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1.[本题2分] –Wou ld you like me to brin g a cu p of tea for you?
(A) Not yet.
(B) Ne ither do I.
(C) It doe sn’t matt er.
(D) Ye s, plea se.
2.[本题2分] –Are you g oin g ba ck to your hotel, Mr. Smith? If you are, I can g ive you a lift. –It’s very kind of you, but t hey’re send ing a car for me. __________.
(A) Good-bye
(B) Se e you lat er
(C) Th ank you ju st the same
(D) Th ank you
3.[本题2分] –Wou ld you like me to carry the box for you?
(A) Yo u’re we lcome.
(B) No, it will troub le you.
(C) I’d like to.
(D) Th ank you, if it’s not too much both er.
4.[本题2分] –What can I do for you, Mada me?
–__________, I can ha ndle it by myse lf.
(A) What a plea sure
(B) No, th ank you
(C) Ye s
(D) Sure
5.[本题2分] –Do you wa nt me to ho ld th e umbre lla for you?
(A) Yo u ca n, please.
(B) Nor do I.
(C) No, I have.
(D) It’s very kind of you to do so.
6.[本题2分] –Will you do me a favor to post this let ter for me? –__________
(A) Why me?
(B) Don’t be sorry
(C) Don’t both er me!
(D) Not now, h ow abo ut tomorrow?
7.[本题2分] –__________
–Sure, wha t’s it?
–Wou ld you plea se pa ss me the salt?
–Here you are.
(A) Excuse me?
(B) Would you like some sa lt?
(C) May I ask a favor of you?
(D) How are you?
8.[本题2分] –Co uld I trou ble you to g o with me? It’s to o lat e.
(A) Oh,it’s really sorry.
(B) Ye s, you are.
(C) No, it’s to o l at e.
(D) Sure, my plea sure.
9.[本题2分] –Ca n I help you?
(A) Well, I sug ge st you not.
(B) Of cour se.
(C) Th at’s not n ecessary, but th ank you all t he sa me.
(D) No, I won’t.
10.[本题2分] – Wou ld you like me to clo se th e win dow for you?
(A) Ye s, I wou ld.
(B) All rig ht. Good-bye.
(C) I’d be very gratefu l if you cou ld.
(D) Wha t’s your trouble?
11.[本题1分] A new idea be gan to ______ from h is mind w hen he w as on h is way back ho me.
(A) ten d
(B) st arve
(C) outpu t
(D) emerg e
12.[本题1分] Th e lo st car of the Lee s wa s foun d ______ in the woo ds o ff the h ighw ay.
(A) reje ct ed
(B) aba ndo ned
(C) thrown
(D) disap peared
13.[本题1分] H e determin ed ______ to co lle ge.
(A) go
(B) go ing
(C) of going
(D) on go ing
14.[本题1分] ______, he worked o ut the d ifficu lt math prob le m only in t en minute s.
(A) To my surpr ise
(B) Surpr isin g
(C) I’m surprise d
(D) In surpr ise
15.[本题1分] I n spa ce, there are a lo t of dista nt st ars that ar e ______ to the n aked eye.
(A) inv isib le
(B) vision al
(C) visited
(D) viewed
16.[本题1分] Ken is not pr ese nt, so I sha ll a ccept t he prize ______.
(A) on h is b eha lf
(B) beh alf of h im
(C) on beh alf of h e
(D) beha lf him
17.[本题1分] Th e sq uirrel w as lucky that it ju st missed ______.
(A) be ing caug ht
(B) to catch
(C) to be ca ugh t
(D) cat ch ing
18.[本题1分] Th e film ______ several year s int o ha lf an hour.
(A) comp ose s
(B) compre sse s
(C) ca mpu se s
(D) co mpa sses
19.[本题1分] It is ______ that th e volcano b eca me a ctive w ith out warming. Peo ple w ere ______ by the erup tio n.
(A) terrif ied; t errified
(B) terrifying; terrify ing
(C) terrified; terrify ing
(D) terrifyin g; terrif ied
20.[本题1分] Why not try to ______ your story int o a novel?
(A) explore
(B) expo se
(C) extend
(D) expand
21.[本题1分] H e cou ld n ot help ______ at h ow mu ch h is son ha d grown.
(A) la ugh ing
(B) exclaiming
(C) crying
(D) screaming
22.[本题1分] - ―Did you do so meth ing like tha t before?‖
- ―Of course not. Th at wou ld be ______ .‖
(A) over my dign ity
(B) above my d ign ity
(C) bene ath my dignity
(D) beyond my d ign ity
23.[本题1分] After send ing th e gue st s away, we ______ our din ner.
(A) consume d
(B) pau se d
(C) sto pped
(D) resu med
24.[本题1分] ______, he f ina lly pa ss t he exam, a lth ough h
e su
f fered a lot.
(A) Of deligh t
(B) To our sorrow
(C) In deligh t
(D) To o ur delight
25.[本题1分] Th is movie te lls u s a st ory about two strang ers wh o spoke German an d ca me _______ the sky.
(A) in to
(B) from ou t of
(C) under
(D) out
26.[本题1分] H ow abo ut the two o f us ______ a walk dow n the gard en?
(A) takin g
(B) take
(C) to be takin g
(D) to take
27.[本题1分] H er plot a gainst a complete ly ______ old man show s that th e lady in this stra nge ta le very obviou sly suffer s from a serio us menta l illn ess.
(A) imperat ive
(B) impre ssive
(C) ide ntica l
(D) inn ocent
28.[本题1分] A la mp ______ th e ce iling a bove u s.
(A) susp end ed
(B) wa s su sp ende d
(C) was su spen ded fro m
(D) was su spiciou s of
29.[本题1分] Why don’t you ______ your id ea s ______ on p aper?
(A) set; ba ck
(B) set; to
(C) set; u p
(D) set; d own
30.[本题1分] ______ report ing on t elev ision h as he lp ed to gen erate intere st in a wide variety of sport s an d act ivit ie s.
(A) Exten ded
(B) Inte nsive
(C) Exten sive
(D) Expe cted
31.[本题1分] I n the court Mr. Smith w as th e only ______ w ho said th e fire wa s de lib erate.
(A) wit ne ss
(B) st and by
(C) wit ch
(D) whisper
32.[本题1分] She ha s made up h er min d to be come a do ctor working f or the ______ of suffer ing.
(A) be lieve
(B) relieve
(C) relief
(D) relive
33.[本题1分] She de cide d to ______ her stud ie s after obt ain in g her Master degre e.
(A) pur suit
(B) pur se
(C) pursu e
(D) push
34.[本题1分] Th e process by which caterp illar s are ______ in to butt er flies is ad orab le and a mazing.
(A) tran sa cted
(B) tran smitte d
(C) transforme d
(D) translat ed
35.[本题1分] I n both East and West, names are ______ to succe ss, so met ime s.
(A) e spe cial
(B) effe ct ive
(C) essen ce
(D) essen tia l
36.[本题1分] Amer ican’s rap id in du stria l progre ss ha s been ______ it s read ine ss to adop t new tho ught s an d int erch ange infor mat ion.
(A) sin ce
(B) be cau se
(C) due to
(D) reaso n for
37.[本题1分] I’m tru ly ______ for all your help.
(A) tha nkful
(B) gratef ul
(C) greet
(D) both B) an d C)
38.[本题1分] -Yo u were brave eno ugh to ra ise o bject ion s at th e meet in g.
-We ll,now I regre t ______ that
(A) to do
(B) to have do ne
(C) to be do ing
(D) havin g done
39.[本题1分] Mu ch thou gh the q uee n hate d ______, she cou ldn’t help wat ch ing the f igh t.
(A) cold
(B) cru elty
(C) bestial
(D) crue l
40.[本题1分] Th is trip to the moon is a ______ first voyage to outer spa ce in human history.
(A) histor ic
(B) histor ian
(C) history
(D) historica l
As my train packe d wit h rush-h our co mmu ters e merge d from un dergrou nd and b urst into th e sun light Tue sd ay mornin g, the fa miliar New York City skyline wa s go ne, ma de invisib le by a thick can opy of jet-b la ck smoke.
Terrif ied a t the sight, co nfu sed commuter s pre ssed the ir faces a gainst t he train’s win dow s, climb ing over one a noth er to get a bett er view.
―Fire! The World Tra de Cen ter is o n fire!‖ a ma n exclaimed.
Aban don ing my new sp aper, I pu sh ed pa st a ma n on a ce ll p hon e, cran ing my neck to get a be tter view. To my utt er disbe lief, I cou ld see smoke an d fla me s devouring t he top th ird of the nort h tower. The b itter sme ll of smoke b urned in my nose.
Sudd enly the tra in came to a scree ching ha lt in th e middle of the br idge. ―The World Tra de Cen ter is o n fire,‖ the con du ctor sa id ―All service to Cortland t Street h as b een suspend ed.‖―My son,‖ a blon de woman who looked t o be in h er 50s said in a choked wh isper to the you ng gir l sitting next to her, ―my olde st so n works in th at bu ild in g.‖
As we a ll ga ped a nd trie d to process wha t we were wit ne ssing, the unt hinka ble happ ene d. Like a scene in f ilm, a big bla
ck jet came from out of n owher e and cra sh ed in t o the so uth tow er.
Everyon e on the tra in ga sp ed.
I d id not have a wa tch, but I knew it wa s roug hly 9 a.m. So me 50,000 pe ople work in tho se bu ildings. I breathe d a sigh of re l ief t hat I knew no on e who worked in that building an d quietly said a s eries of ―Ha il Marys‖ under my breat h.
As the tra in re sumed and slowly cre pt clo ser to Manhatt an, the con du ctor ca me on a gain.
―Due t o the explosion s an d fire s at the World Trad e Cent er, we are experie ncing ext ensive de lays,‖ th e co nd u ctor said. ―From the train crew we a sk that you say a prayer for anyone at the World Trad e Cent er. Ple ase say a prayer.‖For the f irst t ime, t he train b ecame grave ly sile nt.
I sank down into an e mpty seat. My heart was ra cin g, and
I clo se d my eyes.
(1).[本题2分] Wh at did the pa sseng ers be lieve to be ha ppen in g at first?
(A) Terrorism.
(B) War.
(C) Explo sion.
(D) Fire.
(2).[本题2分] Wh ile the exp losio n happ ene d, the au thor wa s on his way to __________.
(A) his workplace
(B) supermarket
(C) schoo l
(D) the World Trade C enter
(3).[本题2分] Why d id the cond uctor ask the pa ssen gers t o pray?
(A) Be ca use he wa s a Christian.
(B) Be ca use he felt sorry for the explo sion of th e Wor ld Trade Ce nter.
(C) Be cau se he f elt relieve d their no t being in t he exploded b uild ing.
(D) Be cau se he h ope d everyone at the Ce nter could be safe.
(4).[本题2分] Wh ich of the fo llowing can NO T be inf erred from th e passa ge?
(A) All th e passe nger s on the tra in be lieved in God.
(B) The o lde st son of the b lon de wo man may be killed in th e explo sion.
(C) Most American s st art work at 9 o’clo ck am.
(D) Befor e hearing the scre aming, th e auth or was rea din
g new spa per.
(5).[本题2分] Accordin g to the pa ssag e, what th e auth or witn esse d is pro bab ly _________.
(A) Se pte mber 11t h in cident
(B) July 7th bo mb ing
(C) March 11th incid ent
(D) Novemb er 11th terrorist att ack
Goo d morn ing. Th is is a day of remembra nce for our cou ntry. And I a m honore d to be join ed at the Wh ite Hou se t oday by Amer ica n s who lo st so mu ch in the terrible ev ents of Sept ember the 11t h, 2001, and h ave felt th at lo ss every day sin ce.
Three year s ago, t he stru gg le of goo d aga in st evil was compresse d int o a sing le morn ing. In the spa ce of on ly 102 minut es, o u r cou ntry lost more citize ns t han were lost in the att ack on Pearl H arbor. Time ha s pa sse d, but th e me morie s
do n ot fade. We rememb er the image s of fir e, and th e fin al calls of love, an d th e courag e of rescuer s wh o saw de ath an d did n ot fle e.
We reme mber th e crue lty of ene mie s wh o murdere d the inno cen t, and rejoiced in our suffering. We reme mber th e many goo d live s tha t ende d too soon –wh ich no on e h ad the rig ht to take.
And our nat io n remembers t he familie s le ft beh ind to carry a burden of sorrow. They have shown coura ge of the ir own. And w ith the h elp o f God’s grace, and w ith supp or t from one an other, th e familie s of terror vict ims have shown a streng th that survive s all hurt. Ea ch of t hem re mains in the th ough ts an d prayers of th e American pe op le.
The terror ist a tta cks on Septe mber th e 11th wer e a turnin g po int for our nat ion. We saw the g oals of a de termined e nemy: to exp and th e scale of the ir murder, an d force America to retre at from the w orld. And our na tio n accep ted a mission: We will d efea t this ene my.
The U nite d Sta te s of America is deter min ed to gu ard our homeland ag ain st fut ure atta cks. As t he Se ptember the 11th Co mmission conclu ded, o ur cou ntry is safer than w e were three years ag o, but we are n ot yet safe.
Tha nk you for listen ing.
(1).[本题2分] Accordin g to this pa ssag e, all of the fo llowing are true EXC EPT __________.
(A) The Septe mber the 11th Co mmission con cluded t hat the Un ite d Sta tes is safe n ow.
(B) There were more peo ple w ho died in th e terrorist atta cks o n Sep tember the 11t h than t hose who d ied in the att ack on Pearl Har bor.
(C) Since t he atta cks o n Sep tember the 11t h, the Un ite d Sta tes h as b een con scio us of th e n at iona l safety.
(D) Th e pa ssage is de livere d in 2004.
(2).[本题2分] In the th ird para graph th e under lin ed word ―rejoice‖ me ans __________.
(A) fee ling in diff erent
(B) fee ling regretf ul
(C) feelin g joyfu l
(D) feelin g sorrowf ul
(3).[本题2分] Wh ich of the fo llowing is NOT ment ion ed a s the fa ctor to he lp th e fami lie s of terror vict ims survive a ll h urts?
(A) Hatre d for the ene mies.
(B) God’s mercy.
(C) Bravery of their own.
(D) Mutual supp ort.
(4).[本题2分] Wh ich of the fo llowing can NO T be known fro m the pa ssage a bout th e ―enemy‖?
(A) The en emy ha s mad e firm de cision a nd not hin g ca n sto p them.
(B) The en emy will be h appy to see America retreat fro m the wor ld.
(C) Th e ene my will take the live s of more inno cen t Amer ican s.
(D) Th e ene my will de stroy the who le wor ld.
(5).[本题2分] Wh ere wou ld th is p assag e mo st likely be extra cted fro m?
(A) A te levision in terview.
(B) New s review.
(C) New s report.
(D) A radio addre ss.
Surprisingly, no o ne know s how many ch ildr en receive ed uca tio n in Eng lish ho sp ita ls, still le ss th e co ntent or qu ality of tha t ed ucation. Pro per recor ds are jus t no t kept. We know tha t more tha n 850.000 childre n go throu gh ho sp ita l ea ch year, and th at every child of sch oo l age ha s a le gal right t o cont inu e to receive ed uca tio n while in ho spita l. We a lso know there is on ly one ho sp ita l tea cher to every 1,000 ch ildren in h ospit al.
L itt le won der the la te st survey co nclud es th at the exte nt and type of h ospit al te ach in g availab le differ a great de al a cro ss th e co untry. It is f ound th at ha lf the ho sp ita ls in Eng lan d which ad mit ch ildr en have no te acher. A furth er quarter ha s on ly a part-time tea cher. The spe cial childre n’s ho spitals in major citie s do be st; g enera l ho sp ita ls in the cou ntry and holid ay areas are wor st off. From t his survey, one can e st imat e that fe wer than o ne in f ive ch ildren have some co n ta ct with a h ospit al te ach er—an d that cont act may be as litt le a s two ho urs a day. Most children interviewed w ere surpr ised to find a tea cher in ho spital at a ll. They had not b een pre pared for it by pare nts or th eir own s cho ol. If th ere was a te acher they were much more likely to read bo oks an d do mat h or numb er work; witho ut a tea cher they wo uld o nly play game s.
Re ason s for hospit al te ach in g range from pr eventing a child fa lling be hin d and maintaining the h abit o f schoo l to keep ing a c hild o ccup ied, a nd the latter is oft en all the te ach er can do. The po sit ion a nd in flu en ce of ma ny teacher s was summed u p when p arent s referred to th em a s ―the lib rary lady‖ o r just ―the helper‖. Childre n tend to re ly on c
oncerned sch oo l frien ds to kee p in tou ch w ith sch oo l work. Several p arent s sp oke of reque st s for work bein g ign ored or refu sed by the sch oo l. Once b ack at sch ool ch ildr en r arely get extra tea ch ing, a nd are to ld to catch up a s best they ca n.
Many short-stay child-pat ie nts cat ch up q uickly. But schoo ls d o very little to ea se the anx iety abo ut falling be hin d expressed by many of the children intervie wed.
(1).[本题2分] At the b eg inn ing of th e pa ssage th e auth or point s ou t that __________.
(A) the spe cial child ren’s ho spitals are wor st off
(B) ho sp ita l tea ching is of poor q uality
(C) every child in h osp ita l receive s so me te achin g
(D) not enough is know n abou t hospit al te achin g
(2).[本题2分] It ca n be inf erred from th e lat est survey that __________.
(A) all ho sp ita ls surveyed offer ed ucation to children
(B) ho sp ital tea ching a cross the cou ntry is similar
(C) only one-f ourth of th e ho spitals have fu ll-t ime tea cher s
(D) each ho spital h as at lea st on e part-time tea ch er
(3).[本题2分] It se eme d that th e ch ildr en int erviewe d in ho sp ita l __________.
(A) liked having mat h le sson s regu larly
(B) want ed to p lay gamed mo st of th e time
(C) did n ot expe ct to rece ive any tea ch ing
(D) did n ot want any cont act w ith th eir scho ols
(4).[本题2分] 24.14. Childre n in ho sp ita l usua l1y turn to __________ in order to catch up wit h the ir schoo l work.
(A) scho olmate s
(B) ho sp ita l tea cher s
(C) parent s
(D) schoo l tea ch ers
(5).[本题2分] We can con clude fro m the pa ssage t hat the
a uthor is __________.
(A) satisf ied with the re sults of t he lat est survey
(B) un sat isfie d with t he pre sent state o f hospit al te achin g
(C) unfavora ble to ward s ch ildren receiving edu ca tio n in ho sp ita ls
(D) in favor of the pre se nt st ate of tea ch ing in ho sp ita ls
U sua lly whe n we hear th e word ―artist‖ we thi nk of a perso n who pa int s pictur es, b ut the word h as a much wid er mean ing th an tha t, for anyone w ho add s be auty to a thi ng has sho wn that h e is an artist. In th e pub lish ing wor ld, th ere are many artist s be side s the illu strat ors, a s you ca n fin d if you trace the step s intr odu cing a book.
After the au thor (who is an art ist in the cho ice of id ea s and word s) ha s so ld a ma nu scr ipt to th e pub lisher, a n edit or goe s o ver it. The work of ed itin g invo lves art istic skill too, for the ed itor may know ho w to impr ove t he aut hor’s work by cutting an d revising th e man uscrip t. Then th e editor look s over the man uscript and d ecide s how it ma y be best illustra ted. The e dit or and a de signer d iscu ss h ow all the p arts of th e book-t he illu strat io ns, wor ds, p aper, an d bin ding-sha ll b e put tog ether so that th e book be st co mmun icate th e su bje ct a nd the spir it which w as inten ded by the a uthor.
I llu strat ion s are draw n which w ill not on ly emph asize wit hout w ords th in gs said in the story, but wh ich will ad d inf ormat ion or idea s that can not be p ut int o word s. Wh en th e
illustration s and text are comp let ely prepar ed they are sent to the pr inter wh o caref ully, and oft en artist ically, set s the type a nd prin ts th e book. Once the material ha s be en printe d, it is sent to the b in der who make s the b ook int o a unit f or selling an d reading. The b ind er, too, is an art ist, for he make s use of sp ecia l techn ique s t o make the out si de of the bo ok attract ive, a s well as a ppropr iate to t he co nte nts. Mean while, a sales staff is at w ork preparin g ad vertise ment s to he lp sell the bo ok.
(1).[本题2分] How ma ny step s in produ cing a book are mentione d in th e passa ge?
(A) 6
(B) 5
(C) 4
(D) 7
(2).[本题2分] Wh ich of the fo llowing is NOT involve d in th
e work o
f edit ing?
(A) Accept ing or reject ing a manu script.
(B) Con sidering the b eauty of a bo ok as a who le.
(C) Rewrit ing or rearran gin g lon g paragra ph s.
(D) Decid ing wh ich part s is to be illu strat ed.
(3).[本题2分] Illu stration s mu st __________.
(A) make a ll text fit to print a nd read
(B) add t he id ea s which are beyo nd word s
(C) add the ide as overlooked by the au thor
(D) closely tou ch wh at is sa id in t he st ory
(4).[本题2分] De sig nin g the advert iseme nt s for a book is starte d when __________.
(A) the illustration s and text are prep ared
(B) the b ook is made into a un it
(C) all the st ep s are fin ished
(D) the book is be ing b ound
(5).[本题2分] The be st tit le for th is p assa ge wou ld be __________.
(A) Art an d the Printed World
(B) The St ep s in Pro du cin g A Bo ok
(C) Who D eserves the Na me of Artist
(D) Th e Bea uty of a Book
/doc/b44320174.html,lion s of p eop le a cross Euro pe have marked the on e-week ann iversary of the Lond on bo mbing s with tw o minute s of silen ce for tho se kille d and __(1)__.
Traff ic stop ped a nd Lon don ers line d the stre et s to __(2)__ the vict ims of the bo mb ing s la st we ek that killed more than 50 peo ple a nd lef t hundr eds w ound ed.
Que en Elizab eth stepp ed out o f Bu cking ham Palace for the __(3)__, and Prime Minister Tony Blair join ed emergen cy workers for the mome nt of silen ce at the g arden of h is Do wning Stre et reside nce.
__(4)__ tr ibut es wer e held in tow ns a nd cities a cro ss Brita in an d elsew here in Europ e.
Amon g tho se __(5)__ wa s George Psara dakis, the driver of a do ub le-de cker bu s that po lice say was b low n apart __(6)__ an ap parent su icide b omb er in what is de scrib ed as an al-Qa ida-style at ta ck.
―I se nd my thou ght s at th is t ime to t he familie s of the inno ce nt vict ims, e spe cially my fellow collea gue wh ose d aug hter lo st her life o n my bus,‖ he sa id. ―In tod ay’s silen ce we rememb er them. Wit h quiet dignity and respect we sh ow our dee p __(7)__ for th ose who p lant ed the bo mb s and t hose
who mast e rminde d them.‖
At a __(8)__ ne ws conf eren ce, po lice a ppea le d for pub lic inf ormat ion o n the move m en ts of Ha sib Hu ssain, __(9)__ of b low ing u p the bu s, an d they rele ased a clo sed-cir cu it televisio n ima ge of h im carrying a ba ckpa ck that suppo se dly carried th e bomb.
Police also ident if ied Shahzad Ta nweer __(10)__ th e su spe cte d bomber of an un dergrou nd train near the Ald gate stat ion. Media report s have de scrib ed the 22-year-old Tan weer as
a mild-man nered cricket fan.
(A) to wou nd
(B) wou nding
(C) woun ded
(D) woun d
(A) respe ctfu l
(B) horror
(C) disrespe ct
(D) honor
(A) reme mber
(B) me mory
(C) reca ll
(D) memoria l
(A) liking
(B) similar
(C) familiar
(D) sa me
(A) part icipat e
(B) part icipat in g
(C) participate d
(D) to participat e
(A) wit h
(B) via
(C) by
(D) throug h
(A) concept
(B) atte mpt
(C) temp t
(D) con tempt
(A) subsequ ent
(B) la tter
(C) follow
(D) previou s
(A) susp ected
(B) distru ste d
(C) su spe ct ing
(D) distru stin g
(A) a s
(B) wit h
(C) like
(D) to。
