Week 9 Milton and Paradise Lost




ABSTRACTJohn Milton, one of the greatest poets at the end of English Renaissance, whose works have occupied a high position in the history of English literature, culture and ideology. His personal experience and social environment play an important role in the creation of his works. All of Milton’s works, Paradise Lost is extremely complicated and profound. The story were taken from The Old Testament. It is regarded as a summary of the 17th century English social history, as well as powerful weapons against feudalism. The thesis will analyze the rebellious spirit in Paradise Lost.This paper is divided into three chapters. Chapter one is about research status on Paradise Lost. Chapter two is the manifestation of Milton’ rebellious spirit in Paradise Lost. This part includes the reasons for their rebel. Their rebellious spirit is reflected by different characters, Satan, Adam and Eve and their symbolic meaningsin Paradise Lost. Chapter three focus on the reasons for the formation of Milton’s rebellious spirit, mainly from the aspects of his personal experience and social environment.Key words: Milton rebellious spirit personal experiences Paradise Lost摘要约翰弥尔顿,是英国文艺复兴时最伟大的诗人之一。

中文版 JMilton-Paradise-Lost失乐园 弥尔顿精编版

中文版 JMilton-Paradise-Lost失乐园 弥尔顿精编版








Paradise Lost《失乐园》

Paradise Lost《失乐园》
Uriel warns Gabriel and his angels, who are guarding the gate of Paradise, of Satan's presence. Satan is apprehended by them and banished from Eden.
God sends Raphael to warn Adam and Eve about Satan. He relates how the world was created so mankind could one day replace the fallen angels in heaven.
Satan returns to earth, and enters a serpent. Finding Eve alone he induces her to eat the fruit of the forbidden tree. Adam, resigned to join in her fate, eats also.
At the gate of hell, he meets his offspring, Sin and Death, who unbar(打开) the gates for him. He journeys across chaos(混沌) till he sees the new universe floating near the larger globe which is heaven.
生活在欧洲社会的转折时代,约翰·弥尔顿经历了英国史 上的一个黑暗时代。当时复辟后的斯图亚特王朝,对清教 徒资产阶级革命家残酷报复,疯狂迫害,不少人经不起斗 争的考验,投降变节。弥尔顿虽屡遭迫害,生活艰苦,然 而仍不屈不挠,顽强斗争,始终不丧失其鲜明立场,不改 变原有的革命信仰,不放弃先前的革命原则。在黑暗的时 代,弥尔顿不畏强暴,以笔为旗,决心重振诗才,以暮年 之力,克服双目失明的重重困难,用口授的形式,由他女 儿和外甥笔录,创作了举世闻名的三部作品:史诗《失乐 园》(1667年)、《复乐园》(1671年)和诗剧《力士 参孙》(1671年),对复辟王朝进行勇敢的挑战,表现了 诗人对自由的渴望和对资产阶级革命的坚定信念。

paradise lost英美文学名词解释(一)

paradise lost英美文学名词解释(一)

paradise lost英美文学名词解释(一)Paradise Lost英美文学引言Paradise Lost是伟大的英美文学作品之一,旨在讲述人类起源和墮落的故事。

以下是与Paradise Lost相关的名词:1. 约翰·弥尔顿 (John Milton)•约翰·弥尔顿是17世纪英国著名的诗人和政治家。

•他是Paradise Lost的作者,被誉为英国文学的伟大创作者之一。

2. Paradise Lost•《失乐园》是约翰·弥尔顿的史诗诗歌作品,被认为是英美文学中最伟大的作品之一。


3. 史诗诗歌 (Epic Poetry)•史诗诗歌是一种叙事性的诗歌形式,常常以神话、英雄或重大历史事件为题材。

•Paradise Lost被认为是一部史诗诗歌,以其庞大的叙事范围和深刻的主题使其在英美文学中占据重要地位。

4. 亚当 (Adam) 和夏娃 (Eve)•亚当和夏娃是圣经中的首个人类夫妻,被认为是人类的祖先。

•Paradise Lost中,亚当和夏娃被描绘为至善无罪的人类,但由于被魔鬼所引诱,他们墮入罪恶之中。

5. 天堂 (Paradise) 和地狱 (Hell)•天堂是上帝的居所,被描绘为完美、和谐和纯洁的地方。


•Paradise Lost通过对天堂和地狱的描绘,探讨了善恶、正邪和人类的自由意志等哲学议题。

6. 上帝 (God) 和魔鬼 (Devil)•上帝是基督教中的至高无上存在,被描绘为至善、全知全能的创造者。


•Paradise Lost中,上帝和魔鬼之间的斗争和争议成为故事的核心。

结论Paradise Lost是一部浩大的文学作品,通过纵览人类起源和墮落的故事,探讨了善恶、正邪和自由意志等重大主题。



● John Milton’s literary achievements can be divided into three groups: the early poetical works, the middle prose pamphlets and the last great poems.
John Milton
Topic 1—Introduction to John Milton
● Milton is one of the very few truly great English writers who is also a prominent figure in politics, and who is both a great poet and an important prose writer. The two most essential things to be remembered about him are his Puritanism and his republicanism.
2. Paradise Lost (1666, 1667)
Paradise Lost, the greatest poem by Milton, is a long narrative epic divided into 12 books. The stories of the poem were drawn from the “Genesis” of the Bible and from various elaborators of the Bible.
● Milton is a great stylist. He is famous for his grand style noted for its dignity and polish, which is the result of his life-long classical and biblical study.



An Analysis of Satan in Paradise Lost 论《失乐园》中撒旦的形象An analysis of Satan in Paradise Lost摘要约翰·弥尔顿是英语文化历史上非常有名的一位作家。












关键词:撒旦;自由;英雄;失败AbstractJohn Milton was a very famous writer during the history of English literature. His masterpiece Paradise Lost was undoubtedly a milestone in the history of English literature. Among all of John Milton’s great works,Paradise Lost was the most complicated and most profound one, which won him endless honor. His epic made Satan more vivid more humanized and made him a special hero in some aspects. Milton wrote a lot of sentences to describe Satan’s defense for his followers. Satan sought for freedom, but he couldn’t get what he wanted by violence. That’s why Satan in Milton’s masterpiece had a kind of contradiction. Although Milton adopted a positive attitude to describe Satan, his evil characteristic didn’t change at all. His ambivalence was obviously throughout the whole poem. This kind of ambivalence caught all critics’ eyes and led to centuries’ disputes.By analyzing Satan in Paradise Lost,the author of this paper aims to make people obtain a different angle to revisit the evil one, Satan. His words showed his lifelong love for freedom, and implied that the revolution would be failed by violence, which also reflected Milton’s own idea and spirit.Key Words:Satan; freedom; hero; failure安阳师范学院人文管理学院本科毕业论文Contents摘要 (I)Abstract (II)1. Introduction (1)2. The Realistic Significance of Paradise Lost (1)2.1 The Presentation of Every Image of Different Classes (1)2.2 The Theme of the Whole Book (2)2.3 The Doomed Ending of Satan (2)3. The Changes of Satan (3)3.1 Satan in the Bible (3)3.1.1 The Congregation of All the Sins in Bible (3)3.1.2 Satan’s Wisdom and Emotion (3)3.2 Satan in Paradise Lost (4)3.2.1 Satan as an Independent Image (6)3.2.2 Satan’s Contradiction (7)3.2.3 The Eloquent Satan (7)4. The Reasons of Satan’s Heroic Image (8)4.1 The Heroic Image of Satan (8)4.2 The More Humanized Satan (9)5. Conclusion (10)Bibliography (11)Acknowledgements (12)1. IntroductionWhile Shakespeare was still writing his great plays, another excellent English poet was born in London. He was John Milton. John Milton, one of the greatest poets of the English language, was a political commentator of the English Bourgeois Revolution, whose importance was acknowledged around the world. Although Milton’s father was a puritan, he was a music and book lover. Puritans refer to the people who assert themselves the most rigid believers of God. What’s more he taught little Milton to enjoy music and books. Milton has received humanistic thoughts from 16th century and accepted the great science achievements of the 17th century, at the same time he had a critical attitude towards his life. He thought that science was not everything. Without justice and science, people couldn’t get peace and real happiness. Milton’s literary ambition was to write an epic and he wanted his epic to be read by people in different countries. It took Milton seven years to finish the great epic Paradise Lost. Among all of John Milton’s great works, paradise Lost was the most complex and most impressive one, which won him everlasting honor. This book told the story of how Satan fought against God and how Adam and Eve were banished from the Eden. Satan was the major character in Paradise Lost. His images were impressive and powerful. The main character of this book was intricate and contradictory. After finishing his famous poem, John Milton wrote Paradise Regained and a play telling the story of Samson.2. The Realistic Significance of Paradise Lost2.1 The Presentation of Every Image of Different ClassesIn this epic, Milton gave detailed description of every image, and as we know, the epic reflected the society Milton lived, so each image had its own presentation.Milton was a puritan, who was very loyal to his beliefs. From this book, we can sense the strong will of freedom from Milton. Obviously, God was on behalf of the authority, and he was another best description of Milton’s personalities. Some peopleagreed with Satan and regarded God as a tyrant and egoist. While other people who condemned Satan, took God as a merciful, just and lenient authority. The author also told us something from Abdiel’s mouth that the compliance with God was not servility, but the only way of getting freedom. These people who defied their superiors and stirred up a new rebellion were not servile and inferior. And as to Adam and Eve, they were tempted by Satan and punished by God, like all the common people, all the civilian class, they didn’t have the power or courage to fight against the authority, so they chose to adapt themselves to it. Because of the prominent background, the story in Paradise Lost and the Bible had a lot in common. That’s a very important reason why Paradise Lost became so popular.2.2 The Theme of the Whole BookIf you have known Milton very well, you may find out that before he wrote this epic his life was not that positive. When he lived in this world, he loved freedom very much and tried his best to get freedom. Freedom as a topic is throughout the whole masterpiece.The book has something to do with Milton’s own life experience. He was a tough guy, who never gave up his own belief and would stick to his will forever. Milton didn’t agree with the old way of teaching, which reflected his disobedience to feudalistic force, just as Satan’s rebellion against God and the conflict from heaven. “We may with more successful hope resolve to wage by force or guide eternal war, irreconcilable to our grand foe, who now triumphs, and in the excess of joy. Sole reigning holds the tyranny of heaven.”(Milton, 1667:1608)Instead of withdrawing from society, Milton still played an active role in political affairs. Although he was not going to take part in politics directly, he continued to work with friends and colleagues closely. Satan’s rebellious and heroic images were presented in Milton’s thoughts. He always sought for freedom, like Satan always took some measures to get rid of God’s control.2.3 The Doomed Ending of SatanMilton was a loyal puritan and he knew that freedom was the only way to gethappiness. And revolution was a good way to get freedom. But at last, Milton realized that the revolution at that time couldn’t get real freedom. So, to some degree, the revolution must be a failure in his opinion. What’s more, from this book we can see that Satan was the typical representative of the revolutionary class, so we can say that failure was the doomed ending of Satan. By studying English history, we knew that the puritan revolution was a failure just like Milton implied in Paradise Lost. Violence is not a good way to solve problems. Milton was a puritan. Although he was not satisfied with the Crown, he didn’t agree to use the violence way to solve the conflict, either.Maybe this point of view was not that right in reader’s eyes, but in fact, we all know that war will never bring happiness.3. The Changes of Satan3.1 Satan in the Bible3.1.1 The Congregation of All the Sins in the BibleThere were two major reasons which made Satan a complete monster in Bible. The first reason was that he seduced good people into doing evil things. The second one was his betrayal of God. If we didn’t know something about Satan and his forces, we would not have a clear understanding of basic spiritual realities of the universe. The reason why Satan became the biggest enemy of God was that he was against the foundation of the earth. His main purpose was to get the worship that only belonged to the originator, God. To most people, Satan’s major work was to be against human beings. He would try his best to destroy the mankind. What’s more, he would do it for good and without specific reasons. Fear and pride were the major motivations in Satan’s kingdom. That’s why Bible directed people to regard Satan as a devil in this universe.3.1.2 Satan’s Wisdom and EmotionSatan’s wisdom as an important aspect was worthy to be mentioned. To temptAdam and Eve to eat apple from the tree of knowledge, which was forbidden by god, Satan disguised himself as a snake. He waited silently for a good time. Once Eve worked by herself and Adam wasn’t around her, Satan would come out and approach her. Satan knew what women prefer to hear, so he normally started the conversation with praise for Eve’s beauty. Then he could get what he wanted and made the emotional Eve lose her last line of protection and couldn’t wait to eat the fruit. What’s more, Satan was also emotional. For example, when he found out Adam and Eve were in love, he was moved by their pure feelings. And he would burst into tears at the sight of the suffering of his followers. After reading this epic, we could also sense that Satan had the dream to share happiness and tears together with his beloved followers.3.2 Satan in Paradise LostJohn Milton was a great poet, thinker and political commentator of Englandin the 17th century. His masterpiece Paradise Lost was a long epic with 12 books, written in blank verse. These stories were taken from the Old Testament, such as the making of the earth, the love stories between Adam and Eve, the fallen angelsin hell plotting against God, Satan’s temptation of Eve, and the leasing of Adam and Eve from Eden. Although Satan and his adherents were driven out of heaven into hell, Satan and his followers were not discouraged. The miserable punishment, instead of rubbing off their will, makes them much angrier. The purpose of this poem was to tell people to justify the manner of God towards people. This outstanding work was the product of Puritanism, which has shown Milton’s own will and beliefs of freedom. Satan in his masterpiece was not the same as the one in the Bible and other books.In Paradise Lost, Satan was an independent image which can be studied and be discussed from a different perspective. I think the unique image of Satan was the reflection of the writer, who loved freedom and at the same time, expressed a kind of contradiction, and also the representation of the society at that time. This kind of idea has appeared in lots of articles written by Chen Weihong and professor XiaoMinghan’s two articles. (1999&2011) They both think that:1. The Satan in Paradise Lost was full of heroism, because of his defiant personality and the pursuit of freedom.2. These characteristics made Satan an eclectic image, and made God a little bit pessimistic.Xiao’s two articles showed that the unique image didn’t come from the Bible, but came from Milton himself. The words and actions Satan did in the hell and the main reason of his betrayal were the distinctive characteristics which helped Milton to describe Satan into a personalized image. The most important point in Satan’s characteristic was his strong will. No matter what kind of situation he was in, he had never changed his nature.Another writer’s composition also expressed this kind of idea, which showed that the image of Satan in Paradise Lost was vivid and impressive. Satan’s betrayal, in other words, was the indomitable will to seek for freedom, and rejection of God’s slavery. And the contradiction was also shown by him. His image was the mixture of optimism and pessimism. We all thought that the most evil person in the Bible was Satan or we can say that Satan was the aggregate of all the sins. In the Bible, Satan’s name meant obstruction and separation. He was the public enemy number one of God and he was a pervert in God’s eyes. Something like this has mentioned in Paradise Lost. According to this epic, we knew that Satan wasn’t born with sins. His sins and his resentment were coming from his free choice.Adam and Eve’s betrayal was the result of the wish for knowledge. After the punishment, they realized how to distinguish right from wrong, and started to beg the forgiveness of God. It was after the baptism of evil that the good would be more valuable. The last part was about Milton’s own idea, which has combined with Satan. Every image he had created was a reflection of different classes in the society of that time. In the paper of Huang Delin (2004), he has pointed out that Satan was Milton’s own presentation, and also, in Chen Jinxi’s article (2008), he said that the epic was thereflection of the People’s spiritual condition. Milton combined his epic with thepuritan revolution. God presented the Cromwell government or the dictatorship of England; Satan presented the force of revolution. It was Milton, who was a loyal puritan and had realized that freedom must be the basis to get the freedom, but the revolution couldn’t get the real freedom. From Milton’s point of view, the revolution must be a failure. That’s why Satan had a kind of contradiction, he loved and sought for freedom, but he couldn’t get what he wanted by the means of violence. These opinions have appeared at the beginning of a translation version which was translated by Jin Fashen.Lots of researches have been conducted on the images of Satan in Paradise Lost. It has left a profound and impressive influence on literature history. The author of this thesis will do a lot of stuff to do an analysis on this famous epic.3.2.1 Satan as an Independent ImageIn this masterpiece, the image of Satan was the most controversial image. The disputation about the image of Satan in Paradise Lost related to the inner nature of Satan was whether he was the hero in the epic or not. During all the literature history, tons of people thought Satan in Paradise Lost was a different image. In the first two volumes of Paradise Lost, some of Satan’s words showed he was a hero from time to time. John Milton’s Paradise Lost had a vivid description of a defiant Satan. He was banished from heaven and driven into the hell. Later, the image of Satan in Paradise Lost had been popular among people. The reason Satan could be an independent image in the epic, mostly due to his courage to show his indomitable will. After reading this masterpiece, we felt that Satan was like a hero in the earlier part of the epic. We could sense that through majesty in Satan’s appearance and fearless in his personality. However, with the story developed Satan’s image changed greatly. The most impressive nature of Satan was his contradiction. This element made the image of Satan glitter from the whole book, and became an actual part which is worth being studied.3.2.2 Satan’s ContradictionThere was a very interesting point in the whole personality of Satan, which washis contradiction, combined with wickedness and the strong will of freedom. Although Satan showed the positive character of his image, he still had some intrinsically evil genes. A leopard cannot change his spots. In this epic, although Milton was in favor of some traits of Satan, he had never tried to change Satan from a monster into a real hero: a monster is a monster.To readers, after reading the first several books of Paradise Lost, they could sense that the writer tried to describe Satan into a sympathy and friendly character. On the content of this epic, besides the analysis of God’s and Satan’s personalities, there were also two points from the content of this book, which may reflect the aspects of disagreement in reader’s opinion. In the first two books of Paradise Lost, although Satan has made a good impression of hero on readers, he was still a monster as the initial story had told us. Adam and Eve made a mistake under the seduction Satan, and they suffered a lot from their mistake. The reason made Satan become such a kind of evil angle was his indomitable courage of chasing freedom.3.2.3 The Eloquent SatanIn Paradise Lost, Satan was written as a hero who insisted on his own belief and he had the courage to seek for his beloved freedom. These pro-Satanists admired Satan’s high superior nature and regarded him as the actual hero of this masterpiece.At the beginning of Paradise Lost, Satan made a wonderful speech which attracted many readers for a very long time. “That glory never shall his wrath or might. Extort from me. To bow and sue for grace with supplicant knee, and deify his power who, from the terror of his arm. Doubled his empire: that were low indeed. That was an ignominy and shame beneath. This downfall, since, by fate, the strength of God. And this substance cannot fail.”(Milton, 1667:1608)These words were powerful and clear which made Satan’s ambition became so apparent, and also reflected his fighting spirit and independent personality.Puritanism and the English Revolution were the distinguishing features of the seventeenth century. Milton realized it and he cleverly put political ideas to his pieces of art and also the images he created. Milton’s own life experiences and his pursuit of freedom caused him to endow Satan more or less with revolutionary spirit. Milton’s passion and feelings for revolution were reflected in the description of Satan and his rebellion.4. The Reasons of Satan’s Heroic ImageThe reason why people thought Satan in Paradise Lost as sort of a hero was due to his fearless. What’s more, he dared to fight against God. He always stuck to his own will, just like Milton himself. John Milton was born in a puritan family. What’s more, his childhood and the society that time gave him energy and resistance in his character, which was also easy to find from the words of Satan: “Princes, potentates, the flower of heaven, once yours, now lost. If such astonishment as this can seize eternal spirits! Awake, arise, or be forever fallen.”Though failed, Satan never gave up his unconquerable will. Here, Satan was more than just a leader in military accepting the rebel angles from angelic state, but also a smart politician using the powerful language of resistance as his weapon to fight against God.4.1 The Heroic Image of SatanPeople normally thought Satan in Paradise Lost has given a heroic impression to them. But it was a little bit of misunderstanding because of the words that Satan said in the following epic. “In The Odyssey, Homer lets Odysseus give a speech that would convince anyone they could survive the journey to the strait of Messina. Then we die with our eyes open, if we are going to die, or know what death we baffle if we can.” (Paradise Lost: 1243-1245)“Odysseus again lifts their spirits with this speech, Garcia 2 friends, have we ever been in danger before this? More fearsome, is it now, than when the Cyclops penned us in his cave? What power he had! Did I not keep my nerve, and use my witsto find a way out for us? We must now obey orders as I give them.”( Milton, 1667:1294-1302 ) Here Odysseus expressed the real capability of a hero to lead in the face of adversity.Satan as any other leaders would do, quickly reduced his partners’fear with much more powerful speeches. During the speeches, Satan talked his doubts about God’s supremacy and daringly stated they were better off where they were. “Here at least we shall be free. Here we may reign secure. Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.’’ (Milton, 1667: 258-263)These were the most powerful nature points of Satan in the whole masterpiece. What’s more he always insisted on his personalities, such as tough bosom, independent spirit, intelligence, and the power of his own. These four points all took effectiveness on Satan, which made Satan look like a hero.4.2 The More Humanized SatanIn Bible, and from most people’s points of view, Satan was the aggregate of all the sins, but in Paradise lost, Satan became a vivid image. What he said or did touched the readers profoundly. Milton wrote Paradise Lost to show people the source of misfortune. He thought the reason why Adam and Eve made a huge mistake and lost their beautiful home was that they were not strong enough to withstand the temptation of strangers. At the end of the story, we could know that, since Adam and Eve were lured into breaking the rules of Eden by Satan and they were all published by God and were driven out of Eden, Satan began to think about what he had done to the people, and he felt so sorry about what he had done. He blamed himself for a very long time. This kind of description made Satan look not that bad, but more humanized than the Bible said.From what we have read or learned in Paradise Lost, Satan may be a devil. But he had ambitious and dreams, even sometimes he was a hero. He was a person with strong will and he delivered some powerful speeches to his followers from time to time. Undoubtedly, the image of Satan in Paradise Lost was more vivid than ever before. To sum up, the image of Satan was of dual personality. By learning from thismasterpiece, Satan’s evil behaviors and heroism were crossed. On the one hand, he tried his best to fight bravely for freedom and liberty with his wisdom and passion. On the other hand, he had a wrong opinion of freedom and power even though he expressed his ambition and satisfaction.5. ConclusionThe words in Milton’s Paradise Lost reflected the Bible not only as a source of literature in western countries, but also influenced Milton greatly. we can learn something through the words of Milton. As a matter of fact, the Bible was often used to back up points of view on controversial things by poets. Since the Bible was studied by most of the people. And they used it as an authoritative source. Milton quoted a lot of things from the Bible and put them into his pamphlets.Through the history, John Milton’s Paradise Lost, particularly his description of the image of Satan has been studied by lots of people and understood in many different ways. Until now, it has been developed into all kinds of new interpretations. On the one hand, some people say that Satan was the true hero of the epic and Milton was on the monster’s side secretly. On the other hand, there are those who said Satan was a monster and Milton showed deep sympathy for God and the angels. There are also some people who interweave the two interpretations.But from the analysis of the above chapters, the changes of Satan’s character were obvious to see. And these changes make us get a much more different and much clearer picture of Milton’s own attitudes toward Satan. Milton spent all his life putting his political purpose into action.From my point of view, although Satan was a heroic image, he was not a hero. The spirit he expressed through the everlasting fighting against God made him a real fighter. And the love for freedom was the main theme which I have learned from this book. It is more than just a passage or a kind of study, but in the end, a sympathetic chord appeared during the reading. To sum up, the image of Satan in Paradise Lost was vivid, ambivalent and complex, overshadowing all the other characters.Bibliography[1] Grant, N. History of literature. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Press, 2004.[2] John, Milton. Paradise Lost. 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Without her patient instruction, insightful criticism and expert guidance, the completion of this thesis would not have been possible.I also owe a special debt of gratitude to all the teachers in Foreign Languages Institute, from whose devoted teaching and enlightening lectures I have benefited a lot and academically prepared for the thesis.I would finally like to express my gratitude to my beloved parents who have always been helping me out of difficulties and supporting me without a word of complaint.。



《失乐园》节选Nine times the space that measures day and night依照人间的计算,大约九天九夜,To mortal(凡人的) men, he with his horrid(可怕的,恐怖的)crew 他和他那一伙可怕的徒众Lay vanquished(征服,击败), rolling in the fiery(火的) gulf (深渊,深坑)沉沦辗转在烈火的深渊中Confounded(狼狈的) though immortal: But his doom(厄运,毁灭) 虽属不死之身,却象死者一样横陈;Reserved him to more wrath(愤怒,狂怒); for now the thought但这个刑罚反激起他更大的忿怒,Both of lost happiness and lasting pain既失去了幸福,又受无尽痛苦的煎熬。

Torments(折磨) him; round he throws his baleful(哀伤的) eyes他抬起忧虑的双眼,环视周遭,That witnessed huge affliction(苦恼, 折磨) and dismay摆在眼前的是莫大的隐忧和烦恼,Mixed with obdurate(顽固的) pride and steadfast(不变的) hate: 顽固的傲气和难消的憎恨交织着。

At once as far as angels ken(看到) he views霎时间,他竭尽天使的目力,望断The dismal(凄凉的) situation waste and wild,际涯,但见被风弥漫,浩渺无限,A dungeon(地牢) horrible, on all sides round四面八方围着他的是个可怕的地牢,As one great furnace(火炉,熔炉) flamed, yet from those flames象一个洪炉的烈火四射,但那火焰No light, but rather darkness visible却不发光,只是灰蒙蒙的一片,Served only to discover sights of woe(悲哀;悲痛)可以辨认出那儿的苦难景况,Regions of sorrow, doleful(令人伤心的)shades, where peace悲惨的境地和凄怆的暗影。



Week I Assignment—Beowulf1. How many groups of early settlers came to Britain? (Please provide their names, time and place as to when and where they were from)2. How many languages were spoken at the same time in Norman England? And on what occasions were they spoken?3. From which early settlers’ languages is the modern English language derived?Anglo- Saxon4. Who was the father of English history? And what book did he wrote?5. What are King Alfred the Great’ contributions to English literature?6. Pls make a brief summary of the story of Beowulf.7. What’s the metrical feature of the Anglo-Saxon poetry; take the epic Beowulf for example?8. What’s the significance of Beowulf?9. Explain the following terms.AlliterationKenning (provide some examples)10. Scan the meter of the following lines and underline the alliterative letters in the following lines.Condemned to agony. The door gave way,Toughened with iron, at the touch of those hands.The foe then stepped onto the unstained floor,Angrily advanced: out of his eyes stood.An unlovely light like that of fire.11. Read part II on your own and find as many kennings as possible.Homework week 2 Assignment 21. Explain the following terms:Knights / romance2. Please summarize the story of Sir Gawain and Green Knight.3. Pls describe the feudal system of hierarchy in Norman England.4. What are the main themes of religious literature?5. What are the subject matters of romance?6. What conclusion can we draw about the chivalric spirit from the story of Sir Gawain?7. What’s the metrical feature of Sir Gawain and Green Knight?8. Scan the last five lines of the second stanza.Our knightAnd at that holy tideHe prays with all his mightThat Mary maybe his guideTill a dwelling comes in sight9. pls recite the second stanza of the poem.Homework Week 31. Explain : allegory2. What is John Wycliff’s contribution to English literature?3. What is heroic couplet?4. Scan the following lines:And the small fowls are making melodyThat sleeps away the night with open eye5. pls sum up the life story and writing career of Chaucer.6. What is the significance of The Canterbury Tales?7. What kind of book is The Canterbury Tales?8. In what way does Chaucer contribute to the English language?8. Pls point out the lines that present Chaucer’s mild satire upon the Prioress.9. what kind of person is the woman of Bath?Assignment 41. What is ballad?2. What are the characteristics of popular ballad?3. Explain ‘The ballad meter’4. Please scan the third stanza of Robin hood.5. pls explain the war of roses and Henry VIII’s reformation of the church.6. Please recite The Three Ravens.Assignment 51. Explain [ the English renaissance]2. [humanism]3. [gentleman]4. [religious reformation]5. What is Spenserian stanza? What is his writing style?6. Pls briefly summarize the story of Faerie Queene.7. Pls Scan stanza 17 of canto iv of the Faerie Queene.8. What are the six virtues presented in the six books of Faerie Queene?9. What are the seven sins? Also pls sum up the features of each sin described by Spencer?10. Please recite the first two stanzas.Assignment 61. What are the reasons for the flouring of drama in Renaissance England?2. Describe the English theater (take the Globe for example) .3. Who are the University wits?4. What renaissance spirit does Tamberline the great represent? And what spirit does Dr. Faustus represent?5. What is the writing style of Christopher Marlowe?6. What is blank verse? Scan the first four lines of Dr. Faustus.Homework week 7:1. What are the famous four tragedies of Shakespeare? And the famous comedies?2. Into how many periods is Shakespea re’s writing career divided?3. What are the great achievements of Shakespeare?4. What is Shakespearean sonnet? Pls recite sonnet 18!5. Is Shylock a cruel usurer or a persecuted Jew? Pls analyze Shylock’s character.6. Pls recite Portia’s famous speech on mercy versus justice; and Hamlet’s famous soliloquy. Homework week-81. What are the two main reasons for the British Bourgeois revolution?2. What is the significance of “the Glorious revolution”?3. What God created on the first six days? God’s creation of man?4. What do you know about Francis Bacon’s Philosophical view and the style of his essays?5. Pls recite Of Study.Homework week 9:1. What is metaphysical poetry? Its main theme? Its representatives?2. What is cavalier poetry? Its main theme? Representatives?3. What are the main features of John Donne’s poetry?4. What is feminine ending? And what is masculine ending?5. Recite Virtue.6. What is Miltonic style? (written/ oral)7. In what kind of genre is Milton’s Paradise Lost wr itten?8. What main theme does Paradise Lost deal with? What is the purpose of Milton’s in writing this poem?9. What sentiment is expressed in the image of Satan? And what kind of attitude should we take towards Satan in paradise Lost?10. What is the significance of the love story between Adam and Eve?Homework week 101. In what kind of genre is Milton’s Paradise Lost written?2. What main theme does Paradise Lost deal with? What is the purpose of Milton’s in writing this poem?3. What sentiment is expressed in the image of Satan? And what kind of attitude should we take towards Satan in paradise Lost?4. What is the significance of the love story between Adam and Eve?5. What is Miltonic style?6. What is the genre of Pilgrim’s Progress?7. W ho is the man in Bunyan’s dream And what book in his hand? What the burden is?8. What kind of journey did the pilgrim make? And adventure he underwent through what city?9. What is the significance of the story? And the city?10. What is Bunyan’s style? What does he criticize through his satire/Homework week 12 & Revision:1. What are the six features of 18th century English cultural life?2. What are the five characteristics of neo-classicism?3. What class and class spirit are embodied in the figure “Robinson Crusoe”?4. Please state the reasons why Defoe is regarded as a great artist (with his Moll Flanders’s entering the serious literature)?5. Why was Jonathan Swift respected by the Irish people as their National hero?6. Why is Swift’s A Mode st Propsal regarded as a bitter satire?Homework week 131. Addison and Steel launched several periodicals together. What are their aims?2. What do they mainly deal with in their essays?3. What methods do they adopt in writing the essays?4. What is Addison’s writing style?5. The Royal Exchange: how many important roles did the merchants play in Addison’s time?6. What is genre of the Rape of the Lock by A Pope?7. What is it about?8. What is the significance of An Essay on Man? What are Pope’s achi evements?9. Pls explain Augustan Age.10. Pls recite An essay on Man: Whatever Is, Is Right; and Know Then Thyself.P.S.1 pls read carefully the Royal Exchange and An Essay On man2 pls preview Johnson’s The Preface to Shakespeare; and Fielding’s Tom Jones.Homework week 141. How many periodicals did S Johnson publish?2. How did he compile A Dictionary of English Language? what is the significance of A Letter to the Right Honorable The Earl of Chesterfield?3. How many careers did Henry Fielding go in for? And what are his achievements for each career?4. How many novels did Fielding write altogether?5. What is the special genre did Fielding create in Tom Jones?6. How many parts can Tom Jones be divided into? And what does each part mainly deal with? And What aspect of English society does each part represent ?Homework week 15:1. Of what school was Thomas Gray a representative poet?2. In what way do the poets of this school deviate from the neo-classic rules?3. In What tradition is Sherid an’s masterpiece the School of Scandal written?4. What does Sheridan mainly expose in this play?5. Pls recite the first four stanzas of Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard.Homework week 16:1. What are the features of Burns’s poems?2. Please read Is There for Honest Poverty and answer: What kind of feeling is conveyed in this poem? And what is Burns’s attitude towards both the rich and the poor respectively?3. Please recite A Red, Red Rose.4. In what way(s) do the Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience reflect the world respectively?5. What are the features of William Blake’s poetry?6. What kind of picture of the society has been drawn in London?7. pls recite The Lamb and The Tiger.。



ParadiseParadiseParadiseParadiseLostLostLostLost失乐园JohnJohnJohnJohnMiltonMiltonMiltonMilton约翰约翰约翰约翰····弥尔顿弥尔顿弥尔顿弥尔顿目录V1V1V1V1第一卷撒旦在地狱召集军队号召复仇点兵第二卷大会作出决议由撒旦亲赴人类乐园侦察人类的乐园第三卷神子声称愿为人类赎罪撒旦向乐园飞进第四卷撒旦进入乐园被捕第五卷敌人撒旦的来路第六卷在天界三天大战第七卷创造天地万物第八卷创造人类始祖第九卷夏娃受引诱食禁果第十卷违抗禁令震惊天界建筑大桥横贯混沌界第十一卷预示人类未来第十二卷继续预示未来亚薄⑾耐薇恢鸪隼衷癟HETHETHETHEARGUMENTARGUMENTARGUMENTARGUMENT提纲ThisfirstBookproposesfirstinbriefthewholeSubjectMansdisobedienceandthelossthereupon ofParadisewhereinhewasplact:ThentouchestheprimecauseofhisfalltheSerpentorratherSata nintheSerpentwhorevoltingfromGodanddrawingtohissidemanyLegionsofAngelswasbythe commandofGoddrivenoutofHeavenwithallhisCrewintothegreatDeep.Whichactionpastover thePoemhastsintothemidstofthingspresentingSatanwithhisAngelsnowfallenintoHelldescri bdherenotintheCenterforHeavenandEarthmaybesupposdasyetnotmadecertainlynotyetaccu rstbutinaplaceofutterdarknessfitliestcalldChaos:HereSatanwithhisAngelslyingontheburnin gLakethunder-struckandastonishtafteracertainspacerecoversasfromconfusioncallsuphimw honextinOrderandDignitylaybyhimtheyconferofthirmiserablefall.SatanawakensallhisLegi onswholaytilltheninthesamemannerconfoundedTheyrisethirNumbersarrayofBattelthirchie fLeadersnamdaccordingtotheIdolsknownafterwardsinCanaanandtheCountriesadjoyning.T otheseSatandirectshisSpeechcomfortsthemwithhopeyetofregainingHeavenbuttellsthemlast lyofanewWorldandnewkindofCreaturetobecreatedaccordingtoanancientProphesieorreport inHeavenforthatAngelswerelongbeforethisvisibleCreationwastheopinionofmanyancientFa thers.TofindoutthetruthofthisProphesieandwhattodeterminthereonhereferstoafullCouncel. WhathisAssociatesthenceattempt.PandemoniumthePalaceofSatanrisessuddenlybuiltoutoft heDeep:TheinfernalPeerstheresitinCouncel.V1在第一卷我先扼要点明本书的主题人失去曾经拥有的乐园是由于违背了天神命令。



John Milton’s Paradise Lost
4.Paradise Lost begins with Satan and his fall, and Satan speaks first and at length in the beginning of the poem. Why do you think Milton would begin the poem by focusing on Satan, instead of focusing on God or Adam and Eve, allowing Satan to give his side of the story before readers are exposed to other points of view?
John Milton’s Paradise Lost
Milton’s Description of the Fallen Angels Standing
John Milton’s Paradise Lost
Options for the Fallen Angels (Book 2)
•Moloch (pagan god associated with violence and bloodshed) = Open war against God (What could be worse that their present situation?) •Belial (“weak and slothful”) = Wait and see what will happen; in favor of “ignoble ease” (Perhaps God will lessen their punishment.) •Mammon (“wealth”) = Make the best out of their situation (There may be wealth to be found in Hell.) •Beelzebub = Avenge themselves on God by invading and corrupting Eden

Paradise lost(简介)

Paradise  lost(简介)

约翰·弥尔顿的英文诗(John Milton,1608~1674)诗人、政论家,民主斗士。


Paradise Lost译为“”。

作品介绍《失乐园》(Paradise Lost),全文12卷,以一般的磅礴气势揭示了人的与。





















• The image of Satan in Paradise Lost is extremely complex and subtle.
• Satan in the Bible is an image of devil. But in Paradise Lost, Satan challenges the authority of God and want to be free, he is a fighter for freedom. The poet portrayed Satan as a brave hero that went to get rid of god's domination.
• In 1632, Milton took his M.A.(Master of Arts) at Cambridge, after which he retired to the family homes, and did 6 years of private study and literary composition.
• It tell us that human are short of comprehensive thinking,so they can be affected by others easily.They always cht they want and get punishment.
• Milton is a great revolutionary poet of the 17th century.
• Milton is a great stylist. His poetry has a grand style.
• Milton is a great master of blank verse.


14: That with no middle flight intends to soar 平庸者所不敢飞越的高度
15: Above th' AONIAN Mount, while it pursues 翻越阿诺安山,追逐着
32: For one restraint, Lords of the World besides? 世界的主宰们竟然失去耐性
33: Who first seduc'd them to that fowl revolt? 引他们发动家禽般的反抗
22: And mad'st it pregnant: What in me is dark 看穿我内心的黑暗
23: Illumine, what is low raise and support; 照亮那卑微,唤起并支持着我
2: Of that Forbidden Tree, whose mortal tast 它那必死的味道
3: Brought Death into the World, and all our woe, 将死亡带到世上,连同我们所有的悲哀
38: Of Rebel Angels, by whose aid aspiring 叛逆天使,因他们的热情
39: To set himself in Glory above his Peers, 赋予他高于同类的光荣
42: Against the Throne and Monarchy of God 反抗神的王座和权力
43: Rais'd impious War in Heav'n and Battel proud 徒然在天堂骄傲的发起不敬的战争
44: With vain attempt. Him the Almighty Power 全能的力量

paradise lost修辞手法

paradise lost修辞手法

"失乐园"(Paradise Lost)是约翰·弥尔顿(John Milton)创作的一部史诗诗歌,其修辞手法丰富多样,体现了文学的高度艺术性。

1. 史诗才情:弥尔顿使用了史诗才情,通过叙述英雄事迹和超凡脱俗的场景,塑造了庄严宏大的史诗氛围。

2. 拟人:通过拟人,将抽象的概念或自然元素赋予人的特性。


3. 对仗:使用押韵、平仄、格律等手法,创造出旋律感强烈的韵律,增强语言的音韵美。

4. 修辞比喻:运用比喻手法,将抽象概念具象化。


5. 重复:弥尔顿在叙事中使用了重复手法,通过反复出现的词语或短语,强调主题,增强表达的力度。

6. 对照:通过对照手法,突显作品中的矛盾和冲突,使叙事更加丰富。

7. 借用古典:弥尔顿借鉴了古希腊和古罗马史诗的传统,采用了一些古典的修辞手法和表达方式。

总体而言,"失乐园" 是一部修辞手法丰富、语言华美、庄重高远的文学巨著,充分展示了约翰·弥尔顿在文学创作上的卓越才华。

Milton and Paradise Lost弥尔顿与失乐园

Milton and Paradise Lost弥尔顿与失乐园

Milton is a great stylist. He is famous for his grand style noted for its dignity and polish, which is the result of his life-long classical and biblical study. ● Milton has always been admired for his sublimity of thought and majesty of expression.
Milton’s viewpoints
1. Milton is allied to the humanists in his passionate belief in free will, his zeal for knowledge, and his respect for truth. He was greatly influenced by classical Greek and Latin authors. He especially showed his humanism in the way he handled the scriptural materials. He believed they could be interpreted by individual judgment and treated them freely. Milton’s God represents not only power and love, but also the rule of reason in the universe (the macrocosm) and in the soul of man (microcosm). His emphases on religion and virtue in the discipline of the moral judgment conformed to the chief end of Christian humanism.



南阳理工学院毕业设计(论文)题目:《失乐园》中撒旦形象的双重性分析An Analysis of the Dual Character ofSatan’s Image in Paradise Lost《失乐园》中撒旦形象的双重性分析[摘要]在约翰.弥尔顿所有的著作中,《失乐园》是最复杂,最难理解的一部作品,并为他赢得了永久的荣誉。








[关键词] 《失乐园》撒旦革命者魔鬼清教徒An Analysis of the Dual Character of Satan’s Image inParadise Lost[Abstract]All of John Milton’s great works. Paradise Lose is the most complicated and most profound one, which wins him endless honor. The image of Satan in Paradise Lost is supreme vivid, powerful, ambivalent and complex, overshadowing all the other characters including God.As the main character of Paradise Lost, Satan is obviously impressive and powerful, whose ambivalence catches all critics’ eyes and leads to centuries’ disputes. This dissertation will analyze the dual character of Satan’s image into three groups: The first group that the image of Satan as a revolutionist, the second group that the image of Satan as a devil, while the third group of critics, stand in the middle, seeing both sides of Satan. They identify Satan either as an abstract conception or else, more immediately, as someone who is an evil mixed with good. On the other hand, check the factors that influence his dual character of image, from the analysis of the text to the author’s intention, from the 17th century social background to Milton’s personal experiences and belief. What’s more, the potential readers’ background and individual taste will also be taken into consideration. And all these analysis lead to the point that it is too simple and arbitrary to say Satan is a mere hero or a pure devil, since he is a round character full of thoughts and emotions. His ambivalence is obviously throughout the whole poem.[Key Words]Paradise Lose Satan revolutionist devil puritanContentsIntroductionChapter 1 The Bual Character of Satan’s Image1.1 The Image of Satan as a Revolutionist1.1.1 Sadan owns the spirit of hero as a revolutionist1.1.2 Sadan’s wisdom and emotion1.2 The Image of Satan as a Devil1.2.1 Sadan is vicious and furious1.2.2 Sadan’s other wrong deedsChapter 2 Historical Factors Contributing to the Dual Character of Satan’s Image2.1 The Influence of the puritan movement2.2 The Influence of the restorationChapter 3Potential Readers’Influence on the Formation of the Dual Characterof Satan’s Image3.1 Puritans’ view of Satan3.2 Revolutionists’ idea of Satan3.3 Neutral modernists’ interpretation of SatanConclusionAcknowledgementReferencesAn Analysis of the Dual Character of Satan’s Image inParadise LostName:Li Yanyan Number:51406182 Class:065142IntroductionJohn Milton, one of the greatest poets of the English language, is a political commenter of the English Bourgeois Revolution, whose importance is acknowledged all over the world. His powerful, rhetoric prose and the eloquence of his poetry had an immense influence especially on the 18th century verse. He is the last rearguard of the Renaissance and the primary promoter of Enlightenment and he is the love of every form of human culture and the steadfast devotion to duty as the highest object in human life have shaped his entire career.Of all his great works, Paradise Lost is the most complicated and most profound one, which wins him endless honor. It is indeed the only generally recognized epic in English literature since Beowulf and a heroic poem in Renaissance style. It recounts the story of Satan's rebellion against God, and of the disobedience and fall of Adam and Eve. It deals with revolt from God, with sin and fall, and with the possible salvation. It presents the author’s views in an allegoric religious form, and readers will easily discern its basic idea—exposure of the ways of Satan and justification of the ways of God to men. It is a reflection of the reactionary forces of Milton’s time and the passionate appeal for freedom.As the main character of Paradise Lost, Satan is obviously impressive and powerful, whose ambivalence catches all critics’ eyes and leads to centuries’ disputes. Those critics can be classified into three groups. The first group mainly consists of revolutionists.They traditionally read this epic with strong political inclination,thinking Satan as the protagonist and considering him a symbol of revolution (Fowler 45). They are generally called pro-Satanists. They think Satan is infinitely superior to man, entirely different from the devil of the miracle plays, and completely overshadowing the hero both in interest and in manliness (Danielson 134). The second group is formed by the anti-Satanists. They follow the theme of sense and regard Satan’s hubris without sense as the cause of his own tragedy. They view Satan as an absolute devil, the root of our immense pain from generation to generation. Though his lingering traces of angelic nature and his assertion of implacable defiance at the beginning of the poem disguise him as a righteous liberator, it can’t change Satan’s evil nature (Huang Delin 52). He is doomed to destruction by the flaw of self-love and over-ambition. Both pro-Satanists and anti-Satanists have evidence to support their statements, but neither of them can prove their points of view with sufficient details. While the third group of critics, such as John Carey, stand in the middle, seeing both sides of Satan. They are apt to believe that Satan’s ambivalence is intended by Milton to achieve depth (Danielson 160). They identify Satan either as an abstract conception or else, more immediately, as someone who is an evil mixed with good.Based on the critics’points of view, this dissertation will analyze the dual character of Satan’s image and check the factors that influence his dual character of image, from the analysis of the text to the author’s intention, from the 17th century social background to Milton’s personal experiences and belief. What’s more, the potential readers’background and individual taste will also be taken into consideration. And all these analysis lead to the point that it is too simple and arbitrary to say Satan is a mere hero or a pure devil, since he is a round character full of thoughts and emotions. His ambivalence is obviously throughout the whole poem.Chapter 1 The dual character of Satan’s imageHistorically and traditionally, Satan is considered the symbol of evil, however, in John Milton’s epic—Paradise Lost, we can find a completely new image of him. Here he is no longer a simple-minded devil. He is a round character full of thoughts and emotions. Although in his spirit some evil genes still exist, he is gifted with more heroic characteristics. That is, Satan is a tragic villain hero driven by ambition.1.1 The image of Satan as a revolutionistRevolutionists are always courageous to fight against the uncoordinated factors of the society; they aren’t reconciled to being dictated to the mighty power. They make good use of their courage and wisdom to strike for the equality and freedom, which stand for a sound and positive society. They are confident that the victory belongs to them. In Paradise Lost, Satan demonstrates these personalities of a revolutionist in his strong desire for freedom, equality and his wisdom to fight against the tyranny of the God.1.1.1 Sadan owns the spirit of hero as a revolutionistSatan, originally called Lucifer,was one of the greatest angelic beings who serve God in Heaven. He is the most beautiful angels and God’s first-hand man, steadfast angel and the sublime grandeur of a graceful but tremendous spirit. Nevertheless, he is tired of flattering God and takes arms to fight for freedom. When being faced with God’s tyranny and mighty power, Satan doesn’t act as a coward. On the contrary, he appears even braver. He is not afraid of losing everything. Failure will only strengthen his will and his confidence.“All is not lost; the unconquerable will, /And study of revenge, immortal hate, /And courage never to submit or yield (Jin Fashen 10)” he declares, “Since through experience of this great event, /In arms not worse, in foresight much advanced, /We may with more successful hope resolve /To wage by force or guile eternal war /Irreconcilable to our grand Foe. (Jin Fashen 10)”There isundoubtedly something thrilling as he summons up his defeated powers, collects together the scatter legions of the lost angels, addresses them with words of defiance of God “Clashed on their sounding shields the din of war, /Hurling defiance towards the vault of heaven” (Zhang Boxiang 384). The sense of being lost, far from causing him to slump, propels him with furious energy. This is how fear and despair are turned into courage. Clearly, such a turning of hell to fortitude is admirable. It is no cheapening of the heroism to say that it consists in making energetic resistance out of despair. It is not that the heroism of Satan’s defiance is bogus. On the narrative level, we cannot but admire Satan’s courage in venturing into the unknown, which shows the transcendent glory by his superior courage and abilities.If we listen to Satan as he wishes to be heard, his speech asserts equality, freedom, and nobility of soul. He appears to demand a kind of heavenly democracy; hence, he sees that God disturbs freedom as the first step toward slavery. Compared with Satan, God’s feature seems much duller. He is the ruler of heaven but “holds the tyranny (Jin Fashen 12)”by saying “what I will is Fate (Jin Fashen 86)”. He has the mighty power but still doubts it while facing Satan’s defiance. He is the creator but prevents human beings from reaching the Tree of Knowledge. He is selfish. He wants to control all the creatures under fatuity and backwardness so that he could maintain his sole reign. He leaves the fallen angels to go on falling forever and has no mercy on his people. He hates everything that would challenge his power. Belial counsels acceptance of God’s will, but his acceptance is informed by fear and sloth, not by love. Their consciousness of worth and intolerance of servitude are seen when the fallen angels claim, “rather seek /Our own good from ourselves, and from our own /Live to ourselves, though in this vast recess, /Free, and to none accountable, preferring /Hard liberty before the easy yoke” (Jin Fashen 20).It is no exaggeration to say that everything in heaven has a hellish travesty. However, Satan is just the opposite there. He looks forward to equality, to freedom and to knowledge. He poses,“…Knowledge forbidden? /Suspicious, reasonless! /Why should their Lord Envy them that? /Can it be sin to know, can it be death? /And do they only stand /By ignorance? (Jin Fashen 52)” Thus, in some way, Satan has become a speaker of the human beings. What hedoes is to help people to gain wisdom and to find their true happiness. In this sense, Satan, under Milton’s description, is no longer the symbol of evil but stands for the justness, liberty and equality. He stands as republican and atheist in heaven, appealing to an aristocratic notion of established status and constitutional rights. It is the liberty for which Satan is contending and which the Father’s imposing of a new king threatens, not least by his implying that all dignities and titles are owed to the sovereign and so may be resumed or altered by him at will. From all these words, we can see the essence and virtue of a hero in Satan.1.1.2 Sadan’s wisdom and emotionAnother aspect worthy noting is Satan’s wisdom. A good example is his tempting Adam and Eve to eat fruit from the Tree of Knowledge against God’s instructions. Satan disguises himself in the shape of snake and approaches Eve (not Adam, who is more sensible) at the very time she works alone. He starts the conversation with praise for Eve’s beauty, which is woman’s favorite, then comes to the target topic, and makes the emotional Eve loss her last line of defense and cannot wait to eat the fruit and touch her bright future. Another evidence sparking is when the God announces, “Your head I him appoint; /And by myself have sworn to him shall bow /All knees in Heaven, and shall confess him Lord. (Jin Fashen 66)”, Satan’s brilliant feedback: “Who can in reason then or right assume /Monarchy over such as live by right /His equals, if in power and splendor less, /In freedom equal (Jin Fashen 68)? /our puissance is our own (Jin Fashen 70)”.This is not only a challenge to God, but also a summon for right and liberty, which is rather inspiring. What’s more, Satan is also emotional and human. For instance, when he sees Adam and Eve in love, he is moved first to admiration and love and then to pity. And at the sight of the suffering of his fellows, he bursts into “Tears such as angels weep (Danielson 168)”.Sympathy is aroused immediately by such kind of sensibility. Satan also has the determination to enjoy the happiness and share the tears together with his dear followers by promising, “Joined with me once, now misery hath joined (Jin Fashen 8)”. We do continue to admire him, not just for his bravura performance, but because we see ourselves in Satan. And rather than consider ourselves devils, we consider him human.1.2 The image of Satan as a devilAlthough Satan shows the positive character of his image, he still has some intrinsically evil genes. A leopard cannot change his spots. As the curtain rises, he is already literally and symbolically fallen: evil exists in opposition to good.“With ambitious aim”, he is “Against the throne and monarchy of God, /Raised impious war in /Heaven and battle proud with vain attempt. (Jin Fashen 4)”1.2.1 sadan is vicious and furiousPride, we are told, leads Lucifer to envy, envy to revolt, and revolt to expulsion from heaven. Looking into the following example, the motive for this slight of tongue is pride: “Our being ordain’d to govern, not to serve”, since if all are chiefs, who are the Indians (Miller 87)?If an ordination takes place, who, among equals, does the ordaining? It shows that Satan has violated the law by which he lives; his ensuing career is tragic study in the negative will bound in its own error. He tells us of feelings of pride and envy, which make Satan unable to bear the Son’s exaltation. Lifted up high, he wishes to take a higher step. However, trying to step higher from his bright eminence in heaven makes him lose his perch and the things he have had. “Lost of happiness and lasting pain torments him; /round he throws his baleful eyes, /that witnessed huge affliction and dismay mixed /with obdurate pride and steadfast hate. (Jin Fashen 6)” It is the case of self-suggested temptation and fall.The slogan of Satan’s rebellion is freedom and independence, but freedom and independence lie in obedience, not in self-assertive rebellion. We can no longer admire Satan, because he is a fool seeing his free will only in terms of self-assertion. In the unfallen world, the rule is that creation returns thanks to the creator, and this return is made freely by good will at once indebted and discharged, as Satan did before his rebellion. However, to bad will, debt becomes extortion, and the return of gratitude sticks in Satan’s throat, “in a moment quit / The debt immense of endless gratitude, /So burdensome still paying, /still to owe (Jin Fashen 42)”. In his loss, Satan speaks with a moral understanding of both the freedom of gratitude and the unfreedom of resentment. So Satan converts what is a source of gratitude and freedom into a source of resentment and constraint. In this circumstance, whatever we think ofheaven’s free love, through Satan’s eyes its goodness seems compelling; this attitude makes him more and more evil. So the study of Satan’s evil is the corruption of good. Satan has violated the conditions for true liberty. The rigid authoritarianism is Satan’s and freedom lies in faithful obedience to God. To be free is precisely the same thing as to be pious. Satan’s eagerness to justify his position as leader has ineptly undermined his stand as libertarian. Satan makes a false heroic idea. The idea of him destroys his innate goodness and makes his hero comes to seem childish.1.2.2sadan’s other wrong deedsHe is tragic, however, not just through the resonance of his anguish, but because he makes a choice that destroys him. As God is made up of all virtues, Satan is composed of contending fragments of evil. Those fragmented aspects of the devil are represented in medieval art by the seven deadly sins: wrath, pride, lust, envy, sloth, avarice, and gluttony. Correspondingly, in Paradise Lost, Belial symbolizes sloth; Mammon, avarice; Moloch, hated. The concluding episode of book2 compresses those many evils into three personalities: Satan, Sin, and Death. Respectively, they represent cause, act, and effect, and their chaotic family tree is an obvious perversion of God’s own begetting of the Son. Sin is Satan’s daughter-mistress and his act of disobedience, while Death is the outcome of their incest. The trinity—Satan, Sin, and Death—shown to the reader is the demonic one. Death sits within hell’s gate. When Satan first sees Sin and Death, he fails to recognize his daughter and to acknowledge his son. To Sin, he says he has never yet seen “Sight more detestable than him and thee” (Miller 97).Readers share his reaction as he recognizes the dim, primordial monsters as obscenities locked from the light of civilization. In recognizing Sin and Death, Satan admits to his own perverse deformity. When Satan leaps into chaos, he thinks that he has left Sin, Death, and hell behind. Only later does he realize that he himself is hell: Satan as cause contains both act (Sin) and result (Death) in his every fiber. Sin is the way to be damned, but also that a reprobate like Satan, who tries to avoid submission and punishment, can only do so through further sin, incurring further damnation and punishment, “for within him Hell /He brings, of worse deeds worse sufferings must ensue! (Jin Fashen 40)”and “Which way he fly is Hell (JinFashen 44)”. There is no room for sympathy since Satan has made the bed in which he lies.In short, Satan’s image is of dual character. By seeing from the textual level, Satan’s wickedness and heroism are crossed. On the one hand, he poses as a revolutionist fighting bravely for liberty and equality with his wisdom and emotion. On the other hand, he exposes his ambition and pride, holding a false idea of freedom and right, begetting Sin and Death, spreading evil and seducing human creatures. Satan is an archangelic being with perfect intelligence, but doomed to operate imperfectly.Chapter 2 Historical factors contributing to the dual characterof Satan’s imageA work cannot be interpreted correctly regardless of its related environment. Similarly, the vague image of Satan has its root in the turmoil of the time during which Paradise Lost was written. This part will check the factors that influence the image of Satan. It consists of examining the 17th century social background and the author’s experiences and belief for a better understanding of Satan’s image.2.1 The influence of the puritan movementThe Puritan movement, in its broadest sense, may be regarded as a second or greater Renaissance, a rebirth of the moral nature of man. The very Renaissance had been essentially pagan and sensuous, accompanied by a moral awakening especially in England, that greatest moral and political reform which ever swept over a nation in the short space of half a century. It had two chief objects: personal righteousness and civil and religious liberty, which is quite similar to the purposes of heavenly rebellion led by Satan.That was a transitional society, full of violence, revolution, tyranny and many unstable factors. People doubted about their future and their value. Some of them submitted and only lived for life’s sake, just like some angels yielding to God’s authority and flattering him to maintain their glories. But still many of them stood outand devoted all their life to the course of freedom and happiness, the same as Satan and his followers do. Milton was one of the revolutionists. He supports his motherland’s revolution against king’s tyranny for human liberty with his wisdom and sharpened pen. He works so hard against the European reactionaries in order to vindicate the action of beheading the king CharlesⅠthat he losses his sight, but even in such kind of condition, he still sticks to his struggle. He creates lots of great masterpieces to present the truth and reality with his imaginations, to encourage English people. This kind of perseverance can find its reflection in the image of Satan, since even when he has lost all the glories around him and been driven out of Heaven, he still holds on to his belief. According to the bigotry, bellicosity, obstinacy and radicalness reflected during the course of fighting for his personal pursuit, Satan is blind, but it is just in such defect where his lofty and self-respect lay (Ma Haijian). So was Milton. He is not only a pious puritan, but also a revolutionist eager to fight. He allows the revolutionary in himself to take root in Satan. The conflict between Satan and God is, in fact, the one that between the Parliaments which are on behalf of liberty---which Milton was advocating--- and the stubborn despotic royal force. The revolutionary spirit is quite obvious. Milton’s pursuance of freedom and equality is exactly that of Satan.At the beginning of the epic, Milton “assert Eternal Providence, /And justify the ways of God to man”(Jin Fashen 4), but the description of God and Heaven is totally different from the poet’s original intention. God is the symbol of authority while the angels are all obsequious without personality. Unsatisfied with God’s tyranny, Satan takes arms to challenge the authority and asserts civil right. That is quite in accordance with Milton’s attitude—people have their right either for the governor or against the governor, so long as they wish. Satan’s first challenge is to God. Though he know at the very beginning the margin between him and God, Satan is not afraid of performing the course he thought righteous. That makes his angelic image more glory and his deed more admirable. Even when Satan seduces our forefather, we do own thanks to him, for it is him who lets us become wit and experienced. The demanding of Adam “yet sinless, with desire to know /What nearer might concern him, how thisWorld /Of Heaven and Earth conspicuous first began (Jin Fashen 84)” makes us feel “wisdom at one entrance quite shut out. (Jin Fashen 30)” and doubt “is knowledge so despised? /Or envy, or what reserve forbids to taste? (Jin Fashen 58)” Satan’s great courage, rebellion spirit, perseverance and wisdom are highly praised here, which makes him the real central figure in this epic.But naturally, as a national movement, Puritan Movement had its extremes and excesses. And the intensity of the struggle against despotism made men narrow and hard. In the triumph of Puritanism under Cromwell, severe laws were passed, many simple pleasures were forbidden, and an austere standard of living was forced upon an unwilling people. Next, Cromwell conquered Ireland and Scottish, unifying the three counties. And the supreme authority was in his hands as his closest followers declared Parliament dismissed in December 1653. He thus assumed the title of Lord Protector. Another autarch had replaced the former one. The initial righteous rebellion turns to be an ambitious aggression. The Movement essentially failed, since no liberty and civil right are realized. Satan shares the same process with Cromwell. They are both preservers and destroyers. As he reins the Hell, Satan becomes more extreme and more destructive. The case is genuine heroism wrongly used in relation to himself and others. A leader of liberty is transformed to a ruler of despotism, and then is damned further.2.2 The influence of the restorationUnfortunately, in 1660, when CharlesⅡsuccessfully achieved the Restoration of the kingdom, all Milton’s labors and sacrifice for humanity were apparently wasted. He was immediately marked for persecution, and his books were burned by the public hangman. His daughter, upon whom he depended in his blindness, rebelled at the task of reading to him and recording his thoughts. All the policies that he had worked for so passionately had suddenly been abrogated. So he couldn’t help sighing with strong emotion: “If you beest he—but O how fallen! (Jin Fashen 8)” The Republic came to an end; the Restoration brought people another turbulence. The whole Britain suffered total reversal again. The failure urged Milton to soul-searching. And it was the time when God’s authority resumed, and Satan was transformed to a serpent.In literature, the Age was definitely the one of confusion. The spiritual gloom, which sooner or later fastened upon all the writers of the age, was due to the breaking up of accepted standards of government and religion. That led the literary men of the time to look backward for their golden age unconsciously. This could also be a clue to understand Satan, since Milton mixed reason in Puritanism with morality and constituted Puritan Humanism, and the thought was reflected in his Paradise Lost. As the last rearguard of the Renaissance and the primary promoter of Enlightenment, he endowed his introspection to humanism on his greatest image of Satan portrayed in this poem. Although Milton’s study of the will focused on the inner world of temptation, guilt and repentance, he treated these things not just as they borne on one’s relation to oneself or to God, but to others also. Satan’s fall corrupted others as well as himself, so no grace would be extended to him. Milton’s was a disciplined, rational, responsible moral freedom beyond the reach of most political activists. (Fowler 43)His individual emphasis is on the freedom of the disciplined life: obedience is freedom; independence is slavery. In heaven, political loyalty is religious loyalty, and Satan’s republicanism violates both. So Satan’s rebellion for freedom turns to be a path to slavery. Will is free, determined neither by divine predestination nor by subliminal psychodynamics. Satan has the free will to stand but he chooses to fall. And in Milton’s view, virtue is not cloistered innocence untroubled by passions, but rather the difficult experience of rationality, of perpetual rational choices between seductively deceptive alternatives (Fowler 37). So, no matter how just the excuses are, Satan does spread evils and bring torment to human beings. Satan’s formidable intellectual powers are engaged in what is self-deception before it turns to deception of others. The process of negation takes him from heroic denial of the order of heaven to a perverse and mean form of resistance, and ruses of concealment and self-deception re-enter in ignoble, self-corrupting forms. Here is a committed revolutionary, a supporter of regicide, who nevertheless makes his rebel angels devils.So far, Milton was lost into great ambivalence. On the one hand, instead of withdrawing from society, Milton remained social, no longer participating directly in politics, but continuing to host foreign visitors and work closely with friends andacquaintances as he produced some of his greatest writings. On the other hand, because of the force of the society, whatever he tried, he was doomed to receive more strikes and despair. He suspected of the meaning of his endeavor. So in this way we can realize why the feature of Satan is ambivalent. The author has infused his own spirits and passion into Satan’s character. Satan’s fights with God are just like Milton’s fights with the society. Satan becomes a prolocutor of the author. They both are eager for freedom and both can’t escape from the unavoidable failure. That’s the tragedy—a hero’s tragedy. To Milton, it is the reality that he hates. He has worked so hard and enthusiastically for the society. However, at the end, it was still full of hypocrisy, dishonesty and inequality. It is a great sarcasm against his efforts and his ideality. So he would miss the past glorious time and hesitate to divorce the society. That also caused the ambivalence of the author as well as that of Satan.Finally, since man is the product of the society, he is inevitably limited by it all the time. So in a society that is full of tyranny and blood-violent, the author’s good dreams are sure to be mercilessly murdered. While Satan is the embodiment of the author, he must incarnate human being’s character, which is confined to his environment. Then Satan’s evil thoughts and actions are somewhat in accordance with Milton’s psychological activities under that kind of circumstance. Neither Satan nor Milton should be damned for that, for it’s the time and ill society that caused the rebellion in man’s mind. Though Milton thought of himself as a Christian, his inner sympathies with rebellion, anger and revolution often color the poem. Milton is of the devil’s party without knowing it. Satan’s defiance of the Divine Will is indispensable to the continuance of his identity, a predicament that raises him to tragic status. All these aspects are the refraction of Milton, who is quite ambivalent both as a frustrated revolutionist and a puritan under such kind of circumstance.Chapter 3 Potential Readers’Influence on the Formation ofthe Dual Character of Satan’s Image When reading a literary work, people always read it from the study of。



Satan’s rebel hero image inparadise lostIn the "Bible", the meaning of Satan is “to obstruct, oppose," meaning that obstruct the will of the Lord God, and he is also God's enemy. It is variation of angle and b brought mankind disaster. The symbol of Satan is dragon.And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great cha in in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, an d bound him a thousand years,In Paradise Lost, Satan was originally a large archangel beside the god, because of his di ssatisfaction with the Son of God took the throne and has a higher status than him. Out of jealousy, he chose human as his weapon to revenge God, Satan in the guise of a serpe nt tempts Eve to pick the forbidden apple from the Tree of Life. Success lure mankind lost th e Garden of Eden this piece of paradise. In addition to the simple desire catalyst, Milton creating more circumstances which made catalysts work. God's attitude, the Son of god’s s atisfaction, Satan's struggle, Satan's provocative speech, Satan's trick ...... present a more th ree-dimensional process of an angel’s falling, more importantly, Milton make such a fallen angel with many mortal emotions of human beings.First of all, Satan in Milton ’s book is considered to be a hero, there is no doubt that he represents Milton ’s revolutionary ideas. He dared to fight against the highest authority and this kind of spirit show us his heroic. to fight for peace and freedom, to overthrow the dictatorship of God, he led the rebel angels to fight against with God. In the poem is Sat an who first suspects the absolute commands which are nonsense but people must blind ob ey that. So he led his troops to resist, and set wars with the God.In the first round, he failed; he did not throw in the towel and lose his spirit. He is far-s ighted and premeditated, he creates the salvo, the heaven armies are unprepared to cope wit h it in the clash, even God in heaven, also predicted that they may lose hill. After being dropped to hell, Satan knew it clearly that God is more powerful than him, but he did n ot want to lose the leadership. He got one idea that he will destroy God's plan, seeking a n indirect retaliationBut he was advocating freedom; he solicited the views of others in the hell Parliament. He struggled to find human ancestor in the Garden of Eden. He also promoted the theme of the poem. Satan thought: God and the angels were equal in the wisdom, what is the on ly difference between them is strength. God created all things was not out of kindness an d love, but for his selfish purpose —— obtain permanent sincerity and yield from everythi ng he created. Satan also believed: God is heaven tyrant, "should not hold infinite authorit y to the public ”,Satan hated the kind of slavery.“knowledge forbidden?Suspicious, reasonless. Why should their lordEnvy them that? Can do they only standBig ignorance, is that their happy state,The proof of their obedience and their faith?... ”In Satan opinion, the reason that God forbid men and angels to acquire knowledge is to make mankind stay in ignorance forever, making them infinitely worship him. Moreover, t he glamorous words that Satan tempted Eve eating the forbidden fruit sounding rhetoric are a declaration of opposition to i gnorance. Satan praise the wisdom tree which can make people distinguish good and evil!We also can see Satan's heroism that: at stake, he always be fearless and step forward. F or example: When the rebel leaders decided to send someone out of hell through the chao tic border to detect the actual situation of the New World, all of the rebel angels hesitate d, glanced questioningly at one another, because it will took big risk. Satan stand up with out hesitation.Satan was a hero, with courage, leadership and statesmanship. When Satan said to his frig htened companions in a powerful voice to wake them up, he reveals his heroic leader styl e. Satan is a hero, not only because he dared to resist and had the courage to pursue fre edom, but also because he show us his indomitable spirit and optimism. At the beginning of the poem, Satan lay in Fire Lake of hell and endured the torment of fire and destruct ion of suffering, but he did not l ose his heart, his indomitable spirit will not be destroy. I n the famous poem, Satan expressed his feelings in this section:“ what thought the filed be lost?All is not lost; the unconquerable will,And study of revenge, immortal hate,And courage never to submit or yield,And what is else not to be overcome;That glory never shall his wrath or mightExtort from me. ”From these verses we can see that Satan's spirit of optimism and determined attitude. Alth ough Satan finally failed, mentally he is a real winner.参考文献:(英) Müller U.B., Die Offenbarung des Johannes (约翰的启示录), G üttersloh 1995(英) John Milton , Paradise lost [M] London 1667。

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Topic 2 —About Paradise Lost
Paradise Lost, the greatest poem by Milton, is a long narrative epic divided into 12 books. The stories of the poem were drawn from the “Genesis” of the Bible and from various elaborators of the Bible. The poem was a triumph of soaring imagination and farranging intellectual grasp in his most forceful and exalted style. The epic is composed in blank verse, which permits the narrative sweep Milton needed for his subject.
John Milton
Topic 1—Introduction to John Milton Milton is one of the very few truly great English writers who is also a prominent figure in politics, and who is both a great poet and an important prose writer. The two most essential things to be remembered about him are his Puritanism and his republicanism.
Milton’s works:
1. Lycidas(1637)
Lycidas is Milton’s first attempt to justify the ways of God to himself and to men. It was an elegy composed in honor of a fellow student of Milton’s at Cambridge. The drowning of a virtuous and promising young man brought home the whole enigma of life and death, of the rightness of things in a world where such events could happen. Lycidas is considered by many to be one of the finest elegies in English.
2. Milton’s humanism was crossed by a respect for the conscience acting in pursuing those things that it knew were right. He wished to “contribute to the progress of real and substantial liberty, which is to be sought for not from without, but from within”.
4. Samson Agonistes(1671) Composed partly in blank verse and partly in unrhymed choric verse of varied line length, it depicts Samson, betrayed by Dalila ( Delilah ) and blinded by the Philistines, defeating his captors at the cost of his life. Milton employed the Old Testament story to inspire the defeated English Puritans with the courage to triumph through sacrifice.
3. Paradise Regained(1671) The companion epic of Paradise Lost, Paradise regained is a four-book “brief epic” composed also in blank verse. Based loosely on the Gospels, it shows Christ in the wilderness withstanding Satan’s temptations, thereby proving his fitness for ultimate trial and, in his human role, showing what humankind might achieve through strong integrity and humble obedience to the divine will. It has all the fire of Milton’s religious and moral passion and his reverence for true heroism.

● In his life, Milton shows himself a real
revolutionary, a master poet and a great prose writer. He fought for freedom in all aspects as a Christian humanist, while his achievements in literature make him tower over all the other English writers of his time and exert a great influence over later ones.
Milton is a great stylist. He is famous for his grand style noted for its dignity and polish, which is the result of his life-long classical and biblical study. ● Milton has always been admired for his sublimity of thought and majesty of expression.
● Belinsky wrote: “The poetry of Milton is
obviously the product of his age: he himself, without suspecting the fact, depicted in the person of his proud and somber Satan an apotheosis of rebellion against authority, though his intention had been quite different.”
Special features of Milton’s works:
1. Milton’s style is distinguished by its rich and complex texture, the multiplicity of its classical (Biblical and mythological)reference, its wealth of ornament and decoration. 2. Milton’s subjects are lofty and magnificent. The theme of Samson Agonistes—the agony and the final triumph of the blinded Samson—is tragic and sublime. The conflict between Satan and God in Paradise Lost is one that is basic to all religious thought.

Milton wrote many different types of poetry. He is especially a great master of blank verse. He learned much from Shakespeare and first used blank verse in non-dramatic works.
2. Paradise Lost (1666, 1667) Paradise Lost, the greatest poem by Milton, is a long narrative epic divided into 12 books. The stories of the poem were drawn from the “Genesis” of the Bible and from various elaborators of the Bible.

John Milton’s literary achievements can be divided into three groups: the early poetical works, the middle prose pamphlets and the last great poems.
Milton’s viewpoints
1. Milton is allied to the humanists in his passionate belief in free will, his zeal for knowledge, and his respect for truth. He was greatly influenced by classical Greek and Latin authors. He especially showed his humanism in the way he handled the scriptural materials. He believed they could be interpreted by individual judgment and treated them freely. Milton’s God represents not only power and love, but also the rule of reason in the universe (the macrocosm) and in the soul of man (microcosm). His emphases on religion and virtue in the discipline of the moral judgment conformed to the chief end of Christian humanism.