De-noising of Gaussian noise affected images by Non-Local Means algorithm




UG0643User Guide Image De-Noising FilterMicrosemi HeadquartersOne Enterprise, Aliso Viejo,CA 92656 USAWithin the USA: +1 (800) 713-4113 Outside the USA: +1 (949) 380-6100 Sales: +1 (949) 380-6136Fax: +1 (949) 215-4996Email: *************************** ©2020 Microsemi, a wholly owned subsidiary of Microchip Technology Inc. All rights reserved. Microsemi and the Microsemi logo are registered trademarks of Microsemi Corporation. All other trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Microsemi makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the information contained herein or the suitability of its products and services for any particular purpose, nor does Microsemi assume any liability whatsoever arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit. The products sold hereunder and any other products sold by Microsemi have been subject to limited testing and should not be used in conjunction with mission-critical equipment or applications. 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Information provided in this document is proprietary to Microsemi, and Microsemi reserves the right to make any changes to the information in this document or to any products and services at any time without notice.About MicrosemiMicrosemi, a wholly owned subsidiary of Microchip T echnology Inc. (Nasdaq: MCHP), offers a comprehensive portfolio of semiconductor and system solutions for aerospace & defense, communications, data center and industrial markets. Products include high-performance and radiation-hardened analog mixed-signal integrated circuits, FPGAs, SoCs and ASICs; power management products; timing and synchronization devices and precise time solutions, setting the world's standard for time; voice processing devices; RF solutions; discrete components; enterprise storage and communication solutions, security technologies and scalable anti-tamper products; Ethernet solutions; Power-over-Ethernet ICs andmidspans; as well as custom design capabilities and services. Learn more at .Contents1Revision History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11.1Revision 3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.2Revision2.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.3Revision 1.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 3Image De-Noising Filter Hardware Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33.1Inputs and Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43.2Configuration Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43.3Testbench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53.4Simulation Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93.5Resource Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10FiguresFigure 1Median-Based Denoising Filter Effect on a Noisy Image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Figure 2Image De-Noising Filter Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Figure 3Create SmartDesign Testbench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Figure 4Create New SmartDesign Testbench Dialog Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Figure 5Image De-Noise Filter Core in Libero SoC Catalog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Figure 6Image De-Noise Filter Core on SmartDesign Testbench Canvas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Figure 7Promote to Top Level Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Figure 8Image De-Noise Filter Core Ports Promoted to Top Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Figure 9Generate Component Icon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Figure 10Import Files Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Figure 11Input Image File Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Figure 12Input Image File in Simulation Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Figure 13Open Interactively Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Figure 14ModelSim Tool with Image De-Noising Filter Testbench File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Figure 15Image De-Noising Filter Effect on a Noisy Image 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Figure 16Image De-Noising Filter Effect on a Noisy Image 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10TablesTable 1Image De-Noising Filter Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Table 2Design Configuration Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Table 3Testbench Configuration Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Table 4Resource Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Revision History1Revision HistoryThe revision history describes the changes that were implemented in the document. The changes arelisted by revision, starting with the most current publication.1.1Revision 3.0The following is a summary of the changes in revision 3.0 of this document.•Input Data_In_i is replaced with R_I, G_I and B_I to support RGB color format.•Output Data_Out_o is replaced with R_O, G_O and B_O.•Median Filter design logic is redesigned to support for (n x n) resolution with pipelined logics whereas previous design is implemented with Sequential FSM.1.2Revision2.0The following is a summary of the changes in revision 2.0 of this document.•In Image De-Noising Filter Hardware Implementation, page3:•YCbCr in signal names was replaced with Data.•The following text was deleted: The median filtering is only applied on the Y channel. The C B and C R signals are passed through the required pipe-lining registers to synchronize with Ychannel. For the Y channel, three pixels from each of the three video lines are read into threeshift-registers.•Details about the Image De-noising Filter testbench were added. For more information, see Testbench, page5.•The Timing Diagrams section and the appendix were deleted.•The number of buffers in the hardware was updated from four to five. For more information, see Image De-Noising Filter Hardware Implementation, page3.•Information about port widths was added. For more information, see Inputs and Outputs, page4.•Resource utilization data was updated. For more information, see Resource Utilization, page10.1.3Revision 1.0The first publication of this document.Introduction2IntroductionImages captured from image sensors are affected by noise. Impulse noise is the most common type ofnoise, also called salt-and-pepper noise. It is caused by malfunctioning pixels in camera sensors, faultymemory locations in the hardware, or errors in data transmission.Image denoising plays a vital role in digital image processing. Many schemes are available for removingnoise from images. A good denoising scheme retrieves a clearer image even if the image is highlyaffected by noise.Image denoising may either be linear or non-linear. A mean filter is an example of linear filtering, and amedian filter is an example of non-linear filtering. While the linear model has traditionally been preferredfor image denoising because of its speed, the limitation of this model is that it does not preserve theedges of the image. The non-linear model preserves the edges well compared to the linear model, but itis relatively slow.Despite the slowness, non-linear filtering is a good alternative to linear filtering because it effectivelysuppresses impulse noise while preserving the edge information. The median filter ensures that eachpixel in the image fits in with the pixels around it. It filters out samples that are not representative of theirsurroundings—the impulses. Therefore, it is very useful in filtering out missing or damaged pixels.For 2D images, standard median operation is implemented by sliding a window over the image. The 3 ×3 window size, considered to be effective for the most commonly used images, is implemented in the IP.At each position of the window, the nine pixel values inside the window are copied and sorted. The valueof the central pixel is replaced with the median value of the nine pixels in the window. The window slidesright by one column after every clock cycle until the end of the line. The following illustration shows theeffect of a median-based denoising filter on a noisy image.Figure 1 • Median-Based Denoising Filter Effect on a Noisy Image3Image De-Noising Filter HardwareImplementationMicrosemi Image De-noising Filter IP core—a part of Microsemi’s imaging and video solutions IP suite—supports 3 × 3 2D median filtering and effectively removes impulse noise from images.The Image De-noising Filter hardware contains three one-line buffers storing one horizontal video lineeach. The incoming data stream fills these three buffers, one by one. In the design illustrated in thisdocument, the median filter is implemented on 3 × 3 matrix, so three lines of video form the 3 × 3 windowfor the median. When the third buffer contains three pixel values, the read process is initiated.Three shift registers form the 3 × 3 2D array for median calculation. These shift registers are applied asinput to the median finder, which contains 8-bit comparators that sort the nine input values in increasingorder of magnitude and produce the median value, which is then updated into the output register. Thenew pixel column is shifted into the shift register, with the oldest data being shifted out. The 3 × 3 windowmoves from the left to right and from top to bottom for each frame.The following illustration shows the block diagram of the Image De-noising Filter hardware with defaultRGB888 input.Figure 2 • Image De-Noising Filter Hardware3.1Inputs and OutputsThe following table lists the input and output ports of the Image De-noising Filter.3.2Configuration ParametersThe following table lists the configuration parameters for the Image De-noising Filter design.Note:These are generic parameters that vary based on the application requirements.Table 1 • Image De-Noising Filter PortsPort Name Direction WidthDescriptionRESETN_I Input Active-low asynchronous reset signal to design SYS_CLK_I Input System clockR_I Input [(g_DATAWIDTH–1):0]Data input – Red Pixel G_I Input [(g_DATAWIDTH–1):0]Data input – Green Pixel B_IInput [(g_DATAWIDTH–1):0]Data input – Blue Pixel DATA_VALID_I Input Input data valid signal R_O Output [(g_DATAWIDTH-1):0]Data output - Red Pixel G_O Output [(g_DATAWIDTH-1):0]Data output - Green Pixel B_OOutput [(g_DATAWIDTH-1):0]Data output - Blue Pixel DATA_VALID_OOutputOutput data valid signalTable 2 • Design Configuration ParametersNameDescription Default G_DATA_WIDTH Data bit width 8G_RAM_SIZEBuffer size of RAM2048 (for horizontal resolution of 1920)3.3TestbenchT o demonstrate the functionality of the Image De-Noise Filter core, a sample testbench file (image-denoise_test ) is available in the Stimulus Hierarchy (View > Windows > Stimulus Hierarchy), and a sample testbench input image file (RGB_input.txt ) is available in the Libero ® SoC Files window (View > Windows > Files).The following table lists the testbench parameters that can be configured according to the application, if necessary.The following steps describe how to simulate the core using the testbench.1.In the Libero SoC Design Flow window, expand Create Design , and double-click Create SmartDesign Testbench, as shown in the following figure.Figure 3 •Create SmartDesign Testbench2.Enter a name for the SmartDesign testbench and click OK .Figure 4 •Create New SmartDesign Testbench Dialog BoxA SmartDesign testbench is created, and a canvas appears to the right of the Design Flow pane.3.In the Libero SoC Catalog (View > Windows > Catalog), expand Solutions-Video, and drag the Image De-Noise Filter IP core onto the SmartDesign testbench canvas.Table 3 • Testbench Configuration ParametersName Description CLKPERIOD Clock period HEIGHT Height of the image WIDTH Width of the image g_DATAWIDTH Data bit widthWAITNumber of clock cycles of delay between the transmission of one line of the input image and the next IMAGE_FILE_NAMEInput image nameFigure 5 • Image De-Noise Filter Core in Libero SoC CatalogThe core appears on the canvas, as shown in the following figure.Figure 6 • Image De-Noise Filter Core on SmartDesign Testbench Canvas4.Select all the ports of the core, right-click, and click Promote to Top Level, as shown in the followingfigure.Figure 7 • Promote to Top Level OptionThe ports are promoted to the top level, as shown in the following figure.Figure 8 • Image De-Noise Filter Core Ports Promoted to Top Level5.T o generate the Image De-noising Filter SmartDesign component, click Generate Component iconon the SmartDesign Toolbar, as shown in the following figure.Figure 9 • Generate Component IconA sample testbench input image file is created at:…\Project_name\component\Microsemi\SolutionCore\Image_Denoising_Fil-ter\1.2.0\Stimulus6.In the Libero SoC Files window, right-click the simulation directory, and click Import Files..., asshown in the following figure.Figure 10 • Import Files Option7.Do one of the following:•To import the sample testbench input image, browse to the sample testbench input image file, and click Open, as shown in the following figure.•To import a different image, browse to the desired image file, and click Open.Figure 11 • Input Image File SelectionThe input image file appears in the simulation directory, as shown in the following figure.Figure 12 • Input Image File in Simulation Directory8.In the Stimulus Hierarchy, expand Work, and right-click the Image De-noising Filter testbench file(image_denoise_test.v).9.Click Simulate Pre-Synth Design, and then click Open Interactively.Figure 13 • Open Interactively OptionThe ModelSim tool appears with the testbench file loaded on to it, as shown in the following figure. Figure 14 • ModelSim Tool with Image De-Noising Filter Testbench File10.If the simulation is interrupted because of the runtime limit in the DO file, use the run -all command tocomplete the simulation.After the simulation is completed, the testbench output image file (.txt) appears in the simulationfolder.3.4Simulation ResultsThe following illustration shows the effect of the Image De-noising Filter on a noisy image.Figure 15 • Image De-Noising Filter Effect on a Noisy Image 1Figure 16 • Image De-Noising Filter Effect on a Noisy Image 23.5Resource UtilizationIn this design, the Image De-noising Filter is implemented on an MPF300TS-1FCG1152I PolarFireSystem-on-Chip (SoC) FPGA. The following table provides resource utilization data for a 24-bit datawidth design after synthesis.Note:Image De-noising Filter supports for SmartFusion2 and PolarFire FPGAs.Table 4 • Resource UtilizationResource UtilizationDFFs19614_input LUTs2417MACC0RAM1Kx1815RAM64x180。


2 Below in Part 6.3) we apply our techniques to prove that the algebraic number of all contractible solutions of (3) also equals χ(N ) 3 a solution u of (1), (2) with f = f is called nondegenerate if for f close to f the equation 0 0 0 (1), (2) has the only solution u close to u0 and u smoothly depends on f . 4 but the dimension is always zero if the bundle T is trivial, e.g. if is a torus - see in [6] 2
uz ¯)u = ¯ = (∂/∂ z
We are mostly concerned with contractible solutions, u : T2 → M is contractible. (2)
Equation (1) linearized about a conFredholm operator. Essentially for this reason for a typical f the equation has a finite number of solutions. Our goal is to estimate this number from below by investigating the manifold formed by all pairs (u, f ) where u solves (1), (2) with f = f .

Hybrid image segmentation using watersheds and fast region merging

Hybrid image segmentation using watersheds and fast region merging

Hybrid Image Segmentation Using Watersheds and Fast Region Merging Kostas Haris,Serafim N.Efstratiadis,Member,IEEE,Nicos Maglaveras,Member,IEEE,and Aggelos K.Katsaggelos,Fellow,IEEEAbstract—A hybrid multidimensional image segmentation al-gorithm is proposed,which combines edge and region-based techniques through the morphological algorithm of watersheds. An edge-preserving statistical noise reduction approach is used as a preprocessing stage in order to compute an accurate estimate of the image gradient.Then,an initial partitioning of the image into primitive regions is produced by applying the watershed trans-form on the image gradient magnitude.This initial segmentation is the input to a computationally efficient hierarchical(bottom-up)region merging process that produces thefinal segmentation. The latter process uses the region adjacency graph(RAG)repre-sentation of the image regions.At each step,the most similar pair of regions is determined(minimum cost RAG edge),the regions are merged and the RAG is updated.Traditionally,the above is implemented by storing all RAG edges in a priority queue. We propose a significantly faster algorithm,which additionally maintains the so-called nearest neighbor graph,due to which the priority queue size and processing time are drastically reduced. Thefinal segmentation provides,due to the RAG,one-pixel wide, closed,and accurately localized contours/surfaces.Experimental results obtained with two-dimensional/three-dimensional(2-D/3-D)magnetic resonance images are presented.Index Terms—Image segmentation,nearest neighbor region merging,noise reduction,watershed transform.I.I NTRODUCTIONI MAGE segmentation is an essential process for most sub-sequent image analysis tasks.In particular,many of the existing techniques for image description and recognition[1], [2],image visualization[3],[4],and object based image com-pression[5]–[7]highly depend on the segmentation results. The general segmentation problem involves the partitioning of a given image into a number of homogeneous segments (spatially connected groups of pixels),such that the union of any two neighboring segments yields a heterogeneousManuscript received July13,1996;revised October20,1997.This work was supported in part by the I4C project of the Health Telematics programme of the CEC.The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Prof.Jeffrey J.Rodriguez.K.Haris is with the Laboratory of Medical Informatics,Faculty of Medicine,Aristotle University,Thessaloniki54006,Greece,and with the Department of Informatics,School of Technological Applications, Technological Educational Institution of Thessaloniki,Sindos54101,Greece ( and N.Maglaveras are with the Laboratory of Medical Informatics,Faculty of Medicine,Aristotle University,Thessaloniki54006, Greece(; is with the Department of Electrical and Com-puter Engineering,McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science,Northwestern University,Evanston,IL60208-3118USA(e-mail: aggk@).Publisher Item Identifier S1057-7149(98)08714-4.segment.Alternatively,segmentation can be considered as a pixel labeling process in the sense that all pixels that belong to the same homogeneous region are assigned the same label. There are several ways to define homogeneity of a region based on the particular objective of the segmentation process. However,independently of the homogeneity criteria,the noise corrupting almost all acquired images is likely to prohibit the generation of error-free image partitions[8].Many techniques have been proposed to deal with the image segmentation problem[9],[10].They can be broadly grouped into the following categories.Histogram-Based Techniques:The image is assumed to be composed of a number of constant intensity objects in a well-separated background.The image histogram is usually considered as being the sample probability density function (pdf)of a Gaussian mixture and,thus,the segmentation prob-lem is reformulated as one of parameter estimation followed by pixel classification[10].However,these methods work well only under very strict conditions,such as small noise variance or few and nearly equal size regions.Another problem is the determination of the number of classes,which is usually assumed to be known.Better results have been obtained by the application of spatial smoothness constraints[11].Edge-Based Techniques:The image edges are detected and then grouped(linked)into contours/surfaces that represent the boundaries of image objects[12],[13].Most techniques use a differentiationfilter in order to approximate thefirst-order image gradient or the image Laplacian[14],[15].Then, candidate edges are extracted by thresholding the gradient or Laplacian magnitude.During the edge grouping stage,the detected edge pixels are grouped in order to form continuous, one-pixel wide contours as expected[16].A very successful method was proposed by Canny[15]according to which the image isfirst convolved by the Gaussian derivatives,the candidate edge pixels are isolated by the method of nonmax-imum suppression and then they are grouped by hysteresis thresholding.The method has been accelerated by the use of recursivefiltering[17]and extended successfully to3D images[18].However,the edge grouping process presents serious difficulties in producing connected,one-pixel wide contours/surfaces.Region-Based Techniques:The goal is the detection of re-gions(connected sets of pixels)that satisfy certain predefined homogeneity criteria.In region-growing or merging tech-niques,the input image isfirst tessellated into a set of homo-geneous primitive regions.Then,using an iterative merging1057–7149/98$10.00©1998IEEEprocess,similar neighboring regions are merged according to a certain decision rule[12],[19]–[21].In splitting techniques, the entire image is initially considered as one rectangular region.In each step,each heterogeneous image region of the image is divided into four rectangular segments and the process is terminated when all regions are homogeneous.In split-and-merge techniques,after the splitting stage a merging process is applied for unifying the resulting similar neigh-boring regions[22],[23].However,the splitting technique tends to produce boundaries consisting of long horizontal and vertical segments(i.e.,distorted boundaries).The heart of the above techniques is the region homogeneity test,usually formulated as a hypothesis testing problem[23],[24]. Markov Random Field-Based Techniques:The true image is assumed to be a realization of a Markov or Gibbs random field with a distribution that captures the spatial context of the scene[25].Given the prior distribution of the true image and the observed noisy one,the segmentation problem is formulated as an optimization problem.The commonly used estimation principles are maximum a posteriori(MAP) estimation,maximization of the marginal probabilities(ICM) [26]and maximization of the posterior marginals[27].How-ever,these methods require fairly accurate knowledge of the prior true image distribution and most of them are quite computationally expensive.Hybrid Techniques:The aim here is offering an improved solution to the segmentation problem by combining techniques of the previous categories.Most of them are based on the inte-gration of edge-and region-based methods.In[20],the image is initially partitioned into regions using surface curvature-sign and,then,a variable-order surfacefitting iterative region merging process is initiated.In[28],the image is initially segmented using the region-based split-and-merge technique and,then,the detected contours are refined using edge in-formation.In[29],an initial image partition is obtained by detecting ridges and troughs in the gradient magnitude image through maximum gradient paths connecting singular points. Then,region merging is applied through the elimination of ridges and troughs via similarity/dissimilarity measures.The algorithm proposed in this paper belongs to the category of hybrid techniques,since it results from the integration of edge-and region-based techniques through the morphological watershed transform.Many morphological segmentation ap-proaches using the watershed transform have been proposed in the literature[30],[31].Watersheds have also been used in multiresolution methods for producing resolution hierarchies of image ridges and valleys[3],[32].Although these methods were successful in segmenting certain classes of images, they require significant interactive user guidance or accurate prior knowledge on the image structure.By improving and extending earlier work on this problem[8],[33],[34],the pro-posed algorithm delivers accurately localized,one pixel wide and closed object contours/surfaces while it requires a small number of input parameters(semiautomatic segmentation). Initially,the noise corrupting the image is reduced by a novel noise reduction technique that is based on local homogeneity testing followed by local classification[35].This technique is applied to the original image and preserves edges remarkably well,while reducing the noise quite effectively.At the second stage,this noise suppression allows a more accurate calculation of the image gradient and reduction of the number of the detected false edges.Then,the gradient magnitude is input to the watershed detection algorithm,which produces an initial image tessellation into a large number of primitive regions [31].This initial oversegmentation is due to the high sensitivity of the watershed algorithm to the gradient image intensity variations,and,consequently,depends on the performance of the noise reduction algorithm.Oversegmentation is further reduced by thresholding the gradient magnitude prior to the application of the watershed transform.The output of the watershed transform is the starting point of a bottom-up hierarchical merging approach,where at each step the most similar pair of adjacent regions is detected and merged.Here, the region adjacency graph(RAG)is used to represent the image partitions and is combined with a newly introduced nearest neighbor graph(NNG),in order to accelerate the region merging process.Our experimental results indicate a remarkable acceleration of the merging process in comparison to the RAG based merging.Finally,a merging stopping rule may be adopted for unsupervised segmentation.In Section II,the segmentation problem is formulated and the algorithm outline is presented.In Section III,a novel edge-preserving noise reduction technique is presented as a preprocessing step,followed by the proposed gradient ap-proximation method.In Section IV,the watershed algorithm used and an oversegmentation reduction technique are briefly described.In Section V,the proposed accelerated bottom-up hierarchical merging process is presented and analyzed. Results are presented in Section VI on two-dimensional/three-dimensional(2-D/3-D)synthetic and real magnetic resonance (MR)images.Finally,conclusions and possible extensions of the algorithm are discussed in Section VII.II.P ROBLEM F ORMULATION AND A LGORITHM O UTLINELet be the set of intensitiesandbe the spatial coordinates of a pixel inaneighborhood ofpixel is defined asfollows:where are odd and denotes the largest integer not greater than its argument.In the3-D case,the neighborhood ofpointis corrupted by additive independent identically distributed Gaussian noise. Hence,the observedimage(1)where.It is also assumed that the true image is piecewise constant.More specifically,there is a partitionof,forsome natural number(2)whereif(3)It is reminded that two regions are adjacent if they share a common boundary,that is,if there is at least one pixel in one region,such that,its3ofof the observed image,for oddis considered to be a sample of sizeand variance.Aheterogeneous is considered to be a sample of sizewhere(9)for(10)whereand th order sample momentof,for.Experimental comparisons of the moment es-timator with the ML estimator have shown that,when theclasses are well-separated,the estimators yield nearly identicalestimates[8].Provided that the original image follows theadopted piecewise constant model and the noise is above acertain level,the performance of the proposed noise reductionmethod is superior to that of other methods,such as linearfiltering,medianfiltering and anisotropic diffusion[36].Theperformance of the noise reduction stage depends on theaccurate estimation of the noisevariance in the observedimage.Several noise variance estimation methods have beenproposed in the literature[37].Also,the noise reduction stagedepends on the value ofparameteris computed.Among the known gradient operators,namely,classical(Sobel,Prewitt),Gaussian or morphological,the Gaussian derivativeshave been extensively studied in the literature[12].Providedthat the original noise level is not high or the noise hasbeen effectively reduced in thefirst stage,then all the aboveoperators may perform well.However,if the original noiselevel is high or the noise has not been effectively reduced inthefirst stage,the use of small scale Gaussian derivativefiltersmay further reduce noise.Finally,the gradient magnitudeimagebe a greyscale digital image.Watersheds are definedas the lines separating the so-called catchment basins,whichbelong to different minima.More specifically,aminimumis a connected set of pixelswithintensity,where.The catchmentbasinis a set of pixels,such that,if a dropof water falls at any pixelin.The watersheds computation algorithmused here is based on immersion simulations[31],that is,on the recursive detection and fast labeling of the differentcatchment basins using queues.The algorithm consists of twosteps:sorting andflooding.At thefirst step,the image pixelsare sorted in increasing order according to their intensities.Using the image intensity histogram,a hash table is allocatedin memory,where the.Then,this hash table isfilled byscanning the image.Therefore,sorting requires scanning theimage twice using only constant memory.At theflooding step,the pixels are quickly accessed in increasing intensity order(immersion)using the sorted image and labels are assigned tocatchment basins.The label propagation is based on queuesconstructed using neighborhoods[31].The output of the watersheds algorithm is a tessellationof the input image into its different catchment basins,eachone characterized by a unique label.Among the image water-shed points,only these located exactly half-way between twocatchment basins are given a special label[31].In order toobtain thefinal image tessellation,the watersheds are removedby assigning their corresponding points to the neighboringcatchment basins.The input to the watersheds algorithm is the gradientmagnitudeimageFig.1.Flow diagram of the proposed segmentation algorithm.[30],[31],do not use all the regional minima of the input image in the flooding step but only a small number of them.These selected regional minima are referred to as markers .Prior to the application of the watershed transform,the intensity image can be modified so that its regional minima are identical to a predetermined set of markers by the homotopy modification method [30].This method achieves the suppression of the minima not related to the markers by applying geodesic reconstruction techniques and can be implemented efficiently using queues of pixels [38].Although markers have been successfully used in segmenting many types of images,their selection requires either careful user intervention or explicit prior knowledge on the image structure.In our approach,image oversegmentation is regarded as an initial image partition to which a fast region-merging procedure is applied (see Section V).As explained in Section V,the larger the initial oversegmentation,the higher the probability of false region merges during merging.In addition,the computational overhead of region merging clearly depends on the size of this initial partition,and consequently the smallest possible oversegmentation size is sought.One way to limit the size of the initial image partition is to prevent oversegmentation in homogeneous (flat)regions,where the gradient magnitude is low since it is generated by the residual noise of the first stage (see Fig.1).The watershed transform is applied to the thresholded gradient magnitudeimagehaving value smaller than a giventhresholdlocated in homogeneous regions arereplaced by fewer zero-valued regional minimainmay cause merging of regional minimainin the thresholding process,thatis,.A candidate edge pixel is defined as havingintensity valueinin (11)may be determined directly based on the esti-mated noise variancewhich produce satisfactory initial oversegmentation reduction in almost all experimental cases considered are lessthansevere oversegmentation is avoided through edge preserving noise reduction and gradient magnitude thresholding(Section III).B.Region Dissimilarity FunctionsThe objective cost function used in this work is the square error of the piecewise constant approximation of the ob-servedimagebeabe the set of pixels belongingtoregion.In the piecewise constant approximationof,ofpartitionand isequal to the mean valueof.The correspondingsquare errorisis theoptimal,whichminimizes the following dissimilarity function[41],[42]:.If-p a r t i t i o ni s d efin e d a s a n u n d i r e c t e d g r a p h,i s t h e s e t ofF i g.2.S i x-p a r t i t i o n o f a n i m a g e(l e f t),a n d t h e c o r r e s p o n d i n g R A G(r i g h t).F i g.3.M e r g i n g o f t w o R AG n o d e s.F i g.4.R A G(l e f t)a n d o n e o f i t s p o s s i b l e N N G’s(r i g h t).e d g e s.E a c h r e g i o n i s r e p r e s e n t e d b y a g r a p h n ot w o r e g i o n s(n o d e s )e x i s t s t h e e d g e-p a r t i t i o n i m a g e i s u s e d f o r t h e c o n s t r u ci n i t i a l R A G ((a)(b)(c)Fig.5.Examples of the three possible NNG-cycle modification types due to merging.(a)NNG-cycle cancellation.(b),(c)NNG-cycle creation with (b)and without (c)the participation of the node resulting from merging.Notation:RAG edge (111),NNG edge (!)and NNG cycle ($).Fig.6.Two examples of NNG-edge modification due to merging.Given the RAG of theinitial -RAG)and the heap of its edges,the RAG of thesuboptimal-RAG)is constructed by the following algorithm,which implements the stepwise optimization procedure de-scribed above.Input:RAG ofthe-RAG).Iteration:ForFind the minimum cost edge inthe-partition(time and the cor-responding nodes are merged.The merging operation causes changes in both the RAG and the heap.All RAG nodes that neighbored a node of the merged node pair must restructuretheir neighbor lists.Also,the dissimilarity values (costs)of the neighboring nodes with the node resulting from the merging stage change and must be recalculated using (12).The positions of the changed-cost edges in the heap must be updated,requiring time for each update.In addition,a few edges must be removed since they are canceled due to merging.This is illustrated in Fig.3,where a merging example of two RAG nodes is given.Before the merging of nodes a and b ,node e is a common neighbor to a and b .After their merging,one of the edges (a ,e ),(b ,e )must be removed from the RAG and the heap.Then,the positions of the changed-cost edges in the heap must be updated (edges (ab ,c ),(ab ,d ),(ab ,e )in Fig.3).However,since these positions are unknown,a linear search operationrequiringtime resultsin time for each merge,whereFig.7.Synthetic image (left)and real medical MR image(right).Fig.8.Result of the noise reduction stage on the images of Fig.7.considerably increased.This is particularly true in 3-D images where the initial partition usually contains a very large number of regions.D.Fast Nearest Neighbor MergingThe proposed solution to accelerate region merging is based on the observation that it is not necessary to keep all RAG edges in the heap but only a small portion of them [8].Specifically,we introduce the NNG,which is defined as follows.For a givenRAG,,the NNG,namely,,is a directed graphwithand thedirectededgebelongsto,the edge is directed toward thenode with the minimum label.The above definition implies that the out-degree of each node is equal to one.The edge starting at a node is directed toward its most similar neighbor.A cycle in the NNG is defined as a sequence of connected graph nodes (path)in which the starting and ending nodes coincide (see Fig.4).By definition,the NNG containsFig.9.Initial segmentation results of the images in Fig.8after applying the Gaussianfilter( =0:7)and thresholding.(a)T=0(2672regions).(b) T=0(3782regions).(c)T=5(1376regions).(d)T=5(1997regions).edges and has the following properties[8].Property1:The NNG contains at least one cycle.Property2:The maximum length of a cycle is two.The regions of the most similar pair are con-nected by a cycle.Property4:A node can participate at most one cycle.Property5:The maximum number of cycles isIteration:ForFind the minimum cost edge in the-partition.Fig.10.Intermediate segmentation results.Top:1000regions.Middle:500regions.Bottom:100regions.Fig.11.Final segmentation results overlaid on the original images.Left:7regions.Right:25regions.During the merging operation,the NNG is updated as follows.When the nodes of a cycle are merged,the costs of the neighboring RAG edges and,consequently,the structure of the NNG are modified.Two NNG cycles are defined as neighbors if there is at least one RAG edge connecting two of their nodes.For example,in Fig.5(a),thecyclesandandofcycle,resulting in the cancellation of cycleandtime for each merge,whereis the number of NNG cycles modified by the merge,and256,8b/pixel)images shown in Fig.7were used in order to illustrate the stages of the segmentation algorithm and visually assess the quality of the segmentation results.The synthetic image [Fig.7(a)]is piecewise constant,the background intensity level is 80,the object intensity level is 110and contains simulated additive white Gaussian noise with standarddeviation13neighborhood.In theabove MR image the estimated noise standard deviationwas.The window size was set to119for the MR image,and it affectsFig.12.Number of RAG edges(solid line)and NNG cycles(dotted line)as a function of the merge number for the image in Fig.8(right).Fig.13.Histogram of the RAG node degree for the image in Fig.8(right).the performance of the noise reduction algorithm as follows. For large window sizes,the power of the homogeneity test (i.e.,the probability of correctly accepting heterogeneity)is large in the case of step edges,while it is relatively small in the case of bar edges.Therefore,the thin features of the image(lines,corners)are oversmoothed.For small window sizes,the power of the homogeneity test is small and the variance of the mixture parameter estimates is large.Therefore, the resulting noise reduction is small.However,the above phenomena occur for very noisy images.In Fig.8,it is clear that the noise is sufficiently reduced while the image context is preserved and enhanced.Note that the proposed noise reduction algorithm does not impose any smoothness constraints and,therefore,when the noise level is not high, the image structure is preserved remarkably well.However,we believe that the lack of smoothness constraints is the source of the nonrobust behavior of the algorithm on very noisy images. In addition,the adopted image model does not handle more complex structures such as smooth intensity transitions(ramp edges)and junctions.At the second stage,the gradient magnitude of the smoothed image is calculated using the Gaussianfilter derivatives withscale.Then,the gradient magnitude was thresh-olded using(11),where the smoothed gradientmagnitude3neighborhood averaging of noncandidate edge pixels.At the third stage,the watershed detection algorithm was applied to the thresholded image gradient magnitude.Fig.9shows the initial tessellations of the images produced by the application of the watershed detection algorithm on the image gradient magnitude for various thresholds.It is clear that the larger the threshold the smaller the number of the regions produced by the watershed(a)(b) (c)(d) Fig.14.Segmentation of a natural image.(a)Original image(“MIT”).(b)Result of the noise reduction stage.(c)Initial segmentation after gradient thresholding(T=2,2347regions).(d)Final segmentation(80regions).detection algorithm.However,the use of high thresholds may destroy part of the image contours,which cannot be recovered at the merging stage of the segmentation algorithm.More specifically,it was observed that when the noise is not high, the choice for the threshold value close to the noise standard deviation is safe.However,when noise is high,small threshold values should be used.This is justified from the fact that when noise is high,the noise reduction algorithm may oversmooth part of the image intensity discontinuities resulting in low gradient magnitudes.Therefore,the use of high threshold values in(11)may destroy part of the object boundaries. The initial tessellations are used at the last stage of the algorithm for the construction of the RAG’s and NNG’s,and then the merging process begins.Fig.10shows several inter-mediate results of the merging process using the corresponding initial segmentation results shown in Fig.9(c)and(d).The final segmentation results are given in Fig.11with seven and 25regions,respectively.The number of regions of the initial image tessellation determines the computational and memory requirements for the construction and processing(merging)of the RAG and NNG.The number of the RAG-edges and the number of NNG-cycles are shown in Fig.12as a function of the number of merges.The size of the cycle heap is nearly one order of magnitude smaller than the size of the heap of RAG edges.As explained in Section V,the additional computational effort for manipulating the NNG at each merge of region pair depends on the distribution of the second order neighborhood size in the RAG.In Fig.13,a typical histogram of the RAG degree at an intermediate stage of merging is shown.As expected,the RAG is a graph with low mean degree and this explains the low additional computational effort for the NNG maintenance.TABLE IIT YPICAL E XECUTION T IMES OF THE P ROPOSED S EGMENTATION A LGORITHM AND I TS S TAGES WITH AND W ITHOUT THE USE OF THENNGThe proposed segmentation algorithm was also applied to natural images,such as,the standard “MIT”image(256.The result of the noise reduction stageusing a5,2347regions)and the final segmentation result (80regions)are given in Fig.14(c)and (d),respectively.Note that,despite the simplicity of both the underlying image model and the dissimilarity function used,the majority of important image regions were successfully extracted.The 3-D version of the algorithm was applied to a16256MR cardiac image,a slice of which is shown inFig.15(a).Fig.15(b)shows the result of the noise reductionstage,where a35window was used.Fig.15(c)shows the initial segmentation which resulted from the watershed detection stage on the thresholded gradient magnitude image,where the scale of the Gaussian filter was 0.7and thethreshold.Lastly,Fig.15(d)shows the final segmentation result containing 403-D regions.Based on our experiments we concluded,that the smaller the number of the initial (correct)partition segments,the better the final segmentation results.On the other hand,the use of thresholds producing initial partitions with small number of segments may cause the disappearance of a few significant contours.The 2-D and 3-D version of the proposed image segmentation algorithm were implemented in the C program-ming language on a Silicon Graphics (R4000)computer.Table II shows typical execution times and percentages with respect to the total time for each stage of the proposed algorithm with and without the use of NNG.Note that the noise reduction stage requires a great percentage of the total execution time.This is due to the current implementation in which the required parameters are computed at each window position separately.The noise reduction algorithm may be accelerated by consid-ering a faster implementation,namely,using the separability property in order to compute the sample moments [12].Finally,regarding the memory requirements of the proposed algorithm,they are high due primarily to the watershed al-gorithm [31].At the merging step,the memory requiredfor(a)(b)(c)(d)Fig.15.Three-dimensional image segmentation results.(a)Raw 3-D MR image (slice 5).(b)Smoothed image.(c)Initial oversegmentation (3058regions).(d)Final segmentation (40regions).。





小波去噪的关键是如何选择阈值和如何利用阈值来处理小波系数,通过对小波阈值化去噪的原理介绍,运用MATLAB 中的小波工具箱,对一个含噪信号进行阈值去噪,实例验证理论的实际效果,证实了理论的可靠性。





关键词:小波阈值去噪,阈值函数,小波分析, 滤波Title Threshold based on wavelet signal denoising algorithmAbstractThe wavelet analysis theory is a new signal processing theory. It has a very good topicality in time and frequency, which makes the wavelet analysis very suitable for the time - frequency analysis. With the time - frequency‟s local analysis characteristics, the wavelet analysis theory has become an important tool in the signal de-noising. Using wavelet methods in de-noising, is an important aspect in the application of wavelet analysis. The key of wavelet de-noising is how to choose a threshold and how to use thresholds to deal with wavelet coefficients. It confirms the reliability of the theory through the wavelet threshold de-noising principle, the use of the wavelet toolbox in MA TLAB, carrying on threshold de-noising for a signal with noise and actual results of the example confirmation theory. This paper has summarized several methods about the wavelet de-noising, in which the threshold de-noising is a simple, effective method of wavelet de-noising.The emergence of wavelet analysis is a signal processing field of a major revolution, then the traditional hard threshold function filter the signal will be generated oscillations do not have the same original signal the same smoothness, and the soft threshold function has lost signal characteristics. According to the need to construct a new threshold function, thereby overcoming the disadvantages of soft, hard threshold function, the effect can be seen well by simulation.In this paper, on the basis of the existing threshold processing function of the advantages and disadvantages, this paper puts forward a new thresholding function, is used to image the wavelet threshold denoising method. Experimental results show that, the method is better than the traditional hard threshold function and soft threshold function has better denoising effectKeywords:Wavelet threshold denoising,threshold function,Wavelet filtering threshold function目录引言 (1)1.小波去噪原理分析 (2)1.1. 小波域阈值去噪的基本原理 (2)1.2.小波阈值去噪的基本思路 (2)2.阈值的处理和选取 (3)2.1 小波阈值处理 (3)2.2 软阈值和硬阈值 (3)2.3 阈值函数的选取 (4)3.新阈值函数滤波仿真模拟 (10)4.小波消噪的MATLAB实现 (13)4.1 matlab去噪及语言特点 (13)4.2 小波去噪函数集合 (15)4.3 小波去噪验证仿真 (15)4.4 小波去噪的MATLAB 仿真对比试验 (16)结论 (18)致谢 (19)参考文献 (20)附录 (21)引言图像是信息社会人们获取信息的重要来源之一。

Cubature Kalman Filters

Cubature Kalman Filters

1254IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, VOL. 54, NO. 6, JUNE 2009Cubature Kalman FiltersIenkaran Arasaratnam and Simon Haykin, Life Fellow, IEEEAbstract—In this paper, we present a new nonlinear filter for high-dimensional state estimation, which we have named the cubature Kalman filter (CKF). The heart of the CKF is a spherical-radial cubature rule, which makes it possible to numerically compute multivariate moment integrals encountered in the nonlinear Bayesian filter. Specifically, we derive a third-degree spherical-radial cubature rule that provides a set of cubature points scaling linearly with the state-vector dimension. The CKF may therefore provide a systematic solution for high-dimensional nonlinear filtering problems. The paper also includes the derivation of a square-root version of the CKF for improved numerical stability. The CKF is tested experimentally in two nonlinear state estimation problems. In the first problem, the proposed cubature rule is used to compute the second-order statistics of a nonlinearly transformed Gaussian random variable. The second problem addresses the use of the CKF for tracking a maneuvering aircraft. The results of both experiments demonstrate the improved performance of the CKF over conventional nonlinear filters. Index Terms—Bayesian filters, cubature rules, Gaussian quadrature rules, invariant theory, Kalman filter, nonlinear filtering.• Time update, which involves computing the predictive density(3)where denotes the history of input; is the measurement pairs up to time and the state transition old posterior density at time is obtained from (1). density • Measurement update, which involves computing the posterior density of the current stateI. INTRODUCTIONUsing the state-space model (1), (2) and Bayes’ rule we have (4) where the normalizing constant is given byIN this paper, we consider the filtering problem of a nonlinear dynamic system with additive noise, whose statespace model is defined by the pair of difference equations in discrete-time [1] (1) (2)is the state of the dynamic system at discrete where and are time ; is the known control input, some known functions; which may be derived from a compensator as in Fig. 1; is the measurement; and are independent process and measurement Gaussian noise sequences with zero and , respectively. means and covariances In the Bayesian filtering paradigm, the posterior density of the state provides a complete statistical description of the state at that time. On the receipt of a new measurement at time , we in update the old posterior density of the state at time two basic steps:Manuscript received July 02, 2008; revised July 02, 2008, August 29, 2008, and September 16, 2008. First published May 27, 2009; current version published June 10, 2009. This work was supported by the Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada. Recommended by Associate Editor S. Celikovsky. The authors are with the Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1, Canada (e-mail:; haykin@mcmaster. ca). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at . Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAC.2009.2019800To develop a recursive relationship between the predictive density and the posterior density in (4), the inputs have to satisfy the relationshipwhich is also called the natural condition of control [2]. has sufficient This condition therefore suggests that information to generate the input . To be specific, the can be generated using . Under this condiinput tion, we may equivalently write (5) Hence, substituting (5) into (4) yields (6) as desired, where (7) and the measurement likelihood function obtained from (2). is0018-9286/$25.00 © 2009 IEEEARASARATNAM AND HAYKIN: CUBATURE KALMAN FILTERS1255Fig. 1. Signal-flow diagram of a dynamic state-space model driven by the feedback control input. The observer may employ a Bayesian filter. The label denotes the unit delay.The Bayesian filter solution given by (3), (6), and (7) provides a unified recursive approach for nonlinear filtering problems, at least conceptually. From a practical perspective, however, we find that the multi-dimensional integrals involved in (3) and (7) are typically intractable. Notable exceptions arise in the following restricted cases: 1) A linear-Gaussian dynamic system, the optimal solution for which is given by the celebrated Kalman filter [3]. 2) A discrete-valued state-space with a fixed number of states, the optimal solution for which is given by the grid filter (Hidden-Markov model filter) [4]. 3) A “Benes type” of nonlinearity, the optimal solution for which is also tractable [5]. In general, when we are confronted with a nonlinear filtering problem, we have to abandon the idea of seeking an optimal or analytical solution and be content with a suboptimal solution to the Bayesian filter [6]. In computational terms, suboptimal solutions to the posterior density can be obtained using one of two approximate approaches: 1) Local approach. Here, we derive nonlinear filters by fixing the posterior density to take a priori form. For example, we may assume it to be Gaussian; the nonlinear filters, namely, the extended Kalman filter (EKF) [7], the central-difference Kalman filter (CDKF) [8], [9], the unscented Kalman filter (UKF) [10], and the quadrature Kalman filter (QKF) [11], [12], fall under this first category. The emphasis on locality makes the design of the filter simple and fast to execute. 2) Global approach. Here, we do not make any explicit assumption about the posterior density form. For example, the point-mass filter using adaptive grids [13], the Gaussian mixture filter [14], and particle filters using Monte Carlo integrations with the importance sampling [15], [16] fall under this second category. Typically, the global methods suffer from enormous computational demands. Unfortunately, the presently known nonlinear filters mentioned above suffer from the curse of dimensionality [17] or divergence or both. The effect of curse of dimensionality may often become detrimental in high-dimensional state-space models with state-vectors of size 20 or more. The divergence may occur for several reasons including i) inaccurate or incomplete model of the underlying physical system, ii) informationloss in capturing the true evolving posterior density completely, e.g., a nonlinear filter designed under the Gaussian assumption may fail to capture the key features of a multi-modal posterior density, iii) high degree of nonlinearities in the equations that describe the state-space model, and iv) numerical errors. Indeed, each of the above-mentioned filters has its own domain of applicability and it is doubtful that a single filter exists that would be considered effective for a complete range of applications. For example, the EKF, which has been the method of choice for nonlinear filtering problems in many practical applications for the last four decades, works well only in a ‘mild’ nonlinear environment owing to the first-order Taylor series approximation for nonlinear functions. The motivation for this paper has been to derive a more accurate nonlinear filter that could be applied to solve a wide range (from low to high dimensions) of nonlinear filtering problems. Here, we take the local approach to build a new filter, which we have named the cubature Kalman filter (CKF). It is known that the Bayesian filter is rendered tractable when all conditional densities are assumed to be Gaussian. In this case, the Bayesian filter solution reduces to computing multi-dimensional integrals, whose integrands are all of the form nonlinear function Gaussian. The CKF exploits the properties of highly efficient numerical integration methods known as cubature rules for those multi-dimensional integrals [18]. With the cubature rules at our disposal, we may describe the underlying philosophy behind the derivation of the new filter as nonlinear filtering through linear estimation theory, hence the name “cubature Kalman filter.” The CKF is numerically accurate and easily extendable to high-dimensional problems. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II derives the Bayesian filter theory in the Gaussian domain. Section III describes numerical methods available for moment integrals encountered in the Bayesian filter. The cubature Kalman filter, using a third-degree spherical-radial cubature rule, is derived in Section IV. Our argument for choosing a third-degree rule is articulated in Section V. We go on to derive a square-root version of the CKF for improved numerical stability in Section VI. The existing sigma-point approach is compared with the cubature method in Section VII. We apply the CKF in two nonlinear state estimation problems in Section VIII. Section IX concludes the paper with a possible extension of the CKF algorithm for a more general setting.1256IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, VOL. 54, NO. 6, JUNE 2009II. BAYESIAN FILTER THEORY IN THE GAUSSIAN DOMAIN The key approximation taken to develop the Bayesian filter theory under the Gaussian domain is that the predictive density and the filter likelihood density are both Gaussian, which eventually leads to a Gaussian posterior den. The Gaussian is the most convenient and widely sity used density function for the following reasons: • It has many distinctive mathematical properties. — The Gaussian family is closed under linear transformation and conditioning. — Uncorrelated jointly Gaussian random variables are independent. • It approximates many physical random phenomena by virtue of the central limit theorem of probability theory (see Sections 5.7 and 6.7 in [19] for more details). Under the Gaussian approximation, the functional recursion of the Bayesian filter reduces to an algebraic recursion operating only on means and covariances of various conditional densities encountered in the time and the measurement updates. A. Time Update In the time update, the Bayesian filter computes the mean and the associated covariance of the Gaussian predictive density as follows: (8) where is the statistical expectation operator. Substituting (1) into (8) yieldsTABLE I KALMAN FILTERING FRAMEWORKB. Measurement Update It is well known that the errors in the predicted measurements are zero-mean white sequences [2], [20]. Under the assumption that these errors can be well approximated by the Gaussian, we write the filter likelihood density (12) where the predicted measurement (13) and the associated covariance(14) Hence, we write the conditional Gaussian density of the joint state and the measurement(15) (9) where the cross-covariance is assumed to be zero-mean and uncorrelated Because with the past measurements, we get (16) On the receipt of a new measurement , the Bayesian filter from (15) yielding computes the posterior density (17) (10) where is the conventional symbol for a Gaussian density. Similarly, we obtain the error covariance where (18) (19) (20) If and are linear functions of the state, the Bayesian filter under the Gaussian assumption reduces to the Kalman filter. Table I shows how quantities derived above are called in the Kalman filtering framework. The signal-flow diagram in Fig. 2 summarizes the steps involved in the recursion cycle of the Bayesian filter. The heart of the Bayesian filter is therefore how to compute Gaussian(11)ARASARATNAM AND HAYKIN: CUBATURE KALMAN FILTERS1257Fig. 2. Signal-flow diagram of the recursive Bayesian filter under the Gaussian assumption, where “G-” stands for “Gaussian-.”weighted integrals whose integrands are all of the form nonGaussian density that are present in (10), linear function (11), (13), (14) and (16). The next section describes numerical integration methods to compute multi-dimensional weighted integrals. III. REVIEW ON NUMERICAL METHODS FOR MOMENT INTEGRALS Consider a multi-dimensional weighted integral of the form (21) is some arbitrary function, is the region of where for all integration, and the known weighting function . In a Gaussian-weighted integral, for example, is a Gaussian density and satisfies the nonnegativity condition in the entire region. If the solution to the above integral (21) is difficult to obtain, we may seek numerical integration methods to compute it. The basic task of numerically computing the integral (21) is to find a set of points and weights that approximates by a weighted sum of function evaluations the integral (22) The methods used to find can be divided into product rules and non-product rules, as described next. A. Product Rules ), we For the simplest one-dimensional case (that is, may apply the quadrature rule to compute the integral (21) numerically [21], [22]. In the context of the Bayesian filter, we mention the Gauss-Hermite quadrature rule; when the is in the form of a Gaussian density weighting functionis well approximated by a polynomial and the integrand in , the Gauss-Hermite quadrature rule is used to compute the Gaussian-weighted integral efficiently [12]. The quadrature rule may be extended to compute multidimensional integrals by successively applying it in a tensorproduct of one-dimensional integrals. Consider an -point per dimension quadrature rule that is exact for polynomials of points for functional degree up to . We set up a grid of evaluations and numerically compute an -dimensional integral while retaining the accuracy for polynomials of degree up to only. Hence, the computational complexity of the product quadrature rule increases exponentially with , and therefore , suffers from the curse of dimensionality. Typically for the product Gauss-Hermite quadrature rule is not a reasonable choice to approximate a recursive optimal Bayesian filter. B. Non-Product Rules To mitigate the curse of dimensionality issue in the product rules, we may seek non-product rules for integrals of arbitrary dimensions by choosing points directly from the domain of integration [18], [23]. Some of the well-known non-product rules include randomized Monte Carlo methods [4], quasi-Monte Carlo methods [24], [25], lattice rules [26] and sparse grids [27]–[29]. The randomized Monte Carlo methods evaluate the integration using a set of equally-weighted sample points drawn randomly, whereas in quasi-Monte Carlo methods and lattice rules the points are generated from a unit hyper-cube region using deterministically defined mechanisms. On the other hand, the sparse grids based on Smolyak formula in principle, combine a quadrature (univariate) routine for high-dimensional integrals more sophisticatedly; they detect important dimensions automatically and place more grid points there. Although the non-product methods mentioned here are powerful numerical integration tools to compute a given integral with a prescribed accuracy, they do suffer from the curse of dimensionality to certain extent [30].1258IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, VOL. 54, NO. 6, JUNE 2009C. Proposed Method In the recursive Bayesian estimation paradigm, we are interested in non-product rules that i) yield reasonable accuracy, ii) require small number of function evaluations, and iii) are easily extendable to arbitrarily high dimensions. In this paper we derive an efficient non-product cubature rule for Gaussianweighted integrals. Specifically, we obtain a third-degree fullysymmetric cubature rule, whose complexity in terms of function evaluations increases linearly with the dimension . Typically, a set of cubature points and weights are chosen so that the cubature rule is exact for a set of monomials of degree or less, as shown by (23)Gaussian density. Specifically, we consider an integral of the form (24)defined in the Cartesian coordinate system. To compute the above integral numerically we take the following two steps: i) We transform it into a more familiar spherical-radial integration form ii) subsequently, we propose a third-degree spherical-radial rule. A. Transformation In the spherical-radial transformation, the key step is a change of variable from the Cartesian vector to a radius and with , so direction vector as follows: Let for . Then the integral (24) can be that rewritten in a spherical-radial coordinate system as (25) is the surface of the sphere defined by and is the spherical surface measure or the area element on . We may thus write the radial integral (26) is defined by the spherical integral with the unit where weighting function (27) The spherical and the radial integrals are numerically computed by the spherical cubature rule (Section IV-B below) and the Gaussian quadrature rule (Section IV-C below), respectively. Before proceeding further, we introduce a number of notations and definitions when constructing such rules as follows: • A cubature rule is said to be fully symmetric if the following two conditions hold: implies , where is any point obtainable 1) from by permutations and/or sign changes of the coordinates of . on the region . That is, all points in 2) the fully symmetric set yield the same weight value. For example, in the one-dimensional space, a point in the fully symmetric set implies that and . • In a fully symmetric region, we call a point as a generator , where if , . The new should not be confused with the control input . zero coordinates and use • For brevity, we suppress to represent a complete fully the notation symmetric set of points that can be obtained by permutating and changing the sign of the generator in all possible ways. Of course, the complete set entails where; are non-negative integers and . Here, an important quality criterion of a cubature rule is its degree; the higher the degree of the cubature rule is, the more accurate solution it yields. To find the unknowns of the cubature rule of degree , we solve a set of moment equations. However, solving the system of moment equations may be more tedious with increasing polynomial degree and/or dimension of the integration domain. For example, an -point cubature rule entails unknown parameters from its points and weights. In general, we may form a system of equations with respect to unknowns from distinct monomials of degree up to . For the nonlinear system to have at least one solution (in this case, the system is said to be consistent), we use at least as many unknowns as equations [31]. That is, we choose to be . Suppose we obtain a cu. In this case, we solve bature rule of degree three for nonlinear moment equations; the re) sulting rule may consist of more than 85 ( weighted cubature points. To reduce the size of the system of algebraically independent equations or equivalently the number of cubature points markedly, Sobolev proposed the invariant theory in 1962 [32] (see also [31] and the references therein for a recent account of the invariant theory). The invariant theory, in principle, discusses how to restrict the structure of a cubature rule by exploiting symmetries of the region of integration and the weighting function. For example, integration regions such as the unit hypercube, the unit hypersphere, and the unit simplex exhibit symmetry. Hence, it is reasonable to look for cubature rules sharing the same symmetry. For the case considered above and ), using the invariant theory, we may con( cubature points struct a cubature rule consisting of by solving only a pair of moment equations (see Section IV). Note that the points and weights of the cubature rule are in. Hence, they can be computed dependent of the integrand off-line and stored in advance to speed up the filter execution. where IV. CUBATURE KALMAN FILTER As described in Section II, nonlinear filtering in the Gaussian domain reduces to a problem of how to compute integrals, whose integrands are all of the form nonlinear functionARASARATNAM AND HAYKIN: CUBATURE KALMAN FILTERS1259points when are all distinct. For example, represents the following set of points:Here, the generator is • We use . set B. Spherical Cubature Rule. to denote the -th point from theWe first postulate a third-degree spherical cubature rule that takes the simplest structure due to the invariant theory (28) The point set due to is invariant under permutations and sign changes. For the above choice of the rule (28), the monomials with being an odd integer, are integrated exactly. In order that this rule is exact for all monomials of degree up to three, it remains to require that the rule is exact , 2. Equivalently, to for all monomials for which find the unknown parameters and , it suffices to consider , and due to the fully symmonomials metric cubature rule (29) (30) where the surface area of the unit sphere with . Solving (29) and (30) , and . Hence, the cubature points are yields located at the intersection of the unit sphere and its axes. C. Radial Rule We next propose a Gaussian quadrature for the radial integration. The Gaussian quadrature is known to be the most efficient numerical method to compute a one-dimensional integration [21], [22]. An -point Gaussian quadrature is exact and constructed as up to polynomials of degree follows: (31) where is a known weighting function and non-negative on ; the points and the associated weights the interval are unknowns to be determined uniquely. In our case, a comparison of (26) and (31) yields the weighting function and and , respecthe interval to be tively. To transform this integral into an integral for which the solution is familiar, we make another change of variable via yielding. The integral on the right-hand side of where (32) is now in the form of the well-known generalized GaussLaguerre formula. The points and weights for the generalized Gauss-Laguerre quadrature are readily obtained as discussed elsewhere [21]. A first-degree Gauss-Laguerre rule is exact for . Equivalently, the rule is exact for ; it . is not exact for odd degree polynomials such as Fortunately, when the radial-rule is combined with the spherical rule to compute the integral (24), the (combined) spherical-radial rule vanishes for all odd-degree polynomials; the reason is that the spherical rule vanishes by symmetry for any odd-degree polynomial (see (25)). Hence, the spherical-radial rule for (24) is exact for all odd degrees. Following this argument, for a spherical-radial rule to be exact for all third-degree polyno, it suffices to consider the first-degree genermials in alized Gauss-Laguerre rule entailing a single point and weight. We may thus write (33) where the point is chosen to be the square-root of the root of the first-order generalized Laguerre polynomial, which is orthogonal with respect to the modified weighting function ; subsequently, we find by solving the zeroth-order moment equation appropriately. In this case, we , and . A detailed account have of computing the points and weights of a Gaussian quadrature with the classical and nonclassical weighting function is presented in [33]. D. Spherical-Radial Rule In this subsection, we describe two useful results that are used to i) combine the spherical and radial rule obtained separately, and ii) extend the spherical-radial rule for a Gaussian weighted integral. The respective results are presented as two propositions: Proposition 4.1: Let the radial integral be computed numer-point Gaussian quadrature rule ically by theLet the spherical integral be computed numerically by the -point spherical ruleThen, an by-point spherical-radial cubature rule is given(34) Proof: Because cubature rules are devised to be exact for a subspace of monomials of some degree, we consider an integrand of the form(32)1260IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, VOL. 54, NO. 6, JUNE 2009where are some positive integers. Hence, we write the integral of interestwhereFor the moment, we assume the above integrand to be a mono. Making the mial of degree exactly; that is, change of variable as described in Section IV-A, we getWe use the cubature-point set to numerically compute integrals (10), (11), and (13)–(16) and obtain the CKF algorithm, details of which are presented in Appendix A. Note that the above cubature-point set is now defined in the Cartesian coordinate system. V. IS THERE A NEED FOR HIGHER-DEGREE CUBATURE RULES? In this section, we emphasize the importance of third-degree cubature rules over higher-degree rules (degree more than three), when they are embedded into the cubature Kalman filtering framework for the following reasons: • Sufficient approximation. The CKF recursively propagates the first two-order moments, namely, the mean and covariance of the state variable. A third-degree cubature rule is also constructed using up to the second-order moment. Moreover, a natural assumption for a nonlinearly transformed variable to be closed in the Gaussian domain is that the nonlinear function involved is reasonably smooth. In this case, it may be reasonable to assume that the given nonlinear function can be well-approximated by a quadratic function near the prior mean. Because the third-degree rule is exact up to third-degree polynomials, it computes the posterior mean accurately in this case. However, it computes the error covariance approximately; for the covariance estimate to be more accurate, a cubature rule is required to be exact at least up to a fourth degree polynomial. Nevertheless, a higher-degree rule will translate to higher accuracy only if the integrand is well-behaved in the sense of being approximated by a higher-degree polynomial, and the weighting function is known to be a Gaussian density exactly. In practice, these two requirements are hardly met. However, considering in the cubature Kalman filtering framework, our experience with higher-degree rules has indicated that they yield no improvement or make the performance worse. • Efficient and robust computation. The theoretical lower bound for the number of cubature points of a third-degree centrally symmetric cubature rule is given by twice the dimension of an integration region [34]. Hence, the proposed spherical-radial cubature rule is considered to be the most efficient third-degree cubature rule. Because the number of points or function evaluations in the proposed cubature rules scales linearly with the dimension, it may be considered as a practical step for easing the curse of dimensionality. According to [35] and Section 1.5 in [18], a ‘good’ cubature rule has the following two properties: (i) all the cubature points lie inside the region of integration, and (ii) all the cubature weights are positive. The proposed rule equal, positive weights for an -dimensional entails unbounded region and hence belongs to a good cubature family. Of course, we hardly find higher-degree cubature rules belonging to a good cubature family especially for high-dimensional integrations.Decomposing the above integration into the radial and spherical integrals yieldsApplying the numerical rules appropriately, we haveas desired. As we may extend the above results for monomials of degree less than , the proposition holds for any arbitrary integrand that can be written as a linear combination of monomials of degree up to (see also [18, Section 2.8]). Proposition 4.2: Let the weighting functions and be and . such that , we Then for every square matrix have (35) Proof: Consider the left-hand side of (35). Because a positive definite matrix, we factorize to be , we get Making a change of variable via is .which proves the proposition. For the third-degree spherical-radial rule, and . Hence, it entails a total of cubature points. Using the above propositions, we extend this third-degree spherical-radial rule to compute a standard Gaussian weighted integral as follows:ARASARATNAM AND HAYKIN: CUBATURE KALMAN FILTERS1261In the final analysis, the use of higher-degree cubature rules in the design of the CKF may marginally improve its performance at the expense of a reduced numerical stability and an increased computational cost. VI. SQUARE-ROOT CUBATURE KALMAN FILTER This section addresses i) the rationale for why we need a square-root extension of the standard CKF and ii) how the square-root solution can be developed systematically. The two basic properties of an error covariance matrix are i) symmetry and ii) positive definiteness. It is important that we preserve these two properties in each update cycle. The reason is that the use of a forced symmetry on the solution of the matrix Ricatti equation improves the numerical stability of the Kalman filter [36], whereas the underlying meaning of the covariance is embedded in the positive definiteness. In practice, due to errors introduced by arithmetic operations performed on finite word-length digital computers, these two properties are often lost. Specifically, the loss of the positive definiteness may probably be more hazardous as it stops the CKF to run continuously. In each update cycle of the CKF, we mention the following numerically sensitive operations that may catalyze to destroy the properties of the covariance: • Matrix square-rooting [see (38) and (43)]. • Matrix inversion [see (49)]. • Matrix squared-form amplifying roundoff errors [see (42), (47) and (48)]. • Substraction of the two positive definite matrices present in the covariant update [see (51)]. Moreover, some nonlinear filtering problems may be numerically ill-conditioned. For example, the covariance is likely to turn out to be non-positive definite when i) very accurate measurements are processed, or ii) a linear combination of state vector components is known with greater accuracy while other combinations are essentially unobservable [37]. As a systematic solution to mitigate ill effects that may eventually lead to an unstable or even divergent behavior, the logical procedure is to go for a square-root version of the CKF, hereafter called square-root cubature Kalman filter (SCKF). The SCKF essentially propagates square-root factors of the predictive and posterior error covariances. Hence, we avoid matrix square-rooting operations. In addition, the SCKF offers the following benefits [38]: • Preservation of symmetry and positive (semi)definiteness of the covariance. Improved numerical accuracy owing to the fact that , where the symbol denotes the condition number. • Doubled-order precision. To develop the SCKF, we use (i) the least-squares method for the Kalman gain and (ii) matrix triangular factorizations or triangularizations (e.g., the QR decomposition) for covariance updates. The least-squares method avoids to compute a matrix inversion explicitly, whereas the triangularization essentially computes a triangular square-root factor of the covariance without square-rooting a squared-matrix form of the covariance. Appendix B presents the SCKF algorithm, where all of the steps can be deduced directly from the CKF except for the update of the posterior error covariance; hence we derive it in a squared-equivalent form of the covariance in the appendix.The computational complexity of the SCKF in terms of flops, grows as the cube of the state dimension, hence it is comparable to that of the CKF or the EKF. We may reduce the complexity significantly by (i) manipulating sparsity of the square-root covariance carefully and (ii) coding triangularization algorithms for distributed processor-memory architectures. VII. A COMPARISON OF UKF WITH CKF Similarly to the CKF, the unscented Kalman filter (UKF) is another approximate Bayesian filter built in the Gaussian domain, but uses a completely different set of deterministic weighted points [10], [39]. To elaborate the approach taken in the UKF, consider an -dimensional random variable having with mean and covariance a symmetric prior density , within which the Gaussian is a special case. Then a set of sample points and weights, are chosen to satisfy the following moment-matching conditions:Among many candidate sets, one symmetrically distributed sample point set, hereafter called the sigma-point set, is picked up as follows:where and the -th column of a matrix is denoted ; the parameter is used to scale the spread of sigma points by from the prior mean , hence the name “scaling parameter”. Due to its symmetry, the sigma-point set matches the skewness. Moreover, to capture the kurtosis of the prior density closely, it is sug(Appendix I of [10], gested that we choose to be [39]). This choice preserves moments up to the fifth order exactly in the simple one-dimensional Gaussian case. In summary, the sigma-point set is chosen to capture a number as correctly as of low-order moments of the prior density possible. Then the unscented transformation is introduced as a method that are related to of computing posterior statistics of by a nonlinear transformation . It approximates the mean and the covariance of by a weighted sum of projected space, as shown by sigma points in the(36)(37)。












随着技术的发展,小波包分析 (Wavelet Packet Analysis) 方法产生并发展起来,小波包分析是小波分析的拓展,具有十分广泛的应用价值。


小波包分析 (wavelet packet analysis) 能够为信号提供一种更加精细的分析方法,它将频带进行多层次划分,对小波分析没有细分的高频部分进一步分解,并能够根据被分析信号的特征,自适应地选择相应频带 , 使之与信号频谱相匹配,因而小波包具有更广泛的应用价值。





那你们想知道noise的用法吗?今日我给大家带来了noise的用法 ,期望能够帮忙到大家,一起来学习吧。

noise的意思n. 噪音,嘈杂声,吵闹声,声音,声响,杂音vt. 谣传,哄传,传奇vi. 发出声音,大声谈论变形:过去式: noised; 现在分词:noising; 过去分词:noised;noise用法noise可以用作名词noise的基本意思是“噪声”“吵闹声”,指刺耳、尖锐的声音,有时是混合的或多种声音夹杂在一起,含有使人不开心之义。




noise用作名词的用法例句The loud noise from the nearby factory chafed him.四周工厂的噪声使他烦燥。

The dog perked its ears at the noise.一听到噪声,狗就竖起了耳朵There is so much noise in this restaurant; I can hardly hear you talking.这个餐厅里太嘈杂了,我几乎听不到你说话。

noise用法例句1、Sightseers may be a little overwhelmed by the crowds and noise.拥挤的人群和吵闹的噪音可能会让游客有些茫然不知所措。

2、Flying at 1,000 ft. he heard a peculiar noise from the rotors.在1,000英尺的高度飞行时,他听到旋翼发出一种惊奇的噪音。

3、With a low-pitched rumbling noise, the propeller began to rotate.伴随着隆隆的低沉噪声,螺旋桨开头旋转起来。












Wavelet De-noising First, the wavelet threshold de-noising the signal estimateSignal processing signal de-noising is one of the classic.De-noising methods include traditional linear filtering method andnonlinear filtering methods, such as median filter and wiener filtering.De-noising method is not traditional is the entropy of the signal increasedafter transformation, can not describe the characteristics of non-stationarysignals and can not get the signal correlation. To overcome theseshortcomings, people began to signal de-noising using the wavelettransform to solve the problem.Wavelet transform has the following favorable characteristics:(1)Low Entropy of: the sparse distribution of wavelet coefficients, sothat reduces the entropy of the transformed signal;(2)Multi-resolution features: Y u to characterize the signal can be verynon-stationary features such as edges, spikes, breakpoints, etc.;(3)To relevance: the relevance of the signal can be removed, and thenoise in wavelet transform has whitening trend, the more beneficialthan the time-domain de-noising;(4)Selected based flexibility: the flexibility to choose the wavelet basisfunction can therefore be required according to the signalcharacteristics and select the appropriate wavelet de-noisingIn the field of wavelet de-noising has been more widely used.Thresholding method is a simple, better methods of wavelet de-noising. Thresholding method is the idea of layers of wavelet decomposition coefficients of the model is larger than and smaller than a certainthreshold value of the coefficient of treatment, and then re-processed the wavelet coefficients of an anti-transformation, through the reconstructed de-noised Signal. The following functions from the threshold and threshold estimation of both thresholding methods are introduced.1.Threshold functionCommonly used threshold function is mainly hard and softthreshold function threshold function.(1) Hard threshold function. Expression isη(w)=w I (∣w ∣>T).(2) Soft threshold function. Expression isη(w)=(w-sgn(w)T)I (∣w ∣>T)In general, the hard thresholding method can preserve the signal edge of the other local features, soft threshold is relatively smooth, but will cause the edge of the blurring distortion. To overcome theseshortcomings, recently proposed a semi-soft threshold function. It can take into account the soft threshold and hard threshold method has the advantage, and its expression isη(w)=sgn(w) )()()(2211212T w wI T w T T T T w T >+<<--The basis of the soft threshold, you can improve them with theirmore advanced. It can be seen in the noise (wavelet coefficients) and the useful signal (wavelet coefficients) there is a smooth transition between the areas, more in line with the natural signal / image of continuous features. Its expression isη(w)=⎪⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎪⎨⎧>++-≤+<+-++T w w -T w 12)12(112122k T T w T k k T T w w T k k 2. Threshold estimationDonoho proposed in 1994 VisuShrink method (or uniformthresholding method). It is for the multi-dimensional joint distribution of independent normal variables, when the dimension tends to infinity the conclusions of the maximum estimate of the minimum constraints derived optimal threshold. The choice of thresholds meets:T=N n ln 2σDonoho prove that given estimates of the signal is Besov set,obtained in a number of risks similar to the ideal function of the risk of noise reduction. A unified method of Donoho threshold effect in the practical application unsatisfactory, resulting in the phenomenon of over kill, put forward in 1997 Janse unbiased estimate based on the thresholdcalculation. Risk function is defined as:N t R f f -=^)(2Orthogonality of wavelet transform, the risk function can be written in the same form in the wavelet domainN t t R X Y -=)(2)(η SetN t t R Y Y -=)(2)(ηSo⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡-<++≥<-+==---X Y t E N V E N t ER t N ET t t n Y X X Y Y Y )(21,2)(12222)()(ηηηση Finally, the expression of risk function can be obtained:)(2)(2)()(11222122)^(t I N i t I N t ET t ER Y t Y Y i N i N i n n i N i n n <-+=>+-=∑∑∑===σσσσN 1Where is the indicator function, taking the number of two small. Thus, the best threshold selection can be obtained by minimizing the risk function, i.e.)(min arg 0*t ER t t >= MA TLAB to achieve the threshold of signal de-noising,including the threshold and the thresholding for the two parties . The following description of them.Second, the wavelet de-noising function in MA TLAB1) ThresholdsImplemented in MA TLAB function of signal threshold for a ddencmp, thselect, wbmpen and wdcbm, following the use of their simple instructions. Ddencmp call the format of the following three(1)[THR,SORH,KEEPAPP,CRIT]=ddencmp(IN1,IN2, X)(2)[THR,SORH,KEEPAPP,CRIT]=ddencmp(IN1,'wp',X)(3)[THR,SORH,KEEPAPP]=ddencmp(IN1,'wv',X)Function ddencmp used to obtain in the process of de-noising or compression the default threshold. Input parameter X is one or two dimensional signals; IN1 value for the 'den' or 'crop', den, said thede-noising, crop that is compressed; IN2 value for the 'wv' or 'wp', wv, said selection of wavelet , wp said the choice of wavelet packets. Return value is the return threshold THR; SORH is soft or hard threshold threshold selection parameters; KEEPAPP that kept low frequency signal; CRIT is the entropy of name (only used in the choice of wavelet packet).Function thselect call the following format:THR=thselect(X,TPTR)THR=thselect(X,TPTR) according to the definition of the string TPTR threshold selection rules to select the signal X of the adaptive threshold.Adaptive threshold selection rules include the following four.TPTR = 'rigrsure', adaptive threshold choose to use Stein's unbiased risk estimate principle.TPTR = 'heursure', using the heuristic threshold selection.TPTR = 'sqtwolog', the threshold value is equal to sqrt (2 * log (1ength(X))). TPTR = 'minimaxi', with the minimax principle of selection threshold.Threshold selection rule based on the model, A is the Gaussian noise N (O, 1).Function wbmpen call the following format:THR = wbmpen (C, L, SIGMA, ALPHA)THR = wbmpen (C, L, SIGMA, ALPHA) returns the global de-noising threshold THR. THR by a given selection rules calculated wavelet coefficients, wavelet coefficients selection rule using theBirge-Massart penalty algorithm. [C, L] is the de-noising of the signal or the wavelet decomposition structure; SIGMA is a zero mean Gaussian white noise of standard deviation; ALPHA adjust the parameters used for punishment, it must be a real number greater than 1, a Shares take ALPHA = 2.Let t * is the crit (t) =- sum (c (k) ^ 2, k <= t) +2 * SIGMA ^ 2 * t * (ALPHA + log (n / t)) minimum, where c ( k) are ordered from largest to smallest absolute value of wavelet packet coefficients, n is the number of coefficients, the THR = c (t *).wbmpen (C, L, SIGMA, ALPHA, ARG) calculated the threshold and draw the three curves.2 * SIGMA ^ 2 * t * (ALPHA +10 g (n / t))Sum (c (k) ^ 2, k <= t)crit (t)Function wdcbm call the following two formats:(1) [THR, NKEEP] = wdcbm (C, L, ALPHA)(2) [THR, NKEEP] = wdcbm (C, L, ALPHA, M)Function wdcbm using Birge-Massart method for one-dimensional wavelet transform to obtain the threshold. Return value THR is the threshold and scale independent, NKEEP is the number of coefficients. [C, L] is to carry out signal de-noising or compression in the j = length (L) -2 layer breakdown structure; ALPHA and M must be a real number greater than 1; THR is about j of the vector, THR (i) is the i-layer threshold; NKEEP is a vector on the j, NKEEP (i) is the coefficient of i layer number. 1.5 for the general compression ALPHA, ALPHA de-noising take 3. 2) Signal threshold de-noisingMA TLAB, the threshold for signal de-noising function has wden, wdencmp, wthresh, wthcoef, wpthcoef and wpdencmp. Following the usage of their brief. Function wden call the following two formats:(1) [XD, CXD, LXD] = wden (X, TPTR, SORH, SCAL, N,'wname')(2) [XD, CXD, LXD] = wden (C, L, TPTR, SORH, SCAL, N, 'wname')Function wden for the automatic one-dimensional signalde-noising. X is the original signal, [C, L] for the signal decomposition, N is the number of layers of wavelet decomposition.TPTR the threshold selection rules, TPTR the following four values:TPTR = 'rigrsure', by Stein unbiased likelihood estimation.TPTR = 'heursure', using heuristic threshold selection.TPTR = 'sqtwolog', take universal threshold N2lnTPTR = 'minimaxi', using the maximum threshold for the minimum value selection. SORH is soft or hard threshold threshold selection (corresponding to 's' and 'h'). SCAL refers to the threshold used by the need to re-adjust, including the bottom three:SCAL = 'one', do not adjust.SCAL = 'sln', according to the first layer of the estimated coefficients to adjust the noise floor threshold.SCAL = 'mln', according to different estimates to adjust the noise level threshold. XD for the noised signal, [CXD, LXD] for the signal after de-noising wavelet decomposition structure. Format (1) returns the signal X through N layers decomposed wavelet coefficients after thresholding and signal de-noising signal XD XD the wavelet decomposition structure [CXD, LXD]. Format (2) return parameters and format (1), but its structure by direct decomposition of the signal structureof [C, L] obtained by threshold processing.Function wdencmp call the following three formats:(1)[XC, CXC, LXC, PERF0, PERFL2] = wdenemp('gbl', X,'wname', N,THR, SORH, KEEPAPP)(2) [XC, CXC, LXC, PERF0, PERFL2] = wdencmp ('1 vd ', X,' wname ', N, THR, SORH)(3) [XC, CXC, LXC, PERF0, PERFL2] = wdencmp ('1 vd ', C, L,' wname ', N, THR, SORH)Function wdencmp for one or two dimensional signalde-noising or compression. wname wavelet function is used, gbl (global abbreviation) that each have adopted a threshold for the same treatment, lvd that each use different thresholds for treatment, N said that the number of layers of wavelet decomposition, THR is the threshold vector For Format (2) and (3) requires each department has a threshold value, so the threshold vector length THR N, SORH that choice of soft or hard threshold threshold (value, respectively, for the 's' and' h) , the parameter KEEPAPP value to 1, the frequency factor is not quantified by threshold, on the contrary, the low-frequency coefficients of the threshold to be quantified. XC is the elimination of noise or the compressed signal, [CXC, LXC] is the XC of the wavelet decomposition structure, PERF0 and PERFL2 is to restore and compress the percentage of the norm. If [C, L] is the wavelet decomposition structure of X, then)norm vector C norm vector CXC *1002(2=PERFT ; If X is a one-dimensional signal, wavelet wname is a wavelet, then the X XC PERFL 221002= Function wthresh call the following format:Y = wthresh (X, SORH, T)Y = wthresh (X, SORH, T) returns the input vector or matrix of X by the soft threshold (if SORH = 's') or Hard threshold (if SORH = 'h') after the signal. T is the threshold.Y = wthresh (X, 's', T) returns )()(T X X SING Y -+∙=, namely,the absolute value of the signal compared with the threshold value, less than or equal to the threshold point to 0, the point becomes greater than the threshold value The point value and the threshold of the difference. Y = _wthresh (X, 'h', T) returns 1)(T X X Y >∙=, namely, theabsolute value of the signal compared with the threshold value, less than or equal to the threshold point to 0, greater than the threshold value of the point remains the same .An, the use of hard threshold signal after treatment than the soft threshold signal is more rough.Function wpthcoef call the following format:T = wpthcoef (T, KEEPAPP, SORH, THR)NT = wpthcoef (T, KEEPAPP, SORH, THR) by the coefficients of wavelet packet tree T after the threshold value returns a new wavelet packet tree NT. If KEEPAPP = 1, then the details of the signal factor is not the threshold processing; Otherwise, it is necessary for thresholdprocessing. If SORH = 's', using the soft threshold, if SORH = 'h', then use the hard threshold. THR is the threshold.Call function wthcoef following four formats:(1) NC = wthcoef ('d', C, L, N, P)(2) NC = wthcoef ('d', C, L, N)(3) NC = wthcoef ('a', C, L)(4) NC = wthcoef ('t', C, L, N, T, SORH)Function wthcoef for one dimensional signal thresholding wavelet coefficients.Format (1) returns the wavelet decomposition structure [C, L] defined by the vector of N and P after the compression rate of decomposition of the new vector NC, [NC, L] that constitutes a new wavelet decomposition structure. N contains the details to be compressed vector, P is set to 0, the smaller the percentage of coefficient vectors of information. N and P must be the same length, the vector N must satisfy 1 ≤N (i) ≤length (L) -2.Format (2) returns wavelet decomposition structure [C, L] after the vector N is specified in detail coefficients set to 0 after the wavelet decomposition vector NC.Format (3) returns wavelet decomposition structure [C, L] after approximate coefficients set to 0 after the wavelet decomposition vector NC.Format (4) returns wavelet decomposition structure [C, L] N as the vector after treatment, the wavelet threshold vector NC. If SORH = 's', was soft threshold; if SORH = 'h', was a hard threshold. N contains the details of the scale vector, T is the N vector of the corresponding threshold. N and T must be equal in length.Function wpdencmp call the following two formats:(1) [XD, TREED, PERF0, PERFL2] = wpdencmp (X, SORH, N, 'wname', CRIT, PAR, KEEPAPP)(2) [XD, TREED, PERF0, PERFL2] = wpdencmp (TREE, SORH, CRIT, PAR, KEEPAPP) Function wpdencmp for the signalusing wavelet packet compression or de-noising.Forma (1) returns the input signal X (one and two dimensional) of the signal after de-noising or compression XD. XD TREED outputparameters are the best wavelet packet decomposition tree; PERFL2 and PERF0 is the energy recovery and the percentage of L2 compression.) ts coefficien packet wavelet the of ts coefficien packet wavelet the of norm (2*1002X XD PERFL =. If X is a one-dimensional signal, wname is an orthogonal wavelet, the X XC PERFL 221002=. SORH values for the 's' or 'h', that is soft or hard threshold threshold.Input parameter N is the number of layers wavelet packetdecomposition, wname string that contains the wavelet name. Functionuses the definition of entropy by the string CRIT criteria and threshold parameters for optimal decomposition of PAR. If KEEPAPP = 1, then the approximation of wavelet coefficients are not quantified by threshold; Otherwise, proceed to quantify.Format (2) format (1) of the output parameter, the input options are the same, but it from the signal using wavelet packet decomposition tree TREE directly de-noising or compression.Third, the wavelet threshold de-noising examples of signalAn to say, signal de-noising include the following three-step basic steps:(1)signal decomposition;(2)high-frequency coefficients of wavelet thresholding;(3)Signal wavelet reconstruction. Use of low frequencycoefficients of wavelet decomposition and thresholding thehigh frequency coefficients after wavelet reconstruction.。



The air dust can be blocked by Trees’ branches and leaves, then washed away by rainwater.
The ability of blocking dust of trees species is different. The
④ 4m wide hedge wall of dense foliage(由椤木、海
Usually trees with low branch , dense crown, low crown, lush foliage have good noise reduction effects.
Reducing noise Noise is a kind of environmental pollution.
Urban dwellers always suffer from greater levels of noise pollution than other areas. If noise exceeded 70 decibels, it will be harmful to people
Dust block
The air in the urban area and the factories and mines, in addition to harmful gases, still contains a lot of dust. The dust often can lead to eyes, skin or respiratory disease.
One of the much less bacteria reasons is many plants released Spinosad ( or phytoncide).

NICMOS Measurements of the Near Infrared Background

NICMOS Measurements of the Near Infrared Background

a r X i v :0801.3825v1[astro-ph]24Jan28IL NUOVO CIMENTO Vol.?,N.??NICMOS Measurements of the Near Infrared Background R.Thompson,D.Eisenstein,X.F an,M.Rieke (1)and R.Kennicutt (2)(1)Steward Observatory,University of Arizona,Tucson AZ,USA,(2)Cambridge University,Cambridge UK Summary.—This paper addresses the nature of the near infrared background.We investigate whether there is an excess background at 1.4microns,what is the source of the near infrared background and whether that background after the subtraction of all known sources contains the signature of high redshift objects (Z >10).Based on NICMOS observations in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field and the Northern Hubble Deep Field we find that there is no excess in the background at 1.4microns and that the claimed excess is due to inaccurate models of the zodiacal background.We find that the near infrared background is now spatially resolved and is dominated by galaxies in the redshift range between 0.5and 1.5.We find no signature than can be attributed to high redshift sources after subtraction of all known sources either in the residual background or in the fluctuations of the residual background.We show that the color of the fluctuations from both NICMOS and Spitzer observations are consistent with low redshift objects and inconsistent with objects at redshifts greater than 10.It is most likely that the residual fluctuation power after source subtraction is due to the outer regions of low redshift galaxies that are below the source detection limit and therefore not removed during the source subtraction.PACS 95.75.De –PACS .–—.—....1.–IntroductionThe nature of the near infrared background is the subject of intense current investi-gation.Much of this interest centers on whether the near infrared background contains the signature of very high redshift (Z >10)sources.Claims for such a signature have been spurred by the claim of an excess in the background with a sharp cutoffto the blue of 1.4µ[1]and from fluctuation analyses of deep Spitzer data [2,4].These findings are in contrast to earlier analyses of NICMOS images from the Northern Hubble Deep Field (NHDF)[5]and the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF)[6]where no excess was found.c Societ`a Italiana di Fisica 12R.THOMPSON,D.EISENSTEIN,X.FAN,M.RIEKE and R.KENNICUTT 2.–The Near Infrared Background ExcessObservations with Infrared Telescope in Space[1]found a near infrared background at1.4µm of70nw m−2sr−1after subtraction of modeled zodiacalflux and modeled contributions from stars and galaxies.Observations in the NHDF and hUDF[7,5, 6]measured a total contribution from stars and galaxies of7-12nw m−2sr−1after subtraction of a zodiacal background measured from a median of all of the images taken in thefield.A later analysis[8]showed that the total powers measured in both investigations were essentially identical,therefore the discrepancy was not due to instrumental effects. The difference is in the subtracted zodiacal light.The measured zodiacal light in the NICMOS images is greater than the modeled zodiacal light in[1]by almost exactly the claimed excess.This led to the conclusion that the claimed excess did not exist and is the result of the inadequacy of the zodiacal models to accurately predict the zodiacal flux.The error in the model was relatively modest(28%),however,since the sourceflux is so small,2%of the zodiacalflux,the error led to a significant excess offlux not due to zodiacal or known sources.The analysis in[8]removes the false1.4µexcess as evidence for a high redshift component to the observed near infrared background.3.–Nature of the Near Infrared BackgroundThe sources in the zodiacal subtracted NICMOS images in the NHDF and NUDF provide all of the measured power.Photometric redshifts[5,6]show that the majority of power is provided by galaxies in the redshift range between0.5and2.0.From these measurements we conclude that the observed near infrared background is now resolved into galaxies and is primarily due to galaxies at relatively low redshifts.This extragalactic background is a small percentage of the overall background which is due to zodiacal reflected emission from nearby dust.4.–The Source Subtracted BackgroundHaving determined that the near infrared background is due to resolved galaxies in the redshift range between0.5and2.0we can then ask about the nature of the background after all known resolved sources have been subtracted.The source positions and extents were determined by an optimal extraction technique[9]that utilizes both the ACS and NICMOS images in all of the six bands.The source subtracted image was then produced by setting all of the pixels identified as being a source to zero.This procedure only removed7%of the pixels from the image.Note that the method in[9]is a single pixel criterion.In the extraction we utilized SExtractor[10]to impose the additional criterion that a source must contain at least3contiguous pixels.Neither of these techniques extends the source beyond the region where a single pixel meets the source detection criterion.This is important in the analysis that follows.4.1.Fluctuation Analysis.–We use afluctuation analysis to investigate whether the residual background after source subtraction contains a signal from a distribution of sources that are fainter than the single source detection limit.Thefluctuation analysis is based on a2dimensional Fourier transform of the background image and is described in detail in Apendix A of[8].The results of the analysis on the F160W HUDF image are shown in Figure1.Thefigure for the F110W images is essentially identical.It is clear from the difference at longer wavelengths between the all sources subtracted powerNICMOS MEASUREMENTS OF THE NEAR INFRARED BACKGROUND3Fig.1.–Thefluctuation spectrum of the of the F160W NUDF image is given by the squares, the image with sources brighter than20AB mag.subtracted by the diamonds,with all sources subtracted by the asterisks,and thefluctuations of a Gaussian noisefield by the plus signs. The dashed line represents an average of thefluctuations found by[11]in7different2MASS calibrationfields.The photon Poisson noise for the all sources included and brighter than20. mag deleted curves is smaller than the symbol sizes.The noise in the all sources deleted curve can be estimated from the deviations from a smooth curve.and the gaussian noise power that there is signal in the residual background after source subtraction.5.–Nature of the Fluctuation SourcesSeveral studies have attributed the residualfluctuations after source subtraction to very high redshift(z>10)sources.Fluctuations in deep2MASS calibration images have been attributed to high redshift sources[11]as well asfluctuations in deep Spitzer images[2,4].We will address the2MASS and Spitzer images separately.5.1.2MASS Fluctuations.–In[2]all detectable sources in7deep H band2MASS calibrationfield images were subtracted out down to an equivalent AB magnitude of 20and afluctuation analysis performed on each of the images.The average of the fluctuations in the images is shown as the dashed line in Figure1.To test whether the remainingfluctuations were due to high redshift objects we subtracted sources in the NICMOS F160W HUDF images down to the same limiting magnitude.Only10sources4R.THOMPSON,D.EISENSTEIN,X.FAN,M.RIEKE and R.KENNICUTT out of the5000sources in the NICMOS image were at or brighter than the subtraction limit in the2MASS images.Thefluctuations from the20th magnitude or brighter subtracted image are shown by the diamonds in Figure1.They are consistent with the2MASSfluctuations over the common region of spatial wavelengths.Next all of the sources were subtracted in the NICMOS image and the analysis performed again.The result is shown by the asterisks.The all source subtractedfluctuations are significantly below the20th magnitude or brighter subtractedfluctuations indicating that the observed sources in the much deeper NICMOS image can easily account for thefluctuations.All of these sources have redshifts less than7and the predominant power comes from sources in the redshift range between0.5and2.0as would be expected from the analysis of the sources that provide the majority of the near infrared background power.The conclusion is that the observedfluctuations in the2MASS source subtracted image are due to low redshift objects below the2MASS detection limit and do not indicate the presence of very high redshift objects.Details of this analysis are given in[8].6.–HUDF and Spitzer FluctuationsWe next turn to thefluctuations in the HUDF[8,12]and Spitzer[2,3,4]images to see if they require the presence of high redshift sources.6.1.HUDF Fluctuations.–In addition to thefluctuations in the F160W NICMOS HUDF image shown in Figure1we also analyzed the F110W image forfluctuations. The spatial spectrum of the F110Wfluctuations are almost identical to the F160W fling the predominant SEDs in the HUDF we next calculated the expected ratio offluctuations in the F110W and F160W NICMOS bands versus redshift as well as the Spitzer3.6and4.5micron bands.The results of the calculation are shown in Figure2.The observed ratio of the NICMOS bandfluctuations given by the horizontal dashed line is inconsistent with sources with redshifts greater than eight so we conclude that thefluctuations in the source subtracted NICMOS images are not due to high redshift sources.We consider the most likely source of the residualfluctuations to be the extended regions of the observed sources that were too faint to be detected by our source subtraction technique.6.2.Spitzer Fluctuations.–We show in[12]that the degree of source subtraction in the NICMOS HUDF and the Spitzer images used in[3,4]are essentially equal and it is therefore legitimate to make a comparison.Due to the long wavelength of the Spitzer bands the Lyman break does not enter them even for redshifts as high as15so their ratio is not a sensitive indicator of the redshift of the residualfluctuations.The ratio of the NICMOS F160W to Spitzer3.6micronfluctuations,however,indicates that the ratio is incompatible with redshifts above10.We therefore conclude that the residual fluctuations in the Spitzer images are not evidence for the presence of very high redshift objects.parison of Spatial Wavelength Spectra.–The point was made in[4]that the spatial spectrum of the residualfluctuations in the Spitzer images at spatial scales larger than5arc seconds is evidence for a high redshift population.In Figure3we compare the spatial spectrum of the NICMOS residualfluctuations which we have shown to be due to low redshift objects to the observed Spitzerfluctuations.Thefluctuations were normalized to be equal at10arc seconds.Within the noise the spatial spectra areNICMOS MEASUREMENTS OF THE NEAR INFRARED BACKGROUND5Fig.2.–The expected ratios offluctuations in the NICMOS and Spitzer bands are shown in thefigure versus redshift.The Spitzer 3.6micron to NICMOS F160W ratio is given by the solid line,the NICMOS F110W to NICMOS F160W ratio by the dashed line and the Spitzer 4.5micron to Spitzer3.6micron ratio by the dash dot line.In each case theflat horizontal line gives the observed value.identical,removing the argument that the observed spatial spectrum of the residual Spitzerfluctuations require a high redshift origin.7.–ConclusionsWe conclude that the Near Infrared Extragalactic Background has been resolved and is due primarily to normal galaxies at redshifts near1.The claimed excess at1.4microns is false and arose from the inadequacy of zodiacal models to predict the background level to the accuracy need to determine the true sourceflux.We further conclude that none of the properties of thefluctuation spectrum after source subtraction in any of the2MASS, NICMOS or Spitzer images require very high redshift(z>10)objects to account for them.∗∗∗This article is based on data from observations with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope obtained at the Space Telescope Science Institute,which is operated by the6R.THOMPSON,D.EISENSTEIN,X.FAN,M.RIEKE and R.KENNICUTTFig.3.–A comparison between the observed residual NICMOS F160Wfluctuations,asterisks and the Spitzer3.6micronfluctuations at spatial scales of5arc seconds and greater.Within the noise they are identical.Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy under NASA contract NAS5-26555.REFERENCES[1]Matsumoto al.,ApJ,626(2005)31.[2]Kashlinsky al.,Nature,438(2005)45.[3]Kashlinsky al.ApJL,654(2007)L1[4]Kashlinsky al.,ApJL,654(2007)L5.[5]Thompson R.,ApJ,596(2003)748.[6]Thompson al.,ApJ,647(2006)787.[7]Madau P.and Pozzetti L.,MNRAS,312(L9)[8]Thompson al.,ApJ,657(2007)669.[9]Szalay A,Connolly A.,and Szokoly G.,AJ,117(1999)68[10]Bertin E.and Arnouts S.,A&AS,117(1996)313[11]Kashlinsky A et al.,ApJL,579(2002)L53[12]Thompson al.,ApJ,666(2007)658。



1.Mrs Black__________and didn’t look up when her husband entered the ro om .A. went on to writeB. went on with writingC. went on writingD. went on write2. I never drive __________ 60km on the road.A. more fast thanB. faster thanC. much fast thanD. more faster than3. She call’t do it __________ , but she could ask someone else to do it.A. sheB. herC. hersD. herself4. Alas!It was not__________easy__________all that.A. very; asB. S0; asC.t00;toD. such; as5. He was so_________that he couhtn’t even afford the carfare( 车费).A. poorB. richC. cleverD.bright6. The sun light was coming in__________the window.A. pastB. passC. throughD. across7. This book ismore difficult for the students in Grade One.A. ratherB. quiteC.tooD. very8. A lof of people in the world are__________in the future of China .A. interestB. interestingC. interestsD. interested9. Would you please keep silent?, I'he weather report__________and l want to listen.A. is broadcastB. is being broadcastC. has been broadcastD. had been broadcast10. Paradise Lost is a masterpiece by__________.A. Christopher MarlowB. John MihonC. William ShakespeareD. Ben Johnson11. Classification of vowels are made up of the followings EXCEPT__________ .A. the position of the tongueB. the openness of the mouthC. tlle shape of the lipD. the width of the Vowels12. A sound which is capable of distinguishing one word or one shape of a word from another in a siven language is a__________.A. phonemeB. allophoneC. phoneD. allomorph13. Which of the foHowing does not belong to abilities of learning?A. Observation ability.B. Cognitive ability.C. SeIf-studv ability.D. Problem 。

噪声在嘈杂环境中的因果方向(NOISECausal Directions in Noisy Environment)_机器学习_科研数据集

噪声在嘈杂环境中的因果方向(NOISECausal Directions in Noisy Environment)_机器学习_科研数据集

噪声:在嘈杂环境中的因果方向(NOISE:Causal Directions in Noisy Environment)数据介绍:This challenge has two parts, a simulation and real data.Simulation: Data are simulated as superposition of bivariate unidirectional interaction plus additive mixed and non-white noise. The simulations were done with AR-models with uniformly distributed input. The challenge is to estimate the causal direction. For each outof 1000 examples you get +1 point for the correct answer, -10 points for the wrong answer, and 0 points for no answer.Real Data: These are high quality EEG data for 10 subjectsfor 19 channels. The data contain a prominent peak at around 10 Hz predominantly in occipital (back) channels.No ground truth is known.A submission must be a single 19x19 matrixcorresponding to a causality estimate between all pairs of channels averaged across subjects. Any submission will be visualizedand, with the agreement of the authors, put on the net foran open discussion.关键词:时间序列,混合噪声,二元,脑电图, Time series,mixednoise,bivariate,EEG,数据格式:TEXT数据详细介绍:NOISECausal Directions in Noisy EnvironmentContact:Guido Nolte- Submitted: 2009-10-05 21:17 - Views : 1002 - [Edit entry]Authors:G. NolteKey facts: Simulated Data: 1000 examples of bivariate time series' for 6000 time points each.Real Data:EEG data of 10 subjects measured at rest with eyes closed. 19 channels, 256 Hz sampling rate, approximately 10 minutes data for each subject.Keywords:Time series, mixed noise, bivariate, EEGAbstract:This challenge has two parts, a simulation and real data.Simulation: Data are simulated as superposition of bivariate unidirectional interaction plus additive mixed and non-white noise. The simulations were done with AR-models with uniformly distributed input. The challenge is to estimate the causal direction. For each outof 1000 examples you get +1 point for the correct answer, -10 points for the wrong answer, and 0 points for no answer.Real Data: These are high quality EEG data for 10 subjects for 19 channels. The data contain a prominent peak at around 10 Hz predominantly in occipital (back) channels.No ground truth is known. A submission must be a single 19x19 matrix corresponding to a causality estimate between all pairs of channels averaged across subjects. Any submission will be visualized and, with the agreement of the authors, put on the net for an open discussion.Simulated dataMotivation: Noninvasive electrophysiological measurements like EEG/MEG measure to large extent unknown superpositions of very many sources. Any relation observed between channels is dominated by meaningless mixtures of mainly independent sources. The question is how to observe and properly interpret true interactions in the presence of such strong confounders.To read the data into MATLAB, typefid=fopen('simuldata.bin');data=reshape(fread(fid,'float'),6000,2,1000);The data consists of 1000 examples of bivariate data for 6000 time points. Each example is a superposition of a signal (of interest) and noise. The signal is constructed from a unidirectional bivariate AR-model of order 10 with (otherwise) random AR-parameters and uniformly distributed input. The noise is constructed of three independent sources, generated with 3 univariate AR-models with random parameters and uniformly distributed input, which were instantaneously mixed into the two sensors with a random mixing matrix. The relative strength of noise and signal was set randomly. The data were generated with this [Matlab code]. (Of course, the seeds for the random number generators chosen for the challenge data are confidential.)The task is to estimate the direction of the interaction of the signal. A submitted result is a vector with 1000 numbers having the values 1, -1, or 0. Here, 1 means direction is from first to second sensor, -1 means direction is from second to first sensor, and 0 means "I don't know".For all examples either 1 or -1 is correct. The most important point here is theway it is counted: you get +1 point for each correct answer; you get -10 points for each wrong answer; and you get 0 points for each 0 in the result vector. With this counting confidence about the result is added into the evaluation. It is strongly recommended that for each example the evidence for a specific finding is assessed.Real EEG data for 10 subjectsTo read the data e.g. of the first subject into Matlab type:fid=fopen('sub1.bin','r');data=reshape(fread(fid,'float'),[],19);Each data set is an EEG measurement of a subject with eyes closed using 19 channels according to the standard 10-20 system. The sampling rate is 256Hz. If you divide a data set into blocks of 4 seconds (i.e. 1024 data points) then each block is a continuous measurement which is cleaned of apparent artefacts.The data all have a strong signal at around 10Hz called alpha rhythm predominantly in occipital (i.e. back part of the brain) regions. The 10 subjects were selected from a total of 88 subjects according to an estimated signal to noise ratio. The data were provided by Tom Brismar from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. Any reference to subject name or id was taken out. The challenge is to estimate the causal direction of the alpha rhythm for these data sets as an average across all 10 subjects. The result must be a single 19X19-matrix, say C. The matrix element C_ij must reflect the 'strength' of causal drive of channel i to channel j. Please, do not set non-significant results to zero or reduce the result to binary numbers. The respective figures are eventually difficult to interpret. The precise meaning of the term 'strength' varies across methods. Furthermore, different methods have different meaning with respect to the question whether the causal drive is direct or indirect. We leave these things to the participant who should give a short explanation of what the result means. Since the ground truth is not known, we only collect all results and send back a visualisation of the result. With the permission of the authors we put the respective figure plus a comment of the authors on the net.The purpose is to compare different methods for the same data and discuss the results. Both the amount of data and the quality is very high, and hence we can expect reasonable estimates from many different methods. Here's a warning: to our experience there is a large variability across subjects. Therefore, one cannot expect to have consistent results across all subjects. Also, EEG data are typically very noisy at very low frequencies (below 1 Hz). Make sure to avoid artefacts of slow drifts.For illustration we show our own result for these data sets using the [Phase Slope Index]:Here, each small circle shows the flow of each channel to all other channels. Positive values (red) mean sending and negative values (blue) mean receiving information. The values denote relative temporal delay in pseudo-z-score sense: Absolute values larger than 2 are significant on a single subject level without correction for multiple comparison. The method (in this form) does not distinguish between direct and indirect interaction. The interpretation would be that frontal channels (top panels in the figure) send information to channels in the back.For questions:Dr. Guido NolteFraunhofer FIRST12489 Berlin, Germanyemail: guido.nolte"at"first.fraunhofer.deTel: +49 (30) 6392-1861Fax: +49 (30) 6392-1879数据预览:点此下载完整数据集。



4th International Conference on Mechatronics, Materials, Chemistry and Computer Engineering (ICMMCCE 2015)A Kind of De-noising and Segmentation Method for CAPTCHA withColored Interference LinesZhao Wang1, a, Zitong Cheng1, b1 Institute of Software, School of EECS, Key Laboratory of HCST, MoE ,Peking University,Beijing, 100871, Chinaa email:****************.cn,b email: ****************Keywords: CAPTCHA Recognition; Colored Interference Lines; Characters SegmentationAbstract.The research of CAPTCHA recognition can discover the security vulnerabilities of CAPTCHA in time. It has great significance in improving the CAPTCHA design method and promoting the design level of CAPTCHA. Text-based CAPTCHA recognition mostly uses the method of characters segmentation and recognition. It is not very ideal for the CAPTCHAs containing colored interference lines, characters adhesion, rotation, distortion and scaling interference. A kind of de-noising and segmentation algorithm which is suited to the CAPTCHA with colored interference lines is presented in this paper. Finally, it is verified through a large number of real data.IntroductionCAPTCHA mechanism have been widely used in a large number of sites. It is used to distinguish the user's identity is computer malware or human in the process of user registration, login and personal information changes, its role is to prevent the machine attacking, the specific performance is: to prevent malicious registration, prevent password violence, to prevent the release of advertising and spam, guarantee the authenticity of online voting.The research of CAPTCHA recognition is similar to the research of cryptanalysis. It has important significance, it can discover the security flaws of the verification code and promote the design level of the verification code. In addition, verification code recognition is a comprehensive problem, which requires the technology of image processing, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence and other fields. Verification code recognition can promote the progress of other areas at the same time.CAPTCHAs are divided into text, image, sound and question four types. The text-based CAPTCHA is the verification code which is used to verify the password only by the letters and numbers. It is the most widely use. Text-based CAPTCHA recognition involves the segmentation and recognition of characters, and the character recognition technology is mainly based on the optical character recognition technology [1], which has been developed at home and abroad. In this paper, a kind of de-noising and segmentation method for CAPTCHA with colored interference lines is presented.Application Status of CAPTCHAAlthough there are a lot of new CAPTCHAs, text-based CAPTCHA is widely used, mainly because the text-based CAPTCHA has a lot of advantages: first, the text-based CAPTCHA is easy to generate, the cost is not high; second, the correct answer is not only unique but also simple and easy to be tested. It will not be ambiguity because of the differences in the knowledge and culture background of the tested objects, it is applicable to a wide range of application. Many of the life-services web sites that are closely related to the daily life haves users with much difference in the knowledge background, are mostly using text-based CAPTCHAs.At present, the texted-based CAPTCHAs recognition is based on the method of first segmentation and then recognition [2], and has achieved good recognition results in the CAPTCHAwith a small amount of discrete noise, no adhesion characters, no rotation and distortion. For the colored interference lines, adhesion, rotation, distortion and scaling interferences, CAPTCHA recognition effect is not ideal [3], so now most of the sites are using this kind of CAPTCHAs. Table 1 lists the CAPTCHAs used by some of the common web sites in China in May 2015.Table 1. CAPTCHAs used by some of the common web sites in China (May 2015)Status of Characters Segmentation Technology for CAPTCHAThe traditional CAPTCHA recognition method includes preprocessing, characters segmentation, feature extraction and recognition after the picture is obtained. Every step has important effect on the final recognition rate.In order to fight against the attack, CAPTCHAs tend to be added to the interference dots and lines, some also include color changes. The preprocessing is removing interference before segmentation to get a black-and-white picture, so to improve the success rate and speed of the subsequent segmentation. Generally, the preprocessing steps of a picture are as follows: to obtain the initial image, graying & binaryzation , de-noising and characters segmentation.There are many kinds of graying algorithms, such as weighted average algorithm, maximum value method, and average value method. Using maximum value method can get a high brightness image. Using average value of the method will form a relatively soft gray image. Using weighted average method can get the most appropriate. In practice, the color image is converted into gray image using formula (1), F is gray value, and the image is stored in RGB model.[4]B G R F *114.0*587.0*229.0++= (1) The gray level of the 24 bit RGB images are 256 gray levels of 8 bits. The gray level is reduced to 2 gray levels, a two value image is obtained. If the 0 represents the target pixels, 1 is on behalf of the background color, then the binaryzation of a gray image can be expressed by the following:⎩⎨⎧≤>=T y x f Ty x f y x g ),(,1),(,0),( (2)Where T is a determined threshold. The methods of determining the threshold value are the following: manual setting threshold, p-quantile method, Otsu method, the optimal threshold method. Manually set the threshold is direct threshold input, the threshold range is 0 to 255.It is characterized by very fast calculation speed. It can save time in large quantities of CAPTCHAs attacking, get a higher attacking success rate. Usually, T taken as 150 is more appropriate.Noise removal algorithms include connected domain de-noising method, Hough transform de-noising method, spatial domain filtering based algorithm, etc. Connected domain de-noising method is widely used in the identification. Its basic step is to detect all the connected domains in the image, and then the number of black pixels in each connected domain is then counted. Then a threshold is determined, the entire connected domain whose number of black pixels is less than the threshold is removed. Hough transform can detect the specific geometry in the image. Straight interference lines can be eliminated by Hough transform based detection. The spatial domain filtering based algorithm is one of the most widely used techniques in digital image processing. ItWeb sites CAPTCHA examples /cn/can improve the image quality, including smoothing image, removing noise, sharpening image and so on.[3]Conventional characters segmentation methods of CAPTCHA include pixel projection, connected domain segmentation and upper and lower profile projection method. Pixel projection segmentation can only deal with the relatively simple image, it is difficult to segment the overlapping image. Connected domain de-noising method can get the size of each connected domain in the stage of de-noising, after the removal of small area, the remaining parts are separated characters. The advantage of this algorithm is it will not be affected by the distortion, inclination, and deformation of the characters. The upper and lower profile projection method is only suitable for the case of minor adhesion. In addition, there are also segmentation method based on the character width and the number of characters.The Preprocessing and Characters Segmentation of CAPTCHAsIn this section, a kind of de-noising and characters segmentation method for CAPTCHA with colored interference lines is designed. The CAPTCHAs from are taken as examples to illustrate and verify the effectiveness of the algorithm.First, the pictures from the site are download and saved as BMP format. Gray images are obtained using formula (1). Then the threshold is set as 150 to binaryzation. Suppose the gray value of each pixel is F , and the following processing is carried out.⎩⎨⎧=≤=>0;150255;150F F if F F if (3) The results are showed as Table 2.There is an obvious border after the binaryzation in some of the samples obtained. Considering this feature is very obvious, it is a single pixel wide black line around the picture, it can be removed in advance. The simplest method is adopted, the gray value of a pixel wide region around the image is directly set to 255. For an image whose size is a *b , the gray value inbmp[i ][j ] of pixel [i ][j ]on the image is set to 255,show as formula (4): ⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧============255]][[255]][[1255]][[255]][[1j i inbmp b j if j i inbmp j if j i inbmp a i if j i inbmp i if (4) There are no borders in all of the pictures after the above processing, the effects are showed as Table 3.The CAPTCHA with multiple colored interference lines is studied. This type of CAPTCHAs usually has a plurality of interference lines and a large number of noises. In order to enable users to quickly distinguish between characters and interference lines, and the user experience will not be affected, the width of the interference line is set thinner than the character strokes, and because of the limited size of the CAPTCHA image, the interference lines are often set to one pixel wide. Finally, the algorithm is designed based on this observation to eliminate the interference lines.The core of the algorithm is as following, traverse each pixel of the binary diagram, each pixel whose transverse width or longitudinal width is one pixel is set to white. After the traversal, most of the line interferences and noises can be deleted. For an image whose length is “a ” pixels and width is “b ” pixels, the gray value of pixel point (i ,j ) is inbmp[i ][j ].When formula (5) and (6) or formula (5) and (7) are simultaneously satisfied, set inbmp[i ][j ]=255.0]][[=j i inbmp (5) ⎩⎨⎧==+==-255]][1[255]][1[j i inbmp j i inbmp (6) ⎩⎨⎧==+==-255]1][[255]1][[j i inbmp j i inbmp (7)After using the above method, most interference lines and noises are removed successively, the picture has become relatively "clean", but there are still a minority of interference lines or noises left, by comparison and analysis, most of these are regions interference lines cross. The results are showed as Table 4.Table 2. Comparison before and after binaryzationBefore binaryzationAfter binaryzationTable 3. The effects of border removalBefore border removalAfter border removalBecause the goal of this method is to eliminate the interference lines of one pixel wide, so when multiple interference lines cross, the width of interference lines will exceed one pixel. But there are not too much such regions, the reason is as mentioned earlier, it is easy to distinguish between interference lines and character strokes. So the remained interference regions can be further removed using connected domain de-noising method. Then the image is processed by connected domain method, threshold is set to 10, the size of less than 10 pixels connected domains are all set white. Table 5 is the result of the treatment.On the basis of above, 200 samples are processed. Most of them can be well treated same as in Table 5. But there are a small number of samples have some problems. The problems are divided into two major categories: a. CAPTCHA breaking.b. characters are not successfully separated but are connected with the interference lines that are not removed successfully.The distribution of these cases in the samples showed as Table 6:Although the number of breaking samples is relatively high. But after analysis, they are all character “h” and “n”, showed as Fig. 1. The breaking happened at the strokes connections. Because there will be a small number of pixels whose left and right or up and down width is 1. The effect of the two kinds of faults are as Fig. 1.Characters Segmentation of CAPTCHAsIn the process of preprocessing,because connected domain method is used, each connected domain in the picture is given different marks. For normal samples, the number of connected domains in which it contains is exactly 5, that is, 5 verification characters. And a sample of more than 5 connected domains is due to the inclusion of the letter h or n. Taking 6 connected domain as an example. For each connected domain, the starting and ending points in the horizontal ordinate are given as s 1, s 2, s 3 s 4, s 5, s 6, e 1, e 2, e 3, e 4, e 5, e 6. The projection width w i =e i -s i (i =1,2,3,4,5,6) is calculated. Then, the two connected domains with the narrowest width can be merged into one. ForTable 4. Comparison before and after interference lines removalBefore interference lines removalafter interference linesremovalTable 5. Comparison before and after connected domain de-noisingbefore connected domain de-noisingafter connected domain de-noisingTable 6. The de-noising result of the method in this papertotal samples normal samples breaking samples connected samples 200157 41 2Fig. 1. Breaking charactersa minority of connected samples, the algorithm is difficult to separate the parts of adhesion. The Analysis of Segmentation ResultsThe success rate of this method is 78.5%. Comparing with conventional connected domain de-noising and projection segmentation, it can deal with more complicated images.Using CAPTCHAs from , the validity of the proposed method is verified. On the basis of above job, the CAPTCHAs from Youku, Bank of communications, Bank of China are processed with this method. The results are showed as Table 7, 8, 9 respectively.From the job above, For CAPTCHAs with multiple colored interference lines, the algorithm presented in this paper can get good effect. Because in order to let the user can easily distinguish between the interference lines and the strokes of characters, and subject to the size of CAPTCHA image, the interference lines is usually set to a pixel width, so the algorithm presented in this paper has good generality.ConclusionText-based CAPTCHA is currently the type of CAPTCHAs the most studied, the most widely used. CAPTCHA design flaws and shortcomings can be found by the research on CAPTCHAs attacking, thereby improving the design method.In this paper, a de-noising and characters segmentation method based on the width differenceTable 9. Processing effect of CAPTCHAsfrom /cn/ Before processingAfter processingbetween the interference lines and the character strokes is presented. Take CAPTCHAs from as an example, the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is verified. A simple method to solve the character breaking is also given.Its shortcoming is also found, a minority of adhesions are left and difficult to deal with. This is the job to be done further.AcknowledgementZhao Wang is the corresponding author of this paper. We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their helpful suggestions. This work was sponsored by the NSFC under grant No. 61371131 and China Scholarship Council (CSC).References[1] Li Qiujie, Mao Yaobin, Wang Zhiquan, A Survey of CAPTCHA Technology,Journal of Computer Research and Development[J].2012 49(3):469-480.(in Chinese)[2] Gao H C,Wang W,Fan Y.Divide and Conquer: An Efficient Attack on Yahoo! CAPTCHA . Proc of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Trust,Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications[C]. 2012: 9-16[3] Yefei, Research on General Attack on Text-Based CAPTCHA[D]. Xi Dian University.2014. (in Chinese)[4] Yang Sifa, The Research and Implementation of CAPTCHA [D]. Nanjing University of science and technology.2014. (in Chinese)。



对于噪音的不同反应英语作文Responses to Noise in Humans: A Diverse Spectrum.Noise, an omnipresent aspect of modern life, exerts a profound influence on human well-being. The auditory experiences we perceive range from pleasant melodies that evoke tranquility to jarring sounds that trigger discomfort and distress. Our responses to noise vary drastically depending on individual factors, environmental contexts, and cultural norms.Physiological Responses.Noise can have a direct impact on our physical health. Exposure to high-intensity noise, such as traffic or construction din, can cause hearing loss, tinnitus, and other auditory problems. Even moderate levels of noise can trigger physiological responses such as increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, and altered sleep patterns. These physical effects can have long-term consequences forcardiovascular health and overall well-being.Psychological Responses.Noise also significantly affects our psychological state. Studies have shown that exposure to noise can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and irritability. It can impair cognitive function, making it difficult to concentrate, remember information, and make decisions. In some cases, chronic noise exposure can even contribute to mental health problems such as depression and sleep disorders.Contextual Factors.The context in which we experience noise plays a crucial role in our reactions. For example, noise at work can be highly disruptive and impair productivity, while noise in a social setting may be perceived as less intrusive. Cultural factors also influence our noise tolerance. In some cultures, loud noises are considered stimulating and acceptable, while in others they areregarded as a nuisance.Individual Differences.Individuals vary greatly in their responses to noise. Some people are highly sensitive to even low levels of noise, while others are less affected. These differences are influenced by genetic factors, personality traits, and past experiences. Certain health conditions, such as tinnitus or hyperacusis, can also increase noise sensitivity.Noise Control Strategies.Mitigating the negative effects of noise is essential for maintaining our physical and mental well-being. Several strategies can be employed to reduce noise exposure:Acoustic Barriers: Using soundproofing materials or building walls and barriers can block or absorb noise.Noise Dampening Devices: Headphones, earplugs, andactive noise cancellation technology can effectively reduce noise levels reaching the ears.Sound Masking: Introducing background noise, such as white noise or nature sounds, can mask other noises and create a more peaceful environment.Noise Zoning: Regulating noise levels in different areas, such as residential and industrial zones, can help minimize noise pollution.Conclusion.Responses to noise are highly varied and influenced by a complex interplay of physiological, psychological, contextual, and individual factors. While noise can have detrimental effects on our health and well-being, implementing effective noise control strategies is crucial for preserving our auditory and mental health in a noisy modern world. By understanding the different ways in which noise affects us, we can take steps to mitigate itsnegative consequences and create more peaceful and sound-friendly environments.。



第39卷第2期 2021年3月吉林大学学报(信息科学版)Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition)Vol. 39 No. 2Mar. 2021文章编号:167 卜5896(2021 )02~015848SG-VMD-S V D的信号去噪方法研究李宏1a,褚丽鑫1a,刘庆强1a,路敬祎lb,李富2(I.东北石油大学a.电气信息工程学院;b.黑龙江省网络化与智能控制重点实验室;2.大庆钻探工程公司钻井一公司,黑龙江大庆163318)摘要:油气管道信号泄漏检测易受噪声影响,因此去噪成了关键问题。

为了提高对油气管道信号的去噪效果,提出了一种基于Savitzky-Golay平滑滤波、变分模态分解(VMD: Variational Mode Decomposition)和频域奇异值分解(SVD: Singular Value Decomposition)去噪相结合的油气管道信号的联合去噪方法。

首先,针对泄漏信号在时域利用S G平滑滤波降噪,去除尖脉冲、高频成分等噪声,提高输入信号的信噪比;将滤波后的信号利用VMD分解,通过计算各个本征模态分量(IMF: Intrinsic Mode Function)与信号之间的曼哈顿距离,从而区分信号分量与噪声分量,对噪声分量进行频域奇异值(SV I))去噪,最后将滤波后的分量与信号分量进行重构,得到 最终降噪后的信号。

通过仿真和实际实验表明,该方法与单一VMD法、VMD-小波变换、SG-VMD-时域SV D去 噪方法相比,去噪后所得信号信噪比相对较高,并验证了该方法去噪效果的优越性和对油气管道泄漏信号去噪的可行性。

关键词:变分模态分解;Savitzky-Golay平滑滤波;频域奇异值分解;泄漏信号中图分类号:TN911.72 文献标识码:AStudy on Signal De-Noising Method of SG-VMD-SVDLI Hongla, CHU Lixinld, LIU Qingqiangla, LU Jingyi11', LI Fu2(la. School of Electrical Engineering and Information;1 b. Key laboratory of Networking and Intellectual Control System in Heilongjiang Province, Northeast Petroleum University, Daqing 163318, China;2. Drilling Company 1, Daqing Drilling Engineering Company, Daqing 163318, China)Abstract :Signal leakage detection of oil and gas pipelines is easily affected by noise, so de-noising becomes the key point. In order to improve the de-noising effect of oil and gas pipeline signals, a combined de-noising method based on savitzky-Golay smoothing filter, variational mode decomposition and frequency domain singular value de-noising method is proposed. Firstly, savitzky-Golay smoothing filter is used to reduce the noise of the leakage signal in the time domain to remove the sharp pulse, high-frequency components and other noises and to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the input signal. By calculating the Intrinsic Mode components (IMF:Intrinsic Mode Function) and the Manhattan distance between signals, distinguishing the signal components and noise, the noise component frequency-domain SVD (Singular Value De-noising) , finally the filter components and signal are constructed. Simulation and practical experiments show that compared with single VMD method, VMD- wavelet transform and SG-VMD-SVD method, the signal to noise ratio is relatively higher, which verifies the superiority of de-noising effect and the feasibility of de-noising oil and gas pipeline leakage signal.Key words:variational mode decomposition;savitzky-golay smooth filter;singular value decomposition in frequency domain ;leakage signal收稿日期:2020-HM)8基金项目:国家重大科技专项基金资助项目(2017ZX05019~005);黑龙江省自然科学基金资助项目(LH2019F004)作者简介:李宏(1%9— ),女,黑龙江大庆人,东北石油大学教授,硕士生导师,主要从事油气管道泄漏检测与信号处理研究,(Tel)86-153******** ( E-mail)853386766@ qq. com.第2期李宏,等:SG-VMD-SVD的信号去噪方法研究159〇引言在油气管道泄漏检测中,实际采集的油气管道泄漏信号具有非平稳性以及信号混合性的特点,同时 实际信号中含有大量的噪声,然而经验模态分解(EMD:Empirical M ode Decomposition)算法和变分模态 分解(VMD:Variational M ode Decomposition)算法都适用于分析处理非平稳信号,并可对油气管道泄漏检 测中所采集的信号进行处理[N3]。

atomic decomposition by basis pursuit

atomic decomposition by basis pursuit

the best known. Wavelets, Steerable Wavelets, Segmented Wavelets, Gabor dictionaries,
Multi-scale Gabor Dictionaries, Wavelet Packets, Cosine Packets, Chirplets, Warplets, and
Basis Pursuit in highly overcomplete dictionaries leads to large-scale optimization problems. With signals of length 8192 and a wavelet packet dictionary, one gets an equivalent linear program of size 8192 by 212,992. Such problems can be attacked successfully only because of recent advances in linear programming by interior-point methods. We obtain reasonable success with a primal-dual logarithmic barrier method and conjugate-gradient solver.
Most of the new dictionaries are overcomplete, either because they start out that way, or because we merge complete dictionaries, obtaining a new mega-dictionary consisting of several types of waveform (e.g. Fourier & Wavelets dictionaries). The decomposition (1.1) is then nonunique, because some elements in the dictionary have representations in terms of other elements.






%In order to analyze the effectof speech de-noising,the relevant theoretical knowledge of the wavelet transform and decomposition are introduced,and then the features of Daubechies wavelet,Symmlets wavelet,Coiflets wavelet and Haar wavelet are compared and analyzed. A section of real speech signals added with Gaussian white noise is chosen,and the simula-tion experiment of the denoising effect in different wavelet basis is conducted in Matlab with heursure threshold. Through calcu-lating the signal to noise ratio(SNR)and minimum mean square error(MSE)before and after denoising,and the performance of various wavelet basis functions are analyzed and compared,and the optimal wavelet function is obtained.【期刊名称】《现代电子技术》【年(卷),期】2014(000)003【总页数】3页(P49-51)【关键词】小波分析;去噪;阈值函数;信噪比;最小均方误差【作者】史荣珍;王怀登;袁杰【作者单位】南京大学金陵学院信息科学与工程学院,江苏南京 210089;南京大学金陵学院信息科学与工程学院,江苏南京 210089;南京大学电子科学与工程学院,江苏南京 210093【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN912.3-34;TP391.9传统信号去噪方法是将含噪声的信号进行傅里叶变换后,通过滤波器进行滤波以达到去噪的目的。




ReLU(Rectified Linear Unit,修正线性单元)形式如下:ReLU公式近似推导::下⾯解释上述公式中的softplus,Noisy ReLU.softplus函数与ReLU函数接近,但⽐较平滑, 同ReLU⼀样是单边抑制,有宽⼴的接受域(0,+inf), 但是由于指数运算,对数运算计算量⼤的原因,⽽不太被⼈使⽤.并且从⼀些⼈的使⽤经验来看(Glorot et al.(2011a)),效果也并不⽐ReLU好. softplus的导数恰好是sigmoid函数.:Noisy ReLU ReLU可以被扩展以包括⾼斯噪声(Gaussian noise): f(x)=max(0,x+Y),Y∼N(0,σ(x))f(x)=max(0,x+Y),Y∼N(0,σ(x)) Noisy ReLU 在受限玻尔兹曼机解决计算机视觉任务中得到应⽤.ReLU上界设置: ReLU相⽐sigmoid和tanh的⼀个缺点是没有对上界设限.在实际使⽤中,可以设置⼀个上限,如ReLU6经验函数: f(x)=min(6,max(0,x))f(x)=min(6,max(0,x)). 参考这个上限的来源论⽂:ReLU的稀疏性(摘⾃):当前,深度学习⼀个明确的⽬标是从数据变量中解离出关键因⼦。























关键词:小波分析;图像去噪;图像增强;医学超声图像;半软阈值;贝叶斯估计AbstractWavelet transform is a nee signal and image processing tool developed in recent years. The wavelet analysis has excellent time and frequency feature, which hand a progmising application in image de-noising and enhancement, it make the field full of vitality force.Ultrasonic detection technology has already been one of the important means of medical clinical diagnosis. Noise derived from the imaging degraded image quality and affected the detection rate of correctness. So noise must be removed from ultrasound image and enhance image should be enhanced.Ultrasound image de-noising and enhancement are a pre-processing step in its processing, it is also the premise of disease recognition and analysis. Research on ultrasonic image de-noising and enhancement have important meaning. At first the present state of research on de-noising and enhancement based on wavelet are introduced in this paper, then we make a brief description of theoretical knowledge about image de-noising and enhancement via wavelet. Finally, both image de-noising and enhancement based on wavelet are mainly studied according to multi-resolution of wavelet analysis together with human vision, we proposed relevant methods. The contents are as follows:⒈ In the aspect about noise removal of ultrasound image, we present wavelet de-noising methods based on Bayesian estimation and semi-soft threshold image de-noising. The two methods, we make different processing in diverse resolution of image. The method of semi-soft threshold embody the idea of multi-resolution together with adaptive process. Experiment result shows that the two methods can preserve some useful image edge and details to doctor as much as possible while removing noise, it also indicate that the two are simple and reliable.⒉ In the aspect of ultrasound image enhancement. Two methods are presented. The first method is of high components strengthened based on wavelet to enhance image detail, then, image vision quality is improved through nonlinear contrast enhancement. The second one via wavelet together with fuzzy algorithm. The two methods not only enhance image details but also fit in with human vision, distinct of image is improved and noise over-enhancing can be voided in flatness area. The experiment results indicate that they have worthiness in practical application.Key words: wavelet analysis; image de-noising; image enhancement; medical ultrasound image;semi-soft threshold; Beyesian estimation目录第一章 引言 (1)§1.1本课题的研究意义 (1)§1.2本课题的来源与研究内容 (2)§1.3基于小波变换的图像降噪发展与现状 (3)§1.4基于小波变换的图像增强的发展与现状 (4)§1.5本文的主要工作和论文结构安排 (5)第二章 基于小波的图像去噪和增强的理论基础 (6)§2.1人眼视觉特性 (6)§2.2 小波变换 (6)§2.2.1 小波变换发展概述 (6)§2.2.2 小波变换与付里叶变换的比较 (7)§2.2.3 连续小波变换 (8)§2.2.4 离散小波变换 (9)§2.2.5 二进制小波变换 (10)§2.2.6 多分辨率分析 (11)§2.2.7 二维图象小波变换分解与重构 (11)第三章基于小波的医学超声图像去噪 (15)§3.1超声图象模型表征 (15)§3.2用小波变换抑制超声图像噪声 (16)§3.2.1 小波半软阈值去噪法 (17)3.2.2 基于经验贝叶斯估计的小波去噪法 (22)§3.3 小波图像去噪算法 (25)§3.4 去噪图像的评价指标 (25)§3.5 实验结果与比较 (26)§3.6 讨论 (29)第四章 基于小波的超声图像增强 (30)§4.1基于小波变换的图像增强的原理 (30)§4.2 基于小波的高频加强法和非线性对比度增强 (31)§4.2.1基于小波的高频加强法 (31)§4.2.2 基于小波非线性对比度增强 (31)§4.2.3基于小波小波和非线性对比度增强的算法 (33)§4.3 基于小波和模糊算法的图象增强 (34)§4.3. 1应用步骤 (34)§4.3.2基于小波和广义模糊增强算法 (34)§4.4 图像增强的评价指标 (35)§4.5 试验结果与讨论 (39)第五章 总结与展望 (39)§5.1 工作总结 (39)§5.2 尚待解决的问题 (40)§5.3 展望 (40)参考文献 (42)攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文 (46)致谢 (47)第一章引言20世纪70年代初到70年代中期,以灰度表示的实时显示装置的开发,使超声波技术应用到了医学诊断[1]。

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Take a window centered in x and size (2m+1 2m+ 1), A(x,m) Take a window centered in x and size (2n+1 X 2n+ 1), W(x,n).
For each pixel y in A(x,m) and y different from x, compute the difference between W(x,n) and W(y,n) as d(x,y). Compute the weight from the distance d(x,y) as w(x,y) = exp (- d(x,y) / h); If w(x,y) is bigger than Wmax then Wmax = w(x,y); Compute the average average + = w(x,y) * u(y); Carry the sum of the weights, totalweight + = w(x, y); Step 4. Give to x the maximum of the other weights, average + = Wmax * u(x); totalweight + = Wmax; Compute the restored value, rest(x) = average / totalweight; Step 5. The distance is calculated as follows: function distance (x,y,n) { distancetotal = 0 ; distance = (u (x) - u (y)r2; for k= 1 until n {
Stepl. Step2.
Efforts from most de-noising methods are to separate the image into the oscillation free part (true image contents) and the oscillatory part (noisy contents) by separating the high frequencies from the low frequencies. Images can contain high frequency components like fine details and structures. The moment, the high frequencies are filtered, the high frequency contents of the true image will be filtered along with the high frequency noise since the techniques cannot distinguish between the noise and true image. It will lead to a loss of fine detail in the de-noised image. Also, the issue to filter the low frequency noise from the image is a concern. Low frequency noise will continue to be there in the image even after de­ noising. As a remedy on the loss of image details after noise filtering, Baudes A., Coll B., Morel I.M. have developed the Non-Local Means (NL-Means) algorithm [4]. In this paper, NL-Means algorithm for standard database images and natural photograph images captured by general digital camera is implemented. The paper is organised as follows: Section I gives brief introduction, section II deals with the NL-Means algorithm, its Pseudo code and the post-processing, section III with experimentation and results while conclusions are given in section IV and future scope in section V.
DixitA. A. Phadke A. C.
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Maharashtra Institute of Technology Pune- 411038, India aarya dixit@
Basic NL-Means algorithm
The self-similarity assumption can be exploited to de-noise an image. Image pixels with similar neighborhoods can be used to determine the de-noised value of a pixel. Weights are assigned to pixels on the basis of their similarity with the pixel being reconstructed. While assessing the similarity, the pixel under consideration as well as its neighbourhood is taken into account. Mathematically, it can be expressed as:
Cex) is a normalizing constant. Ga is a Gaussian kernel and h is a filtering parameter [4].
B. Pseudo code for NL-Means algorithm- For each pixel x
Keywords-de-noising; Noise Standard Deviation; Non-local Means; PSNR; visual quality
978-1-4673-4922-2/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE
l (x+. )-u(y+. )12) (0) (Ga' u uy dy () hZ
The integration is carried out over all the pixels in the search window. Where
c(x)= fe-
l (x+. )-u(y+. )IZ) (0) (Ga' u dz h2
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Maharashtra Institute of Technology Pune- 411038, India anuradha.phadke@se removal and image enhancement are the important tasks addressed by many Image Processing algorithms, especially, when the images are corrupted by high noise level e.g. in the case of remote imaging, thermal imaging, night vision etc. The noise makes the image recognition more difficult as it gives a grainy, snowy or textured appearance to the image. So there exists a need for efficient image de-noising method without introducing any artifacts in the original image. The Images with a Noise Standard Deviation (Sigma) greater than 25 are considered as high noise images. The dark images, e.g. night shoots, have very low dynamic range of brightness. The darkness and the high noise needs to be carefully tackled by the image processing algorithm for acceptable visual quality e.g. surveillance applications. Furthermore, de-noising is often necessary as a pre-processing step in image compression, segmentation, recognition etc. Basically, the image de-noising methods are divided into two types: local and non­ local. A non local method called as Non-Local Means [4J estimates a noise-free pixel intensity as a weighted average of all pixel intensities in the image, and the weights are proportional to the similarity between the local neighbourhood of the pixel being processed and local neighbourhoods of surrounding pixels. The method is quite spontaneous that results in PSNR and visual quality comparable with other de-noising methods.