新世纪大学英语 综合教程4第四单元课后题答案

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UNIT4(working with words and expressions)


Text A abolished废除classified分类committed保证division 区分fashions时尚gambled赌博hunted猎杀mass大量necessity必需品senseless毫无意义的voluntary自愿的Text B considerable相当大的coordination协调declarations 声明derived源于evaluate评价moderately适度slightest迹象

1.Nearly 6 million in the mid-western area were affected by


2.It’s incredible what when he always won, whether he was playing a card game or betting on horse racing. 令人难以置信的是,当他赌博时,他总是赢无论是在玩一种纸牌游戏,



work and render social services in the less developed regions。市镇会正在努力让更多的人在欠发达地区的做志愿工作,提供社会服务。

4. Elephants are dying out because they are

for the tusks。大象正在灭绝,因为他们正因象牙而被猎杀。

5.Wines can be dry medium or sweet according to their sugar content。根据其含糖量可分为干型.半干型.甜型葡萄酒。

6.Slavery Canada in 1833 and the Canadian authorities then encouraged slaves from American to settle down on their land。1833年加拿大废除了奴隶制,加拿大当局则鼓励来自美国的奴隶在自己的土地上定居下来。

7.Some of the developing countries seem to be stuck with a

tough situation—

never been so clear and sharp。一些发展中国家似乎陷入一个艰难的情况,富人与穷人之间的差别从来没有如此清晰和鲜明

8.The mass media commented that the young man’s


9.The younger generation should not just seek for the

to live a worthy life. 年轻一代不应该只是寻求最新的时尚,他们应该有长期的奋斗目标并努力过一个有价值的生活。

10.There’s absolutely no between the different work teams—we don’t know what others are doing。但不同的工作小组之间没有绝对的协调——我们不知道别人在做什么。

11.As witnesses to the accident we were asked to make


12.The police still don’t know who

burglary(入室盗窃),but it is reported one of the suspects is a loafer by the name of Bill Jones. 警方仍然不知道谁评价盗窃(入室盗窃),但据报道,其中一名犯罪嫌疑人是由比尔琼斯名字的浪子。

13.Now that my parents-in-law have decided to live with us,

we are now faced with the purchase a larger apartment close to the campus. 现在,我的父母在法律上已经决定和我们住在一起,我们现在必须购买更大的公寓靠近校园。

14.It seems as if every American boy between the ages of 8 and 15 likes to play video games, but such games are only


15.He was a really considerate friend—always available to


16.A survey shows that of people object to the government’s immigration policy. 一项调查显示,许多人反对政府的移民政策。

17.This is a new pain-killing drug which came into use only

six months ago, so it’

now. 这是一个新的止痛药物,只来了六个月前投入使用,所以它的相当大的效果太早了。


her adulthood, even though she used to get bored with it when she was in her late teens. 她会非常的满意,在她成年后的小提琴,虽然她曾经厌烦她十几岁时


1.In view of her outstanding academic achievements and other qualities, she Stands a chance of being admitted to one f the world's best universities.

2.His recent mismanagement of the company hasruled out the possibility of getting promoted to the top management.

3.The expedition (探险队)congist(g) o叶five Europeans,two Australians and ten Chinese.

4. It's good to see Tom looking so happy now after all the sufferings he has gone through in the lastfew years.

5. When he competed 'at stockholm Olympics, Jim Thorpe was not an amateur player in the shrict sensfecause he had been paid a few dollars to play semiprofessionals before,
