给报社的建议 减少塑料袋的使用英语作文

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Dear Newspaper People,

My name is Jamie and I am 9 years old. I love reading the newspaper, especially the comics and puzzles! But I've noticed something that makes me sad - all the plastic bags you use to deliver the papers. Those plastic bags are really bad for the environment.

Plastic bags are made from oil and natural gas that comes from deep inside the earth. Digging up and burning those fossil fuels pollutes the air and water. Plus, it takes millions of years for fossil fuels to form, so we are using them up way too fast.

After people read the newspaper, a lot of times they just throw the plastic bag in the trash. But plastic doesn't go away - it sticks around forever! The bags end up in landfills or worse, they get blown into rivers, lakes and oceans. Sea turtles and dolphins and other animals think the plastic bags are food and eat them by mistake. That's awful!

Even if people try to reuse plastic bags, they easily rip and tear. They can't be reused for very long before they have to be thrown away. And hardly anyone recycles plastic bags because it's such a hassle. You have to bring them to special recycling bins, not just put them in your home recycling.

So plastic bags are terrible for the environment from start to finish. But there are much better alternatives that newspapers like yours could use instead! Let me tell you about some of the options:

Paper Bags

These are made from recycled paper, so they protect trees instead of using up oil and gas. They are also really easy to recycle again after use. And if they do end up in the environment somehow, paper just biodegrades into the soil instead of polluting forever like plastic. The only downside is they aren't quite as cheap as plastic.

Reusable Bags

Many people have reusable shopping bags made of cloth or thick plastic. You could deliver newspapers in bags like these! People could use the same bag over and over for years before needing a new one. It would cut down on so much waste. The

reusable bags are sometimes a little more expensive at first, but they last for a really long time.

Online Newspapers

Another great idea is to get more people to read online editions of the newspaper instead of getting a printed copy. That way, no bags are needed at all! People could read everything on their computer, tablet or phone. I know some older people still like to read a real paper newspaper, but lots of kids and adults are happy to read the news online these days.

Those are my top suggestions, but I'm sure there are other good ideas too! The important thing is that we all need to make changes to use less plastic. Plastic is really messing up the whole planet.

I hope the grown-ups in charge at your newspaper will think about switching to paper bags, reusable bags or online newspapers. It would make such a big difference. I'll even help by telling all my friends and family to subscribe to your paper if you get rid of the plastic bags!

Please think about making this change to protect the environment. It's the only Earth we've got, so we need to take
