
学员编号:年级:高二课时数:学员姓名:辅导科目:英语学科教师:授课类型T 词汇牛津高二下U2 C 阅读整体理解能力T 综合能力提升授课日期及时段教学内容一、词汇Words1、重点单词1. unsuspecting adj.毫不怀疑的;无戒备心的The murderer crept up on his unsuspecting victim. 那个杀人凶手悄悄逼近毫无戒备之心的受害者。
The old lady was unsuspecting that she had been cheated into buying a fake antique that was worthless.那老妇人受骗买了一件一文不值的假古董,可她却毫无察觉。
【拓展】suspect v.怀疑;猜想suspect sb of (doing) sth怀疑某人(做)某事suspect that…推测……The police suspected him of planning the robbery.警方怀疑他策划了这起抢劫案。
The detective suspected that the murder was committed with intent.侦探推测这是一起蓄意谋杀。
2. victim n. 受骗者;受害人;牺牲者The students are collecting money for earthquake victims.学生们正在为遭受地震灾害的灾民募集钱款。
You are a victim of your own impractical plan.你那脱离实际的计划害了你自己。
3. embarrassed adj.窘迫的;尴尬的Simon felt embarrassed when asked to give a speech without preparation当Simon在没有准备的情况下被要求做一次演讲,他觉得很尴尬。
牛津高中英语模块二 Unit 2 project全面版

Because the weather changes so quickly.
Read the leaflet again and
complete the form below
The impression of Shangri- A place of __m_y_s_tery
and beauty
The time when the word ___in__1_933 ‘Shangri-la’ first appeared
The name of the novel in __L_o_s_t_Horizon in one’s
which the word ‘Shangri-la’
first appeared
Good staying with you!
Thank you for your cooperation!
只要我们坚持了,就没有克服不了的困难。或许,为了将来,为了自己的发展,我们会把一件事情想得非常透彻,对自己越来越严,要求越来越高,对任何机会都不曾错过,其 目的也只不过是不让自己随时陷入逆境与失去那种面对困难不曾屈服的精神。但有时,“千里之行,始于足下。”我们更需要用时间持久的用心去做一件事情,让自己其中那小 小的浅浅的进步,来击破打破突破自己那本以为可以高枕无忧十分舒适的区域,强迫逼迫自己一刻不停的马不停蹄的一直向前走,向前看,向前进。所有的未来,都是靠脚步去 丈量。没有走,怎么知道,不可能;没有去努力,又怎么知道不能实现?幸福都是奋斗出来的。那不如,生活中、工作中,就让这“幸福都是奋斗出来的”完完全全彻彻底底的 渗入我们的心灵,着心、心平气和的去体验、去察觉这一种灵魂深处的安详,侧耳聆听这仅属于我们自己生命最原始最动人的节奏。但,这种聆听,它绝不是仅限于、执着于 “我”,而是观察一种生命状态能够扩展和超脱到什么程度,也就是那“幸福都是奋斗出来的”深处又会是如何?生命不止,奋斗不息!又或者,对于很多优秀的人来说,我们 奋斗了一辈子,拼搏了一辈子,也只是人家的起点。可是,这微不足道的进步,对于我们来说,却是幸福的,也是知足的,因为我们清清楚楚的知道自己需要的是什么,隐隐约 约的感觉到自己的人生正把握在自己手中,并且这一切还是通过我们自己勤勤恳恳努力,去积极争取的!“宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。”当我们坦然接受这人生的终局, 或许,这无所皈依的心灵就有了归宿,这生命中觅寻处那真正的幸福、真正的清香也就从此真正的灿烂了我们的人生。一生有多少属于我们的时光?陌上的花,落了又开了,开 了又落了。无数个岁月就这样在悄无声息的时光里静静的流逝。童年的玩伴,曾经的天真,只能在梦里回味,每回梦醒时分,总是多了很多伤感。不知不觉中,走过了青春年少, 走过了人世间风风雨雨。爱过了,恨过了,哭过了,笑过了,才渐渐明白,酸甜苦辣咸才是人生的真味!生老病死是自然规律。所以,面对生活中经历的一切顺境和逆境都学会 了坦然承受,面对突然而至的灾难多了一份从容和冷静。这世上没有什么不能承受的,只要你有足够的坚强!这世上没有什么不能放下的,只要你有足够的胸襟! 一生有多少 属于我们的时光?当你为今天的落日而感伤流泪的时候,你也将错过了明日的旭日东升;当你为过去的遗憾郁郁寡欢,患得患失的时候,你也将忽略了沿途美丽的风景,淡漠了 对未来美好生活的憧憬。没有十全十美的生活,没有一帆风顺的旅途。波平浪静的人生太乏味,抑郁忧伤的人生少欢乐,风雨过后的彩虹最绚丽,历经磨砺的生命才丰盈而深刻。 见过了各样的人生:有的轻浮,有的踏实;有的喧哗,有的落寞;有的激扬,有的低回。肉体凡胎的我们之所以苦恼或喜悦,大都是缘于生活里的际遇沉浮,走不出个人心里的 藩篱。也许我们能挺得过物质生活的匮乏,却不能抵挡住内心的种种纠结。其实幸福和欢乐大多时候是对人对事对生活的一种态度,一花一世界,一树一菩提,就是一粒小小的 沙子,也有自己精彩的乾坤。如果想到我们终有一天会灰飞烟灭,一切象风一样无影亦无踪,还去争个什么?还去抱怨什么?还要烦恼什么?未曾生我谁是我?生我之时我是谁? 长大成人方是我,合眼朦胧又是谁?一生真的没有多少时光,何必要和生活过不去,和自己过不去呢。你在与不在,太阳每天都会照常升起;你愁与不愁,生活都将要继续。时
M2 Unit2 牛津版高中英语模块二第二单元复习课件.ppt

Words Phrases Sentence pattern Consolidation
1. 安排 2. 看待 3. 前进 4. 埋葬 5. 反射;反映 6. 探索 7. 宣布 8. 惊吓 9. 漫游;徘徊 10. 抛弃 11. 冒险 12. 和谐
A. look B. sign C. sight D. appearance
②Stand at the top of the mountain,and then you’ll get a better B of the town.
A. sight B. view C. scene D.scenery
•_a_r_r_a_n_g_e__(f_o_r__s_b_)_t_o_d__o_s. th 安排(某人)做某事 •arrange that…….______商__定__…__…__._安__排__…__…_.__ •Make arrangements for ….._为__…__做__准__备____________, what he has said seems quite objective.
辨析: view, scenery, scene, sight ①(高考链接)The practice of hanging clothes across the street is a common C in many parts of the city.
1. arrange (arrangement) 2. view 3. advance 4. bury 5. reflect (reflection) 6. explore (exploration) 7. announce (announcement) 8. scare 9. wander 10. desert 11. adventure 12. harmony (harmonious)
2015高考复习必备好资料之 高中中英语语法复习牛津高中英语模块二Unit2单词&词组过关

牛津高中英语M2 Unit2 词汇过关检测姓名_______________ 学号________重点单词1.冒险, 冒险经历n. _________________2.安排vt.&vi. _________________3.不同寻常的adj, _________________4.航班,空中航行n. _________________5.骆驼n. _________________6.沙漠n. _________________7.抛弃,舍弃vt. _________________8.灰尘飞扬的, 满是灰尘的adj. _______9.阴凉处,背阴,树荫n. ______________10.明亮的,鲜艳的adj. _______________11.手电筒n. _________________12.总共adv. _________________13.不舒服的, 不自在的adj. ___________14.汹涌的,粗糙的,大概的adj. _________15.白浪漂流,激流漂流n._________________16.头盔n. _________________17.救生衣n. _________________18.保护n. _________________19.背包n. _________________20.前进,预先n.;前进,进步vt. ________21.提供,供给,补给vt. _______________22.野生动物n. _________________23.照片n. _________________24.防御,保护n. _________________ 25.使恐惧,惊吓vt. _________________26.山,山峰n. _________________27.让人疲劳的,累人的adj. ____________28.空气,大气层n. _________________29.非洲的adj. _________________30.后来,然后adv. _________________31.袖子n. _________________32.脸颊n. _________________33.旅游业n. _________________34.计划n.&vt. _________________35.鹤n. _________________36.探索勘探vt. _________________37.日出,朝霞n. _________________38.观看,看待vt景色,观点n. _________________39.天堂,天空n. _________________40.山顶n. _________________41.寺院n. _________________42.埋葬,埋藏vt. _________________43.目的地n. _________________44.笼子n. _________________45.美,美好的人或者物n. _____________46.西南n. _________________47.公路,干道,交通要道n. ____________48.经典的adj.,经典作品n._________________49.(长篇)小说n. _________________50.国王n. _________________51.陡峭的,急剧的adj. ______________52.永远地adv. _________________53.官方的,非正式的adj. _____________54.地点,场所n. _________________55.出版,发表vt. _________________56.宣称,宣布vt. _________________57.高耸,屹立,超过vt.塔,塔楼n. _________________ 58.阳光n. _________________59.反射(声,光,热等)反映vt._________________60.钻石,金刚石n. _________________61.牛n. _________________62.漫游,游荡,徘徊,漂泊vi&vt. _______63.周围的,附近的adj. ________________64.和谐,协调,融洽n. ________________65.无限的,无休止的adj. ______________66.平和的,温和的,温暖的adj. _________重点短语67.万一_________________68.提前,预先_________________69.靠近地_______________70.旅游景点_________________71.担心_________________72.动身前往_________________73.期望,盼望_________________74.被```覆盖_________________75.代表_________________76.在黑暗中________________77.at dawn _________________78.take photographs _________________79.scare sth. away _________________80.in harmony with _________________81.risk one’s life _________________。

模块二第二单元重点词汇讲解1.arrange vt./ vi.整理, 安排, 计划例如:(1)arrange后可直接跟事类名词,如arrange a picnic;(2)arrange for sb/sth to do sth意为“安排某人或某物去做某事”,如arrange for a new classroom;arrange for a student to fetch a book(3)arrange表示“安排”时后可跟that从句,从句用shall/should,也可用虚拟现在式。
如:We have arranged that he shall/should start work next Monday.我们安排他下周一开始工作。
(1)You must _______ ___________in alphabetical order.你要把这些书按字母顺序排好。
(2)I have ________ _________ one of my staff _______ _________ you at the airport.我已经安排好一个职员到飞机场接你。
(3)I have arranged with the neighbours about taking care of the cat.我已和邻居们商量好照顾猫咪的事情。
【答案】arranged these books;arranged for…to meet【检测】1. Can you _____ to carry that heavy box by yourself?A.arrangeB.offerC.manageD.prepare【解答】C。
本句意为“你自己能搬得动那只重箱子吗?” offer to 表主动提出去做;prepare to表准备去做。
2. He telephoned the travel agency to________three air tickets to London.(2010天津)A. orderB.arrangeC. takeD.book【解答】D。
高一牛津英语第二模块第二单元(Module2Unit2)教案课件 全套M2,U2 reading1

Period 2 ReadingTeaching Aims:Train the students’ reading ability and know how to write an informal letter.1. Get the students to know the main idea of the text.2. Develop the students’ creative, comprehensive and consolidating abilities. Teaching Important Points;1. Develop the students’ reading ability.Teaching Difficult Points1.How to make the students understand the passage better.2. How to help the students finish all the exercises.3.How to help the students develop their creative, comprehensive and consolidating abilities.Teaching Methods:1. Fast-reading method to get the general idea of the passage.2. Careful -reading method to get the detailed information in the text.3. Discussion after reading to help the students finish the tasks.4. Acting to develop the students’ creative, comprehensive and consolidating abilities. Teaching Aids:1. the multimediaTeaching Procedures:Step1 RevisionStep 2 Free-talk and Lead- inShow a map of Africa to students and ask them to discuss the following questions;1. Can you tell me where the pyramids are located?2. Apart from the grasslands, what else do you know about Africa?Prepare some pictures. Encourage students to talk about Africa after watching them. Step 3 Fast ReadingAsk students to skim the passage and answer the following questions:1. who wrote the following letter?Toby wrote this letter.2. What animal is uncomfortable to sit on?Camel3. How long will the author stay in Africa?About four weeks.Step4. Guide students to the Reading Strategy of this unit and then ask them some questions:1. Are address included? (Yes/No) (Yes)2. Are dates included? ( Yes/No) (Yes)4. Are friendly greetings usually used at the beginning of the letter?( Yes/No) (Yes)5.Is the reader’s surname addressed? ( Yes/No) (No)Step 5 Reading1.Reading the letter again carefully and then choose the best answer.2.Then complete the following form:Try to put the activities in the correct order:___3_______ travel down the River Nile___2______travel on camels through the Sahara Desert___5_______climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania___4_______see wild animals in Kenya___1_______fly to Morocco___6______ go to the HimalayasStep 7 VocabularyChoose the correct meanings for the words below. Write the letters in the blankson page 24.Step8 Discussion1. Which part of the world would you like to visit? Why?2. Adventures such as mountain climbing and whit-water rafting can be dangerous. Doyou think it is worth risking your life for adventures? Why or why not?。

• We leave London on 15 July, and we’ll be flight taking a (1)__________ to Morocco, in northern Africa. We’re going to ride camels (2)____________ through the Sahara desert Desert. It’s the biggest (3) ___________ in size the world----- about the (4)____________ expect of the US!I(5)________ it will be very hot, dry and dusty there. We’ll be travelling by camel with local guides, camping (6)___________ in tents and sleeping on the ground.
• • • • • • •
19.一旦被吸入 if breathed in 20.导致 result in Unit 3 Project 1.在轨 in orbit 2.有强烈愿望学飞行 have a strong desire to learn how to fly 3.入伍 join the army 4.花接下来的5年接受训练
experience 4 seasons in one day
Unit3 Reading
• 1.世界最著名的探险家之一 world has ever known one of the most famous explorers the • 2.学画画 learn to draw • 3.对……好奇 be curious about • 4.在……岁时 at the age of… • 5.起航 set sail for • 6.到20世纪20年代 by the 1920s • 7.作为…..出名 be known as… • 8.遇到,碰到 come across • 9.除了……还有 as well as
牛津高中英语单元要点 u2-m2

模块二第2单元语言要点(Wish you were here)1.Wish you were here. (动词wish所带的宾语从句用虚拟式)2.have an adventure 进行、从事冒险活动3.travel through the desert穿越沙漠旅行4.be busy arranging my holiday 忙于安排我的假日5.spend a few weeks travelling用几周的时间旅行6.take a flight to Morocco 乘飞机到摩洛哥7.travel by camel 骑骆驼旅行8.We will be travelling by camel,camping in tents and sleeping on the ground. (分词做伴随状语)9.sit on a camel 骑骆驼10. go white-water rafting 白浪漂流,激浪漂流. 11. You have to wear a helmet and a life jacket for protection, just in case you fall into the waterin case 可引导目的状语从句, 意为“恐怕,以防”,从句谓语常用一般现在时态或用“should+原形”。
I'll take an umbrella with me just in case it rains / should rain.12. go on a trip 去旅行13. in advance 预先,提前14. We will eat and drink whatever they do. (连接代词引导宾语从句)15. supplies of food and water 食物和水的供应16. We'll walk across the land,following the tracks of wildlife. (分词做伴随状语)17.We’ll try to get as close as possible to the animals, even though they're dangerous. (让步状语从句)18. have guns with them 他们随身带有枪19.scare the animals away把动物吓走20. see an elephant up close靠近地21. move on south to Tanzania 继续朝南移动直到坦桑尼亚(south为副词,作状语)22. Mountain climbing can be very tiring. (情态动词can表示“可能性”)23. I will make sure that we get plenty of rest. (make sure 带宾语从句,从句谓语用一般现在时)24. begin w ith a casual and friendly greeting 以一个随意的和友好的问候开头25. Past events are referred to. 过去的事件常被提及。
最新牛津高中英语模块二unit2Reading 2第二课时知识点讲解概要教学讲义PPT课件

Mother asked me to take more money ___A____ something unexpected should happen.
A. in case
B. so that
C. in order that D. when
I don’t think I’ll need any money but I’ll bring some __B____.
b. 秘密地,一无所知
We were completely kept __i_n_t_h_e_d_a_r_k___ about the plan.
(Line22)读下面的例句,注意rough在句中的意 义和用法
The ship sailed in rough seas. Her hands were rough with work. The rough road made the car vibrate. You’d better give us a rough idea of your price. Martin had a rough manner. 知识归纳: rough adj. 汹涌的,粗糙的, 粗略的, 粗暴的
C. in case
D. by chance
解析:by nature 天生地;in return 作为 回报,作为交换;in case 万 一,以防; by chance 偶然地。根据句意“我想我之 前已经跟你谈论过这件事,但是以防万一, 我再问你一次”,故选C。
in case of 是短语介词, 后接名词或代词作 宾语, 位于句首时, 一般表示条件, 意为“假 使、万一、如果”等;位于句末时, 一般表 示目的, “以防”的意思。

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Revision Module 2Unit 2 Wish you were here第一课时The Preview sheet一、单词1.冒险;冒险经历_________________2.安排_________________3.不同寻常的_________________4.航班_________________5.沙漠_________________6.明亮的,鲜艳的_________________7.不舒服的,不自在的_________________8.防御,保护(n.) _________________9.让人疲劳的_________________ 10.旅游业_________________ 11.空气,大气层_________________ 12.探索_________________ 13.目的地_________________ 14.经典的,经典作品_________________ 15.小说_________________ 16.陡峭的,急剧的_________________ 17.出版_________________ 18.反射,反映_________________ 19.附近的,周围的_________________ 20.宣布_________________ 21.官方地,正式地_________________ 22.和谐,协调_________________ 23.无限的_________________ 24.平和的,温和的_________________ 25.提供,供给,补给_________________ 26.埋葬_________________ 27.野生动物_________________ 28.后来,然后_________________29.天堂,天空_________________ 30.平和的,温和的;温暖的__________二、词形变化1.adventure n.→ ___________ adj.2.arrange vt.&vi.→ _______________ n.3.dusty adj.→ __________ n.4.uncomfortable adj.→ ___________ adj.舒服的→ ________ vt.&n安慰→ __________adv.5.defence n.→ ______________ vt.6.announce vt.→ _____________ n.7.interview vt.→ _________ n.被采访者→ ________ n.采访者8.reflect vt.→ _________________ n.9.surrounding adj._________ vt.→ _______ n.10.harmony n.→ ___________ adj. 11 scare vt. adj.感到恐惧的adj.恐怖的三、重点短语1 安排某人做某事________________2 预先,提前____________________3 在友好的氛围下_________________ 4接近____________________________5.提供某人某物______________________6.远高于_______________________________7把…吓跑______________________ 8处于最温和的状态__________________9对---粗野___________________ 10旅游景点_________________________11.在日落/出时____________________ 12 仔细思考_____________________13定期航班_________________________ 14永葆青春_________________________15准时_________________________ 16…的完美匹配_______________________17.厌烦____________________________ 18.为……所环绕______________________19.与…….相处融洽___________________20. 是…的家园_____________________21in no case = at _____ _______ = ______ no means=under no _____________=in _____ _____ 22五头牛____________ 23 困惑的,茫然不知所措__________________24 在------的保护下_________________25 埋头于,专注于_____________=_______________四、重点句子1 希望你在这儿2 作为保护措施,你得戴上头盔,穿上救生衣,以防万一掉进水里。
(in case )p223 我们要跟当地的农民一起住在他们的村落里,不管他们吃什么,喝什么,我们也一起吃,一起喝包括牛血。
(whatever)p234 尽管这些动物很危险,我们还是要试着尽可能地靠近它们,这样我们就能拍到一些非常棒的照片。
(even though, so that)p235 住在这个完美世界里的人们知道如何永葆青春。
(倒装句)p386. 大自然为香格里拉提供了无尽的自然宝藏,使这块土地成为当地人们的一个欢乐家园.第二课时 Activity Leading Sheet一、预习单检测1. Bob is so intelligent that he _______ above all the others in the class.(超过)2. There being much dust on the table, the house must have been _______ for a long time (舍弃)3. They say that your true emotions are _______ in your dreams.(反映)4. Whenever anyone criticizes her husband, she immediately leaps to his _______.(辩护)5. A lot of children at the school don’t live in the town, but come in from the _______ countryside.(周围的)6.It took her three days before she found herself to be _______ ________ _______ her new co-workers.(相处和谐)7. Apples in winter are usually _______ _______ _______.(供应不足)8. The little girl was _______ ________ ________ in the bedroom alone. (不敢单独睡在卧室)9. She _____ _____ ______ ____ a speech tonight, hoping all of us will attend it.(定于今晚演讲)10. I don ’t know the exact number of the deaths in the disaster , ,(大概)one-third of the villagers.二、 核心词汇1. arrange v .安排;筹备;整理;排列;布置2.advance v .促进;前进;预付;提前;提出(想法、理论、计划) n .前进;进步v. (1)advance on/towards sb./sth.向某人/物前进advance many theories _________advance him a month ’s salary _________n.(2) ____ advance 预先;事先;预付in advance of(时间上)在……前头make an advance/advances 取得进步adj . _________先进的;高级的;深奥的3. supply vt.供给;供应;配给;补充 n .供给;供给品 supply sth._____ sb.=supply sb._____ sth.给某人提供某物____ short supply 供应不足a supply of =_______ of 大量的词义辨析 supply ,provide ,offer用法如下:⎭⎪⎬⎪⎫supply/provide sb.with sth.provide sth.for sb.supply sth.to sb.offer sb.sth.=offer sth.to sb.为某人提供某物 4. scare vt.使恐惧,惊吓 (1)scare sb.__________ sth.恐吓某人做某事 scare...______/_____把……吓跑 (2)be______________吓得要死 be scared _______ sth./of doing sth.害怕做某事 be scared that...害怕…… (3)_______ adj .恐怖的,吓人的(1)arrange to do sth.安排做某事 arrange with sb.about sth./that...就……和某人商议 arrange sb.____ do sth.安排某人做某事 (2)arrangement n .安排;布置 make ___ ________/_________ for...为……做安排5. spot v.发现;认出;点缀n.斑点;污点;地点,场所spot sb._______ sth.看到某人正在做某事be spotted with满是……斑点on the spot=__________到(在)现场;当场6. i n case (以防)万一in case of万一……,如果发生……in most cases在大多数情况下;在大多数场合下in _____ case无论如何,总之in _____ case决不=⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽_____ is often the case这是常有的事in this case在这种情况下in that case既然如此;那样的话7. rough adj.汹涌的;粗糙的;大概的;艰苦的(1)be rough_____对……粗暴(2)roughly adv. ______;_____8.be buried in=bury oneself in “埋头于,专心于”Because she buried herself in the film,she didn’t know it was snowing outside.①,she didn’t know it was snowing outside.(用现在分词短语作状语改写)②____________________,she didn’t know it was snowing outside.(用过去分词短语作状语改写)三、经典句型1.“wish+从句”用虚拟语气Wish you here!Ellen is a fantastic dancer. I wish I _______(dance)as well as her.Wish的虚拟语气用法总结:2.whatever引导的从句We’ll live with the local people in their villages, and eat and drink __________ they do, including cow’s blood.whatever / whoever/ whomever 既可以引导__________,也可以引导_______而no matter what / who/ whom 只可以引导___________。