Quantitative Culture of Intestinal Aspirate in Celiac Disease




58·中国CT和MRI杂志 2023年05月 第21卷 第05期 总第163期【第一作者】赵 爽,女,主治医师,主要研究方向:放射诊断。


E-mail:133****************The Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.·59CHINESE JOURNAL OF CT AND MRI, MAY. 2023, Vol.21, No.05 Total No.1631.3 冠状动脉狭窄程度评估标准 由两名放射科医师双盲阅片,对比与CAG诊断冠状动脉狭窄的一致性。

以CAG 检查结果作为金标准分析MSCTA检查冠状动脉狭窄的一致性。


1.4 统计学处理 采用SPSS 22.0进行数据分析,计数资料以%表示,通过χ2检验对比组间差异。




2 结 果2.1 MSCTA对冠心病患者冠状动脉斑块的检出情况 96例CHD患者中共682个节段,MSCTA检查满足管腔评价标准的冠状动脉节段为588段,不满足管腔评价标准的冠状动脉节段94段,其中70个节段为心率波动较大造成运动伪影,14个节段有金属支架,10个节段为图像处理情况不佳,96例患者共有165处狭窄。

2.2 不同程度冠状动脉狭窄MSCTA、CAG检查影像学特点 轻度、重度及重度冠状动脉狭窄MSCTA、CAG检查影像学特征见图1。

2.3 MSCTA与CAG诊断冠状动脉狭窄的一致性分析 MSCTA与CAG诊断不同程度冠状动脉狭窄的Kappa值分别为0.946、0.877及0.895,Kappa值均>0.75,一致性较高,见表1。



Potential mechanisms explaining why hydrolyzed casein-based diets outclass single amino acid-based diets in the prevention of autoimmune diabetes in diabetes-prone BB ratsJ.T.J.Visser 1*N.A.Bos 2L.F.Harthoorn 3F.Stellaard 4S.Beijer-Liefers 1J.Rozing 1E.A.F.van Tol 31Department of Cell Biology,Section Immunology,University of Groningen,University Medical Center Groningen,Groningen,The Netherlands 2Institute of Medical Education,University Medical Center Groningen,University of Groningen,Groningen,The Netherlands 3Mead Johnson Nutrition,Evansville,IN,USA4Department Laboratory Medicine,Laboratory of Liver,Digestive and Metabolic Diseases,University Medical Center Groningen,University of Groningen,Groningen,The Netherlands *Correspondence to:Jeroen Visser,Department of Cell Biology,Section Immunology,University of Groningen,University Medical Center Groningen,A.Deusinglaan 1,9713AV Groningen,The Netherlands.E-mail:j.t.j.visser@med.umcg.nlAbstractBackground It remains controversial whether avoidance of dietary diabetogenic triggers,such as cow ’s milk proteins,can prevent type 1diabetes in genetically susceptible individuals.Here,different extensive casein hydrolysates (HC)and single amino acid (AA)formulations were tested for their effect on mechanisms underlying autoimmune diabetes pathogenesis in diabetes-prone BioBreeding rats.Intestinal integrity,gut microbiota composition and mucosal immune reactivity were studies to assess whether these formulations have differential effects in autoimmune diabetes prevention.Methods Diabetes-prone BioBreeding rats received diets in which the protein fraction was exchanged for the different hydrolysates or AA compositions,starting from weaning until the end of the experiment (d150).Diabetes development was monitored,and faecal and ileal samples were collected.Gut microbiota composition and cytokine/tight junction mRNA expression were measured by quantitative polymerase chain reaction.Cytokine levels of ileum explant cultures were measured by ELISA,and intestinal permeability was measured in vivo by lactulose-mannitol assay.Results Both HC-diet fed groups revealed remarkable reduction of diabetes incidence with the most pronounced effect in Nutramigen W -fed animals.Interestingly,AA-fed rats only showed delayed autoimmune diabetes development.Furthermore,both HC-fed groups had improved intestinal barrier function when compared with control chow or AA-fed animals.Interestingly,higher IL-10levels were measured in ileum tissue explants from Nutramigen W -fed rats.Bene ficial gut microbiota changes (increased Lactobacilli and reduced Bacteroides spp.levels)were found associated especially with HC-diet interventions.Conclusions Casein hydrolysates were found superior to AA-mix in autoimmune diabetes prevention.This suggests the presence of speci fic peptides that bene ficially affect mechanisms that may play a critical role in autoimmune diabetes pathogenesis.Copyright ©2012John Wiley &Sons,Ltd.Keywords autoimmune diabetes;hydrolysed casein;amino acids;intestinal barrier;gut microbiota;mucosal immune systemIntroductionType 1diabetes (T1D)is an autoimmune disease leading to the destruction of the insulin producing b -cells in the islet of Langerhans.Both genetic andR ES E A R C H A RT I C L EReceived:8December 2011Revised:16March 2012Accepted:2April 2012DIABETES/METABOLISM RESEARCH AND REVIEWS Diabetes Metab Res Rev 2012;28:505–513.Published online in Wiley Online Library ()DOI:10.1002/dmrr.2311environmental factors play a causal role in the induc-tion of T1D.It seems well established–in both animal models and clinical studies–that environmental factors such as diet and intestinal microbial antigens play an important role in the onset of T1D[1–3].These diabe-togenic triggers from food sources,including cow’s milk proteins,may induce an immune cascade eventually leading to the autoimmune process typical of T1D[1–3].Two decades ago,it was hypothesized that cow’s milk protein was a potential dietary trigger of T1D[4–6], based on epidemiological data[7],as well as the higher prevalence of antibodies against bovine serum albumin and casein in sera of T1D patients[8].Hence,it has been suggested that cow’s milk protein avoidance may prevent autoimmune diabetes in the diabetes prone(DP) BioBreeding(BB)rat[9].Later epidemiological studies did seem to contradict this hypothesis where a cow’s milk protein containing diet reduced autoimmune diabetes development in the DP-BB rat[10,11].Nevertheless,it remains plausible to hypothesize that avoidance of dietary diabetogenic triggers will modulate diabetes development.Several groups,including our own,have found that casein hydrolysates reduced autoimmune diabetes development in rodent models of T1D[12–16].These observations in animal models led to the instigation of the Trial to Reduce IDDM in the Genetically at Risk[17].The preliminary results of a Trial to Reduce IDDM in the Genetically at Risk pilot study in Finland suggest that casein hydrolysates reduce autoim-mune reactivity against theß-cell in children at risk for T1D development[17].Until now,little is known about the qualitative differ-ences or mechanisms of action of the casein hydrolysates or single amino acids in the prevention of autoimmune diabetes.This is important to know,because it may not be just cow’s milk protein avoidance but also specific functional peptides in casein hydrolysates that may contribute to the prevention of autoimmune activation in the development of T1D.To study this concept,different casein hydrolysates as well as single amino acid formulations were compared with a whole protein containing lab chow for their efficacy in preventing autoimmune diabetes in the DP-BB rat.For this purpose,different mechanisms that may contribute to the development of autoimmune reactivity,that is,intestinal barrier function,gut microbiota composition and mucosal immune function were studied. MethodsAnimalsDiabetes-prone BioBreeding rats were maintained and bred at the Institutional Central Animal Facility of UMCG as previously described[18].Animal care and handling was in compliance with the principles of laboratory animal care(NIH publication no.85–23;revised1985), and the animal experiments were approved by the local UMCG Ethical Board for Animal Studies.Diets and intervention protocolDietsThe rats received the following diets:(1)A standard control diabetogenic lab chow(Rmh-B2181,AB Diets, Woerden,the Netherlands)with similar macronutrient composition as the experimental basal mix(TD08102, Harlan-Teklad,Madison WI,USA).The basal mix was supplemented with a replacement for the protein fraction by(2)Nutramigen W Hydrolysed Casein(Mead Johnson Nutrition,Zeeland,MI,USA),(3)Pancase™Hydrolysed Casein(Sensient Flavours,Strassbourg,France),and(4) amino acid(AA)mix(Mead Johnson Nutritionals, Emmersville,WI,USA).Intervention protocolThe four groups of DP-BB rats were fed ad libitum the specific diets from weaning(d21)until the end of the experiment(d150).Faecal samples were collected at 56days of age,65days of age,at diabetes onset or at the end of the experimental period.Intestinal ileal tissue samples were collected at diabetes onset or at the end of the experimental period(d150).Monitoring for diabetes onsetDiabetes-prone BioBreeding rats were monitored for the development of T1D until150days of age.Animals were weighed three times per week.In case of weight loss,blood glucose was measured in tail vein blood using blood glucose test strips(Accu Check Comfort,Roche Diagnostics,The Netherlands).When blood glucose(non-fasting)exceeded 11mmol/L on two consecutive days or once≥15mmol/L, rats were considered diabetic and sacrificed.At diabetes onset or at endpoint(if animals did not develop diabetes; 150days of age),rats were sacrificed and gut tissue and blood were collected for analysis.The development of T1D in DP-BB rats is characterized by the infiltration of lymphocytes and macrophages in the islets of Langerhans(insulitis).These infiltrating immune cells destroy the insulin producingß-cells.The degree of insulitis was rated on a scale of1–4as described previously by Visser et al.[19,20].Briefly,1,normal islet appearance and no infiltration;2,mild insulitis,where macrophages/mononuclear cells are around and not affecting more than50%of the islet;3,severe insulitis, where macrophages/mononuclear cells completely penetrate and infiltrate the islets;4,end-stage islets.Per pancreas section,an average histological insulitis score was calculated by adding up the histological insulitis score of each islet and dividing it by the total number of islets counted.On average,10–20islets were counted per animal.The result is the average score of two analysis performed independently by two persons.506J.T.J.Visser et al.Lactulose-mannitol test for measuring intestinal permeability in vivoThe lactulose-mannitol(LA/MA)test is a non-invasive technique to measure intestinal barrier function in vivo[21]. At65days of age,6–8animals per group were randomly chosen and subjected to a LA/MA test.A LA/MA test as described by Meddings et al.[21]was performed before the onset of diabetes at65days of age.Briefly,a stock solution was made containing4g mannitol and6g lactulose per100mL distilled water.Each rat was given 2mL of the probe.Rats were placed in stainless steel metabolic cages with wire bottoms to separate faeces from urine.Plastic tubes were mounted underneath a spout on the bottom of each cage to collect urine.Rats were denied access to water for 3h,at which point they were allowed free access to water for the remainder of the experiment.Urine was collected for a total of24h,at which point the rats were returned to their normal cages and monitored until150days of age for T1D development.Urine volumes were measured,and the urine composition was analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC).HPLC analysisBriefly,cellobiose was added as an internal standard,and the urine wasfiltered through a0.4-m mfilter and diluted as necessary.Samples were deionized and then injected on a Dionex MA-1ion exchange column.Sugars were eluted with NaOH at aflow rate of0.4mL/min with a concentration gradient from400to600mM.Peaks were detected using pulsed amperometric detection on a Dionex HPLC and quantified as peak areas.Calibration was performed on a daily basis with authentic standards at multiple concentrations,and the experimental standards were diluted so that the areas of all peaks fell within the calibration range.Final data were reported as a ratio of fractional excretions(lactulose-mannitol).Fractional excre-tion is defined as the fraction of the gavaged dose recovered in the urine sample.Quantitative PCRFrom the diabetic(between70and150days of age)or nondiabetic rats(150days of age)ileal tissue(Æ1cm) was obtained,frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at À80 C.RNA was isolated from seven control rats(six diabetic and one nondiabetic),11Pancase S fed rats (eight diabetic and three nondiabetic),12Nutramigen fed rats(six diabetic and six nondiabetic)and12AA-mix fed rats(11diabetic and one nondiabetic).Expression of genes encoding TJ-related proteins,IFN-g and TNF-a could be studied for all animals.Expression of IL-10could be measured for the seven control rats,seven Pancase S fed rats(five diabetic and two nondiabetic),11Nutramigen fed rats(five diabetic and six nondiabetic)and ten AA-mix fed rats(nine diabetic and one nondiabetic).Expression of TGF-ßcould be measured for the seven control rats,ten Pancase S fed rats(seven diabetic and three nondiabetic), 11Nutramigen fed rats(five diabetic and six nondiabetic) and12AA-mix fed rats(11diabetic and one nondiabetic). For RNA isolation,tissue was homogenized in1mL of TRI reagent(Sigma-Aldrich,Zwijndrecht,The Netherlands), and the RNA concentration determined using a nanodrop (ND-1000,Isogen,Maarsen,The Netherlands)at230nm. Isolated RNA of5m g was converted to cDNA using the SuperScript II Reverse Transcriptase kit(Invitrogen Life Technologies,Breda,The Netherlands).In order to measure differences in expression levels of genes encoding for TJ-related proteins(Myo9B,claudin-1,claudin-2, occludin)and cytokines(IL-10,TGF-ß,IFN-g and TNF-a), transcript levels of the subsequent genes and the reference gene hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl-transferase(HPRT) were quantified using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR)as described previously[16].Primer sequences were as follows:Myo9B forward CGCAGTCGTGTGAGCAGTGT and revers ACTCTTCCTC-CGTCCAGTGT;claudin-1forward ATTGGCATGAAGTGCAT-GAG and reverse CCACTAATGTCGCCAGA CCT;claudin-2 forward GCTCCGTGAGTATCTGCTCTG and reverse TCA-CAG TGTCTCTGGCAAGC;occludin forward CCATGTCTGT-GAGGCCTTTT and reverse AAAGAGTATGCCGGCTGAGA; HPRT forward GCGAAAGTGGAAAAGCCAAGT and reverse GCC ACATCAACAGGACTCTTGTAG;IL-10forward AGT-GAAGACCAGCAAAGGC reverse TCATTCATGGCCTTGTA-GACAC;TGF-ßforward GACCGCAACAACGCAATCTA reverse ACCAAGGTA ACGCCAGGAAT.Real-time PCR analysis was performed using iQ SYBR Green Supermix(Bio-Rad Laboratories,Veenendaal,The Netherlands)according to the manufacturer’s instructions on an iCycler iQ Real-Time PCR Detection System(Bio-rad),using the following programme:3min95 C,40 cycles of(30s95 C and30s at60 C,10s at58 C) and then80times an increase in temperature of0.5 C to create a melting curve.Results were expressed as ratio target gene:HPRT according to a mathematical method described by Pfafflet al.[22].Snap well assay for measuring IL-10 release by ileum explantsIL-10release by ileum explants was measured in vitro by snap well assay as described by Visser et al.[16].Briefly, a small sample(of a standard length of50mm)was taken from the ileum.In the time(15min)between sacrifice and mounting in the snapwells(Corning B.V., Schiphol-rijk,The Netherlands),the samples were kept in incubation medium(IM;DMEM+4.5g glucose, Gibco,Breda,The Netherlands)at4 C.The dissected ileum tissue was cleaned,cut into smaller fragments, rinsed with IM and mounted in snap well inserts,with the mucosal side facing upwards.The insert was then placed in a pre-warmed six wells plate containing2mL of IM in each well.On top of the insert450m L IM was added.After mounting,the inserts in the six wells plate were incubated for8h at37 C.After incubation,theHC-Diets Outclass AA-Diet to Prevent T1D507supernatants of the upper compartments were collected, and IL-10levels were measured by ELISA(Beckton Dickinson).Measuring bacterial DNA in rat faecal samples by qPCRBacterial DNA was isolated of seven control rats(six diabetic and one nondiabetic),12Pancase S fed rats(eight diabetic and four nondiabetic),Nutramigen fed rats(six diabetic and seven nondiabetic)and13AA-mix fed rats (11diabetic and two nondiabetic).Bacterial DNA was isolated and analysed by qPCR as described previously [23].Briefly,DNA from faecal samples was extracted using the PSP Spin Stool Kit(Invitek,Berlin,Germany)according to the manufacturer’s instructions.After isolation,the concentration of DNA was measured with the Nanodrop method as described previously[16].DNA was diluted to 10ng/m L.A qPCR with the SYBR Green detection system (Bio-Rad)was performed on the samples,using group-specific primers based on bacterial16S ribosomal DNA. To detect all bacteria,the following universal bacte-rial primer set was used:UnivF340-ACTCCTACGGGAGG-CAGCAGT and UniR514-ATTACCGCGGCTGCGGC.The bacteria representative for the Bacteroides spp.group were measured with the primers BactF285-GGTTCTGA-GAGGAAGGTCCC and UnivR338-GCTGCCTCCCGTAG-GAGT;Lactobacillus group LABF-AGCAGTAGGGAATCTTCCA and LABR-CACCGCTACACATGGAG;Eubacterium rectale/ Clostridium coccoides group(Erec)UniF338-ACTCCTACGG-GAGGCAGC and CcocR-GCTTCTTAGTCAGGTACCGT-CAT;Mouse intestinal bacteroides group UniF516-CCAG-CAGCCGCGGTAATA and MIBR-CGCATTCCGCATACTTCTC. Each primer set was evaluated against reference bacterial strains for primer efficiency and specificity.See supple-mentary table1for detailed information about primer sets (design and validation)and reference strains.Each reaction mixture was composed of12.5m L SYBR Green PCR Master Mix(Bio-rad),2m L of primer mix (10pmol/m L each),8.5m L of sterile H2O and2m L of stool DNA(10ng/m L).For the negative control,2m L of sterile H2O was added to the reaction mix.The amplification programme consisted of one cycle of95 C for3min (enzyme activation),then40cycles of95 C for10s and 58 C for30s.After the amplification programme,the programme was as follows:95 C for1min,58 C for 1min,58 C for10s,then80times an increase in temper-ature of0.5 C to create a melting curve.The qPCR was performed in triplicate,for both standards and samples. Each plate had a standard curve.Internal standard curves were constructed from serial dilutions of reference bacterial strain genomic DNA,in order to translate the qPCR values into number of bacte-ria/g faeces.Briefly,the reference strain was cultured, DNA was extracted,and the amount of DNA was measured using the Nanodrop.The calculations to obtain from the ng/m L outcome of the Nanodrop to the amount of all bacteria per ng DNA were done as follows:Escherichia coli,genome size(i.e.1bacteria)is4.7Â106bp,which is 5.07Â10À15g(1bp=650Dalton and1Dalton=1.66Â10À24g).So1ng DNA isolated from an E.coli culture repre-sents1.97Â105bacteria.The calculations to obtain from the ng/m L outcome of the Nanodrop to the amount of Bacteroides spp.per ng DNA were done as follows:Bacteroides fragilis,genome size (i.e.1bacteria)is5.2Â106bp,which is5.6Â10À15g (1bp=650Dalton and1Dalton=1.66Â10À24g).So 1ng DNA isolated from a B.fragilis culture represents 1.79Â105bacteria.The amount of bacteria per ng sample DNA is then calculated using the standard curve.This calcu-lation was also performed for the other bacteria tested using the specific genomic size of each bacterium.Because the amount of DNA isolated per gramme faeces is known,the number of bacteria per gramme faeces can be calculated. Statistical analysisStatistical analysis was done by using the software package of Graphpad Prism version4(Graphpad Software,San Diego,CA,USA).Difference in diabetes incidence between the different diets was calculated by the log rank test for Kaplan–Meier survival curves.Differences between the four treatments groups in LA/MA ratio,mRNA expression of ileal tight junction proteins and cytokines,and IL-10production in snapwell cultures was calculated by Kruskal–Wallis test followed by the Mann–Whitney U-test to identify the differ-ences between the groups.Differences in gut microbiota were analysed by paired T-test.Correlations were tested for significance using the Spearman correlation method.A p-value<0.05was considered statistically significant. ResultsDiabetes incidence and histology of pancreas tissueAll experimental diets delayed the development of autoimmune diabetes,based on clinical manifestations (e.g.weight loss,blood glucose,etc.),in the DP-BB rat as shown in Figure 1.However,only the hydrolysed casein-based diets(Pancase S and Nutramigen W)resulted in both a delay and significant reduction of diabetes devel-opment,with the Nutramigen W fed group showed the lowest incidence of diabetes at the age of150days.The development of autoimmune diabetes in the DP-BB rat is characterized by the infiltration of lymphocytes and macrophages in the islets of Langerhans(insulitis).As expected,the diabetic rats showed severe insulitis (score above3),and the nondiabetic rats show a low insulitis score(below1.5);no differences were observed between the different treatment groups(data not shown). The insulitis scores in the nondiabetic rats at150days of age are comparable with the insulitis scores of healthy diabetes resistant BB rats[19].508J.T.J.Visser et al.Intestinal barrier functionality established by LA/MA testThe effect of the different diets on the intestinal barrier function in vivo was measured by the LA/MA test.Interestingly,when performing the in vivo intestinal permeability measurement for the combined study groups,the prediabetic urinary LA/MA ratio measured at 65days of age revealed a strong negative correlation with the day of diabetes onset (Figure 2,left image).Hence,early increased intestinal permeability seems to be associated with autoimmune diabetes development later in life.As shown in Figure 2,the hydrolysed casein-based diets signi ficantly reduced the urinary LA/MA ratio re flecting improved intestinal barrier function in vivo ,whereas the AA-mix based diet had no effect on the intestinal barrier function as measured by the LA/MA test.Expression of tight junction mRNA in ileal tissueAt endpoint,as compared with the control diet group,all the experimental diets resulted in an increased ileal mRNA expression of claudin-1(Figure 3).With regard to ileal occludin mRNA expression,Kruskal –Wallis analysis of the four groups together showed no signi ficance (p =0.3).However,separate comparison between the control group and the three different treatment groups by Mann –Whitney U -test showed a difference between the Nutramigen fed group and the control group.It has to be noted that this result might be affected by the two outliers in the Nutramigen fed group.As compared with the control diet group,none of the experimental diets affected ileal Myo9B and claudin-2mRNA expression.Cytokine pro file of ileum tissueAt endpoint,Kruskal –Wallis analysis showed a trend (p ≤0.1)between dietary intervention and ileal IL-10mRNA expression and production (Figures 4and 5).After performing Mann –Whitney analysis,only the Nutramigen W based diet resulted in a signi ficant increased ileal IL-10mRNA expression as compared with the control diet (Figure 4).Furthermore,a trend (p =0.1)could be observed for increased TGF-ßmRNA expression in ileum tissue of Nutramigen W fed rats.No differences between the various treatment groups could be observed with regard to IFN-g and TNF-a mRNA expression (data not shown).In addition,IL-10protein production of ileal tissue was measured in vitro in the supernatants of snapwell cultures.Again,only DP-BB rats fed the Nutramigen W based diet have a signi ficant increased ileal IL-10protein production (Figure 5),which extended the mRNA data.Gut microbiota analysisFeeding the hydrolysed casein and AA-mix diets resulted in a decline of relative Bacteroides spp.levels in the gut microbiota of DP-BB rats,whereas in the control rats,the Bacteroides spp.levels remained stable over time (Figure 6).The Nutramigen and AA-mix fed groups showed a decline after 65days of age,whereas the Pancase S fed rats showed a decline atendpoint.Figure 1.Kaplan Meijer curve showing diabetes development in DP-BB rats fed the control diet (n =15),Pancase S based diet (n =14),a Nutramigen W based diet (n =15)and an AA-mix based diet (n =15).*,p <0.05for mean day of onset and incidence as compared with controls;#,p <0.05for mean day of onset as com-pared with controls.The experiment was ended at 150days ofageFigure 2.Correlation between urinary lactulose-mannitol (LA/MA)ratio at 65days of age and day of diabetes onset (left image)and urinary LA/MA ratio at 65days of age in DP-BB rats on the indicated diets (right image).Group sizes for (B):Controls (n =6),Pancase S (n =7),Nutramigen W (n =8)and AA-mix (n =8).In (B),the data are expressed as a scatter dot plot with the mean indicated by a horizontal line.*,p <0.05as compared with controls and AA-mix groupHC-Diets Outclass AA-Diet to Prevent T1D 509Interestingly,the control group and the AA-mix fed rats showed a decline of lactobacilli levels over time,whereas the lactobacilli levels in the Pancase S and Nutramigen levels remained stable.The AA-mix fed rats showed already,at 65days of age,very low lactobacilli levels as compared with the controls and hydrolysed casein fed rats.No differences were observed between diabetic and non-diabetic rats and with regard to total bacterial load,mouse intestinal bacteroides and Erec levels (data not shown).DiscussionThe HC-based diets revealed a reduction of autoimmune diabetes incidence in the DP-BB rats at 150days ofageFigure 3.Ileal mRNA expression at endpoint of occludin (A),Myo9b (B),claudin-1(C)and claudin-2(D)in DP-BB rats fed the indi-cated diets.Data are expressed by a scatter dot plot with the mean indicated by a horizontal line.*,p <0.05;**,p <0.01as compared with controls.Group sizes:Controls (n =7),Pancase S (n =11),Nutramigen W (n =11),and AA-mix (n =13)Figure 4.Ileal mRNA expression at endpoint of IL-10(A)and TGF-ß(B)in DP-BB rats fed the indicated diets.Data are expressed as a scatter dot plot with the mean indicated by a horizontal line.*,p <0.05as compared with controls.Group sizes:Controls (n =7),Pancase S (n =11),Nutramigen W (n =11),and AA-mix (n =13)Figure 5.IL-10production in vitro at endpoint by ileal tissue explants mounted in snapwells.Data are expressed as a scatter dot plot with the mean indicated by a horizontal line.*,p <0.01as compared with controls.Group sizes:Controls (n =4),Pancase S (n =6),Nutramigen W (n =9),and AA-mix (n =11)510J.T.J.Visser et al.with the Nutramigen W based diet having the most pronounced effect.Somewhat unexpected in this study,the AA-mix based diet,which completely avoided complete proteins,only showed a delay in the onset of autoimmune diabetes when compared with the control diet.This differential effect on autoimmune diabetes development between the HC diets and the AA-mix based diet suggests involvement of speci fic functionality of small peptides in the casein hydrolysates on mechanisms underlying autoim-mune diabetes pathogenesis in the DP-BB rat.Several observations showed that gut microbiota have a strong impact on diabetes development in animal models of T1D [24–29].Lowering intestinal bacterial load in NOD mice and DP-BB rats by antibiotics reduced and delayed autoimmune diabetes development [24,25,28,29].Gut microbiota manipulation by antibiotics combined with HC even completely prevented autoimmune diabetes in DP-BB rats [24].However,germ-free nonobese diabetic (NOD)mice and DP-BB rats show robust autoimmune diabetes development [27–29].This suggests that a certain level of exposure to gut microbes is essential for protection against T1D development.In addition,in DP-BB rats,the composi-tion of the gut microbiota determined the chance to developautoimmune diabetes [24,26].DP-BB rats with low intes-tinal levels of Bacteroides spp.did not develop autoimmune diabetes,whereas the rats with high levels of these bacteria developed autoimmune diabetes [24].Interestingly,expo-sure of DP-BB rats to Lactobacillus johnsonii N6.2delayed and prevented autoimmune diabetes development [26].In view of these results,it is reasonable to hypothesize that lactobacilli might be associated with the prevention of autoimmune diabetes and Bacteroides spp.bacteria might be associated with the induction of autoimmune diabetes.Intriguingly,recent preliminary data with a small group of four T1D patients indicate that high intestinal Bacteroides spp.levels and low intestinal lactobacilli levels might be associated with an increased chance to develop T1D [30].From the results presented here,it is reasonable to conclude that speci fically,the HC-based diets induced the development of a more bene ficial or protective gut microbiota associated with a lower chance to develop autoimmune diabetes [24,26,30]and characterized by low Bacteroides spp.and high lactobacilli levels.This change in the gut microbiota might be one of the factors responsible for the delay and/or reduction in autoimmune diabetes development in the DP-BBrat.Figure 6.Longitudinal faecal bacteria levels of the individual rats exposed to the different experimental diets.Relative levels of Bacteroides spp.(top)and lactobacilli (bottom)expressed as proportion (%)of total bacteria.Data are expressed as mean ÆSEM.56d:(56days of age),65d:(65days of age)and End:(endpoint).*,p <0.05as compared with 56days of age.Group sizes:Controls (n =7),Pancase S (n =12),Nutramigen W (n =12),and AA-mix (n =13)HC-Diets Outclass AA-Diet to Prevent T1D 511。



专业英语部分习题答案参考b--吡啶 pyridine 巴比妥酸:barbituric acid 比电导conductance不规则的:irregular 崩解剂disintegrantc--萃取 extraction 成团:agglomeration 测量仪measurement 肠液:intestinal fluidd--胆固醇cholestero 对映体:enantiomer 电极electrode 代谢:metabolismf--反相渗透reverse osmosis 分布:dispositiong--构象:conformation 固化:solidizej--甲苯 toluene 静脉注:intravenous injection 挤压:compress聚集:aggregate 胶囊capsulel--粒子:particle 立体选择性:stereoselectivity 利用率:availabilitym--灭菌产品sterile products n--粘合剂adhesivep--偏振光:polarized light 片剂tablet 配剂elixir 排泄:excretionq--起始原料starting materials(raw materials) q醛 aldehyder--溶解度:solubility 乳剂emulsion 润滑剂lubricants--释放:release 渗液solution 生物膜:biologic membrane 生物碱alkaloid, t---糖浆syrup 甜味剂sweetenerw--丸剂pill 微生物microorganism 胃液:gastric fluid 稳定态:steady-statex--旋光异构现象:optical isomerism 悬浮液suspension 香味剂flavor 稀释剂diluent形状:shape 吸收:absorption 消除:eliminationy--胰岛素 insulin 压片:tablet compressionz--中间体intermediate 重结晶 recrystallization 左旋:levorotation蒸馏distillation 组织tissuea--asymmetric carbon不对称碳 absorption吸收 action动作 adhesive粘合剂c--contamination污染 chirality:手性 compress压缩 composite合成的compressibility:可压缩性 compaction:压紧 contamination specialize特殊污染conductivity电导率 control:控制 clinical:临床的d-- design:设计 dry:干燥 delivery:传送e-- extend:延长 epoxide:环氧化物f-- formulation:制剂 fluidity:流动性 function:功能g-- geometric isomerism:几何异构h-- hormone激素 hydrolysis diastereoisomer:水解非对映异构体heterogeneous catalyst多相催化剂,i-- irrigating冲洗m-- metabolite代谢物 medication药物治疗 medicine内服药 mill:研磨measure尺寸 mix:混合 microorganisms微生物o-- ophthalmic眼药p-- polysaccharide多糖 peptide肽 plasma血浆 penicillin青霉素,precursor:前体 partition coefficient:狭义分配系数 pharmaceutical制药的 parenteral注射药物 pycogens热源 procedure:程序q-- quality性质 quantity数量s-- steroid甾类 steric effect:空间效应 stereoselectivity:立体选择性screening:过筛 sustain :维持t-- treat治疗 therapy:治疗u--uniformity目标 v--vaccine疫苗Unit1 P7Answer the following questions:How many groups can pharmaceutical agents be split into depending on their production or origin?①totally synthetic materials(synthetics)②natural products③products from partial syntheses(semi-synthetic products)(2)Can you illustrate any significant examples of pharmaceutical agents obtained by total synthesis?L-amine,chleramphomical,caffeine,Dopamine,Epinephrine,Lerodapa,peptide,hormones.Prestaglanding,P_Pouricollamine,Vincamine,(3)What is the difference between the synthetic drugs and traditional Chinese herbal medicine?synthetic drugs include the most important of synthetics and semi-sythetic products, however, natural products are frequently needed as starting materials or intermediates for important synthetic products.2、生物碱4、Introduction of Nucleic acidsNucleic acids are polyanionic molecules of high molecular weight. These polymers are composed of a sequence of subunits or nucleotides so that the whole is usually termed a polynucleotide. The nucleic acids are of two main varieties, ribonucleic (RNA) and deoxyribonucleic (DNA). DNA is found primarily in the chromatin to the cell nucleus, whereas 90% of RNA is presented in the cell cytoplasm and 10% in the nucleolus. The two classes of nucleic acids are distinguished primary on basis of the five-carbon atom sugar of pentose present. Two general kinds of bases are found in all nucleic acids. One type is a derivative of the parent compound purine. Principle examples are guanine and adenine. The second class of bases found in all nucleic acid is derived from the parent compound pyrimidine.介绍核酸核酸是超高分子量聚阴离子分子。



2019年第23卷第2期实用临床医药杂志Journal of Clinical Medicine in Practice• 95 •短篇论著结肠直肠癌与胆汁酸代谢、肠道菌群分布水平的相关性研究郅羞1’ 2 ,朱海杭 3 ,周步良2(1.扬州大学,江苏扬州,225000; 2.南京鼓楼医院集团仪征医院,江苏扬州,225000;3.江苏省苏北人民医院,江苏扬州,225000)摘要:目的探讨结肠直肠癌与胆汁酸代谢、肠道菌群分布水平的相关性。



结果与正常体检人群相比,结肠直肠癌患者总胆汁酸及次级胆汁酸表达水平显著升高(P<0.5);与癌旁组织中的粪便组织相比,癌组织处的肠道菌群微生态显著改变(P<0. 05)可能引起肠道炎症、可能促进肿瘤细胞发生的多种条件性致病菌在癌组织处的相对丰度明显上升。


关键词:总胆汁酸;次级胆汁酸;结肠直肠癌;肠道菌群;病理分型中图分类号:R735.文献标志码:A文章编号:1672-2353(2019)02-095-02 D0I:10.7619/jcmp.201902026Correlation between colorectal cancer and bileacid metabolism and intestinal flora distrilbutionG U O L e i12,Z H U H a i l i a n g3,Z H O U B u l i a n g2(1.Yangzhou University,Yangzhou,Jiangsu, 225000; 2.Yizheng Hospital of Nanjing Drum Tower HospitalGroup,Yangzhoo,Jiangsp, 225000; 3.Subei People's Hospital,Yangzhoo,Jiangsp, 225000)A B S T R A C T:O b j e c t i v e T o e x p l o r e t h e c o r r e l a t i o n b e t w e e n c o l o r e c t a l c a n c e r a n d b i l e a c i dm e t a b o l i s i m a n d i n t e s t i n a l f l o r a d i s t r i b u t i o n.M e t h o d s A t o t a l o f 80p a t i e n t s w i t h c o l o r e w e r e s e l e c t e d.T h e e x p r e s s i o n l e v e l s o f t o t a l b i l e a c i d a n d s e c o n d a r y b i l e a c i d p a t i e n t s w i t h c o l o r e c t a l c a n c e r a n d h e a l t h y p e o p l e.T h e f e c e s f r o m t h e c o r r e s p o n d i n g p a r t s o f t h e m u­c o s a o f c a n c e r t i s s u e a nd n o r m a l a d j a ce n t t i s s u e w e r e c o l l e c t e d i n o r d e r t o d e t e c to f i n t e s t i n a l f l o r a b y r e a l-t i m e f l u o r e s c e n c e q u a n t i t a t i v e P C R.R e s u l t s T h e e x p r e s s i o n l e v e l s o f t o t a lb i l e ac id a n d se c o n d a r y b i l e a c i d i n p a t i e n t s w i t h c o l o r e c t a l c a n c e r w e r e s i g n if i c a n t l y h igh e r t h a n t h o s ei n h e a l t h y p e o p l e(P <0. 05) ,a n d t h e m i c r o e c o l o g y o f i n t e s t i n a l f l o r a i n c a n c e r t i s s u e s s i g n i f i c a n t l yc h a n g ed w he n c o m p a r e d w i t h t h a t i nf e c a l t i s s u e s a d j a c e n t t o c a n c e r(P <0. 05) .T h e r e l a t i v e a b u n­d a n ce of s e v e r a l c o n d i t i o n a l p a t h og e n i c b a c t e r i a whi c h m a y c a u s e i n t e s t i n a l i n f l ac a n t i n c r e a s e o f p r o m o t i n g t u m o r g e n e s i s i n c a n c e r t i s s u e s.C o n c l u s i o n I n t h e o c c u ro p m e n t o f c o l o r e c t a l c a n c e r,a b n o r m a l e x p r e s s i o n s o f t o t a l b i l e a c i d a n d s e c o n d a r yg e s o f i n t e s t i n a l m i c r o f l o r a m a y p l a y i m p o r t a n t r o l e s.K E Y W O R D S:t o t a l b i l e a c i d;s e c o n d a r y b i l e a c i d;c o l o r e c t a l c a n c e r;i n t e s t i n a l f l o r a;p a t h o­l o g i c a l t y p i n g研究[1]显示,在结肠直肠癌的发生过程中,作用。

A quantitative analysis of measures of quality in science

A quantitative analysis of measures of quality in science

a r X i v :p h y s i c s /0701311v 1 [p h y s i c s .s o c -p h ] 27 J a n 2007A Quantitative Analysis of Measures of Quality in ScienceSune Lehmann ∗Informatics and Mathematical Modeling,Technical University of Denmark,Building 321,DK-2800Kgs.Lyngby,Denmark.Andrew D.Jackson and Benny utrupThe Niels Bohr Institute,Blegdamsvej 17,DK-2100København Ø,Denmark.(Dated:February 2,2008)Condensing the work of any academic scientist into a one-dimensional measure of scientific quality is a diffi-cult problem.Here,we employ Bayesian statistics to analyze several different measures of quality.Specifically,we determine each measure’s ability to discriminate between scientific ing scaling arguments,we demonstrate that the best of these measures require approximately 50papers to draw conclusions regarding long term scientific performance with usefully small statistical uncertainties.Further,the approach described here permits the value-free (i.e.,statistical)comparison of scientists working in distinct areas of science.PACS numbers:89.65.-s,89.75.DaI.INTRODUCTIONIt appears obvious that a fair and reliable quantification of the ‘level of excellence’of individual scientists is a near-impossible task [1,2,3,4,5].Most scientists would agree on two qualitative observations:(i)It is better to publish a large number of articles than a small number.(ii)For any given pa-per,its citation count—relative to citation habits in the field in which the paper is published—provides a measure of its qual-ity.It seems reasonable to assume that the quality of a scientist is a function of his or her full citation record 1.The question is whether this function can be determined and whether quan-titatively reliable rankings of individual scientists can be con-structed.A variety of ‘best’measures based on citation data have been proposed in the literature and adopted in practice [6,7].The specific merits claimed for these various measures rely largely on intuitive arguments and value judgments that are not amenable to quantitative investigation.(Honest people can disagree,for example,on the relative merits of publishing a single paper with 1000citations and publishing 10papers with 100citations each.)The absence of quantitative support for any given measure of quality based on citation data is of concern since such data is now routinely considered in mat-ters of appointment and promotion which affect every work-ing scientist.Citation patterns became the target of scientific scrutiny in the 1960s as large citation databases became available through the work of Eugene Garfield [8]and other pioneers in the field of bibliometrics.A surprisingly,large body of work on the statistical analysis of citation data has been performed by physicists.Relevant papers in this tradition include the pio-neering work of D.J.de Solla Price,e.g.[9],and,more re-cently,[7,10,11,12].In addition,physicists are a driving force in the emerging field of complex networks.Citation net-works represent one popular network specimen in which pa-pers correspond to nodes connected by references (out-links)2We use the Greek alphabet when binning with respect to to m and the Ro-man alphabet for binning citations.2 afixed author bin,α.Bayes’theorem allows us to invert thisprobability to yieldP(α|{n i})∼P({n i}|α)p(α),(1)where P(α|{n i})is the probability that the citation record{n i}was drawn at random from author binα.By considering theactual citation histories of authors in binβ,we can thus con-struct the probability P(α|β),that the citation record of an au-thor initially assigned to binβwas drawn on the the distribu-tion appropriate for binα.In other words,we can determinethe probability that an author assigned to binβon the basisof the tentative quality measure should actually be placed inbinα.This allows us to determine both the accuracy of theinitial author assignment its uncertainty in a purely statisticalfashion.While a good choice of measure will assign each author tothe correct bin with high probability this will not always be thecase.Consider extreme cases in where we elect to bin authorson the basis of measures unrelated to scientific quality,e.g.,by hair/eye color or alphabetically.For such measures P(i|α)and P({n i}|α)will be independent ofα,and P(α|{n i})willbecome proportional to prior distribution p(α).As a conse-quence,the proposed measure will have no predictive powerwhatsoever.It is obvious,for example,that a citation recordprovides no information of its author’s hair/eye color.Theutility of a given measure(as indicated by the statistical ac-curacy with which a value can be assigned to any given au-thor)will obviously be enhanced when the basic distributionsP(i|α)depend strongly onα.These differences can be for-malized using the standard Kullback-Leibler divergence.Aswe shall see,there are significant variations in the predictivepower of various familiar measures of quality.The organization of the paper is as follows.Section II isdevoted to a description of the data used in the analysis,Sec-tion III introduces the various measures of quality that we willconsider.In Sections IV and V,we provide a more detaileddiscussion of the Bayesian methods adopted for the analysisof these measures and a discussion of which of these measuresis best in the sense described above of providing the maximumdiscriminatory power.This will allow us in Section VI to ad-dress to the question of how many papers are required in orderto make reliable estimates of a given author’s scientific qual-ity;finally,Section A discusses the origin of asymmetries insome the measures.A discussion of the results and variousconclusions will be presented in Section VII.II.DATAThe analysis in this paper is based on data from theSPIRES3database of papers in high energy physics.Our data3FIG.2:Logarithmically binned histogram of the citations in bin6of the median measure.The△points show the citation distributionof thefirst25papers by all authors.The points marked by⋆showthe distribution of citations from thefirst50papers by authors whohave written more than50papers.Finally,the data points showthe distribution of all papers by all authors.The axes are logarithmic.histogram4.Studies performed on thefirst25,first50and all papers fora given value of m show the absence of temporal correlations.It is of interest to see this explicitly.Consider the followingexample.In Figure2,we have plotted the distribution for bin6of the median measure5.There are674authors in this bin.Two thirds of these authors have written50papers or more.Only this subset is used when calculating thefirst50papersresults.In this bin,the means for the total,first25andfirst50papers are11.3,12.8,and12.9citations per paper,respec-tively.The median of the distributions are4,6,and6.Theplot in Figure2confirms these observations.The remainingbins and the other measures yield similar results.Note that Figure2confirms the general observations on theshapes of the conditional distributions made above.Figure2also shows two distinct power-laws.Both of the power-laws inthis bin areflatter than the ones found in the total distributionand the transition point is lower than in the total distributionfrom Figure1.III.MEASURES OF SCIENTIFIC EXCELLENCEDespite differing citation habits in differentfields of sci-ence,most scientists agree that the number of citations of agiven paper is the best objective measure of the quality of thatpaper.The belief underlying the use of citations as a measureof quality is that the number of citations to a paper provides6We realize that there are a number of problems related to the use of cita-tions as a proxy for quality.Papers may be cited or not for reasons otherthan their high quality.Geo-and/or socio-political circumstances can keepworks of high quality out of the mainstream.Credit for an important ideacan be attributed incorrectly.Papers can be cited for historical rather thanscientific reasons.Indeed,the very question of whether authors actuallyread the papers they cite is not a simple one[18].Nevertheless,we assumethat correct citation usage dominates the statistics.7Diverging higher moments of power-law distributions are discussed in theliterature.E.g.[19].4 1000citations is of greater value to science than the author of10papers with100citations each(even though the latter is farless probable than the former).In this sense,the maximallycited paper might provide better discrimination between au-thors of‘high’and‘highest’quality,and this measure meritsconsideration.Another simple and widely used measure of scientific ex-cellence is the average number of papers published by an au-thor per year.This would be a good measure if all paperswere cited equally.As we have just indicated,scientific pa-pers are emphatically not cited equally,and few scientists holdthe view that all published papers are created equal in qualityand importance.Indeed,roughly50%of all papers in SPIRESare cited≤2times(including self-citation).This fact alone issufficient to invalidate publication rate as a measure of sci-entific excellence.If all papers were of equal merit,citationanalysis would provide a measure of industry rather than oneof intrinsic quality.In an attempt order to remedy this problem,Thomson Sci-entific(ISI)introduced the Impact Factor8which is designedto be a“measure of the frequency with which the‘averagearticle’in a journal has been cited in a particular year or pe-riod”9.The Impact Factor can be used to weight individualpapers.Unfortunately,citations to articles ina given journalalso obey power-law distributions[12].This has two conse-quences.First,the determination of the Impact Factor is sub-ject to the largefluctuations which are characteristic of power-law distributions.Second,the tail of power-law distributions displaces the mean citation to higher values of k so that the majority of papers have citation counts that are much smaller than the mean.This fact is for example expressed in the large difference between mean and median citations per paper.For the total SPIRES data base,the median is2citations per pa-per;the mean is approximately15.Indeed,only22%of the papers in SPIRES have a number of citations in excess of the mean,cf.[11].Thus,the dominant role played by a relatively small number of highly cited papers in determining the Impact Factor implies that it is subject to relatively largefluctuations and that it tends overestimate the level of scientific excellence of high impact journals.This fact was directly verified by Seglen[20],who showed explicitly that the citation rate for individual papers is uncorrelated to the impact factor of the journal in which it was published.An alternate way to measure excellence is to categorize each author by the median number of citations of his papers, k1/2.Clearly,the median is far less sensitive to statisticalfluc-tuations since all papers play an equal role in determining its value.To demonstrate the robustness of the median,it is use-ful to note that the median of N=2N+1random draws on any normalized probability distribution,q(x),is normally dis-tributed in the limit N→∞.To this end we define the integral1!N!N!q(x)Q(x)N[1−Q(x)]N.(3)For large N,the maximum of P x1/2(x)occurs at x=x1/2where Q(x1/2)=1/2.Expanding P x1/2(x)about its maximum value, we see thatP x1/2(x)=12πσ2exp[−(x−x1/2)24q(x1/2)2N.(4)A similar argument applies for every percentile.The statis-tical stability of percentiles suggests that they are well-suited for dealing with the power laws which characterize citation distributions.Recently,Hirsch[7]proposed a different measure,h,in-tended to quantify scientific excellence.Hirsch’s definition is as follows:“A scientist has index h if h of his/her N p papers have at least h citations each,and the other(N p−h)papers have fewer than h citations each”[7].Unlike the mean and the median,which are intensive measures largely constant in time, h is an extensive measure which grows throughout a scientific career.Hirsch assumes that h grows approximately linearly with an author’s professional age,defined as the time between the publication dates of thefirst and last paper.Unfortunately, this does not lead to an intensive measure.Consider,for exam-ple,the case of authors with large time gaps between publica-tions,or the case of authors whose citation data are recorded in disjoint databases.A properly intensive measure can be obtained by dividing an author’s h-index by the number of his/her total publications.We will consider both approaches below.The h-index represents an attempt to strike a balance be-tween productivity and quality and to escape the tyranny of power law distributions which place strong weight on a rel-atively small number of highly cited papers.The problem is that Hirsch assumes an equality between incommensurable quantities.An author’s papers are listed in order of decreasing citations with paper i having C(i)citations.Hirsch’s measure is determined by the equality,h=C(h),which posits an equal-ity between two quantities with no evident logical connection. While it might be reasonable to assume that hγ∼C(h),there is no reason to assume thatγand the constant of proportionality are both1.We will also include one intentionally nonsensical choice in the following analysis of the various proposed measures of author quality.Specifically,we will consider what happens when authors are binned alphabetically.In the absence of his-torical information,it is clear that an author’s citation recordshould provide us with no information regarding the author’s name.Binning authors in alphabetic order should thus fail any statistical test of utility and will provide a useful calibration of the methods adopted.The measures of quality described in this section are the ones we will consider in the remainder of this paper.IV.A BAYESIAN ANALYSIS OF CITATION DATA The rationale behind all citation analyses lies in the fact that citation data is strongly correlated such that a‘good’scientist has a far higher probability of writing a good(i.e., highly cited)paper than a‘poor’scientist.Such correlations are clearly present in SPIRES[11,21].We thus categorize each author by some tentative quality index based on their to-tal citation record.Once assigned,we can empirically con-struct the prior distribution,p(α),that an author is in author binαand the probability P(N|α)that an author in binαhas a total of N publications.We also construct the conditional probability P(i|α)that a paper written by an author in binαwill lie in citation bin i.As we have seen earlier,studies per-formed on thefirst25,first50and all papers of authors in a given bin reveal no signs of additional temporal correlations in the lifetime citation distributions of individual authors.In performing this construction,we have elected to bin authors in deciles.We bin papers into L bins according to the number of citations.The binning of papers is approximately logarithmic (see Appendix A).We have confirmed that the results stated below are largely independent of the bin-sizes chosen. We now wish to calculate the probability,P({n i}|α),that an author in binαwill have the full(binned)citation record {n i}.In order to perform this calculation,we assume that the various counts n i are obtained from N independent random draws on the appropriate distribution,P(i|α).Thus,P(i|α)n iP({n i}|α)=P(N|α)N!L∏i=1P({n i})p(α)P(N|α)∏j P(j|α)n j=ΑP Α AΑP Α AΑP Α AΑP Α A (e)Max(f)Mean(g)Median(h)65th percentileΑPΑPΑPΑP FIG.3:A single author example.We analyze the citation record of author A with respect to the eight different measures defined in the text.Author A has written a total of 88papers.The mean of this citation record is 26citations per paper,the median is 13citations,the h -index is 29,the maximally cited paper has 187citations,and papers have been published at the average rate of 2.5papers per year.The various panels show the probability that author A belongs to each of the ten deciles given on the corresponding measure;the vertical arrow displays the initial assignment.Panel (a)displays P (first initial |A )(b)shows P (papers per year |A ),(c)shows P (h /T |A ),(d)shows P (h /N |A ),panel (e)shows P (k max |A ),panel (f)displays P ( k |A ),(g)shows P (k 1/2|A ),and finally (h)shows P (k .65|A ).abilities that an author initially assigned to bin αbelongs in decile bin β.This probability is proportional to the area of the corresponding squares.Obviously,a perfect measure would place all of the weight in the diagonal entries of these plots.Weights should be centered about the diagonal for an accurate identification of author quality and the certainty of this iden-tification grows as weight accumulates in the diagonal boxes.Note that anassignment ofa decile based on Eq.(6)is likely to be more reliable than the value of the initial assignment since the former is based on all information contained in the citation record.Figure 4emphasizes that ‘first initial’and ‘publications per year’are not reliable measures.The h -index normalized by professional age performs poorly;when normalized by num-ber of papers,the trend towards the diagonal is enhanced.We note the appearance of vertical bars in each figure in the top row.This feature is explained in Appendix A.All four mea-sures in the bottom row perform fairly well.The initial as-signment of the k max measure always underestimates an au-thor’s correct bin.This is not an accident and merits comment.Specifically,if an author has produced a single paper with ci-tations in excess of the values contained in bin α,the prob-ability that he will lie in this bin,as calculated with Eq.(6),is strictly 0.Non-zero probabilities can be obtained only for bins including maximum citations greater than or equal to the maximum value already obtained by this author.(The fact that the probabilities for these bins shown in Fig.4are not strictly 0is a consequence of the use of finite bin sizes.)Thus,binning authors on the basis of their maximally cited paper necessarily underestimates their quality.The mean,median and 65th per-centile appear to be the most balanced measures with roughly equal predictive value.It is clear from Eq.(6)that the ability of a given measure to discriminate is greatest when the differences between the con-ditional probability distributions,P (i |α),for different author bins are largest.These differences can quantified by measur-ing the ‘distance’between two such conditional distributions with the aid of the Kullback-Leibler (KL)divergence (also know as the relative entropy).The KL divergence between two discrete probability distributions,p and p ′is defined 10asKL [p ,p ′]=∑ip i lnp i10The non-standard choice of the natural logarithm rather than the logarithm base two in the definition of the KL divergence,will be justified below.11Figure 5gives a misleading picture of the k max measure,since the KL di-vergences KL [P (i |α+1),P (i |α)]are infinite as discussed above.123456789ΑΒ123456789ΑΒ123456789ΑΒ123456789ΑΒ(e)Max (f)Mean (g)Median(h)65thpercentile12345678910123456789ΑΒ12345678910123456789ΑΒ12345678910123456789ΑΒ12345678910123456789ΑΒFIG.4:Eight different measures.Each horizontal row shows the average probabilities (proportional to the areas of the squares)that authors initially assigned to decile bin αare predicted to belong in bin β.Panels as in Fig. Kullback-Leibler divergences KL [P (i |α),P (i |α+1)].Results are shown for the following distributions:h -index normal-ized by number of publications,maximum number of citations,mean,median,and 65th percentile.dramatically smaller than the other measures shown except for the extreme deciles.The reduced ability of all measures to discriminate in the middle deciles is immediately apparent from Fig.5.This is a direct consequence any percentile binning given that the dis-tribution of author quality has a maximum at some non-zero value,the bin size of a percentile distribution near the maxi-mum will necessarily be small.The accuracy with which au-thors can be assigned to a given bin in the region around the maximum is reduced since one is attempting to distinguishln P(β|{n i}) N9limit the utility of such analyses in the academic appointment process.This raises the question of whether there are more ef-ficient measures of an author’s full citation record than those considered here.Our object has been tofind that measure which is best able to assign the most similar authors together. Straightforward iterative schemes can be constructed to this end and are found to converge rapidly(i.e.,exponentially) to an optimal binning of authors.(The result is optimal in the sense that it maximizes the sum of the KL divergences, KL[P(•|α),P(•|β)],over allαandβ.)The results are only marginally better than those obtained here with the mean,me-dian or65th percentile measures.Finally,it is also important to recognize that it takes time for a paper to accumulate its full complement of citations.While their are indications that an author’s early and late publications are drawn(at random)on the same conditional distribution [11],many highly cited papers accumulate citations at a con-stant rate for many years after their publication.This effect, which has not been addressed in the present analysis,repre-sents a serious limitation on the value of citation analyses for younger authors.The presence of this effect also poses the ad-ditional question of whether there are other kinds of statistical publication data that can deal with this problem.Co-author linkages may provide a powerful supplement or alternative to citation data.(Preliminary studies of the probability that au-thors in binsαandβwill co-author a publication reveal a striking concentration along the diagonalα=β.)Since each paper is created with its full set of co-authors,such informa-tion could be useful in evaluating younger authors.This work will be reported elsewhere.APPENDIX A:VERTICAL STRIPESThe most striking feature of the calculated P(β|α)shown in Fig.4is presence of vertical‘stripes’.These stripes are most pronounced for the poorest measures and disappear as the re-liability of the measure improves.Here,we offer a schematic but qualitatively reliable explanation of this phenomenon.To this end,imagine that each author’s citation record is actually drawn at random on the true distributions Q(i|A).For sim-plicity,assume that every author has precisely N publications, that each author in true class A has the same distribution of citations with n A i=NQ(i|A),and that there are equal num-bers of authors in each true author class.These authors are then distributed into author bins,α,according to some cho-sen quality measure.The methods of Sections IV and V can then be used to determine P(i|α),P({n(A)i}|β),P(β|{n(A)i}) and P(β|α).Given the form of the n(A)i and assuming that N is large,wefind thatP(β|{n(A)i})≈exp(−N KL[Q(•|A),P(•|β)])(A1) and˜P(β|α)∼∑AP(A|α)exp(−N KL[Q(•|A),P(•|β)]),(A2)where P(A|α)is the probability that the citation record of an author assigned to classαwas actually drawn on Q(i|A).The(a)Papers/year˜P(α′′12345678910123456789ΑΒ12345678910123456789ΑΒFIG.8:A comparison of the approximate˜P(β|α)from Eq.(A2)and the exact P(β|α)for the papers published per year measure.results of this approximate evaluation are shown in Fig.8and compared with the exact values of P(β|α)for the papers per year measure.The approximations do not affect the qualita-tive features of interest.We now assume that the measure defining the author bins,α,provides a poor approximation to the true bins,A.In this case,authors will be roughly uniformly distributed,and the factor P(A|α)appearing in Eq.(A2)will not show large vari-ations.Significant structure will arise from the exponential terms,where the presence of the factor N(assumed to be large),will amplify the differences in the KL divergences.The KL divergence will have a minimum value for some value of A=A0(β),and this single term will dominate the sum.Thus,˜P(β|α)reduces to˜P(β|α)∼P(A0|α)exp(−N KL[Q(•|A0),P(•|β)]).(A3) The vertical stripes prominent in Figs.4(a)and(b)emerge as a consequence of the dominantβ-dependent exponential fac-tor.The present arguments also apply to the worst possible measure,i.e.,a completely random assignment of authors to the binsα.In the limit of a large number of authors,N aut, all P(i|β)will be equal except for statisticalfluctuations.The resulting KL divergences will respond linearly to thesefluc-tuations.12Thesefluctuations will be amplified as before pro-vided only that N aut grows less rapidly than N2.The argument here does not apply to good measures where there is signif-icant structure in the term P(A|α).(For a perfect measure, P(A|α)=δAα.)In the case of good measures,the expected dominance of diagonal terms(seen in the lower row of Fig.4) remains unchallenged.APPENDIX B:EXPLICIT DISTRIBUTIONSFor convenience we present all data to determine the prob-abilities P(α|{n i})for authors who publish in the theory sub-section of SPIRES.Data is presented only for case of the mean10P(i|α)Bin number Total paper rangek=1m=1k=2m=22<k≤4m=34<k≤8m=48<k≤16m=516<k≤32m=632<k≤64m=764<k≤128m=8128<k≤256m=9i=10512<k≤k maxTABLE I:The binning of citations and total number of papers.Thefirst and second column show the bin number and bin ranges for thecitation bins used to determine the conditional citation probabilitiesP(i|α)for eachα,shown in Table III.The third and fourth columndisplay the bin number and total number of paper ranges used in thecreation of the conditional probabilities P(m|α)for eachα,displayedin Table IV.α#authors¯n(α)0–1.690.11.69––4.880.14.88–6.940.16.94–9.400.19.40–12.560.112.56–16.630.116.63––33.990.133.99–285.880.111α=10.4330.1880.1810.1220.0550.0160.0040.0000.0000.0000.000α=30.2630.1430.1780.1840.1400.0670.0190.0050.0010.0000.000α=50.1770.1130.1500.1810.1730.1260.0580.0170.0040.0010.000α=70.1180.0800.1210.1550.1820.1690.1100.0480.0120.0030.000α=90.0680.0450.0710.1070.1450.1710.1660.1210.0670.0270.012TABLE III:The distributions P(i|α).This table displays the conditional probabilities that an author writes a paper in paper-bin i given that his author-bin isα.α=10.0580.0490.1030.1870.2360.2170.1220.0250.003α=30.0430.0490.0950.1410.1980.2470.1620.0610.004α=50.0310.0390.0680.1260.1620.2450.2150.0990.015α=70.0280.0240.0490.0960.1780.2430.2480.1010.033α=90.0270.0280.0430.0770.1310.2120.1990.2230.061TABLE IV:The conditional probabilities P(m|α).This table contains the conditional probabilities that an author has a total number of publications in publication-bin m given that his author-bin isα.networks.Reviews of modern physics,74:47,2002.[15]S.N.Dorogovtsev and J.F.F.Mendes.Evolution of networks.Advances in Physics,51:1079,2002.[16]M.E.J.Newman.The structure and function of complex net-works.SIAM Review,45:167,2003.[17]S.Lehmann.Spires on the building of science.Master’s the-sis,The Niels Bohr Institute,2003.May be downloaded from www.imm.dtu.dk/∼slj/.[18]M.V.Simkin and V.P.Roychowdhury.Read before you cite!Complex Systems,14:269,2003.[19]M.E.J.Newman.Power laws,pareto distributions and zipf’slaw.Contemporary Physics,46:323,2005.[20]P.O.Seglen.Casual relationship between article citedness andjournal impact.Journal of the American Society for Information Science,45:1,1994.[21]S.Lehmann,A.D.Jackson,and utrup.Life,death,andpreferential attachment.Europhysics Letters,69:298,2005. 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定量分析的英文名词解释Quantitative Analysis: An English Term ExplanationIntroductionThe field of quantitative analysis is a methodical approach that involves the examination and interpretation of data using mathematical and statistical techniques. It plays a crucial role in various disciplines, including finance, economics, business management, and scientific research. This article aims to provide a comprehensive explanation of the English term "quantitative analysis" by exploring its definitions, applications, and key components.Defining Quantitative AnalysisQuantitative analysis refers to the systematic process of analyzing numerical data to uncover patterns, relationships, and trends. Unlike qualitative analysis, which focuses on subjective observations and interpretations, quantitative analysis utilizes objective measurements and mathematical calculations to derive meaningful insights. By quantifying data through statistical models and mathematical formulas, this analytical approach enables researchers and decision-makers to make informed judgments based on empirical evidence.Applications of Quantitative Analysis1. Financial Analysis:Quantitative analysis plays a vital role in the field of finance. Analysts utilize various quantitative techniques to assess investments, evaluate risk, and make strategic decisions. For instance, by using financial ratios and mathematical models, analysts can analyze the performance and stability of companies, determine the fair value of stocks, and predict future market trends.2. Economics:Economists heavily rely on quantitative analysis to study economic phenomena and formulate economic policies. By analyzing economic indicators such as GDP, inflation rates, and unemployment rates, economists can assess the health of economies, predict future trends, and propose effective strategies for economic growth.3. Market Research:Quantitative analysis is widely used in market research to gather and interpret consumer data. Surveys and questionnaires are designed to collect quantitative data, which is then analyzed to understand consumer preferences, behavior patterns, and market trends. Statistical techniques, such as regression analysis and hypothesis testing, enable researchers to identify correlations, test hypotheses, and make predictions.Components of Quantitative Analysis1. Data Collection:The first step in quantitative analysis involves collecting relevant data. This can be done through various methods, such as surveys, experiments, or secondary data sources. It is crucial to ensure the accuracy, reliability, and representativeness of the data collected, as the quality of the analysis heavily relies on the quality of the data.2. Data Analysis:Once the data is collected, it is processed and analyzed using statistical techniques and mathematical models. Descriptive statistics, such as mean, median, and standard deviation, provide insights into the central tendencies and variability of the data. Inferential statistics allow researchers to draw conclusions and make predictions based on a sample of data.3. Data Interpretation:The final step of quantitative analysis involves interpreting the results. This requires critically evaluating the findings, identifying patterns or relationships, and drawing meaningful conclusions. Proper interpretation of quantitative analysis is essential to ensure that the insights gained from the data are relevant, valid, and actionable.ConclusionQuantitative analysis is a valuable tool used across various disciplines to analyze numerical data and derive meaningful insights. Its applications extend to finance, economics, market research, and beyond. By utilizing mathematical and statistical techniques, researchers and decision-makers can make informed judgments based on empirical evidence. Understanding the components and applications of quantitative analysis is essential for those who seek to effectively analyze and interpret numerical data.。



生物多样性 2004,12(1):99-107 Biodiversity Science神农架南坡植物群落多样性的海拔梯度格局沈泽昊 胡会峰 周 宇 方精云(北京大学环境学院生态学系,北京大学生态学研究与教育中心,北京大学地表过程分析与模拟教育部重点实验室, 北京 100871)摘要:神农架南坡在我国植被区划中具有十分重要的意义。










关键词:神农架,垂直,植被带谱,多样性,区系成分,生活型中图分类号:Q948 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-0094(2004)01-0099-09Altitudinal patterns of plant species diversity on the southern slope of Mt.Shennongjia,Hu bei,ChinaSHEN Ze-Hao,H U Hui-Feng,ZHOU Yu,FANG Jing-YunDepartment of Ecology,College of Environmental Sciences,Center for Ecological Research&Edu-cation,and Key Laboratory for Earth Surfac e Proc esses of the Ministry of Education,Peking U ni-versity,Beijing100871A bstract:The southern slope of Mt.Shennongjia has long be en viewed as an important boundary for China'svegetation r egional division.In order to explore the altitudinal patterns of plant species diversity in this area,wesampled50plots along an altitudinal gradient on the southern slope.Spec ies ric hness,intensity of flora differentia-tion,floristic composition and life forms wer e analyzed.Quantitative classific ation and DCA ordination were alsoapplied to the sample plots.Major results wer e:(1)the vertical vegetation spectrum was evergr een broad-lea veeforest(below900-1000m a.s.l.),mixed dec iduous and evergreen broad-lea ved forest(1000-1700m),decid-uous forest(1600-2100m),mixed c oniferous and deciduous forest(2000-2400m),and subalpine coniferousforest(above2300m a.s.l.).(2)Evergr een and deciduous broad-leaved tr ee species were almost equivalent inquantity and importanc e values in the basal vegetation zone.(3)The altitudinal pattern of plant spec ies diversityshowed a unimodal pattern,peaking at1400-1500m a.s.l.Mixed forest types have relatively higherαdiversityand more intensive flora differentiation than the other types.(4)T emperate plants dominated the flora.With anincrease of elevation,the number of c osmopolitan genera increased,while subtropical types and East Asian typesdecreased.Chinese endemic genera wer e limited to the area below2000m a.s.l.(5)Species richness of pterido-phytes decr eased with increasing elevation,while that of woody plants peaked in mixed evergreen and deciduousforest.Species richness of herbaceous did not correlate with elevation.Key words:altitudinal vegetation spectrum,diversity,Mt.Shennongjia,pattern,floristic components,life form基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展规划和国家自然科学基金项目资助收稿日期:2003-06-12;接受日期:2003-09-10作者简介:沈泽昊,男,1968年出生,博士,副教授,研究方向为植被生态学和景观生态学。






具体的研究结果如下:1. 组织学评估养殖青鱼的健康状况养殖状态下,鱼类的健康状态已经成为人们日益关注的问题。





青鱼的Fulton状态指数(Fulton’s Conditional factor,CF)介于1.45~2.94之间,均值为1.52;肝体指数(Hepatic somatic index,HSI)介于0.29~0.93之间,均值为0.58,表明被检测的青鱼状态良好。


同时,其消化酶和抗氧化能力在青鱼的前肠和后肠中也存在显著的差异,前肠淀粉酶、脂肪酶和胰蛋白酶的活性显著高于后肠(P < 0.05),与消化酶活性的分布不同,后肠中超氧化物歧化酶(Superoxide dismutase,SOD )、谷胱甘肽还原酶(Glutathione reductase,GR)、过氧化氢酶(Catalase,CAT))活性和总抗氧化能力(Total antioxidant capacity,T-AOC)含量显著高于前肠(P < 0.05)。


泌,减少了细菌移位而明显减轻黏膜炎的病理损伤。 3、预防性应用益生菌,能够缩短黏膜炎病程,减少死亡率,为临床应用微
The Protective Effect of Probiotics on Methotrexate..induced Intestinal Mucositis
B组于dO腹腔注射MrxlIIll,并于前2天(d.2)开始喂食生理盐水2ml, 一天两次,直至处死。
C组于dO腹腔注射M3"Xlml,并于前2天(d-2)开始经口喂食金双歧一 粒,(每粒加入生理盐水中制成2aft混悬液,内含长双歧杆菌活菌≥0.5xlO 7CFU, 保加利亚乳杆菌和嗜热链球活菌≥O.5×106CFU),一天两次,直至处死。
益生菌系一种对人体有益的细菌,主要包括乳杆菌类、双歧杆菌类和革兰氏 阳性球菌三大类。作为人体肠道微生态的重要组成部分,参与了宿主的消化、营 养、代谢及吸收,并广泛应用于治疗各种消化系统疾病,如新生儿肺炎继发的腹 泻、新生儿黄疸、肠易激综合征等。目前研究发现,益生菌能够通过免疫排斥、 免疫调节加强胃肠道防御功能,发挥抗炎症的作用。国内外学者研究发现,小鼠
component of extramedullary prevention and systemic chemotherapy.
MTX is all anti·metabolite that attacks the cell in its S phase and disrupts DNA
leukemia synthesis.It not only inhibits the
4.肠系膜淋巴结细菌培养:无菌条件下摘除肠系膜淋巴结数个称重,将其 研磨后取100 u l研磨液于血培养皿中培养24h,对培养皿中的细菌进行菌落计数。




资料与方法回顾性分析天津医科大学肿瘤医院2019年10月—2021年12月经手术病理证实的134例胃腺癌患者的临床资料及光谱CT图像,测量病灶动脉期(AP)、静脉期(PP)40 keV低能级CT值、碘浓度、标准化碘浓度(nIC)及有效原子序数,比较不同分化程度及Lauren分型间各光谱参数的差异,将有统计学意义的指标绘制受试者工作特征曲线评价诊断效能并确定最佳阈值,再行二元Logistic回归分析得到诊断低分化胃癌和Lauren分型弥漫型胃癌的独立预测因子。

结果AP及PP低分化胃癌各光谱参数均显著高于中高分化组(P<0.001),其中nICPP鉴别低分化胃癌诊断价值最高,曲线下面积为0.786,诊断阈值为0.52,敏感度为62.5%,特异性度80.4%,nICPP为诊断低分化胃癌的独立预测因子(OR=0.005,95% CI 0.000~0.469,P=0.022)。

AP、PP弥漫型胃癌各光谱参数均高于混合型及肠型胃癌,PP各光谱参数差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),其中nICPP鉴别弥漫型胃癌诊断价值最高,曲线下面积为0.704,诊断阈值为0.55,敏感度为69.8%,特异度为71.4%,nICPP为诊断弥漫型胃癌的独立预测因子(OR=0.041,95% CI 0.002~0.903,P=0.043)。



黑眉锦蛇肠道菌群结构分析时云朵;孙豪【摘要】采用PCR-DGGE和Q-PCR技术,分析黑眉锦蛇空肠、回肠和直肠中菌群的结构.结果显示:黑眉锦蛇空肠、回肠和直肠中菌群的多样性指数分别为2.84、3.14、2.69,均匀度分别为0.78、0.86、0.74,丰富度分别为17.20、23.40、14.80,且各肠段中均以厚壁菌门细菌和拟杆菌门细菌居多,总菌和厚壁菌门细菌、拟杆菌门细菌的丰度分别达108.07、106.82和106.30 CFU/g以上,梭菌属细菌、乳酸菌属细菌和Akkermansia细菌的丰度均达105.05 CFU/g以上,且其丰度均随肠道沿头部向尾部的方向呈先增加后降低的趋势,直肠中的丰度低于空肠中的;肠球菌属细菌和肠杆菌科细菌的丰度均在106.11 CFU/g以上,其在直肠中的丰度高于空肠中的.结果表明:黑眉锦蛇肠道中拟杆菌门细菌和厚壁菌门细菌为优势菌群;菌群的丰度随肠道沿头部向尾部的方向呈先增加后降低的趋势;益生菌在直肠中的丰度低于在空肠中的,有害菌在直肠中的丰度高于在空肠中的.%The study was aimed to analyze the intestinal microflora of Elaphe taeniura by using the polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) and fluorescent quantitative-polymerase chain reaction (Q-PCR) techniques. The results shown that diversity index of bacteria in jejunum, ileum and rectum ofE. taeniura were 2.84, 3.14, and 2.69, respectively; and evenness was 0.78, 0.86, and 0.74; richness was 17.20, 23.40, and 14.80, respectively. Sequence analysis results revealed that the microfloras were mostly Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes. Q-PCR results showed that the abundance of total bacteria, firmicutes and bacteroidetes were more than 108.07, 106.82and 106.30 CFU/g respectively; the abundance ofClostridium,Lactobacillus and Akkermansia all reached to 105.05 CFU/g, and they had the trend of increase at first and decrease later, and the abundance of rectum was lower than that of jejunum; the abundances of Enterococcus and Entero bacteriaceae were more than 106.11 CFU/g, the abundance of rectum was higher than that of jejunum. The results suggested that the dominant intestinal flora in E. taeniura were Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes; and their abundance both increased at first and then decreased wherever in jejunum, ileum and rectum; the abundance of probiotics in rectum were lower than in jejunum; while, harmful bacteria in rectum were higher than that in jejunum.【期刊名称】《湖南农业大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2017(043)003【总页数】6页(P292-297)【关键词】黑眉锦蛇;肠道菌群;微生态;益生菌【作者】时云朵;孙豪【作者单位】四川省水产学校,四川成都 611730;雅安市农业局畜牧发展中心,四川雅安 625000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】Q959.6+2黑眉锦蛇(Elaphe taeniura)是一种大型无毒蛇,性情温顺,常被当作另类宠物饲养[1],其肉味鲜美,有较高的营养和保健价值,肉、胆、蜕均可作为优良的天然药材,皮是制作工艺品的上乘材料。



㊃专题㊃基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目p42.3基因在从胃炎到胃癌发展过程中的作用及其机制初探(81302084)通信作者:崔云,E m a i l :c u i yu n 20042004@126.c o m 慢性胃炎的病理诊断崔 云,陆诗媛,陈萦晅,陈晓宇,房静远(上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院消化内科,上海市消化疾病研究所,上海200001) 摘 要:慢性胃炎的病理诊断参照了新悉尼系统的直观模拟评分法和中国慢性胃炎共识意见(2017,上海),包括对慢性胃炎的炎症㊁活动性㊁萎缩㊁肠化和幽门螺杆菌进行半定量评价,并给予总结性分类㊂虽然幽门螺杆菌感染是最常见的原因,但是也不能忽视其他类型的慢性胃炎㊂病理评估时应尽可能提供病因学依据和线索㊂慢性胃炎的两个风险评估系统可操作的与肾癌风险联系的肾炎评估(O L G A )和可操作的与肾癌风险联系的肠化生评估(O L G I M )可以有效对胃癌的发生风险进行分层,建议纳入病理评估㊂完善的慢性胃炎病理诊断系统不仅可以指导临床治疗,也有利于慢性胃炎患者的管理㊁随访策略的制定以及早癌的筛查㊂关键词:胃炎,萎缩性;病理学,临床;螺杆菌,幽门;诊断中图分类号:R 573.2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1004-583X (2019)05-0399-04d o i :10.3969/j.i s s n .1004-583X.2019.05.003P a t h o l o g i c d i a gn o s i s o f c h r o n i c g a s t r i t i s C u iY u n ,L uS h i y u a n ,C h e nY i n g x u a n ,C h e nX i a o y u ,F a n g J i n g yu a n D e p a r t m e n t o f G a s t r o e n t e r o l o g y ,R e n j iH o s p i t a l ,S h a n g h a i J i a oT o n g U n i v e r s i t y S c h o o l o fM e d i c i n e ,S h a n g h a i I n s t i t u t e o f D i g e s t i v eD i s e a s e ,S h a n gh a i 200001,C h i n a C o r r e s p o n d i n g a u t h o r :C u iY u n ,E m a i l :c u i yu n 20042004@126.c o m A B S T R A C T :T h e p a t h o l o g i cd i a g n o s i so fc h r o n i c g a s t r i t i sr e f e r r e dt ot h eu p d a t e dS y d n e y s ys t e m a n d C h i n e s e c o n s e n s u so nc h r o n i c g a s t r i t i s (2017,S h a n g h a i )w h i c hi n c l u d e dt h es e m i qu a n t i t a t i v ee v a l u a t i o no fi n f l a mm a t i o n ,a c t i v i t y ,a t r o p h y ,i n t e s t i n a lm e t a p l a s i a ,H .p y l o r i i n f e c t i o na n d g a v et h er e l a t e dc l a s s i f i c a t i o n .A l t h o u g h H .p y l o r i i n f e c t i o n i st h e m o s tc o mm o nc a u s e ,o t h e rt y p e so fc h r o n i c g a s t r i t i ss h o u l d n o tb ei g n o r e d .F u r t h e r m o r e ,t h e p a t h o l o g i c a s s e s s m e n t s h o u l d t r y t o p r o v i d e e v i d e n c e s o r c l u e s p o i n t i n g t o t h e e t i o l o g y.O L G Aa n dO L G I M w e r e t w o e f f e c t i v e s y s t e m s t o e v a l u a t e t h e r i s k t o g a s t r i c c a n c e r t h a tw e r e r e c o mm e n d e da s a p a r t i n t h e p a t h o l o gi c a s s e s s m e n t .C o m p l e t e p a t h o l o g i c d i a g n o s i s s y s t e mc o u l dn o t o n l y g u i d e t h e c l i n i c a l t r e a t m e n t ,b u t a l s o f a c i l i t a t e t h em a n a ge m e n t of t h e c h r o n i cg a s t r i t i s p a t i e n t s ,d e v e l o p m e n t o f th e f o l l o w -u p s t r a t e g y a n de a r l yg a s t ri c c a n c e r s c r e e n i n g .K E Y W O R D S :g a s t r i t i s a t r o p h i c ;p a t h o l o g y ,c l i n i c a l ;H e l i c o b a c t e r p y l o r i ;d i a gn o s is 崔云,博士,上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院消化科㊂主要从事消化道肿瘤和非肿瘤性疾病的基础和临床研究㊂美国哈佛大学医学院附属波士顿健康系统V A 医院,访问学者㊂主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项㊂第一作者发表S C I 论文2篇,共同第一作者1篇㊂ 中国慢性胃炎共识意见(2017,上海),以下简称共识意见,对慢性胃炎的病理诊断标准进行了较为详尽的说明[1-2]㊂但在实际工作中,遇到的情况可能更为复杂㊂本文将对慢性胃炎的病理诊断和鉴别诊断做进一步阐述,以期为病理医生的诊断工作提供帮助;同时进行了一些临床和病理的联系,使临床医生能够更好地理解病理诊断的含义㊂1 慢性胃炎的病因与急性胃炎主要以中性粒细胞浸润不同,慢性胃炎是指以淋巴细胞和浆细胞浸润为主的胃黏膜的炎性病变,同时可以伴有胃黏膜固有腺体的萎缩和肠上皮化生㊂这种炎性改变通常是非特异性的,可以由多种病因引起㊂在诊断工作中或多或少都会遇到,应尽可能去寻找病因,从病理的角度给临床医生提供更多的线索,以便尽早为患者制定恰当的治疗方案㊂常见病因:①幽门螺杆菌(H .p yl o r i )感染;②长期慢性刺激,如长期使用非甾体类抗炎药(N S A I D S 药物)㊁胆汁或十二指肠液反流㊁急性胃炎多次发作㊁长期饮酒㊁吸烟等;③自身免疫性疾病㊂较少见病因:①其他感染性因素,如细菌㊁病毒㊁寄生虫㊁霉菌等;②系统性疾病的胃部累及,如淀粉样变㊁克罗恩病㊁嗜酸性粒细胞性胃肠炎等㊂2 慢性胃炎的分类慢性胃炎的分类方法有很多,临床工作中各医院采用的具体分类和习惯用法并不完全一致㊂以下㊃993㊃‘临床荟萃“2019年5月20日第34卷第5期 C l i n i c a l F o c u s ,M a y 20,2019,V o l 34,N o .5Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.是常见的几种分类方法㊂2.1病因鉴于H.p y l o r i在慢性胃炎中的重要作用,共识意见基于此病因,将慢性胃炎分为H.p y l o r i 胃炎和非H.p y l o r i胃炎㊂这种病因学的分类,有助于临床进行对症治疗㊂2.2病理根据内镜和病理改变是否有萎缩将慢性胃炎分为慢性萎缩性胃炎和慢性非萎缩性胃炎两大类㊂2.3部位根据胃炎的分布情况将慢性胃炎分为胃窦为主㊁胃体为主胃炎和全胃炎3大类㊂2.4临床综合病变部位㊁引起的原因和形态学特征,分为自身免疫性胃炎(A型胃炎)㊁H.p y l o r i感染性胃炎(B型胃炎)和化学损伤性胃炎(C型胃炎)㊂2.5特殊特殊类型的胃炎,如嗜酸性粒细胞性胃炎㊁淋巴细胞性胃炎㊁肉芽肿性胃炎㊁胶原性胃炎㊁放射性胃炎等㊂我们在病理诊断中综合了第2和第3种分类方法,比如慢性非萎缩性胃窦炎㊁慢性萎缩性胃窦炎和慢性萎缩性全胃炎(胃窦为主)等㊂这种病理诊断有赖于内镜活检的部位㊂活检部位越多,对胃黏膜的整体判断越准确㊂特殊类型的胃炎往往需要结合临床综合考虑,在病理诊断中一般只做描述性诊断㊂3慢性胃炎的病理诊断体系慢性胃炎的病理诊断体系参照新悉尼系统的直观模拟评分法和中国慢性胃炎共识意见(2017,上海)㊂其内容包括胃黏膜的炎症㊁活动性㊁萎缩㊁肠化㊁异型增生㊁H.p y l o r i和其他病理组织学变化㊂采用的是表格法(详见共识意见)㊂目前上海地区多家医院也采用了这种方法㊂表格法的优点是可以同时呈现不同部位,每块活检黏膜的病理组织学变化㊂表格信息全面㊁直观,有利于精确比较治疗前后胃黏膜的病理改变,评估治疗效果;也有利于病人的长期随访观察,评估病情变化㊂该体系主要对5种组织学变化(包括炎症程度㊁活动性㊁萎缩㊁肠化㊁幽门螺杆菌感染)进行半定量分析㊂5个指标分别分成4个等级,即无㊁轻度㊁中度㊁重度㊂无此项病理变化的可不予标注,或以 - 表示; + , ++ , +++ 分别表示轻㊁中㊁重度㊂具体分级标准在共识意见中有详细的描述,在此不一一赘述㊂这里主要针对实际工作中遇到的问题进行分析和讨论㊂3.1炎症主要指胃黏膜慢性炎细胞数量增多,尤其是淋巴细胞和浆细胞㊂炎症程度分级综合了炎细胞的密度和在黏膜内的分布㊂计算炎细胞密度时应避开淋巴滤泡㊂在内镜检查无明显异常的情况下,如炎细胞数量略超过正常范围,且没有其他异常时,可以考虑为基本正常胃黏膜㊂避免慢性胃炎术语的滥用㊂在实际工作中,表格式报告中建议报告炎症程度为 ʃ ,请临床医生结合内镜表现和其他检查结果综合判断,或描述为未见有明显病理学意义的改变㊂在活检胃黏膜显示炎症程度较轻的时候,要注意辨别多种可能的病因㊂杀菌后的胃黏膜,炎症程度会明显减轻,萎缩和肠化一般不易消退㊂背景黏膜的观察结合病史可以判断H.p y l o r i相关胃炎㊂长期胆汁反流可以造成炎症较轻的胃黏膜小凹上皮增生,药物可以造成伴轻度炎症的黏膜糜烂,局灶增强性胃炎可以是克罗恩病的一种表现㊂病理医生应和临床医生多沟通,使病理诊断获得更多的临床支持;临床医生也应加强和病理医生的联系,深入理解各种病理变化的意义㊂3.2活动性指慢性炎症背景上的中性粒细胞浸润㊂H.p y l o r i现症感染时胃黏膜有较明显的活动性,然而活动性和H.p y l o r i并非总是对应的,尤其是炎症程度较轻时㊂杀菌不彻底或H.p y l o r i变形仍可见轻度活动性,但常规切片上较难找到H. p y l o r i[3]㊂克罗恩病相关局灶增强性胃炎,可有部分活动性[4]㊂海尔曼螺旋杆菌感染少见,可以表现为轻度炎症和活动性㊂对活动性的深入理解能够拓宽诊断思路,结合病史和治疗史能更有效的判断病因㊂3.3萎缩指胃黏膜固有腺体的减少㊂在胃底/体部,表现为壁细胞和主细胞数量减少;在胃窦部,表现为黏液腺减少㊂胃底/体部的泌酸腺是直管状腺体,排列紧密㊂该部位发生的萎缩相对容易识别㊂胃窦部的黏液腺是分支管状腺,呈小叶状结构,排列较疏松㊂识别该部位的萎缩相对困难,不同医生的判断会有差异,尤其是萎缩比较轻微时㊂胃黏膜的固有腺体可以被炎细胞㊁纤维组织㊁化生腺体或者三者的交错结构所替代㊂前者导致的固有腺体减少是否是真正的萎缩,存在一定争议㊂笔者认为可以在病理报告中客观描述,结合周围腺体的排列情况对比观察㊂萎缩有单纯性萎缩和化生性萎缩㊂常见的化生有两种㊂胃底/体部有假幽门腺化生和肠上皮化生㊂在胃窦部,常见的是肠上皮化生㊂胃底/体发生假幽门腺化生时,与正常胃窦部的幽门腺在病理组织学形态上,几乎不能区分㊂因此在胃黏膜活检时,标注清楚取材部位很重要,并且不同部位的活检黏膜要分瓶送检㊂多数情况下肠化即意味着萎缩㊂在胃黏膜活检时偶可见到只局限于小凹水平的肠化㊂这时胃黏膜固有腺体没有减少,不伴有萎缩㊂另一种情况是由于取材太浅,仅观察到㊃004㊃‘临床荟萃“2019年5月20日第34卷第5期 C l i n i c a l F o c u s,M a y20,2019,V o l34,N o.5Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.表面上皮的肠化,不能判断萎缩情况㊂病理医生可以就具体情况给予说明㊂当临床医生看到这种改变时,也要了解不同的可能㊂另外,病理组织学上的萎缩与内镜下描述的情况不完全相同㊂内镜的观察范围是全胃,在此基础上对萎缩范围进行判断,是对全胃宏观的评估㊂而病理上,萎缩是指活检黏膜固有腺体减少的情况,是基于有限黏膜组织的判断㊂由于胃黏膜的炎症和萎缩可以呈斑片状分布,因此二者并不完全一致㊂内镜和病理的紧密结合才是对慢性胃炎的客观评价㊂3.4肠化肠化是肠型胃癌发生途径中的重要一环,但肠化分型预测胃癌发生风险的意义仍有争议㊂相对于分型,肠化范围的评估可能更有意义㊂详见后文的评估系统㊂3.5异型增生异型增生也称上皮内瘤变,是一种肿瘤性病变㊂它本质上有异于炎症反应时的修复性改变㊂但病理组织学上准确鉴别二者,有时候并不容易㊂胃黏膜上皮内瘤变有维也纳分类和日本分类,国内尚无统一的标准㊂在报告活检黏膜上皮内瘤变时,要特别注意 大体所见 ,即内镜表现㊂防止诊断不足也避免过度诊断㊂病理医生和内镜医生共同学习并加强沟通与磨合,有助于提高诊断的一致性㊂对病理检查发现高级别上皮内瘤变或胃癌的病例,不建议使用表格式报告法,描述性诊断更为妥当㊂3.6H.p y l o r i共识意见建议在胃镜检查时报告快速尿素酶检查结果㊂病理切片上找H.p y l o r i可根据各医院常规和不同的检测目的进行㊂3.7其他组织学变化共识意见未涵盖的一些其他表现可以在其他组织学变化中指出㊂了解其意义可以更好地进行临床病理联系㊂比如淋巴滤泡可以是H.p y l o r i感染后留下的组织学所见,胃体部腺体囊状扩张可以是长期服用质子泵抑制剂(P P I)所致,上皮下多量的泡沫样细胞可以是内镜所见的黄色瘤,黏膜表面的色素物质沉着可以是药物所致,炎症较轻的糜烂可以是化学性损伤㊂3.8慢性胃炎的评估系统目前慢性胃炎有两个重要的评估系统,即可操作的与肾癌风险联系的肠化生评估(O L G A)和可操作的与肾癌风险联系的肠化生评估(O L G I M)㊂该两系统根据萎缩和肠化情况对慢性胃炎进行分期㊂不同分期对应不同的胃癌发生风险[5-6],其中高风险分期是胃癌的重要预测因子㊂这一理论也得到了不少研究的证实[7-8]㊂完善此分期要求多点㊁多部位活检㊂这两项评估尚未纳入病理诊断体系,建议试点应用㊂4不同类型的慢性胃炎前述慢性胃炎的病理诊断体系已经涵盖了H. p y l o r i相关胃炎的特点㊂H.p y l o r i感染史是判断H.p y l o r i相关胃炎的关键㊂随着胃镜活检量的增加,其他类型的胃炎在日常工作中并不少见㊂病理医生应对其基本病理变化有所了解㊂临床和病理密切结合是明确这类疾病的关键㊂病理医生可以客观描述病理现象并给出建议,临床医生也应了解其病理含义,在进一步检查中做到有的放矢㊂4.1自身免疫性胃炎自身免疫性胃炎又称A型胃炎,约占慢性胃炎的10%,血清抗壁细胞抗体和抗内因子抗体通常阳性,可有恶性贫血㊂内镜和病理检查对确诊起重要作用㊂自身免疫性胃炎病变主要累及胃底/体,而胃窦部病变轻微㊂因此,对于怀疑A型胃炎者多点活检很重要㊂需要胃底/体和胃窦分别取材㊁分瓶送检㊂胃底/体黏膜可有不同程度的炎症㊁萎缩㊁假幽门腺化生或肠化生;在萎缩严重时甚至完全不见泌酸腺,如不注明活检部位,会误认为胃窦黏膜㊂A型胃炎的胃窦部炎症轻微,可见G细胞增生㊂关于G细胞的具体数量没有明确的说法,胃窦和胃体黏膜对比起来观察更有意义㊂自身免疫性胃炎时,胃底/体发生神经内分泌肿瘤的风险增加,但后者的原因可能有多种[9-10]㊂胃底/体黏膜活检有时可见神经内分泌细胞呈线样或小团样的增生㊂此时应警惕神经内分泌肿瘤的可能㊂有时内镜下治疗的息肉,会意外的发现是神经内分泌肿瘤,此时要考虑是否为自身免疫性胃炎基础上发生的肿瘤㊂通过多点活检,结合内镜所见和血清学检查等可以帮助明确诊断㊂4.2特殊类型的胃炎4.2.1嗜酸性粒细胞性胃炎该疾病可能和过敏有关,患者多为30~50岁,往往有食物或皮肤过敏史㊂它可以是嗜酸性粒细胞性胃肠炎的胃部表现㊂在病理检查提示嗜酸性粒细胞性胃炎时,需进一步检查肠镜㊁外周血㊁必要时骨髓穿刺等,以排除系统性疾病㊂病理组织学上,在看到嗜酸性粒细胞增多时,应首先寻找可能的病因,比如寄生虫感染等㊂嗜酸性粒细胞性胃炎时,嗜酸性粒细胞可以遍布胃壁全层㊂在活检黏膜上,嗜酸性粒细胞弥漫分布于黏膜固有层,常可累及黏膜下层,有时可以形成嗜酸性小脓肿㊂密集的嗜酸性粒细胞浸润比较容易识别㊂临床工作中我们一般不需要计数嗜酸性粒细胞的个数,往往是满视野可见,并常伴有明显的脱颗粒现象㊂有文献建议嗜酸性粒细胞数量ȡ30个/高倍视野(H P F)㊁ȡ5个H P F[11]㊂机械的套用标准有时会㊃104㊃‘临床荟萃“2019年5月20日第34卷第5期 C l i n i c a l F o c u s,M a y20,2019,V o l34,N o.5Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.引起误导,给临床医生造成困扰㊂嗜酸性粒细胞性胃炎时也会发生胃和十二指肠的嗜酸性粒细胞性溃疡㊂这时要与H.p y l o r i感染导致的溃疡相鉴别㊂嗜酸性粒细胞性溃疡的显著特征是胃黏膜内㊁溃疡边缘㊁溃疡处见到大量嗜酸性粒细胞浸润,成分相对单一,较少有其他慢性炎细胞成分;而H.p y l o r i感染性溃疡,胃黏膜内或溃疡面可见大量的中性粒细胞,并见多量淋巴㊁浆细胞浸润㊂病理上区分两种溃疡并不困难,病理医生需提高警惕,尽量给予病因学提示和建议㊂否则治疗方法不当,可导致溃疡迁延不愈㊂4.2.2淋巴细胞性胃炎淋巴细胞性胃炎的主要特征为胃黏膜上皮内淋巴细胞增多㊂这种细胞绝大多数为C D3+和C D8+的T淋巴细胞[12]㊂诊断标准一般为ȡ25个淋巴细胞/100个上皮细胞㊂这是一种描述性诊断,可能与H.p y l o r i㊁药物㊁乳糜泻等有一定关系[13-15]㊂在看到胃黏膜上皮内淋巴细胞明显增多时,要积极寻找原因㊂以胃窦部为主的上皮内淋巴细胞增多,十二指肠活检和血清学检测有助于乳糜泻的诊断㊂另外要注意与淋巴瘤鉴别㊂后者在活检黏膜上可仅表现为上皮内淋巴细胞浸润,但淋巴细胞数量更明显㊁有异型性㊁破坏腺体和上皮㊁易看到挤压现象等,这些都有助于淋巴瘤的诊断㊂对难以确定病变性质的病例可以结合内镜㊁病史等综合判断,必要时行深挖活检㊁免疫组织化学㊁基因重排等检查㊂4.2.3肉芽肿性胃炎胃黏膜内见到肉芽肿,可以呈孤立性也可多发㊂多种原因可以导致胃肉芽肿的形成,包括系统性疾病的胃部累及(比如结节病㊁克罗恩病㊁血管炎等)㊁感染性因素(结核和组织胞浆菌等)和异物等㊂肉芽肿合并局灶增强性胃炎改变时,要警惕克罗恩病的可能[16]㊂合并较多嗜酸性粒细胞浸润时要注意查找寄生虫㊂典型的干酪样坏死性肉芽肿并不多见㊂抗酸染色的结果往往并不理想㊂肺部C T㊁T-S P O T㊁分枝杆菌P C R等可以帮助诊断㊂另外,仍有部分肉芽肿不能明确病因㊂对这种患者改善症状及长期随访观察可能是较为妥当的处理措施㊂另外,胶原性胃炎㊁胃淀粉样变性㊁R u s s e l l小体胃炎等都有特征性表现㊂在遇到相应病变时注意排除系统性疾病的胃部累及㊂综上所述,慢性胃炎的病理诊断除了对各种病理变化进行半定量分析外,还应尽可能给予病因学提示㊂对中年以上患者,尤其是H.p y l o r i相关胃炎,建议进行胃癌风险评估㊂这也是慢性胃炎备受关注的重要意义所在㊂这些措施不仅可指导临床治疗,也有利于慢性胃炎患者的管理㊁随访策略的制定以及早癌的筛查㊂参考文献:[1]中华医学会消化病学分会.中国慢性胃炎共识意见(2017,上海)[J].胃肠病学,2017,22(11):670-87.[2] F a n g J Y,D u Y Q,L i u W Z,e ta l.C h i n e s ec o n s e n s u s o nc h r o n i c g a s t r i t i s(2017,S h a n g h a i)[J].JD i g D i s,2018,19(4):182-203.[3] T a j a l l i R,N o b a k h tM,M o h a mm a d i-B a r z e l i g h iH,e t a l.T h ei mm u n o h i s t o c h e m i s t r y a n d t o l u i d i n e b l u e r o l e s f o rH e l i c o b a c t e r p y l o r i d e t e c t i o n i n p a t i e n t sw i t h g a s t r i t i s[J].I r a nB i o m e d J,2013,17(1):36-41.[4] P e t r o l l a A A,K a t zJ A,X i n W.T h ec l i n i c a ls i g n i f i c a n c eo ff o c a l e n h a n c e dg a s t r i t i si na d u l t s w i t hi s o l a t e di l e i t i so fth et e r m i n a l i l e u m[J].JG a s t r o e n t e r o l,2008,43(7):524-530.[5] R u g g eM,M e g g i o A,P e n n e l l iG,e ta l.G a s t r i t i ss t a g i n g i nc l i n i c a l p r a c t i 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HRM, Organizational Psychology and Personnel Psych

HRM, Organizational Psychology and Personnel Psych

Management Studies, Mar.-Apr. 2017, Vol. 5, No. 2, 149-152doi: 10.17265/2328-2185/2017.02.006HRM, Organizational Psychology and Personnel Psychology:Linear and Simplex Analysis of HRGürhan UysalOndokuz Mayis University, Samsun, TurkeyResarch topic of paper is lienar and simplex analysis in human resource management field. Research questions arequantitative models may increase effeciency of HR professionals, and mission of HRM field is to develop positiveorganizational psychology in employees. Organizational psychology is important research field in British academy.Further, simplex methodolohy is presented by G. B. Dantzig after World War II in order to solve linearprogramming. First of all, goal function is established in simplex, which is to maximize firm performance in thispaper. Secondly, limits of problem are determined. Main limits in applying HRM in organizations might be HRprofessionals and top management. For example, SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) of USAorganizes programs for increading competency of HR professionals. Further, top management may impede oneffectively applying HRM in organizations. Therefore, both of them may establish limits of simplex function.Research methods of study cover in-depth literature review in HRM field, and study has qualitative researchdimension. Data analysis reveals that HRM may consist of three figures: they are individual performance, talentAll Rights Reserved.management, and organizational psychology. To conclude, HRM is appled in organizations to develop individualperformance, talent management, and organizational psychology.Keywords: renaissance, scientific revolution, HRM, theory, HR professionals, performanceIntroductionThere are three eras in EU history: 15th century, 17th century, and 19th century. It witnessed renaissance in 15th century and witnessed scientific revolution in 17th century. Most probably, Renaissance Movementsresulted in scientific revolution in 17th century. EU encouraged industrial revolution during 19th century. Thus,scientific revolution encouraged Industrial Revolution in 19th century. Chronology might be: renaissance,science, and industry. In addition, industrial and scientific revolution encouraged democracy in Europe as itappeared in 1789 in France.Most recent topic for HRM might become “task performance”. Because organizations consist of many organizational tasks. Task performance is related with competency and strategic human resource management.For example, SHRM, USA, increases competency of HR professionals. Americans call competency and task ashuman capital. For competence and task performance, employees must have theoretical knowledge, and theyneed to gain experience timely at work. Because if task performance of employees is higher, performance ofGürhan Uysal, professor, Ph.D., School of Business, Ondokuz Mayis University, Samsun, Turkey.Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Gürhan Uysal, School of Business, Ondokuz Mayis University,Kurupelit Campus, 55139 Atakum-Samsun, Turkey.LINEAR AND SIMPLEX ANALYSIS OF HR150their departmant increases. So, all departments come together, and have an impact on organizationalperformance. This is related with strategic human resource management (strategic HRM). Strategic HRM ismaybe related with individual performance—firm performance relationship. If employees have high individualperformance (task performance), firm performance may increase through department’s performance. Therefore,HRM aims to increase task performance of employees.Simplex is introduced by Dantzig in 1947. It is used for solving linear programs. In linear, there is only goal function, maximization, or minimization. For simplex, limits are included in problem solving.TheoryHRM is maybe explained in organizations with individual performance, talent management, and organizational psychology (or personnel psychology). Objective of HRM might be to increase individualperformance at work (that policy may be named as task performance policy). Therefore, goal function is setthrough HRM practices, talent management, and organizational psychology. Assumption is that organizationsapply HRM practices to increase individual performance. Goal (Z) is to increase firm performance. Therefore,HRM may be figured with three dimension: performance, talent management, and organizational psychology.Research MethodsFindikci (2012) studied for behavioral sciences in academy. Further, Ulucan (2007) mentioned for quantitative models in firm’s operations. In-depth literature review was implemented for this study.Quantitative methods began in business in 1920s by linear programming, and it is strenghtened after WorldWar II such as presentation of program evaluationand review technic (PERT), critical path method (CPM) All Rights Reserved.technics, and simplex analysis. Industrial Revolution started in Europe during 19th century, it may be describedwith factory production, and USA becomes frontier in industry after the World War II.Research Results: Linear and Simplex of HRMain result of this study is that quantitative methods may be applied for HRM and other fields in business.For example, Uysal (2014; 2015) applied simplex methods for talent management, and applied decision treeanalysis for human resource management practices.Therefore, goal function of linear programming might be:Goal (Z) = (2HRM1 + 2HRM2 + 2HRM3 + HRM4) + 1/4 talent management (TM)+ organizational psychology (OP)so:goal (Z) = 2HRM + 1/4TM + OPIn this goal function, goal (Z) is to heighten firm performance; and HRM = HRM practices, TM = Talent Management, and OP = Organizational Psychology. Assumption of study is that HRM practices and talentmanagement and organizational psychology have an impact on firm performance. Continued, 2, 1/4, and 1 arecoefficients of variables. HRM1, HRM2, HRM3, and HRM4 represent HRM practices applied in organizations.Secondly, a firm may establish matrice structure of HRM. Matrix includes variables as HRM practices (Figure 1):LINEAR AND SIMPLEX ANALYSIS OF HR 151Figure 1. HR matrix.In this HRM matrice, assumption, HRM1 = staffing, HRM2 = training, HRM3 = compensation, and HRM4 = performance appraisal.In matrix structure, it is important to determine determinant for effectiveness. Objective of HRM is to achieve firm performance. Determinant of matrix may be performance appraisal. Because performanceappraisal determines top performers and talents (i.e., stars employees).Thirdly, limits of simplex fuction are: X1 = HR professionals, and X2 = Top Management. Because HR professionals make HRM effectively apply in organization, and top management may impede on HRMeffectively applying in organizations. So, limit functions are as following:X1 + X2 ≥ 1X1 + X2 ≥ 2and simplex table is established below (Figure 2):goal X1 X2 S1 S2X1 1 1 1 0 1All Rights Reserved.X2 1 1 0 1 2?Figure 2. Simplex table.Accordingly, firms achieve optimal end when all variables in below line become positive, and question box (?) represents optimal solution.Analysis or Discussion: Fourth Industrial RevolutionModern economy currently struggles for the fourth Industrial Revolution (IR). The first is made by England and Europe in 1800s; the second appeared on economy in 1900s with electric and automobiles; thethird may be described with computer sciences.The Fouth IR may be described with intellectual capital. Competition between firms is strong in markets.There are lots of products in markets, and products are similar to each other. Customers have product choicedilemma. That dilemma may be called as isomorphism. What policy a firm may pursue under isomorphismthreat? Answer might become human resources or intellectual capital. American HRM calls personnel orworkforce as “human capital”. Thus, intellectual capital may increase competitive advantage of company.Because intellectual capital may differentiate firm from rivals.ConclusionTo conclude, firms apply HRM in their organizations via HRM practices (Bingol, 2014). Because HRM may have impact on firm performance through individual performance and talent management. Further, toLINEAR AND SIMPLEX ANALYSIS OF HR152become competitive in the era, the fourth industrial revolution, firms need different strategy and intellectualcapital.ReferencesBingol, D. (2014). Human resource management. Istanbul: Beta Publishing.Findikci, I. (2012). Human resource management. Istanbul: Alfa Publishing.Ulucan, A. (2007). Quantitative research. Ankara: Siyasal Publishing.Uysal, G. (2014). HRM and quantitatives: Decision tree and vector analysis in HRM theory. Chinese Business Review, 13(6), 382-387.Uysal, G. (2015). Simplex of HR: Talent management with simplex methodology. Chinese Business Review, 14(2), 87-93.All Rights Reserved.。













小鼠上颌磨牙牙髓炎造模方法:2-3月龄的小鼠通过腹腔注射巴比妥钠进行全身麻醉,注射量为50 mg/kg,小鼠深度麻醉后,无明显运动状况下将小鼠仰卧位放置于手术台上,医用胶带将小鼠四肢的粘结固定于台面,橡皮筋从口内穿过小鼠的上颌切牙后方固定上颌。



Course Descriptionsfor Full-time Bilingual Top-up Bachelor ProgramsMANAGEMENT FINANCE ENGLISHBUSINESS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENTCourse Code: MGT01Course Title: 管理定量分析(Quantitative Analysis for Management)Credits: 3Course Description:管理定量分析课程是研究如何利用数据信息,作出最优决策的一门学科,是管理学科的主干课程之一。


其主要环节包括经验数据的提取、整理和分析、数学模型的建立、发展趋势的预测和推断、决策, 方案优劣的评判以及最优方案的确定等。

There has been an increasing tendency to turn to quantitative methods and models as a potential means for solving many of the problems that arise in management. The aims of this course are to enable students to familiarized themselves with the quantitative approaches to management decision marking, to enhance their reasoning and analytical capabilities and to develop their problem-solving skills. This course will impart an understanding of the application of quantitative methods to the areas of planning and control and to other management branches.Course Code: MGT02Course Title: 经济学(Economics)Credits: 3Course Description:本课程主要介绍有关现代经济学的一些基本原理及其应用。

quantitative content analysis

quantitative content analysis

quantitative content analysis Quantitative content analysis is a research method used to systematically analyze the content of written, visual, or audio materials in a structured and quantitative manner. It involves transforming qualitative data into numerical data to identify patterns, trends, or relationships within the content. This method is commonly employed in various fields, including communication studies, media research, sociology, and psychology. Here are the key steps and considerations involved in quantitative content analysis:1. Define Objectives:• Clearly define the research objectives and questions that quantitative content analysis aims to address. This step involves specifying the content to be analyzed and the research goals.2. Select the Sample:• Identify the sample of content to be analyzed. This could include text documents, images, videos, or other forms of media. Ensure that the sample is representative of the population or phenomena of interest.3. Develop Coding Categories:• Establish coding categories or variables that capture the key aspects of the content. These categories should be relevant to the research objectives and can be applied consistently across the entire sample.4. Create Coding Scheme:• Develop a coding scheme that defines how each category will be coded or assigned a numerical value. This scheme should include clear guidelines and criteria to ensure consistency among coders.5. Train Coders:• Train coders who will be responsible for applying the coding scheme. Provide them with instructions, examples, and practice sessions to ensure inter-coder reliability.6. Conduct Coding:• Apply the coding scheme to the entire content sample. This can be a time-consuming process, and it is essential to maintain accuracy and consistency.7. Data Entry:• Enter the coded data into a computerized database or spreadsheet. Ensure that the data entry process is accurate and that the numerical values correspond to the coding categories.8. Data Analysis:• Use statistical methods to analyze the coded data. Common analyses include frequency counts, percentages, cross-tabulations, and more advanced statistical techniques depending on the research questions.9. Interpret Results:• Interpret the results of the quantitative analysis in relation to the research objectives. Identify patterns, trends, or relationships revealed by the data.10. Assess Reliability and Validity:• Evaluate the reliability and validity of the findings. Reliability refers to the consistency of coding across different coders, while validity assesses the accuracy of the coding scheme in measuring the intended constructs.11. Report Findings:• Prepare a comprehensive report that presents the findings of the quantitative content analysis. Clearly communicate the results, interpretations, and any limitations of the study.Quantitative content analysis provides a systematic and objective approach to studying large volumes of content. Researchers use this method to analyze media representations,communication patterns, public discourse, and other textual or visual materials.。



采用在体单向肠灌流模型研究荷叶多成分整体的肠渗透性关键字:采用在体单向肠灌流模型研究荷叶多成分整体的肠渗透性本文为Word文档,感谢你的关注![摘要] 研究荷叶多成分整体的肠渗透性,明确荷叶成分间吸收过程中的相互作用。


结果表明,荷叶中荷叶碱、去甲基荷叶碱、芦丁、异槲皮苷、紫云英苷、槲皮素、山柰酚7种单体成分的有效渗透系数(Peff)大于0.5×10-4 cm・s-1,在生物药剂学分类系统(biopharmaceutics classification system,BCS)肠渗透属性中,属高渗透性成分,而儿茶素、金丝桃苷为低渗透性成分。

然而,在荷叶总提取物多成分环境下,成分的渗透行为发生了变化,对荷叶中不明确成分进行半定量分析发现,在多成分环境下,可标识的9个成分中有3个成分Peff小于0.5×10-4 cm・s-1。



[关键词] 单向肠灌流;渗透性;荷叶;中药生物药剂学分类系统Overall intestinal permeability of multiple components inlotus leaf by in situ single pass intestinal perfusion modelsYIN Xiu-wen, HOU Cheng-bo, CHEN Jiang-peng,PAN Meng, LI Xue-lian,WANG Zi-yu, DONG Ling* (Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,Beijing 100102, China)[Abstract] To investigate the overallintestinal permeability of multiple components inlotus leaves and make clear the interaction in composition absorption process. Rat single-pass intestinal perfusion technique was used, and the results showed that the Peff values of nuciferine,demethylanuciferine, rutin, quercetin, kaempferol from lotus leaf were greater than 0.5×10-4 cm・s-1.In the biopharmaceutics classification system (BCS)intestinal permeability property, these ingredients were high permeable components, while the hyperin was low permeable component. However, in the multi-component environment of the lotus leaf extract,component permeation was changed. Semi quantitative analysis of the unclear components showed that under the multi-component environment, four in seven components with relatively high contents had a Peff value less than 0.5×10-4 cm・s-1, indicating these 4 components were of low permeability, while other 3 components were of high permeability. The results could be valuable to make clear the overallintestinal permeability of multiple components inlotus leaf, and lay a foundation for studying the mechanism of the lipid-lowering effect of lotus leaf.[Key words] single-pass intestinal perfusion (SPIP); permeability; lotus leaf;biopharmaceutics classification system of Chinese materia medica口服作�橐┪镒畛<�的服用方式,其胃肠道吸收过程非常复杂。



河南农业科学,2016 ,45(11) : 1-7Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences d〇i:10. 15933/ki. 1004-3268.2016. 11.001昆虫肠道微生物多样性研究进展鲁迎新\刘彦群\李群\夏润玺\王欢(1.沈阳农业大学生物科学技术学院,辽宁沈阳110161; 2.沈阳工学院,辽宁抚顺113122)摘要:昆虫肠道内存在种类繁多、数量庞大的微生物,这些肠道微生物种群结构的多样性与昆虫种 类、龄期、消化道形态、食物的喂养条件、生存环境等息息相关。

近几年,随着大规模测序技术、组学 技术的发展,应用分子生物学技术快速、定性、定量研究昆虫肠道微生物种群的多样性已成为热点。

介绍了昆虫肠道微生物的分类和检测方法,综述了昆虫肠道微生物多样性的研究进展,以期为昆虫 与其肠道微生物的协同进化和害虫防治等研究提供基本方法和数据,为今后昆虫肠道微生物的研 究提供理论参考。

关键词:昆虫;肠道微生物;多样性;检测方法中图分类号:Q938 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1004 -3268(2016)11 -0001 -07Research Progress on Intestinal Microbial Diversity of InsectsLU Yingxin1,LIU Yanqun1,LI Qun1,XIA Runxi1,WANG Huan1’2**(1. College of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang 110161 , China ;2. Shenyang Institute of Technology, Fushun 113122 , China)A bstract:There are a wide variety and large number of microbes in insect gut. The population diversity of intestinal microbes is related to insect species, age, intestinal morphology, food, feeding conditions and living environment, etc. In recent years, rapid, qualitative and quantitative study of intestinal microbial diversity by molecular biology techniques has become a hot spot with the development of the large-scale sequencing and omics technologies. In this paper, the classification and detection method of the insect intestinal microbes were described, and the progress on intestinal microbial diversity of insects was reviewed. Those would provide basic data and methods for research of insect gut microbes and pest control.Key w ords:insect;intestinal microbes; diversity;detection method昆虫是全球最多样化、数量最多、进化历史最悠 久、分布最广泛的动物之一[1],而这些特征与昆虫的共生物以及生存环境密不可分。



瓜氨酸与临床相关疾病的研究进展戴芳萍;王箴;李倩【摘要】Citrulline which is a nonprotein amino acid,synthesizes the peptide bond,but it is not incorporated into proteins. It's used to be known as no point, but there is a difficult result that citrulline is related to many diseases in recent research.Citrulline is a biomaker in gastrointestinal injury,a supplement of arginine in arginine deficiency patients,and the evidence of sepsis.Citrulline,as an antigen among the process of its creation ,is one of the nosogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis,and checking the antibodies of citrulline is effective in diagnosing the rheumatoid arthritis early. Citrulline is also meaningful in diagnosing and treatment of some unfrequent diseases. Citrulline is widely used.%瓜氨酸是一种非蛋白质氨基酸,具有肽键形成能力,但不能合成蛋白质。


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patients with CD after gluten withdrawal.3 Gluten contamination is the leading reason for nonresponsive CD, but other causes have been identified including small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).2-5SIBO is a condition caused by an abnormal number of bacteria in the small intestine.6 The stomach and proximal small bowel normally contain relatively small numbers of bacteria in adults. The intestine, however, contains 300 to 500 different species of bacteria.7 Theconcentration of gut flora increases from 100 – 4 colony forming units/mL (CFU/mL) in the duodenum and the jejunum, to 100 – 5 in the proximal ileum, 105 – 8 in the terminal ileum, and 1010 – 12 CFU/mL in the cecum.8,9 Symptoms related to bacterial overgrowth are diarrhea,bloating, weight loss, anemia, and malabsorption. SIBO is especially common among the elderly, patients with previous GI surgery (Billroth II or small intestine anastomosis), decreased gastric acid secretion, intestinal diverticulosis, and motor disorders.10 To date, there is no general agreement as to which test should be preferred for the diagnosis of SIBO, but culture of intestinal aspirates is usually considered the standard for detecting bacterial overgrowth.6,7,11-13 SIBO has been suggested to be associated with a large number of different GI conditions, such as cirrhosis, chronic pancreatitis, and irritable bowel syndrome.14-16However, in most cases the diagnosis of SIBO has been established by the use of hydrogen-breath tests (H 2-BT), as a noninvasive alternative to quantitative culture of small intestinal aspirate. Data obtained from breath testing need a cautious interpretation, because the results vary significantly even with minor modifications to the used technique, and the definition of normal and abnormal varies in the literature.17,18 This test-to-test and center-to-centervariability may explain the contradictory results obtained after comparing breath testing with other diagnostic test (specifically with quantitative culture of intestinal aspirate) or even among researchers using the same breath test for assessment of the frequency of SIBO in a particular disease.19The lactulose H 2-BT is an indirect test for SIBO, based on the fact that lactulose passes unabsorbed through the small bowel into the colon. The original definition of a positive lactulose test was an early hydrogen peak ( > 20 ppm), due to the presence of small intestine bacteria, occurring at least 15 minutes before the later prolonged peak secondary to colonic fermentation (double-peak criterion).18,20 However, in a study that examined and compared the diagnostic value of the lactulose H 2-BT and of a scintigraphic orocecal transit study, with that of culture of intestinal aspirate, showed a poor sensitivity (16.7%) and specificity (70%)of the lactulose H 2-BT for SIBO, when the definition of an abnormal test was based on the occurrence of the double-peak criterion. The combination with scintigraphy increasedspecificity to 100%, but sensitivity was only 38.9%.21 In another study, using the double-peak criterion, 20% of healthy volunteers showed a positive lactulose H 2-BT.19 Other studies demonstrated the poor reliability of lactulose H 2-BT for SIBO diagnosis as compared with culture of intestinal aspirate.6,13A recent study using lactulose H 2-BT as diagnostic tool suggested that SIBO was present in 66% of patients with CD and persistent GI symptoms after gluten withdrawal.4The prevalence of SIBO in patients with CD based on the result of culture of proximal small intestinal aspirate is not known.The aim of this study is to evaluate the prevalence and clinical significance of SIBO in patients with CD based on the result of culture of proximal small intestinal aspirate.NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author ManuscriptMATERIALS AND METHODSPatientsWe included biopsy-confirmed CD patients. All enrolled cases underwent quantitative culture of intestinal aspirate that was evaluated for the presence of anaerobic and aerobicmicroorganisms. Culture of intestinal aspirate was taken (1) as part of the initial work-up for malabsorption, (2) because of nonresponsive CD despite a GFD of at least 6 months duration,and (3) in asymptomatic treated CD. The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Mayo Foundation.Diagnostic CriteriaCD was supported by positive serology and histologic findings. Nonresponsive CD wasconsidered when patients with CD presented persistent or relapsing symptoms despite a GFD.2 Good adherence to a GFD was defined when no source of gluten contamination was identified by the dietitian interview associated to negative celiac serology and absence of intestinal atrophy in the biopsy. SIBO was diagnosed if culture demonstrated > 105 CFU/mL.6-9,18,22 Mildly elevated count of bacteria in the culture of small intestine aspirate was defined as the presence of ≥ 103 CFU/mL but ≤ 105 CFU/mL. Culture of intestinal aspirate with < 103CFU/mL was considered negative.Clinical and Laboratory DataDemographic data, presence/absence of GI symptoms (diarrhea, abdominal pain), body mass index, and the following blood tests: hemoglobin, leukocyte, platelet concentration, β-carotene,albumin, zinc, cooper, cobalamin, folate, immunoglobulin (Ig) A, IgG, IgM, IgA/IgGantigliadin antibodies, IgA antitissue transglutaminase antibodies, and IgA antiendomysial antibodies, were recorded at the time of SIBO diagnosis.Quantitative Culture TechniqueSmall bowel aspirate for bacteriologic culture was obtained endoscopically. A disinfected gastroscope and a sterile catheter were used for the collection of aspirate in all patients. Briefly,after the endoscope had been introduced into the GI tract, no suction was applied until the desire area of aspiration in the distal part of the duodenum was reached. When the tip of the endoscope reached the distal duodenum (in a region distal to the ampulla of Vater), an aspirating sterile catheter 240-cm long and 2.3-mm width (Hobbs Medical, Inc, CT) was introduced through the working channel of the endoscope and advanced to the distal part of the duodenum. Suction was applied with a sterile 30-mL syringe until at least 2 mL of the intestinal fluid were obtained. The intestinal aspirate was transferred immediately to aerobic and anaerobic (“vacuum containing CO 2”) sterile tubes, and sent to the Microbiology Laboratory.Microbiologic AnalysisCollected intestinal fluid was processed and incubated immediately after it was obtained. For quantitative determination of bacteria, the following prepared culture media (BBL, Becton Dickinson and Company) were used for anaerobic culture: CDC anaerobe blood agar, CDC anaerobe laked blood agar with kanamycin and vancomycin, and phenylethyl alcohol agar with 5% sheep blood. The media used for aerobic culture were trypticase soy agar with 5% sheep blood and Levine eosin methylene blue agar. An aliquot (0.01 mL) of the specimen was inoculated into each media using a calibrated loop. Anaerobic plates were examined after 48hours at 37°C in an anaerobic atmosphere. Aerobic plates were examined after 24 hours of incubation at 37°C with 5% to 10% CO 2. After incubation, different colony types were counted.The agar plates were reviewed for bacterial growth every day for 48 hours for aerobic bacteriaNIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscriptand for 7 days for anaerobic bacteria. For anaerobic bacteria, only colonic-type bacteria (eg,Bacteroides fragilis ) were considered true positive to decrease the possibility of a false positive owing to contamination with oropharyngeal flora during endoscope insertion. Themicrobiologic result was based on the quantitative analysis of the number of CFU/mL of intestinal fluid as follows: < 10 colonies = < 103 CFU/mL; 10 to 1000 colonies = 103 to 105CFU/mL; and > 1000 colonies ≥ 105 CFU/mL.Histologic AnalysisDuodenal mucosal biopsy specimens taken during the same endoscopy when the small intestinal aspirate was collected were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and evaluated for the presence or absence and grade of intestinal atrophy as well as count of intraepitheliallymphocytes (IELs) according to the modified Marsh's classification.23 The number of IELs was calculated by counting the number of IELs per 100 epithelial cells.StatisticsClinical and microbiology data are expressed as mean ± SD. The Mann-Whitney U test, χ2test, or Fisher exact test were used when necessary as significance tests for comparison between culture positive and negative groups. A P value of < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.RESULTSPatientsWe included 149 patients who had biopsy confirmed CD (115 female, 34 male; mean age 55± 16 y, range 22 to 94 y).The intestinal aspirate was collected from 79 patients with nonresponsive CD, in 47 patients as part of the initial work-up for malabsorption wherein CD was diagnosed, and in 23asymptomatic treated CD patients who undergone upper GI endoscopy for CD follow-up.Culture of the intestinal aspirate demonstrated > 105 microorganisms/mL in 14 (9.3%), ≥103 CFU/mL but ≤ 105 CFU/mL in 17 (11.4%), and < 103 CFU/mL in 118 (79.1%) patients.SIBO was present in 9 (11%) patients with nonresponsive CD, 5 (11%) at initial work-up, and 0 in asymptomatic treated CD (Fig. 1). The clinical characteristics of all patients with SIBO are shown in Table 1.Mildly elevated counts of bacteria were present in 10 (13%) patients with nonresponsive CD,5 (11%) at initial work-up, and 2 (9%) in asymptomatic treated CD.Coexistent Disorders in Patients With Nonresponsive CD and SIBOSix (67%) of 9 patients with SIBO and nonresponsive CD had a coexistent disorder (2 refractory sprue, 3 microscopic colitis, and 1 enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma). No patients with SIBO had diabetes mellitus, were on prescription proton-pump inhibitor for more than 1 month (although we cannot exclude over-the-counter use), or had previous GI surgery (including bowel resection). No patient with recent use of antibiotics (within 1 mo of the time of intestinal aspirate), known motility disorders, or common variable immunodeficiency was included.Nonresponsive CD Patients With Good Adherence to a GFDTwenty-two (28%) of the 79 patients with nonresponsive CD had good adherence to GFD. The mean age was 52.2 ± 16 years and the female:male ratio was 3:1. Fifteen (68%) demonstrated a negative intestinal fluid culture. Three (14%) cases showed SIBO, 1 with coexistentNIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscriptmicroscopic colitis, and 1 with intestinal lymphoma (cases 12 and 14 in Table 1). Four patients (18%) had mildly elevated counts of bacterial.Clinical Features in Patients With SIBOPatients with SIBO were older, and had lower level of hemoglobin, β-carotene, and albumin than those without SIBO. A higher amount of fat in stool (g/24 h collection) was found in patients with SIBO Table 2.No differences where found in microminerals (zinc and copper), iron, folate, or cobalamin levels between celiacs with or without SIBO.Celiac SerologyNo differences were found in levels of IgG antigliadin (25.6 ± 35 vs. 27.7 ± 38 Units, P = 0.82)and IgA antigliadin (70.1 ± 98 vs. 56.7 ± 86.3 Units, P = 0.78) between patients with SIBO and those without SIBO. Serum levels of antitissue transglutaminase antibodies (13.8 ± 8.8 vs.40 ± 54.6 Units, P = 0.12) tended to be different among patients with CD and SIBO than those without SIBO.HistopathologyAll the patients had villous atrophy (Marsh type 3 lesion) at the time of initial diagnosis of CD,but 45 (44.1%) of the 102 treated CD showed normal histology (classified as “Marsh 0”) after GFD was started. The duration of a GFD was at least 6 months in all patients. SIBO was assessed after 6 months on GFD in 7 (6.9%), 12 months in 35 (34.3%), and 24 months or more in 60 (58.8%) patients. The histologic spectrum of the duodenal mucosa after GFD was Marsh 0 in 45 (44.1%), Marsh 1 in 12 (11.8%), Marsh 3a in 14 (13.7%), Marsh 3b in 16 (15.7%), and Marsh 3c in 15 (14.7%). Sixty-nine (67.6%) subjects showed improvement on histology (decrease of ≥ 1 degree on the modified Marsh scale). Treated CD patients who wereasymptomatic at follow-up had a tendency to have more frequent histologic improvement than those who were symptomatic after gluten exclusion (82.6% vs. 63.2%, P = 0.08). The frequency of abnormalities and distribution of degree of intestinal damage on histology between CD with or without SIBO was similar (data not shown).No significant difference was found in the number of IELs per 100 epithelial cells among CD patients with or without SIBO (72 ± 20 vs. 68 ± 20; P = 0.79).DISCUSSIONThis study yielded 2 major findings: firstly, we demonstrated a low prevalence of SIBO diagnosed by quantitative culture of aspirate of the proximal intestine in a large cohort of patients with CD, even in the group with nonresponsive CD. Secondly, SIBO does not seem to be the only factor involved in persistence of symptoms in the majority of our patients with a positive culture.The low frequency of SIBO in patients with nonresponsive CD in this study differ from that found in a previous study in which the diagnosis of SIBO was based on lactulose H 2-BT.4However, our results are consistent with the previous work in the fact that SIBO was present in those patients with symptomatic CD. What is(are) the reason(s) for the discrepancy in prevalence of SIBO among studies? H 2-BT is far from the ideal test to establish SIBO diagnosis. Studies that compared the H 2-BT with quantitative culture of intestinal aspirates suggest that it has a low sensitivity and a high frequency of false positive results.13,20,21Definitions of normal and abnormal results on H 2-BT are more variable than for cultures.6,18 Even more, in a recent study that included symptomatic patients with clearly defined riskNIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscriptfactors for SIBO, the reliability of lactulose H 2-BT was very poor as compared with quantitative culture of small bowel aspirate for diagnosis of SIBO.21 Moreover, patients with untreated CD demonstrated higher fasting hydrogen levels than healthy volunteers and treated CD.24Thus, the lactulose H 2-BT may be unreliable for SIBO diagnosis in patients with nonresponsive CD because intentional and/or inadvertent gluten contamination is a major issue in this clinical scenario.2,3 Other breath tests (eg, 80-g glucose-H 2BT and 1-g 14C-xylose) have a much higher sensitivity (65% to 70%, >95%; respectively) and specificity (83%, >95%; respectively)equivalent to the culture of small bowel aspirate obtained from a single site.10,11,17,18,20Quantitative culture of intestinal aspirate is regarded by many as the most effective method for the diagnosis of SIBO, but may have some limitations. The main difficulty with culture of intestinal aspirate is the potential risk of contamination by microflora in the oropharynx. To decrease that risk in our study, the small intestinal aspirate was performed under direct vision and a sterile catheter for fluid aspiration was used. Additionally, for anaerobes, only colonic-type bacteria were considered clinically relevant. We do not believe that contamination by oropharyngeal microflora was a major pitfall in our study, but certainly, even with the precautions to avoid it, we cannot completely excluded that issue. However, if that was the case, thus our results overestimate the frequency of SIBO, further supporting our observation of a low prevalence of SIBO in patients with CD. Another limitation of the quantitative culture technique is the issue that the sample collection is restricted to the proximal small bowel. What is the impact of taking the intestinal fluid beyond the mid-small bowel in SIBO prevalence?The answer to this important question cannot be addressed with the present study design, and there is no practical device that allows us to routinely collect intestinal fluid beyond the area commonly reached by the standard endoscope. Even more important, currently SIBO is defined by the number of CFU/mL of intestinal fluid aspirated from the proximal intestine by standard endoscopy.6-9,18,22 Finally, evidence of the existence of culture proven ileal bacterial overgrowth with normal number of bacteria in the proximal intestine is lacking.19An additional novel finding in this study is that SIBO does not seem to be the only factor involved in the persistence of GI symptoms in the majority of our patients with nonresponsive CD and a positive culture, 67% had a coexistent disorder that may explain the lack of response to gluten exclusion. Thus, in our population even if SIBO is diagnosed, additional work-up is necessary, principally to unmask refractory sprue or microscopic colitis. It should be noted that the observed prevalence of SIBO in nonresponsive CD patients may be particular to patients like ours who were referred for investigation for symptoms unresponsive to a GFD. Whether this equally applies to unreferred community-based patients who have chronic diarrhea, despite a GFD, is unknown but deserving of study.Nonetheless, recognition of SIBO is important because (1) SIBO could be the cause of and/or contributory factor in a small subset of nonresponsive CD patients and (2) celiacs with SIBO have evidence of worse malabsorption as reflected by increased amount of fat in stool(steatorrhea) and lower levels of hemoglobin, β-carotene and albumin. However, it is not clear whether the underlying disorder (present in 67% of nonresponsive CD patients) or bacterial overgrowth worsened the malabsorption but certainly both factors may have a negative synergistic effect.Interestingly, we found 5 cases of SIBO diagnosed in patients with untreated CD. The reasons for this association are not clear, but seem to be related to gluten ingestion as reflected by the fact that none of our patients received specific treatment for SIBO with antibiotics, and the clinical evolution was favorable after gluten exclusion. The detection of SIBO at the time of initial diagnosis suggests that SIBO could result from damage to the epithelium that could be the result of rather than the cause of epithelial damage. Motility disorders associated with “active” CD, specifically delayed orocecal transit could lead to SIBO in these cases.25NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author ManuscriptHowever, this explanation remains speculative, because we did not assess the intestinal motility before and after gluten exclusion in our patients. Another plausible explanation for the presence of SIBO in untreated CD is related to the significantly older age demonstrated in our patients with positive culture. Thus, the well-described associated risk factors for SIBO in older people cannot be excluded as a possible explanation for SIBO presentation at the time of the diagnosis of CD.26,27 It is possible that SIBO present at the time of CD diagnosis may persist after starting the GFD and prolong symptoms despite good adherence to GFD, but prospective (follow-up) studies are needed to test this hypothesis.Finally, a similar proportion of symptomatic and asymptomatic CD patients had mildly elevated counts of bacteria in the small bowel; however, the clinical significance of these findings are unclear, and the possible pathogenic role of mildly elevated counts of bacteria in the small intestine of a subset of patients with CD is uncertain.Strengths of our study are (1) we based our results in the diagnosis of SIBO by quantitative culture of intestinal aspirate, and (2) large sample size. The results of this study justify a prospective evaluation of the prevalence of bacterial overgrowth in patients with CD.In conclusion, we demonstrated a low prevalence of SIBO in patients with CD using for diagnosis the quantitative culture of intestinal aspirate. SIBO may coexist with other disorders associated with nonresponsive CD. The combination of CD and SIBO was found to be associated with worse malabsorption.AcknowledgementsSupported by the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) International Training Grant 2006 (ART) and the NIH grants DK-57892 and DK-070031 (JAM).REFERENCES1. Farrell RJ, Kelly CP. Celiac sprue. N Engl J Med 2002;346:180–188. [PubMed: 11796853]2. Abdulkarim AS, Burgart LJ, See J, et al. Etiology of nonresponsive celiac disease: results of a systematic approach. Am J Gastroenterol 2002;97:2016–2021. [PubMed: 12190170]3. Fine KD, Meyer RL, Lee EL. The prevalence and causes of chronic diarrhea in patients with celiac sprue treated with a gluten free diet. 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[PubMed: 8995936]NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author ManuscriptFIGURE 1.Indication for collection of intestinal fluid and result of the culture.NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author ManuscriptNIH-PA Author ManuscriptNIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript TABLE1ClinicalFeaturesinPatientsWithSmallBowelBacterialOvergrowthCeliacSerologyIntestinalBiopsyPatientNo.*Age(y)/SexIgGAGAIgAAGAtTGAAtrophyiIELsAssociatedDisorder144/F++NDYesYesNo259/M+++YesYesNo371/F−−−YesYesNo453/M−−+YesYesNo569/M−−−YesYesNo662/FNDND+YesYesNo773/F−−−YesYesNo855/F++NDYesYesNo979/F−−NDYesYesType1RS174/M−−−YesYesType1RS1149/FNDND−YesYesLC1276/M−−NDNoNoLC1364/F−−−YesYesCC1477/M−−NDNoNoLymphomaAGAindicatesantigliadin;CC,collagenouscolitis;LC,lymphocyticcolitis;ND,notdeterminate;RS,refractorysprue;tTGA,antitissuetransglutaminase;+,positive;−,negative.*SIBOwasdiagnosedatinitialwork-upformalabsorptionin5(patients1to5)andin9patientswithnonresponsiveCD(patients6to14).。
