Design, Simulation, and Experimental Demonstration of Self-assembled DNA Nanostructures and
体系仿真中doe实验设计方法Design of experiments (DOE) is a critical method in system simulation that allows researchers to efficiently and effectively explore the effects of multiple variables on a system. DOE helps in uncovering the most influential factors affecting the system's behavior, enabling researchers to make informed decisions and optimize system performance. However, designing an effective DOE for system simulation requires careful planning, consideration of various factors, and understanding of the system under study.实验设计(DOE)是体系仿真中的一种重要方法,它允许研究人员有效地探索多个变量对体系的影响。
When designing a DOE for system simulation, researchers must first clearly define the objectives of the experiment. This includes determining the specific variables to be studied, setting the desired outcomes, and establishing the criteria for success. By clearlyoutlining the goals of the experiment, researchers can ensure that the DOE is focused and will provide valuable insights into the system's behavior.在为系统仿真设计DOE时,研究人员首先必须明确定义实验的目标。
z C =e
w C = 2 πf
maps to
Find γ
1 +s / Q X w X s / w X
z − z ZN1 z − z ZN2
γ=∣ z C − z ZN1∣ .∣ z C − z ZN2∣
7. Solve for r using fX and QX in:
a= β α⋅γ⋅A
b=− 2⋅a⋅r⋅cos 2⋅π⋅ f X ⋅T S⋅ 1 −1 / 2⋅Q X
c=a⋅r 2
9. Alternatively, the KP, KI, and KD terms are:
K D =c
a+b+K D 1 − K FD
K P =a − K I − K D
Application Circuit & IC Block Diagram Control Loop Model, Design, and Analysis PID Design – Analytical Design Procedure Simulation & Experimental Circuit Schematics Time-Domain Simulation Model vs. Experimental Results Frequency Domain Comparison Summary
Loop Gain
∣T z ∣=∣G C z G Z1 z ∣
第39卷 第9期 高 师 理 科 学 刊 Vol. 39 No.9 2019年 9月 Journal of Science of Teachers′College and University Sep. 2019文章编号:1007-9831(2019)09-0052-04应用MATLAB设计电磁场与电磁波模拟仿真实验凌滨,郭也,刘文川(东北林业大学 机电工程学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150040)摘要:由于电磁场与电磁波课程在电磁波传播部分授课中的理论和概念抽象,难以理解.利用MATLAB语言编程技术,针对电磁场和电磁波传播2个方面,设计2个模拟仿真实验:均匀平面波在无界空间中的传播和设定各参数实验数据获得分界面上波形的变化.2个具体仿真实验形象地再现了均匀平面电磁波在自由空间传播状态和在2个媒介边界上的变化特征,通过实验有助于学生对电磁场和电磁波基本规律的掌握.关键词:电磁场与电磁波;MATLAB;仿真实验;均匀平面波中图分类号:O441.4 文献标识码:A doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-9831.2019.09.014Application of MATLAB to design electromagnetic field andelectromagnetic wave simulation experimentLING Bin,GUO Ye,LIU Wen-chuan(School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Northeast Forestry University,Harbin 150040,China)Abstract:The theoretical and conceptual abstraction of the electromagnetic field and electromagnetic wave course in the teaching of electromagnetic wave propagation is difficult to understand.Using MATLAB language programming technology,two simulation experiments were designed for electromagnetic field and electromagnetic wave propagation,the propagation of uniform plane wave in unbounded space and setting experimental data of each parameter to obtain the waveform change on the interface.Two specific simulation experiments vividly reproduced the variation characteristics of uniform plane electromagnetic waves in free space and the boundary of two media.The experiment helps students master the basic laws of electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic waves.Key words:electromagnetic field and electromagnetic wave;MATLAB;simulation experiment;uniform plane wave电磁场与电磁波作为电子信息和通信工程的专业基础课之一,通过实验课程的环节来加深对电磁场理论知识的理解,并且可以将课堂上所学到的理论知识在实验课中进行验证,加深理解[1-2].由于目前教学过程中受到实验室的硬件环境的限制,在实验教学环节中以仿真验证为主,利用MATLAB软件对所学的理论知识进行实验,通过理论知识来指导实践.将两者相结合,可以达到提高学生发现并分析问题,利用所学知识解决问题能力的目的,进一步将所学的理论知识完善巩固,更加全面地了解电磁场与电磁波的概念[3-5].MATLAB仿真软件的数据分析和数据计算的能力十分强大,将实验数据以图形的形式进行展示,提供了一个数据可视化的平台[6].本文在电磁场与电磁波的实验教学中,利用MATLAB模拟了2种情况下的仿收稿日期:2019-04-10基金项目:东北林业大学教育教学研究课题项目(JG2016008)作者简介:凌滨(1962-),男,黑龙江哈尔滨人,副教授,硕士,从事电磁场与电磁波研究.E-mail:756595015@第9期 凌滨,等:应用MATLAB 设计电磁场与电磁波模拟仿真实验 53真实验,分别是自由空间和媒质空间中均匀平面电磁波传播波形的变化以及2种介质分界面上电磁波波形的变化.1 均匀平面波在真空和媒质中的传播仿真实验由麦克斯韦方程组可知,变化的电场和磁场相互作用下,产生的电磁波以光速在真空中传播;电磁波在理想介质中是横波,电场和磁场的方向与波的传播方向相互垂直,另外,电场方向与磁场方向也相互垂直[7].理想介质中均匀平面电磁波的波动方程可以由麦克斯韦方程组推理得到220022200200E E tH H t e m e m ì¶Ñ-=ïï¶í¶ïÑ-=ï¶îu vu v uu v uu v (1) 若电场为线极化方式,且电磁波沿x 轴方向,可以得到22000022(()E H H Ex t t x x tm m e m ¶¶¶¶¶¶=-=-=¶¶¶¶¶¶ (2) 同理220022H Hx te m ¶¶=¶¶,这2个公式都属于波动方程.电场与磁场的传播速度,也就是电磁波在真空中的传播速度,即81/310m/s c =»´.由此可见,电磁波的传播速度(在真空中)与光速等值,理论数据和实验数据一致,这为光的电磁波理论提供了一个重要的理论依据.由波动方程 220022220022E E x tH H x t e m e m 춶=ïï¶¶í¶¶ï=ﶶî (3) 在真空中当平面电磁波的电场强度和磁场强度的频率和相位相同时,2个波动方程的瞬时表达式为m (,)cos()x x E z t e E t z w b =-r r(4)m (,)cos()x y E H z t e t z w b h=-r r (5) 其中:m x E 是电场强度振幅;w 是电磁波的圆频率;b 是相位常数;h 是本征阻抗.设计的仿真均匀平面波形波动见图 1.均匀平面波在导电媒质中具有传播特性:电媒质的典型特征是电导率 0s ¹;电磁波在导电媒质中传播时,由于传导电流J E s =的存在,同时还伴随着电磁能量的损耗;电磁波的传播特性与非导电介质中的传播特性有所不同[8-10].电场E 、磁场H 瞬时值形式m (,)e cos()z x x E z t e E t z a w b -=-v r(6) m (,)e cos()z x y cEH z t e t z a w b j h -=--r r (7)在导电媒质中衰减常数a 、相位常数b 和本征阻抗c h分别为a = (8)b = (9)54 高 师 理 科 学 刊 第39卷1arctg 2e j c c s weh h === (10)通过改变介电参数e 、磁导率m 、电导率s 和波的频率w ,电磁波在传播中是不断变化的,设计的仿真实验波形变化见图2.应用仿真实验可以形象直观地看到均匀平面波的传播特征,并通过改变介质各参数来观察电磁波的波形变化特性.2 均匀平面波的传播、反射及透射的仿真实验电磁波在入射到不同媒质分界面上时,一部分波会在分界面上进行反射,一部分波会透过分界面.入射波(已知)+反射波(未知)= 透射波(未知) (1) 0z <中,导电媒质1的参数为111s e m ,,;(2) 0z >中,导电媒质2的参数为222s e m ,,.沿x 方向极化的均匀平面波从媒质1 垂直入射到与导电媒质2 的分界平面上,电场和磁场的变化见图3. 媒质1中的入射波 1i im ()e zx E z e E g -=r r (11)1im i 1()e z y cEH z e g h -=r r (12)媒质1中的反射波1r rm ()e z x E z e E g -=r r(13) 1rm r 1()e z y cEH z e g h -=r r (14)媒质1中的合成波11im rm 1i r 12()()()e e z z y y c cE E H z H z H z e e g g h h --=+=-r r r r r H (15)111i r im rm ()()+()e e z z x x E z E z E z e E e E g g --==+r r r r r(16)其中传播常数1g 和波阻抗1c h为11211)j j s g we =- (17)11211c j s h we -==- (18) 媒质2中的透射波第9期 凌滨,等:应用MATLAB 设计电磁场与电磁波模拟仿真实验 5522tm t tm t 2()e ,()e zz x y cE E z e E H z e g g h --==r r r r (19)其中:传播常数2g 和波阻抗2c h为12222)j j s g we =- (20)12222c j s h we -=- (21) 改变各参数的数值,介质1,2为不同媒质时,设计的仿真实验波形见图4.改变各参数的数值,介质1为非导电媒质、2为导电媒质时,设计的仿真实验波形见图5.改变各参数的数值,介质1,2为相同电媒质时,设计的仿真实验波形见图6.通过该仿真实验系统操作,设定各参数实验数据,即获得分界面上波形的变化特征.对实验结果进行分析和解释,得到合理有效的结论.3 结束语本文提出了利用MATLAB 来完成电磁场与电磁波的仿真实验,通过仿真实验将理论教学有效地运用到实践教学中,能够使学生更加有效地理解所学的理论知识.电磁场与电磁波的仿真实验练习可以让学生对自己所学的知识有更深地理解,可以用更加灵活的方式掌握专业技能,并对所学专业的应用领域和前景有进一步的了解.在鼓励学生自己利用所学知识解决实际问题的同时,将书本知识与工程实践相结合,将复杂的电磁波问题简化,可以有效地提高授课效果. 参考文献:[1] 谢处方,饶克谨.电磁场与电磁波[M].北京:高等教育出版社,2006[2] 刘亮元,贺达江.电磁场与电磁波仿真实验教学[J].实验室研究与探索,2010,29(5):30-32[3] 王明军.MATLAB 在电磁场与电磁波课程教学中的应用[J].咸阳师范学院学报,2009,24(2):89-91 [4] 郭瑜,虞致国.电磁场与电磁波仿真实验教学研究[J].无锡职业技术学院学报,2018,17(2):28-31[5] 杨明珊,谭凤杰,李志中,等.电磁场与电磁波实验仿真系统[J].郑州大学学报:理学版, 2013,45(2):64-67 [6] 乔世坤.Matlab 在通信课程中的仿真应用[M].哈尔滨:东北林业大学出版社,2017 [7] 马冰然.电磁场与微波技术[M].广州:华南理工大学出版社,1999[8] William Hayt,John Buck.Engineering Electromagnetics[M].Beijing:Tsinghua University Press,2011[9] 万棣,范懿.电磁场与电磁波虚拟仿真系统的设计与开发[J].电气电子教学,2017,39(4):141-144[10]邓红涛,刘巧,田敏.利用仿真软件优化电磁场与电磁波教学[J].电脑知识与技术,2014,10(4):792-794。
Modelling, simulation and experimental investigation
ORIGINAL ARTICLEModelling,simulation and experimental investigation of cutting forces during helical milling operationsChangyi Liu &Gui Wang &Matthew S.DarguschReceived:21September 2011/Accepted:23January 2012/Published online:18February 2012#Springer-Verlag London Limited 2012Abstract The kinematics of helical milling on a three-axis machine tool is first analysed.An analytical model dealing with time domain cutting forces is proposed in this paper.The cutting force model is established in order to accurately predict the cutting forces and torque during helical milling operations as a function of helical feed,spindle velocity,axial and radial cutting depth and milling tool geometry.The forces both on the side cutting edges and on the end cutting edges along the helical feed path are described by considering the tangential and the axial motion of the tool.The dual periodicity which is caused by the spindle rotation,as well as the period of the helical feed of the cutting tool,has been included.Both simulation and experiments have been performed in order to compare the results obtained from modelling with experiments.Keywords Helical milling .Hole machining .Cutting forces .Analytical model .Time domainNomenclature a e i ,a e *Radial cutting depth of side cutting edge andend cutting edge (millimetres)a p i ,a p *Axial cutting depth of side cutting edge and endcutting edge (millimetres)D m Milling tool diameter (millimetres)F Cutting force (newtons)f va Axial component of helical feed speed (millimetres per second)f vt X –Y plane component of helical feed speed (millimetres per second)f za Axial component of helical feed rate per tooth (millimetres)f zt X –Y plane component of helical feed rate per tooth (millimetres)h i ,h *Instantaneous undeformed chip width of side cutting edge and end cutting edge (millimetres)K rc ,K tc ,K ac Cutting force coefficients of radial,tangential and axial direction (newtons per square millimetre)K re ,K te ,K ae Cutting force coefficients of edge effect (newtons per millimetre)K *vc ,K *nc Tangential and normal cutting force coefficients of end cutting edges (newtons per square millimetre)K *ve ,K *ne Tangential and normal cutting force coefficients of edge effect (newtons per millimetre)P Pitch of the helix feed trajectory N m Flute number of the milling toolv Velocity of milling tool or velocity of a point of the cutting edge (millimetres per second)t Time (seconds)βHelix angle of the milling tool fluteθAngular of motive direction and X –Y plane of a point of the cutting edge (radians)ϕϕj Relative rotational angle of milling tool and the cutting tooth j (radians)Φst ,Φex Cut-in and cut-out relative rotational angle of the cutting toolΦB Diameter of the hole (millimetres)ΦODiameter of the helical feed trajectory in X –Y plane (millimetres)C.Liu (*)Nanjing University of Aeronautics &Astronautics,Nanjing,Jiangsu,Chinae-mail:liuchangyi@G.Wang :M.S.DarguschCAST CRC,School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering,The University of Queensland,Brisbane,Queensland,Australia M.S.Dargusche-mail:m.dargusch@.auInt J Adv Manuf Technol (2012)63:839–850DOI 10.1007/s00170-012-3951-4ΩSpindle rotating angular velocity(radians per second)Ωh Helix feed rotating angular velocity(radians per second)1IntroductionHelical milling has been applied to generate boreholes by means of a milling tool to some difficult-to-cut materials. This innovative method was found to facilitate hole making in AISI D2tool steel in its hardened state,resulting in an enhancement in cutting tool life and the ability to machine H7quality holes with a surface finish of0.3μm Ra[1].The operation has also been applied to hole making in composite-metal compounds as a substitute for drilling operations.The impact of the axial and tangential feed per tooth on the process forces[2]has been investigated. Employing helical milling to aluminium with minimum quantity lubrication has shown an improvement in geometri-cal accuracy and a reduction in burr formation,lower cutting temperature and a smaller cutting force compared to drilling operations[3].The prediction of cutting force through modelling and simulation is an important research area in order to improve process ling is the most complex machining operation.Previously in the literature,machining mechanisms have been derived from a general model[4,5]and applied to the specific application,for example,five-axis milling, three-axis milling,peripheral milling,face milling and plunge milling.Modelling peripheral milling is a fundamental requirement in order to model more complex milling operations.A theoretical model based on the oblique cutting principle and cutting force coefficients has been developed in order to predict the cutting forces during peripheral milling[6–8].Considering the helical flute(or side cutting edge)of the milling cutters,an attempt to accurately simulate milling forces including the effects of engaged flute length and the number of engaged flutes caused by the radial and axial depths of cut has been previously presented[9].A common approach to facilitate the modelling of this complex situation including the milling tool geometry and the interaction with the workpiece involves analysing the cutting forces on axial discrete milling tools,then integrating these force elements.The intersection of the tool path swept envelope with the workpiece Z-buffer elements has been used to find the contact area between the cutter and the workpiece. An axial slice cutting tool discrete mechanistic model was used to estimate the cutting force vectors[10].Cutter entry and exit angles,along with the immersion angles,were used as boundary conditions in order to predict cutting forces when flank milling ruled surfaces with tapered,helical and ball end mills[11].The effect of lead and tilt angles between the cutter and the workpiece on the milling forces,tool deflections and form errors during multi-axis end milling have been analysed[12,13].During modelling of the cutting forces and system dynamics,one of the outstanding characteristics is that both side cutting edges and end cutting edges interact with the workpiece during helical milling processing.An accurate predictive model should describe and sum up the mechanics on both edges simultaneously.Ball end milling tools are most often used in three-axis or five-axis milling.Ball end milling tool processing models have been separated into ball end and cylindrical sections in order to obtain accurate prediction[10,14,15].A mechanistic force model describing the cutting force as a sum of the cutting and edge forces has been developed for a general end milling cutter(cylindrical,taper,ball,bull nose)with the specific cutting and edge force coefficients identified[16].As one type of three-axis milling operation,axial feed is a typical characteristic of helical milling operations. This operation uses a flat end mill not a ball end mill that is used in typical3-axis and5-axis milling situations.Axial feed using a flat end mill is also applied in plunge milling which is a two-axis operation.Considering rigid body motion of the cutter,the cutting force model and dynamics model for the plunge milling process in the time domain have been established[17,18].The cutting forces associated with plunge milling operations are predicted by considering the feed,radial engagement,tool geometry,spindle speed and the regenera-tion of the chip load due to vibrations[19].Considering the flexibility of the workpiece,tool setting errors and tool kine-matics and geometry,a horizontal approach was used to compute the chip area including the contribution of the main and side edge in the cutting zone[20].Drilling operations and boring operations typically involve axial feed.Both these operations are similar to helical milling and plunge milling operations but with different cutting tools.The drilling cutting forces and dynamics have been integrated into the model in order to obtain drilled hole profiles[21].A mechanistic model for predicting thrust force and torque during the drilling process using a drill tool with double-point angle edges [22].To predict temperatures and forces on both the drilling and ball end milling operations,the cutting edges of the twist drill lip and the ball end mill were divided into oblique cutting elements[23].A theoretical model to predict thrust and torque in high-speed drilling has been presented[24,25].The methodology for extracting cutting force coefficients for drilling operations has also been investigated[26].When modelling the drilling process, the axial feed effect was not considered explicitly because the lip of the twist drill has a taper angle(point angle),and the interaction between the lip and workpiece caused by spindle rotation could lead to a spontaneous axial force(thrust).In the literature,helical milling has been introduced as an enabling technology to substitute for drilling operations [1–3].In recent years,research on modelling the mechanics of the helical milling process has been published [27,28].Although both the side cutting edges and the end cutting edges have been considered to participate in the machining process,the detail interaction between the end cutting edges and workpiece still needs more elaborate investigation and description.Modelling,simulation and experimental investigation during cutting forces of the helical milling operation will be discussed in this paper including the influence of helical feed.This research aims to develop an analytical cutting force model in the time domain including both the axial cutting depth and the radial cutting depth associated with helical milling operations.The model considers the effects of both the tangential feed and axial feed,and the combination of both mechanics on the side cutting edges and the end cutting edges.2Kinematics of helical millingIn helical milling,the trajectory of a point on the milling toolcutting edge is the result of the spiral curve movement of the axis of the tool (reference frame)and the circular movement of the edge point relative to the axis (relative motion).Two sets of coordinates are defined to describe the motion of the cutter and the cutting force on the cutter;an X,Y ,Z global coordinate frame fixed to the workpiece and an x,y,z local coordinate frame fixed to the cutting tool with the origin at the centre of the end flat surface which defines the reference frame.A description of helical milling with tool feed using helical trajectory and the coordinate settings are depicted inFig.1.The feed motion of the tool is decomposed into two components,f va and f vt .f vt ¼ΦB ÀD m ðÞΩh 2¼N m Ωf zt2p mm =s ðÞð1Þf va ¼P Ωh 2p ¼N m Ωf za 2pmm =s ðÞð2ÞThe flat-end cylinder milling tools suitable for helical milling operations have two types of cutting edges:the side cutting edge (peripheral cutting edge)and the end cutting edge through the centre.The interaction characteristics of these two types with the workpiece are different.The side edges participate in the peripheral cutting component,while the end edges participate in the plunge cutting component.Therefore,these two movements will be initially analysed separately before being assembled or composed.The side edge cutting process is typical intermittent cutting.The undeformed chip geometry,width,depth,and thickness have been described in the literature [2].The side edge cutting process that is typical intermittent cutting is depicted in Fig.2(using superscript i ).The velocity composition of an arbitrary point on the side cutting edge is described in cross section perpendicular to the tool axis.The undeformed chip geometry can be described as a i e ¼D m ;hole generating ΦB ÀΦO2;hole enlarging&ð3Þa i p ðt Þ¼f va t ;t 2p =Ωh P ;t >2p =Ωh&ð4Þh i ¼f zt sin fð5ÞFig.1Kinematics of helical millingwhere ϕ¼2p ΩÆΩh ðÞt is the relative rotational angle of the cutter (+up milling,−down milling).The end edge cutting process,which is continuous cutting,is depicted in Fig.3(using superscript *).The velocity composition of an arbitrary point on the end cutting edge is described in the cross section perpendicular to the end cutting edge.The undeformed chip geometry,width and height can be described as:a Ãe ¼D m ;hole making ΦB ÀΦO 2;hole enlarging &ð6Þh üf za cos θð7Þ3Cutting force model for helical milling 3.1Cutter feed influence on the cutting forcesThe influence of cutter feed movement on the cutting forces during machining processing is almost always neglected.Similar to spindle rotation resulting in the relative movement between cutter and workpiece,cutter feed motion leads to relative movement also.This relative movement between the cutter and workpiece could influence the directionand magnitude of the cutting forces.The premise that the influence of the feed can be neglected is based on the assumption that the relative displacement and velocity from spindle rotation are much larger than the feed.Thus,in most situations,the influence of feed is insignificant and can be ignored.However,when modelling some specific machining operations including axial feed,such as drilling,plunge milling and helical milling,to ignore the feed motion is unreasonable.If the axial feed effect is not considered,the cutting force along the axial direction might not be expressed accurately.For this reason,analysis of the influence of axial feed on cutting forces when modelling helical milling operations is necessary.In this paper,the feed motion effect on cutting forces has been analysed completely.Firstly,the movement of an arbitrary point P at the side cutting edge could be decomposed to cylinder helical move-ment (reference movement)and circular movement perpen-dicular to the cutter axis,as depicted in Fig.1.The reference movement can be decomposed to horizontal tangential feed and perpendicular axial feed,shown in Fig.2.The horizon-tal velocity of point P is defined as v P 0v PO +v O ,where v O is identical to f vt .For Ω>>Ωh ,means |v PO |>>|v O |,and therefore,v P ≈v PO .The influence of horizontal tangential feed on the side edge cutting force can beignored.Fig.2Kinematics of the side cuttingedgeFig.3Kinemics of the end cutting edgeSecondly,axial feed f vz may result in a portion of the axial cutting force being on the side edge.For every axial feed,the cutting volume of the side edge is proportional to f za a e h i ,but the cutting volume of the end edge is proportional to f za a e p ΦB ÀD m ðÞ=sin θ.That means that the side edge undergoes intermittent cutting while the end edge undergoes continuous cutting.In the same time period,the cutting force derived from axial feed on the side edge is much smaller than that on the end side.So,the influence of axial feed on the side edge cutting force can also be ignored.Then,assuming the top points on an end cutting edge in a straight line,the radial distance of point P to the cutting axis is variable.The influence of the horizontal feed f vt is more outstanding when P is near to the axis.The horizontal movement of point P at the end edge can be decomposed into the relative tangential part v t and relative radial part v r ,as described in pared to drilling or plunge milling operations in which tangential cutting forces are vanished andtangential velocity of the z -axis is zero,tangential forces and axis tangential velocity of the helical milling are not zero,as depicted in Fig.4.For the aforementioned reason,the influence of horizontal tangential feed on end edge cutting forces can be ignored.The existence of the relative radial part v r of the end edge implies that the radial force also exists.If we consider the end cutting edge of the flat-end milling cutter as approximately a straight line,the cutting edge along the radial direction slides rather than shears.F r *should be the friction force that is smaller than the shear force.Therefore,the radial force onthe end edge can be neglected,or F Ãa ¼0.Finally,due to the axial feed associated with f va ,the dis-placement direction of the end edge is not horizontal but having an angle θrelative to f va and f vz .After calculating this angle,the actual direction of the machined surface,the variation of the rake angle and the clearance angle can be defined.The cutting force on the end edge derived from axial feed can be defined within the plane to which the machined surface belongs.3.2Side cutting edgeBased on the kinematics of the helical milling process,two new features that may influence the cutting force and dynamics of the helical milling process have been considered.One was the periodic force variation created by the circular or tangential feed of the tool,and the other is the additional force component generated by the axial feed of the tools.The axial feed force mostly occurs at the end cutting edge of the milling tools.The interaction conditions between the tool and the workpiece are the combination of side edge cutting forces and end edge cutting forces.F !¼F !i þF!Ãð8ÞWhere,F !i is the side cutting edge component and F !Ãis end cutting edge component.Considering a point P on the (jth)Fig.4Horizontal feed influence to forces on end cuttingedgesFig.5Cutting forces on the side cutting edgecutting tooth,shown in Fig.5,the integration cutting force F !i(defined in the local coordinate system)along the in-cut por-tion of the flute j is similar to that presented in the referenced literature [4].F i x ;jϕj ðz ÞÀÁ¼f zt 4k b ÀK tc cos2ϕj ðz ÞþK rc 2ϕj ðz ÞÀsin2ϕj ðz ÞÀÁÂÃþ1k b K te sin ϕj ðz ÞÀK re cos ϕj ðz ÞÂÃ&'ϕj ;z z j ;1ðÞϕj ;z z j ;1ðÞð9ÞF iy ;j ϕj ðz ÞÀÁ¼Àf zt 4k b K tc 2ϕj ðz ÞÀsin2ϕj ðz ÞÀÁþK rc cos2ϕj ðz ÞÂÃþ1k b K te cos ϕj ðz ÞþK re sin ϕj ðz ÞÂÃ&'ϕj ;z z j ;1ðÞϕj ;z z j ;1ðÞð10ÞF iz ;jϕj ðz ÞÀÁ¼1k bK ac f zt cos ϕj ðz ÞþK ae ϕj ðz ÞÂÃϕj ;z z j ;1ðÞϕj ;z zj ;1ðÞð11Þwhere k b ¼2tan b D m=The detail of the integration of these forces is complicated because the contours of the side edge of the generic milling cutter are helical circles.To get the details of the forces at an arbitrary time,the integration procedure at one period (e.g.from zero to 2π)of the forces on the discrete cutter has to beFig.6Different intervals of a cutting period.a a p >Φex ÀΦst ðÞ=k b ,b a p <Φex ÀΦst ðÞ=k bFig.7Cutting forces on theend cutting edgedivided into several time intervals,as shown in Fig.6.The oblique lines represent the unfolding of the milling tool flutes in a plane.If a p >Φex ÀΦst ðÞ=k b is as shown in Fig.6a ,axial cutting depth is large.Φst and Φex is the cut-in and cut-out relative rotational angle of the cutter,respectively.0.0050.010.0150.020.0250.030.035−1,500−7500750bTime (sec)F o r c e (N )0.0050.010.0150.020.0250.030.035−1,500−75007501500Time (sec)F o r c e (N )Cutting force of Side edge No. 20.0050.010.0150.020.0250.030.035−1,500−75007501,500Time (sec)F o r c e (N )Result Cutting force of Side edges−4000−2000020004000Time (sec)F o r c e (N )Cutting force of End edge No. 1−4000−2000020004000Time (sec)F o r c e (N )Cutting force of End edge No. 20.0050.010.0150.020.0250.030.035−20000200040006000Time (sec)F o r c e (N )Result Cutting force of End edgesFig.8Simulation of the cutting forces during helical milling (milling tool diameter D m 16mm,five flutes,cutting speed v c 100m/min,axial feed rate per tooth f za 0.2mm,tangential feed rate per tooth f zt 0.5mm,radial cutting depth a e 8mm,up milling)In intervals 1and 5,there are no interactions between the cutter and workpiece,and therefore,the cuttingforce 0 ϕj <Φst ;F !j ¼0;Φq ϕj <2p ;F !j ¼0During interval 2,the cutting tooth begins to cut into the workpiece,where Φst ϕj <Φex ;ϕj z 1ðÞ¼ϕj ;ϕj z 2ðÞ¼ΦstDuring interval 3,the cutting tooth is fully involved in cutting the workpiece until the maximum axial cutting depth a p ,where Φex ϕj <Φp ;ϕj z 1ðÞ¼Φex ;ϕj z 2ðÞ¼Φst is obtained.During interval 4,the cutting tooth completes the cutting and quits the interaction finally,where Φp ϕj <Φq ;ϕj z 1ðÞ¼Φex ;ϕj z 2ðÞ¼ϕj ÀΦp ÀΦst ðÞIf a p <Φex ÀΦst ðÞ=k b as shown in Fig.6b ,axial cutting depth is large.In interval 1and 5,there is no interaction between the cutter and workpiece,and therefore no cutting force.0 ϕj <Φst ;F !j ¼0;Φq ϕj <2p ;F !j ¼0During interval 2,the cutting tooth begins to cut into the workpiece and progress towards the maximum axial cutting depth a p ,where Φst ϕj <Φp ;ϕj z 1ðÞ¼ϕj ;ϕj z 2ðÞ¼ΦstDuring interval 3,the cutting tooth interacts with the workpiece with a p ,where Φp ϕj <Φex ;ϕj z 1ðÞ¼ϕj ;ϕj z 2ðÞ¼ϕj ÀΦp ÀΦst ðÞDuring interval 4,the cutting tooth completes the cutting operation and quits the interaction finally,where Φex ϕj <Φq ;ϕj z 1ðÞ¼Φex ;ϕj z 2ðÞ¼ϕj ÀΦp ÀΦst ðÞ3.3End cutting edgeSince both the tangential feed f vt and axial feed f va are present during helical milling,the end cutting edge force component and the edge of these teeth are assumed to be a straight line and coincide with the radial line during analysis.If the friction force is neglected along the endcutting edge,the radial force F Ãa ¼0.As shown in Fig.7,the end cutting edge force component can be represented asd F Ãv¼K Ãvc f za cos θd r þK Ãve d r ð12Þd F Ãn ¼K Ãnc f za cos θd r þK Ãne d rð13Þd F Ãt ¼d F Ãv cos θÀd F Ãn sin θð14Þd F Ãa¼d F Ãv sin θþd F Ãn cos θð15Þd T ür d F Ãt ð16Þ00.0050.010.0150.020.0250.030.035−5000Time (sec)F o r c e (N )00.0050.010.0150.020.0250.030.035−50005000Time (sec)F o r c e (N )Cutting force of cutting edge No. 20.0050.010.0150.020.0250.030.035−20000200040006000Time (sec)F o r c e (N )Result Cutting force of milling toolFig.8(continued)Denote A ¼N m f za 2p ,B ¼N m f zt cos ϕj 2p ,θ¼argtan v av t¼argtan A r þB ,Θ½ ¼R D m 2D m 2Àa eÃd r cos θÀsin θ0sin θcos θ0000r cos θÀr sin θ026643775;K ý ¼K Ãvc K Ãve K ÃncK Ãne K ÃrcK Ãre2435,therefore,F Ãt ;j F Ãa ;jF Ãr ;j T Ãj8>><>>:9>>=>>;¼Θ½ K ý f za 1&'ð17ÞTransform to the local coordinate,F Ãx ;j F Ãy ;j F Ãz ;j T Ãj 8>><>>:9>>=>>;¼ÀF Ãt ;j cos ϕj ðt ÞÀÁF Ãt ;j sin ϕj ðt ÞÀÁF Ãa ;j T Ãj8>><>>:9>>=>>;ð18ÞSum up side cutting edge forces and end cutting forces onthe j th tooth and convert to global coordinates.F x ;j F Y ;j F Z ;j T Z ;j 8>><>>:9>>=>>;¼cos Ωh t sin Ωh t00Àsin Ωh tcos Ωh t 0000100126643775F i x ;j þF Ãx ;j F i y ;j þF Ãy ;j F i z ;j þF Ãz ;j T Ãj8>><>>:9>>=>>;ð19ÞThen,sum up all the cutting forces on the cutting teeth toobtain the cutting force model.246810−400400Time (sec)F o r c e (N )Experimental Cutting Force of X directionab246810−400400Time (sec)F o r c e (N )Experimental Cutting Force of Y direction0200400Time (sec)F o r c e (N )Experimental Cutting Force of Z direction−4000400Time (sec)F o r c e (N )Simulate Cutting Force of X direction246810−4000400Time (sec)F o r c e (N )Simulate Cutting Force of Y direction0200400Time (sec)F o r c e (N )Simulate Cutting Force of Z directionFig.9Cutting force result from experiment and simulation during helical milling cutting (milling tool M.A.Ford 20-mm five-flute end mill 17878703A,cutting speed v c 100m/min,axial feed rate per toothf za 0.005mm,tangential feed rate per tooth f zt 0.1mm,radial cutting depth a e 1mm,down milling)12345678x 10−3−300−200−100100200300400Time (sec)F o r c e (N )Experimental cutting force of single tooth periodcd12345678x 10−3−300−200−100100200300400Time (sec)F o r c e (N )Simulation cutting force of single tooth periodFig.9(continued)F X F Y F Z T Z8>><>>:9>>=>>;¼X N m j ¼1F X ;j Ωt þj À1ðÞ2pN ÀÁF Y ;j Ωt þj À1ðÞ2p N ÀÁF Z ;j Ωt þj À1ðÞ2pN ÀÁT Z ;j Ωt þj À1ðÞ2p NÀÁ8>><>>:9>>=>>;ð20ÞThe cutting force model during helical milling operationsin the time domain has therefore been established analyti-cally.This model defines both the cutting force on the side cutting edge and on the end cutting edge,incorporating the interactions between the cutter and the workpiece on the effect of the spindle rotation and the helical feed.4Simulations and experimental resultsCutting forces during helical milling have been simulated on the MATLAB platform using the models presented previ-ously,and experiments have been performed to compare with the model predictions.The process parameters includ-ed the workpiece material,cutting conditions,tool material and geometry.The Ti6Al4V alloy was cast and then HIPed (hot isostatic pressing,HIP)at a pressure of 100–140MPa at 920°C for 2.5h;then,the casting was rough milled to the end geometry (160×160×20mm)with a hole in a diameter of 60mm in the centre of the plate as shown in Fig.1.There were two types of cutting tools,the M.A.Ford 20-mm five-flute carbide end mill (17878703A)and the M.A.Ford 16-mm five-flute carbide end mill (17862903A).Experiments were carried out on a five-axis high-speed Mikron UCP-710CNC machining centre.A three-axis piezo-electric Kistler 9265B type dynamometer was set up on the fixture with the workpiece.The accessory data ac-quisition system of the dynamometer consisted of a Kistler 5019A type multi-channel charge amplifier and signal pro-cessing software DynoWare.Before commencing the experiments,the dynamometer was calibrated using static loads.The simulated cutting forces in an entire milling tool revolution on the side edges,end edges and whole cutter during the typical cutting conditions are depicted in Fig.8.In this simulation,the up milling and large radial cutting depth are considered as the significant characteristics of the operation.Figure 8a shows the simulated cutting forces that acted on first side cutting edge,second side cutting edge and cutting forces that acted on the milling tool from both the five cutting edges,respectively.For the up milling condi-tion,the j th edge engages with the workpiece,and the (j -1)th edge engages following.The large radial cutting depth means that before the previous cutting edge has completed cutting,the next cutting edge has engaged the workpiece.Therefore,there is a period of time that forces overlap between the consecutive cutting edges.Figure 8b shows thesimulated cutting forces that acted on the end cutting edges.There are similar cutting forces superposing between consec-utive side cutting edges.However,the sum of the X ,Y direc-tion forces are nearly zero,that is one of the important features of helical milling and plunge milling operations.Figure 8c shows the cutting forces that acted on the milling tool.These results are the integration of the component forces from Fig.8a and b .The simulated and experimental cutting force results are compared in Fig.9.In this case,cutting tools travel along an entire helical curve and machine an entire helical milling period.The X ,Y ,Z coordinates are fixed to the workpiece,during the helical feed motion of the tool,the amplitude of F X and F Y change with time following a sine relationship.The amplitude of Fig.9a and b counter profile is the maximum result of F X and F Y .Figure 9c and d shows the experimental and simulated cutting forces in detail in a single tooth period.The comparison result from experiment and simulation are shown in Table 1.This figure depicts the simulation results to an accuracy of about 10%in these selected indicators.The maximum value of F X ,F Y and F Z indicates for a single tooth period for both simulation and experimental results shown.The maximum of ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiF 2X þF 2Yp indicates the amplitude of force of F X and F Y during helical milling.The errors probably result from cutting tool deflection and cutting tool wear.5ConclusionIn this paper,cutting forces during helical milling operations have been modelled in the time domain.The cutting forces both on the side cutting edges and on the end cutting edges along the helical feed path have been modelled by considering the tangential and the axial motion of the tool.The cutting force model can be used to predict cutting forces both on the side cutting edges and the end cutting edges.The model can also predict forces on the whole helix milling tool considering the process parameters and tool geometry.The experimental results show that for the given helix milling operation param-eters,the result of simulation predicts the cutting forces effec-tively and accurately.Table 1Comparison of experiment and simulation resultsExperiment (average)SimulationErrorHelical feed period (s)9.509.4750.263%Maximum of F X (N)371.1341.2−8.06%Maximum of F Y (N)253.2283.211.8%Maximum of F Z (N)287.7269.4−6.36%Maximum of ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiF 2X þF 2Yp (N)365.3397.68.84%。
( a) 断面 X = 0m
( b) 断面 Z = 0. 9m 图 2 1m / s 送风速度 X = 0m、Z = 0. 9m 截面温度云图 Fig. 2 Temperature field of 1m / s air velocity at X = 0m,Z =
Zhang Zhe1 ,Hao Junjie1 ,Li Man1 ,Tian Jinjin1 ,Zhang Ping2 ,Su Jiurong3 ( 1. Tianjin Key Laboratory of Refrigeration Technology,Tianjin University of Commerce,Tianjin 300134,China; 2. Tianjin Key Laboratory of Postharvest Physiology and Storage of Agricultural Products,National Engineering and Technology
尺寸长 × 宽 × 高分别为 6. 8m × 2. 1m × 2. 2m; 箱 体冷藏的货物为立方体结构。冷藏集装箱的送风 方式为: 车厢的正前上方设置尺寸为 1. 0m × 0. 4 m 的进风口,侧面设置两个回风口,布置在车厢前 壁面的左右两侧,尺寸为 1. 25m × 0. 15m。 2. 2 数学模型
Research Center for Preservation of Agricultural Products,Tianjin 300384,China; 3. Zhongrui ( Tianjin) Mechanical & Electronic Engineering CO. ,Ltd,Tianjin 300310,China) Abstract: The distribution of temperature field inside the refrigerated container is the key point of refrigerated container design. Simulation and experimental researches of temperature field with physical mold and mathematical mold in the refrigerated container were investigated. The steady - state N - S equations and k - ε model were used to analyze it. The numerical result shows that the temperature maldistribution is very serious for the conventional refrigerated container used in transportation. The temperatures of the front and the rear portions are obviously different and that is not conducive to storage of goods. And the deviation of experimental data and simulated result was less than 16. 4% ,which showed that the model was appropriate to the simulation of the internal temperature field in refrigerated container. The conclusions established a foundation for the further research of the temperature field in the refrigerated container,and would be a guide to the disposal of the cargo in the refrigerated container. Keywords: Refrigerated Container,Temperature Field,Uniformity
试验设计(design of experiments)
试验设计(design of experiments)又名:DOE,设计试验(designed experiments)概述试验设计(DOE)是一种对过程进行计划性试验的方法。
第三种方法是由美国工程师Dorian Shainin提出并经Keki Bhote进行深入研究,这种方法常用于解决疑难杂症。
这种DOE方法是广义解决问题的方法中的一部分,包括如多变异图、变异分量研究等统计工具(“配对比较”与本书中的同名工具是不同的),与其他两种方法相比在数学上比较简单,并且谢宁( Shainin)法主要用于装配过程中,是一个识别并消除掉导致过程大多数变异的原因的过程。
关键词:信号与系统; Matlab; 实验仿真教学; Simulink中图分类号:TN911.7-34; G642.4文献标识码:A文章编号:1004-373X(2010)18-0057-03Design of Mtalab Experimental Simulation Teaching System in Signals and SystemsZHANG You-sai, MA Guo-jun, HUANG Wei-jia, ZHOU Wen-lan(School of Electronics and Information, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang 212003, China)Abstract: Aiming at the disadvantages of hardware experimental teaching in Signals and Systems, the experimental simulation teaching system of Signals and Systems based on Matlab and Simulink is established by emphasizing experimental teaching requirements of theoretical teaching and actual engineering. Thus, the system design, content design, interface design, development tools and repeatedly development are studied respectively. The effects of experimental teaching show that it overcomes the limitation of hardware experiment, expands experimental contents and level, improves students hands-on ability and comprehensive quality.Keywords: signals and systems; Matlab; experimental simulation teaching; Simulink0 引言信号与系统的基本概念、基本理论与分析方法在不同学科、专业之间有着广泛应用和交叉渗透[1]。
simulation modelling practice and theory sci
simulation modelling practice and theory sci全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:仿真建模实践与理论科学是一门旨在研究仿真技术在不同领域中的应用和发展的学科。
一、实验设计英文名词解释1. Experimental design:实验设计。
2. Independent variable:自变量。
3. Dependent variable:因变量。
4. Control variable:控制变量。
5. Hypothesis:假设。
二、实验设计的步骤实验设计要求系统性和严谨性,通常步骤为:1. 分析研究问题:明确研究目的、问题、研究对象和变量等。
2. 制定实验方案:制定可行的实验方案,包括研究方法、实验步骤、实验样本等。
3. 确定实验变量:确定自变量、因变量和控制变量,以便对其进行可靠的控制。
4. 收集样本:采集合适数量的样本,以保证实验的可信度。
5. 设计实验方案:在设计实验方案时,需要考虑到不同的因素,如实验对象的数量、实验条件的设定、实验的变量设置等。
6. 分析数据:实验数据处理和分析应该依据实验的目的和设定的假设。
7. 结论阐明:通过对实验数据和实验结论的深入分析,达到正确的结论和推论,使得实验的重要性得以体现。
三、实验设计的类型实验设计是依据实验目标选择,分为以下两种类型:1. 正确性实验:主要用于验证一种观点或者研究论断的正确性,目的是研究验证结果是否与猜测一致。
2. 探索性实验:主要是通过对实验数据的分析来获取对问题的更多认识,以发现一些新的问题和结果,这是实验设计中最常见的实验类型。
(The relationship between transformer voltage and turns can be expressed as the formula Vp/Vs=Np/Ns.)2.在这个公式中,Vp表示初级电压,Vs表示次级电压,Np表示初级匝数,Ns表示次级匝数。
(In this formula, Vp represents primary voltage, Vs represents secondary voltage, Np represents primary turns, and Ns represents secondary turns.)3.当变压器的匝数比为1:1时,初级电压等于次级电压。
(When the turns ratio of the transformer is 1:1, the primary voltage is equal to the secondary voltage.)4.当变压器的匝数比不为1:1时,变压器可以实现电压的升高或降低。
transformer can realize voltage increase or decrease.)5.如果变压器的匝数比为Np:Ns,则初级电压Vp与次级电压Vs的关系为Vp/Vs=Np/Ns。
(If the turns ratio of the transformer is Np:Ns, then the relationship between primary voltage Vp and secondary voltage Vs is Vp/Vs=Np/Ns.)6.这个公式告诉我们,变压器的电压比与匝数比成正比。
(This formula tells us that the voltage ratio of the transformer is directly proportional to the turns ratio.)7.变压器的匝数比决定了电压的升降倍数。
0.618 X1 = a + 0.618(b-a) X2 = a + b – X1
第一点 = 小 + 0.618( 大- 小) 第二点 = 小 + 大 – 第一点(前一点)
铸铝件最佳浇铸温度的优选试验。某厂铸铝件壳 体废品率高达55%,经分析认为铝水温度对此影 响很大,现用0.618法优选。优选范围在690℃~ 740 ℃之间。
在试验时,只考虑一个对目标影响最大的因素, 其它因素尽量保持不变,则称为单因素试验。把 这个因子如何划分为若干个水平称为处理设计。
1.质量性差异的单因子处理设计:这种单因子是不可 分割的,只能按它固有的单位进行处理设计。 2.数量性差异的单因子处理设计:这种单因子可以采 用不同的方法分割成不同的等级,每个等级即为一个处 理。分割常用的方法:
这种方法的特点是对所试验的范围进行“普 查”,常常应用于对目标函数的性质没有掌握 或很少掌握的情况。即假设目标函数是任意的 情况,其试验精度取决于试验点数目的多少。
A1B1C1 A2B1C1 A3B1C1
A1B1C2 A2B1C2 A3B1C2 B3
A1B1C3 A2B1C3 A3B1C3
A1B2C1 A2B2C1 A3B2C1
下面我们来看看英文论文的写作技巧有哪些?一般来说,一篇完整规范的学术论文由以下各部分构成:Title(标题)Abstract(摘要)Keywords(关键词)Table of contents(目录) Nomenclature(术语表)Introduction(引言)Method(方法)Results(结果)Discussion(讨论)Conclusion(结论)Acknowledgement(致谢)Reference(参考文献)Appendix(附录)其中 Title,Abstract,Introduction,Method,Result,Discussion,Conclusion,Reference 等八项内容是必不可少的(其他内容根据具体需要而定)。
也就是说,一篇研究论文赢得读者的多少,在很大程度上取决于Title,Abstract和Introduction 写得好坏。
CHEMICAL INDUSTRY AND ENGINEERING PROGRESS 2018年第37卷第9期·3294·化 工 进展旋转流化床粉体混合机混合效果数值模拟和实验验证陈程1,刘雪东1,2,罗召威1,崔树旗1,谈志超1(1常州大学机械工程学院,江苏 常州 213164;2江苏省绿色过程装备重点实验室,江苏 常州 213164) 摘要:为了对旋转流化床粉体混合机进行优化设计,采用CFD-DEM 联合仿真的方法,对旋转流化床粉体混合机内球形颗粒的混合过程进行数值模拟,通过Lacey 指数具体评价颗粒的混合效果,研究了进气管倾斜角度、进气管布置方式、进气方式对球形颗粒混合效果的影响,并进行球形颗粒混合实验验证。
关键词:旋转流化床;数值模拟;CFD-DEM 联合仿真;混合;优化设计中图分类号:TQ027.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000–6613(2018)09–3294–09 DOI :10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-0039Numerical simulation and experimental verification of mixing effect inrotating fluidized bed powder mixerCHEN Cheng 1,LIU Xuedong 1,2,LUO Zhaowei 1,CUI Shuqi 1,TAN Zhichao 1(1School of Mechanical Engineering ,Changzhou University ,Changzhou 213164,Jiangsu ,China ;2Jiangsu KeyLaboratory of Green Process Equipment ,Changzhou University ,Changzhou 213164,Jiangsu ,China )Abstract :In order to get structure optimal design of a rotating fluidized bed powder mixer, the mixing progress of spherical powder granules in a rotating fluidized bed powder mixer was simulated by a combined approach of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and discrete element method (DEM). Lacey mix index was used to quantitatively analyze the mixing degree of granules in the mixer. The effects of different parameters including the tilt angle of the intake pipe, the arrangement of the intake pipe and intake method were studied respectively. To verify the mixing performance of the rotating fluidized bed powder mixer, a granule mixing experiment was carried out. Simulation results showed that the most appropriate angle of intake pipe should ensure the area of airflow is just half of the area of granular materials in the bottom of the mixer. Besides, if the intake pipe is horizontal arranged, effective mixing quality and mixing rate could be achieved. Moreover, whether the intake is continuous or pulsed, spherical granules could achieve uniform mixing. Compared with the continuous intake ,the air comsumption of pulsed intake was less. Finally, the powder mixing experimental results showed a positive mixing quality, which were in good agreement with the numerical data. It could be drawn that it is a structure with superior mixing effect if the intake pipe is tilted at an angle of 35 degrees and horizontal arranged.Key words :rotating fluidized bed ;numerical simulation ;computational fluid dynamics - discrete element method coupling ;mixing ;optimal design研发。
反应温度是低水 准(-1)时 :
随着浓度由低水准 转为高水准,数率 减少8
浓度 -1
反应温度是高水 准(+1)时:
随着浓度由低水准 转为高水准时,数 率增加 11
60 -1 反应温度
= +11
72 +1
浓度的效果随着温度水准而不同,所以存在温度与浓度的 交互作用。
交互作用(Interaction Effect)
Analyze Factorial Design 实行结果
基准线计算是知道留意水准时在Minitab自动计算。 得出与前面的 Normality Probability Plot相同结果。 Graph比基准线往右,被判断为效果有影响。 在选定按误差项Pulling的项时,一般来讲把最高差的交互作用 ABC Pulling, 在 此例中,因BC的交互作用为0 ,所以,值得把此两个项按误差项Pulling 。
DOE阶段 例
特性化, 最佳化阶段(完全要因实验,反应表面分析)
- 分析焊接温度(X1)和 焊接深度(X2)对缺点率(Y) 的影响,从而导出 数学模型(Y=a+bX1+cX2· · ·) 。 - 决定将缺点率最小化的焊接温度与深度的修整方向
- 增加焊接温度 - 减少焊接深度 减少缺点率 减少缺点率
• 在4-1 阶段的Graph中消除效果小的项,重新实行Analyze
Step 1
Stat > DOE > Analyze Factorial Design
在分析项(Selected Terms)中 没有ABC项和BC项,是因为 把此 两项,按误差项Pulling的缘故。
First, it is important to clarify the design requirements of the product and the goals of the process design.2.然后根据产品的特性和质量要求选择合适的工艺流程。
Then, select the appropriate process based on the characteristics and quality requirements of the product.3.进行工艺流程的需求分析,包括原材料、设备、人力等资源的需求。
Conduct a demand analysis of the process, including the requirements for raw materials, equipment, manpower, and other resources.4.利用流程图、工艺路线图等工具进行工艺流程设计的可视化。
Utilize tools such as flowcharts and process route maps to visualize the process design.5.考虑到工艺的可行性和经济性,进行方案比较和评估。
Consider the feasibility and economic aspects of the process, and conduct comparisons and evaluations of the options.6.在设计中充分考虑工艺流程中可能存在的风险和不确定性因素。
Fully consider the potential risks and uncertainties inthe process during the design.7.着重考虑工艺流程中的关键环节和关键参数的设计。
Determining technical requirements and design parametersis the first step in the safety design process of a modular hydrogen-cooled nuclear power plant.2.开展全面的辐射环境影响评价以确定场地的选址是非常重要的。
Conducting a comprehensive assessment of radiation environmental impact to determine site selection is crucial.3.根据国际标准和本国相关法律法规,确定核安全的设计标准。
Establishing design standards for nuclear safety in accordance with international standards and domestic laws and regulations.4.优化堆芯布置和安全系统配置以确保核电厂的安全性能。
Optimizing core layout and safety system configuration to ensure the safety performance of the nuclear power plant.5.进行重大事故后果分析和辐射防护措施设计来减轻事故可能带来的损害。
Conducting analysis of severe accident consequences and designing radiation protection measures to mitigate potential damages.6.核安全设计需要考虑多种设想,包括天然灾害、人为失误和恶意破坏等。
.EDA设计使用Quartus II进行多功能数字钟设计院系:机械工程专业:车辆工程姓名:张小辉学号:115101000151指导老师:蒋立平、花汉兵时间:2016年5月25日摘要本实验是电类综合实验课程作业,需要使用到QuartusⅡ软件,(Quartus II 是Altera公司的综合性PLD/FPGA开发软件,原理图、VHDL、VerilogHDL以及AHDL(Altera Hardware 支持Description Language)等多种设计输入形式,内嵌自有的综合器以及仿真器,可以完成从设计输入到硬件配置的完整PLD设计流程)。
关键字:电类综合实验QuartusⅡ数字钟设计仿真AbstractThis experiment is electric comprehensive experimental course work and need to use the Quartus II software, Quartus II is Altera integrated PLD / FPGA development software, schematic and VHDL, Verilog HDL and AHDL (Altera hardware description language support) etc. a variety of design input form, embedded in its own synthesizer and simulator can complete hardware configuration complete PLD design process from design entry to). The need to complete the design of a digital clock, and debug the design of experiment and simulation, the experimental goal is to achieve timing, school, reset, keep and the whole point timekeeping and other basic functions, and then download to the smartsopc experimental system debugging and validation.Key words: Electric power integrated experiment Quartus II Digital clock design Simulation目录EDA设计 (1)摘要 (2)目录 (4)一、设计要求[1] (5)二、工作原理[2] (6)三、各模块说明[3] (7)1、分频模块 (7)2、计时模块 (9)3、动态显示模块[3] (11)4、校分与校时模块 (11)5、清零模块 (13)6、保持模块 (13)7、报时模块 (13)四、总电路的形成 (15)五、调试、编程下载 (16)六、试验中出现的问题及解决办法 (17)七、实验收获与感受 (18)八、参考文献 (19)一、设计要求[1]1.设计一个数字计时器,可以完成00:00:00到23:59:59的计时功能,并在控制电路的作用下具有保持、清零、快速校时、快速校分、整点报时等基本功能。
Robust Control
Robust ControlRobust control is a critical aspect of engineering and technology,particularly in the field of control systems. It involves the design and implementation of control systems that can effectively operate in the presence of uncertainties and variations. This is an essential requirement for systems thatare deployed in real-world environments, where external disturbances and unforeseen changes can significantly impact performance. One of the key perspectives to consider when discussing robust control is the engineering and technical aspect. Engineers and control system designers face the challenge of developing control algorithms and strategies that can accommodate various uncertainties, such as parameter variations, external disturbances, and model inaccuracies. This requires a deep understanding of system dynamics, mathematical modeling, and control theory. Robust control techniques, such as H-infinitycontrol and mu-synthesis, provide valuable tools for addressing these challenges and ensuring stable and reliable system performance. From a practical standpoint, robust control plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety, reliability, and efficiency of complex engineering systems. For example, in aerospace engineering, the design of aircraft flight control systems must account for variations inaircraft dynamics, atmospheric conditions, and external disturbances. Similarly,in automotive engineering, vehicle control systems must be robust to variations in road conditions, vehicle dynamics, and driver input. By incorporating robustcontrol techniques, engineers can enhance the performance and safety of these systems, ultimately benefiting society as a whole. Another important perspective to consider is the impact of robust control in industrial automation and manufacturing processes. In industrial settings, control systems are used to regulate and optimize a wide range of processes, such as chemical production, power generation, and robotic assembly. These processes are often subject to uncertainties and disturbances, which can lead to inefficiencies, downtime, and safety hazards. Robust control strategies are essential for mitigating theseissues and ensuring smooth and reliable operation of industrial systems. Moreover, the significance of robust control extends to the realm of academic research and development. Researchers in control theory and engineering are constantlyexploring new methods and techniques to enhance the robustness of control systems. This involves theoretical analysis, algorithm development, simulation studies, and experimental validation. By advancing the field of robust control, researchers contribute to the evolution of technology and pave the way for innovative applications in various domains. Beyond the technical and practical aspects, it's important to acknowledge the human element in the context of robust control. Ultimately, the purpose of robust control is to improve the quality of life and enhance human experiences. Whether it's ensuring the safety of air travel, optimizing industrial processes to support economic growth, or enabling new advancements in technology, robust control ultimately serves the needs and aspirations of people. This human-centric perspective underscores the profound impact and relevance of robust control in the modern world. In conclusion, robust control is a multifaceted and indispensable discipline that intersects engineering, technology, industry, research, and human welfare. By addressing uncertainties and variations in control systems, robust control techniques empower engineers, researchers, and industries to create reliable, efficient, and safe systems. As technology continues to advance and the complexity of engineering systems grows, the role of robust control will only become more critical. It is a testament to human ingenuity and innovation, driving progress and shaping the future of our interconnected world.。
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Design,Simulation,and Experimental Demonstration of Self-assembled DNA Nanostructures and MotorsJohn H.Reif,Thomas Bean,Sudheer Sahu,Hao Yan,and Peng YinDepartment of Computer Science,Duke University,Box90129,Durham,NC27708-0129,USA{reif,thl,sudheer,hy1,py}@Abstract.Self-assembly is the spontaneous self-ordering of substructures intosuperstructures,driven by the selective affinity of the ple-mentarity of DNA bases renders DNA an ideal material for programmable self-assembly of nanostructures.DNA self-assembly is the most advanced and ver-satile system that has been experimentally demonstrated for programmable con-struction of patterned systems on the molecular scale.The methodology of DNAself-assembly begins with the synthesis of single strand DNA molecules thatself-assemble into macromolecular building blocks called DNA tiles.These tileshave single strand“sticky ends”that complement the sticky ends of other DNAtiles,facilitating further assembly into larger structures known as DNA tilinglattices.In principle,DNA tiling assemblies can form any computable two orthree-dimensional pattern,however complex,with the appropriate choice of thetiles’component DNA.Two-dimensional DNA tiling lattices composed of hun-dreds of thousands of tiles have been demonstrated experimentally.These assem-blies can be used as programmable scaffolding to position molecular electronicsand robotics components with precision and specificity,facilitating fabrication ofcomplex nanoscale devices.We overview the evolution of DNA self-assemblytechniques from pure theory,through simulation and design,and then to exper-imental practice.In particular,we begin with an overview of theoretical modelsand algorithms for DNA lattice self-assembly.Then we describe our software forthe simulation and design of DNA tiling assemblies and DNA nano-mechanicaldevices.As an example,we discuss models,algorithms,and computer simula-tions for the key problem of error control in DNA lattice self-assembly.We thenbriefly discuss our laboratory demonstrations of DNA lattices and motors,includ-ing those using the designs aided by our software.These experimental demon-strations of DNA self-assemblies include the assembly of patterned objects at themolecular scale,the execution of molecular computations,and the autonomousDNA walking and computing devices.1IntroductionSelf-assembly is the spontaneous self-ordering of substructures into superstructures driven by the selective affinity of the substructures.This paper focuses on a method for self-assembly known as DNA self-assembly,where DNA provides a molecular scale material for effecting this programmable self-assembly,using the selective affinity of J.-P.Banˆa tre et al.(Eds.):UPP2004,LNCS3566,pp.166–180,2005.c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2005Design,Simulation,and Experimental Demonstration167 pairs of DNA strands to form DNA nanostructures.Self-assembling nanostructures composed of DNA molecules offer great potential for bottom-up nanofabrication of ma-terials and objects with smaller features than ever previously possible[13,30,37].The methodology of DNA self-assembly begins with the synthesis of single-strand DNA molecules that self-assemble into macromolecular building blocks called DNA tiles. These tiles have sticky ends that match the sticky ends of other DNA tiles,facilitat-ing further assembly into larger structures known as DNA tiling lattices.In principle, DNA tiling assemblies can be made to form any computable two-or three-dimensional pattern,however complex,with the appropriate choice of the tiles’component DNA.DNA self-assembly is an emerging subfield of nanoscience with the development of its theoretical basis and a number of moderate to large-scale experimental demonstra-tions.Recent experimental results indicate that this technique is scalable.Periodic2D DNA lattices have been successfully constructed with a variety of DNA tiles[15,23, 52,56].These lattices are composed of up to hundreds of thousands of tiles.Molecu-lar imaging devices such as atomic force microscopes and transmission electron micro-scopes allow visualization of these self-assembled two-dimensional DNA tiling lattices. These assemblies can be used as scaffolding on which to position molecular electron-ics and other components such as molecular sensors with precision and specificity.The programmability lets this scaffolding have the patterning required for fabricating com-plex devices made of these components.Potential applications of DNA self-assembly and scaffolding include nanoelectronics,biosensors,and programmable/autonomous molecular machines.In addition to manufacturing DNA lattices,DNA has also been demonstrated to be a useful material for molecular computing systems[1,3,6,21,22]and mechanical de-vices[19,24,57,63].In particular,the self-assembly of DNA tiles can also be used as a powerful computational mechanism[16,27,47,49],which in theory holds universal computing power[53].See[32]for a more detailed survey of current experimental work in self-assembled DNA nanostructures.Also,see[26]and[30]for comprehensive sur-veys of the largerfield of DNA computation(also known as biomolecular computation).In this paper,we overview the evolution of DNA self-assembly techniques from pure theory,through simulation and design,and then to experimental practice.The rest of the paper is organized as follows.In Section2,we overview the theoretical work in self-assembly.In Section3,we describe software for the simulation and design of DNA nanostructures and motors.As a concrete example,in Section4we discuss error control,which we feel is a major theoretical and practical challenge remaining in the area of DNA self-assembly.Finally,in Section5we give a discussion of experimental practice in DNA nanostructures.2The Theory of Self-assemblyThis section overviews the emerging theory of self-assembly.Domino Tiling Problems.The theoretical basis for self-assembly has its roots in Domino Tiling Problems(also known as Wang tilings)as defined by Wang[45].For comprehensive text,see[10].The input is afinite set of unit size square tiles.The sides of each square are labeled with symbols over afinite alphabet.Additional restrictions168J.H.Reif et al.may include the initial placement of a subset of the these tiles,and the dimensions of the region where tiles must be placed.Assuming an arbitrarily large supply of each tile,the problem is to place the tiles,without rotation(a criterion that cannot apply to physical tiles),to completelyfill the given region so that each pair of abutting tiles have identical symbols on their contacting sides.Turing-universal and NP-Complete Self-assemblies.Domino tiling problems over an infinite domain with only a constant number of tiles werefirst proved by Berger to be undecidable[7].This and subsequent proofs[7,33]rely on constructions where tiling patterns simulate single-tape Turing machines or cellular arrays[53].Winfree later showed that computation by self-assembly is Turing-universal[53]and so tiling self-assemblies can theoretically provide arbitrarily complex assemblies even with a constant number of distinct tile types.Winfree also demonstrated various families of assemblies which can be viewed as computing languages from families of the Chomsky hierarchy[47].It has been proved that Domino tiling problems over polynomial-size regions are NP-complete[17].Subsequently,[47],[11,12],and[16]proposed the use of self-assembly processes(in the context of DNA tiling and nanostructures)to solve NP-complete combinatorial search problems such as SAT and graph coloring. Program-size Complexity of Tiling Self-assemblies.The programming of tiling as-semblies is determined simply by the set of tiles,their pads,and sometimes the choice of the initial seed tile(a special tile from which the growth of the assembly starts).A basic issue is the number of distinct tile types required to produce a specified tile assembly.The program size complexity of a specified tiling is the number of distinct tiles(with replacement)to produce it.Rothemund and Winfree showed that the assem-bly of an n×n size square can be done usingΘ(log n/log log n)distinct tiles and that the largest square uniquely produced by a tiling of a given number of distinct tiles grows faster than any computable function[34].Adleman recently gave program size complexity bounds for tree shaped assemblies[3].Massively Parallel Computation by Tiling.Parallelism reveals itself in many ways in computation by self-assembly.Each superstructure may contain information repre-senting a different calculation(global parallelism).Due to the extremely small size of DNA strands,as many as1018DNA tiling assemblies may be made simultaneously in a small test tube.Growth on each individual superstructure may also occur at many locations simultaneously via local parallelism.The depth of a tiling superstructure is the maximum number of self-assembly reactions experienced by any substructure(the depth of the graph of reaction events),and the size of a superstructure is the number of tiles it contains.Likewise we can define the number of layers for a superstructure. For example,a superstructure consisting of an array of n×m tiles,where n>m has m layers.Tiling systems with low depth,small size,and few layers are considered desirable,motivating the search for efficient computations performed by such systems. Reif was thefirst to consider the parallel depth complexity of tiling assemblies and gave DNA self-assemblies of linear size and logarithmic depth for a number of funda-mental problems(e.g.,prefix computation,finite state automata simulation,and string fingerprinting,etc.)that form the basis for the design of many parallel algorithms[27]. Furthermore,[27]showed that these elementary operations can be combined to performDesign,Simulation,and Experimental Demonstration169 more complex computations,such as bitonic sorting and general circuit evaluation with polylog depth assemblies.Linear Self-assemblies.Tiling systems that produce only superstructures with k layers, for some constant k,are said to use linear self-assembly.[27]gave some simple linear tiling self-assemblies for integer addition as well as related operations(e.g.,prefix XOR summing of n Boolean bits).Seeman’s group demonstrated thefirst example of DNA computation using DNA tiling self-assembly[22],as described in Section5.These linear tilings were refined in[51]to a class of String tilings that have been the basis for further DNA tiling experiments in[54]described in Section5.Kinetic Models of Tiling Self-assembly Processes.Domino tiling problems do not presume or require a specific process for tiling.Winfreefirst observed that self-assembly processes can be used for computation via the construction of DNA tiling lattices[46]. The sides of the tiles are assumed to have some methodology for selective affinity, which we call pads.Pads function as programmable binding domains,which hold to-gether the tiles.Each pair of pads have specified binding strengths.The self-assembly process is initiated by a singleton tile(the seed tile)and proceeds by tiles binding to-gether at their pads to form aggregates known as tiling assemblies.The preferential matching of tile pads facilitates the further assembly into tiling ing the kinetic modeling techniques of physical chemistry,Winfree developed a kinetic model for the self-assembly of DNA tiles[48].Following the classical literature of models for crystal assembly processes,Winfree considers assembly processes where the tiling assembly is only augmented by single tiles(known in crystallography as monomers) which bind to the assembly at their tile pads[46].The likelihood of a particular tile binding at(or dissociating from)a particular site of the assembly is assumed to be a fixed probability dependent on that tile’s concentration,the respective pad’s binding affinity,and a temperature parameter.In addition,Adleman developed stochastic differ-ential equation models for self-assembly of tiles and determined equilibrium probability distributions and convergence rates for some1-dimensional self-assemblies[2,4].His model allowed for binding between subassemblies and assumed afixed probability for tile binding events independent of the size of tile assemblies.Since the movement of tile assemblies may depend on their size(and thus mass),this model might in the future be refined to make the probability for tile binding events dependent on the size of tile assemblies.Optimization of Tiling Assembly Processes.There are various techniques that may promote assembly processes in practice.One important technique is the tuning of the parameters(tile concentration,temperature,etc.)governing the kinetics of the process. Adleman considers the problem of determining tile concentrations for given assemblies and conjectures this problem is P-complete[3].Various other techniques may improve convergence rates to the intended assembly.A blockage of tiling assembly process can occur if an incorrect tile binds in an unintended location of the assembly.While such a tile may be dislodged by the kinetics of subsequent time steps,it still may slow down the convergence rate of the tiling assembly process to the intendedfinal assembly.To reduce the possibility of blockages of tiling assembly processes,Reif proposed the use of distinct tile pads for distinct time steps during the assembly[27].[27]also described the use of self-assembled tiling nano-frames to constrain the region of the tiling assemblies.170J.H.Reif et al.3Simulation and Design SoftwareSoftware for Kinetic Simulation of Tiling Assembly Processes.Winfree developed software for discrete time simulation of the tiling assembly processes,using approxi-mate probabilities for the insertion or removal of individual tiles from the assembly[48]. These simulations gave an approximation to the kinetics of self-assembly chemistry and provided some validation of the feasibility of tiling self-assembly ing this software as a basis,our group developed an improved simulation software package (sped up by use of an improved method for computing on/off likelihood suggested by Winfree)with a Java interface for a number of example tilings,such as string tilings for integer addition and XOR computations.In spite of an extensive literature on the kinet-ics of the assembly of regular crystalline lattices,the fundamental thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of self-assembly of tiling assemblies are still not yet well understood. For example,the effect of distinct tile concentrations and different relative numbers of tiles is not yet known;probably it will require an application of Le Chatelier’s principle. Software for Kinetic Simulation of Nanomechanical Devices.We have developed a software to simulate autonomous nanomechanical DNA devices driven by ligase and restriction enzymes in a solution system.This software does discrete time simulation of the ligation and restriction events on the DNA duplex fragments of the nanomechanical device.The approximate probabilities of ligation is calculated based on the concentra-tions of individual DNA fragments present in the solution system.These simulations can provide insight to the kinetics of such nanomechanical systems.We have used this software to simulate a DNA walker and a universal DNA Turing machine.Software for Design of DNA Lattices and Nanomechanical Devices.A major com-putational challenge in constructing DNA objects is to optimize the selection of DNA sequences so that the DNA strands can correctly assemble into desired DNA secondary structures.A commonly used software package,Sequin,was developed by Seeman, which uses the symmetry minimization algorithm[35].Sequin,though very useful, only provides a text-line interface and generally requires the user to step through the entire sequence selection process.Our lab recently developed a software package,Tile-Soft,which exploits an evolution algorithm and fully automates the sequence selection process[58].TileSoft also provides the user with a graphical user interface,on which DNA secondary structure and accompanying design constraints can be directly spec-ified and the optimized sequence information can be pictorially displayed.TileSoft is initially designed to solve optimization problem for a set of multiple tiles,but can also be used to design individual DNA objects,such as DNA nanomechanical devices.4Error Control in DNA Tiling AssembliesA chief challenge in DNA tiling self-assemblies is the control of assembly errors.This is particularly relevant to computational self-assemblies,which,with complex patterning at the molecular scale,are prone to a quite high rate of error,ranging from approxi-mately between0.5%to5%,and the key barrier to large-scale experimental implemen-tation of2D computational DNA tilings exhibiting patterning is this significant errorDesign,Simulation,and Experimental Demonstration171 rate in the self-assembly process.The limitation and/or elimination of these errors in self-assembly is perhaps the single most important major challenge to nanostructure self-assembly.There are a number of possible methods to decrease errors in DNA tilings:(a)Annealing Temperature Optimization.This is a well known technique used in hybridization and also crystallization experiments.It can be used to decrease the defect rates at the expense of increased overall annealing time duration.In the context of DNA tiling lattices,the parameters for the temperature variation that minimize defects have not yet been determined.(b)Error Control by Step-wise Assembly.Reif suggested the use of serial self-assembly to decrease errors in self-assembly[26].(c)Error Control by Redundancy.There are a number of ways to introduce redun-dancy into a computational tiling assembly.In[31]we describe a simple method that can be developed for linear tiling assemblies:we replace each tile with a stack of three tiles executing the same function,and then add additional tiles that essentially‘vote’on the pad associations associated with these redundant tiles.This results in a tiling of in-creased complexity but still linear size.This error resistant design can easily be applied to the integer addition linear tiling described above,and similar redundancy methods may be applied to higher dimension tilings.Work in2003by Winfree provided a method to decrease tiling self-assembly errors without decreasing the intrinsic error rate of assembling a single tile,however,his tech-nique resulted in afinal assembled structure that is four times the size of the original one[50].Recently we have developed improved methods for compact error-resilient self-assembly of DNA tiling assemblies and analyzed them by probabilistic analysis,ki-netic analysis,and computer simulation[29];and plan to demonstrate these error-resilient self-assembly methods by a series of laboratory experiments.Our compact error-resilient tiling methods do not increase the size of the tiling assembly.They use 2-way overlay redundancy such that a single pad mismatch between a tile and its imme-diate neighbor forces at least one further pad mismatch between a pair of adjacent tiles in the neighborhood of this tile.Theoretical probabilistic analysis and empirical studies of the computer simulation of Sierpinsky Triangle tilings have been used to validate these error-resilient2-way overlay redundancy tiling results;the analysis shows that the error rate is considerably reduced.5Experimental ProgressDNA Hybridization.Single strand DNA is a polymer that consists of a sequence of four types of bases grouped into two disjoint pairs known as Watson-Crick complemen-tary pairs that can bind together through hydrogen bonding in an operation known as hybridization.DNA enjoys a unique advantage for a nanostructure construction material because two single strands of DNA can be designed and constructed by the experimen-tal scientist to be selectively sticky and bind together to form doubly stranded DNA. Hybridization is much more likely to occur if the DNA base sequences are comple-172J.H.Reif et al.mentarythat is,if the component bases are Watson-Crick pairs and the temperature and ionic composition of the solution are set appropriately.The resulting doubly stranded DNA is relatively rigid and forms the well-known double-helix geometry.If the sticky single-strand segments that hybridize abut doubly stranded segments of DNA,one can use an enzymic reaction known as ligation to concatenate these segments.DNA Nanostructures.Seemanfirst pioneered DNA structure nanofabrication in the 1980s by assembling a multitude of DNA nanostructures(such as rings,cubes,and octahedrons)using DNA branched junctions and remains a leader in this area[38,36, 39].However,these early DNA nanostructures were not very rigid.To increase the rigidity of DNA nanostructures,Seeman made use of a DNA nanostructure known as a DNA crossover(also known as a branched Holiday junction),which consists of two doubly stranded DNA,each having a single strand that crosses over to the other.Pairs of crossovers,known as double crossovers,provide a significant increase in rigidity of a DNA nanostructure.Also,certain crossovers(known as antiparallel crossovers)cause a reversal in the direction of strand propagation following the exchange of the strand to a new helix.DNA Tiles.These are quite rigid and stable DNA nanostructures that are formed from multiple DNA antiparallel crossovers.DNA tiles typically have a roughly rectangular geometry.These tiles come in multiple varieties that differ from one another in the ge-ometry of strand exchange and the topology of the strand paths through the tile.The first DNA tiles developed were known as double-crossover(DX)tiles and composed of two DNA double helices with two crossovers[52].LaBean,Reif,and Seeman have de-veloped some novel DNA tiles known as triple-crossover(TX)tiles that are composed of three DNA double helices with four crossovers[15].These TX tiles have properties that can facilitate one and two dimensional tiling assemblies and computations.Each DNA tile is designed to match the ends of certain other DNA tiles,a process that facil-itates the assembly into tiling lattices.In particular,DNA tiles are designed to contain several short sections of unpaired,single-strand DNA(ssDNA)extending from the ends of selected helices(often called“sticky ends”)that function as programmable binding domains,which are the tile pads.Both double-and triple-crossover tiles are useful for doing tiling assemblies.The DX tiles provide up to four pads for encoding associations with neighboring tiles,whereas the TX tiles provide up to six pads that are designed to function as binding domains with other DNA e of pads with complementary base sequences provides control for the neighbor relations of tiles in thefinal assembly. In particular,the tile pads hybridize to the pads of other chosen DNA tiles.Individual tiles interact by binding with other specific tiles through hybridization of their pads to self-assemble into desired superstructures.DNA Tiling Lattices.These are superstructures built up from smaller component struc-tures(DNA tiles).Individual DNA tiles interact by annealing with other specific tiles via their ssDNA pads to self-assemble into desired superstructures.These lattices can be either:(a)non-computational,containing a fairly small number of distinct tile types in a repetitive,periodic pattern;or(b)computational,containing a larger number of tile types with more complicated association rules which perform a computation during lattice assembly.The direct assembly of DNA lattices from component single strandDesign,Simulation,and Experimental Demonstration173 DNA has been demonstrated for non-computational DNA lattices described below. Winfree and Seeman demonstrated the self-assembly of two-dimensional periodic lat-tices consisting of at hundreds of thousands of double-crossover tiles,which is strong evidence of this approach’s scalability[52].In addition,LaBean,Reif,and Seeman have constructed DNA TX molecules which produced tiling lattices of even larger num-bers of tiles[15].Both classes of self-assembled DNA lattices were observed through atomic force microscopy(AFM),a mechanical scanning process that provides images of molecular structures on a two-dimensional plate,as well as by use of transmission electron microscopy(TEM).Distinguishing surface features can be designed into indi-vidual tiles by slightly modifying the DNA strands comprising the tiles.These modified DNA strands form short loops that protrude above the tile.To enhance definition,we have also affixed metallic balls to these DNA loops using known methods for affix-ing gold balls to DNA.Surface features,such as two-dimensional banding patterns, have been programmed into these DNA lattices using DNA tiles that assemble into regular repetitive patterns.These topographical features were observed on the DNA tiling lattices with atomic force and transmission electron microscopy imaging de-vices[23,20,52].These tiling assemblies had nofixed limit on their size.Recall that Reif introduced the concept of a nano-frame,which is a self-assembled nanostructure that constrains the subsequent timing assembly(e.g.,to afixed size rectangle)[26].A tiling assembly might be designed to be self-delineating(growing to only afixed size) by the choice of tile pads that essentially“count”to their intended boundaries in the di-mensions to be delineated.In addition,our lab recently developed a“waffle”-like DNA lattice composed of a novel type of DNA tiles(4x4tile)[56].We further used the4 x4tiling lattices as templates for organizing nanoscale ligands,e.g.proteins and gold nano-particles[18,25].In addition,we have recently developed a new method for the assembly of aperiodic patterns[55].Directed Nucleation Assembly Techniques.We have recently developed another method for assembly of complex patterns,where an input DNA strand is synthesized that encodes the required pattern,and then specified tiles assemble around blocks of this input DNA strand,forming the required1D or2D pattern of tiles[55].This method uses artificially synthesized DNA strands that specify the pattern and around which2D DNA tiles assemble into the specified pattern;in this method,the permanent features of the2D pattern are generated uniquely for each case.Computation by DNA Self-assembly.We now focus on another approach:compu-tation by self-assembly.Adleman made use of a simple form of computation by self-assembly in his original experiment[1]:instead of blindly generating all possible se-quences of vertices;instead,the oligonucleotide sequences and the logic of Watson-Crick complementarity guide the self-assembly processes so that only valid paths are generated.Programming Self-assembly of DNA Tilings.Programming DNA self-assembly of tilings amounts to the design of the pads of the DNA tiles(recall these are sticky ends of single strand DNA that function as programmable binding domains,and that indi-vidual tiles interact by annealing with other specific tiles via their single strand DNA pads to self-assemble into desired superstructures).The use of pads with complemen-174J.H.Reif et al.tary base sequences allows the neighbor relations of tiles in thefinal assembly to be intimately controlled;thus the only large-scale superstructures formed during assembly are those that encode valid mappings of input to output.The self-assembly approach for computation only uses four laboratory steps:(i)mixing the input oligonucleotides to form the DNA tiles,(ii)allowing the tiles to self-assemble into superstructures,(iii)lig-ating strands that have been co-localized,and(iv)then performing a single separation to identify the correct output.The Speed of Computing via DNA Tiling Assemblies(Compared with Silicon-based Computing).The speed of DNA tiling assemblies is limited by the annealing time,which can be many minutes,and can be1010slower than a conventional com-puter.A DNA computation via self-assembly must take into account the fact that the time to execute an assembly can range from a few minutes up to hours.Therefore,a rea-sonable assessment of the power of DNA computation must take into account both the speed of operation as well as the degree of massive parallelism.Nevertheless,the mas-sive parallelism(both within assemblies and also via the parallel construction of distinct assemblies)possibly ranging up to1018provides a potential that may be advantageous for classes of computational problems that can be parallelized.String-Tiles:A Mechanism for Small-Depth Tiling.An approach for small-depth computations is to compress several tile layers into single tiles,so that the simplest form of linear self-assembly suffices.Linear self-assembly schemes for integer addi-tion werefirst described by[26];in this scheme each tile performed essentially the operation of a single carry-bit logic step.This linear self-assembly approach works par-ticularly well when the topology and routing of the strands in the DNA tiles is carefully considered,leading to the notion of string tiles.The concept of string tile assemblies derives from the observation that allowing neighboring tiles in an assembly to associate by two sticky ends on each side,one could increase the computational complexity of languages generated by linear self-assembly[51]showed that by allowing contiguous strings of DNA to trace through individual tiles and the entire assembly multiple times, surprisingly sophisticated calculations can be performed with one-layer linear assem-blies of string tiles.The TAE tiles recently developed by LaBean[15]are particularly useful as string tiles.An experimental demonstration of the string tiles was achieved in our lab[54].Input/Output to Tiling Assemblies Using Scaffold and Reporter Strands.Recall that the TX tiles are constructed of three double-helices linked by strand exchange.The TX tiles have an interesting property,namely that certain distinguished single stranded DNA(to be called scaffold and reporter strands,respectively)wind through all the tiles of a tiling assembly.This property provides a more sophisticated method for input and output of DNA computations in string tiling assemblies.In particular,there are two types.The TAE tile contains an Even(and the TAO tiles contains an Odd)number of helical half-turns between crossover points.Even spacing of crossovers of the TAE tile allows reporter strands to stretch straight through each helix from one side of the tile to the other.These reporter segments are used for building up a long strand which records inputs and outputs for the entire assembly computations.。