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• Broke :no longer have money and be unable to pay what you owe 身无分 文的,破了产的 —Has the firm gone broke. • Endure :continue to exist without any loss in quality or importance. —His fame will endure eternally.

受到当时正流行的淘金热的诱惑。同那只有既幸运而又锲而不 舍的追求者才能取得的巨大财富三心二意地打了八个月交道之 后,他遭到了失败。在破产和灰心之余,他接受了为弗吉尼亚 市《领土开发报》当记者的工作,这一行动将获得文学界永久 的感激。
自从他因淘金失败而感到心灰意冷之后,马克?吐温便开始努 力博取作为一名报社记者和幽默作家的地区性声望。从事新闻 报道工作当然不能使他像淘金成功者一样立成巨富,但在挣钱 方面他的笔杆却比他的锄镐要有效得多。1864年春季,在他加 盟《领土开发报》还不足两年之时,他又乘驿站马车前往旧金 山,那儿在当时和现在都是有前途的年轻作家成长的摇篮。
His descriptions of the rough-country settlers there ring familiarly in modern world accustomed to trend setting on the West Coast.
Paraphrase :his narration of the country settlers who were strong-minded sound familiar to people in the modern world who are used to taking the lead in starting new trends or new ways of doing things on the West Coast.
be accustomed to: be in the habit of, be used to, be familiar with. 1、Be accustomed to can be followed by a verb. He is not accustomed to work under such noisy condition. 2、“Accustomed” can be used as an attribute. His accustomed attitude of optimism.
Column: 1、one of two or more vertical sections of printed material on a page. Each page of this dictionary has two columns of text. 2、part of a newspaper or regularly
• Epidemic强调流行病的迅速泛滥和蔓延。 • An explosive epidemic. • Endemic 主要指地方特别存在的,流行的, 尤指难以摆脱。 • An endemic disease that exists constantly in a special state or population. • Pandemic 指的是范围较大的流行病,能波 及到全球范围内的。 • The pandemic spreads throughout the whole world.
Get up :arrange or perform Who is going to get up the concert?
Astound :to surprise or shock someone very much 使 惊愕,使震惊
Enterprise: a plan, business, task, something daring and difficult .
• His action obtained the lasting gratefulness in American literature, that is to say ,if Mark Twain had not accepted that job offered to him by Territorial Enterprise《土地开发报》,literature might have lost the literary master.
• Flirt :to behave towards someone in a way that shows your sexual or romantic in them 玩弄,不认 真对待 —They’ve been flirting with the idea of selling up 他们 闹着玩儿似的想买光家当。 • Colossal :extremely great or large 巨大的,庞大的 —It was a colossal waste of money. • Rebuff :to refuse to talk to some one or do what they suggest 断然拒绝 —The manager rebuffs an invitation from another company’s staff.
The instant riches of a mining strike would not be his in the reporting trade ,but for making money ,his pen would prove mightier than his pickax.
作者运用转喻的修辞手法,其中pen指代写作 而淘金的工具pickax指代淘金,a mining strike 意思是“淘金的意外成功”
• Broke and discouraged ,he accepted a job as a reporter with the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise to literature’s enduring gratitude. • Paraphrase :With no money and a low feeling ,he accepted a job as reporter with Territorial Enterprise in Virginia City.
dealing with a particular subject or written by the same writer. the fashion / financial column
Columnist: journalist who regularly writes an article commenting on politics, current events, etc. for a newspaper or magazine a political columnist
Rush through: to complete (a job) hastily.
We will try to rush your order through before Saturday.
Dash: a combination of bravery and style, enthusiasm and courage.
3、accustom oneself He has to accustom himself to the cold weather.
Sluggish :1、not moving as quickly as usual(行动) 缓慢的,迟钝的 2、not performing or reacting as well as usual 呆滞的 Sloth :a lazy person 懒汉
1、 stop resisting
—He finally succumbed to the temptation to have another drink. 2、 to die —He succumbed to measles.
பைடு நூலகம்
1、a sudden increase in something bad or unpleasant that affects many people 盛行,蔓延 an epidemic of crime in the cities. 2、a widespread outbreak of an infection disease; many people are infected at the same time 流行性 传染病,流行病

马克·吐温磨炼并试验了他的新笔力,但他却因写了一些尖锐的评 论文章而被迫暂时离开这座城市。他围绕着虐待华人等一类问题对 市政府提出的尖锐批评惹得一些官员大为恼火,因之他只好逃到萨 克拉门托山谷的金矿区暂避风头。他对那儿的拓荒者们的描写使西 海岸地区富有创新精神的现代人倍感亲切。“这儿的人们真是了不 起——因为那些笨手笨脚、无精打彩、呆头呆脑的懒汉都呆在家 里……正是那些人们为加利福尼亚赢得了这样的声誉:当他们着手 进行一项宏伟的事业时,他们会不计代价或风险而以一种豪迈的气 概和闯劲勇往直前,一千到底。加利福尼亚人至今仍保持着这样的 声誉,因而,每当他们发起一项新的惊天动地的壮举时,那些素来 稳重的人便会像往常一样微笑着说:‘看吧,这完全是加利福尼亚 的风格’。”
On his way to success (para7-para13)
• He went west by stagecoach and succumbed to the epidemic of gold and silver fever in Nevada’s Washoe region. 作者运用暗喻(metaphor)的修辞格,把“淘 金热”比喻成传染性的“热病”,生动的表达 了当时的人们对淘金的高度热情。 succumb to意为“屈服于”此处指受到“淘金 热”的吸引和诱惑。

And when she projects a new surprise ,the grave world smiles as usual ,and says ’well, that is California all over.’
Paraphrase :and when California determined to make a new surprise ,the solemn people in other states of America smile as usual ,making a comment ‘that’s typical of California’. 句中the grave world smiles as usual ,and says采用 的是拟人的修辞手法。Dash and daring 均以/d/开 头,运用了押头韵的修辞格。
• Mark Twain began digging his way to regional fame as a newspaper reporter and humorist. • Paraphrase :Mark Twain began working diligently to become known locally as a newspaper reporter and humorist.
para9 Mining strike
Hone :to make the blade of a knife sharp by rubbing it on a special stone 把…东西放在石头上磨 He is honing a razor. Scathing :a criticizing someone or something in a very strong way 严厉的,尖刻的 He launched a scathing attack on the Prime Minster.