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2020年33卷11期Vol. 33 No. 11


Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences

文章编号:1001 -4829(2020)11 -2537-08DOI : 10.16213/j. cnki. scjas. 2020.11.019


毛旭芮▽,王明力3,杨建军匕丁肇龙曹月娥I :



摘 要:【目的】为研究干旱区露天煤矿开采活动产生的煤粉尘对周边地区土壤理化性质及土壤可蚀性的影响。【方法】选取具有

代表性的新疆准东煤田红沙泉煤矿为研究区,在排土场、堆煤场、矿区2000 m 以内采集土壤样品,分析土壤理化性质并计算可蚀

性因子(EF )值,探讨土壤理化性质与(EF )值的关系并分析两者的空间分布规律。【结果】①煤粉尘沉降对土壤各项理化性质产 生不同程度的影响,其中有机质影响最显著,随距离呈现由高到低的指数分布。排土场表层土壤颗粒结构与其他采样点有显著差 异,土壤表层砂粒含量明显减少,土壤黏粒含量明显增加。②土壤EF 值与土壤pH 值、土壤全磷、土壤砂粒含量均呈极显著(P <



壤EF 值在堆煤场处达到最低值,煤矿区土壤EF 值也明显小于周边地区。【结论】采煤活动对矿区周边土壤理化性质具有显著影 响,进而降低土壤可蚀性。


中图分类号:S157.1 文献标识码:A

Effect of Coal Mining Activities on Soil Properties and Erodibility

MAO Xu-mi 1'2 ,WANG Ming-li 3 ,YANG Jian-jun 1-2 , DING Zhao-long 1'2 , CAO Yue-e 1'2 *

(1. College of Resource and Environment Sciences , Xinjiang University , Xinjiang Urumqi 830046, China ;2. Key Laboratory of Oasis Ecolo ­

gy ,Ministry of Education f Xinjiang Urumqi 830046, China ; 3. Geology Party No. 216, CNNC , Xinjiang Urumqi 830011, China)

Abstract : [ Objective] The present paper aimed to study the influence of coal dust generated by open-pit coal mining activities in the arid ar ­ea on the soil physical and chemical properties and soil erodibility in the surrounding areas. [ Method] A representative Xinjiang Zhundong coalfield Hongshaquan coal mine was selected as the study area , in the dumping site and coal soil samples were collected within 2000 meters from the field and the mining area. The physical and chemical properties of the soil were analyzed and the erodibility factor ( EF) values

were calculated. The relationship between soil physical and chemical properties and (EF) values was discussed and the spatial distribution of the two was analyzed. [ Result] (i)Coal dust deposition had different effects on the physical and chemical properties of the soil, among which the oi^anic matter had the most significant effect, and the exponential distribution from high to low with distance. The grain structure

of the surface soil of the dumping site was significantly different from other sampling points. The sand content of the soil surface was signifi ­

cantly reduced , and the soil clay content was significantly increased. (ii) Soil EF and soil pH , soil total phosphorus and soil sand content were positively correlated (P <0.01) , and soil clay and powder content were extremely significant negative correlation (P <0. 01). The or ­

der of correlation was as follows : pH > clay > organic matter > sand > powder > total phosphorus > calcium carbonate > full salt > total weight

> total nitrogen. (iii)The coal yard and dumping site formed by coal mining activities had a reducing effect on soil erodibility. The soil EF reached the lowest value at the coal yard , and the soil EF value in the coal mine area was also significantly smaller than that in surrounding

收稿日期:2019-ll -19


风蚀对有机碳的影响研究” (41661057);国家自然科学基金“新 疆典型露天煤矿区土壤风蚀研究”(41461056);国家自然科学 基金“干旱区大型工程项目无组织尘排放特征及其对周边植被


作者简介:毛旭芮(1995 -),女,硕士研究生,主要从事煤矿区 土壤风蚀研究,E-mail :1519489590@的.com ; *为通讯作者:曹 月娥(1976 -),女,博士,副教授,主要从事干旱区土壤风蚀研 究,E-mail : xjdxcye@ sina. com o

area. [ Conclusion ] Coal mining activities have a significant

impact on the physical and chemical properties of the soil

around the mining area , thereby reducing soil erodibility.

Key words : Open pit mine ; Coal dust diffusion ; Soil proper ­ties ; Erodibility

【研究意义】土壤侵蚀是全球化进程中广泛 关注的生态环境问题之一。土壤侵蚀的加剧导致

