

din en 60851-5标准

din en 60851-5标准

din en 60851-5标准
DIN EN 60851-5标准是关于绝缘材料系统的规范,该标准适用


1. 材料的分类和特性,标准对绝缘材料进行了分类,并规定了

2. 试验方法,标准详细描述了对绝缘材料进行各种试验的方法

3. 标记和标识,标准规定了绝缘材料应当如何进行标记和标识,以便于用户正确选择和使用这些材料。

4. 技术要求,标准还包括了对绝缘材料系统的一般技术要求,

总的来说,DIN EN 60851-5标准是为了确保电气设备中使用的绝缘材料系统能够符合一定的质量和性能要求,从而保障电气设备的安全和可靠运行。




1、Starex AS-0151 ABS 特点:由三星第一毛织的一个部门提供,抗静电,适用于白色家电和小家电,目前在非洲、中东、欧洲、南美洲、亚太、拉美、中美、北美地区销售2、Starex BC-0130X ABS 特点:由三星第一毛织的一个部门提供,高刚度,适用于电池的情况下,目前在非洲、中东、欧洲、南美洲、亚太、拉美、中美、北美地区销售。

3、Starex BC-0140 H ABS 特点:由三星第一毛织的一个部门提供,高刚度,适用于线轴,目前在非洲、中东、欧洲、南美洲、亚太、拉美、中美、北美地区销售。

4、Starex BF-0370 ABS 特点:甲基丙烯酸甲酯/ ABS,由三星第一毛织的一个部门提供,防刮,适用于家电、电气/电子应用,目前在非洲、中东、欧洲、南美洲、亚太、拉美、中美、北美地区销售。

5、Starex AS-0151 ABS 特点:由三星第一毛织的一个部门提供,防静电,适用于白色家电和小家电应用,目前在非洲、中东、欧洲、南美洲、亚太、拉美、中美、北美地区销售。

6、Starex BF-0670 ABS 特点:甲基丙烯酸甲酯/ ABS,由三星第一毛织的一个部门提供,防刮,适用于家电、电气/电子应用,目前在非洲、中东、欧洲、南美洲、亚太、拉美、中美、北美地区销售。

7、Starex BF-0670AT ABS 特点:ABS+PMMA,高耐划伤,由三星第一毛织的一个部门提供,目前在非洲、中东、欧洲、南美洲、亚太、拉美、中美、北美地区销售。

8、Starex BF-0670F ABS 特点:甲基丙烯酸甲酯/ ABS,防刮,适用于家电、电气/电子应用,目前在非洲、中东、欧洲、南美洲、亚太、拉美、中美、北美地区销售。

9、Starex BF-0670FS ABS 特点:甲基丙烯酸甲酯/ ABS,防刮,适用于家电、电气/电子应用,目前在非洲、中东、欧洲、南美洲、亚太、拉美、中美、北美地区销售。

10、Starex BF-0670T ABS 特点:甲基丙烯酸甲酯/ ABS,防刮,适用于家电、电气/电子应用,目前在非洲、中东、欧洲、南美洲、亚太、拉美、中美、北美地区销售。

DIN 53505-2000中文

DIN 53505-2000中文
能多于一次超过平均值 3 邵尔 A。
附录 A
硬度试验方法的适用范围 邵尔 A 依照 DIN 53505 IRHD,低硬度范围 依照 DIN 53519-1,5mm 直径球 IRHD,一般硬度范围 依照 DIN 53519-1,2.5mm 直径球 邵尔 D 依照 DIN 53505 球印硬度 依照 DIN EN ISO 2039-1 软←硬度→硬 图 A.1 :硬度试验方法的适用范围 (各方法之间不存在线性关系)
附录 A 中给出了不同的硬度试验方法的适用范围的概述。
第 2 到 5 页继续
标准编号 DIN 53505:2000-08
第2页 DIN 53505:2000-08
2 引用标准
本标准包括了,通过指定日期或未指定日期引用的来自其它出版物的规定。这些参考标准在本文的相应地方被引 用,并且出版物的名称在下面列出。对于指定日期的引用,只有当经过修改或修订而包括在内时,这些出版物的任何 改动或修订才适用于本标准。对于未指定日期的引用,所涉及到的出版物的最新版本适用。
邵尔 A 及邵尔 D 橡胶硬度试验
2000 年 8 月
ICS 83.060
本标准,连同 DIN EN ISO 868 1998 年 1 月版本,取代了 1987 年 6 月版本。



JAPANUNIX优尼耗材型号汇总Unix 型号汇总:unicon-107S 型 50WB型U300204BU300207BBC型U300107BCU300110BCU300115BCC型U302110CU302120CU302123CD型U300307DU300310DU300315DM型 70WBU500202BEU500204BEU500207BEU500204BU500207BBC型U500110BCU500115BC U500120BC U500140BC C型U502110C U502120C U502123C U502130C D型U500310D U500316D2 U50320D U500320DE U500330D U500340D W型U500520W U500540W K型U500440K K型(矢视)U500410K U500415KL型90WU710BU715BU720BCU730BCU730CU750CU730DU750D发热芯70AH-100S-71L100AH-200S-79L130AH-300S-97L烙铁手柄:HANDY MAX(S)HANDY MAX(M)HANDY MAX(L)HANDY MAX(LL)自动焊锡机LS-5TPSⅢ电源LN3-02显示器LN3-03利世达科技UNIX焊锡机烙铁头TEL: 136********UNIX 焊锡机器人UNIX-414R UNIX 焊锡机器人UNIX-412R UNIX 焊锡机器人UNIX-413R UNIX 焊锡控制器USP-870 UNIX 焊锡控制器USK-880 UNIX 电焊台UNICON-107S UNIX 氮气电焊台UNICON-107SF UNIX 氮气发生装置UNX-100S UNIX 氮气发生装置UNX-200 UNIX 锡膏搅拌机UM-103UNIX 电焊台UNICON-108LII UNIX 电焊台UNICON-108XLII UNIX 电焊台UNICON-108LL UNIX 电焊台UNICON-109SUNIX 电焊台UNICON-109M UNIX 烙铁温度计UNI-SENSOR701A UNIX 自动出锡系统SOLDER Jr.III UNIX电焊台UNICON-207UNIX 电烙铁HANDY MAX(S) UNIX 电烙铁HANDY MAX(M) UNIX 电烙铁HANDY MAX(L) UNIX 电烙铁HANDY MAX(LL) UNIX 位置补正机LS-5TPSIIIUNIX 电焊台UNICON-107M UNIX 电焊台UNICON-107LUNIX 氮气电焊台UNICON-107MF UNIX氮气发生装置UNX-100 UNIX 吸烟仪UAC-1000AUNIX 熔锡炉USS-350EUNIX熔锡炉USS-250E(ET)UNIX 熔锡炉USS-180E(ET)UNIX 熔锡炉USS-60HAUNIX熔锡炉USS-170HE(HET) UNIX 熔锡炉USS-350HE(HET) UNIX 熔锡炉USS-60HEUNIX 熔锡炉USS-100HEUNIX 优琳烙铁头P2D-NUNIX 优琳烙铁头P3D-NUNIX 优琳烙铁头P4D-NUNIX 优琳烙铁头P2D-SUNIX 优琳烙铁头P3D-S UNIX 优琳烙铁头P4D-S UNIX 优琳烙铁头P5D-S UNIX 优琳烙铁头P6D-S UNIX 优琳烙铁头P2D-R UNIX 优琳烙铁头P25D-R UNIX 优琳烙铁头P3D-R UNIX 优琳烙铁头P4D-R UNIX 优琳烙铁头P5D-R UNIX 优琳烙铁头P6D-R UNIX 优琳烙铁头P3PC-S UNIX 优琳烙铁头P4PC-S UNIX 优琳烙铁头P6PC-S UNIX 优琳烙铁头P9PC-S UNIX 优琳烙铁头P12DVAP UNIX 优琳烙铁头P13DVAP UNIX 优琳烙铁头P16DVAP UNIX 优琳烙铁头P120BCPC UNIX 优琳烙铁头P125BCPC UNIX 优琳烙铁头P130BCPC UNIX 优琳烙铁头P10DCN-R UNIX 优琳烙铁头P15DCN-R UNIX 优琳烙铁头P10DCN-L UNIX 优琳烙铁头P15DCN-L UNIX 优琳烙铁头P6V08-18 UNIX 优琳烙铁头P1V08-18 UNIX 优琳烙铁头P1V10-20 UNIX 优琳烙铁头P1V10-23 UNIX 优琳烙铁头P1V12-23UNIX 优琳发热芯70AH-100S-71L UNIX 优琳发热芯100AH-200S-79L UNIX 优琳发热芯130AH-300S-97L UNIX 优琳烙铁头U300202B UNIX 优琳烙铁头U300204BUNIX 优琳烙铁头U300207B UNIX 优琳烙铁头U300107BC UNIX 优琳烙铁头U300110BC UNIX 优琳烙铁头U300115BC UNIX 优琳烙铁头U302110C UNIX 优琳烙铁头U302120C UNIX 优琳烙铁头U302130C UNIX 优琳烙铁头U300307D UNIX 优琳烙铁头U300310D UNIX 优琳烙铁头U300315D UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500202BE UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500204BE UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500207BE UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500204B UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500207B UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500110BC UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500115BC UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500120BC UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500130BC UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500140BC UNIX 优琳烙铁头U502110C UNIX 优琳烙铁头U502120C UNIX 优琳烙铁头U502123CUNIX 优琳烙铁头U500310D UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500316D2 UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500320D UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500320DE UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500330D UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500340D UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500520W UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500540W UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500440K UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500410K UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500415K UNIX 优琳烙铁头U710B UNIX 优琳烙铁头U715B UNIX 优琳烙铁头U720BC UNIX 优琳烙铁头U730BC UNIX 优琳烙铁头U730C UNIX 优琳烙铁头U750C UNIX 优琳烙铁头U730D UNIX 优琳烙铁头U750D UNIX优琳烙铁头U1020B UNIX优琳烙铁头U1012B UNIX优琳烙铁头U1030BC UNIX优琳烙铁头U1040BC UNIX优琳烙铁头U1040C UNIX优琳烙铁头U1060C UNIX优琳烙铁头U1040D UNIX优琳烙铁头U1060D UNIX优琳烙铁头U1313B 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UNIX温度调节器U35F-ST-10烙铁手柄U35-HD-M11烙铁手柄U35-HDN-M11氮气流量计UNX-005焊台UNICON35用烙铁头UNIX烙铁头U500202BEUNIX烙铁头U500204BEUNIX烙铁头U500207BEUNIX烙铁头U500204BUNIX烙铁头U500207BUNIX烙铁头U500110BCUNIX烙铁头U500115BCUNIX烙铁头U500120BCUNIX烙铁头U500125BCUNIX烙铁头U500130BCUNIX烙铁头U500135BCUNIX烙铁头U500140BCUNIX烙铁头U500125BC6UNIX烙铁头U500135BC6UNIX烙铁头U502110C UNIX烙铁头U502115C UNIX烙铁头U502120C UNIX烙铁头U502123C UNIX烙铁头U502130C UNIX烙铁头U502135C UNIX烙铁头U502140C UNIX烙铁头U502125C6 UNIX烙铁头U502135C6UNIX烙铁头U500310D UNIX烙铁头U500312D UNIX烙铁头U500216D UNIX烙铁头U500316D2 UNIX烙铁头U500320D UNIX烙铁头U500320DE UNIX烙铁头U500324D UNIX烙铁头U500330D UNIX烙铁头U500340DUNIX烙铁头U500520W UNIX烙铁头U500530W UNIX烙铁头U500540WUNIX烙铁头U500540K UNIX烙铁头U500410K UNIX烙铁头U500415K 焊台UNICON-108UNICON-108L 100W UNICON-108LL 150W UNICON-108XL 300W U108-STU108L-HDU108LL-HDU108XL-HDUNIX烙铁头L型 90W/ 100W UNIX烙铁头U710B UNIX烙铁头U715B UNIX烙铁头U720B UNIX烙铁头U730BUNIX烙铁头U720BC UNIX烙铁头U730BC UNIX烙铁头U740BC UNIX烙铁头U750BCUNIX烙铁头U730C UNIX烙铁头U740C UNIX烙铁头U750CUNIX烙铁头U730D UNIX烙铁头U740D UNIX烙铁头U750DLL型 150WUNIX烙铁头U1020B UNIX烙铁头U1030BUNIX烙铁头U1030BC UNIX烙铁头U1040BC UNIX烙铁头U1050BCUNIX烙铁头U1040C UNIX烙铁头U1050C UNIX烙铁头U1060CUNIX烙铁头U1040D UNIX烙铁头U1050D UNIX烙铁头U1060DXL型 300WUNIX烙铁头U1316B UNIX烙铁头U1325B UNIX烙铁头U1330BUNIX烙铁头U1340BC UNIX烙铁头U1360BC UNIX烙铁头U1380BC UNIX烙铁头U13100BCUNIX烙铁头U1360C UNIX烙铁头U1380C UNIX烙铁头U13100CUNIX烙铁头U1380D UNIX烙铁头U13100DS、M系列 S 40W M 70W S 40WUNIX烙铁头305BL UNIX烙铁头31BL UNIX烙铁头32BL UNIX烙铁头33BL UNIX烙铁头345BLUNIX烙铁头33CL UNIX烙铁头345CLUNIX烙铁头33BCL UNIX烙铁头345BCLUNIX烙铁头315DL UNIX烙铁头32DL UNIX烙铁头33DL UNIX烙铁头345DLM 70WUNIX烙铁头51BL UNIX烙铁头52BL UNIX烙铁头53BLUNIX烙铁头53BL UNIX烙铁头54BLUNIX烙铁头55BL UNIX烙铁头565BLUNIX烙铁头52DL UNIX烙铁头53DL UNIX烙铁头54DL UNIX烙铁头55DL UNIX烙铁头565DL。

855胶水 主剂

855胶水 主剂

855胶水主剂摘要:1.855 胶水的概述2.855 胶水的主要成分3.855 胶水的特性和用途4.855 胶水的使用方法5.855 胶水的注意事项正文:【855 胶水的概述】855 胶水是一种高品质、高性能的有机硅胶水,由主剂和其他辅助成分组成。


【855 胶水的主要成分】855 胶水的主要成分是硅烷单体,它与其他有机硅树脂、催化剂、填料等辅助成分经过科学配比,形成了性能优异的855 胶水。

【855 胶水的特性和用途】855 胶水具有以下特性:1.优异的耐候性:855 胶水能在恶劣环境下长期保持粘接性能,不易老化。

2.耐高温性能:855 胶水具有较高的耐热性,可在高温环境中使用。

3.良好的粘接性能:855 胶水对多种材料具有良好的粘接性能,如金属、塑料、陶瓷等。

因此,855 胶水广泛应用于建筑、装饰、家具制造等行业,如用于金属构件的粘接、塑料件的修补、陶瓷制品的粘接等。

【855 胶水的使用方法】在使用855 胶水时,请按照以下步骤操作:1.首先,将被粘接物表面清洁干净,去除油污、灰尘等。

2.将855 胶水均匀涂抹在粘接物表面,确保胶水涂层均匀。



【855 胶水的注意事项】在使用855 胶水时,请注意以下几点:1.避免接触皮肤和眼睛,如不慎接触,应立即用清水冲洗。

2.855 胶水对某些材料(如聚乙烯、聚丙烯等)的粘接性能较差,请根据实际需要选择合适的胶水。

nta855 技术参数

nta855 技术参数


1. 性能曲线号:C-3936-C
2. CPL号:CQ001
3. 数据单号:DS-3936-D
4. 备载功率:265kW @1500r/min
5. 常载功率:240kW @1500r/min
6. 型式:四冲程、直列、六缸
7. 进气方式:增压、中冷
8. 缸径冲程:140mm ×152mm
9. 排量:14L (855in³)
10. 压缩比:14.5:1
11. 发火顺序:1-5-3-6-2-4
12. 发动机干重量:单机-kg 1315;带热交换器发动机-kg 1420
13. 发动机湿重量:单机-kg 1369;带热交换器发动机-kg 1501
14. 转动惯量(带FW1109飞轮):kg·m²4.99
15. 发动机安装:在缸体后端面处的最大允许弯矩-N.m 1356
16. 排气系统:最大允许排气背压-kPa(mm) Hg 10.1 (76)
17. 进气系统:带空滤器允许的最大进气阻力(脏滤芯)-kPa(mm H2O) 6.2 (635);(干净滤芯重型空滤器)-kPa(mm H2O) 3.7 (381);(干净滤芯轻型空滤器)-kPa(mm H2O) 2.5 (254)
18. 带空滤器允许的最大储尘量:重型空滤器-g·l/s(g/CFM) 53 (25);轻型空滤器-g·l/s(g/CFM) (数据未提供)














主要型式BF-20 1500m/分BF-15 1200m/分BF-12 1000m/分BF-10 800m/分特長[1] 高速抄造・良好地合[2] 高歩留[3] 低いランニングコスト[4] 幅広い坪量に対応[5] 短時間での据付、スタートゕップ[6] 低騒音[7] 長寿命ドクター[8] ワ゗ヤー・フェルトの長寿命[9] 操作性良好[10] 効率的設置スペース2.抄速2200m/分のクレセントフォーマコスト、エネルギー効率の良いドラ゗クレープ技術Metso Paper Karlstad AB 提携製品AdvantageDCT40紙幅2850mm(112inch)設計速度 1000m/min生産能力 42tons/dayAdvantageDCT60紙幅2850mm(112inch)設計速度 1300m/min生産能力 71tons/dayAdvantageDCT100紙幅2850mm(112inch)設計速度 1600m/min生産能力 95tons/day○フォーミングセクション・最新のヘッドボックス装備。






焊接材料din8555标准Example Fidur 23/250E 23 UM25CKNPTZ123451 Short symbol for manual arcwelding2ShortsymbolAlloy group and application1Unalloyed up to % C or low-alloyed up to % C and up to max. 5 % alloy constituents Cr, Mn, Mo, Ni in total; soft surfacing, e. g. fill-up welding, buffering layers2Unalloyed with more than % C or low-alloyed with more than %C and up to max. 5% alloy consitutents Cr, Mn, Mo, Ni in total; running wheels3Alloyed, with the properties of hot working steel, hot working tools4Alloyed, with the properties of high-speed steel, cutting tools, mandrels, shear blades, cutters, drill bits5Alloyed with more than 5% Cr and low C-content (up to approx. %C) for scale-resistant (also against sulphurous gases) and from 12% Cr-content corrosion-resistant surfacings, e. g. valveparts, plungers, furnace parts6Alloyed with more than 5% Cr and higher C-content (approx. - % C) cutting tools, shear blades, rollers for cold rolling mills 7Mn austenite with 11 to 18% Mn and more than % C and up to 3% Ni surfacings on large surfaces,e. g. wear plates, jaw plates, digging teeth, bolts8Cr-Ni-Mn-austenite crusher parts for medium stress, switch tongue, rails, water turbine parts 9Cr-Ni-steel (corrosion and heat resistant) corrosion and heat resistant surfacings10High C-content and high Cr-alloyed with and without additional carbide former, repairs on mining and steel plant equipment, surfacing on machine parts in the construction industry andagriculture, overburden excavators, sinter crushers220Co-based, Cr-W-alloyed, with or without Ni and Mo fittings of all tpyes, valve seats of exhaust valves in combustion engines, valve seats of steam engines, pump shafts and similar parts whichare exposed to heavy corrosion and erosion21Carbide-based (sintered, cast or folled) tools and machine parts for working in stony earth, drills and similar tools, press schrews in the ceramic industry22Ni-based, Cr-alloyed, Cr-B-alloyed valves, screws,shafts, . for concrete pumps23Ni-based, Mo-alloyed with or without Cr hot working tools, contact surfaces of valves in chemical apparatuses, claddings at working edges of cuttings from Ni-Cr-Mo-alloys which are used forwork at high temperatures30Cu-based, Sn-alloyed bearing shell, slides, shafts, valves,housings, snail and helical gearwheels, guide and running wheels, fittings31Cu-based, Al-alloyed machine parts and fittings in the chemical industry, food, paper and electrical industry 32Cu-based, Ni-alloyed distillators, sea water pipes, condensers, coolers, chemical apparatuses, heat exchangers 3SymbolTypeGW rolledGO castGZ drawnGS sinteredGF filledUM coated4Classification of hardnessHardness class Hardness degree4037 – 42 HRC45>42 – 47 HRC50>47 – 52 HRC55>52 – 57 HRC60>57 – 62 HRC65>62 – 67 HRC70>67 HRC150125 – 175 HB200>175 –225 HB250>225 –275 HB300>275 –325 HB350>325 –375 HB400>375 –450 HB5SymbolProperties of weld metalC corrosion-resistantG abrasion-resistantK work-hardenable*1N non-magnetizableP impact-resistantR stainlessS edge-holding (high-speed steel)T creep-resistant (high-speed steel)Z heat-resistant (temp. > 600 C)*1The wear properties of the weld metal depend on a work-hardening after-treatment. It can be achieved by subsequent hammering or pressing, but also without such after-treatment if the weld metal is exposed to compressive stress, rolling or impact stress during operation。

欧盟 EN DIN 8555 硬面焊材规范说明 (繁体字中文版)

欧盟 EN DIN 8555 硬面焊材规范说明 (繁体字中文版)
表3 鎔金特性
耐腐蝕 抗磨損 具沖擊硬化性 不具磁性 耐沖擊磨耗 防銹性 切削刀角銳利性 具高溫機械強度 耐熱性>600℃不產生氧化物
氣銲條 Gas welding 電銲條 Hand welding with a coated electrode 外裹芯材銲線 Cored wire welding 氬銲條 Tig welding 氣遮護銲線 Gas- shielded welding 潛弧銲線 Hidden-arc welding
代號Байду номын сангаас
輥壓成形 鑄造 抽擠 燒結 芯材
150 200 250 300 350 400 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
125≦HB≦ 175 175≦HB≦ 225 225≦HB≦ 275 275≦HB≦ 325 325≦HB≦ 375 375 ≦HB≦450 37≦HRC≦ 42 42≦HRC≦ 47 47≦ HR≦C52 52≦HRC ≦57 57 ≦HR≦C62 62≦HRC≦ 67
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 21 22 23 30 31 32
有機碳化物或合金碳化物量<0.4%,且合金加入的鉻錳鉬鎳元素低於 5% 有機碳化物或合金碳化物量>0.4%且合金加入的鉻錳鉬鎳元素高於 5% 合金具有熱工具鋼特性 合金具有高速工具鋼特性 含鉻量>5%,碳<0.2% 含鉻量>5%,碳 0.2~2.0% 錳沃斯田鐵含 11~18%錳,碳>0.5%,鎳>3% 鉻-鎳-錳沃斯田鐵 鉻-鎳鋼(不銹鋼、耐酸及耐熱型) 高碳、高鉻 鈷基含鉻、鎢兼(具有鎳、鉬或未含) 碳基(凝結塊、鑄塊、芯材) 鎳基含鉻及鉻-硼 鎳基含鉬(具有鉻或未含) 銅基含錫 銅基含鋁 銅基含鎳

SAE J855-2002

SAE J855-2002

SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyright ©2002 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE.TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER:Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada)Tel: 724-776-4970 (outside USA)Fax: 724-776-0790Email: custsvc@FIGURE 1—CLAMP AND FIXTURE ASSEMBLY FOR STRETCH AND SET OF TEXTILES6.Calculations and Report—Report the data as percent stretch and percent set calculated as follows inEquation 1:(Eq. 1)where measured lengths are taken between parallel lines at benchmarks:L 1 = Original length between parallel lines at bench marksL 2 = Measured length after the weight is applied for 5 minL 3 = Measured length after the 5 min recovery periodReport the average of the results for the three MD direction specimens as percentage MD stretch and set.Report the average of the results for the AMD three direction specimens as percentage AMD stretch and set.Report the average of the results for all the bias direction specimens as percentage bias stretch and set.7.Notes 7.1Marginal Indicia—The change bar (l) located in the left margin is for the convenience of the user in locatingareas where revisions have been made to the previous issue of the report. An (R) symbol to the left of the document title indicates a complete revision of the report.PREPARED BY THE SAE TEXTILES AND FLEXIBLE PLASTICS COMMITTEE% Stretch L 2L 1–L 1------------------100% Set L 3L 1–L 1------------------=100××=Rationale—Changes to SAE J885:#.1 Et al - remove references to Figures 2 and 3.4.0 Harmonize temperature and RH with other standardsChange “Fill” to “AMD” (Across Machine Direction and “Warp” to “MD” (Machine Direction)Remove Section referring to non-directional material.Change “samples” to “specimens”.Relationship of SAE Standard to ISO Standard—Not applicable.Application—This method of test applies to the measurement of elastic and recovery properties of materials after being subjected to a low-static load.Reference Section—There are no referenced publications specified herein.Developed by the SAE Textiles and Flexible Plastics Committee。



BUSY/INTRANGE/XCLKHW/SWREF/WRRESETENSTBYCSRD/DB[15:0]WORD/BYTEPAR/SERFSCH_A0CONVST_AAGNDREFC_AREF_IOAGNDCH_A1AGNDCH_B0CONVST_BAGNDREFC_BCH_B1AGNDCH_C0CONVST_CAGNDREFC_CCH_C1AGNDADS8555 SBAS531B–DECEMBER2010–REVISED FEBRUARY201116-Bit,Six-Channel,Simultaneous SamplingANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERCheck for Samples:ADS8555FEATURES DESCRIPTION•Six SAR ADCs Grouped in Three Pairs The ADS8555contains six low-power,16-bit,successive approximation register(SAR)-based •Maximum Data Rate Per Channel with Internalanalog-to-digital converters(ADCs)with true bipolar Clock and Reference:inputs.Each channel contains a sample-and-hold 630kSPS(Parallel)or450kSPS(Serial)circuit that allows simultaneous high-speed •Maximum Data Rate Per Channel with External multi-channel signal acquisition.Clock and Reference:The ADS8555supports data rates of up to630kSPS 800kSPS(Parallel)or500kSPS(Serial)in parallel interface mode or up to450kSPS if the •Pin-Selectable or Programmable Input Voltageserial interface is used.The bus width of the parallel Ranges:Up to±12V interface can be set to eight or16bits.In serial•Excellent AC Performance:mode,up to three output channels can be activated.91.5dB SNR,–94dB THDThe ADS8555is specified over the extended •Programmable and Buffered Internal industrial temperature range of–40°C to+125°C and Reference:0.5V to2.5V and0.5V to3.0V is available in an LQFP-64package.•Comprehensive Power-Down Modes:Deep Power-Down(Standby Mode)Auto-Nap Power-Down•Selectable Parallel or Serial Interface•Operating Temperature Range:–40°C to+125°C•LQFP-64PackageAPPLICATIONS•Power Quality Measurement•Protection Relays•Multi-Axis Motor Control•Programmable Logic Controllers•Industrial Data AcquisitionPlease be aware that an important notice concerning availability,standard warranty,and use in critical applications of TexasInstruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.ADS8555SBAS531B–DECEMBER2010–REVISED This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD.Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with appropriate precautions.Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage.ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure.Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet its published specifications.PACKAGE/ORDERING INFORMATIONFor the most current package and ordering information,see the Package Option Addendum at the end of this document,or visit the device product folder at .ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(1)Over operating free-air temperature range,unless otherwise noted.ADS8555UNIT Supply voltage,HVDD to AGND–0.3to+18VSupply voltage,HVSS to AGND–18to+0.3VSupply voltage,AVDD to AGND–0.3to+6VSupply voltage,BVDD to BGND–0.3to+6V Analog input voltage HVSS–0.3to HVDD+0.3V Reference input voltage with respect to AGND AGND–0.3to AVDD+0.3VDigital input voltage with respect to BGND BGND–0.3to BVDD+0.3V Ground voltage difference AGND to BGND±0.3VInput current to all pins except supply–10to+10mA Maximum virtual junction temperature,T J+150°C Human body model(HBM)±2000V JEDEC standard22,test method A114-C.01,all pinsESD ratingsCharged device model(CDM)±500V JEDEC standard22,test method C101,all pins(1)Stresses beyond those listed under absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device.These are stress ratingsonly and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under recommended operating conditions is not implied.Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.THERMAL INFORMATIONADS8555THERMAL METRIC(1)PM UNITS64PINSθJA Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance48θJCtop Junction-to-case(top)thermal resistance16θJB Junction-to-board thermal resistance N/A°C/WψJT Junction-to-top characterization parameter N/AψJB Junction-to-board characterization parameter N/AθJCbot Junction-to-case(bottom)thermal resistance N/A(1)For more information about traditional and new thermal metrics,see the IC Package Thermal Metrics application report,SPRA953A.ADS8555 SBAS531B–DECEMBER2010–REVISED FEBRUARY2011RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSMIN TYP MAX UNIT Supply voltage,AVDD to AGND 4.55 5.5VLow-voltage levels 2.7 3.0 3.6V Supply voltage,BVDD to BGND5V logic levels 4.55 5.5VInput range=±2×V REF2×V REF16.5VInput supply voltage,HVDD to AGNDInput range=±4×V REF4×V REF16.5VInput range=±2×V REF–16.5–2×V REF VInput supply voltage,HVSS to AGNDInput range=±4×V REF–16.5–4×V REF V Reference input voltage(V REF)0.5 2.5 3.0VInput range=±2×V REF–2×V REF2×V REF V Analog inputs(also see the Analog Inputs section)Input range=±4×V–4×V REF4×V REF VREFOperating ambient temperature range,T A–40+125°C ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSOver recommended operating free-air temperature range of–40°C to+125°C,AVDD=4.5V to5.5V,BVDD=2.7V to5.5V, HVDD=10V to15V,HVSS=–15V to–10V,V REF=2.5V(internal),and f DATA=maximum,unless otherwise noted.ADS8555PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP(1)MAX UNITDC ACCURACYResolution16BitsNo missing codes16BitsAt T A=–40°C to+85°C–3±1.53LSB Integral linearity error INLAt T A=–40°C to+125°C–4±1.54LSBAt T A=–40°C to+85°C–1±0.75 1.5LSB Differential linearity error DNLAt T A=–40°C to+125°C–1±0.752LSB Offset error–4.0±0.8 4.0mV Offset error drift±3.5μV/°C Gain error Referenced to voltage at REFIO–0.75±0.250.75%FSR Gain error drift Referenced to voltage at REFIO±6ppm/°C Power-supply rejection ratio PSRR At output code FFFFh,related to AVDD60dB SAMPLING DYNAMICSAcquisition time t ACQ280ns Conversion time per ADC t CONV 1.26μs18.5t CCLK Internal conversion clock period t CCLK68.0nsParallel interface,internal clock and reference630kSPS Throughput rate f DATASerial interface,internal clock and reference450kSPSAC ACCURACYAt f IN=10kHz,T A=–40°C to+85°C9091.5dB Signal-to-noise ratio SNRAt f IN=10kHz,T A=–40°C to+125°C8991.5dBAt f IN=10kHz,T A=–40°C to+85°C8789.5dB Signal-to-noise ratio+distortion SINADAt f IN=10kHz,T A=–40°C to+125°C86.589.5dBAt f IN=10kHz,T A=–40°C to+85°C–94–90dB Total harmonic distortion(2)THDAt f IN=10kHz,T A=–40°C to+125°C–94–89.5At f IN=10kHz,T A=–40°C to+85°C9095dB Spurious-free dynamic range SFDRAt f IN=10kHz,T A=–40°C to+125°C89.595dB Channel-to-channel isolation At f IN=10kHz100dBInput Range=±4×V REF48MHz–3dB small-signal bandwidthInput Range=±2×V REF24MHz(1)All values are at T A=+25°C.(2)Calculated on the first nine harmonics of the input frequency.ADS8555SBAS531B–DECEMBER2010–REVISED ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(continued)Over recommended operating free-air temperature range of–40°C to+125°C,AVDD=4.5V to5.5V,BVDD=2.7V to5.5V, HVDD=10V to15V,HVSS=–15V to–10V,V REF=2.5V(internal),and f DATA=maximum,unless otherwise noted.ADS8555PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP(1)MAX UNIT ANALOG INPUTRANGE pin/RANGE bit=0–4×V REF4×V REF V Bipolar full-scale range CHXXRANGE pin/RANGE bit=1–2×V REF2×V REF VInput range=±4×V REF10pF Input capacitanceInput range=±2×V REF20pF Input leakage current No ongoing conversion±1μA Aperture delay5ns Aperture delay matching Common CONVST for all channels250ps Aperture jitter50ps EXTERNAL CLOCK INPUT(XCLK)External clock frequency f XCLK An external reference must be used for f XCLK>f CCLK11820MHz External clock duty cycle4555% REFERENCE VOLTAGE OUTPUT(REF OUT)2.5V operation,REFDAC=0x3FF 2.485 2.5 2.515V2.5V operation,REFDAC=0x3FF at+25°C 2.496 2.5 2.504V Reference voltage V REF3.0V operation,REFDAC=0x3FF 2.985 3.0 3.015V3.0V operation,REFDAC=0x3FF at+25°C 2.995 3.0 3.005V Reference voltage drift dV REF/dT±10ppm/°C Power-supply rejection ratio PSRR73dB Output current I REFOUT DC current–22mA Short-circuit current(3)I REFSC50mA Turn-on settling time t REFON10msAt CREF_x pins 4.710μF External load capacitanceAt REFIO pins100470nF Tuning range REFDAC Internal reference output voltage range0.2×V REF V REF V REFDAC resolution10Bits REFDAC differential nonlinearity DNL DAC–1±0.11LSB REFDAC integral nonlinearity INL DAC–2±0.12LSB REFDAC offset error V OSDAC V REF=0.5V(DAC=0x0CC)–4±0.654LSB REFERENCE VOLTAGE INPUT(REF IN)Reference input voltage V REFIN0.5 2.5 3.025VInput resistance100MΩInput capacitance5pF Reference input current1μA SERIAL CLOCK INPUT(SCLK)Serial clock input frequency f SCLK0.136MHz Serial clock period t SCLK0.027810μs Serial clock duty cycle4060% DIGITAL INPUTS(4)Logic family CMOS with Schmitt-TriggerHigh-level input voltage0.7×BVDD BVDD+0.3VLow-level input voltage BGND–0.30.3×BVDD VInput current V I=BVDD to BGND–50+50nA Input capacitance5pF(3)Reference output current is not limited internally.(4)Specified by design.ADS8555 SBAS531B–DECEMBER2010–REVISED FEBRUARY2011ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(continued)Over recommended operating free-air temperature range of–40°C to+125°C,AVDD=4.5V to5.5V,BVDD=2.7V to5.5V, HVDD=10V to15V,HVSS=–15V to–10V,V REF=2.5V(internal),and f DATA=maximum,unless otherwise noted.ADS8555PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP(1)MAX UNIT DIGITAL OUTPUTS(5)Logic family CMOSHigh-level output voltage I OH=100μA BVDD–0.6BVDD VLow-level output voltage I OH=–100μA BGND BGND+0.4VHigh-impedance-state output current–5050nA Output capacitance5pF Load capacitance30pF POWER-SUPPLY REQUIREMENTSAnalog supply voltage AVDD 4.5 5.0 5.5V Buffer I/O supply voltage BVDD 2.7 3.0 5.5VInput positive supply voltage HVDD negative supply voltage HVSS–16.5–10.0–5.0Vf DATA=maximum30.036.0mAf DATA=250kSPS(auto-NAP mode)14.016.5mA Analog supply current(6)IAVDD Auto-NAP mode,no ongoing conversion,4.0 6.0mAinternal conversion clockPower-down mode0.150.0μAf DATA=maximum0.9 2.0mAf DATA=250kSPS(auto-NAP mode)0.5 1.5mA Buffer I/O supply current(7)IBVDD Auto-NAP mode,no ongoing conversion,0.110.0μAinternal conversion clockPower-down mode0.110.0μAf DATA=maximum 3.0 3.5mAf DATA=250kSPS(auto-NAP mode) 1.6 2.0mA Input positive supply current(8)IHVDD Auto-NAP mode,no ongoing conversion,0.20.3μAinternal conversion clockPower-down mode0.110.0μAf DATA=maximum 3.6 4.0mAf DATA=250kSPS(auto-NAP mode) 1.8 2.2mA Input negative supply current(9)IHVSS Auto-NAP mode,no ongoing conversion,0.20.25μAinternal conversion clockPower-down mode0.110.0μAf DATA=maximum251.7298.5mWf DATA=250kSPS(auto-NAP mode)122.5150.0mW Power dissipation(10)Auto-NAP mode,no ongoing conversion,26.038.3mWinternal conversion clockPower-down mode 3.8580.0μW(5)Specified by design.(6)At AVDD=5V.(7)At BVDD=3V,parallel mode,load capacitance=6pF/pin.(8)At HVDD=15V.(9)At HVSS=–15V.(10)At AVDD=5V,BVDD=3V,HVDD=15V,and HVSS=–15V.48474645444342414039383736353433CH_C1AVDD AVDD CH_C0AGND AGND CH_B1AVDD AVDD CH_B0AGND AGND CH_A1AVDD AVDD CH_A012345678910111213141516DB14/REFBUF ENDB13/SDIDB12DB11DB10/SDO_C DB9/SDO_B DB8/SDO_ABGND BVDDDB7/HB /DC EN EN DB6/SCLK DB5/DCIN_A DB4/DCIN_B DB3/DCIN_C DB2/SEL_C DB1/SEL_B D B 15D B 0/SE L _AR E F /W RE N B U S Y /I N TH W /S WC S F S/P A R /S E RR DA V D DC O N V S T _CA G N DC O N V S T _BR E F C _CC O N V S T _AA G N DS T B YR E F C _BA G N DA G N DA V D DR E F C _AR A N G E /X C L KA G N DR E S E TA G N DW O R D /B Y T ER E F I OH V S SA V D DH V D DA G N DA G N D6463626160595857565554171819202122232425262753525150492829303132ADS8555SBAS531B –DECEMBER 2010–REVISED FEBRUARY 2011EQUIVALENT INPUT CIRCUITSPIN CONFIGURATIONPM PACKAGE LQFP-64(TOP VIEW)ADS8555 SBAS531B–DECEMBER2010–REVISED FEBRUARY2011PIN DESCRIPTIONSDESCRIPTIONNAME PIN#TYPE(1)PARALLEL INTERFACE(PAR/SER=0)SERIAL INTERFACE(PAR/SER=1)Hardware mode(HW/SW=0):Reference buffers enable input.When low,all reference buffers are enabled(mandatory ifinternal reference is used).When high,all reference buffers DB14/REFBUF EN1DIO/DI Data bit14input/output are disabled.Software mode(HW/SW=1):Connect to BGND or BVDD.The reference buffers are controlled by bit C24(REFBUF)incontrol register(CR).Hardware mode(HW/SW=0):Connect to BGND DB13/SDI2DIO/DI Data bit13input/outputSoftware mode(HW/SW=1):Serial data input DB123DIO Data bit12input/output Connect to BGNDDB114DIO Data bit11input/output Connect to BGNDWhen SEL_C=1,data output for channel C DB10/SDO_C5DIO/DO Data bit10input/outputWhen SEL_C=0,this pin should be tied to BGNDWhen SEL_B=1,data output for channel BWhen SEL_B=0,this pin should be tied to BGND DB9/SDO_B6DIO/DO Data bit9input/outputWhen SEL_C=0,data from channel C1are also availableon this outputData output for channel AWhen SEL_C=0,data from channel C0are also available DB8/SDO_A7DIO/DO Data bit8input/output on this outputWhen SEL_C=0and SEL_B=0,SDO_A acts as the singledata output for all channelsBGND8P Buffer I/O ground,connect to digital ground planeBuffer I/O supply,connect to digital supply(2.7V to5.5V).Decouple with a1μF ceramic capacitor or a BVDD9Pcombination of100nF and10μF ceramic capacitors to BGND.Word mode(WORD/BYTE=0):Data bit7input/outputDaisy-chain enable input.Byte mode(WORD/BYTE=1):DB7/HB EN/DC EN10DIO/DI/DI When high,DB[5:3]serve as daisy-chain inputs DCIN[A:C].High byte enable input.If daisy-chain mode is not used,connect to BGND.When high,the high byte is output first onDB[15:8].When low,the low byte is output first onDB[15:8].Word mode(WORD/BYTE=0):Data bit6input/outputDB6/SCLK11DIO/DI Serial interface clock input(36MHz max)Byte mode(WORD/BYTE=1):Connect to BGND or BVDDWord mode(WORD/BYTE=0):Data bit5input/output When DCEN =1,daisy-chain data input for channel ADB5/DCIN_A12DIO/DIWhen DC EN=0,connect to BGNDByte mode(WORD/BYTE=1):Connect to BGND or BVDDWord mode(WORD/BYTE=0):When SEL_B=1and DC EN=1,daisy-chain data input forData bit4input/outputDB4/DCIN_B13DIO/DI channel BByte mode(WORD/BYTE=1):When DCEN =0,connect to BGNDConnect to BGND or BVDDWord mode(WORD/BYTE=0):When SEL_C=1and DC EN=1,daisy-chain data input forData bit3input/outputDB3/DCIN_C14DIO/DI channel CByte mode(WORD/BYTE=1):When DCEN =0,connect to BGNDConnect to BGND or BVDDWord mode(WORD/BYTE=0):Data bit2input/output Select SDO_C input.DB2/SEL_C15DIO/DIWhen high,SDO_C is active.When low,SDO_C is disabled.Byte mode(WORD/BYTE=1):Connect to BGND or BVDDWord mode(WORD/BYTE=0):Data bit1input/output Select SDO_B input.DB1/SEL_B16DIO/DIWhen high,SDO_B is active.When low,SDO_B is disabled.Byte mode(WORD/BYTE=1):Connect to BGND or BVDD(1)AI=analog input;AIO=analog input/output;DI=digital input;DO=digital output;DIO=digital input/output;and P=power supply.ADS8555SBAS531B–DECEMBER2010–REVISED PIN DESCRIPTIONS(continued)DESCRIPTIONNAME PIN#TYPE(1)PARALLEL INTERFACE(PAR/SER=0)SERIAL INTERFACE(PAR/SER=1)Word mode(WORD/BYTE=0):Select SDO_A input.Data bit0(LSB)input/outputDB0/SEL_A17DIO/DI When high,SDO_A is active.When low,SDO_A is disabled.Byte mode(WORD/BYTE=1):Should always be high.Connect to BGND or BVDDWhen CR bit C21=0(BUSY/INT),converter busy status output.Transitions high when a conversion has beenstarted and remains high during the entire process.Transitions low when the conversion data of all six channelsare latched to the output register and remains low thereafter.In sequential mode(SEQ=1in the CR),the BUSY output transitions high when a conversion has been started BUSY/INT18DOand goes low for a single conversion clock cycle(t CCLK)whenever a channel pair conversion is completed.When bit C21=1(BUSY/INT in CR),interrupt output.This bit transitions high after a conversion has beencompleted and goes low with the first read data access.The polarity of BUSY/INT output can be changed using bit C20(BUSY L/H)in the control register.Chip select input.Frame synchronization.CS/FS19DI/DI When low,the parallel interface is enabled.WhenThe falling edge of FS controls the frame transfer.high,the interface is disabled.Read data input.RD20DI When low,the parallel data output is enabled.Connect to BGNDWhen high,the data output is disabled.Hardware mode(HW/SW=0):Conversion start of channel pair C.The rising edge of this signal initiates simultaneous conversion of analog signals at inputs CH_C[1:0].CONVST_C21DISoftware mode(HW/SW=1):Conversion start of channel pair C in sequential mode(CR bit C23=1)only;connect to BGND or BVDD otherwiseHardware mode(HW/SW=0):Conversion start of channel pair B.The rising edge of this signal initiates simultaneous conversion of analog signals at inputs CH_B[1:0].CONVST_B22DISoftware mode(HW/SW=1):Conversion start of channel pair B in sequential mode(CR bit C23=1)only;connect to BGND or BVDD otherwiseHardware mode(HW/SW=0):Conversion start of channel pair A.The rising edge of this signal initiates simultaneous conversion of analog signals at inputs CH_A[1:0].CONVST_A23DISoftware mode(HW/SW=1):Conversion start of all selected channels except in sequential mode(CR bit C23=1):Conversion start of channel pair A onlyStandby mode input.When low,the entire device is powered down(including the internal clock and reference).STBY24DIWhen high,the device operates in normal mode.25,32,37,38,Analog ground,connect to analog ground plane43,44,AGND P Pin25may have a dedicated ground if the difference between its potential and AGND is always kept within 49,52,±300mV.53,55,57,5926,34,Analog power supply(4.5V to5.5V).Decouple each pin with a100nF ceramic capacitor to e an 35,40,additional10μF capacitor to AGND close to the device but without compromising the placement of the smaller AVDD41,46,Pcapacitor.Pin26may have a dedicated power supply if the difference between its potential and AVDD is always 47,50,kept within±300mV.60Hardware mode(HW/SW=0):Input voltage range select input.When low,the analog input range is±4V REF.When high,the analog input range is±2V REF.RANGE/XCLK27DI/DIOSoftware mode(HW/SW=1):External conversion clock input,if CR bit C11(CLKSEL)is set high or internalconversion clock output,if CR bit C10(CLKOUT_EN)is set high.If not used,connect to BVDD or BGND.Reset input,active high.Aborts any ongoing conversions.Resets the internal control register to0x000003FF.The RESET28DIRESET pulse should be at least50ns long.Output mode selection input.When low,data are transferred in word mode usingDB[15:0].When high,data are transferred in byteWORD/BYTE29DI Connect to BGNDmode using DB[15:8]with the byte order controlledby HB EN pin while two accesses are required for acomplete16-bit transfer.Negative supply voltage for the analog inputs(–16.5V to–5V).HVSS30P Decouple with a100nF ceramic capacitor to AGND placed next to the device and a10μF capacitor to AGND closeto the device but without compromising the placement of the smaller capacitor.Positive supply voltage for the analog inputs(5V to16.5V).Decouple with a100nF ceramic capacitor to AGND HVDD31P placed next to the device and a10μF capacitor to AGND close to the device but without compromising theplacement of the smaller capacitor.Analog input of channel A0.The input voltage range is controlled by RANGE pin in hardware mode or CR bit C26 CH_A033AI(RANGE_A)in software mode.Analog input of channel A1.The input voltage range is controlled by RANGE pin in hardware mode or CR bit C26 CH_A136AI(RANGE_A)in software mode.ADS8555 SBAS531B–DECEMBER2010–REVISED FEBRUARY2011PIN DESCRIPTIONS(continued)DESCRIPTIONNAME PIN#TYPE(1)PARALLEL INTERFACE(PAR/SER=0)SERIAL INTERFACE(PAR/SER=1)Analog input of channel B0.The input voltage range is controlled by RANGE pin in hardware mode or CR bit C27 CH_B039AI(RANGE_B)in software mode.Analog input of channel B1.The input voltage range is controlled by RANGE pin in hardware mode or CR bit C27 CH_B142AI(RANGE_B)in software mode.Analog input of channel C0.The input voltage range is controlled by RANGE pin in hardware mode or CR bit C28 CH_C045AI(RANGE_C)in software mode.Analog input of channel C1.The input voltage range is controlled by RANGE pin in hardware mode or CR bit C28 CH_C148AI(RANGE_C)in software mode.Reference voltage input/output(0.5V to3.025V).The internal reference is enabled via REF EN/WR pin in hardware mode or CR bit C25(REF EN)in software mode.REFIO51AIOThe output value is controlled by the internal DAC(CR bits C[9:0]).Connect a470nF ceramic decouplingcapacitor between this pin and pin52.Decoupling capacitor for reference of channels A.REFC_A54AIConnect a10μF ceramic decoupling capacitor between this pin and pin53.Decoupling capacitor for reference of channels B.REFC_B56AIConnect a10μF ceramic decoupling capacitor between this pin and pin55.Decoupling capacitor for reference of channels C.REFC_C58AIConnect a10μF ceramic decoupling capacitor between this pin and pin57.Interface mode selection input.PAR/SER61DIWhen low,the parallel interface is selected.When high,the serial interface is enabled.Mode selection input.HW/SW62DI When low,the hardware mode is selected and part works according to the settings of external pins.When high,the software mode is selected in which the device is configured by writing into the control register.Hardware mode(HW/SW=0):Hardware mode(HW/SW=0):Internal reference enable input.Internal reference enable input.When high,the internal reference is enabled(the When high,the internal reference is enabled(the referencereference buffers are to be enabled).When low,buffers are to be enabled).When low,the internal referencethe internal reference is disabled and an external is disabled and an external reference should be applied at REF EN/WR63DI reference is applied at REFIO.REFIO.Software mode(HW/SW=1):Write input.The parallel data input is enabled,when CS and Software mode(HW/SW=1):Connect to BGND or BVDD.WR are low.The internal reference is enabled by The internal reference is enabled by CR bit C25(REF EN).the CR bit C25(REF EN).DB1564DIO Data bit15(MSB)input/output Connect to BGNDADS8555SBAS531B–DECEMBER2010–REVISED TIMING CHARACTERISTICSFigure1.Serial Operation Timing Diagram(All Three SDOs Active)SERIAL INTERFACE TIMING REQUIREMENTS(1)Over recommended operating free-air temperature range at–40°C to+125°C,AVDD=5V,and BVDD=2.7V to5.5V,unless otherwise noted.ADS8555PARAMETER MIN MAX UNITt ACQ Acquisition time280nst CONV Conversion time 1.26µst1CONVST_x low time20nst2BUSY low to FS low time0nst3Bus access finished to next conversion start time40nst D1CONVST_x high to BUSY high delay520nst D2FS low to SDO_x active delay512nst D3SCLK rising edge to new data valid delay15nst D4FS high to SDO_x3-state delay10nst H1Input data to SCLK falling edge hold time5nst H2Output data to SCLK rising edge hold time5nst S1Input data to SCLK falling edge setup time3nst S3CONVST_x high to XCLK falling or rising edge setup time6nst SCLK Serial clock period0.027810μs(1)All input signals are specified with t R=t F=1.5ns(10%to90%of BVDD)and timed from a voltage level of(V IL+V IH)/2.分销商库存信息:TIADS8555SPM ADS8555SPMR。

A-tech HIPS 438 中文

A-tech HIPS 438 中文

技术信息STYRON™ 438High Impact Polystyrene Resin页:1/2文件号:500-00056955zh概述STYRON™438高抗冲聚苯乙烯树脂擁有優越的流動性,剛性,韌性及耐熱性能,適用于注塑成型。

主要特性:•耐热性能高•良好的韧性及剛性平衡符合以下法规:•美国食品和药物管理局法规21CFR 177.1640•请查询法规以获取完备的细节资料。

应用领域:•打印机•食品容器•家用器具物理性能额定值(英制)额定值(公制)测试方法比重1.04g/cm³ 1.04g/cm³ASTM D792熔流率(200°C/5.0kg) 5.0g/10min5.0g/10minASTM D1238收缩率-流动0.0040到0.0070in/in0.40到0.70%ASTM D955机械性能额定值(英制)额定值(公制)测试方法抗张强度ASTM D638屈服,注塑4800psi 33.1MPa 极限,注塑4400psi 30.3MPa伸长率(断裂,注塑)40%40%ASTM D638弯曲模量(注塑)372000psi 2560MPa ASTM D790弯曲强度(注塑)8500psi 58.6MPa ASTM D790冲击性能额定值(英制)额定值(公制)测试方法悬壁梁缺口冲击强度(73°F (23°C)) 1.7ft·lb/in 91J/m ASTM D256热性能额定值(英制)额定值(公制)测试方法热变形温度ASTM D648264psi (1.8MPa),未退火171°F 77.2°C 264psi (1.8MPa),退火210°F 98.9°C维卡软化温度221°F 105°C ASTM D1525线形膨胀系数-流动0.000042in/in/°F 0.000076cm/cm/°C ASTM D696可燃性额定值(英制)额定值(公制)测试方法UL 阻燃等级(0.0591in (1.50mm))HBHBUL 94 1备注这些仅是典型特性,不能看作是其规格。



75176B中⽂资料PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status(1)PackageType PackageDrawingPins PackageQtyEco Plan(2)Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp(3)SN65176BD ACTIVE SOIC D875Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN65176BDE4ACTIVE SOIC D875Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN65176BDG4ACTIVE SOIC D875Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN65176BDR ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green(RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN65176BDRE4ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green(RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN65176BDRG4ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green(RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN65176BP ACTIVE PDIP P850Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N/A for Pkg TypeSN65176BPE4ACTIVE PDIP P850Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N/A for Pkg TypeSN75176BD ACTIVE SOIC D875Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN75176BDE4ACTIVE SOIC D875Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN75176BDG4ACTIVE SOIC D875Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN75176BDR ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green(RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN75176BDRE4ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN75176BDRG4ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN75176BP ACTIVE PDIP P850Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU N/A for Pkg TypeSN75176BPE4ACTIVE PDIP P850Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU N/A for Pkg TypeSN75176BPSR ACTIVE SO PS82000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN75176BPSRG4ACTIVE SO PS82000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM(1)The marketing status values are defined as follows:ACTIVE:Product device recommended for new designs.LIFEBUY:TI has announced that the device will be discontinued,and a lifetime-buy period is in effect.NRND:Not recommended for new designs.Device is in production to support existing customers,but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design.PREVIEW:Device has been announced but is not in production.Samples may or may not be available.OBSOLETE:TI has discontinued the production of the device.(2)Eco Plan-The planned eco-friendly classification:Pb-Free(RoHS),Pb-Free(RoHS Exempt),or Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)-please check /doc/7167b986cc22bcd126ff0c93.html /productcontent for the latest availability information and additional product content details.TBD:The Pb-Free/Green conversion plan has not been defined.Pb-Free(RoHS):TI's terms"Lead-Free"or"Pb-Free"mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all6substances,including the requirement that lead not exceed0.1%by weight in homogeneous materials.Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures,TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes.Pb-Free(RoHS Exempt):This component has a RoHS exemption for either1)lead-based flip-chip solder bumps used between the die andpackage,or2)lead-based die adhesive used between the die and leadframe.The component is otherwise considered Pb-Free(RoHS compatible)as defined above.Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br):TI defines"Green"to mean Pb-Free(RoHS compatible),and free of Bromine(Br)and Antimony(Sb)based flame retardants(Br or Sb do not exceed0.1%by weight in homogeneous material)(3)MSL,Peak Temp.--The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications,and peak soldertemperature.Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided.TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties,and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information.Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties.TI has taken and continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals.TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary,and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release.In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s)at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis.TAPE AND REEL INFORMATIONDevice Package Pins Site ReelDiameter(mm)ReelWidth(mm)A0(mm)B0(mm)K0(mm)P1(mm)W(mm)Pin1QuadrantSN65176BDR D8FMX33012 6.4 5.2 2.1812Q1 SN75176BDR D8FMX33012 6.4 5.2 2.1812Q1 SN75176BPSR PS8MLA330168.2 6.6 2.51216Q1TAPE AND REEL BOX INFORMATIONDevice Package Pins Site Length(mm)Width(mm)Height(mm)SN65176BDR D8FMX338.1340.520.64SN75176BDR D8FMX338.1340.520.64SN75176BPSR PS8MLA342.9336.628.58。


乾式 硬樹脂 棕剛玉D型紙有防堵塞塗層圓盤背绒砂紙粒度#80




















855胶水 主剂

855胶水 主剂

855 胶水是一种环氧树脂胶,主要应用于粘接、密封和封装电子元件等领域。

855 胶水的主剂是环氧树脂,它是一种高分子聚合物,具有很好的粘接性能、耐热性能和耐腐蚀性能。

855 胶水的主剂成分如下:
1. 环氧树脂:作为855 胶水的主要成分,环氧树脂提供了良好的粘接性能和力学性能。

常见的环氧树脂有E-51、E-44 等。

2. 固化剂:用于促进环氧树脂的固化反应。

常见的固化剂有胺类固化剂(如MDA、TDDA 等)和酸酐类固化剂(如邻苯二甲酸酐等)。

3. 填充剂:用于提高胶水的力学性能和耐磨性能。


4. 分散剂:用于提高胶水的流动性和渗透性。


5. 稀释剂:用于调整胶水的粘度。


6. 抗氧剂:用于提高胶水的耐候性能。


7. 促进剂:用于加速胶水的固化反应。






























ASTM A580-A 580M-06

ASTM A580-A 580M-06

No reproduction or networkRingepperrmoitdteduwcitthioount licaeunstehfroomriIzHeSd per License Agreement with Monique TNyotrfeoreR(esAaleSTMIHS Account); Tue Mar 14 10:34:18 EST 2006
NOTE 1—For free-machining stainless wire, designed especially for optimum machinability, see Specification A 581/A 581M.
1.2 Unless the order specifies the applicable “M” specification designation, the material shall be furnished to the inchpound units.
. End use: machined hydraulic
coupling parts.
4. Manufacture
4.1 Condition (Table 2): 4.1.1 Condition A—Annealed as a final heat treatment. Material in Condition A may be given a final cold drawing for size control or finish, or both, slightly raising tensile strength. 4.1.2 Condition B—Cold worked to higher strength. 4.1.3 Condition T—Heat treated to an intermediate temper generally by austenitizing, quenching, and tempering at a relatively low temperature. 4.1.4 Condition H—Heat treated to a hard temper generally by austenitizing, quenching, and tempering at a relatively low temperature. 4.2 Finish:
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ITM = 100 A tp = 380 µs Threshold voltage Dynamic resistance VDRM = VRRM
Symbol Rth(j-c) Rth(j-a) J unction to case (DC) Junction to ambient (DC) Parameter Value 0.9 50 Unit °C/W °C/W
I ²t dI/dt Iቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱM PG(AV) Tstg Tj VRGM
STYN255 thru STYN855
Discrete Thyristors(SCRs)
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tj = 25°C, unless otherwise specified)
STYN255 thru STYN855
Discrete Thyristors(SCRs)
Dimensions TO-247AD
Dim. A B C D E F G H
Millimeter Min. Max. 19.81 20.32 20.80 21.46 15.75 16.26 3.55 3.65 4.32 5.4 1.65 1.0 10.8 4.7 0.4 1.5 5.49 6.2 2.13 4.5 1.4 11.0 5.3 0.8 2.49
S= copper surface under tab
Voltage (xxx) Part Number Sensitivity Package
STYN x55
80 mA
Part Number STYN x55
Note: x = voltage
Marking STYN x55
Weight 4.5 g
Base Quantity 120
Packing mode B ulk
ABSOLUTE RATINGS (limiting values)
Symbol IT(RMS) IT(AV) ITSM Parameter RMS on-state current (180° conduction angle) Average on-state current (180° conduction angle) Non repetitive surge peak on-state current I²t Value for fusing Critical rate of rise of on-state current _ IG = 2 x IGT , tr < 100 ns Peak gate current Average gate power dissipation Storage junction temperature range Operating junction temperature range Maximum peak reverse gate voltage (for TN8 & TYN only) F = 60 Hz tp = 20 µs tp = 8.3 ms tp = 10 ms Tj = 25°C Tj = 25°C Tj = 125°C Tj = 125°C Tj = 125°C Tc = 75°C Tc = 75°C Value 55 35 610 580 1680 50 8 1 - 40 to + 150 - 40 to + 125 5 A2S A/µs A W °C V Unit
Inches Min. Max. 0.780 0.819 0.610 0.140 0.170 0.212 0.065 0.040 0.426 0.185 0.016 0.087 0.800 0.845 0.640 0.144 0.216 0.244 0.084 0.177 0.055 0.433 0.209 0.031 0.102
Symbol IGT VD = 12 V VGT VGD IH IL dV/dt VTM Vt0 Rd IDRM IRRM VD = VDRM IT = 500 mA IG = 1.2 IGT VD = 67 % VDRM Gate open Tj = 125°C Tj = 25°C Tj = 125°C Tj = 125°C Tj = 25°C Tj = 125°C RL = 3.3 kW Gate open Tj = 125°C RL = 33 W Test Conditions MIN. MAX. MAX. MIN. MAX. MAX. MIN. MAX. MAX. MAX. MAX. TYNx08(S) 8 80 1.3 0.2 150 200 1000 1.9 1.0 8.5 10 5 V V mA mA V/µs V V mW µA mA Unit mA