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Older Chinese Adults’ Attitudes about Professional Helping Services (3)
Role of University-based Social Work Programs in Addressing Community Needs in Under-resourced Urban Areas in the U.S.: A Case Study (3)
A University on a Mission (4)
The Biographical Timeline: Building a Context for Supports and Therapy (5)
A Biopsychsocial Perspective (5)
How Oral Histories Enhance Students Understanding of Older Adulthood (6)
Utilizing Social Workers to Address China’s Growing Need for Qualified Sexuality Educators and Counselors (6)
The Evolution of the Community Service System for Older Adults in the United States and Predictions for the Future (7)
Ethical Considerations in Disasters: A Social Work Framework (8)
Helping Victims of Trauma (8)
Community Asset Mapping (9)
重庆市人口老龄化视野下医务社会工作发展模式探索研究 (10)
留守儿童学校社会工作模式的实践与反思——以重庆市江津区关爱留守儿童社工志愿服务为例 (10)
“5.12”汶川地震灾区灾后重建中的社区能力建设——以香港浸会大学、西南财经大学北川任家坪社工站为例 (11)
口头传承的历史怎样增强学生理解老年人 (11)
“社工+志愿者”技能人才教育模式探索——广东青年职业学院社工专业办学特色 (12)
传续与发展——南锣鼓巷社区建设中的文化实践 (12)
西部地区社会工作人才可持续发展能力建设的路径选择——以昆明市为个案 (13)
基于自组织理论视角的社区参与系统审视与重构 (14)
利用社会工作者解决关于合格性教育者和顾问的需要 (14)
创新老年人服务模式推动和谐社区建设 (15)
从综合到专业:社会工作介入社区服务的创新模式探索——基于对部分全国社区建设示范城区的考察 (15)
地震灾区居民需求与社会工作救助策略分析 (16)
对上海市基层社会治理创新的考察及展望 (16)
服务学习型教学模式在社会工作专业中的运用 (17)
福建省养老服务问题及对策初探 (17)
构建社会养老社会工作服务体系的研究——以吉林省为例 (18)
试论构建政府主导城市社区治理模式的依据 (18)
社会工作应用型人才培养的应然选择:社会工作教学中的参与式教学 (19)
介入与嵌入:社会工作在农村养老中的问题与策略研究 (19)
基于和谐视角的城市社区治理创新 (20)
流动人口子女家庭教育的困境、资源与社会工作的介入——基于社会生态系统理论视角下的实证研究 (20)
社会工作专业人才培养模式本土化建设的理念与实践——以沈阳化工大学为例 (21)
论我国普惠型社会福利制度中的社会工作介入 (21)
孤儿就业模式的新探索——孤儿职业技术学校内的社工介入 (22)
浅析社会工作本土化过程中的几点问题 (22)
试论灾害社会工作的学科建构——基于灾害防范的社会工作研究 (23)
青少年偏差行为的社区预防与介入机制研究 (23)
儒家思想与中国社会工作的本土化 (24)
浅析社会工作价值观在中国嬗变 (25)
社会工作介入儿童福利服务模式探索 (25)
社会工作介入社会管理体制创新研究 (26)
社会工作专业实践教学问题探讨 (26)
社会管理创新视野下的社区工作创新探析 (27)
社会转型与农村社会管理机制创新 (27)
社区发展与社会救助探索——以Y社区的流浪者为例 (28)
社区工作在创新社会管理机制中的探索—以湖北襄阳市的实证调研为例 (28)
社区工作者可持续发展能力建设:内涵、结构与路径分析 (29)
社区建设与管理体制研究——以安徽省芜湖市为例 (29)
社会工作者在中国社区建设中之角色 (29)
“社会工作教育者对“服务性学习”理念与教学方法的思考——对如何推动学生通过实习服务获得专业成长案例分析 (31)
我国城市社区管理现状及对策:兼论“两委一站”模式 (32)
社区矫正的保密原则及其界限探讨 (32)
震后孤儿社区综合支持体系研究 (33)
社工工作教育协同式人才培养模式探析 (33)
目前社会工作专业实习教育存在的问题及对策探析 (35)
“主体社工”理性实践培养模式研究 (35)
重庆城市社区邻里关系现状浅析 (35)
大社会工作理念下中国社会工作专业教育的本土化思考与探索 (36)
Older Chinese Adults’ Attitudes
about Professional Helping Services John Poulin, Ph.D., Professor of Social Work, Widener University
This presentation explores the attitudes older Chinese adults have about engaging in counseling-based services helping professionals. Data were collected from 150 older adults living in Chongqing, China. In contrast with previous research, attitudes about intimacy with helping professionals varied and were normally distributed. Significant predictors of fear of intimacy were level of trust, mental health stigma, family support and friend support. Surprisingly, family and friend support had opposite associations with fear of intimacy. Family support was related to higher fear and friend support to lower fear. The cultural implications of these findings for researchers and social workers working with elderly Chinese clients will be discussed.
Role of University-based Social Work Programs in Addressing Community Needs in Under-resourced Urban Areas in the U.S.: A Case Study
Dr. Michael W. Ledoux, Professor of Education, Widener University
This presentation will focus on how the Center for Social Work Education at Widener University in Chester, PA, USA, has assumed a leadership role in the university’s efforts to address the needs of residents in the surrounding community. The presentation will co ntain a description of the Center’s development of its Social Work Counseling Services (SWCS), a university-sponsored agency that has the dual mission of meeting the social service needs of community residents and of providing an intensive training experience for undergraduate and graduate social work students. Dr. Michael will explain how SWCS’s history of community engagement played a role in shaping the university’s strategic plan to include a focus on civic engagement and provided a basis for social work faculty to pursue the development of service
learning courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Examples of SWCS-based projects and initiatives will be presented, as will descriptions of course-based service learning projects. Dr. Wilhite will demonstrate how these projects are impacting both the community and the Widener students providing the services, and he will illustrate how the professional development of faculty members is enhanced by their involvement in this work. Finally, Dr. Wilhite will argue that the Center for Social Work Education’s history of partnering with the university’s surrounding community provided the foundation for the Center’s international partnership with the social work faculty at Chongqing Technical and Business University to promote the development of social work education in ways that powerfully address community needs.
A University on a Mission
Paula Silver, Ph.D., Director Center for Social Work Education,
Widener University
Dr. Michael W. Ledoux, Professor of Education, Widener University
The mission of Widener University includes the following statement:
We inspire our students to be citizens of character who demonstrate professional and civic leadership. We contribute to the vitality and well being of the communities we serve (Widener University, 2004).
The ultimate aim of this mission is to promote pedagogical strategies across academic disciplines that engage students in learning activities that provide academic content along with the opportunity to apply that content through “real work” in the community. In other words, student are able to learn course content while they are providing important services in the community. This pedagogical approach is most often referred to as “service-learning.” Si nce the adoption of this mission in 2004, the University has devoted resources to helping faculty become skilled in service-learning strategies. This presentation will describe examples of service-learning activities from several academic disciplines across the University that have engaged students in significant community development activities.
The Biographical Timeline: Building a Context for
Supports and Therapy
Beth Barol, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Social Work,
Widener University
Sometimes we are puzzled about how to support a person with challenging behaviors. The Biographical Timeline can be a valuable tool to help us better understand the meaning behind the actions of people we are supporting. Effective ways to support a person on a daily basis become clearer when we take the opportunity to explore the lessons learned during their lives, including the effects of trauma and mental illness. Engaging in the full experience of the biographical timeline helps a team rally to support an individual with whom they have been struggling.
A Biopsychsocial Perspective
John Giugliano, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Social Work,
Widener University
Most people have been affected by an addiction in one way or another. People can have addictions to substances such as alcohol, nicotine, cocaine or behaviors such as sex or gambling. This presentation will provide social workers with a generalist understanding of addiction and the various resources available to assist individuals affected by drug use. Addictions will be examined from a biopsychosocial perspective. In the past decade, advances in technology have allowed scientists to examine the brain in search of what causes and maintains addictions. Neurobiological explanations of addiction have become increasingly popular as newer technology permits increased information about brain activity. The emotional, physical, and spiritual consequences that resulting from problematic behaviors and drug use will be assessed. Participants will become familiar with the
various interventions that are available to clients and help fit the client with the most appropriate resource available.
How Oral Histories Enhance Students Understanding of
Older Adulthood
Robin Goldberg-Glen, Ph.D.,Widener University Deng Rong, Chongqing Technology and Business University
This presentation will focus on an intergenerational service learning project designed to teach students about aging through narrative material from older adults living in Chongqing, China. Life stories were collected by junior level BSW students enrolled in a geriatric social work course. The project was supervised jointly by a one social work faculty member from CTBU and another from Widener University in the United States. The purpose of this presentation is to provide the audience with an overview of life story methods and to highlight how this project enhanced students understanding of adulthood while at the same time provided an opportunity for intergenerational collaboration and the collection of older adults histories that are often lost when not recorded. Overall analyses of student reflections clearly indicate how students were surprised by the respondents’ resilience and willingness to share their personal stories. Additionally, the students were afforded an opportunity to improve their understanding of the history of China through the older adults’ verbal reminiscence of their own histories.
Utilizing Social Workers to Address China’s Growing Need for Qualified Sexuality Educators and Counselors
Travis Ingersol, MSW, M.Ed., Doctoral Candidate, Widener University Li Bin,., Professor, Chongqing Technology and Business University This presentation calls attention to the growing need within China, for qualified sexuality educators and counselors. Research indicates that since the 1980s, China has witnessed steadily growing rates of sexually transmitted infections, unintended
pregnancies, teen-abortions and domestic violence. Although the government’s Population and Family Law of 2002 required universities to provide sex education, due to cultural stigmas still surrounding sex, neither educators nor parents feel comfortable discussing matters of sex and sexuality. As a result, the need to provide such services is still great. One possible solution would be to utilize Social Workers to meet this important, and growing need.
Chinese Social Workers are trained to build relationships with people and Communities. With additional training in sexuality issues, the clinical skills that social workers possess are ideal in addressing the sexual health concerns, and the sex-education needs of their clients. This presentation will also include a review of the PLISSIT model of sexuality counseling, and promote basic sexual health training for Chinese social workers by way of a continual educational collaborations with Widener University. Widener University has the only nationally accredited human sexuality program in the United States of America, as well as the only dual-degree program in Clinical Social Work and Human Sexuality Education.
The Evolution of the Community Service System for Older Adults in the United States and Predictions for
the Future
Norma D. Thomas, DSW, MSW Program Director,
California University of Pennsylvania
This presentation will provide an overview of the evolution of the system of services developed to take care of the needs of the rapidly increasing older adult population in the United States. The workshop will also cover the current policy issues being discussed at all levels of government based on the fact that according to the United States Census, the elderly population by 2030 will reach 70 million people which amounts to a doubling of persons 65 and older since 2000. This has implications not only in terms of governmental policy decisions, but the impact on families, the workforce, growing health care demands, the need for better long term care options and the impact upon communities in which older adults reside.
Ethical Considerations in Disasters: A Social Work
Hussein Hassan Soliman, Ph.D., Professor, School of Social Work,
Southern Illinois University
In the last 30 years the world has witnessed a steady increase in the frequency, intensity, and magnitude of natural disasters. There is a belief among scientists that the impact of natural disasters can be addressed and reduced with rigorous planning and the coordination of efforts among local, national, and international organizations. In this context, disaster management will require the use of science to enhance and facilitate disaster preparedness, mitigation, and recovery. These processes can be upgraded and examined to achieve higher results, which means saving many people and properties from suffering and devastation.
In disaster management many decisions will be made to respond to crisis and survivors’ needs; however, these decisions should be made based on ethical and legal considerations to ensure equality, fairness, and justice. The review of these principles is important to help citizens, administrators, and legislators recognize the need for guidelines and directions to address all aspects related to disaster planning, mitigation and recovery.
Helping Victims of Trauma
Barbara Gilin, LCSW, Professor
Widener University’s Center for Social Work Education.
Traumatic events can temporarily overwhelm a person’s ability to function effectively. Examples of traumatic events include natural disasters such as floods or earthquakes, physical abuse such as rape, domestic violence, or assault by a stranger. In order to help someone recover well from a traumatic event, a worker should provide the following assistance:
Educate trauma victims about the physical and mental symptoms that they might experience, including high anxiety, difficulty sleeping, distressing memories of the
trauma, and nightmares. Fact sheets about normal reactions to trauma that can be given to trauma victims will be provided.
Teach trauma survivors the skills that will help them to restore balance in their bodies and in their emotions. Participants in the training will have the opportunity to learn and practice specific skills that will help people to feel better following a trauma.
Help trauma victims to take specific actions that will help them to feel safe following a traumatic event. When positive interventions can be provided following a traumatic experience, negative long-term effects on a person’s mental and physical health can be prevented or reduced.
Community Asset Mapping
Marina Barnett, DSW Associate Professor,
Widener University of Pennsylvania
Community assets refer to those individual, economic, institutional, and organizational resources that are available to community residents. The primary goals of sustainable local communities are to understand their basic needs and to identify existing indigenous resources that may be utilized to address those needs. This presentation seeks to demonstrate the process of Asset Mapping and the use of Geographic Information System software (GIS) software to identify and visually represent neighborhood resources that can be utilized by social workers, educators and community residents to aid in building sustainable local communities. In addition to an introduction to asset and GIS mapping, participants will engage in exercises to identify personal and institutional resources in their communities and develop community partnerships to conduct meaningful and useful assessments.
重庆工商大学社会与公共管理学院中国重庆 400067



(重庆工商大学社会与公共管理学院重庆 400067)






邓蓉;重庆工商大学;Robin Goldberg-Glen, Widener University























利用社会工作者满足合格性教育者和性咨询工作者的需求李滨,重庆工商大学;Travis Ingersol, Widener University

























