5.12.Homework Microsoft Word 文档
作业Microsoft Office Word 文档
寒假 Microsoft Word 文档
一电路连接基本方式1.在如图所示的电路中,为使灯L 1与L 2并联,应 ( ) A .闭合开关S 1、S 2,断开S 3 B .闭合开关S 1、S 3,断开S 2 C .闭合开关S 2、S 3,断开S 1 D .同时闭合开关S 1、S 2、S 32.如图所示,开关S 闭合后,两个灯泡都不亮,电流表指针几乎不动,而电压表指针有明显偏转,则电路故障可能是 ( )A .电流表坏了或未接好B .L 1的灯丝烧断或灯座未接通C .L 2的灯丝烧断或灯座未接通D .电流表和L 1、L 2都坏了 3.如图所示,甲是____,乙是____,可组成两个 小灯泡的并联电路。
(填“小灯泡”或“电流表”) 4.如图1所示电路,要使灯L 1、L 2组成串联电路,应闭合开关 ;要使L 1、L 2组成并联电路应闭合开关 ,同时闭合 是绝对不允许的。
5、如图8所示,电阻R 1、R 2的连接方式以及电流表所测电流的说法中正确的是( )A 、串联,测R 2 中的电流B 、并联,测R 1中的电流C 、串联,测R 1 中的电流D 、并联,测R 2中的电流6(桂林)、如图所示电路中,电源电压适当,要使电铃和电灯同时有电流通过,以下做法中正确的是…………………( )A .断开Sl ,闭合S2、S3;B .断开S3,闭合S1、S2;C .闭合Sl ,断开S2、S3;D .闭合S2,断开S 1、S 3. 二、电流与电流表的使用18.计算题.在如图电路中,闭合开关S 后,电流表A 1、A 2的示数分别为0.38A 和0.7A ,电压表的示数为4.5V 。
试求: ⑴灯L 1、L 2中的电流I 1和I 2; ⑵L 1两端的电压U 1和电源电压U 。
7、如图4所示,当S 接a ,S 1闭合时,电路中 亮,它们是 联的,电流表测 中的电流,当S 接b ,S 1断开时 灯亮,此时电流表示数为0.5A ,则通过L 1、L 2、L 3的电流分别为 、 、 。
word操作练习题(打印版)Word操作练习题一、基本操作1. 打开Word文档,创建一个新的空白文档。
2. 将文档保存为“练习题.docx”,并选择合适的保存位置。
3. 将文档的标题设置为“Word操作练习题”,并使用加粗和居中格式。
二、文本编辑1. 输入以下文本:- "Word文档编辑是办公自动化中的一项基本技能。
"- "掌握基本的Word操作对于提高工作效率至关重要。
"2. 将第一句文本设置为第二段,并将字体大小调整为14号。
3. 将第二句文本的首字母大写。
三、段落格式1. 将文本的行距设置为1.5倍行距。
2. 将第一段文本的对齐方式设置为两端对齐。
3. 为第二段文本添加首行缩进,缩进值为2字符。
四、样式和格式1. 为“Word操作练习题”标题应用“标题1”样式。
2. 创建一个新的样式,名称为“练习题”,并设置字体为“微软雅黑”,字号为12号,颜色为蓝色。
3. 将第二段文本应用新创建的“练习题”样式。
五、插入和格式化1. 在文档开头插入一个3行2列的表格。
2. 在表格的第一行第一列输入“序号”,在第二列输入“操作内容”。
3. 在第二行第一列输入“1”,在第二列输入“打开并保存文档”。
4. 为表格应用“网格”样式,并调整表格宽度为文档宽度的80%。
六、页眉和页脚1. 为文档添加页眉,内容为“Word操作练习”。
2. 在页脚中插入自动页码,并设置为居中显示。
七、目录1. 在文档末尾插入一个目录,并设置为自动更新。
八、审阅1. 对文档进行拼写和语法检查,确保文档中没有错误。
2. 使用“修订”功能,对文档进行编辑,记录所有更改。
九、打印设置1. 打开“打印”对话框,预览文档的打印效果。
2. 选择正确的打印机,并设置打印份数为1份。
3. 确认打印设置无误后,进行打印。
消防中队队史模板Microsoft Word 文档 (2)
作业 Microsoft Word 文档
曲靖师范学院2007─2008学年第一学期通选课《常用工具软件》期中考试试卷姓名:学号得分一、快车下载、安装和使用1、快车的下载1. 打开需要下载软件所在的网页⑴在IE地址栏中输入“”,回车。
图1“快车(Flashget)”软件所在的网页2. 下载快车软件⑴单击“快车V1.82简体中文版”区域内的“本地下载”;或用右键单击“本地下载”,在弹出的快捷菜单中选择“使用快车(Flashget)下载”,打开如图2所示的对话框。
图2 “快车(Flashget)”程序窗口和“添加新的下载任务”对话框⑵在“类别”下拉式列表框中选择“软件”。
2、快车的使用⑴使用快车以FTP方式下载文件1. 启动“快车”2. 单击“工具”菜单,选择“站点资源探索器”命令,打开如图3所示的“快车(FlashGet)站点资源探索器”窗口。
图3“快车(FlashGet)站点资源探索器”窗口3. 在“地址”栏中输入FTP服务器的地址,如202.113.244.88。
4. 单击“登录”按钮,在新出现的“用户”文本框中输入“yanshi”,在“口令”文本框中输入口令,然后按“回车”即可登录。
图4登录FTP服务器后的界面5. 选择要下载的文件⑴在左侧窗格中选择要下载软件所在的文件夹,如“DELL—drivers”。
6. 单击“文件”菜单,选择“下载”命令,或单击工具栏上的“下载”按钮,打开如图5所示的“添加新的下载任务”对话框。
图5“添加新的下载任务”对话框7. 在“另存为”文本框中输入或选择目标文件夹,单击“确定”,即可开始下载。
1. a. b.2.3.4. 1. 2. 1. 2. Homework 12Programming in binary machine language1. Register manipulationCopy a value from register R2 into register R3 usingOnly one ADD instructionOnly one AND instructionClear value of register R5 using only one instructionUsing only one instruction, increment value in register R6 by 1.Using only one instruction, decrement value in register R5 by 2.2. Memory addressingUsing only one instruction, read value from memory located 20 memory locations away from the address stored in PC.Using only one instruction, generate and store in R5 address of a memory location 20 memory locations away from the current PC. Thendemonstrate how the address stored in R5 can be used to access memory at that address.3. Patt & Patel 6.4Systematically decompose the problem 6.4 from Patt & Patel textbook to the level of LC-3 instructions, then write LC-3 instructions to implement your solution. You may change the contents of R0, R1, and R2. Turn in your flow chart and LC-3 instructions in binary. For credit, each instruction must be annotated with a comment in RTL or assembly.4. 2nAssuming that R4 contains a positive value less than 15, put the value 2 into R3. You may change the contents of R3 and R4. Systematically R4decompose the problem to the level of LC-3 instructions, then write LC-3 instructions to implement your solution. Turn in your flow chart and LC-3 instructions in binary. For credit, each instruction must be annotated with a comment in RTL or assembly.5. Sum of sequenceAssuming that R5 contains a strictly positive number, compute the sum of integers from 1 to R5 and store the result in R2. You may change the contents of R2 and R5. Systematically decompose the problem to the level of LC-3 instructions, then write LC-3 instructions to implement your solution. Turn in your flow chart and LC-3 instructions in binary. For credit, each instruction must be annotated with a comment in RTL or assembly.6. Patt & Patel 6.16Solve problem 6.16 from Patt & Patel. Stop your execution trace when the PC reaches x3003, and do not fill in row x3003 of the table in your solution.7. Printing a lineTwo students are trying to print a line of periods bounded by asterisks to the console. The line is supposed to have N – 2 periods, where N 2. Forexample, when N = 8, they want to print, “” to the console (without quotes). Each student came up with a systematic decomposition that appears very *......*different from the other student's solution. Look at the two approaches, as represented by the flow charts below.Explain which approach is the better of the two and why you believe it to be better.Imagine that one must replace each box labeled “print ‘*’” with a complex algorithm requiring almost 1,000 LC-3 instructions toimplement. Repeat your comparison between the two approaches after the replacement described, again explaining why you believe your choiceto be the better one.Homework 12 is due on Wednesday, May 6, at the start of the lecture. Remember to include your (e.g.Discussions section ED1) andfollow the complete submission guidelines.Homework Please ask all questions about this assignment during the office hours, or post them on .piazza For your programs: write the instruction address, the binary LC-3 instruction, and the corresponding or assembly in the following format:RTL 0001 001 010 1 00100 ; R1 R2 + 40001 001 010 1 00100 ; ADD R1, R2, #4Note how .bits are arranged in groups that correspond to instruction-specific operands If you are not sure about the RTL format of a certain instruction, you can refer to Appendix A of your Patt & Patel text or read sections 5.5 and6.1. Try to make your program as simple and intuitive as you can.。
五年级上Microsoft Office Word 文档 (自动保存的)
word文档练习题Word文档练习题一、基础操作题(共20分)1. 打开Word程序,创建一个新文档,并保存为“练习题.docx”。
(2分)2. 将文档的标题设置为“Word文档练习题”,并使用“标题1”样式。
(2分)3. 在文档中输入以下内容:- 第一段:Word文档是微软公司开发的文本编辑软件,广泛应用于办公、教育等领域。
- 第二段:Word文档支持丰富的文本格式设置,如字体、大小、颜色等。
- 第三段:此外,Word还提供了图表、图片插入等功能,使得文档编辑更加多样化。
(4分)4. 将第二段文字的字体设置为“宋体”,字号为14号。
(2分)5. 将第三段文字的首行缩进设置为2字符。
(2分)6. 为文档添加页眉和页脚,页眉中包含文档的标题,页脚中包含页码。
(3分)7. 将文档的页面布局设置为A4纸,页边距为上、下2.54厘米,左、右3.17厘米。
(3分)二、格式设置题(共30分)1. 将文档的标题设置为居中对齐,并添加一个下划线。
(5分)2. 为文档设置一个主题样式,选择“Office主题”。
(5分)3. 将第二段文字的行距设置为1.5倍行距。
(5分)4. 为第三段文字添加一个项目符号列表,并选择一个合适的项目符号样式。
(5分)5. 将文档中所有的“Word文档”替换为“Word文档编辑器”。
(5分)6. 为文档添加一个目录,目录应包含文档中所有的标题。
(5分)三、表格与图表题(共20分)1. 在文档中插入一个2行3列的表格,第一行为表头,分别填写“项目”、“内容”、“备注”。
(5分)2. 在第二行分别填写示例数据,如“项目一”、“详细描述”、“无”。
(5分)3. 为表格设置边框样式为“线条粗细”,颜色为“黑色”。
(5分)4. 在文档的末尾插入一个柱状图,图表中包含两组数据,一组为“销售额”,另一组为“利润”,数据自行设定。
(5分)四、图片与文本框题(共15分)1. 插入一张图片到文档中,图片应放置在第一段文字之后。
英语总结 Microsoft Word 文档 (2)
例如我在教授Unit 3 . Lesson 9 的时候,这课的主题是“如何询问和回答时间”,教学难度比较大。
word练习题及答案Word练习题及答案Microsoft Word是现代办公中最常用的文字处理软件之一。
为了帮助大家更好地掌握Word 的使用技巧,下面将介绍一些常见的Word练习题及其答案。
一、基础操作1. 如何在Word中打开一个新的空白文档?答案:在Word的菜单栏中点击“文件”,然后选择“新建”即可打开一个新的空白文档。
2. 如何将文档保存为PDF格式?答案:在Word的菜单栏中点击“文件”,然后选择“另存为”。
3. 如何在文档中插入页码?答案:在Word的菜单栏中点击“插入”,然后选择“页码”。
二、文本格式1. 如何将文本设置为加粗?答案:选中要加粗的文本,然后在Word的工具栏中点击“加粗”按钮,或者使用快捷键Ctrl + B即可将文本设置为加粗。
2. 如何将文本设置为斜体?答案:选中要设置为斜体的文本,然后在Word的工具栏中点击“斜体”按钮,或者使用快捷键Ctrl + I即可将文本设置为斜体。
3. 如何给文本添加下划线?答案:选中要添加下划线的文本,然后在Word的工具栏中点击“下划线”按钮,或者使用快捷键Ctrl + U即可给文本添加下划线。
三、页面设置1. 如何调整页面边距?答案:在Word的菜单栏中点击“布局”,然后选择“页面边距”。
2. 如何设置页面为横向布局?答案:在Word的菜单栏中点击“布局”,然后选择“页面设置”。
3. 如何在页面中插入分页符?答案:将光标定位到要插入分页符的位置,然后在Word的菜单栏中点击“插入”,选择“分页符”即可在页面中插入分页符。
4.5. Microsoft Word 文档
Homework Apr.5th. 家长签名:一、给家长表演“Rain rain , go away.”二、抄写下列音标(8遍)l/l/ l/l/ m/m/ n/n/ n/n/ /ŋ/ c/k/ c/s/ ai ay eigh/eɪ/三、抄写单词及音标5遍,并听写一遍。
tail/t eɪl/ mail/m eɪl/ rain/r eɪl/ play/pl eɪ/ way/w eɪ/say/s eɪ/ eight/eɪt/ weight/w eɪt/ sleigh/sl eɪ/ chain/tʃeɪn/H omework Apr.5th. 家长签名:一、给家长表演“Rain rain , go away.”二、抄写下列音标(8遍)l/l/ l/l/ m/m/ n/n/ n/n/ /ŋ/ c/k/ c/s/ ai ay eigh/eɪ/三、抄写单词及音标5遍,并听写一遍。
tail/t eɪl/ mail/m eɪl/ rain/r eɪl/ play/pl eɪ/ way/w eɪ/say/s eɪ/ eight/eɪt/ weight/w eɪt/ sleigh/sl eɪ/ chain/tʃeɪnHomework Apr.5th. 家长签名:一、给家长表演“Rain rain , go away.”二、抄写下列音标(8遍)l/l/ l/l/ m/m/ n/n/ n/n/ /ŋ/ c/k/ c/s/ ai ay eigh/eɪ/三、抄写单词及音标5遍,并听写一遍。
tail/t eɪl/ mail/m eɪl/ rain/r eɪl/ play/pl eɪ/ way/w eɪ/say/s eɪ/ eight/eɪt/ weight/w eɪt/ sleigh/sl eɪ/ chain/tʃeɪn/Homework Apr.5th. 家长签名:一、给家长表演“Rain rain , go away.”二、抄写下列音标(8遍)l/l/ l/l/ m/m/ n/n/ n/n/ /ŋ/ c/k/ c/s/ ai ay eigh/eɪ/三、抄写单词及音标5遍,并听写一遍。
家庭作业Microsoft Word 文档 (5)
1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. Homework 5Boolean algebra and two-level design1. Simplifying with Don’t CaresConsider functions f(w,x,y,z) and g(w,x,y,z) specified by the Karnaugh maps shown below.For each function, f and g:Give a minimal SOP expression and show the corresponding loops on the K-map.Give a minimal POS expression and show the corresponding loops on the K-map.Is your minimal SOP expression in part 1 equivalent to your minimal POS expression in part 2? Explain, using 1-2 sentences. Refer to your Hint:K-maps and observe the loops. (Do not try to verify algebraically.)2. Boolean algebra, dualityLet and be Boolean variables.x y Using perfect induction, prove that x(x'+y)=xy.State the dual of x(x'+y)=xy. By what principle do you know the dual statement is also true?Using dual of x(x'+y)=xy, simplify the following Boolean expression: y'+z+x(y'+z)'.3. NAND/NOR circuitsImplement wx + x'z + ywz using NAND gates only. Do not simplify the expression.The figure below shows a 2-level NOR circuit that implements a function g(v,w,x,y,z). Give a product-of-sums expression for g(v,w,x,y,z) and drawa 2-level OR-to-AND circuit for function g. Assume complemented inputs are available.Homework 5 is due on Wednesday, March 25, at the start of the lecture. Remember to include your (e.g.Discussions section ED1) and follow the complete submission guidelines.Homework Please ask all questions about this assignment during the office hours, or post them on .piazza1. 2.3. 4. Logic design word problemYou notice an advertisement in a campus newspaper seeking an ECE student for a part-time job working in Psychology Professor Zapper's laboratory, and you apply for and get the job! Professor Zapper assigns you the task of building logic circuitry for the following experiment studying the learning ability of rats. The experimenter enters a number 0,1,2, or 3 on a keypad, which encodes the number as a two-bit unsigned integer as the binary input to your A A 10circuit. The experiment cage has two levers to which the left and right paws of the rat are strapped. The output of the levers, and , respectively, which L R will also be inputs to your circuit, are 1 if pressed by the rat, and 0 otherwise.There are three lights in a row in the cage, corresponding to the input numbers 1, 2, and 3; call these , , and ; the corresponding light should be on F 1F 2F 3(output 1) only for the corresponding input number. There is also an output , which when activated () gives the rat a mild electric shock.Z Z = 1Professor Zapper wants the experiment to work as follows:When the experimenter's input number is zero, the rat is never shocked (), and all of the lights are off.Z = 0When the input number is 1, the light alone is activated, and the rat receives a shock it presses only the left lever ().F 1unless L = 1When the input number is 2, the light alone is activated, and the rat receives a shock unless it presses only the right lever ().F 2R = 1When the input number is 3, the light alone is activated, and the rat receives a shock if it presses either or both levers.F 3Based on this description, you need to design a circuit for Professor Zapper's experiment.Design the desired truth table (inputs ) for the outputs , , and .A , A , L, R 10Z, F 3F 2F 1Use a Karnaugh map to reduce the logical expression for this function to a minimal SOP form.Z Draw the complete logic schematic circuit diagram for your system, for inputs entering on the left side, and outputs , , , and A , A , L, R 10F 1F 2F 3Z on the right side.5. 4-bit Gray code to Excess-3 converter circuitis a decimal code, in which each decimal digit d is represented by the 4-bit binary representation of d + 3. For instance the decimal digit 2 would Excess-3be denoted in excess-3 by 0101 (because 2 + 3 = 5 and 0101 is the binary representation of 5). Excess-3 also has 6 unused 4-bit strings, including 0000 and 1111.Now consider a as defined in Section 2.1 of Prof. Lumetta's notes, where the first ten codes are used to denote decimal digits. For 4-bit Gray code example, number 2 is represented as 0011., number 9 is represented as 1101. Other combinations should never be encountered102102Decimal Excess-3x x x x 32104-bit Gray code g g g g 321000011 0000 101000001201010011301100010...... (911001101)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. In this problem you will design a logic circuit that takes a 4-bit Gray code encoding g g g g 3210as input and outputs the corresponding 4-bit excess-3 codeword .x x x 321x 0Complete a truth table showing the four outputs input . Draw all 16 rows in the x x x 3, 2, 1, and x 0, corresponding to each Gray code g g g 321g 0 truth table (the rows must be in ascending order) and use don't cares where appropriate.Draw K-maps for all four outputs x x x 3, 2, 1, and x 0 , each as a function of g g g 3, 2, 1, and g 0 Notice that some input bit combinations are not valid correspond to don't cares in the K-map.inputs and so should never be encountered. These inputs Using the K-maps from part 2, give a minimal SOP expression for each of x x x 3, 2, 1, and x 0. Be sure to use don't cares in order that yourexpressions are as simple as possible.Now draw the complete logic schematic, with inputs entering from the left and outputs exiting to the right. Your circuit should be 2-level and based on the minimal SOP expressions from part 3; you can assume that complemented inputs are also available. Keep your drawing as Note:easy to read as possible; e.g. keep wires short and do not let wires cross.Suppose we wish to include a fifth output E , where E = 1 if and only if the input was . (In other words, invalid E = 1 indicates there was an input Give a Boolean expression for E. You do not need to draw the circuit.error.) simple 6. Programming in C#include <stdio.h>int main(){unsigned int a, b, c, d;unsigned int f;/* Print header for K-map. */printf(" bc \n");printf(" 00 01 11 10 \n");printf(" ______________\n");/* row-printing loop */for (a = 0; 2 > a; a = a + 1){printf("a=%u | ", a);/* Loop over input variable b in binary order. */for (b = 0; 2 > b; b = b + 1){/* Loop over d in binary order.*/for (d = 0; 2 > d; d = d + 1){/* Use variables b and d to calculate ** input variable c (iterated in ** Gray code order). *//* CALCULATE c HERE. *//* Calculate and print one K-map entry ** (function F(a,b,c) ). *//* INSERT CODE HERE. */}}/* End of row reached: print a newline character. */printf("\n");}return 0;}The above program provides some initial code to generate a 3-variable K-Map for a 3-variable Boolean function. For example, for function F(a,b,c) = ab + b'c' the program should print the following:bc00 01 11 10______________a=0 | 1 0 0 0 a=1 | 1 0 1 11. 2. 3. Complete the program above. For your portion of the code at "CALCULATE c HERE", you must begin by ensuring that the variable c followsGray code order and runs from 0 to 1 when b=0, but from 1 to 0 when b=1. At "INSERT CODE HERE", you must then calculate the function F. Do not otherwise change the program.For full points, use C's bitwise operators (&, |, ^ and ~) to perform both of these calculations.Print the K-Map for F(a,b,c) = (a+b') (a'+c') (a+b'+c').Turn in a printout of your code and its output.Hint 1: You may find it helpful to verify the output on a paper version of the K-map.Hint 2: Remember that bitwise operators operate on the entire pattern of 32-bits (here the bit pattern corresponds to unsigned int). It might be useful for you to print the output F to see for yourself what is happening with the bits. Then, before having your code printing F, you must 'discard' all bits other than the 1's position (one way would be to use an & operation with an appropriate value). Again, you may not hardcode the K-map or change the program other than as specified.。
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Homework May.12th.家长签名:
一、给家长表演字“Finger family”
a/ æ//eɪ/e/e//i:/ i/ɪ/ /aɪ/ o/ɒ/ /əʊ/ u/ʌ/ /j u:/
fat fate man main tap tape hat hate met meet net neat bet beat pet pete dit bite hid hide lit light sit site cot coat mot note sop soap
Cut cute us use cub cube hug huge sun suit
Homework May.12th.家长签名:
一、给家长表演字“Finger family”
a/ æ//eɪ/e/e//i:/ i/ɪ/ /aɪ/ o/ɒ/ /əʊ/ u/ʌ/ /j u:/
fat fate man main tap tape hat hate met meet net neat bet beat pet pete dit bite hid hide lit light sit site cot coat mot note sop soap
Cut cute us use cub cube hug huge sun suit
Homework May.12th.家长签名:
一、给家长表演字“Finger family”
a/ æ//eɪ/e/e//i:/ i/ɪ/ /aɪ/ o/ɒ/ /əʊ/ u/ʌ/ /j u:/
fat fate man main tap tape hat hate met meet net neat bet beat pet pete dit bite hid hide lit light sit site cot coat mot note sop soap
Cut cute us use cub cube hug huge sun suit
Homework May.12th.家长签名:
一、给家长表演字“Finger family”
a/ æ//eɪ/e/e//i:/ i/ɪ/ /aɪ/ o/ɒ/ /əʊ/ u/ʌ/ /j u:/
fat fate man main tap tape hat hate met meet net neat bet beat pet pete dit bite hid hide lit light sit site cot coat mot note sop soap
Cut cute us use cub cube hug huge sun suit。