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IOP(英国物理学会)电子期刊简要检索指南IOP(英国物理学会)电子期刊简要检索指南:1.期刊浏览(Journal List)在IOP Electronic Journals 的“Journal List”页面,可按卷期浏览现刊(CURRENT JOURNALS)、过刊(JOURNAL ARCHIVE)和电子期刊集(EJs COLLECTIONS)。

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Smith J, Johnson R. "Advances in Optical Technologies." Journal of Applied Optics, 2020, 42(3), 245-259.
在这个例子中,我包括了作者的姓名(Smith J, Johnson R.)、文章标题(Advances in Optical Technologies.)、期刊名称(Journal of Applied Optics)、发表日期(2020)、期卷号



英国物理学会(IOP)出版社 期刊介绍及其使用指南剖析

英国物理学会(IOP)出版社 期刊介绍及其使用指南剖析

光学学报A辑:光学与应用光 Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 学
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General
物理学学报A辑:数理与理论 物理学
Journal of Physics B: Atomic Molecular and 物理学学报B辑:原子,分子
中国物理学 计算科学与发现
Chinese Physics Letters
Classical and Quantum Gravity Environmental Research Letters
经典引力和量子引力 环境研究快报
European Journal of Physics
Journal of Physics B: Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
宇宙论与天体物理学学报 地球物理学与工程学 高能物理学报
Inverse Problems
影响 因子
1.25 6
1.27 6
2.93 8
0.65 7
1.54 1
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Journal of Geophysics and Engineering
Journal of High Energy Physics
物理学学报D辑:应用物理学 物理学学报G辑:核与粒子物理 学 放射防尘学报



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Visceral Science 增强现实手机应用用户指南说明书

Visceral Science 增强现实手机应用用户指南说明书

Visceral ScienceCreating and ending starsVisceral Science is an amazing app that allows us move around a galaxy creating stars and force them to go through their lives right before our eyes! In this guide, we will explore how to use Visceral Science as an augmented reality app on smartphones and tablets. To download the app, if needed, scan the QR codes below:Apple Store QR CodeGoogle Store QR CodeAfter launching the app, type in your name,and press "Start" to begin.After pressing "Start" you will see your own galaxy playground, full of stars to be made! To enter the galaxy, press and hold anywhereinside of it.Now that you are inside of your galaxy, look around by tilting your device around. You will see small purple and pink "blobs" these are clouds of gas -- stars waiting to be made! Move toward a purple one using the joystick on the bottom-left of your screen. Now it is time to make it into a star!Force the cloud of gas to collapse by pointing at it andholding the"Time Laser" button. This will fast forward through time, causing the nebula to collapse. Notice how much time passes, this takes a while! Hold the button until the star is born. Here we have our first star! Yours might look a bit different than mine, but that's okay. Eachstar is a bit different. For now we have ahealthy, living star but is time for that tochange!Force your star through its life by pointing at it and holding the time laser. How does your star change as it gets older? Does the size change? How about the color? How manyyears go by?As you keep holding down your time laser, your star continues to change until suddenly it stops. Your star has reached the end of its life. It will send out a puff of gas, and leave behind something called a "white dwarf". Press "Continue drone mode" and take alook!Time to do it all over again! Move around the galaxy until you find a pink colored cloud of gas. Approach it, and go through the same process. What do you notice is different about this star? Does it get bigger or smaller?Does it live for a longer or shorter time?These pink clouds are more massive -- this creates stars that are larger and live for a shorter time. At the end of this star's life, it will have exploded in what we call a Supernova!After the supernova ends, you will see one of two things. Pictured to the left, is a Neutron Star, a very dense star about the size of New York City. Or, you will have created a black hole pictured below. You will have to stick around for a bit to see what you get!Repeat the process on another pink cloud of gas, until you have created both a black hole and a neutron star. After that, the galaxy is your playground! Continue exploring, making stars, and seeing what happens when theyend.。












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Izon Science 限量版产品操作指南说明书

Izon Science 限量版产品操作指南说明书

E X O IDIzon Science Limited provides this document to its customers with a product purchase to use in theproduct operation. This document is copyright protected and any reproduction of the whole or any part of this document is strictly prohibited, except with the written authorisation of Izon Science Limited.The contents of this document are subject to change without notice. All technical information in thisdocument is for reference purposes only. System configurations and specifications in this documentsupersede all previous information received by the purchaser.Izon Science Limited makes no representations that this document is complete, accurate or error-free and assumes no responsibility and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, damage or lossthat might result from any use of this document, even if the information in the document is followedproperly.Izon products are designed and manufactured under a quality system certified to ISO 13485:2016.This document is not part of any sales contract between Izon Science Limited and a purchaser.This document shall in no way govern or modify any Terms and Conditions of Sale, which Terms andConditions of Sale shall govern all conflicting information between the two documents.FCC Declaration of ConformanceThis device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference(2) This device must not accept any interference received, including interference that may causeundesired operation. Changes or modification not expressly approved by the party responsible forcompliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.Izon Science Limited Telephone: +64 3 357 4270PO Box 9292 Email:****************Addington Website: Christchurch 8024New Zealand2TABLE OF CONTENTS1 Definitions and Writing Conventions (4)2 Safety and Hazards (6)2.1 Safe Use Requirements and Specifications (6)2.2 Hazards (6)2.3 Intended Use (7)3 Assembly and Setup Instructions (8)3.1 System Components (8)3.2 Assembling and Installing the Exoid (9)3.3 Instrument Power and General Operation (9)3.4 General Operating Procedures (9)3.5 Computer Setup (10)4 Operations Instructions (12)4.1 Required Materials (12)4.2 Exoid Lighting (13)4.3 Fluid Cell (14)4.4 Exoid Control Suite Software (15)5 Troubleshooting (18)6 Further Support (20)Exoid User Manual3DEFINITIONS AND WRITING CONVENTIONS1 /Make sure to follow the precautionary statements presented in this guide. Safety and other special notifications will appear in boxes and include the symbols detailed in Table 1.Table 1: Safety and Hazard Symbols4Table 2: Terminology used in this manualExoid User Manual52.2 HazardsThe Exoid is a laboratory product, however if any biohazardous samples are present then adhere to current Good Laboratory Practices (cGLPs) and comply with any local guidelines specific to your laboratory and location.Fire or Electrical HazardThe Exoid poses no uncommon electrical or fire hazard to operators if installed and operated properly without physical modification and connected to a power source of correct specification.SAFETY AND HAZARDS2.1 Safe Use Requirements and SpecificationsMake sure to adhere to the safe use requirements as specified in Table 3. If the equipment is used in a manner not specified, protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.Table 3: Safe use requirements and specification of the Exoid2 / 6Chemical HazardsThe Exoid system contains no potentially hazardous chemical materials.Mechanical HazardsThe Exoid stretcher unit contains automatically moving parts. Keep fingers and loose clothing clear while automatic processes are in operation.TransportTo protect the Exoid during transport or storage, decontamination procedures must first be performed. To protect the instrument from damage, always use the packaging materials supplied when transporting the Exoid. Use appropriate heavy lifting techniques to avoid injury. If appropriate packing materials cannot be obtained then contact your local Izon Science office.DisposalThe Exoid system contains electrical materials; it should be disposed of as unsorted waste and must be collected separately, according to the European Union Directive: Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment. The user is fully responsible for ensuring that the obsolete Equipment and/or Consumables are recycled or disposed of in accordance with this and/or any other relevant laws and regulations in the countries where the instrument is being recycled or disposed of. Contact your local Izon Science representative for more information.2.3 Intended UseThe Exoid is used to measure size, concentration and zeta potential of nanoparticles. The instrumentis intended for use in research laboratories by professional personnel. The Exoid is not intended for diagnostic purposes and should not be used to make treatment decisions.For verification of the entire system, it is recommended that cGLPs are followed to ensure reliable analyses.Exoid User Manual7ASSEMBLY AND SETUP INSTRUCTIONS 3 /3.1 System ComponentsThe following components are provided in the box:Figure 1: The Exoid and components with an Exoid. 83.2 Assembling and Installing the Exoid1. Unpack the Exoid and box contents.We recommend that you save the box and packaging materials in case the instrument needs to be returned for servicing.If you decide to dispose of the packaging, first check that all components are present so as not to inadvertently throw anything away.2. Place the Exoid onto a stable and level laboratory bench.3. Ensure that the buttons near the top of the Exoid are facing the user.4. Connect the power lead to the 24 V power supply.5. Ensure the Exoid is switched off, and if the power socket at the wall has a switch, ensure the switchis turned off. Plug the power lead into a wall socket and connect the cable from the 24 V power supply to the rear of the instrument.6. Connect the USB cable to the instrument and the computer.7. Turn the instrument on first using the power switch at the wall socket (if applicable) and then theExoid power switch.3.3 Instrument Power and General OperationMake sure the power supply box is positioned away from fluids.To prevent heat buildup do not cover the power supply box.Position the unit so it can be quickly and easily disconnected from the mains power.Check the local supply meets the AC input requirement given in the specification.The Exoid is to only be used with power supplies and leads provided by Izon. Failure to use thecorrect power supply may result in invalid operation.Make sure the power supply is placed away from and to the rear of the instrument to avoid cominginto contact with any spills or fluid.Exoid User Manual93.4 General Operating ProceduresFor indoor use only and to be used within the rated conditions specified.Take care not to spill fluids on electrical parts during operation.The Exoid must be installed into Earth Grounded Protected Outlets ONLY. T o minimise the influenceof external noise from the environment, position equipment away from electrical switching gear andinterfering equipment.3.5 Computer SetupDevices connected to the Exoid should be compliant with a relevant safety standard such as IEC60950-1 for IT equipment or IEC 61010-1 for laboratory equipment and should provide double orreinforced insulation from hazardous voltage sources. Always use USB cables supplied by Izon toconnect the Exoid to the computer.Minimum Computer SpecificationsFor the Exoid and ECS to work effectively, the minimum PC requirements must be in place. These are as follows:16 GB RAMi7 processor256 GB SSDDedicated graphics processor (GPU) with at least 1 GB graphics memoryWindows 10 Pro10Windows Home is not suitable for the installation of the ECS. Ensure that the computer is installed with Windows Pro.An onboard graphics card is not suitable for the operation of the Exoid. Ensure that the connected computer has a dedicated GPU with at least 1 GB of memory and that the computer will use this GPU while the ECS is running. Visit /why-does-the-ecs-lag for instructions on how to do this.To operate the Exoid, there are two software suites that must be installed:Exoid Control Suite (ECS): used to control the Exoid and gather data.Izon Data Suite (IDS): required to analyse the data collected in the ECS.Both software packages for non 21 CFR Part 11 installations can be downloaded from: /how-can-i-get-the-latest-exoid-control-suite-software-release4 /OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSThe Exoid is a Tunable Resistive Pulse Sensing (TRPS) instrument, and requires an understanding ofthe principles of TRPS to be able to effectively operate the instrument and interpret the data outputs.Information on the principles of TRPS can be found in the Fundamentals of Tunable Resistive PulseSensing Theory Manual at and via free online courses at 4.1 Required MaterialsThe following materials beyond the Exoid and the control computer are required to complete ameasurement. Some of these are provided in the TRPS Training Kit that can be requested with theinstrument, as indicated by an asterisk (*).Calibrated micropipettes: 1 µL to 1 mLPipette tipsLint-free tissues for dryingPowder-free disposable glovesNanopore*15 mL tubes*1.5 mL tubes*10 mL luer lock syringes*Freshly prepared reagentsDiluted calibration particlesProcessed and diluted sample4.2 Exoid LightingThe ring of LED lights located below the buttons provides visual indications on the state of the Exoid, as described in Table 4.Table 4: Description of Exoid state as indicated by the halo lightingFigure 3: The upper fluid cell has four dots (left) used to lock the cell in position. When the cell is locked in place onlyone dot on each side will be visible (right).4.3 Fluid CellThe fluid cell is comprised of an upper and lower component (upper fluid cell and lower fluid cell) that are positioned above and below the nanopore respectively, as well as a shielding cap that reduces external noise which may interfere with measurements. The upper and lower fluid cells each containan electrode, and provide a containment for the electrolyte solution required to measure your sample. Figure 2provides a visual guide for normal operation of the system.Figure 2: A cross section of the Exoid fluid cell, showing the upper and lower fluid cells, the nanopore, the lower electrode paste, and the electrolyte holding areas for normal operation. The pressure application device (PAD) is used to tap or plunge when stabilising the system; it is shown in (1) with the plunging side in use.There are two pogo pins positioned on the lower fluid cell which fit into sockets on the underside of the upper fluid cell when twisted into place correctly. To assist with this, the upper fluid cell has two position indicators on each side which, when installed correctly, will be partially obscured by the lower fluid cell so that only one indicator on each side is visible (Figure 3).1. PAD is used to applypressure here.2. Upper fluid cell, insertliquid here.3. Nanopore.4. Lower fluid cell channel,insert liquid here.5. Lower fluid cell paste.23454.4 Exoid Control Suite SoftwareIf using a laptop to operate the Exoid, ensure that the laptop charging cable is plugged in and providing power at all times during operation of the instrument.Once the instrument is connected to the computer and switched on, open the Exoid Control Suite (ECS). A welcome splash screen followed by the home screen will be displayed, showing a render of the instrument with the word “CONNECTED” beneath it. There are several internal mechanics of the Exoid which need to have completed their start-up process before this will occur. A successful connectionof all components will also be indicated by activation of the Exoid lighting. If either the lights are redor “DISCONNECTED” is displayed, please refer to the troubleshooting guide in Section 5. Notifications about system updates appear on the bell icon.Figure 4: The Exoid Control Suite (ECS) home screen display when an instrument has been successfully connected. Nanopore LoadingA correctly loaded nanopore has all four arms fitted securely onto the “teeth” of the stretcher unit at the load position, with its serial number facing upwards.Investigation DetailsThis must be selected and populated for the other two options to become available.Nanopore SetupThis section guides the user through all the appropriate procedures required to prepare the nanopore for sample analysis.Start AnalysisThis section guides the user through all the appropriate procedures required for sample analysis. Within this section the user has the option to select if they wish to measure size and concentration or size and zeta potential. To enter this section, nanopore setup is recommended but it is not required.Controlling the ExoidThe Exoid has three components that require interaction to achieve a successful sample measurement; the APS which controls pressure, the VCA which controls voltage, and the Delta which controls stretch. All three of these components can be controlled from within the ECS by clicking on the displayed parameter in the device summary panel, entering the desired value and selecting the check-mark orpressing Enter.Figure 5: The device summary panel displaying current system parameters.Figure 6: The stretch control buttons near the top of the Exoid.Decrease StretchNo Function Increase StretchAdditionally, the Delta can be controlled via the stretch control buttons near the top of the Exoid above the halo. The Exoid has built-in limit switches to prevent the stretcher being moved to a position that will damage the winding mechanism, these are located at ~41 and ~51 mm. The user will not be able to stretch beyond these values.Guide to Real-Time DataWhen using the ECS to operate the instrument, the signal trace, particle size plot and the particle size distribution histogram provide a real-time visualisation of particles being measured by the system.Signal trace plot: displays the baseline current as well as individual blockades when a particle transverses the nanopore.Particle size plot: displays each significant blockade as a dot, plotted on a relative particle size scale in nanoamperes (nA). Also visualised on the particle size plot is the particle rate, displayed as a line. These plots can be enlarged by selecting Full Size in the top right of the signal trace plot, similarly this can be reversed by selecting Reduced Size. Enlarging the plot will cause the particle size distribution histogram to be visible, which displays a live population histogram of all the blockades detected during a particular phase.Signal trace plot(line) and particleFigure 7: The ECS signal trace plot in a “Full Size” state with the particle size distribution histogram visible.TROUBLESHOOTING5 /Short circuitsElectrolyte can infiltrate metal connection points inside or around the fluid cell, causing significantnoise fluctuations. Troubleshoot this by pipetting out the liquid in the upper fluid cell and observing the current. If the current does not change from pre-liquid removal or it is a non-zero (± 3 nA) value thenthere is liquid somewhere causing a short circuit. Remove the upper fluid cell, then wash and dry it,making sure all the metal parts of the fluid cell are dry. Remove any residual liquid from the lower fluid cell area and re-setup the nanopore.Always ensure that you do not pipette more than 35 µL into the upper fluid cell, or more than 75 µL into the lower fluid cell, or the fluid may leak between connection points and cause the noise to graduallyincrease.Instrument ConnectionIf some time has passed and instrument connection is still not complete, proceed to /why-are-none-of-the-exoid-modules-connected to resolve the issue.APS LeakingIf the APS is frequently leaking, or struggling to hold pressure, check the o-ring for damage and replace(3 mm x 1 mm, silicone) if any damage is observed. If there is still a leak check the connector tubing fordamage or loosening, also check the bottom of the upper fluid cell for damage to the seal.External/Environmental Noise50/60 kHz noise from nearby laboratory equipment and ungrounded power supplies can interferewith the instrument signal. To reduce influence from external noise, do not operate in close proximity to large appliances with high power draw, and ensure the fluid cell cap and shielding lid are used.Using the Reference CellIf the user suspects there is an issue with their fluid cell that is not nanopore related, i.e. non-zerocurrent with 0 mV applied, non-zero current with voltage applied but no electrolyte in the system,then the 10 MΩ reference cell can be used to diagnose this. It should be noted that it is often difficultto diagnose the difference between a nanopore issue, a setup issue, or a fluid cell issue. Contact Izonsupport for advice if unsure.Remove the fluid cell from the Exoid and replace the lower fluid cell with the reference cell. At 0 mV the current should be 0 ± 3 nA, at 1000 mV the current should be 100 ± 3 nA, and at -1000 mV the current should be -100 ± 3 nA. Contact Izon support if this is not the case.Power CyclingFollow these instructions carefully when the need to power cycle the instrument arises.1. Turn off the switch on the Exoid. The off position is where the full ”O” symbol is pressed down asindicated in Figure 8.2. Unplug the USB and power cables from the Exoid.3. Wait 5 full seconds.4. Plug the USB and power cables back in to the appropriate sockets.5. Turn on the Exoid’s power switch.Figure 8: Switches and sockets on the Exoid.Power SocketPower Switch USB SocketFURTHER SUPPORT6 /Device CleaningWhen cleaning the exterior of the instrument do not use solvent-based cleaners or UV light as thiscan affect the integrity of the powder coating; instead use warm soapy water. The fluid cell mustbe removed before cleaning can take place. First remove the fluid cell cap and upper fluid cell. Thenremove the lower fluid cell by pulling directly up on the “arms” firmly until it releases from the fluid cell mount.DO NOT GET ANY SUBSTANCE INSIDE THE PIN HOLES IN THE FLUID CELL MOUNT. This will causemajor functional issues and should be remedied immediately by blow drying extremely well withcompressed air.The components of the fluid cell which have now been removed (the fluid cell cap, the upper fluid cell, and the lower fluid cell) can be cleaned carefully with 70% Ethanol. DO NOT use isopropyl alcoholon any part of the fluid cell as this will cause damage. Make sure to dry everything thoroughly, withcompressed air if available, before re-assembling the fluid cell. Any liquid that remains on the pinsunderneath the lower fluid cells will cause major issues when the pins are pushed back into the lower fitting. DO NOT soak any part of the fluid cell.Repair and ServicingThere are no user-serviceable parts. Return equipment to Izon for service.Figure 9: Compliance label attached to the Exoid with CE and UKCA marking.Additional support material is available at If you have any questions that are not answered on the support portal, or your instrument requires repairs/ maintenance please contact our support staff via the online support portal by raising a support ticket. When reporting Exoid issues to Izon support, please provide the serial number of the Exoid (Figure 10).Figure 10:The serial number can be found either on the back of the Exoid or, as pictured: inside the back leg of the Exoid.CONTACT USExoid User Manual21Rev G。



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3B SCIENTIFIC ® PHYSICSInstrucciones de uso05/16 CW/ALF/UD1 Electrónica de operación2 Bobinas de desviación3 Imán anular4 Tubo de Braun 5Anillo metálicoEl osciloscopio didáctico se activa parcialmente con tensiones superiores a los 60 V. ∙ El cableado se debe realizar con la alimentación de red apagada. ∙ Se deben utilizar cables de seguridad ∙ Como el tubo de vidrio está evacuado se corre el peligro de implosión.∙El tubo no se debe golpear o exponer a esfuerzos mecánicosEl funcionamiento del aparato en colegios e instituciones de formación debe estar supervisado siempre porpersonal especializado y responsable. Con el osciloscopio didáctico se puede demostrar la desviación de un rayo de electrones por medio de campos eléctricos y magnéticos, tal y como se aplica en un aparato de televisión o en osciloscopios de técnicas de medida. El osciloscopio se compone básicamente de un tubo de Braun, al cual se le suministra tensiónpor medio de enchufes de 4 mm y que está rodeado de un anillo metálico grande en el cual se pueden fijar bobinas de desviación.El tubo de Braun es un tubo cónico de vidrio en cuyo cuello se encuentra un cátodo incandescente a una distancia de aproximadamente cinco milímetros y un ánodo en forma de un disco con un agujero central. Los electrones que salen del cátodo son acelerados en dirección hacia el ánodo. Un parte de ellos cruza el agujero central del ánodo para formar un rayo que incide sobre una pantalla fluorescente de silicato de cinc y produce allí un destello fluorescente verde. La focalización del rayo se realiza por un lado por el cilindro de Wehnelt que rodea el cátodo, el cual se encuentra a un potencial negativo con respecto al cátodo. Por otro lado, el tubo se encuentra bajo una presión parcial de neón de aprox.1 Pa y así se logra una concentración del rayo de electrones por choques sucesivos con los átomos de neón, lo cual al mismo tiempo lo hace visible.Además en el tubo se encuentran dos placas de desviación paralelas al rayo, las cuales se pueden conectar al generador de dientes de sierra integrado o a una fuente de tensiónexterna. El generador de dientes de dientes de sierra suministra tensiones con una frecuencia variable de 3,5 hasta 650 Hz con una amplitud de 100 V con respecto al potencial del ánodo.Tensión del ánodo: 200...350 V CC Corriente del ánodo: max. 1 mA Tensión de caldeo: 6...12 V CC Tensión del Wehnelt: -50...0 V CC Tamaño de las placas d. desv.: 12 x 20 mm² Espacio entre las placas: 14 mm Bobinas de desviación: 300 + 300 Esp.R i = 4,2 Ω L = 6 mHTensión de dientes de sierra: V pp = 100 Vf = 3,5..650 Hz4.0 Electrónica de operaciónFig. 1: Electrónica de operación.Entradas: A Ánodo K Cátodo H Caldeo W Cilindro de Wehnelt ┴ Masa PE Tierra de protección Salidas: -U xPlaca de desviación izquierda +U x Placa de desviación derecha Generador de dientes de sierra:Frecuencia sencillaFrecuencia doble Frecuencia triple Frecuencia: Frecuencia de dientes de sierra4.1 Puesta en funcionamientoPara la alimentación de tensión del osciloscopio didáctico se requieren aparatos de tensión que suministren las siguientes tensiones: 200-350 V CC ajustable, 0-50 V CC ajustable, 6-12 V CC.Para ello es especialmente apropiada la fuente de alimentación de red 1001011 / 1001012 y 1003307 / 1003308, la cual pone a disposición todas estas tensiones necesariias. Observación:El osciloscopio didáctico funciona, dependiendo del tubo incorporado, por regla general, con ten-siones de ánodo de hasta aprox. 300 V. Sin em-bargo, la tensión de ánodo no debe sobrepasar los 350 V.∙ Se desconecta la fuente de alimentación. ∙ Se conectan las entradas del osciloscopiodidáctico con las salidas de la fuente de alimentación de red, de acuerdo con las tensiones indicadas.Se ajustan los reguladores de tensión de tal forma que no se sobrepasen los valores límites. ∙ Se conecta la fuente de alimentación de red. Después de 10 a 30 segundos se observa en la pantalla un punto verde, el cual muestra el rayo de electrones incidentes. Para que el tubo sea lo más sencillo y claro posible para los objetivos didácticos, se a desistido de colocar en el tubo algunas instalaciones adicionales para la aceleración o focalización ulteriores del rayo. Por esta razón no se puede focalizar el rayo tan nítidamente como se hace en los osciloscopios de técnicas de medidas.∙ Se varía la tensión del cilindro de Wehnelthasta que el punto tenga su mínima dimensión.El rayo de electrones se puede observar en el tubo como un hilo rojo, pero debido a la baja luminosidad sólo se puede observar en un recinto con luz atenuada o a oscuras.4.2 Instalaciones de desviación 4.2.1 Desviación eléctricaPor medio de las placas de desviación dentro del tubo se puede desviar el rayo de electrones horizontalmente, aplicando una tensión de max. 100 V. Para la mayoría de las aplicaciones se toma esta tensión del generador de dientes de sierra.. El rayo se mueve entonces desde la izquierda hacia la derecha y salta luego a su posición inicial y repite este movimiento con una frecuencia ajustable. En esta forma es posible resolver en el tiempo y hacer visiblesdesviaciones verticales, por ejemplo por medio de un campo magnético alternante.4.2.2 Desviación magnéticaSe fijan bobinas en el anillo metálico que rodea el cuello del tubo. Entre dos casquillos de conexión vecinos se tienen respectivamente 300 espiras. Si se cablean ambos casquillos externos, la corriente fluye por 600 espiras. Según la regla de la mano derecha, el rayo de electrones será desviado perpendicularmente a la dirección del campo magnético y a la dirección del rayo de electrones. Cuando las bobinas se montan orientadas hacia adentro, ya se puede notar el efecto de corrientes en la gama de miliamperios.4.2.3 Ajuste del rayoEn el soporte central del tubo se encuentra un imán anular movible, que se puede fijar por medio de un tornillo. Éste sirve para ajustar el punto de incidencia de los electrones sobre la pantalla fluorescente teniendo la desviación desconectada4.3 Generador de dientes de sierraLas salidas del generador se encuentran por debajo del casquillo portatubo y llevan los nombres -U x resp. +U x.La tensión de dientes de sierra (frecuentemente llamada "Rampa“) es una tensión periódica variable linealmente en el tiempo en subida o en bajada y que retorna en un salto a su valor inicial.¡Cuidado!: La tensión de dientes de sierra tiene como referencia la tensión de ánodo de +250 V. Se tienen dos botones ajustes para la frecuencia, con el botón superior se hace el ajuste burdo y con el inferior el ajuste fino.5.1 Desviación eléctrica de los electrones∙Realice el cableado de acuerdo con la fig. 2. ∙Se desconecta la alimentación de tensión delosciloscopio didáctico∙Se conectan las placas de desviación con la salida del generador de dientes de sierra.∙Se ajusta el rayo de electrones al lado izquierdo de la pantalla fluorescente (aprox. 1 cm del extremo).∙Se fija el ajuste burdo del generador en el nivel más bajo (segunda posición a la izquierda)..∙Se conecta la fuente de alimentación.El punto luminoso verde aparece en la pantalla después de 10 a 30 segundos. El punto se mueve de izquierda a derecha.∙Con el ajuste fino se reduce la frecuencia hasta que se pueda ver claramente el movimiento del punto en la pantalla.5.2 Desviación magnética del rayo deelectrones∙Realice el cableado de acuerdo con la fig. 3. ∙Se fija una bobina en el anillo metálico.∙Se conectan los contactos de la bobina con la fuente de alimentación de CC.∙Se ajusta el rayo de electrones en el centro de la pantalla fluorescente..∙Se conecta la fuente de alimentación de CC y se varía la corriente de la bobina.El rayo se desvía perpendicularmente a la dirección de vuelo de los electrones y a la del campo magnético.∙Se cambian, la polaridad, la orientación y el número de espiras de la bobina y se observan los efectos en la pantalla.5.3 Resolución en el tiempo de una tensiónalternaAparatos necesarios adicionalmente:1 Generador de funciones (50 Ω, en lo posible con amplificador) o una fuente de alimentación de CA,Opcional: 1 Multímetro con medidor de frecuencias (Tensión mínima. 150 V).∙Realice el cableado de acuerdo con la fig. 4. ∙Se siguen las indicaciones del punto 5.1, pero sin reducir la frecuencia; se fija el ajuste burdo en la posición media. Si se tiene a disposición un multímetro con frecuencímetro, antes de conectar la fuente de tensión, se conecta en paralelo con las placas de desviación a la salida del generador de dientes de sierra. (¡Cuidado!: La tensión del generador de dientes de sierra es peligrosa al contacto directo)∙Se fija una bobina en el anillo metálico.∙Se conectan los contactos de la bobina con el generador de funciones (si se tiene un amplificador, se conecta con éste)∙En el generador de funciones se ajusta una frecuencia entre 30 y 100 Hz.El rayo se desvía hacia arriba durante el movimiento de izquierda a derecha∙Si es necesario se aumenta la tensión de salida para obtener una desviación mayor. Debido a la rápida repetición no se puede reconocer bien la tensión alternante, porque elregistro en la pantalla por lo general no se repite en un punto fijo dentro de un período (o sea en una fase fija), y por ello se sobreponen varios cuadros desplazados entre sí. Este problema aparece cuando la frecuencia del generador de dientes de sierra no concuerda con la frecuencia de la señal del generador funciones a la entrada. ∙Se busca con el ajuste fino de la frecuencia hasta encontrar un cuadro fijo de un período de oscilación.¿Con qué frecuencias además se observa en pantalla un cuadro fijo?5.4 Figuras de LissajousAparatos necesarios adicionalmente:1 Generador de funciones (50 Ω, en lo posible con amplificador) o una fuente de alimentación de CA o2 generadores de funciones.∙Realice el cableado de acuerdo con la fig. 5. ∙Una bobina se fija en el anillo metálico en un eje horizontal orientada hacia adentro.∙Las entradas de la bobina se conectan con la fuente de alimentación de CA o con el segundo generador de funciones (ajustado a una tensión senoidal de 50 Hz)(verde, amarillo). La amplitud se fija de tal forma que la línea que aparece en la pantalla sea la mitad del diámetro de la pantalla.∙Con el imán anular se orienta la línea en la horizontal.∙Una bobina adicional se monta hacia adentro en el anillo metálico con su eje orientado en la vertical. ∙Las entradas de la bobina (verde, amarillo) se conectan con el primer generador de funciones (ajustado a una tensión senoidal de 50 Hz).En la pantalla aparece una elipse que se deforma rápida o lentamente dependiendo de si las señales de entrada concuerda bien entre sí. Así por cada ciclo aparece dos veces una línea inclinada.∙La amplitud del primer generador de funciones se ajusta de tal forma que la inclinación de la línea sea de 45° y que durante la transición se observe un círculo. Así ya se podrán observar las figuras de Lissajous más sencillas. Las formas de las mismas dependen de las relaciones de las frecuencias y de los desfases entre las ondas. Generado por una leve desviación de la frecuencia con respecto a la frecuencia nominal de ambos generadores (por lo general es suficiente la falta de precisión de los aparatos) se observa un desfase que se mueve automáticamente y hace que se observen todas las figuras correspondientes a una determinada relación de frecuencias.∙Se ajusta la frecuencia del primer generador de frecuencia en un múltiplo de la frecuencia horizontal (50 Hz).Se deben observar las figuras de Lissajous para las relaciones de frecuencia 2:1, 3:1, 4:1….∙Otras figuras de Lissajous se observan con fracciones de enteros de la frecuencia horizontal (p. ej.: 3:2 (75 Hz), 4:3 (66,7 Hz).Fig.2 Desviación eléctrica de los electrones (izquierda: con fuente de alimentación 1001011 / 1001012, derecha: con fuente de alimentación 1003307 / 1003308).fuente de alimentación 1003311 / 1003312, derecha: con fuente de alimentación 1003307 / 1003308).Fig.4 Resolución en el tiempo de una tensión alterna (izquierda: con fuente de alimentación 1001011 / 1001012 y generador de funciones 1009956 / 1009957, derecha: con fuente de alimentación 1003307 / 1003308 ygenerador de funciones 1009956 / 1009957).Fig.5 Figuras de Lissajous (izquierda: con fuente de alimentación 1001011 / 1001012 y 2x generador de funciones 1009956 / 1009957, derecha: con fuente de alimentación 1003307 / 1003308 y 2x generador defunciones 1009956 / 1009957).3B Scientific GmbH • Rudorffweg 8 • 21031 Hamburgo ▪ Alemania • 。

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