Test for UK 英美国家概况 英国部分测试题

1.Off the coast of mainland Western Europe lie two islands called the BritishIsles of which the big one is the island of ___ , or ___ , and the small one is the island of __ .2.Britainis divided into three par ts: ___ . and .3.LondonGMT is s hort for, which i s the time o n the line o f __ (deg r ee)longitu de, which pa sses through ____ , a d istrict of s outheast, u sed as a bas is for calcu lati ng time throughout t he world in d iff ere nt ti me zon es.4.United KingdomThe national fl ag of thei s also calle d ____ or __ .5.Englandwas once conquer ed by , ____ z and .6.EnglandOf the fou r nations,feel mo st British,is the most confid ent of its own identity’and__ i s most clos ely related to.Monetary unit of is __ . , __ , and are majo r industries in. __ , ___ , and __ a re major tr ading partne rs of.is k nown as"; due to its decline s in economy .11.National Ho liday of UK is ___ ・12.and weakened the European monarchies,and introdu ced the age of con stitutional mon arc hy, a mon arc hy with powe rs limited b y Parliame nt •13・UKThree major national pa rties of ar e ___ , and .14. Depe nding on the rela tive st re ngt hs of the pa rties in the House of Commons, the 0 pposition ma y try to ove rthrow the G overnment by defeating i t on a vote.25.The Prime Minis ter's offici al reside nee is ______ ,which is the symbol of t heBritish G overnment.In , Ministers are appoint ed by the Qu een on the r ecommendatio nof __ ・17.EnglandAs the langu age of, Eng lish is a la nguage belon ging to the branchofthefamily.18.S tandard Engl ish is vario usly known a s ___ …__ a nd ___ or __ . and are very p opular Chris tian festiva Is in.20. a system n ow in gen era I use of arr an ging the m on ths in the year and th edays in th e mon th, int roduced by P ope Gregory X III (1502-85).21.The only re ally importa nt patriotic festival is ____ on w hich __ are remembered in specia I church ser vices and ci vicceremoni es.The popul ation ofis nearly million. , and __ are the main language us ed in. is nationa I nickname o f.25・The Engli sh have a mi xed cultural heritage co mbining , ____ 〃and element s.26.The Englis h have many differences in regional speech. The Chief divisi on isbetwee n _ and __ .27.WalesThe ancestors of the Welsh w ere _________ ,who escaped to the wildmountains of form the i n vadi ng Angl es and Sax on s.28.Today abou t_____ % of the Welsh p opulation st ill speak We Ish as their firstIangu age and abou t ______ % of the Welsh p eople speak only Welsh,andancient Celtic langu age.29.WalesThe Weis h have festi vals of song and dance a nd poetry. T he great eve ntof the ye ar is , which is a n annual gat hering inw here competi tions are he Id. 30.The Welsh can be desc ribed as becau se the major ity of the p opulation li ves inthe v alleys or th e coast.31.Iris h, often cal led __ Js a form of Gaelic.NHS is short for __ , whi ch is the na tional insur ance and soc ial securityin.33.The pur pose of NHS is ___ ・34.Th e social sec urity system is desig ned to secure a basic stand a rd of livin gfor people in financia I need, such as people w ho are , ____ … __ 〃or __ ・35.Great Britain and the nort hern Europea n countries,often terme d " ____ :havewide-ra nging social welfare pro grams.1.isla ndBritainGreat Britai ^island of Ireland Off th e coast of m ainla nd West ernEurope I ie two islan ds called th e British Is les of which the big one is theof, or,and t he small one is the.2.BritainScotlandWalesEnglandis divided int o three part s:, and .3.GreenwichLondonG MT is short forGreenwic h Mean Time,which is th e time onth e line of02(degree) Io ngitude, whi ch passes th rough, a di strict of so utheast, us ed as a basi s for calcul ating time t hroughout th e world in d ifferent tim ezones.4.United KingdomThe national fla g of theis also called the ”Union Jack” or "Un ionFlag”.5.EnglandNormansw as once conq uered bythe Romans, the Anglo・Saxon s, theDanes and the .6.ScotlandWalesEnglandOf the four na tions.the E nglishfeel most British ,is the most con fide nt of its own ide ntity’i s most close ly related t o.M on etary unit of is British poun d.Machinery/transportat ion equipmen t, metalsan dfood proce ssingare ma jorindustri es in.9.Germa nyFran ceNetherla ,, an dare maj or tradi ng p art ners of. Europe is know n as "the sick m an of": due toits decl ines in econ omy.11.National Holiday of UK is Birthd ay of Queen’second Satu rdav in June•12.The Gloriou s Revolution and the Fre nch revoluti onweakened the Europea nmon archies,a nd in trodu ced the age of con stitut ional mon arc hy, a mon arc hy with powe rs limited b y Parliame nt.Three major national pa rties ofar ethe Conservative party , the Labor partyand th e Liberal De mocrats.14.Depe nding on the relative st rengths of t he parties i n the House of Comm ons,the Oppositi on may try t o overthrow the Gover nme nt by defeat jng it on a"matter of c on fide nce〃v ote.15.The Prim e Minister's official re sidence isN o. 10 Downin g Street in London, which is the sym bol of the B ritish Gover nment.26・ UKIn , M inisters are appointed b y the Queen on the recom mendation of the Prime M inister.17.EnglandAs t he Ianguage of, English is a Iangua ge belonging to theGermanicbranch of thelndoEuropeanfam ily.18.Standard English is variously kn own asRP, B BC EnglishQxford Engli sh, and theKing'sEngli sh or Queen〃s English.Ch ristmasa nd Easter a re v ery popular Christian fe stivals in.20.The Gregoria n cale ndar,a system now in gen eral use of arra n ging them on thsin the y ear and the days in the month, intro duced by Pop e Gregory X111(1502-85).21.T he only real ly imports nt patriotic f estival isR emembra nee S un day on whichthe dead of both Worl d Warsare r emembered in special chu rch services andcivic c eremonies.Th e population ofis near Iy60millio n. English, W elsh and Gae licare the main Ian guag e used in.J ohn Bullis national nic kname of.25.NormanTh e English ha ve a mixed c ultural heri tage combini ngCeltic, Anglo-Saxon” and Scandi navianeIeme nts.26.Engla ndEnglan dThe Engl ish have man y d iff ere nee s in regi ona I speech. Th eChief divi sion is betw eensouthern and northe rn.27.WalesThe ance stors of the Welsh were the ancient Britons, who escaped to thewild mou ntains off orm the inva ding Angles and Saxons.28.T oday about2 5% of the We Ish populati on still spe ak Welsh as their first Ianguage and a bout 1% of the Welsh p eople speak o nly Welsh,a nd ancient Celticlangu age.29.WalesThe Weis h have festi vals of song and dance a nd poetry. T he great eve ntof the ye ar isthe Na tional Eiste ddfod, which is an annua I gathering in where co mpetiti ons a re held.30.The Welsh can be described a s "people of the valleys because t he majority ofthe popul ation lives in the valle ys or the co ast.31.Irish, o ften called Erse, is a f orm of Gaeli c.NHS is sho rt forthe N ational Heal th Service,which is the national in suranceand social secur ity in.33.The purpose of N HS isto hel p the indivi dual stay he althv.34.The so cial securit y system is designed to secure a bas ic standard of living fo rpeople in financial ne ed, such as people who a reelderly.sick, disabl ed,unemploy ed, widowectbri nging up childre nor on very low in comes.35.Great Britainan d the northe rn European countries, o ften termed "welfare states^ have w ide-ranging social welfa re programs.36.。
Test for UK 英美国家概况 英国部分测试题

1.Off the coast of mainland Western Europe lie two islands called the British Isles ofwhich the big one is the island of , or , and the small one is the island of .2.Britain is divided into three parts: , and .3.GMT is short for , which is the time on the line of (degree)longitude, which passes through , a district of southeast London, used as a basis for calculating time throughout the world in different time zones.4.The national flag of the United Kingdom is also called or .5.England was once conquered by , , and .6.Of the four nations, feel most British, is the most confident of itsown identity, and is most closely related to England.7.Monetary unit of UK is .8., , and are major industries in UK.9., , and are major trading partners of UK. is known as “”, due to its declines in economy.11.National Holiday of UK is .12.and weakened the European monarchies, and introduced the ageof constitutional monarchy, a monarchy with powers limited by Parliament.13.Three major national parties of UK are , and .14.Depending on the relative strengths of the parties in the House of Commons, theOpposition may try to overthrow the Government by defeating it on a “”vote.15.The Prime Minister’s official residence is , which is the symbol of theBritish Government.16.In UK, Ministers are appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of .17.As the language of England, English is a language belonging to thebranch of the family.18.Standard English is variously known as , , , andor .19.and are very popular Christian festivals in UK.20. a system now in general use of arranging the months in the year and thedays in the month, introduced by Pope Gregory ⅩⅢ (1502-85).21.The only really important patriotic festival is on which areremembered in special church services and civic ceremonies.22.The population of UK is nearly million.23., and are the main language used in UK.24.is national nickname of UK.25.The English have a mixed cultural heritage combining , , ,and elements.26.The English have many differences in regional speech. The Chief division isbetween and .27.The ancestors of the Welsh were , who escaped to the wild mountains ofWales form the invading Angles and Saxons.28.Today about % of the Welsh population still speak Welsh as their firstlanguage and about % of the Welsh people speak only Welsh, and ancient Celtic language.29.The Welsh have festivals of song and dance and poetry. The great event of theyear is , which is an annual gathering in Wales where competitions are held.30.The Welsh can be described as “”, because the majority of the populationlives in the valleys or the coast.31.Irish, often called , is a form of Gaelic.32.NHS is short for , which is the national insurance and social security inUK.33.The purpose of NHS is .34.The social security system is designed to secure a basic standard of living forpeople in financial need, such as people who are , , , , , or .35.Great Britain and the northern European countries, often termed “”, havewide-ranging social welfare programs.1.Off the coast of mainland Western Europe lie two islands called the British Isles ofwhich the big one is the island of Britain, or Great Britain, and the small one is the island of Ireland.2.Britain is divided into three parts: Scotland, Wales and England.3.GMT is short for Greenwich Mean Time, which is the time on the line of 0°(degree) longitude, which passes through Greenwich, a district of southeast London, used as a basis for calculating time throughout the world in different time zones.4.The national flag of the United Kingdom is also called the "Union Jack" or "UnionFlag".5.England was once conquered by the Romans, the Anglo-Saxons, the Danes andthe Normans.6.Of the four nations, the English feel most British, Scotland is the most confidentof its own identity, Wales is most closely related to England.7.Monetary unit of UK is British pound.8.Machinery, transportation equipment, metals and food processing are majorindustries in UK.9.Germany, France, Netherlands and U.S. are major trading partners of UK. is known as “the sick man of Europe”, due to its declines in economy.11.National Holiday of UK is Birthday of Queen, second Saturday in June.12.The Glorious Revolution and the French revolution weakened the Europeanmonarchies, and introduced the age of constitutional monarchy, a monarchy with powers limited by Parliament.13.Three major national parties of UK are the Conservative party, the Labor partyand the Liberal Democrats.14.Depending on the relative strengths of the parties in the House of Commons, theOpposition may try to overthrow the Government by defeating it on a “matter of confidence” vote.15.The Prime Minister’s official residence is No. 10 Downing Street in London,which is the symbol of the British Government.16.In UK, Ministers are appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of the PrimeMinister.17.As the language of England, English is a language belonging to the Germanicbranch of the Indo-European family.18.Standard English is variously known as RP, BBC English, Oxford English, andthe King’s English or Queen’s English.19.Christmas and Easter are very popular Christian festivals in UK.20.The Gregorian calendar, a system now in general use of arranging the months inthe year and the days in the month, introduced by Pope Gregory ⅩⅢ (1502-85).21.The only really important patriotic festival is Remembrance Sunday on which thedead of both World Wars are remembered in special church services and civic ceremonies.22.The population of UK is nearly 60 million.23.English, Welsh and Gaelic are the main language used in UK.24.John Bull is national nickname of UK.25.The English have a mixed cultural heritage combining Celtic, Anglo-Saxon,Norman, and Scandinavian elements.26.The English have many differences in regional speech. The Chief division isbetween southern England and northern England.27.The ancestors of the Welsh were the ancient Britons, who escaped to the wildmountains of Wales form the invading Angles and Saxons.28.Today about 25% of the Welsh population still speak Welsh as their first languageand about 1% of the Welsh people speak only Welsh, and ancient Celtic language.29.The Welsh have festivals of song and dance and poetry. The great event of theyear is the National Eisteddfod, which is an annual gathering in Wales where competitions are held.30.The Welsh can be described as “people of the valleys”, because the majority of thepopulation lives in the valleys or the coast.31.Irish, often called Erse, is a form of Gaelic.32.NHS is short for the National Health Service, which is the national insurance andsocial security in UK.33.The purpose of NHS is to help the individual stay healthy.34.The social security system is designed to secure a basic standard of living forpeople in financial need, such as people who are elderly, sick, disabled, unemployed, widowed, bringing up children or on very low incomes.35.Great Britain and the northern European countries, often termed “welfare states”,have wide-ranging social welfare programs.。

英美国家概括选择题The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandUnit 11.Which of the following is not considered a characteristicof London A. The cultural centre. B. The business centre.C. The financial centre. D The sport centre.2.Which of the following is not true about the characteristicsof Britain A. Economic differences between north and south.B. Difference of social systems between Scotland and Wales.C. Class differences between a white-collar worker and ablue-collar worker. D. Cultural differences between immigrants and British.3.Which of the following cannot be found in London A. Teahouses.B. Art galleriesC. Museums.D. Theatres.4.Which of the following is not true about Britain A. It usedto be a powerful imperial country in the world. B. It plays an active role as a member of European Union. C. It is a relatively wealthy and developed country. D. It used to be one of the superpowers (超强大国,国际组织) in the world.5.Three of the following are characteristics of London. Whichof the four is exception A. London is a political, economic and cultural centre of the country.伦敦是四大世界级城市之一,与美国纽约、法国巴黎和日本东京并列。

The United KingdomI. Multiple Choice1. The was “the greatest progressive revolution that mankind had so far experienced, a time which called for giants and produced giants—giants in power of thought, passion, and character, in universality and learning”(Engels).a. Renaissanceb. Industrial Revolutionc. Reformationd. Bourgeois Revolution2. is regarded as the first English Prime Minster.a.D uke of Willingtonb.William Gladstonec.Benjamin Disraelid.Sir Robert Walpole3. The official head of Parliament is .a. the Prime Ministerb. the Monarchc. the Speakerd. the Chancellor4. The present sovereign of Britain is .a. Elizabeth Ib. Elizabeth IIc. Elizabeth IIId. Edward II5. is a day to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.a. Christmasb. Good Fridayc. Easter Mondayd. Boxing Day6. published his book On the Origin of Species which caused a stir in Victorian times.a. Adam Smithb. Charles Darwinc. Thomas Mored. Francis Bacon7. The largest section of Great Britain is .a. Scotlandb. Walesc. Englandd. Northern Ireland8. The Lake District is well known for .a. its wild and beautiful sceneryb. its varied lakesc. the Lake Poetsd. all above9. The highest peak in Great Britain is .a. Ben Nevisb. Cross Fellc. Snowdond. Cheviot Hill10. The capital city of Wales is .a. Edinburghb. Belfastc. Cardiffd. Londonderry11. The part that receives the largest amount of annual rainfall is .a. the east lowlandsb. the northern part of Englandc. the northwestern part of Scotlandd. Wales12. The longest river in Britain is the .a. Thames Riverb. Severn Riverc. Clyde Riverd. Tyne River13. The largest lake of the United Kingdom is in .a. Englandb. Walesc. Scotlandd. Northern Ireland14. The vast majority of the people of the UK are .a. Roman Catholicsb. Presbyteriansc. Anglicansd. Methodists15. The English are mainly descendants of .a. Celtsb. Anglo-Saxonsc. Vikingsd. Norman Conquerors16. A cockney is a .a. typical Englishmanb. typical Londonerc. typical Britond. native London dialect speaker17. The Welsh came to Britain .a. earlier than the Englishb. later than the Englishc. together with the Englishd. in the 13th century18. Which word is not exact to describe the Welsh?a. Musical.b. Emotional.c. Cheerful.d. Suspicious.19. Most of the Scotsmen now speak .a. Englishb. Celticc. Gaelicd. both English and Gaelic20. A typical Scotsman is usually depicted in the following word except .a. braveb. hard-workingc. economicald. extravagant21. Most people in Northern Ireland are .a. Catholicsb. Protestantsc. Presbyteriansd. Nonconformists22. The earliest known settlers on the British Isles were .a. Celtsb. Iberiansc. Gaelsd. Anglo-Saxons23. The real Roman conquest of Britain began in .a. 55 BCb. 54 BCc. AD 43d. AD 9624. Which part of Britain was radically transformed by the Romans?a. Scotland.b. Wales.c. England.d. London.25. Christianity was first brought to England by .a. Romansb. Anglo-Saxonsc. Celtsd. Danes26. Which of the following tribes first came to Britain?a. Anglos.c. Jutes.d. T eutons.27. King Ethelred was called Ethelred the Unready because .a. he was always unready for fightingb. he lacked military preparednessc. he failed to make preparednessd. he failed to follow good advice28. The greatest achievement of William the Conqueror was .a. the establishment of the legal systemb. the introduction of the feudalismc. the spreading of Norman-Frenchd. the compiling of the Domesday Book29. The Domesday Book included all the following points except .a. all land and property of then Englandb. the rights of landownersc. the duty of every courtd. the power of the king30. The last of the true Norman Kings was .a. William Rufusb. Henry Ic. Henry II31. The founder of the English legal system and the Common Law was .a. Henry Ib. Henry IIc. Stephend. Matilda32. The Great Charter includes all the following points except that .a. no tax should be made without the approval of the councilb. no freemen should be arrested except by the law of the landc. if the king attempted to free himself from law the vassals had the right to force the king to obeyd. the vassals had the sole power to levy a tax on people33. The first “Prince of Wales”in English history was .a. Henry IIIb. Edward Ic. Edward IId. Edward III34. The Parliament of was known as “model parliament”.a. Henry IIIb. Simon de Monfortc. Edward Id. Edward II35. Wales was conquered by .a. Edward Ib. Edward IIc. Henry IIId. Richard I36. The chief demand of the peasants during Tyler’s Rising of 1381 was .a. to punish the lawyersb. to raise wagesc. to free villeinsd. to reform the church37. The War of the Roses ended in 1485 with the accession of , the first king of the House of Tudor.a. Henry VIIb. Henry VIIIc. John of Gauntd. Edward IV38. Under Henry VII, the justices of the Peace had all the following powers except .a. trying casesb. the care of roads and bridgesc. training lawyersd. the control of guilds39. John Cabot was sent to discover new way to the East by .a. the Popeb. the King of Spainc. Henry VIId. Henry VIII40. Which is not proper to describe the Church of Middle Ages?a. It was a religious body that had a political power.b. It was a body that had a legal power.c. It was a branch of national government controlled by king.d. It was like an upper-state organization that was very powerful.41. The external pretext for the Reformation in England was ‘s divorce case.a. Henry VIIb. Henry VIIIc. Clement IId. Charles V42. Elizabeth I was excommunicated by the Pope in .a. 1558b. 1571c. 1586d. 160343. Who was a Catholic among the following kings and queens?a. Henry VIIIb. Edward VIc. “Bloody Mary”d. Elizabeth I44. Spanish Armada was defeated in .a. 1558b. 1588c. 1600d. 160345. In drama the most shining representatives of the Elizabethan Age were the following ones except .a. Christopher Marloweb. Edmund Spenserc. William Shakespeared. Ben Jonson46. Guy Fawkes was .a. a Protestantb. a Presbyterianc. an Anglicand. a Catholic47. Which is incorrect to describe King James I?a. He believed that kings were responsible to parliament.b. He believed that king derived his authority from God.c. He tried to make the Church of England subservient to his will.d. He was quite learned and was remembered by the English for the compiling of the Authorized Version of the Bible.48. The trouble of Charles I, which led to the first Civil War, came at first when he .a. dissolved Parliamentb. persecuted Protestantc. asked people for “loans”d. wanted to reform the Presbyterian Church in Scotland49. Which group in the following were inclined to support the King during the Civil War?a. Merchants.b. Yeomen and artisans.c. Catholics.d. Extreme Protestants.50. Charles I was tried by the High Court mainly because .a. he was an absolute kingb. he waned to reform the Church of Scotlandc. he started the Second Civil Ward. he wanted to establish Presbyterianism in England51. The Rump Parliament was dispersed by Cromwell in .a. 1649b. 1651c. 1653d. 165852. The Great Fire of London broke out in .a. 1660b. 1665c. 1666d 166753. The Glorious Revolution marked the .a. beginning of the crown supremacy over parliamentb. end of the Civil Warc. failure of the Parliamentd. beginning of the constitutional monarchy54. England and Scotland were constitutionally united in .a. 1603b. 1688c. 1702d. 170755. After the French and Indian War, Britain got control of .a. Canadab. Indiac. the Ohio Valleyd. all above56. When American colonies were fighting for independence, the King of Great Britain was .a. George Ib. George IIc. George IIId. George IV57. Britain completed her railway system by .a. 1800b. 1820c. 1850d. 187058. According to the Reform Bill 1832, who got the right to vote?a. The male workers in cities.b.. The middle class.c. The women.d. T e farmhands.59. The People’s Charter includes all the following points except .a. the universal manhood suffrageb. the abolition of property qualification for MPsc. the abolition of payment of MPsd. voting by secret ballot60. The 19th century economic thinking stems chiefly form .a. Thomas Malthusb. David Ricardoc. Robert Owend. Adam Smith61. The “principle of population”was formulated by .a. Thomas Malthusb. David Ricardoc. Robert Owend. Adam Smith62. Who was probably reluctant to abolish the corn laws?a. The T ories.b. The Whigs.c. The workers.d. The urban middle class.63. The incorrect comment on Gladstone is .a. He stood for laissez faire in economics.b. He favored economy in public expenditure.c. he adopted an aggressive foreign policy.d. He adopted gradual parliamentary reform.64. The incorrect comment on Disraeli is .a. He was the founder of the Liberal Party.b. His policy was to expand the British Empire.c. He made Queen Victoria Empress of India.d. Under him the second Reform bill was passed.65. Which reform bill granted women suffrage?a. The Reform Bill of 1832.b. The Reform Bill of 1867.c. The Reform Bill of 1884.d. None above.66. The labour Party was founded in .a. 1893b. 1899c. 1900d. 190667. Queen Victoria was proclaimed Empress of India in .a. 1837b. 1876c. 1898d. 190168. The first dominion of Great Britain was .a. Canadab. New Zealandc. Australiad. the Union of South Africa69. The Boers in South Africa were from .a. the Orange Free Stateb. Transvaalc. Germanyd. Netherlands70. The causes for Britain to join the “Triple Entente”in 1907 were the following ones except .a. the failure of the British rapprochement with Germanyb. the skillful diplomacy of the French ambassador to Britainc. the German policy to build a large navyd. the British splendid isolation policy71. Britain declared war on Germany in Aug. 1914 when Germany invaded .a. Franceb. Polandc. Belgiumd. Serbia72. According to the Treaty of Versailles of 1919, Britain got .a. most of the Germany’s remaining merchant shipsb. Palestine and Mesopotamia from Turkeyc. German colonies in Africa and in the Pacific Ocean as mandates of the League ofd. all above73. The British Communist Party was founded in .a. 1918b. 1919c. 1920d. 192174. Mrs. Margaret Thatcher agreed in to return Hong Kong to Chinese sovereignty in 1997.a. 1983b. 1985c. 1988d. 199075. The chief cause that led to Mrs. Thatcher’s resignation in 1990 was the .a. imposition of property taxesb. imposition of a per-capita taxc. cutting public expenditured. denationalization of private enterprise76. Anthony Blair became Prime Minister in .a. 1994b. 1996d. 199877. Which document, for the first time in English history, forced King to take the advice of nobles?a. The Petition of Right of 1628.b. Habeas Corpus Act.c. Magna Carta.d. The Bill of Rights of 1689.78. Elizabeth II succeeded to the throne in .a. 1951b. 1952c. 1953d. 195479. Among the following members the first one to succeed to the throne is .a. the King’s brotherb. the Catholic sonc. the Protestant daughterd. the Protestant son80. The Monarch’s eldest daughter is usually called .a. Princess of Walesb. princess royalc. Princess daughterd. female Prince of Wales81. Which is not right to describe the Prime Minister?a. The head of Cabinet.b. The head of civil service.c. The leader of the Party in power.d. The head of the country.82. Most of the practical work of the government is done by .a. the Prime Ministerb. the Cabinet ministersc. the heads of departmentsd. the civil servants83. A civil servant must be .a. a member of the Party in powerb. a MPc. active in politicsd. politically neutral84. The smallest governmental unit in England is .a. countyb. districtc. parishd. community85. The English Parliament was formally divided into two Houses in .a. the 13th centuryb. the 14th centuryc. the 17th centuryd. 168886. The House of Commons has become more important than the House of Lords since .a. 1642b. 1660c. 1688d. 183287. Now the House of Lords can prevent a bill from passing into law for .a. three monthsb. six monthsc. one yeard. two years88. Among the following ones who cannot vote in parliamentary election?a. Girls of 18 years old.b. Civil servants.c. The judges.d. The hereditary peers.89. The general election normally takes place every year.b. fourc. fived. six90. The High Court of Justice includes the following divisions except the .a. Queen’s Bench Divisionb. Criminal Divisionc. Chancery Divisiond. Family /Division91. Which one in the following is usually dealt with by the Chancery Division?a. The case of murder.b. The case concerning mortgages.c. The case of tort.d. The case concerning divorce.92. Most of the civil cases are actually tried by .a. Magistrates’Courtsb. County Courtsc. High Court of Justiced. Crown Court93. The Whig took the name “Liberal”, while the Tories became the Conservative after .a. 1760c. 1832d. 191694. The Labour Party became one of the two major parties after .a. 1916b. 1922c. 1930d. 194595. The Conservative Party supports the following policies except .a. denationalizationb. free enterprisec. extending the social serviced. cautious social reform96. Which one is not correct to comment on the Labour Party?a. It is a party of anti-Communism.b. It is in favour of social and economic equality.c. It is less radical in dealing with foreign affairs.d. It is a real socialist party.97. the Labour Party Conference is attended by from trade unions and local associations.a. representativesb. delegatesd. Labour MPs98. The third largest political party in Britain is the .a. Social Democratic Partyb. Liberal Partyc. British Communist Partyd. Ulster Unionist Party99. With the aim of gaining more seats at a general election the Liberal Party formed an official alliance in 1981 with .a. the SDPb. the Labour Partyc. the British Communistsd. the Ulster Unionists100. During a general election the amount of money each candidate can spend is .a. limited by his partyb. limited by lawc. limited by governmentd. unlimited101. The LEA is responsible for the following matters except .a. engaging teachersb. maintaining school buildingsd. holding examination102. The curriculum and teaching methods in a state school is usually decided by the .a. LEAb. Education Committeec. CEOd. Head Teacher103. Which aim is more important in primary education?a. T o teach children some skills.b. To make children learn more knowledge.c. To foster the potentialities of children.d. T o help children get good marks for examination.104. What kind of secondary schools now receives the largest umber of students?a. Grammar Schools.b. Technical Schools.c. Comprehensive Schools.d. Secondary Modern Schools.105. Which is incorrect to describe the public schools?a. They are independent schools.b. They emphasize the importance of character training.c. They are fee-free schools.d. They pay higher salaries for their teachers.106. The income of Oxford University is derived mainly from .a. endowments and students’feeb. grants from public fundsc. financial support from governmentd. rates of local governments107. The most famous redbrick university is .a. Oxford Universityb. Cambridge Universityc. London Universityd. Bristol University108. Open University communicates with its students mainly by .a. BBC radiob. television programsc. national network of tutorsd. all above109. The BBC began its regular TV service in .a. 1922b. 1927c. 1936d. 1945110. According to the text, the most popular TV channel in Britain is .a. ITVb. BBC-1c. BBC-2d. TV-am111. “Fleet Street”is frequently used to stand for .a. Londonb. newspapersc. the Pressd. national newspapers112. Which one in the following is not a quality paper?a. Daily Telegraph.b. The Times.c. Daily Express.d. The Guardian.113. Which one is not a popular paper?a. Daily Star.b. The Observer.c. Mirror.d. Sunday people.114. The Standard is noted for .a. up-to-the-minute reportingb. large advertising sectionsc. popular features and profiles of the people in the newsd. all above115. Which one in the following gives the viewpoint of the left wing of the Labour Party?a. Economists.b. Spectator.c. Tribune.d. Punch.116. According to the English law, no person can get married below the age of .a. 16b. 18c. 20d. 21117. In England a wedding ceremony in a registry office is usually .a. more formal than that in a churchb. required by lawc. very grand and formald. less formal than in a church118. The commercially produced breakfast cereal first started in .a. Americab. Englandc. Scotlandd. Wales119. In Britain supper means .a. an evening dinnerb. a formal meal in the eveningc. a sumptuous dinnerd. a light meal in the evening120. The decimal currency came into use in Britain in .a. 1960b. 1969c 1971d. 1973121. Which is incorrect to describe the pub in Britain?a. Children under 16 are not admitted to a pub.b. Te main drink served in pubs is beer.c. Most pubs sell all kinds of alcohol.d. The pubs are open all day.122. Generally speaking the English are .a. talkative in public placesb. hostile to radical changesc. quarrelsomed. impatient of waiting for buses123. The Beatles were .a. four famous solo starsb. four American musiciansc. a pop group formed in Liverpoold. a pop group who were from America124. is an important idea to the Industrial Revolution that called for dividing the production process into basic, individual tasks.a. Division of labourb. Iron law of wagesc. Laissez faired. Maximum of profit125. Which of the following papers is a quality Sunday newspaper?a. The Sun.b. The Times.c. The Sunday Timesd. The Economist126. published his book On the Origin of Species which caused a stir in Victorian times.a. Adam Smithb. Charles Darwi nc. Thomas Mored. Francis Bacon127. Canada’s fur trade, later fur monopoly, gradually began to take shape in the ____ century.a. 15thb. 16thc. 17thd. 18th128. _____ was Canada’s first woman Prime Minister.a. Pierre Trudeaub. Brain Mulroneyc. Jean Chretiend. Kim Campbell129. On average, members of the House of Commons are elected for a maximum of _____ years.a. threeb. fourc. fived. six130. Canada’s three largest trading partners include the following except _______.a. Britainb. Americac. Mexicod. Japan131. ____ is Australia’s capital.a. Sydneyb. Melbournec. Brisbaned. Canberra131. The movement to gain recognition of Aboriginal rights was started in the _______.a. 1950sb. 1960sc. 1970sd. 1980s132. Australia ranks ______ in terms of population though it is the sixth largest country in the world.a. 51stb. 52ndc. 53rdd. 54th133. Australia’s economy depends largely on _______.a. agricultureb. manufacturingc. foreign traded. tourism134. ____ were the first group of people who arrived on the islands of New Zealand.a. Maorisb. Europeansc. Australiansd. Chinese135. ______ is the head of New Zealand government.a. The British monarchb. The Governor Generalc. The Prime Ministerd. The President136. The total area of the U.K. is _____.A. 211,440B. 244,110C. 241,410D. 242,534137. England occupies the _____ portion of the U.K.A. northernB. easternC. southern138. The most important part of the U.K. in wealth is _____.A. Northern IrelandB. EnglandC. Scotland139. _____ is on the western prominence between the Bristol Channel and the Dee estuary.A. WalesB. ScotlandC. England140. Wales was effectively united with England in the _____ century.A. 14thB. 15thC. 16th141. By the Act of Union of _____ Scotland and the kingdom of England and Wales were constitutionally joined as the Kingdom of Britain.A. 1707B. 1921C. 1801142. Psysiographically Britain may be divided into _____ provinces.A. 13B. 12C. 14143. Mt. Ben Nevis stands in _____.A. the Scottish HighlandsB. WalesC. England144. The main rivers parting in Britain runs from _____.A. north to southB. south to northC. east to west145. Cheviot hills lie along the border between _____ and England.A. ScotlandB. WalesC. Vale of Eden146. The longest river in Britain is _____.A. SevernB. ClydeC. Bann147. London is situated on the River of _____.A. ParretB. ThamesC. Spey148. Edinburgh is the capital of _____.A. EnglandB. ScotlandC. Wales149. The rivers flowing into the _____ are mainly short.A. North SeaB. English ChannelC. Dee estuary150. Mt. Snowdon stands in _____.A. ScotlandB. WalesC. England151. The source of the important River Thames is in the _____.A. CotswoldsB. Oxford ClayC. Pennines152. About _____ of the water requirements are obtained from underground sources.A. 50%B. 38%C. 42%153. Gaelic is mainly spoken in _____.A. ScotlandB. EnglandC. Northern Ireland154. The Bank of England was nationalized in _____.A. 1964B. 1946C. 1694155. Britain is basically an importer of _____.A. foodB. raw materialsC. manufacturesD. both A and B156. British farmers produce enough food to supply _____ of the needs of the population.A. 2/3B. 4/5C. 1/2157. Britain’s main cereal crop is _____.A. oatsB. cornC. barleyD. rye158. The center of the Britain financial system is _____.A. Bank of EnglandB. Bank of BritainC. Bank of U.K.159. The three Germanic tribes that invaded Britain include the following except_____.A. the AnglesB. the SaxonsC. the PictsD. the Jutes160. “Black Country”refers to _____.A. countryside in EnglandB. an area around BirminghamC. a country in Africa161. The second largest port in Britain is _____.A. LondonB. BelfastC. Liverpool162. The capital city of Northern Ireland is _____.A. CardiffB. BelfastC. Leith163. Celtic tribes began to settle in Britain from about _____ B.C.A. 410B. 750C. 300164. The U.K. is rich in the following except _____.A. coalB. ironC. goldD. tin165. The decrease of British population is caused by the following except _____. A. limitation of immigration B. fall of the birth rateC. fall of death rateD. unemployment166. The proportion of the English in the whole population is _____.A. 60%B. 80%C. 70%167. The Queen’s University is in the city of _____.A. BelfastB. EdinburghC. Manchester168. The contribution made by the Normans to Britain is the following except _____.A. final unification of EnglandB. foundation of aristocracyC. great administrative progressD. some peculiarities of dialect169. About _____ percent of the population live in cities or towns.A. 80B. 85C. 90170. The land available for farming in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland does not exceed _____ million acres.A. 30B. 25C. 40171. The highest mountain in England is _____.A. Mt. MourneB. Mt. SnowdonC. Mt. Seafell172. The second largest city in England is _____.A. GlasgowB. BirminghamC. Manchester173. The modern Scots and Irish are the descendants of _____.A. GaelsB. BritonsC. Anglo-Saxons174. Scotland occupies the _____ portion of Great Britain.A. southernB. northernC. western175. Which of the following is the British oldest daily newspaper?A The TelegraphB The GuardianC The News of the WorldD The Times 176. The river Thames is in _____.A WalesB ScotlandC EnglandD Northern Ireland177. The Industrial Revolution started in _____.A the Great BritainB the United StatesC CanadaD Australia178. Which of the following is true under Thatcher’s administration?A The proportion of owner-occupation decreased.B Public housing became more important.C Many public houses were sold to people.D The UK became more European-like in its housing arrangement. 179. Britain has its nuclear naval force since _____.A it’s one of the developed countries in the worldB it’s a traditional sea powerC it has an advanced industryD it’s able to produce submarines180. Which of the following is the oldest national Sunday newspaper in Britain?A The TimesB The GuardianC The ObserverD The Financial TimesII. True or False1.Loch Ness is the biggest lake in Britain which is famous for itsmonster.2.Arthurian legends and the stories of Holy Grail of the Middle Agesbelong to Scottish literature.3.It was the Romans that brought Christianity to England.4.Alfred the Great is given the name of “the Father of the British Navy.”5.The Wars of the Roses served actually as a hidden blessing to theEnglish, for it practically extinguished feudalism in England.6.The divorce case of King Henry VII led to the Reformation in England.7.The roundheads that supported the King during English Civil Warslater developed into the Liberal Party.8.Adam Smith powerfully supported the economic doctrine know aslaissez faire.9.Queen Elizabeth I was a very great monarch skilful in her ruling of thecountry and was regarded as the symbol of the British Empire.10.The more one has in society, the more likely one is to be aConservative.11.The Romans brought Latin alphabet and civilization to England andlived in harmony with the vernacular inhabitants.12.The English are different in origin from the Welsh, the Scottish andthe Irish.13.The “backbone of England”refers to the highest peak inBritain---Ben Nevis.14.Fleet Street is where the first British newspaper, Daily News, waspublished, and it has become the center of British newspaper publishing ever since.15.The Local Education Authority takes charge of all primary andsecondary education within a county or borough.16.BBC world service broadcasts in 42 languages 24 hours round with itsHeadquarters in Bush House, London.。

英语国家概况试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 英语作为官方语言的国家不包括以下哪个国家?A. 美国B. 澳大利亚C. 法国D. 英国答案:C2. 英语国家中,哪个国家的首都是渥太华?A. 美国B. 加拿大C. 英国D. 澳大利亚答案:B3. 英语国家中,哪个国家的国旗是米字旗?A. 美国B. 加拿大C. 英国D. 澳大利亚答案:C4. 英语国家中,哪个国家被称为“枫叶之国”?A. 美国B. 加拿大C. 英国D. 澳大利亚5. 英语国家中,哪个国家的人口数量最多?A. 美国B. 加拿大C. 英国D. 澳大利亚答案:A6. 英语国家中,哪个国家是英联邦成员国?A. 美国B. 加拿大C. 英国D. 澳大利亚答案:B7. 英语国家中,哪个国家是联合国安全理事会常任理事国之一?A. 美国B. 加拿大C. 英国D. 澳大利亚答案:C8. 英语国家中,哪个国家的货币单位是美元?A. 美国B. 加拿大C. 英国D. 澳大利亚答案:A9. 英语国家中,哪个国家的国歌是《天佑女王》?B. 加拿大C. 英国D. 澳大利亚答案:C10. 英语国家中,哪个国家是世界面积第二大的国家?A. 美国B. 加拿大C. 英国D. 澳大利亚答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 英语国家中,______的国花是玫瑰。
答案:英国2. 英语国家中,______的国鸟是鸸鹋。
答案:澳大利亚3. 英语国家中,______的国石是钻石。
答案:加拿大4. 英语国家中,______的国树是橡树。
答案:美国5. 英语国家中,______的国花是枫叶。
答案:加拿大6. 英语国家中,______的国花是玫瑰。
答案:英国7. 英语国家中,______的国鸟是鹰。
答案:美国8. 英语国家中,______的国石是蓝宝石。
答案:英国9. 英语国家中,______的国树是雪松。
答案:澳大利亚10. 英语国家中,______的国花是玫瑰。
答案:英国三、简答题(每题10分,共40分)1. 简述英语国家中,美国的文化特点。

1. 英国的首都是哪个城市?
2. 美国的独立日是每年的哪一天?
3. 英国的官方语言是什么?
4. 美国的首都是哪里?
5. 英国的货币单位是什么?
6. 美国的货币单位是什么?
7. 英国的现任君主是谁?
8. 美国的现任总统是谁?
9. 英国最大的城市是哪一个?
10. 美国最大的城市是哪一个?
11. 英国的面积大约是多少?
12. 美国的面积大约是多少?
13. 英国的人口大约是多少?
14. 美国的人口大约是多少?
15. 英国的国花是什么?
16. 美国的国花是什么?
17. 英国的国鸟是什么?
18. 美国的国鸟是什么?
19. 英国的国歌是什么?
20. 美国的国歌是什么?

1.Off the coast of mainland Western Europe lie two islands called the BritishIsles of which the big one is the island of ___ , or ___ , and the small one is the island of __ .2.Britainis divided into three par ts: ___ . and .3.LondonGMT is s hort for, which i s the time o n the line o f __ (deg r ee)longitu de, which pa sses through ____ , a d istrict of s outheast, u sed as a bas is for calcu lati ng time throughout t he world in d iff ere nt ti me zon es.4.United KingdomThe national fl ag of thei s also calle d ____ or __ .5.Englandwas once conquer ed by , ____ z and .6.EnglandOf the fou r nations,feel mo st British,is the most confid ent of its own identity’and__ i s most clos ely related to.Monetary unit of is __ . , __ , and are majo r industries in. __ , ___ , and __ a re major tr ading partne rs of.is k nown as"; due to its decline s in economy .11.National Ho liday of UK is ___ ・12.and weakened the European monarchies,and introdu ced the age of con stitutional mon arc hy, a mon arc hy with powe rs limited b y Parliame nt •13・UKThree major national pa rties of ar e ___ , and .14. Depe nding on the rela tive st re ngt hs of the pa rties in the House of Commons, the 0 pposition ma y try to ove rthrow the G overnment by defeating i t on a vote.25.The Prime Minis ter's offici al reside nee is ______ ,which is the symbol of t heBritish G overnment.In , Ministers are appoint ed by the Qu een on the r ecommendatio nof __ ・17.EnglandAs the langu age of, Eng lish is a la nguage belon ging to the branchofthefamily.18.S tandard Engl ish is vario usly known a s ___ …__ a nd ___ or __ . and are very p opular Chris tian festiva Is in.20. a system n ow in gen era I use of arr an ging the m on ths in the year and th edays in th e mon th, int roduced by P ope Gregory X III (1502-85).21.The only re ally importa nt patriotic festival is ____ on w hich __ are remembered in specia I church ser vices and ci vicceremoni es.The popul ation ofis nearly million. , and __ are the main language us ed in. is nationa I nickname o f.25・The Engli sh have a mi xed cultural heritage co mbining , ____ 〃and element s.26.The Englis h have many differences in regional speech. The Chief divisi on isbetwee n _ and __ .27.WalesThe ancestors of the Welsh w ere _________ ,who escaped to the wildmountains of form the i n vadi ng Angl es and Sax on s.28.Today abou t_____ % of the Welsh p opulation st ill speak We Ish as their firstIangu age and abou t ______ % of the Welsh p eople speak only Welsh,andancient Celtic langu age.29.WalesThe Weis h have festi vals of song and dance a nd poetry. T he great eve ntof the ye ar is , which is a n annual gat hering inw here competi tions are he Id. 30.The Welsh can be desc ribed as becau se the major ity of the p opulation li ves inthe v alleys or th e coast.31.Iris h, often cal led __ Js a form of Gaelic.NHS is short for __ , whi ch is the na tional insur ance and soc ial securityin.33.The pur pose of NHS is ___ ・34.Th e social sec urity system is desig ned to secure a basic stand a rd of livin gfor people in financia I need, such as people w ho are , ____ … __ 〃or __ ・35.Great Britain and the nort hern Europea n countries,often terme d " ____ :havewide-ra nging social welfare pro grams.1.isla ndBritainGreat Britai ^island of Ireland Off th e coast of m ainla nd West ernEurope I ie two islan ds called th e British Is les of which the big one is theof, or,and t he small one is the.2.BritainScotlandWalesEnglandis divided int o three part s:, and .3.GreenwichLondonG MT is short forGreenwic h Mean Time,which is th e time onth e line of02(degree) Io ngitude, whi ch passes th rough, a di strict of so utheast, us ed as a basi s for calcul ating time t hroughout th e world in d ifferent tim ezones.4.United KingdomThe national fla g of theis also called the ”Union Jack” or "Un ionFlag”.5.EnglandNormansw as once conq uered bythe Romans, the Anglo・Saxon s, theDanes and the .6.ScotlandWalesEnglandOf the four na tions.the E nglishfeel most British ,is the most con fide nt of its own ide ntity’i s most close ly related t o.M on etary unit of is British poun d.Machinery/transportat ion equipmen t, metalsan dfood proce ssingare ma jorindustri es in.9.Germa nyFran ceNetherla ,, an dare maj or tradi ng p art ners of. Europe is know n as "the sick m an of": due toits decl ines in econ omy.11.National Holiday of UK is Birthd ay of Queen’second Satu rdav in June•12.The Gloriou s Revolution and the Fre nch revoluti onweakened the Europea nmon archies,a nd in trodu ced the age of con stitut ional mon arc hy, a mon arc hy with powe rs limited b y Parliame nt.Three major national pa rties ofar ethe Conservative party , the Labor partyand th e Liberal De mocrats.14.Depe nding on the relative st rengths of t he parties i n the House of Comm ons,the Oppositi on may try t o overthrow the Gover nme nt by defeat jng it on a"matter of c on fide nce〃v ote.15.The Prim e Minister's official re sidence isN o. 10 Downin g Street in London, which is the sym bol of the B ritish Gover nment.26・ UKIn , M inisters are appointed b y the Queen on the recom mendation of the Prime M inister.17.EnglandAs t he Ianguage of, English is a Iangua ge belonging to theGermanicbranch of thelndoEuropeanfam ily.18.Standard English is variously kn own asRP, B BC EnglishQxford Engli sh, and theKing'sEngli sh or Queen〃s English.Ch ristmasa nd Easter a re v ery popular Christian fe stivals in.20.The Gregoria n cale ndar,a system now in gen eral use of arra n ging them on thsin the y ear and the days in the month, intro duced by Pop e Gregory X111(1502-85).21.T he only real ly imports nt patriotic f estival isR emembra nee S un day on whichthe dead of both Worl d Warsare r emembered in special chu rch services andcivic c eremonies.Th e population ofis near Iy60millio n. English, W elsh and Gae licare the main Ian guag e used in.J ohn Bullis national nic kname of.25.NormanTh e English ha ve a mixed c ultural heri tage combini ngCeltic, Anglo-Saxon” and Scandi navianeIeme nts.26.Engla ndEnglan dThe Engl ish have man y d iff ere nee s in regi ona I speech. Th eChief divi sion is betw eensouthern and northe rn.27.WalesThe ance stors of the Welsh were the ancient Britons, who escaped to thewild mou ntains off orm the inva ding Angles and Saxons.28.T oday about2 5% of the We Ish populati on still spe ak Welsh as their first Ianguage and a bout 1% of the Welsh p eople speak o nly Welsh,a nd ancient Celticlangu age.29.WalesThe Weis h have festi vals of song and dance a nd poetry. T he great eve ntof the ye ar isthe Na tional Eiste ddfod, which is an annua I gathering in where co mpetiti ons a re held.30.The Welsh can be described a s "people of the valleys because t he majority ofthe popul ation lives in the valle ys or the co ast.31.Irish, o ften called Erse, is a f orm of Gaeli c.NHS is sho rt forthe N ational Heal th Service,which is the national in suranceand social secur ity in.33.The purpose of N HS isto hel p the indivi dual stay he althv.34.The so cial securit y system is designed to secure a bas ic standard of living fo rpeople in financial ne ed, such as people who a reelderly.sick, disabl ed,unemploy ed, widowectbri nging up childre nor on very low in comes.35.Great Britainan d the northe rn European countries, o ften termed "welfare states^ have w ide-ranging social welfa re programs.36.。

8. The Tories were the forerunners of _____, which still bears this nickname today.
A. the Labor Party B. the Conservative Party C. the Liberal Party D. the Social Democratic Party
21.The two important crops in Britain are ____
A barley and corn B wheat and rice
C barley and oats
D. wheat and barley
22.In Britain, children from the age of 5 to 16 ____
A the House Lord and the House of Commons B the House and the Senate C the Queen and the House of Lords D. the Sovereign, the House of Lords and the House of Commons
17. In Britain, education is compulsory for children between the ages of _____ to _____. A 5, 14 B 6, 17 C. 5, 16 D 6, 14 18. The general election in Britain is held every ____ years. A four B three C six D. five
C. third largest

28. Who was the French national heroine during the Hundred Year’s War who helped the French to drive the English out of France?
William was crowned King of England in Westminster Abbey by the Archbishop of York.
19. What did William do after he suppressed the Saxon risings in the north?
5. How many metropolitan areas does England have?
England has seven metropolitan areas.
6. What is the backbone of England?
It is the Pennines.
The exceptional privileges enjoyed by the clergy brought Henry II into collision with Thomas Becket.
27. What are the two aspects of the Norman legacy that contributed to great domestic unrest in England in the 12th and 13th centuries?

Multiple Choice (20%)1。
The highest mountain peak in Britain is called ______ __.[A] Ben Nevis[B]Cross Fell[C]Snowdon[D] Scafell2。
The Lake District is well-known for________。
[A]its wild and beautiful scenery[B] its varied lakes[C]the lake Poets[D] all of the above three3。
Which of the following is NOT the feature of Br itish climate?[A] Coldness。
[B] More rainy days.[C]Changeability .[D]More fogs。
The established church of Britain is ________。
[A]The Church of Scotland[B] Free churches[C]The United Reformed Church[D]The Church of England5.Easter is kept,commemorating the ________of Jesus Christ.[A]coming[B] birth[C] death[D]resurrection6.Under Mrs。
Thatcher,British economy in 1980s gradu ally ____C__[A]declined[B]recessed[C]recovered[D] went down7.Tertiary industry does NOT include ________.[A]retailing[B]insurance[C] electronics[D]banking8.In Britain, government cannot spend any money without the permission of ________.[A]the Queen[B] the Prime Minister[C] the House of Commons[D] the House of Lords9。

英美概况英国部分练习题英美概况 - 英国部分练习题英国,位于欧洲西北部的一个岛国,是英联邦成员国之一。
下面是一些关于英国的练习题,让我们来测试一下你对这个国家的了解吧!1. 英国的首都是哪个城市?a) 伦敦b) 曼彻斯特c) 爱丁堡d) 都柏林2. 英国的国旗是什么颜色的?a) 红色、白色和蓝色b) 红色、白色和绿色c) 红色、白色和黄色d) 蓝色、白色和红色3. 威廉·莎士比亚是英国最著名的戏剧作家之一。
以下哪个是他的作品?a) 《哈姆雷特》b) 《鲁密欧与朱丽叶》c) 《奥赛罗》d) 以上都是4. 英国的皇室家族是?a) 伊丽莎白家族b) 斯图亚特家族c) 神秘家族d) 温莎家族5. 英国最著名的晚餐菜肴之一是什么?a) 鱼和薯条b) 汉堡包c) 比萨饼d) 果酱面包6. 英国的标准货币是什么?a) 欧元b) 英镑c) 美元d) 日元7. 英国最古老的大学是?a) 牛津大学b) 剑桥大学c) 帝国理工学院d) 伦敦城市大学8. 英国传统的下午茶时间通常是在下午几点?a) 1点b) 3点c) 5点d) 7点9. 英国最高的峰是什么?a) 英格兰山b) 威尔士山c) 苏格兰山d) 北爱尔兰山10. 英国最有名的音乐节是?a) 格拉斯顿伯里音乐节b) 皇家艾伯特音乐厅音乐节c) 圣理查德音乐节d) 狂欢节希望你已经作出了选择。
答案:1. a) 伦敦2. a) 红色、白色和蓝色3. d) 以上都是4. d) 温莎家族5. a) 鱼和薯条6. b) 英镑7. a) 牛津大学8. b) 3点9. c) 苏格兰山10. a) 格拉斯顿伯里音乐节希望这些问题能帮助你更深入地了解英国。
英语国家概况,英美概况quiz for UK

QUIZ for UK2011-4-19Directions: answer the following questions or fill in the blanks with no more than 10 words.I. Land & People of the UK1.What kind of country is Britain in terms of its geographical feature?2.Which river is important in Britain?3.What is the location of Britain?4.What’s the climate like in Britain?5.Why do British people talk about weather very often?6.What are the symbols of England?7.List some landmarks of London (at least 4 items)8.What are the symbols of Scotland?9.What are the symbols of Wales?10.What are the symbols of Northern Ireland?11.What is the British mainly made up of ?12.Describe briefly the character of the British people.II. British History1.The earliest known settlers on the British Isles were ________.2. The most famous / biggest relic left by the earliest settlers on British Isles is ___________.3. From 700 B.C, Celts came from __________ and began to inhabit British Isles.4. Christianity was first brought to Britain by _____________.5. The Romans left behind on Britain three things of value, they are ______________, the _____________ and ___________, especially _____________.6. The three Teutonic groups began to migrate from the region of Denmark and Low Countries (Holland, Belgium and Luxemburg) and settled in Britain. The three groups are _________, _________ and ________. From the ____________ conquerors came the name “England” and “English”.7. In 878, a peace treaty was signed between the Danes and ________________, the king of Wessex.8. Norman Conquest, by _______, beginning from the year _____, established ________ inBritain.9. King William made a record of each man’s property, which was called “______”.10. The Great Charter signed in _____ was made in the interest of the _______, it had a progressive significance.11. The first parliament was called in 1265 under the leadership of _________.12. The ______ Monarchy was in a transitional stage from feudalism to capitalism.13. In 1533, Henry VIII repudiated papal supremacy over English Church and declared himself __________ of the Church of England by the Act of Supremacy.14. During the Renaissance period, the greatest of the English humanist was Sir Thomas More, with his classical work _________.15. The greatest dramatist _______ lived in the age of Elisabeth I.16. The “Glorious Revolution” was so called because it was ______.17. The industrial revolution began in _________ industry and was marked by a series of important inventions.18. ________, a carpenter made the first inve ntion called “spinning Jenny”.19. King William made a record of each man’s property, which was called “______”.III. Government of UK1. What is the basis of the British government?2. Who is the head of the country?3. Who is the present sovereign of the UK?4. How many parts make the British Parliament?5.What is the president of the House of Lords called?6. What are the two major parties?7. Who presides the cabinet?8. Who has the real power in the country?9. Who is the present Prime Minister of the UK?10. Where does the Prime Minister live and work?。

The United KingdomI. Multiple Choice1. The was “the greatest progressive revolution that mankind had so far experienced, a time which called for giants and produced giants—giants in power of thought, passion, and character, in universality and learning”(Engels).a. Renaissanceb. Industrial Revolutionc. Reformationd. Bourgeois Revolution2. is regarded as the first English Prime Minster.a.D uke of Willingtonb.William Gladstonec.Benjamin Disraelid.Sir Robert Walpole3. The official head of Parliament is .a. the Prime Ministerb. the Monarchc. the Speakerd. the Chancellor4. The present sovereign of Britain is .a. Elizabeth Ib. Elizabeth IIc. Elizabeth IIId. Edward II5. is a day to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.a. Christmasb. Good Fridayc. Easter Mondayd. Boxing Day6. published his book On the Origin of Species which caused a stir in Victorian times.a. Adam Smithb. Charles Darwinc. Thomas Mored. Francis Bacon7. The largest section of Great Britain is .a. Scotlandb. Walesc. Englandd. Northern Ireland8. The Lake District is well known for .a. its wild and beautiful sceneryb. its varied lakesc. the Lake Poetsd. all above9. The highest peak in Great Britain is .a. Ben Nevisb. Cross Fellc. Snowdond. Cheviot Hill10. The capital city of Wales is .a. Edinburghb. Belfastc. Cardiffd. Londonderry11. The part that receives the largest amount of annual rainfall is .a. the east lowlandsb. the northern part of Englandc. the northwestern part of Scotlandd. Wales12. The longest river in Britain is the .a. Thames Riverb. Severn Riverc. Clyde Riverd. Tyne River13. The largest lake of the United Kingdom is in .a. Englandb. Walesc. Scotlandd. Northern Ireland14. The vast majority of the people of the UK are .a. Roman Catholicsb. Presbyteriansc. Anglicansd. Methodists15. The English are mainly descendants of .a. Celtsb. Anglo-Saxonsc. Vikingsd. Norman Conquerors16. A cockney is a .a. typical Englishmanb. typical Londonerc. typical Britond. native London dialect speaker17. The Welsh came to Britain .a. earlier than the Englishb. later than the Englishc. together with the Englishd. in the 13th century18. Which word is not exact to describe the Welsh?a. Musical.b. Emotional.c. Cheerful.d. Suspicious.19. Most of the Scotsmen now speak .a. Englishb. Celticc. Gaelicd. both English and Gaelic20. A typical Scotsman is usually depicted in the following word except .a. braveb. hard-workingc. economicald. extravagant21. Most people in Northern Ireland are .a. Catholicsb. Protestantsc. Presbyteriansd. Nonconformists22. The earliest known settlers on the British Isles were .a. Celtsb. Iberiansc. Gaelsd. Anglo-Saxons23. The real Roman conquest of Britain began in .a. 55 BCb. 54 BCc. AD 43d. AD 9624. Which part of Britain was radically transformed by the Romans?a. Scotland.b. Wales.c. England.d. London.25. Christianity was first brought to England by .a. Romansb. Anglo-Saxonsc. Celtsd. Danes26. Which of the following tribes first came to Britain?a. Anglos.b. Saxons.c. Jutes.d. T eutons.27. King Ethelred was called Ethelred the Unready because .a. he was always unready for fightingb. he lacked military preparednessc. he failed to make preparednessd. he failed to follow good advice28. The greatest achievement of William the Conqueror was .a. the establishment of the legal systemb. the introduction of the feudalismc. the spreading of Norman-Frenchd. the compiling of the Domesday Book29. The Domesday Book included all the following points except .a. all land and property of then Englandb. the rights of landownersc. the duty of every courtd. the power of the king30. The last of the true Norman Kings was .a. William Rufusb. Henry Ic. Henry IId. Robert31. The founder of the English legal system and the Common Law was .a. Henry Ib. Henry IIc. Stephend. Matilda32. The Great Charter includes all the following points except that .a. no tax should be made without the approval of the councilb. no freemen should be arrested except by the law of the landc. if the king attempted to free himself from law the vassals had the right to force the king to obeyd. the vassals had the sole power to levy a tax on people33. The first “Prince of Wales”in English history was .a. Henry IIIb. Edward Ic. Edward IId. Edward III34. The Parliament of was known as “model parliament”.a. Henry IIIb. Simon de Monfortc. Edward Id. Edward II35. Wales was conquered by .a. Edward Ib. Edward IIc. Henry IIId. Richard I36. The chief demand of the peasants during Tyler’s Rising of 1381 was .a. to punish the lawyersb. to raise wagesc. to free villeinsd. to reform the church37. The War of the Roses ended in 1485 with the accession of , the first king of the House of Tudor.a. Henry VIIb. Henry VIIIc. John of Gauntd. Edward IV38. Under Henry VII, the justices of the Peace had all the following powers except .a. trying casesb. the care of roads and bridgesc. training lawyersd. the control of guilds39. John Cabot was sent to discover new way to the East by .a. the Popeb. the King of Spainc. Henry VIId. Henry VIII40. Which is not proper to describe the Church of Middle Ages?a. It was a religious body that had a political power.b. It was a body that had a legal power.c. It was a branch of national government controlled by king.d. It was like an upper-state organization that was very powerful.41. The external pretext for the Reformation in England was ‘s divorce case.a. Henry VIIb. Henry VIIIc. Clement IId. Charles V42. Elizabeth I was excommunicated by the Pope in .a. 1558b. 1571c. 1586d. 160343. Who was a Catholic among the following kings and queens?a. Henry VIIIb. Edward VIc. “Bloody Mary”d. Elizabeth I44. Spanish Armada was defeated in .a. 1558b. 1588c. 1600d. 160345. In drama the most shining representatives of the Elizabethan Age were the following ones except .a. Christopher Marloweb. Edmund Spenserc. William Shakespeared. Ben Jonson46. Guy Fawkes was .a. a Protestantb. a Presbyterianc. an Anglicand. a Catholic47. Which is incorrect to describe King James I?a. He believed that kings were responsible to parliament.b. He believed that king derived his authority from God.c. He tried to make the Church of England subservient to his will.d. He was quite learned and was remembered by the English for the compiling of the Authorized Version of the Bible.48. The trouble of Charles I, which led to the first Civil War, came at first when he .a. dissolved Parliamentb. persecuted Protestantc. asked people for “loans”d. wanted to reform the Presbyterian Church in Scotland49. Which group in the following were inclined to support the King during the Civil War?a. Merchants.b. Yeomen and artisans.c. Catholics.d. Extreme Protestants.50. Charles I was tried by the High Court mainly because .a. he was an absolute kingb. he waned to reform the Church of Scotlandc. he started the Second Civil Ward. he wanted to establish Presbyterianism in England51. The Rump Parliament was dispersed by Cromwell in .a. 1649b. 1651c. 1653d. 165852. The Great Fire of London broke out in .a. 1660b. 1665c. 1666d 166753. The Glorious Revolution marked the .a. beginning of the crown supremacy over parliamentb. end of the Civil Warc. failure of the Parliamentd. beginning of the constitutional monarchy54. England and Scotland were constitutionally united in .a. 1603b. 1688c. 1702d. 170755. After the French and Indian War, Britain got control of .a. Canadab. Indiac. the Ohio Valleyd. all above56. When American colonies were fighting for independence, the King of Great Britain was .a. George Ib. George IIc. George IIId. George IV57. Britain completed her railway system by .a. 1800b. 1820c. 1850d. 187058. According to the Reform Bill 1832, who got the right to vote?a. The male workers in cities.b.. The middle class.c. The women.d. T e farmhands.59. The People’s Charter includes all the following points except .a. the universal manhood suffrageb. the abolition of property qualification for MPsc. the abolition of payment of MPsd. voting by secret ballot60. The 19th century economic thinking stems chiefly form .a. Thomas Malthusb. David Ricardoc. Robert Owend. Adam Smith61. The “principle of population”was formulated by .a. Thomas Malthusb. David Ricardoc. Robert Owend. Adam Smith62. Who was probably reluctant to abolish the corn laws?a. The T ories.b. The Whigs.c. The workers.d. The urban middle class.63. The incorrect comment on Gladstone is .a. He stood for laissez faire in economics.b. He favored economy in public expenditure.c. he adopted an aggressive foreign policy.d. He adopted gradual parliamentary reform.64. The incorrect comment on Disraeli is .a. He was the founder of the Liberal Party.b. His policy was to expand the British Empire.c. He made Queen Victoria Empress of India.d. Under him the second Reform bill was passed.65. Which reform bill granted women suffrage?a. The Reform Bill of 1832.b. The Reform Bill of 1867.c. The Reform Bill of 1884.d. None above.66. The labour Party was founded in .a. 1893b. 1899c. 1900d. 190667. Queen Victoria was proclaimed Empress of India in .a. 1837c. 1898d. 190168. The first dominion of Great Britain was .a. Canadab. New Zealandc. Australiad. the Union of South Africa69. The Boers in South Africa were from .a. the Orange Free Stateb. Transvaalc. Germanyd. Netherlands70. The causes for Britain to join the “Triple Entente”in 1907 were the following ones except .a. the failure of the British rapprochement with Germanyb. the skillful diplomacy of the French ambassador to Britainc. the German policy to build a large navyd. the British splendid isolation policy71. Britain declared war on Germany in Aug. 1914 when Germany invaded .a. Franceb. Polandc. Belgium72. According to the Treaty of Versailles of 1919, Britain got .a. most of the Germany’s remaining merchant shipsb. Palestine and Mesopotamia from Turkeyc. German colonies in Africa and in the Pacific Ocean as mandates of the League of Nationsd. all above73. The British Communist Party was founded in .a. 1918b. 1919c. 1920d. 192174. Mrs. Margaret Thatcher agreed in to return Hong Kong to Chinese sovereignty in 1997.a. 1983b. 1985c. 1988d. 199075. The chief cause that led to Mrs. Thatcher’s resignation in 1990 was the .a. imposition of property taxesb. imposition of a per-capita taxc. cutting public expenditured. denationalization of private enterprise76. Anthony Blair became Prime Minister in .a. 1994b. 1996c. 1997d. 199877. Which document, for the first time in English history, forced King to take the advice of nobles?a. The Petition of Right of 1628.b. Habeas Corpus Act.c. Magna Carta.d. The Bill of Rights of 1689.78. Elizabeth II succeeded to the throne in .a. 1951b. 1952c. 1953d. 195479. Among the following members the first one to succeed to the throne is .a. the King’s brotherb. the Catholic sonc. the Protestant daughterd. the Protestant son80. The Monarch’s eldest daughter is usually called .a. Princess of Walesb. princess royalc. Princess daughterd. female Prince of Wales81. Which is not right to describe the Prime Minister?a. The head of Cabinet.b. The head of civil service.c. The leader of the Party in power.d. The head of the country.82. Most of the practical work of the government is done by .a. the Prime Ministerb. the Cabinet ministersc. the heads of departmentsd. the civil servants83. A civil servant must be .a. a member of the Party in powerb. a MPc. active in politicsd. politically neutral84. The smallest governmental unit in England is .a. countyb. districtc. parishd. community85. The English Parliament was formally divided into two Houses in .a. the 13th centuryb. the 14th centuryc. the 17th centuryd. 168886. The House of Commons has become more important than the House of Lords since .a. 1642b. 1660c. 1688d. 183287. Now the House of Lords can prevent a bill from passing into law for .a. three monthsb. six monthsc. one yeard. two years88. Among the following ones who cannot vote in parliamentary election?a. Girls of 18 years old.b. Civil servants.c. The judges.d. The hereditary peers.89. The general election normally takes place every year.a. threec. fived. six90. The High Court of Justice includes the following divisions except the .a. Queen’s Bench Divisionb. Criminal Divisionc. Chancery Divisiond. Family /Division91. Which one in the following is usually dealt with by the Chancery Division?a. The case of murder.b. The case concerning mortgages.c. The case of tort.d. The case concerning divorce.92. Most of the civil cases are actually tried by .a. Magistrates’Courtsb. County Courtsc. High Court of Justiced. Crown Court93. The Whig took the name “Liberal”, while the Tories became the Conservative after .a. 1760b. 1830c. 183294. The Labour Party became one of the two major parties after .a. 1916b. 1922c. 1930d. 194595. The Conservative Party supports the following policies except .a. denationalizationb. free enterprisec. extending the social serviced. cautious social reform96. Which one is not correct to comment on the Labour Party?a. It is a party of anti-Communism.b. It is in favour of social and economic equality.c. It is less radical in dealing with foreign affairs.d. It is a real socialist party.97. the Labour Party Conference is attended by from trade unions and local associations.a. representativesb. delegatesc. party leadersd. Labour MPs98. The third largest political party in Britain is the .a. Social Democratic Partyb. Liberal Partyc. British Communist Partyd. Ulster Unionist Party99. With the aim of gaining more seats at a general election the Liberal Party formed an official alliance in 1981 with .a. the SDPb. the Labour Partyc. the British Communistsd. the Ulster Unionists100. During a general election the amount of money each candidate can spend is .a. limited by his partyb. limited by lawc. limited by governmentd. unlimited101. The LEA is responsible for the following matters except .a. engaging teachersb. maintaining school buildingsc. paying teachersd. holding examination102. The curriculum and teaching methods in a state school is usually decided by the .a. LEAb. Education Committeec. CEOd. Head Teacher103. Which aim is more important in primary education?a. T o teach children some skills.b. To make children learn more knowledge.c. To foster the potentialities of children.d. T o help children get good marks for examination.104. What kind of secondary schools now receives the largest umber of students?a. Grammar Schools.b. Technical Schools.c. Comprehensive Schools.d. Secondary Modern Schools.105. Which is incorrect to describe the public schools?a. They are independent schools.b. They emphasize the importance of character training.c. They are fee-free schools.d. They pay higher salaries for their teachers.106. The income of Oxford University is derived mainly from .a. endowments and students’feeb. grants from public fundsc. financial support from governmentd. rates of local governments107. The most famous redbrick university is .a. Oxford Universityb. Cambridge Universityc. London Universityd. Bristol University108. Open University communicates with its students mainly by .a. BBC radiob. television programsc. national network of tutorsd. all above109. The BBC began its regular TV service in .a. 1922b. 1927c. 1936d. 1945110. According to the text, the most popular TV channel in Britain is .a. ITVb. BBC-1c. BBC-2d. TV-am111. “Fleet Street”is frequently used to stand for .a. Londonb. newspapersc. the Pressd. national newspapers112. Which one in the following is not a quality paper?a. Daily Telegraph.b. The Times.c. Daily Express.d. The Guardian.113. Which one is not a popular paper?a. Daily Star.b. The Observer.c. Mirror.d. Sunday people.114. The Standard is noted for .a. up-to-the-minute reportingb. large advertising sectionsc. popular features and profiles of the people in the newsd. all above115. Which one in the following gives the viewpoint of the left wing of the Labour Party?a. Economists.b. Spectator.c. Tribune.116. According to the English law, no person can get married below the age of .a. 16b. 18c. 20d. 21117. In England a wedding ceremony in a registry office is usually .a. more formal than that in a churchb. required by lawc. very grand and formald. less formal than in a church118. The commercially produced breakfast cereal first started in .a. Americab. Englandc. Scotlandd. Wales119. In Britain supper means .a. an evening dinnerb. a formal meal in the eveningc. a sumptuous dinnerd. a light meal in the evening120. The decimal currency came into use in Britain in .b. 1969c 1971d. 1973121. Which is incorrect to describe the pub in Britain?a. Children under 16 are not admitted to a pub.b. Te main drink served in pubs is beer.c. Most pubs sell all kinds of alcohol.d. The pubs are open all day.122. Generally speaking the English are .a. talkative in public placesb. hostile to radical changesc. quarrelsomed. impatient of waiting for buses123. The Beatles were .a. four famous solo starsb. four American musiciansc. a pop group formed in Liverpoold. a pop group who were from America124. is an important idea to the Industrial Revolution that called for dividing the production process into basic, individual tasks.a. Division of labourb. Iron law of wagesc. Laissez faired. Maximum of profit125. Which of the following papers is a quality Sunday newspaper?a. The Sun.b. The Times.c. The Sunday Timesd. The Economist126. published his book On the Origin of Species which caused a stir in Victorian times.a. Adam Smithb. Charles Darwi nc. Thomas Mored. Francis Bacon127. Canada’s fur trade, later fur monopoly, gradually began to take shape in the ____ century.a. 15thb. 16thc. 17thd. 18th128. _____ was Canada’s first woman Prime Minister.a. Pierre Trudeaub. Brain Mulroneyc. Jean Chretiend. Kim Campbell129. On average, members of the House of Commons are elected for a maximum of _____ years.a. threeb. fourc. fived. six130. Canada’s three largest trading partners include the following except _______.a. Britainb. Americac. Mexicod. Japan131. ____ is Australia’s capital.a. Sydneyb. Melbournec. Brisbaned. Canberra131. The movement to gain recognition of Aboriginal rights was started in the _______.a. 1950sb. 1960sc. 1970sd. 1980s132. Australia ranks ______ in terms of population though it is the sixth largest country in the world.a. 51stb. 52ndc. 53rdd. 54th133. Australia’s economy depends largely on _______.a. agricultureb. manufacturingc. foreign traded. tourism134. ____ were the first group of people who arrived on the islands of New Zealand.a. Maorisb. Europeansc. Australiansd. Chinese135. ______ is the head of New Zealand government.a. The British monarchb. The Governor Generalc. The Prime Ministerd. The President136. The total area of the U.K. is _____.A. 211,440B. 244,110C. 241,410D. 242,534137. England occupies the _____ portion of the U.K.A. northernB. easternC. southern138. The most important part of the U.K. in wealth is _____.A. Northern IrelandB. EnglandC. Scotland139. _____ is on the western prominence between the Bristol Channel and the Dee estuary.A. WalesB. ScotlandC. England140. Wales was effectively united with England in the _____ century.A. 14thB. 15thC. 16th141. By the Act of Union of _____ Scotland and the kingdom of England and Wales were constitutionally joined as the Kingdom of Britain.A. 1707B. 1921C. 1801142. Psysiographically Britain may be divided into _____ provinces.A. 13B. 12C. 14143. Mt. Ben Nevis stands in _____.A. the Scottish HighlandsB. WalesC. England144. The main rivers parting in Britain runs from _____.A. north to southB. south to northC. east to west145. Cheviot hills lie along the border between _____ and England.A. ScotlandB. WalesC. Vale of Eden146. The longest river in Britain is _____.A. SevernB. ClydeC. Bann147. London is situated on the River of _____.A. ParretB. ThamesC. Spey148. Edinburgh is the capital of _____.A. EnglandB. ScotlandC. Wales149. The rivers flowing into the _____ are mainly short.A. North SeaB. English ChannelC. Dee estuary150. Mt. Snowdon stands in _____.A. ScotlandB. WalesC. England151. The source of the important River Thames is in the _____.A. CotswoldsB. Oxford ClayC. Pennines152. About _____ of the water requirements are obtained from underground sources.A. 50%B. 38%C. 42%153. Gaelic is mainly spoken in _____.A. ScotlandB. EnglandC. Northern Ireland154. The Bank of England was nationalized in _____.A. 1964B. 1946C. 1694155. Britain is basically an importer of _____.A. foodB. raw materialsC. manufacturesD. both A and B156. British farmers produce enough food to supply _____ of the needs of the population.A. 2/3B. 4/5C. 1/2157. Britain’s main cereal crop is _____.A. oatsB. cornC. barleyD. rye158. The center of the Britain financial system is _____.A. Bank of EnglandB. Bank of BritainC. Bank of U.K.159. The three Germanic tribes that invaded Britain include the following except _____.A. the AnglesB. the SaxonsC. the PictsD. the Jutes160. “Black Country”refers to _____.A. countryside in EnglandB. an area around BirminghamC. a country in Africa161. The second largest port in Britain is _____.A. LondonB. BelfastC. Liverpool162. The capital city of Northern Ireland is _____.A. CardiffB. BelfastC. Leith163. Celtic tribes began to settle in Britain from about _____ B.C.A. 410B. 750C. 300164. The U.K. is rich in the following except _____.A. coalB. ironC. goldD. tin165. The decrease of British population is caused by the following except _____.A. limitation of immigrationB. fall of the birth rateC. fall of death rateD. unemployment166. The proportion of the English in the whole population is _____.A. 60%B. 80%C. 70%167. The Queen’s University is in the city of _____.A. BelfastB. EdinburghC. Manchester168. The contribution made by the Normans to Britain is the following except _____. A. final unification of England B. foundation of aristocracyC. great administrative progressD. some peculiarities of dialect169. About _____ percent of the population live in cities or towns.A. 80B. 85C. 90170. The land available for farming in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland does not exceed _____ million acres.A. 30B. 25C. 40171. The highest mountain in England is _____.A. Mt. MourneB. Mt. SnowdonC. Mt. Seafell172. The second largest city in England is _____.A. GlasgowB. BirminghamC. Manchester173. The modern Scots and Irish are the descendants of _____.A. GaelsB. BritonsC. Anglo-Saxons174. Scotland occupies the _____ portion of Great Britain.A. southernB. northernC. western175. Which of the following is the British oldest daily newspaper?A The TelegraphB The GuardianC The News of the WorldD The Times176. The river Thames is in _____.A WalesB ScotlandC EnglandD Northern Ireland177. The Industrial Revolution started in _____.A the Great BritainB the United StatesC CanadaD Australia178. Which of the following is true under Thatcher’s administration?A The proportion of owner-occupation decreased.B Public housing became more important.C Many public houses were sold to people.D The UK became more European-like in its housing arrangement.179. Britain has its nuclear naval force since _____.A it’s one of the developed countries in the worldB it’s a traditional sea powerC it has an advanced industryD it’s able to produce submarines180. Which of the following is the oldest national Sunday newspaper in Britain?A The TimesB The GuardianC The ObserverD The Financial TimesII. True or False1.Loch Ness is the biggest lake in Britain which is famous for its monster.2.Arthurian legends and the stories of Holy Grail of the Middle Agesbelong to Scottish literature.3.It was the Romans that brought Christianity to England.4.Alfred the Great is given the name of “the Father of the British Navy.”5.The Wars of the Roses served actually as a hidden blessing to the English,for it practically extinguished feudalism in England.6.The divorce case of King Henry VII led to the Reformation in England.7.The roundheads that supported the King during English Civil Wars laterdeveloped into the Liberal Party.8.Adam Smith powerfully supported the economic doctrine know aslaissez faire.9.Queen Elizabeth I was a very great monarch skilful in her ruling of thecountry and was regarded as the symbol of the British Empire.10.The more one has in society, the more likely one is to be a Conservative.11.The Romans brought Latin alphabet and civilization to England and livedin harmony with the vernacular inhabitants.12.The English are different in origin from the Welsh, the Scottish and theIrish.13.The “backbone of England”refers to the highest peak in Britain---BenNevis.14.Fleet Street is where the first British newspaper, Daily News, waspublished, and it has become the center of British newspaper publishing ever since.15.The Local Education Authority takes charge of all primary and secondaryeducation within a county or borough.。

最新英美概况》练习参考答案解析[英国部分](总19页)-本页仅作为预览文档封面,使用时请删除本页-《最新英美概况》练习参考答案(本答案不包括练习中的开放性习题、思考题和讨论题)====================================================PART ONE The United KingdomChapter One The LandP. 6II Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.1. B2. BIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. F2. F3. F4. F5. TIV Answer the following questions.1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.2. Four. England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.3. Yes, it was.4. No, it isn’t.5. The “British Isles” is a group of islands including Great Britain,Ireland, the Isle of Man, the Channel Islands, Shetland Islands, theIsle of Wight, and many other smaller surrounding islands. Thereare two countries located on the islands: the United Kingdom andthe Republic of Ireland.P. 10II Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. England, Scotland, Ireland2. white, St. George, England, St. Andrew, Scotland, St. Patrick, IrelandIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. T 4. T 5. FIV Answer the following questions.1. 1801.2. Because when the first version of the Union Flag appeared Waleswas already united with England and was therefore represented bythe flag of England.3. Australia, New Zealand, Tuvalu, Fiji.4. 1922.P. 12-13II Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. T3. F4. T5. TIII Answer the following questions.1. God Save the Queen.2. There are five verses in the full version of the song but usually onlythe first verse is sung on official occasions.3. It’s u nknown.4. It originated in a patriotic song, and first publicly performed in London in 1745.5. It is played whenever the Queen makes a public appearance, and is played by theBBC every night before closedown.P. 16-17I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. million, 3002. England3. three4. 19485. LondonII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. T3. F4. F5. FP. 20III Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea2. Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland3. France4. the North Sea, the Irish Sea, the Atlantic Ocean5. a sixthIV Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. F2. F3. T4. F5. TV Answer the following questions.1. No.2. It covers about 245,000 square kilometers or 94,600 square miles.3. It is about 1,000 kilometers (600 miles) long, and the widest part ofBritain is about 480 kilometers.4. It has a land boundary with the Republic of Ireland as long as 434kilometers (270 miles).5. Scotland.P. 23-24II Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. highland, lowland2. coastal areas, Scotland, Wales3. Severn, Thames4. Clyde5. The Dee6. Bann7. Lough Neagh, Lower Lough ErneIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. T3. T4. FIV Answer the following questions.1. Scotland and Wales are the most mountainous parts of the UK.2. 94.3. It’s Ben Nevis in Scotland, with a height of 1,344 metres (4,409 feet)above sea level.4. Scotland.5. Owing to a relatively small island, the UK’s rivers are not very long. P. 25I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. coal2. iron ore3. tin4. those used in the construction and building industries such as sandand gravel, limestone and gypsumII Answer the following questions.1. They are coal, oil, natural gas, iron ore, tin, zinc, gold, chalk, salt, clay,limestone, gypsum, lead, silica, and so on.2. Coal.3. Natural gas was discovered in 1965 in the West Sole area of the North Sea.4. Oil was discovered in 1970 under the North Sea.5. Because coal can be produced more cheaply in other countries.6. The tin-mining industries have been hard hit by competition from cheaperoverseas producers, and by changes in government policy.P. 27II Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. unique2. cool, mild3. 32, about4. west, south5. average annual temperature, average winter rainfallIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. F3. F4. F5. FIV Answer the following questions.1. Such a statement has been made because of the changeability of theweatherconditions in Britain that can change so much from day to day, season to season.2. It can be as hot as 32°C (90°F), but mostly it only reaches 26°C.3. It’s about °C.4. It originated in a patriotic song, and first publicly performed in London in 17455. They are probably May, June, September and October.P. 40I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions., Guildhall, St. Paul’s Cathedral, the Tower Bridge2. second, Athens of the North3. industrialized, the Industrial Revolution, fastest growing city4. the House’s Parliament, the two House’s of Parliament, Big Ben5. William the Conqueror, a royal residence, prison of state, Jewel House6. at the foot of the basalt cliffs, 40,000 massive black basalt columnsII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. F2. T3. T4. T5. T6. FIII Answer the following questions.1. Manchester. Manchester United FC and Manchester City.2. Liverpool.P. 42-43I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. 9, 322. 26, 63. 17, 3, 144. islandII Choose the best answer that best completes the sentence.1. D2. D3. AIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. F3. F4. F5. TIV Answer the following questions.1. An overseas territory is under British sovereignty but does not formpart of the UK itself; a crown dependency is also under sovereigntyof the UK but has a different constitutional relationship.2. Yes.Chapter Two The People and Their CultureP. 48I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. third, twenty-second2. , ,3. medical advances in the treatment of many illnesses and diseases4. Scotland5. 80 percent6. England, 3957. 4,700II Answer the following questions.1. 62,262,000.2. The chief reasons are 1) the increase in births and decrease indeaths; 2) the increase in net international migration to the UK; and3) the increase in life expectancy.3. It is percent.4. It is migrant(s) per 1,000 population.5. It was 256 people per square kilometer.P. 49Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. Immigration and migration from other countries2.3. 8%4.5. 2P. 52-53II Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. third, Mandarin Chinese and Spanish2. English3. the three countries in Britain and Northern Ireland in Ireland, thefour countries themselves4. Welsh, Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic, Cornish5. secondIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. T3. F4. T5. FIV Answer the following questions.1. Approximately 375 million people.2. Beside English there are also four Celtic languages in use in the UK,such as Welsh, Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic and Cornish.3. Because of the USA’s dominance of cinema, television, popularmusic, trade and technology (including the Internet).4. The major differences are in phonology, phonetics, vocabulary,grammar and spelling.P. 56-57II Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. Christianity2. Roman Catholic, England3. Scotland4. Roman Catholic, the Presbyterian Church5. immigration6. 152,000III Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. F3. F4. T5. TIV Answer the following questions.1. Christianity.2. Queen Elizabeth II.3. Yes, they are.4. The Roman Catholic Church.5. The Roman Catholic Church.P. 60-61I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. conservative2. the weather3. Trooping the colour, Changing of the Guard4. Foot Guard, Household Cavalry5. palaceII Choose the best answer that best completes the sentence.1. C2. C3. D4. D5. CIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. F3. T4. F5. FIV Answer the following questions.1. It is true, its conservatism has something to do with the fact thatBritain is an island isolated from the European Continent and itsweather is frequently changing.2. It was for the soldiers to recognize their own regiment as soon aspossible. It often takes place in London annually on the secondSaturday in June.P. 67-68I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. the death and his resurrection2. exchanging gifts, decorating Christmas trees, attending church,sharing meals with family and friends, waiting for Father Christmasto arrive3. the seed of life4. go trick-or-treating and carve pumpkins5. slaveryII Choose the best answer that best completes the sentence.1. C2. C3. D4. C5. DIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. T3. T4. F5. FIV Answer the following questions.1. It commemorates all those men and women who were killed during thetwo World Wars and other conflicts.2. In the past, hunting fox was a popular sport among the upper classes.Now horsing racing and football are popular.3. Fasting is to develop patience and self-control, to learn sympathy forthe deprived, to cleanse the body and mind, to gain appreciation forAllah's bounty, to demonstrate the depth of one's commitment, andto protect against sin.There are, then, three levels of the Ramadan fast:-Refraining from the physical things that are forbidden (performed with the mouth/stomach/sexual organs).-Restraining oneself from saying, hearing and looking at forbiddenthings (performed with the senses).-Renewing one's devotion to Allah (performed with the heart and mind).P. 71-72I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. welfare, from-cradle-to-grave2. the National Health Serviceretirement pension4. accidental injury at work, the conditions5. the Beveridge ReportII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. F3. T4. FP. 78I Choose the best answer that best completes the sentence.1. C 3. D 4. D (40改成47) 5. CII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. F2. T3. T4. F5. FP. 83I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. football2. Manchester United, Arsenal, Liverpool3. Wimbledon, Australian Open, French Open, US Open4. 18, 17, 15. Formula 1 British Grand Prix, the Wales Rally GB, the Festival ofSpeedII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. T3. F4. T5. FIII Answer the following questions.1. Football, rugby, cricket, golf, tennis, hockey, etc.2. Watchers can bet a horse to be thought to win.3. The Football Association Challenge Cup (英格兰足总杯). It is theoldest football competition in the world, founded in 1872. It's thecompetition that provides the opportunity for small, part-time clubsto potentially go head to head with the big clubs of the Premiership. P. 88-89I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. freedom of the press, conflicts, freedom of access to information,the interests of the public, the privacy, individual2. entertainment, public opinion, political3. news, entertainment, sports4. the Times, the Guardian, the Daily Telegraph, the Financial Times5. BBC One, BBC Two, ITV, Channel Four, Channel FiveII Choose the best answer that best completes the sentence.1. C2. A3. B4. B5. AIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. F2. T 4. F 5. TIV Answer the following questions.1. They are central to British leisure culture.2. Because it can bring buyers and sellers together, provide peoplewith the interactive platforms, and people can use it to do digitalmarketing, e-commerce, management, etc.P. 93-94I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. 37, 1542. evolutionary, natural selection, The Origin of Species, The Descent of Man.3. James Cook4. Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, James Cook, Stephen Hawking,Winston Churchill, Diana SpencerII Answer the following questions.1. Stephen Hawking is a British theoretical physicist noted for hisresearch into the origin of the universe. His work influenced thedevelopment of the big bang and black hole theories.2. He was the 20th century's most famous and celebrated Prime Minister wholed Britain to victory in World War Two. He worked tirelesslythroughout the war, building strong relations with US PresidentRoosevelt while maintaining a sometimes difficult alliance with theSoviet Union.Chapter Three A Brief History of the United KingdomP. 97-98I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. Ice Age2. Beaker Folk3. The Celts4. the Irish, the Welsh5. DruidismII Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.1. C2. C3. AIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. T3. F4. T5. TIV Answer the following questions.1. Between 3000 and 2000 BC2. Three Waves. The first wave was the Gaels who came around 600BC; the second wave was the Britons who came around 400 BC, andthe third wave was the Belgae who came around 150 BC.3. The Celts, a taller and fairer race than the people who had comebefore, began to arrive in Britain at about 700 BC and kept cominguntil the arrival of the Romans.P. 100-101I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. Julius Caesar2. 433. Boadica, Londinium4. 410 AD5. YorkII Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.1. B2. D3. C4. CIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. F2. T3. T4. FIV Answer the following questions.1. Between 55 and 54 BC.2. The invasion of British Isles.3. Firstly, the resistance of the British people was strong. Secondly,Roman troops were often withdrawn from Britain to fight in otherparts of the Roman Empire.4. 400 years.5. The Romans also made good use of Britain’s natural resources,mining lead, iron and tin and manufacturing pottery, etc.P. 104I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. The Jutes, Saxons and Angles2. English3. Mercia, Offa’s Dyke4. St. Augustine5. Archbishop of CanterburyII Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.1. A2. C3. BIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. F 4. TIV Answer the following questions.1. The seven kingdoms are: Kent, Essex, Sussex, Wessex, East Anglia,Mercia and North Umbria.2. The names Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday derive fromthe names of the gods of Anglo-Saxons’ Teutonic religion: Tiu, thegod of war, Wooden, king of heaven, Thor, the god of storms, andFreya, goddess of peace.3. Firstly, they divided the country into shires, with shire courts andshire reeves, or sheriffs, responsible for administering law. Secondly,they devised the narrow-strip, three-field farming system in use upto the 18th century. Thirdly, they also established the manorialsystem. Finally, they created the Witan to advise the king, the basisof the Privy Council which still exists today.P. 106-107I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. Edward2. William the Conqueror3. William (此题印刷有错,需把句子中的William删掉)II Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.1. B2. D3. AIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. T3. F4. TIV Answer the following question1.Edward was called Edward the Confessor as he was a very religiousman and would often go to church and confess to sins. The title"confessor" also distinguished this Edward from Edward the Martyr(c962-979). Edward was later made a saint, due to his building ofWestminster Abbey and efforts in other churches.2.The Norman Conquest replaced the loosely organized Anglo-Saxonkingdom with a feudal system based on land ownership by ahereditary aristocracy that owed its position - and therefore lands andloyalty - to a strong central authority with a hereditary succession. Inaddition, there were other changes such as in English emigration andNorman immigration, women’s rights, language, etc.3.There are four. They were the King of Norway, the Duke of Normandy,and two brothers of Edward’s Queen, named Edith, and HaroldGodwinson.P. 110-111I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. an English charter2. 1337, 14533. territorial, economic4. 1348 - 1350II Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.1. B2. C3. B4. CIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. F2. T3. T4. TIV Answer the following questions.1. Feudalism in England was established by William the Conquerorand the Normans following the defeat of the English AngloSaxons at the Battle of Hastings in 1066.2. Magna Carta is an English charter, originally issued by King John ofEngland at Runnymede in the English county of Surrey undercompulsion from the church and his barons on 15 June 1215. Thecharter was reissued later for several times in modified versionswhich omitted certain temporary provisions, including the mostdirect challenges to the monarch's authority, which had a hugeinfluence on the developing legal system of England.3. The Hundred Years' War was a series of conflicts waged from 1337 to 1453between the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of France and theirvarious allies for control of the French throne. It was the result of a dynasticdisagreement dating back to William the Conqueror who became King ofEngland in 1066, while remaining Duke of Normandy. As dukes ofNormandy and other lands on the continent, the English kings owedhomage to the King of France. In 1337 Edward III of England refused to payhomage to Philip VI of France, leading the French king to claim confiscationof Edward's lands in Aquitaine.4. The war was in fact a series of separate wars and is commonlydivided into three phases. First, the English won a great navalvictory at Sluys in 1340, then an equally decisive land battle nearCalais at Crecy in 1346. Then the English went on to take Calais;and in 1356 at Poitiers they won another victory over the FrenchKing who was taken prisoner and held to ransom.5. The Black Death was one of the most devastating epidemicdiseases in human history, peaking in Europe between 1348 and1349, and killing nearly half of Europe’s population. Additionally,The Black Death is thought to have started in Asia. It thentravelled along the Silk Road and reached the Crimea by 1346.From there, it was probably carried by Oriental rat fleas living onthe black rats that were regular passengers on merchant ships. Allin all, the plague reduced the world population from an estimated450 million to a number between 350 and 375 million in the 14thcentury. Moreover, the impact of the Black Death upon the futureof England was greater than upon any other European country.The Black Death has been seen as creating a series of religious,social and economic upheavals which changed the face of theEnglish society in a profound way.P. 115I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. 1642-1646, 1647-16492. Puritan Revolution3. overthrew, foundation, beginning4. the Glorious Revolution of 16885. The Bill of RightsII Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.1. C2. A3. D4. AIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. T3. T4. FP. 118I Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.1. C2. B3. A4. D5. CII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. F3. T4. TIII Answer the following questions.1. The Industrial Revolution was the transition to new manufacturingprocesses that occurred in the period from about 1760 to sometime between 1820 and 1840. This transition included going fromhand production methods to machines, new chemicalmanufacturing and iron production processes, improved efficiencyof water power, the increasing use of steam power anddevelopment of machine tools. The transition also included thechange from wood and other bio-fuels to coal. The Industrialrevolution began in England and within a few decades spread toWestern Europe and the United States.2. The accumulation of capital; the development of capitalist farming;the appearance of a labour reserve; and the expansion of markets,domestic and foreign.3. The Industrial Revolution promoted the development of production.Within a short period the Industrial Revolution took over allindustries in Britain and replaced other systems of production. And itimproves the living standards. Much of the laboring population,previously largely employed in agriculture, moved to the industrialtowns and cities, where they were housed and employed in oftenmiserable and squalid conditions. And etc.4. The industrial revolution was a period in Britain from mid-1700s tothe mid-1800s in which power-driven machines in factoriesreplaced manual labor. The industrial revolution resulted fromadvances in applied science and engineering, such as thedevelopment of steam engines (especially those of the inventorJames Watt). Much of the laboring population, previously largelyemployed in agriculture, moved to the industrial towns and cities, where they were housed and employed in miserable conditions. 5. The causes and effects of the Industrial Revolution are complicatedand remain a topic for debate. The reference answer is as follows: Causes:-Iron renovations: stronger, better quality iron-Labor surplus—more jobs, more people to do jobs-Stable agricultural society—the agricultural revolution improved food supply and quality; created a strong base forindustrialization-High food supply—stated above; more farmland + moretransportation = more crops-Ready capital—constant supply of money-Population growth—due to food supply-Government allowed fencing off lands—peasants now needed work after being kicked off private farmland-Entrepreneurs—people wanted to make money through newways and opportunities-Plentiful natural resources—rivers = water power for steamengine and transportation, iron ore and coal = fuel-Relatively free society—government usually exhibited laissezfaire (let people do what they want), economy regulated itself,ideas circulated freely-Ready market—ships could deliver and transport-Stable government—strong central government to support the peopleEffects:-Better transportation—faster, cheaper-Long distance communications—telegraphs, etc. linked nations from coast to coast-Money to be made—capitalism: investments, inventing, selling,producing-Bad working conditions—disease, deformations, long, hard hours-Child abuse-New inventions—locomotives (railroads), purer iron, factories,spinning jenny, steam engines, steamboats...etc-Rural workers became urban workers-Increased production rates (everything machine made)-Family life disrupted—families were separated, women andchildren also labored-Bad pay—women paid half or less than men-Migration and population boom in cities—everyone flocked tocities to work in factories-Industrialization "age"—spread to Europe and around the world-Social classes formed—industrial middle class and industrialworking classes emerged-Industrial capitalism took hold—economic system ofmanufacturingP. 121I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. The Reform Act2. The New Poor Law3. charter of political demands (A People's Charte)4. Moral Force Chartists, Physical Force ChartistsII Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.1. D2. B3. CIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. F2. T3. T4. FIV Answer the following questions.1. Charter Movement was a movement for political and social reform inBritain during the mid-19th century, between 1838 and 1850. In theyears 1839, 1842 and 1848, the Chartist Movement urgedParliament to adopt three great petitions. Of these, the best knownis the final petition, with six million signatures (although a number ofthese were later found to be fake), presented to Parliament on 10thApril 1848 after a huge meeting on Kennington Common. This eventachieved great prominence in the story of Chartism, due largely tothe reaction of the authorities as they faced the challenges of thatturbulent year.2. Between 1832 and 1884 three Reform Bills were passed in the Britishparliament. The Reform Act of 1832 abolished “rotten Boroughs”,and redistributed parliamentary seats more fairly among thegrowing towns. It also gave the vote to many householders andtenants, based on the value of their property. The New Poor Law of1834 forced the poor people into work houses instead of giving themsufficient money to survive in their own homes. The 6 points in thePeople’s Charter were achieved very gradually over the period of1858-1918, although the sixth has never been practical. Lenin saidthe Chartist Movement was "the first broad, really mass, politicallyformed, proletarian revolutionary movement."3. The movement failed for a number of reasons:-It failed to obtain parliamentary support for the Charter.-The middle-classes ignored, shunned or condemned Chartism.-Chartists were divided among themselves.-Government handled the movement firmly and calmly.-Chartist demands were too drastic.-There was too much diversity in the intellectual and ideological aimsof Chartism.-Other movements offering more immediate and tangible benefitsattracted chartists.-The socio-economic position improved after 1842. Prosperityeliminated mass support.-Chartism and the Chartists were made to look ridiculous afterKennington Common, and the failure of the Land Plan.-The changing sociology of England after railways fragmented theapparent unity of the working classes.P. 124I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. the 16th century, 15832. England, Scotland3. Jamestown4. million5. the 20th centuryII Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.1. B2. A3. BIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. F3. F4. TP. 128I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. Entente Powers, Central Powers of Germany。

C. the Central Lowlands B. the HighlandD. the Southern UplandsExercise 1I.Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinishedstatement or question four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D are given. Choose the one you think best completes the statements or answers the question.1.The United Kingdom is located in _______ .A.northern EuropeB. western EuropeC. northwestern EuropeD. southeastern Europe2.The two large islands that make up the British Isles are ___________ .A.Scotland and IrelandB.Britain and ScotlandC.Great Britain and Northern IrelandD.Great Britain and Ireland3.The British Empire was replaced by the British Commonwealth or theCommonwealth of Nations in _______ .A.1921B. 1931C. 1945D. 19504.The Commonwealth of Nations is an association of independent countriesA.that were once colonies of BritainB.that have a large number of British immigrantsC.that have close relations with BritainD. that have fought on the side of Britain in the two world wars5.The English Channel separates the island of Great Britain from __________ .A.DenmarkB. BelgiumC. FranceD. the Netherlands6.England has three main land regions. They are the Southwestern Plateau, the Pennines,and _A.the Eastern PlainB.norther C. eastern8.Northern Ireland, which takes upfourth political division of _______ .A.the United KingdomC. Scotland9.Britain's longest rivers are ______ .A.the Severn and the ClydeC. the Clyde and the Humber10.The largest lake in the British IslesA.Loch LomondC. WindermereBritain's climate is influenced by theD.westernnorthern fifth of Ireland, is aB.IrelandD. WalesB.the Thames and the ClydeD. the Severn and the Thames is .B.Loch NeaghD. Ullswatera warm ocean currentthat passesBritish Isles.A.southernthe western coast of the British Isles and warms them.A.the North Atlantic DriftB. the Brazil CurrentC.the Labrador CurrentD. the Falkland Current12.The English people and the English language were born from the unionof ____ .A.the Angles and the SaxonsB.Germanic conquerors and the Norman FrenchC.Danes or Vikings and the Norman FrenchD.Norman conquerors and the defeated Anglo-Saxons13.Generally speaking the English southerners speak the type of Englishcloser to _____ .A. the CockneyB. the Queen9s EnglishC.the GaelicD. the BBC English14.Although Wales has been united with England for more than 400 years, theWelsh has kept alive ______ .B. their own literature A. their own languageC. their own tradition12D. All of the above 15. The Eisteddfod is a(n) _____ festival of poetry, music and other arts. A. EnglishB. ScottishC. WelshD. Irish16. Nowadays the Gaelic language, which is an ancient ________ , is still heard inthe Highlands and the Western Isles.A. Scottish languageB. English languageC. Irish languageD. Celtic language17. Many Scottish names begin with M', Me or Mac, which means_A. father ofB. sun ofC. son ofD. some of18. In Northern Ireland _____ make up the dominant group.A. Roman CatholicsB. English ProtestantsC. non-religious peopleD. Jewish people19. Northern Ireland is small, but it is significant because of the_A. the economic problemsB. the political troublesC. the immigration issuesD. the national identity20. About three million people have migrated to Britain since World War 11.They are mainly from the West Indies, India and __________ .A. IndonesiaB. SingaporeC. Hong KongD. Pakistankey l.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.B &A 9.D10.B ll.A D 13.D 14.D 15.C 16.D 17.C 18.B 19.B 20.Dwere the _____ . B. Iberians D. Romans B. Islam D. Christianity in ____ . B. Wales D. The southeast ofBritain C. 446 AD B.EgbertExercises 2I. Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D are given. Choose the one you think best completes the statements or answers the question.1. The first known settlers of BritainA. CeltsC. Beaker Folk2. The Celts' religion was ______ .A. BuddhismC. Druidism3. Roman control was only effectiveA. ScotlandC. London 4. Christianity was first brought to England by the ________ .A. RomansB. CeltsC. Anglo-SaxonsD. Danes5. The Romans remained in control of Britain for nearly 400 years and theypulled out in _____ .A. 306 ADB. 410 ADD. 1066 AD6. Which of the following tribes came to Britain first?A. The Angles.B. The Saxons.C. The Gaels.D. The Jutes. 7. _ became the first real king of England, though he did not assume thatstyle.A. Offa8. __ became the first Archbishop of Canterbury.A.ColumbaB. EthelbertC. St. AugustineD. Egbert9.The Vikings began to attack various parts of England from the end of the__ century.A.7thB. 8thC. 9thD.lOth10.Who were the ancestors of the English and the founders of England?A. The Anglo-Saxons.B. The Normans.C. The Vikings.D. The Romans11.Which of the following statements is NOT true?A.Alfred the Great started the English navy.B.Alfred the Great reorganized the Saxon any, making it more efficient.C.Alfred the Great established schools and formulated a legal System.D.Alfred the Great impose a tax, called the Danegeld, on the Saxons.12.Which of the following statements is NOT true?A.Canute was chosen by the Witan as king of England.B.Canute was a warrior king and fought many battles against the Normans.C.Canute divided power between Danes and Saxons.D.Canute forced Malcolm II, king of the Scots, to recognize him as overlord.13.Which of the following is NOT true?A.Edward the Confessor was more French than English.B.Edward the Confessor filled his court with 'foreign' favorites.C.Edward the Confessor was on very good terms with his father-in-law, Earl Godwin.D.Edward the Confessor appointed a Norman priest Archbishop of Canterbury.14.When Edward the Confessor died, ______ was chosen by the Witan as king Of England.A.the king of NorwayB.Harold Godwinson, Earl of WessexC.Edgar, Edward's nephewA. 1086C. 1035 17. William won the Battle of Hastings.A. Easter DayC. Christmas Day18. William, Duke of Normandy, is now A. William the Confessor B. D. Lat er, 1066 1381on , he was crowned king of England. B. St. Andrew*s Day D. Boxing Day known as ____ .B. WilliamLion-HeartD. Tostig, the deposed Earl of Northumbria15. Tostig, Harold's brother, joined _____ , and made an attempt to recover his lost earldom of Northumbria.A. Harold Hardrada, King of NorwayB. Edgar, Edward's nephewC. Malcolm II, King of the ScotsD. Hardicanute16. William, Duke of Normandy, fought King Harold of England at the Battle of Hastings in ___ .C. the father of the British navyD. William the Conqueror19. Most of the land belonging to the Saxons was confiscated by William and given to. Exercises 3 I. Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished stat -ement or question four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D are given. Choose the one you think best A. the Norman baronsB. the DanesC. the IrishD. the Scots20. The Norman Conquest is perhaps event in English history.A. a triflingB. the best-knownC. a horrifyingD. a sensational 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A5. B6. C7. B8. C9. B 10. A 11. D 12. B 13. C14. B 15. A 16. B 17. C 18. D 19. A 20. Bcompletes the statements or answers the question.1. In the reign of William I, the _________ w ere at the bottom of the feudal scale.A. knightsB. villeinsC. lesser noblesD. freemen2. The Domesday Book was completed inA. 1086B. 1085C. 1087D. 10063. When William I died in Normandy in _________ he left England to his second sonWilliam.A. 1100B. 1153C. 1087D. 11354. William II was known as William Rufus because of his.A. independenceB. efficiencyC. filial pietyD. red complexion5. ____ was the founder of the Plantagenet dynasty and ruled England for 35years.A. Henry IB. King StephenC. Henry IID. Count of Anjou6. William Rufus (William II) was killed by an arrow when he was hunting in _____________ inAugust 1100.A. the New ForestB. PevenseyC. WinchesterD. Gloucester7. Henry II took some measures to bring the disorders of reign to an end.A. Henry I'sB. King Stephen'sC. William IPsD. Edward the Confessor's& Which of the following statements is NOT true?A.Henry II did some renovations of castles built in Stephen'stime.B.Henry II recalled grants of Royal lands made by Stephen.C.Henry II strengthened the powers of his sheriffs.D.Henry II relied for armed support upon a militia made up of EnglishFreemen.9.Henry II divided the country into ________ circuits and appointed travelingjudges to each of them.A.threeB. fourC. fiveD. six10.Which of the following statements is NOT true?A.The Bishop's courts could punish by means of censure.B.The Bishop's courts could inflict corporal punishment.C.The Bishop's courts could punish by means of excommunication.D.The Bishop's courts could punish by mean of penance.11.After Thomas Becket rejected the Constitutions of Clarendon Henry II __________ .A.appointed him Chancellor of EnglandB.made him Archbishop of CanterburyC.drove him into exileD.increased the Jurisdiction of the church courts12.Thomas Becket spent _____years on the continent and returned to England in1170.A. fourB. fiveC. sixD. seven13.The Great Charter (or Magna Carta) was signed by King John at Runnymedein ___ .A. 1162B. 1164C. 1210D. 121514.Simon de Montfort summoned in _______ the Great Council to meet atWestminster, together with two knights from each county and two citizensB. 1258D. 1266A .B . D . the reform of the church A. Archbishop of York Mayor of London Archbishop of Canterbury D. the Treasurer 20. The Peasant Uprising of 1381 di d not direct against A. the rich clergy B. the lawyers C. the landowners the town traders 1. B 2. A 3.C 4.D 5. C 6. A 7. B & A 9. D 10. B 11. C12. C 13. D 14. C 15. A 16. B 17. C 18. A 19. B 20. Dfrom each town.A. 1242C. 1265 15. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. In the 13th century a Black Rod went between the two Houses ofParliament for liaison and to discipline the members.B. In the 13thcentury Parliament only met byroyal invitation. C. In the 13thcentury Parliament's role was tooffer advice, not to make decisions. D. In the 13thcentury the most important part of Parliament was the House of Lords.16. During the reign of ______ , Wales was brought under English rule.A. Henry IIIB. Edward IC. Edward IID. Edward III17. _ became the first prince to hold the title of Prince of Wales, whichcontinues to be borne by the eldest son of the reigning monarch.A. Richard IB. Henry IIIC. Edward IID. Edward III18. The chief demand of the peasants during the Peasant Uprising of 1381 was.the abolition of villeinage the punishment of the King's ministers the increase of wages 19. Wat Tyler was killed by William Walworth,A. 300B.350C.400D.450Exercises 4I.Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For eachunfinished statement or question four suggested answers marked A, B, C andD are given. Choose the one you think best completes the statements or answers the question.1.The name of Wars of the Roses was, in fact, coined by the great 19thcentury novelist _____ .A.Charles DickensB. George ElliotC. Sir Walter ScottD. Charlotte Bronte2.Although the Wars of the Roses were fought intermittently for __________ years,ordinary people were little affected and went about their business as usual.A.20B. 30C. 40D. 503.No less than ____ nobles of royal blood were killed in the Wars of the Roses.A. 80B. 90C. 100D. 1104.Which of the following statements is NOT true?A.Henry VII refilled the royal treasury through loans, subsidies, property levies and fines.B.Henry VII forbade the nobles to keep excessive power.C.Henry VII built up England's navy and foreign trade.D.Henry VII completely neglected parliament as though it never existed.5.Henry VIII declared himself Supreme Head of the Church of England in ___________ .A. 1529B. 1534C. 1535D. 15476.Queen Mary burnt at stake some ______ men and women who refused to changeback to the Catholic faith.7.Mary died childless and her half-sister Elizabeth came to the throne asElizabeth I in _____ .A.1547B. 1558C. 1588D. 1603& Which of the following statements is NOT true?A.Elizabeth I broke Mary's ties with Rome.B.Elizabeth I restored her father's independent Church of England.C.Elizabeth Ts religious reform was a compromise of views.D.Elizabeth I's religious settlement was acceptable to both extreme Protestants and ardentCatholics.9.The Renaissance began in northern Italy in the early ________ century, and wastypified by the universal genius of Leonardo Da Vinci.A. 11thB. 12thC. 13 thD. 14th10.The English Renaissance is said to have begun in __________ .A. 1422B. 1478C. 1485D. 149511.James VI of Scotland succeeded Elizabeth I and became James I of Englandin ____ .A. 1601B. 1603C. 1615D. 162512.Which of the following statements is NOT true?A.The Puritans believed that the Reformation had gone too far.B.The Puritans became very powerful in Parliament.C.The Puritans were very happy when they heard that James had become king ofEngland.D.The Puritans called for a purer form of worship.13.The Puritans suspected James I of England being a secret __________ b ecause ofhis pro-Spanish foreign policy and his son*s Spanish marriage alliance.C. ProtestantD. Muslim14.In ___ a small group of Puritans sailed from Plymouth in the Mayflower,and found New Plymouth in America, Britain's first settlement in the New World.A.1614B. 1615C. 1620D. 162115.The Great Civil War, as it became known, lasted from __________ until 1646.A.1639B. 1640C. 1641D. 164216.When the First Civil War broke out ________ men were at Charles Ts command.A. 1,000B. 2,000C. 3,000D. 4,00017.Which of the following statements is NOT true?A.Oliver Cromwell became Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England in 1653 by thePetition of Right.B.Oliver Cromwell crushed without mercy a rebellion in Ireland.C.Oliver Cromwell suppressed the Levellers, a group within his own army who advocated totalreligious and social equality.D.Oliver Cromwell replaced the Rump with an assembly largely chosen by himself.18.In 1660 the monarchy was restored and Charles I's son was brought backfrom ____ , where he had fled for safety.A. FlandersB. FranceC. HollandD. Germany19.After the Restoration, Parliament passed a series of severe laws called_ against the Puritans, now known as Conformists.A. Agreement of PeopleB. The Petition of RightC. The Clarendon CodeD. The Act of Supremacy20.Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. The Bill of Rights excluded any Roman Catholics from the succession.B.The Bill of Rights confirmed the principle of parliamentary supremacy.C.The Bill of Rights guaranteed free speech within both the House of Lords and theHouse of Commons.D.The Bill of Rights requested that no taxes should be raised without consent ofParliament.l.C 2. B 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.A7.B 8.D9.10.Cll.B 12.A 13. B 14. C 15.D 16.A 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.DC.Asia Exercises 5I. Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D are given. Choose the one you think best completes the statements or answers the question.1. Traditional farming involved the open field village, a system that datedback to the ______ c entury. A. 4th B. 5th C. 6thD. 7th2. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. The open field system provided a good opportunity to experiment.B. The open field system wasted land.C. The open field system was wasteful of labor and time.D. The open field system made livestock farming difficult.3. Which of the following statements is NOT considered a characteristic of farming in the late 18thand early 19th centuries? A. Use of artificial fertilizer.B. Introduction of new agricultural machinery.C. The 'Open-field* system.D. A system of crop rotation.4. Land enclosure was a disaster for the ________ evicted from their land by theenclosures. A. landlords B. tenants C. farmersD. wage laborers5. In Ireland and Scottish Highlands land enclosure led to mass emigration,particularly to _____ . A. AfricaB. Eastern EuropeD. The New World 6. By the early 19th century, Britain had a road network of somemiles.C.ChartisA. 115,000B. 120,000C. 125,000D. 130,0007. In England no females were allowed to vote in national elections beforeA. 1918B. 1920C. 1928D. 19458. In 1836 a group of ______ and small shopkeepers formed the London WorkingMen's Association. A. householders B. tenants C. skilled workersD. office workers9. The six points of the People's Charter were achieved gradually over theperiod of _____ , although the sixth has never been practical. A. 1836-1848 B. 1842-1848 C. 1848-1908D. 1858-191810. Parliament passed the Combination Acts of 1799-1800 to forbid theformation of _____ . A. a new government B. societies C. communesD. unions11. The Labor Party had its origins in the ________ , which was formed inJanuary, 1893.A. Independent Labor PartyB. Grand National Consolidated Trade UnionC. Amalgamated Society of EngineersD. Trade Union Congress12. Thanks to the militant feminist movement of the _________ l ed by Mrs. Pankhurstbefore the First World War, votes were granted to women over 30 in 1918. A. LudditesB. SuffragettesD. LevellersA. League of NationsB. BritishCommonwealth C. British East India Company D. United Nations 15. After World War I political unrest in Britain led to gene ralB. 3C.4 16. The Blitz radically changed the face of London for the first time since the Black Death the Great Fire C. the Civil War17. Thefoundations of13. The spark of the First World War was struck at Sarajevo on June 28, ____________ .when the Austrian Crown Prince Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist. A. 1913 B. 1914 C. 1915D. 191614. As a result of the First World War settlement the __________ w as established in1920.elections in just over 5 years.A. 2D. 5nearly 3 centuries earlie 匸D. the Great Plague was laid in the late 1940s, providing free medical care for everyone and financial help for the old, the sick and the unemployed. A. the welfare stateB. the National Health ServiceC. the compulsory educationD. the Women's Liberation Movement18. In the 1960s Pop music underwent a revolution when the Beatles becameworld famous and turned their hometown of __________into a place of pilgrimage. A. Manchester B. Blackpool C. LiverpoolD. Sheffield19. The 1970s saw the growth of ______ in Wales and Scotland. 20. Margaret Thatcher believed in the following except ________ .A. self-relianceB. the strengthening of trade unionsC. privatizationDthe use of monetary policies to control inflation.l.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.C 7. A 8.C 9. D 10.D ll.A12.13.B 14.A 15.C 16.B 17.A 18.C 19.D 20.BBExercises 7I.Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statementor question four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D are given. Choose the one you think best completes the statements or answers the question.1.The economic policy Britain pursued in the 1950s and 1960s was based onthe theory of ______ .A.Adam SmithB. John Maynard KeynesC. Margaret ThatcherD. Karl Marx2.In the 1970s Britain maintained the _______ growth rate and the _________inflation rate among the developed countries.A. lowest/lowestB. highest/highestC. lowest/highestD. highest/lowest3.Under Margaret Thatcher Britain experienced _________ .A. economic recessionB. economic expansionC. economic declineD. economic depression4.In Britain service industries account for about _________ of its gross domesticproduct (GDP).A. one-thirdB. two-thirdsC. three-fifthsD. four-fifths5.The following are the reasons why British coal mining is today called a"sick" industry except _______ .A. Britain has used up almost all coal depositsB.the demand for British coal has declined9.The area between ______ and"Silicon Glen”.A. London/South WalesC. London/the Cambridge is now often referred to as the B.the Oxford/the CambridgeD.Glasgow/EdinburghC.petroleum, water power, and electric power are replacing coal formany purposesD.the old British mines are narrow and deep, making it difficult tosue machines fro mining.6.Which of the following is not true of British iron and steel industry?A.Britain's steel industry is declining.B.No more new discoveries of iron ore have been found in Britain.C.Supplies of iron ore are now mostly foreign.pared with newer plants in the world, Britain's steelworks arenot efficient.7.Rolls-Royce is world famous for _______ .A. machine toolsB.household appliancesC.luxury automobilesD.high-quality knives and hand tools8.Why is it that Britain today imports more clothing than it exports?A.British clothing is of poor quality.B.Britain does not grow cotton.C.Many countries with lower costs can produce clothing more cheaplythan the British can.D.Britain has a highly developed transportation system.10.Which of the following is not true of Britain's agriculture?A.British farming is highly mechanized.B.Agriculture in Britain is intensive.C.British farming is very efficient.D.Britain's agriculture can produce enough food for its people.11.Which area is called the Garden of England and is famous for beautiful blossoms in spring?A.The county of Kent in southeastern England.B.The county of East Sussex in southern England.C.The county of West Sussex in southern England.D.The county of Essex in eastern England.12.Britain once imported chiefly _______ and exported mostly _______ .A.manufactured products/raw materialsB.raw materials/manufactured productsC.foods/mineralsD.minerals/foods13.Britain's leading customers and suppliers are France, Germany and __________ .A. JapanB. BelgiumC.the NetherlandsD. the United States14.Which of the following is not true of Britain's foreign trade?A.The value of Britain's exports of goods usually exceeds the value ofits imports.B.The value of Britain's imports of goods usually exceeds the value ofits exports.C.Manufactured goods now account for about 85% of British imports andabout 80% of its exports.D.Most of the United Kingdom's trade is with other developedcountries,especially other members of the European Union.15.The European Union (EU) is an organization of 15 __________ that promotescooperation among its members.A.European countriesB. developed countriesC. Western European countriesD. Southern European countries16.Which of the following is not true of the European Union?A.The United States is also a member of the EU.B.The members of the EU cooperate in many areas, including politicsand economics.C.The EU is a major economic unit.D.The combined value of the union*s imports and exports is greaterthan that of any single country in the world.17.Headquarters of the European Union are in __________ .A. Paris, FranceB. London, BritainC. Berlin, GermanyD. Brussels, Belgium18. ___ started as a trading post of the Roman Empire about AD 43.A. The City of WestminsterB. The City of LondonC. West End of LondonD. East End of London19.Today, the City of London is the business center of London where ____________are located.A. big supermarketsB. theatres and cinemasC. large financial organizationsD. restaurants and cafes20.What is Lloyd's?B. 13C.14 3. People betweenthe ages ofA. It is a famous bank.B. It is a big department store.C. It is a famous insurance company.D. It is a large hotel.l.B 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.C 9.D 10.D ll.A 12.B 13.D14.A 15.C 16.A 17.D 18.B 19.C 20.CExercises 8I. Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For eachunfinished statement or question four suggested answers marked A, B, C andD are given. Choose the one you think best completes the statements or answers the question.1. All criminal trials are held in open court because the criminal lawpresumes the ______ of the accused until he has been proved guilty beyondreasonable doubt.A. guiltB. impartialityC. innocenceD. honesty2. The jury consists of ordinary, independent citizens summoned by thecourt: 12 in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and __________ in Scotland.A. 12D. 15 and 70 (65 in Scotland) whose names appear on the electoral register, with certain exceptions, are liable forjury service and their names are chosen at random.A. 18B.194. Youth Courts try most cases involving people under ___________ .A. 17B. 18C. 19D. 205. The Crown Court sits at ________ centers and is presided over by High CourtJudges, full-time Circuit Judges and part-time Recorders.A. 91B. 92C. 93D. 946. The main courts of civil jurisdiction in England and Wales are the CountyCourts of which there are ________ .A. 270B. 271C. 272D. 2737. In Northern Ireland civil cases up to the value of £ _____________ are dealt within county courts.A. 14,000B. 15,000C. 16,000D. 17,0008. There are ______ police forces in England and Wales, 8 in Scotland and one(the Royal Ulster Constabulary) 9n Northern Ireland.A. 40B. 41C. 42D. 439. Police officers are not allowed to join _________ or to go on strike.A. a clubB. a trade unioncent ury.B. 17thC.18th C.1948 10. There are about 130 prison establishments in England and Wales and some20 in Scotland, many of which were built in theA. 16thD. 19th 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. DExercises 9I. Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D are given. Choose the one you think best completes the statements or answers the question.1. The National Health Service was established in the United Kingdom inA. 1946B. 1947D. 1949 2. Prescription charges do not apply to the following people except __________ .A. self-employed peopleB. child under 16C. war and armed forces disablement pensionersD. women aged 60 and over and men aged 65 and over3. NHS has suffered from under-funding in recent decades, as a result ofwhich many _______ people have been turning to private medical health care.A. working classB. elderly。
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1.Off the coast of mainland Western Europe lie two islands called the British Isles ofwhich the big one is the island of , or , and the small one is the island of .2.Britain is divided into three parts: , and .3.GMT is short for , which is the time on the line of (degree)longitude, which passes through , a district of southeast London, used as a basis for calculating time throughout the world in different time zones.4.The national flag of the United Kingdom is also called or .5.England was once conquered by , , and .6.Of the four nations, feel most British, is the most confident of itsown identity, and is most closely related to England.7.Monetary unit of UK is .8., , and are major industries in UK.9., , and are major trading partners of UK. is known as “”, due to its declines in economy.11.National Holiday of UK is .12.and weakened the European monarchies, and introduced the ageof constitutional monarchy, a monarchy with powers limited by Parliament.13.Three major national parties of UK are , and .14.Depending on the relative strengths of the parties in the House of Commons, theOpposition may try to overthrow the Government by defeating it on a “”vote.15.The Prime Minister’s official residence is , which is the symbol of theBritish Government.16.In UK, Ministers are appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of .17.As the language of England, English is a language belonging to thebranch of the family.18.Standard English is variously known as , , , andor .19.and are very popular Christian festivals in UK.20. a system now in general use of arranging the months in the year and thedays in the month, introduced by Pope Gregory ⅩⅢ (1502-85).21.The only really important patriotic festival is on which areremembered in special church services and civic ceremonies.22.The population of UK is nearly million.23., and are the main language used in UK.24.is national nickname of UK.25.The English have a mixed cultural heritage combining , , ,and elements.26.The English have many differences in regional speech. The Chief division isbetween and .27.The ancestors of the Welsh were , who escaped to the wild mountains ofWales form the invading Angles and Saxons.28.Today about % of the Welsh population still speak Welsh as their firstlanguage and about % of the Welsh people speak only Welsh, and ancient Celtic language.29.The Welsh have festivals of song and dance and poetry. The great event of theyear is , which is an annual gathering in Wales where competitions are held.30.The Welsh can be described as “”, because the majority of the populationlives in the valleys or the coast.31.Irish, often called , is a form of Gaelic.32.NHS is short for , which is the national insurance and social security inUK.33.The purpose of NHS is .34.The social security system is designed to secure a basic standard of living forpeople in financial need, such as people who are , , , , , or .35.Great Britain and the northern European countries, often termed “”, havewide-ranging social welfare programs.1.Off the coast of mainland Western Europe lie two islands called the British Isles ofwhich the big one is the island of Britain, or Great Britain, and the small one is the island of Ireland.2.Britain is divided into three parts: Scotland, Wales and England.3.GMT is short for Greenwich Mean Time, which is the time on the line of 0°(degree) longitude, which passes through Greenwich, a district of southeast London, used as a basis for calculating time throughout the world in different time zones.4.The national flag of the United Kingdom is also called the "Union Jack" or "UnionFlag".5.England was once conquered by the Romans, the Anglo-Saxons, the Danes andthe Normans.6.Of the four nations, the English feel most British, Scotland is the most confidentof its own identity, Wales is most closely related to England.7.Monetary unit of UK is British pound.8.Machinery, transportation equipment, metals and food processing are majorindustries in UK.9.Germany, France, Netherlands and U.S. are major trading partners of UK. is known as “the sick man of Europe”, due to its declines in economy.11.National Holiday of UK is Birthday of Queen, second Saturday in June.12.The Glorious Revolution and the French revolution weakened the Europeanmonarchies, and introduced the age of constitutional monarchy, a monarchy with powers limited by Parliament.13.Three major national parties of UK are the Conservative party, the Labor partyand the Liberal Democrats.14.Depending on the relative strengths of the parties in the House of Commons, theOpposition may try to overthrow the Government by defeating it on a “matter of confidence” vote.15.The Prime Minister’s official residence is No. 10 Downing Street in London,which is the symbol of the British Government.16.In UK, Ministers are appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of the PrimeMinister.17.As the language of England, English is a language belonging to the Germanicbranch of the Indo-European family.18.Standard English is variously known as RP, BBC English, Oxford English, andthe King’s English or Queen’s English.19.Christmas and Easter are very popular Christian festivals in UK.20.The Gregorian calendar, a system now in general use of arranging the months inthe year and the days in the month, introduced by Pope Gregory ⅩⅢ (1502-85).21.The only really important patriotic festival is Remembrance Sunday on which thedead of both World Wars are remembered in special church services and civic ceremonies.22.The population of UK is nearly 60 million.23.English, Welsh and Gaelic are the main language used in UK.24.John Bull is national nickname of UK.25.The English have a mixed cultural heritage combining Celtic, Anglo-Saxon,Norman, and Scandinavian elements.26.The English have many differences in regional speech. The Chief division isbetween southern England and northern England.27.The ancestors of the Welsh were the ancient Britons, who escaped to the wildmountains of Wales form the invading Angles and Saxons.28.Today about 25% of the Welsh population still speak Welsh as their first languageand about 1% of the Welsh people speak only Welsh, and ancient Celtic language.29.The Welsh have festivals of song and dance and poetry. The great event of theyear is the National Eisteddfod, which is an annual gathering in Wales where competitions are held.30.The Welsh can be described as “people of the valleys”, because the majority of thepopulation lives in the valleys or the coast.31.Irish, often called Erse, is a form of Gaelic.32.NHS is short for the National Health Service, which is the national insurance andsocial security in UK.33.The purpose of NHS is to help the individual stay healthy.34.The social security system is designed to secure a basic standard of living forpeople in financial need, such as people who are elderly, sick, disabled, unemployed, widowed, bringing up children or on very low incomes.35.Great Britain and the northern European countries, often termed “welfare states”,have wide-ranging social welfare programs.。