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His words are always more candied than candid.他的甜言蜜语多于诚恳。

Reckless drivers cannot be wreckless drivers. 2.司机粗心必出事故
Let sleeping dogs lie. 让狗静卧。

Accident: car, caress, careless and carless.飞来横祸驾车上路、卿卿我我、马马乎乎、汽车没了。

Penny wise and pound foolish. 小事聪明,大事糊涂。

Scientists See Planet outside Solar System天文学家观察到天外有天。


After thirty, even the sight of a shabby and sordid taxi may sicken me.
First thrive and then wife. 先发迹后娶妻。

The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain西班牙的雨主要集中在平原。

I love thee to the depth and breath and height,My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight.
Rich the treasure, Sweet the pleasure. 财产丰厚,快乐享受。

Garlic makes a man wink, drink and stink.大蒜使人眨眼,口渴、口臭。

He let the beer gurgle down the throat.他把啤酒咕噜一下喝了下去。

He flopped down the bag and ran to help us.他噗地一声放下袋子,赶来帮助我们
Whenever I go, my little brother dogs my footsteps. 无论我上哪,我的小弟弟总与我形影不离。

The starving man wolfed down the food.饿汉狼吞虎咽地吃完了食物。

He fished out a coin for the boy.他摸出了一块硬币给这男孩。

Jack craned to see the coins in the well.杰克伸长了脖子看水井中的硬币
Do not ape your betters.不要效颦。

Her singing took New York by storm.她的歌唱在纽约引起了轰动
Their only hope of victory was to storm the enemy camp at night.他们获得胜利的唯一希望就在夜间突袭敌军的营地。

He stormed at me for five minutes on end.他对我咆哮了整整五分钟。

The job began to grow sour on him. 他开始对这工作开始感到乏味。

The market for these commodities shows signs of turning sour.这些商品出现了滞销的迹象。


His father was toothing a saw.

His talk branched off from the subject.

Sweat pearled her forehead.
Gold shares jumped at the Stock Exchange yesterday. 金矿股票昨天在证券交易所飙升。

John bent before the storm of his father’s anger.在父亲的震怒之下约翰终于屈服。

You cannot offer me a loose translation like that. 你不该向我提供那么不精确的译文

I must dash off some letters before I leave.

Patty dawdled away four years in college.

Children cannot keep their minds from straggling.

All music is alike to Tom.

Marline has a history.

He does not shine in conversation.
We dare not tempt them with weakness. For only when our arms are sufficiently beyond doubt can we be certain beyond doubt that they will never be employed.

Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. Only the thought of his mother gave him the strength to go on doing it.

The want of his family had kept him from school, and he seemed to feel the loss.

The new year is expected to see great changes.在新的一年里,人们将看见巨大变革。

Careful comparison of them will show you the differences. 你只消仔细比较一下,就会发现不同。

Courage deserted him. 他失去了勇气。

The morning sun greeted us as we came out on deck. 登上甲板,我们便见到了一轮旭日。




What has become of a woman at forty? The answer comes from the mirror, which shows up vaguely discernible wrinkles on the formerly smooth forehead and the thick black hair with its gloss gone. A touch of frustration and helplessness comes over me as I realize how time flies. Before I have sufficiently admired the scenery and enjoyed the beauties of life, it’s already autumn. However, a second thought brings me relieved calm.

The furrows ploughed by time deny replenishment with cosmetics, for they are fertile soil radiating the fragrance of history.










山雨欲来风满楼The wind sweeping through the tower heralds a rising storm in the mountains.
或The rising wind forebodes the coming storm.

Vast flats of green grass, dull-hued spaces of mesquite and cactus, little groups of frame houses, woods of light and tender trees, all were sweeping into the east.
seesaw (跷跷板) spick-and-span(崭新的) black and blue(青肿) game and glee(心满意足) weal or woe(祸福) neither fish nor flesh(非驴非马)
part and parcel(重要部分)bag and baggage(全部家当)kith and kin(亲属;朋友)
time and tide(时间;岁月)sum and substance(要点)fit as a fiddle(非常健康)
hubbub(喧闹声alpha and omega(始终rough and tough(粗野)high and dry(孤单)linsey-woolsey(棉毛织品)holus-bolus(一下子)fuddy-duddy(古板人)hugger-mugger(胡言乱语)jingle-jangle(丁丁当当)higgledy-piggledy(杂乱无章)
pooh-pooh(表示轻蔑)crack-crack(劈拍)fifty-fifty(对半)all in all (最心爱的)
Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight is in private ness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgment and disposition of business读书足以怡情,足以傅彩,足以长才。


For expert men can execute, and perhaps judge of particulars, one by one; but the general counsels, and the plots and marshalling of affairs, come best from those that are learned.

To spend too much time in studies is sloth; to use them too much for ornament, is affectation; to make judgment wholly by their rules, is the humor of a scholar.

They perfect nature, and are perfected by experience: for natural abilities are like natural plants, that need pruning by study; and studies themselves do give forth directions too much at large, except they be bounded in by experience.读书补天然之不足,经验又补读书之不足,盖天生才干犹如自然花草,读书然后知如何修剪移接;而书中所示,如不以经验范之,则又大而无当。

Crafty men contemn studies, simple men admire them, and wise men use them; for they teach not their own use; but that is a wisdom without them, and above them, won by observation.

I could not dance in fetters.击链而舞,非吾所能。

He arrived at Shelley Hot Springs, tired and dusty, on Sunday night.

He is an agitator, a disturber of the peace –quick, impatient, positive, restless and disquieting.
Although lonely is a new land, Matzeliger was described by his fellow workers and students as cheerful, of a friendly nature, honest, and modest. 虽然马泽利格单身一人,又生活在异乡客地,但正如他的同事和学生所描述的那样,他性情开朗,待人友善,笃守诚信,谦逊朴实。

She has beauty still, and, if it be not in its heyday, it is not yet in its autumn.




At other times you may be so occupied with your work or social intercourse as to have no time for books. Then you can peacefully listen to wise men of all times, enriching yourself with their ideas, and enlarging your stock of knowledge. Or you can draw a picture, or arrange Chinese chess for a near-end game. If you are in the mood, you may as well open an album and let the photos bring back memories of those now far away. Isn’t any of these a real pleasure in life?













译文A:The forest ranger, an expert in forest fire control, talked to the camper about safety in the woods.( 主语领先)译文B: An expert in forest fire control, the forest ranger talked to the campers about safety in the woods.

译文A:Everything—iron, air and water —is made up of atoms. B: Iron, air and water, everything is made up of atoms.

Personally, I don’t think he’ll interview you.

V ery frankly, I’m tired of it.

A: The house was dark and empty and looked very different from the way I remembered it. B: Dark and empty, the house looked very different from the way I remembered it.他们作深呼吸,然后潜入水中。

A: They took a deep breath and dived into the water. B: Taking a deep breath, they dived into the water.

A: We were left helpless and watched half a year’s food destroyed before our eyes B: Helpless, we watched half a year’s food destroyed before our eyes.

A: The radio weather report is very important in the farmer’s life. B: Very important in the farmer’s life is the radio weather report.2)你做的汤真鲜美。

A: Your soup tastes delicious. B: Delicious your soup tastes.

A: All I could do was to send him a telegram. B: To send him a telegram was all I could do.

A: You find this sort of obscurity too often in modern philosophers. B: This sort of obscurity you find too often in modern philosophers.

A: You can store coins in small jars on the closet shelf. B: Coins you can store in small jars on the closet shelf.

A: We owe all this to the party. B: To the party we owe all this.

A: I’d like to ask you a favor. B: From you I’d like to ask a favor.

A: I promised him nothing definite. B: To him I promised nothing definite.

A: He smiled a contemptuous smile.B: A contemptuous smile he smiled.

A: Different opinions exist on this question. B: There exist different opinions on this question

A: Two bottles and an ash-tray are on the shelf.B: There are two bottles and an ash-tray on the shelf.

A: The old lady comes at last.B: Here comes the old lady at last.

A: The arrow went up into the air.B: Up went the arrow into the air.

A: Some pictures I have just taken are enclosed.
B: Enclosed are some pictures I have just taken. 6)旧社会那黑暗的日子一去不返了。

A: The dark days of the old society are gone forever.B: Gone forever are the dark days of the old society. 喷气飞机在空中疾飞。

Through the air hurtled a jet-plane.

Following the roar, out rushed a tiger from among the bushes. 肯定是热极了。

Terribly hot it certainly was. 把自己的生命献给全人类的解放事业的人是幸福的。

Happy is he who dedicates his life to the emancipation of all mankind. 乔可能有点傻,但他不是贼。

Fool Joe may be, but thief he is not.团结,我们站起来;分裂,我们倒下去!United, we stand; divided, we fall.
淡季额外收费保暖内衣伪劣产品人际交流Low (dull/off/slack) season ;extra charge/additional charge ;thermal underwear ;counterfeit goods/shoddy goods ;interpersonal communication
固定资产有保留的赞扬全力支持有关部门预定到达时间fixed assets ;qualified praise ;unqualified support/full support ;the departments concerned/relevant authorities ;expected time of arrival/scheduled arriving time
停留时间成功而持久减肥的奥妙很有背景的人duration of stay ;the secret of successful and lasting weight loss;a man with powerful emergencies/a person with high-level connections. 平价商店休闲场所经济作物基础学科人员不足discount store ; leisure facilities ; cash crop ; foundation subjects/basic subjects ; shortage of staff/staff shortage
即将为众多商家采用的营销战略:a marketing strategy soon to be adopted by numerous businesses难以置信的好运气幼稚可笑的问题高收入工作incredibly good luck ; ridiculously naïve question ; a well paid job在职培训售后服务利益集团节能冰箱最新式的设备on-the-job training ; after-sale service ; special-interest group ; energy-efficient refrigerator ; state-of-the-art equipment 1)以上就是我们同意继续进行两岸对话的条件。


1)The afore-said are conditions under which we will agree to continue talks between both sides of the Strait. 2)It’s up to you to decide whether we should look for helping hands or not. 1)为什么人服务的问题,是一个根本的问题,原则的问题。


1)To serve for whom is a cardinal problem, a matter of principle.
2)Skin is not liable to be affected by bacteria. 1)他抽出枪就开始向敌人射击。


1)Snatching his gun, he began to fire at the enemy.
2)They left for the fields, shouldering spades and hoes. 1)尽管有好多缺点,他是个勤奋的人。


1)With all his shortcomings, he is a hard-working man.
2)I feel sick at the sight of him. 1)她人长得好看,脑子又聪明。


1)She is as pretty as wise.2)It’s easier said than done. a)大峡弯的谷地山峦交错、峡谷相连、江水汹涌。

a) The valley of the Grand Bend is full of multi-peaked mountains, joined canyons and turbulent waters.
b) 我国政府愿意在平等互利、相互开放、长期合作、共同发展的基础上,进一步加强同亚洲各国的经济合作和贸易交流b) The Chinese government stands ready to further strengthen economic cooperation and trade ties with other Asian nations on the basis of equality, mutual benefit, mutual openness, long-term cooperation and common progress. a)由于这台仪器性能稳

a) The instrument has been welcomed by the users because of its stability in service, reliability in operation and simplicity in maintenance. b)这些女式衬衫系采用上等纯丝制成,价格公道,工艺精湛,设计独特。

b) These silk blouses are made of pure silk of best quality. They are moderate in price, excellent in craftsmanship and unique in designs. 这里那里,螺号阵阵,渔歌声声;近近远远,红旗飘扬,白帆点点。

好一派动人的渔乐图啊!What an exciting scene of jubilance, wit h the fishermen’s conches trumpeting and their songs ringing here and there, and red flags fluttering and white sails dotting the sea far and near. a) 大力培养爱岗尽责、方便群众、优质服务的敬业精神。

a) We should vigorously foster the fine spirit, including dedication to work, and offering convenience and fine services to the masses. b) 防止个人专断和各自为政,反对有令不行、有禁不止。

b) To prevent the tendency to make decisions arbitrarily and go their own way and oppose the defiance of orders and prohibitions. 我们必须解放思想、实事求是、扎实工作、开拓进取。

We should emancipate our minds, seek truth from facts and work hard and creatively. 1) 作为世界第一大洲,亚洲幅员辽阔,人口众多,资源丰富,有着巨大的发展潜力。

1) Asia, the largest continent in the world, is a vast land with a huge population, abundant natural resources and enormous potential for development. 2) 岸山屏列,倚天插云,峰回水转,蜿蜒而下2) …Along the banks mountains piercing the clouds stood like screen. And so the mountains ranged on, so the river wound its way downstream 3) 自此而下,江面宽阔,水流平缓。


3) Down from here, the river becomes wide and calm. If you take a light skiff down the stream, you will drink in the beauty along the river. 4) 大批仁人志士,满腔悲愤,万种辛酸,想有所为而不能为,真是英雄无用武之地。

4) So many men and women with high ideals, worried and frustrated, wished to do something about it, only to find that , able as they were, they had no chance to carry out their ideals. 1) 江中多滩,易阻行舟,然而急流澎湃,惊涛轰鸣,气势磅礴。

1) There are many hidden shoals in the river, presenting a challenge to navigators. And the surges of the swift current and the roars of the terrifying waves achieve great momentum. 2) 这里山花古松遮掩着悬崖峭壁,鸟语花香,生意昂然,一派秀丽景色。

2) Wild flowers and old pines on the precipice, with birds singing among them, form a beautiful scene full of life and vitality. 1) 建立办事高效、运转协调、行为规范的行政管理体系。

1) To set up a high efficiency, well-coordinated and standardized administrative system. 2) 本店货色齐全,花色多样,2) We have a good assortment of goods to choose from.

2. 这就是我少年时期生活过的地方。

3. 我厂生产的天津地毯图案新颖、色调雅致、美丽大方、富丽堂皇。

4. 但我的事现在搞得满城风雨,人人皆知了。

5. 澜沧江河床低深,水流湍急,两岸高陡,如斧劈刀削,令人望而生畏。

6. 在那里,古树摇曳春秋,山花自开自谢,植被浓密翠绿。

7. 必须对党员特别是领导干部严格要求、严格管理、严格监督。



1)I have not seen him for over thirty years.2)He suddenly saw a dark stain on the carpet.

2)你问道此书从何而起?1)Their performance yesterday was very successful. 2)What, you may ask, was the origin of this book? 1)这位母亲很为有个聪明漂亮的女儿而骄傲。

2)只有在显微镜下才能看见红血球1)The mother is very proud to have an intelligent and pretty daughter./The intelligence and beauty of the daughter makes her mother very proud.2)A microscope is needed to see red cells./Red cells can be seen only under the microscope. 1)他们患得患失,生怕丢掉这些东西。


1)Swayed by considerations of loss and gain, they are most anxious to lose these possessions.
2)There being nobody else at hand, I have to do it by myself. 1)没有一点“闯”的精神,没有一点“冒”的精神,没有一股气呀,劲呀,就走不出一条好路,走不出一条新路,就干不出新的事业。

1)If we don’t have the pioneering spirit, if we’re afraid to take risks, if we have no energy and drive, we can not break a new path, a good path, or accomplish anything new.
2)越老越不要最后犯错误,越老越要谦虚一点2)The older they are, the more prudent they should be and the more careful not to make mistakes in their later years.


1)Heaven can not support two suns, nor earth two masters.2)Either he did not speak distinctly or I did not hear well. 1)他既是个科学家,也是个小提琴家。


1)He is a scientist and a violinist as well.2)In the solar system the planets as well as the sun itself are in constant motion. 1)外商投资企业经企业申请,税务部门批准,可减轻或免征工商统一税。

2)他们宁愿待在家里而不愿意去观光1)A foreign investment enterprise may apply to tax authorities and may enjoy, if the application is approved, reduction or exemption of the consolidation industrial and commercial tax.2)They would rather stay at home than go sightseeing. 1)为了生存,为了自己和子孙后代的衣食住行,人类和大自然不断地进行着斗争。


1)In order to survive, to feed, clothe and shelter himself and his children, man is engaged in a constant struggle with nature.2)We must do a good job of flood prevention so as not to be caught unprepared. 1)倘若客人不来怎么办?2)假若哥伦布没有发现美洲大陆,别人也会发现的1)What shall we do if the guests fail to turn up?
2)Even if Columbus had not discovered the continent of America, somebody else might have discovered it. 1)虽说他英语不怎么好,但也还能叫人听懂。

2)实验失败了,不过他并不灰心1)Though he does not speak English well, he still can make himself understand.
2)The experiment failed, but he didn’t lose heart. 1)不管困难有多大,都要完成任务。


1)Whatever the difficulties are, we’ll have to fulfill the task. 2)At any rate, the problem calls for immediate attention. 1)昨天没有来看你,是因为我有急事要办。


1)I didn’t come to see you yesterday because I had some urgent matters to attend to.2)The departure of the flight has been delayed due to bad weather. 1、他两天就抽完了一包烟。







句子是语言符号系统的重要层级,能表达一个完整的意思和陈述、疑问、祈使、感叹等语气汉语句子强调语义,具有突出的“以意统形”的特点,而英语句子强调形式和语法结构;汉语句子构建在意念轴上,英语句子构建在主谓轴上;汉语谓语是句义的核心,除了动词,形容词,名字或其他词语都可以充当谓语,英语句子的主语是“一句之主,”谓语在单复数,时态,语态等方面一定要和主语一致,而且只有动词才能充当谓语;汉语主语和话题的界限不太明确,很多无主句,汉语句型很复杂,英语只有七大基本句型,其基干是“主语+谓语+(宾语)”,汉译英笔译时一定要考虑套用句型;汉语句子的特点致使汉语的句法特征是意合(parataxis),强调逻辑关联与意义关联而不在意词语之间和句际之间的形式衔接,英语句子的特点是强调形式和功能,因而英语的句法特征是形合(hypotaxis)在一个句子中,先说的词语是主位(theme),后说的词语是述位(rheme),这种主位—述位(theme- rheme)结构便是句子的信息结构。







In 501 BC, Confucius, the most famous philosopher in Chinese history, asked Laozi, another great philosopher, for the third time about rites of civility. Laozi’s philosophical theory and his criticism in the slave-owning system so shocked and so inspired Confucius that he was entranced for three days. He sighed to his pupils that Laozi was as mysterious and unpredictable as the dragon, that his th eories were integral when joined, and like scattering clouds when apart. Laozi’s surname was “Li”, so later on all the people with the surname “Li” were called “the dragon family”.


In the new century, we are building a society in which people lead a fairly comfortable life, quickening the pace of reform, opening up and modernization, and attaining the strategic goals for the third stage. While we are strengthening the socialist legal system and the rule of the country by law, we must earnestly improve socialist morality, rule the country by virtue, and closely integrate the improvement of the legal system with the improvement of morality and the rule of the country by law with the rule of the country by virtue. Through a continuous process of deepening and broadening the improvement of civic morality, a socialist moral system suitable for our socialist market economy will gradually take shape and develop. This is a basic program for improving the quality of the whole Chinese nation. It has great significance for enhancing national spirit and a spirit of the times, cultivating good moral habits, coordinating material civilization with spiritual civilization, and advancing the great cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.



Liu Zhenliang, a tea master of the late Tang Dynasty, whose birth and death years are unknown, once put forward the theory of the “ten virtues” of tea: Tea is tasty; tea can maintain health; tea can drive away stinking odors; tea can prevent the attack of diseases; tea can cultivate energy in the human body; tea can relieve depression; tea can improve manners; tea can convey respect; tea can soothe the mind; and tea can uphold justice. This was not merely the personal view of Liu Zhenliang, but ideas shared by a majority of the Chinese people.。
