Consistent two–dimensional chiral gravity A.Smailagic1,





版权作者:木易正文(广州新东方国内部)考研路上一年一年annual人数增多additional学习对手rival从不间歇interval没有资金capital生活节约economical上课准时punctual学习激进radical谁有潜力potential最终幸存survival ?爱情邂逅你我偶遇accidental纯属巧合casual表白真诚cordial到了节日festival送你水晶crystal响起音乐musical走入教堂cathedral爱情永恒eternal男生与女生男生理性rational女生经验empirical男生残忍brutal女生伤感sentimental男生自由liberal女生忠诚loyal男生热情zeal女生秘密confidential 男生机械mechanical 女生经典classical男生视觉visual女生听觉aural爱情必要essential理解重要vital相互尊重mutual才能永久perpetual联合国五常开会国际争议controversial 连年不断continual美国提议proposal英国赞同approval法国反对refusal中国中立neutral苏联关键crucial除掉日本removal按照惯例conventional 相互理解reciprocal双边协定bilateral都得利益beneficial到达终点terminal大学评估教育专家professional 认真评估appraisal公正无私impartial学校肤浅superficial天天演习rehearsal人工造假artificial造成犯罪criminal社会主义新农村在农村rural有道德moral做模范model得奖章medal.劳动致富手工劳动manual逐渐改进gradual独特风格individual年年赚钱annual心理问题之一问题隐藏conceal没能揭露reveal拨打电话dial大声呼吁appeal最后治愈heal心理问之二心理问题psychological头脑问题mental精神反常abnormal歇斯底里hysterical去了医院hospital药物治疗medical吃药致命fatal参加葬礼funeral考研词汇打油诗助记之三记忆之余,博君一笑。



ElettrologiaCircuiti a corrente continua e alternataCarica e scarica di un condensatoreMISURAZIONE DEI TEMPI DI CARICA E SCARICAUE3050105 09/16 JöS/UDFig. 1: Apparecchio di carica e scarica in funzione con coppia condensatore/resistenza esterna (sinistra) e interna (destra)BASI GENERALIIn un circuito a corrente continua, attraverso un conden-satore passa corrente solo durante l'accensione o lo spe-gnimento. Tramite la corrente, il condensatore viene cari-cato all'accensione, fino al raggiungimento della tensione applicata, e scaricato allo spegnimento, finché la tensione non ha raggiunto lo zero.Per un circuito a corrente continua con capacità C , resistenza R e tensione continua U 0 vale all'accensione(1) 0()(1)t U t U e -τ=⋅- e allo spegnimento(2) 0()t U t U e-τ=⋅con la costante di tempo(3) R C τ=⋅.Per verificare tale correlazione, nell'esperimento vengono mi-surati i tempi necessari al raggiungimento delle tensioni di con-fronto predefinite. Il cronometro viene pertanto avviato con la fase di carica o scarica e successivamente arrestato per mezzo di un comparatore non appena la tensione di confronto risulta raggiunta. La misurazione di diverse tensioni di confronto con-sente di analizzare punto per punto la curva di carica e scarica. Interessante dal punto di vista pratico è anche il tempo(4) 5%ln(5%)3t R C R C =-⋅⋅≈⋅⋅,in cui la tensione del condensatore in fase di scarica raggiungeil 5% del valore di default U0 e in fase di carica raggiunge il 95% del valore finale U0. Tramite la misurazione di t5% è possibile monitorare ad es. i parametri R e C.ELENCO DEGLI STRUMENTI1 Apparecchio di carica e di scarica@230V 1017781 (U10800-230) o1 Apparecchio di carica e di scarica@115V 1017780 (U10800-115) 1 Condensatore 1000 µF, 16 V,P2W191009957 1017806 (U333106)1 Resistenza 10 kΩ, 0,5 W,P2W19 1012922 (U333030) Ulteriormente consigliato:1 Multimetro digitale P1035 1002781 (U11806)MESSA IN FUNZIONE∙Collegare l'apparecchio di carica e scarica alla rete tramite l'alimentatore a spina fornito in dotazione.AVVERTENZE GENERALINelle posizioni INTERN 1, INTERN 2 o INTERN 3 il condensa-tore interno è collegato ai jack di ingresso per la capacità esterna. I condensatori interno ed esterno sono in questo caso collegati in parallelo.∙Per le misurazioni sulle coppie RC interne non collegare capacità esterne.Il tempo di carica e scarica misurato è influenzato da tempi di rimbalzo, amplificati da una mano insicura nel ruotare il com-mutatore di funzione.∙Ruotare il commutatore di funzione in maniera spedita.∙Per una determinazione più precisa del tempo, ripetere ciascuna misurazione almeno tre volte e ricavare il valore medio.∙Scegliere coppie R/C esterne con costante di tempo 4sR C⋅>.ESECUZIONEMisurazione su coppie condensatore/resistenza interne∙Rimuovere resistenze e condensatori esterni.∙Portare il selettore su INTERN 1, INTERN 2 o INTERN 3. Misurazione su coppie condensatore/resistenza esterne ∙Inserire resistenza e condensatore esterni.∙Portare il selettore su EXTERN.Misurazione del tempo di carica t C∙Portare il commutatore di funzione in posizione CHARGE – STOP. ∙Impostare l'interruttore passo-passo sul valore desiderato. ∙Premere brevemente il tasto RESET per azzerare il conta-tore digitale.∙Portare il commutatore di funzione in posizione CHARGE – START per avviare la carica e la misurazione del tempo. ∙Prendere nota del tempo misurato non appena il contatore si arresta.Misurazione del tempo di scarica t DC∙Procedere come per la curva di carica portando tuttavia il commutatore di funzione rispettivamente in posizione DI-SCHARGE – STOP e DISCHARGE – START. Determinazione del tempo t5%Il tempo t5% può essere determinato con una misurazione sia della carica sia della scarica (v. spiegazioni in merito all'equa-zione (4)). Una maggiore precisione è ottenibile mediante la determinazione della media delle due misurazioni:∙Misurare il tempo di carica t C, 5% per 9,5 V.∙Misurare il tempo di scarica t CC, 5% per 0,5 V.∙Calcolare la media (t C, 5% + t CC, 5%) / 2 = t5% .Registrazione della curva di carica∙Regolare l'interruttore passo-passo per tensione di con-fronto su 0,5 V e determinare il tempo di carica come indi-cato in "Misurazione del tempo di carica".∙Per misurare il valore successivo, girare l'interruttore passo-passo avanti di un livello e ripetere tutte le opera-zioni.Registrazione della curva di scarica∙Regolare l'interruttore passo-passo per tensione di con-fronto su 9,5 V e determinare il tempo di scarica come in-dicato in "Misurazione del tempo di scarica".∙Per misurare il valore successivo, girare l'interruttore passo-passo avanti di un livello e ripetere tutte le opera-zioni.Determinazione della capacità esterna/interna e delle resi-stenze interne∙Portare il selettore per coppia R/C in successione su IN-TERN 1, INTERN 2 e INTERN 3 e misurare rispettiva-mente tre volte i tempi t C, 5% e t CC, 5%, come descritto sopra.Riportare i valori nella Tab. 5 e determinare il tempo t5%. ∙Inserire il condensatore esterno. Portare il selettore per coppia R/C ad es. su INTERN 3 e misurare rispettiva-mente tre volte i tempi t C, 5% e t CC, 5%, come descritto sopra.Riportare i valori nella Tab. 5 e determinare il tempo t5%. ∙Inserire inoltre la resistenza esterna. Portare il selettore per coppia R/C su EXTERN e misurare rispettivamente tre volte i tempi t C, 5% e t CC, 5%, come descritto sopra. Riportarei valori nella Tab. 5 e determinare il tempo t5%.ESEMPIO DI MISURAZIONETab. 1: Tempi di carica e scarica della coppia R/C interna 1.Tab. 2:Tempi di carica e scarica della coppia R/C interna 2.Tab. 3: Tempi di carica e scarica della coppia R/C interna 3.Tab. 4:Tempi di carica e scarica della coppia R/C esterna.Tab. 5: T empi di carica e scarica t C,5% e t CC,5% delle tre coppie R/C interne, della coppia R/C interna 3 con collegamento in paral-lelo al condensatore esterno, della coppia R/C esterna e tempi t 5% derivanti dalla determinazione della media.3B Scientific GmbH, Rudorffweg 8, 21031 Amburgo, Germania,ANALISIRegistrazione delle curve di carica e scarica ∙Registrare graficamente le tensioni impostate U C rispetto ai tempi di carica e scarica misurati t C e t CC (Tab. 1 – 4).Le Figg. 2 e 3 mostrano in modo esemplare le curve di carica e scarica relative alla coppia R/C interna 3. L'andamento espo-nenziale previsto in base alle equazioni (1) e (2) risulta confer-mato.Determinazione della capacità esterna/interna e delle resi-stenze interneCon resistenza esterna nota R ext = 10 k Ω (tolleranza 5%), la capacità esterna C ext viene calcolata in base a (4) dal tempo t 5% = t 5%, ext (Tab. 5):(5) 5%,ext ext ext35,4s1180F 3310k t C R ===μ⋅⋅Ω.Tale valore corrisponde, nell'ambito di tolleranza specificato pari a 20%, con il valore nominale 1000 μF.Per i tempi t 5% determinati per la coppia R/C interne 3 con e senza collegamento al condensatore esterno, vale in base all'equazione (4):(6) 5%,3int,3int 3t R C =⋅⋅ e(7) ()5%,3ext int,3int ext 3t R C C =⋅⋅+.Fig. 2: Curva di carica della coppia RC interna 3 La divisione dell'equazione (7) per l'equazione (6) e l'inseri-mento dei tempi da Tab. 5 dà:(8)5%,3int ext 5%,3ext 5%,364,1s1180F 98,5s 64,1s 2199Ft C C t t =⋅=μ⋅--=μ.Tale valore corrisponde, nell'ambito di tolleranza specificato pari a 10%, con il valore nominale 2000 μF.Infine, le tre resistenze interne ancora ignote R int, i si ottengono dai rispettivi tempi di carica e scarica (Tab. 5) e dalla capacità interna determinata in precedenza C int :(9) 5%,int, i int3i t R C =⋅ mit i = 1, 2, 3Ne deriva:(10) int, 114,0s212232199FR ==Ω⋅μ.(11) int, 232,4s491132199FR ==Ω⋅μ.(12) int, 364,1s971732199FR ==Ω⋅μ.I valori coincidono con i valori nominali 2,2 k Ω, 5,1 k Ω e 10 k Ω.Fig. 3: Curva di scarica della coppia RC interna 3U / V t/ sU / V t / s。

TWO 好事成双 Lenka 中英文歌词对照 附部分生词总结

TWO  好事成双 Lenka 中英文歌词对照 附部分生词总结

《TWO》Lenka2011-4-1901. Two02. Heart Skips a Beat03. Roll With The Punches04. Sad Song05. Everything At Once06 Blinded By Love07. Here To Stay08. You Will Be Mine09. Shock Me Into Love10. Everything's Okay11. End of The World12. Wrote Me Out13. Deep Blue14. Maybe I Love You15. Pull Me Apart16. Hold Me Til Christmas(Can’t find……)TWOTwo now that I'm with you 2个人我们在一起了Another point of view换个说法Instead of what I knew你会改变我许多事Oh two whatever will we do两个人一起无论我们做什么I don't see a way through虽然我预测不了未来But you're the one I choose但你就是我的选择I never knew what double could do我不知道两个人能做多少事But things are better so much better但是感觉越来越好如此美妙Hold me closer never let me go抱紧我别让我走I don't want any other baby从此我不再需要别的谁Two is the one two is the one2个人就是全部I was lonely never had nobody我以前总是孤单一人But now I've got double baby但是现在我有了你宝贝Two is the one two is the one for me对我来说两个人就是整个世界Wo-oh-oh One never had so much fun 我从来没这么快乐过Staying up till sun熬夜到黎明Banging on my own drum玩弄我的架子鼓One always looking for love人们总是在寻找自己的爱情And ending up with none最后总没有收获If I can deal with it then so can you如果我这样想那你也是一I never knew what double could do我从没想过两个人能做多少事But things are better但一切都变得更美好了so much better with two*2两个人感觉真好Vocabularybang double undoneHeart Skips A BeatHeart skips a beat, my heart skips a beat心停止跳动,我的心停止跳动My heart is playing stricks on me我的心就像麻绳抽打在我的身上And it's building bricks on me和一堆砖堆在我身上I can't break我不能突破through And I can't face you而且我不能面对My world is turning slowly now你我的世界都在变慢了我需But it's burning up somehow但这是燃烧在某种程度上I need some time To know what's right要一些时间你知道什么是对的,'Cause it's only in the quiet that I feel some relief因为它是唯一的在安静,我觉得一些缓解,I'm trying hard not to resist the joy我努力不去抗拒的快乐Don't listen to me I'm being paranoid别听我说我是被偏执I might try hard but it's too hard to avoid我可以试一试那艰难但这很难避免My heart skips a beat My heart skips a beat我的心停止跳动我的心停止跳动My heart is always first to know我的心永远是第一个知道的And as the feeling grows当(爱的)感觉愈加成长起来了I can't deny我不能否认,push those thoughts aside推动这些想法抛到一边My world is full of loveliness我的世界充满了美丽But I focus on the stress My heart says, "Go" but my brainsays, "No"但我专注于我的压力我的心说:“去”但我的大脑说,“不”,And it's only in the quiet that I hear myself breathe而且它是唯一的在安静,我听到自己呼吸My heart skips a beat My heart skips a beat Oh我的心停止跳动我的心停止跳动I know this time我知道时间'cause it's physical My blood has stopped and I am breathlessas well因为这是物质的我的血都停了下来,,我上气不接下气But I need a minute to convince myself但我需要一分钟的时间去说服自己'Cause it's only in the quiet that I know what to feel这个因为它是唯一的在安静,我不知道是什么感觉Vocabulary:skip beatresist paranoiddeny asideloveliness stressbreathe physicalblood convinceRoll with the punchesThat really hurt me真让我受伤Like a fist to the face I wasn’t ready像毫无防备的重拳打在脸上To be knocked out of place被打的晕晕乎乎Suddenly everything I was sure of突然间我所曾确定的一切Sinking below the depths of the surface都隐藏到了表面之下It’s unexpected, it usually is出其不意,通常如此When you’re rejected, or you take a hit当你被拒绝,受打击Suddenly everything’s thrown in a spin一切在瞬间变得天旋地转No time to grow a thicker skin没有时间搭建防御What kind of situation am I in now?我现在这种情况算是怎样?When life tries to knock all the wind out of you当生活让你喘不过气的时候You’ve got to roll, roll, roll with the punches你得学会逆来顺受If all life offers is black and blue如果生活只是黑色或者蓝色You’ve got to roll, roll, roll with the punches你得学会逆来顺受Little weapons over the phone电话里的争斗They like to threaten the life that I know威胁着我熟知的生活They say get over here and get into the ring大家说算了,再重新开始But I’m not really much a fighter但我并不是个斗士My mechanisms of defense are down我的防御机制已经崩溃And my resistance is out on the town我已无法反抗I was alarmed by your attack你的突袭让我警醒This isn’t a boxing match这不是一场拳击赛But I’ll be damned if I ever let you win但是如果我让你赢情何以堪When all I want is a little stability我只想要些许安稳Some time without any bruises不受伤害You go and tell me the things that I don’t want to hear你离开,对我说我不愿意听的话Putting your fist into my ears如拳拳在耳Filling me up with the dread and the fear leaving you all in pieces让我浸没在离开你的恐惧中,碎成碎片Suddenly everything’s thrown in a spin一切在瞬间变得天旋地转No time to grow a thicker skin没有时间搭建防御What kind of situation am I in now?我现在这种情况算是怎样?Vocabulary:roll punchesfist sinkdepth unexpected rejected thrownthreaten mechanismsdefense resistanceattack damnedstability bruisesdread fillSad SongDon't tell me you wanna be别告诉我你想要做的The kind of girl who's drowning是要成为那种沦落的女孩And don't be holding on to anything对于世界上任何事都别固执That's gonna keep you frowning darling那会让你一直皱着眉头,宝贝Everyone's compelled to look into the mirror每个人被逼到不得不在镜子中审视事物When they're crying当他们流泪时Just because your tears are pretty仅仅因为你的泪珠是如此的美丽Doesn't mean they'll get you by并不意味着他们会帮你Sing me a sad song and make me feel better给我唱首悲伤的歌让我心里舒服点Sing me a happy song and I might start to cry如果是首欢快的歌我也许会开始哭泣Because everything feels like那是因为一切事物感觉就像it's going around in circles它们永远在和你兜着圈子And everyone knows that the world is upside down而且每个人都明白这个世界是如此得混乱不堪You were once a little baby曾经你是个小宝宝Full of optimistic wonder那时候的你是多么乐观好奇So what got into you to make you think所以究竟什么事情让你觉得That it could pull you under honey你能让它把你推向堕落的深渊,甜心Could it be that we were under或许是我们每个人都处在The impression life was perfect不切实际的完美生活的幻想中And when the bubble burst当妄想已破灭的时候We understood that every part of it hurts我们才真正意识到究竟什么才叫作遍体鳞伤I'm going to color my glasses rose我将为我的眼镜涂上玫瑰的颜色I'm going to follow where the rainbow goes我将去追寻天边彩虹行进的方向And my pot of gold will be waiting我将等待属于我自己的那罐金子Vocabulary:drowning frowncompel upsideoptimistic bubbleburst potEverything At OnceAs sly as a fox as strong as an ox像狐狸一样狡猾,像牛一样强壮As fast as a hare as brave as a bear像野兔一样疾速,像熊一样勇敢As free as a bird as neat as a word像鸟一样自由,像字一样整齐As quiet as a mouse as big as a house像老鼠一样安静,像房子一样大Ah …… All I wanna be*3一切我想要的Is everything? 所有的事物As mean as a wolf as sharp as a tooth像狼一样卑鄙,像牙齿一样锋利As long as a road as ugly as a toad像路一样长,像蛤蟆一样丑As pretty as a picture hanging from a fixture像挂在墙上的画一样美丽Strong like a family strong as I wanna be像家族一样强大,像我要的那样强大Bright as day as light as play像白昼一样明亮,像奏乐一样轻快As hard as nails as grand as a whale像指甲一样坚硬,像鲸鱼一样巨大Ah……All I wanna be*3一切我想要的Is everything所有的事物Everything at once*3一切同时而来As warm as the sun as silly as fun像太阳一样温暖,像玩笑一样随意As cool as a tree as scary as the sea像树一样沉静,向海一样骇人As hot as fire cold as ice像火一样炽热,像冰一样冷漠Sweet as sugar and everything nice像糖一样令人愉悦,一切是那样美好As old as time as straight as a line像时间一样悠长,像线条一样平直As royal as a queen as buzzed as a bee像女王一样高贵,像蜜蜂一样繁忙Stealth as a tiger smooth as a glide像老虎一样潜行,像滑翔机一样流畅Pure as a melody pure as I wanna be像旋律一样纯净,像我想要成为的那样纯净Vocabulary:sly ox hareneat sharp bitetoad fixturenail grandwhale royalbuzzed stealthsmooth glidemelody pureBlinded By LoveI came home and nothing was right 我回到家中,感到什麽也不对劲It's been a while since a fight 离上次那次吵架已经过了很久Well, maybe tonight my need for love 也许今晚我需要爱Can crowd my sight 以来充实我的视野And I say things out of spite 我曾经乱说话Or I push you aside 或者把你推向一边No, I don't know how to fix it 不,我不知道怎样修复我们的感情I am falling apart and I am breaking your heart 我崩溃了,也让你心碎了Help me to see 我需要你帮我看清这个世界'Cause I am blinded by love, blinded by love 因为我迷失于爱里,迷失于爱里And help me to be the one to guide us 让我成为那个引领我们的人吧Through the dark things we do 帮助我们在黑暗中找到方向Now I know I can be tough sometimes 我知道我有时候有些刻薄My words come out like knives 我说的话如刀锋般尖利Cutting the space between us 把我们硬生生的割开And you try, yeah, I know you try 你曾尝试过,是阿我知道你曾尝试著To just let things slide 不计较这麼多But what good is that to us? 但是这对我们之间的感情有好处吗?Oh, oh, I don't know 我不知道And where is the light at the end of this tunnel 然而这条隧道末端的光线又在哪里'Cause I am falling apart and I am breaking your heart 因为我崩溃了,也让你心碎了Vocabulary:crowd spitefix blindedguide toughslide tunnelHere To StayI don't know anymore 我不再清楚I don't know what I've been fighting for 我不清楚我在斗争着什么But something inside me won't go quietly 可内心深处的我却不愿平静的离开And I could be anywhere 我无处不在'Cause we're all breathing the same air 我们呼吸着一样的空气It goes inside and makes me feels alive 它进入身体,存在感涌上心头And all I can say is all I can say 我能说的只有这些I am here and I will be 我在这,现在将来Following my own way 沿着自己的步伐Forever and a day 无论一天还是永远I am here and I'm here to stay 我在这里,为你留在这里Oh we are here and we will be 我们在这里,我们会一直在一起Following our own way 沿着我们的本心No matter what you say 无论你说什么We are here and we're here to stay 我们都在这里,在一起We are here to stay 我们在一起No matter where you roam 无论你浪迹何方Anywhere you lay your heart's your home 无论你把自己与你的家置于何处Stand your ground if they push you down 如果他们扑到了你,那么勇敢地站起来Because all you can say is all you can say 因为你能说的只有这些We are real and we feel it 我们如此真实,感同身受When you deny us 当你否认我们的关系Or when you get tired of us 或者你厌倦彼此We are here and we're here to stay 我们还是在一起,我们会在一起We are here to stay 我们在此厮守I never knew when enough was enough 从不知晓何时足够Or whether to stay when the going was tough 或者是否要将艰难的步履进行But I won't let a little heart be afraid 但我不会惧怕And all I can say is all I can say 我能说的也只有这些罢了We are here to stay *4 我们在此厮守Vocabulary:roam denyYou Will Be MineShe moved in to the house next door 她搬到隔壁的房子里But every time she turned the lights down low但是,每次她把灯低位He thought he heard a voice calling out so slow 他认为他听到一个声音在低沉的呼唤Come and take me away from all this pain 来,带我离开这一切痛苦And he said 他说I see you sitting there at the window sill 我看见你坐在那里在窗台上Looking for shooting stars寻找流星I wanna get closer and closer still 我一直想要靠的更近I wanna take over your heart 我想要接管你的心You will be mine, mine 你将会是我的,我的Over time, time随着时间的推移You're gonna find, find你会发现,发现I'll make you mine, mine 我会使你成为我的,我的Every morning when she came outside 每天早上,当她来到外面He tried to be the one to catch her eye他试图成为她视线里的唯一But she would only turn away and hide 但她只会转过身藏了起来He started to concoct a plan他开始酝酿一个计划To get her to return the feelings that he had 想要她会回应他的感情To show her how he thought they were entwined 向她表示他是如何希望他们能出现交集Little love letters written in red 一封红色的小情书Folded up, put away next to the bed, oh 折叠起来,把它放到你的床旁边,Little crushed hopes every day 每一天怀着小小的破碎的希望Waiting in the wings to spirit her away 等待着能偷走她的心Vocabulary:hide lowpain sillconcoct entwinedfold crushedwing spiritShock Me Into LoveJust when you think that it will never get you仅仅当你认为它永远不会得到你的时候It comes and throws a lightning bolt right at you它来了并向你抛出一道闪电Before you know it now your pulse starts racing在你知道它之前,你现在的脉冲开始赛车And now your blood is running hot like crazy现在你的血液运行热像疯了似的Oh give it everything , everything that you've got*2给它一切你已经得到的No I never knew that I could feel this way我从来不知道我能有这样的感受No I never had it running through my veins我从来没有让它通过我的血管No I never thought that it could be enough我从来没想过,这可能是足够的Suddenly you you shock me into love 突然你让我坠入爱河It's waiting for you right around the corner它正在某个角落等待着你It doesn't have the decency to warn ya 它不正式的警告你It comes along and taps you on the shoulder 它来了并在你的肩头留下葬讯You fall the arms that now will hold ha 你丢下武器,现在把它捡起Electricity shoots from you to me*2 电力在你我之间生根Vocabulary:vein shockdecency warntap shoulderEverything's OkayKeep giving me hope for a better day 为了更美好的日子一直给予我希望Keep giving me love to find a way 一直给予我爱去找到更好的前路Through this heaviness I feel 穿越我感受到的沉重I just need someone to say everything's okay 我只是需要有人对我说一切都好Woke my weary head 使我疲惫的头脑清醒Crawled out of my bed 爬上我的床沿And I said "Oh, how do I go on?" 然后我说“哦,我该怎么继续?”Nothing's going right 没有事是在正轨上shadow's took the light 影子取代了光亮And I said "Oh, how do I go on?" 然后我说“哦,我该怎么继续?”Sometimes I need a little sunshine 有时我需要一点阳光And sometimes I need you 有时我需要你Keep giving me hope for a better day 为了更美好的日子一直给予我希望Keep giving me love to find a way 一直给予我爱去找到更好的前路Through this messy life I made for myself 穿越我自己制造的混乱生活Heaven knows I need a little Hope for a better day 天堂知道为了更好的日子我需要一点希望I need a love to find a way Through this heaviness I feel 我需要爱去穿越我感受到的沉重I just need someone to say everything's okay 我只是需要有人对我说一切都好I gave my hope to you 我把我的希望给你When you were early through 当你早早到来And you said, "Oh, I can't go on 我说,“哦,我不能继续了”Well now I need it back 现在我想要一切倒回'Cause I have got a lack of all that's good 因为我缺席了所有美好的事物And I can't go on 我不能继续Vocabulary:heaviness wakecrawled messyheaven shadowEnd Of The WorldAt the end of the world 在世界的尽头I will be there with you 我会和你在一起And we'll throw a party to celebrate 办次聚会庆祝一下The things we used to do 我们一直做的事Like living life, breathing air 栩栩如生,呼吸吐纳Running your fingers through my hair 你的指尖在我的秀发间滑行Oh, this isn't fair 这不公平At the end of the world 在世界的尽头I will hold you so close 我紧紧抓住你So we won't notice the destruction 我们不会注意到毁灭As the waters rise 水位上溢We'll float away and you will say 我们随波逐流,你问道Oh, isn't this nice 哦,这样不好吗At the end of the world 在世界的尽头We will kiss for the last time 我们将亲吻最后一次And we won't feel the earth collapse into 我们不会感觉地球毁灭A mess of flood and fire 成为烈焰和洪水的地狱We'll be making love 我们会制造爱情As the sky above falls down over us 天穹笼罩着我们We'll be the luckiest ones 我们是最幸运的一对At the end of the world 在世界的尽头We'll be together, be together 我们在一起,在一起Ah, if I can spend it with you 如果我能与你共享Then the end of the world don't matter at all 无所谓什么世界的尽头Vocabulary:celebrate fingernotice destructioncollapse messWrote Me OutYou're the star of your own movie 你是你自己电影里的明星And I am the star of mine 而我是我自己电影里的明星You play the part' sing the tune and speak the dialogue你演角色,唱曲子,念对白And you write every storyline 你也写每一个情节And you wrote me out 而你去掉了我这个角色Let it be said 说出来吧It's all in my head 全在我脑子里And you will forget about me 你将忘记我I never got through 我从未通过Try playing with you 试着和你演对手戏But I am not in your story 但是我不在你的故事里Oh oh' I don't know 我不知道I don't feel anything anymore 我再也没有任何感觉I am not here 我不在这里And I am not there 我也不在那里'Cause I am not in your story 因为我不在你的故事里I should have seen it coming by the way that you looked at me我早该通过你看我的样子看到这种情况出现With those eyes distracted by the lonely life you live用那双被你过着的孤独生活分散注意力的眼睛Well' I am not welcome clearly 好吧,我显然不受欢迎Yeah' you wrote me out 是的,你去掉了我这个角色I was so blind to think that you were mine and I could be yours我当初真是瞎了眼了,认为你是我的,而我会是你的But now it's time that I stopped to write my own story但是现在是时候停下来写我自己的故事了And I will not write a part for you而我不会写个角色给你Vocabulary:part tuneDeep BlueHere,Are my place and time 在这里,我的时间和地点And here in my own skin 在这里,在我自己的皮肤I can finally begin 我终于可以开始Let the century pass me by 让我通过的世纪Standing under night sky 在夜晚的天空站Tomorrow means nothing 明天不意味着什么I was only a child then 我只有一个孩子Feeling barely alive when 感觉勉强活着的时候I heard a song from the speaker of a passing car 我从一辆路过的汽车扬声器听到一首歌And prayed to a dying star 和一个垂死的恒星祈祷The memory's fading 记忆的衰落I can almost remember singing la, la la, 我几乎可以记住唱歌啦,啦啦,We watched the end of the century 我们看了本世纪结束Compressed on a tiny screen 压缩在一个小小的屏幕A dead star collapsing and we could see 死星的崩溃,我们可以看到That something was ending 这是结束Are you through pretending 你是在假装We saw its signs in the suburbs 我们在郊区看到的迹象You could never have predicted 你永远无法预测的That he could see through you 他能看透你了Kasparov, Deep Blue, nineteen ninety-six 卡斯帕罗夫,深蓝色,一九九六Your mind's pulling tricks now 你心灵的捉弄我们The show is over so take a bow 表演结束时,鞠躬We're living in the shadows la, la la, 我们生活在阴影里啦,啦啦,Hey ,Put the cellphone down for a while 嘿,把手机关闭一段时间In the night there is something wild 在夜间有野生动物Can you hear it breathing? 你能听到它的呼吸?And hey,Put the laptop down for a while 嘿,把电脑放下一会儿In the night there is something wild 在夜间有野生动物I feel it, it's leaving me 我觉得,这是要离开我Vocabulary:skin centurybarely prayfade compresstiny pretendpredict kasparovtrick bowcell phone laptopMaybe I Love YouMaybe I love you maybe I do 也许我爱你吧也许我确实爱你Maybe this feeling inside me is true 也许我内心的感觉是真的And if I love you and if I do 如果我爱你如果我真的爱你Then maybe baby maybe you love me too 那么可能亲爱的你也爱我吧But I don't fall easily to many betrayed me 但我不会轻易被背叛打到I wasn't feeling quite like myself 我觉得自己不像自己了And something inside me was sitting on the shelf 我心里忐忑不安But then you swam into my heart 但接着你浮现在我心深处And now the good steps starts 好事就此开始起步Wow~ How can I know for sure 我该怎样确定That you and I are meant for something more 你和我意味着更多And I oh 而我I have to go on is this feeling inside 我不得不继续这种内心的感觉And I hope and I and I hope 我希望That I am right 希望我是对的Vocabulary:brew betrayedshelf swamPull Me ApartYou pull me apart你把我拉开You break me in half你打破我一半Every time you leave每次你离开I'm a broken heart我是一个破碎的心And I'll stay that way till I see you when我会等到我看到这样的你的时候You'll put me all back together again你会把我再次在一起All that I have And all that I am我所拥有的一切和我Would be nothing without you baby将没有你,贝You are the one你是唯一You are the only one你是唯一一个That can make me whole 这可以使我完整Yea you make me whole是你让我完整But there's only one problem with this situation但是这种情况只有一个问题When you go 你走的时候I can't go on我不能继续'cause I'm like a world with no windows因为我就像一个没有窗户的世界A bed with no pillows一张没有枕头的床I'm a kiss with no kiss back我是一个没有回吻的吻I'm a sea with no fishes我是一个没有鱼类的海洋I am like spring with no flowers我像没有花的春天I'm a day with no hours我是一个没有时间的白天I am incomplete我是不完整的Mmm give me a sign嗯,给我一个信号That I will be fine我会没事的When I see you walking away from me当我看到你离开我'cause you have a piece 因为你有一块A piece of my heart我心里的一块That you take with you它带着你Vocabulary:pillow incomplete。



DIRECTIVE NUMBER: CPL 02-00-150 EFFECTIVE DATE: April 22, 2011 SUBJECT: Field Operations Manual (FOM)ABSTRACTPurpose: This instruction cancels and replaces OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-148,Field Operations Manual (FOM), issued November 9, 2009, whichreplaced the September 26, 1994 Instruction that implemented the FieldInspection Reference Manual (FIRM). The FOM is a revision of OSHA’senforcement policies and procedures manual that provides the field officesa reference document for identifying the responsibilities associated withthe majority of their inspection duties. This Instruction also cancels OSHAInstruction FAP 01-00-003 Federal Agency Safety and Health Programs,May 17, 1996 and Chapter 13 of OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-045,Revised Field Operations Manual, June 15, 1989.Scope: OSHA-wide.References: Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations §1903.6, Advance Notice ofInspections; 29 Code of Federal Regulations §1903.14, Policy RegardingEmployee Rescue Activities; 29 Code of Federal Regulations §1903.19,Abatement Verification; 29 Code of Federal Regulations §1904.39,Reporting Fatalities and Multiple Hospitalizations to OSHA; and Housingfor Agricultural Workers: Final Rule, Federal Register, March 4, 1980 (45FR 14180).Cancellations: OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-148, Field Operations Manual, November9, 2009.OSHA Instruction FAP 01-00-003, Federal Agency Safety and HealthPrograms, May 17, 1996.Chapter 13 of OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-045, Revised FieldOperations Manual, June 15, 1989.State Impact: Notice of Intent and Adoption required. See paragraph VI.Action Offices: National, Regional, and Area OfficesOriginating Office: Directorate of Enforcement Programs Contact: Directorate of Enforcement ProgramsOffice of General Industry Enforcement200 Constitution Avenue, NW, N3 119Washington, DC 20210202-693-1850By and Under the Authority ofDavid Michaels, PhD, MPHAssistant SecretaryExecutive SummaryThis instruction cancels and replaces OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-148, Field Operations Manual (FOM), issued November 9, 2009. The one remaining part of the prior Field Operations Manual, the chapter on Disclosure, will be added at a later date. This Instruction also cancels OSHA Instruction FAP 01-00-003 Federal Agency Safety and Health Programs, May 17, 1996 and Chapter 13 of OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-045, Revised Field Operations Manual, June 15, 1989. This Instruction constitutes OSHA’s general enforcement policies and procedures manual for use by the field offices in conducting inspections, issuing citations and proposing penalties.Significant Changes∙A new Table of Contents for the entire FOM is added.∙ A new References section for the entire FOM is added∙ A new Cancellations section for the entire FOM is added.∙Adds a Maritime Industry Sector to Section III of Chapter 10, Industry Sectors.∙Revises sections referring to the Enhanced Enforcement Program (EEP) replacing the information with the Severe Violator Enforcement Program (SVEP).∙Adds Chapter 13, Federal Agency Field Activities.∙Cancels OSHA Instruction FAP 01-00-003, Federal Agency Safety and Health Programs, May 17, 1996.DisclaimerThis manual is intended to provide instruction regarding some of the internal operations of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and is solely for the benefit of the Government. No duties, rights, or benefits, substantive or procedural, are created or implied by this manual. The contents of this manual are not enforceable by any person or entity against the Department of Labor or the United States. Statements which reflect current Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission or court precedents do not necessarily indicate acquiescence with those precedents.Table of ContentsCHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONI.PURPOSE. ........................................................................................................... 1-1 II.SCOPE. ................................................................................................................ 1-1 III.REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 1-1 IV.CANCELLATIONS............................................................................................. 1-8 V. ACTION INFORMATION ................................................................................. 1-8A.R ESPONSIBLE O FFICE.......................................................................................................................................... 1-8B.A CTION O FFICES. .................................................................................................................... 1-8C. I NFORMATION O FFICES............................................................................................................ 1-8 VI. STATE IMPACT. ................................................................................................ 1-8 VII.SIGNIFICANT CHANGES. ............................................................................... 1-9 VIII.BACKGROUND. ................................................................................................. 1-9 IX. DEFINITIONS AND TERMINOLOGY. ........................................................ 1-10A.T HE A CT................................................................................................................................................................. 1-10B. C OMPLIANCE S AFETY AND H EALTH O FFICER (CSHO). ...........................................................1-10B.H E/S HE AND H IS/H ERS ..................................................................................................................................... 1-10C.P ROFESSIONAL J UDGMENT............................................................................................................................... 1-10E. W ORKPLACE AND W ORKSITE ......................................................................................................................... 1-10CHAPTER 2PROGRAM PLANNINGI.INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 2-1 II.AREA OFFICE RESPONSIBILITIES. .............................................................. 2-1A.P ROVIDING A SSISTANCE TO S MALL E MPLOYERS. ...................................................................................... 2-1B.A REA O FFICE O UTREACH P ROGRAM. ............................................................................................................. 2-1C. R ESPONDING TO R EQUESTS FOR A SSISTANCE. ............................................................................................ 2-2 III. OSHA COOPERATIVE PROGRAMS OVERVIEW. ...................................... 2-2A.V OLUNTARY P ROTECTION P ROGRAM (VPP). ........................................................................... 2-2B.O NSITE C ONSULTATION P ROGRAM. ................................................................................................................ 2-2C.S TRATEGIC P ARTNERSHIPS................................................................................................................................. 2-3D.A LLIANCE P ROGRAM ........................................................................................................................................... 2-3 IV. ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM SCHEDULING. ................................................ 2-4A.G ENERAL ................................................................................................................................................................. 2-4B.I NSPECTION P RIORITY C RITERIA. ..................................................................................................................... 2-4C.E FFECT OF C ONTEST ............................................................................................................................................ 2-5D.E NFORCEMENT E XEMPTIONS AND L IMITATIONS. ....................................................................................... 2-6E.P REEMPTION BY A NOTHER F EDERAL A GENCY ........................................................................................... 2-6F.U NITED S TATES P OSTAL S ERVICE. .................................................................................................................. 2-7G.H OME-B ASED W ORKSITES. ................................................................................................................................ 2-8H.I NSPECTION/I NVESTIGATION T YPES. ............................................................................................................... 2-8 V.UNPROGRAMMED ACTIVITY – HAZARD EVALUATION AND INSPECTION SCHEDULING ............................................................................ 2-9 VI.PROGRAMMED INSPECTIONS. ................................................................... 2-10A.S ITE-S PECIFIC T ARGETING (SST) P ROGRAM. ............................................................................................. 2-10B.S CHEDULING FOR C ONSTRUCTION I NSPECTIONS. ..................................................................................... 2-10C.S CHEDULING FOR M ARITIME I NSPECTIONS. ............................................................................. 2-11D.S PECIAL E MPHASIS P ROGRAMS (SEP S). ................................................................................... 2-12E.N ATIONAL E MPHASIS P ROGRAMS (NEP S) ............................................................................... 2-13F.L OCAL E MPHASIS P ROGRAMS (LEP S) AND R EGIONAL E MPHASIS P ROGRAMS (REP S) ............ 2-13G.O THER S PECIAL P ROGRAMS. ............................................................................................................................ 2-13H.I NSPECTION S CHEDULING AND I NTERFACE WITH C OOPERATIVE P ROGRAM P ARTICIPANTS ....... 2-13CHAPTER 3INSPECTION PROCEDURESI.INSPECTION PREPARATION. .......................................................................... 3-1 II.INSPECTION PLANNING. .................................................................................. 3-1A.R EVIEW OF I NSPECTION H ISTORY .................................................................................................................... 3-1B.R EVIEW OF C OOPERATIVE P ROGRAM P ARTICIPATION .............................................................................. 3-1C.OSHA D ATA I NITIATIVE (ODI) D ATA R EVIEW .......................................................................................... 3-2D.S AFETY AND H EALTH I SSUES R ELATING TO CSHO S.................................................................. 3-2E.A DVANCE N OTICE. ................................................................................................................................................ 3-3F.P RE-I NSPECTION C OMPULSORY P ROCESS ...................................................................................................... 3-5G.P ERSONAL S ECURITY C LEARANCE. ................................................................................................................. 3-5H.E XPERT A SSISTANCE. ........................................................................................................................................... 3-5 III. INSPECTION SCOPE. ......................................................................................... 3-6A.C OMPREHENSIVE ................................................................................................................................................... 3-6B.P ARTIAL. ................................................................................................................................................................... 3-6 IV. CONDUCT OF INSPECTION .............................................................................. 3-6A.T IME OF I NSPECTION............................................................................................................................................. 3-6B.P RESENTING C REDENTIALS. ............................................................................................................................... 3-6C.R EFUSAL TO P ERMIT I NSPECTION AND I NTERFERENCE ............................................................................. 3-7D.E MPLOYEE P ARTICIPATION. ............................................................................................................................... 3-9E.R ELEASE FOR E NTRY ............................................................................................................................................ 3-9F.B ANKRUPT OR O UT OF B USINESS. .................................................................................................................... 3-9G.E MPLOYEE R ESPONSIBILITIES. ................................................................................................. 3-10H.S TRIKE OR L ABOR D ISPUTE ............................................................................................................................. 3-10I. V ARIANCES. .......................................................................................................................................................... 3-11 V. OPENING CONFERENCE. ................................................................................ 3-11A.G ENERAL ................................................................................................................................................................ 3-11B.R EVIEW OF A PPROPRIATION A CT E XEMPTIONS AND L IMITATION. ..................................................... 3-13C.R EVIEW S CREENING FOR P ROCESS S AFETY M ANAGEMENT (PSM) C OVERAGE............................. 3-13D.R EVIEW OF V OLUNTARY C OMPLIANCE P ROGRAMS. ................................................................................ 3-14E.D ISRUPTIVE C ONDUCT. ...................................................................................................................................... 3-15F.C LASSIFIED A REAS ............................................................................................................................................. 3-16VI. REVIEW OF RECORDS. ................................................................................... 3-16A.I NJURY AND I LLNESS R ECORDS...................................................................................................................... 3-16B.R ECORDING C RITERIA. ...................................................................................................................................... 3-18C. R ECORDKEEPING D EFICIENCIES. .................................................................................................................. 3-18 VII. WALKAROUND INSPECTION. ....................................................................... 3-19A.W ALKAROUND R EPRESENTATIVES ............................................................................................................... 3-19B.E VALUATION OF S AFETY AND H EALTH M ANAGEMENT S YSTEM. ....................................................... 3-20C.R ECORD A LL F ACTS P ERTINENT TO A V IOLATION. ................................................................................. 3-20D.T ESTIFYING IN H EARINGS ................................................................................................................................ 3-21E.T RADE S ECRETS. ................................................................................................................................................. 3-21F.C OLLECTING S AMPLES. ..................................................................................................................................... 3-22G.P HOTOGRAPHS AND V IDEOTAPES.................................................................................................................. 3-22H.V IOLATIONS OF O THER L AWS. ....................................................................................................................... 3-23I.I NTERVIEWS OF N ON-M ANAGERIAL E MPLOYEES .................................................................................... 3-23J.M ULTI-E MPLOYER W ORKSITES ..................................................................................................................... 3-27 K.A DMINISTRATIVE S UBPOENA.......................................................................................................................... 3-27 L.E MPLOYER A BATEMENT A SSISTANCE. ........................................................................................................ 3-27 VIII. CLOSING CONFERENCE. .............................................................................. 3-28A.P ARTICIPANTS. ..................................................................................................................................................... 3-28B.D ISCUSSION I TEMS. ............................................................................................................................................ 3-28C.A DVICE TO A TTENDEES .................................................................................................................................... 3-29D.P ENALTIES............................................................................................................................................................. 3-30E.F EASIBLE A DMINISTRATIVE, W ORK P RACTICE AND E NGINEERING C ONTROLS. ............................ 3-30F.R EDUCING E MPLOYEE E XPOSURE. ................................................................................................................ 3-32G.A BATEMENT V ERIFICATION. ........................................................................................................................... 3-32H.E MPLOYEE D ISCRIMINATION .......................................................................................................................... 3-33 IX. SPECIAL INSPECTION PROCEDURES. ...................................................... 3-33A.F OLLOW-UP AND M ONITORING I NSPECTIONS............................................................................................ 3-33B.C ONSTRUCTION I NSPECTIONS ......................................................................................................................... 3-34C. F EDERAL A GENCY I NSPECTIONS. ................................................................................................................. 3-35CHAPTER 4VIOLATIONSI. BASIS OF VIOLATIONS ..................................................................................... 4-1A.S TANDARDS AND R EGULATIONS. .................................................................................................................... 4-1B.E MPLOYEE E XPOSURE. ........................................................................................................................................ 4-3C.R EGULATORY R EQUIREMENTS. ........................................................................................................................ 4-6D.H AZARD C OMMUNICATION. .............................................................................................................................. 4-6E. E MPLOYER/E MPLOYEE R ESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................... 4-6 II. SERIOUS VIOLATIONS. .................................................................................... 4-8A.S ECTION 17(K). ......................................................................................................................... 4-8B.E STABLISHING S ERIOUS V IOLATIONS ............................................................................................................ 4-8C. F OUR S TEPS TO BE D OCUMENTED. ................................................................................................................... 4-8 III. GENERAL DUTY REQUIREMENTS ............................................................. 4-14A.E VALUATION OF G ENERAL D UTY R EQUIREMENTS ................................................................................. 4-14B.E LEMENTS OF A G ENERAL D UTY R EQUIREMENT V IOLATION.............................................................. 4-14C. U SE OF THE G ENERAL D UTY C LAUSE ........................................................................................................ 4-23D.L IMITATIONS OF U SE OF THE G ENERAL D UTY C LAUSE. ..............................................................E.C LASSIFICATION OF V IOLATIONS C ITED U NDER THE G ENERAL D UTY C LAUSE. ..................F. P ROCEDURES FOR I MPLEMENTATION OF S ECTION 5(A)(1) E NFORCEMENT ............................ 4-25 4-27 4-27IV.OTHER-THAN-SERIOUS VIOLATIONS ............................................... 4-28 V.WILLFUL VIOLATIONS. ......................................................................... 4-28A.I NTENTIONAL D ISREGARD V IOLATIONS. ..........................................................................................4-28B.P LAIN I NDIFFERENCE V IOLATIONS. ...................................................................................................4-29 VI. CRIMINAL/WILLFUL VIOLATIONS. ................................................... 4-30A.A REA D IRECTOR C OORDINATION ....................................................................................................... 4-31B.C RITERIA FOR I NVESTIGATING P OSSIBLE C RIMINAL/W ILLFUL V IOLATIONS ........................ 4-31C. W ILLFUL V IOLATIONS R ELATED TO A F ATALITY .......................................................................... 4-32 VII. REPEATED VIOLATIONS. ...................................................................... 4-32A.F EDERAL AND S TATE P LAN V IOLATIONS. ........................................................................................4-32B.I DENTICAL S TANDARDS. .......................................................................................................................4-32C.D IFFERENT S TANDARDS. .......................................................................................................................4-33D.O BTAINING I NSPECTION H ISTORY. .....................................................................................................4-33E.T IME L IMITATIONS..................................................................................................................................4-34F.R EPEATED V. F AILURE TO A BATE....................................................................................................... 4-34G. A REA D IRECTOR R ESPONSIBILITIES. .............................................................................. 4-35 VIII. DE MINIMIS CONDITIONS. ................................................................... 4-36A.C RITERIA ................................................................................................................................................... 4-36B.P ROFESSIONAL J UDGMENT. ..................................................................................................................4-37C. A REA D IRECTOR R ESPONSIBILITIES. .............................................................................. 4-37 IX. CITING IN THE ALTERNATIVE ............................................................ 4-37 X. COMBINING AND GROUPING VIOLATIONS. ................................... 4-37A.C OMBINING. ..............................................................................................................................................4-37B.G ROUPING. ................................................................................................................................................4-38C. W HEN N OT TO G ROUP OR C OMBINE. ................................................................................................4-38 XI. HEALTH STANDARD VIOLATIONS ....................................................... 4-39A.C ITATION OF V ENTILATION S TANDARDS ......................................................................................... 4-39B.V IOLATIONS OF THE N OISE S TANDARD. ...........................................................................................4-40 XII. VIOLATIONS OF THE RESPIRATORY PROTECTION STANDARD(§1910.134). ....................................................................................................... XIII. VIOLATIONS OF AIR CONTAMINANT STANDARDS (§1910.1000) ... 4-43 4-43A.R EQUIREMENTS UNDER THE STANDARD: .................................................................................................. 4-43B.C LASSIFICATION OF V IOLATIONS OF A IR C ONTAMINANT S TANDARDS. ......................................... 4-43 XIV. CITING IMPROPER PERSONAL HYGIENE PRACTICES. ................... 4-45A.I NGESTION H AZARDS. .................................................................................................................................... 4-45B.A BSORPTION H AZARDS. ................................................................................................................................ 4-46C.W IPE S AMPLING. ............................................................................................................................................. 4-46D.C ITATION P OLICY ............................................................................................................................................ 4-46 XV. BIOLOGICAL MONITORING. ...................................................................... 4-47CHAPTER 5CASE FILE PREPARATION AND DOCUMENTATIONI.INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 5-1 II.INSPECTION CONDUCTED, CITATIONS BEING ISSUED. .................... 5-1A.OSHA-1 ................................................................................................................................... 5-1B.OSHA-1A. ............................................................................................................................... 5-1C. OSHA-1B. ................................................................................................................................ 5-2 III.INSPECTION CONDUCTED BUT NO CITATIONS ISSUED .................... 5-5 IV.NO INSPECTION ............................................................................................... 5-5 V. HEALTH INSPECTIONS. ................................................................................. 5-6A.D OCUMENT P OTENTIAL E XPOSURE. ............................................................................................................... 5-6B.E MPLOYER’S O CCUPATIONAL S AFETY AND H EALTH S YSTEM. ............................................................. 5-6 VI. AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES............................................................................. 5-8A.B URDEN OF P ROOF. .............................................................................................................................................. 5-8B.E XPLANATIONS. ..................................................................................................................................................... 5-8 VII. INTERVIEW STATEMENTS. ........................................................................ 5-10A.G ENERALLY. ......................................................................................................................................................... 5-10B.CSHO S SHALL OBTAIN WRITTEN STATEMENTS WHEN: .......................................................................... 5-10C.L ANGUAGE AND W ORDING OF S TATEMENT. ............................................................................................. 5-11D.R EFUSAL TO S IGN S TATEMENT ...................................................................................................................... 5-11E.V IDEO AND A UDIOTAPED S TATEMENTS. ..................................................................................................... 5-11F.A DMINISTRATIVE D EPOSITIONS. .............................................................................................5-11 VIII. PAPERWORK AND WRITTEN PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS. .......... 5-12 IX.GUIDELINES FOR CASE FILE DOCUMENTATION FOR USE WITH VIDEOTAPES AND AUDIOTAPES .............................................................. 5-12 X.CASE FILE ACTIVITY DIARY SHEET. ..................................................... 5-12 XI. CITATIONS. ..................................................................................................... 5-12A.S TATUTE OF L IMITATIONS. .............................................................................................................................. 5-13B.I SSUING C ITATIONS. ........................................................................................................................................... 5-13C.A MENDING/W ITHDRAWING C ITATIONS AND N OTIFICATION OF P ENALTIES. .................................. 5-13D.P ROCEDURES FOR A MENDING OR W ITHDRAWING C ITATIONS ............................................................ 5-14 XII. INSPECTION RECORDS. ............................................................................... 5-15A.G ENERALLY. ......................................................................................................................................................... 5-15B.R ELEASE OF I NSPECTION I NFORMATION ..................................................................................................... 5-15C. C LASSIFIED AND T RADE S ECRET I NFORMATION ...................................................................................... 5-16。



Act 11 - The Age Of The Cathedrals2 - The Refugees3 - Intervention of Frollo4 - Bohemienne5 - Esmeralda You See6 - So Look No More For Love7 - The Feast Of Fools8 - The King Of Fools9 - The Sorceress10 - The Foundling11 - The Doors Of Paris12 - Kidnap Attempt13 - The Court Of The Miracles14 - The Word Phoebus15 - Shining Like The Sun16 - Torn Apart17 - Anarchy18 - Water Please19 - Belle Is The Only Word20 - Home In The Sky21 - Ave Maria22 - If you can see inside me23 - Your Love Will Kill me24 - The Shadow25 - At Val D'amour26 - The Voluptuary27 - DestinyAct 228 - Talk To Me Of Florence29 - The Bells30 - Where Is She31 - The Birds They Put In Cages32 - Cast Away33 - The Trial34 - The Torture35 - I Am A Priest36 - Phoebus If You Can Hear37 - To Get Back To You38 - My Heart If You Will Swear39 - Frollo's Visit To Esmeralda40 - One Bright Morning You Danced41 - Free Today42 - Moon43 - This Small Whistle I Leave You44 - God You Made The World All Wrong45 - Live For The One I Love46 - Attack On Notre Dame47 - By Royal Law48 - My Master My Saviour49 - Give her to me50 - Dance My EsmeraldaAct 1The Age Of The CathedralsGringoire:This is a tale that takes its place. In Paris fair, this year of grace. Fourteen hundred eighty two. A tale of lust and love so true.We are the artists of the time, we dream in sculpture dream in rhyme. For you we bring our world alive, so something will survive.From nowhere came the age of the cathedrals.The old world began.A new unknown thousand years.For man just has to climb up where the stars are.And live beyond life.Live in glass and live in stone.Stone after stone, day after day. From year to year man had his way. Men had built with faith and love. These cathedrals rose above.We troubadours and poets sing. That love is all and everything.We promise you, all human kind. Tomorrow will be fine.From nowhere came the age of the cathedrals.The old world began.A new unknown thousand years.For man just has to climb up where the stars are.And live beyond life.Live in glass and live in stone.From nowhere came the age of the cathedrals.The old world began.A new unknown thousand years.For man just has to climb up where the stars are.And live beyond life.Live in glass and live in stone.But it is doomed the age of the cathedrals.Barbarians wait.At the gates of Paris fair.Oh let them in, these pagans and these vandals.A wise man once said.In two thousand, this world ends.In two thousand, this world ends.The RefugeesClopin and Refugees:We are the strangers here, the refugees the women and men. Without a home, Oh Notre dame we come and ask of you. Asylum. Asylum.We are the strangers here, the refugees the women and men. Without a home, Oh Notre dame we come and ask of you. Asylum. Asylum.At Paris gates we stand, ten thousand in our band.And one day soon we'll be, a million in this land.We wonder what you'll do, the day we ask of you.Asylum. Asylum.We are the strangers here, the refugees the women and men. Without a home, Oh Notre dame we come and ask of you. Asylum. Asylum.We are the down-and-outs, here at the city gates.And all of Paris waits, to see what we're about.The world will change someday; We'll make it work someway. The day we come to stay, with you.We are the strangers here, the refugees the women and men.Without a home.We are the strangers here, the refugees the women and men.Without a home.The refugees.Without a home.We are the strangers here, the refugees the women and men.Without a home.We are the strangers here, the refugees.We are the strangers here, the refugees the women and men.Without a home.We are the strangers here, the refugees the women and men.Without a home, Oh Notre dame we come and ask of you.Asylum. Asylum.We are the strangers here, the refugees the women and men.Without a home, Oh Notre dame we come and ask of you.Asylum. Asylum. Asylum. Asylum.Intervention of FrolloFrollo:Monsieur Phoebus de Chateaupers, captain of the archers of the crown.I order you to arrest, these strangers disturbing the town.Disperse now at any cost this rabble of the lost.Who come to disturb the peace, All Paris demand they cease.Phoebus:At your order's monsignor Frollo. In god's name my men will strike a blow. We'll clear this riff raff from your sight, these beggar thieves that live by night.Phoebus:Beautiful girl why are you here, is it from heaven you appear?Paradise must be your home, you're like no one I've ever known.BohemienneEsmeralda:My mother told me tales of Spain, I think that's where she longed to be. Of mountain bandits she once sang, Andalusia's memory.There in the mountains she was free, my mother, father all are gone. And I've made Paris be my home.I dream of oceans rolling on, they take my heart where I must come. Andalusia mountain home.Bohemienne.No one knows where my story begins.Bohemienne.I was born on a road that bends.Bohemienne, bohemienne.Come tomorrow, I'll wander again.Bohemienne, bohemienne.Here's my fate in the lines of my hand.When I was a child in Provence, Bare foot in the hills I danced once.But the gypsy road is so long, the roads so long.Everyday I see a new chance, maybe some road will lead from France.I will follow till I come home, Till I come home.Andalusia's streams, run through my blood, run through my daydreams. Andalusia's sky, when it calls me, I feel my heart fly.Bohemienne.No one knows where my story begins.Bohemienne.I was born on a road that bends.Bohemienne, bohemienne.Come tomorrow I'll wander again.Bohemienne, bohemienne.Here's my fate in the lines of my hand.Here's my fate in the lines of my hands.Esmeralda You SeeClopin:Esmerada you see, you're no longer a child.And this world is so wild, that you must hear me a little while.You were not yet eight years, your mother died so young.Still hearing as she died, Andalusia's song.Esmeralda:She left me here with you, and you watched over me.Did all that you could do, to help me make it through.Clopin:Esmeralda you see, some men can hurt you so.Esmeralda:In the streets where I run, out there anything goes.Clopin:Do you understand me, and the things I speak of?You are a child no more.You've reached the age of love!Esmeralda:I've reached the age of love.So Look No More For LoveFleur-de-Lys:My tender years I bring here to you, like diamonds on a string all for you.Just promise anything, anything I'll believe it's truePhoebus:Your heart say's it is time for us two, your eyes look into mine and I'm through. Not all the stars that shine will outdo, the diamonds they're in you.Fleur-de-Lys:The man I've come to love, this handsome cavalier.Won't know how I can love, until I hold him near.Phoebus:You say that I don't know, but when you look at me.Your eyes have such a glow; I know how it will be.Fleur-de-Lys:So look no more for love.Phoebus:Love is you.Fleur-de-Lys:Love's all I am made of.Phoebus:Oh so true.Fleur-de-Lys:The sun will shine above on our love the day I marry you.Phoebus:I'll find you in the night, when all the moonlight streams. Will cover you in light, and I will touch my dreams.Fleur-de-Lys:And all the words you'll say, will fill my heart with fire.As night turns into day, I'll do all you desire.Phoebus & Fleur-de-Lys:So look no more for love, love is you.Loves all I am made of, Oh so true.The sun will shine above on our love the day I marry you. The sun will shine above on our love the day I marry you. The day I marry you.The Feast Of FoolsGringoire:and Ensemble.The feast of fools, the feast of fools.The feast of fools, the feast of fools.I'll show you how to run, this noble feast of fool.I know we'll have some fun, I'll show you all the rules. The feast of fools, the feast of fools.Pick out the ugliest, amongst the faces here.The worst face is the best, the face that children fear.Of all the ones who try, the one who make us sick.From lips to nose to eye that's who we'll have to pick.The king of fools, the king of fools.That's who we'll have to pick, that's who we'll have to pickThe king of foolsTheFeastOfFoolsThe feast of fools, the feast of fools.The feast of fools, the feast of fools.The feast of fools, the feast of fools.Those eyes that nose so thick, that tongue that hangs and licks. The face that makes us sick, that's who we'll have to pick.The king of fools, the king of fools.That's who we'll have to pick, that's who we'll have to pick.The king of fools.The ringer of the bells, that hump upon his back.That face right out of hell, Quasimodo we like.It's Esmeralda's name that makes his poor heart tick.He's twisted deaf and lame that's who we'll have to pickThe king of fools, the king of fools.That's who we'll have to pick, that's who we'll have to pick. Quasimodo!That's who we'll have to pick, that's who we'll have to pick.The king of foolsThat's who we'll have to pick, that's who we'll have to pick. Quasimodo! The king of fools!The King Of FoolsQuasimodo:Little girls, don't come laughing in my tracks.On this day you can't attack, Quasimodo the hunchback.The people choose, the king of fools.We celebrate today, the festival of kings.And for today they say I can have anything.Will you love me, Esmeralda?Will you love me?But I won't do, Esmeralda.I'm not for you, you look right through.The king of fools.The king of fools.The king of fools.The SorceressFrollo:Be aware she is not one of us.She's a bohemienne and sorceress.She's unclean she's a creature of lust.And she wanders obscene with a dark hair like fur.It is a mortal sin if you watch her.That's why we must cage her up.Where her evil won't disrupt.All the pure souls that come here to worship at Notre dame.Tonight, we'll wait for her as she goes by, and we'll take her away. We will lock her up in a tower high, and we'll teach her to pray.Our Jesus Christ will lead her on, and mother mary holy one.Quasimodo:You know, anything you will ask I'll do, I'll do it all for you.What do you want me to do, Don't you know what you want me to do. I'll do it all for you, I'll do it all for you!The FoundlingQuasimodo:You who gathered me in, kept me close as your kin.You who heard me cry, abandoned to die.By those who will not stay, having brought today; A monster.You who watched while I grew, my suffering you knew.You who always stood guard, when the world was so hard.And the greatest of things, you let me be him who rings; The bells.But you who taught me so much, to speak and read and write.I never can catch sight, of your thoughts in the light.A dog obeys his master's call, whatever you say I will do it all.A dog obeys his master's call, whatever you say, I will do it all.The Doors Of ParisGringoire:The doors of Paris close, and in the streets the darkness grows.The night takes of her clothes, and laughs and cries and wakes all our desires. At night, the dark dreams ride on Paris heights, till dreams are satisfied.Till we have found all we require.On the bridge of dreams, A girl I saw, an angel seemed.The angel smiled, and then she disappeared, as I grew near.Through Paris streets I ran, the angel flew right through my hands.I thought of Paris night, I laughed and cried 'night, opened up my eyes'.Kidnap AttemptPhoebus:Arrest that man, it's the hunchback of Notre dame.Hold onto him, show that monster his time has come.I am the captain here; I must keep all the streets secure.For all the citizens, and for the pretty girls like you.Please allow me to take you home, outside the city gates.The hour is getting late, for a gypsy girl to wait.Esmeralda:Please understand, before you take me by the hand.Esmeralda, does not go with just any man.Phoebus:Let me call on you, tomorrow when nights at the door.We'll make a rendezvous, at the cabaret Val d'amour.Esmeralda:At the cabaret Val d'amour.Gringoire:At the cabaret Val d'amour.Frollo:At the cabaret Val d'amourThe Court Of The MiraclesClopin:We are brothers forever, pain and joy we share together.For the outcasts of the earth, there's no heaven there's no hell.There's no heaven or hell.We are the ones no one sees; we are the ones who can eat, through the world as we please.The blood and the wine are always running red.(At the court of the miracles, the court of the miracles).By thieves and by whores you know the dance is led.(At the court of the miracles, the court of the miracles).The blind man will see and all the cripples dance.(At the court of the miracles, the court of the miracles).We're born to be hung and so we take a chance.(At the court of the miracles, the court of the miracles).(Court of the miracles, court of the miracles).We are all of the same race here, the same invisible face here.For the outcasts of the world, there's no country there's no god.There's no country or god.These rags we wear are our flags, It is the shade of my skin, and it's that of your skin.The gypsies and tramps they sing the same old song.(At the court of the miracles, the court of the miracles).You know none of us, will be alive too long.(At the court of the miracles, the court of the miracles).The killers and thieves all share a loving curse.(At the court of the miracles, the court of the miracles)We make one mistake and then the game is up.(At the court of the miracles, the court of the miracles).(Court of the miracles, court of the miracles).Poet Gringoire, now you must be hung, you've come where you don't belong. To the most secret circle of the court of the miracles.(To the most secret circle).Gringoire:To the most secret circle of the court of the miracles.Clopin:Unless there's a girl, say's that she'll be your wife you've no life.I will proclaim: All the poets in France, from a rope ought to dance.(All the poets in France)Gringoire:All the poets in France from a rope ought to dance.Clopin:And you sweet Esmeralda, my belle Esmeralda.Tell me, do you want to save this poor man from his grave?If you don't wed Gringoires dead!Esmeralda:If I can save him, make him mine.Gringoire:See how love comes, just in time.Esmeralda:Although I've saved your head, I won't sleep in your bed!Clopin:The blood and the wine are always running red.(At the court of the miracles, the court of the miracles).By thieves and by whores you know the dance is led.(At the court of the miracles, the court of the miracles)The blind man will see and all the cripples dance.(At the court of the miracles, the court of the miracles)We're born to be hung and so we take our chance.(At the court of the miracles, court of the miracles).(Court of the miracles, court of the miracles).The killers and thieves they sing the same old song.(At the court of the miracles, the court of the miracles).You know none of us will be alive too long.(At the court of the miracles, the court of the miracles).The killers and thieves will share a loving cup.(At the court of the miracles, the court of the miracles)We make one mistake and then the game is up.(At the court of the miracles, the court of the miracles).(Court of the miracles, court of the miracles).At the court of the miracles.At the court of the miracles.At the court of the miracles.The Word PhoebusEsmeralda:Now I hope you'll tell me please, who I'm honoured to be married to.Gringoire:Gringoire poet please be at ease. Prince of Paris streets don't you know.Esmeralda:Prince of Paris streets, is that so?Gringoire:I am not a ladies man, but if you want you can be my.Inspiration, muse to the end.Esmeralda:You who can read and can write. I know you can show me the light. What means this name Phoebus?Gringoire:Who on earth could dare to wear, a name so fine.Who has such pride?Esmeralda:He's the one my heart's beating for.Gringoire:If I recall my Latin, the word Phoebus it means the sun.Esmeralda:Phoebus, it means the sun.Shining Like The SunEsmeralda:He is shining like the sun, born of kings a royal one.I feel love awaken me, deep down in me too strong for me.In his hand I saw the line that told me this man is mine.This man, is mine.Fleur-de-Lys:He is shining like the sun, but he's tough as anyone.When I'm in his soldier's arms, I want to run, but he's too warm. Close to him I feel so fine, my heart knows that he is mine.This man, is mine.Esmeralda & Fleur-de-Lys:He is shining like the sun, he's my dream my only one.He'll protect me all my life, I'll be so proud to be his wife.He is shining like the sun, he's my dream my only one.He is shining like the sun, shining like the sun.Torn ApartPhoebus:Torn apart, I am a man divided.Torn apart, I want two women's love.Two women want my love; I don't know how to cut my heart in two.Torn apart, I am a man in pieces.Torn apart, I want two women's love.Two women want my love, I'm just glad I have love enough for two.One for the day, the other for the night.One just for now, the other all my life.One for always, until the end of time.The other soon will find, my love won't stay.Torn apart, I am a man in dividedTorn apart, I want two women's love.Two women want my love, and they'll just have to love the man I am.Torn apart, I am a man in pieces.Torn apart, I want two women's love.Two women want my love, is it my fault that I'm a normal man.One's honey sweet, the other has a bite.One's heaven sent, the other rules the night.And to the one I swear my love is true.And to the other one I break the rules.Torn apart, I am a man divided.Torn apart, I want two women's love.Two women want my love; I don't know how to cut my heart in two.Torn apart, I am a man divided.Torn apart, I want two women's love.Two women want my love; I don't know how to cut my heart in two.Torn apart.Torn apart.Torn apart, I am a man in pieces.Torn apart, I want two women's love.Two women want my love, I'm just glad I have love enough for two.Torn apart.Torn apart.Torn apart.AnarchyFrollo:Who is that girl who dares to dance her evil dance before Notre dame?Gringoire:That girl is my wife; she was given to me by the king of a tribe.Frollo:Did you touch the girl, you creature of sin?Gringoire:She never let me near.Frollo:Don't touch her you hear.Gringoire:Father do you recall, this word carved on the wall.Gringoire:Do you know what this word means, this word anarchy?Frollo:Why do you bother me, the Greek anarchy means destiny.Gringoire:Is that Quasimodo, those men have led away?Frollo:My poor hunchback has fallen low, lets hear what these men say.Water PleaseFrollo:Hunchback cripple, you are to blame.Ringer of bells you bear the shame.Pray for his soul this child of sin.God in your mercy, take him in.Quasimodo:Someone take pity on Quasimodo, the weight of the world brings him low. Does no one listen there, is there any water here, oh I need it soI pray you, I pray.Water please I pray.Quasimodo:Belle, belle.Belle Is The Only WordQuasimodo:Belle, is the only word I know that suits her well.When she dances oh the stories she can tell.A free bird trying out her wings to fly away.And when I see her move I see hell to pay.She dances naked in my soul and sleep won't come.And it's no use to pray these prayers to Notre dame.Tell, who'd be the first to raise his hand and throw a stone.I'd hang him high and laugh to see him die alone.Oh Lucifer please let me go beyond god's law.And run my fingers through her hair, Esmeralda.Frollo:Belle, there's a demon inside her who came from hell.And he turned my eyes from god and oh, I fell.She put this heat inside me I'm ashamed to tell.Without my god inside I'm just a burning shell.The sin of eve she has in her I know so well.For want of her I know I'd give my soul to sell.Belle, this gypsy girl is there a soul beneath her skin.And does she bear the cross of all our human sin.Oh Notre dame please let me go beyond gods law.Open the door of love inside, Esmeralda.Phoebus:Belle, Even though her eyes seem to lead us to hell.She may be more pure, more pure than words can tell.But when she dances feelings come no man can quell.Beneath her rainbow coloured dress there burns the well. My promised one, please let me one time be untrue.Before in front of god and man I marry you.Who would be the man who'd turn from her to save his soul. To be with her I'd let the devil take me whole.Oh Fleur-de-lys I am a man who knows no law.I go to open up the rose, EsmeraldaQuasimodo, Frollo & Phoebus:She dances naked in my soul and sleep won't come.And it's no use to pray these prayers to Notre dame.Tell, who'd be the first to raise his hand and throw a stone. I'd hang him high and laugh to see him die alone.Oh Lucifer please let me go beyond god's law.And run my fingers through her hair, Esmeralda. Esmeralda.Home In The SkyQuasimodo:These gargoyles my friends, watch over you.They will keep you safe, from all the harm men do.If you need a place you can come to.Ask asylum of us, we'll take care of you.Here in my home so high, the weather's always nice. Where summers pass us by, we're safe from winter's ice. Notre dame de Paris, it's my home in the sky.Where I think about why, we must live and must die.Esmeralda:These gargoyles your friends, now they are my friends too. It's they who make me laugh, the days I can't get through. Sometimes they make me happy, they look just like you. Though your face frightens me no matter what I do.Quasimodo:Notre dame de Paris, it is all part of me.It's my world where I'm free, where I'm happy to be.When you need a place you can come to.Ask asylum of us, we'll take care of you.Quasimodo & Esmeralda:Here in my home so high, the weather's always nice. Where summers pass us by, we're safe from winter's ice. If you're wondering still, summer winter you'll come.(Esmeralda:I'll come)And my home if you will.(Esmeralda:And your home if I will).You can call it your home.Esmeralda:I can call it my home.Ave MariaEsmeralda:Ave maria, please pardon me.If in your house I come stealing.Ave maria, no one ever taught me about kneeling.Ave maria, please will you keep me.From this misery madness and fools.Who rule this evil world.Ave maria, I'm a stranger and you're my last recourse. Ave maria, please can't you hear me.Please take down all these walls between us.We all should be as one.Ave maria, please watch over my life night and day.Ave maria, Oh please protect me.Please guard me and my love now I pray.Ave maria.If you can see inside meQuasimodo:If you can see inside of me, as I can see inside them.You will know of all these men, which of them really loves you. Esmeralda you'll see, that only my love is true.Your Love Will Kill meFrollo:I feel a wave of passion, move through my heart with such pain.I have no time for reason, so I just let passion reign.I let go so easily, on a night as warm as sin.Midnight swimmer, midnight sea I will not come back again.Your love will kill me; your love will kill me.And you will bear my curse as long as my life will beYour love will kill me.Your love will kill me.Your love will kill me.My sin and my obsession, crazy desire you bring.I know there's no salvation, I see our bodies burning.Your gypsy dreams all haunt me, I live to see your dances.Please raise your eyes and want me, please give me all the chances.Your love will kill me; your love will kill me.And I saw it would be when I looked at you when you looked at me.Your love will kill me.Your love will kill me.Your love will kill me.You brought the springtime to fill, my heart in it's winter chill.I lost my strength and my will, and now my tears start to spill.I never knew such desire, just looking into your eyes.And now the soul in me cries, and now the night is on fire.Your love will kill me; your love will kill me.And you will bear my curse as long as my life will beYour love will kill me; your love will kill me.And I saw it would be when I looked at you when you looked at me.Your love will kill me.Your love will kill me.Your love will kill me.Your love will kill me.Your love will kill me.The ShadowPhoebus:Who follows me?Is it my shadow drained of light is it a phantom of the night.My shadow grows.His druid's hat obscures his face, a long black cape around him falls. Say who you are, show who you are.Come here to me, so I can see!Frollo:Your conscience follows you, listen to me.For else I will see you hanged before you're through.Soldier come near!Just go from here there's more to fear than to your eyes it may appear.Phoebus:I am a soldier sir, I serve the king.But here that does not mean, anything.And are you not a man of god?By god!At Val D'amourUpon the streets of St Denis.There is a place for you and me.And when it gets to dark to see, look for the lights, knock on the door.If you have loving on your mind.This is the place you have to find.You will be back time after time, back to the house called Val d'amour.At Val d'amour they close the door, they give you what you're looking for. No pretty words no diamond rings, but you can buy most anything.Just pay the price and love is yours, behind the doors of Val d'amour. From every corner of the world, they come to take their choice of girls. The captain's and the sailor boys, they come to find their little joys.No matter what the tongue they speak, their money talks week after week.Ladies of love my heart is sore, I am Gringoire the troubadour.I'm sick with love you have the cure behind the doors at Val d'amour. Guitars implore come one come all, come take your tour of Val d'amour.At Val d'amour they play a part, give them your money not your heart. Beneath the sheets your love will flower, it'll last the night or last an hour.Phoebus:When sick with love I know the cure; I take a trip to Val d'amour.It takes all night, but be assured they get it right at Val d'amour. Mesdemoiselles excusez-moi, I'll wait for my Esmeralda.She read her fate here in my hand; tonight she'll make me understand.Gringoire:Just north of Paris on the square, off Popincourt you'll find us there.The lowlifes come from everywhere, Oh nothings pure at Val d'amour.And gentlemen in courtly dress, they fall in drunk and make a mess.At Val d'amour we close the door, and give you what you're looking for. No pretty words no diamond rings, but you can buy most anything.Just pay the price and love is yours, behind the doors of Val d'amour. Behind the doors of Val d'amour.Behind the doors of Val d'amour.The Voluptuary。



成双成对的英语短语成双成对的英语短语back and forth 来来回回的bed and breakfast 住宿加早餐cap and gown(coat) 衣帽fire and water 水火flesh and blood 血肉之躯;肉体heavy and light 轻重iron and steel 钢铁land and water 水陆night and day 夜以继日的north and south 南北off and on 断断续续的old and young 无论老少;人人old and new 新旧one and only 唯一rain or shine 不论阴晴rich and poor 穷富right and left 左右twos and threes 三三两两you and I 你我part and parcel 重要部分give and take 平等交换;交换意见mock and satire 冷嘲热讽rain and wind 风雨aches and pains 痛苦;不适bag and baggage 完全地brothers and sisters 兄妹fair and square 公正;正大光明的far and away 无疑地、肯定地far and near 远近;到处;四面八方first and foremost 首先first and last 总的说来;主要地fish and chips 炸鱼和薯条free and easy 轻松自在的;随便的wife and children 妻儿good or ill 好歹(善恶) hale and hearty 健壮;精神充沛在英语当中两个近义和相对的词用and或or连接构成成对的英语短语,它们经常出现在一起,因此它们的位置固定下来,有些同汉语的位置相同,有些同汉语不同,意义上有的和汉语相同,少量的同汉语有些差别,下面是笔者收集的一些此类的短语。



The Parent Trap《天生一对》精彩对白:Hallie: Ah, oh man.Annie: Oh, here's your...Hallie: Cuppy.Annie: Any of your pictures ruined?Hallie: Only the beautiful Leo DiCaprio.Annie: Who?Hallie: You've never heard of Leonardo DiCaprio? How far away is London anyway?Annie: Well, from here it's 3,OOO miles. But sometimes it seems much further. How far away is your home?Hallie: Oh, California is way at the other end of the country. Actually, here's a picture of my house.Annie: Wow! lt's beautiful.Hallie: Yeah. We built it when l was little. We've got this incredible porch that looks over the entire vineyard. And then--- Who-Annie: Who's that?Hallie: Oh, that's my dad. He didn't know l was taking the picture then, or else he would have turned around. He's kinda like my best friend. We do everything together What's the matter?Annie: Oh, it's chilly in here, that's all.Hallie: Want one?Annie: Oh, sure, l love Oreos. At home l eat them with--l eat them with peanut butter.Hallie: You do? That is so weird. So do l.Annie: You're kidding. Most people find that totally disgusting.Hallie: l know. l don't get it.Annie: Me either.Hallie: What's your dad like? l mean, is he the kind of father you can talk to or is he one of those workaholic types who says, l'll talk to ya later, honey, but, you know, never really does? l hate that.Annie: l don't have a father, actually. l mean, l had one once, l suppose. But my parents divorced years ago. My mother never even mentions him. lt's like he evaporated into thin air or something.Hallie: lt's scary the way nobody stays together anymore.Annie: Tell me about it.Hallie: How old are you?Annie: l'll be 12 on October 11.Hallie: So will l.Annie: Your birthday's on October 11?Hallie: Yeah.Annie: How weird is that?Hallie: Extremely. Oh, hey. lt stopped raining. You wanna go get a Popsicle or something? What's the matter?Annie: Hallie, what's your mother like?Hallie: l never met her. She and my dad split up when l was a baby, maybe even before. l'm not sure. He doesn't like to talk about her. But l know she was really, really beautiful.Annie: How do you know that?Hallie: Well, because my dad had this old picture of her hidden in his sock drawer, and he caught me looking at it, like, all the time, so he gave it to me to keep. Look, l'm-l'm really thirsty. Sure you don't want to go to the mess hall and get a lemonade?Annie: Will you stop thinking about your stomach at a time like this?Hallie: At a time like what?Annie: Don't you realize what's happening? l mean, think about it. l only have a mother and you only have a father. You've never seen your mom, and l've never seen my dad. You have one old picture of your mom, and l have one old picture of my dad. But at least yours is probably a whole picture. Mine is a pathetic little thing, all crinkled and ripped right down the middle and-- What are you rummaging in your trunk for?Hallie: This. lt's a picture of my mom, and it's ripped too.Annie: Right down the middle?Hallie: Right down the middle.Annie: This is so freaky. Okay. On the count of three, we'll show them to each other, okay?Hallie: Okay. One Two Three.Annie: That's my dad.Hallie: That's my mom.Annie: That's the lunch bell.Hallie: l'm not so hungry anymore. So if--if your mom is my mom, and my dad is your dad, and we're both born on October 11, then you and l are like--like sisters.Annie: Sisters? Hallie, we're like twins.Hallie: l just don't know what to say.Annie: What's that you're holding?Hallie: My locket. l got it when l was born. lt has an H on it.Annie: l got mine when l was born, too, except mine has an A on it.Hallie: Ooh, now l've got goose bumps. My God, so l'm not an only child. l'm a twin. l'm a twin--there's two of me. l mean, two of us. This is like--Annie: Mind bogglingHallie: Totally.Annie: Completely.Hallie: Oh, my God.Annie: Oh, my God.妙语佳句活学活用1. porch: 走廊,门廊2. vineyard:葡萄园3. chilly:寒冷的,怕冷的4. peanut butter:花生酱5. workaholic:工作狂,专心工作的人6. into thin air:人间蒸发,无影无踪7. mess hall:食堂,餐厅8. lemonade:柠檬水9. pathetic:可怜的10.rummage: 翻找,仔细搜查11.goose bumps:鸡皮疙瘩精彩剧情安妮Annie James(林赛·罗韩Lindsay Lohan 饰)和荷莉Hallie Parker(林赛·罗韩Lindsay Lohan 饰)两个小女孩在夏令营中相识。




1.Critical thinking(批判性思维)is trying to improve the way you think.People use critical thinking in every area of life to solve problems and evaluate claims(评估主张).Like every other skill,critical thinking takes practice.When a problem comes our way,we need to think critically to decide how to solve it.When we see an advertisement,we should stop and think.Advertisements are made to make people feel certain that they are true,and then people can buy the products.But is what the advertisement says true?Is it making a claim?Or does it only interest us?Critical thinking is important and stops us from making poor choices.In factPractice makes perfect.While you are growing in critical thinking,you'll become a wiser and more thoughtful person.There are many ways of doing practice.Here are a few.Read about a topic people disagree on.Look at articles or books on all sides of the subject.For each side of the subject,think carefully and evaluate it.When you see or hear a claim,ask questions about it.Who is making the claim and why?Evaluate your own thinking.Where and why do you think uncritically?How can you improve?Critical thinking should be part of everything we do. It may help you to succeed at work or school. Make yourself into a habit of critical thinking.Change your thoughts and change your world.(1)People use critical thinking to and evaluate claims.(2)Critical thinking can stop us from .(3)What kind of person will you become as you grow in critical thinking?(4)找出并写下第二段的主题句(5)将文中画线句子译成汉语答案:二.下面文章中有四处需要添加小标题。

Micheal Jackson 迈克杰克逊歌词大全 免费!!!!

Micheal Jackson 迈克杰克逊歌词大全 免费!!!!

纪念天王迈克杰克逊Edited by Alexander Roepcke (ARpcke@), 1997. MICHAEL JACKSON1 Don't Stop 'til you Get Enough2 Rock With you3 Working Day and Night4 Get on the Floor5 Off the Wall6 Girlfriend7 She's Out of my Life8 I Can't Help it9 It's the Falling in Love10 Burn this Disco Out11 Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough12 Workin' Day and NightCopyrights by MIJAC MUSIC. Edited by Alexander Roepcke (ARpcke@), 1997. Copyrights by MIJAC MUSIC.DON’T STOP ’TIL YOU GET ENOUGHWritten and Composed by Michael Jackson, 1979.1st VerseLovely Is The Feelin‟ NowFever, Temperatures Risin‟ NowPower (Ah Power) Is The Force The Vow That Makes It Happen It Asks No Questions Why (Ooh) So Get Closer (Closer Now) To My Body Now Just Love Me …Til You Don‟t Know How (Ooh)ChorusKeep On With The Force Don‟t StopDon‟t Stop …Til You Get EnoughKeep On With The Force Don‟t StopDon‟t Stop …Til You Get EnoughKeep On With The Force Don‟t StopDon‟t Stop …Til You Get EnoughKeep On With The Force Don‟t StopDon‟t Stop …Til You Get Enough2nd VerseTouch Me And I Feel On FireAin‟t Nothin‟ Like A Love Desire (Ooh)I‟m Melting (I‟m Melting) Like Hot Candle Wax Sensation (Ah Sensation) Lovely Where We‟re At (Ooh) So Let Love Take Us Through The Hours I Won‟t Be Complanin‟ …Cause This Is Love Power (Ooh)ChorusKeep On With The Force Don‟t StopDon‟t Stop …Til You Get EnoughKeep On With The Force Don‟t StopDon‟t Stop …Til You Get EnoughKeep On With The Force Don‟t StopDon‟t Stop …Til You Get EnoughKeep On With The Force Don‟t StopDon‟t Stop …Til You Get Enough(Ooh)3rd VerseHeartbreak Enemy DespiseEternal (Ah Eternal) Love Shines In My Eyes (Ooh) So Let Love Take Us Through The Hours I Won‟t Be Complanin‟ (No No)…Cause Your Love Is Alright, AlrightChorusKeep On With The Force Don‟t Stop Don‟t Stop …Til You Get EnoughKeep On With The Force Don‟t StopDon‟t Stop …Til You Get EnoughKeep On With The Force Don‟t StopDon‟t Stop …Til You Get EnoughKeep On With The Force Don‟t StopDon‟t Stop …Til You Get EnoughKeep On With The Force Don‟t StopDon‟t Stop …Til Yo u Get EnoughKeep On With The Force Don‟t StopDon‟t Stop …Til You Get EnoughKeep On With The Force Don‟t StopDon‟t Stop …Til You Get EnoughKeep On With The Force Don‟t StopDon‟t Stop …Til You Get EnoughRefrainLovely Is The Feeling Now I Won‟t Be Complanin‟ (Ooh Ooh)The Force Is Love PowerChorusKeep On With The Force Don‟t StopDon‟t Stop …Til You Get EnoughKeep On With The Force Don‟t StopDon‟t Stop …Til You Get EnoughKeep On With The Force Don‟t StopDon‟t Stop …Til You Get EnoughKeep On With The Force Don‟t StopDon‟t Stop …Til You Get EnoughKeep On With The Force Don‟t StopDon‟t Stop …Til You Get EnoughKeep On With The Force Don‟t StopDon‟t Stop …Til You Get EnoughKeep On With The Force Don‟t StopDon‟t Stop …Til You Get EnoughKeep On With The Force Don‟t StopDon‟t Stop …Til You Get EnoughKeep On With The Force Don‟t StopDon‟t Stop …Til You Get Enough(Ad-Lib To Fade) Edited by Alexander Roepcke (ARpcke@), 1997.ROCK WITH YOUWritten and Composed by Rod Temperton, 1979. 1st VerseGirl, Close Your EyesLet That Rhythm Get Into YouDon‟t Try To Fight ItThere Ain‟t Nothin‟ That You Can Do Relax Your MindLay Back And Groove With Mine You Got To Feel That HeatAnd We Can Ride The Boogie Share That Beat Of LoveChorusI Wanna Rock With You (All Night) Dance You Into Day (Sunlight)I Wanna Rock With You (All Night) We‟re Gonna Rock The Night Away 2nd VerseOut On The FloorThere Ain‟t Nobody There But Us Girl, When You DanceThere‟s A Magic That Must Be Love Just Take It Slow…Cause We Got So Far To GoWhen You Feel That HeatAnd We‟re Gonna Ride The Boogie Share That Beat Of LoveChorusI Wanna Rock With You (All Night) Dance You Into Day (Sunlight)I Wanna Rock With You (All Night) We‟re Gonna Rock The Night AwayBridgeAnd When The Groove Is Dead And Gone (Yeah) You Know That Love SurvivesSo We Can Rock Forever, OnRefrainI Wanna Rock With YouI Wanna Groove With YouI Wanna Rock With YouI Wanna Groove With YouChorusI Wanna Rock (All Night) With You Girl (Sunlight)Rock With You, Rock With You Girl (Yeah) (All Night)Dance The Night AwayChorusI Wanna Rock With You (Yeah) (All Night) Rock You Into Day (Sunlight)I Wanna Rock With You (All Night) Rock The Night Away Feel The Heat Feel The Beat Rock You Into Day (Sunlight)I Wanna Rock - Rock The Night Away Copyrights by MIJAC MUSIC. Edited by Alexander Roepcke (ARpcke@), 1997.WORKING DAY AND NIGHTWritten and Composed by Michael Jackson, 1979.1st VerseOoh My HoneyYou Got Me Workin‟ Day And NightOoh My SugarYou Got Me Workin‟ Day And Night2nd VerseScratch My ShoulderIt‟s Aching, Make It Feel AlrightWhen This Is OverLovin‟ You Will Be So Right3rd VerseI Often Wonder If Lovin‟ YouWill Be TonightBut What Is Love GirlIf I‟m Always Out Of Sight (Ooh)Refrain(That‟s Why)You Got Me Workin‟ Day And NightAnd I‟ll Be Workin‟From Sun Up To MidnightChorusYou Got Me Workin‟ Workin‟ Day And Night You Got Me Workin‟ Workin‟ Day And Night You Got Me Workin‟ Workin‟ Day And Night You Got Me Workin‟ Workin‟ Day And Night 4th VerseYou Say That Workin‟Is What A Man‟s Supposed To DoBut I Say It Ain‟t RightIf I Can‟t Give Sweet Love To You(Ah)5th VerseI‟m Tired Of Thinkin‟Of What My Life‟s Supposed To Be (Well) Soon Enough Darlin‟This Love Will Be Reality (Ah Ah)6th VerseHow Can You Live Girl…Cause Love For Us Was Meant To Be (Well) Then You Must Be Seein‟Some Other Guy Instead Of Me (Ooh) Refrain(That‟s Why)You Got Me Workin‟ Day And NightAnd I‟ll Be Workin‟ From Sun Up To MidnightChorusYou Got Me Workin‟ Workin‟ Day And Night (Hold On)You Got Me Workin‟ Workin‟ Day And Night(I‟m So Tired Tired Now)You Got Me Workin‟ Workin‟ Day And Night (Hold On)You Got Me Workin‟ Workin‟ Day And Night (Hoo, Hoo, Hoo)7th VerseYou Say That Workin‟ Is What A Man‟s Supposed To Do But I Say It Ain‟t Right If I Can‟t Give Sweet Love To You (Well, Ah)8th VerseHow Can You Live Girl…Cause Love For Us Was Meant To Be (Well) Then You Must Be Seein‟ (Woo)Some Other Guy Instead Of Me (Ooh)Refrain(That‟s Why)You Got Me Workin‟ Day And Night (I Don‟t Understand It)And I‟ll Be Workin‟From Sun Up To MidnightChorusYou Got Me Workin‟ Workin‟ Day And Night (Hold On)You Got Me Workin‟ Workin‟ Day And Night(I‟m So Tired Tired Now)You Got Me Workin‟ Workin‟ Day And Night You Got Me Workin‟ Workin‟ Day And Night You Got Me Workin‟ Workin‟ Day And Night (Girl)You Got Me Workin‟ Workin‟ Day And Night(I‟m So Tired Tired Now)You Got Me Workin‟ Workin‟ Day And Night You Got Me Workin‟ Workin‟ Day And Night (How Can I Get To You ...)(Ad-Lib To Fade)Copyrights by MIJAC MUSIC. Edited by Alexander Roepcke (ARpcke@), 1997.GET ON THE FLOORWritten and Composed by Michael Jackson and Louis Johnson, 1979.IntroAh Get On The Floor And DanceAh, On The Floor And DanceChorusSo Get On The FloorAnd Dance With MeI Love The Way You Shake Your Thing Especially1st VerseThere‟s A Chance For Dancin‟All Night LongThere‟s A Chance For Groovin‟And It Will Be SoothingWith A SongBridgeThen Why Don‟t You JustDance Across The Floor…Cause There‟s A Chance For ChancesAnd The Chance Is Choosin‟And I Sure Would Like Just To Groove With You ChorusSo Get On The FloorAnd Dance With MeI Love The Way You Shake Your Thing EspeciallySo Get On The FloorAnd Dance With MeI Love The Way You Shake That Thing (Girl) Especially2nd VerseNo Need For RejectionDetermined To BeGonna Groove Gonna Move YaGonna Say Things To YaJust Wait And SeeBridgeThen Why Don‟t You JustDance Across The Floor …Cause There‟s A Chance For ChoicesAnd It‟s You I‟m Choosin‟And I Sure Would Like Just To Groove With YouChorusSo Get On The FloorAnd Dance With MeI Love The Way You Shake Your Thing EspeciallySo Get On The Floor And Dance With MeI Love The Way You Shake That Thing Girl EspeciallyChantGet Up Won‟t You G‟on DownShake Your Body Won‟t You G‟on Get Down Get Up Won‟t You G‟on DownShake Your Body Won‟t You G‟on Get Down... ChorusSo Get On The Floor And Dance With MeI Love The Way You Shake That Thing Girl EspeciallySo Get On The Floor And Dance With MeI Love The Way You Shake That Thing Girl EspeciallyChantGet Up Won‟t You G‟on DownShake Your Body Won‟t You G‟on Get Down Get Up Won‟t You G‟on DownShake Your Body Won‟t You G‟on Get Down Get Up Won‟t You G‟on DownShake Your Body Won‟t You G‟on Ge t Down Get Up Won‟t You G‟on DownShake Your Body Won‟t You G‟on Get Down (Ad-Lib To Fade)Copyrights by MIJAC MUSIC. Edited by Alexander Roepcke(ARpcke@), 1997.OFF THE WALLWritten and Composed by Rod Temperton, 1979. 1st VerseWhen The World Is On Your ShoulderGotta Straighten Up Your Act And Boogie DownIf You Can‟t Hang With The FeelingThen There Ain‟t No Room For You This Part Of Town…Cause We‟re The Party People Night And DayLivin‟ Crazy That‟s The Only WayChorusSo Tonight Gotta Leave That Nine To Five Upon The ShelfAnd Just Enjoy YourselfGroove, Let The Madness In The Music Get To YouLife Ain‟t So Bad At AllIf You Live It Off The WallLife Ain‟t So Bad At All (Li ve Life Off The Wall)Live Your Life Off The Wall (Live It Off The Wall)2nd VerseYou Can Shout Out All You Want To …Cause There Ain‟t No Sin In Folks All Getting LoudIf You Take The Chance And Do ItThen There Ain‟t No One Who‟s Gonna Put You Down…Cause We‟re The Party People Night And DayLivin‟ Crazy That‟s The Only WayChorusSo Tonight Gotta Leave That Nine To Five Upon The ShelfAnd Just Enjoy YourselfC‟mon And Groove, And Let The Madness In The Music Get To YouLife Ain‟t So Bad At A llIf You Live It Off The Wall Life Ain‟t So Bad At All (Live Life Off The Wall)Live Your Life Off The Wall (Live It Off The Wall)BridgeDo What You Want To DoThere Ain‟t No Rules It‟s Up To You (Ain‟t No Rules It‟s All Up To You)It‟s Time To Come AliveAnd Party On Right Through The Night (All Right)3rd VerseGotta Hide Your InhibitionsGotta Let That Fool Loose Deep Inside Your SoulWant To See An ExhibitionBetter Do It Now Before You Get To Old …Cause We‟re The Party Pe ople Night And Day Livin‟ Crazy That‟s The Only WayChorusSo Tonight Gotta Leave That Nine To Five Upon The Shelf And Just EnjoyOurselves/Yourself C‟mon And Groove (Yeah) Let The Madness In The Music Get To You Life Ain‟t So Bad At All If You Live It Off The Wall Life Ain‟t So Bad At All (Live Life Off The Wall) Live Your Life Off The Wall (Live It Off The Wall)ChorusSo Tonight Gotta Leave That Nine To Five Upon The Shelf And Just Enjoy Yourself C‟mon And Groove (Yeah) Let The Madness In The Music Get To You Life Ain‟t So Bad At All If You Live It Off The Wall Life Ain‟t So Bad At All (Live Life Off The Wall) Live Your Life Off The Wall (Live It Off The Wall)Copyrights by MIJAC MUSIC. Edited by Alexander Roepcke (ARpcke@), 1997.GIRLFRIENDWritten and Composed by Paul McCartney, 1978.1st VerseGirlfriendI‟m Gonna Tell Your Boyfriend (Yeah)Tell Him (Woo Hoo)Exactly What We‟re Doin‟ (Yeah)Tell Him What You Do To MeLate At Night When The Wind Is Free2nd VerseGirlfriendI‟m Gonna Show Your Boyfriend (Yeah)Show Him (Woo Hoo)The Letters I‟ve Been Savin‟ (Yeah)Show Him How You Feel InsideAn‟ How Love Could Not Be Denied (Oh No)ChorusWe‟re Gonna Have To T ell HimYou‟ll Only Be A Girlfriend Of MineDo-Doot-Do, Etc.We‟re Gonna Have To Tell HimYou‟ll Only Be A Girlfriend Of Mine3rd VerseGirlfriend You Better Tell Your Boyfriend (Yeah)Tell Him (Woo Hoo)Exactly What We‟re Doin‟ (Yeah)Tell Him What He Needs To KnowOr He May Never Let You GoChorusWe‟re Gonna Have To Tell HimYou‟ll Only Be A Girlfriend Of MineDo-Doot-Do, Etc.ChorusWe‟re Gonna Have To Tell HimYou‟ll Only Be A Girlfriend Of MineDo-Doot-Do, Etc.(Ad-Lib To Fade)Copyrights by MIJAC MUSIC. Edited by Alexander Roepcke (ARpcke@), 1997.SHE’S OUT OF MY LIFEWritten and Composed by Tom Bahler, 1978.1st VerseShe‟s Out Of My LifeShe‟s Out Of My LifeAnd I Don‟t Know Whether To Laugh Or CryI Don‟t Know W hether To Live Or DieAnd It Cuts Like A KnifeShe‟s Out Of My Life2nd VerseIt‟s Out Of My HandsIt‟s Out Of My HandsTo Think For Two Years She Was HereAnd I Took Her For Granted I Was So CavalierNow The Way That It StandsShe‟s Out Of My HandsBridgeSo I‟ve Learned That Love‟s Not PossessionAnd I‟ve Learned That Love Won‟t WaitNow I‟ve Learned That Love Needs ExpressionBut I Learned Too Late3rd VerseShe‟s Out Of My LifeShe‟s Out Of My LifeDamned Indecision And Cursed PrideKept My Love For Her Locked Deep InsideAnd It Cuts Like A KnifeShe‟s Out Of My LifeCopyrights by MIJAC MUSIC. Edited by Alexander Roepcke (ARpcke@), 1997.I CAN’T HELP ITWritten and Composed by Steve Wonder and Susaye Greene, 1979.1st VerseLooking In My MirrorTook Me By SurpriseI Can‟t Help But See YouRunning Often Through My Mind2nd VerseHelpless Like A BabySensual DisguiseI Can‟t Help But Love YouIt‟s Getting Better All The TimeChorusI Can‟t Help It If I Wanted ToI Wouldn‟t Help It Even If I CouldI Can‟t Help It If I Wanted ToI Wouldn‟t Help It, NoChorusI Can‟t Help It If I Wanted ToI Wouldn‟t Help It Even If I CouldI Can‟t Help It If I Wanted ToI Wouldn‟t Help It, No3rd VerseLove To Run My FingersSoftly While You SighLove Came And Possessed YouBringing Sparkles To Your Eyes4th VerseLike A Trip To HeavenHeaven Is The PrizeAnd I‟m So Glad I Found You GirlYou‟re An Angel In DisguiseChorusI Can‟t Help It If I Wanted ToI Wouldn‟t Help It Even If I CouldI Can‟t Help It If I Wanted ToI Wouldn‟t Help It, NoAnd I‟m So Glad I Found You GirlYou‟re An Angel In DisguiseChorusI Can‟t Help It If I Wanted ToI Wouldn‟t Help It Even If I CouldI Can‟t Help It If I Wanted ToI Wouldn‟t Help It, No(Repeat To Fade)Copyrights by MIJAC MUSIC. Edited by Alexander Roepcke (ARpcke@), 1997.IT’S THE FALLING IN LOVEWritten and Composed by Carol Bayer Sager and David Foster, 1978.1st VerseYou‟re Not Like Anybody I Ever KnewBut That Don‟t Mean That I Don‟t Know Where We AreAnd Though I Find Myself Attracted To YouThis Time I‟m Trying Not To Go Too Far, CauseBridgeNo Matter How It Starts It Ends The SameSomeone‟s Always Doing Someone MoreTrading In The Passion For That Taste Of PainIt‟s Only Gonna Happen AgainChorusIt‟s The Fallin‟ In Love That‟s Makin‟ Me HighIt‟s The Being In Love That Makes Me Cry Cry CryIt‟s The Fallin‟ In Love That‟s Makin‟ Me HighIt‟s The Being In Love That Makes Me Cry Cry CryAll Night... All Night2nd Verse (Patti Austin)And Though I‟m Trying Not To Look In Your EyesEach Time I Do They Kind Of Burn Right Through MeDon‟t Want To Lay Down In A Bed Full Of LiesAnd Yet My Heart Is Saying Come And Do MeBridge (Michael)Now We‟re Just A Web Of MysteryA Possibility Of More To ComeI‟d Rather Leave The Fantasy Of What Might BeBut Here I Go Falling AgainChorusIt‟s The Fallin‟ In Love That‟s Makin‟ Me HighIt‟s The Being In Love That Makes Me Cry Cry CryIt‟s The Fallin‟ In Love That‟s Makin‟ Me HighIt‟s The Being In Love That Makes Me Cry Cry CryIt‟s The Fallin‟ In Love That‟s Makin‟ Me HighIt‟s The Being In Love That Makes Me Cry Cry CryIt‟s The Fallin‟ In Love That‟s Makin‟ Me HighIt‟s The Being In Love That Makes Me Cry Cry CryOver You... Over You (All Night)ChorusIt‟s The Fallin‟ In Love That‟s Makin‟ Me HighIt‟s The Being In Love That Makes Me Cry Cry CryIt‟s The Fallin‟ In Love That‟s Makin‟ Me HighIt‟s The Being In Love That Makes Me Cry Cry CryAll Night... All NightCopyrights by MIJAC MUSIC. Edited by Alexander Roepcke (ARpcke@), 1997. Copyrights by MIJAC MUSIC.BURN THIS DISCO OUTWritten and Composed by Rod Temperton, 1979. 1st VerseThere‟s A Steam BeatAnd It‟s Comin‟ After YouYou Can Take ItIf You Only Let Your Feelings Through RefrainSo D.J. Spin The SoundsThere Ain‟t No Way That Your GonnaLet Us DownGonna Dance Gonna Burn This Disco Out ChorusGroove All NightKeep The Boogie AlrightGet That SoundEverybody Just Get On Down2nd VerseGot A Hot FootBetter Freak Across The FloorJoin The PartyAnd We‟ll Keep You Movin‟, That‟s For Sure RefrainSo D.J. Spin The SoundsThere Ain‟t No Way That Your GonnaSit Us DownGonna Dance …Til We Burn This Disco Out ChorusGroove All NightKeep The Boogie AlrightGet That SoundEverybody Just Get On DownBridgeOnce You Get The Beat Inside Your Feet There Ain‟t No Way To Stop You Movin‟ GoodNow The Weekend‟s Come It‟s Time For Fun You Got To Groove Just Like You Know You Should 3rd VersePeople NowAre You ReadyWon‟t You Rock Across The RoomGot A Feelin‟That We‟re Gonna Raise The Roof Off Soon RefrainSo D.J. Spin The SoundsThere Ain‟t No Way That Your GonnaSit Us DownGonna Dance …Til We Burn This Disco Out ChorusGroove All NightKeep The Boogie AlrightGet That SoundEverybody Just Get On DownRefrainSo D.J. Spin The SoundsThere Ain‟t No Way That Your GonnaSit Us DownGonna Dance …Til We Burn This Disco Out ChorusGroove All NightKeep The Boogie AlrightGet That SoundEverybody Just Get On DownChant:Gonna Dance, Gonna ShoutGonna Burn This Disco OutGonna Dance, Gonna ShoutGonna Burn This Disco OutGonna Dance, Gonna ShoutGonna Burn This Disco Out(Ad-Lib To Fade) Edited by Alexander Roepcke (ARpcke@), 1997. Copyrights by MIJAC MUSIC.WANNA BE STARTIN’ SOMETHIN’ Written and Composed by Michael Jackson, 1982.ChorusI Said You Wanna Be Startin‟ Somethin‟You Go t To Be Startin‟ Somethin‟I Said You Wanna Be Startin‟ Somethin‟You Got To Be Startin‟ Somethin‟It‟s Too High To Get Over (Yeah, Yeah)Too Low To Get Under (Yeah, Yeah)You‟re Stuck In The Middle (Yeah, Yeah)And The Pain Is Thunder (Yeah, Yeah)It‟s Too High To Get Over (Yeah, Yeah)Too Low To Get Under (Yeah, Yeah)You‟re Stuck In The Middle (Yeah, Yeah)And The Pain Is Thunder (Yeah, Yeah)1st VerseI Took My Baby To The DoctorWith A Fever, But Nothing He FoundBy The Time This Hit The StreetThey Said She Had A BreakdownSomeone‟s Always Tryin‟ To Start My Baby Cryin‟Talkin‟, Squealin‟, Lyin‟ Sayin‟ You Just Wanna Be Startin‟ Somethin‟ChorusI Said You Wanna Be Startin‟ Somethin‟You Got To Be Startin‟ Somethin‟I Said You Wanna Be Startin‟ Somethin‟You Got To Be Startin‟ Somethin‟It‟s Too High To Get Over (Yeah, Yeah)Too Low To Get Under (Yeah, Yeah)You‟re Stuck In The Middle (Yeah, Yeah) And The Pain Is Thunder(Yeah, Yeah)It‟s Too High To Get Over(Yeah, Yeah)Too Low To Get Under(Yeah, Yeah)You‟re Stuck In The Middle(Yeah, Yeah)And The Pain Is Thunder(Yeah, Yeah)2nd VerseYou Love To Pretend ThatYou‟re GoodWhen You‟re Always Up ToNo GoodYou Really Can‟t Make HimHate HerSo Your Tongue Became ARazorSomeone‟s Always Tryin‟ ToKeep My Baby Cryin‟Treacherous, Cunnin‟,Declinin‟You Got My Baby Cryin‟ChorusI Said You Wanna Be Startin‟Somethin‟You Got To Be Startin‟Somethin‟I Said You Wanna Be Startin‟Somethin‟You Got To Be Startin‟Somethin‟It‟s Too High To Get Over(Yeah, Yeah)Too Low To Get Under(Yeah, Yeah)You‟re Stuck In The Middle(Yeah, Yeah)And The Pain Is Thunder(Yeah, Yeah)It‟s Too High To Get Over(Yeah, Yeah)Too Low To Get Under(Yeah, Yeah)You‟re Stuck In The Middle(Yeah, Yeah)And The Pain Is Thunder(Yeah, Yeah)You‟re A Vegetable, You‟reA VegetableStill They Hate You, You‟reA VegetableYou‟re Just A Buffet, You‟reA VegetableThey Eat Off Of You, You‟reA Vegetable3rd VerseBillie Jean Is Always Talkin‟When Nobody Else IsTalkin‟Tellin‟ Lies And Rubbin‟ShouldersSo They Called Her Mouth AMotorSomeone‟s Always Tryin‟ ToStart My Baby Cryin‟Talkin‟, Squealin‟, Spyin‟Sayin‟ You Just Wanna BeStartin‟ Somethin‟ChorusI Said You Wanna Be Startin‟Somethin‟You Got To Be Startin‟Somethin‟I Said You Wanna Be Startin‟Somethin‟You Got To Be Startin‟Somethin‟It‟s Too High To Get Over(Yeah, Yeah)Too Low To Get Under(Yeah, Yeah)You‟re Stuck In The Middle(Yeah, Yeah)And The Pain Is Thunder(Yeah, Yeah)It‟s Too High To Get Over(Yeah, Yeah)Too Low To Get Under(Yeah, Yeah)You‟re Stuck In The Middle(Yeah, Yeah)And The Pain Is Thunder(Yeah, Yeah)You‟re A Vegetable, You‟reA VegetableStill They Hate You, You‟reA VegetableYou‟re Just A Buffet, You‟reA VegetableThey Eat Off Of You, You‟reA VegetableAd-LibIf You Cant Feed Your Baby(Yeah, Yeah)Then Don‟t Have A Baby(Yeah, Yeah)And Don‟t Think Maybe(Yeah, Yeah)If You Can‟t Feed YourBaby (Yeah, Yeah)You‟ll Be Always Tryin‟To Stop That Child FromCryin‟Hustlin‟, Stealin‟, Lyin‟Now Baby‟s Slowly Dyin‟ChorusI Said You Wanna Be Startin‟Somethin‟You Got To Be Startin‟Somethin‟I Said You Wanna Be Startin‟Somethin‟You Got To Be Startin‟Somethin‟It‟s Too High To Get Over(Yeah, Yeah)Too Low To Get Under(Yeah, Yeah)You‟re Stuck In The Middle(Yeah, Yeah)And The Pain Is Thunder(Yeah, Yeah)It‟s Too High To Get Over(Yeah, Yeah)Too Low To Get Under(Yeah, Yeah)You‟re Stuck In The Middle(Yeah, Yeah)And The Pain Is Thunder(Yeah, Yeah)Ad-LibLift Your Head Up HighAnd Scream Out To TheWorldI Know I Am SomeoneAnd Let The Truth UnfurlNo One Can Hurt You NowBecause Y ou Know What‟sTrueYes, I Believe In MeSo You Believe In YouHelp Me Sing It, Ma Ma Se,Ma Ma Sa, Ma Ma Coo SaMa Ma Se, Ma Ma Sa,Ma Ma Coo Sa(Repeat/Fade-Out) Edited byAlexander Roepcke(ARpcke@), 1997.BABY BE MINEWritten and Composed by Rod Temperton, 1982. 1st VerseI Don‟t Need No Dreams When I‟m By Your SideEvery Moment Takes Me To ParadiseDarlin‟, Let Me Hold YouWarm You In My Arms And Melt Your FearsAwayShow You All The Magic That A Perfect Love CanMakeI Need You Night And DayChorus (1)So Baby, Be Mine (Baby You Gotta Be Mine)And Girl I‟ll Give You All I Got To GiveSo Baby, Be My Girl (All The Time)And We Can Share This EcstasyAs Long As We Believe In Love2nd VerseI Won‟t Give You Reason To Change Your Mind(I Guess It‟s Still You Thrill Me, Baby, Be Mine)You Are All The Future That I DesireGirl, I Need To Hold YouShare My Feelings In The Heat Of Love‟s EmbraceShow You All The Passion Burning In My HeartTodayIt‟s Never Gonna FadeChorus (2)So Baby, Be Mine (Baby You Gotta Be Mine)And Girl I‟ll Give You All I Got To GiveSo Baby, Be My Girl (All The Time)You‟re Everything This World Could BeThe Reason That I LiveBridgeWon‟t You Stay With Me Until The Mornin‟ SunI Promise You Now That The Dawn Will BeDifferentLady Can‟t You See That Heaven‟s Just BegunIt‟s Livin‟ Here Inside Our Hearts3rd VerseThere‟ll Be No More Mountains For Us To Climb(I Can‟t Be Still You Thrill Me, Baby, Be Mine)This Will Be A Love Lasting For All TimeGirl You Got To Hold MeWe Can Touch The Sky And Light The DarkestDayHold Me, Only You And I Can Make Sweet LoveThis WayThere‟s No More I Can SayChorusSo Baby, Be Mine (Baby You Gotta Be Mine)And Girl I‟ll Give You All I Got To GiveSo Baby, Be My Girl (All The Time)You‟re Everything This World Could BeThe Reason That I LiveChorusBaby Be My GirlAnd Girl I‟ll Give You All I Got To GiveSo Baby, Be Mine, Baby, Be MineYou‟re Everything This World Could Be To MeChorusC‟mon, Girl, C‟mon GirlSo Baby, Be MineYou‟re Everything This World Could Be To MeCopyrights by MIJAC MUSIC. Edited byAlexander Roepcke (ARpcke@),1997.THE GIRL IS MINE Written and Composed by Michael Jackson, 1982. 1st Verse (Michael)Every Night She Walks Right In My DreamsSince I Met Her From The StartI‟m So Proud I Am The Only OneWho Is Special In Her HeartChorusThe Girl Is MineThe Doggone Girl Is MineI Know She‟s MineBecause The Doggone Girl Is Mine2nd Verse (Paul)I Don‟t Understand The Way You ThinkSaying That She‟s Yours Not MineSending Roses And Your Silly DreamsReally Just A Waste Of TimeChorusBecause She‟s MineThe Doggone Girl Is MineDon‟t Waste Your TimeBecause The Doggone Girl Is MineBridge (Paul)I Love You More Than He(Take You Anywhere)(Michael)But I Love You Endlessly(Loving We Will Share)(Michael & Paul)So Come And Go With MeTo One Town(Michael)But We Both Cannot Have HerSo It‟s One Or The OtherAnd One Day You‟ll DiscoverThat She‟s My Girl Forever And Ever3rd Verse (Paul)I Don‟t Build Your Hopes To Be Let Down…Cause I Really Feel It‟s Time(Michael)I Know She‟ll Tell You I‟m The One For Her …Cause She Said I Blow Her MindChorus (Michael)The Girl Is MineThe Doggone Girl Is MineDon‟t Waste Your TimeBecause The Doggone Girl Is Mine(Michael & Paul)She‟s Mine, She‟s MineNo, No, No, She‟s MineThe Girl Is Mine, The Girl Is MineThe Girl Is Mine, The Girl Is Mine(Paul)The Girl Is Mine, (Yep) She‟s MineThe Girl Is Mine, (Yep) She‟s Mine(Michael)Don‟t Waste Your TimeBecause The Doggone Girl Is MineThe Girl Is Mine, The Girl Is Mine(Paul)Michael, We‟re Not Going To Fight About This, Okay (Michael)Paul, I Think I Told You, I‟m A Lover Not A Fighter (Paul)I‟ve Heard It All Before, Michael, She Told Me ThatI‟m Her Forever Lover, You Know, Don‟t You Remember(Michael)Well, After Loving Me, She Said She Couldn‟t Love Another(Paul)Is That What She Said(Michael)Yes, She Said It, You Keep Dreaming(Paul)I Don‟t Believe It(Michael & Paul)The Girl Is Mine (Mine, Mine, Mine)(Fade-Out/Repeat)Copyrights by MIJAC MUSIC. Edited by Alexander Roepcke (ARpcke@), 1997.THRILLERWritten and Composed by Rod Temperton, 1982.1st VerseIt‟s Close To Midnight And Something Evil‟s Lurking In The DarkUnder The Moonlight You See A Sight That Almost Stops Your HeartYou Try To Scream But Terror Takes The Sound Before You Make ItYou Start To Freeze As Horror Looks You Right Between The Eyes,You‟re ParalyzedChorus…Cause This Is Thriller, Thriller NightAnd No One‟s Gonna Save You From The Beast About StrikeYou Know It‟s Thriller, Thriller NightYou‟re Fighting For Your Life Inside A Killer, Thriller Tonight2nd VerseYou Hear The Door Slam And Realize There‟s Nowhere Left To RunYou Feel The Cold Hand And Wonder If You‟ll Ever See The SunYou Close Your Eyes And Hope That This Is Just ImaginationBut All The While You Hear The Creature Creepin‟ Up BehindYou‟re Out Of Tim eChorus…Cause This Is Thriller, Thriller NightThere Ain‟t No Second Chance Against The Thing With Forty EyesYou Know It‟s Thriller, Thriller NightYou‟re Fighting For Your Life Inside Of Killer, Thriller TonightBridgeNight Creatures CallAnd The Dead Start To Walk In Their Masquerade There‟s No Escapin‟ The Jaws Of The Alien This Time (They‟re Open Wide)This Is The End Of Your Life 3rd VerseThey‟re Out To Get You, There‟s Demons Closing In On Every SideThey Will Possess You Unless You Change The Number On Your DialNow Is The Time For You And I To Cuddle Close TogetherAll Thru The Night I‟ll Save You From The Terror On The Screen,I‟ll Make You SeeChorusThat This Is Thriller, Thriller Night…Cause I Can Thrill You More Tha n Any Ghost Would Dare To TryGirl, This Is Thriller, Thriller NightSo Let Me Hold You Tight And Share A Killer, Diller, ChillerThriller Here Tonight(Rap Performed By Vincent Price)Darkness Falls Across The LandThe Midnite Hour Is Close At HandCreatures Crawl In Search Of BloodTo Terrorize Y‟awl‟s NeighbourhoodAnd Whosoever Shall Be FoundWithout The Soul For Getting DownMust Stand And Face The Hounds Of HellAnd Rot Inside A Corpse‟s ShellThe Foulest Stench Is In The AirThe Funk Of Forty Thousand YearsAnd Grizzy Ghouls From Every TombAre Closing In To Seal Your DoomAnd Though You Fight To Stay AliveYour Body Starts To ShiverFor No Mere Mortal Can ResistThe Evil Of The Thriller(Into Maniacal Laugh, In Deep Echo)Copyrights by MIJAC MUSIC. Edited by Alexander Roepcke (ARpcke@), 1997.。



组合训练我的自行车英语作文Combination Training for My Bicycle。

Cycling has always been one of my favorite outdoor activities. Not only does it allow me to enjoy the beauty of nature, but it also provides a great workout for my body. To enhance my cycling skills and improve my overall performance, I have been incorporating combination training into my cycling routine. In this article, I will share with you the benefits of combination training and how it has helped me become a better cyclist.Combination training involves combining different types of exercises to target various muscle groups and improve overall fitness. It is a highly effective way to enhance endurance, strength, and agility, which are essential for cycling. By incorporating a variety of exercises into my training regimen, I have noticed significant improvements in my cycling performance.One of the key components of combination training for cycling is cardiovascular exercise. This includes activities such as running, swimming, or using an elliptical machine. These exercises help to improve my cardiovascular fitness, enabling me to cycle for longer distances without feeling fatigued. Additionally, they enhance my lung capacity and increase my overall stamina, allowing me to tackle challenging terrains with ease.Strength training is another crucial aspect of combination training. By incorporating exercises that target the major muscle groups used in cycling, such as the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, I have been able to increase my power and pedal efficiency. Squats, lunges, and deadlifts are some of the exercises I include in my strength training routine. These exercises not only help to build muscle strength but also improve my overall body stability, which is essential for maintaining balance while cycling.To further enhance my cycling performance, I also incorporate flexibility and core training into my combination training routine. Stretching exercises help to improve myflexibility, allowing for a greater range of motion while cycling. A flexible body is less prone to injuries and can adapt to different cycling positions more easily. Core training exercises, such as planks and Russian twists, strengthen my abdominal and back muscles, providing better stability and balance on the bike.In addition to the physical benefits, combination training has also improved my mental focus and discipline. Cycling requires concentration and mental endurance, especially during long rides or races. By engaging in a variety of exercises, I have learned to push through physical and mental barriers, developing a strong mindset that translates into my cycling performance.To maximize the benefits of combination training, it is important to have a well-rounded training plan and to gradually increase the intensity and duration of the exercises. Consistency is key in achieving long-term improvements in cycling performance. It is also essential to listen to your body and give it adequate rest and recovery time to prevent injuries and promote muscle growth.In conclusion, combination training has been a game-changer for my cycling journey. By incorporating a variety of exercises into my training routine, I have seen significant improvements in my endurance, strength, and overall performance. Cardiovascular exercise, strength training, flexibility, and core training are all essential components of combination training for cycling. Remember to have a well-rounded training plan, gradually increase intensity, and listen to your body. With dedication and consistency, combination training can take your cycling skills to new heights. So, hop on your bike and start combining different exercises to become a better cyclist!。



Growing up, my brother and I shared a love for sports, but it was his passion for basketball that truly stood out. The joy he found on the court was infectious, and it was a sight to behold. Heres a story of my brothers happiness while playing basketball, as seen through my eyes.It was a typical Saturday morning, the sun was just beginning to rise, casting a warm glow over the neighborhood. The sound of the ball bouncing on the pavement was the only thing that could wake me up earlier than the chirping of the birds. I knew without looking out the window that my brother was already out there, dribbling away, lost in his own world of hoops.Stepping outside, I found him in the familiar spot under the old oak tree that shaded our driveway. The wornout basketball court was his sanctuary, a place where he could escape from the world and immerse himself in the rhythm of the game. His face was a canvas of pure joy, with a smile that could light up the darkest of rooms. The way his eyes sparkled as he watched the ball arc through the air and swish through the net was magical.My brothers love for the game was more than just a hobby it was a part of his identity. He would spend hours practicing his shots, perfecting his dribbling, and studying the moves of the greats. His dedication was evident in the way he approached every game, every practice, and every moment on the court. It was as if the ball was an extension of his body, moving in perfect harmony with his every thought and motion.One of the most memorable moments was during a high school tournament. The game was intense, with both teams fighting for every point. The score was tied, and there were only seconds left on the clock. The crowd was on the edge of their seats, and the pressure was palpable. But my brother, with his unwavering focus and calm demeanor, took control of the ball and made a daring move. He dribbled past the defenders, dodged a lastditch attempt to block his shot, and launched the ball towards the hoop. Time seemed to slow down as the ball soared through the air, and then, just as the buzzer sounded, it found its way through the net, winning the game for our team.The crowd erupted in cheers, and my brother was mobbed by his teammates, all celebrating the victory. But amidst the chaos, he turned to me, his eyes shining with a mix of relief and exhilaration. That moment of shared joy was something Ill never forget. It was a testament to his passion for the game and the happiness it brought him.Off the court, my brothers love for basketball also brought our family closer together. Weekends were often spent watching games on TV, discussing strategies, and sharing stories of legendary players. It was a common language that connected us, a shared experience that created lasting memories.As I grew older, I began to appreciate the joy my brother found in playing basketball even more. It wasnt just about the thrill of the game or the satisfaction of a wellexecuted move it was about the sense of freedom, the camaraderie, and the personal growth that came with it. Every dribble,every pass, and every shot was a reflection of his character, his resilience, and his unwavering spirit.In conclusion, my brothers happiness while playing basketball was a sight that inspired and motivated me. It was a reminder of the power of passion and the joy that can be found in pursuing something you love. Whether it was the early morning practices, the nailbiting tournament games, or the simple act of shooting hoops in our driveway, his love for the game was a constant source of joy and a lesson in the importance of following your heart.。



介绍徐悲鸿的马英语作文六年级下册全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Galloping Onto the Canvas: Xu Beihong and His Majestic Horse PaintingsHave you ever seen a painting so lifelike that the subject seems to leap right off the canvas? That's how I feel when I gaze upon the incredible horse paintings of the renowned Chinese artist Xu Beihong. With each powerful brushstroke, he brought these mighty creatures to life in a way that truly captures their wildness, strength, and unbridled spirit.Xu Beihong was born in 1895 in the Yixing County of Jiangsu Province. From a young age, he displayed an amazing artistic talent and passion for painting. After completing his basic education, he went on to study Western painting techniques and art theory. This blending of Eastern and Western influences gave rise to Xu's distinctive style - one that combined realistic detail with the traditional aesthetics of Chinese ink wash painting.It was during his time studying in Tokyo and Paris that Xu became absolutely mesmerized by horses. He was captivated bytheir raw power, musculature, and sheer beauty. Horses became his obsession - he sketched them incessantly, spent hours observing them at racing stables, and even dissected their bodies to better understand their anatomy. This dedication paid off, allowing Xu to depict horses with photographic realism unlike any other artist of his time.One of Xu's most famous horse paintings is "The Tethered Horses" from 1941. With a few simple brushstrokes, he conjures two magnificent stallions standing powerfully side-by-side. Every muscle, every hair is precisely rendered in incredible detail. Yet what makes this painting so astounding is the sense ofbarely-contained energy pulsing through their bodies. You can almost see the muscles quivering, the nostrils flaring, as if they may burst into a gallop at any moment. The rawness and intensity is simply breathtaking.Another masterpiece is "Putuo Mountain Savages," painted in 1925 during Xu's time studying in Paris. In this epic scene, a herd of wild horses thunders across the canvas, their manes and tails streaming behind them like banners in the wind. The sheer dynamism and movement is extraordinary - you can practically hear the pounding of their hooves as they charge forth. Looking closely, every detail is perfect, from the horses' flared nostrils tothe tautly rippling muscles in their powerful legs. Xu's understanding of equine anatomy was second to none.What I find so captivating about Xu Beihong's horse paintings is how he could take such large, powerful subjects and imbue them with a sense of raw, kinetic energy. He doesn't just paint the horse's exterior, but seems to capture something deeper - the very essence of their wild, untamed spirit. When I look at his art, I'm transported, able to vividly imagine what it must have been like to witness a mighty stallion galloping across the plains.Xu was more than just a brilliant technician, however. He also became an influential artist, teacher, and leader in the field of modern Chinese art. As the founder of the school of Realist painting in China, he mentored generations of young artists, passing on not just his skills but his vision for a new era of Chinese art that blended ancient aesthetics with modern, Western influences. Xu wanted to revolutionize traditional Chinese painting while still maintaining reverence for its core principles.His impact has been incredible and far-reaching. You can see elements of Xu's masterful style reflected in the works of countless Chinese artists who followed. His horse paintings inparticular have become iconic, inspiring reverence and capturing the imagination of art lovers across China and around the globe.When I gaze at one of Xu Beihong's breathtaking equine masterpieces, I'm in awe of his prodigious talent and ability to bring such dynamism and life to the canvas. To render something so massive and powerful with such fine, realistic detail is an astounding feat. Xu didn't just paint horses - he channeled their fierce, unbridled spirit in a way that makes the viewer feel like they are witnessing these glorious creatures in the flesh.That's the magic of Xu Beihong. Through tireless dedication, an innate artistic gift, and a deep spiritual connection with his subjects, he created timeless masterworks that transport us to another realm. His horses so vibrantly capture the essence of these regal animals that they seem to be alive, straining against the canvas longing to run free. For me and countless others, they will forever gallop through our imaginations.篇2Xu Beihong: The Master of Painting Galloping HorsesHave you ever seen a horse painted so lifelike that it looks like it could leap right off the canvas? That's the incredible talentof Xu Beihong, one of China's most famous artists from the 20th century. Xu was a true master when it came to capturing the power, spirit, and movement of horses through his brushstrokes.Born in 1895, Xu grew up in a small town called Yixing in Jiangsu Province. From a young age, he loved sketching and developed a passion for art, especially painting animals. After finishing school, Xu went on to study Chinese painting in Shanghai. However, he quickly became interested in Western techniques like using oils and accurately portraying light and shadow.In 1919, Xu had the chance to travel to Japan and then Europe to further his art studies. This exposed him to the famous horse sculptures at museums like the Louvre in Paris. Xu was blown away by the realism and sense of motion captured in these ancient Greek and Roman works. He became determined to master painting horses with the same lifelike energy and movement.Upon returning to China, Xu began painting horses in his unique style that blended Chinese brushwork with Western realism. He studied living horses closely, observing how their muscles flexed and manes flowed as they ran. Then he wouldmemorize these details to recreate the essence of the horse's motion on canvas.One of Xu's most iconic horse paintings is called "The Thumping Herds." In this epic masterpiece, you can practically hear the thundering hooves as a large group of horses charges across the plains. Xu uses quick, energetic brushstrokes to convey the sense of powerful galloping movements. The horses' heads are flung back, nostrils flared, muscles rippling beneath their sleek coats as they race together as one unified herd. The dramatic angles and blurred motion lines add to the intensity and dynamism.Another famous work is titled "Putuo Qilin" which depicts the mythical Chinese creature combining a dragon's head with a horse's body and cloven hooves. With its arched neck, wild mane, and fierce expression, the Qilin looks as if it could bound off the paper at any moment. Xu's precise lines and shading make this legendary beast appear so three-dimensional and alive.Not all of Xu's horse paintings feature such frenzied action though. Some capture the noble grace and strength of a horse standing statuesquely still. "Stabled Horses" is a serene painting of two horses resting together, every hair and muscle painstakingly rendered in fine detail. You can study the texturesof their chestnut and white coats, powerful haunches, and expressive eyes that seem to gaze right back at the viewer.What I find most amazing about Xu Beihong's horse paintings is how he is able to instill each canvas with such a unique personality and spirit. Looking at his incredible, photorealistic works, you can't help but feel the thunderous energy and wild freedom of these magnificent creatures.Xu's pioneering style blending the fluid brushwork of Chinese art with the scientific naturalism of European painting was incredibly influential. He inspired many later generations of Chinese artists and is considered one of the greatest masters of the 20th century. To this day, people still flock to museums and galleries to admire his iconic galloping horse paintings that have become national treasures.For me, studying Xu's artwork has given me a newfound appreciation for the raw power and beauty of horses. His paintings don't just render these animals realistically, but somehow capture their very essence, spirit, and the thrill of watching them run unbridled and free. Looking at Xu's brushstrokes almost makes me feel like I'm right there watching the dust kick up as the horses race by, muscles straining, manes whipping in the wind. That's the genius of Xu Beihong - hisability to enliven these magnificent creatures and convey the excitement of their motion through simple inks and oils on a flat canvas. What an incredible talent and gift he had!篇3The Life and Art of Xu Beihong: China's Master of Horse PaintingsHey there! Today I want to tell you about one of China's most famous artists, Xu Beihong. He was a talented painter who lived from 1895 to 1953 and is best known for his amazing horse paintings. Let me give you a look into his life and artwork!Xu Beihong was born in Yixing County, Jiangsu Province. From a young age, he loved painting and calligraphy, practicing tirelessly to improve his skills. When he was 19 years old, Xu gained admission to the prestigious Shanghai Art Academy. There, he studied both Chinese brush painting and Western oil painting techniques.After graduating in 1918, Xu continued his training abroad. He spent time studying art in Japan, France, Singapore, and other countries. Xu was always eager to learn about different artistic styles from around the world. However, his heart remained firmly rooted in Chinese culture and traditions.In the 1920s, Xu returned to China with a unique painting style that blended Chinese and Western influences. He founded the Sin Hua Art College in Shanghai and later became the president of the National Art Academy. Xu worked tirelessly to elevate Chinese art on the global stage.But what made Xu Beihong's artwork so extraordinary? It was his ability to capture the power, spirit, and movement of horses through his brush strokes. Horses were a lifelong passion for Xu. As a child in rural China, he spent countless hours observing these majestic creatures.Xu once said: "Painting horses is not just about making a picture that looks like a real horse. It is about expressing the inner spirit, the essence of the horse's energy and life force." Through his studies of anatomy and live horse models, Xu developed an unparalleled ability to bring equine subjects to life on paper and canvas.One of Xu's most famous paintings is "The Taihu Mustang," completed in 1941. This massive ink on paper scroll depicts a wild yellow mustang in mid-gallop, leaping over rocky ground. The horse's powerful muscles seem to ripple and flex as it bounds across the landscape. Xu's bold, expressive brushstrokes vividly convey the animal's raw, untamed spirit.Look at the details in the horse's mane and tail whipping through the air. Examine its taut, straining legs and the flying mane and tail flowing behind it. Don't you feel like you can almost hear the thundering hoofbeats and see the clouds of dust being kicked up from the ground? The raw energy and movement Xu captured is simply breathtaking!Another masterpiece is Xu's "Five Horses" from 1935. In this horizontal painting, five Mongolian steeds are stunningly depicted in various poses and positions. One noble horse rears up on its hind legs while another grazes peacefully off to the side. Xu's horses come alive with personality, each having its own distinct demeanor and character.Scholarly horses meant for the literati class were a favorite subject matter as well. "Two Horses" from 1944 illustrates a pair of groomed, docile horses quietly observing each other. Their placid expressions and flowing saddle decorations evoke a graceful elegance. Through his meticulous brushwork, Xu conveys the animals' gentle dispositions and the strong bond between the equine companions.Beyond horses, Xu also enjoyed painting other animals like camels, cows, rams, and tigers. His subjects were not limited to just wildlife either. Many of Xu's works depict figures, landscapes,portraits and scenes of daily Chinese life. Still, no matter the subject, his skill at rendering living creatures in fluid, dynamic motion is second to none.Xu Beihong's impact went far beyond just his artwork too. He worked tirelessly to reform art education in China and raise awareness about preserving the nation's cultural heritage. Xu served as the director of the Beijing Art Museum and helped establish art academies across the country. Through his teaching and activism, he inspired generations of young Chinese artists.Despite living through wars, political turmoil and personal hardships, Xu never lost his passion for painting. In the later years of his life, even when he was too frail to hold a brush, Xu would dip his fingers in ink to continue creating magnificent works. Art was truly his life's purpose until the very end.So there you have it - the extraordinary life and pioneering artwork of Master Xu Beihong! I hope learning about this iconic Chinese painter has given you a new appreciation for the beauty, power and spirituality that can be expressed through animal subjects. Xu's majestic horses have captivated viewers for over a century, and his legacy as one of China's greatest artists will definitely endure for centuries more to come. The next time you see one of his magnificent mustangs leaping across a canvas, Ihope it will fill you with a sense of awe and wonder at both the subject and the brilliant mind that brought it to life.。



英语语法对我来说很困难的英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1English Grammar is Confusing and Difficult for MeI really struggle with English grammar rules. It just doesn't seem to make sense to me, no matter how many times the teacher goes over it. While some of my classmates seem to just get it naturally, I find myself constantly confused by the various tenses, rules for subject-verb agreement, where to put modifiers, and all the exceptions to the rules. English grammar is a source of constant frustration and difficulty for me.I think a big part of the problem is that English has so many inconsistencies and irregularities compared to my native language. In my first language, the grammar follows very clear, logical patterns that make sense once you understand the core rules. But English seems to have a new exception or bizarre quirk around every corner that undermines any patterns I thought I had grasped.Take verb conjugations for example. In English, you have to memorize long lists of wildly different forms for the simple pastand past participle of irregular verbs: go-went-gone,sing-sang-sung, break-broke-broken. The irregular forms follow no discernible pattern that I can make sense of. Whenever I think I've finally gotten a grip on English verb conjugations, I inevitably stumble upon some new irregular oddity that makes me question everything.Then there are the various tenses in English like the present perfect, past perfect, future perfect, and all their progressive forms. Keeping track of when to use each one, especially with hypothetical situations or sequences of events in the past, ties my brain in knots. Just when I think I understand the past perfect tense, I see a new example using the past perfect progressive and I'm lost again. Why does such a simple language need so many ways to talk about the past?Don't even get me started on subject-verb agreement rules. I can never seem to reliably determine whether the subject is singular or plural, especially with complicated phrases or words that are collective nouns some of the time. "The class is..." or "The class are..."? I just choose one at random and hope for the best half the time. The number of run-on errors and sentence fragments I produce is embarrassing.And what's the deal with adjective order in English? You can't just arrange multiple adjectives any way that sounds good - there's a specific order they're supposed to follow. Furthermore, some adjectives like "dry" go before the noun and others like "extreme" go after. How is anyone supposed to inherently know which goes where? I end up just randomly guessing half the time.Of course, a lot of my grammar struggles could be due to the fact that English contains so much vocabulary derived from other languages like French, German, Latin, and Greek. All of these loanwords follow their own rules about pluralization, conjugations, and so on. It's like I have to learn several types of grammar systems at once and know which words follow which rules. No wonder I'm constantly confused!My teachers keep telling me that the best way to improve at English grammar is simply through constant practice, repetition, and being corrected. But practicing the rules just makes me feel more insecure and inadequate when I inevitably make mistakes - which happens constantly. I've started to dread writing assignments because I know my grammar will be abysmal and I'll just feel embarrassed when it's graded.It's incredibly demoralizing to feel like you're working so hard yet still struggling immensely with something as fundamental as grammar. I've gotten decent at vocabulary and reading comprehension through steady effort, but no matter how much I study and practice the mechanics of English, the grammar rules just won't stick in my brain. I'm scared my grammar issues will hold me back from achieving my full potential.I know I'm not alone in finding English grammar baffling - I've commiserated with plenty of other non-native learners who share my struggles. But it's still frustrating and discouraging when grammar comes so much more easily to others. I wish I could just download the innate sense of English grammar rules that native speakers seem to be born with.At this point, I've resigned myself to the fact that I may never achieve complete mastery of English grammar. My goal now is simply to get "good enough" at it through repetition and corrections to be able to communicate clearly in writing without making too many egregious grammatical errors. Perfect grammatical accuracy seems like an unrealistic and unnecessary target for someone like me for whom English is a secondary language.I do sincerely want to improve my English grammar because sloppy mechanics make writing appear unprofessional and undermine credibility. But I've had to accept that it's an uphill battle that will always require conscious effort anddouble-checking for me, rather than being an innate skill. I take solace in the fact that grammar doesn't necessarily have to be perfect to communicate well. After all, there are plenty of native English speakers who routinely butcher the grammar rules yet still get their point across.In the meantime, I'll keep studying those dusty grammar manuals and forcing myself to write practice essays, as tedious as it is. I'll heroically diagram every sentence and chart out the sequence of tenses in the examples. And I'll save the more complex grammar concepts like the conditional perfect for later - baby steps are key. With enough repetition and immersion, maybe the rules that currently seem like an indecipherable code will start feeling more intuitive. Either that or I'll train myself to simply avoid any grammatical structures I struggle with.Attaining complete mastery of English grammar is probably an unrealistic and unnecessary goal for me. But I can keep chipping away, mistake by mistake, making incremental progress towards being "good enough" at the time-bending tenses,inconsistent conjugations, and ambiguous agreement rules of this confounding yet prevalent language. It may be a lifelong struggle, but one I'm determined to persist through. Grammar may never make sense, but effective communication will result from the effort.篇2English Grammar: A Never-Ending StruggleGrammar has always been the bane of my existence when it comes to learning English. Trust me, I've tried every trick in the book to master it, but it feels like an uphill battle that never ends. English grammar rules seem to have more exceptions than actual rules, and just when I think I've finally got a firm grasp on a concept, a new curveball gets thrown my way.Let's start with the basics: parts of speech. Seems simple enough, right? Nouns, verbs, adjectives, and the like. But then you realize that some words can function as multiple parts of speech depending on the context. Talk about confusing! And don't even get me started on the dreaded gerund—is it a noun or a verb? I've lost track of how many times I've agonized over that particular conundrum.Moving on to sentence structure, the complexity only seems to multiply. Subject-verb agreement sounds straightforward, but throw in a compound subject or collective noun, and suddenly I'm second-guessing myself. And let's not forget about those pesky dangling modifiers that can make even the most coherent sentence sound like gibberish.But the true nemesis of English grammar, the one that haunts my dreams, is verb tenses. I've lost count of how many times I've mixed up the past perfect progressive with the future perfect continuous. It's a never-ending cycle of confusion. And don't even get me started on the subjunctive mood—what even is that, and why does it exist solely to torment us?I vividly remember the time I had to write an essay about my summer vacation, only to spend hours agonizing over whether to use "had gone" or "went." By the time I finished, I was questioning my entire grasp of the English language.And let's not forget about those tricky little words that seem innocent enough but can completely change the meaning of a sentence. "Lay" and "lie," "affect" and "effect," "who's" and "whose"—these are the landmines that litter the battlefield of English grammar, just waiting to trip me up.Sometimes, I wonder if English grammar is a vast conspiracy designed to make us all feel inadequate. It's like a never-ending game of whack-a-mole, where just when you think you've mastered one rule, another pops up to confound you.But alas, I am not alone in this struggle. I've witnessed even the most erudite of English speakers falter when faced with the complexities of grammar. It's a shared plight, a bond that unites us in our collective bewilderment.Despite the endless frustrations, I remain determined to conquer this linguistic Everest. I study the rules, memorize the exceptions, and practice until my brain feels like it's going to implode. And every now and then, a glimmer of understanding shines through, like a ray of hope piercing the grammatical fog.Perhaps one day, after countless hours of toil and an unhealthy amount of caffeine consumption, I will emerge victorious, a true master of English grammar. Or perhaps I will forever remain a humble student, forever in awe of this intricate and ever-evolving language.But for now, I soldier on, armed with my trusty grammar handbook and an unwavering determination to make sense of this linguistic labyrinth. Because at the end of the day, the struggle is what makes the eventual triumph all the sweeter. Andwho knows, maybe one day I'll be the one writing the grammar rules instead of trying to decipher them.篇3English Grammar: A Mountainous StruggleAs a student, I have always found English grammar to be an uphill battle, a relentless foe that taunts me with its numerous exceptions and convoluted rules. From the moment I stepped into an English classroom, I knew I was in for a arduous journey, one that would test the limits of my patience and perseverance.The very notion of mastering the intricacies of English grammar seemed like an insurmountable task, akin to scaling a towering mountain without proper gear or training. Each new concept introduced was like encountering a treacherous crevasse, threatening to swallow me whole if I didn't tread carefully.One of the biggest challenges I faced was the seemingly endless list of irregular verbs. Just when I thought I had a firm grasp on the patterns, a rogue verb would appear, defying all logic and throwing me into a state of utter bewilderment. "Go" becomes "went," "see" becomes "saw," and "think" becomes"thought" – it was as if the English language took great pleasure in my confusion.Then there were the dreaded tenses – past, present, future, and everything in between. Trying to navigate the labyrinth of verb conjugations was like attempting to solve a complex puzzle with half the pieces missing. I would meticulously construct a sentence, only to realize that I had inadvertently used the wrong tense, rendering my efforts futile.Prepositions were another source of constant frustration. The subtle nuances between "in," "on," and "at" seemed to elude me, no matter how many times I tried to memorize the rules. I would agonize over whether to say "I'm at home" or "I'm in home," only to be met with a bemused expression from my English teacher.And let's not forget about the articles – those tiny, innocuous words that held such immense power. The eternal debate of "a" versus "an" haunted me like a lingering specter. I would spend countless hours agonizing over whether a particular noun began with a vowel sound, only to second-guess myself moments later.But perhaps the most daunting aspect of English grammar was the subjunctive mood. This elusive concept seemed to mockmy very existence, taunting me with its enigmatic rules and obscure applications. Whenever I attempted to wield the subjunctive mood in a sentence, I felt like a novice swordsman facing a seasoned opponent – hopelessly outmatched and destined for defeat.Despite the numerous obstacles and setbacks, I persevered, fueled by an unwavering determination to conquer this linguistic behemoth. I spent countless hours poring over grammar books, dissecting sentences, and committing rules to memory. Each small victory, whether it was correctly using the perfect tense or nailing a tricky preposition, filled me with a sense of accomplishment that propelled me forward.Along the way, I sought guidance from my teachers, whose patience and expertise proved invaluable. They were like seasoned mountaineers, guiding me through the treacherous terrain of grammar, offering insights and strategies to navigate the most challenging obstacles.As the years passed, my grasp of English grammar slowly but steadily improved. The once-imposing mountain began to resemble a series of rolling hills, still challenging but no longer insurmountable. I learned to embrace the quirks andidiosyncrasies of the language, recognizing that they added a richness and depth to its fabric.Yet, even now, as I stand on the precipice of fluency, I can't help but feel a twinge of humility. English grammar, with its myriad complexities and exceptions, remains an ever-evolving puzzle, one that requires constant vigilance and dedication to master.But that's precisely what makes the journey so rewarding. With each conquered summit, I gain not only a deeper understanding of the language but also a renewed sense of perseverance and resilience. The challenges of English grammar have molded me into a more tenacious and resourceful learner, equipped to tackle any linguistic obstacle that may arise.So, while the path ahead may still be fraught with pitfalls and surprises, I embrace the journey with open arms. For in the end, it is not the destination that defines us, but the obstacles we overcome along the way. And if English grammar has taught me anything, it's that with unwavering determination and a willingness to learn, even the most formidable mountains can be conquered.。



我们是在一个聚会上认识的挺神奇的So we met at a party, and it was magic.半小时之内Within a half hour,我们就开着车找了这家很不错的邻居we were driving up into this really nice neighborhood,我们跑下这家陌生人后院的台阶and we were running down the stairs of some stranger's backyard, 然后跳入了泳池我们相爱了and then we were swimming and we were in love.我们没想到的是虽然黑灯瞎火的What we didn't count on was that even though the lights were off, 房♥子的主人就在家里the owner of the home was there,他出来冲我们狂吼and he came out screaming at us,那是我这辈子最棒的一晚and it was the greatest night of my life.准备好了Ready?所以我的主意是你知道So my idea was, you know,我们重新创造那个时刻let's try and re-create that moment.噢好冷啊Oh, it's freezing!是比我印象中要冷一些It's a little colder than I remember it.你觉得他会出来吗Do you think he's coming out?我肯定我肯定他听见我们了对吗I'm sure. I'm sure he heard us, right?有人吗太好玩了Hello? This is fun.是啊Yeah.他人呢Where is he?可能他没在家Maybe he's not home.还是要祝你纪念日快乐Happy anniversary anyway.纪念日快乐Happy anniversary.我们在水里等着他出现When we were in the water and we were waiting但是没人出现没人在家and no one came out, no one was home,我们就在那儿漂浮着and we were just floating there,我感到伤心I felt sad,我感到我们的幸福曾经来得那么容易and I felt like our happiness used to be so easy曾经有那么多的幸福and there used to be so much of it,但现在我感到幸福变成了...and now I feel like happiness is something...我们不得不重新创造的东西that we have to re-create.对不起我想着要去制♥造♥ 一个浪漫的时刻I'm sorry. I tried to make a romantic moment.我绝不会再带你去什么该死的游泳池了I'll never take you to a fucking pool again.噢拜托别这么说Oh, come on. Don't do that.《我爱的那一个》好了Okay.这应该很好玩This could be fun.我们来做个相容性练习We're going to do a compatibility exercise.我想让你们俩同时按下一个琴键明白吗I want you both to play a note at the same time, okay?任何键都行吗Just any note?对的完全随意Yep. Knock yourself out.哇哦你们俩真的一点也不协调Wow! You guys are not in sync, are you?我们以前很棒We used to be great.我们以前真的挺没心没肺的...We used to be really irreverent and...是啊老是爱逗乐...Yeah. There was teasing...-是的 -比如我...-Yeah. -and stuff. Like I...我是说没有冒犯的意思I mean no offense...我会叫你贱♥人♥ 很好玩but I would call you a bitch and it was funny.是的很搞笑Yeah, it was hilarious.我也叫你贱♥人♥I used to call you a bitch.你也觉得那很好玩You thought it was really funny.是的Yeah.我只是不知道我们如何能够继续前行I just don't know how we're going to move forward要是我们一直说着这样的车轱辘话if we keep having this circular conversation针对我犯下的错误那我已经道过歉了about me doing what I did which I have apologized for already, 我们来这里是因为我们希望能继续前行and we are here because we are trying to move on.我不明白为什么我们老是要提起那事I don't see why we have to keep revisiting that因为同样的对话已经重复过一遍又一遍了because it's the same conversation over and over again.因为那不该由你说了算伊桑Because you don't get to decide that, Ethan.我们继不继续不该由你来说那是我的事You don't get to decide when we move on, I do.那么你们俩还做♥爱♥吗So, you guys having sex?你看如果你按这个键索菲...Now if you'd played this one, Sophie......或这个键那就很好了对吗...or that one...that's pretty, right?但这个...就不怎么样But this...not so much.好了这只是个练习Anyway, it's just an exercise.我希望重又信任你I want to trust you again.我希望原谅你I want to forgive you.这些...这些都是我希望的I want...I want all of those things.我希望我们能和好我希望我们能行I want us and I want us to work.我不知道为什么你觉得我不希望那样I don't know why you feel like I don't want that.因为对如何达到这一目标我们意见不一致Because we don't agree on how we're going to get there. 到哪儿去了Where are you?嘟嘟-嘟嘟-嘟嘟To-do-to-do-to-do.好了Okay.我有个主意I have an idea.这是个好地方This is a great place.我觉得会对你们大有帮助I think it will be very helpful.那里漂亮极了It's absolutely beautiful.离这儿大约一个半小时路程在北边It's about an hour and a half north from here.那是个...像是个疗养胜地It's like a perfect retreat,就你们两人just the two of you.给你们个重启重启键的机会Give you a chance to reset the reset button.我送过不少对夫妇去那儿I've sent a lot of couples there,他们回来后都焕然一新and they've all come back renewed.-怎么样 -我会说我愿意做任何尝试-What do you think? -I mean, I'll try anything.索菲Sophie?静思与恢复..."大门密♥码♥ 2424"哇哦Wow!喂Hello?客房♥然后在你倒酒时你这样做And then when you pour the wine, you do this.饭店里他们就是这样做的This is what they do in the restaurants.你看着Watch this.噢不应该漏的虽然我有点...Ooops, so it doesn't drip. Even though I kind of...-我有点漏了 -我觉得你做的不对-It kind of dripped. -I don't think you did it right.干杯Cheers!敬我和我的厨艺To me and my cooking.院落的那边有一个客房♥ 看上去相当不错There's a guest house on the property which is pretty cool. -是吗 -是的-Really? -Yeah.我不知道我们该不该用I don't even know if we're supposed to use it或者已经有人租用了or if someone else is renting it.噢天哪怎么了Oh, God. What's happening.过来过来Come here. Come here.怎么了What's happening?喔哦Whoa!好好Yeah, yeah.你得屏住You've got to hold it.往里吸往里吸Hold it in, hold it in.这就对了There you go.-天哪 -哇哦还没忘-Geez. -Wow, still got it.别让火熄了Get the light going.-亲爱的 -对不起对不起-Sweetie. -Sorry, sorry.来吻一下Give me kiss.噢你不戴眼镜好萌Aw, you're so cute without your glasses.你不应该戴的我喜欢你不戴眼镜的样子You shouldn't wear these. I like you without them. 你喜欢我不戴眼镜样子Do you like me without the glasses?应该我来戴吗Should I wear them?到这边来Get over here!你发现我了You found me.我发现你了I found you.嘿Hey.嘿你好吗Hey there.嘿你知道你是对的Hey, you know, you were right.真的吗Really?说说看呢Do tell.我们需要尝试更多的新东西We need to try more new things比如像这样在别的地方度周末like weekends away in places like this. 你这样觉得You think so?这会使我重新感到兴奋It makes me excited about us again.你感到了吗Do you feel it?-我感到了 -是吧-I do. -Yeah.我爱你I love you.我爱你I love you.准备好And here it comes.-嗷 -噢-Aw. -Oh.-差一点 -弹掉了还行-Close! -The bounce. It's okay.-好吧等一下该你了 -好吧-Okay, wait. Your turn. -Okay.-噢低一点 -低一点好-Oh, under. -Under. Okay.低一点就进了Under and in.噢见鬼Oh, shit!噢你接住了太棒了Oh, you got it. All right!我当然接住了Of course I got it.准备好了Ready?这是你的葡萄This is your grape.嗨Hi.过来过来Come here, come here.什么What?过来Come here.太棒了That was awesome!我知道你能行I knew you could do it.你想今晚睡在这里吗Do you want to sleep here tonight? 我们能吗Can we?当然能我们想怎么样都行Sure. We can do whatever we want. 好啊很好Okay. Yep.我去取几件衣服Let me just get some clothes.我可不想穿着牛仔裤睡觉I don't want to sleep in my jeans. -好的 -你需要什么吗-Okay. -You want anything?不用I'm good.我爱你亲I love you, hon.我在这儿等你I'll be right here.好的'Kay.哈哈你睡着了You're asleep.很搞笑Very funny.你赢了你让我笑了You did it. You got your joke.伊桑Ethan.伊桑Ethan.别装了Stop it.我笑了玩笑结束了I laughed. It's over now.你去哪儿了你去哪儿了Where'd you go? Where'd you go?你怎么这么快回到这里的How did you get up here so fast?你发现秘密通道啦Did you find a secret passageway?是啊秘密的地下通道Yeah, secret underground passage.哇哦Wow.太神秘了So mysterious.不过说真的你怎么这么快到这里的No, seriously. How did you get here so fast?你让我糊涂了You beat me.什么What?你怎么在我之前就从客房♥回到这里来的How did you get here from the guest house before me? 你是说在晚饭前You mean, before dinner?我只是在外面走了一圈就走到那里了I was just walking outside and I just walked over.不不是晚饭前就刚才No, not before dinner, just now.你怎么浑身是汗Why are you so sweaty?你去跑步了还是什么Did you go for a run or something?噢是啊Oh, yeah.因为...你的玩笑还没开完吗 that the joke that's happening now?什么What?你想开玩笑你不记得...The joke that you're not going to remember ...我们刚刚做过爱因为这真的很搞笑that we just had sex, because that's really funny. 等等Wait!我们刚做过爱We just had sex?好吧这一点也不好笑Okay. That's not funny.我没想要搞笑I'm not trying to be funny.我还以为你在开玩笑呢I thought you were making a joke.你为什么要这么做Why are you doing this right now?我没做什么啊I'm not doing anything.我...我...什么...嗯I-I've...你知道伊桑You know what, Ethan?你刚刚过了美好的一晚You just had a really nice night我不明白为什么你想毁了它and I don't know why you would ruin it.我没想要毁了我们的夜晚I'm not trying to ruin our night.我想要一个美好的夜晚I want to have a nice night.很好我们做♥爱♥了非常棒Fine, we had sex. It was great.你迷人极了You were amazing.你真是个混♥蛋♥You're an asshole.晚安Good night.对不起I'm sorry.我爱你I love you.我爱你I love you.嘿Hey.早上好帅哥Good morning, handsome.噢我宿醉了Oh. I'm hungover.是啊听上去你需要吃点早餐Well, it sounds like you need some breakfast.不是我非得揪住不放Not that we need to get back into it.呃...但昨晚那一架吵得的确有点奇怪Um, but that was a little bit of a weird fight last night.我知道I know.我不是很理解发生什么了但我感觉好像...I don't really understand what happened, but I feel like也许我们可以把账算到混用了劣质大♥麻♥和... maybe we just chalk it up to like some bad pot......酒精头上过去就过去了Alcohol combo, put it behind us不能让它毁了我们的假期and not let it ruin the trip.同意百分百Agreed, totally.很好Cool.话虽这么说That being said,但那是我们经历过的it was one of the weirder最奇怪的争吵了像是...fights we've had. Like...噢天哪是的Oh my God, I know.太荒唐了对吗Crazy, right?我是说我...我仍然不能完全理解...I mean I-I still don't fully understand...是因为你醉得和嗨得太厉害了whether you were so drunk and stoned以为我们真的做♥爱♥了呢that you thought we had sex还是因为你只想开个玩笑结果却开过头了or were you just were making a joke and it backfired.说实话我觉得那只是诸多原因之一你知道Honestly, I think it was just one of those things, you know?诸多原因之一...不我是问你...One of those, I'm asking you是因为你醉得和嗨得太厉害还是只是想开个玩笑was it that you were drunk and stoned or was it playing a joke... 因为我仍然搞不懂是怎么回事because I'm still confused what happened.我觉得重要的是你知道I think the important thing is that, you know,我们争吵了又和好了we fought, we made up,我们抱在了一起美好的一天we had a nice cuddle, beautiful day.索菲你在说什么呀Sophie, what are you talking about?我们吵了一架你愤然离开We had a fight and you stormed out.我们没有和好We didn't make up.你没事吧Are you okay?我很好啊你没事吧我...I'm fine, are you okay? I'm...行了宿醉先生Okay, Mr. Hangover.我觉得你该吃点东西了I think it's time for some food.嗯来往你胃里填点东西吧Let's get something in your stomach.你这样有点吓到我了索菲You're kind of freaking me out a little bit, Sophie.我得说...那是熏肉吗I've got to say...Is that bacon?是啊Yeah.你讨厌我吃熏肉You hate it when I eat bacon.怎么了What?怎么回事What's going on?这正是我想弄明白的That's what I'm trying to figure out.我不明白你这是要干嘛I don't understand why you're doing this.不No.-不不不不 -不什么不什么-No, no, no, no. -No what?刚才...刚才这里有盘子...喂有人吗This was...There were plates...Hello?你说什么盘子What are you talking about plates?-有人吗有人吗 -你在干嘛...伊桑-Hello, hello? -What are you...Ethan?-你去哪儿了 -谁去哪儿了-Where'd you go? -Where'd who go?伊桑Ethan?有人吗Hello?伊桑Ethan?刚才有熏肉就在那些盘子里...There was bacon right there on those plates...你在说什么啊伊桑回答我What are you talking about? Ethan, answer me.不可能...熏肉的味道...You can't...the smell of bacon...不可能在五分钟之内就把熏肉的气味赶光啊you can't get the smell of bacon out in five minutes. -刚才有熏肉...-什么熏肉-There was bacon...-What about bacon?就在这里刚才有熏肉在这里Right here. There was bacon here.你为什么要这样作怪Why are you acting like this?见鬼索菲索菲Shit. Sophie, Sophie.等等等一下Wait, wait, wait, wait.索菲索菲...Sophie, Sophie...-干嘛 -对不起-What? -I'm sorry.-什么 -对不起你等一下-What? -I'm sorry, just wait.对不起我刚才抓狂了我知道I'm sorry. I'm spazing out in there, I know, 但有些事太他妈诡异了but something fucking weird像是发生了《迷离时空》里的鬼玩意儿like Twilight Zone shit is going on here,我想搞清到底怎么回事明白吗and I'm trying to get a handle on it, okay? 昨晚我们用了一顿美好的晚餐Last night we had a nice dinner.一起好吃好喝了一番是吗We had a blast together, right?-是的 -好的-Yes. -Okay.然后我们吸了点大♥麻♥ Then, we smoked some pot.我在沙发上睡着了I fell asleep on the couch.接下来我知道的事是你弄醒了我Next thing I know, you woke me up声称我们刚刚一起做♥爱♥了claiming that we had just had sex together. 因为我们做了Because we did!好吧我过来这里Okay. I came here.这里没人Nobody was here.我就在这里的沙发上睡着了I fell asleep on this couch并在半夜醒来时发现你依偎在我旁边and I woke up to you snuggling me.什么你在说什么呢What? What are you talking about?不我没有No, I didn't.你这样否认在我看来简直疯了不是吗That's crazy to me that you would deny that, okay?-我没来过 -一点不错-I didn't. -Exactly.就像我否认和你做过爱一样疯狂Crazy just like me denying that I had slept with you.你明白我在说什么吗You know what I'm saying?我们有各自与对方在一起的完全分离的经历We had two completely separate experiences with each other 我们俩没有一个记得的...that neither of us remembers, and...稍等一下我要独自进到里面去好吗Hang on a second. I'm going to go in there by myself, okay? 为什么Why?你就呆在这儿就30秒钟呆着别动You just stay here for like 30 seconds. Don't move.伊桑Ethan!有人吗Hello?嘿宝贝Hey, Babe.能把毛巾递给我吗Can you hand me a towel?你在里面洗澡You're in that shower.我刚递给你毛巾I just handed you a towel.好吧你看我不再生你气了Okay, you know what, I'm not even mad anymore.现在你吓到我了Now you're just scaring me,我不明白为什么你要这么做and I don't understand why you're doing this. 去啊你自己去看看索菲Go, go see for yourself, Sophie.小心点Be careful.嘿整个早上你去哪儿了Hey, where you been all morning?你好吗索菲Hello, Sophie.我只是走了走I was just walking.噢是啊Oh, yeah.外面真的很不错哈That's really nice out?说实话这里有点太亮了It's actually a little bright in here.你介意我把这拉上吗Do you mind if I close these?早上的阳光太烈了The morning sun here is insane.过来抱一个Give me a hug.不好意思我汗津津的Sorry. I'm a little sweaty.没事That's okay.拜托Come on.索菲Sophie.索Soph?去他妈的Fuck this.有没搞错You're kidding me!索菲Sophie?噢我的天哪嘿你没事吧Oh my God! Hey, are you okay?你在里面就是你You're in there. It's you.你在锻炼You're exercising.这怎么回事What is happening?我不知道I don't know.这简直...荒唐透顶This is so...crazy.那真的发生过吗Did that really happen?我是说那样的...那样的事...I mean, did that, was that...我只是不...我不理解I just don't...I don't understand.那是另一个维度吗Is it another dimension,当你穿过那道门 when you go through the door,...就到了生存的另一个面还是 it another plane of existence or...我不知道I don't know.我一点也不知道I've no clue.我觉得我们只消说发生了诡异的破事I think we need to just say some weird shit happened.我们把它禁闭起来We compartmentalize it.也许存在某种宇宙偏差...There was a cosmic aberration of some sort...-是啊是啊不再管它 -我们回家-Yeah, yeah. Move on. -And we go home.我们不再谈论这事我们也不再思考这事We don't talk about this again, and we just stop thinking about it. 好的Okay.-是啊我们可以不管它了 -结束-Yeah. We could move on. -Done.噢我的天哪我还是禁不住要想Oh my God, I can't stop thinking about it.你呢Can you?我们只是需要我想...We're just going to have to just I guess...一点时间你知道Time, you know.我不可能不去想这事伊桑I'm not going to be able to stop thinking about this, Ethan.那我们还能怎么样呢Well, what else can we do?我是说我们...我们该怎么做呢你说I mean what are we, what ar we going to do, you know?唔我的意思是...Well, I mean, there's the...疯狂的举动是...there's the crazy thing to do which is...什么What?那就是你知道去探个究竟Which is to, you know, explore it further.探个究竟Explore it further?我知道你只是呆了一小会儿...I know you only had a little bit of it...是啊我在那儿好像只呆了三秒钟Yeah. I was there for like three seconds.我知道可我...可我呆了整个一晚上...I know. And I, but I had a whole evening......在那屋里我不得不说In that house, and I have to say,我知道我现在听上去像个疯子I know I sound like a crazy person right now,但我不得不说那的确有点神奇but I have to say it was kind of magical.-可是...-那...-Well...-It was...可是也别过于夸张了在那儿发生的神奇之事But don't go overboard with the whole magic of what happened there 因为我知道你在那儿干了什么明白吗because I know what you did in there, okay?好吧我说的不是那个All right. That's not what I'm talking about.我说的不是那种神奇I'm not talking about that kind of magic.那里有一种激♥情♥There was a rush.非常令人激动我感受到幸福It was exciting. I felt happy.还不仅仅是那样And it wasn't just that.不仅仅是在客房♥里的时间It wasn't just the time in the guest house.我是说我们在主宅里也一样过得很愉快I mean, we had a great time in the main house. 是的不错我们过得很愉快Yes, we did. We had a good time.不只是因为大♥麻♥It wasn't just the weed.我是说我们有了交流我们有了谈话I mean we were connecting, we were talking, 我们很开心我们...很开心we were happy, we were...happy.是的Yes.可我们在洛拉帕鲁扎音乐节上的We also had a fantastic time狂欢时光也同样奇妙无比when we did ecstasy at Lalapalooza,但在生活中我们不会每天but we're not going to do都那么做那样会死...that every day of our lives because you die... -是啊 -对吗-Right. -Okay?这关乎到我们的安危There's a question of our safety here.是的但我不觉得这事很危险Yeah. But I didn't feel like it was dangerous.我不觉得...我觉得很安全I didn't feel...I felt safe.我也不觉得危险I didn't feel dangerous, either.我觉得我是和你在一起I felt like I was with you.这正是我们在理疗过程中一再谈到的事This is something that we've been talking about in therapy... 探索新的可能性创造出新的关系...exploring new options, creating a new relationship...不要想着回到过去Not going back to the past重新创造已经发生过的旧事物and re-creating old things that happened而是要开始新的事物but starting with new things.好吧我理解你的意思Yeah. Point taken.我知道这样...I know that this is...我可没设想这样的...I didn't imagine this sort of...-极端 -...新事物-Extreme. -New thing.没错可是...Absolutely, but...我设想的是比如骑骑马呀I imagined like horseback riding带上一小包酒你知道with a little satchel of wine, you know?而不是去探索某个...Not exploring other dimensions...诡异版的《谁怕弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫》里的其他维度in some weird version of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?如果这是我想去做的事呢What if this is something that I want to do?你想要回去You want to go back?我想要改善我们的关系I want to help our relationship.唔...说这个有点怪怪的So...a little weird to say this,但我还是有点小纠结but I'm struggling a little bit with the fact对你昨晚睡了另一个我这一事实that you slept with the other me last night.是的可我以为那是你Yeah, but I thought it was you.我知道我不是在生你气或责怪你I know. I'm not mad or blaming you.我只是...如果我不说那就是在骗你你知道I just like...I'd be lying if I, you know,我是有点嫉妒我想是的so I was a little jealous, I guess.好吧我理解All right. I understand,但显然我绝没有有意对你不忠but obviously I would never knowingly cheat on you.那么似乎只有我们一次进去一个的时候才起作用So it seems like it only works if we go in one at a time.没错Correct.所以我想我们只要商量好谁想先进去就行了So I guess we'll just figure out who wants to go in there first. 我马上出来亲爱的I'll be out in a minute, sweetheart.好的我在这儿Okay, I'm here.喔哦太好吃了Whoa, that's good.嗯Um.嘿熏肉怎么样Hey, is that bacon okay?已经放了好一会儿了It's been sitting out for awhile.很不错It's good.很好Good.整个上午你都去哪儿了Where have you been all morning?随便转转你知道Hanging out, you know.不错Cool.我想你了I missed you.你想我了You missed me?当然Of course.过来和坐一起Come sit with me.好的Okay.那么...So...那么...So...想到实际上我们结过婚是不是感觉很奇怪Isn't it crazy to think that we're actually married? 我想是的I guess so.我们是夫妻We are husband and wife.-我知道 - 是啊-I know. -Yeah.我喜欢I love it.对了你在这儿多久了How long have you been here, by the way?从我们昨天来这儿之后傻瓜Since we came yesterday, silly.不我是说在这客房♥里No, I mean, in the guest house.从我们昨夜睡在这儿之后Since we slept here last night.啊噢有人开启了侦探模式Oh. Someone's in detective mode.对不起我不是有意的Sorry. I didn't mean to be.没事我不介意That's okay. I don't mind.你有没有在这周围好好走走Have you explored the grounds very much?我觉得我对这儿的感觉相当不错I think I have a pretty good sense of it.这儿非常漂亮是吗It's so pretty here, isn't it?是的你愿意陪我出去走一圈吗It is. Would you like to go on a walk with me?现在不太想你要出去走的话随意好了Not really right now, but you're welcome to go on a walk. 这也是你的假期呀It's your vacation, too.好的Okay.我们回头见了索菲I'll see you in a little bit, Sophie.好的伊桑Okay, Ethan.喔哦Whoa.-太神奇了 -告诉我-Fascinating. -Tell me.好的里面的那一位百分百确信她就是你Okay. That being in there is 100% convinced that she is you. -是吗 -是的-She is? -Yeah.我提了几个无关痛痒的挑战问题I threw out some soft challenges.她镇定自若She is unflappable.我觉得等你进去以后...I think when you go in there...天哪太不可思议了God, it's crazy.是啊你提几个我们经历过的比较特殊的例子Yeah, you throw out some like very specific examples看看他是如何反应的from our past and see how he reacts.噢不不亲爱的Oh, no, no, sweetie.我觉得我们不应该挑战他们I don't think we're supposed to challenge them.要是他们消失了或怎么样了怎么办你知道What if they disappear or something, you know?要是他们吓坏了怎么办What if they freak out?我的意思是就让他们以为I'm just saying what's the harm in letting他们是我们又何妨them think that they're us?是啊我是说我...好吧Yeah, I mean, I...all right.是没什么妨害There's no harm in it.我只是觉得这事的部分乐趣...I just thought part of the fun of this...在于像是做调查要找出...was like the investigation and trying to...我知道你当然觉得乐趣在于调查I know. Of course you thought the fun was in the investigation. 等等别急嘛Wait, hold on.就像那场拉斯维加斯的魔术表演It's like at the magic show in Vegas每当魔术师玩出一个花样你都急着向我揭秘when you told me how the magician did every single trick你毁了整场表演不仅对我and you ruined the entire show for me而且对我们周围的每一个人and everyone around us.好吧你记得我们谈的那场魔术表演...Okay. You remember we talked about the magic show...是三年前的事了吧我们可以不再提了吗was three years ago and we're moving past that?-行吗 -好的-Okay. -Yeah.我们先回房♥里Let's go inside.我们一起定出一些基本规则We'll make up some ground rules together.那样不管你还是我就不会感到That way neither of us feels like,你知道不会有任何的 know, there's any kind of...困惑Confusion.-或者说让我们保持一致 -好的-Or just being on the same page. -Okay.当我们在那客房♥里...While we are in the guest house...和那两个怪人在一起时with the weird people,不能有亲昵行为不能有性no intimacy, no sex.好的绝对同意Yes. Absolutely agreed.-不能有性 -很好-No sex. -Good.还有呢What else?唔我想说那让我想到了Well, I would say that would lead me to,你知道不能暗中监视you know, no spying必须得有信任and there has to be trust involved,对发生在客房♥里的事...and we'll be honest with each other...我们将彼此诚实...about what happens in the guest house and... 是的就像是...Right. It's like a...差不多像是疗法中的信任练习it's like a therapy exercise in trust almost.-这就是信任练习 -是的很好-It's a trust exercise. -Okay, great.这就是我们来此的目的That's why we're here.很好呃...Good. Um.我们看啊...Let's see.我想如果还有别的什么...I guess if there's anything else...既然我现在又想到了一条Actually this is kind of really important now那真的还是蛮重要的that I think about it.我们尽可以玩得开心但如果在任何一刻...We can have fun with this, but if at any point...不管是谁感觉不舒服了想要停止either of us becomes uncomfortable and wants to stop, 我们就立刻停止打包走人...we just cut it off, pack our bags...绝对的绝对的Absolutely, absolutely.同意Agreed.这建议很好这建议真的很好That's a good one, that's a really good one.是的Yeah.还有吗Anything else?我想就这样了I think that's it.就这样了我同意I do too.既然现在我们有点像是试水性质的So since we're just kind of like dipping our toes in here, 我觉得第一回合也许我们I think maybe we shouldn't spend不该花太长时间呆在里面too much time in there the first go-around.好的 15分钟怎么样Okay. How does 15 minutes sound?好的我觉得可以Yeah, I think that's good.好的但是你知道你别站在外面等我Okay, but don't, you know, stand outside waiting for me. 等等什么Wait, what?唔你知道我想那会让我很紧张的Well, you know, I think it's going to make me nervous要是我想到你一直站在门外等我出来if I think you're waiting right outside the door.是啊好吧有道理Yeah, okay. That's fair.噢你是说我现在就走Oh, you mean, like right now?-是的 -是啊好吧-Yeah. -Yeah, okay.是的对不起Yes, sorry.-好了 -去吧-Okay. -Go ahead.好的Okay.玩得开心点但注意安全Enjoy yourself, but be safe.嘿Hey.画的不错哦It's nice.你可以实话实说You could be honest.我承受得了批评I handle the criticism.不它...No, it's...好吧okay.我觉得我看上去有点严厉I think I look a little severe.你是这样看我的Is that how you see me?不No.我不是个很好的画家而已I'm just not a very good painter.不No.我想试着模仿德加I was trying to emulate Degas他用那些奇妙的色彩点亮他所画肖像的脸who lights up his portrait faces with all these wonderful colors. 德加。



你认为听音乐可以给我们带来什么英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1What Music Can Do For UsHi friends! Today I want to tell you all about how amazing music is. Music makes me really happy and I think it can help all of us in so many ways. Let me share some of the awesome things music does for me and my friends.First off, music is just really fun! Listening to your favorite songs or singing along can instantly put a smile on your face. When I'm feeling down or bored, I pop in my headphones and the upbeat rhythms instantly cheer me up. It's like the music gives me a big warm hug. My best friend Katie says music videos make her want to get up and dance around her bedroom. Doesn't that sound fun?Music can also help you feel lots of different feelings. Some songs make me want to jump up and down with excitement. Others make me feel totally relaxed and calm. If I'm feeling angry, I can listen to music that helps me let out those mad feelings in a good way. And if I'm sad, listening to slower, quieter musicsometimes makes me cry, but then I feel better after getting those emotions out. It's like music is my friend that understands exactly how I'm feeling.Another awesome thing about music is that it brings people together. My mom and dad used to go to a lot of concerts when they were younger. They say it was so cool being surrounded by thousands of other people who all loved that band as much as they did. Everyone was singing along, dancing, and feeling the same emotions from the music. It created this amazing shared experience. Even today when my parents play their old favorite albums, it brings back those happy memories of being at the shows.Speaking of shared experiences, did you know that music can actually cause your brains and heartbeats to sync up with the people around you? Scientists studied groups of people listening to music together and their bodies started naturally getting on the same rhythm. Pretty crazy, right? Our bodies are like, "Hey, this is my song too!" and they all join together. That's whymúsica bonds people in such a special way.Music can also help you learn things better. Some teachers will put on classical music while students are working because it helps their brains to concentrate more. The music puts them in afocused state where it's easier to take in and remember information. If you're having trouble memorizing facts for a test, put on something relaxing without words and see if that doesn't help it stick better.Athletes also use music to get themselves pumped up and motivated. You've probably seen runners with headphones or a basketball player listening to their favorite get-hyped playlist before a big game. The fast tempo and energetic sounds charge up their adrenaline so they feel empowered to push themselves harder. After their event, soothing music can help them relax their bodies too. It's like music helps prep them physically and mentally.In fact, music can improve your health in all sorts of ways. Upbeat tunes make you want to move around which is good exercise. And listening to relaxing songs can lower your blood pressure, reduce stress hormones, and even boost your immunity. How cool is that? Next time you or your parents feel a cold coming on, you should absolutely throw on some soothing tunes. The music can help your body heal better.There are also tons of awesome careers you can have working with music. You could be a singer, songwriter, musician, music teacher, sound engineer, composer, music therapist, or somuch more. Hannah from my class says she wants to be a musicologist when she grows up so she can discover really old music from different cultures. How fascinating! Doesn't it sound like so much fun to spend your life surrounded by the thing you're most passionate about?As you can see, music truly enriches our lives in countless ways. It stirs up powerful emotions, creates communities, enhances our learning, improves our health, and can even lead to really neat jobs. But most of all, it simply brings joy and fun whenever we need it most.When you really think about it, music is kind of like this incredible invisible force that penetrates deep inside our hearts and souls. It can make us feel every human emotion possible - happiness, sadness, anger, love, pride, motivation, relaxation. And somehow those feelings become even bigger and better when we experience them together through music. That shared energy is what connects us to each other as humans.So next time you press play on your favorite album, I want you think about how awesome it is that these rhythms and melodies can do so much for you. Keep an open mind and heart to all the amazing ways music can touch your life. Who knows,you may even discover your new life's passion! Thanks for reading, friends. Time for me to go listen to some tunes!篇2What I Think Listening to Music Can Bring to UsMusic is awesome! I love listening to music and I bet you do too. Have you ever wondered why music is so great? Well, I've been thinking about it a lot and I want to share what I think listening to music can do for us.First of all, music just makes me happy! Whenever I'm feeling down or bored, I pop on my headphones and listen to my favorite songs. The melodies and rhythms instantly put a smile on my face. I find myself bobbing my head, tapping my feet, or even dancing around like a silly goofball. The fun, upbeat tunes boost my mood and fill me with positive energy. Music is like a potent anti-sadness medicine!Not only does music make me feel happier, but it can also motivate me. When I'm struggling to finish my homework or chores, I turn on some music with a driving beat. Somehow the rhythms re-energize me and push me to keep going until I'm done. The lyrics can be inspiring too. Some songs have powerfulwords about working hard and never giving up that really fire me up.Listening to music is also an incredible way to use your imagination. When I hear a beautiful song, it's like a movie starts playing in my mind. I vividly picture the scenes and characters the lyrics are describing. The melodies and harmonies add so many layers of emotion that make my mental movies feel extremely real and dramatic. Getting lost in imaginative worlds through music is one of my favorite things.Have you ever felt powerful emotions while listening to an amazing song? I have - many times! When a song has very meaningful, deep lyrics, it can make me feel tremendous sadness one minute and overwhelming joy the next. The sounds and vocals can give me chills or make me want to cry happy tears. It's like the music opens a door straight into my heart and soul. I think listening to terribly emotional music helps me understand myself better and be more in touch with my feelings.Certain types of music can even make me smarter and more focused! Classical music with its fancily composed melodies and harmonies helps me concentrate really hard when I'm studying or doing brain-racking homework. The sophisticated sounds seem to activate my brain's thinking powers. Plus, listening tomusic while I work always makes the time fly by faster so I can be more productive.As you can probably tell, I think listening to music is awesome for so many reasons. It boosts my mood and motivation. It sparks my imagination and connects me to my deepest emotions. It even helps me be smarter and more focused. Whenever I'm listening to great tunes, I just feel more alive and like my best self.Music is the most wonder-filled art form to me. Every song is a tiny miracle composed of rhythms, melodies, lyrics, and more musical magic all blended together in endless combinations. And we're so lucky that this incredible music is always at our fingertips thanks to things like streaming and our phones. We can access millions of songs anytime to feel happier, fired up, imaginative, emotional, or super smart.So what are you waiting for? Go listen to something amazing right now! Whetherr it's hip hop, rock, pop, classical, or any other style, I'm certain the music will make your heart sing. Just throw on your favorite tunes and let the melodies work their awesomeness on your mind, feelings, and spirit. Experience all the incredible things music can bring your way. Trust me, it'll be so unbelievably AWESOME!篇3Music Makes Me Happy!Hi, my name is Tommy and I'm in fourth grade. My favorite subject is music class because I just love listening to music! Music makes me feel so happy and energetic. I even like to listen to music while I'm doing my homework. My mom says as long as I can concentrate, it's okay.There are so many great things about music. First of all, it's just fun to listen to! You can dance around, sing along, or just chill out. My favorite genres are pop and rock because the beats are so catchy and upbeat. Whenever I hear a really good song, I can't help but smile and bop my head to the rhythm. It instantly puts me in a good mood!But music isn't just entertaining, it can also be really helpful in other ways too. Like, if I'm feeling sad or upset about something, listening to happy, uplifting songs cheers me up. The lyrics and melodies take my mind off whatever was bothering me. And if I'm really energetic after school, putting on some music with a strong beat helps me get that energy out in a fun way by dancing around like a crazy person! Music is an awesome way to express any emotion or feeling.Another way music is useful is that it can help me concentrate sometimes. If I'm feeling antsy or distracted when I'm trying to do my homework, putting on some instrumental or classical music with no words helps me block out other noises and distractions so I can focus on my work. It's almost like the music puts me in a little bubble. My older brother says he listens to certain kinds of music without words when he studies for tests too.Music can also teach us new things. In music class, we learn about notes, rhythms, instruments, and even music from different cultures around the world. We just learned about traditional Chinese music and all the unique plucked and stringed instruments they use. It was so interesting to learn about different musical styles I had never heard before. I realized there is so much more music out there besides what I normally listen to.Learning an instrument itself teaches patience, practice, and perseverance. It's not easy to learn to play something like the violin or drums. You have to keep practicing over and over, even when it's frustrating sometimes. My best friend Jake started learning the guitar last year. At first he wasn't very good at it and wanted to quit. But his parents kept encouraging him to stickwith it. After months of lessons and practice, he's gotten so much better! Now he can play some really cool rock songs. I'm proud of him for not giving up.Another cool thing about music is that it brings people together in a really fun way. At my school, we have winter and spring concerts where we get to perform songs and dances on stage for our families. It's an awesome feeling to work together as a group towards the same goal. We have to cooperate, encourage each other, and cheer each other on. The audience is always so happy and proud at the end. It makes the whole school community feel united and connected.People also bond over their favorite bands, artists, or genres of music. My uncle is a huge heavy metal fan and knows everything about the history and bands. He even has metalt-shirts from concerts he went to decades ago! Whenever my cousin Eric comes over, the two of them talk for hours about their favorite songs, share music videos, and reminisce about seeing certain bands in concert when they were younger. You can tell it's something really special they share.Of course, probably the best thing about music is getting to experience it live at a concert! I went to my very first concert a few months ago to see my favorite pop band. The energy in thecrowd was just electrifying. Everyone was cheering, singing along, waving glow sticks, and just being consumed by the music. The bright lights, huge speakers, and seeing the actual performers on stage made me appreciate the music so much more than just listening to it on my headphones. It was an experience I'll never forget.Overall, music is one of the most amazing, powerful forces in our world. It can motivate us, teach us, connect us, and most of all, bring us joy. Whether you're listening to it, playing it, singing it, or dancing to it, music has a way of making everything seem better. So keep those tunes playing! I know I will.篇4What Music Can Do For UsHi there! My name is Jamie and I'm 10 years old. Today I want to tell you all about why listening to music is so awesome. Music makes me really happy and there are so many good things it can do for us kids. Let me explain!First of all, music helps me feel good emotions. WheneverI'm feeling sad, angry, or worried about something, listening to my favorite songs can cheer me up. The melodies and rhythms seem to wash away my bad mood and replace it with positivevibes. Songs with upbeat tempos make me want to dance around my room. The lyrics to happy songs remind me of joyful times and put a smile back on my face.But music doesn't just help with negative emotions - it can also amplify positive ones too! When I'm already feeling great, jamming out to an energetic song amplifies those feel-good vibes. If I'm feeling proud of an accomplishment, listening to an empowering anthem makes me feel like I'm on top of the world. Music is like a best friend that's always there to celebrate good times with me.Some songs have lyrics that give me comfort when I'm scared or lonely too. Having a friend go through a hard time with you, even if it's just a friend's voice on the radio, can make a tough situation feel a little easier. Knowing that the singer has faced similar struggles and made it through okay gives me hope that I can too. Their words of wisdom feel like a warm hug.Music also helps tune out distractions when I need to focus. If I'm working on my math homework, I'll pop in my headphones and listen to something without words that has a driving beat. The rhythmic sound kind of hypnotizes my brain so I can zero in on the equations. Classical music without a lot of crazy stuff going on is perfect music to study to as well.Sometimes, though, I don't need to block out distractions but rather amp up my concentration. If I'm working on an artistic project like painting or creative writing, an ambient music playlist sets the perfect vibe. The melodies get my creative juices flowing and make it easier for my mind to wander into the imaginary worlds I'm trying to construct with my art.Music can be therapeutic too! After an intense ballet practice, I often have a lot of built-up pressure and tension in my muscles. But putting on a mellow playlist as I stretch helps me breathe through the tightness and release it. The gentle harmonies have an amazing way of loosening knots and relaxing my body.But you know what's really cool about music? It doesn't just impact us as individuals - it brings people together too! Listening to the same tunes creates shared experiences that bond people. When I'm at a baseball game hearing the same anthems as thousands of others, we're all united and feeling that swell of team spirit in our chests. Music is the common language that allows strangers to become united.My favorite example of this is at concerts. There's nothing as epically awesome as being surrounded by a masses of people who all know and love the same band you do. We're like oneheaving organism feeding off each other's passion as we sing and dance in joyful unison. Those are memories I'll never forget!And the best part? You don't have to be a musical expert to feel music's magic. Whether you're a professional singer or just an enthusiastic shower singer, the effect is still powerful. At my school, we have these amazing music therapy teachers who work with kids who have special needs. Even though some of those kids can't speak, sing, or play instruments themselves, you can see how mesmerized and joyful they get from just listening to the musical vibrations.So those are some of the incredible things music can do for us! It boosts our emotions, increases our focus and creativity, calms and de-stresses us, bonds people together, and brings pure sonic joy to our lives. Every image, feeling, and memory in our brains has a unique soundtrack attached to it - without music, life would feel incomplete.I hope you can see now why I (and millions of other kids) spend so much time listening to music, going to shows, and making playlists. It's because music makes everything better! So Grab your headphones and get ready to have your mind blown by the extraordinary power of music! Thanks for reading, guys!篇5Here's an essay on "What Do You Think Listening to Music Can Bring to Us?" written from the perspective of an elementary school student, with a length of around 2,000 words:Music is Awesome!Hi there! My name is Alex, and I'm a fourth-grader at Sunny Valley Elementary School. Today, I want to talk to you about one of my favorite things in the world – music! I absolutely love listening to music, and I think it's really awesome for a lot of reasons.First of all, music makes me feel really good. Whenever I'm feeling sad or angry or just kind of blah, listening to my favorite songs always cheers me up. The melodies and rhythms just seem to lift my spirits and put me in a happier mood. It's like magic! Even if I'm already feeling happy, music makes me feel even happier and more energized.Another great thing about music is that it can help me focus and concentrate better. When I have to do my homework or study for a test, I often put on some quiet, instrumental music in the background. It helps me block out distractions and really zero in on what I'm working on. My mom says it's because themusic engages a different part of my brain than the part I'm using for my schoolwork, so they don't interfere with each other. Whatever the reason, it really works!Music is also a lot of fun to dance and sing along to. My friends and I love having dance parties in my basement, where we can crank up the music and just let loose. We make up silly dances and sing at the top of our lungs (which probably drives my parents crazy, but they're pretty cool about it). It's such a great way to get some exercise and just be goofy together.Speaking of singing, one of my biggest dreams is to be a singer when I grow up. I love performing in our school talent shows and choir concerts. There's nothing quite like the rush of standing on stage and belting out a song with all my heart. Even though I sometimes get a little nervous, the feeling of joy and pride when the audience applauds makes it all worth it.Music can also teach us a lot of important things. Some songs have really meaningful lyrics about topics like friendship, perseverance, or standing up for what's right. Listening to those kinds of songs helps me think about values and how to be a good person. Other songs are about historical events or different cultures, which is a really cool way to learn about the world.Of course, music is also just plain fun! There are so many different genres and styles to explore, from pop and rock to classical and country. I love discovering new artists and songs and sharing them with my friends. We'll often make each other playlists or have little dance parties when we find a song we really like.One of my favorite things to do is to close my eyes and really listen to the different instruments and sounds in a song. I can pick out the guitars, drums, keyboards, and vocals, and it's almost like they're telling a little story or painting a picture in my mind. Sometimes I'll even try to figure out what the different sections of a song represent – like maybe the verse is about someone's struggles, and the chorus is about their hopes and dreams.I could go on and on about how much I love music, but I'll wrap things up for now. To me, music is way more than just something to listen to – it's a source of joy, energy, focus, and inspiration. It brings people together and helps us express ourselves in really beautiful and powerful ways. So crank up your favorite tunes and let the music move you! Who knows, maybe you'll even discover your own passion for music like I have.篇6What Music Can Do For YouHey friends! Today I want to talk to you about one of my very favorite things - music! Whether you're listening to music, singing along, or even playing an instrument yourself, music is just the best. But you probably already knew that, didn't you? What you might not know is all the incredible ways that music can help make our lives better. Get ready, because I'm going to tell you ALL about it!First off, listening to music just makes you feel good, doesn't it? It can instantly lift your mood and put a smile on your face. Whenever I'm feeling down or upset about something, putting on one of my favorite tunes always cheers me up. The melodies and rhythms seem to have a special way of making my body and mind feel happier. It's like the music gives my brain a great big hug!Music can also be a great way to express all the feelings inside of you. Sometimes it's hard to find the words to describe how you're feeling, whether you're excited, sad, angry, or anything else. But punch up a song that captures that emotion and suddenly you have an awesome way to let those feelings out and understand them better. The singers and lyrics put thoseindescribable feelings into words and sounds for you. It's pretty amazing when you think about it!Did you know that music can actually be really good for your brain too? Studies show that listening to music helps kids do better at everything from focusing and memorizing stuff to developing reading skills. The rhythms and patterns in music get your brain working on all kinds of important tasks without you even realizing it. If you play a musical instrument, that's even better for building your brainpower. I'm trying to learn the guitar right now and let me tell you, it's one tough workout for my brain! But I know sticking with it will make me smarter. Well (I)may need a little help memorizing all those chords first.Speaking of getting smarter, how about using music to help you learn other subjects too? Teachers are always playing little songs and raps to help kids remember facts, from math formulas to the names of the presidents. At home, throwing on some fun, educational music can make tasks like studying and homework a lot more enjoyable too. Just don't blame me if you get carried away singing along and forget what you were supposed to be doing!Music is super awesome for exercise and sports as well. Watch any workout video and you'll see what I mean - thedriving beats and pumped-up lyrics help motivate you and give you more energy to push through. That's why players and athletes always have their headphones on while training. I know when I'm running laps in gym class, blasting my favoritehigh-energy playlist is a must to keep me going. Replace the lyrics with "I think I can, I think I can" and you'll be amazed at how much farther you can push yourself.There's also the whole creativity side of music. So many artists draw inspiration from listening to certain songs or musical genres. Writers, painters, dancers, you name it - seems like music has a magical ability to get those creative juices flowing in people. I know whenever I'm working on an art project or just daydreaming, turning on some chill, atmospheric music unlocks this whole other side of my imagination and creative thinking. Even when I'm just doodling or writing silly stories for fun, it's cool how the music shapes the ideas coming out of my mind.One of the best things about music though? How it brings people together! You can be total strangers who don't even speak the same language, but as soon as you start singing or playing music together it's like you suddenly become best friends. There's just something so unifying about joining your voices in harmony or tapping out rhythms side by side. Musiccreates an instant connection and makes you feel closer to those around you. No wonder musical singalongs and dance parties are so much fun!That sense of togetherness from music is one of the main reasons why every culture around the world has its own rich musical traditions. All the way through history, music has been bringing communities together for ceremonies, celebrations, and pure entertainment. Nowadays we're so lucky to have music streaming services where we can explore and experience those traditions from every corner of the globe! One minute I'm rocking out to Swedish pop, the next I'm moving to the beat of traditional folk music from Senegal. It really makes you appreciate how music helps bring the whole world a little bit closer.So those are just some of my thoughts on the incredible awesomeness of music! Of course, if reading this has gotten you excited to turn on some tunes right about now, I totally understand. Go ahead, press play! Personally, I find music to be one of the most joyful and life-enriching things we have. Songs have the power to energize us, soothe us, make us think, and even bring us closer to others. Next time you put your headphones on or grab a mic, remember that you're tappinginto something really special. A whole universe of melody, harmony and rhythm that can teach us, inspire us, and most of all, make us truly happy! What's better than that? Not much if you ask me!。



As a high school student, Ive come to realize that developing good habits is crucial for academic success and personal growth. Habits, once formed, can shape our daily routines and significantly impact our lives. Here, Id like to share some insights on how Ive learned to cultivate good habits in my own life.First and foremost, setting clear goals is the cornerstone of habit formation. Ive found that having a clear vision of what I want to achieve helps me stay focused and motivated. For instance, when I decided to improve my English vocabulary, I set a goal to learn ten new words every day. This specific target gave me a sense of direction and made the habit easier to establish.Consistency is another key factor in developing good habits. Ive learned that its not about making drastic changes overnight but about making small, consistent efforts over time. By practicing a little bit every day, Ive been able to gradually improve my English skills without feeling overwhelmed. This approach has also helped me maintain my momentum, as I can see the progress Im making and feel encouraged to continue.Moreover, Ive discovered the importance of creating a conducive environment for habit formation. For example, to develop a reading habit, I made sure to keep a variety of interesting books within reach at home and school. This simple act of accessibility has made it easier for me to pick up a book whenever I have some free time.Additionally, Ive found that accountability can be a powerful tool inreinforcing good habits. I started sharing my daily learning goals with my friends and family, which has not only kept me accountable but also provided me with a support system. Their encouragement and occasional reminders have been invaluable in helping me stick to my habits.Another strategy that has worked for me is to make my habits enjoyable. Ive tried to incorporate elements of fun into my learning process. For example, I listen to English songs and watch movies in English to make language learning more engaging. This has made the habit of learning English a pleasure rather than a chore.Ive also learned to be patient with myself. Habits take time to form, and there will be days when I might slip up. Instead of getting discouraged, I remind myself that its okay to have setbacks and that whats important is to get back on track as soon as possible.Lastly, Ive found that reflecting on my progress regularly helps me stay motivated. I keep a habit journal where I note down my daily activities and achievements. This practice allows me to see the patterns and improvements over time, which is incredibly rewarding and keeps me going.In conclusion, learning to develop good habits is a journey that requires clear goals, consistency, a supportive environment, accountability, enjoyment, patience, and reflection. By applying these principles, Ive been able to establish habits that have significantly improved my English skillsand overall wellbeing. Its a continuous process, but the benefits of good habits are well worth the effort.。



介绍自己最喜欢的运动项目英语作文用不定式全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1To Enjoy Swimming and Have Fun in the WaterOne of my greatest joys in life is to swim. To glide through the cool, refreshing waters brings me immense happiness and excitement. Swimming is not only a fun activity to do but also a fantastic way to exercise and stay healthy.When I first learned to swim as a young child, it was quite challenging. To put my face in the water and hold my breath seemed unnatural at first. However, with patience and practice, to swim became second nature. My parents enrolled me in swimming lessons, which allowed me to learn proper techniques from qualified instructors. To kick with my legs, move my arms in the correct strokes, and regulate my breathing were essential skills to master.As I became more confident in the water, swimming transformed from a mere lesson into a beloved hobby. There is something incredibly freeing about to be in the pool or open water. To feel the currents surrounding my body and to propelmyself through the liquid environment is an empowering sensation. No matter what troubles may be occurring on land, to escape into the water provides a temporary refuge.One of my favorite swimming strokes is to do the freestyle. To swing my arms in an alternating overarm pattern while kicking my feet feels like I am truly flying through the water. When swimming laps in a pool, I love to count my strokes and challenge myself to swim farther distances without stopping. To see the improvement in my endurance over time is extremely rewarding.Another enjoyable style of swimming is to do the backstroke. To lie on my back and gaze up at the bright sun or twinkly stars above is a peaceful experience. My body feels weightless as I alternate pulling my arms in the water while kicking my legs in a flutter kick motion. To backstroke allows me to rest my face above the water's surface, which can feel restorative after swimming multiple laps.Beyond the basic swimming strokes, I also delight in to dive and do flips into the pool. To bounce on the diving board before launching myself into the air is an adrenaline rush. I practice different twists and turns before slicing into the water withminimal splash. Of course, to exercise caution and follow all safety rules is crucial when diving.When swimming in open water environments like lakes or the ocean, I love to tread water for extended periods. To tread water requires a constant sculling motion with the arms while using a flutter or scissor kick to keep the body afloat. It is a great workout to engage the core muscles and legs. Some days I enjoy to tread water while reading a book or snacking on fresh fruit.Playing pool games like Marco Polo or categories is also fun when swimming with friends and family. To shout "Marco!" while swimming with eyes closed, then try to locate friends calling "Polo!" adds excitement and giggles. We further combine swimming with games like to see who can do the most underwater somersaults or tread water while tossing a ball back and forth.In the hot summer months, one of my favorite activities is to leap off a diving rock into a cool, refreshing lake or stream. There is something thrilling about to climb up the rock formation, assess the water's depth and entry point, then launch myself into the unknown. The rush of adrenaline as I plunge into the crisp water is incomparable.Occasionally, I also have the opportunity to snorkel while on vacation in tropical locales. To strap on a dive mask and float along the surface, peering at the vibrant underwater landscapes and sea life is breathtaking. Schools of colorful fish dart around beautiful coral reefs. It is fascinating to observe this hidden aquatic world that I normally cannot see.Overall, to swim is one of the most enjoyable physical activities for me. Not only does it provide an incredible full-body workout, but it also allows me to connect with nature through the water element. To glide, kick, and splash in the refreshing waters boosts my mood and leaves me feeling rejuvenated. No matter the swimming environment – whether a backyard pool, lake, ocean, or waterpark – I always delight in the opportunities to be active and immerse myself in the weightless, fluid fun of swimming. As long as I have access to water, swimming will forever remain my absolute favorite pastime.篇2My Favorite Sport to Play and Watch: SoccerTo be a kid is to have energy bursting at the seams. For me to release that boundless energy, my absolute favorite activity is to play soccer. To run across the field chasing a ball is simply themost fun a child could ever hope to have! I love to dribble the ball, to pass it to my teammates, and to take shots on goal. Scoring a goal makes me want to jump for joy and dance all around! Even just to watch a soccer game on TV fills me with excitement.Soccer is a game to get countless kids moving and active. Instead of sitting inside staring at screens, playing soccer requires us to sprint around for an hour or more. It pushes us to improve our fitness in order to run tirelessly up and down the field. Getting that physical activity helps keep us healthy and strong. Playing soccer also teaches teamwork - to work together and support our teammates is crucial to having any chance to win. Whether to play as a striker up front, a midfielder in the middle, a defender holding down the back line, or the goalkeeper protecting the net, every position has an important role to play.Some of my favorite professional soccer players to watch and admire are legends like Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, and Neymar. Their skill and flair with the ball is simply miraculous to witness. Messi in particular has a way to dribble through defenses that is unparalleled. To see him calmly maintain possession while defenders frantically try to poke the ball awaymakes me want to learn those same mesmerizing moves. Ronaldo's ability to leap like a superhero and powerfully head balls into the net is also amazing. When watching him soar through the air and smash an aerial shot is enough to make me want to jump off the couch and start heading every object in sight! As for the Brazilian star Neymar, his blistering speed and fancy footwork inspire me to run repeating laps dribbling a soccer ball and trying to duplicate his dazzling skills.To pretend to be one of those greats while playing in my backyard or at the park is one of the purest joys I know. To dart cleverly through an army of friends portraying defenders and fire a shot into the make-believe net gives me a rush that never gets old. Of course, that thrill reaches its peak when I get to play a real game. To lace up my cleats, take to the field with my teammates, and battle it out against our opposition is always the highlight of my week. The back-and-forth attacking and defending, the making of crucial passes and desperate attempts to score, and the roller coaster of emotion from missing chances to burying the ball in the back of the net - that entire experience enriches my life.When the action is really flowing and our team is in a groove, it almost feels like I'm watching my heroes on TV right there infront of me. To see the give-and-go passing reminiscent of the beautiful team goals you see Barcelona string together. Or for one of my friends touck the ball between a defender's legs or flick it over another's head, conjuring images ofRonaldinho's iconic skill moves. At times it's almost enough to make me wonder if I and my teammates are imaging ourselves as professionals for a fleeting moment. Perhaps we are simulating something close to that level of play before the fantasy subsides and reality reaffirms that we are just kids enjoying a game we love.Even when the final whistle blows, the fun of soccer is not over for me. I'll then spend portions of my day watching the real professionals in action on TV or catching up on highlight reels online. To witness these transcendent athletes at the peak of their powers is to see true poetry in motion. Every step, feint, spin, and strike of the ball mesmerizes. Every slide tackle, big body challenge, or desperation clearance fills me with admiration for the physical bravery required. And the biggest moments always leave me breathless - a golazohit with the outside of the boot to win a cup final; an acrobatic scissor kick to clinch a league title; or a Panenka chipshot right down themiddle of the goal to win on penalties. These spectacular memories cement themselves into my brain.Simply put, soccer is life. To play it, to watch it, to study it, to dream about it - that is what I live for as a kid. The sights and sounds, the artistry and athleticism, and the passions and parties it invokes - all of it combines into an experience like nothing else. The smile on my face while seeing my idol score a gamewinning goal in extra time mirrors the grin I wore as I knocked in the decider for my team just an hour earlier. At the end of the day, from the backyards to the billion-dollar stadiums, the joy and magic to be found in soccer are universal constants that tie all who love this game together. That bond of getting to endlessly chase a ball while making friends is a gift to beforever cherished. I will never stop dreaming of becoming a pro, but until then, the pitch will always be my happy place.篇3My Favorite Sport: To Play SoccerTo be a kid is to love playing games and sports. Of all the fun activities to do, my absolute favorite is to play soccer. To kick a ball around a field and try to get it into the goal is endlessly entertaining to me. I could spend hours upon hours happilyrunning, dribbling, passing, and shooting. To play soccer brings me so much joy and excitement.There are many reasons to adore the game of soccer. First off, it is to engage in healthy exercise and good cardiovascular activity. To run up and down the field really gets my heart pumping and makes me sweat. It feels great to be active instead of sitting around all day. Playing soccer helps to build endurance and strength too. I am always tired after an intense game or practice, which means I pushed myself and got an excellent workout.Another fun part of soccer is to improve and develop new skills. There are so many techniques to learn, from how to properly kick and control the ball, to special moves like juggling or the bicycle kick. It is satisfying to practice and get better at dribbling through cones or nailing a corner kick into the net. Soccer requires hand-eye coordination, agility, and athleticism, all of which are awesome abilities to work on.Perhaps the best aspect of soccer though, is to be part of a team. Having teammates to play alongside makes the sport way more enjoyable. We support and encourage each other to do our best. We high five and cheer loudly any time someone scores a goal. It is incredible to have that camaraderie and shared passion.My friends on the team make practices and games 100 times more fun.Playing soccer also teaches valuable life lessons. It requires following the rules and listening to the coach and referees, which helps build discipline. Working together as a unit is critical to being successful, so it promotes cooperation and teamwork. Losing games teaches grace and resilience, while winning helps build confidence. Soccer is ultimately about respect – respect for the game, for authority figures like officials and coaches, for opponents, and for teammates.In summary, to play soccer is incredible for so many reasons. It combines exercise, skill building, teamwork, valuable lessons, and the sheer unbridled joy of the sport itself. From practicing footwork drills to playing in the big championships, every aspect brings me delight. Soccer is absolutely my favorite pastime.Some of my most cherished memories are of rising early on bright sunny days for traveling games in new towns and cities. The fresh cut grass, newly painted lines on the field, and crisp uniforms made it feel so special and important. To lace up my cleats, attach my shin guards, and head onto the pitch filled me with bubbling anticipation and enthusiasm.The camaraderie of the locker room was always fun too. We got pumped up by listening to music, psyched each other up with chants, and bonded over pre-gameререparations and rituals. Maybe someone did a motivational speech. Maybe we plew flew on seed shells for good luck. Just being together and sharing that glorious game day experience created an amazing sense of togetherness.Then the whistle would blow, and we were off running, chasing, and battling for the ball. The legs burned and lungs heaved as we raced around for 90 minutes. Sliding to block shots, colliding as we fought for headballs, screaming for passes - it was intense but incredible. Whether it ended in heartbreaking loss or triumphant victory, we gave it our all on the pitch and created unforgettable memories.After a tough battle, we could finally take off our jerseys, drenched and stained with sweat and grass. What a satisfying exhaustion to feel from pouring your heart into the sport. Maybe we'd celebrate by getting treats like slushies, or commiserate a tough loss, but always reminded of why we loved soccer so much.That's why to play the beautiful game of soccer is my absolute favorite - for all the friendships, challenges, excitement,and sweet memories it brings. Dribbling a ball around and scoring a goal is one of the purest joys in life. It perfectly blends athleticism, passion, and childlike fun. While of course school and other activities are important too, I'll never stop playing soccer. It has Given me so many great experiences and happiness over the years.Whether it's the backyard or a big stadium, to play soccer will always be my favorite pastime. I'll keep practicing and dreaming of becoming a professional player one day. For now though, I'm grateful for every chance to lace up my cleats, sprint around, and joyfully kick a ball into the net. The thrill and love of the game will never fade!篇4My Favorite Sport: To Play SoccerTo be a kid is to love playing games and sports. Many of my friends enjoy to play basketball, to swim, or to run track. However, my absolute favorite sport is to play soccer. To kick a ball, to dribble past opponents, and to score goals bring me immense joy and excitement.One of the primary reasons for me to love soccer is its simplicity. All one needs to play soccer is a ball and some openspace. Unlike other sports that require expensive equipment or specialized facilities, soccer can be played almost anywhere – on a field, in a park, or even on the street. This accessibility makes it easy for me to gather my friends and to have a kickaround whenever we want.Another reason for me to adore soccer is the teamwork involved. While individual skills are important, soccer is a true team sport. Every player has a role to play, whether it is to defend, to pass, or to score. To work together with my teammates, communicating and coordinating our movements, is not only essential for success but also incredibly satisfying. The sense of camaraderie and shared accomplishment after scoring a goal or winning a match is unparalleled.Furthermore, soccer provides me with an excellent opportunity to stay active and healthy. To run, to jump, and to sprint across the field are excellent forms of exercise that help to build endurance, strength, and agility. As a kid, it is crucial for me to engage in physical activities that promote a healthy lifestyle and prevent obesity or other health issues. Soccer is the perfect way for me to stay fit while having fun.Beyond the physical benefits, soccer also teaches me valuable life lessons. To persevere in the face of adversity, torespect the rules and the officials, and to display good sportsmanship are all traits that I develop through playing soccer. These lessons extend far beyond the field and help me to become a better person overall.One of my fondest memories is to play in my first competitive soccer tournament. The excitement of representing my school, the adrenaline of competing against other teams, and the pride of wearing our team colors are experiences that I will never forget. While we did not win the tournament, the journey itself was incredibly rewarding, and it taught me the importance of hard work, dedication, and resilience.Looking ahead, I hope to continue playing soccer throughout my youth and into adulthood. To join a competitive club team, to play for my high school or college, and perhaps even to pursue soccer professionally are all aspirations that motivate me to keep improving my skills. Soccer is not just a game for me; it is a passion that shapes who I am and who I aspire to become.In conclusion, to play soccer is more than just a hobby for me; it is a way of life. The thrill of dribbling past opponents, the satisfaction of scoring a goal, and the camaraderie of playing as part of a team are experiences that bring me immense joy andfulfillment. Soccer teaches me valuable lessons, keeps me physically active, and provides me with a sense of purpose and belonging. As long as I can kick a ball, I will continue to play and love this beautiful game.篇5To Start Off, I Love to Play Soccer!Soccer is my absolute favorite sport to play! Ever since I was a little kid, I have loved to kick the ball around and score goals. There are so many reasons why soccer is the best sport in my opinion. I will try my best to explain why in this essay.First of all, I love how soccer gets me active and running around outside. It is so much fun to run up and down the field, dribbling the ball with my feet. I get tired sometimes, but in a good way that makes me feel accomplished after playing hard. It is important for kids to exercise, and soccer is a great way to stay active without it feeling like working out. I always sleep really well after a tough soccer game or practice.Another reason I adore soccer is the teamwork involved. It takes everyone on the field working together to score goals and win games. I have made so many good friends from being on soccer teams over the years. We all encourage each other andpick our teammates up when they make a mistake. It feels awesome to celebrate a goal you scored by getting dogpiled by your friends! The camraderie of being on a soccer team is really special.To continue, the actual games and competitions are why I love soccer so much. There is nothing more exciting than a close, intense soccer match. I live for those final few minutes when both teams are desperately trying to score the winning goal. The crowd gets so loud and everyone is on the edge of their seats. Whether I am playing or watching, I get such an adrenaline rush in those big moments. Scoring the game-winning goal must be one of the best feelings in the world!Additionally, soccer has taught me many important life lessons over the years. I have learned to never give up and keep battling until the final whistle blows. Sometimes the other team takes an early lead, but soccer matches can turn around in an instant with one lucky break. My coaches have taught me to stay resilient and confident even when losing. Soccer has also showed me how to be a good sportsman - it is important to win and lose with class by shaking hands with the other team after every game.Looking at the skills involved, soccer requires me to use both my body and mind to excel. Physically, I have to run for miles during a game while dribbling, passing, and shooting with precision. It takes incredible hand-eye coordination and athleticism. However, soccer is also a very cerebral game where smart positioning and decision-making are critical. At a young age, I have learned to try to think two or three plays ahead when I have the ball. Knowing when to pass versus taking a shot myself is a constant thought process during the flow of the game.To summarize my love for the sport, soccer just has everything - action, excitement, teamwork, life lessons, athletic skills, and more. From a young age, it has consumed my life in the best way possible. I spend all my free time watching soccer on TV, going to see my favorite pro teams play, and of course practicing my skills out on the field. Whether it is juggling a ball alone in the backyard or competing in a big tournament, I just cannot get enough of this incredible sport.Looking to the future, I desperately hope to continue playing soccer for as long as I can. My biggest dream is to play for one of the elite professional clubs in Europe like Barcelona, Real Madrid, or Manchester United one day. Of course, making it to that level is extremely difficult and will require endless hard work anddedication on my part. However, I am committed to doing whatever it takes to achieve that dream. Even if I fall short and only make it to playing in college or semi-pro, I know soccer will forever remain a huge part of my life. It has shaped who I am as a person and given me so much joy.In conclusion, there is truly no other sport like soccer that combines so many amazing elements into one. The thrill of big games, the technical skills required, the physical and mental aspects, and the tight-knit team bonding make it such a special game to be part of. While sports like baseball, basketball, and football are also lots of fun, soccer will always be number one for me. I have so much passion for the sport and cannot wait to keep playing, watching, and being around it for many years to come. Viva football!篇6Certainly! Here is an essay of around 2000 words, written in English from the perspective of an elementary school student, introducing their favorite sport using infinitives.My Favorite Sport: To Soar like a Bird Through the AirHi there! My name is Emily, and I'm nine years old. Today, I want to share with you my absolute favorite sport – gymnastics!There's nothing quite like the thrill of tumbling, flipping, and soaring through the air like a graceful bird. Let me tell you all about it!To start with, gymnastics is way more than just a sport to me. It's a passion, a lifestyle, and a constant source of joy. From the moment I stepped into the gym for the first time, I knew it was something special. The smell of the chalky mats, the squeak of the grips on the bars, and the energy buzzing in the air – it all just felt right.One of the best things about gymnastics is the variety of events. There's something for everyone! To begin with, there's the vault – a short but intense event where you run at full speed, hurling yourself into the air and executing a mind-boggling twist or somersault before landing gracefully. Talk about an adrenaline rush!Then there are the uneven bars, which require incredible upper body strength and precision. To swing from bar to bar, releasing and catching your grip at just the right moment, is an art form. And let's not forget the balance beam – afour-inch-wide piece of wood that challenges you to maintain perfect poise and control while performing a routine of leaps, turns, and intricate dance-like movements.But my favorite event, hands down, is the floor exercise. This is where you get to let your creativity shine through tumbling passes filled with twists, flips, and jaw-dropping moves. To soar through the air, defying gravity, and stick the landing with a flourish – that's pure bliss!To push your body to its limits, constantly striving for perfection, and then nail that elusive skill after countless attempts – it's an indescribable feeling of accomplishment. And the best part? Getting to share those triumphs with your teammates, who have become like a second family.Gymnastics has taught me so much more than just fancy flips and dance moves. It's instilled in me the values of discipline, determination, and resilience. To keep pushing forward even when the road gets tough, to pick yourself up after a fall, and to never give up on your dreams – those are lessons that will stay with me for life.And let's not forget the physical benefits! Gymnastics is an incredible full-body workout that builds strength, flexibility, and coordination. To twist and contort your body into seemingly impossible positions, all while maintaining grace and control, is a true test of athleticism.But beyond the physical aspects, gymnastics has also shaped my character. It's taught me the importance of sportsmanship, respect for coaches and judges, and the humility to always keep learning and growing. After all, there's always room for improvement, no matter how skilled you become.So, if you're looking for a sport that combines artistry, athleticism, and endless excitement, look no further than gymnastics. To defy gravity, push your limits, and experience the pure joy of flight – that's what this amazing sport is all about. Who knows, maybe one day you'll see me soaring across your television screen at the Olympic Games!For now, though, I'll keep training, keep dreaming, and keep falling in love with this incredible sport over and over again. Because at the end of the day, gymnastics isn't just a hobby – it's a way of life, and I wouldn't have it any other way.。



英语语法对于我来说很头疼的英语作文English Grammar is Really Hard for MeHi, my name is Jamie and I'm in 5th grade. My teacher Mrs. Roberts asked us to write about something we find difficult, and I chose English grammar. Boy, is it ever a challenge for me! I speak English well enough to get by, but all the rules make my head spin. Let me explain why grammar gives me such a headache.First of all, there are so many parts of speech to remember - nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. I can never keep them all straight! Sometimes a word can be one part of speech, and sometimes it's another depending on how it's used in a sentence. It makes me dizzy thinking about it.Like the word "blind" for example. If I say "The blind man walked with a cane", it's an adjective describing the man. But if I say "I need to blind the windows", it's a verb meaning to cover them. How am I supposed to know when to use it which way? The rules seem so arbitrary.Verbs are especially confusing because they change form all the time based on tense. I understand simple present like "I jump" and simple past like "I jumped", but once you get intopresent perfect, past perfect, future perfect, and all those continuous brain freezes up. Why do we need so many ways to say the same thing about time? Can't the context clues give enough information? All those different verb conjugations make my head hurt.Don't even get me started on subject-verb agreement! I can never figure out if I should say "The band is playing tonight" or "The band are playing tonight." It sounds the same either way to me. Why does it matter if the subject is singular or plural when the meaning is clear? English has way too many picky rules that don't seem to serve any purpose.Then there is the whole apostrophe catastrophe. When do you make a word possessive with just an apostrophe and when do you add "'s"? I constantly mess those up on homework and get points deducted. "The dog's bone" or "The dogs' bones"? Why can't possession just be clearly shown with the word "of" - "The bone of the dog", "The bones of the dogs". That makes way more sense to me.Punctuation in general is really tricky in English with all the different comma rules, when to use periods or semicolons, when quotes go inside or outside of punctuation, and where to put those silly little dashes if you need a pause in a sentence forsome dramatic - tension. I just use punctuation randomly and hope the rules get followed accidentally. It's impossible to consciously apply all those regulations.Then you get into the super advanced grammar concepts like passive voice, subjunctive mood, conditional sentences, and things I've never even heard of! Why does English have to be so overcomplicated? I barely know the basics and there are all these extra layers of complexity. I'll never master all that in a million years.Writing papers for English class puts me in a cold sweat because I can never remember if I'm supposed to write in active or passive voice, when to use "would" for hypotheticals, how to properly construct complex sentences with the right dependent and independent clause construction, and all the otherhigh-level grammar rules my teacher wants to see. I pretty much just write how I speak and hope it's comprehensible. That seems to be good enough for passing most of the time.My grammar challenges extend to reading too. I'll be reading along in a book and then hit one of those impossible grammar confusions like misplaced modifiers, dangling participles, or pronoun disagreement errors. I have to stop and re-read the same line over and over, trying to decode what itactually means based on how the words relate to each other in that weird way. It completely breaks my comprehension and enjoyment of the book.The worst grammar cases are those infuriating exceptions to rules that have no apparent logic. Like how "I before E except after C...and also in about a million other irregular cases we'll get to later." Who decided those nonsensical irregularities and why can't language just be straightforward and consistent? Probably the same annoying people who made "ough" spell like 8 different sounds - rough, though, through, thought, etc. Enough with the enough already English! You're oughta be ashamed!In conclusion, English grammar gives me a massive migraine pretty much every day. Between the endless parts of speech, inconsistent spelling and pronunciation rules, complicated verb tense systems, punctuation pitfalls, advanced clause concepts, and myriad other structural stipulations, it feels like an impossible code to crack. I admire anyone who can wield the English language with perfect grammar because it's an amazingly complex and convoluted skill. For now, I'll just keep soldiering on and do my best to be an effective communicator through the grammatical minefields. If this essay has grammarerrors, please forgive me - I tried my best as a 5th grader! Grammar is hard.。



介绍家人喜欢的乐器英语作文My Family's Love for Musical InstrumentsMusic has always been a significant part of our family life, with each member having a deep affection for a particular musical instrument. It's not just a hobby for us; it's a passion that brings us together and adds harmony to our daily routines.My father, a man of many talents,is an avid guitar player. He often spends evenings strumming away,lost in the melodies he creates.The guitar,with its versatility and emotional depth, has been a constant companion in his journey of life, accompanying him through happy and sad moments.My mother, on the other hand, is fond of the piano. Her elegant fingertips glide gracefully over the keys, producing melodies that are both calming and uplifting. The piano, with its wide range of sounds, allows her to express her feelings and thoughts in a way that no other instrument can.My younger sister is a talented violinist.Her bow glides effortlessly across the strings, producing melodies that are both sweet and soulful. She finds solace and joy in playing the violin, and her dedication and enthusiasm are an inspiration to all of us.I, myself, am partial to the drums. The rhythm and power of the drums speak to my soul, and playing them helps me to channel my energy and emotions in a creative way. The drums have become a constant fixture in my life, accompanying me through my own journey of growth and discovery.Our home is often filled with the sounds of these instruments, each one contributing to the harmonious symphony of our family life. Whether it's a casual practice session or a lively performance, the music always brings us closer together and adds a special warmth to our home.In conclusion, our family's love for musical instruments is not just a hobby; it's a way of life. It unites us, inspires us, and adds joy and harmony to our everyday existence. As we continue to grow and explore the wonders of music,we cherish the moments spent together, creating beautiful melodies that will forever be a part of our family's legacy.。

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Dipartimento di Fisica Teorica dell’Universit` a, Strada Costiera 11, 34014-Trieste, Italy, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Trieste, Strada Costiera 11, 34014-Trieste, Italy,
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Two-dimensional induced gravity has become an interesting field of invdays of Polyakov functional integral formulation of string theory [1]. Such a description enables a thorough investigation of the string dynamics only at the critical dimension, where there is no need to worry about gravitational quantum effects. On the other hand, the occurrence of the anomaly in off–critical string models makes unavoidable the presence of gravitational quantum effects, and introduces a further technical problem in actual calculations. A “proper” gauge choice becomes an essential step in the formal developments of computations. Conventionally, off–critical models have been dealt with in the conformal gauge [2]. The advantage of choosing such a gauge is to give the effective action a local form, i.e. the effective dynamics of the Weyl degree of freedom is described by Liouville local field theory. However, there is a double price to pay: first, quantization becomes non-trivial due to the dependence on the Weyl factor; second, one is faced with the, so far unresolved, problem [3] to introduce, at the perturbative level, a suitable regularization procedure. Therefore, the choice of the conformal gauge exchanges non–locality with all the quantization problems of the Liouville field theory [4]. Recently, some progress has been made in the quantization of Liouville theory, as well as in treating the strong coupling regime in the conformal gauge [5],[6]. Under this respect, it is somehow amazing that the light–cone gauge choice is so “clever” to circumvent these difficulties [7] ! The regularization problem does not exist. The effective action, though apparently in non–local form, can be handled and the model is completely solvable. Furthermore, an unexpected residual SL(2, R) symmetry shows up. Due to the solvability of the model, the Kac–Moody central charge can be renormalized in closed form and various critical exponents can be evaluated. Then, it is possible to compare them with the corresponding quantities in statistical physics [8], and verify a complete agreement among certain non–critical string theories and some definite statistical models. However, the allowed range of values for the central charge suffers from a gap corresponding to complex, unphysical, values and forbids the extrapolation of low dimensional results, corresponding to various statistical models, to higher dimensional ones relevant to string models. This gap can be narrowed down by exploiting N = 1 supersymmetry and even avoided in the N = 2 supersymmetric model [9]. 2
Consistent two–dimensional chiral gravity
A.Smailagic1 ,
International Center for Theoretical Physics, Miramare, 34014-Trieste, Italy, and, Dipartimento di Fisica Teorica dell’Universit` a, Strada Costiera 11, 34014-Trieste, Italy,
The motivation of the present paper is drawn from the known fact that chiral induced gauge theories [10], though anomalous, can be consistent under certain conditions. With the same hope, we shall investigate the light–cone gauge structure of the chiral induced gravity. This choice is motivated by the presence of a Lorentz anomaly which cannot be removed by any regularization procedure [11]. As a result, the Lorentz mode shows up in the spectrum as a physical degree of freedom associated with an arbitrary parameter interpolating over different regularization schemes. One of the objectives of this paper is to employ the freedom introduced by the regularization parameter with the hope to eliminate the region of complex values of the central charge, as an alternative way to the use of N = 2 supersymmetry in non chiral models. Another goal is to investigate critical exponents within light–cone gauge description, and connect them to the characteristics of the residual symmetry group. Finally, we would like to establish complete correspondence among the parameters characterizing induced gravity models in the light–cone and conformal gauges. While carrying on this program, we have found intriguing possibility of a generalization of various formulae, that could lead to a simple description of all the known chiral and non–chiral gravity models, as well as their supersymmetric versions. Instead of bothering with a complex and different structures of various models, and other technical details, we hope to absorb all the essential characteristics of the mentioned models within a couple of general parameters from which one can work out the details of any desired model. This, certainly, would be an interesting simplification in handling the large number of specific results throughout the literature. The paper is planned as follows. In Sect.2 we discuss the N = 0 chiral gravity model, and its classical symmetries before any gauge choice. The purpose of this section is to offer some technical details and stress the differences between chiral and non chiral models. Since we are using a symmetric version of the induced action we recall the connection to the asymmetric form of the same quantity, more often appearing in the literature. This model is more involved than the non chiral one, due to the explicit presence of the spin connection. We describe conservation laws and the corresponding symmetries assuming the zweibein as the basic variable in the model. Our approach leads to an easy comparison of the components of the energy–momentum tensor in different gauges. 3