ZHANGYUE_1421959_Colin cooper_PremilinaryProjectReport (1)
几年后,MINI家族的第四个车系,也是第一款5uv得以诞生,它就是MINI COUN FRYMAN,而那个年轻人正是他的设计师。
4、家庭核心价值观,中国人强调亲情而《越狱》 所揭示的当代美国人的重要价值理念正是对亲密 家庭关系的肯定。
5、团队精神,《越狱》从迈克尔的个人营救计划开 始,逐渐发展为“八大员”的集体行动,尽管迈克 尔的智商很高, 但他同样需要团队的协作力量来完 成越狱计划。
6、正义之道,人性的善恶之争从来都是一个永恒 的主题。在多数情况下“善”能占据上风,我们的 所作所为会趋于善良,行事会符合法律和道德的要 求。
Sarah Wayne Calliess 维恩·卡里斯
角色Theodore Bagwell (t-bag)
人物特点: 1、变态杀人狂,极其凶残暴力。 2、拥有顽强的生命力,为了能活命不择手段。 3、有美好的爱情梦,想拥有一个温馨的家庭。
Robert Knepper 罗伯特·克奈普
角色狱警 Bellick 人物特点: 1、性格卑劣:嚣张、贪婪、冷酷、欺软 怕硬、卑鄙、胆小、狡猾、小气、无能。 2、虽然性格卑劣,但始终记挂年迈的母 亲。
男主角:Michael Scofield(迈克尔)
毕业学校:芝加哥的Loyola大学 学位:土木学士和土木硕士 职业:结构工程师 为了从监狱中救出自己无辜的哥哥,他甘愿抛下 远大的前程,丢弃自由,精心谋划救出哥哥林肯。 人物特点: 1、睿智沉稳,冷静果敢,有超人般的的机制头脑 和忍耐力,有时会流露出细腻温和一面。 2、上身有监狱建构地图纹身,有想象不到的硬线 索节点构思。 3、迈克尔以救赎者的姿态降临,他最光辉的不是 坚毅的外表,而是可敬可爱可畏的智慧。
Make Prison
迈克尔的哥哥林肯被认定犯有谋杀罪被投入 了FoxRiver监的死囚牢,但迈克尔却坚信兄 长是无辜的,在林肯的死刑执行日越来越逼 近时,迈克尔持枪闯入了一家银行,被捕入 狱后来到了林肯的身边。身为建筑工程师的 迈克尔参与了监狱的改造工程而对这里了若 指掌,设计了史上最完美的越狱计划,并集 中狱中其他七人一块越狱。
Countermeasures of Rural Public Product Supply Problems in New Socialist Rural Construction
Counte rme a s ure s of Rura l Public Product S upply Proble ms in Ne w Socialis t Rural ConstructionAb s tra c t :The status of rura l public goods'supply plays a decisive role in China agricultural development and in new socia list rural construction.For the current situation of insuf cient supply of public goods in rural areas,this article explained the signi cance of strengthening the construction of rural public goods supply system,analyzed the reasons for the shortage of rural public goods supply ,and proposed strategies and measures to solve problems of rural public goods supply,which are of advantages to enhance and improve the ef ciency of rural public goods,having certain practical and theoretical values.Ke y wor ds :new socia list rural construction,rural public goods,supply system CLC nu m be r :F323.9Doc um e n t c o de :AArtic le ID:1006-8104(2010)-02-0078-07IntroductionNew socialist rural construction is the great historical task of a compre hensive construction of well-off society in China and implementing the process of modernization;the necessary requirement to solve the urban-rural gap and building a harmonious society;the important safeguards of expanding domestic sub-stantial development of demand.In December 2005,the CPC Central Committee,State Council stressed in "Advice on new socialist rural construction"that "New socialist rural construction is the major historic task in China's modernization process."Contents and objectives in new socialist rural construction include "the production development,sufficient life,rural civilization,clean village,and democratic manage-ment"and other aspects.In order to achieve these contents and objectives,the status of rural public goodssupply to improve production and living standards ofrural residents needs to be greatly improved. Rural public goods refers to relatively meet the needs of rural agriculture,rural areas or farmers,liv-ing together with sharing products or services,charac-terized of non-competition and non-exclusion.On the one hand,it is including rural transport,power grid,irrigation a nd water conservancy facilities,health and education facilities,mandatory for public goods;on the other hand,including information technology services,skills training,public order maintenance,institutional arrangements,public goods such as soft-featured public goods [1]. Rural public goods supply system is the important foundation for the rural economic social development.From a certain sense,the new socialist rural con-struction process refers to the improvement of the ef -ciency of the rural public goods supply and the opti-mization process of supply structure.Therefore,con-Received 24March 2010Supported by Countermeasures Study of Cities and Countrysides Harmoized Development of China (LBH-205024)ZHANG Jing (1970-),female,Ph.D,associate professor,engaged in the research of applied linguistics.E-mail:zhangjing-cherry@ *I NG ,D,f ,f y j @y ZHANG Jing 1,2,and JIANG Hua 3*1Pos t-doctoral M ob ile Center on History and Cultural College,Shandong University,Jinan 250100,China 2College of Liberal and Social Science,Northeast Agricultural University,Harbin 150030,China 3College of Philosophy,Heilongjiang University ,Harbin 150086,ChinaCorresponding au thor.J A Hua Ph.pro essor engaged in the research o intercultural philosoph .E-mail:ianghu structing a comprehensive systematic and scientific system of rural public goods by broadening the diver-sity of rural public goods supply channel has important practical significance in promoting the harmonious development of urban and rural areas and new socialist rural construction.S ig nific a n c e of S tre n gthe ning th e C ons truction of Rura l Public Goods S ys temAs China's existing current urban-rural dual structure and the imbalance of rural public goods and services supply,strengthening the construction of the supply of public goods and services in rural areas has the im-portant practical signi cance in promoting the building of new socialist rural areas.Pro mo ting the n ew s o cia lis t ru ral c on s tru ction to pr o vid e s e c ur ity fo r th e ru r a l e c o n o mic d e velo pme n tThe new socialist rural construction strategic is at the primary stage of socialism in China,but urban-rural gap growing modernization into the mid-stage of economic development background,as the rural"three rural"issues raised. If China can achieve the overall development in the process of modernization,narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas,constructing well into the political,economic,cultural,and social aspects of coordinating the development of new rural areas, if our country can achie ve a truly comprehensive modernization. For a long time,as urban-rural dual system of non-symmetrical,leading to the supply of rural public facilities and public services can not much of the actual meet rural needs,restricting the further development of rural economy,outstanding the re ect serious shortage of public utilities such as education,health,culture and other aspects,which has brought about a serious and negative impact on agricultural and rural development. Therefore,the public goods supply situation in rural areas directly affect the development of China's agri-cultural economy and the new socialist rural con-struction in China,with the need to greatly strengthen rural infrastructure and development of rural social undertaking.Ad va n ta g e s to im pr o ve th e ru ra l c o n s um e r d e ma nd a n d s pe n ding po we rThe level of public goods supply in rural areas directly affected the level of spending power of farmers and consumption demand because the vast majority of public goods in rural areas are the necessity for pea-sants'work in agricultural production and life.Once the government or other public units'products can not provide enough public goods to meet farmers' demands,peasants have to provide for themselves, which makes up the low efficiency of part of the public goods supply and enhance the burden of the peasants,also lower the demand for peasants to con-sume and thus stimula te consumption and have a negative impact on expanding domestic demand. On the other hand,public goods and private goods have close complementarities.The inadequate supply of public goods and services will be seriously restricted in some peasants'consumption demand for products. Therefore,the supply of public goods and services in rural areas is not suf cient,mechanism is not sound, the absence of public services,which would seriously affect the rural consumer market expansion and the development of modernization of the rural economy. Through the provision of public goods,increasing peasants'income can greatly expand the rural con-sumption market,which will play an important role in solving the existing investment and seriously irrational consumption structure.P r o m o tin g s u b s ta n t ia l d e ve lo p me n t ru r a l e c on om yThe rural public goods and the public services are taken as the foundation and the essential condition for the rural economic development,the premise and the guarantee for the rural economy and sustainabledevelopment.Many rural areas of our country exist obsolete agricultural water conservancy facilities,the inconvenient transportation,the expensive electri-city price,the worn-out school building,the backward public health condition,lacking public conditions, safeguard,public services vacancy and so on.This kind of insufficient supplies situation has restricted the rural social economy of sustainable development enormously.Especially the rural education's back-wardness and public products'insufficiency have the immediate influence in rural are as such as human resources'quality and level,creating the lack of rural scientists and technicia ns,affecting the e ffec tive implementation of agriculture through science and technology,having restricted the substantial rural economy development.There fore,providing the public products and enhancing the rural labor force's quality comprehensively,which provide the certain labor force for a long time for the rural economy of sustained growth.Pro m otin g th e s ta b ility a n d d e ve lo pm e n t of s oc ia l p olitic sSolving the problem of insufficient rural public pro-duct supply is advantageous in eliminating the signi-ficant aspects of social contradiction and a social crisis in the social comprehensive reforming time. China is an agricultural nation of large size with big arable fields and numerous agricultural population, stability and advancement of rural areas,having the signi cant in uence on the entire national and social development. Since the foundation of the nation,in order to accele-rate the economic development to realize the indus-trialization as soon as possible,China has practised the urban-rural dual system,formulating the policy of public product supplies has satisfied the lowest public product to need as the goal and the heavy urban light countryside,and this kind of difference policy of city and countryside in public product supplies caused the rural public product,to a certain extent,a serious de ciency. Causing the demand of farmers is unable to obtain satisfies in social stability,health,road traffic,water conservation water and electricity facility,education and environmental protection,social security,basic public products and the service and so on.Farmer's living environment worsens unceasingly,when their taxes and fees'burden is heavier day by day and the public goods and the service are seriously deficient, the disparity of the level of rural public goods and the service supplies and the farmers'demand grow s larger day by day,which causes the contradiction and the conflict between the farmer and the basic unit of political power and have affected the rural areas of economic development and social political stability.Un b a la n c e d R e a s o n s fo r R u ra l Public P roduct Supplyme nt of China China's current rural public goods and service supplies presently are under serious unbalanced conditions, especially along with the reform of rural taxes and fees, after implementing cancellations of the agricultural tax policy,causing the rural public goods the unbalanced supplies question being more prominent.The concrete manifestation is not perfect in the rural infrastructure and the public services mechanism,such as the health system insufficiency,education backwardness,the farmers lack the condition such as the social security, water and electricity facility backwardness and so on. Each level of public goods and the service supplies are insufficient.Our rural public goods supplies produce unbalanced the reason is variety,and the sole supplies system is the primary cause of the rural public goods crisis. First,the main body of the rural public goods supply system is the government.Sinc e long,the Chinese rural public goods system is unitary supplies mechanism with the government as the main body, particularly as lower rural management organization's villages'and towns'government.But the government of villages and towns,whose nancial power and the governance are asymmetrical,has small property rightsbut big governance.If the rural elementary education, the birth control,the water and electricity facility,the road traf c and so on public products and the service supplies are mainly under-taken by the rural villages and towns government as well as the village,who are responsible,because the rural basic unit of villages and towns,whose governmental financial resource are limited,cannot provide full amount to the public product,causing the deficiency of the rural public goods and public services vacancy. Second,government function in rural basic unit is dislocated.The government of rural basic unit's villages and towns plans and organizes the village public utility and public utility's construction by state power's status,providing the public goods and the public services for the countryside,but because the villages and towns government has the phenomenon of function dislocation,cannot provide the essential public services effectively to the countryside,causing the rural public goods system to be insufficient. Looking from the present villages and towns'govern-ment function movement,quite many villages and towns governments place the key emphasis in work in the economic development,which does on large scale caters to the higher authority"the achievements project",originally causing the use for the rural public goods and its service as the main body with placing basic unit of government,in order to provide the public product and the public services of financial revenue investing heavily to the economic development.And as a result of countryside villages and towns govern-ment nance's insuf ciency and crisis,not only caus-ing the villages and towns government supplies public product ability to weaken greatly,but also the public services responsibility fainted,causing the rural public goods system serious deficient,and the rural public resource disposition in low ef ciency. Third,mechanism of stimulating the farmers'parti-cipation in the public goods investment is lack.The household undertake the responsibility syste m to vacillate the collectivization time rural public goods system gradually,causing the rural public goods sys-tem to lose the economic basis.As a result of limit-ed an unitary and supplies system,too much relies on government's investment,having not established the drive of farmer who adapts with the market economy, personal,the enterprise to put into the public product construction the mechanism.Meanwhile,along with market economy system's development,farmers'group consciousness is faint gradually,the individual rstly strikes root in the hearts of people[2].The market eco-nomy condition servants cause the advantage of point of view in the countryside to struggle oneself in advan-tageous matter that farmers are doing on,but regarding countryside in some public affairs,the public utility is actually not willing to do.The public goods has suppli-es association and is impossible to remove other people expense the characteristics,having provided the possi-bility for the vehicle's phenomenon's widespread exi-stence.Public goods'non-exclusiveness caused many farmers both want to share the benefit and not to be willing to undertake the cost,universal existence"while vehicle"psychology.Moreover,the public products and the collective services have certain bene t over ow, the farmer embarks from own bene t,did not care and be unwilling to invest the Non-pro t organization. Fourth,in uence to rural public goods system was brought out after the reform of taxes and fees.Because our rural areas implement the public product supplies of the unitary system,the government takes the supplies as the main body.Therefore,implementing the taxes and fees reform in the countryside,after cancelling the agricultural tax,the county township pecuniary condition was more unbalanced,weakened the rural public goods system ability.Moreover,after country-side taxes and fees reform adopts"the discuss everyth-ing that happens"in view of the countryside public utility the system not to be able to have thorough settle-ment in rural public goods system question.Counte rme as ure s to Solve the Rural Public Goods Sys tem Ques tionFacing the present difficult position of China's ruralpublic product and the public services supplies,pro-moting the ability and the responsibility of govern-ment's rural public goods system,strengthening rural lower management organization's function reforming, planning the urban and rural areas in the foundation to adopt the multiplex ways to provide the public goods, the implementation integration and the multiplication unify supplies system,thus enhancing the ef ciency of the rural public goods system.Prom otin g gove rn me nt's ab ility a n d r es p ons i-bility in ru ra l pub lic g oo ds s yste mSpeaking of the developing country,the government is the important impelling force in modernization,taking the executor of the public authority,providing the public goods is the important measurable to justify if government's ability is strong or weak.Looking from the fact that some developed countries and the deve-loping countries experience from the world that pro-vides public products to the rural areas,the government should undertake the completely responsibility and the duty,also realizing the urban and rural accord with the basic way of development. Currently our government's finance disbursement was still lower than the growth of the financial re-venue,and the proportion of the nancial disbursement of supporting agriculture accounts for the expenditure is back and forth. "2000-2003,the financial supporting agriculture disbursement yearly average grows14.0%,but the nancial revenue yearly average grows17.4%,which is lower than3.4%points;moreover,the financial supporting agriculture disbursement acc ounts for the expenditure the proportion is paces back and forth between7.12%-7.75%[3]."Therefore,the government must undertake vigorously in the rural public goods with providing the responsibility,continuing to enlarge the finance to the agricultural investment dynamics, enhancing the growth rate of the government's fin-ancial disbursement,and guarantee ing the stable growth of the rural public goods system fund total quantity.Stre ngth ening the tra ns formation of th e mana ge-me nt fun ctio n o f the ru ra l ba s ic u nit go ver n-me nt,e n ha nc in g th e ab ility of th e p ub lic p ro-duc t su pp liesIn view of the transformation of the management function of the rural basic unit government,causing serious insufficient phenomenon of the rural public services vacancy and the rural public goods system, the rural basic unit government should carry on the role and the function localization positively,prominent public product supplies and service function and con-sciousness.As facing the countryside directly,which provides the public goods and services of countryside basic-level organization for the countryside,in the transformation government function's process,realiz-ing by the administration government to the service government's transformation,which must be clear about the countryside basic unit government's gover-nance with emphasis,implementing principle whose property rights and the governance are uni ed,in view of the countryside basic unit government's financial dif cult position,enlarging the central committee and provincial level government nance support dynamics, enhancing ability of the rural basic unit government in supplying public goods,changing the rural basic unit government to take into consideration the rural public goods and the public services that demand present situation incapable.Es ta b lis h in g th e p u b lic p ro d u c t s u p p lie s sys tem of in te g ration a nd m ultip lica tionThe so-called integration refers to the implementation of consistent supplies mechanism of the urban and rural areas;the so-called multiplication refers to the multiplication of the rural public goods supplies'main body,the supplies way,and the fund raising channel[4]. The integration is mainly the solution to the dual supplies mechanism question,providing the fair policy environment and the system platform for the urban and rural public goods'supplies,causing the urban and rural areas obtain the same treatment equally,andimplementing the urban and rural overall plan.The government as the supplies'main body,undertakes main body's responsibility of the rural public goods system,enlarges the rural public goods and the service nancial investment,causes rural and the urban shar-ing modern civilization.Based on this,the reform of the unitary supplies system promotes the rural public goods system of multiplication positively,speci cally manifesting in the following aspects. (1)Main body of implementing multiplex rural public goods system.As a result of the insuf ciency of the nance ability of the rural basic unit government and the inherent limitation of government supplies efficiency,causing the sole government supplies that is not adapt to the advanced rural community's develop-ment demand.There fore,constructing multiplica-tion rural public goods system should be carried out acc ording to the level and the nature of the rura l public goods.The main body of rural public goods' supplie s may be approximate ly divided into the government supplies,the personal supplies and the third department supplies.And the government is the supplies main body.The government on behalf of society's public interest,the government has the responsibility to have the duty to undertake the rural public goods system as the main body responsibility. Based on this,the display personal supplies main body and the non-governmental organizations supplies main body's strength,forming the supplies main body of the multiplex mechanism. (2)Forming fund procure ment me chanism of multiplex rural public goods.After the reform of taxes and fees,the reason that the rural public product presents the supplies to be short,a substantial clause is used to provide the public goods the sources of fund mainly to rely on the government,when the govern-ment cannot collect the enough fund,definitely will affect the public product supplies.Therefore,it should go through the construction raising fund channel's multiplex mechanism,and the solution supplies short contradictory.The raising fund mainly has govern-ment's financial shift fund;personal,the enterprise's fund;countryside community's collective fund;do-mestic and foreign non-governmental organizations' fund raising channels and so on fund.The government finance takes public products and the public services supplies fund main channel,especially after public nance system establishment,which will provide the system safeguard for the countryside public product and the collective services supplies in the fund raising aspect.In regard of the charge arranged the public goods to be possibly provided,depending upon in the market economy by personal or the enterprise invest-ment,the exchange of equal value and the principle of paid,which collects through the market to the society. (3)To carry out supply ways of multiplex rural public goods system.The rural public goods system refers to how the supplies process organized by the main body of supplies the rural public goods.Along with the rural public goods system main body and the sources of fund channel's multiplication,the rural public goods system must be multiplication.Mainly dividing into the direct supplies and the indirect supp-lies two forms.The direct supplies way refers to the government to provide the certain countryside public products or the collective services directly as the supp-lies main body.Under the market economy system, genera lly speaking,selecting the dire ct supplie s method,many are some pure public products.The indirect supplies way also needs the privatization way, is refers to the government to be possible to personal to provide the rural public product request.The supplies way which regarding these is mainly may collect fees the rural public goods.In addition the government has subsidy,such as the enterprise,the non-governmental orga nizations and the personal supplies way.The government to provide the efficiency or the atone-ment financial resource is insufficient,may through the direct grants either the indirect subsidy way,en-couraging with the help of individual or the enterprise provided the countryside public product. (4)Establishing perfect supervising mechanism and discuss and introduc mechanism.The rural public goods system's construction is also to establish thescience reasonable evaluation criteria,adopting the opening transparent operator schema,guaranteeing the supervising mechanism and the appraisal mecha-nism validity of the rural public goods system,thus guaranteeing the positive cycle and the sustainable development of the rural public goods system. In the brief,the rural public goods supply condition has the pivotal function in Chinese agricultural deve-lopment and the new socialist rural construction.In present's work,consummating the rural public goods supply system unceasingly,the rural public goods supply system of constructing a mutually support with supplementing the integration unified the multiplica-tion,thus promoting the new socialist rural construc-tion powerfully.Re fe re n ce s1Liu J P,Gong D S.After the reform of taxes and fees,rural public goods supply s ystem's multi-central system discuss ion[J].China Administration,2006(7):70.2Meng Z Z.The Chinese farmers need the through conscious nes s and the new idea[J].Investigation World,2003(6):34.3Yi C Z,Lo ng C H.Go vern ment ability in socialism new rural recons truction[J].New China Digest,2007(7):5.4Wang X N.Depen dence and inn ovation o f rural pub lic g ood s supply system vicissitude[J].China Administration,2006(7):74.。
中文名:张媚铄外文名:Riny别名:小歓国籍:中国民族:汉出生地:哈尔滨出生日期:1987年6月29日职业:模特、演员毕业院校:北京传媒大学主要成就:风尚中国榜最佳风尚新人奖BQ红人榜获年度公益影响力红人腾讯足球宝贝网络赛区季军身高:170cm体重:50KG三围:84-62-83居住地:北京血型:A休闲爱好:旅行听音乐购物星座:巨蟹脸型:瓜子脸发色:乌黑座右铭:机会只光临有准备的人口头禅:呵呵影视作品参演电视剧首播时间剧名扮演角色导演合作演员2012-07-18 卧底48天配角龚朝邵兵;杨立新2011-11-24 唐宫美人天下赖水清姜广涛张庭;明道2011-11-05 武则天秘史角色澄丰殷桃;蒋林静2011-01-06 反黑使命2沉默配角杜寒张嘉译;刘钧2010-12-23 怪侠一枝梅曲幺幺李国立霍建华;刘诗诗2010-12-12 无情道配角毛鲲宇孙洪涛;赵恒煊参演电影上映时间剧名扮演角色导演合作演员2012 老公的春天卫瀚韬王小康王馥荔2012 我们同是一家人赵红杨文军李少红2011 谢谢你的爱索依群庄濠全祁世龙2011 先下后上配角范逸臣刘凡菲2010 激活人生角色陈晓雷肖娜个人喜好喜欢的明星;安吉丽娜朱莉喜欢的电视:凤凰卫视最想做的事:环球旅行喜爱的季节:春季喜爱的节日:中秋节喜欢收藏的东西:戒指香水瓶喜欢的运动:瑜伽喜欢的饰品:戒指游泳爱吃的零食:杏仁喜爱的刊物:时代周刊最自豪的事:不用为保持身材而节食最大的愿望:家人身体健康个人荣誉第20届环球皇后世界大赛中国区季军“爱美丽”杯国际内衣模特大赛季军中国时尚文化大奖十佳中国模特爱心颁奖典礼获“最具爱心华人女星大奖”风尚中国榜最佳风尚新人奖搜狐SOHO盛典获年度最佳新人奖腾讯足球宝贝网络赛区季军昕薇时尚之夜最佳着装艺人BQ红人榜获“年度公益影响力红人”编辑本段演艺经历现代经典婚纱摄影形象福州官邸地产形象广告拍摄高新奇手机电视广告拍摄深圳桑迪服饰形象代言演艺经历澳门Mnet亚洲音乐盛典珠海芬宝化妆品形象人北京798“TOD'S”时尚派对FINITY&MAXSTUDIO时尚发布山海一品别墅楼盘形象代言人中国国际时装周S.S时装发布会亚洲品牌小姐大赛启动仪式北京富丽华五星级大酒店形象代言人[1]编辑本段比赛获奖全国普通话大赛优秀奖鲁西人才电视大奖赛声乐组银奖比赛获奖希望杯全国电视歌曲大赛合唱金奖全国少儿歌曲电视大奖赛宁夏赛区铜奖全国平面模特大赛聊城直选区冠军,新秀奖第八届精功国际模特大赛全国总决赛冠军中国歌剧舞剧院全国业余声乐水平考级十级杂志拍摄《嘉人美妆》《时尚芭莎BAZAAR》《优家画报U+》《大周末hotspot》《淑媛ELEGANCE》《品味》《芭莎珠宝》《时装L'OFFICIEL》《旭茉JESSICA》《精品购物指南》《百姓故事》《知音》《美好生活GOOD LIFE》《北京青年周刊》《当代风采》《健康之友》《MISS格调》、《流行色》、《ELLE》、《上海服饰》、《今日风采》、《瑞丽》、《香榭丽舍》、《消费者Meimei》、《都市丽人》、《时尚橘子》、《时尚健康》、《BAZAAR》、《时尚》、《体线》、《华帝世界》广告代言帕莎太阳眼镜巴黎欧莱雅化非凡之恋服饰ODD时尚羽绒衣雅肤化妆品代言朶莱芬内衣代言太和服饰秋冬款代言亚美植物化妆品代言蓝雅珠宝代言果蔬泡腾片代言一品泡菜代言模特生涯张媚铄受杂志采访多栖发展魅力绽放模特美女张媚铄接受了某时尚杂志的专访,高贵的气质、精致的五官,优雅的谈吐,嫩模张媚铄散发出与众不同的独特韵味折服了所有在场所有工作人员。
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About Leslie
Leslie Cheung Kwok-Wing (12 September 1956 – 1 April 2003), nicknamed elder brother (哥哥),was a film actor and musician from Hong Kong. Cheung was considered as "one of the founding fathers of Cantopop", and "combining a hugely successful film and music career". In 2000, Cheung was named Asian Biggest Superstar by China Central Television, and voted/ranked the 1st as The Most Favorite Actor in 100 Years of Chinese Cinema in 2005.Recently, he was voted into CNN's "top five most iconic musician of all time" placing behind Michael Jackson and The Beatles.
A successful man, why does the glorious life suddenly dropped to the ground as a break line kite? Money, the status, the success, follow one's inclinations, besides, what does he want to have?????? Why do people alive? Behind the pomposity, leaving more questions and introspection…
WATER RESEARCH A Journal of the International Water AssociationEditor-in-ChiefMogens HenzeInstitute of Environment & Resources Technical University of Denmark BygningstorvetDK-2800 KGS LyngbyDenmarkTel: 45 4525 1477Fax: 45 4593 2850E-mail:**********.dkEditorsJ. BlockUniversité H. Poincaré, Nancy IFranceDavid DixonUniversity of MelbourneAustraliaHiroaki FurumaiThe University of TokyoJapanEberhard MorgenrothUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign USAW. RauchUniversity InnsbruckAustriaMaria ReisUniversidade Nova de Lisboa/FCTPortugalHang-Shik ShinKorea Advanced Institute of Scienceand TechnologyKoreaMark van LoosdrechtDelft University of TechnologyThe NetherlandsThomas TernesBundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde GermanyStefan WuertzUniv. of California, DavisUSAHanqing YuUniversity of Science & Technology of China ChinaAssociate EditorsAndrew BakerThe University of BirminghamUK Damien BatstoneThe University of QueenslandAustraliaG-H. 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英文模拟法庭发言模板英文模拟法庭发言模板「篇一」Moot CourtPresiding Judge: Zhou BinClerk: Wang XuemeiProsecutor: Han CuiDefender: Xu Yan ChenDefendant: Zhang Jinlin Yang YanlingWang Xuemei: read the following basic facts: Zhang Jinlin and boats for the mountains with HKUST students, both at noon the same day in the canteen queue, because boats jumped the queue, Zhang Jinlin quarrel with the spot, boats hit Jiahao punch, the two Discouraged by the presence of the teacher, Zhang Jinlin very angry that so many students in the faceof being bullied, he was too ashamed, and then hold a grudge, that night outside of a game room to play, met his acquaintances in the game room Yang Yanling, Zhang Jinlin Turning to the Yang Yanling happened at the school at noon, and the lessons learned to talk about boats Yang Yanling, Yang Yanling on the spot agreed upon called Zhang Jinlin determine the time and her phone.The next day, Zhang Jinlin Yang Yanling correct about the way the boats beat him back to the dorm, boats ran away, YangYanling then carry out the machete to cut off the head boats, boats,after being cut down to the ground, Zhang Jinlin , Yang Yanling kicksand kicked him in the boats, boats shouted, “Help.” They immediately fled to the outside, Zhang Jinlin Security Section surrender to the school the next day, Yang Yanling arrested by public security organs onthe same day.Please observing the quiet, announced the court order now:First, not free to move around and enter the trial area;Second, no applause, noise or disrupt;Third, no smoking;Fourth, pagers, mobile phones be turned off;Announced the completion of court rules.Zhou Bin:(hammers)is now in session.Biography accused Zhang Jinlin, YangYanling appear in courtThe first name of the defendant?Zhang Jinlin: Zhang Jinlin,Zhou Bin: Sex?Zhang Jinlin: Male.Zhou Bin: date of birth?Zhang Jinlin: 88 students on May 17Zhou Bin: National?Zhang Jinlin: HanZhou Bin: education?Zhang Jinlin: high school cultureZhou Bin: Professional?Zhang Jinlin: StudentZhou Bin: When released on bail by public security organs?Zhang Jinlin: September 14Zhou Bin: The second name of the defendant?Yang Yanling: Yang YanlingZhou Bin: Sex?Yang Yanling: Female.Zhou Bin: date of birth?Yang Yanling: 82 students on August 12Zhou Bin: National?Yang Yanling: HanZhou Bin: education?Yang Yanling: junior middle school educationZhou Bin: Professional?Yang Yanling: unemployedZhou Bin: Have you ever been punished?Yang Yanling: Yes, 2000 Zengyin affray was sentenced to 3years.January 9, 2003 released from prison.Zhou Bin: People's Procuratorate of the indictment did not receive a copy? When received?Zhang Jinlin: received.October 28, 2005 received.Yang Yanling: received.October 28, 2005 received.Zhou Bin: two defendants received the indictment from the court today has more than ten days, meet legal requirements.Qingdao Municipal People's Court today Juvenile Criminal Court held a public hearing on this law by the Qingdao MunicipalPeople's Procuratorate to prosecute the defendant Zhang Jinlin, Yang Yanling case of trouble, Zhou Bin, a judge hearing the case has served as presiding judge.Appointed by the Qingdao Municipal People's Procuratorate, prosecutors appear to support prosecution Chui Han;According to law, the defendant Zhang Jinlin's legal representative present at the proceedings.Zhang Jinlin defendants and their families by the commission, Beauty Yan Chen Xu law firm to appear for the defense of the accused Zhang Jinlin;Under the “Criminal Procedure”requirement,the parties have the following rights in court:1, can apply for the collegial panel composed of officers, clerks, prosecutors avoided.This means that if interest in the case above-mentioned persons, may affect the impartiality of the referees, may request the substitution;2, evidence can be notice of the application of new witnesses to court, collect new evidence, apply for re-appraisal or inspection and examination;3, the defendant engaged in addition may appoint counsel,but also to self-defense;4, the defendant in the final statement made after the end of court debate.Zhou Bin: whether the right to hear the above?Zhang Jinlin: hear the.Yang Yanling: hear the.Zhou Bin: The accused Zhang Jinlin, you need to apply for withdrawal? Zhang Jinlin: NoZhou Bin: The accused Yang Yanling, you need to apply for withdrawal? Yang Yanling: NoInvestigation courtZhou Bin: now court investigation, first by the prosecutor read the indictment.Han Cui: the indictment of Qingdao Municipal People's Procuratorate Criminal procedure Shanqing check [2005] 76Defendant Zhang Jinlin, male, May 17, 1988 students, Han nationality, high school students.Suspicion of the crime was trouble QingdaoMunicipal Public Security Bureau detention, was released on bailSeptember 14.Defendant Yang Yanling, female, Aug.12, 1982 students, Han nationality, junior middle school education, unemployed.Suspicion of the crime was trouble Qingdao Municipal Public Security Bureau detention, September 13 was the arrest.Qingdao City is currently in custody at the detention center.And in 2000 for the crime of affray, was sentenced to 3 years.Defendant Zhang Jinlin, Yang Yanling case of trouble, by the Public Security Bureau Chaoyang District, Zhenjiang City, conclusion of the investigation, is transferred for examination and prosecution, according to the law review identified the true circumstances of the crime.A victim statements, documentary evidence, physical evidence, forensic evidence such as expert conclusion, the three accused have confessed.Court finds: Defendant Zhang Jinlin, Yang Yanling beating another person in a public place, vile and trouble of their acts constituted the crime.Hospital for the maintenance of public order, the “PRC Criminal Procedure Law” Article forty-one regulations, Teti from the indictment, please sentenced.Sincerely,Qingdao City, Shandong Province People's CourtProsecutor: Han CuiSeptember 25, 2005Zhou Bin: Three defendants, the prosecutor read the indictment just to listen to clear?Zhang Jinlin: hear clearlyYang Yanling: hear clearlyZhou Bin: The accused Zhang Jinlin, the indictment charges you trouble you have committed the crime of the fact whether the objection?Zhang Jinlin: no.Zhou Bin: Now by the prosecutor questioned the defendant.Han Cui: The accused Zhang Jinlin, the prosecutor asked your question, I hope you can truthfully answer.Zhang Jinlin: YesHan Cui: whether you know with boats?Zhang Jinlin: did not know before, after arguing in the school cafeteria to know him.Han Cui: You and Yang Yanling if he knew?Zhang Jinlin: Yang Yanling I know a friend in the game room, often with video games.Han Cui: Do you have any conflicts with the boats?Zhang Jinlin: In September 11 when I buy lunch in the cafeteria, he did not line up, I said a few words of his, but he called me, we had an argument, boats still hit me a punch, was discouraged by the presence of teachers , I was not convinced, thinking that he does not, actuallyalso'd do it, let me make a fool in public, no face, wanted to teach him a lesson.Han Cui: how do you justice for?Zhang Jinlin: After the incident, I am afraid, not dormitory, turned in a night near the school the next morning turned himself in to the school.Han Cui: You now know what your behavior?Zhang Jinlin: At that time he had been too impulsive, and did not take into account the possibility of such consequences.Han Cui: prosecutor finished asking questions.Zhou Bin: whether the questions to ask counsel?Xu Yan Chen: Zhang Jinlin the defendant, were you born?Zhang Jinlin: May 17, 1988.Xu Yan Chen: That time of the incident you are under 18 years of age?Zhang Jinlin: Yes.Xu Yan Chen: September 11, 2005 the day, what you and boats for a fight?Zhang Jinlin: buy lunchline, he cut in line.Xu Yan Chen: fight the process, who should move the hand?Zhang Jinlin: boats first hit I punchXu Yan Chen: Did you fight back?Zhang Jinlin: NoXu Yan Chen: September 12, 2005 afternoon, Yang Yanling you call to the school, told him there were knives?Zhang Jinlin: NoXu Yan Chen: boats were injured in the hospital you went to see him?Zhang Jinlin: YesXu Yan Chen: There is no financial compensation for them?Zhang Jinlin: Yes, I went to see him and gave him 500 dollars.Xu Yan Chen: the presiding judge, I have no problem.Zhou Bin: The accused Yang Yanling, you criminal charges in the indictment the fact that your opinions or not?Yang Yanling: no.Zhou Bin: The following questioning by the prosecutor accused Yang Yanling.Han Cui: The accused Yang Yanling, the prosecutor questioned your question, I hope you can truthfullyanswer.Yang Yanling: Yes.Han cui: You know the case whether the victim boats?Yang Yanling: In the past I do not.Han Cui: You and Zhang Jinlin if he knew?Yang Yanling: Zhang Jinlin I know a friend in the game room, we often play games together.Han Cui: You and boats are contradictory?Yang Yanling: no.Han Cui: you do not know boats, and no conflict with him, why fight him, cut him?Yang Yanling: I and Zhang Jinlin playing video games, he said, bullied by his classmates, and asked me to help him settle, out of loyalty to friends, I went with him.We hit him, he run, I took out a knife to cut acute him.Han Cui: a knife Zhang Jinlin so you can take it?Yang Yanling: not.Han Cui: Why do you knives?Yang Yanling: I......I did not think too much time.Han Cui: boats head injury victim is you cut it?Yang Yanling: Yes.Han Cui: You also what he did?Yang Yanling: I started playing him a slap in the face, but also scolded him, and finally kicked his feet.Han Cui: What happened then?Yang Yanling: Then we ran away, then I caught the public security organs.Han Cui: Have you ever been punished?Yang Yanling: Yes.2000 Zengyin trouble was sentenced to 3 years.Han Cui: prosecutor finished asking questions.Zhou Bin: It is now adjourned, the collegial panel to deliberate, the defendant will be taken off the court three.(Full Court Review)Zhou Bin: The defendant brought to court.(hammers)is now to continue the hearingZhou Bin: The following sentencing courtWang Xuemei:(court officers to stand)Zhou Bin: According to the “Criminal Law”secondhandured ninety-three first, the first paragraph of the twenty-five, twenty-six first,Paragraph, second seventeen, first paragraph ofArticle XVII , third paragraph, first paragraph of Article Sixty-seventh, sixth fifteen, seventy-second paragraph of Article VII thirteen second and third paragraphs, the sixty-fourth of the Articles, ruling as follows:First, the defendant Zhang Jinlin trouble committing the crime and sentenced to one year imprisonment, suspended for one year.Second, the defendant Yang Yanling trouble committing the crime, sentenced to two years.Third, with the case of tools of crime to be confiscated a machete.If dissatisfied with this decision may, within ten days after receiving the verdict the next day, the Zhenjiang Intermediate People's Court of Appeal.Court is now closed!(hammers)the court will be taken off the two defendants.(judges, prosecutors, victims, defenders retired for)英文模拟法庭发言模板「篇二」好家风装饰公司与个人吴顾借贷案书记员:请旁听人员保持安静,现在宣读法庭规则:1、到庭所有人员应听从审判员统一指挥,一律关闭通讯工具,遵守法庭秩序,不准吸烟。
Global Imbalance, Financial crisis and China’s Economic RecoveryZHANG Xiaojing, TANG Duoduo, LIN Yueqin(Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)ABSTRACTThis paper examines the inherent relationship between the global imbalance and financial crisis from historical review and literature survey. This paper sets up a two-country model featured by monetary hegemony showing that the financial crisis of 2008 is interrelated with the United States’ expansionary monetary policy and the hegemony of U.S. dollar. This paper then analyses the impact of crisis and the policy responses, focusing on the preconditions for China’s economic recovery. Through international comparison, we argue that one of the Great Depression’s lessons is the exorbitant government intervention in some areas and the necessary condition for China’s recovery is economic flexibility, namely, resilient market mechanisms.Key words: Global imbalance; Financial crisis; Economic flexibility; Economic recoveryThe US subprime mortgage crisis that broke out in the summer of 2007 has escalated into a global financial crisis. Both developed economies at the epicenter and emerging economies at the peripheral have suffered from its huge impact, and the spillover effect is still taking its toll on the real economy. As the most serious one since the Great Depression, the current financial crisis is adjusting the global growth cycle that was still robust over the past few years, plunging the whole world into an inevitable recession.What is the real cause of this crisis, how big is its impact, and how to get out of it? This is a question that most academic researches and policy authorities are trying to answer. This paper attempts to examine this issue from a unique perspective. Specifically, Part I discusses the internal correlation between imbalances and crisis, creating a two-country model of imbalances and crisis from the perspective of currency hegemony. Part II deals with the crisis’s impact and policy reactions. Part III explores the decisive factors for economic recovery through international comparison. Part IV puts forward conclusions and policy recommendations.I. Global imbalance and the financial crisisOpinions on the cause of the current global financial crisis, though varied, generally fall into two groups: the first view holds that this financial crisis is different from previous ones, in that it is caused by special factors like financial sophistication. The other view stresses that financial crises are essentially triggered by the same causes, with striking similarities in their phenomena and transmission mechanisms. We agree with the second view for two reasons. First, the current crisis is a precise replica of the classic syllogism: credit expands - bubbles burst - default gets out of control. Second, it is equally wrong to blame this crisis on financial sophistication as to blame the “tulip mania” on tulips.With this view in mind, we closely examined both long and near-term reference points. On the near term, we studied previous global imbalances; on the long term, we anatomized the dollar-dominated international monetary system since the establishment of Bretton Woods System. Global imbalances are nothing new, and have repeatedly haunted the global economy well before the World War II. As review of the imbalances thereafter shows, first, given its unique role in the world economy, the United States has always played a key role in previous imbalances. Second, after the collapse of the Bretton Woods System, world economic operations have undergone major transformations, with the US current account repeatedly in severe deficits. Lastly, the US expansive monetary and fiscal policies are often precursors of global imbalances.As for global imbalances, numerous studies have been devoted to this subject since the dawn of the new century. Proceeding from traditional views, some research primarily focuses on the potential impact of US current account deficits and external debts on the US dollar exchange rate,worrying about steep dollar depreciations that may potentially drag the world economy into chaos. Judging from reality, asset price bubbles caused by global excess liquidity should be a bigger concern, as a crisis may be triggered once asset bubbles burst, rather than the dollar plummets.Other research proposes inspiring new opinions set at a broader perspective. For instance, the popular view of “Bretton Woods II” holds that as a new peripheral, Asia’s fixed exchange rate region has reconstructed the US-centered Bretton Woods System, in which peripheral countries adopt an export-oriented strategy through exchange rate undervaluation, capital control and export of sovereign capital. In this case, the US current account deficits are hallmarks of a successful international monetary system, which is perfectly sound and sustainable. However, the view of “hard asset crunch” holds that only developed economies like the US, Japan and the EU are able to provide safe and liquid reserve instruments, while emerging economies lack such a capability. Therefore, the slower the growth of Europe and Japan, the less capable other countries are in providing financial assets, the greater US current account deficits, and the lower global interest rate levels.Despite such insights, little attention was paid to the US dollar hegemony and the dollar’s role in global imbalances and financial crises. McKinnon (2005) blamed global imbalances on the international dollar standard. For historical reasons, international merchandise trade and capital flow are priced in the US dollar, making the United States “the only country that affords huge indebtedness in its own currency and immune from the risks that other countries whose debts are denominated in foreign currencies usually face”. In this context, what the US international borrowings face are soft constraints that finally led to its low savings rate. That’s why it is more precise to say that the US faces soft constraints of international borrowings than to say that the US is capable of providing hard assets due to the dollar’s unique status.Based on the model of Caballero et al (2008), we introduced currency through Cambridge Equation and introduced exchange rate through purchasing power parity (PPP) to create a two-country model on imbalances and crises from the perspective of currency hegemony. This model primarily focuses on global imbalances under the condition of “central countries” in the international monetary system. As peripheral countries hold the currencies of central countries, when the issuance of money exceeds a certain limit, causing global liquidity and actual interest rate to go beyond stable conditions of economic growth, two extreme conditions of high interest rate and low interest rate will occur. High interest rate will harm the real economy, and excess liquidity may cause inflation and thus “stagflation”. Under low interest rate, asset prices may deviate from the real economy and form asset price bubbles.Three conclusions can be drawn from the model: 1) when a sovereign country’s currency becomes an international standard, the country must maintain current account deficits to inject liquidity into the global economy, which means that the country earns seigniorage from the restof the world; 2) given the dual properties of their currencies, central countries will exert tremendous impacts on global asset market through monetary policies, and when the amount of money issued by a central country exceeds a certain limit, it will create tremendous risks for the global economy; 3) the expansionary monetary policies of peripheral countries have a smaller impact on the global economy, but will bring huge risks to their own economies once the policies are overdone.Combining the model with reality, we hold that the expansionary fiscal and monetary policies of the US are the fundamental causes of this round of global imbalances. The unique role of the dollar, or the dollar hegemony, has played a key role in this process. The US dollar standard has two connotations: first, the United States has the responsibility and obligation to provide liquidity to the global economy to meet its needs. This requires the US to have a certain degree of deficits in its international balance of payments. Second, the US can leverage its unique influence on the global economy to serve its own interest through ways including seigniorage. Intertwined with domestic and foreign policies, such conflicting rights and responsibilities have pushed the US macroeconomic policies into a dilemma. Accommodating domestic targets would expose the global economy to huge risks. This is why “supranational currency” is being called for so strongly.II. Crisis impacts and policy responsesAlthough it is no more than a year since the subprime mortgage crisis has evolved into a global financial crisis, it is by no means a simple transformation. Globalization has made the economic relations among various countries closer. It has stimulated global economic growth through massive flows of goods and factors, and also synchronized the economic cycles of various countries, giving rise to systemic risks of the global economy.1. Impact of the subprime mortgage crisis in the context of synchronized business cyclesThe world is experiencing a synchronized economic cycle unprecedented since the World War II. Both developed and emerging economies have been hit hard by the crisis, and no one is immune from its repercussions. As our research indicates (see Table 1), before China’s entry to the WTO (1996Q1: 2001Q4, common factors could only explain for 3% of China’s GDP. After China’s entry to the WTO (2002Q1: 2008Q3), the role of common factors had dramatically changed. Half of China’s quarterly GDP fluctuations could be explained in light of the impact of random common factors. Obviously, international economic factors have a significant impact on China. The coefficients in Table 2 provide further evidence on the correlation between common factors and China’s GDP. Before China’s entry to the WTO, the correlation coefficient was -0.049,and after the entry, the figure became 0.76, which matches the degree of correlation of the US,Japan and the EU. Following this correlation, if the subprime crisis is taken as a global commonfactor, it must have a tremendous impact on China.Table 1: Impact of common and special factors onGDP(Y), consumption (C) and investment (I)Variance contribution of common factors (%) Variance contribution of special factors (%)1996Q1:2001Q4 2002Q1:2008Q3 1996Q1:2001Q4 2002Q1:2008Q3 Y 50.8 43.5 49.2 56.5C 45.6 36.0 54.4 64.0USI 48.6 27.1 51.4 72.9Y 5.1 62.2 94.9 37.8C 5.8 21.9 94.2 78.1JapanI 3.3 53.0 96.7 47.0Y 3.0 50.5 97.0 49.5C 3.2 1.0 96.8 99.0 ChinaI 1.3 8.0 98.7 92.0Y 24.6 67.4 75.4 32.6C 22.5 62.0 77.5 38.0EUI 42.7 60.4 57.3 39.6 Source: Taskforce of Macroeconomic Research Department, Institute of Economics, CASS (2009)Table 2: Correlation coefficient of variables and common factorsY C I1996Q1:2001Q4 2002Q1:2008Q31996Q1:2001Q42002Q1:2008Q31996Q1:2001Q42002Q1:2008Q3US 0.879 0.70 0.825 0.63 0.858 0.55 Japan 0.160 0.84 -0.207 0.50 0.001 0.78 China -0.049 0.76 0.073 -0.08 -0.047 0.29 EU 0.595 0.88 0.560 0.84 0.795 0.83 Source: taskforce of Macroeconomic Research Office, Institute of Economics, CASS (2009)2. China’s policy responsesChina’s economic downturn is triggered by both external shocks and its own structural adjustment (ZHANG Xiaojing, 2008; LIU Shucheng, 2009). Hence, China’s policy reactions should not only aim at resolving the crisis but also accommodate mid and long-termrestructuring. Overall, China’s policy reactions fall into the stages below:(1) First half of 2008: the policies to fight overheating and inflation began to be adjusted to prevent a possible economic downturn. But the crisis’s severity was not well understood. When inflation intensified, the balance still shifted to preventing it. Similarly, international opinions also considered that inflationary risks were greater than downward risks.(2) Second half of 2008: the central authorities noticed the crisis’s severity, and in response to the export and economic slowdown in the coastal regions, adjusted the priority of macro-regulation to “maintain steady and rapid economic growth and prevent excessive price rise”. The adjustment was also complemented with well-guided fiscal, tax and financial measures.(3) Mid-September, 2008: The bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers was a turning point for the worse. Policies swerved: tightening policies were replaced with proactive fiscal policies and moderately relaxed monetary policies. Specifically, China’s export tax rebate was raised on three occasions, lending and deposit interest rates were lowered on five occasions, deposit reserve ratio was lowered on four occasions, personal income tax on savings interest was temporarily exempted, the stamp tax of securities transactions was lowered, housing transactions tax was reduced, and SME credit support was strengthened.(4) Before the end of 2008, the central authorities took major steps to stimulate domestic consumption and adopted a four-trillion yuan stimulus package.(5) Early 2009, the industrial adjustment and rejuvenation plan was adopted. The four-trillion yuan stimulus package primarily focuses on infrastructure and welfare programs, with little effect on industries. Moreover, the package has not taken into account mid and long-term industrial adjustment. It is in this context that the adjustment and rejuvenation program was launched with the central objective of adjustment, such as to curb excess capacity, adjust industrial layout, improve technical levels, increase concentration, enhance international competitiveness, conserve energy and protect the environment. These efforts are supply-side adjustments, but will also create new demand.(6) Technical innovation. Future competitiveness still depends on scientific and technology strengths. It is easy for businesses to make profits during economic booms, but they tend to neglect R&D and innovation as well. But in times of crisis, the importance of innovation comes to the spotlight. Only through embarking on innovation can China’s economy develop into a higher level after the crisis. Both the four-trillion yuan package and the industrial adjustment and rejuvenation program have special commitments to technical innovation.(7) Improve social security. This is the very purpose of economic growth. Social security is even more important during a crisis like the current one.In general, China’s policy reactions include measures to expand domestic consumption, increase employment and ensure people’s well-being, and went through the following stageswith different priorities: adjustment of policy directions, four-trillion yuan investment package, industrial rejuvenation program, innovation and social security. The reactions first aimed at immediate problems and later focused on mid and long-term considerations, social security and scientific development.III. Conditions for China’s economic recovery:international comparisonIn general, an economy’s recovery depends on its initial conditions, development stages and its flexibility. The following paragraphs will examine China’s advantages (or weaknesses) in these aspects from the perspective of international comparisons.1. Initial conditionsInitial conditions refer to the basic situation of an economy when a crisis occurs, including the indicators like fiscal, financial and international balance of payments, which may drastically change under the impact of a crisis. We identified through international comparison that China’s initial conditions have the following features: high savings rate, low proportion of bad loans, sound fiscal system, and limited exposure to external risks.(1) High savings rateAs Table 3 shows, China’s savings rate in 2006 was 54%, ranking first among the BRIC countries and higher than the world average of 22% by more than 1.5 times. High savings rate means that China has abundant capital and compared with other economies that heavily depend on overseas financing, has a great room for maneuver in coping with crises.Table 3 Comparison of BRIC countries and world average savings rate(Share of total savings to GNI, %)1970 1980 1990 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 China 27 33 40 37 38 41 44 47 51 54 Brazil 19 18 19 14 14 15 16 19 17 18India 15 17 22 26 26 27 29 32 33 34 Russia .. .. 30 37 33 29 30 31 32 31 World average 25 23 22 22 21 20 20 21 21 22Source: World bank, World Development Indicators (WDI) database。
中医药治疗慢性肾脏病高钾血症的研究进展栾仲秋1,余毅洋2,张 睿2,刘光旭2(1.黑龙江中医药大学附属第一医院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150040; 2.黑龙江中医药大学,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150006)[摘要] 近年来,中医药在改善慢性肾脏病(CKD )高钾血症患者病情中的作用逐渐受到重视,结合国内外中医药与CKD 高钾血症的相关研究,梳理有关CKD 高钾血症的中医药理论;结合CKD 患者发生高钾血症的生理机制及现代中药药理学研究,探讨治疗CKD 的常见中药影响钾离子代谢的机制,归纳CKD 高钾血症患者具体可应用的和应避免的中药;提出CKD 患者在出现高钾血症时能持续使用含钾量低且有延缓肾功能恶化的中药,为未来中医药在CKD 高钾血症治疗方面的研究提供方向。
[关键词] 慢性肾脏病;高钾血症;钾离子;中药含钾量;药理作用[中图分类号] R289.1 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 1007-659X (2024)03-0387-06DOI :10.16294/ki.1007-659x.2024.03.020Research Progress of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Treatment of Hyperkalemia in Chronic Kidney DiseaseLUAN Zhongqiu 1,YU Yiyang 2,ZHANG Rui 2,LIU Guangxu 2(1.First Affiliated Hospital of Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine ,Harbin 150040,China ;2.Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine ,Harbin 150006,China )Abstract In recent years ,more and more attention has been paid to the role of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM ) in improving the condition of patients with hyperkalemia of chronic kidney disease (CKD ). Combined with the relevant studies at home and abroad on TCM and hyperkalemia of CKD ,TCM theory about hyperkalemia of CKD was sorted out. Combined with the physiological mechanism of hyperkalemia in patients with CKD and the modern pharmacological research of TCM ,this paper discussed the mechanism of common Chinese medicinals in the treatment of CKD influencing potassium metabolism ,summarized the specific Chinese medicinals that might be applied and should be avoided in patients with hyperkalemia of CKD. It was proposed that patients with hyperkalemia of CKD could continue to use Chinese medicinals with low potassium content that slowed the deterioration of renal function ,which provided a directionfor the future research of TCM in the treatment of hyperkalemia of CKD. There were 54 references in total.Keywords chronic kidney disease ;hyperkalemia ;potassium ion ;potassium content of Chinese medi -cinal ;pharmacological effect[收稿日期] 2023-12-25[基金项目] 黑龙江省自然科学基金项目(编号:LH2022H073);黑龙江省中医药科研项目(编号:ZHY18-001)[作者简介] 栾仲秋(1975—),女,黑龙江哈尔滨人,医学博士,主任医师,教授,博士研究生导师,主要从事中医药防治慢性肾脏病研究。
沙库巴曲缬沙坦治疗老年顽固性心力衰竭疗效优势的Meta分析苗依婷1ꎬ2ꎬ葛亚龙3ꎬ黄晶2ꎬ贺雪梅2ꎬ赵萱2ꎬ4ꎬ柴程程2ꎬ蒋东洋2ꎬ梁英2(1.山东第二医科大学临床医学院ꎬ山东潍坊261000ꎻ2.山东第一医科大学第一附属医院<山东省千佛山医院>全科医学科ꎬ山东济南250014ꎻ3.济南市第三人民医院心血管内科ꎬ山东济南250132ꎻ4.济宁医学院临床医学院ꎬ山东济宁272013)摘要:目的㊀系统评价沙库巴曲缬沙坦(ARNI)对比肾素-血管紧张素-醛固酮系统(RAAS)抑制剂(ACEI/ARB)在治疗老年顽固性心力衰竭(RHF)患者的疗效和安全性ꎮ方法㊀检索英文数据库(PubMed㊁Embase㊁Webofscience㊁ConchraneLibrary)及中文数据库(知网㊁万方㊁维普㊁CBM)中已发表的随机对照试验(RCTs)ꎬ采用Cochrane风险评估工具对文献质量进行评价ꎬ采用RevMan及Stata软件进行Meta分析ꎮ结果㊀纳入10篇文献共1118例老年RHF患者ꎮ结果显示ꎬ应用ARNI组(研究组)氨基末端脑钠尿肽前体(NT-proBNP)(MD=-282.61ꎬ95%CI-344.56~-220.66ꎬP<0.05)㊁左心室舒张末期内径(LVEDD)(MD=-3.48ꎬ95%CI-4.58~-2.39ꎬP<0.05)低于应用ACEI/ARB组(对照组)ꎻ左心室射血分数(LVEF)(MD=6.35ꎬ95%CI4.65~8.06ꎬP<0.05)㊁有效率(OR=2.449ꎬ95%CI1.851~3.241ꎬP<0.05)明显高于对照组ꎮ两组肾功能损害㊁头晕㊁高血钾比较无差异ꎬ低血压发生率低于对照组ꎮ结论㊀与ACEI/ARB相比ꎬARNI可显著改善心室重构ꎬ进一步改善老年RHF患者心功能ꎬ并且安全性良好ꎮ关键词:顽固性心力衰竭ꎻ老年ꎻ沙库巴曲缬沙坦ꎻ肾素-血管紧张素-醛固酮系统抑制剂ꎻMeta分析中图分类号:R541.6㊀文献标志码:A㊀文章编号:2095-5375(2024)04-0402-07doi:10.13506/j.cnki.jpr.2024.04.016Meta-analysisofsacubitril-valsartanversusrenin-angiotensin-aldosteronesysteminhibitorsinthetreatmentofelderlyrefractoryheartfailureMIAOYiting1ꎬ2ꎬGEYalong3ꎬHUANGJing2ꎬHEXuemei2ꎬZHAOXuan2ꎬ4ꎬCHAIChengcheng2ꎬJIANGDongyang2ꎬLIANGYing2(1.SchoolofClinicalMedicineꎬShandongSecondMedicalUniversityꎬWeifang261000ꎬChinaꎻ2.DepartmentofGeneralPracticeꎬTheFirstAffiliatedHospitalofShandongFirstMedicalUniversity&ShandongProvincialQianfoshanHospitalꎬJinan250014ꎬChinaꎻ3.DepartmentofCardiovascularꎬJinanThirdHospitalꎬJinan250132ꎬChinaꎻ4.SchoolofClinicalMedicineꎬJiningMedicalUniversityꎬJining272013ꎬChina)Abstract:Objective㊀Tosystematicallyevaluatetheefficacyandsafetyofsacubitril-valsartan(ARNI)comparedtoangiotensinconvertingenzymeinhibitors/angiotensinIIreceptorantagonists(ACEI/ARB)inthetreatmentofelderlyrefrac ̄toryheartfailurepatients.Methods㊀TheliteratureswereobtainedinCochraneLibraryꎬEmbaseꎬPubMedꎬWebofscienceandChinesedatabases(CNKIꎬWanFangꎬVIPandCBM).AfterliteraturescreeninganddataextractionꎬthequalityoftheincludedliteraturewasevaluatedusingtheCochranebiasriskassessmenttool.MetaanalysiswasconductedusingRevManandStatasoftware.Results㊀Atotalof10literatureswereincludedꎬwithatotalof1118elderlyrefractoryheartfailurepa ̄tientsincluding.Meta-analysisresultsshowedthattheN-terminalproBNP(NT-proBNP)(MD=-282.61ꎬ95%CI-344.56~-220.66ꎬP<0.05)ꎬtheleftventricularend-diastolicdiameter(LVEDD)(MD=-3.48ꎬ95%CI-4.58~-2.39ꎬP<0.05)inthestudygroupwerelowerthanthoseinthecontrolgroupꎻtheleftventricularejectionfraction(LVEF)(MD=6.13ꎬ95%CI5.15~7.11ꎬP<0.05)andeffectiverate(OR=2.548ꎬ95%CI2.058~3.154ꎬP<0.05)weresignificantlyhigherthanthoseinthecontrolgroupꎬrespectively.Theleftventricularejectionfraction(LVEF)(MD=6.35ꎬ95%CI4.65㊀作者简介:苗依婷ꎬ女ꎬ研究方向:心血管疾病ꎬE-mail:2642402477@qq.com通信作者:梁英ꎬ女ꎬ博士ꎬ教授ꎬ研究方向:血管衰老ꎬ高血压血管重构ꎬTel:186****7866ꎬE-mail:186****7866@163.com~8.06ꎬP<0.05)andeffectiverate(OR=2.449ꎬ95%CI1.851~3.241ꎬP<0.05)weresignificantlyhigherthanthoseinthecontrolgroup.Intermsofadversereactionsꎬtherewasnodifferenceinrenalfunctiondamageꎬdizzyandhyperkalemiabe ̄tweenthetwogroupsꎬandtheincidenceofhypotensioninthestudygroupwaslowerthanthatinthecontrolgroup.Conclu ̄sion㊀ComparedwithACEI/ARBꎬsacubitril-valsartancansignificantlyimprovecardiacfunctionꎬimproveventricularre ̄modelingꎬandreducemyocardialtissuedamageinelderlypatientswithrefractoryheartfailurewithoutsignificantadversere ̄actions.Keywords:RefractoryheartfailureꎻElderlyꎻSacubitril-valsartanꎻRenin-angiotensin-aldosteronesysteminhibitorsꎻMeta-analysis㊀㊀心力衰竭(HF)是因各种结构或功能性心脏疾病引起心功能下降ꎬ导致心室充血或射血能力受损的一种心血管综合征ꎬ是全球性的健康负担ꎮ目前全世界有超过6500万人患有HFꎬ随着世界范围内人口老龄化加剧及心血管危险因素的流行ꎬHF的发病率和患病率显著增加[1-2]ꎬ顽固性心力衰竭(RHF)作为心脏疾病的最后阶段ꎬ是常见的老年危重症之一ꎬ具有病程长㊁共病负担重㊁临床表现复杂等特点[3]ꎬ是目前心血管领域救治的难点ꎮ近年来ꎬ随着新型抗HF药物沙库巴曲缬沙坦(ARNI)的上市ꎬ极大地改善了HF患者的存活率及生活质量ꎮ本研究就ARNI治疗老年RHF患者的临床疗效及安全性进行荟萃分析ꎬ以期为临床用药提供参考依据ꎮ1㊀资料与方法1.1㊀文献检索策略㊀计算机检索Cochranelibrary㊁Pubmed㊁Embase㊁WebofScience㊁CBM㊁万方等数据库ꎮ英文关键词为 sacubitril/valsartan㊁sacubitril-valsartan㊁sacubitrilvalsartan㊁angiotensinreceptorne ̄prilysininhibitor㊁angiotensinreceptorneprilysinblocker㊁angiotensinreceptor-neprilysininhibitor㊁LCZ696㊁LCZ-696㊁Entresto㊁AHU377㊁ARNI㊁Intractableheartfailure㊁Refractoryheartfailure㊁Ad ̄vancedheartfailure㊁end-stageheartfailure㊁Heartfail ̄urestageIV㊁RHF ꎻ中文关键词为 ARNI㊁沙库巴曲缬沙坦㊁诺欣妥㊁LCZ696㊁血管紧张素受体脑啡肽酶抑制剂㊁顽固性心力衰竭㊁难治性心力衰竭㊁终末期心力衰竭㊁晚期心力衰竭㊁心力衰竭D期 ꎬ检索时间为建库至2023年3月6日ꎮ1.2㊀纳入排除标准㊀研究对象纳入标准:研究对象为RHF患者ꎬ年龄大于65岁ꎬ研究组采用ARNI治疗RHFꎬ对照组采用ACEI/ARB治疗RHFꎬ观察指标包含心功能㊁肾功能及安全性ꎮ研究类型为随机对照研究ꎮ排除标准:动物实验㊁综述㊁病例报道㊁指南㊁专家共识㊁会议摘要㊁非中英文文献㊁研究内容不符的文献㊁队列研究和病例对照研究等非随机对照试验ꎮ1.3㊀结局指标㊀①N末端B型利钠肽原(NT-proB ̄NP)ꎻ②左心室射血分数(LVEF)ꎻ③左心室舒张末期内径(LVEDD)ꎻ④醛固酮(ALD)浓度ꎻ⑤左心室后壁厚度(LVPW)ꎻ⑥6min步行距离(6MWD)ꎻ⑦有效率ꎻ⑧肾功能:肌酐(CREA)㊁血尿素氮(BUN)ꎻ⑨不良反应(高血钾㊁低血压㊁头晕)ꎮ文章的疗效评价标准:显效:患者的症状显著好转ꎬ心功能纠正ȡ2级ꎻ有效:患者的症状有所改善ꎬ心功能纠正1级ꎻ无效:患者的症状无显著改善ꎬ心功能未纠正或加重(甚至死亡)ꎮ有效率=(显效+有效)/总例数ˑ100%ꎮ1.4㊀文献筛选㊁数据提取㊀由2名研究人员严格按照纳入排除标准对检索结果进行筛选ꎮ如有分歧讨论后决定ꎮ提取数据信息包括:第一作者㊁文章发表年限㊁样本量㊁疗程㊁年龄㊁干预措施㊁结局指标等ꎮ1.5㊀文献质量评价㊀采用Cochrane风险偏倚工具对纳入的研究进行质量评价ꎬ包括随机序列产生㊁分配隐藏㊁对患者和研究人员实施盲法㊁对结局评估员实施盲法㊁结局数据不完整㊁选择性报告研究结果和其他偏倚来源ꎮ1.6㊀统计学方法㊀采用RevMan5.3对结局指标进行Meta分析ꎬ连续性变量用加权均数差(MD)及其95%CI表示ꎬ有序等级变量用OR及其95%CI表示ꎬ二分类变量用RR及其95%CI表示ꎬ根据异质性检验结果选择效应模型ꎬI2>50%选择随机效应模型ꎬ反之则选择固定效应模型ꎮ2㊀结果2.1㊀文献检索结果及纳入文献基本信息㊀检索到相关文献925篇ꎬ经Notexpress及手动查重后剩余712篇ꎬ浏览题目和摘要后获得30篇ꎬ阅读全文后剔除结局指标不一致㊁平均年龄<65岁的文献ꎬ最终纳入10篇ꎬ1118例患者ꎮ其中研究组563例ꎬ对照组555例ꎮ图1㊀文献检索结果表1㊀10篇纳入文献的基本信息第一作者发表年限(年)例数研究组对照组疗程干预措施研究组对照组结局指标王世红[4]201921293个月ARNIACEI/ARB①②⑥⑧陈莉[5]201932306个月ARNIACEI/ARB①②③⑤⑦⑧仲伟智[6]202054544个月ARNIACEI①②③⑤潘国焰[7]202051513个月ARNI盐酸贝那普利①②③⑥⑦⑨洪文[8]202050506个月ARNI依那普利叶酸①②③④蔡大炜[9]2020252514dARNIACEI①②③④⑦⑨李锋[10]20214040_ARNI盐酸贝那普利①②⑥⑦黄媚媚[11]2021626236个月ARNI缬沙坦①②③⑥⑧陈兆彦[12]20211031033个月ARNIACEI①②③⑥⑦⑨杜伟[13]20221251113个月ARNIACEI/ARB②⑥⑦⑨2.2㊀纳入文献的质量评价㊀纳入的10篇文献均为随机对照试验(RCT)ꎬ偏倚风险如图2~3所示ꎮ图2㊀风险偏倚条形图2.3㊀Meta分析结果2.3.1㊀治疗后NT-proBNP水平㊀纳入研究中有10篇文章报道了NT-proBNPꎬ各研究间异质性较大(I2=99%ꎬ且Q检验的P<0.1)ꎬ选择随机效应模型进行Meta分析ꎮMeta分析结果显示ꎬ研究组患者治疗后NT-proBNP水平小于对照组(MD=-282.61ꎬ95%CI-344.56~-220.66ꎬP<0.05)ꎬ详见图4ꎮ图3㊀风险偏倚图2.3.2㊀治疗后LVEF水平㊀纳入研究中有10篇文章报道了LVEFꎬ各研究间异质性较强(I2=83%ꎬ且Q检验的P<0.1)ꎬ选择随机效应模型进行Meta分析ꎮMeta分析结果显示ꎬ研究组患者治疗后LVEF水平高于对照组(MD=6.35ꎬ95%CI4.65~8.06ꎬP<0.05)ꎬ详见图5ꎻ采用敏感性分析显示ꎬ删除蔡大炜等[9-11]的研究结果后ꎬ各项研究具有同质性(I2=37%ꎬ且P=0.14)ꎮ2.3.3㊀治疗后LVEDD水平㊀纳入研究中有7篇文章报道了LVEDDꎬ各研究间异质性较大(I2=70%ꎬ且Q检验的P<0.1)ꎬ选择随机效应模型进行Meta分析ꎮMeta分析结果显示ꎬ研究组患者治疗后LVEDD水平低于对照组(MD=-3.48ꎬ95%CI-4.58~-2.39ꎬP<0.05)ꎬ详见图6ꎻ采用敏感性分析显示ꎬ删除洪文等[8ꎬ12]的研究结果后ꎬ各项研究具有同质性(I2=40%ꎬ且P=0.15)ꎮ2.3.4㊀治疗后ALD水平㊀纳入研究中有2篇文章报道了ALDꎬ各研究间异质性较大(I2=61%)ꎬ选择随机效应模型进行Meta分析ꎮMeta分析结果显示ꎬ研究组患者治疗后ALD水平低于对照组(MD=-12.30ꎬ95%CI-30.53~5.93ꎬP=0.19)ꎬ详见图7ꎮ2.3.5㊀治疗后LVPW㊀纳入研究中有2篇文章报道了LVPWꎬ各研究间异质性较大(I2=61%)ꎬ选择随机效应模型进行Meta分析ꎮMeta分析结果显示ꎬ研究组患者治疗后LVPW低于对照组(MD=0.88ꎬ95%CI0.21~1.54ꎬP<0.05)ꎬ详见图8ꎮ图4㊀治疗后NT-proBNP水平比较图5㊀治疗后LVEF水平比较图6㊀治疗后LVEDD水平比较图7㊀治疗后ALD水平比较图8㊀治疗后LVPW水平比较2.3.6㊀治疗后6MWD㊀纳入研究中有6篇文章报道了6MWDꎬ各研究间异质性较大(I2=87%ꎬ且Q检验的P<0.1)ꎬ选择随机效应模型进行Meta分析ꎮ结果显示ꎬ研究组患者治疗后6MWD水平大于对照组(MD=37.07ꎬ95%CI20.21~53.93ꎬP<0.05)ꎬ详见图9ꎻ采用敏感性分析显示ꎬ删除潘国焰等[7ꎬ11-12]的研究结果后ꎬ各项研究具有同质性(I2=0ꎬ且P=0.95)ꎮ2.3.7㊀有效率㊀纳入研究中有6篇文章报道了有效率ꎬ各研究间异质性较小(I2=0ꎬP=0.682)ꎬ选择固定效应模型进行Meta分析ꎮ结果显示ꎬ研究组的有效率高于对照组(OR=2.449ꎬ95%CI1.851~3.241ꎬP<0.05)ꎬ详见图10ꎮ图9㊀治疗后6MWD水平比较图10㊀治疗后有效率比较2.3.8㊀治疗后CREA㊀纳入研究中有3篇文章报道了CREAꎬ各研究间异质性较小(I2=0%ꎬ且Q检验的P=0.90)ꎬ选择固定效应模型进行Meta分析ꎮ结果显示ꎬ研究组患者治疗后CREA水平大于对照组(MD=0.62ꎬ95%CI-1.17~2.42ꎬP=0.49)ꎬ详见图11ꎮ2.3.9㊀不良反应发生率分析㊀结果见表2ꎮ纳入研究中有7篇文章报道了安全性数据ꎬ对不良反应发生情况进行分析ꎬ包括高血钾5篇㊁低血压6篇和头晕2篇ꎬ各研究间差异均无统计学异质性ꎬ采用固定效应模型ꎮ结果显示ꎬ两组患者高血钾(P=0.81)和头晕(P=0.47)发生率比较ꎬ差异均无统计学意义ꎻ研究组患者低血压发生率低于对照组(P=0.002)ꎬ差异有统计学意义ꎮ图11㊀治疗后CREA水平比较表2㊀不良反应发生率分析不良事件研究组事件数(例)研究组人数(例)对照组事件数(例)对照组人数(例)异质性检验RR值95%CIP值高血钾73378343P=0.33ꎬI2=9%0.890.35-2.270.81低血压1736240368P=0.15ꎬI2=41%0.420.24-0.730.002头晕376576P=0.67ꎬI2=00.600.15-2.420.472.4㊀偏倚分析㊀选取有效率为指标应用Stata统计软件绘制漏斗图ꎬ通过绘制漏斗图考察研究是否存在发表偏倚ꎬ若漏斗图对称ꎬ则认为不存在偏倚ꎻ若不对称ꎬ则可能存在发表偏倚ꎮ如图12所示ꎬ有效性的漏斗图基本对称ꎬ基于此图的Egger偏倚检验得出P=0.248>0.05ꎬ提示纳入的研究存在发表偏倚的可能性较小ꎮ2.5㊀亚组分析㊀纳入的10篇文章中报道NT-proBNP㊁LVEF㊁LVEDD㊁LVPW等结局指标的研究间存在较大异质性ꎬ结合各指标敏感性分析结果ꎬ为明确异质性来源ꎬ根据疗程长短不同进行亚组分析ꎬ分为疗程为3个月组和6个月组ꎬ结果显示ꎬ仅对LVEDD进行亚组分析时组间异质性较大(I2=81%ꎬ图12㊀有效性-倒漏斗图且Q检验的P<0.1)ꎬ而组内异质性较小(I2=0)(见图13)ꎬ意味着疗程长短不同ꎬLVEDD改善程度不同ꎬ疗程为6个月组相较于3个月组LVEDD的水平明显降低ꎻ但对于其他进行亚组分析的结局指标而言ꎬ疗程长短差异可能并不是其异质性来源ꎮ考虑到对照组药物类别不同可能会导致各研究间异质性较大ꎬ但受限于10篇文章中仅1篇对照组明确说明使用ARB类ꎬ无法以对照组药物种类不同进行亚组分析ꎮ因此还需纳入更多严谨高质量的临床研究进行分析ꎮ图13㊀LVEDD-亚组分析3㊀讨论RHF是各种心血管疾病的终末阶段ꎬ对全球医疗保健系统造成了沉重的负担ꎬ严重影响了患者的生活质量及生命安全[14]ꎮ随着世界人口老龄化和老年人口比例的增加ꎬ心力衰竭患病率和发病率均明显增加ꎮ老年HF患者因其特殊的临床特征和治疗难点ꎬ往往更容易发展为RHFꎮ目前临床上对于RHF的治疗原则是缓解症状㊁抑制疾病进展以及改善患者生活质量等ꎬ因心脏移植的供体稀缺ꎬ药物治疗仍是主要治疗手段ꎮ即使HF经典治疗药物如ACEI或ARB㊁β受体阻滞剂以及醛固酮拮抗剂等的应用使患者获益良多ꎬ其预后仍不容乐观ꎬ而ARNI的问世使HF患者的治疗和管理进入了一个新时代ꎮARNI作为近20年心血管领域的创新药物ꎬ是结合脑啡肽酶抑制剂 沙库巴曲㊁血管紧张素受体拮抗剂-缬沙坦两种成分的复方制剂ꎬ可通过阻滞血管紧张素Ⅱ受体㊁减少醛固酮的生成ꎬ抑制脑啡肽酶的降解㊁提高利尿钠肽等血管活性肽的水平ꎬ从而减少水钠潴留ꎬ扩张血管㊁改善心肌重塑ꎬ发挥抑制RAAS系统及交感神经系统过度激活的双重神经内分泌调节作用ꎬ能明显改善HF症状ꎬ降低心血管死亡和HF住院的风险[15]ꎮ在2021年欧洲心脏病学会(ESC)发布的HF治疗指南中ꎬARNI被推荐作为HF治疗的次选药物位于ACEI之后ꎮ而在2022年美国心脏协会(AHA)㊁美国心脏病学院(ACC)和心力衰竭学会(HFSA)联合发布的指南中ꎬARNI被提升至ACEI/ARB之前ꎬ作为一线治疗药物ꎮ这一变化反映了近年来临床研究的进展[16-17]及ARNI在HF中的重要地位ꎮ2014年的PARADIGM-HF研究[18]和2019年的PIONEER-HF研究[19]均比较了沙库巴曲缬沙坦与ACEI类药物依那普利的疗效ꎬ结果显示沙库巴曲缬沙坦在降低心血管死亡和心衰住院风险方面优于依那普利ꎮ尽管2019年的PAR ̄AGON-HF研究在沙库巴曲缬沙坦与ARB类药物的比较中未能显示出统计学上的显著优势ꎬ但研究结果仍表明沙库巴曲缬沙坦在改善心功能和生活质量方面可能具有潜在的益处[20]ꎮ然而LIFE试验结果表明ꎬ两组在降低NT-proBNP水平ꎬHF住院㊁心血管死亡㊁全因死亡的风险方面没有显著的统计学差异ꎻ与缬沙坦(ARB)相比ꎬARNI治疗并没有改善晚期HF患者生存㊁院外及无心衰事件时间的临床复合情况ꎻ安全性方面ꎬARNI组发生高钾血症的比例显著高于缬沙坦组[21]ꎮ鉴于ARNI治疗老年RHF患者的大型研究较少ꎬ多个相关研究之间对于其疗效及安全性方面存在争议ꎬ我们采用荟萃分析的方法综合评价ARNI在老年RHF患者中的疗效及安全性ꎬ以期为ARNI在HF领域的应用提供数据支持及参考依据ꎮ本次Meta分析共纳入1118名平均年龄65岁以上的老年RHF患者ꎬ疗效指标包括NT-proBNP㊁LVEF㊁LVEDD㊁LVPW㊁6WMD㊁有效率ꎬ安全性指标包括CREA㊁BUN以及高血钾㊁低血压㊁头晕的发生率ꎮ结果显示ꎬARNI组相较于ACEI/ARB组ꎬ能够显著改善患者LVEF㊁6WMD和NYHA分级ꎬ降低老年RHF患者的NT-proBNP㊁LVEDD㊁LVPW水平ꎬ两组肾功能损害㊁高血钾㊁头晕发生率比较差异均无统计学意义ꎮPARADIGM-HF研究中无论患者基线血压水平如何ꎬARNI对于收缩压<110mmHg的患者在治疗4个月后收缩压会有明显升高[18-22]ꎬ低血压发生率低于对照组ꎬ考虑是因使用ARNI治疗后患者心肌收缩力增强ꎬ从而减少了低血压事件的发生ꎬ进一步说明ARNI有效改善RHF患者的心功能同时具有良好的安全性ꎮ由于对照组应用的ACEI和ARB具有不同的药理学特性ꎬ这可能会导致研究间的异质性ꎮ因此ꎬ本研究所得结论还需更大的样本㊁更高质量的RCTs来证实ꎮ综上所述ꎬARNI可有效逆转心脏重构㊁改善老年RHF患者的心脏功能ꎬ且未增加不良反应ꎬ具有良好的安全性ꎮ参考文献:[1]㊀BOZKURTBꎬDHARMARAJANKꎬRICHMW.Epidemi ̄ologyꎬPathophysiologyꎬandPrognosisofHeartFailureinOlderAdults[J].HeartFailClinꎬ2017ꎬ13(3):417-426. 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11岁的封悦不仅仅是赢得了2021年2月份的美国青少年高尔夫 JekyllIsland杯的比赛,她在2021年赛事中的成绩也是最好的,以4杆优势排在所有男孩女孩的前面。
原始风格的进化——NEW MINI COOPER张全景【期刊名称】《时代汽车》【年(卷),期】2007(000)006【摘要】@@ 优雅运动的外观rn"始于原始风格,忠于原始风格"是新MINI的车身设计原则.作为完整单件单元的六角形散热器格栅,为这款双门车倍添光彩,取代了前代车型特有的在保险杠上边缘中央分开的造型.【总页数】2页(P84-85)【作者】张全景【作者单位】无【正文语种】中文【相关文献】1.迷你迷我小飞侠登场艺惊上海不背不弃老品牌重塑光耀全球评话MINI Cooper S和MINI Cooper S Clubman [J], 蓝河;季清愉(摄影)2.Promoting high-level cooperation in geosciences and assisting high-quality development of mining:“Belt and Road” Forum for International Geoscience Cooperation and Mining Investment was held in Xi’an, China [J],3.呆荫依旧,乐趣进化试驾全新MINI COOPER有感 [J], 无4.钢炮进化记MR Racing Golf GTD & Maxi-Tuner Mini Cooper JCW [J], John;张萍5.Promoting high-level cooperation in geosciences and assisting high-quality development of mining:"Belt and Road" Forum for International Geoscience Cooperation and Mining Investment was held in Xi'an, China [J], China Geology Editorial Office因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
2.2 The mian plot
Sell flower to a gentelman 3
Higgins claimed he could make Eliza into a duchess
Made a bet to train Eliza to a fair lady
During the training
Change of Alfred P. Doolittle
poor---rich lower class---middle class free---restricted begging---charity happy---depressed
Influence & purpose
class nature & slight class struggle (阶级性) advocate feminism(倡导女权主义) challenge the inequality
Immaturity Cashel Byron's Profession
An Unsocial Socialist The Irrational Knot Love Among the Artists
Short Stories
The Black Girl in Search of God The Miraculous Revenge
Education, marriage, religion, government, health care, and class privilege He attacked the illusions of history in Caesar and Cleopatra, and of romantic morality in The Devil’s Disciple. The government’s reaction.
双城记》,《荒凉山庄》,《小多利特》,《艰难时世》 呾《进大前程》。P240
• Dickens’works are also characterized by a mingling of humor and pathos.狄更斯的作品
Dickens is the greatest representative of English critical realism.
Success as a Novelist
• (1) Period of youthful optimist
Sketches by Boz (1836); The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club (1836-1837); Oliver Twist (1837-1838); Nicholas Nickleby (1838-1839); The Old Curiosity Shop (1840-1841); Barnaby Rudge(1841)
• The poetry of this period was mainly characterized by experiments with new styles and ways of expression. • 这个时期的诗歌具有风格标新,表达立异的特点。 • Victorian literature, in general, truthfully represents the reality and spirit of the age. The high-spirited vitality, the down to earth earnestness, the good-matured humor and unbounded imagination are all unprecedented. • 维多利亚时期文学,真实地反映了时代的现实不精神,其 中体现出的高度的活力,脚踏实地的精神,善意的幽默不 无羁无绊的丰富联想都是空前的。
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MSc Preliminary Project ReportA Study of Hierarchical Community Structures in Social Networks with a Comparison of AlgorithmsStudent Name:Yue ZhangStudent ID:1421959Supervisor Name:Colin CooperIntroductionIn recent decades,with the wide popularity of Internet,topology has been studied further and further in this field.Clustering is one of the most significant application. As we know that,everything and every one is only about six steps away,which means if I want to know a person who I do not know before,I only need to contact with6 people.This theory is“six degrees of separation”which is stated by Stanley Milgram in1967[1].1-1six degrees of separationBecause of this famous theory social network has been concerned more and more by us.Until now many social network websites have been a part of our lives,such as Facebook,Flicker and Tweeter.This kind of social network let our world become smaller.In this cyber world every single individual is a point,the relationship between the individuals is the edge.Some points can constitute a cluster,all the clusters can constitute a entire Social network[2].However how to evaluate the relationship between the point and point,cluster and cluster is a problem need to be solved.Cluster analysis is the approach to group a set of data in such a way points in the same cluster are more similar to the others than the other points in other clusters.Actually,cluster analysis is not a algorithm,but it is always regarded as a general task to solve the problem.Facing different kind ofclusters,various algorithms can be adopted to achieve the aim.Specifically,in data mining,hierarchical clustering which also called HCA or hierarchical cluster analysis is a very important method of cluster analysis which seeks to build up a hierarchy of data.In my project I will study the importance of hierarchical community structures in social networks.Besides,I will make a comparison between different algorithms used to discover the communities.It includes four key points:1.Study and realize the existing methods of detecting hierarchical clustering in graphs In this part I will study existing algorithms which are used to solve the problem, such as greedy algorithm and G-N algorithm.2.Apply a subset of these algorithms to real social network data.In this part I will apply a subset of the algorithms I have mentioned to real problem using Matlab.3.Study and analysis the results to find out how significant the hierarchical clustering is in the social networks being studied.Discover the complexity and time-consuming of hierarchical clustering and state the importance of using this method to handle the problem.pare the hierarchical clustering algorithms and discuss any problems found-for example,how does(or should)an algorithm decide to stop digging deeper for sub-communities?BackgroundIn the process of data mining,hierarchical is a effective method.Generally speaking, strategies for hierarchical clustering fall into2types[3]:Agglomerative(move up the hierarchy):1.This belongs to“bottom up”method.To begin with,every single point locates in its cluster,and the if the distance between two points are below the criteria,they will cluster into the same cluster.The complexity of this agglomerative clustering is O(n3).In this method it will consume a long time to handle a large data set.For some cases,the optimization result of complexity is O(n2).2.Divisive(move down the hierarchy):This belongs to“top down”method.To begin with,all the point are in the same cluster,and then those point will split into different cluster based on the criteria.The complexity of this divisive clustering is O(2n)which will consume more time than agglomerative clustering.In general,it always uses a dendrogram(2-2)to show the results of hierarchical cluster analysis,and the core method of merging and splitting cluster is greedy algorithm.2-1Raw data[4]2-2dendrogram[5]The basic process of hierarchical clustering can be divide into4step:Suppose there N point which are waiting for clustering[6]:1.Initialization,every single points belongs to its own cluster,then calculate the distance between a pair of clusters to evaluate the similarity between them.2.Seek the nearest pair of cluster and merge them into one cluster so that the number of the clusters will be less.3.Recalculation the distance between the previous clusters and new clusters and evaluate the similarity between them.4.Repeat step2and3to all the point get into the same cluster,finish.The whole process is to build up a dendrogram,in this process we need to set a threshold in step2when the distance is larger than this threshold the iteration can be finished.There several metrics can be used to calculate the distance[7].Name FormulaManhattandistanceMaximumdistanceSquared EuclideandistanceEuclideandistanceMahalanobisS is the covariance matrix distanceTable1Another key point is to chose the appropriate linkage criteria in the process of hierarchical clustering in step3,there are3common method to evaluate the similarity between two clusters.The names and the formula are shown in the table-2below.Name FormulaSingle-linkageclusteringComplete-linkageclusteringAverage-linkageclusteringTable2Single Linkage:It is also called nearest-neighbor,this means adopting2nearest points which belongs two different cluster and regard the distance between these2points as the distance between their clusters.However it is easy to make a effect called“chaining”.Possibly,two clusters are far from each other,but there are two near points in each of the cluster,these two clusters may merge together.So that,it will get a loose result finally.Complete Linkage:This is the opposite of the Single Linkage.This method will make mistakes of that two clusters are near to each other,however,two points which belong to their own clusters are far from each other,it will due to these two cluster can not merge together.Group average:Compare with single-linkage and complete-linkage methods this method is the most reasonable.This will calculate the average distance in every cluster.However this is the most complex in3methods.It need duo-loop code to calculate the result[8].2-3Demonstrate of hierarchical clusteringBesides,there are another effective approach“G-N algorithm”which is applied in real social network.G-N algorithm is stated by Michelle Grivan and Mark Newman in 2002.The basic process are3steps[9]:1.Calculate the betweenness of all edges in the network.2.Remove the edge which has the highest betweenness3.Recalculate the betweenness of all edges affected by the removal4.Repeat step1and2to no edges remainhighestbetweennessremove2-4G-N algorithmBesides,I have many things to study in the future all the algorithm and application in the real world I need to study in depth,especially in terms of coding.Gantt chartReferences[1].Milgram,S.(1967)Psychol.Today2,60–67.[2].Opsahl,T.and Panzarasa,P.(2009).Clustering in weighted networks.Social Networks,31(2),pp.155-163.[3].Rokach,Lior,and Oded Maimon.(2005).Clustering methods.Data miningand knowledge discovery handbook.Springer US,pp.321-352.[4][5].Wikipedia,(2015).Hierarchical clustering.[online]Available at:/wiki/Hierarchical_clustering[Accessed27Apr.2015].[6],(2015).Hierarchical .[online]Available at:/zhubo22/article/details/24472639[Accessed27Apr.2015].[7]"The DISTANCE Procedure:Proximity Measures".SAS/STAT9.2UsersGuide.SAS Institute.Retrieved2009-04-26[8],(2015).Clustering(5):Hierarchical Clustering«Free Mind.[online]Available at:/?p=407[Accessed27Apr.2015]. [9]Girvan M.and Newman M.E.J.,Community structure in social and biologicalnetworks,A99,7821–7826(2002)。