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Ⅳ. 段落翻译 ⑴变压器的初级绕组是馈有交变电流的线圈,而次级绕 组是通过变化的磁通传给有功率的线圈。初级和次级 的名称只取决于变压器连接的方式;任一个绕组均可 是初级,于是另一个就是次级了。 译文:The primary winding of a transformer is the coil which is fed with an alternating current, and [或: while] the secondary winding is the coil to which power is transferred via the changing flux. The designations of the primary and the secondary depends only on how the transformer is connected; either winding may be the primary, and the other is then the secondary.
Ⅱ. 单句翻译
④ 能写成以下形式的方程被称为含有一个未知数的线性 方程。 译文:An equation which can be written in the following form is known as a linear equation in one unknown. ⑤ 在计算机中,趋势是以尽可能高的时钟速率工作。 译文:In a computer, the tendency is to operate at as high a clock rate as possible. ⑥ 该电容器上的电压为零点零几伏 译文: The voltage across this capacitor is a few hundredths of a volt.
Ⅱ. 单句翻译
① 输入信号太大会引起非线性失真。 译文:Nonlinear distortion can be caused by too large an input signal. ② 利用斜率的定义,我们能导出表示直线的方程。 译文:Using the definition of slope, we can derive the equation which represents a straight line. ③ f (x+h)-f(x)这一表达式经常用在微积分方面。 译文: The expression f (x+h)-f(x) is frequently used in the study of calculus.
③ 解这道题很容易。 译文: This problem can be solved with great ease.
Ⅱ. 单句翻译 ④ 在这种情况下,电流导前电压90º 。 译文:In this case, current leads voltage by 90º .
⑤ 通过分析这台设备的参数,我们可以了解它的性能。 译文:Through the analysis of the parameters of this device [或:By analyzing the parameters of this device], we can understand its p翻译 ⑵ ××,男,教授,博士生导师,中科院院士。 1953年毕业于解放军通信工程学院雷达系。 译文:× × : male, professor, advisor for doctoral students, and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He graduated from the Department of Radar at the Institute of the Communications Engineering of the People’s Liberation Army of China in 1953.
Ⅳ. 段落翻译 ⑵ 他长期从事雷达与信号处理方面的研究和教学工 作,近年来的研究方向为:统计信号处理、阵列 信号处理、自适应信号处理等。 译文:He has long been engaged in research and teaching in the fields of radar and information processing. In recent years, his research interests focus on statistical signal processing, array signal processing, and self-adaptive signal processing.
⑥ 若x>0,则该方程无解。 译文: For x > 0, there is no solution to the equation.
Ⅱ. 单句翻译 ⑦ 现在我们需要解这个方程,求出那个未知数来。 译文:Now it is necessary for us to solve this equation for that unknown.
Ⅱ. 单句翻译 ⒃ 这里我们使用相距两米的两个金属球。 译文:Here we use two metal balls two meters apart. ⒄本文没有什么新内容。 译文:This paper contains nothing new. [或:There is nothing new in this paper.].
Ⅳ. 段落翻译 ⑴ 物体经受简谐运动的周期是为使它作一完整振荡所需的时间。 对弹簧而言,周期就是弹簧在从其最大的伸长,通过其最大的 压缩并又一次回到其最大伸长过程中所用的时间。对各类简谐 运动来说,周期T表示为 T 2 s a 式中加速度a是物体处于特 定位置时所经历的加速度 译文:The period with which a body undergoes simple harmonic motion is the time required for it to make one complete oscillation. In the case of a spring, the period is the time the spring spends in going from its maximum extension, through its maximum compression and back to its maximum extension once more. For all types of simple harmonic motion, the period T is given by, T 2 s a where the acceleration a is that experienced by the body when it is at its specified position.
⒅ 该力垂直于桌面作用。 译文: The force acts perpendicularly to the surface of the table.
Ⅱ. 单句翻译 (19) 这一规则可用于一切整数。 译文:This rule can be used for [或:… can apply to] all integers, both positive and negative.
Ⅱ. 单句翻译 ① 这本书对电子工程师来说是极有帮助的。 译文:This book is of great help to electronic engineers.
② 在前四章中,第三章最重要。 译文:Of the first four chapters, Chapter 3 is the most important.
(20) 中子具有稍大于质子的质量。 译文:A neutron has a slightly larger mass than a proton. [或:… has a mass slightly larger than that of a proton.]
(21) 电子是存在于普通物质中的最小微粒。 译文: Electrons are the smallest particles present in ordinary matter. [或:… particles that exist in ordinary matter].
Ⅱ. 单句翻译 ⑦ 十年前该厂的产量仅为现在的五分之一。
译文:The output of the factory ten years ago was only one fifth what it is now [或:… only one fifth its present output]. ⑧ 这两数值之差为万分之十三。 译文:The difference between these two values is 13 parts in 104. ⑨ 锡的熔点没有铅高。 译文: Tin does not have as high a melting point as lead (does).
⑧ 在把这些值代入后,人们发现v就等于光速。 译文:Upon substitution of these values, it is found that v is equal to the velocity of light.
⑨ 电容是用法拉为单位来度量的。 译文: Capacitance is measured in farads.
Ⅱ. 单句翻译 ⒀ 这个答案看起来是正确的。 译文:This answer appears correct. ⒁ 这个系数有待确定。 译文:This coefficient remains to be determined. ⒂ 下面两个式子在后面章节将被经常提到。 译文: The two equations below will be used often in later chapters.
Ⅳ. 段落翻译 ⑵ 毕业后留校任教,历任教研室主任、系主任、副院长。1984年 至1992年西安电子科技大学校长。现任校学术委员会主任,雷 达信号处理国家重点实验室学术委员会主任。他还是国家杰出 青年科学基金委员会委员,中国电子学会会士。 译文:After graduation he remained at the Institute as a faculty member. He successively held the posts of head of a teaching and research section, chairman of a department, and vice president of the Institute. From 1984 to 1992 he served as president of Xidian University. He is currently chairman of the Academic Commission of Xidian University and chairman of the Academic Commission of the National Key Laboratory of Radar Signal Processing. He is also member of the Committee of the National Science Fund for Outstanding Youths, and fellow of the Chinese Institute of Electronics.