

Research Design (Research Method)

Research Design (Research Method)
Ch 5 10
Exploratory Research
• It is usually conducted when the researcher does not know much about the problems. • Exploratory research is usually conducted at the outset of research projects.
Ch 5
Use of Descriptive Research
• To develop a profile of a target market
– A turnaround had to happen to regain profits and customer growth. So Spiegel conduct extensive mkt research

The Objective
– To understand the shopping behavior of its potential and current consumers

Develop hypotheses
– E.g., heavy users of athletic shoes are more brand conscious than the light users

Isolate key variables and relationships for further examination
Strategy: spend millions on a print campaign aimed at revitalizing its products Outcome: increase growth rate

research design

research design





















3 Research design

3  Research design
Research Design 研究设计
社会调查方法A 刘辉- 社会调查方法A-刘辉-2010
Holographic Overview
How to design a social science research? It involves specifying who or what is to be studied , when, how, and for what purpose 怎样进行研究设计? 这涉及到研究什么、研究谁、 什么时间、怎么研究、什么目的 等
How to use ?如何用
– Pursue through use of focus group , guide small group discussion , such as market research 可使用小组讨论的方法
Why to use? 为什么使用这种研究
– Satisfy curiosity and desire for a better understanding 满足好奇心与进 一步了解事物的欲望 – To test the feasibility of a more extensive study 检验进一步深入某研究 的可能性 – To develop methods for subsequent study 后续研究方法的探索
社会调查方法A 刘辉- 社会调查方法A-刘辉-2010
1 Introduction
● Research design 研究设计
Before your observation, to determine what you are going to observe and analyze (interpret), why and how . 在观察之先,确定你要观察、分析与解释什么,为什么与怎样

Research Design

Research Design

Adnane KhalilNizar HarakatThami BenbrahimMeryiam MejdoubiIntroduction:Our group is attempting to find out if mandatory community service is a more successful and effective policy than voluntary community service at AUI. Surveys and interviews are the research tools adopted in this study that will enable us to deduct whether mandatory community service is useful at AUI or not. The explanation of our design plan below specifies the research process and materials adopted for further replication. Sample:The sample size in our research is of a 100 students at AUI whom our research group is planning on handing out a questionnaire. Our sampling method is random and void of any bias and subjects are calculated according to the population of AUI. This is because there are about a 1000 students at Akhawayn University and in order to obtain a dependable representative of our sample size we targeted 10% of the student body at AUI The sample is extremely important in our research project since it gathers data that is related to the point of view of AUI students concerning mandatory community service. The survey contains both students who are against mandatory service and those who want it to be voluntary. This data will enable us to compare the students supporting mandatory community service and those against it.Surveys:Our group is using a survey to gather quantitative data that will be represented in graphs. We intend to use a survey to examine the efficiency of mandatory community service by studying its advantages and disadvantages. The questionnaire is addressed to AUI students that have participated in mandatory or voluntary communal work. These targeted students will demonstrate their perception on mandatory or voluntary community service. Additionally, the information gathered using the survey will provide us with some real-time data as mandatory community service is a recent policy (starting spring 2006). The survey includes questions related to gender, major, and academic level enabling us to classify students according to the previously cited criteria. Furthermore, the questions used aim at getting some specific figures such as the opinion students have on mandatory community service, its use, and the benefits that could be achieved from it. Observably, these questions have several precise aims. That is, the question: “have you ever been involved in any kind of Community Service?” will for sure help us compute statistics concerning the number of students concerned with Community Service, while the ques tion “Do you think Community Service at A.U.I improves students’ social interaction?” will guide us towards setting up a frame of the opinion of A.U.I students regarding the topic.Interviews:Interviews are an essential research tool in acquiring the qualitative data that surveys lack. This tool will provide us with in depth responses from interviewees who were carefully selected to increase the reliability and validity of our research results. The first interview will deal with the dean of student affairs, Dr. Belfkieh, he will provide our team with constructive information concerning mandatory community service at AUI,and also he will explain the factors that pushed the university to establish a new policy for community service by making it mandatory instead of voluntary. Moreover, Dr. Belfkieh was chosen because of the authority he possesses at AUI University and he is one of the instigators of the policy of mandatory community service. The second interview will deal with the coordinator of the community service program, Mr Salah Edin. Being one of the responsible of community service in the university, he will provide us with information and explanations concerning mandatory community service at AUI. The main purpose of interviewing them is to have figure out the main causes that pushed the university to adopt new policy of mandatory community service at AUI. These two interviews will intensify the research because of their high experience on community service at AUI. They will provide the team with reliable information that has to be constructively interpreted and analyzed by our research team members to come up with final results.Interview with Dr. Belfkieh1.When was the policy of mandatory community service applied at the AlkhawaynUniversity of Ifrane?2.Why was the policy of mandatory community service applied at the AlkhawaynUniversity of Ifrane?3.In your opinion what are the benefits regarding the policy of mandatorycommunity service and what are the drawbacks if any?4.In your opinion has the policy of mandatory community service turn out to beeffective or not?Interview with Mr. Salah Dine1.Are non volunteer students actively participating in community service?2.In your opinion what are the benefits regarding mandatory community service?Drawbacks?3.In your opinion what sort of attitude do the volunteer students demonstrate? Andnon-volunteer students(mandatory)?4. In your opinion is mandatory community service a necessary initiative at AUI ?Questionnaire:Gender Male FemaleYear Freshman Sophomore Junior SeniorSchool SSE SBA SSHSHave you ever participated in community service at AUI?Yes NoIf yes, was it a successful experience?Yes No SomewhatIf so, in what way? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. If not, why not? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..What did you personally learn from this experience? ……………………………………………………………….......................................... .......................................................................................................................................... Are you for or against mandatory community service at AUI?For Against Don’t CareIf you checked for or against please briefly explain why? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. What do you think are the benefits and/or drawbacks of community service for AUIstudents? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….。



01胡飞 1HU Fei 胡伟专 2HU Weizhuan1.同济大学,上海 200092(T ongji University, 200092 Shanghai)2.江南大学,江苏无锡 214122(Jiangnan University, 214122 Wuxi Jiangsu)设计创新的系统性思维、系统性流程与系统性方法*—— 评《系统创新时代的设计思维》Systematic Thinking, Process, and Methods in Design Innovation: A Review of Design Thinking in the Era of Systemic Innovation中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A doi:10.3963/j.issn.2095-0705.2024.02.001摘要:面向当代的复杂性语境,《系统创新时代的设计思维》一书基于系统化创新与系统性设计的视野,对设计思维、流程与方法进行了深度剖析。



关键词:系统创新;设计思维;系统性设计Abstract: In the context of contemporary complexity, the book Design Thinking in the Era of Systemic Innovation provides a profound analysis of design thinking, processes, and methods based on a perspective of systematic innovation and systematic design. It introduces a systematic design thinking that integrates systematic innovation, emphasizing a systematic design process for the fuzzy front end and design research. The book advocates for a systematic design method that combines macro background research, mid-range user research, and micro product research. Rooted in the concept of "systemicity," this book makes a signifi cant contribution to the foundational research of Chinese design theory, actively responding to the construction of the "Three Systems" in the discipline of Chinese design.Key words: systemic innovation ;design thinking ;systematic design收稿日期:2024-03-15*基金项目:国家社会科学基金项目(23VRC069)。

Experimental Design (实验设计)

Experimental Design (实验设计)
4.1 Pre-experimental design
Pre-experimental designs are so named because they follow basic experimental steps but fail to include a control group. In other words, a single
Definition of experimental design
Definition of experimental design
Experimental design is a detailed experiment design which is done before
the experiment, it changes one or more process variables to observe the response variable changes, it is a procedure for obtain the research data, and gain yield valid and objective conclusion (Winer, 1971). Experimental design is a research design that eliminates all factors that influence outcome except for the cause being studied (independent variable), all other factors are controlled by randomization, investigator-controlled
2. What is the difference(s) between/among them ? The same, you can divide into four groups freely, and choose one to two representative(3) to anwer.



© 2019 McGraw-Hill Education.
What Is Research Design?
• Blueprint • Plan • Guide • Framework
© 2019 McGraw-Hill Education.
Research Design Essentials
© 2019 McGraw-Hill Education.
Topical Scope (1 of 2)
Statistical Study
Case Study
© 2019 McGraw-Hill Education.
Topical Scope (2 of 2)
Statistical Study • Breadth • Population inferences • Quantitative • Generalizable findings
dilemma • Provide insight on
management problem • Define research
© 2019 McGraw-Hill Education.
Some Exploratory Study Methods
• Participant observation • Film, photographs • Projective techniques • Case studies • Ethnography • Expert interviews • Document analysis • Proxemics and Kinesics

Research Design

Research Design
Crotty’s (1998)
對研究的認識論?例如客觀論、 主觀論等。 什麼樣的理論觀點?例如解釋的、 批判的、實務的等。 以什麼為方法論?例如經驗研究、 調查研究、人種誌等。 以什麼為設計方法?例如調查表、 訪談等。
三大研究要素 研究方法
問題 知識訴求主張 研究策略 方法 質化典範 量化典範 混合方法 理論面 資料收集 資料分析 撰寫論文 驗證 11
量化研究方法 既定工具方法 的問題 成果資料 屬性資料 觀察資料 普查資料 統計分析 質化研究方法 逐步呈現的研究 方法 開放式導向問題 訪談資料 觀察資料 文件資料 視聽資料 文字與圖形分析 混合研究方法 既定工具方法與 逐步呈現研究方法 開放式導向與關閉 式導向兼具 多方面的資料探討 統計與文字分析
訪談過程是一種社會互動,在彼此還沒有建立信任關 係前,預想一下,你蒐集到的資料可能會有甚麼缺陷? (例如報喜不報憂)
簡報結束 敬請指教
雖然每一個實證研究都少不了理論,但是這些 理論從哪裡來的呢? 好的理論好的理論必然是像一齣動人的戲劇, 人物簡單而情節不複雜,但是撼動人心的卻是有 戲劇張力, 你無法想像結局的。好的理論固然 告訴我們未為人知的一面,但是真正叫人動心且 難忘的,卻是那些你以為懂,甚至深植成為你的 信仰一部分,實則最後證實卻是錯誤的。你要做 哪種研究,談一下你的想法。 22
作者在本書的第一版敘述了量化與質化 二種研究方法,並且用了實體論、認識 論、價值觀、修辭學、方法論做了前提 假設。 而本文接下來討論的內容也是循續上述 假設。近年來,混合方法為研究的主流, 而一些顯著的、批判性的、贊成的、實 際的觀點也被廣泛的討論

research design

research design

Course GISC 7387.001.08s. Research Design in GISProfessorDr. Daniel A. Griffith, Ashbel Smith Professor of Geospatial Informa-tion SciencesTerm Spring 2007 (Jan. 8-April 28)Meetings Tue. 4-6:45pm, GR 3.402Office Phone 972-883-4950Office Location GR 2.812AEmail Address dagriffith@Office Hours TBAOther Information I do not read WebCT mail.General Course InformationPre-requisites,Co-requisites, &other restrictionsGraduate student status.CourseDescriptionThis course familiarizes graduate students in geospatial information sciences (GIS)with a range of appropriate ways for designing and proposing GIS research projects,including archival, experimental, observational/correlational, qualitative, quasi-experimental, simulation, and survey methodologies. In doing so, a student is en-couraged to develop research skills facilitating critical reading of the GIS literature.A secondary goal is to have each student prepare a draft research proposal, one thatis applicable to a geospatial problem that could be addressed in a master's thesis(master's students) or dissertation (doctoral students) project. After completing thiscourse, a student should have an initial draft of the proposal for her/his GIS master’sproject or doctoral dissertation. This course prepares a doctoral student for GISC7389: GI Sciences Ph.D. Research Project Qualifier, whose purpose is to "draft [a]dissertation research proposal" that his/her committee needs to accept as a precursorto taking a qualifying examination and defending the proposal.LearningOutcomesConverse with faculty about basic GIS research topics.Understand why GIS research is conducted.Explain the principal social science research methodologies.Differentiate between the principal social science research methodologies.Select an appropriate research design for a given research project.Know how to undertake a literature review.Know how to critique research proposals and papers.Know how to prepare a position paper.Develop a research proposal for a master’s or doctoral project.Required Texts&MaterialsLocke, L., W. Spirduso, and S. Silverman, 2000, Proposals that Work, 4th ed. Thou-sand Oaks: Sage.Sigma Xi, 1999, The Responsible Researcher: Paths and Pitfalls. Research Triangle Park, NC: Sigma Xi.Assignments & Academic Calendar1/ 8What is geospatial information science research? What is the function of a proposal?- the nature of research: types of data gathering- data, information, and evidence- logical argumentsallocate NSF proposalsassignment for Lecture #2:read Chapter 1 ("The function of the proposal")send an e-mail from your individual computer account to meprepare to lead seminar discussion on your selected NSF proposal evaluation1/15 Discussion of NSF proposals- What is a critique?allocate social science research articles from Social Science Research (2nd ed.) & Practic-al Problems in Research Methodsassignment for Lecture #3:prepare to lead seminar discussion on your selected articles1/22 Discussion of selected social science research articles assignment for Lecture #4:read Chapter 2 ("Doing the right thing")read The Responsible Researcher (Preface, Chapters 1, 3, 10-12)1/ 29 (Academic) ethics in geospatial researchassignment for Lecture #5:prepare to lead seminar discussion on your critiquewrite a critique of Smith, Progress in Human Geography: 1997 (pp. 583-590), 1998 (pp.15-38), and 1999 (pp. 119-125)─with special reference to IRB concerns(/research/compliance/irb/policies.html)2/ 5 Philosophy and methodology in geospatial research- present critiquesassignment for Lecture #6:read Chapter 3 ("Developing the thesis or dissertation proposal")2/12- archival/secondary source research- the role of pilot studies, activism and fieldwork in geographic research Quantitative approaches to research- sampling and questionnaire design- designing geographic experiments- correlational analysis: studying previously collected numerical spatial data - simulation experimentationResearch methods in computingassignment for Lecture #7:read Chapter 5 ("Preparation of proposals for qualitative research")write a draft methodological section for a proposal2/19- What is a position paper?Qualitative approaches to research- sampling and interviews: “tell me about … “- simulation: focus groups and role playing- textual analysis- analyzing categorical spatial dataassignment for Lecture #8:read Chapter 4 ("Content of the proposal")write a methodological section for a proposal, emphasizing the benefits and drawbacks of employing the selected research design2/ 26 The content of a proposalassignment for Lecture #9:read "Fragmentation around a defended core: the territoriality of geography"3/ 4 Discussion of the territoriality of geography *** distribute mid-term examination *** 3/ 11 Spring break3/18 & 25 mid-term examination4/ 1 write an introduction to a research proposal, contextualizing it in terms of Geography in American: At the Dawn of the 21st Centuryassignment for Lecture #12:read and critique Part III (Proposal 1, Proposal 2, Proposal 3)4/ 8 Discussion of specimen proposals4/15 Discussion of specimen proposals (continued)assignment for Lecture #14:read Chapter 6 ("Style and form in writing the proposal") & "The science of scientific writing"4/22 Careful writing: clear, simple, concise and engaging; overall organization, wording, flow, spell-checking, and copyediting—students should not depend upon faculty to be their co-authors or copyeditorsassignment for oral presentation:read Chapter 7 ("The oral presentation")Exam dates Mid-term examination: 3/18 & 25; Proposal presentation (Final exam): 4/29. Course PoliciesGrading (credit) Criteria e-mail connection: P/F3 written assignments @ 5% each = 15%1 mid-term examination @ 20%1 oral presentation of a final proposal @ 30%1 written final proposal @ 35%course grading:A+ 97 - 100 B+87-89 C+ 75-79A 93 - 97B 83-86C 70-74A- 90 – 92 B- 80-82 C- 60-69Make-up Exams An exam cannot be made up without a legitimate excuse accompanied by proper formal documentation (e.g., a doctor’s excuse).Extra Credit Extra credit is not available because it tends to interfere with a student’s focusing upon complet-ing assignments for the course, and permits students to choose not to or to poorly complete se-lected assignments designed as part of the course.Late Work Work will not be accepted late without a legitimate excuse accompanied by prop-er formal documentation (e.g., a doctor’s excuse).Class Attendance Each student is expected to attend every lecture, and will be excused from doing so only for legi-timate reasons that are accompanied by the provision of proper formal documentation (e.g., a doc-tor’s excuse). Each student has the responsibility to access all information presented during a missed class session from other sources; the faculty instructor is not responsible for ensuring that students have missed materials. Furthermore, each student is expected to actively participate, which means to do more than just show up and occupy a seat in the classroom. Rather, students are expected to arrive to class ON TIME and to be properly and fully prepared to participate in class discussions and/or exercises.Classroom Citizenship Students arriving to a class session after it has begun are expected to enter quietly and take a seat in the least disruptive manner; student leaving a class session early are expected to do so in the least disruptive manner. Students are expected to display a positive attitude toward learning by conducting themselves with civility, respect for others (e.g., sharing thoughts and actively listen-ing to the thoughts and comments of peers and the instructor), and general good, courteous beha-vior, including not engaging in cell phone (which should be silenced), personal movies/TV and personal newspaper (or other reading materials) usage, and not participating in social discussion groups during class time.Student Conduct and Discipline The University of Texas System and The University of Texas at Dallas have rules and regulations for the orderly and efficient conduct of their business. It is the responsibility of each student and each student organization to be knowledgeable about the rules and regulations which govern stu-dent conduct and activities. General information on student conduct and discipline is contained in the UTD publication, A to Z Guide, which is provided to all registered students each academic year.The University of Texas at Dallas administers student discipline within the procedures of rec-ognized and established due process. Procedures are defined and described in the Rules and Regu-lations, Board of Regents, The University of Texas System, Part 1, Chapter VI, Section 3, and in Title V, Rules on Student Services and Activities of the university’s Handbook of Operating Pro-cedures. Copies of these rules and regulations are available to students in the Office of the Dean of Students, where staff members are available to assist students in interpreting the rules and regu-lations (SU 1.602, 972/883-6391).A student at the university neither loses the rights nor escapes the responsibilities of citizen-ship. He or she is expected to obey federal, state, and local laws as well as the Regents’ Rules, university regulations, and administrative rules. Students are subject to discipline for violating the standards of conduct whether such conduct takes place on or off campus, or whether civil or crim-inal penalties are also imposed for such conduct.Academic Integrity The faculty expects from its students a high level of responsibility and academic honesty. Because the value of an academic degree depends upon the absolute integrity of the work done by the stu-dent for that degree, it is imperative that a student demonstrate a high standard of individual honor in his or her scholastic work.Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, statements, acts or omissions related to applications for enrollment or the award of a degree, and/or the submission as one’s own work or material that is not one’s own. As a general rule, scholastic dishonesty involves one of the follow-ing acts: cheating, plagiarism, collusion and/or falsifying academic records. Students suspected of academic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary proceedings.Plagiarism, especially from the web, from portions of papers for other classes, and from any other source is unacceptable and will be dealt with under the university’s policy on plagiarism (see general catalog for details). This course will use the resources of , which searches the web for possible plagiarism and is over 90% effective.E-mail Use The University of Texas at Dallas recognizes the value and efficiency of communication between faculty/staff and students through electronic mail. At the same time, email raises some issues con-cerning security and the identity of each individual in an email exchange. The university encou-rages all official student email correspondence be sent only to a student’s U.T. Dallas email ad-dress and that faculty and staff consider email from students official only if it originates from a UTD student account. This allows the university to maintain a high degree of confidence in the identity of all individual corresponding and the security of the transmitted information. UTD fur-nishes each student with a free email account that is to be used in all communication with univer-sity personnel. The Department of Information Resources at U.T. Dallas provides a method for students to have their U.T. Dallas mail forwarded to other accounts.Withdrawal from Class The administration of this institution has set deadlines for withdrawal of any college-level courses. These dates and times are published in that semester's course catalog. Administration procedures must be followed. It is the student's responsibility to handle withdrawal requirements from any class. In other words, I cannot drop or withdraw any student. You must do the proper paperwork to ensure that you will not receive a final grade of "F" in a course if you choose not to attend the class once you are enrolled.Student Grievance Procedures Procedures for student grievances are found in Title V, Rules on Student Services and Activities, of the university’s Handbook of Operating Procedures.In attempting to resolve any student grievance regarding grades, evaluations, or other fulfill-ments of academic responsibility, it is the obligation of the student first to make a serious effort to resolve the matter with the instructor, supervisor, administrator, or committee with whom the grievance originates (hereafter called “the respondent”). Individual faculty members retain prima-ry responsibility for assigning grades and evaluations. If the matter cannot be resolved at that lev-el, the grievance must be submitted in writing to the respondent with a copy of the respondent’s School Dean. If the matter is not resolved by the written response provided by the respondent, the student may submit a written appeal to the School Dean. If the grievance is not resolved by the School Dean’s decision, the student may make a written appeal to the Dean of Graduate or Un-dergraduate Education, and the deal will appoint and convene an Academic Appeals Panel. The decision of the Academic Appeals Panel is final. The results of the academic appeals process will be distributed to all involved parties.Copies of these rules and regulations are available to students in the Office of the Dean of Stu-dents, where staff members are available to assist students in interpreting the rules and regula-tions.IncompleteGrades As per university policy, incomplete grades will be granted only for work unavoidably missed at the semester’s end and only if 70% of the course work has been completed. An incomplete grade must be resolved within eight (8) weeks from the first day of the subsequent long semester. If the required work to complete the course and to remove the incomplete grade is not submitted by the specified deadline, the incomplete grade is changed automatically to a grade of F.Disability Services The goal of Disability Services is to provide students with disabilities educational opportunities equal to those of their non-disabled peers. Disability Services is located in room 1.610 in the Stu-dent Union. Office hours are Monday and Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.; Tuesday andWednesday, 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.; and Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.The contact information for the Office of Disability Services is:The University of Texas at Dallas, SU 22PO Box 830688Richardson, Texas 75083-0688(972) 883-2098 (voice or TTY)Essentially, the law requires that colleges and universities make those reasonable adjustments necessary to eliminate discrimination on the basis of disability. For example, it may be necessary to remove classroom prohibitions against tape recorders or animals (in the case of dog guides) for students who are blind. Occasionally an assignment requirement may be substituted (for example, a research paper versus an oral presentation for a student who is hearing impaired). Classes enrolled students with mobility impairments may have to be rescheduled in accessible facilities. The college or university may need to provide special services such as registration, note-taking, or mobility assistance.It is the student’s responsibility to notify his or her professors of the need for such an accom-modation. Disability Services provides students with letters to present to faculty members to veri-fy that the student has a disability and needs accommodations. Individuals requiring special ac-commodation should contact the professor after class or during office hours.Religious Holy Days The University of Texas at Dallas will excuse a student from class or other required activities for the travel to and observance of a religious holy day for a religion whose places of worship are exempt from property tax under Section 11.20, Tax Code, Texas Code Annotated.The student is encouraged to notify the instructor or activity sponsor as soon as possible re-garding the absence, preferably in advance of the assignment. The student, so excused, will be allowed to take the exam or complete the assignment within a reasonable time after the absence: a period equal to the length of the absence, up to a maximum of one week. A student who notifies the instructor and completes any missed exam or assignment may not be penalized for the ab-sence. A student who fails to complete the exam or assignment within the prescribed period may receive a failing grade for that exam or assignment.If a student or an instructor disagrees about the nature of the absence [i.e., for the purpose of observing a religious holy day] or if there is similar disagreement about whether the student has been given a reasonable time to complete any missed assignments or examinations, either the stu-dent or the instructor may request a ruling from the chief executive officer of the institution, or his or her designee. The chief executive officer or designee must take into account the legislative in-tent of TEC 51.911(b), and the student and instructor will abide by the decision of the chief ex-ecutive officer or designee.Off-Campus Instruction and CourseActivities Off-campus, out-of-state, and foreign instruction and activities are subject to state law and Univer-sity policies and procedures regarding travel and risk-related activities. Information regarding these rules and regulations may be found at /BusinessAffairs/Travel_Risk_Activities.htm. Ad-ditional information is available from the office of the school dean.NOTE: These descriptions/timelines are subject to change at the discretion of the Professor.。



毕业论文的实证研究的英文方法与设计Title: Empirical Research Methods and Design for Graduation ThesisIntroduction:The empirical research in a graduation thesis plays a crucial role in providing evidence and supporting the thesis statement. This article aims to discuss the methods and design used for conducting empirical research in a graduation thesis.1. Research Objective and Research Question:Before delving into the empirical research method, it is essential to define the research objective and formulate a clear research question. The research objective outlines the purpose of the study, while the research question narrows down the specific area of investigation.2. Research Design:2.1 Experimental Design:Experimental design involves manipulating variables in a controlled environment to understand the cause and effect relationship. This design requires careful planning, random assignment of participants, and control groups. It is generally suitable for scientific and hypothesis-driven research.2.2 Survey Design:Survey design involves collecting data using questionnaires or interviews. This design allows researchers to gather opinions, preferences,and experiences from a large sample of participants. It is commonly used in social sciences and provides a high level of generalizability.2.3 Case Study Design:Case study design focuses on in-depth analysis of a particular case or phenomenon. It utilizes multiple sources of data, such as interviews, observation, and document analysis. This design is suitable for exploring complex or unique situations.2.4 Correlational Design:Correlational design examines the relationship between variables without manipulation. It measures the level of association between variables, providing insights into their interdependencies. This design is often used in psychology, sociology, and economics.3. Data Collection:3.1 Primary Data:Primary data refers to original data collected specifically for the research study. It can be obtained through surveys, experiments, observations, or interviews. Researchers need to ensure data accuracy, validity, and reliability.3.2 Secondary Data:Secondary data includes data collected by others and readily available from existing sources. This data can be obtained from academic journals, reports, official statistics, or online databases. Researchers should critically evaluate the quality and relevance of secondary data.4. Data Analysis:4.1 Quantitative Analysis:Quantitative analysis involves numerical manipulation and statistical techniques. It aims to identify patterns, relationships, and trends within the data. Common quantitative analysis methods include descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, regression analysis, and factor analysis.4.2 Qualitative Analysis:Qualitative analysis involves interpreting and making sense of non-numerical data, such as texts, images, or interview transcripts. It focuses on understanding contexts, perspectives, and meanings. Common qualitative analysis methods include thematic analysis, content analysis, and grounded theory.5. Ethical Considerations:Ethics play a crucial role in empirical research. Researchers must obtain informed consent from participants, ensure confidentiality and anonymity, and minimize potential harm. It is essential to adhere to ethical guidelines provided by the institution or research society.Conclusion:The empirical research method and design in a graduation thesis determine the credibility and validity of the findings. By carefully selecting the research design, collecting reliable data, and conducting appropriate data analysis, researchers can effectively contribute to their field of study and engage in evidence-based research.Note: The above article provides an example of how to present the content without using explicit section titles. The structure can be further improved and tailored according to the specific requirements and nature of the graduation thesis.。

Research Degin研究设计

Research Degin研究设计
• Construct: A specific type of concept that exists at a higher level of abstraction. • Constitutive Definition: A statement of the meaning of the central idea or concept under study, establishing its boundaries; also known as a theoretical, or conceptual, definition (Note: Not in the book, but very important for essay exam and formal research report). • Operational Definition: A statement of precisely which observable characteristics will be measured and the process for assigning a value to the concept.
How are these Constructs Developed?
• What would a definition of Satisfaction be, if you were to look it up in the dictionary • Now, how might we “measure” Satisfaction, i.e. the extent to which a person is satisfied?
Research Design
Research design is a set of advance decisions that make up the master plan specifying the methods and procedures for collecting and analyzing the needed information.




The green building design process in Ningbo includes the pre-project research and planning stage.2.设计流程的第一步是对项目的背景和需求进行充分的调研和分析。

The first step in the design process is to conduct thorough research and analysis of the background and requirements of the project.3.了解项目所处的地理环境、气候条件和周边社区情况是非常重要的。

It is important to understand the geographical environment, climate conditions, and surrounding community situation of the project.4.在规划阶段,设计团队将确定项目的整体目标和设计理念。

During the planning stage, the design team will establish the overall goals and design concepts for the project.5.这一阶段还涉及到对项目可行性的评估和初步的设计方案制定。

This stage also involves evaluating the feasibility ofthe project and creating preliminary design proposals.6.绿建设计流程中的下一步是进行详细的技术研究和方案优化。

The next step in the green building design process is to conduct detailed technical research and optimize the design proposals.7.设计团队将利用先进的技术和工具,对建筑能源利用、材料选择等方面进行深入分析。

量化研究方法 survey design_

量化研究方法 survey design_
8. Provide good guidance and instruction to all students regardless of their level of ability.
12. Answer students' questions so that they understand difficult problems.
Often use questionnaires or interviews Often quantitative, but can be qualities. Use real-world samples
Characteristics of People
Demographics(人口统计学因素): Characteristics that are directly observable and directly verifiable (e.g., gender, race, ethnicity)
-Administrative Management -Supervision & Evaluation
-School Facilities
Based on an analysis of role expectations in Norwegian schools Skaalvik and Skaalvik (2007) recently developed a multidimensional 24-item Norwegian Teacher SelfEfficacy Scale (NTSES) measuring six dimensions by four items each:



【读书笔记】基于设计的研究——Design-based Researchlijie 发表于 2007-10-24 19:03:21 阅读全文 | 回复(15)| 引用通告 | 编辑基于设计的研究,是在上个世界90年代初期,被提出的一种新的研究范式,1992年开始使用Design Experiments这一名称,后来改为Desigh-based Research(基于设计的研究),简称DBR。



有人认为,基于设计的研究,简单的来说就是从课堂中学生学习存在的问题出发——学习科学家观察分析教育问题——筛选可解决问题的理论——利用IT手段创设情境——最终达到5个结果:1. 解决学习问题;2.促进学习绩效;3.加深对学习的理解;4.发展有关的教学理论;5.实现研究成果的迁移与散播。



Research Methodology Research Design Comprehensive ExamStudy GuideReferencesKey Textbooks:∙Gay, L. R., Mills, G. E., & Airasian, P. W. (2012). Educational research: competencies for analysis and applications (10th ed.). Boston: Pearson.∙Shadish, W. R., Cook, T. D., & Campbell, D. T. (2001). Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for generalized causal inference. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.Optional:∙Borg, W. R., & Gall, M. D. (1983). Educational research: An introduction (4th, ed.). N.Y.: Longman.∙Cox, D. R. (1958). Planning of experiments. N.Y.: Wiley.∙McGuigan, F. J. (1983). Experimental psychology: Methods of research. (4th. ed.). Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc.Outline∙Scientific method, types of research, and types of variableso action research, analytic research, applied research, attribute variable, basic research, categorical variable, causal-comparative (ex post facto), classification factor, concept,construct, continuous variable, control variable, correlational research, criterionvariable, deductive reasoning, dependent variable, descriptive research, evaluationresearch, experimental research, extraneous variable, field study, independent variable,inductive reasoning, intervening variable, quantitative research, qualitative research,manipulated variable, moderator variable, objectivity, operational definition, predictionstudy, predictor variable, random variable, research, research method, science,scientific method, variable.∙Research problem, plan, and hypothesiso alternative hypothesis, assumption, hypothesis (directional, non-directional) , null hypothesis, pilot study, plausible rival hypothesis, problem statement, researchproblem, research hypothesis, statistical hypothesis, theory.∙Population, sample, sampling methods, sample size, and unit of investigationo accessible population, cluster sampling, convenient sample, critical discrepancy, degree of falsity, experimental unit, hypothetical population, informed consent, non-proportional sampling, precision, relative efficiency, power of a statistic, proportionalsampling, residual standard deviation, sample, simple random sampling, stratifiedrandom sampling, systematic sampling, target population.∙Non-experimental researcho case study, content analysis, correlational research, cross-sectional approach,developmental study, document, ethnographic research, explanatory observation,historical research, (standardized) interview schedule, longitudinal research,observational approach, primary observation, substitute primary observation, self-selection, supplementary observation for..., survey research.∙Characteristics, assumptions, and steps of experimental research suggested readings: o additivity, constancy of treatment effect, causation, comparative experiment, control, control (comparison) group, experiment, experimental error, experimental design,experimental (treatment) group, experimental variable, manipulation, independence,random error, systematic error, treatment, verification.∙Internal/external validity of a studyo bias, carry-over effect, Compensatory equalization of treatments, compensatory rivalry, confounding, construct validity (putative cause/effect), diffusion of treatment,ecological validity, expectancy effects, experimenter bias, generalization, halo effect,Hawthorne effect, (threat of) history, imitation of treatment, interference betweenunits, (threat of) instrumentation, interaction (selection X maturation, selection Xtreatment, testing X treatment), intra-session history, John Henry effect, (threat of)maturation, mortality, multiple-treatment interference, nonreactive, novelty effect,order effect, placebo effect, population validity, precision, reactive arrangement,reactive effect of testing, regression effect, representativeness, resentfuldemoralization, selection bias, sequence effect, specificity of variables, statisticalconclusion validity, threat of testing, unobtrusive measure.∙Randomization and other methods of controlo analysis of covariance, blocking, counterbalancing, double-blind technique, matching, matched-group, matched-pair, method of constancy, method of removal, randomassignment, randomization, random permutation, random selection, replication,restricted randomization, using subjects as their own control.∙Statistical concepts required for understanding designso alpha level, baseline, Beta weight (regression coefficient), chi-square, coefficient of determination, confidence interval, consistent estimator, contingency table, contrast,critical value, curvilinear relation, data, degree of freedom, descriptive statistics,efficient estimator, error rate, estimator, expected value, exploratory data analysis,family-wise error, F- test, frequency distribution, frequency polygon, histogram,inferential statistics, interval scale, level of significance, linear relation, mean,measurement scale, measurement of central tendency, measures of variability, median,meta-analysis, mode, multiple correlation, negative relationship, negatively skewed,nominal scale, nonparametric statistics, normal distribution, one-tailed test, ordinalscale, parameter, parametric statistics, percentile, percentile rank, plannedcomparisons, positive relationship, positively skewed, post hoc (multiple) comparison,probability, range, ratio scale, residual, sampling distribution, scatter plot, slope,skewed, spurious correlation, standard deviation, standard error of a statistic, standardscores, statistical significance, transformation, T-scores, t-test, two-tailed test, type Ierror, type II error, unbiased estimator, variance, z-score.∙Designs classified in terms of the degree of controlo intact group, multiple time-series design, nonequivalent control group design, one-group pretest-posttest design, one-shot case study, posttest-only control group design,pre-experimental design, pretest-posttest control group design, quasi-experimentaldesign, Solomon four- group design, static-group comparison, time-series design, true-experimental design.∙Randomized-group designso analysis of variance, between-group design, error term, error variance, fixed effect model, mean square between, mean square total, mean square within, mixed effectmodel, sum of square between, sum of square total, sum of square within, varianceratio.∙Blocking methods, matching, and randomized block designso post-hoc blocking, predefined range blocking, predefined value blocking, sampled range blocking, sampled value blocking∙Analysis of covarianceo adjusted mean square, adjusted sum of squares, adjusted treatment means, concomitant variable, covariate, slope-treatment interaction.∙Factorial designso crossed treatments, factor level, interaction (disordinal, ordinal), main effect, nested treatments, ranked qualitative factor, sampled qualitative factors, simple effect.∙Other topics/concepts/designs (definition only)o attenuation, balance, high-order interaction, incomplete block, index of response, Latin-square design, missing value, Monte Carlo method, multivariate analysis of variance,multivariate statistics, orthogonal comparison, randomization test, repeated measuresdesign, residual standard deviation, response curve, robustness, sequential method,standard Latin-square design, single subject design, split-plot, variance-covariancematrix.。



本科毕业设计(商务实践报告类)中文题目: 杭州湖滨银泰in77发展调查报告外文题目: Research Report on The Developmentof Hangzhou Hubin Yintai in77杭州湖滨银泰in77发展调查报告摘要:杭州湖滨银泰in77作为湖滨商圈的一份子,深受本地居民以及外地游客的喜爱。







关键词:代表;消费者满意度;宣传iResearch Report on the Development ofHangzhou Hubin Yintai in77AbstractAfter many years development, Hubin Yintai in77 has become a representation of high-end commercial operation, being a classic depiction of Chinese-Western cultures. This report aims to investigate the current operating status of in77 through questionnaire about customer satisfaction and field study. Besides, recommendations are made tackled to problems found in study. Hopefully, other shopping malls can draw the experience from this report.The survey involved 837 respondents who mainly came from Zhejiang Province.59.98% of respondents are female. 48.39% of respondents were over 41 years old while 32.38% of them are between 21 to 30 years old.In the overall evaluation, 10 score is the highest one. The result indicates that 51.97% of the customers mark 6 to 8 and 33.57% of customers mark 8 to 10. As in77 is a representative, recommendations are only made in two parts: promotion and restructuring.Key words: Representative; Customer satisfaction; PromotioniiAcknowledgementsFirst and foremost, I would like to state upfront that my profound gratitude goes to my mentor Yujing. She without whom I would have been impossible to finish this project. She has assisted me in every crucial stage of the project from the choice of topic to the conduct of research. She has been extremely supportive that she completely respected my originality of thoughts while also giving me accurate guidance needed to make sure I was heading toward the right direction. I greatly appreciate all the efforts she has made to steer me towards success.I am also indebted to experts, friends, and random strangers who kindly took part in the validation survey, be it online questionnaires or keep company with me in field study. I am grateful for their passionate participation and enlightening insights.And finally, my profound gratitude goes to my families and friends who provide me with moral guidance and emotional support in my life. I couldn’t have finished this essay so smoothly and timely without the assistance and encouragements from my professor, beloved families and friends. Therefore, the merits of this essay, if any, should be given to people who poured their sweats on helping me put all the pieces together.iiiThank you all!ivContents独创性声明及授权书 (i)中文摘要..................................................................................... . (ii)Abstract (iii)Acknowledgements (iv)1. Introduction (1)1.1 Background (1)1.2 Objectives (2)1.3 Significance...................................................................... . (2)1.4 Structure (2)2. Research Design (3)2.1 The Overall Definition and Sampling (3)2.2 Methodology........................................................................ . (3)2.3 The Questionnaire......................................................................................... (3)2.4 Field Study...................................................................... .. (4)3.Results and Findings....................................................................... (5)3.1 Customers Behavior Analysis (5)3.2 Customers Satisfaction........................................................... . (9)3.3 Business Characteristics (12)3.4 Problems (14)4. Conclusion (15)5. Limitations..................................................................... . (18)Appendix A Questionnaire............................................................ (19)1Research Report on the Development of HangzhouHubin Yintai in771. Introduction1.1 Background“in77”is one of the four commercial projects managed by Beijing Intime Yusheng Commercial Management Consulting Co., Ltd. Being a high-end commercial brand, “in” is absorbing the high-quality commercial resources and operational management capability of Yintai Group. There are other three projects: Beijing Yintai Centre in01, Beijing Wangfujing Yintai Centre in88and Chengdu Yintai Centre in99. Each of these project incorporates the concept that awakens customers’ elegance while showing their own features and personalities.Beside the West Lake, Hangzhou Hubin Yintai in77 belongs to the Hubin Trade Area which is a core block of the municipal-level retailing centers lying in between Wulin Trade Area and Wushan Trade Area. Located in such a flourishing trade and tourist area, it is the only multifunctional compound urban complex. It is a classic depiction of Chinese-Western Cultures and Landscapes and a combination of fashion, arts, architecture.“in77” is divided into five blocks: A, B, C, D, E while each block distinguishes from the other four. Block A is focused on luxury stores with the extension of block D. Block B leads fashion with the feature of antique buildings. Block C satisfies the needs of the youth and family, while the newest block E shows a fresh look on the charact eristic tourism oriented commerce and culture center. What’s more, block D becomes a joint point, interlinking other four blocks. Due to the situational advantage and convenient transportation, it is guaranteed of huge flow of footfalls. People from all around the world can choose their favorite from the main elements of each block that has its own customer segment. The goal of “in77” is to create public space whereconsumption becomes an experience of enjoyment and relaxation.11.2 ObjectivesThe study has objectives as follows:1. Investigating customer’s satisfaction towards in77.2. Investigating the effect of transportation around trade areas.3. Identifying the development of complex trade areas.4. Making recommendations for future development of in77.1.3 SignificanceCustomers are playing more and more important part in economy. The concept of saving and spending has been improved. Disposable income has changed people’s consuming habits. Nowadays, people would like to spend money and hope their various needs can be satisfied in a convenient way. Thus, multifunctional trade areas are developed. In77is an excellent symbol of commercial operation in Hangzhou, being an ideal place for the local or tourists. But sometimes it may not satisfy the demand of customers, which requires a lot of effort into management. The questionnaire of this report tries to understand customers’ thoughts, so as the administrators can improve and optimize its service. What’s more, the analysis of customer behaviors is also beneficial to the urban commercial planning. Through investigating the current development of the commercial project, this report aims to help the administrators operate the whole areas better under the discovery of customer satisfaction and surroundings. Recommendations are made to achieve mutual benefit. Meanwhile, it also sets an example for those megastores with the basic knowledge of the operating model.1.4 StructureThis paper consists of five parts. The first part gives an introduction of the background information of the essay. The research design part contains several ways related to the investigation. Then the third part presents the findings related to the former part in a well-arranged order. In the fourth part suggestions are made based on the analysis. Finally, the last part concerns possible limitations that this paper may notrefrain from.22. Research Design2.1 The Overall Definition and SamplingThis research aims to analyze the development status of Hubin Yintai in77, then to make recommendations for those future high-end business operation projects. Quantitative and qualitative research has been conducted in order to collect information related to the topic. There are two major data sources included in this report:1. Online questionnaire about customer satisfaction.2. Field study on the trade area.Random sample approach was adopted during the survey. Every customer has the same probability of participation. In total, we received 837 responses of all-aged customers. Respondents were selected across the country, while the majority is in Hangzhou. Female customers represent 59.98%. 48.39% customers are over 41 years old and the second large group is 21-30 aged, accounting for 32.38%.2.2 MethodologyThis report has applied quantitative and qualitative methods in the online survey, second-hand research and field study. Each of this method was inextricably connected and they were mainly adopted in an exploratory and reflexive manner. The questionnaire focuses on customer satisfaction while the field study includes the number of brands and the passenger flow in a designated entrance. Second-hand research has been conducted prior to the survey process, like consulting the official website of Beijing Intime Yusheng Commercial Management Consulting Co., Ltd and other related ones. In the end, those researches will give a clear map of the current development of this high-end commercial project.2.3 The QuestionnaireThe questionnaire is designed to give a view of customer satisfaction as well as other relative questions about customers.3There are two types of questions. One is multiple choice which requires respondents to choose a single item from several given answers. 9 out of 17 questions fall into this category. And the rest of questions require respondents to choose more than one options in the list. Questions about the mainly activities at in77, and aspects customers satisfied or dissatisfied are all in this category. Some open answers are allowed in questions in case some respondents cannot find ideal listed answers.The questionnaire consists of four parts. The first part collects some personal information of respondents as to their gender, age group, and monthly disposable income. Then following the customers’ behaviors and preferences are the frequency of visiting, mainly activities, reasons for choosing, consumption types and other two questions related to the publicity: one is the way respondents recognize in77, another is what kind of articles respondents prefer to read if they follow the WeChat official account. In the third parts, the questionnaire aims to find out participants’ attitudes toward in77. Thus, this part comprises questions about to which extent respondents are satisfied, aspects which respondents are satisfied or dissatisfied, expected improvement, and any unpleasant experience. To be specific, questions about unpleasant experiences as a free option, considering not every respondent has this kind of experience. If they have unpleasant experience, then they can answer the following questions about ‘which compensations will you accept’. What’s more, it should be stressed that question about overall evaluation is on the multiple choice category, where respondents must choose one answer listed as 0-4, 4-6, 6-8, 8-10, respectively represent as very dissatisfied to dissatisfied, slightly dissatisfied to fair, slightly satisfied to satisfied and satisfied to very satisfied.2.4 Field StudyField study consists of two parts: one is the population flow per minute on Sunday, another is brand classification. In population flow part, this investigation mainly focuses on three blocks: Block B, block C and block D, which general customers would like to choose. Because block A presents luxury while block E is newly opened, they are not sorepresentative. On a random chosen weekend, 10 minutes are set to count the number of4people going in and out regardless of gender and age. Then to calculate population flow per minute. Due to the different structure of three blocks, the entranced are not the same. The entrance of block B is near the outdoor elevator, the chosen entrance of C is facing the crossroad, while the entrance of D is on the side. The brand classification part will be further divided into three parts. First, total brand in each block. Second, proportion of domestic brands and foreign brands. Three, brand type.3. Results and FindingsDuring the survey process, efforts were made to ensure every respondent matches the sampling standards and that a relatively even mix of gender and age groups is maintained. The questionnaire and field study were well-deigned to acquire practical and accurate information. The data was obtained after careful examination and analysis. Please note that some related data gained from questionnaire is used in different aspects of this part.3.1 Customers Behavior AnalysisFigure 1 In Which Ways Customers Recognize in77Figure 1 shows that in which ways customers know in77. An obvious number of customers are recommended by friends and relatives, taking up 58.78% of the total respondents. And 30.82% of customers know it from the massive media. 27% of respondents just go by accident. There are some respondents say that this is a5landmark building which one cannot miss. This result tells a high awareness of in77 and the popularity is spreading through people.Figure 2 The Frequency of Customers Visiting in77Figure 2 represents the frequency of customers visiting in77. Most of customers do not visit in77 so often. 15.89% of respondents visit in77 one time in three months, 20.91% of them visit in77 one time in six months, while 27.12% of customers visit once yearly. But there are also people who go to in77 frequently. 22.94% of respondents claim they visit one time a month. Only 3.23% of respondents visit in77 about 2 or 3 times a month. That is not a surprising result, as there are many leisure activities. However, it encourages more attractive events and sale incentives.67Figure 3 Reasons for choosing in77Figure 3 reveals reasons of respondents choosing in77. Among all reasons listed, three of them receive special attention. 48.98% of customers choose it for its convenient transportation around. 43.25% of customersare attracted by the nice environment while 36.44% come here for the adequate brands. Other reasons like well-equipped facilities, special events, near the scenic area and in the trade area all affect customers ’ choice.Figure 4 Mainly ActivitiesFigure 4 indicates that customers mainly activities at in77. Three activities are far beyond others in this multi-choice question. The “shopping” choice accounts for 62.6% and more than a half of people would like to walk around. Also, 48.98% of people go there for grocer’s. Not many people go for parking or events. Still, 8.36% of people just have some rest here.Figure 5 Mainly Personal ConsumptionFigure 5 illustrates customers’ mainly personal consumption in in77. People are mainly focus on shopping and eating, the numbers are 63.8% and 62.84% respectively. Less than half of people will choose in77 as a place to play. This result acts in cooperation with that in Figure 4, both of them remind us that most customers consider in77 as a leisure place to kill time and relax. In77 can be future developed from improving customer experience on shopping and eating.8Figure 6 What Kinds of Articles Customer Prefer to Read On WeChat OfficialAccountWe enquire people whether they follow in77’s Wechat official account and what kinds of articles do they prefer to read now or want to read in the future. One kind of articles attracts most attention: 53.76% of respondents wish to get information on discount. Articles of special events, new product releasing, tendency receive nearly equal attention. 24.85% of respondents pay no attention on this account.3.2 Customers SatisfactionFigure 7 Satisfaction About Service Attitude9Figure 7 tells customers’ satisfaction about service attitude. Beyond 80% of respondents are satisfied with the service, including 22.7% who are very satisfied and 60.45% satisfied. There are barely customers who are not satisfied with the service.Figure 8 Aspects Customers Satisfied WithFigure 9 Aspects Can Be Improved10Figure 8 and Figure 9 present aspects customers satisfied with and those they think can be improved. Positive result is received in primary characteristics, such as adequate brands, resting places, and convenience for food. Other supporting facilities like baby care rooms, and districts interlinking do not receive many attention. However, 34.53% of respondents think promptness of publicity should be improved. Numbers on cleanliness of restrooms, quality of products, environment, service attitude, and indistinguishable characteristic of each district is nearly in common. That to say, on the one hand, customers are satisfied with these aspects, or on the other hand, customers do not pay much attention to them.Table 1 Unpleasant Experience and Accepted CompensationsThrough cross analysis, respondents who do not have unpleasant experience are separated, leaving customers with unpleasant experience. Then, those with unpleasant experience are asked which compensations they wished to accept. 36.71% of them wish to get discount on products, 26.58% of them want cash offer. Still, 25.32% of respondents will accept small gifts. Many customers have pleasant experience on in77, which reveals that in77 does a good job on customer experience.11Figure 10 Overall Evaluation on in77? (by score 0-10)Figure 10 draws an overall evaluation on in77 by 0 to 10. Nearly 52% of respondents grade 6 to 8, specially, 33.57% of them score 8 to 10. It is a satisfying phenomenon that most customers are satisfied with in77. Dealing with customers is a tough task, but in77 links with customers closely, presenting a professional image that deserve the reputation of representation of high-end commercial from the aspect of customer.3.3 Business CharacteristicsBelonging to Hubin Trade Area, in77 is a commercial urban complex. It is surrounded by Qingchun Road, Hubin Road, Jiefang Road and Wushan Road, connecting with the traditional trade area: Wulin Trade Area and Wushan Trade Area. On the central of Hubin Trade Area, there are other shopping malls nearby like Jiebai Shopping Malls and Lixing Shopping Malls. Many visitors become customers of in77 because it is next to the West Lake, a well-known scenic spot. What’s more, customers can go to different blocks through underpass and overpass between blocks. The transportation also brings convenience to in77. There is a bus stop with several traffic lines and Metro line No.1 is directly to the block B, C, D. According to the field study, we find that location plays an important role in population flow.12Table 2 10 Minutes Population Flow in Block B/C/DGenerally speaking, it can be seen from Figure 1 that block C owns most of the footfall. Both In and Out per minute data are over 30 while only average 12 people per minute go to block D in that time. The number of people going into block C is quite the same as the number of going out, but the gap between in and out in block B or D is a little bit larger—on a difference of 8 or 9 person per minute. In all three blocks, the number in Out section is beyond that in In section.Five blocks of in77 have their own characteristics. Near to the West Lake, block A is a place suitable for upscale shopping and tourism, consisting of over 30 international famous brands. Different from traditional retail format, block A makes itself more international and elegant with Hubin Boutique Compound which is one of three luxury cluster centers. Besides, it also has specialty chain restaurants and leisure time zone. Not only does it gather franchise stores, but also provides room for time-honored brands, antique shops and souvenir stores. The decent design of the building is a combination of Chinese and western styles that meet with scenery of West Lake. Block B with fashion brands aiming at youth. Landmark shops like Asian biggest Apple Store, Adidas Mini Center and AAPE all in this block. In addition, snack shops underground bring plentiful flow for the block. Being the biggest block of five, block C covers an area of 106,000 square meters. It satisfies the demand of stylish family with fast-fashion and popular brands together with shops for kid. As these years’ d evelopment, block C is toward the target of casual luxury: layer one of C1 is open to light luxury bag shops and cosmetics shops, C2 focus on clothing and accessories, and C3 has children’s goods shops. These three interconnected buildings constitute as a whole and customers can enter to block B, D, E from underpass. Grant13coherent scope, colorful formats bring huge population flow and impressive salesperformance. Block D acting as a joint point has an overpass towards block A while interlinks with block B, C underground. Block D orientates itself as high delicate quality image. The main element of block D is international cosmetic shops, such as Estee Lauderm, Lancôme. Another eye-catching place is Zhejiang’s fist Victoria’s Secret flagship store. There are also some innovative stores like Xixuan supermarket collaborating with Tmall and intelligent home store HomeTimes. The newest block E provides a place for people to enjoy life and appreciate the beautiful scene from the observation deck. This block keeps tight with local cultural identity, introducing more than 30 tourism cultural and creative brands such as ZENS, one brand with tea and home decor from modern minimalist design combined with Asian aesthetics. In77 renews around 100 to 150 brands annually and held more than 300 promotion campaigns in 2018 in order to keep up the fashion and attract customers.3.4 ProblemsThere exist some problems. One is that block A do not have many exclusive brands. Luxury brands, for example, Cartier, Ferragamo can also be found in Hangzhou Tower and The Mixc. Though over 86% of customers are satisfied with the quantity of brands, such overlapping of brands still separate customers who pursue premium brands and popular brands. Second, transition of consuming pattern strikes the traditional offline consumption. Many people nowadays prefer online shopping in all aspects which threaten these physical stores in malls. Physical stores put more capital in running business than those online stores, therefore customers will spend less in some fast fashion brands online store. That may cause even less flow in such a mega mall. Thirdly, the promptness of publicity as well as the method can be improved. As mentioned before, respondents are not satisfied with the promptness, usually they do not notice the promotion on the first time. Realizing the importance of online publicity, in77 creates a WeChat Official Account where releases articles each week. But we find that the page views vary in categories: articles of discount receivemost attention, the page views reach from 3,000 to 5,000; articles of tendency or new14release often get 1,000 to 2,000. The number is even far below some articles written by We-Media.4. ConclusionThrough the investigation, there are two reasons why block B, C, D have larger population flow. First, business types decide customer groups. Block B, C, D, E aim to the youth and families while block A focuses on high-end customers. The result of questionnaire tells that many customers go to in77 to find food and shopping. Many groceries locate in the underground layer of block B, C, D which bring more customers than that in block A, E. The result of mainly activities in in77 also shows that more than 52% of customers are wandering around while block B, C, D have more kinds of shops and events. Secondly, these three interlinking blocks have super location. They surround a busy crossroad and link with a metro line. Metro line No.1 has three exits to in77: exit B and C are direct to block B, while exit D is facing block C, B. The convenient transportation is the main reason many customers choose in77. Block A, E are excluded in this part because high-end customers can go to other markets like Hangzhou Tower to satisfy their need, so a small population flow is in block A. Block E is the newest one, thus it takes time for block E to attract customers.Two aspects in publicity part are considered. One is the promptness of publicity. As word-of-mouth advertising may be a delay, customers may not receive the first-hand information. Another is the pertinence. The result of ‘what kinds of articles do customers prefer to read now or want to read in the future’ tells that more than a half of customers want to receive discount information in the official account. Articles now released may not arouse customers’interest and not play a good part in advertising.In77 is recommended by friends and relatives implies that the popularity is spreading through people, which in another way corresponding the positive result of overall evaluation. Around 30% of customers know it from the massive media which15also means in77 uses a traditional promotion methods. Except several significantaspects customers are satisfied, many aspects receive similar attention. The well-equipped facilities at the market: baby care room and restroom every 30 meters each layer, information desk, lockers, lounge, observation deck… all reveal that in77 is customer-oriented no matter in service or attitude they provide. As in aspects can be improved, all numbers are below 35%. That to some degree reflects customers’ satisfaction.At last in this part, suggestions are made for a better development. There are two aspects tackling the problems found in this research.a) PromotionPromoting in official account nowadays is a profitable method. On the one hand, it lowers the operating cost. On the other hand, the duration of advertisement is longer than traditional media. Maximizing the function of existing official is the primary thing to do. First, the operation group of official account can collaborate with other local amusement accounts that have larger reading groups. Some information of new releasing products and special events can be published in cooperative account. That may solve the problem that many customers do not follow the trend and greatly reduce the marketing cost. Meanwhile, operators can gather the discount information weekly to attract customers. Second, search function should be more enhanced. There are numerous stores in five blocks, so sometimes it is hard for new customer to find the specific one. Now customers find the store through information desk, signpost and apps like Dianping. But it is not a faster and more convenient way because not all stores are listed on apps and information desk is on a settled place. Through technological improvement, customers can input a store’s name to locate their destination in official account. Then the location of store will automatically appear in dialog box. In a similar way, customers can choose their own preference articles which are classified before. For example, if one customer want to read articles about restaurant, he or she ca n type ‘restaurant’ in the box, then collected articles will besent to the customer. Last but not the least, published articles should interpret brand16culture of in77. Language style should be unique enough to arouse readers’ interest and decent for it re presents an enterprise’s image. They can establish special columns on culture. Every month or at a specific time they can release an introduction about the development of in77 and its relevant project, helping customers get better recognition.To be specific mentioned, there should be a group of team to verify these articles carefully no matter in its own account or other relative account.b) RestructuringOne theory in retail industry is called Retail Accordion Theory, it says that retail institutions transfer from outlets with wide assortments to specialized business store merchants and then back again to the more general wide institution. The sales model is a loop from general to specific then to general. In77 now is an urban compound with small details and wide range, covering nearly all aspects of people’s life. Still, if it wants to be more professional, it should transfer into next specific part with more details and small range. One thing they can do is cooperating with surrounding shopping malls. As in77 is sharing flows with its surroundings, all shopping malls nearby can work together to reinforce the professionalization of Hubin Trade Area. All of them can analyze customer behavior annually, sending questionnaire and counting up the flow in this area. That may largely improve the efficiency of gathering business information. Besides, a cluster of similar enterprises will help enterprises be aware of the market competitive situation and the demand of customers. Then it should make itself special through introducing exclusive brands and featured brands to win customers from other trade areas.All in all, what in77 want to be is not only a professional operator, but a commercial representative of Hangzhou. We are looking forward to its future surprise.17。

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Components of a Research Design
Define the information needed Design the exploratory, descriptive, and/or causal phases of the research Specify the measurement and scaling procedures Construct and pretest a questionnaire (interviewing form) or an appropriate form for data collection Specify the sampling process and sample size Develop a plan of data analysis
Characteri stics
Analysis Findings Outcome
Quantitative with a large and representative sample Conclusive Findings used as input into decision making.
Question 1
Sweet Cookies is planning to launch a new line of cookies and wants to assess the market size. The cookies have a mixed chocolate-pineapple flavor and will be targeted at the premium end of the market. Discuss the type of research design that may be used.
Marketing Research
Session 2: Research Designs
• • • • exploratory research descriptive research causal research focus group
Research Design:
A research design is a framework, blueprint, or broad plan to conduct the marketing research. The choice of a research design depends on 1. How much we already know about the topic? 2. What is the level of statistical precision needed for research conclusions or infesearch
Formulate a problem or define a problem more precisely Identify alternative courses of action Develop hypotheses Isolate key variables and relationships for further examination Gain insights for developing an approach to the problem Establish priorities for further research
Use of Descriptive Research
To describe the characteristics of relevant groups, such as consumers, salespeople, organizations, or market areas. To estimate the percentage of units in a specified population exhibiting a certain behavior To determine the perceptions of product characteristics To determine the degree to which marketing variables are associated To make specific predictions
Uses of Casual Research
To understand which variables are the cause (independent variables) and which variables are the effect (dependent variables) of a phenomenon To determine the nature of the relationship between the causal variables and the effect to be predicted METHOD: Experiments
Types of Marketing Research Design
Exploratory Research Objective Discovery of ideas and insights Flexible. Versatile. Unstructured. Often the front end of total research design Qualitative with a small and nonrepresentative sample Tentative Generally followed by further exploratory or conclusive research Descriptive Research Causal Research Describe market characteristics or functions Marked by the prior formulation of specific hypothesis Preplanned and structured design Determine cause and effect relationships Manipulation of one or more independent variables Control of other mediating variables
Types of Marketing Research Design
Exploratory Research (e.g., focus group, indepth interview) Unaware of problem Knowledge about the problem Unclear about the relevant variables “Is there a demand for hybrid cars?” Possible Situation Descriptive Research Causal Research (e.g., (e.g., survey) experiments) Aware of problem Can identify the relevant variables “What is the demographic profile of customers interested in hybrid cars?” “How does the above customer group differ from other car buyers?” Problem clearly defined Can isolate and control a few variables of interest “Which of the two incentive schemesmanufacturer cashback (off-MSRP) or a dealer rebate (offinvoice)—be more effective introductory promotional strategy for hybrid cars?”
Methods of Descriptive Research
Secondary data analyzed in a quantitative as opposed to a qualitative manner Surveys Panels Observational and other data
Methods of Exploratory Research
Survey of experts Pilot surveys Case studies Secondary data analyzed in a qualitative way Qualitative research (e.g., focus group)
Question 3
Discuss the following statements: a. “If the research budget is limited, exploratory research can be dispensed with.” b. “The researcher should always attempt to develop an optimal design for every marketing research project.”
Types of Research
1. Performance monitoring research: to identify the symptoms of problems and opportunities 2. Exploratory research: preliminary research conducted to translate the symptoms identified by performance monitoring research into the statement of problems and opportunities to clarify vaguely identified problems and opportunities to better understand the factors affecting the situation to identify possible course of action 3. Descriptive research: descriptive and diagnostic research studies that answer the questions who, what, when, where, and how. 4. Causal studies: prescriptive research studies that examine whether the value of one variable causes or determines the value of another variable.