includ-ing hereditary, radiation, drugs, and certain occupational exposures. The association between malignancy and venous thromboembolism events is well established. The patho-genesis of the prothrombotic state in malignant disorders is complex and reflects the involvement of different mecha-nisms, including activation of blood coagulation by tumor cells via procoagulant substances, impairment of fibrinolytic pathways, and alterations of endothelium favoring a throm-bogenic state.1,2 Both arterial and venous thromboembolisms (VTEs) occurring simultaneously is an uncommon event and very few diseases are known to present with it. Among various causes, myeloproliferative disorders, antiphospholipid syndrome, malignancy-associated thrombosis, and heparin-induced thrombocytopenia are some of the notable causes.3 In this case report, we report an unusual combined arterial and venous thrombosis as the initial presentation in a patient who was later diagnosed with APL. The patient has given his consent for publication of this report.Case ReportA 70-year-old male was referred from another city hospital to our tertiary care center. The patient, at the time of presen-tation, complained of left-sided sharp chest pain, fever with scanty, nonpurulent sputum for 10 days, and swelling and pain over the right leg for the past one week. On taking the complete history of the patient, the patient was apparently well 10 days earlier, at which time he developed sharp chest pain over the left-sided anterior chest, aggravated on inspira-tion and coughing, and associated with scanty nonpurulent sputum, which was associated with low-grade fever but not with chills or rigors. He also noticed pain and swelling in the right leg at around same time and went to a city hospi-tal for his complaints. The patient was a chronic smoker with 20 pack-years. The patient worked as a clerk in a bank and retired 10 years ago. He was admitted and investigated. Serial chest X-rays revealed heterogenous opacity involving the left lower zone and the left middle zone, followed by cavitary lesion without any air fluid level in it. Venous Doppler right lower limb revealed noncompressible external iliac, com-mon femoral, superficial femoral, long saphenous, and short saphenous, indicating thrombosis. With respect to the aboveA Rare Occurrence of Simultaneous Venous and Arterial Thromboembolic Events – Lower Limb Deep VenousThrombosis and Pulmonary Thromboembolism as InitialPresentation in Acute Promyelocytic Leukemiaaditya s. Kutiyal, Pramila dharmshaktu, Babita Kataria and abhilasha gargDepartment of Medicine, Maulana Azad Medical College and Lok Nayak Hospital, New Delhi, India.AbstRACt:The development of acute myeloid leukemia has been attributed to various factors, including hereditary, radiation, drugs, and certain occupational exposures. The association between malignancy and venous thromboembolism events is well established. Here, we present a case of a 70-year-old Indian man who had presented with arterial and venous thrombosis, and the patient was later diagnosed with acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). In our case, the patient presented with right lower limb deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary thromboembolism four months prior to the diagnosis of APL. Although thromboembolic event subsequent to the diagnosis of malignancy, and especially during the chemotherapy has been widely reported, this prior presentation with simultaneous occurrence of both venous and arterial thromboembolism has rarely been reported. We take this opportunity to state the significance of a complete medical evaluation in cases of recurrent or unusual thrombotic events.KeywoRds: malignancy, acute promyelocytic leukemia, arterial and venous thrombosis, anticoagulationCITATIOn: Kutiyal et al. a Rare Occurrence of simultaneous Venous and arterial thromboembolic events – lower limb deep Venous thrombosis and Pulmonary thromboembolism as initial Presentation in acute Promyelocytic leukemia. Clinical Medicine Insights: Oncology 2016:10 1–4 doi: 10.4137/CMO.s37866.TYPE: Case ReportRECEIVED: november 17, 2015. RESubmITTED: december 29, 2015. ACCEPTED fOR PubLICATIOn: december 31, 2015.ACADEmIC EDITOR: William C. s. Cho, editor in ChiefPEER REVIEw: six peer reviewers contributed to the peer review report. Reviewers’ reports totaled 1803 words, excluding any confidential comments to the academic editor. funDIng: authors disclose no external funding sources.COmPETIng InTERESTS: Authors disclose no potential conflicts of interest.CORRESPOnDEnCE: kutiyaladitya@COPYRIghT: © the authors, publisher and licensee libertas academica limited. this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-By-nC 3.0 license.P aper subject to independent expert blind peer review. all editorial decisions madeby independent academic editor. Upon submission manuscript was subject to anti-plagiarism scanning. Prior to publication all authors have given signed confirmation of agreement to article publication and compliance with all applicable ethical and legal requirements, including the accuracy of author and contributor information, disclosure of competing interests and funding sources, compliance with ethical requirements relating to human and animal study participants, and compliance with any copyright requirements of third parties. this journal is a member of the Committee on Publication ethics (COPe). P ublished by libertas academica. learn more about this journal.Kutiyal et alfindings, the patient was then referred to a higher center, and thus presented to us. He was examined, and respiratory exami-nation revealed bronchial breath sounds in the left middle zone with decreased air entry in the left basal area anteriorly. Lower limbs showed no sign of any ulceration or skin or color changes. Chest X-ray revealed heterogeneous opacity with central cavitation and air fluid level seen within the left mid zone, suggestive of lung abscess with adjacent consolidation. Venous Doppler right lower limb revealed similar findings as the previous one. Pleural fluid analysis revealed the following: total leukocyte count (TLC) 1,400/mm 3, polymorphs 90%, lymphocytes 10%, glucose 107 mg/dL (spot blood sugar – 128 mg/dL), and protein 5.4 g/dL. Sputum sample for acid fast bacilli 1 and 2 was negative. Blood investigations revealed the following: hemoglobin (Hb) 11.5 g/dL, TLC 4,900/mm 3, polymorphs 36%, lymphocytes 60%, eosinophils 2%, mono-cytes 2%, platelet count 2.27 lac/mm 3, serum homocysteine is within normal levels, and antiphospholipid antibodies IgM and IgG are negative. Reference range taken as normal val-ues for aforementioned parameters were Hb 13.3–16.2 g/dL, TLC 3,540–9,060/mm 3, polymorphs 40%–70%, lympho-cytes 20%–50%, monocytes 4%–8%, eosinophils 0%–6%, basophils 0%–2%, and platelet count 1.65–4.15 lac/mm 3. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) of thorax revealed right and left pulmonary artery segmental branches thrombosis with peripheral wedge opacities in both lungs, one of them showing cavitations like infarcts (Fig. 1). Two-dimen-sional echocardiography revealed mild concentric left ventricu-lar hypertrophy with mild tricuspid regurgitation with type II diastolic dysfunction, there was borderline right atrium and right ventricular dilatation with an ejection fraction of 60%.Patient was managed conservatively for right lower limb deep venous thrombosis (DVT) with pulmonary thromboem-bolism (PTE), and the patient was discharged to outpatient department for follow-up and was asked to administer 05 mg once daily (OD) warfarin tablet on maintained international normalized ratio. However, he was lost to follow-up after one month. After two months, he suddenly reappeared again, and this time presented with sudden onset progressive dyspnea for the last three days. Patient had blood pressure of 116/70 mmHg, heart rate of 108 per minute, and respiratory rate of 32 per min-ute. Arterial blood gas analysis revealed respiratory alkalosis. He had stopped all treatment after he was lost to follow-up. A suspicion of massive acute on chronic PTE was made and urgent CT angiography was done.CT pulmonary angiography revealed main pulmonary artery (30 mm) with no filling defect, right pulmonary artery (22 mm) and left pulmonary artery (20 mm) with well-defined hypodense filling defect seen in distal most part of right and left pulmonary arteries extending into their segmental branches suggestive of PTE (Fig. 2). Venous Doppler exami-nation of both lower limbs showed no evidence of thrombosis. The patient was promptly thrombolysed with streptomycin as per protocol with a 150,000 international units (IU) infu-sion over 30 minutes followed by infusion of 100,000 IU per hour for 12 hours under observation and the patient improved symptomatically. Patient was then treated with heparin infu-sion at 1,000 IU per hour and was started on oral anticoagu-lation with warfarin on the third day of admission. Further investigations revealed the following: Hb 6.5 g/dL, TLC 49,240/mm 3, platelet count 44,000/mm 3, differential leuko-cyte count (DLC) atypical cells 95%, polymorphs 4%, and lymphocytes 1%. Peripheral smear revealed leukocytosiswith the presence of a large number of atypical cells (blasts).figure 1. Ct thorax section showing thrombus in right and left pulmonary artery branches.Abbreviation:Ct, computed tomography.figure 2. CT pulmonary angiography showing hypodense filling defects in right and left pulmonary artery.Abbreviation: Ct, computed tomography.Thromboembolic events in acute promyelocytic leukemiaCells showed high nucleus to cytoplasm ratio, opened up chromatin, and prominent nucleoli. Cytoplasm was scant with eosinophilic granules and few blasts also showed rod-like structures (Auer-rods). Red cells were normocytic nor-mochromic, platelets were diminished, and blast cells were strongly positive for myeloperoxidase. These factors lead to the diagonsis of AML (Figs. 3–5). Flow cytometry revealed the following: cluster of differentiation (CD)34+, CD117+, CD11c +, CD13−, and human leukocyte antigen DR–ve. The patient was now diagnosed to have AML, M3 TYPE. Patient was managed conservatively with blood transfusions, and subsequently referred to a hematology oncology center for bone marrow transplant.discussionAPL is a distinct subtype of AML. Cytogenetically, APL is characterized by a balanced reciprocal translocation between chromosomes 15 and 17, t(15:17). This hematological condition is characterized by the presence of atypical Promyelocytes in peripheral blood and bone marrow. APL hasbeen known to be associated with coagulopathy, with throm-bosis and bleeding being the most common presentations.4 These hemorrhagic complications have been well established as an important clinical feature of APL and the most common cause of early mortality.5The pathophysiology of hemorrhagic complications, espe-cially thrombosis, although commonly associated with APL, is complex and less understood. Expression of CD2, presence of internal tandem duplications of fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 gene (FLT3-ITD), and elevated white blood cell count have been found to have significant correlation with higher inci-dence of thrombosis.6 Pathogenesis hypotheses of thrombosis in APL involve production of prothrombogenic cytokines by abnormal promyelocytes and a direct expression of tissue fac-tor and cancer procoagulant.In a review on APL-related thrombosis, 94 cases were studied, and the percentage of thromboembolic events that occurred prior or during the induction treatment was 84%, of which arterial involvement was found in 55% and venous events were in 45%. DVT/PTE (28.7%) was the most com-mon event of thrombosis followed by cardiac events with 26.6% and cerebrovascular events with 21.3% incidence. Among the study population, thrombosis was the initial man-ifestation only in two cases.7 Another large cohort retrospec-tive study on 719 patients with acute leukemia was done in which VTE was the presenting manifestation in 2.1% of the cases, with no difference between AML and acute lympho-blastic leukemia, and with an incidence of 6.5% thrombosis among patients with APL.8 Few theories have been put forth for the association between venous and arterial thrombosis. One hypothesis states that venous and arterial thromboses could be associated through atherosclerosis, because athero-sclerosis can further activate an inflammatory reaction,9 and it can also activate a coagulation cascade.10 Although adequate research and lite r ature on this causal association are not avail-able, arterial thrombosis could be a result of an inflammatory response initiated by the venous thrombus.11figure 3.hematoxylin and eosin staining section showing blast cells.figure 4.hematoxylin and eosin staining section showing blast cells.figure 5. Myeloperoxidase-positive blast cells.Kutiyal et alThus, this case has an unusual and a rare presentation of APL. Unfortunately, APL could not be detected early as the peripheral blood smear of the patient did not show any blast cell on the initial and subsequent examinations and then the patient was lost to follow-up.Infrequently, there have been instances of the throm-boembolic event occurring before the diagnosis of cancer, and thus, it has been suggested that deep venous thrombosis may be a predictor of the subsequent diagnosis of cancer, although a few studies have indicated an association, and there is a need for further research.12–14 In the recent study, 145 patients with primary venous thrombosis were observed over a period of two years and 11 cases of cancer were found as compared to 2 two cases among 105 patients with secondary venous thrombosis, representing an odds ratio of 2.3 with even higher incidence of cancer in patients with recurrent idiopathic venous thrombosis than in patients without this condition, with an odds ratio of 4.3.13 Thus, emphasizing a significant association between a thromboembolic event and a subsequent diagnosis of cancer. In another study by Nordstrom et al, 1,183 patients with DVT were studied and interpreted that the risk of cancer was found to be five times more in these patients as compared with the general population during the first six months of follow-up but no increased risk during later follow-up. 14ConclusionAn investigative approach should always be undertaken to find the cause of a thrombosis with thorough medical evaluation, especially in a case with unusual presentation or recurrent epi-sodes of thromboembolic events. In this context, among other etiologies, an emphasis on prompt investigation for solid and hematologic neoplasia should be undertaken. A high index of suspicion while treating unusual thromboembolic events can significantly increase the chances of early timely diagnosis and better health care outcome.Author ContributionsConceived the concepts: ASK, PD. Analyzed the data: ASK, PD. Wrote the first draft of the manuscript: ASK. Jointly developed the structure and arguments for the paper: ASK, PD. Contributed to the writing of the manuscript: BK, AG. Agree with manuscript results and conclusions: ASK, PD, BK, AG. Made critical revisions and approved final version: ASK, PD, BK, AG. All authors reviewed and approved of the final manuscript.RefeRenCes1. Gouin-Thibault I, Samama MM. Laboratory diagnosis of the thrombophilicstate in cancer patients. Semin Thromb Hemost . 1999;25:167–72.2. Rickles FR, Falanga A. Molecular basis for the relationship between thrombosisand cancer. Thromb Res . 2001;102:215–24.3. Trottier-Telliera F, Durandb M, Kolanc C, Wistaffc R, Nguyenc PV, Laskineb M.Recurrent arterial and venous thromboemboli as initial presentation of acute promyelocytic leukemia. J Clin Med Res . 2014;6(5):388–91.4. Wang ZY, Chen Z. Acute promyelocytic leukemia: from highly fatal to highlycurable. Blood . 2008;111:2505–15.5. Cordonnier C, Vernant JP, Brun B, et al. 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艺术的三种形式英语作文Art has been an integral part of human culture and expression since the dawn of civilization. It comes in various forms, each with its unique way of communicating emotions, ideas, and perspectives. Among the myriad forms of art, three stand out for their universality and impact: visual art, performing art, and literary art.Visual ArtVisual art is perhaps the most primal form of artistic expression. It encompasses a wide range of mediums such as painting, sculpture, photography, and digital art. The power of visual art lies in its ability to convey complexnarratives and emotions through images. For instance, a single painting by an artist like Van Gogh can evoke a sense of longing and passion that transcends language barriers.In the modern era, visual art has expanded to include street art, which has become a powerful tool for social commentary. Murals in urban areas often reflect the socio-political climate and the voice of the marginalized. The accessibility of visual art, both in galleries and public spaces, makes it a democratic form of expression that can be appreciated by all.Performing ArtPerforming arts, including dance, theater, and music, are dynamic and interactive forms of art. They engage theaudience in a live experience that is unique and unrepeatable. The performing arts are about bringing stories to lifethrough the physicality of the performers and the emotive power of music and movement.Theater, for example, allows audiences to immerse themselvesin a narrative that unfolds in real-time. The immediacy ofthe performance creates a shared experience between the performers and the audience. Dance, on the other hand, is a form of visual poetry that uses the human body as a medium to express emotions and tell stories without the need for words.Literary ArtLiterary art, or literature, is the art of written works. It includes novels, poetry, essays, and short stories.Literature has the power to transport readers to different worlds, times, and perspectives. It allows for introspection and empathy, as readers can delve into the minds ofcharacters and explore their thoughts and feelings.Poetry, in particular, is a form of literary art thatdistills human emotion and experience into its most potent form. A single line of poetry can encapsulate the essence of an emotion or a scene, resonating with readers long after the reading is done.ConclusionThe three forms of art—visual, performing, and literary—each offer distinct yet complementary ways to experience and understand the world around us. They enrich our lives by providing avenues for self-expression, cultural preservation, and social critique. As we continue to evolve, so too will the forms of art we create and appreciate, ensuring that the human spirit of creativity remains vibrant and alive.。
中外美术差异:跨文化视角下的艺术多元性In the vast canvas of art, Eastern and Western aesthetics stand as two distinct yet complementary pillars. The differences between Chinese and foreign art, often attributed to historical, cultural, and philosophical disparities, are as profound as they are fascinating. This essay aims to delve into these disparities, examining the unique characteristics and influences that shape theartistic landscapes of the East and the West.The foundation of Chinese art lies in its harmonious blend of nature and humanity. Chinese artists have traditionally emphasized the concept of "harmony" in their works, reflecting a deep respect for the natural world and a belief in the interconnectedness of all things. This philosophy is evident in the meticulous brushstrokes of Chinese painting, which capture the essence of nature while also expressing the artist's inner world. Chinese art often features landscapes, flowers, and birds, all rendered with a sense of tranquility and inner peace.In contrast, Western art has tended to emphasize realism and individual expression. Western artists have historically strived to capture the world as it truly is, seeking to replicate nature in as accurate a manner as possible. This quest for realism has led to the development of techniques such as perspective and anatomical accuracy, which have become hallmarks of Western art. Additionally, Western art has a strong tradition of individuality and innovation, with artists often pushing the boundaries of what is considered acceptable in order to express their unique vision.The differences in artistic representation between the East and the West are also noteworthy. Chinese art tends to prioritize suggestion and implication, leaving much to the viewer's imagination. This approach is reflected in the use of symbolic motifs and abstract elements, which are often employed to evoke a certain mood or emotion. By contrast, Western art has tended to favor a more literal and direct approach, with artists seeking to represent objects and scenes with as much realism and detail as possible.The influence of philosophy and religion on art is another key difference between the East and the West. Chinese art has been deeply influenced by Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism, with these philosophical traditions shaping the themes and motifs found in Chinese art. By contrast, Western art has been influenced by a range of religious beliefs, including Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, each of which has left its unique mark on Western artistic traditions.Despite these differences, it is important to note that Chinese and foreign art are not mutually exclusive. In fact, there has been a growing trend in recent years for artists from both cultures to experiment with and incorporate elements from the other's tradition. This cross-cultural exchange has led to a richer and more diverse artistic landscape, one that celebrates the unique qualities of each culture while also embracing the commonalities that bind us all.In conclusion, the differences between Chinese and foreign art are as diverse as the cultures themselves. Chinese art, rooted in the harmonious blend of nature andhumanity, emphasizes suggestion and implication, while Western art, driven by a quest for realism and individual expression, favors a more literal and direct approach. However, these differences do not serve to divide us; rather, they highlight the rich diversity and boundless possibilities of the artistic world. As artists from different cultures continue to experiment and innovate, the future of art holds limitless potential for growth and understanding.**中外美术差异:跨文化视角下的艺术多元性**在艺术的广阔画布上,东方与西方的美学观念犹如两根独立而又相辅相成的支柱。
艺术奇葩介绍英文作文Art is a diverse and fascinating world, full of unique and bizarre creations that challenge our perceptions and provoke thought. One such example is the work of artist Salvador Dali, whose surreal and dreamlike paintings often leave viewers scratching their heads in confusion.Moving on from the world of painting, we come to the realm of performance art, where Marina Abramović reigns supreme. Known for her extreme and often controversial performances, Abramović pushes the boundaries of what is considered art, leaving audiences both mesmerized and disturbed.But let's not forget about the world of modern art installations, where anything goes. Take, for example, the famous "Pissing Poodle" sculpture by artist Paul McCarthy, which features a larger-than-life poodle urinating on the side of a building. This kind of audacious and unconventional art certainly leaves a lasting impression.And who can overlook the world of avant-garde fashion, where designers like Alexander McQueen have made a name for themselves with their boundary-pushing and unconventional designs. From clothing made entirely of trash to shoes that defy the laws of gravity, the world of fashion is certainly no stranger to the bizarre.Finally, we can't talk about art oddities without mentioning the world of outsider art, where self-taught artists create truly one-of-a-kind pieces that often defy traditional artistic conventions. These artists, often working in isolation, produce work that is raw, unfiltered, and utterly captivating in its strangeness.。
文艺与艺术的区别英语作文Art and literature are two forms of human expression that have been around for centuries. While they share some similarities, there are also significant differences between the two. In this essay, I will explore the differences between art and literature and why they are important.Art is a visual medium that includes painting, sculpture, photography, and other forms of visual art. Art is created to convey emotions, ideas, or experiences through visual means. Art is often considered a form ofself-expression and is created for its own sake. It is meant to be appreciated for its beauty and aesthetic value.Literature, on the other hand, is a written form of communication that includes novels, poetry, plays, and other forms of written expression. Literature is created to tell stories, convey ideas, and express emotions through written words. Literature is often created for a specificpurpose, such as to educate, entertain, or persuade.One of the main differences between art and literatureis their medium. Art is a visual medium, while literatureis a written medium. This means that art is created using visual elements such as color, shape, and form, while literature is created using written words.Another difference between art and literature is their purpose. Art is often created for its own sake, while literature is often created for a specific purpose, such as to educate or entertain. Art is meant to be appreciated for its aesthetic value, while literature is meant to convey a message or tell a story.Despite these differences, art and literature are both important forms of human expression. They allow us to communicate our ideas, emotions, and experiences to othersin a way that is unique and powerful. They also allow us to appreciate the beauty and complexity of the world around us.In conclusion, while art and literature share somesimilarities, they are also very different forms of human expression. Art is a visual medium that is created for its own sake, while literature is a written medium that is often created for a specific purpose. Despite these differences, both art and literature are important forms of human expression that allow us to communicate our ideas, emotions, and experiences to others in a way that is unique and powerful.。
coronary vein formation in the developing heart
Yoh Arita1, Yoshikazu Nakaoka1,2, Taichi Matsunaga3, Hiroyasu Kidoya4, Kohei Yamamizu3, Yuichiro Arima5, Takahiro Kataoka-Hashimoto1, Kuniyasu Ikeoka1, Taku Yasui1, Takeshi Masaki1, Kaori Yamamoto1, Kaori Higuchi1, Jin-Sung Park6, Manabu Shirai7, Koichi Nishiyama5, Hiroyuki Yamagishi8, Kinya Otsu9, Hiroki Kurihara5, Takashi Minami10, Keiko Yamauchi-Takihara1, Gou Y. Koh6, Naoki Mochizuki11, Nobuyuki Takakura4, Yasushi Sakata1, Jun K. Yamashita3,12 & Issei Komuro13,14
The heart is arranged in three layers: the endocardium, myocardium and epicardium. The epicardium is the outermost layer and is derived from the proepicardium located outside, but close to the heart. The myocardium is the central layer, within which the coronary vasculature develops. It is unclear whether proepicardium/epicardial cells contribute significantly to coronary EC formation in mammals, although some coronary ECs in avian species are derived from proepicardial cells4–6. However, more recent studies in mammals demonstrated that epicardial cells generate coronary vascular smooth muscle cells but not coronary ECs7,8. A recent report showed that the coronary vessels in mammals are primarily derived from a common origin, the differentiated venous ECs in the sinus venosus (SV), a major vein located just above the developing liver that returns blood to the embryonic heart9. According to that report, the sprouting venous ECs dedifferentiate when they migrate over or invade the myocardium. The intramyocardial invading ECs redifferentiate into arteries, whereas the ECs proceeding along the subepicardial layer of the heart redifferentiate into veins9. Another recent study reported that the Semaphorin3D/Scleraxis lineage-traced proepicardial cells, which traverse through SV endothelium en route to the heart and/or transiently contribute to the endocardium, differentiate into the coronary ECs10. A more recent report suggested that endocardial ECs generate the endothelium of coronary arteries through myocardial– endothelial signalling by vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A) and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR2)11. These findings suggest that coronary arteries and veins have distinct origins and are formed by different molecular mechanisms. Especially, the molecular mechanisms of coronary vein formation have been elusive to date.
中西方绘画艺术的差异英语作文The Divergence of Western and Eastern Painting TraditionsThe artistic traditions of the East and the West have long been marked by distinct approaches, techniques, and philosophical underpinnings. This divergence in painting, in particular, reflects the cultural, historical, and social differences that have shaped the artistic expressions of these two vast and influential regions of the world.One of the fundamental differences lies in the conception of the role of the artist. In the Western tradition, the painter is often viewed as an individual creator, imbued with the ability to capture the world through a unique and personal lens. The artist's subjective interpretation of reality, their technical mastery, and their emotive expression are highly valued. This emphasis on the individual is rooted in the Greco-Roman heritage and the subsequent development of Renaissance humanism, which placed the individual at the center of the artistic process.In contrast, the Eastern painting tradition, particularly in China and Japan, is more closely aligned with a holistic understanding of the natural world and the individual's place within it. The artist is seen asa conduit, a medium through which the harmony and interconnectedness of all things are expressed. The focus is not on the individual's subjective experience, but rather on the artist's ability to capture the essence, the "qi" or "chi," of the subject matter. This philosophical underpinning is deeply influenced by the teachings of Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism, which emphasize the unity of all things and the importance of finding one's place within the natural order.These divergent perspectives on the role of the artist are reflected in the technical approaches employed in Eastern and Western painting. In the Western tradition, the use of perspective, chiaroscuro, and the realistic rendering of three-dimensional space are hallmarks of the painting style. The goal is to create a convincing illusion of depth and volume, often with the aim of capturing a specific moment in time or a particular scene. This emphasis on realism and the individual's perspective is exemplified in the works of artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Rembrandt, and the Impressionists.In contrast, Eastern painting, particularly Chinese landscape painting, is characterized by a more abstract and symbolic approach. The focus is not on the faithful representation of the physical world, but on the evocation of the spiritual and emotional essence of the subject matter. Techniques such as the use of negative space, the juxtaposition of different elements, and the incorporation ofcalligraphic elements all serve to create a sense of harmony and balance, rather than a realistic depiction. The works of artists like Guo X i, Sesshu Tōyō, and Gu Kaizhi are prime examples of this philosophical and aesthetic approach.Another key difference lies in the materials and tools used in the respective painting traditions. In the West, the development of oil painting and the use of canvas as a support medium allowed for the creation of large-scale, detailed works that could capture the nuances of light and color. The brush strokes and the use of pigments were often employed to create a sense of depth and volume, with the goal of achieving a naturalistic representation of the subject matter.In the East, however, the preferred medium was often ink and brush on paper or silk. The use of these materials, combined with the philosophical emphasis on the harmony of all things, led to a more gestural and expressive approach to painting. The brush strokes, the distribution of ink, and the interplay between positive and negative space became integral to the artistic expression, rather than merely serving as a means to an end. The works of artis ts like Mu Qi, Sesshū Tōyō, and Wen Zhengming exemplify this unique Eastern approach to the painting medium.The divergence in painting traditions between the East and the Westcan also be seen in the subject matter and the modes of representation. In the Western tradition, the human figure, portraiture, and the depiction of religious and mythological scenes have been dominant themes. The representation of the individual, their emotions, and their place in the world have been central to the Western artistic canon.In contrast, Eastern painting has been more focused on the representation of the natural world, particularly landscape and the depiction of the harmony between man and nature. The ink paintings of Chinese artists, for instance, often feature sweeping vistas, towering mountains, and flowing rivers, with the human figure serving as a small and integrated element within the grand natural landscape. This emphasis on the natural world and the individual's place within it reflects the philosophical underpinnings of Eastern thought, which see the human as an integral part of the larger cosmic order.Despite these fundamental differences, it is important to note that the exchange and cross-pollination of ideas between the East and the West have also played a significant role in the evolution of painting traditions. The introduction of Western techniques and materials, such as oil painting and perspective, has influenced and enriched the artistic expressions of many Eastern artists. Conversely, the philosophical and aesthetic approaches of Eastern painting havealso had a profound impact on Western art, particularly in the 20th century, with the rise of abstract expressionism and other avant-garde movements that sought to move beyond the constraints of realism and traditional representation.In conclusion, the divergence of Western and Eastern painting traditions reflects the deep-rooted cultural, historical, and philosophical differences that have shaped the artistic expressions of these two vast and influential regions of the world. While the approaches, techniques, and subject matter may differ, the enduring legacy of these painting traditions lies in their ability to offer unique and compelling perspectives on the human experience and our relationship with the natural world. The continued dialogue and exchange between these traditions will undoubtedly continue to enrich and expand the horizons of the global artistic landscape.。
三种艺术类型英语作文Art is a diverse and vibrant field that encompasses various forms of expression. In this essay, I will explore three different types of art: visual art, performing art, and literary art.Visual art is a feast for the eyes. It captures the beauty and essence of the world around us through various mediums such as painting, sculpture, and photography. The strokes of a brush on a canvas create a mesmerizing blend of colors and shapes, while a sculpture can convey emotions and stories through its three-dimensional form. Photography freezes a moment in time, allowing us to relive it over and over again. Visual art is a powerful way to communicate and connect with others, as it transcends language barriers and speaks directly to our emotions.Performing art, on the other hand, brings art to life through movement and sound. Dance, theater, and music are all forms of performing art that captivate audiences withtheir energy and passion. Dance expresses emotions andtells stories through graceful movements and intricate choreography. Theater transports us to different worlds and allows us to experience a range of emotions through the performances of talented actors. Music, with its melodies and rhythms, has the power to evoke strong emotions and create a sense of unity among listeners. Performing art is a dynamic and immersive experience that engages both the performers and the audience.Literary art, the art of words, allows us to explore worlds beyond our own through literature, poetry, and storytelling. A well-crafted novel can transport us to distant lands and introduce us to unforgettable characters. Poetry, with its rhythmic and lyrical language, conveys deep emotions and thoughts in a condensed form. Storytelling, whether through oral traditions or written narratives, has been a way for cultures to pass down their history and values from generation to generation. Literary art invites us to use our imagination and connect with the human experience in a profound and intimate way.In conclusion, visual art, performing art, and literary art each offer unique and powerful ways to express and communicate. Whether it is through the visual beauty of a painting, the captivating performances on a stage, or the evocative words on a page, art has the ability to inspire, provoke, and move us. It is through the diversity of these art forms that we can truly appreciate the richness and depth of human creativity.。
艺术差异英文作文Artistic differences can be seen in various forms, from painting styles to musical genres. Each artist has their own unique way of expressing themselves, whether it be through bold colors or subtle brushstrokes.Some artists prefer to work with traditional materials like oil paints on canvas, while others may choose to experiment with digital art or mixed media. The choice of medium can greatly impact the final outcome of a piece, giving it a distinct look and feel.Musicians also showcase their artistic differences through the genres they choose to explore. From classical to hip-hop, each genre has its own set of conventions and styles that artists can either adhere to or break away from in order to create something new and innovative.Artistic differences can also be seen in the themes and subjects that artists choose to explore in their work.While some may focus on nature and landscapes, others may delve into more abstract concepts or societal issues. This diversity in subject matter adds depth and complexity to the art world.Ultimately, artistic differences are what make the creative world so vibrant and exciting. They allow artists to push boundaries, challenge norms, and create work that is truly unique to their own vision and perspective. Embracing these differences can lead to a greater appreciation and understanding of the diverse range of artistic expression that exists in the world today.。
不寻常的艺术形式英语作文英文回答:Unusual art forms have captured the attention of art enthusiasts and collectors alike. These unconventional creations often challenge traditional notions of art and push the boundaries of artistic expression. They may incorporate unique materials, unconventional techniques, or embrace interdisciplinary approaches.One such unusual art form is "found art," where artists utilize discarded or everyday objects as their medium. Marcel Duchamp's "Fountain," a porcelain urinal exhibitedin 1917, is an iconic example. By elevating ordinary objects to the status of art, found art questions the traditional hierarchy of materials and challenges the notion of artistic value.Another unconventional art form is "performance art," which involves live presentations that may incorporateelements of dance, theater, music, and visual art. Artists like Marina Abramović and Joseph Beuys have created immersive and participatory performances that explore the relationship between artist and audience, pushing the boundaries of traditional artistic experiences."Interactive art" invites the viewer to actively engage with the artwork. Olafur Eliasson's "The Weather Project" (2003), a large-scale installation featuring an artificial sun, allowed visitors to experience a transformative sensory environment. Interactive art empowers viewers to become co-creators, blurring the line between art and experience."Conceptual art," on the other hand, focuses on the ideas and concepts behind the artwork rather than its physical form. Artists like Sol LeWitt and Lawrence Weiner create instructions or descriptions of artworks that can be realized in various forms. Conceptual art challenges the traditional emphasis on aesthetics, prioritizing the exploration of abstract ideas and intellectual engagement."Digital art," utilizing computers and digital technologies, has emerged as a vibrant and rapidly evolving art form. Artists like Beeple and Pak explore virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and blockchain technology to create immersive and interactive works that transcend traditional artistic mediums.中文回答:不寻常的艺术形式。
不寻常的艺术形式英语作文English: Unconventional art forms challenge traditional norms and push boundaries in the art world. From performance art to street art, unconventional art forms have the power to provoke thought, inspire change, and spark conversations that transcend language and culture. Performance art, for example, uses the human body as a canvas to express emotions and ideas in a raw and unfiltered way, often blurring the lines between art and life. Street art, on the other hand, transforms public spaces into vibrant galleries, reclaiming the cityscape and challenging societal norms. These unconventional art forms not only disrupt our preconceived notions of what art should be but also invite us to see the world from a different perspective, encouraging us to question, reflect, and engage with our surroundings in new and unexpected ways.中文翻译: 不寻常的艺术形式挑战传统规范,推动艺术界的界限。
手术室地面血迹处理流程English Answer:Step 1: Assess the situation.Determine the extent of the blood spill.Identify the type of blood (e.g., arterial, venous, or capillary).Assess the risk of bloodborne pathogens.Step 2: Gather necessary materials.Personal protective equipment (PPE): gloves, gown, mask, and eye protection.Disinfectant solution (e.g., bleach or hydrogen peroxide).Absorbent materials (e.g., gauze pads or towels).Biohazard waste container.Step 3: Don PPE.Put on gloves, a gown, a mask, and eye protection. Step 4: Contain the blood spill.Use absorbent materials to soak up the blood spill.Apply pressure to the area to stop the bleeding (if necessary).Place a biohazard sign around the area to prevent contamination.Step 5: Clean and disinfect the area.Remove the contaminated absorbent materials and dispose of them in a biohazard waste container.Clean the area with a disinfectant solution.Allow the area to dry completely.Step 6: Remove PPE.Remove PPE by taking off gloves, gown, mask, and eye protection.Step 7: Report the incident.Notify the supervisor or infection control officer of the blood spill.Complete an incident report.Additional notes:If the blood spill is large or involves a high risk of bloodborne pathogens, consult with infection control personnel.Follow all hospital policies and procedures for handling blood spills.Stay calm and avoid panic.Chinese Answer:手术室地面血迹处理流程。
第 44 卷第 8 期 2023 年 8 月安徽医学Anhui Medical JournalPcv-aCO 2与Ca-cvO 2比值在评估脓毒症患者氧代谢中的研究进展李茹 杨晓宇 杜贤荣 刘文操[摘 要] 脓毒症是急诊科、重症医学科常见病,中心静脉-动脉二氧化碳分压差与动脉-中心静脉氧含量比值(Pcv-aCO 2/Ca-cvO 2)可反映机体氧供需状态,以氧供应不足及氧摄取利用受限为特征的氧代谢障碍是脓毒症主要的病理生理机制之一,并成为危重症患者病情发展至多器官功能衰竭的共同基础。
本文从Pcv-aCO 2/Ca-cvO 2评估脓毒症患者氧代谢方面进行总结,以期为脓毒症患者的诊疗提供帮助。
目前认为中心静脉-动脉二氧化碳分压差与动脉-中心静脉氧含量差的比值(Pcv-aCO 2/Ca-cvO 2)作为呼吸熵的衍生参数,可以反映机体氧代谢状态,在氧代谢检测和评估组织灌注方面有重要提示作用[6], 但因缺乏确切证据证实其高特异性和敏感性,在学术界尚无统一定论。
本综述主要就Pcv-aCO 2/Ca-cvO 2在脓毒症氧代谢方面的研究进展进行归纳总结,以期为危重症患者临床诊疗提供新的策略。
Clinical presentation
factors contributing to symptoms
– vessel walls, flow and pressures – enlargement and encroachment
Clinical presentation
factors contributing to symptoms
– vessel walls, flow and pressures – enlargement and encroachment – dural sinuses
Clinical presentation
factors contributing to symptoms
– vessel walls, flow and pressures – enlargement and encroachment – dural sinuses – ischaemia
Clinical presentation
factors contributing to symptoms
less severe
– mortality 30-50%
– mortality 6 to 13.6%
– rupture not a function – rupture related to
of size
aneurysm size
– no marked increase
Pathology & Pathophysiology
absence of normal capillary system
新生儿脐动静脉置管的集束化护理廖卫华【摘要】目的:探讨新生儿脐动静脉置管集束化护理效果.方法:选取我院2013年1月~2015年12月收治的58例脐动静脉置管的新生儿,并随机等分为对照组和观察组,对照组患儿采用常规护理;观察组患儿采用集束化护理,观察两组患儿的不良反应发生情况.结果:观察组患儿在不明原因发热与皮肤阳性反应(皮肤划痕试验)、堵管、院内感染发生率均少于对照组,脐动静脉置管天数短于对照组,两组比较差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:集束化护理应用到新生儿脐动静脉置管,降低了不良反应的发生率,缩短了患儿住院周期,减少了住院费用.%Objective:To discuss the effect of cluster nursing of arterial and venous cord blood intubation of newborns. Methods:Selected 58 newborns receiv-ing arterial and venous cord blood intubation in our hospital from January 2013 to December 2015, and they were equally divided into control group and ob-servation group at random, the newborn patients in the control group were given routine nursing, and those in the observation group were given cluster nurs-ing, and the adverse reaction of the two groups was observed. Results:The newborn patients in the observation group had fever of unknown reason and skin positive reaction ( skin scratch test) , tube blockage and hospital infection less than those in the control group, and the number of days of venous cord blood intubation was less than that in the control group, and the difference was statistically significant in the comparison of the two groups (P<0. 05). Conclu-sion:The application of cluster nursing in the venous cord blood intubation of newborn reducedthe incidence of adverse reaction, shortened the hospitaliza-tion period of the newborn patients and reduced the hospitalization expenses.【期刊名称】《护理实践与研究》【年(卷),期】2017(014)001【总页数】3页(P82-84)【关键词】新生儿;脐动脉置管;脐静脉置管;集束化护理【作者】廖卫华【作者单位】510515 广州市广州市南方医院儿科【正文语种】中文集束化护理方案是指集合一系列具有循证医学证据支持的护理措施。
%Objective To explore the diagnosis and differential diagnosis values of spectral imaging of dual-source CT be-tween lymphoma and metastatic lymph nodes (MLN). Methods Total 35 patients with lymphoma and 30 patients with MLN,who underwent the dual-energy scans using Dual-energy computed tomography to obtain spectral serial images for arterial and portal venous phase,confirmed by pathology. The iodine map of the arterial phase and venous phase,the energy spectral curves and the mono-energetic imaging of 40-190kev of the lymphoma and MLN were collected. The CT values,CTvalue of overlap (CToA),nor-malized iodine concentration (NIC),iodine concentration (IC),the homogenization ratio of iodine concentration ratio of lesion-nor-mal liver (HRIC) and CT value on the single spectrum image between the arterial phase and the portal venous phase were mea-sured. The two sample t test was performed between the arterial phase and the portal venous phase to assess the statistical differ-ences,which was definited with P<0.05. Results The lymphoma group showed higher values of the CT value of the unenhanced phase image,the difference of CT value between the arterial phase and the unenhanced phase,and between the portal venous phase and the unenhanced phase,the difference value of the CToA,IC,HRIC both during arterial phase and the portal venous phase than MLN group (P<0.05). The lymphoma group showed higher NIC values than MLN group,but the difference was not sta-tistically significant(P>0.05). The lymphoma group showed higher CT value on the single spectrum image than MLN group(P<0.05). Conclusion The spectral imaging of dual-source CT has great clinical value,and can improve the accuracy rate and the detection rate between lymphoma and MLN.【期刊名称】《江西医药》【年(卷),期】2015(000)003【总页数】4页(P195-198)【关键词】淋巴瘤;转移性淋巴结;体层摄影术;X线计算机;碘图;能谱成像【作者】曾炳亮;桂绍高【作者单位】江西省人民医院影像中心,南昌330006;江西省人民医院影像中心,南昌 330006【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R816.3淋巴结是人体最重要的免疫器官之一,散在分布于全身淋巴器官。
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Yamashita,53Shogoin Kawahara-cho, Sakyo-ku,Kyoto606-8507,Japan.Tel.:(+81) 75-751-3853;fax:(+81)75-751-4824;e-mail:juny@frontier.kyoto-u.ac.jp.D2007,Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved. 1050-1738/07/$-see front matter ECs have been reported.These discov-eries are now opening the gate for research to elucidate the molecular and cellular mechanisms for vascular devel-opment and diversification.In this review,molecular mechanisms for arte-rial,venous,and lymphatic EC differ-entiation will be reviewed and discussed with our recent studies that use embry-onic stem(ES)cell system.Arterial EC DifferentiationA transmembrane ligand ephrinB2and its receptor tyrosine kinase EphB4were the first reported markers for arterial and venous ECs,respectively(Wang et al. 1998).Segregated expression pattern of ephrinB2and EphB4on arterial and venous ECs,respectively,in yolk sac before the onset of blood flow clearly demonstrated that there was a genetic basis of arterial-venous specification mechanisms.Disruption of ephrinB2or EphB4in mouse embryos showed sim-ilar vascular morphologic defects(Wang et al.1998,Gerety et al.1999),indicating that the ephrinB2-EphB4system is essential to establish mature blood vessel system with arterial-venous identity. Currently,various molecular markers for arterial,venous,and lymphatic ECs have been reported(Table1).Notch signaling plays a central role in arterial EC differentiation.Loss of Notch or gridlock,a downstream target gene of Notch,led to a loss of ephrinB2expres-sion in arteries in zebrafish(Zhong et al. 2001,Lawson and Weinstein2002). Double knockout mice of Hey1and2, mammalian homologues of gridlock, showed vascular abnormality withreduced arterial EC markers(Fischer et al.2004).Disruption of the recombi-nation recognition sequence binding pro-tein at the J j site(RBP-J),an essential downstream molecule for Notch activa-tion,or a Notch ligand,Delta-like4,in mice showed impaired arterial develop-ment(Krebs et al.2004,Duarte et al.2004).Forced activation of Notch in zebrafish led to ectopic expression of ephrinB2in venous ECs and sup-pressed EphB4expression(Lawson and Weinstein2002).These results indicate that Notch signaling promotes arterial EC differentiation and suppresses venous EC fate.Arterial-venous specification mechanisms in zebrafish were further demonstrated to be a regulatory signaling cascade of sonic hedgehog-vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF)-Notch-ephrinB2(Lawson and Weinstein 2002).Arterial EC differentiation was reported to be regulated by other factors, such as transforming growth factor b families(Seki et al.2003),VEGF-A (Mukouyama et al.2002),mechano-chemical stimuli including shear stress (Coultas et al.2005),and oxygen concen-tration(Claxton and Fruttiger2005).Venous EC DifferentiationVenous EC differentiation has been considered as a default pathway of EC differentiation.That is,insufficient Notch activation during angioblast dif-ferentiation to ECs leads ECs to venous fate(Thurston and Yancopoulos2001). Recently,COUP-TFII,an orphan nuclear receptor transcription factor,was reported to repress Notch signalingthrough suppressing neuropilin1expression to maintain vein identity(You et al.2005).Double mutant ofangiopoietin1and Tie1tyrosine kinasereceptor showed specific ablation ofthe venous system(Loughna and Sato2001).These results suggest the exis-tence of a specific regulation systemfor venous development.Lymphatic EC DifferentiationLymphatic ECs are differentiated fromvenous ECs.A subset of venous ECsexpressing LYVE1,which is competentto lymphatic differentiation,are com-mitted into lymphatic ECs with theexpression of Prox-1homeobox tran-scription factor(Oliver and Harvey2002).Prox-1is considered as the mostTable1.Arterial,venous,and lymphatic EC markers in the mouseArtery Vein LymphaticAlk1(Seki et al.2003)COUP-TFII(You et al.2005)CCL21(Jain and Padera2003)Bmx(Rajantie et al.2001)EphB4(Wang et al.1998)LYVE1(Jain and Padera2003)CD44(Fischer et al.2004)Neuropilin2(Yuan et al.2002)Neuropilin2(Jain and Padera2003) Connexin37(Duarte et al.2004)Podoplanin(Breiteneder-Geleff et al.1999) Connexin40(Mukouyama et al.2002)Prox1(Wigle et al.2002)CXCR4(Yurugi-Kobayashi et al.2006)VEGFR3(Makinen et al.2001)Delta-like4(Duarte et al.2004)Depp(Shin and Anderson2005)ephrinB2(Wang et al.1998)IGFBP-5P(Shin and Anderson2005)Jagged1(Villa et al.2001)Neuropilin1(Mukouyama et al.2002)Notch1,4(Villa et al.2001)Unc5b(Lu et al.2004)Figure 1.Endothelial diversification from ES-cell-derived vascular progenitors.Vascularendothelial growth factor is essential to induce CD31+/VE-cadherin+ECs from VEGFR2+vascular progenitor cells.Vascular endothelial growth factor alone with serum inducesephrinB2À(EphB4+)venous ECs.When AM/cAMP and Notch signaling is present togetherwith VEGF,ephrinB2+arterial ECs are induced.For lymphatic EC differentiation,in additionto VEGF-C and angiopoietins,some factors secreted from OP9stroma cells are required.Lymphatic ECs are possibly differentiated directly from VEGFR2+progenitors or throughvenous ECs.specific and functional lymphatic EC marker.Targeted disruption of Prox-1 in mice led to a failure in the budding of lymphatic ECs and lymphatic vessel development(Wigle et al.2002).VEGF-C and VEGF-D signaling mediated by VEGF receptor3(VEGFR3)is a major regulator of lymphatic EC proliferation, migration,and survival that induce lym-phangiogenesis(Makinen et al.2001). Insufficient VEGFR3signal activation resulted in hypoplastic lymphatic vessels (Karkkainen et al.2004).Angiopoietin signaling is also important in lymphatic vessel development.Angiopoietin1is reported to induce lymphatic vessel for-mation(Morisada et al.2005,Tammela et al.2005).Mice lacking angiopoietin2 exhibit major lymphatic vessel defects (Gale et al.2002).Other factors such as platelet-derived growth factor BB(Cao et al.2004),hepatocyte growth factor (Kajiya et al.2005),interleukin3(Groger et al.2004),and so on,are reported to be involved in lymphangiogenesis and/or lymphatic EC differentiation.Arterial,Venous,and Lymphatic ECs from ES CellsPreviously,Yamashita et al(2000) established a novel ES cell differentia-tion system for vascular cells.Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2(VEGFR2),also designated as Flk1, is the earliest functional differentiation marker for blood and ECs,and an indicator of the lateral plate mesoderm. VEGFR2+cells are induced from undif-ferentiated ES cells and purified by fluorescent-activated cell sorting.When VEGFR2+cells are recultured on type-IV collagen-coated dishes with serum and VEGF,CD31+/vascular endothelial (VE)cadherin+ECs,and a-smooth muscle actin+MCs are selectively induced.Induced vascular cells can form mature vascular-like structure with endothelial tube and surrounding MCs in vitro and can contribute to newly formed vessels as ECs and MCs in vivo(Yamashita et al.2000,Yurugi-Kobayashi et al.2003).Recently,the author’s group suc-ceeded in inducing arterial,venous,and lymphatic ECs from ES cells with the use of this ES cell differentiation system and demonstrated molecular and cellular mechanisms of EC diversifica-tion from vascular progenitor cells(Yurugi-Kobayashi et al.2006,Konoet al.2006)(Figure1).When VEGFR2+cells were cultured with VEGF andserum on type-IV collagen,N90%ofinduced ECs became ephrinB2ÀvenousECs.When cyclic adenosine monophos-phate(cAMP)pathway was stimulated bya cAMP homolog,8bromo-cAMP,or acAMP-elevating humoral factor,adreno-medullin(AM),together with VEGF andserum,Notch signaling was activated inECs,and ephrinB2+arterial ECs wereefficiently induced in up to~70%ofinduced ECs.Loss of function of Notchsignaling with disruption of RBP-J in EScells,or with addition of c-secretaseinhibitor,which inhibits cleavage ofintracellular domain of Notch(NICD)toform active RBP-J-NICD complex,com-pletely abolished arterial EC inductionby cAMP activation.These results indi-cate that Notch signaling is also essentialin arterial EC differentiation in this EScell system.On the other hand,gain-of-function of Notch with forced Notchactivation by the constitutively activeNotch1did not induce arterial ECs eventogether with VEGF and cAMP activa-tion.These results indicate that,as theauthors previously demonstrated,VEGFis essential for EC differentiation fromVEGFR2+progenitor cells.For venousEC differentiation,VEGF alone withserum is sufficient.For arterial ECinduction,VEGF and Notch signaling isessential but not sufficient in this model.The AM/cAMP pathway can activateNotch signaling and is another indispen-sable signaling to induce arterial ECs.Coordinated signaling of VEGF,Notch,and cAMP are sufficient to constructivelyinduce arterial ECs from vascular pro-genitors in vitro.Induction of lymphatic ECs from EScells were reported from several groupsin2006(Liersch et al.2006,Kreuger et al.2006,Kono et al.2006).Liersch et al.(2006)and Kreuger et al.(2006)inducedprox-1+lymphatic ECs in embryoidbodies and aggregates of ES cells,withVEGF-A and VEGF-C treatment.Konoet al.(2006)induced prox-1+lymphaticECs from VEGFR2+progenitors by cul-turing the progenitors on OP9mousestroma cells,which have been reportedto induce ECs from VEGFR2+cellsmainly through VEGF production(Hirashima et al.1999).Prox-1+lym-phatic ECs appeared from1.5-to3-dayculture on OP9cells.Appearance ofLYVE1+ECs preceded prox-1expression,suggesting that this differentiation modelmay mimic the sequential differentiationmodel of lymphatic ECs from LYVE1+lymphatic-competent venous ECs in vivo(Oliver and Harvey2002,Jain and Padera2003).Nevertheless,whether lymphaticECs can be differentiated only fromvenous ECs or they can bypass venousEC stage and be differentiated directlyfrom vascular progenitors is still left to bedistinctively resolved with other exper-imental strategies.Functional relevan-cies of ES-cell-derived lymphatic ECsshould be further evaluated,for example,by transplantation experiments ofinduced lymphatic ECs.Inhibition ofVEGF-C and angiopoietin signaling byaddition of VEGFR3-and Tie2-immuno-globlin fusion proteins almost com-pletely a bolished lymphatic E Cinduction from VEGFR2+cells on OP9cells,indicating that VEGF-C and angio-poietin signaling are essential to lym-phatic EC differentiation.On the otherhand,treatment of VEGFR2+cells withVEGF-C or angiopoietin-1on type-IVcollagen-coated dishes failed to inducelymphatic ECs,whereas conditionedmedia of OP9cells showed an inductionactivity of lymphatic ECs even on colla-gen-coated dishes.Addition of otherreported lymphatic-inducing factors,interleukin3and platelet-derived growthfactor BB,also failed to induce lymphaticECs in the absence of OP9cells.Theseresults indicate that in addition to VEGF-C and angiopoietin,some secreted fac-tors from OP9cells are required toconstructively induce lymphatic ECsfrom vascular progenitors.Now,three major cell types of ECs—arterial,venous,and lymphatic ECs—have been successfully induced from EScells.Further studies to dissect outmolecular and cellular mechanisms ofEC diversification are required.Significance of ES CellDifferentiation ModelThis novel vascular cell differentiationsystem can systematically and construc-tively induce arterial,venous,and lym-phatic ECs from common progenitorVEGFR2+cells.This strategy could pro-vide novel insights into vascular develop-ment by adding a novel view point asconstructive developmental biology.Genetic animal models have been accepted as one of the most potent and significant experimental strategies in developmental biology.One needs to be carefully aware that the results we can usually observe in the animal models are the final consequence of gene modifica-tion after complicated molecular and cellular interaction in the context of body plan.A transgenic mouse model express-ing NICD in adult ECs showed ectopic expression of ephrinB2expression in a limited region of venous ECs(Carlson et al.2005).This result looks inconsistent with in vitro experiments that use ES cells that forced Notch activation in EC pro-genitors did not induce ephrinB2expres-sion(Yurugi-Kobayashi et al.2006).One possible speculation is that,as the timing of Notch activation was different between the former in vivo model and the latter in vitro model,Notch signaling may possess differentiation stage-specific roles in arterial EC induction.However,it also may be possible to speculate that some cAMP-stimulating signals already existed in the region where ectopic ephrinB2 induction was observed,and forced Notch stimulation then could induce ephrinB2expression by cooperating with regionally pre-existing cAMP signals.By carefully comparing and referring with constructive in vitro differentiation mod-els and in vivo genetic animal models, these experimental approaches would complementarily contribute to further profound understanding of the under-lying mechanisms.This system possesses another ad-vantage in that it is amenable to puri-fication and collection of cells at various intermediate differentiation stages from ES cells to specified ECs. Global analysis of gene expression pro-files in arterial,venous,and lymphatic ECs,together with VEGFR2+progeni-tors and undifferentiated ES cells, would provide comprehensive under-standing of genetic as well as epigenetic mechanisms for sequential process of cell differentiation and diversification from pluripotent cells to terminally differentiated ECs.Differentiation stud-ies that use ES cells would play various important roles in developmental biol-ogy as well as regenerative medicine and would provide not only cell sources for cell therapy but also seeds for developing other therapeutic strategies, including gene therapy and novel drugs. PerspectivesUnderstanding the cellular and molecu-lar mechanisms of vascular developmentand diversification would contribute tothe exploration of various options ofclinical application.Arterial EC differ-entiation machineries may provide arte-rial-specific vascular regeneration forischemic heart or brain diseases.Lym-phatic or tumor-vessel-specific antian-giogenic therapy may be a potentanticancer therapeutic strategy.It isknown that aberrant angiogenesis isinvolved in the development of patho-logic situations in various diseases suchas diabetic retinopathy,inflammatory orautoimmune diseases,cardiac valve dis-eases(Yoshioka et al.2006),and so on.Elucidation of tissue-specific mecha-nisms of vascular diversification in moredetail would be required to develop novelspecific vascular-targeting strategies forthese diseases.To figure out the wholescheme and machinery of EC diversifica-tion with the use of various scientificapproaches should be one of the mostimportant research targets for 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This review examines the evidence linking K ATP channels to the regulation of coronary vascular tone and the potential clinical implica-tions of pharmacologic therapies that act on K ATP channels.(Trends Cardiovasc Med2007;17:63–68)D2007,Elsevier Inc.The coronary circulation provides bloodsupply to the heart,a dynamic and highlymetabolically active organ,allowing it togenerate the pressure required to perfusethe systemic circulation.The myocar-dium is dependent on aerobic metabo-lism and cannot function effectivelywithout a consistent supply of oxygenand other metabolic substrates.This isevident when these conditions are notsatisfied during the pathological states ofmyocardial ischemia or infarction,whichmay result in deleterious effects on pumpfunction and circulatory perfusion.Under conditions of increased myocar-dial metabolism and oxygen demand,there is only limited capacity for a furtherincrease in oxygen extraction becausethis is already at near maximal levels.Inthis setting,myocardial oxygen supply isdependent on increased delivery by aug-mentation of coronary blood flow(CBF).H.M.Omar Farouque is at the Department ofCardiology,Austin Health,Heidelberg,Victo-ria,3084,Australia,and University of Mel-bourne,Melbourne,3052,Australia.Ian T.Meredith is at the Cardiovascular ResearchCentre,Monash Medical Centre,Melbourne,3168,Australia,and Monash University,Mel-bourne,3800,Australia.*Address correspondence to:Dr.H.M.Omar Farouque,Department of Cardiology,Austin Health,145Studley Road,PO Box5555,Heidelberg,Victoria,3084,Australia.Tel.:(+61)3-94963034;fax:(+61)3-9459-0971;e-mail:omar.farouque@.au.D2007,Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.1050-1738/07/$-see front matter。