【最新推荐】雅思口语考试 为什么说很简单-范文word版 (1页)


2019-剑桥雅思八雅思口语真题解析(Test 1)-范文word版 (1页)

2019-剑桥雅思八雅思口语真题解析(Test 1)-范文word版 (1页)

2019-剑桥雅思八雅思口语真题解析(Test 1)-范文word版本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==剑桥雅思八雅思口语真题解析(Test 1)剑桥雅思8解析的全部内容包括了 Part 1,2,3三个部分。


TEST 1 - SPEAKINGPART 1 test 1 - part 1 的题目是201X年的。

已经考了5年了,考这一些题目的可能性不大,但不能排除同类型的题继续出现所以同学们好好准备一下关于住宿和 Living environment 方便的问题Q : How well do you know the people who live next door to you ?你和你的邻居们的关系如何?Q : How often do you see them ?你多久和他们见面或来往?Q : What kinds of problem do people sometimes have with their neighbours ?邻居们之间常见的矛盾有哪些?Q : How do you think neighbours can help each other ?邻居们如何可以互相帮助?Part 2: 这个题目是变态题,也是一个高分题目。



Describe a time you were asked to give your opinion in a questionnaire or survey描述你参加过的一个调查。



三种思路让你在雅思口语part2有话可说雅思口语Part 2的难度有一部分是在于描述,而有更大的一部分是在于很多考生有着一口流利的英语,但是不知道说什么。

下面小编给大家带来三种思路让你在雅思口语part 2 有话可说。

三种思路让你在雅思口语part 2 有话可说1.以个人经历(专业、爱好)发展话题常见话题:Describe a person who has an interesting job.解析:典型的人物类抽象话题,描述一个有着有趣工作的人。






案例1:某学员的专业为Industrial Design,一直向往能够设计一些高端的跑车,正好自己的导师是法拉利的设计师之一,在之前的课上一直提到自己特别羡慕自己的导师。

案例2:某学员的爱好为看电影,她特别喜欢看电影,也听说过这样的一个职业叫做film reviewer,他们的工作职责是每天看电影,把电影的情节记录下来,并且写下观影感受。



2.大事化小--把大话题具体成一个小事件常见话题:Describe a useful advice you have received.解析:描述他人提供的有用的建议或者意见。



攻克雅思口语:化难为易,化繁为简攻克雅思口语:化难为易,化繁为简一.〝硬碰硬〞,真金不怕火炼对于备考时间较长(半年或以上)的考生,建议大家本着务实求真的精神,彻彻底底将口语基础打牢.切记,口语和写作都是真正揭晓实力的两门,绝不能依仗技巧取胜.有经验的考官不会完全照读考题,而是会为你〝量身定做〞(Tailor-made)顺势出题,所以如果完全是所谓的技巧搭起来的空中楼阁的话,注定会不攻自破.因此,一定要充分利用这段较长的备考期,多开口,勤练习,进行实战模拟,让自己的口语有质的提高.二.由难到易,化繁为简一定的实力基础固然必不可少,但口语成绩的提高也不是完全没有捷径可走.聪明的考生能做到扬长避短,迎合评分要求回答,在短短的十来分钟内包装自己的语言,有更好的发挥.下面将介绍三种化繁为简的方法,供大家参考.第一招:减少描述,增加议论纵览各类卡片题,发现一个共同的关键词,即Describe, 如Describe a teacher who has greatly influencedyou(人物题),Describe an object you use everyday(物品题),Describe a shop you often goto(地点题),Describe a familyevent(事件题).很多考生会集中精力去思考如何Describe,所以在人物题中会试着用很多语言去描述外貌特征,如大大的眼睛,长长的睫毛,粉粉的脸颊,厚厚的嘴唇.且不论该考生是否都能将这些中文描述对应的恰当英文找到,除非是口语基础相当不错的考生,不然挑这些内容去讲无疑是搬起石头砸自己的脚.人物题还算是比较容易描述的了,那碰到物品题描述一个家用电器怎么办,如何去Describe?以awashing machine为例,我们能想到的内容可能是颜色(〝Its color is white.〞).大小(It’s one meterhigh.),别的似乎没什么可讲的了.这个时候就可以增加议论或评价.对于颜色,可以添加的内容是The reason why I chose this coloris that it matches well with my bathroom and besides, white has always been myfavorite color. It’s clean. You know. 而对于大小,也可评价一番It is actually the smallestsize at that time. I put it in the corner, and it takes only a littlespace.由此可见,评价性的语言通常比描述更为具体,可以看做是对前一句的补充说明或者是例证拓展.这种对于每一点信息都要给出议论的习惯一定要养成,可以使我们的说话内容顿时翻倍.第二招:变抽象为具体很多考生觉得口语话题难,就是因为没话说,特别是看似较为抽象的话题,如Describe asuccess.总觉得success肯定是较为光鲜的事迹,对照自己似乎找不到素材.其实如果把success具体化,看作是successfully didsth.,构思就会容易许多.可以讲成功地网上交友.购物,与网络话题结合,可以讲成功地交到一个知心益友,与朋友话题相结合.又如part3中的一些抽象问题,如How has technology changed people’slife?如果单单从较高层面总的去概括科技如何改变生活会觉得语言内容上频频受限,而换个角度,如果把change具体化,举自己的家庭为例,讲起来就顺口多了.Well,technology did change our life a lot. Take my family as an e_ample, ten yearsago, we used electric fan in hot summer but now the air-conditioning brings usmore comfort.第三招:扭转乾坤,话题巧转移短短的十几分钟时间内,讲自己有准备的话题内容肯定比临场发挥好,至少在语言质量上能略胜一筹.再次强调,口语考试重形式而非内容,只要能巧妙自然地将拿到的话题转到自己觉得熟悉的内容上来,必定会有更好的效果.如Apiece of goodlaw,这个难倒了众多考生的杀手题触及到我们较为不熟悉的领域——法律.而转身一想,法律其实是无所不在的,建议考生可以将其转移为环境问题,所以可以去讲〝限塑令(Thenew standard of plastic bags)的制定和执行;亦可转换成工作问题,讲〝劳工法〞(The Labor Law).简言之,口语成绩的提高应该是两方面结合,基本的语言能力辅之以巧妙的应对方法.希望考生们不论见到什么样〝为难〞的话题,都不要慌张,运用以上提及的一些方法,化难为易,化繁为简.最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:an activity that you feel e_citedYou should say:what you didwhere and when you did thiswho you shared the activity withand e_plain why this activity was new or e_citing for you.范文:A couple of weeks ago I went with some friends to play paintball. It’ssomething I’d never done before so I was interested to see what it would belike. My friend, who has been doing this activity for about a year, knew a placejust outside of the city where they have a special course, or site, all set upfor the participants.We arrived around 10am in the morning and one of the instructorse_plained tous all about the safety equipment, the rules, how to use the guns and talkedabout some basic techniques and how to deal with the obstacles on the site. Thattook about a half hour. Then we got ready and split into two teams. There werefour people in each team.We spent about 2 hours doing this activity. I was surprised because it’s morephysical than I thought, there’s a lot of running around involved but it’s alsovery e_citing. I could feel the adrenalin pumping inside me. It took me a fewminutes to get used to the idea of firing the gun and dodging other peopletrying to fire at me, but it was good fun as well as good e_ercise. I have toadmit that I was disappointed when I got ‘killed’ three times, but hey, it wasmy first time so I guess I still have a lot to learn if I want to become as goodat it as my friend.I can see why a lot of people like this activity, it’s quite addictive, andI’m sure the more you do it the better you become and then want to play evenmore. Two of my friends have been doing it for about a year now and they arequite serious about it. They have their own equipment and one of themparticipated in a local tournament last month.We all had a great time that day and then after we went for lunch together soit was a nice day out and it’s always interesting to try something new ande_citing that you haven’t done before. Maybe I’ll go again sometime in thefuture.最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:a website that you often useYou should say:where you saw itwhat it was aboutwhy you think it was an interesting advertisement.考官范文:what type of website it ishow you found out about itwhat it allows you to do, and why you find it useful.参考范文:I want to talk about a website called IELTS-Simon, which is a website I useand check every day.This is a website dedicated for the preparation of the IELTS e_am. It isupdated on a daily basis and is maintained by an e_-IELTS e_aminer calledSimon.I don t really remember how I found out about this website, but I guess itpopped out when I was googling for some IELTS materials on the web about twoyears ago. Since then, I ve been using and reading its contents every day. Of all the IELTS related websites available on the Internet, I think this isthe most useful one because of the following reasons. Firstly, we can e_pect anew IELTS lesson every day, and the lesson could be for the Listening, Reading,Writing, or Speaking part. Secondly, besides IELTS materials, Simon also givesus plenty of useful advice on grammar and tips to get high scores for thischallening e_am. And thirdly, which I think is the most important, visitors ofthis website can make comments and/or ask questions, which makes things moreinteractive and productive at the same time.All in all, this is a wonderful website that I recommend it to everyonepreparing for the IELTS.最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:interesting advertisement that you have seenYou should say:where you saw itwhat it was aboutwhy you think it was an interesting advertisement.考官范文:I m going to talk about an advertisement for Coca-Cola, which is one of thebiggest brands in the world. I ve seen Coke advertised everywhere, on postersand TV commercials.The advert shows a picture of Santa Claus smiling and holding a bottle ofCoke. I think the aim is to target children and associate (link/connect) thebrand with Christmas time.The advert is interesting because the company is deliberately trying toinfluence and attract children. The marketers are trying to capture youngcustomers. They are presenting the drink as something special, a gift forChristmas. However, Coca-Cola is not necessarily a healthy drink for children;it contains a lot of sugar. Maybe this kind of advertising manipulates childrenand encourages them to pester their parents.雅思八月复考:那些关于雅思口语考试不得不除了出国留学,雅思居然还有这么多用处?今天小编给大家带来雅思的作用,希望能够帮助8月雅思考试再新增考次_部分城市因疫情变化 8月雅思考试再新增考次!部分城市因疫情变化被迫取消!今天小编给大家带来8月雅思考试再取消北京语言大学_年8月雅思考试的通知雅思真人考官对话又回来了!今天小编给大家带来最新消息:雅思真人考官对话又回来了,最新消息:雅思真人考官对话又回来了雅思真人考官对话又回来了!今天小编给大家带来最新消息:雅思真人考官对话又回来了,。



1) At what age did you start studying mathematics?I can't exactly remember, but it was probably in my first year at primary school when I was 5 years old. I probably learnt simple addition at that age.2) Do you like mathematics? Why / why not?I don't dislike maths, but I wouldn't say that I've ever really liked the subject either. I'm happy to do simple calculations, but my brain can't cope with the complex stuff!3) Is it necessary for everyone to learn mathematics?Yes, I think it is. We all need a basic grounding in maths so that we can do daily tasks, like managing our money, working out bills, and so on.4) Do you prefer to use a calculator when doing mathematics?It depends. I quite like exercising my brain with anything that's easy enough, but I use the calculator on my phone for anything tricky.1) Do you have a favourite number or a number that is special to you?Yes, my favourite number is... because it's the day I was born on, and it's my lucky number.2) Do any numbers have special importance in your country?Yes, certain ages are special. For example, your 18th birthday is important because it's when you are considered to become an adult.3) Are you good at remembering numbers? Why / why not?No, I'm not very good at remembering numbers. I don't think it's necessary to learn them by heart; I just save them on my phone.4) What numbers do people often have to memorise?The most important number to remember on a daily basis is the pin number for your bank card. Without this you can't pay for anything or get cash out.建议:Remember that part 1 is supposed to be easy, so you should give short, direct answers.题目1:How well do you know your next-door neighbours?I know my neighbours quite well. They're really nice people, and I always stop to talk whenever I see them. I think it's important to get on well with the people who live next door.题目2. How often do you see them?I see my neighbours at least a few times a week. We usually see each other when we're leaving for work in the morning or coming home in the evening.题目 3. What problems do people sometimes have with their neighbours?I think the most common problem is probably noise. It's difficult to live next to people who have a dog that barks at night, or who play loud music or have too many parties.Here are my sample answers for the 'chocolate' topic. Remember that your priority in speaking part 1 is to demonstrate fluency by giving answers that are short, direct and natural, without hesitating too much.1) Do you like chocolate? Why / why not?Yes, I love chocolate. I like the taste, the texture and the feeling that you get when you eat it. And it goes really well with my favourite drink, coffee.2) What type of chocolate do you prefer? Why?I prefer dark chocolate to milk chocolate, because it has a stronger taste. I also like chocolate when it's in a cake, and I love drinking hot chocolate too.3) When do you usually eat chocolate?I try not to eat too much, but I probably eat or drink something that contains chocolate every couple of days.4) Do people give chocolate as a present in your country? When?Yes, it's very common to give boxes of individual chocolates as a gift. You can give chocolates on any special occasion really: birthdays, Valentine's day, Easter, Christmas, and so on.1. Do you like cooking? Why / why not?Sometimes. I like preparing a special meal for family or friends who visit, but everyday cooking is a bit boring; it's something that has to be done, but it's not really fun.2. Who did the cooking in your family when you were a child?My mother almost always did the cooking when I was young. I don't think she trusted my father to make a nice meal.3. Do you think that it's important to know how to cook well?I'm not sure whether it's important to cook well, but I do think that everyone should know the basics. It definitely isn't healthy to rely on pre-prepared meals or fast food.4. Do you think that children should be taught cookery at school?Yes, that's probably a good idea. If all children knew how to cook a few basic, healthy meals, that would surely be a good thing.1. What’s the weather like today?It’s really freezing today. If I don’t have to take the IELTS exams, I would prefer to stay at home.2. What kind of weather do you like (best)? (Why?)Actually I prefer the cloudy day as it’s neither too hot nor too cold. And what’s more important to me is that this whether is perfect for photography as the light is soft and tender. So at this time of day, I’ll always go out with my camera to the forest parks to take photos.3. What’s the weather (usually) like in your hometown?In my hometown, as it is surrounded by mountains, the whether is quite pleasant, neither too hot nor too cold. Even in winter, the temperature is still quite mild. The weather is good almost all year round as my hometown is a tourist city and there is no any industrial pollutionout there.4. Do you like that weather (or, that kind of climate)? (Why?/Why not?)The bad points about the weather in my hometown are that it doesn’t snow as heavily as up north like Beijing. It does snow, but is just a little bit. Every time I saw children having a snowball flight or making a snowman on TV, I really envied them. It was really pity.5. What is the typical weather in China like?I believe though China is a vast country, there are four distinct seasons in most places. But unfortunately in recent years, many places in summer are becoming boiling hot. I guess the changes are primarily due to the green-house effect. So in this extreme whether, I will really prefer to work at home, and the air-conditioning is working all day long, and at night, I even sleep on the floor.6. Have there been any changes in the weather over the past few years?Yes, as Beijing is facing more and more oppressive haze, I always keep a watchful eye on the weather forecast. I installed an app in my mobile phone, and see the indicator of PM 2.5. It has been a routine for me.7. Do you always pay attention to the unusual weather?As for the unusual weather, the global warming has really become a heated topic around the world. It is caused by the greenhouse effect as the a sheer volume of carbon dioxide have been emitted into the air, preventing the atmosphere from cooling off at night. And another unusual weather, I’m afraid is the hurricane which can easily flatten thousands of homes near the coast in a short period of time.8. Would you prefer to live in a place that has just one, warm season that lasts the whole year or a place with different seasons?Well, if I were to choose between the two, I’ll probably go with the distinct seasons in each year because each season has its own merits. Whereas I will get bored if it is warm all year round.19. Do people in China play the same sports in different seasons ofthe year?No, when in spring and autumn, the temperature is neither too cold nor too hot, people in China tend to hike in the mountains, or go running. When it comes to summer, people can choose more physical activities like swimming, camping in the forests and playing balls, etc. But in winter, people believe it not suitable for outdoor exercises, so they prefer to stay at home for resting.1. What kinds of thing make you laugh?I laugh most when I'm with friends talking about funny things that have happened to us. I also like watching comedians and comedy films.2. Do you like making other people laugh?Yes, it's a nice feeling when you can make someone laugh because you can see that you've made them happy. It's great to share a funny moment with someone.3. Do you think it's important for people to laugh?Yes, of course. It's important to see the funny side of things; humourhelps us not to take life too seriously. I think that laughter is good for our health.4. Is laughing the same as feeling happy?It's not exactly the same because you can be happy without laughing, and sometimes we laugh when something bad has happened; a sense of humour can help us to cope with difficult situations.1) How much time do you spend at home?Obviously I sleep at home, but I don't spend very much time at home during the day, because I'm usually busy with work.2) Do you prefer to spend your free time at home or outside the house?During the day I prefer to be out of the house, so I like visiting family or meeting up with friends. But I do like relaxing at home in the evenings.3) What do you do when you have some free time and you're at home?I usually sit and watch some TV or a film, or I listen to some music. I also like sitting outside if the weather is nice.4) Would you like to have more spare time to spend at home in the future?No, not really. I get bored if I'm at home for too long. In the future, I imagine I'll still prefer to go out and do things rather than stay indoors.1. Are there many advertisements in your country?Yes, there are adverts everywhere in the city. You can easily see them near the subway station, along the express way and in the elevator.2. Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?The main factor is that adverts are the most efficient way for the companies to reach their end users, and also every company wants to stand out from the crowd in such fierce competition.3. How do you feel about advertisements?I’m afraid that the advertisements are really annoying in some way,and they always exaggerate the true functions of products. So I guess they are not as reliable as they seem to be.4. What kind of advertisements do you like the most?I am fond of the adverts that are well-designed and deliver the high quality contents, but that doesn’t mean I will go and buy that products.5. Do advertisements influence your choice about what to buy?No, I believe buying things totally based on adverts is unreasonable.6. Do you like advertisements on TV?I’m not into TV adverts, because I am often interrupted by the adverts when watching the TV programmes. It is really annoying.7. Do you prefer advertisements on TV or those in magazines?Well, if I were to choose between the two, I’ll probably go with the adverts in magazines because they are well-designed and I can have plenty of time to look through them, whereas the TV adverts are reallyannoying.8. Do you think adverting plays an important role in today’s world?In general, it’s a prosperous industry. The number of enterprises that pay attention to adverts is growing, and there are more students who apply to study advertisement in university.1) Have you ever collected anything as a hobby? (What?)Yes. When I was younger I used to collect keyrings. I remember that my favourite was a Lego man keyring that someone bought me as a present.2) What kinds of thing do people often like collecting?Some people collect cheap items like stamps, keyrings or toys. Others collect expensive antiques, watches, jewellery or even cars.3) Why do you think people collect certain objects?Maybe they like the constant search for a new item, or they want to remember past experiences. Others might like the feeling of organisingand presenting what they own.4) Is there anything that you would like to collect in the future?Yes. If I could afford it, I'd love to have a collection of guitars in different colours, shapes and sizes!1. Do you often do any cooking?Normally I don’t frequently cook at home on weekdays because I have no time. But on weekends, I usually cook food at home for my family.2. Do you like cooking? (Why?/Why not?)Yes, I’m quite into cooking because I believe that good dinner could guarantee our health and also I’m a foodie, I’d like to taste all kinds of tasty food. I always do some cooking in my home with my family during the weekend to enjoy the family time.3. What cooking experience have you had?Obviously, in my opinion, a fabulous cooking can’t be done withoutfresh food resources. So I always try to go to the super market early in the morning and select today’s vegetables and meat. Besides, I always put several vegetables such as carrot, bamboo shoots, pepper, tofu, along with meat to cook in order to get the balanced diet.4. Who taught you to cook?My mother is an expert at cooking, and she taught me how to cook when I graduated from university and started to live independently. She told me that the ability to cook was fairly important because good dinner could guarantee our health.5. When you were a child, did you ever help your parents to preparea meal?I remember when I was a little boy, I was used to help wash the vegetables, go out to buy some flavours, etc. I strongly recommend that children should take part in this kind of housework because it can help cultivate the hands-on abilities, a sense of achievement and even learn some table manners.1. What is your favourite food?The fish is my favourite, especially with red hot chilies, cos it is so tasty and colourful and beside fish is nutritious too. I will cook it myself at home during the weekends for my family.2. When do you usually eat that food?When I was a child, I liked the food made by my mother. She was an expert at cooking, and the fish was my favourite. I’m still fond of eating fish when I became an adult, and now I always cook it myself at home during the weekends for my family, once a week maybe.3. Is food important to you?Yes, definitely. I believe good food is very important because it is not only very tasty, but could also guarantee our health.4. What food do you usually eat?In general, I eat a lot of rice and vegetables every day. And once a week, I will cook a fish myself at home during the weekends for my family which is my favourite.5. Do you usually eat the same food every day?No, it will be boring to eat the same food every day. I also like noodles, dumpling, and sometimes I eat pizza and curry which are both delicious.6. Is there any food you don’t like?I’m really not into Japanese food because they are sometimes cold, or even are raw food, like sushi. I once bought them in the supermarket, but the taste really disgusted me.1. What sports or physical activities do you regularly do?Unfortunately I don't have time to do any sports or physical activities because of my work commitments. I'd like to find more time for regular exercise.2. Which sport or game would you like to be good at?I'd like to be good at tennis. It must be great to be able to hit the ball as hard as you can and watch it land exactly where you wanted it to.3. Do you prefer watching or playing sports?I don't watch much sport on TV and I'm not a big sports fan, so I think I would probably enjoy doing sports more than watching them.4. Do you think children should be encouraged to do more sport?Yes, I think that sport is really important for children. Sports and games teach children to play together and try their best.题目:1. Do you like (to learn about) history?2. What historical event do you find most interesting?3. Do you think history is important?4. Do you like to watch programmes on TV about history?5. Do you think you can really learn history from films and TV programmes?6. Do you think the internet is a good place to learn about history?7. Can you name a person from history who you would like to learn more about?8. Why would you like to learn more about him/her?参考答案:Yes, I am a big fan of reading historical stories. When I was a little boy, I always took some historical books from my father’s bookshelf and read the historical events. I feel that history not only can cultivate my mental development, but also give me a better picture of human society.Personally I am fond of the Battle of Red Cliffs happened in the early period of Three Kingdoms, which was a decisive battle at the end of the Han Dynasty. It was also the typical battle in Chinese history renowned for the fewer and weaker defeating the more and stronger.Yes, the main factor is that like our native language, history forms a cultural identity and keeps a unique record of country, and also we can learn the experiences from history to correct our current actions.Yes, I enjoy watching some documentaries about history on TV because I can see a lot of video materials that can not bee seen in the textbooks. I always watch them at home.I don’t feel that watching the current TV series can make you be aware of the history, you know, TV programmes are more engaging than books, however the true historical events in most of the TV series have been distorted by the producers to cater for the audience. It’s really shame as the young people will misunderstand the history by these irresponsible productions.Yes. History is full of debates so you can find both of the two sides of opinion online which will help you be aware of the true facts and think critically. I always google some engaging historical materials about the Song Dynasty, for example, to know about the truth.The people I’d like to learn about is Wu Chengen, the author of A Journey to the West. He combined the folk tales and his own imagination to write the great fairy story in the 16th century. I want to know about his personality as much as possible and I believe that his imagination is what is lack of nowadays.必备词汇:1.很喜欢:I am big fan of XX2.熏陶我的心灵发展:cultivate my mental development3.人类社会:Human society4.个人地来说:Personally5.三国时期:the period of Three Kingdoms6.文化属性:cultural identity7.纪录片(复):documentaries8. 被曲解:have been distorted by9.误解历史:misunderstand the history10.西游记:a journey of the West1. Are there many (or, any) museums in your hometown?Not so many, actually there is only one museum in my small county about the local history. It allows the local residents to know better about their traditions and historical celebrities.2. Do you think museums are useful for visitors to your hometown/country?I go to the museum a lot, when I come to the new place, I’ll find some local museums that have interesting features. The museum I visited last time was the Guanfu Museum located in the rural area of Beijing. It is a private-owned museum featuring Chinese antiques like porcelain, furniture, jade and some paintings.3. Do you think museums are important?Museums are really important in protecting, preserving, propagating and researching numerous human treasure. Once the antiques are in the museums, they are permanently out of circulation, which means they can be seen by public.4. Do you think it’s suitable for museums to sell things to visitors?Yes, the reason is that generally, most museums are nonprofit organisations, and these goods are their large portion of income, except the tickets, and also partly because these items are closely related to the theme of the museums, which cannot be bought in most other bookstores or shops.1. Do you like visiting natural places?Yes, I am fond of getting close to the nature. Once I am free, I’d like to visit one of the forest parks around Changsha. These places are not only really perfect for physical activities, but also can help me let off steam.2. What are some well-known natural attractions in your country?There are so many natural attractions in my country, for example, the best one, in my opinion, is the Huangshan Mountain, which earns a high reputation for its magnificent natural scenery. Besides, I travel to the Inner Mongolian grasslands every year to see the vast grassland as well as the blue sky and the white cloud which can be rarely seen in Beijing.3. Have you ever gone camping?Yes, just once, but really memorable. I went to the Lingshan Mountain with my friends this year. We slept in the forest in the camps at night. It was totally dark outside, but we sang the songs loudly with others and heard the sound of rain dropping on my camp gently. It was really an interesting experience.4. How do city kids in your country have contact with nature?Cities in China usually have many parks in them so that children can visit with their parents. Most of these parks have plenty of trees, meadow, rockery and even lakes, which are good enough for children to get close to nature. Besides, on holidays, children will have opportunities to go for an outing to some natural sceneries.5.. What are the benefits of learning about nature?People can definitely benefit a lot from nature. Apart from the physical fitness, people can loose up in the natural environment and inspire their love to life. As for children, I believe getting close to nature can cultivate their natural motivations to investigation and discovery theworld around them based on their interests.1. What do you do in your spare time?Well, there are lots of things I can do if I’m free. For instance, I stay at home sometimes to read books to enjoy the leisure hours with myself, or I’ll go with my friends to do some outdoor activities such as playing football and hiking.2. Do you like outdoor activities?Yes, I’m really into outdoor activities. You know, the main factor is that I can take some physical to keep me fit, so I always go hiking or jogging if I am free.3. What outdoor activities do you most like to do?Normally I’ll go for a jogging around my house in the morning so that I can take some physical exercises while enjoying the fresh air, but if I can invite some more friends I would go for a simple football match with them because football is a sociable activities so that I can have more fun with my friends and make new friends as well.4. How often do you do that?Well, I do these physical exercises from time to time. Normally if I’m not busy with my work, I will go for a jogging around my house in the morning to take some physical exercises while enjoying the fresh air, probably four times in a week; but if I have lots of on things my hands I’ll probably focus on my work.5. What (types of) outdoor activities are popular in your country?It’s kind of hard to say but people that I know around me tend to go jogging in the morning or take a walk after dinner, but maybe for others, they probably like to take some indoor activities like swimming and yoga.1. Do you like to take photographs? (Why?)Yes, I am a big fan of photography in my spare time. I always travel around to the stunning natural scenery with my camera. I have been in the habit of it for almost 8 years. The main factor is that I can capture the precious moment in my life, such as the graduation ceremony, or the sweet moment with my girlfriend, and also I believe the photography will cultivate my mental development.2. Do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people take photos? (Why?)If I were to choose between the two, I’ll probably go with taking photos of others because I feel that different people have different characteristic, so the photos will be distinguishing. Whereas, I barely take a selfie because it will make me embarrassed.3. Do you prefer to take pictures of people or of scenery?Normally, I’ll probably go with the scenery to take photos because I really enjoy the marvellous natural scenery such as the seashore, sunset and twilight, but if I take my son travelling around, I’ll take photos of him to capture his happiness.4. How do you keep your photos?I store my photos both in my computer disk and Internet for backup. And besides I have a photography website running for 4 years, keeping all my premium photos there.5. Do you frame (of have you framed) any of your photos? (If yes,which?&why?)Yes, I used to print some photos of my kid to hang them in his room, which can help us memorise the warm moment we had together.6. Do you prefer to send postcards to people or to send photos that you took yourself? (Why?)Well, if I were to choose between the two, I’ll probably go with my own photos because they are unique and seeing a lot of comments from friends is really a pleasant thing. Whereas postcards are not as meaningful as photos taken by myself.1. What public holidays do you have in your country?We celebrate a lot of public festivals in my country. I am sure you know about the Spring Festival which is the most important one. In addition, we get together with our family for the Mid-Autumn Day and the National Day.2. Do people in your country celebrate Christmas?Yes, there are so many people in my country, it’s really hard to say,probably most people tend to go shopping with families or friends to take advantage of the sales the shops are offering, but personally speaking, I am afraid we don’t celebrate Christmas like the way in Western countries.3. Do you like public holidays?Yes, I am fond of holidays. The main factor is that on these days, I don’t have to work and have plenty of time travelling around to unwind myself and also I will have more consecutive time with my family.4. Which public holidays do you like the most?I believe my favourite public holiday would be the National Day because I will have at least seven days to go travelling and also it’s the best time to go around, the weather is neither too cold nor too hot, and the foliage of trees have turned yellow or red, which will give you picturesque views.5. What do other people in your country usually do on public holidays?It’s kind of hard to say but people that I know around me tend to go shopping with families or friends to take advantage of the sales the shops are offering, but maybe for others, they probably stay at home for resting.6. Do you think public holidays are important?I believe the public holidays are rather important and there should be more of them in my country. The main factor is that people really need unwind themselves without any distractions after tiring work and also public holidays can dramatically boost consumption as the goods will be sold at a discount during these days.1. Do you like science?I love science so much because it can explain everything in life. It allows me to know where things come from and how we act, why roses are red, how airplanes fly, and so much more! Besides, it is never ending, which means that there is always something new to discover because the topic of science is so huge.2. What science have you studied (or learned)?I have studied several science in the middle school and university, such as maths, physics, chemistry, biology, geography and computer science. I found most of them were very challenging and thought-provoking.3.Is your work related to science?Yes, I’m an IT engineer now so I think it’s belong to the computer science. I learned lots of them from the university lessons.4. What’s the most interesting (part of) science to you?I like physics better than any other science because it makes me feel ignorant and it has helped me realize how big and interesting the universe is, how relative our reality is, how small we are and how many questions there are unanswered. I also adore the fact that I feel like a kid when I learn new stuff, for me, it is like opening a Christmas present because you don’t expect what’s coming.1. What’s your favourite season?I guess the autumn is the best time to travel. As it is neither too hot nor too cold, people will feel comfortable to go out. Besides, as the。





1.同义词替换:一味只会简单地说I know 、I do 、I like... 往往有时显得不够“高级”,那么这个时候就要注意平时多积累一些同义词,灵活替换了。

2.重点词汇和短语积累:在平时练习口语的时候,就要有意识地积累一些重点词汇和短语,比如describe a person/an event/a place,用英语怎么说,而不是汉语。









【2019-2020】雅思口语高分范文:a new law-范文模板 (1页)

【2019-2020】雅思口语高分范文:a new law-范文模板 (1页)

【2019-2020】雅思口语高分范文:a new law-范文模板本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==雅思口语高分范文:a new lawDescribe a new lawWell , to provide a secured life for the public , every year the government of China is improving in its law system by updating those already existed ones or by issuing new ones . Here , I would like to talk about a new law that was just in practice in January 1 st this year . It is about the regulations on advertisements on TVs and Radios .For a time in the past , there are great varieties of advertisements on TVs and radios , but due to lack of proper management and supervision , there exist a lot of misleading or unhealthy advertisements , which exert a negative influence on the general public . And therefore , in January 1 st , this new regulations were called into practice .In this new law , it does not allow any misleading advertisements , or advertisements that contain unhealthyinformation , such as violence , pornography , disgusting pictures , unhealthy life attitude . Also , it does not allow any advertisements about cigarettes , and those about liquors are limited to a larger extent . In addition , it also regulates about the timing , the periods about the advertisements .In this way , this new law tends to provide the public a much healthier living environment . And from its practice over the past months , the public , especially the children , do have a much better exposure of information from TV and radio programs . I do hope that more and more news laws that are intended to improve our life are issued in the future .。




The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a standardized English language proficiency test for non-native English speakers. It is designed to assess the ability of test takers to listen, read, write, and speak in English so that they can successfully study or migrate to a country where English is the native language.The IELTS essay section is one of the most important parts of the test. It is divided into two tasks: Task 1 and Task 2. Task 1 requires test takers to write a short report describing a graph, table, or chart. Task 2 requires test takers to write an essay in response to a given prompt.The IELTS essay marking criteria are based on four main factors: task achievement, coherence and cohesion, lexicalresource, and grammatical range and accuracy. In order to achieve a high score on the IELTS essay, test takers must demonstrate their ability to fulfill all four of these criteria.Task 1: Report Writing。

【最新2019】雅思口语考试 透析测评依据word版本 (1页)

【最新2019】雅思口语考试 透析测评依据word版本 (1页)

【最新2019】雅思口语考试透析测评依据word版本本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==雅思口语考试透析测评依据很多考生对雅思的口语考试感觉非常恐惧,其实雅思的口语比托福的 TSE 要简单很多,因为它并不要求你有多么完美的表现,只要求考生具有用英语思考问题的能力。





Pronunciation 和 accent 是很多考生非常担心的问题,怕考官听不懂自己的话。




比如说, sincere 的重音应该在后面,而大多数中国学生都说成后面,考官第一反应是单词 sin 。







还有些考生在口语考试中出现很多低级的语法错误,像 he 和 she 不分等等,都是你取得高分的障碍。

【精编范文】最新雅思口语的评分标准-实用word文档 (1页)

【精编范文】最新雅思口语的评分标准-实用word文档 (1页)

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0/6.0 or 6.5甚至更多。

















.先说一下我的背景吧,辽宁娃,高考英语133/150,但是我们英语是没有听力的(其实也是会放听力录音也有试题,但是不算分数,只给某些英语专业的录取做参考用), 四级400多分过了,六级400多分也过了,好像六级比四级还高一点,两次都是裸考,大学几年英语用得不是很多,听说能力基本报废。


























三个雅思口语part2万能开头让考官对你刮目相看一、提到考官,使之与话题联系在一起在谈到“Describe a hobby you have”这一话题时,一位考生是这样开场的:Today I am going to talk about collecting postcards—a hobby that is both fascinating and financially rewarding. I would like to explain the basic kinds of collectible postcards, why they are so valuable, and how collectors buy and sell their cards.而另一位考生则给出了不一样的开场白:It’s Saturday mor ning,and you are helping clean out your grandmother’s house.After working a while,you stumble upon a trunk,open it,and discover hundreds of old postcards.Thinking about getting to your driving lesson on time, you start tossing the cards into the trash can.Congratulations!You have just thrown away a year’s tuition.对比之后,我们很快就发现,第二位考生的开场白效果比第一位考生的开场白好,因为它很好地将考官融入进来,抓住了考官的兴趣点,使之后主干部分的陈述更为顺利。

【最新推荐】shadow reading助你轻松练雅思听力和口语-word范文模板 (1页)

【最新推荐】shadow reading助你轻松练雅思听力和口语-word范文模板 (1页)

【最新推荐】shadow reading助你轻松练雅思听力和口语-word范文模板本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == shadow reading助你轻松练雅思听力和口语电影最大的妙处是创造了一种活生生的语言环境,这个语言环境包罗万象――语言、文化、思维。








比如 wud ya gonna do when ya get oudda here ? 一句在平常不过的简单美语,当我们做现场测试时却难倒了在场的80%的同学。





我认为语音的学习第一步最好在最短时间内快速突破下面几个部分:电影中你未必能听懂的词1. 英美音的差异,美音和英音的发音区别2. 中国同学的发音难点3. 所有的连读弱读缩读知识。




















雅思口语练习(五篇模版)第一篇:雅思口语练习人物类话题1.Describe one of your neighbors2.Describe an adventurous person you know3.Describe a news person4.Describe a person you helped/ Describe a person who helped you5.Describe a leader you admire6.Describe a person you want to meet7.Describe a character(人物)in your childhood story事件类话题1.Describe a family event you used to attend2.Describe your possible travel in the future3.Describe an angry event in your childhood4.Describe a happy event in you childhood5.Describe something successful you want to do in the future6.Describe a long-expected journey you used to have7.Describe a sports event you used to watch8.Describe an interesting place open to the public9.Describe a TV music show you watched地点类话题1.Describe a beautiful park you used to visit2.Describe a place of work you know3.Describe one of your favorite shops4.Describe an apartment you lived in5.Describe a building of college you have ever been to6.Describe peaceful place you love7.Describe a street you like物品类话题1.Describe an expensive stuff you want to buy2.Describe something that you want to give your friend as a gift.2.Describe one of your family photos3.Describe a vehicle you want to buy4.Describe a piece of clothes that you like其它类话题1.Describe a journey longer than your expectation2.Describe a piece of song with special meaning to you3.Describe a job that would make the world a better place4.Describe a skill you learned/ you want to learn5.Describe the western food you want to try6.Describe a piece of(child)song7.Describe one of your good personalities8.Describe a foreign film you watched9.Describe a healthy lifestyle第二篇:雅思口语练习方法雅思口语练习方法如果平时能坚持用正确的方法练习口语,那么在雅思口语的考试中获得好成绩的概率便大大提高。




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其实学习英语没有想象中那么难,反而是实在太简单了,关键就是 4个字多听多说,希望可以帮到大家句型主要是:be doing (have been doing )have done美国人每句话都是这2个句型,可以表达各种情况各个时间的事情。





不要C-U-T-I-E cutie这样的背。




















IELTS(雅思) 7.5分,比想象中容易(资料、经验无保留,适合中等水平同学参考)

IELTS(雅思) 7.5分,比想象中容易(资料、经验无保留,适合中等水平同学参考)

IELTS(雅思) 7.5分,比想象中容易(资料、经验无保留,适合中等水平同学参考)声明:本人支持正版,但拒绝暴利。


电驴/topics/2804538/3G雅思网/太傻论坛/无忧雅思论坛/大家网/我的英语程度概况:四级558 六级519一战雅思:二战雅思:最近终于有时间了,把自己准备雅思过程中个人感觉还有点用的东西总结下,给需要的同学们一些参考。



试问一天没学过英语去考雅思,你能考几分?请负责任的说,在你这“20天”之前,你付出了多少努力?我的一个好朋友,复习了相对较短的一段时间后,首战TOEFL 104分。









一、Speaking 口语:Part 2跑题了,还有机会上6吗?口语和写作是我的弱项,花费时间最多。


1.复习资料博客:Chris Green /慎小嶷/ieltsguru王冬/书籍:《剑桥国际英语语音教程(英音版第三版)》作者:(英)贝克编著出版社:北京语言大学出版社《生活英语情景口语100主题》作者:(美)罗克特,王恩波著出版社:外文出版社《雅思考官口语实战指导》作者:(英)克拉克(Clark,M.)编著,赵志杰,黄厚忠译出版社:群言出版社(大漠学习笔记——精简版)《十天突破雅思口语》作者:慎小嶷编著出版社:机械工业出版社2.我的方法在口语考试中,我们需要解决两个关键问题:怎么说&说什么。

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否进入并询问能否坐下保持微笑,以平常的心态面对考官 -第一部分是对常规
个人问题的发问,其目的在于活动考试的气氛第二部分也就是 CUE CARD 部分
F 者, fluency 也即流畅。

V 者, vocabulary 也,即词汇。
