牛津上海英语高三第一学期Unit 3 Holidays and Festivals 课件(共22张PPT)

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Background Information
In _1_6_2_0__, the _P__il_g_r_im__s_ sailed to America, on the May flower, seeking the freedom of worship (宗教自由).
These first English s_e_t_t_le_r_s_ knew nothing about how to _f_a_r_m_ or h__u_n_t _fo_r_f_o_o_d_. Then, the local A__m_e_r_ic_a_n__In_d_i_a_n_s_ taught them how to _s_u_r_v_i_v_e.
Holidays and Festivals
--- A time of reunion
①_C__a_n_a_d_a_,_B_r_a_z_i_l,_A__rg_e_n_t_i_n_a_…__ (countries) celebrate Thanksgiving Day.
②Thanksgiving falls every year on t_h_e_4_t_h__T_h_u_r_s_d_a_y_i_n__N_o_v_e_m__b_e_r.
Thank you !
Martin Luther King Day 15th, January Washington’s Birthday 3rd Monday of February May Day Memorial Day last Monday of May Mothers Day 2nd Sunday of May Fathers Day 3rd Sunday of June Columbus Day 2nd Monday of Oct. Veterans Day 11th. Nov.
Holiday Letters
T is for turkey on Thanksgiving Day, H is for "Hurry, I'm hungry!" we say. A is for Auntie, she works and she mends, N is for Native American friends. K is for kitchen, the oven's on low, S is for silverware, set in a row. G is for Grandma, the one we love most, I is for inside, where we're warm as toast. V is for vegetables, eat them we try, I is for ice-cream on top of the pie. N is for never do we have enough dressing, G is for Grandpa, who gives thanks for our blessings.
• What happens every year in the USA on the fourth Wednesday in November?
• Why might Thanksgiving Day be the worst day to go on an excursion in the USA?
③___A__b_r_a_h_a_m__L_i_n_c_o_ln__ was the father of Thanksgiving Day.
• In 1863, President Lincoln firstly proclaimed it an official day.
• In 1941, Congress of the United States declared the fourth Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day every year.
Background Information
• In _1_6_2_1_, a day of ______ wthaasnskest aside & people had ________a_ btoig dinner celebrate the ________, thhuarsvehsatving the birth of ____________! Thanksgiving
Task 1


Dear Helen
Task 2
--- introduce a traditional Chinese Festival
Deeper thinking
(Group Discussion)
Why does our government always give great consideration to the public holiday?
Custom of Family Dinner
• roasted Turkey • pumpkin pie • cranberry sauce • mashed potatoes • ….
Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
Watching NFL football
• Send loving messages and warm wishes
A Grateful Heart
With a heart of gratitude, everything turns out to be gorgeous.
A tiny gratefulness can give us a lasting positive mood.
The main themes of Thanksgiving…..
Learning about the history of a festival can help us better understand the culture of a country.
Public holidays contribute to happy and united families, which helps to build harmonious society and eventually leads to a prosperous and esteemed nation.
• Thanksgiving cards
Take a family photo
• Thank God for all his blessings and grace
• Show gratitude to your friends and relatives for all the good deeds