



信息技术最佳实践ORACLE 核心应用技术E-B USINESS S UITE报表打印设置基本原理Author:黄建华Creation Date:November 1, 2005Last Updated:October 27, 2016Document Ref:<Document Reference Number>Version:DRAFT 1AApprovals:<Approver 1><Approver 2>Copy Number_____信息技术最佳实践Doc Ref:<Document Reference Number>February 19, 2009 Document ControlChange Record4Date Author Version Change Reference1-Nov-05Jianhua.Huang Draft 1a No Previous DocumentReviewersName PositionDistributionCopy Location1Library Master Project Library2Project Manager34Note To Holders:If you receive an electronic copy of this document and print it out, please write yourname on the equivalent of the cover page, for document control purposes.If you receive a hard copy of this document, please write your name on thefront cover, for document control purposes.报表打印设置基本原理Document Control ii File Ref: 11860736.doc(v. DRAFT 1A )Company Confidential - For internal use only最佳实践Doc Ref: <Document Reference Number>February 19, 2009ContentsDocument Control ..................................................................................................................ii1.Basic ............................................................................................................................21.1.Oracle Reports简要执行过程 (2)1.2.度量单位 Scale (3)1.3.纸张大小 Page Size (3)1.4.打印机与操作系统打印命令 (3)1.5.Oracle Reports命令行 (4)1.6.X-Windows.........................................................................................................51.7.CM 和 Oracle Reports 的关系 (9)1.8.CM 和实际打印...................................................................................................92.Oracle Reports类型.................................................................................................102.1.Bitmap & Character Mode 2059041.6 (10)2.2.Text (11)2.3.XML (11)2.4.HTML (12)2.5.PDF (12)2.6.PCL (12)2.7.Postscript (12)2.8.XML Publisher .................................................................................................142.9.其它 (14)3.Oracle Reports配置基础 (15)3.1.对 X Display Server的基本要求 (15)3.2.EBS中关于DISPLAY的设置 (15)3.3.Reports 与字体1062590.6/1015280.6 (16)3.4.Reports 相关设置 (20)4.System Administrator中关于打印机的设置 (25)4.1.Printer (25)4.2.Printer Type (25)4.3.Print Style (25)4.4.Printer Driver (26)4.5.SRW Driver( SQL*ReportWriter)文件 (26)4.6.关于行、列........................................................................................................275.PASTA (28)5.1.IX Library与报表输出(非打印) (28)5.2.PASTA 概述 (28)5.3.PASTA 格式转换 (29)5.4.PASTA 配置文件 (30)报表打印设置基本原理Document Control iii File Ref: 11860736.doc(v. DRAFT 1A )Company Confidential - For internal use only信息技术最佳实践报表打印设置基本原理File Ref: 11860736.docDoc Ref:<Document Reference Number>February 19, 2009 5.5.PASTA 打印机设置305.6.PASTA 其他功能306.配置实例 (31)6.1.自定义纸张316.2.图形化报表(Postscript )打印设置336.3.图形化报表(XML Publisher)打印设置357.Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable (38)Open Issues38Closed Issues38Document Control iv (v. DRAFT 1A )Company Confidential - For internal use onlyFebruary 19, 2009 1.BasicOracle 本身的集成性很强、又是跨平台的,这是它的优点。

Oracle ERP二次开发:Report开发方法

Oracle ERP二次开发:Report开发方法

Oracle ERP二次开发实用技术系列之一Oracle ERP二次开发:Report开发方法Author:Program Cheng 程序E-mail: Program.Cheng@MSN: chengxu563@Copyright:Program Cheng 程序2005年12月1日 V1.0Oracle ERP二次开发实用技术系列:之一:Report开发方法之二:Form开发方法之三:Concurrent Program及Interface转档开发方法之四:Alert开发方法Oracle ERP二次开发项目管理系列:之一:知识管理方法之二:范围管理方法之三:时间管理方法之四:需求管理方法之五:质量管理方法之六:沟通管理方法之七:风险管理方法之八:配置管理方法之九:外包管理方法Oracle ERP二次开发系统流程系列:之一:库存之二:采购应付之三:销售应收之四:固定资产之五:成本结帐之六:现金管理论文:Oracle ERP二次开发方法论[摘要]Report是Oracle ERP展示数据最重要的方式,也是二次开发中,工作量最多的一个部分。

对于Oracle ERP的二次开发来说,Report的开发与一般CS结构的Report开发,是有区别的,市面上有很多关于Report的书籍,但是相信看过任何一本的人都知道,在你实际开发ERP Report的过程中,还是问题不断,而且这些问题通常是书本上无法解决的。




[关键字] Oracle;二次开发;Report。

Oracle RMAN的show,report,list,crosscheck,delete 命令整理

Oracle RMAN的show,report,list,crosscheck,delete 命令整理

Oracle RMAN的show,report,list,crosscheck,delete 命令整理1、SHOW命令:显示rman配置: RMAN> show all;2、REPORT命令:2.1、RMAN> report schema 报告目标数据库的物理结构;2.2、RMAN>report need backup days=3; 报告最近3天没有被备份的数据文件;2.3、RMAN> report need backup days 3 tablespace users; 在USERS表空间上3天未备份的数据文件;2.4、RMAN> report need backup incremental 3; 报告恢复数据文件需要的增量备份个数超过3次的数据文件;2.5、RMAN> report need backup redundancy 2 database; 报告备份文件低于2份的所有数据文件;RMAN>report need backup redundancy=2;2.6、RMAN> report need backup recovery window of 6 days; 报告文件报表的恢复需要超过6天的归档日志的数据文件;2.7、RMAN> report unrecoverable; 报告数据库所有不可恢复的数据文件;2.8、RMAN> report obsolete redunndancy 2; 报告备份次数超过2次的陈旧备份;2.9、RMAN>report obsolete; 报告多余的备份;3、LIST命令:列出备份信息3.1、列出数据文件备份集RMAN>list backup 列出详细备份;RMAN>list expired backup 列出过期备份;RMAN> list backup of database; 列出所有数据文件的备份集; RMAN> list backup of tablespace user01; 列出特定表空间的所有数据文件备份集;3.2、RMAN> list backup of controlfile 列出控制文件备份集;3.3、RMAN> list backup of archivelog all 列出归档日志备份集详细信息;RMAN>list archivelog all; 列出归档日志备份集简要信息3.4、RMAN> list backup of spfile 列出SPFILE备份集;3.5、RMAN> list copy of datafile 5 列出数据文件映像副本;3.6、RMAN> list copy of controlfile 列出控制文件映像副本;3.7、RMAN> list copy of archivelog all 列出归档日志映像副本;3.8、RMAN> list incarnation of database 列出对应物/列出数据库副本;3.9、RMAN>list backup summary; 概述可用的备份;B表示backupF表示FULLA表示archive log0 1表示incremental backupS说明备份状态(A AVAILABLE X EXPIRED )3.10、RMAN>list backup by file 按备份类型列出备份;按照数据文件备份,归档日志备份,控制文件备份,服务器参数文件备份列出4、CROSSCHECK命令:校验备份信息4.1、RMAN> crosscheck backup 核对所有备份集;4.2、RMAN> crosscheck backup of database 核对所有数据文件的备份集;4.3、RMAN> crosscheck backup of tablespace users 核对特定表空间的备份集;4.4、RMAN> crosscheck backup of datafile 4 核对特定数据文件的备份集;4.5、RMAN> crosscheck backup of controlfile 核对控制文件的备份集;4.6、RMAN> crosscheck backup of spfile 核对SPFILE的备份集; 4.7、RMAN> crosscheck backup of archivelog sequence 3 核对归档日志的备份集;4.8、RMAN> crosscheck copy 核对所有映像副本;4.9、RMAN> crosscheck copy of database 核对所有数据文件的映像副本;4.10、RMAN> crosscheck copy of tablespace users 核对特定表空间的映像副本;4.11、RMAN> crosscheck copy of datafile 6 核对特定数据文件的映像副本;4.12、RMAN> crosscheck copy of archivelog sequence 4 核对归档日志的映像副本;4.13、RMAN> crosscheck copy of controlfile 核对控制文件的映像副本;4.14、RMAN> crosscheck backup tag='SAT_BACKUP';4.15、RMAN> crosscheck backup completed after 'sysdate - 2'4.16、RMAN> crosscheck backup completed between 'sysdate - 5' and 'sysdate -2 '4.17、RMAN> crosscheck backup device type sBT;4.18、RMAN> crosscheck archivelog all;4.19、RMAN> crosscheck archivelog like '%ARC00012.001'4.20、RMAN> crosscheck archivelog from sequence 12;4.21、RMAN> crosscheck archivelog until sequence 522;5、DELETE:删除备份5.1、RMAN> delete obsolete; 删除陈旧备份;5.2、RMAN> delete expired backup; 删除EXPIRED备份5.3、RMAN> delete expired copy; 删除EXPIRED副本;5.4、RMAN> delete backupset 19; 删除特定备份集;5.5、RMAN> delete backuppiece ''d:\backup\DEMO_19.bak'' 删除特定备份片;5.6、RMAN> delete backup 删除所有备份集;5.7、RMAN> delete datafilecopy ''d:\backup\DEMO_19.bak'' 删除特定映像副本;5.8、RMAN> delete copy 删除所有映像副本;5.9、RMAN> delete archivelog all delete input;RMAN> delete backupset 22 format = ''d:\backup\%u.bak'' delete input在备份后删除输入对象;5.10、RMAN> delete backupset id;。



Oracle 标准预定义异常(例程)异定义异常就是那些在pl/sql中已经定义好并给予了异常名称的异常。


Oracle中总共有如下21种标准预定义异常:全部的错误:ORA-00001: 违反唯一约束条件(.) ORA-00017: 请求会话以设置跟踪事件ORA-00018: 超出最大会话数ORA-00019: 超出最大会话许可数ORA-00020: 超出最大进程数()ORA-00021: 会话附属于其它某些进程;无法转换会话ORA-00022: 无效的会话ID;访问被拒绝ORA-00023: 会话引用进程私用内存;无法分离会话ORA-00024: 单一进程模式下不允许从多个进程注册ORA-00025: 无法分配ORA-00026: 丢失或无效的会话IDORA-00027: 无法删去当前会话ORA-00028: 您的会话己被删去ORA-00029: 会话不是用户会话ORA-00030: 用户会话ID 不存在。

ORA-00031: 标记要删去的会话ORA-00032: 无效的会话移植口令ORA-00033: 当前的会话具有空的移植口令ORA-00034: 无法在当前PL/SQL 会话中ORA-00035: LICENSE_MAX_USERS 不能小于当前用户数ORA-00036: 超过递归SQL () 级的最大值ORA-00037: 无法转换到属于不同服务器组的会话ORA-00038: 无法创建会话: 服务器组属于其它用户ORA-00050: 获取入队时操作系统出错ORA-00051: 等待资源超时ORA-00052: 超出最大入队资源数()ORA-00053: 超出最大入队数ORA-00054: 资源正忙,要求指定NOWAITORA-00055: 超出DML 锁的最大数ORA-00056: 对象'.' 上的DDL 锁以不兼容模式挂起ORA-00057: 超出临时表锁的最大数ORA-00058: DB_BLOCK_SIZE 必须为才可安装此数据库(非) ORA-00059: 超出DB_FILES 的最大值ORA-00060: 等待资源时检测到死锁ORA-00061: 另一个例程设置了不同的DML_LOCKSORA-00062: 无法获得DML 全表锁定;DML_LOCKS 为0 ORA-00063: 超出LOG_FILES 的最大数ORA-00064: 对象过大以至无法分配在此O/S (,)ORA-00065: FIXED_DATE 的初始化失败ORA-00066: LOG_FILES 为但需要成为才可兼容ORA-00067: 值对参数无效;至少必须为ORA-00068: 值对参数无效,必须在和之间ORA-00069: 无法获得锁定-- 禁用了表锁定ORA-00070: 命令无效ORA-00071: 进程号必须介于1 和之间ORA-00072: 进程""不活动ORA-00073: 命令介于和个参数之间时使用ORA-00074: 未指定进程ORA-00075: 在此例程未找到进程""ORA-00076: 未找到转储ORA-00077: 转储无效ORA-00078: 无法按名称转储变量ORA-00079: 未找到变量ORA-00080: 层次指定的全局区域无效ORA-00081: 地址范围[,) 不可读ORA-00082: 的内存大小不在有效集合[1], [2], [4] 之内ORA-00083: 警告: 可能损坏映射的SGAORA-00084: 全局区域必须为PGA, SGA 或UGAORA-00085: 当前调用不存在ORA-00086: 用户调用不存在ORA-00087: 命令无法在远程例程上执行ORA-00088: 共享服务器无法执行命令ORA-00089: ORADEBUG 命令中无效的例程号ORA-00090: 未能将内存分配给群集数据库ORADEBUG 命令ORA-00091: LARGE_POOL_SIZE 至少必须为ORA-00092: LARGE_POOL_SIZE 必须大于LARGE_POOL_MIN_ALLOC ORA-00093: 必须介于和之间ORA-00094: 要求整数值ORA-00096: 值对参数无效,它必须来自之间ORA-00097: 使用Oracle SQL 特性不在SQL92 级中ORA-00099: 等待资源时发生超时,可能是PDML 死锁所致ORA-00100: 未找到数据ORA-00101: 系统参数DISPATCHERS 的说明无效ORA-00102: 调度程序无法使用网络协议ORA-00103: 无效的网络协议;供调度程序备用ORA-00104: 检测到死锁;全部公用服务器已锁定等待资源ORA-00105: 未配置网络协议的调度机制ORA-00106: 无法在连接到调度程序时启动/关闭数据库ORA-00107: 无法连接到ORACLE 监听器进程ORA-00108: 无法设置调度程序以同步进行连接ORA-00111: 由于服务器数目限制在, 所以没有启动所有服务器ORA-00112: 仅能创建多达(最多指定) 个调度程序ORA-00113: 协议名过长ORA-00114: 缺少系统参数SERVICE_NAMES 的值ORA-00115: 连接被拒绝;调度程序连接表已满ORA-00116: SERVICE_NAMES 名过长ORA-00117: 系统参数SERVICE_NAMES 的值超出范围ORA-00118: 系统参数DISPATCHERS 的值超出范围ORA-00119: 系统参数的说明无效ORA-00120: 未启用或安装调度机制ORA-00121: 在缺少DISPATCHERS 的情况下指定了SHARED_SERVERS ORA-00122: 无法初始化网络配置ORA-00123: 空闲公用服务器终止ORA-00124: 在缺少MAX_SHARED_SERVERS 的情况下指定了DISPATCHERS ORA-00125: 连接被拒绝;无效的演示文稿ORA-00126: 连接被拒绝;无效的重复ORA-00127: 调度进程不存在ORA-00128: 此命令需要调度进程名ORA-00129: 监听程序地址验证失败''ORA-00130: 监听程序地址'' 无效ORA-00131: 网络协议不支持注册''ORA-00132: 语法错误或无法解析的网络名称''ORA-00150: 重复的事务处理IDORA-00151: 无效的事务处理IDORA-00152: 当前会话与请求的会话不匹配ORA-00153: XA 库中的内部错误ORA-00154: 事务处理监视器中的协议错误ORA-00155: 无法在全局事务处理之外执行工作ORA-00160: 全局事务处理长度超出了最大值()ORA-00161: 事务处理的分支长度非法(允许的最大长度为)ORA-00162: 外部dbid 的长度超出了最大值()ORA-00163: 内部数据库名长度超出了最大值()ORA-00164: 在分布式事务处理中不允许独立的事务处理ORA-00165: 不允许对远程操作进行可移植分布式自治转换ORA-00200: 无法创建控制文件ORA-00201: 控制文件版本与ORACLE 版本不兼容ORA-00202: 控制文件: ''ORA-00203: 使用错误的控制文件ORA-00204: 读控制文件时出错(块,# 块)ORA-00205: 标识控制文件出错,有关详情,请检查警告日志ORA-00206: 写控制文件时出错(块,# 块)ORA-00207: 控制文件不能用于同一数据库ORA-00208: 控制文件的名称数超出限制ORA-00209: 控制文件块大小不匹配,有关详情,请检查警告日志ORA-00210: 无法打开指定的控制文件ORA-00211: 控制文件与先前的控制文件不匹配ORA-00212: 块大小低于要求的最小大小( 字节)ORA-00213: 不能重新使用控制文件;原文件大小为,还需ORA-00214: 控制文件'' 版本与文件'' 版本不一致ORA-00215: 必须至少存在一个控制文件ORA-00216: 无法重新调整从8.0.2 移植的控制文件大小ORA-00217: 从9.0.1 进行移植无法重新调整控制文件的大小ORA-00218: 控制文件的块大小与DB_BLOCK_SIZE () 不匹配ORA-00219: 要求的控制文件大小超出了允许的最大值ORA-00220: 第一个例程未安装控制文件,有关详情,请检查警告日志ORA-00221: 写入控制文件出错ORA-00222: 操作将重新使用当前已安装控制文件的名称ORA-00223: 转换文件无效或版本不正确ORA-00224: 控制文件重设大小尝试使用非法记录类型()ORA-00225: 控制文件的预期大小与实际大小不同ORA-00226: 备用控制文件打开时不允许进行操作ORA-00227: 控制文件中检测到损坏的块: (块,# 块)ORA-00228: 备用控制文件名长度超出了最大长度ORA-00229: 操作不允许: 已挂起快照控制文件入队ORA-00230: 操作不允许: 无法使用快照控制文件入队ORA-00231: 快照控制文件未命名ORA-00232: 快照控制文件不存在, 已损坏或无法读取ORA-00233: 控制文件副本已损坏或无法读取ORA-00234: 标识或打开快照或复制控制文件时出错ORA-00235: 控制文件固定表因并发更新而不一致ORA-00236: 快照操作不允许: 挂上的控制文件为备份文件ORA-00237: 快照操作不允许: 控制文件新近创建ORA-00238: 操作将重用属于数据库一部分的文件名ORA-00250: 未启动存档器ORA-00251: LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST 不能是与字符串相同的目的地ORA-00252: 日志在线程上为空,无法存档ORA-00253: 字符限制在以内,归档目的字符串超出此限制ORA-00254: 存档控制字符串'' 时出错ORA-00255: 存档日志(线程, 序列# ) 时出错ORA-00256: 无法翻译归档目的字符串ORA-00257: 存档器错误。




net 2007年06月12日15:34网友评论:0条点击: 274一,约束操作1:更改约束名称:ALTER TABLE TName RENAME CONSTRAINT oldname TO newname;2:删除约束ALTER TABLE TName DROP CONSTRAINT cname3:停止约束ALTER TABLE TName MODIFY CONSTRAINT cname DISABLE;4:起用约束ALTER TABLE TName MODIFY CONSTRAINT cname ENABLE VALIDATE;5:新增约束ALTER TABLE TName ADD CONSTRAINT cname FOREIGN KEY (ORG_ID) REFERENCES ref_table (ORGID);二,字段操作1:更改字段数据类型:ALTER TABLE TName MODIFY(ORG_ID VARCHAR2(50 BYTE));2:更改字段数据长度:ALTER TABLE TName MODIFY(ORG_ID VARCHAR2(80 BYTE));3:修改表的列名alter table TName rename column xx to yy;三,表操作1:删除表数据:truncate table TName;2:复制空表结构create table new_table as select * from old_table where 1=2;3:复制表(含记录)create table new_table as select * from old_table ;四,存储过程1:命令行编译存储过程ALTER PROCEDURE procedure_name COMPILE;五,数据库链接(DBlink)1:建立数据库连接CREATE DATABASE LINK DBaseLinkName CONNECT TO UserName IDENTIFIED BY Password USING ’NetServiceName’;六,Oracle服务器常用命令行(1)数据库管理相关bbed.exe 数据块浏览和编辑工具dbv。

Oracle Reports培训教程

Oracle Reports培训教程

Oracle Reports培训教程HAND作者: 孟军创建日期: 2000年11月28日最近修改日期: 2000年11月28日文档编号: MD060版本: 1审批人:审批人1审批人2拷贝数_____文档控制更改记录浏览者分发目录文档控制 ................................................................................................................................... i i 综述 . (5)Oracle Reports概述 (6)Oracle Reports的版本 (7)Oracle Reports的安装 (8)建立并运行一个简单的报表 (11)建立报表 (11)编译运行报表 (15)习题 (16)数据模型(Date Model) (17)功能及构成 (17)数据模型编辑器 (17)查询 (18)组 (19)列 (19)数据连接 (22)参数 (23)布局(Layout) (26)布局功能 (26)布局模型编辑器 (27)报表区域 (27)基本布局对象 (28)几种缺省的报表布局风格 (34)参数表格(Parameter Form) (37)建立用户自定义的参数表格 (37)报表触发器(Report Triggers) (38)触发器的触发时机及用途 (38)习题 (39)程序单元(Program Units) (40)附加的程序库(Attached Libraries) (41)建立PL/SQL程序库 (41)连接PL/SQL程序库 (42)习题 (43)矩阵式报表 (44)建立矩阵式报表的需求 (44)单查询矩阵式报表 (44)多查询矩阵式报表 (47)Reports在Applications下的安装 (53)编制Report (53)在Application中注册Reports (53)将Reports运行权限赋给相应的职责 (55)综述本文档为Oralce Reports培训文档,仅限于Hand培训使用。



ORACLE排错笔记今天在STARTUP一数据库时,发生如下错误:SQL> conn /as sysdbaConnected to an idle instance.SQL> startupORACLE instance started.Total System Global Area 276824064 bytesFixed Size 778736 bytesVariable Size 137371152 bytesDatabase Buffers 138412032 bytesRedo Buffers 262144 bytesORA-01102: cannot mount database in EXCLUSIVE modeSQL> shutdown immediateORA-01507: database not mountedORACLE instance shut down.GOOGLE一下,发现是lk<SID>文件造成的,该文件位于ORALCE_HOME下的dbs目录下,马上检查该文件:[root@qa-oracle dbs]# fuser -u lkNDMSQAlkNDMSQA: 6666(oracle) 6668(oracle) 6670(oracle) 6672(oracle) 6674(oracle) 6676(oracle) 6678 (oracle) 6680(oracle) 6690(oracle) 6692(oracle) 6694(oracle) 6696(oracle) 6737(oracle) 6830(oracle)果然该文件没释放,用fuser命令kill掉:[root@qa-oracle dbs]# fuser -k lkNDMSQAlkNDMSQA: 6666 6668 6670 6672 6674 6676 6678 6680 6690 6692 6694 6696 6737 683 0[root@qa-oracle dbs]# fuser -u lkNDMSQA然后:SQL> startupORACLE instance started.Total System Global Area 276824064 bytesFixed Size 778736 bytesVariable Size 137371152 bytesDatabase Buffers 138412032 bytesRedo Buffers 262144 bytesDatabase mounted.Database opened.SQL>数据库成功OPEN.关于该错误更详细的介绍如下:原文链接:/cases/case-unexception_down.htm数据库异常关闭后无法启动问题处理一例作者:fuyuncat来源:某系统突然掉电,系统启动后发现Oracle无法启动。



1.Oracle的使用1.1. SQLPLUS的命令初始化表的位置:set NLS_LANG=american_7ascii (设置编码才可以使用下面脚本)cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms cd demo summit2.sql*********************************我们目前使用的是oralce 9i 9201 版本select * from v$version;恢复练习表命令:sqlplus **/** @summit2.sql //shell要在这个文件的位置。

登陆oracle的命令:sqlplus 用户名/密码show user 显示当前登陆的身份.set pause onset pause off 分页显示.oracle中默认日期和字符是左对齐,数字是右对齐table or view does not exist ; 表或示图不存在edit 命令用于自动打开vi修改刚修执行过的sql的命令。

修改方法二:l 3 先定位到行 c /旧串/新串执行出错时,利用错误号来查错误:!oerr ora 942 (装完系统后会装一个oerr工具,用于通过错误号来查看错误的具体信息)想在sql中执行unix命令时,把所有的命令前加一个!就可以,或者host( 用于从sql从切换至unix环境中去)/*** 初次使用时注意 ****运行角本时的命令:先切换到unix环境下,cd $oracle_home cd sqlplus cd demo 下面有两个角本建表语句。

@demobld.sqlsqlplus nanjing/nanjing @demobid.sql 直接运行角本,后面跟当前目录或者是绝对路径保存刚才的sql语句:save 命令第二次保存时要替换之前的角本 save 文件名 replace把刚才保的sql重新放入 buffer中spool on 开启记录spool off 关闭记录spool 文件名此命令会把所有的操作存在某个文件中去常见缩写:nls national language support 国家语言支持1.2. SQL的结构|DDL 数据库定义|DML 数据库管理SQL――Commit rollback|DCL 数据库控制|grant+revoke 权限管理表分为:系统表(数据字典),用户表注:知道数据字典可以更便于使用数据库。



Oracle 数据库日常巡检指令Oracle数据库的日常巡检内容包括:Oracle数据库基本状况检查;Oracle相关资源的使用情况检查;Oracle数据库性能检查;数据库服务器cpu、mem和I/O 性能检查;数据库服务器安全性及其他事项检查等五大检查项目。



(3)、数据库数据文件检查1 select tablespace_name,status from dba_tablespaces;说明:输出结果中“STATUS”应该都为“AVAILABLE”。

(4)、数据库在线日志检查1 select group#,status,type,member from v$logfile;说明:输出结果应该有3条或3条以上记录,“STATUS”应该为非“INVALID”,非“DELETED”。


(5)、数据库回滚段检查1 select segment_name,status from dba_rollback_segs;说明:输出结果中所有回滚段的“STATUS”应该为“ONLINE”。

2、数据库相关资源使用情况检查(1)、检查Oracle初始化文件中相关参数值1 select resource_name,max_utilization,initial_allocation, limit_value from v$resource_limit;说明:若字段值【LIMIT_VALU】-【MAX_UTILIZATION】<=5,则表明与RESOURCE_NAME相关的Oracle初始化参数需要调整。




编写一个最最简单的存储过程,给它起个名字叫做proc_helloworldCREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE proc_helloworldISBEGINDBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Hello World!');END;/2.创建。

在sqlplus命令行界面创建该存储过程sys@ora10g> conn sec/secConnected.sec@ora10g> CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE proc_helloworld2 IS3 BEGIN4 DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Hello World!');5 END;6 /Procedure created.3.运行。

两种方法运行存储过程1).需要在屏幕上显示出"DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line"的输出字符串,需要做一个小小的设置sec@ora10g> show serveroutputserveroutput OFFsec@ora10g>set serveroutput onsec@ora10g> show serveroutputserveroutput ON SIZE 10000 FORMAT WORD_WRAPPED2).在sqlplus命令行界面使用"EXECUTE"命令(简写做"EXEC")执行sec@ora10g>exec proc_helloworldHello World!PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.3).在一个无名PL/SQL块内运行存储过程BEGINproc_helloworld;END;/sec@ora10g> BEGIN2 proc_helloworld;3 END;4 /Hello World!PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.4.修改。

oracle report 参数

oracle report 参数

一、概述Oracle Report是Oracle公司推出的一款专业报表工具,主要用于数据报表的生成和管理。

在使用Oracle Report生成报表时,参数起着非常重要的作用。


本文将介绍Oracle Report参数的概念、使用方法和注意事项,以帮助读者更好地理解和应用Oracle Report。

二、概念1.1 参数的概念参数是一种在编写或运行报表时可变的值,它可以影响报表运行的结果。

在Oracle Report中,参数可以用于过滤数据、指定报表的输出格式、控制报表的行为等多种用途。

1.2 参数的种类在Oracle Report中,参数分为两类:系统参数和用户参数。



三、使用方法2.1 定义参数在Oracle Report中,可以通过报表设计器或报表模型定义参数。


2.2 绑定参数在定义参数之后,需要将参数与报表的数据源或控件进行绑定。



2.3 使用参数在报表设计完成后,用户可以在报表运行时输入参数的值,根据不同的参数值生成不同的报表输出。


四、注意事项3.1 参数的合法性在使用参数时,需要注意参数的合法性。


3.2 参数的安全性在使用用户参数时,需要注意参数的安全性。



Oracle数据库错误消息导出错误消息l EXP-00000导出终止失败原因:导出时产生Oracle错误。


l EXP-00001数据域被截断-列长度=数字,缓冲区大小=数字,实际大小=数字原因:数据缓冲区中列不适合。

操作:记录错误参数和消息,作为输出内部错误发送到Oracle Support Services (如果一个表不能完全导出,则导出不能继续)。

l EXP-00002写导出文件错误原因:不能导入导出文件,可能由设备错误引起,通常伴随有操作系统引起的设备错误。


l EXP-00003未发现段(数字,数字)的存储定义原因:导出不能为簇、索引或者表查找存储定义。

操作:记录伴随的消息并作为导出内部错误报告Oracle Support Services。

l EXP-00004无效用户名或口令原因:指定了无效的用户名或口令。


l EXP-00005 所有的许可的登录尝试失败原因:试图再三以一无效的用户名或口令登录。


l EXP-00006内部矛盾错误原因:导出的数据结构被破坏了。

操作:记录伴随的消息并作为导出内部错误报告Oracle Support Services。

l EXP-00007字典显示没有string.string列原因:导出没能从数据字典搜集列信息,表可能被删除。

操作:重试导出,如果再次发生这个错误,则作为导出内部错误报告Oracle Support Services。

l EXP-00008遇到ORACLE错误号原因:导出遇见已引用的Oracle错误。


l EXP-00009没有权限导出字符串表格的字符串原因:试图导出其他用户的表格,只有数据库管理员能导出其他的用户的表格。




oraclereport⾼级开发教程ORACLE REPORT ⾼级开发1REF游标查询 (2)2条件格式化 (3)3图象加⼊ (6)4数据链接 (7)5组设置 (9)6前后处理 (10)7报表布局调整 (13)7.1标尺设置 (13)7.2⽹格线对齐 (13)7.3限制模式 (14)7.4伸缩模式 (14)7.5元素的⼤⼩控制 (15)7.6元素的⽔平、垂直控制 (15)7.7元素对齐 (16)7.8页⾯控制 (16)8⼿⼯开发报表 (19)8.1基本报表 (19)8.2分组报表 (21)8.3交叉报表 (23)1REF游标查询建⽴游标查询的基本过程包括:1.建⽴游标类型2.建⽴游标函数3.利⽤框架实现游标查询结果的展现下边的例⼦通过建⽴⼀个包的⽅式,设置游标类型,函数,在报表游标函数中设置游标即为包函数返回。

包的定义和包体信息:CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE a04 AStype a04rec is RECORD(ORG_NO NUMBER(8),NAME VARCHAR2(128));type a04refcursor is REF CURSOR return a04rec;function TESTC return a04.a04refcursor ;end A04;create or replace package body A04 asfunction TESTC return a04.a04refcursor istemp_container a04.a04refcursor;beginopen temp_container for select _no org_no , name from scorg s;return temp_container;end TESTC;END A04;报表游标函数:function QR_1RefCurDS return a04.a04refcursor istemp_container a04.a04refcursor;str1 varchar(200);begintemp_container :=a04.testc();return temp_container;end;游标函数调⽤:框架源指定G_ORG_NO,F_1,F_2分别指定源ORG_NO,NAME。



Oracle EBS R12 操作手册AP & PO Manual目录Oracle EBS R12 操作手册 (1)目录 (2)实验操作需要用到职责 (4)建立新员工 (5)执行人员员工阶层处理 (6)设定采购员 (6)定义付款群组 (7)定义供应商 (7)定义税 (7)定义供应商地址 (8)定义联系人 (9)定义银行 (9)定义账户信息 (10)定义采购方法 (11)定义接收方式 (12)定义发票管理 (12)定义1099供应商 (13)定义供应商地址 (13)定义物料类别 (15)建立费用物料 (17)建立存货物料 (19)建立采购的资产物料 (22)定义供应商列表 (22)建立询价单 (22)根据询价单建立报价单 (27)建立供应商列表状态 (29)物料使用已审核供应商的设置 (30)建立报价单 (31)建立ASL(Approved Supplier List) (33)定义Source与Source rules (35)建立请购单 (35)建立请购单模板 (37)利用采购申请模板建立采购申请 (38)IProcurement定制个性化信息 (41)Iprocurement中提交请购单 (42)创建PO (42)打印采购订单 (46)PO register (47)建立一揽子采购协议 (48)发布一揽子采购协议 (51)建立采购合同 (53)查看合同订单详情 (56)请购单退货操作 (57)建立采购申请单 (57)退回请购单 (58)重新核发请购单 (60)自动建立采购单 (61)通过Sourcing rules 控制的采购协议来建立采购订单 (63)建立ASL项目为一揽子采购协议的Source Document (65)提交请购单 (66)执行发放程序 (67)检查请购单情况 (67)根据报价单自动建立采购订单 (69)创建报价单 (69)创建采购申请 (70)检查是否已经建立采购订单 (71)收货设置 (72)建立采购订单 (73)标准收货 (74)快速收货 (76)自动收货 (78)验货与交货 (80)退货给供应商 (82)更正收货 (84)实验操作需要用到职责⏹Alert Manager⏹Application Diagnostics⏹Globa l Super HRMS Manager⏹iProcurement⏹LE_AP_SUPER_00⏹LE_GL_SUPER_00⏹LE_INV⏹LE_PO_SUPER⏹Preferences SSW A⏹System Administrator建立新员工(N) Global Super HRMS Manager>People>Enter and Maintain>New(上面那些信息的建立,可以参考我所写的PO配置文档)以下操作都在PO超级用户职责下进行执行人员员工阶层处理(N)Reports>Run>Fill Employee Hierarchy设定采购员(N)Setup>Personal>Buyers定义付款群组(N)Setup>Purchasing>Lookup Codes定义供应商(N)Supply Base>Suppliers定义税(根据自己的实际情况进行定义)定义供应商地址定义联系人定义银行定义账户信息(这些信息一般在设置系统信息时已经指定了,无特殊情况默认即可)Distribut e Set建立方法(Distribut e Set主要用于你需要把一类发票记到某一个科目中,你可以建立一个Distribut e Set,把某一类发票自动指定到某一个科目。

Oracle Reports培训教程

Oracle Reports培训教程

Oracle Reports培训教程HAND作者: 孟军创建日期: 2000年11月28日最近修改日期: 2000年11月28日MD060文档编号:1版本:审批人:审批人1审批人2拷贝数 _____文档控制更改记录日期作者版本说明2000/02/2孟军 1 没有以前的版本1浏览者姓名职位分发拷贝数姓名职位1资料管理员1项目经理目录文档控制 ................................................................................................................................... i i 综述 . (5)Oracle Reports概述 (6)Oracle Reports的版本 (7)Oracle Reports的安装 (8)建立并运行一个简单的报表 (11)建立报表 (11)编译运行报表 (15)习题 (16)数据模型(Date Model) (17)功能及构成 (17)数据模型编辑器 (17)查询 (18)组 (19)列 (19)数据连接 (22)参数 (23)布局(Layout) (26)布局功能 (26)布局模型编辑器 (27)报表区域 (27)基本布局对象 (28)几种缺省的报表布局风格 (34)参数表格(Parameter Form) (37)建立用户自定义的参数表格 (37)报表触发器(Report Triggers) (38)触发器的触发时机及用途 (38)习题 (39)程序单元(Program Units) (40)附加的程序库(Attached Libraries) (41)建立PL/SQL程序库 (41)连接PL/SQL程序库 (42)习题 (43)矩阵式报表 (44)建立矩阵式报表的需求 (44)单查询矩阵式报表 (44)多查询矩阵式报表 (47)Reports在Applications下的安装 (53)编制Report (53)在Application中注册Reports (53)将Reports运行权限赋给相应的职责 (55)综述本文档为Oralce Reports培训文档,仅限于Hand培训使用。



r somethin oracle 2984 1 0 May07 ? 00:00:00 ora_s000_CKDB d fo oracle 2994 1 0 May07 ? 00:00:28 ora_arc0_CKDB goo oracle 2996 1 0 May07 ? 00:00:29 ora_arc1_CKDB re oracle 3000 1 0 May07 ? 00:00:00 ora_qmnc_CKDB g a oracle 3625 1 0 May07 ? 00:01:40 ora_q000_CKDB bein oracle 31594 1 0 Jul20 ? 00:00:00 ora_q003_CKDB eir oracle 23802 1 0 05:09 ? 00:00:33 ora_j000_CKDB in th 19 s 在检查 Oracle 的进程命令输出后,输出显示至少应包括以下一些进程: thing . Oracle 写数据文件的进程,输出显示为:“ora_dbw0_CKDB” ll . Oracle 写日志文件的进程,输出显示为:“ora_lgwr_ CKDB” nd A . Oracle 监听实例状态的进程,输出显示为:“ora_smon_ CKDB” ing at a time a . Oracle 监听客户端连接进程状态的进程,输出显示为:“ora_pmon_ CKDB”
r somethin 在本节主要检查相关的日志文件,包含:检查操作系统的日志文件,检查 Oracle 日志文件,检查 Oracle 核心转储目录,检查 d fo Root 用户和 Oracle 用户的 email,总共四个部分。 goo 2.1. 检查操作系统日志文件 g are # cat /var/log/messages |grep failed ein 查看是否有与 Oracle 用户相关的出错信息。 eir b 2.2. 检查 oracle 日志文件 s in th [oracle@AS14 ~]$ cat /data/oracle/admin/CKDB/bdump/alert_CKDB.log |grep oraing [oracle@AS14 ~]$ cat /data/oracle/admin/CKDB/bdump/alert_CKDB.log |grep err ll th [oracle@AS14 ~]$ cat /data/oracle/admin/CKDB/bdump/alert_CKDB.log |grep fail d A Oracle 在运行过程中,会在警告日志文件(alert_SID.log)中记录数据库的一些运行情况:数据库的启动、关闭,启动时的非缺省参数; ing at a time an 数据库的重做日志切换情况,记录每次切换的时间,及如果因为检查点(checkpoint)操作没有执行完成造成不能切换,会记录不能切

Oracle FLEXCUBE 全局银行业务 Release 报告指南 Sep

Oracle FLEXCUBE 全局银行业务 Release 报告指南 Sep

Reports User GuideOracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Release No. E49740-01September 2013Reports User GuideSeptember 2013Oracle Financial Services Software LimitedOracle ParkOff Western Express HighwayGoregaon (East)Mumbai, Maharashtra 400 063IndiaWorldwide Inquiries:Phone: +91 22 6718 3000Fax:+91 22 6718 3001/financialservices/Copyright © 2007, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, delivered to U.S. Government end users are "commercial computer software" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to the programs. No other rights are granted to the U.S. Government.This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications that may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate failsafe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications.This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing.This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services.Contents1. Preface ......................................................................................................1-11.1 Introduction..............................................................................................................1-11.2 Audience..................................................................................................................1-1Accessibility.................................................................................... 1-11.3 Documentation1.4 Organization............................................................................................................1-11.5 Glossary of Icons..................................................................................................... 1-12. Retrieving Information in Oracle FLEXCUBE .......................................2-12.1 Introduction..............................................................................................................2-12.1.1 Generating Reports.................................................................................... 2-12.1.2 Specifying the Output of a Report.............................................................. 2-12.1.3 Contents of the report................................................................................. 2-2Printer................................................................................................... 2-32.2 Maintaining2.2.1 Maintaining Report Spool Path................................................................... 2-42.3 Viewing Messages for Unauthorized Contracts....................................................... 2-52.4 Oracle FLEXCUBE Reporting Services (FRS) Architecture.................................... 2-52.4.1 Maintaining FRS parameter details............................................................ 2-63. Reports Batch ..........................................................................................3-13.1 Report Batch Maintenance...................................................................................... 3-13.2 Report Batch Execution........................................................................................... 3-23.2.1 Viewing Reports......................................................................................... 3-23.2.2 Printing / Spooling the Reports................................................................... 3-23.2.3 Initiating FRS Batch Processing................................................................. 3-33.2.4 Processing the FRS Batch......................................................................... 3-33.2.5 Monitoring the FRS Batch Status............................................................... 3-44. Function ID Glossary ...............................................................................4-11. Preface 1.1 IntroductionThis manual lists the details of various reports that you can generate for all the modules of Oracle FLEXCUBE. 1.2 AudienceThis manual is intended for the Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) and staff in charge of retrieving information for the various transactions processed in your bank.1.3 Documentation AccessibilityFor information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at /pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc.1.4 OrganizationThis manual is organized into the following chapters:1.5 Glossary of IconsThis User Manual may refer to all or some of the following icons.Chapter 1About this Manual gives information on the intended audience. It also lists the various chapters covered in this User Manual.Chapter 2Retrieving Information in Oracle FLEXCUBE explains how reports can be generated for different modules.Chapter 3Reports Batch explains the maintenance of reports pertaining to a particu-lar branch.Chapter 4Function ID Glossary has alphabetical listing of Function/Screen ID's usedin the module with page references for quick navigation.IconsFunction ExitAdd rowDelete rowOption List2. Retrieving Information in Oracle FLEXCUBE 2.1 IntroductionDuring the day, or at the end of the day, you may want to retrieve information on any of theseveral operations that were performed during the day in your bank. You can generate thisinformation in the form of reports in Oracle FLEXCUBE.For every module you can generate reports, which give you data about the various events inthe life of a specific contract, or across contracts, at a specific point in time. You can haveanalysis reports, daily reports, exception reports (reports on events that ought to have takenplace on the contract but have not, due to various reasons), history reports and so on. A setof report formats is pre-defined for every module.2.1.1 GeneratingReportsFrom the Application Browser, select the Report option. The system displays a list of all themodules to which you have access rights. Each module contains a list of all reports that youcan access. Select the report that you want to generate. The system displays a screen whereyou can set the filters for the reports to be generated.Set the filters and click ‘OK’ button to generate the report. To cancel the operation, click ’Exit’button.2.1.2 Specifying the Output of a ReportWhen you select a report that you want to generate, the ‘Report Options’ screen is displayed.In this screen, you can set your preferences for the output of a report.In Oracle FLEXCUBE, you may generate a report in three formats:● HTML● RTF● PDF● ExcelOutputYou can direct a report to one of the following destinations:● The printer● On-line● Stored as spool files and printed later using the spoolThe reports that have been spooled can be printed or viewed through the Reports Browserscreen. The Reports Browser is detailed in the Common Procedures manual.You can specify the destination of the report you want to generate. The options available are:● Print - The report will be printed directly on to a printer of your choice.● View - The details of the report will be displayed on the screen.● Spool - The details of the report will be stored in a spool file and can be printed later.Print AtIf you choose the ‘Print’ option, indicate the location of printing by choosing one of thefollowing values:● Client● ServerPrinterSpecify the printer details.PrinterFrom the option list, select the name of a printer defined in the Printer Maintenance table. Thereport will be printed on this printer.2.1.3 Contents of the reportThe contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:HeaderThe Header section of the report carries the title of the Report, information on the User whogenerated the report, the branch code, the date and time and the page number of the report.Body of the reportThe actual contents of the report are displayed in this section. It is detailed for each report, inthe subsequent sections of this document.2.2 MaintainingPrinterIn Oracle FLEXCUBE, you can maintain the printers for the reports using ‘PrinterMaintenance’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘RPDRNMNT’ in the field at thetop right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.Here, you need to specify the following details:Printer IDSpecify a unique printer ID. This ID will be used to identify the printer.Printer NameSpecify the name of the printer.BranchThe system defaults the current branch code. However, you cannot modify this.Printer RolesIdentify the user who can use the printer. You can add more rows to the list of roles using Addicon.. Select appropriate role from the option list.Printer UsersIdentify the users who can use the printer. You can add more rows to the list of roles usingAdd icon. Select the user from the option list.Once you have captured the details, click Save icon to save the maintenance. The systemmakes the printer available for the selected roles, to the users maintained. Further, if youchoose to print a report, the system will send the reports for print as per the options specified.2.2.1 Maintaining Report Spool PathYou can maintain a location to spool the reports for a specific branch using ‘Reporting System– Parameters’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘RPDPARAM’ in the field at thetop right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.Here, you need to specify the following details:BranchThe system displays the branch for which you are maintaining the spool path. However, youcannot modify it.Spool PathSpecify the location to which the reports should be spooled. The system stores the generatedreports into this location, if you have selected ‘Spool’ in the ‘Printing Preferences’ screen.Spool History PathSpecify the spool history path. This is the generation where the system saves the generatedreport. It is usually the same as the spool path.Time OutSpecify the time span within which you wish to complete the process. The system reports if ittakes longer time to generate it.Server Report PathThis is the location where the system stores the report, if you have selected the option ‘View’in the ‘Printing Preferences’ screen.2.3 Viewing Messages for Unauthorized ContractsYou can view all messages to be generated for unauthorized contracts. You can invoke thisscreen by typing ‘MSDMPREV’ on the field at the top right corner of the Application tool barand click on the adjoining arrow button.First of all, specify the Module from which you would like to view messages. You can opt toview messages for one or several unauthorized contracts. To view messages for anunauthorized contract, specify the Contract Reference Number.ReportingServices (FRS) Architec-FLEXCUBE2.4 OracletureFRS architecture, which is based on data-warehousing principles, ensures high performanceby basing the application on warehouse architecture by using Oracle database as highlyoptimized and tunes in-memory processes.The ETL processes are defined and designed to perform as multi-threaded processes, thusallowing for a separation on processing. Each process is independently scalable to utilize theunderlying multi-threading design and multi-processor capability.The high-level architecture of FRS is given below:FRS parameter details2.4.1 MaintainingThere are several pre-defined parameters that are used in different operations in FRS. Youcan create new parameters or modify existing parameters in the 'FRS Parameter List' screen.You can invoke this screen by typing 'FRDPARAM' in the top right corner of the Applicationtool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.The screen is given below:NoteIt is advisable to modify the FRS parameters after consulting with OFSS consultants.To view the parameters, press F7 and F8. The existing values are displayed on the screen. To add new parameters, press F7 and F8. The existing values are displayed on the screen. Select the parameter that has to be modified and click the 'Parameter' button. The Folder name of FRSHOME' screen is invoked.In this screen, you can specify the following parameter details:● Name - Name of the parameter● Value - Value assigned to the parameter● Factory Setup - The factory-shipped value● Description - A brief description of the parameterTo add a new parameter, click the 'New' button on the screen. After specifying the values, click the 'Ok' button. To save the record, click the 'Save' button on the Application tool bar. To modify an existing parameter, follow the same procedure involved in adding a new parameter. Then, click the 'Modify' button on the screen, to modify the following values:● Value● Factory setup● DescriptionClick the ‘Ok’ button on the screen, and then click the 'Save' button on the Application tool bar to save the modified record.3-13. Reports Batch3.1 Report Batch MaintenanceIn Oracle FLEXCUBE, you can maintain a list of reports in a branch for batch execution usingthe ‘Report Batch Maintenance’ screen. The report function IDs maintained can be retrievedand executed at a later stage.You can invoke the ‘Report Batch Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘RPDBATCH’ on the field atthe top right corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.Specify the following details:Batch CodeSpecify the code to identify the report batch.Batch DescriptionProvide description for the batch code specified.Report FormatSpecify the format in which you want to generate the reports.Report ID and DescriptionSpecify the report IDs to be maintained. You can select one or more report IDs for executionat a time. The system displays the description based on the report ID selected.To add more rows to the list of report IDs, click Add icon. Select the report ID from the optionlist. You can remove the unwanted rows using Delete icon.Use the check box adjacent to each function ID to indicate that it has to be maintained. Onceyou have specified all the details, save the maintenance.3-23.2 Report Batch ExecutionIn Oracle FLEXCUBE, you can execute a batch for a set of reports maintained for a branch.You can invoke this screen by typing ‘BAREODFN’ on the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.Using this screen, you can view, print or spool the reports maintained for each branch. You need to specify the branch code to initiate the process.Branch Code and DescriptionSpecify the code that identifies the branch. The option list displays all valid branch codes maintained in the system. Based on the branch code selected, the system displays the description.3.2.1 Viewing ReportsOn this screen, you can view the reports function IDs and description maintained for the selected branch. Once you have specified the branch code, click ’View’ button. The system displays a list of reports maintained for the branch.Report Function IDThis is the list of report function IDs that you have maintained in the ‘Report BatchMaintenance’ screen. Use the checkbox adjacent to each function ID to select the same for execution.3.2.2 Printing / Spooling the ReportsIn the list of report function IDs, use the check box adjacent to each ID to select the reports that you want to print or spool. Before you print, set the following preferences:FormatSelect the format of the output. The system allows you to print the reports in any of the following formats:●HTML ●RTF ●PDF3-3ExcelOutputIndicate whether you need to print or spool the reports. Use the radio button adjacent to each option to indicate your preference.PrinterSelect the printer using which you need to print the reports. Select the appropriate printer form the option list.Once you have set your preferences, click ’Ok’ button. The system prints the reports as per the preferences you have set.3.2.3 Initiating FRS Batch ProcessingYou can initiate FRS batch processing from the ‘FRS Batch’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘FRDEXTNS’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.The screen is given below:Specify the following:Extraction DateSpecify the date from which you want to process the FRS batch and click the 'Start' button. If the batch is submitted successfully, system displays the message “Batch submitted successfully for processing. Refer the log for the status of the process”.3.2.4 Processing the FRS BatchThe FRS batch is designed to populate the Dimension & Fact data stores by reading the datafrom the extracted tables from Oracle FLEXCUBE. You can capture the FRS batch details in3-4the 'FRS Batch Run' screen. You can invoke this screen by typing 'FRDDTLDR' in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.Specify the following:Batch Process DateSpecify the date from which the FRS batch process has to be executed. Alternatively, you can also select the date from the calendar button.When you click the ‘P’ (Populate) button, system populates ‘Batch Processing Branch Code’ and ‘Batch Processing Status’.NoteBy default, system displays the ‘Batch Processing Branch Code’ as ‘ALL’.Click the start button to trigger the batch. Once the batch begins to execute, system displays the message “Batch Submitted Successfully, Please check monitor for Status”.NoteNote the following:– In the beginning of the batch process, the 'Start' and 'Cancel' buttons are enabled.Once the batch begins to execute, 'Abort' and 'Cancel' buttons are enabled and'Start' button is disabled on the screen.– To abort the batch process, click the 'Abort' button on the screen. To close thescreen, click 'Close' button.3.2.5 Monitoring the FRS Batch StatusThe status of the FRS batch, which is triggered from the ‘FRS Batch Run’ screen, can be seenin the 'FRS Batch Monitor' screen. You can invoke this screen by typing 'FRDBRMTR' in the3-5field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.Specify the following:Batch Process DateSpecify the date for which you want to monitor the status of the FRS batch process. Alternatively, you can also select the date from the calendar button. Press F8 to see the updated status on the screen.FRS automated batch monitor can be used to monitor the status of each of the processes. System displays the following process details:●Process ID ●Process name ●Start Time ●End Time ● Status of the processIf the FRS batch process fails, it can be re-run by clicking the 'Re-Run' button. The failed process and the processes that are dependent on the current process can be re-run byclicking the 'Re-Run the Failed Process alone' button. The latest status of each process can be known by clicking the 'Retrieve Latest Status' button. To re-run the failed processes, clickthe ‘Re-Run All Failed Process’ button on the screen.4. Function ID GlossaryBBAREODFN .........................3-2 FFRDBRMTR .........................3-4 FRDDTLDR ..........................3-4 FRDEXTNS ..........................3-3 FRDPARAM .........................2-6MMSDMPREV .........................2-5 RRPDBATCH ..........................3-1 RPDPARAM .........................2-4 RPDRNMNT .........................2-3。

Oracle 库存管理操作手册SOP

Oracle 库存管理操作手册SOP

庫存管理INV模組操作手冊目錄第一章創建料號(Create Item)第二章料號刪除(Item Delete)第三章子倉庫間移轉(SubInv Transfer)第四章組織間移動(InterOrg Transfer)第五章雜收發(Miscellaneous)第六章查看庫存量(View Onhand Quantity)第七章物料事務處理(MaterialTransactions)第八章實地庫存盤點(Physical Inventories) 第九章庫存模組名詞解釋(INV Terms)第一章創建料號1. 料號的定義—料號是在主組織中定義的。

1.1. 路徑: Oracle INV – Items – Master Items2. 定義料號是Oracle自動將當前的組織更改為主組織,可以根據需要在任意多個子組織中啟用新料號。

2.1. 畫面:2.1.1說明︰選擇Oracle INV – Items – Master Items,雙擊”Master Item”。

2.1.2說明︰出現”Organization”窗口,其中有三個組織ALF本廠,Master Org,ALF 沙發廠(以亞歷山卓公司組織設定為範例),選擇當前所在的組織。


2.1.3 說明:出現“Master Item”窗口,輸入料號,摘要。



Main(主要)英文中文說明英文中文說明主要單位儲存和銷售的單位,此單位儲存後不可進行更新用戶料號類型使用者自定義料號類型物料狀態使用者可以在物料狀態代碼中預設物料狀態的值,有Inactive無效和Active有效二種2.1.4 說明:點擊”Tools”下拉菜單,選擇”Copy From”。


請按“Copy From”複製屬性。

2.1.5說明:複製來源有”Template”(參見Template設定)和”Item”兩種(選擇Item時在Master Item頁面中先不保存),可以單獨採用,也可以同時採用,但”Item”優先於”Template”。

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