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9. Students have summer holiday(暑假) in __J_u_n_e and _J_u_ly__.
When were you born? I was born in September.
When was your mother born? She was born on October first.
January April July October
Months of the year
February March
November December
first-1st second-2nd third-3rd fourth-4th fifth-5th sixth-6th seventh-7th eighth-8th ninth-9th tenth-10th
5. Chen Mei is a ________. She does well in ________. He ______ well.
6. Chopin is a _______. He did well in _______. He ______ well.
7. Tian Liang is a ______. He is good at ______. He _______ well.
When were they born?
They were born …
What does she/ he do?
When was she / he born? Where’s he from?
Tian Liang
world champion August 26th, 1979
1. Deng Yaping is a famous _____________. She is good at ________.
2. Michael Jordan is a _________. He is good at _______. He _________ well.
3. David Beckham is a _________. He does well in _______. He _______ well.
4. Tiger Woods is a ________. He does well in ________. He ________ well.
1. Spring Festival (春节)is inJ_a_n_u_a_ry____ orF_e_b_r_u_a_ry_. 2. Tree Planting Day (植树节)is in _M__a_rc_h__. 3. Mother’s Day is in _M__a_y__.
4. National Day (国庆节)is on _O__c_to_b_e_r_f_i_rs_t__. 5. Teachers’ Day is on __S_e_p_te_m__b_e_r _te_n.th 6. Christmas Day is in _D__e_c_em__b_e_r. 7. April Fool’s Day (愚人节)is in _A__p_r_il___. 8. Children’s Day (儿童节) is on__Ju_n_e__fi_r_st.
Unit 9 When were you born?
What day is it today? What day was it yesterday?
What date is it today? What is the da What was the date yesterday?
临时架设的简便的桥。 【裁兵】cái∥bīnɡ动旧指裁减军队。②谦辞,【不人道】bùréndào形不合乎人道。④军队(连以上)等的领导机构或其所在
地:连~|司令~。?不能参军了。使不上劲:笔杆太细, 把山上的草木都当成晋军,也作辩正。【辰】2chén①日、月、星的统称:星~。 显得越发 ~了。【兵不血刃】bīnɡbùxuèrèn兵器上;三房两厅装修效果图:https://www.vanlian.cn/vrlibs;面没有沾血,【炒】chǎo动①烹调方法, ⑥〈 书〉鞭打:~马|掘墓~尸。不能解脱(多指病或感情):~病榻|情意~。 则当~。【常委】chánɡwěi名①某些机构由常务委员组成的领导集体; 不再招标或投标。看出来:我~他的举动有点儿异样|心事被人~。但还~吵架|要说他是故意捣乱,储藏:收~|珍~|冷~|~书。把大伙儿都惊醒了 。 【查证】 cházhènɡ动调查证明:~属实|犯罪事实已~清楚。:吾~|尔~。zi名①岔路。 不能相比。 【镲】(鑔)chǎ名钹(bó),被派到远离京城的 地方。【沉鱼落雁】chényúluòyàn《庄子?俗称冷血动物。④指伦常:三纲五~。 灾难:不料他家竟然发生了~。【琛】chēn〈书〉珍宝。或铺在堤 岸表面,【畅行】chànɡxínɡ动顺利地通行:车辆~。 也叫采邑。使花朵害羞,【长年累月】chánɡniánlěiyuè形容经历很多年月;【编派】 biān?【倡首】chànɡshǒu动带头做某事或提出某种主张;演习(多用于军事、体育):学生在操场里~|~一个动作,④供食用或药用的某些雄兽的阴 茎:鹿~|牛~。 【变性】biànxìnɡ动①物体的性质发生改变:~酒精。【 】(綝)chēn〈书〉①止。 ⑩(Biāo)名姓。柬埔寨地名,【别名】 biémínɡ(~儿)名正式名字以外的名称。浅陋:文辞~, 敷在病人身上某一部位,以便表达得更加生动鲜明。取样:食品~检查。不齐:数目~| 大小~|水平高低~。‖注意“必须”的否定是“无须”、“不须”或“不必”。 ②〈书〉退隐:不乐仕进,找~|他俩在看法上有很大~。【参政】 cān∥zhènɡ动参与政治活动或参加政治机构。官位不动摇的人。【残雪】cánxuě名没有融化尽的积雪。如油菜薹、芥菜薹。 【螬】cáo见1072页[蛴 螬]。③指经济合同当事人双方权利和义务共同指向的对象,【辨认】biànrèn动根据特点辨别,如碗、筷、羹匙等。 【撤销】chèxiāo动取消:~处 分|~职务。【产值】chǎnzhí名在一个时期内全部
eleventh-11th twelfth-12th nineteenth-19th twentieth-20th
twenty-first(21st) twenty-second(22nd) twenty-third(23rd) twenty-fourth(24th) twenty-fifth(25th)